#wanted to color and shade for once so. hi
sarawritestories · 22 hours
Tell Me A Story, Nes
Nessian Fic
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Summary: Cassian offers to braid Nesta's hair and she begins to talk about her Book. Which leads the General to make an unusual request.
A/N: I Adored this prompt because I know these two are so soft behind closed doors!
If you see mistakes, no, you didn't!
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears
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Cassian smiled as the door to his and Nesta's room opened. The later walking in eyes bright but tired. "A good book club with Em, and Gwyn?" He began to rise from his seat by the fire when his mate held up a hand.
"Let me change and I'll tell you all about it." She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth, "When I come out, would you be willing to braid my hair?"
Cassian's grinn widened, "As if you have to ask, Nes." He motioned for her to come toward him, and she complied. With his thumb, he softly pulled her bottom lip from her gnawing. Placing a chaste kiss on her mouth, he whispered, "I love you."
Nesta, face warmed with a flush, never tiring of the Illyrian saying those words to her, her silver eyes twinkling against the light of the flame. A flame she no longer feared, no longer pictured her father's neck snapping at the sound of a crack. The male in front of her was to thank for taking the time to work with her through that trauma from the war.
She kissed him once more, and she could hear Cassian's wings rustling in response. "And I love you, Cas." She watched as his Honey colored eyes warmed at the sentiment as if he too had waited for someone to utter those words to him. She lightly patted his cheek as she headed to the bathing chambers.
When she returned her favorite silk nightgown in her favorite shade of red hugging her body, Cassian patted the spot between his legs comb in hand, "Feel better." Nesta smiled and watched as the General took in her whole body. She shifted under his soft scrutiny. She wasn't sure if she would ever be used to someone who not only looked at her with such fierce passion as Cassian's eyes always did. Not sure she would ever be used to being seen as someone worth cherishing worth protecting and asking for nothing in return.
"Nes?" His low voice pulled her from her thoughts to find his dark brows furrowed with concern, "You alright?"
The eldest Archeron grinned widely, showing teeth, a smile reserved for him, Her Valkyries, and Azriel: her inner circle. "I'm wonderful."
Cassian chuckled, "Then come here, I'm wanting to hear about this book."
Nesta grabbed the book from the table and rushed over to where he had motioned her to sit, when she adjusted to a comfortable position on the floor between his legs, he began to separate her hair and began to braid. Nesta hummed and leaned into his touch, reminded that the calloused hands of the Lord of Bloodshed held a gentleness to them. Cassian loved doing these things for her, and when she once asked him about why he loved braiding and brushing her hair he had said:
"It reminds me that my hands are capable of being gentle and loving, not just a weapon of war."
So became their nightly routine. Nesta would tell him about the book her book club was reading as he brushed and plaited her hair.
This particular night, she was telling him a story told in a series of books that Gwyn found in a dark corner of the library, it had Assassins, hidden princesses, witches and fearsome warriors and an epic battle they were about to embark on in the final book.
Once Nesta had finished explaining, silence fell between them in the room. She knew he was awake as his fingers were gently tugging her hair to manipulate it into going where he wanted it. Another moment went by before she took a glance at the mirror beside the fireplace to find Cassian smiling at her reflection. "What?" She whispered.
"You always look so free when you talk about your stories? Just like when music plays out by the rainbow, your body comes alive, as does your facial expressions." He pauses his work on her hair to rub his tanned hands against her bare arms, causing a shiver down her spine. "You are breathtaking every day. But I could spend centuries watching you talk about the things you love." He pressed his lips softly to her temple before moving to pinning her braids into a crown, just the way she likes it.
"Cassian, you're too sweet, I fear."
Cassian's chest rumbled with laughter, "You deserve the world, Nes, you deserve someone being sweet to you." Cassian tapped her arm, indicating he was done, and she quickly rose to move toward his lap. Cassian quick to wrap an arm around her waist and hand wrapping over her bare thigh. "You don't want to check my work."
Nesta scoffed, "I trust you." She kissed his cheek, "Thank you, My Love."
"Anything for you, Sweetheart." His wings curved to provide an extra warmth to the room. They fell into silence once more.
"Tell Me a Story, Nes." Cassian whispered.
Nesta faced him, his eyes meeting her silver once with sincerity, "What?"
"Read to me." There was no question to the statement. He continued, "I want to know how the Princess reclaims her throne."
Nesta pressed her hand to her cheek, making sure the warmth of them were not due to a fever. "No one i have courted before has ever been interested in my books," her voice barely above a whisper.
Cassian's hand moved from her thigh to cup her face, "I am not, 'no one'. I would crawl to the ends of the earth for you. There is nothing about you that I don't want to know. I want to experience storytelling with you the way I have with music. You have given music meaning for me, Nes. Let us have that with reading to."
Nesta eyes began to glisten with tears, "Okay."
Cassian reached and handed her the book. "Okay."
Nesta opened to the first chapter and her voice a sweet Symphony to the Lord of Bloodshed's ears, "Once upon a time, in a land long since burned to ash, there lived a young princess who loved her kingdom..."
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General Tag: @milswrites @lady-of-tearshed @tsunami-of-tears @readychilledwine @ceoofyearning
@velariscalling @daycourtofficial @prythianpages @writingcroissant @itsswritten
@illyrianbitch @acotarxreader @pit-and-the-pen @nocasdatsgay @labyrinth-of-stories-and-stars
@ninthcircleofprythian @thelov3lybookworm @riddlesb1tch @lilah-asteria
@kylaisra @nickishadow139 @aelincaddel @nighttimemoonlover @demirunner
@marvelbros-oneshots @lanea-1 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan
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rjthirsty · 3 days
Premature Awakenings
Gilbert/Roderic Words: 2400 CW: Smut, Gilbert Route Spoilers, Pre-Canon, Boy's Love A/N: We get right in the spoilers, so there's no preview.
Two men with hair the color of coal and faces that could confuse them for twins slept wrapped up together in a single bed. Gilbert sought out the warmth of Roderic, and even while they slept, his body found a way to press against his double attempting to siphon his heat.
It had always been this way when they traveled. It had been this way when they were younger as well, but a point had come when Roderic was moved into his own quarters. After that, the only times they shared a bed as they had when they were children was when they were away from the castle and at the safe houses that Gilbert had dotting the country that only held accommodations for one. 
It wouldn't have been difficult for Gilbert to outfit the room with a second bed, but neither of them had ever brought it up. Gilbert longed for the contact, and Roderic longed for much more. And so, it couldn't be helped and the two would cuddle for convenience’s sake. Or at least that’s what they told themselves.
With the entire Imperial family wiped out, the trips they had to make became more regular and numerous as Gilbert effectively ran the spanning kingdom on his own. With more trips came more chances for the two of them to spend time alone, and more opportunities for them to wrap up in each other's arms.
For some time, Roderic had noticed a subtle change in Gilbert - something that comes from knowing another's quirks and tells so thoroughly. Since the fall of the Emperor, Gilbert had become less closed off. That was the easiest way to put it.
Gilbert had always been far out of reach after his loved ones were beheaded, never wanting to form another attachment. That was understandable. That was when he changed to who he was now. But once the Emperor was nothing more than a broken body at the bottom of a cliff, the distance he had put between him and others started growing smaller.
He started conversations with Roderic that had no point. He planned a future that only he could envision and was dragging all of Obsidian into it. He moved closer when they shared a bed like this, before they fell asleep. It was like he was reaching out for someone's hand to hold onto now that the man who he suffered under the most had been vanquished.
Roderic wanted to reach back. However, acknowledging the change could result in Gilbert pulling away again. So he silently accepted the little differences, and inched ever closer to the man he had fallen in love with a long time ago.
Now, two men with hair the color of coal slept wrapped up together in a single bed. One of them stirred, slowly blinking his eyes in the dim shades of blues and blacks that colored the room from the late night sky. His eyes of blue and red wandered around the room, not truly looking for anything but also taking in every detail in his learned vigilance for self-preservation. Next to him, his other self still slept, his breath silently gusting against his shoulder.
It was common for Gilbert to wake at all hours, even in environments he knew were secure and well protected, like his safehouse, or even his own room in the palace. Sleep was a luxury that people like him were not often afforded, especially when he had no one else to rely on in the middle of the night, not since he had moved Roderic out of his room as a teen.
Gilbert rolled on his side towards his double and snuggled against Roderic’s shoulder, hooking his leg over the man who was radiating heat like a furnace and provided more warmth than the stack of blankets they had layered on top of them. His movement must have disturbed Roderic, because hazy red eyes cracked open and stared for several seconds unfocused.
Roderic's eyelids fell shut, and a smile pulled at the corners of his mouth. A hot hand landed on Gilbert's side and fumbled over the folds of his shirt until it found the bottom hem and slipped underneath. Gilbert tensed under the touch, but Roderic seemed to already have drifted off again after finding a comfortable spot for his hand on Gil's bare skin.
Gil narrowed his eyes at Roderic, a mischievous desire replacing the momentary shock he had felt when Roderic reached under his clothes. How would he respond to the same touch, Gil wondered. If he was honest with himself, Roderic initiating skin to skin contact felt not unpleasant; but Gilbert long ago forgot the enjoyable moments in life and didn't entirely understand what it was like to have someone want to be near him without an ulterior motive. He was aware Roderic wouldn't betray him, he trusted the other man with his life, but what was the point of touching him with that dopey smile on his face?
With curiosity nipping at his thoughts, Gilbert slid his hand up Roderic's side under his shirt, intentionally putting pressure in his touch as he brushed his fingers along his skin so he wouldn't be mistaken for the shifting of clothing while they slept. Roderic let out a content sigh, flexing under Gil's hands and a smirk took hold of Gilbert. He was enjoying it. Roderic's eyelids squeezed together, then he blinked them open. Once again unfocused with sleep, he glanced at Gilbert, noticing how close they were and the wicked grin Gil wore. 
It takes some time for information to make sense to a person on waking. Thoughts full of fictional dreams don't translate well to the logic of the physical world. Gilbert was smiling, and that was not common. The next thing he noticed was the cool touch on his side, and slowly the rest of the info his body was relaying to him started to fall in place. They were holding each other under their clothes, and Gil had a leg draped over him, and he was grinning.
“I wasn’t aware you were such a pervert, Roderic.” Gilbert teased, shifting his leg to emphasize the bulge that had grown under it. Roderic's bulge.
Embarrassment sobered him quickly. Roderic snatched his hand away from Gil and made an attempt to separate the two of them, willing to roll out of bed if needed, but Gilbert pressed his knee towards the mattress and locked Roderic's hip in place with ease. Startled at Gil's refusal to let him move, Roderic stared wide-eyed at him.
“It’s one thing to grope me in your sleep, but don’t you think you should take responsibility for it?” Gilbert’s hand moved from Roderic’s side to his stomach, tracing fingers dangerously near the line of his underwear.
Roderic’s mouth moved several times as words formed on his lips but none of them seemed the right way to say what he was thinking. He didn’t understand what Gilbert was trying to say. Taking responsibility meant… What, in this case? “Forgive me.” He finally said, resulting in an annoyed sigh from Gilbert. Clearly not the answer he was looking for.
“How boring.” Gilbert began withdrawing from Roderic. First his fingers left his skin, then Gil’s leg dragged across his hips, over his erection, but it didn’t seem to be with any sort of erotic intention in mind.
