#want to hmu in IM's or anything! but yeah. thanks again for sending this to me MUAHHH <33
mad-hunts · 2 months
shipping meme!
do i ship our characters together?: yes | no | not yet but maybe soon
would i like to ship with you?: yes | maybe, i'm willing to try | no
type of relationship i could see: childhood or high school sweethearts | exes | engaged | married | long-term relationship | crushes | unrequited love | fling | long distance | online relationship | just dating | new relationship | toxic lovers | friends with benefits
tropes i'd enjoy writing for them: friends to lovers | enemies to lovers | exes to lovers | fake relationship / dating | forbidden love | grumpy and sunshine | star-crossed lovers | surprise pregnancy | second chance | soulmates | amnesia / mistaken identity | forced proximity | secret relationship | slow burn relationship
would i rather plot first or jump right in and see where it goes?: develop their relationship first | jump right in | something in between: i think that it would be interesting to do a blend between these two, where we could maybe lay some groundwork down regarding their dynamic / a possible ship between them that would detail what each of us might like to see out of it and/or how we could envision them either becoming an item (sorry, i just love that term for two people who're each other's significant other LOL), or becoming one once again if you'd like to go with the exes route or the second chance one. but then we would kind of wing it from there... however, with having a general idea as to where we want to go with their dynamic, if that makes any sense. though IDK,, perhaps it's because i've been seeing so many edits for ships who were exes but rekindled their relationship with each other that i feel like that'd have potential to be a kind of fun dynamic for wanda and barton, but also sad at the same time (,:
what now?: let's plot something | send me shippy memes | i'll send you shippy memes | write me a random starter | i'll write you a random starter
anything else i want you to know about me / my character / my shipping habits: ( AHHH, hiii, itzel! thank you so much for sending this in and possibly being interested in shipping with barton :D it honestly made me so happy to see this pop up in my inbox, because i absolutely ADORE your account and your portrayal of wanda!! but yeah. with all of that said, i just wanted to let you know that two of barton's most negative traits are ones that i have pictured possibly interfering with his romantic relationships before, and this is that he can be closed-minded in a way / stubborn.
and i say in a way for closed-minded because he is kinddd of selective (okay, he can be REALLY selective, ngl haha) whenever it comes to accepting other people's opinions of things. so i could imagine that it could take him a bit to actually believe that a hero and a villain could be together since... well, they would more likely than not have a conflict of ideology going on there + i could NOT imagine that wanda would agree with a lot of things that barton does if she learned just how terrible of a person he really is (,: and that's honestly completely understandable so i'm not trying to like say she'd be bad for not agreeing with it.
i just think that they would probably have to come to a solution where barton either doesn't bring his 'work' up around her, and/or maybe depending on how attached he is to her, he could make an effort to cut all of the bad things he does down. but yeah,,, i think it could be interesting, like i said before, if you'd be interested in doing something with an ex like dynamic with them as we could make up like a whole history for them and stuff! but you don't have to, of course. so TOTALLY feel free to hmu in IM's here and ask for my disc if you want, or just talk to me there or in the comments here as to what kind of things you'd maybe want to explore between them yourself.
i like to think that i'm pretty open whenever it comes to potential dynamics, so if there is one here that i didn't check as a 'definitely' (in bold) or a maybe (in italics), then feel free to tell me and we could talk about it! but i am honestly very excited to roleplay with you more and i just want to let you know that although barton can ABSOLUTELY be an arsehole and hard to deal with: whenever it comes to romance, it tends to bring out the best version of him, though i have to say that things probably would be a little rocky at least on his end in the beginning because of the reasons i stated above. )
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drunkjaked · 2 years
hi sweetheart!! happy 1 month on tumblr !!! omg it's felt like 1 week alone but I'm so glad you came here, your energy is just AMAZING and youre just so cool fr and youre writing is sooo good. sorry for not being in for a while, my brain has just been repeating the same hard thoughts ngl LMFAOO
but! something that has been plaguing my mind is how much 02z (i usually think abt mean dom jay but the other two have me ruined) would LOVEE mirror sex and having you seated on their laps with your back to their chest, one hand holding your jaw forcing you to watch yourself in the mirror and the other, with 3 fingers fucking into you mercilessly and mocking how wet you are for them ("only had my fingers in this pretty cunt and youre dripping all over me?", "keep your eyes on me baby, want you to see how much of a mess you make because of me.", "so loud. let the neighbours know how good i am for you yeah?") while their knees make sure your legs don't part. the sight is so nasty and they just LOVE it. they would even have you record it and threaten to send it to their (hyung line) gc (with your consent) bc they know how much the other boys like you and you just look so pretty for them; tears streaming down your face in pleasure, hands shaking, neck marked up and decorated with his hand, legs spread and thighs shining bc youre dripping all over yourself and on his thighs, chest heaving and moans sounding pretty as usual with your chest bear and skirt pushed up to your waist. sometimes theyll kiss you while fingering you in this position just to see how you struggle to kiss back or moan into their mouth how good theyre making you feel and will smirk against your lips asking "whats wrong? whyd you stop?" in faux concern and stop moving their fingers until you continue kissing them again.