“Wait.” Roderic grabbed Gil’s knee, hooking his hand behind it to keep him from pulling away completely. Gil’s grin had dropped and a glare shot towards Roderic causing him to second guess his hastiness. “I’ll take responsibility.”
A dark eyebrow rose on Gil’s face. “Oh?”
Roderic nodded quickly. His heart thumped against his ribs. The hard, loud beat started a rapid series of uneven pumping as excitement and nervousness sent tingles through his body. “Will you allow me?”
Gilbert watched Roderic, assessing and contemplating something unseen to anyone but him. The weight of Gil’s knee eased back onto Roderic, once again rubbing his thigh purposefully against his erection as Gil returned to how he was laying before. “Go ahead.”
Still holding Gilbert’s knee, Roderic lifted it so he could roll onto his opposite elbow, facing Gil. He stepped his knees between Gilbert’s legs, and guided him onto his back as Roderic took the space above him. For some reason, he still hadn’t let go of Gil’s knee, bent against the side of his hip. His other hand was pressed on the mattress holding himself hovering over Gilbert.
They stared at each other. Neither said a word, but Roderic’s thoughts were chaotic and jumbled and Gil looked as calm as ever. It was different, though, the way that Gilbert looked at him. Roderic didn’t often see Gil without his eyepatch, and while he knew what was beneath the dark cloth, it was different staring directly at it in the dusky shadows of night. It felt less real, like this could all be a dream he was having, one where his desires took control.
He had loved Gilbert for a long time. And while they had shared their first kiss, and Gil had once said he loved him, the curious teens they were were long gone, and Gilbert was a different man now. One that wouldn’t care to hear words of affection any longer - he despised them. Tonight, however, perhaps that curiosity had been revived, or Roderic really was still dreaming.
Roderic leaned in, bringing his lips to softly brush against Gil’s to test the limits of his dream. He was slightly colder than Roderic, and felt more than real enough to once again convince Roderic that this wasn’t a fantasy, but a dream come true. When he pulled back to look at Gil again, the other man smirked and posed a question that came out like a purr. “Is that it?”
Their mouths came together again, pressing lips longer and more firmly together in sweet kisses of innocent youths. Roderic had no real idea what he was doing, and Gilbert had only as much experience as he did, leaving the two fumbling through their first intimate encounter. Their noses bumped one anothers, their breath gusted against wet lips that had pulled apart so they could gasp. Roderic roughly ran his hand down Gilbert’s thigh from where he had still held onto his knee. His fingers rounded Gil’s rump and tucked beneath his underwear.
Gilbert pushed into his touch, lifting his ass to allow Roderic to grab at him, though Roderic ended with his fingers digging into Gil’s hip rather than groping his rear. Gil’s fingers, meanwhile, worked the buttons open on Roderic’s shirt, speedily and efficiently, then he went to work on his own, soon leaving both men with open shirts baring their chests. Roderic sank lower, dropping his hips to settle on top of Gilbert, their cocks nestled together separated only by their undergarments.
Gilbert was the first to rock his hips, rubbing his stiff dick against Roderic, and in turn rubbing Roderic’s cock as well. The friction from the fabric brought an additional sensation that stroking and tugging with his hand didn’t. It was rough, but knowing another person was on the other end made it feel better, somehow. Roderic mimicked the action, having better leverage to drag his dick further up and down on Gil’s own cock. Gil’s eyes rolled back and his eyelids fluttered closed, his chin lifting as a quiet sigh huffed between his lips.
Roderic’s desire flamed hotter at the face he had never seen before on Gil. His lips found Gil’s chin, his jaw, whatever he could reach as he pressed affection after affection on him, continuing to grind against each other. Gil’s hands traced around Roderic’s back to find the band of his underwear, and with a hook of his fingers he pulled them off Roderic’s ass, swooping around to drag it under his dick to let them feel each other.
He shifted under Roderic to lower his own underwear, a task made more difficult by Roderic continuing to stroke himself against Gilbert, now only relying on Gil’s briefs to provide the friction they were enjoying. But soon their parts were free from restriction, and skin touched skin in their most private areas. Roderic paused, panting, holding himself still to try to gain some composure. In the last few minutes, they had stoked a kindling flame that had burned for years within him, and suddenly it was overwhelming and all too much.
Gilbert reached between the two of them while Roderic tried to rein himself in, grabbing Roderic’s manhood and his own in the same hand, lining them up together so he could squeeze and stroke them both at the same time. Another quiet exhale came from Gil, a voiceless moan. Gil pumped their cocks. A fresh drip of precum dribbled onto Gil’s dick from Roderic’s. Roderic leaned his head down to press his forehead against Gil’s shoulder, desperately trying to stave off his impending orgasm.
Gil’s hand felt so good on his cock, and he was touching Gil’s dick with his own. Gilbert was touching his dick and his own. The pressure in his lower abdomen was almost painful, aching to release, and Gilbert’s active participation and quiet sighs and the way his lips had felt and that look on his face – another stroke from Gil and Roderic thrust into Gil’s hand, grinding against him. He couldn’t hold himself back any longer, and his seed spilled onto Gilbert’s stomach.
Roderic shuddered as the last bit of cum squirted from his cock, and everything suddenly became still and quiet. He continued to hide on Gilbert’s shoulder, knowing he climaxed too early to have made it enjoyable for Gil, ashamed it had happened so quickly.
Gil’s hand moved again, sliding up towards the head of Roderic’s dick. His finger swiped around the sensitive tip, collecting the slick semen and slowly swirled it around in agonizingly delightful gentle touches that made Roderic shiver.
“We’ll have to work on your stamina for next time.” Gilbert noted with amusement in his voice.
Embarrassment gave way to surprise as Roderic pulled back from Gil to look at his face. Red and blue mismatched eyes met his, unwavering. “... Next time?”
“You’ve left me unsatisfied, you know. How else would you fulfill your promise if this was the final result?” Gil brushed his thumb over Roderic’s cock as if to emphasize the point.
Suppressing a shudder, Roderic nodded. “I’ll do better next time, if you’ll allow it.”
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bullet-prooflove · 2 days
The 'Oh Dear This Got A Little Filthy' Prompt List
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Please check the updated character list on my pinned post to see who I am writing for before submitting a prompt!
Also read the rules and do not forget to put the entire prompt into your ask!
I heard you're back together and if that's true, You'll just have to taste me when he's kissin' you
I write my name with lipstick on your chest
You wanna guess the color of my underwear, Is it pretty in pink or all see-through?
I said I would die for you, baby
I leave a mark so you know I'm the best
Treat me the way I like Don't you take your time
You wanna put 'em in your mouth, pull 'em all down south
He pins you down on the carpet, Makes paintings with his tongue 
You sold me lies just by the way you look
Come right on me,
I was in a sheer dress the day that we met
Every time you close your eyes And feel his lips, you're feelin' mine
I dug my grave watching the way you move
Drowning in the words that I wish we never said
Who's the cute boy with the white jacket and the thick accent?
There's so many things I'm tempted by But you bring me back to the light
You can have him if you like I've been there, done that once or twice
And keep me stuck in your mind Baby, rain or shine
Visions of her naked in my head
How you're lookin' at me, yeah, I know what that means
I thought I was about to be a father
No more thinking about you late night
Losing all my innocence in the backseat
Try it, bite it, lick it, spit it, Pull it to the side and get all up in it
I don't want to lose you, baby But I can't play this game no more
Yeah, I know I've been known to share
I know it's so wrong, but it feels so right
It's that lacy black pair with the little bows The ones I picked out for you in Tokyo
How you talk so sweet when you're doin' bad things
Somewhere deep in you Somewhere deep in me, Oh, there's still two lovers
'Cause no one's more amazin' At turnin' lovin' into hatred
I saw them when you sat down, they were peekin' out I'm gonna tell you right now, they're all I'm thinkin' about
And I hope that you're so damn sure that leaving me was right
Fog up the windows in the parking lot
Done picking up pieces of my soul up off the floor
Therе's a hole in my chest 'Cause the day that you left Was the day that I died
Baby, I'm just a man
But tonight I save my life when I showed you the door
And there ain't always blood in a fight
I won't give a fuck about you
You tried to take away my sanity Baby, that ain't for me
Want you every second, don't need other guys
How you pick me up, pull 'em down, turn me 'round 
I need to know if you're okay I wanna know, I need to know if you're okay
Drink all night till I can't walk in a straight line
I'm right there where you left me Standing in the kitchen
There's a war up against my heart and head
You do somethin' sus, kiss my cute ass bye
Oh, I remember how you were You were every shade of perfect
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fulgurbugs · 1 month
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Mae tallick
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cicadidae-tm9899 · 1 month
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ohh I am so ill about him
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scribbiesan · 5 months
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“Hey there, scout. Kent Mansley, I work for the government.”
Was in the mood to draw something from my childhood, and since I suck at drawing robots, I took a crack at my least favorite character from my most favorite movie. He’s slimy, coward-ish, rude to boot, and I hated him the moment I saw him. He also drugged a child, the main protagonist, and just gives me bad vibes.
I think I made his eyes too big on the missile one, but I’m too tired to gaf about it. I like how this all came out and I’ll leave it as is.
Hope y’all enjoy! I got some more shit to work on, so that’ll be fun.
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you never realize how hard it is to find a specific shade of blue for a suit until you go to find a specific shade of blue for a suit
#snap chats#i was supposed to go on a sunset walk but the organizer for the event was a no show ??? fuckin asshole#so i went home and decided to wear my mine cosplay for once#it was a cute result but how round my face is just kept bothering me. admittedly i didnt bother with makeup this time#just wanted to wear the shit for shits and giggles yk LMAO but then i remembered that anon bein like#'mate i woulda thunk ya'd do an aoki cosplay first' and so. i got curious and attempted to go looking#and my brothers in christ when i say. its so hard finding a suit EVEN CLOSE to his shade of blue. its nigh impossible#obviously i dont have plans to ACTUALLY purchase anything anytime soon. if i even fuckin found anythin but yk. Curious#his suit isn't perfectly cobalt or navy but its not explicitly teal- its in some. Dare I Say grey zone#of a SLIGHTLY TEAL prussian blue#ive checked both mens and womens and im just looking for the color im not even hunting for suit style#thats not even mentioning his tie's relatively unique too- HELL WHILE I WAS LOOKING I FOUND TIES SIMILAR TO SAWASHIROS#BEFORE I FOUND ONE ACCEPTABLE AS AOKI'S#at least i found one or two but my god... his outfit is so simple on paper but then you get int it and im gonna throw up#mine's easy-to-assemble outfit but incredibly unique face and hairline/cut vs aoki's simple face vs deceptively-difficult outfit#if my hair was longer and i bothered letting my facial hair grow out masato'd be easy as hell. already got that shit under lock and key lol#hate this house#ok im done being weird bout dressing up as middle aged men bye
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lecliss · 2 years
Weiss's alternate skin got posted and Im actually really fascinated by the fact that his hair is canonically lighter in Intergrade. Tho I guess it makes sense with a name like Weiss, it should be white and not gray. And while the added details make sense with the decade+ in improved graphics, its the different mako color that really fucks me up. They use a more teal color for mako in 7R rather than just neon blue??? I love how much more Im learning from this update!!!!
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bunnis-monsters · 4 months
Yandere!Vampire that was once royalty, living in a dilapidated castle, alone and depressed. As a human, he was surrounded by people. Everyone adored him, his golden curls and warm brown eyes charming the hearts of every noble that set eyes on him.