when you do come from their fingers though, they will make you bounce on their cock reverse cowgirl style so you can continue to see how good the view is and how pretty they look with their head thrown back at how good you feel and their hands holding your hips or waist. if you do look away or turn your head when you "forget yourself" (their words), they'll probably grab your neck and bring you to look back at the wide mirror or they'd slap your clit or thighs to bring you back to them. theyre so mean but they just love to see you cry bc of their dick :( - 🗣
thank u sm my dear 🗣 anon! the passage of time is so crazy honestly .. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 AGH THANK YOU I APPRECIATE UR SWEET WORDS ! 🤞💕🔑🩰 and don’t apologise at all !! just send asks whenever u feel like it - soft thoughts, hard thoughts, anything u wanna say u can hmu <3
i have read this 4 times im ?? in awe THIS IS SO HOT HOW DID YOU???? so so so so so so good at writing i love ur asks every time IVE BEEN THINKING ABT THIS ALL DAY 😭
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nctsiren · 4 years
hyonny best couple i don’t make the rules i just enforce them
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(yes i know this is a shit edit but this was requested and im excited so THIS IS FOR YOU ANON ILY)
PLEASE lmk what you think!! if u ever have any questions about them (or any of the ocs or reqs) i encourage you to send me asks! thank u loves, enjoy!!❣️
TAGLIST (hmu to join! applies to all of my ocs): @moonbeamsung @aqueenieme @atinygracie @jinsoulorbitzen12 @btshook​ 
hyeyoung met johnny in 2017, a bit after he debuted in 127
he came around the training center, since he had trained for so long and had friends there
he also liked to meet new trainees! he’s a super kind guy, he wants to try to be support for them, since he trained for So Long
when he first saw her he thought she was gorgeous
and vice versa, yknow. she was shy because he was a Debuted Idol AND a Handsome Man
yeah they both found each other attractive and that was. about it yknow? for a while
THEN in 2019, rumor was that hyeyoung would join an nct female unit
she was already friends with mila and lily, having trained with mila, and lily was friendly with trainees
but she started talking to the guys more, meeting them properly and getting used to them
and johnny was so .. you know how he is
she fell really quick tbh
lily noticed this QUICKLY and did what she could to make them interact and she THOUGHT she is what got them together
but johnny was texting her on the low .. he loved her the minute he had his first conversation (in person) with her
johnny is a Romantic™️ and we all know it
so this man COURTED her like a damn maiden
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: *arrive at the siren dorms and open the door*
hyeyoung, evie, and gem: ...
evie: hyeyoung who sent you twenty vases of roses
no that IS NOT A JOKE
literally an old movie romance, complete with the yearning and such
he always texted her good morning and good night
sent her coffee or tea on the low while she was training
“hello beautiful”
hyeyoung was lovestruck. she felt able to actually talk to him after a bit, and it was so easy for her to trust and feel close to him
she got shy when he did big gestures or sweet things- but it was making her fall HARD
and johnny? well he wasn’t MUCH better just more composed outwardly
our smooth, flirty bastard john ..
would absolutely GUSH about her to the members. smiling like an IDIOT at his phone
once lily said she couldn’t hang out because hye wasn’t feeling good and johnny’s heart DROPPED he didn’t know what to do
come to think of it he hasn’t gotten a text from her in a while :((
didnt she say she hadn’t had pizza lately?
and that’s how johnny ended up at the trainee girls’ dorm at 11pm with a pizza. and the dark chocolate she liked.
he watched a movie in hyeyoung’s room with her ALONE and she leaned into his side so
tbh it wasn’t a bad night
hyeyoung was fr wondering if this would be anything
she was thinking about her career, yeah, but her heart YEARNED for him. she was falling in love with everything about him
she didn’t need the grand gestures, she just needed him
and, it probably goes without saying, but so did johnny
he stopped by her practice room with evie and gem one day
he had just finished his own practice and called hye closer to the door of the practice room she was in with the girls
cue lily practically shaking with excitement
“i don’t think this will seem out of the blue... do you wanna get dinner, sometime? as an actual date this time”
the smile she gave him nearly made poor john’s heart stop
“i thought you’d never ask” she responded, stepping on her tip toes to press a kiss to his cheek
CHEESY SMILE until jaehyun pulls him away
“howd it go, romeo?”
then they heard the girls squealing audibly and talking at the speed of light
“oh no big deal. just the most beautiful amazing woman on the planet likes me back”
the first date was literally later that night, in hyeyoung’s room, with takeout and the nicest red wine johnny could find
tbh he couldn’t wait and she was free that night
“keep the door unlocked!” - evie
the two just talked and laughed and the movie on the background was ignored
hyeyoung was used to feeling shy with people, but she was so comfortable early on. it felt right
and yeah the night DID end with them making out
with the door locked, screw you evie (johnny’s words, not hyeyoung’s)
they fell into being a couple very easily
they told the company a few months in to make life easier and surprisingly .. they were pretty okay with it, though they obviously had guidelines
they couldn’t be seen alone in public (sometimes they break that rule with masks and hats and disguises since the managers will let them sometimes)
a lot of their dates are in the siren dorms because it’s quieter and all of the girls have their own rooms
she comes around to the 127 dorms a lot
they couldn’t interact more than she would interact with the others, and absolutely no pda
((tbh with mila and lily, it’s more acceptable, since they grew up with their members, but the other three have stricter rules .. evie almost breaks them sometimes tho. and sometimes the guys will give casual, familial hugs to them))
they said they loved each other a few months in
johnny said it first, and hyeyoung said it back immediately
it was natural. they fully and truly love each other
they will 1000% percent get married, and they will do so whenever they can in the future
they want to keep their relationship quiet just because hyeyoung’s career has JUST started
but johnny wants to reveal it as soon as the company lets them because he wants the world to know he loves her with all of his heart
johnny’s parents have only met her over facetime, and they already love her. she talks to johnny’s mom a lot too
he has met her parents and siblings, and obviously they love him 
her dad is protective though since she’s his youngest daughter and his baby
johnny is still big on keeping the romance alive and planning things for her, always telling her how much he loves her, and showing physical affection
hyeyoung is a softer type of girlfriend, and she is big on quality time and expressing to him how much she loves him. 
they will never, ever doubt how much they love each other. forever type shit
johnny and hyeyoung ARE mom and dad
especially to hyuck. hyeyoung LOVES him and thinks he can literally do no harm, similar to how she is with lily
mark used to have a crush on hyeyoung hehe but i think we ALL know he’s interested in someone else now ..
taeyong, yuta, lily, hyuck, jaemin, evie, ten, jungwoo, taeil, chenle, hendery, and yangyang are their biggest shippers. they believe in hyonny supremacy
jaehyun is OBVIOUSLY happy for his bro but he’s a chill, cool dude y’know ..
he’s johnny’s go-to though and he and hyeyoung have a very sweet friendship, jaehyun always looks out for her and makes sure she’s okay
johnny will be chill about the eventual rumors about hyeyoung and jaehyun tho because he knows there’s nothing there, and as far as he is concerned, that means that their relationship is safer without any lights on them
they aren’t jealous people (AHEM take note lily AHEM)
the two of them will still flirt with fans, and they rate each other’s flirty comments to fans
“nah, baby, that’s basic. be smoother”
“john, they literally just asked me to tell them i love them”
yeah they’re teased tho and you KNOW they are
ten is CRAZY dude he was already big on the innuendos but now .. goodness
he doesn’t step out of line tho and he’s more subtle and would never do anything to harass them (well mainly not hyeyoung because flashbacks to “i wanna have xxxx with you fatass! love you forever darling” johnten always wilding)
y’know that clip from stranger thing when that dude asks jonathan how the pull out was... “the couch”. yeah. stuff like that from ten
hyuck doesn’t tease them much surprisingly! because again. mom and dad
i can sum up mark in a single sentence:
“you guys are, like, perfect for each other, y’know? i’m happy for you guys, seriously.”