That was until his family was slaughtered by a coven of vampires, leaving him the only survivor. Now with no family, he was turned away from the nobles that once gathered at his side, calling him beautiful and intelligent. Now he was a beast, and was only left alive because no one dared to touch him.
As the years passed by, all that knew of his existence died out, meaning no one remembered or cared for him. In the past, he had at least been grateful he had been in someone’s thoughts, even if it was in a negative light. Now, no one even hated him. He was just nonexistent to the world outside his castle.
Centuries passed by, every day slowly picking at the last bits of his sanity. Days of past grandeur and the current day mixed together, leaving him in a state where he couldn’t tell whether he was back in the living arms of his family, or wandering the dark, crumbling hallways of his childhood home.
It was only when a soft, warm light flooded one of the abandoned rooms he had been standing in that the fog in his brain began to fade, allowing him to see what was in front of him for the first time in decades.
It was you, a young woman in a hoodie and jeans, holding a flashlight. You lived only a mile away, and had been exploring when you came upon ruins of what seemed like an ancient castle.
You had heard rumors of a person that wandered the ruins from the townsfolk, and old tales of vampires that had been passed down by tongue for centuries. Not believing them, you decided to see for yourself…
Your light shone upon what you first thought was an ethereal ghost or some kind of beautiful spirit. A man with a mop of blonde curls, porcelain skin, and the most beautiful pair of ruby red eyes you’ve ever seen stared back at you.
The person attempted to speak, but clutched his throat, as if he hadn’t spoken in so long, his vocal cords had forgotten how.
The man perked up at the sound of your voice, his eyes clearing up. It seemed just hearing another human speak made his undead heart leap, and he couldn’t help but stumble towards you.
You yelped when he crossed the room within seconds and pulled you into his arms, burying his face in your neck and inhaling deeply.
The smell of another person, of sweat and perfume mixing together to make your own unique scent made him want to sob.
Of course you were freaked out, but the man holding onto you wasn’t hurting you, and you could feel warm tears soaking through your shirt. How could you turn away someone that was obviously in distress?
Unsurprisingly, the man followed you home. It didn’t take a genius to realize he wasn’t human. He was as pale as a sheet of paper, with no pulse or any color to his cheeks. His eyes were scarlet, a shade you had never seen a human have before.
Despite knowing this, you couldn’t help but care for him. He was thin, malnourished, with clothing that was so old and dirty that it nearly crumbled when he took them off.
“Are you hungry?”
You had taken to asking only yes or no questions, since he couldn’t speak. The man frowned, his eyes getting foggy for a second. You decided to ask again.
“Hello? Are you-“
He suddenly snapped back into reality, leaning forward to gently place his lips on your neck. You squeaked out in surprise when you felt his teeth sink into your neck… but it didn’t hurt. Instead, you only felt an uncomfortable pressure and draining sensation, and before long he was pulling back.
“Mmph…” he panted softly, blood running down his chin. “Was… so… thirsty…” he managed to say, his voice hoarse and small.
He cupped your cheek, holding your face in his hands and looking down at you with what could only be described as utter adoration.
“My love…”
From that point on, he was attached to your hip, following you everywhere you went like a lovesick puppy. Any time you were separated, he had severe anxiety, going back and forth from his dreamworld and reality. It was his coping mechanism, but it caused him to never understand what was real and what wasn’t.
You grounded him, made him feel safe and loved. Oh how he adored you. You had saved him from his lonely existence and taken him into your home as if he were a stray dog, and he was loyal like one. His loyalty came at a price, however, and that price was your freedom to do as you pleased.
Late nights out with friends became next to nonexistent, especially if he knew there would be any males there.
“I just want to protect you, my beloved. It’s a dangerous, cruel world. People will act as if they love you when they do not…”
And as you slowly became more and more isolated, his affections only grew. Kisses to your hand began to trail up your arm and to your neck. Snuggles turned into grinding and heavy petting, and even the most innocent of caresses became lewd in nature.
It didn’t take long for him to fuck you for the first time. After all, he had been pent up and alone for centuries, resisting taking you on the spot was excruciating.
The second he sunk into your pussy, he came. You were just so warm and your scent made his head fuzzy. He couldn’t help but fuck into you like a wild animal, feeding from your pretty neck as he filled you up over and over.
After the first time, a day didn’t pass by when he didn’t crave your intimate touch. Some days he was satisfied with heavy petting and kisses, others he couldn’t be satiated until his face was between your legs, lapping at your cunt for hours.
You were his, his mate, his lover. He couldn’t imagine a life without you anymore, so could you really blame him when he clung to you so tightly?
He just loved you, and he did such a good job at keeping you satisfied, just enough to where you didn’t look into the missing cases of your old lovers and male friends.
Why would you need to pay attention to any of that when your loving, attentive boyfriend was right there, ready to worship you from head to toe?
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feyburner · 9 days
I ??? woke up at 3am with this scene fully written in my mind palace and quickly jotted it down in the Notes app
Clark’s shaking his head before he realizes he’s doing it, and feels a twinge of embarrassment at his own bad manners when Bruce stops mid-word to look at him, brows raised.
“No?” he says.
“No,” Clark says, again without thinking, and again with the reflexive urge to apologize. Somewhere his mother is tutting without knowing why. But he doesn’t apologize, because he’s already saying, “No, it can’t—it can’t be that.”
“Okay,” Bruce says slowly. “Can you elaborate?”
He is, honestly, having trouble taking his eyes off the screen. The mockup design of his new suit is there, dark and sleek, ridged like tactical gear. The blue is like the last shade of evening before you can’t call it evening anymore, the color of nine PM in Kansas in July, so exact there’s a strong chance Bruce color-picked it from a photo. The yellow accents are the cool fluorescent yellow-green of lightning bugs. The red is dark as arterial blood. Every aspect of the suit has been updated—the colors deeper, the angles sharper, the S extending to the corners of its frame—but Bruce has done it without changing the fundamentals. It’s immediately recognizable as the Superman suit, just… well, a little cooler, maybe. A little more of the times. Even the tailoring is modernized. The neckline. The shape of the boots. Where the belt hits at the waist. Clark can tell just by looking that Bruce has not only spent a lot of time on this in general, he’s spent a lot of time designing it specifically with Clark in mind, Clark’s needs and preferences and the small discomforts of his current suit, things he might have mentioned offhand after a mission but never with the assumption that Bruce was listening or filing it away. No doubt the next slides of this presentation will detail all the hidden features of the new suit, and they’ll all be incredibly thoughtful if not slightly overkill, and Bruce will pretend his sole motive here was practicality and risk reduction and respond to any thanks with a curt nod.
And Clark wants to thank him. He will. It’s just.
“It can’t be… cool,” he says, inane. Bruce is watching him with that steady look that used to feel clinical, piercing, and now mostly reads as attentive. “It can’t be—like yours. Tactical, military-grade.”
“Lightyears beyond, actually.”
“It has to—Ma said once, a kid should be able to draw it with crayons. You know? I can’t look like a weapon. I have to—I want to look like a friend.”
He can feel himself flushing. It’s rare that he speaks like this, and rarer still that he does so while being stared at intently. Bruce may think of himself as the darkness, but his gaze is a spotlight: unwavering and revealing and more a little sweat-inducing, for one reason or another.
“Sometimes, when I show up, people laugh,” Clark says. “If it’s somewhere out of the way, where they haven’t seen me before. I show up and I look like a festival performer. It’ll be the worst day of their lives, and they’ve got no reason to trust my face, but when they see what I’m wearing—it goes from ‘Who are you?’ to ‘Who is this guy?’ And that’s a good thing.”
“Hard to be afraid of a man dressed in primary colors,” Bruce says, almost to himself.
“I see. Thank you,” he says, “for explaining.”
Clark tries not to show how surprised he is to hear that. Judging by the crook of Bruce’s mouth, his success is negligible. “Of course. Sorry I didn’t—I mean, thank you, obviously, for going to such trouble. I didn’t mean to come in here and—I really do appreciate it, I can tell you put a lot of work in—”
Bruce’s eyes cut away. “No. No need. I didn’t ask, before I…. It was only a first draft. If you’re amenable, I’ll incorporate your feedback into the second one.”
“Oh! Yeah. Yes, of course, but you really don’t have to—”
“If you have any further notes, I would like to hear them.”
There’s something determined in the lines of his face. Clark has the sense that this moment is important, that it’s a turning point, even if he’s not sure why. It feels like striking out into a sea of ice, a blank white expanse under which something precious and vital is hidden, has been hidden all along, just waiting for him to find it. To want to.
“Sure,” he says. He looks back at the suit and swallows, and knows Bruce will see the flicker of his throat and take some meaning from it, and wishes he knew what the meaning was. Or maybe Bruce won’t notice or read into it at all. Maybe Clark needs to calm down, in fact. “Um. I don’t want to assume, but does it… do things?”
“It does things,” Bruce confirms, after the barest pause. “Let me show you the next slide.”
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agoodflyting · 3 months
Why Aziraphale is completely ridiculous in the Bastille scene (and I love him so much for it)
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A while ago I posted a comparison of Aziraphale and Crowley's costumes in the 1793 flashback in Good Omens and I wanted to add these little tidbits. (Because they haunt me.)
I feel like most people know this but IF YOU DON'T, Paris in 1793 is right in the middle of something called La Terreur.
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HISTORY LESSON If you didn't learn this in school the French Revolution was when, after years of escalating social tension, a coalition representing the working classes of France revolted against the monarchy, violently overthrew King Louis XVI, and declared France to be a republic.
The new National Convention governing France ruled that King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette were traitors to the people of France because of how they had spent ridiculous amounts of money on luxuries for themselves while vast numbers of the lower classes were literally starving to death. (keep the bold in mind - wealth and class disparities were one of the key causes of the whole-ass revolution)
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In 1793 (year of the flashback) both the King and Queen were executed by guillotine for their crimes.
This kicks of something called The Reign of Terror (La Terreur if you want to be French about it). A multi-year-long period in which the National Convention goes on a bloody witch hunt for any and every member of the middle or upper classes who could even possibly be considered a traitor by those same standards.
If you A) had money or privilege, and B) had ever used your money or privilege to treat yourself, you were getting executed. Over 25,000 people died during the Reign of Terror, half of them by guillotine. In fact, the iconic guillotine was used because it was physically impossible to keep up with the sheer number of people they were executing in Paris every single day.
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Some things that could get you killed (actually and completely seriously) during the Reign of Terror:
Implying in any way you were sympathetic to the monarchy
Having a noble title
Having expensive things
Wearing expensive, luxurious clothes (*cough* AZIRAPHALE)
helping or sympathizing with anyone who did any of the above
a working-class person saying you were mean to them once
And then there's this bitch...
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I AM NOBILITY PLEASE KILL ME So we have established that Paris in 1793 is in the middle of a frenzied, state-sanctioned bloodbath in which the working classes are massacring everyone even remotely nobility-adjacent. And in the middle of this frenzy, Aziraphale proceeds to roll up in Paris in this outfit:
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How will this outfit get him killed? Let me count the ways...
First off- at this point everyone with even the tiniest shred of self- preservation is hiding the fact that they are in any way associated with the monarchy. The wealthy are straight-up abandoning mansions. The middle-class are plastering over decorations to make their house look 'poor'. The only people dressed remotely decent are the guys leading the National Convention and that's just because nobody can stop them. Everyone else is in 24/7 peasant cosplay or else they are covering themselves in cockades and sashes on to show they're pro-Republic.
Aziraphale is basically a giant shiny white sign saying I AM NOBILITY PLEASE KILL ME.
First off the lace jabot and lace cuffs are both associated with the old-school wealthy in the 1790's.
His coat is also decorated in gold braid and silver buttons, which are both marks of wealth and luxury.
He basically looks like he works for Louis XIV - not just rich, but old school rich.
We know it's his natural hair color, but hair powdering (with clay and starch) had been a big trend with the rich all throughout the 18th century to get that clean white venerable look . To someone who doesn't know it's natural, it would very much look like he's wearing hair powder.
He's wearing shades of cream and white, which are very hard to keep clean and clearly states that the wearer is rich and can afford the upkeep necessary to keep an outfit like that stain-free.
He's wearing white knee-breeches and stockings, also called culottes. See above about laundry and how rich you had to be to wear white, but also working-class men wore long pants like this:
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A large faction involved in the Revolution were the Sans-Culottes (no-culottes aka we wear long pants LIKE GOOD OLD WORKING MEN). Culottes are specifically associated with everything the revolution hated. That's right - Aziraphale is literally wearing The Fanciest of Fancy Pants in a city where a group called The Men Against Fancy Pants are running around murdering people.
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And then there are his shoes.
Oh god his shoes
I could do a whole post about Aziraphale's blessed little white satin pumps and how ridiculous they are.
Actually I might just do that because this is getting so long and I still have to talk about the brioche.
So I can't remember if it's in the script book or if it's from Neil Gaiman's tumblr, but it's apparently canon (?) that Aziraphale was going around in that outfit asking people where he could get crepes and brioche when he was arrested.
The Affair of the Brioches
So... uh... we've all heard the line attributed to Marie Antoinette- how when she was told that her people were starving because there was no bread left in Paris, she famously said...
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It's morphed into 'let them eat cake', but the line is first recorded as, "Then let them eat brioches."
While it's unlikely she ever actually said it, the important thing is that... people in 1793 would have thought she said it. It was used as political smear to show how arrogant and out of touch the monarchy was. Marie Antoinette in particular was reviled by the people of France, who thought she was the main cause of their economic problems. That's why she was executed too.
Bread and brioche and the lines between poverty and privilege were a big thing in Revolutionary France. There was a lot of political connotation to what you ate. The French Revolution came about because of decades of suffering among the lower classes of France. It wasn't something that some dudes just decided to do. The people of Paris have been through years of the absolute worst, most oppressive poverty and starvation you can imagine, all while watching the rich throw money around crazy.
So let us recap.
Aziraphale is dressed so ridiculously posh that he looks like a joke parody of a nobleman... and he is bumbling around Paris during the Reign of Terror. Asking people. For brioche. How I imagine everyone looked at him:
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It is so astoundingly tone deaf and tactless. He is basically cosplaying as Marie Antoinette and then going around asking the poor for cake.
I just.... Aziraphale. babygirl. no. oh no. You're lucky they even bothered to take you to prison. I am amazed Crowley ever let him live that down.
I have no conclusion other than this. Aziraphale is ridiculous and I love him so much.
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teddybeartoji · 1 month
18+ mdni; gn!reader
every once in a while, suguru lets you have all the power.
down on his knees, he stares up at you with dark eyes; there's a grin plastered onto his face, the very same one that got him into this situation in the first place, and nothing that you're doing is making it go away.
(every once in a while, he lets you think you have all the power.)
his hands are behind his back with the material of his own tie digging into the sensitive skin of his wrists but he doesn't mind the pain. he loves it. the first few buttons of his dress shirt are undone and a few blooming bruises peek from under the garment. the contrast between his skin and the splotches of color are tantalizing, it's making your mouth water and your teeth itch – the need to add more to the canvas that sits before you is clouding your mind and he knows it.
despite being the one that's tied up, suguru continues to push your buttons.
he's insufferable. he's rude. he's fucking annoying.
he's gorgeous. he's beautfiul. he's fucking exceptional.
you want to hurt him. you want to kiss him.
and he knows.
his cheek burns a bright pink shade while the inside of your hand prickles with the most delicious kind of pain. strands of hair have fallen from behind his ears and are now keeping you from having his eyes on you and that won't do. slowly reaching out, you tuck it back where it came from, your fingers brush against his skin and you feel the warmth exuding from him. you press your tingling palm against his cheek and watch how he leans into your touch; the corners of his lips tug even further and he morphs into the wolf that he really is – his sharp teeth glint from behind the grin as his eyes narrow in on you. there's a comment, a sly tease, ready to fall from his tongue, you can see it so clearly—
a second slap echoes through your shared home.
the words dissolve in his mouth as he hums at you instead. his head is now turned away from you by an inch, the impact of your hand strong enough to actually do some damage. suguru bites down onto his lip while slowly cracking open his eyes, his gaze even darker now. he licks his lips and you catch sight of the little steel piercing that hides in mouth.
trying to win the silent battle of dominance, you tilt your chin up high but when you see suguru pressing his thighs together, you almost crumble entirely. he's so hard that even just the mere thought of his cock makes your mouth salivate.
you think about big of a mess he must be making under all the layers, you think about how full his balls are. you think about all the things he might do to you the second you untie him.
"don't tell me that was your worst, sweetheart... "
his voice is like something crafted perfectly just to make you weak in the knees, there's no resisting it. it's like honey, sweet and sticky, and—
a third slap.
you can't let him do this to you. this is your fucking moment.
his cheek burns brighter than ever, the ache under his skin shooting waves of pleasure all over his body and all he's willing to give you is another hum. it comes from somewhere deep within, desperately crawling out from inside him as if he couldn't contain it anymore. but it feels so good. it's so fucking good and he hates to admit it; he hates how he has no control over his body – his thighs press together all on their own, his brain focused on relieving the pain between his legs at any cost.
when suguru's head falls forward and he lets out a raspy laugh, you freeze. you can hear your own heart beat in your ears and you can feel the blood pumping in your veins.
and when he cranes his neck to peer at you from under his brow, you feel like you're going to faint. he's going to eat you, he's going to devour you. he's going to ruin you.
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justfandomwritings · 3 months
Who Hurt You? (Aemond Targaryen - Part One)
Pairing: Aemond x Niece!Unknown Parentage
Word Count: 7.6k
Warnings: This is a "Who Did This To You" trope so the OFC was a victim. It is not described in graphic detail, but please keep it in mind before reading if that may be triggering for you. Also Targaryen-typical cest.
Summary: There was no father in her life from whom she could seek protection in that moment, no father who could rush in and save her from this evil, who could swear to her it would never come for her again. But there was a voice, quiet and gentle and caring, which called out to her "Who hurt you?" and for a moment she thought that perhaps someone cared enough to listen to the answer.
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How different might the world have been if Viserys had let Rhaenyra marry Daemon that night he’d bedded her in the brothel? How different might the world have been if Rhaenyra had run away with Criston Cole when he asked her to flee with him? How different might the world have been if Laenor had not been forced to marry her mother? How different might the world have been if Rhaenyra had not taken Harwin Strong into her chambers? How different might the world have been if she knew who her father was?
Her features were a mixed bag, some that may have been Daemon, some that may have been Criston, some that may have been Laenor or Harwin, some that appeared to come from absolutely no one at all. Each of them had, at one time or another, looked at her with that sense of possibility, that she might be theirs or their worst enemies. All she could pinpoint were her eyes and her hair, Valyrian to her core. Many pointed to them as evidence of Daemon’s fatherhood of her. Her mother loudly touted it as proof that she was Laenor’s. She doubted it was proof of either so much as it was proof of Rhaenyra’s motherhood. Their hair, their eyes, were exactly the same shade. From the back, many had mistaken her for her mother over the years.
“Princess who did this to you?”
Some nights, when she was feeling particularly lonely, she would play pretend in her mind, decide which man was her father and play act at him loving her. She would pretend Daemon took her up on dragonback back and taught her to fly. She would pretend Ser Criston snuck her sweets and hugs whenever the court's backs were turned. She would pretend Laenor… Well, she never had to pretend with Laenor or Harwin. They had always loved her in their own ways, as much as they could anyway. 
“Princess? Who hurt you?”
If she knew her father, if she had a father at all, maybe she could go to him now. She could run inside to find Daemon; she could slide under the wing of Caraxes’ protection where she knew no one would ever hurt her again. She could run to Criston and beg him to take her away as he’d once offered her mother; he could draw his steel and beat back those who tried to hold her there. 
“Princess, who did this?”
Someone was grabbing her, shaking her. She felt it in a sense, but in a far greater sense she didn’t feel it at all. She knew it was happening, but she didn’t feel the hands that gripped her shoulders, that tugged her back and forth. The same with the voice, calling out to her. She knew it was there, knew what it was saying, but she couldn’t process the words.
“Princess, look at me.” 
Something had happened. Something terrible. She knew that much. She knew the rest too, but by the by it would not come to her. Something had happened to her. 
“Princess, you’re bleeding.”
Yes, she rather thought she was. Not a great deal, but certainly enough to be noticed. To be noticed by… someone. Did she even want to know who?
She heard that word. She knew that word. Her name. Laenor had given her that name. He had been so kind to her all the years she knew him. He had always treated her as a daughter, claimed her as a daughter, cared for her as a daughter, loved her as a daughter… at least from what she remembered. Perhaps those memories were colored rosy by death. Perhaps Laenor would not have made this situation any better; perhaps Harwin, perhaps a father of any kind, wouldn’t have either. Perhaps Ser Criston or Prince Daemon would have only made things worse. Perhaps this was simply her fate. 
“Alarra, who did this?”
She knew that voice. She’d known it the whole time, but she recognized it now. 
Tears welled up in her eyes, and Alarra blinked them away. Her eyes, against her will, regained their focus and brought her out of her daze. They brought her back to the world around her. She didn’t want them to. She wanted to stay there, in her head where she felt nothing, heard nothing, saw nothing. People couldn’t hurt her in her mind. In her body, people could hurt her. 
She must have been crying for some time without realizing while she was stuck in her head. Her eyes were already overwhelmed with tears, and she could feel their dried tracts down her cheeks. 
Aemond was more blur than man, hunched over in front of her, little more than overlapping shades of silver and black in her watery gaze. Yet even in her current state, there was no mistaking him. The details of his face were gone, but the vague black circle where an eye should have been marked him for who he was. 
“Alarra, who hurt you?” Aemond’s voice was quieter than it had been when it called her back to her body, like he knew then that she couldn’t hear him and knew now that she could. 
Of course it would be Aemond. Of course he would be the one to find her at her weakest, at her most vulnerable. He had a way of doing that, finding her weak spots. 
“Who did this?”
In response, Alarra’s body racked with a sob. Her shoulders were shaking with the force of how hard she cried, and it made some still disassociated part of her mind wonder if Aemond had touched her at all, if Aemond had actually shaken her shoulders as she thought or if it had been her body crying the whole time.
“Alarra, I’m going to take you to the Maester now.” Aemond touched a gentle hand to her upper arm, a far gentler touch than she had ever felt from him before, far gentler than she thought him capable of. 