yuta teases sometimes, but chenji is RUTHLESS
if hyonny even looks at each other they’re like OOOOO HEHE GET A ROOM
most of wayv is .. well .. we know how wayv is
taeyong is so warm to them about it all and it’s super sweet. taeil loves them together and is unintentionally funny saying things about young people and love
the girls are PROTECTIVE of hyeyoung even tho they know johnny is perfect for her
lily is in a permanent state of trying to square up with johnny and hyeyoung thinks it’s funny
they have great reception overall, everyone loves them
sm family loves them TOO and heechul is the REAL captain of their fan club and red velvet as a whole loves them together 
do you know how many times they hear “awwwh cute!” 
spoiler: it’s a lot
GOD the two try to help lily with her love life and she hates it
they’ll end up trying to help everyone but lily is their focus
they have lots of couple-isms
“baby” “love” “honey” stuff like that
they have inside jokes
fashionable ass couple
he watches old films with her 
they’re the type of couple to slow dance in the middle of the kitchen
they both know like. they know what the other would order from where, what to do for them after a long/hard day
she knows how to make his coffee perfectly
johnny knows what temperature she likes her baths/showers and what wine she’ll enjoy most
hyeyoung knows where johnny’s back is most tense and his slight change in posture when he needs a massage
they know each other’s style, and they surprise each other with little gifts
they basically know each other like the back of their hand. two halves of the same whole
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jam-is-my-food · 4 years
writing asks. all of them. ( for 50 uhh just write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you </3 )
this is gonna be long asf click keep reading at risk of death or boredom
1.     Do you listen to music when you write?
not usually, it's distracting
 2.     Are you a pantser or plotter?
naturally pantser but if i wanna actually finish smth i gotta plot it hh
 3.     Computer or pen and paper?
computer i'm not a boOmer /j i so am
 4.     Have you ever been published, or do you want to be published?
bitch i wiSh
actually technically i was published in this anthology thing once? and i think i have a piece in a magazine somewhere on the internet i forget those are cool
but yeah bye getting a novel published is my d r e a m (gotta write a novel first tho lawl)
 5.     How much writing do you get done on an average day?
n o t  m u c h
unless i get one of my bUrsts aka finishing a 2.3K almoons chapter before 8am the other week after procrastinating it for like two months 
but yeah jdsghliuedskj it um depends often none
 6.     Single or multiple POV?
i answered that for kiri so i'll just copy paste it over loll
mmm it depends. usually i do single? but i do do multiple occasionally. i almost never do alternating chapters, though, it’s usually more like part one is narrated by person a, part two person b etc.
 7.     Standalone or series?
baha like i could ever write a series (please, please be jinxing yourself rn refster) aside from that one trilogy when i was 7 but uh yeah atm just standalones but a series would be so cool in future 
 8.     Oldest WIP
the aforementioned trilogy. chronicles of clara. it is incREDIBLE. 10/10. so good. so, so good.
 9.     Current WIP
i haven't actually mentioned it on tumblr yet but hehehe it's called the wordweaver's apprentice it's fantasy and i'm v excited about it :DD that was ooc but :DD
 10.  Do you set yourself deadlines?
(also answered for kiri, copy-pasting over)
i? try?
it does not go well?
but then i never finish my projects?
send help pls im dying
11.  Books and/or authors who influenced you the most
lmao the list is too long
 12.  Describe your perfect writing space
somewhere w/o distractions
 13.  Describe your writing process from idea to polished
hm. idea. that's cool. that's cool. write it down. hype myself up. forget about it within a week.
el em mayo
but like
f r LMAO
okay but fr fr idk i don't usually finish stuff but it'd be idea, brainstorm, plot (sort of), write, agonize, write, finish, throw in the other direction and never touch again bc revision whos she
 14.  How do you deal with self-doubts?
cry and spam my friends
 15.  How do you deal with writer’s block?
i don’t - mm. i don’t tend to get writer’s block? or like - idk what to classify as writer’s block? bc sometimes i get blocked for a certain story, but then i get really into like poetry or sum for a week so it’s fine idk
 16.  How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied with a project?
o n e as i said i don't - revision is a no
 17.  What writing habits or rituals do you have?
uHhHhhhhh idk???
 18.  If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be, and what would you write about?
*laughs in gfc*
 19.  How do you keep yourself motivated?
i don't. if you have any ideas please hmu i need it.
 20.  How many WIPs and story ideas do you have?
m a n y.
21.  Who is/are your favourite character(s) to write?
mmmmmmmmm i love cass i haven't written her in too long but i think she's probably my most well-done character to date and i'm so proud of her badkghewiludkjs
 22.  Who is/are your favourite pairing(s) to write?
c y i l l
though possible imeini (ship name needs revision) in future we shall see (from twa) (the aforementioned newish wip)
 23.  Favourite author
there are Many
 24.  Favourite genre to write and read
fantasy maybe? ooh dystopia is fun
 25.  Favourite part of writing
everything about it when i'm motivated hh, my problem is getting more motivation
 26.  Favourite writing program
oh idk huh?
27.  Favourite line/scene
 28.  Favourite side character
j o o s t
 29.  Favourite villain
i def have one but i forget
 30.  Favourite idea you haven’t started on yet
too many
31.  Least favourite part of writing
motivating myself :/
 32.  Most difficult character to write
mmmm i'm not really in the throes of a wip atm so idk
 33.  Have you ever killed a main character?
 34.  What was the hardest scene you ever had to write?
drunk will was surprisingly difficult in a fun way. def not the hardest but yeah
 35.  What scene/story are you least looking forward to writing?
god idk
36.  Last sentence you wrote
And then Mei was gone, and in the space that she'd filled, Imani whispered, "I wish I was like you."
 37.  First sentence or your current WIP
It is said that when we came to this stretch of Tatys land, it was empty.