“NO!” She jerked back the moment she realized what he said. Her hands clutched her dress to her chest to keep it from falling as she frantically skittered back on the ground away from him. “I can’t- you can’t- they’ll- no- no- no-”
Why couldn’t Jace have found her? Or Luce? She would give anything for one of her brothers to be here. She would even take her mother or, gods forbid, Daemon right now. 
The bush at her back poked and scraped against her bare shoulders and kept her from moving further away. It reminded her of her present state, of the dress barely clinging to her form and the bruises already coloring her arms and the cuts still bleeding at her collar. 
“As you say,” Aemond held up his hands in a mock surrender. She could see him now, the panic clearing her eyes of tears. His own eye was narrowed, though not judging or angry, for once, merely cautious. 
“No maester…” He stayed there, frozen and unmoving until Alarra ceased, till her feet stopped slipping and sliding uselessly over the ground, pushing for every inch of distance she could win away from him, till her shoulders stopped curling in on themselves hiding the more vulnerable parts of her body from him in favor of her partially exposed back. 
Even when she stopped trying to put distance between them, when she relaxed with the surety that he wasn’t going to force her to the Maester, he did not move any closer, did not break the silence in the air. 
He watched her patiently, as he so often did. And she, as she so often did, looked away. 
“If you take me to the Maester…” Alarra hiccuped around another tearless sob. She felt a need to explain herself to him, to explain before he jumped to his own conclusions. 
She hiccuped again as she prepared to subject herself to the mercies of one of the most merciless creatures she knew. “If you take me to the Maester, they’ll say my virtue — He didn’t. I swear he didn’t, but they’ll say he did— What with the rumors about my father, they will say… They will...” 
Neither of them needed to address the fact that Aemond was very much included in the ‘they’ whom Alarra feared talking. 
Aemond had long questioned the Velaryons’ parentage. He had relished toying with her brothers’ features that clearly weren’t Valyrian, basked in the opportunity to avenge a childhood of mockery and wrongs. She had never before been the subject of his wrath, mercifully spared by a childhood friendship, but the gods knew this opportunity would be too good to miss if she didn’t confront it.
“They will…” She couldn’t help mumbling the incomplete thought under her breath.
When Alarra found the courage to meet his gaze again, Aemond’s one eye was already boring a hole through hers with its intensity, and Alarra thought, not for the first time, that perhaps the gods themselves had plucked out Aemond’s eye. If for no other reason than to quell a potential challenger. 
“Please,” she wasn’t sure if there was enough air left in her lungs to voice the word, but she tried to speak it anyway, pushed it out between her lips like a quiet prayer to the gods, a quiet prayer to Aemond.
Aemond looked to be calculating his own course through these uncharted waters just as much as he appeared to be studying her reactions. 
“We cannot stay here, Princess,” Aemond spoke in a very stilted, calculated tone, like one reading facts from a book. “You are injured. Your appearance is disheveled. Your dress is in tatters, and if I was as without honor as your family thought I was I could see every inch of your front simply by glancing down.”  
Alarra subconsciously clutched her torn dress tighter to her. It was true. The blade had sliced clean through the neck and shoulders of her dress as it cut across her skin. The front would have fallen off long ago if not for her hand, and the weight of the damned thing and lack of support had long exposed huge swaths of skin to the cool night air. 
Though, admittedly, up until Aemond’s arrival her dress had been her least concern. 
Alarra turned her eyes down to her dress for the first time, again to avoid Aemond’s gaze. It was destroyed. The sleeves were gone; the embroidery was pilling and torn; the skirt was caked in mud; and worst of all, what remained of the neckline was soaked in her blood.
Without warning, Aemond stood.
Alarra’s eyes shot back up and her whole body tensed for a moment before she realized what he was doing.
Aemond wrenched off his black, Targaryen cloak and in the same flourish draped it over Alarra. She grabbed for it as it fluttered down, holding it to her chest. 
“Th-Thank you,” she stuttered out the words. 
Aemond’s cloak. She was wearing Aemond’s cloak. 
Aemond ignored her platitudes, which was just as well for her since she wouldn’t have known what else to say to him. “I’m going to touch you now, Princess,” Aemond said in warning. “I won’t harm you, and there will be no Maesters. I’ll only carry you to your chambers through the servant’s halls.” 
It was a chore, to force herself to calm enough for him to touch her, but she knew it was the best course. Her dress was well torn and would trail in ribbons behind her, and she was not sure she could walk. There was no physical damage to her legs, but she did not relish the idea of trying to rise to her feet in this state. Her upper body quaked even now; her legs would no doubt collapse if she so much as attempted to use them. 
Aemond approached slowly, cautiously. He looked like a predator about to put his prey out of its misery. She knew he wasn’t going to hurt her, at least not physically, but by the gods Aemond couldn’t help looking like the hunter. There was something to his face. Power perhaps, a touch of ruthlessness, the confidence he had lacked as a child. 
His hands slipped around her, one high on her back while his other dipped under her knees. He was ever so careful in the placement of his hands, tucking the cloak around her in his grip to avoid touching any skin.  He stood with her in his arms, and she thought of anything else to help even out her breathing as she felt a man’s touch brushing against her even through fabric.
Being at home on the rocky beaches of Dragonstone. The soft feel of braiding her mother’s hair. The sound of a crackling fire in her room. The smell of the salty, ocean breeze off the water. The taste of her favorite wine on her tongue. 
Every hall Aemond turned down she made a new list, and her breathing remained steady so long as she kept thinking of things. 
Balerion’s skull on a pedestal lit by candles. The dowse of warm water as Jace threw her in the sea. Caraxes’s roar when he flew overhead. The scented oils anointing her baby brother’s skin. Luce’s piss poor attempt at roasting rabbit as they camped in the woods.
Aemond said nothing while she made her lists. Perhaps he was calculating some plan of his own; perhaps he was simply giving her the space to think. Before tonight, she would have presumed the former, but now she was unsure.
Viserys on the throne. The soft threads of her embroidery. The nurses singing lullabies. The awful smell of the stables. A morning cup of tea. 
They walked in absolute silence, and Aemond took every precaution not to be seen. He ducked down the hidden passages known only to those who had truly mastered the keep; he stopped at the sound of every approaching footstep and hid behind pillars or corners. At one point, he pulled her into an abandoned meeting hall for several minutes as two servants stopped outside to chat. 
That had been a particularly painful few minutes, and she had refocused her efforts to list those things that meant the most to her.
Witnessing Daemon and Rhaenyra’s wedding. Vermax’s rough scales under her fingers as Jacaerys introduced her to his dragon. Harwin comforting her with sweet words after a cruel bout of insults about her father. The smell of smoke when her mother took her up on Syrax. The odd tasting fish Laenor cooked for her every nameday.
“Princess,” Aemond’s voice, as surprisingly gentle as it had been before, called out to her, “would you get the door?”
It was the first thing Aemond said on their walk. 
She mindlessly pushed open the door of her chambers, not even realizing that they’d reached them. “You can right me here, Aemond.” 
Aemond didn’t hear her, or perhaps he ignored her. He did not deposit her in the doorway as she asked; he crossed the room and set her gently back on the edge of her bed. 
“Thank you,” she said, more out of habit than anything. She owed him her thanks to be sure, but her mind was too occupied with other things to mean it. 
“Of course, Princess,” Aemond fingered the edge of the cloak still covering her. “I can leave this with you,” he offered, “but people will question why you have my cloak. It is your choice.” 
Alarra released her death grip on the fabric, and Aemond didn’t tug it away until it seemed she had firm grip on the dress beneath. 
Aemond stood to his full height and turned to leave. “I will leave you to your night. We will talk again when you are well.”  
She watched his back retreat for only a few steps before she could resist no longer.
“Please Aemond,” Alarra whispered into the night air as if the silence were glass and her words a falling hammer that might break it were she not gentle enough. 
Aemond paused at her door and turned back. 
She wasn’t sure what possessed her to speak, to ask. It was too much to ask. She knew it was too much to ask, especially of him.  “If you ever cared for me at all, as friend or family… do not tell anyone about tonight?”
His eye was not as intense as it stared at her now. It was softer, more discerning. 
That, or more likely the distance buffered the spear of his gaze.
“You are owed justice, Princess.” Aemond replied as he stepped back from the door and let his hand fall from the handle.  
Alarra had expected a simple yes or no, even if the yes was a lie. But then, she hadn’t expected him to find her in the garden. She hadn’t expected him to help her if he did. And she certainly hadn’t expected him to care if she received justice. 
Aemond crossed the room in long strides and knelt down before her, resting a gentle, almost hesitant hand on the top of her exposed knee. “You are owed justice, and you shall have it.”
“But I…” 
Aemond didn’t understand. And how could he. He was a man. He could fuck his way through half of Flea Bottom, and Viserys wouldn’t bat an eye. Aegon already had, and the greatest repercussions he’d faced had been the occasional cold shoulder for his lack of decorum. Aemond was a man, and unlike women, men could demand justice when they were wronged. 
“If I say anything… the rumors… I’ll be ruined. He will say he ruined me, and no one will believe me, not over a man. The moment he opens his mouth, it will be my fault, and I will be ruined.” The tears in her were hardening into something more as her voice became more clipped, “No assurances from the Maester that I am untouched will be sufficient to quell the mongers. My first child will be a bastard no matter when he’s born or to whom, and no man will have me accompanied by such a stain.”
This, of all things, was what Alarra was complaining about, what she was forced to worry about. It made her sick. She felt the bile rising in her throat even now, and she tried to swallow it down. 
This was not what she truly cared about. Alarra wanted nothing more than time to grieve herself, grieve her pain, grieve what had been done to her, but she could not have it. And not simply for Aemond’s presence.
It would have been the same if it were any other man who found her. It would have been the same if it were the queen or even her mother. And even if she hadn’t been found at all, it would have been the same tomorrow, or the next day, or whatever day that monster of a man finally came forward and opened his mouth about what he’d done to her. 
She would be expected to be unshaken, unperturbed by any trauma. Her first and only concern would be expected to be her house, her reputation, and her family, not her own wellbeing. 
The council, monsters that they were, may even demand she marry him, to be sure of the bloodlines.
The tears began to fall again, and she mourned not just what had been done to her and taken from her, not just her sense of safety and security, not just her sense of self, but also the mask she would have to wear come morning. She mourned because she knew it was her last chance to mourn. She mourned because she knew that even now she wasn’t supposed to mourn, for Aemond was watching.
“Leave that to me, Princess.” Aemond’s hand reached up, and a thumb gently brushed away her newest tears, “I swear to you, on my life and my dragon’s. No one will question your honor.”
Alarra scoffed. Such a fond notion. If it came from her brothers she might have thought them naive enough to think such a thing could be done. If it came from her brothers she might have thought them sweet enough to try. But this was Aemond, and he was not sweet. And he was certainly not so naive. 
“You can’t promise that.” Alarra closed her eyes to avoid looking into his.
“I can. I have my ways, Princess. Do not concern yourself with such trifling things as other’s expectations of you now. I will see to those. You need only worry after how to feel yourself again.”
It was as though he’d read her mind and pulled out the exact thing she wished he'd say. If he were Jace, she would have leaned into his hand on her cheek and fallen asleep, not trusting that all would be well by morning but trusting at least that he would be by her side when it wasn’t. 
But this was Aemond, and another tear slid down her cheek from behind her eyelids. She wasn’t sure if she could trust him, but by the gods did she want to. 
“Alarra, tell me. Who did this to you? Name the man who forfeited his life tonight.”
For a moment, her breath caught in her throat before…
“You violated guests' rights, broke into a lord’s bedchambers, dragged him out of bed, drew your blade on him, carved out his tongue, and left him to be found by the servants who heard his cries!” 
For the first time in many, many years, Viserys Targaryen looked like a dragon.
It was enough to quell the room to a still silence. It was enough to make the young ones quake with something akin to fear.
The Targaryens and Velaryons, the family, were the only ones called into the throne room for this particular trial. It was not, as so many usually were, made known to the nobility or even the entirety of the Small Council. Even the Kingsguard, save Cole, had been asked to wait outside. The King had kept it quiet, assembled the necessary parties, and immediately begun questioning his second son the same morning the young knight had been found dismantled on the floor of his guest chambers in the Red Keep. 
Aemond stood firm in front of his father’s rebuke. Arms tucked behind his back, feet shoulder width apart, he said, as though he were discussing the weather, “I also knocked out all his teeth.”
Aemond thought he might have heard Aegon snort.
“HE IS A TYRELL!” Viserys lurched to his feet, cutting his palm on the throne he moved so quickly. His finger stabbed at the man, leaning on Ser Criston for support, looking ever the pitiful victim. “A TYRELL! AND THE GUEST OF YOUR KING!”
The pain of the blades did not seem to register to Viserys, and even the usually attentive Alicent did not move to help her king as blood ran down the tip of Viserys’s finger.
On Aemond’s eye’s side of the hall, the Velaryons formed one strong line in his peripheral vision, ever the picture of courtly decorum even as Jacaerys and Lucerys no doubt wanted to jump with glee. They were all quelled to a state little more than statues by the severity of the moment.
Only Alarra stood out of line. Only Alarra was not frozen in stone. She stood behind her mother, peaking out at him between Rhaenyra and Daemon’s shoulders, watching him with a gaze that flashed between awe, pity, shame, and something akin to desperation.
Aemond looked away. He did not let his gaze linger long on her. Much as he wanted to dissect the moods haunting her every feature, he refused to draw the kind of attention to her that observing her would require. 
“Not an important one. Second son of a third son,” Aemond shrugged nonchalantly. “I assure you House Tyrell will not be greatly aggrieved by his loss.”
Viserys’s frame shook as though it could not contain his rage within his body. “On what grounds, Aemond!” 
Aemond stood firm. Truly, his father could yell all he liked. When he wanted to be, Aemond could be a terrifyingly patient man. His patience would far outlast his father’s anger. Not merely for the fact his father was too physically weak to maintain this rebuke for long. 
“I apologize, my King,” Aemond endeavored at civility, “but the grounds are not mine to say.”
That seemed to take Viserys back. Something cold, dark, came into his tone. “You would dare refuse your King.”
“I do not refuse my King. I have freely admitted to what I have done.” Aemond answered with an equally deadly calm.
A pin could have been heard dropping on the stones as Viserys took a shaky step down from the throne. “The Tyrells will make you take oaths for this, and I will not refuse them. They will ask to send you to the Wall.”
Aemond swallowed down his pride, swallowed down the urge to rage that it was the Tyrell who should be sent to the Wall, swallowed down the urge to cut through his father’s presumptions about the night. 
With a bitter taste in his mouth, Aemond bowed his head, “If my king commands.”
“Aemond,” His mother finally broke the silence of the rest of the room as she hissed at him, “Defend yourself.”
Aemond’s eyes stayed straight ahead, watching his father. 
“You heard your mother! Explain yourself boy!” Viserys commanded. “You have dishonored this house; you will give your reasons for this!”
“My reasons are my own. If the Wall is the price of his tongue so be it. I will not-“
There was a commotion amongst the Velaryons as all eyes turned to see Alarra pushing past Rhaenyra and jerking out of the grip her good father tried to clasp her in. 
“He was defending me, your Grace,” Alarra called even as she crossed the room. Daemon and Rhaenyra’s attempts to stop the girl halted as she loudly made her declaration.
Alarra dropped into a short curtsy next to Aemond before taking a similar stance to his beside him. Awaiting judgment. 
Aemond clenched his jaw tightly. He thought he might’ve felt a tooth crack. He did not glare down at his niece, much as he wanted to, nor did he chase her back behind her parents, much as he wanted to. 
Resisting the urge was not without complaint, and a huff slipped past his lips. The whole point of cutting out the man’s tongue had been so he could not speak of what he’d done to her. And now she loudly declared it in open court.
Was she trying to save him? Really, did she think Viserys would actually send him to the Wall? He would order it done then change his mind and settle for some brief exile or other. He would go to Essos, fight a war, become the next Daemon. 
“You must forgive Aemond for any impertinence.” 
Yes. She was trying to save him. 
Alarra’s head was hung as she addressed her King. “It was merely for the sake of protecting me. Ser Wendell attacked me in the garden last night, your Grace. Aemond was my rescuer. That is how Ser Wendell came to lose his tongue. If the Tyrells demand an oath, let me give it in his stead. Aemond has acted with nothing but honor.”
There was a quiet after Alarra finished speaking. Somewhere outside, knights in armor were walking past the throne room. 
The first sound to break the silence was a wordless, toneless groan.
Ser Criston had let go of Ser Wendell, and Wendell had swayed on the spot for a moment before Ser Criston had kicked the man to his knees.
“Attacked you!” Viserys stumbled back to sit in his throne, breathing heavily, seemingly exhausted as the anger within him at his own son quelled in the face of this new revelation. “In what way, dear girl, has this knight attacked you? Has he dishon-”
“No,” Aemond cut off the King before he could finish voicing the word. He had promised no one would question her on this. “I saw what was transpiring from the balcony. At first it seemed nothing more than a spat. When I realized he’d drawn a blade…” He was cut off by his sister’s loud gasp. “I came to her aid as quickly as I could. I am sorry to say I could not prevent all of what transpired, but I assure you my niece’s virtues remain entirely intact. I would swear to it. His honor was the only thing destroyed last night.”
Wendell, on his knees in front of Cole, made loud, wordless noises and gestured wildly in the direction of Aemond and Alarra. 
Aemond sneered and rested his hand back on the hilt of his sword, the blade letting out a threatening ‘shink’ noise as he unsheathed the first inch. Wendell shrunk back, his arms freezing though his mouth still blubbered on. “You can still lose your hand, Ser Wendell.” 
“Or your head.”
All blubbering ceased.
For all of his bluster and rage and shouting and for all the silence and fear it evoked, there was nothing Viserys could do to chill a room like those three words said by that voice. 
“Why does he live?” Daemon continued. His voice was as cold as the Stranger’s embrace, and his eyes glaring across the hall at Ser Wendell just as steady.
The question was for Aemond, he knew, but Daemon made no move to address him directly.
“The coward fled even as I arrived. Alarra was quite merciful in her pleas that hunting him down to slaughter was not justice. So I quelled my anger with his tongue.”
“And his teeth,” Aegon muttered under his breath. 
Aemond’s head jerked around, and he sneered at his brother. “His teeth were incidental. If he hadn’t so resisted losing his tongue, he’d still have them. They had to be gotten out of the way.”
Daemon paid no mind to the bickering between the brothers. He sauntered forth, like a lion stalking its prey.
“Alarra wished to have justice?” 
Daemon stopped then, in front of Wendell, staring down at the man. 
Aemond’s eyes flitted to the woman in question. 
Alarra was watching Ser Wendell almost as intently as Daemon watched him. The way Aemond remembered she used to watch the bugs that frightened her as a child, like she had to know where he was at all times, like she had to keep him in her sights or he may sneak up on her some other way, even tongueless and on his knees with the man visibly pissing himself.
“Yes, she did.” Aemond answered for her.
“He has no tongue,” Daemon mused. His head tilted to one side, and from where he stood Aemond could see the tug at the corner of Daemon’s mouth. “I suppose the only fair trial he will have is by combat.” When he wanted, Daemon’s smile could truly be a thing of evil. 
Alarra looked ready to be sick.
It had been a chore to escape her rooms that night. Her mother had posted two guards to her door in an effort to make her feel more comfortable, but when the unfamiliar faces introduced themselves and took up their station it only made her feel more cut off, more alone. She felt suffocated by the presence of these strangers she did not know or trust blocking her primary exit from her room. 
Climbing out the window had seemed the logical thing to do. 
She could not sleep and had not eaten at dinner. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to do either, but she was sure she didn’t want to feel trapped. 
Her feet took her around the back halls of the palace, wandering paths where no one would dare to look for her. It was around the fourth or fifth hall, in front of the room they had stopped for minutes on end, that she realized the path her feet had been carrying her along. She made no attempt to stop it. Or maybe she did and her feet didn’t listen. 
The garden was beautiful, if a little more terrifying. The moonbeams that had always made the water in the pool seem to glint now only seemed to cast shadows under the hedges. The flowers which were so beautiful and richly hued at twilight had bigger thorns this week than last. 
“I would have thought wandering the keep at night was not to your taste anymore. Least of all here, Princess.”
Alarra did not so much as jump when she heard the voice. If anything, her shoulders seemed to loosen their tension.  
“I could not sleep. My feet brought me here, and I-I cannot say why I did not leave.” She answered the unasked question. 
Aemond came to stand beside her against the bannister, putting his back to the garden and instead facing her. “We all fight our battles differently, I suppose.”
“I appear to be losing mine.”
Aemond chuckled humorlessly. “On the contrary Princess, I think you are the champion of House Targaryen.”
Alarra finally tore herself away from the spot on the grass she had been trying to burn with her eyes alone. “I feel like the Queen of Fools. I keep thinking of everything I should have done, ways I could have stopped him, things I wanted to say.”
Aemond paused for a long moment, quietly considering his response.
“Even if there are things you could have done, that does not make you the Queen of Fools… though I understand why you would think such a thing.” Aemond assented. His head turned so his eye could stare out at the sky, and Alarra watched his profile in detail. He cut a far less intimidating figure tonight than he usually did in the light of day. “I am the same with my duels with Ser Criston. I berate myself for weeks after each loss, picking them apart in my mind. I play each out a hundred different ways. It helps at first, helps me become a better fighter, better swordsmen. I study it until I know I will never make the same mistakes again. But eventually, I have to move on.”
Aemond turned his eye back to her. “For one simple reason, Princess. Those are all things I know to do differently now, but I did not know them then. One day, you will wake up and realize that the only thing you could have done that night, with what you knew then, is exactly what you did. Every idea you think of you can apply if the situation arises again, but you cannot expect yourself to have known those things before you knew them.”
Alarra pulled her eyes away forcefully and stared down at where it happened. He was right, in a way. She just wasn’t sure that made anything better. 
“Do not trouble yourself with moving on now, Princess. The last fight isn’t over until I’ve stopped thinking about it, and I can’t win the next one until it is… but if it takes me weeks to move past something as petty as a lost duel, I wager you are allowed more than a night to move past this.”
“And how many nights can I go before I collapse during the day?” Alarra asked quietly. “This is the second night I have not slept, and my mother’s solution is to put my life in the hands of men I know no better than Wendell.”
That did seem to make Aemond pause. He always thought before he spoke, and the man thought hard now for what to say and how.
“I can-if it please you of course-think of one alternative.”
“She will not harm you, Princess,” Aemond assured her. 