38.  Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had
mm there was one about anthropomorphic chickens battling sentient fruits, the fruits in question also being six-year olds
 39.  Weirdest character concept you’ve ever had
s e e  a b o v e
 40.  Share some backstory for one of your characters
cass's mom used to have a drug problem & she would leave her alone for long stretches of time, she went to rehab and is now sober but it's where cass gets her abandonment issues from
41.  Any advice for new/beginning/young writers?
just write! no one taught me how to do anything, and there's no rules per se, aside from basic grammatical stuff. do what you wanna do, don't worry about others' reactions. this is cliche asf but true.
 42.  How do you feel about love triangles?
mostly gross, but they can be good.
 43.  What do you do if/when characters don’t follow the outline?
adapt. i  g o  w i t h  t h e  f l o w.
 44.  How much research do you do?
not much usually, depends on the genre of story. i do as much as i feel i need to. and ofc i have the random writer search history.
 45.  How much world building do you do?
in the past, not much. twa (once again my new wip) is fantasy, though, so i' m attempting to remedy that.
 46.  Do you reread your own stories?
i do! it's fun to look back at them after a few years and see how much i've improved.
 47.  Best way to procrastinate
random character headcanons/doodle writey spurt thingies
 48.  What’s the most self-insert character/scene you’ve ever written?
bAHA this one scene in the cHrOniCLeS of cLaRa book two when this girl lisa who was 100% self-insert got annoyed at her little sister daisy (sister-insert) for chewing too loudly and then proceeded to use her wAtEr pOwErs to like flood the house. that part was less self-insert.
 49.  Which character would you most want to be friends with, if they were real?
bye that's so hard. c a d m u s & l a u r e n t tho cinnamon rolls are liFE.
 50.  Write a paragraph about how hot emmy raver-lampman is in a suit please and thank you
i don't gotta write my own bitch i have everything i need to plagiarize from right here
"Raver-Lampman’s enthusiasm is contagious. So is her laugh. It comes from deep inside, just like her voice, and it rings out — ricocheting off furniture and walls. Her head is shaved, all except for a distinctive swath of tight curls on the top and left side of her head. She has the tiniest septum ring in her nose, and a tattoo of what looks like a musical note behind her right ear."
- the clearly gay jessica belt
thank you for the ASKS darLING and thank you if you read this idk why or whether you're okay but yup
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axther · 4 years
Heyo, can I get a bnha matchup? I'm a bisexual ENTP, but am mistaken as an introvert often due to being bad at social interaction and liking alone time. I talk a lot with people I'm comfortable with though. Sometimes I joke in serious situations. I don't worry that much and am carefree, though I can get randomly anxious sometimes. I'm a bit bad with emotions, but I've been told I can cheer people up because I'm optimistic. I'm a deep thinker and have been told a lot I'm smart.
Fnkdaofdnskao i really took a hot second with this one tbh 🥴 but here u go!! Also, since there was no gender listed, i just went w they/them pronouns!! If u want smth different, then just hmu and i can change it!! Also, i am so sorry i made the second one as more of a scenario?? And it was...oof. yikes. Sorry. This has become my style. Scenarios disguised as matchups. Im a liar 
#1 is…Denki! 
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okokokokok SO
Y’all meet during a training exercise! 
It’s something similar to USJ, except it’s across several different schools and classes
And y’all had to find a bunch of objects 
So there’s a mixed bundle of people 
It’s a sort of competition
And everyone is sweating bullets 
And honestly??
You’re just vibin
And i mean this like, you don’t really seem concerned. 
You’re just chilling while everyone’s fighting, trying to find the best solution. 
Naturally, you’re worried, too
But you know that it’s kinda useless to try and talk over Monoma and Bakugou 
Denki’s staying pretty quiet, too. 
While it looks like he’s just vibing, too, but honestly? 
He’s crazy nervous 
Because here are all these super talented heroes-to-be, he feels like he’s gonna be glossed over 
So as everyone’s duking it out, the two of you are just kinda...hanging in there
Now the thing is 
You guys are avoiding eye contact. 
Not in the sense of ‘oh my god, you atrocity to man,’ 
But in the ‘two bros chilling in a hot tub’ way. 
So as the entire thing is falling on its head
You look over and notice that he’s trying desperately to remain chill. 
He’s kinda fiddling with himself
And you nudge him a bit 
And as he turns to look at you, you may or may not be screaming ‘what the FUCK did I just do??????’ in your head
But when he faces you, you just give him a thumbs up 
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Like that 
And he’s kinda at a loss 
But he takes it, and gives you a smile and a big ol’ thumbs-up, too!! 
There’s no interaction again, until he nudges you 
“Do you think they’ll come up with something?” 
You shrug. 
“Considering that the only brain cell in my class went to the Class Rep, and it doesn’t look like these guys their class brain cell, I don’t think so.” 
Denki pulls back a snort before wiping his smirk off his face. 
“Do you think...we could try? On our own?” 
“Maybe.” You shrug again. “You’re the shock quirk user, right?” 
Denki is stunned
Did someone remember him? 
From here on out consider him whipped 
“Yeah! What’s your quirk?” 
You watch his face go through a journey of emotions before settling on muffled confusion. 
“Warping, basic elemental magic.” You play with some of your hair. “It’s all tied to a crystal I keep at home. If it’s safe, I’m safe.” 
Denki nods.
He hadn’t heard of quirks where they have a variety of unrelated uses 
But he’s there for it!! 
You two begin to make your own plan to succeed in the exercise 
And once y’all look over and realise that the arguing isn’t going to change, thanks to Monoma egging Bakugou on 
Y’all dip 
And by that, I mean you warp him and yourself to the highest point in the building 
Took one (1) look at the lights 
Shared a glance 
And y’all took out the power
Within about thirty minutes, y’all have all the goods!! 
Most folks are still trying to get used to the lack of light
So when your group presents the stuff to the teachers, Aizawa is tired but takes it 
And so you guys pass!! 
You and Denki talk more after 
And he finds out that you’re part of a special school for kids with special quirks
Which off the bat sounds really bad 
But you meet folks that are like you
and you tell him that he’d probably fit right in. 
He’s over the moon!!! For once!! 
Someone that takes him seriously!! 