Alarra stared up at the dragon looming over her. Her feet had frozen to the ground the moment she realized where Aemond was taking her, which given her distracted, absent state of mind had not been until they were standing on the beach with the dark, hulking mass of Vhagar casting shadows in the moonlight illuminating their skin.
She swallowed and shrunk back further into the meager protection of her cloak as Vhagar shifted and grumbled in her sleep. A puff of smoke floated away on her exhale.
“Princess,” Aemond stepped between her and Vhagar, his back to the creature. He caught her chin between his fingers and tilted her head so her gaze was forced to meet his eye. “Princess, do you trust me?”
“Trusting you is not the issue at the moment, Aemond.” Alarra mumbled.
“You’ve been around dragons many times.”  Aemond said it as both a statement and a question.
Alarra nodded. “Yes of course, but never Vhagar.”
“She’s no different than any other dragon.” Aemond stipulated.
“Only that she’s thrice as large and thrice as deadly. She's so large Arrax could sleep in her jaw.” Her tone was more biting than she meant for it to be. 
Alarra’s eyes wandered back over Aemond’s shoulder. She couldn’t help it. Not with her sleeping right there. 
"I'd be a fool not to be warry, Aemond. We all would be. She's conquered kingdoms. She's killed dragons."
"None of yours." 
"Well, I don't have one to kill."
Aemond rolled his good eye. “Do you trust me?”
“Of course.” Alarra bit back immediately. It was an instinctual answer this time. An instinct that had formed over the course of only two days, but an instinct nonetheless. If she had been thinking clearly, Alarra would have lied and said no or at least pretended to consider her answer before she tacitly agreed to trust him. Yet with the figure silhouetting Aemond, it was impossible to take time to think and consider anything seriously. 
Something softened, only slightly, in Aemond's expression as he heard her response. “Come.” She hadn’t realized till his hand dropped away that he had been cradling her chin the whole time, drawing her eyes back to his as it did. “I would never hurt you, and she does as I bid. If it helps, keep your eyes on me.” 
Aemond took Alarra’s hand in his and turned. Staring at him did help. Alarra glared daggers into Aemond’s back as he pulled her along towards Vhagar. Though, t he daggers turned to spears as her peripheral saw the beast open its’ eyes. 
“Do not look.” Alarra whispered to herself.
Aemond chuckled, shoulders shaking, and she realized she’d spoken the reassurance out loud. 
“Easy to laugh with the most fearsome creature in all the world under your control.” Alarra snipped quietly at him. 
Aemond squeezed Alarra’s hand in response, as he had so many times that night, so many times since he found her in the garden. “Tonight she is hardly mine.”  Aemond stopped a mere arms length from the head of the dragon. 
Vhagar had not moved but to open her eyes, and Alarra felt them watching her as she stared intensely at the space between Aemond’s shoulder blades. If she didn’t look, didn’t challenge the dragon, maybe she would make it out of this alive. 
“Hello Vhagar,” Aemond’s free hand reached up and trailed over the scales on the underside of her snout, the only place he could truly reach.
Vhagar huffed in response and tilted her head ever so slightly towards Aemond’s palm. Alarra clutched his hand more tightly in response.
“Konīr iksos nykeā hāedar nyke jaelagon ao naejot rhaenagon.” There is someone I want you to meet. Aemond said the words to Vhagar gently, reverently, asking her permission as much as telling her.
“Oh Aemond,” Alarra tugged at the hand he was holding. “I can’t. I’m not-“
Aemond didn’t loose his grip. He clenched down and tugged Alarra out from behind him. He pulled her under his raised arm and tucked her into his side, never letting go of her hand on the other side of her body, instead choosing to wrap his arm around her. “Alarra,” by necessity given their difference in height, Aemond leaned down towards her ear, “I know. Trust me. I know.”
Of course he knew. Everyone knew. The Targaryen who couldn’t ride a dragon. The would-be queen who couldn’t claim a mount. The undeserving heir. 
Alarra’s head dipped slightly away at the reminder. 
Aemond lifted their entwined fingers and took a step behind Alarra. For a moment her heart leapt being alone in front of Vhagar, but Aemond quickly pressed himself into her back, shuffling her forward to reach the dragon. He placed Alarra’s palm on Vhagar’s snout where his had been moments before. 
Vhagar huffed, and Alarra tried to retreat her hand, but Aemond held it still. 
“Easy girl.” Alarra didn’t know whether he was talking to her or the dragon. 
“Gīda, Vhagar. Gīda.” Aemond leaned over Alarra’s frame, pressing her even closer to the dragon, and laid his forehead to one of Vhagar's scales. 
The dragon's chest rumbled and she nudged back against him. Alarra’s hand twitched in Aemond’s grip under the shifting scales, but she made no move to pull it away. 
“Vhagar, bisa iksos Alarra.” Vhagar, this is Alarra . Aemond pulled his forehead back and began running his hands, the free one and the one trapping Alarra in its grip, over the beast. 
With the sound of his voice telling her to calm, Vhagar’s gaze shifted to her rider with a wary eye, and being out from under the dragon's gaze took a great deal of the weight from Alarra’s chest. 
“R-Rytsas.” Alarra hesitantly addressed the dragon. 
Aemond smiled appreciatively down at Alarra and let go of her hand.  She kept it there on Vhagar’s snout though she stopped her stroking. 
Alarra stayed frozen where Aemond left her waiting instruction on how to proceed while the dragonrider stepped out from behind her. Aemond stood under the edge of Vhagar's snout and held his arms out in what would have been a hug if the dragon were smaller.
Aemond's tone was soft as he spoke to his dragon. “īlon jāhor sagon ēdrure kesīr rūsīr ao.” 
Alarra’s head whipped around and her hand fell in shock. 
We will be staying with you tonight. 
Aemond paid no mind to Alarra’s shock. addressing only his dragon. “ Ziry iksos aōha āeksio sir. Mīsagon zȳhon rȳ ry. ”
Treat her as your master as well. Protect her at all cost.  
There was a pause of several moments before Vhagar’s gargantuan tail lifted from the sand and smacked back down. Whatever passed between Aemond and the dragon, he seemed to understand this as acceptance. “Thank you Vhagar.” 
Aemond scooped up Alarra’s fallen hand and tugged her down Vhagar’s length away from her snout and towards her belly. “This should do for now,” Aemond said over his shoulder. “Sand is not as soft as a bed, but it is a far cry better than wandering the keep all night.”
Aemond let go of her and dropped down on the beach, looking up expectantly at Alarra.
Alarra remained standing above the prince staring down at him in stunned silence. 
Aemond watched her shock for a long moment before he said. “You've said yourself Vhagar is the most fearsome creature in the world, Alarra. Yes?”
Alarra nodded numbly. 
“Well?” Aemond gestured around them. Vhagar’s tail had flopped in a ring closer to her head, leaving the pair of them in a nearly perfectly closed loop encircled by the most powerful creature in existence. “I assure you anyone that makes it past Vhagar won’t make it past me.” 
Alarra wasn’t bothered by that notion. No, she was fairly certain this was precisely what Daemon and his loyal guards frequently joked about as ‘overkill’ when discussing old battles. She didn’t feel safe in her room, and instead of suggesting she get to know her guards or offering her Criston for the night Aemond had taken her here, to a veritable fortress of his own making, safer than anything Maegor had ever built. 
No, it wasn’t the threats outside of the circle that gave her pause. It was those within, or rather the lack thereof. 
“Aemond…” Alarra remained on her feet even as he offered her a hand down into the sand. “Aemond…”
Aemond raised an eyebrow. “If it is being alone with me that causes hesitation, I can return for you before morning. Vhagar will keep you-”
“ Āeksio?” Master?
Something washed over Aemond then, trading the pause from Alarra to him.
Alarra spoke quietly, as though she was afraid someone would overhear what Aemond had just done. “Ao gīmigon skoros bona udir means. Ao daor gūrogon bona arlī.” You know what that word means. You know you cannot take it back.
Aemond’s brow furrowed. He seemed to think for a moment before deciding to respond, in equally flawless Valyrian. “Nyke jāhor daor jaelagon naejot.” I will not wish to.
Alarra, still as stunned as ever, took the hand he offered her then and followed him to the sands.
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foxy-eva · 10 months
Love Potion
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Summary: Spencer learns that alcohol makes his girlfriend very affectionate (and maybe a little too honest) 
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content Warnings: (16+ for sexual content) drinking alcohol (Reader is tipsy), love confession, suggestiveness, heavy kissing, mild embarrassment
Word count: 1.2k
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Spencer thought he knew what would be expecting him when he agreed to pick you up from girl's night. He was wrong. 
He should have known by your barely decipherable text message that you might have had a little too much fun tonight. What really gave it away though was your high-pitch scream once you saw your gorgeous boyfriend enter the bar you texted him from earlier. 
"Spencer!!" You yelled while reaching out your arms for him. "I missed you!"
You almost knocked him over once he was within reach which prompted your friends to break out in a fit of laughter. 
"Hi pretty girl," Spencer chuckled. "Having fun?"
You pressed a quick peck on his lips and giggled, "Yeah, now that you're here!" 
"I thought you wanted me to drive you home?" 
"Exactly," you agreed. "That's where the fun part starts."
A very obvious rosy shade spread over Spencer's cheeks while your all female audience began making raunchy comments. Before you had a chance to explain to them in detail what you wanted to happen once you got home, your boyfriend was quick to place his arm around your waist to lead you to his car. 
"You're so beautiful, do you know that?" You slurred while Spencer made sure you were buckled up in the passenger seat. 
"You tell me quite frequently, actually."
"Because it's true! Derek is so right for calling you pretty boy. You're the prettiest of aaall the boys in the world." 
Spencer smiled at you before he started the car. "Yeah? Well, just for the record, I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world.”
His words made you needy for more than just sweet talk. 
“Take me home before I start taking my clothes off right here,” you cooed. 
Spencer took his eyes off the road to look at you for a moment. A not-so-innocent smirk was spread over your cheeks and you noticed the rosy color on his face turning a shade darker. 
“You're going to be the end of me,” Spencer groaned.
A few suggestive comments from you later your flustered boyfriend turned into the parking lot at your apartment. You were barely inside your apartment when you swung your arms around his neck to find his mouth in a hasty kiss. Both of you almost tumbled over but Spencer managed to keep you upright with his arms around your waist. 
The taste of ethanol on your tongue was almost as intoxicating as your actions and Spencer had trouble not to give into your pleas right then and there in your hallway. It was obvious that he tried to hold back but his body gave away how much he enjoyed your enthusiasm.  
“Slow down,” he breathed against your lips, “You’re drunk.” 
“I’m just a little tipsy,” you reassured him as you pressed your body against his. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”
Spencer answered you with some curse words that you had never heard from him before. The pace of your actions were too much for him to grasp and suddenly he wasn’t sure if you were the only inebriated one there. Like a besotted fool he followed you to the couch where you climbed into his lap like a queen sitting down on a throne. 
“What are you doing to me?” He purred as you kissed down his neck.
“You’re smart, I’m sure you can figure it out,” you snickered before biting down on his pulse point. 
You felt his throat vibrate against your lips as a deep groan fell from his mouth. It wasn’t the first time you got to experience him that way but you were aware that the alcohol in your bloodstream made you more affectionate than usual. 
It also made your tongue loose but you realized that too late. 