Y’all exchange numbers and the entire class can’t begin to fathom that holy shit Denki Kaminari got a s/o before anyone else in the class
Throws them all for a loop
And meanwhile Denki’s thriving w hugs and cuddles 
#2 is…Momo! 
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Momo is...complicated
She’s in a rich family with a strong quirk
She’s got more than enough pressure on her shoulders
Especially since she was in 1-A, so the entire literal country of Japan has their eyes on her 
And all the while she’s doing her best to focus, focus, focus
She wanted one day where she could be like Mina, Ochako, Tooru, Jirou, Tsu…
So she does it
One morning, while her parents are gone, and before anyone else is awake
She ties her hair up and places it into a gaudy blonde wig 
(Which was a massive pain in the ass, but that was the price of freedom) 
She dons sunglasses, an outfit that in any other case she would die being caught in
Leaves her phone on her bed
Tiptoes down the stairs 
And leaves 
The moment she’s past the gates of her house and out of view, she lets out an enormous sigh 
She has no idea what she’s going to do 
But her heart races a little, because that was the beauty of it!!
She finally had no rules, short of the law 
So she waltzes down the road, the city wakes up, and as the first hour drips by, she notices a distinct wave of youth
They’re not doing much, just relaxing in cafes and alleys
and Momo wonders if anyone is planning to send truant police
but considering she’s doing the same exact thing, she’s not gonna call them out  
But as she passes by an arcade, she notices a group
They’re a bit more subdued than most of the others, just watching one of their friends play a dancing game and fail horribly
But most notably, Momo sees you 
You’re snorting at the lanky girl who’s tripping over her own feet, but at the same time, it looks like you’re cheering her on 
Momo’s curious, of course, but she also doesn’t want to intrude 
But then one of them, a boy, turns and waves her over
She jumps because oh my god and makes her way over 
“Hey, did you want to play? Sorry that Tsukki was hogging the game.” The boy says, and you turn and glance at her. 
At first, Momo’s wondering if she should really join in, but then she sees you, fully…
Unfortunately, you seem a bit closed off because you start talking to the last member of the party 
Momo brushes it off and nods quickly
because goddamnit that’s what she’s here for
being a normal teenager
So she starts playing Tsukki
And Momo wipes the floor with her 
Tsukki takes it well, fortunately, but it sparks conversation 
“Where’d you learn to play?” The boy, Seong-Jin, kept on asking 
Momo wasn’t crazy comfortable telling the Korean transfer student that she had ballroom classes 
But as she’s about to make an excuse
She sees Present Mic out of the corner of her eye 
And immediately panics 
But before she can tell the four that she needs to hide, you come in clutch
You notice her look of panic and take off your jacket
And you drape it over her and pull up the hoodie. 
At that point, all you can see is the bottom half of her face 
(seeing as she never took off her sunglasses) 
And a tuft of blonde hair 
Present Mic even pops by for a second to ask how the kids were doing, and he didn’t recognise Momo
So crisis averted 
Almost immediately afterwards, the five bail from the arcade and ask Momo why she freaked out 
But then you speak up 
“She doesn’t have to tell us. But next time you might need to bail, feel free.” 
You gave her a soft smile, and when I tell you Momo’s face lights up 
You two stick together for the rest of the day 
And Seong-Jin, Tsukki, and the last person, Keito, are here for it
Bit by bit, they start separating into groups 
That is, the Momo/YN group and the Everyone Else group 
Soon enough, the three disappear to do something while Tsukki is shouting
And you and momo decide to take a break by a cafe, on a wall with foliage hitting your back 
and you guys are talking as the sun begins to set 
You guys talk about everything and anything 
And Momo confesses it was the most fun she had in years 
The way you talk to her is almost methodical, with how you seemed to tip toe around any insinuations or trauma.
“I know I only met you today, but if you ever need a place to crash…”  
You trail off, playing a bit with your hands, but more out of awkwardness than anxiety.
Momo’s heart swells. 
She manages out a ‘thank you’ before hesitantly leaning on your shoulder 
And you take a deeeepp breath in 
But you don’t nudge her off
And slowly she begins to fall asleep, and her wig is tilted and her sunglasses are askew
but you glance at her out of the corner of your eyes and give a soft smile 
(that was not the last time you two met, and five years later at the altar, she’s wearing the same damn wig) 
#3 is...Kirishima! 
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This sounds really simple 
But Kirishima would absolutely pine after you for 3.8 million years
Y’all went to the same middle school and you were friends 
And he’s all over you 
Sometime between the first and third year of middle school he just fell head over heels 
And so he tags along with you the entire time 
But after the Giant Figure incident, and he says he’s won’t go to U.A., you get lowkey pissed 
You tell him that he’s worked so hard, he’s come so far, why give up now, he’s only fourteen for god’s sake. 
But he doesn’t listen
And you two don’t talk after that 
After he decides to go for it and not live a life of regrets, he’s doing his best to become someone he wants to be 
But the biggest looming regret he had was the fallout with you
And it was a nasty fall out-parents stopped talking, kids took sides, teachers knew 
You went to a completely different school than what he thought you were
And he was pretty sure that due to the fallout and the constant movement of time, you changed your number 
So he knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as just saying ‘You were right, sorry.’ 
It starts consuming him
Half of U.A. knows that he’s thinking about something 
But it comes to a head when he’s sparring against Bakugou 
And all he’s really doing is blocking
And bakugou loses his shit
“Get your fucking head out of the clouds and focus!” 
“Sorry, dude!” 
“What the fuck has you acting so damn stupid?” 
Kirishima tells Bakugou, who gets it, but doesn’t really try to help 
“Just tell her.” He hisses 
But Kirishima’s nervous 
And by the end of the week, he’s gotten a flurry of suggestions 
People are coming up to him left and right, telling him what to do
And he just gets overwhelmed
On Saturday, he locks himself in his room until Mina knocks 
She comes in and they start talking about you 
And she mentions that she has your number, and that it really would matter if Kirishima was the one to text first
“YN supported you, and then it got rubbed in the dirt, and then ignored again. You need to be the one to say it, honestly, otherwise it’ll mean nothing.” 
So he gets to work
He spends the rest of saturday trying to write it all out his emotions 
But eventually he gives on getting them all neat and tidy, and just lets them ooze out 
Sunday morning he gets up early and types it all out, willing his hands not to shake too much 
Mina and Bakugou are there with him, and though Mina keeps making jokes and Bakugou doesn’t offer much in way of help, they’re there to support him 
So when he sends it and lets out a sigh, Bakugou pats him on the back
“And now, we wait.” Mina murmurs, watching the phone with wide eyes. 
And watching
And watching
And watching
And three days pass before Kirishima gets any sort of response 
He’s expecting to be chewed out, to get the text equivalent of a teary welcome back
Not fucking eight ball. 
But he clicks on it 
And he wins, surprisingly 
There’s a moment between his win and your text where he doesn’t dare breathe, just stand still 
Before you text back 
ur in ua huh 
guess you did it after all. 
Again, sorry. I didn’t think a lot of stuff through back then. 
figures lmao 
u free next week? 
For you? 
I always am. 
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Not Guilty- 2
murder mystery’s back! im having too much fun with this story guys
Link to chap 1 in case you need it
warnings: albert being a human disaster, abuse of the word ‘milk’
ship: ralbert, platonic spalbert
word count: 1680
editing: lmaoooo no
Chap 2
When Albert gets to the precinct the next morning, he’s wary to find a wrapped parcel on his desk that looks suspiciously like a sandwich.  He pokes at it, frowning when he sees a singular smiley face drawn on the underside in black sharpie.
 “Hey, uh, Spot?” He calls, looking up when he hears his partner’s chair roll out from his desk and subsequently poke his head around the low wooden wall that separates their cubicles.
“Yes, honeycakes?” Spot’s expression is the face of innocence and Albert’s stomach churns.
“Did you-” He stumbles, gesturing to the presumed sandwich, “Is this for me?”
“It’s on your desk, isn’t it?” Spot smiles, rolling back into his cubicle.
Albert sighs, taking off his messenger bag and jacket and sitting heavily in his desk chair.  He cautiously unwraps the white paper to find a loaded meatball sub sitting in the middle of a napkin.  There’s a sticky note placed delicately on the fluffy white bread and Albert plucks it up, squinting at the words:
Sorry you didn’t finish your sandwich xoxo Spottie
He laughs probably too loud and sticks the sticky note on his desktop, right next to the note from Jack that reads: ‘I’m sorry for stealing your pants, I had brains on mine’ after Jack had taken his extra pair of slacks from his locker when his got spoiled at a crime scene.
He takes a bite of the sandwich, pleased to find that he can still stomach his favorite Gianno’s special after yesterday’s events.  As he chews, careful not to get any tomato sauce on his shirt, he plucks a sticky note from his own pad and scrawls out: Thanks, Pop Spotcket.  Love u, dear xoxo and tosses it over to Spot.
A moment later, Spot snorts indignantly, “‘Pop Spotcket’? Really? Does anyone actually use those anymore?  The only person I know who has one is my niece and she’s eleven.”
Albert rolls his chair so he’s in Spot’s cubicle, sandwich still in hand, “I have one, asshole.  They’re useful.  Anyway, thanks for the sandwich.  How’s it looking at Gianno’s?”
Spot sighs wearily, placing a stack of papers down and turning from his computer to look at Albert, “Eh.  They’re closed today.  I stopped by this morning to pick up some evidence left at the crime scene and one of the waiters asked if I wanted anything and I remembered that you didn’t get to finish your lunch yesterday so…”
“Thanks, man,” Albert says, mouth full.  Spot wrinkles his nose and tells him not to speak with food in his mouth.  Albert rolls his eyes, “Anyway, evidence?  What’s new?”
“Nothing really,” Spot says, “Just Wiesel’s receipt from his last meal.  Wasn’t really much on it, but it gave us a sure timestamp that lines up with our original record, so at least that’s set.”
“Good,” Albert shoves the last bit of sandwich into his mouth, licking his fingers.
“Yeah.  Saw our boy there, though.”
Albert raises his eyebrows, “Higgins?”
“How’s he?”
Spot shrugs, “Didn’t talk to him.  Kid looked like shit.  Well, more shitty than yesterday if that’s somehow possible.  Kept sending cute little glares my way, fucking ray of sunshine, that one.”
“Christ,” Albert grimaces, “I’m convinced he’s a player in this debacle somehow.  I mean, he seemed genuinely surprised when he found out the vic was Wiesel, but too many strings lead to connections on his end.”
“Yeah,” Spot agrees, “I dunno, I say we dig a little into Wiesel’s other relations as well.  I feel like there’s a gap here somewhere.”
“Toxicology came back,” Albert says after a pause.
Spot looks at him, eyebrows raised, “And?”
“Sarin poison in the blood.  Stab wounds were post-mortem.  Someone wanted this shit to look messier than it is.”
“Interesting.  I wonder who’d go through the trouble of poisoning, then following up with a physical attack.  ‘Specially in a public place.  S’kinda risky.”
“That’s what I was thinking, but whoever it was, clearly knew what they were doing.”
Albert never understood why there was such a wide variety of milks in the world.  And why, in this moment, he can’t find any simple fucking 2%.  
He scans over the selection again, bypassing the almond and oat milks and skimming over the fritzy lactose free shit.  There’s strawberry milk and chocolate milk on display and even horrifyingly enough, mint milk, but no fucking 2%.  It’s not even like this fucking bodega is big enough to warrant having so many milks. 
He just wants some damn normal person milk!
“Excuse me, detective.” 
Albert doesn’t startle.  He doesn’t.  He’s a trained law enforcement officer and detective.  People like him don’t fucking startle.  But, he is on high, professional alert when he turns around to see Antonio Fucking Higgins standing behind him, eyebrows raised in what’s probably amusement and hands shoved in his pockets.
Albert makes a strangled noise, eyes working on their own accord as they trail down Higgins’ body.  He’s sweaty, looking like he just came from some sort of workout, and a pair of tight adidas running pants hug his legs in all the right places.  He’s in a tank top today, somehow doing his arms more justice than the grey shirt he’d been wearing yesterday.  A hat sits backwards on his head, doing little to tame the curls that are trying to sneak out of the stupid hole where the strap meets the fabric.  He looks hot and it’s unfair and Albert’s never been ashamed of his sexuality, but right now he’s wishing that he could reign in his gay ass a little bit because aside from the fact that Higgins is a bit of a prick, he’s also a suspect and that’s, like, number one in the Book of Nope for cops of any kind.