“I love you, Spencer,” you whispered when your lips brushed over his ear. 
“Wh… What?”
His response wasn’t what you expected. You sat up straight to be able to look into his eyes. The gold of his irises radiated a warmth unlike anything you had ever experienced. It took you a moment to find your words again. 
“I know we’ve only been dating for a few weeks and that I haven’t said it before, but it’s true!” You began rambling in a way you usually expected from Spencer. Your lips found his in another, more chaste kiss before you repeated, “I love you.” 
It was as if Spencer had forgotten how to form words. He just stared at you with wide eyes and the sweetest smile forming on his face. 
After a few moments of silence you wondered, “Are you not gonna say it?” 
He shook his head. “I’ll tell you when I can be sure you’ll remember it the next morning.” 
That was enough for you for now. You got up from your boyfriend’s lap to lead him into your bedroom. He followed without hesitation, already suspecting that whatever you had in mind wouldn’t actually be happening. 
And he was right. The moment you lay down in your bed with Spencer’s arms securely wrapped around you, you dozed off. He gently kissed your cheek before placing the blanket over your body. 
“Goodnight, sleepy girl.”
When you woke up the next morning it took just a few seconds for you to realize that you had enough alcohol to spill the truth but not enough to forget about it. It didn’t surprise you that you didn’t find Spencer sleeping beside you, certain that you must have scared him off after your cocktails had somehow turned into love potions. 
The morning shower helped to clear your head but that wasn’t necessarily a good thing. The longer you thought about it, the more embarrassed you got about not keeping your mouth in control after just a little bit of liquid courage. 
It took you by surprise to find your boyfriend sitting on your couch when you stumbled out of the bedroom. 
“You’re still here!” You squeaked and he began chuckling. 
“Where else would I be?” 
You sat down beside him and took the coffee mug out of his hand to take a sip. 
He leaned towards you to place a soft kiss on your cheek. “How are you feeling?”
You felt your face heat up when you thought about what you said last night. “Mortified.”
The amusement in his voice wasn’t lost on you when he nonchalantly asked, “And why is that?” 
You placed the coffee mug on the table to bury your face in your hands, whining, “You know why!”
Spencer placed his hands on yours to move them away from your face while he chuckled, “Oh you mean the fact that you told me you’re hopelessly in love with me?” 
“I’m pretty sure I didn’t use those exact words!”
He kept teasing you as he pulled you into his arms, “Are you questioning my eidetic memory?”
“If your memory is so perfect, you should remember what you told me then,” you reminded him before his mouth met yours. 
“I do remember,” he mumbled against your lips. 
“Yeah?” You breathed between kisses. 
He pulled back to lock eyes with you. His hand gently brushed over your cheek before he finally whispered, “I love you, too.” 
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
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“couple tiktok trends” | hq
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: haikyuu boys x reader doing tiktok trends
warnings: disgustingly cute
characters: iwaizumi, kuroo, bokuto
a/n: had this idea for a while and these were the first three i just wanted to write <3 (uppercase intended…revising other works soon)
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Iwaizumi + leaving lipstick all over his face
(reference video link)
He could never say no to you. That’s why when you sent him a video of a trend going around social media, all he could do was sigh and ask, “Could I at least pick the color?”
He chose a deep wine shade, his favorite lipstick that he loved to see on you. The rich hue always brought out the warmth in your complexion, making you look even more alluring.
It took you only one take as you applied the lipstick meticulously, your eyes meeting his in the mirror. He watched, entranced, as you carefully painted your lips, the smooth motions captivating him. Then, with deliberate intent, you smeared it slightly onto your chin.
Without a word, he moved closer, the roughness of his hand a stark contrast to the softness of your skin. His fingers wrapped firmly around your chin, thumb sweeping across the smeared lipstick to erase the mistake. The touch was gentle but assertive, his eyes never leaving yours. The intimacy of the moment caused your lips to part slightly, a slight smile tugging up, as his thumb lingered just a moment longer than necessary.
Right after, the camera panned to the seemingly nonchalant Iwaizumi, but the glint in his eyes betrayed him. His focus was entirely on you. The lipstick marks scattered across his face and neck were evidence of your small pecks. He looked ridiculous, but he didn't care. He had only agreed to this because it meant he got to feel your lips on him repeatedly.
He wouldn’t hear the end of it from Oikawa once it was posted.
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Kuroo + ribbon on bicep
(reference video link)
Kuroo saw it on TikTok and wanted to recreate the video. You couldn't help but smile at his enthusiasm. "Let's do it," you agreed, deciding to be the one recording.
You both went to the store to buy baby pink ribbon specifically for this. To be honest, you knew he only wanted to show off how much his muscles had grown, but you found his excitement endearing.
Now, in the comfort of the bathroom, you carefully tied a pretty bow on each side of his chiseled arms. The contrast between the delicate ribbon and his defined muscles made the sight even more striking.
“You’re so cute with that look on your face,” he smirked, tilting his head to the side. He was enjoying this a little too much.
“Shut up,” you retorted playfully, your finger lightly nudging his forehead.
Standing in front of your black-haired boyfriend, you held your phone in one hand. The bathroom mirror reflected the two of you, capturing the intimate moment. As Lana Del Rey's dreamy voice filled the room, the video started recording.
Kuroo chuckled softly, the sound reverberating in the small space. With a playful glint in his eyes, he raised both arms and flexed. The ribbons snapped off easily, falling to the floor as his muscles bulged.
“Wow, you’re so strong, Kuroo,” you teased, emphasizing the word "strong" with a sarcastic tone.
“Shut up,” he shot back, mirroring your earlier words with a grin.
Before you could react, his arms reached out, gently but firmly lowering your phone. The camera caught a glimpse of his lips pressing a tender kiss to yours just before the video cut out.
In that fleeting moment, the warmth of his kiss lingered on your skin, the sweetness of his gesture making your heart flutter.
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Bokuto + ‘alphabet kiss count’ prank
(reference video link)
You loved to prank your boyfriend here and there because his reactions were so cute.
One day, you decided to ask him if he wanted to film a video with you; the idea was to step out of frame if you hadn't kissed someone whose name started with the letter being called out.
“I’m literally gonna be out of frame 'til your initial pops up, babe,” he laughed, eyes crinkling with amusement.
He agreed anyway, and the two of you stood in the kitchen with your phone propped up on your paper towel roll holder. You started the timer on your phone, and Bokuto immediately leaped out of frame, his frosted tips barely peeking in view, ready to pop back in when your letter was called.
You, however, stayed in the frame with no intention of leaving. As the letters were called, Bokuto side-eyed you, suspicion brewing in his mind.
‘Bokuto starts with a B, and my last name doesn’t start with an A,’ he squinted at you harder, the gears turning in his head.
“A, B, C, D, E—”
“Y/N!” Bokuto jumped back into the frame, his face flabbergasted, eyes wide with disbelief.
“There’s an A, C, D, E, that I don’t know about?!” he interrupted, not even letting you finish the sequence. You burst out laughing at his incredulous expression.
He always got so pouty and whiny whenever you pranked him.
“Baby, I’m just kidding! Baby? Bokuto!” you called out as he walked away with his arms crossed, feigning offense.
The video was long forgotten as you chased after him, showering him with kisses and back hugs, trying to win back his affection. He pretended to be dramatically upset, but you could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
You wrapped your arms around him from behind, pressing soft kisses to his neck and whispering sweet apologies. "I'm sorry, love. You know I can't resist teasing you."
He turned around, unable to keep up the act any longer, and pulled you into a tight hug. “You’re lucky you’re so—” he suddenly grabbed your arms and laid you on the bed before tickling you, “cute!”
You squealed with laughter, trying to squirm away from his relentless tickling. “Stop, stop!” you gasped between giggles, tears forming in your eyes from laughing so hard.
“Not until you admit you love pranking me because you love my reactions,” he teased, his fingers dancing along your sides.
“Okay, okay! I love your reactions!” you confessed, breathless and laughing.
And in the end, he always won, leaving you both wrapped in laughter and love.
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hanasnx · 4 months
" DOUBLE BUBBLE DISCO QUEEN " — katsuki bakugou.
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MINORS DNI 18+ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ WARNINGS: fem bratty pink!reader ノ pussy whipped bakugou ノ established relationship ノ explicit sexual content ノ p in v ノ degradation: f receiving ノ reader has pink hair and pink style.
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KATSUKI BAKUGOU didn’t know what to make of you at first. He’d never admit you were intimidating, but your commitment to one color made him nauseous. Pink was everything he saw you sport, as if you couldn’t have a style outside of it. Even your hair sprouted from your scalp in a soft pink shade. Regardless of his initial apprehension, somehow he was roped into a relationship with you. Now he carries your many bags, opens doors for you, holds your hand when you start yapping too much. You annoy him, and yet he sticks with you.
He’s come to respect you, and even like you a little bit. Not that you give him any choice. He can’t be fooled by your soft appearance, you’re just as domineering as he is. You’re spoiled rotten, and high maintenance as hell. It’s taken him loads of tries to get it right, to treat you exactly how you believe you deserve to. It’s difficult—next to impossible—but you make it worth it, don’t you?
When you spread those legs, all pretty and eager for him, things go quiet. For once, things go his way. Katsuki’s never considered himself to be a pussy-driven guy until he met you. Suddenly, he’s letting you bully him into all kinds of things just for a glimpse of that kitty. He’d feel shame if his mouth wasn’t watering right now staring down at those drippy lips, open and waiting for him.
“C’mon, Katsu. Wanna feel you.” you whine with a coy smile to your lips, impatient and brows upturned. Just as you wiggle your hips enticingly, mean and callused hands envelope them, pinning your ass to the mattress.
Gripping the base, he feeds himself into your hole, sniffing out the give until you moan just from the stretch, and he sighs with goddamn relief. As if he’s finally getting payback for everything you throw at him. You’re a damn bitch, and you know he thinks so, but getting this tight cunt gives you a blank slate. After he’s good and fucked his fill, he’ll be ready to take your attitude again. For now, he keeps a palm over that smart mouth of yours, just so you don’t ruin the moment.
“Mmf—“ he grunts, scooping an arm under your knee to pick your leg up, giving himself a little more room inside you. “Even this princess pussy’s a brat…Clenching down on me.” he speaks through his teeth, rutting in and out to hollow out a space for himself. “You’re more trouble than you’re worth, you know that?” A bold-faced lie, but you take it anyway, nodding to him. Anything to get him to keep going, anything to get him to make you loosen up so he can fuck you for real. His palm over your mouth remains, and you smell his sweet scent of sweat.
“Running me ‘round, dangling this cunt in front of me knowing I’ll do whatever for it. Tch, you’re so damn annoying.” His words in your ear sends a powerful shudder down your spine, fluttering your eyelashes. You slick, lubing up his entry as he keeps pushing in and in. Even without seeing his face, breathing hard through your nose over his third pinky knuckle, you can feel him grin next to you. You know it's wolfish just from the sound of his reply, “You like hearing that shit, huh?” His husky voice grates your ears and you whimper pitifully under his weight.
His hips increase their fervor, getting excited over the new room in your hole, setting an immediate bruising pace just to be a jerk.
“For someone so spoiled, struttin’ ‘round like you can buy anything you want with daddy’s money, you sure like gettin’ called out on it.” That's what he's here for.
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@HANASNX 2024 | do not copy, plagiarize, or steal.
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