Higgins is still looking at him, but now there’s a small crease of concern between his eyebrows, “You alright, man?” He asks, “You look kinda like you’re having a heart attack.  Do you have any chest pain?  Your left arm feel numb at all?”
Albert shakes himself, morphing his expression into something he hopes looks less like Gay Panic, “Yeah, sorry, I-” He splutters a bit, then shuts his mouth with a click.  
Higgins scoffs, “I just need milk, man, you mind?”
Albert starts, hastily stepping out from where he was definitely blocking the milk selection and watching as Race grabs a carton of-- fucking 2%.  How did he find it so fast?  How did Albert not see it?  He’s supposed to be the one trained to look for details others don’t see!
Trying not to flush, Albert reaches out and grabs a carton as well and Higgins looks at him again, laughing, “You were standing here for a long time, dude, I thought you were gonna murder the milk for a second.”
“Couldn’t find the 2%.” Albert mumbles, blushing harder when Higgins laughs louder.
“Real good reconnaissance there, detective.”
When Higgins is laughing, his face changes into something a whole lot more pleasant.  Not that it was ever unpleasant (the dude’s got a jawline of a god), but some of the hardness in his eyes and shadows on his face go away and for just a second, he looks like the 25 year old he’s supposed to be.  It’s nice, Albert thinks, ignoring the way alarm bells are going off in his head.
“Shut up, Higgins, I’m tired.  Some of us have to read about murders all day, so excuse me if my milk finding skills aren’t the most refined.”
Higgins’ face softens and the smile in his eyes turns into something else that Albert doesn’t want to dissect, “Race.”
“Higgins is my dad, not me.  And I don’t like the name Antonio very much, so if we’re gonna be talking more, be it over murder or milk, call me Race.”
Higgins--Race--winks, “That’s a story for level five amici.”
“Oh, okay.”
They pause for a moment and even though Albert’s not drunk, his inhibitions seem to flutter away from him against his will as he blurts out, “Drinks sometime? Would- uh- would you wanna get drinks sometime?”
And fuck-fuck- SHIT- what are you doing Dasilva? What the fuck?
Race considers him for a moment, “Not that I wouldn’t hit that,” he nods to Albert’s body and Albert flushes.  Damnit with the flushing!  He’s 26, not some flouncy high schooler, “But I don’t think that’s a good idea, detective.”
Albert nods, “No, yeah, honestly I don’t know why I asked- uh-”
“Relax, don’t have an aneurysm, it’s okay.  I just don’t think it’s a good idea right now.”
“No no, you’re right.  Absolutely.”
There’s another pause, then Race smiles apologetically, “I gotta go get the rest of my groceries.  Take care.”
Albert cringes internally at how fucking painfully awkward this exchange has been, “You too,” he says, watching Race retreat to the wine aisle.  He takes another moment to gather himself, then goes to the checkout line.
Albert turns up the volume on his TV, pleased with the quiet solitude of his apartment for the night.  He doesn’t love living alone, but it’s been a long couple days and he’s been looking forward to a night to himself since he’d woken up that morning.  Just him, some thai, and the Animal Planet playing reruns of ‘It’s Me or the Dog’ all night.  Fucking self care.
He’s just yelling at some dog owner on the TV for feeding his pug 24 eggs a day and watching as Victoria Stilwell chews out the greasy fucker when his phone rings on the coffee table in front of him. 
Groaning, Albert mutes the show and chugs down a few sips of beer, before picking up the phone and answering with an annoyed, “Someone better be dying.”
There’s silence on the other end and Albert pulls the phone away from his ear to check the caller ID.  It’s Spot.  Shit, someone might actually be dying.”
“Spot?  Everything okay?”
Spot sounds sheepish when he says, “Well no one’s dying, technically…”
“There was another murder.”
Race went straight home after the bodega, right? RIGHT!??!? stay tuned ;)
thanks saph for ‘pop spotcket’
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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sugarpun-fairy · 6 years
Summary: a small thing based on the song “18″ by Anarbor but with a fluff ending 
Word count: 1,407 
Warnings: i almost cried writing this but its fluff so idk
A/N: SO you’re probably gonna see a lot of Graces and Maddys in here because they’re my babies and i like writing things to make them feel better
and my baby Grace deserves the world so yeah, i made this to her as a “thank you” for keeping fighting everyday 
love you b @imaginesandideas
He parked the motorcycle pretty close to the school exit, knowing exactly what everyone would go out saying.  
Eighteen, crazy Pulled up in your daddy's car You wanna move in with me Guess we're off to a heavy start
Should've seen this coming From a mile away Eighteen, crazy I know what you want from me I know what you want from me
Her long ginger hair swayed from one side to another, tied up in a high pony tail with a golden bow matching her red, white and golden cheerleader outfit, as she ran to greet him with a tight hug and a deep kiss. All eyes on them as the scene happened.  
“How was your day baby girl?” he asked with a smile, wrapping her waist with both arms.
“Quite boring actually. Guess I should have texted you to pick me up earlier.” she pouted. “How was yours?”
“I just stayed with the boys and waited ‘til it was time to come pick you up.”
“Grace?” the girl’s sister called approaching the couple. “Warren?”
“Hey sis!” the younger sister smiled.  
“Jean.” the boy nodded with his head.  
“I’m going home with him today ‘kay J?” the younger ginger said biting her lower lip. “Sorry I didn’t tell you earlier.”  
“It’s okay... Just be careful okay G?”  
“I always am!”  
“Don’t worry Jean, I’ll take care of her.”  
“You better.”  
So if you wanna piss off your parents Take me to scare them Show them you're all grown up If long hair and tattoos are what attract you I would've tracked you Baby then you're in luck And I know it's just a phase You're not in love with me You wanna piss off your parents, baby Piss off your parents That's alright with me
“Grace, honey, who was that boy that drove you home today?” the woman asked while serving the dinner.
“Oh, he’s my boyfriend.” Grace answered with a smile, her ginger curls moving softly as she turned to her father who had just choked on his drink.  
“You left Ben to be with that boy?” the man asked harshly.  
“I didn’t leave Ben. He left me.” she corrected him. “Warren is a nice guy, dad, I swear! He’s one of Scott’s friends from college.”  
The sentence made the two adults turn to their older daughter in expectation of hearing a denying.  
“He is. They’re not really close since Warren is closer to Alex, but he’s a nice guy” Jean defended the argument.  
“I don’t like him.” the father stated.
“You don’t have to. I’m already eighteen, dad! I’m not a kid anymore! Shouldn’t you trust my decisions? Trust me? Support me?” Grace argued.  
“Grace Grey, you might be eighteen...” he tried to say but the sound of her fork hitting the plate stopped him.
“Don’t even come with that ‘while you live under my roof’ thing because it’s pointless. And above anything meaningless, after all you made a person, not a puppet.” she continued.  
“Don’t talk to your father like this, young lady.” her mom said in warning tone.
“Is it so hard to trust me like you trust Jean? When did I disappoint you that bad to deserve this?” she added before leaving to her room wiping a fake tear.  
You know I'm broke So you pulled out your daddy's car I drink, I smoke You ended up from the very start
Should've seen this coming From a mile away I'll play your game I know what you want from me I know what you want from me
“How did they react?” he asked leaning closer to her. She smiled and shrugged.
“My dad is pissed but I threw some drama and mom came to talk to me after dinner. She said that he might not like you but she’ll give you one chance.” she quoted. He laughed.
“That’s a good sign.”  
“Yes indeed.”  
He leaned back against the fence and lit up a cigarette.  
“Can I ask you something?” he whispered blowing a cloud of white smoke. She nodded, leaning on the fence but on the opposite side. “Do you hold any grunges against your sister?”  
She bit her lip, thinking about his question. That was never something she had ever thought about. Yet he was right in thinking about that. After all she came to him, asked him to pretend to be her boyfriend only to prove her parents that she had grown, that she wasn’t a kid anymore. But there was another factor on this story: Jean.  
There was something about how she was the perfect student, the perfect daughter, the perfect girlfriend to her perfect boyfriend, Scott Summers, that drove her crazy. Living on her sister’s shadow for so long was a completely acceptable reason to do what she was doing.  
“Unconsciously, maybe. Jean always supported and backed me up, always...”
“If you want to give up...”
“Oh, no, I don’t. Who knows if I didn’t make all this up just to have a chance with you because I have a thing for bad boys?” she joked.  
“Who knows.” he repeated with a smirk, exhaling another cloud of smoke.  
So if you wanna piss off your parents Take me to scare them Show them you're all grown up If long hair and tattoos are what attract you Baby then you're in luck And I know it's just a phase You're not in love with me You wanna piss off your parents, baby Piss off your parents That's alright with me
He didn’t believe her “thing” on him would last long. But he couldn’t lie and say he didn’t like the way her hair seemed more ginger with that golden bow, or her lips met his every day after school. Or her arms around him when he drove her back home or to a date. He went to er school games just to see her cheering. At that point he just decided he would enjoy the time he had until she found some prep guy and leave him.
But the months passed and she wasn’t showing any sign that she would. The year went by and she started college but were still with him. Her parents started liking him and she kept calling him baby and sending him dorky pics while studying. Her roommate was already getting used to walk in and catch them both making out or sleeping together. She was still whispering love confessions to him while she thought he was asleep.  
And that was driving him completely mad.
“Aren’t you tired of me already?” he suddenly blurted out walking in her dorm room. “Didn’t you get more freedom from your parents? Why are you still with me?” he questioned crossing his arms against his chest.  
She sat in her bed, looking at him mildly scared and took a deep breath.  
“I know you won’t believe me if I say that I fell for you. But I did.”  
“How? How can a girl like you fall for a guy like me? You’re the perfect girl from the suburb. I’m the guy with daddy issues and smoking problems. You clearly deserve better!” With that words he realized how bad he had fallen for her as well. But he wasn’t selfish enough to keep her with him.
The room fell in silence while tears ran down her face and his.  
“As the younger child I grew up learning what I wanted, needed and deserved.” she whispered. “I just never thought I would find something that would fit the three categories.”  
“I’m not good enough for you Grace.” he mumbled.  
“Yes, you are! And that’s why I love you! Please believe me Warren!”
“You’re too naive, baby doll.”  
He turned around and walked to the door, ready to leave. The cold metal of the doorknob mixed with the sound of your sobs made him shiver. Did he really wanted to leave? Did he really wanted to do this to her and himself? Did he really wanted to throw away this chance, a chance he could never have again in his whole life?
He took a deep breath, running his finger through his blond curls and pushed the door, closing it with a bang. She screamed, scared.  
“But you’re my naive baby doll.” he proclaimed making his way back to her and cupping her face. “And I love you.” he whispered drying her tears with his thumb and kissing her deeply.  
taglist: @southside-sweets @batboys-and-other-messes @grandmascottlang @underoosstark @imaginesandideas 
requests are OPEN but i still have a few to do so they might take some time BUT THEY WILL BE POSTED I PROMISE 
and if u wanna be tagged in my next pieces just hmu 
im always open to make new friends so if you wanna just talk about life hmu too 
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gionamim · 5 years
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BRIANNE TJU,  CISFEMALE, SHE/HER.  —  looks  like GIONA MIM is  attending   AURORIA UNIVERSITY  in  auradon.  they’re  the  NINETEEN  year  old  child  of MADAM MIM,  which  means  they’re  from  THE ISLE OF THE LOST.  heard  they’re  SOCIABLE  &  LOYAL,  but  can  also  be  RECKLESS  &  FORLORN  ;  we all have our bad days.  people  normally  associate  them  with  LETTING MUSIC LEAD YOUR BODY , MUSHING A PIE ONTO SOMEONE’S FACE , STOMPING AROUND IN BOOTS TOO BIG TO FEEL POWERFUL ,  CLOSING THE DOOR SO NO ONE SEES YOU WISHING ON A STAR —  
hello hello !!! it took me way too long to plan this child but now that she’s here im so excited for her !! pls if u like cabaret, magic, baking, and bitching, then step right up !!!
NAME: giona giulietta mim
AGE: 19 
HEIGHT: 5′1″ (smol)
BDAY: november 2 ( scorpio! )
DEATHPLACE: .....camelot
vk colours: pink and green and black
tattoos of constellations dotted and lined on her left calf: the lyra, and scorpio
dotted by herself
she has no pulse, no heartbeat
she doesn’t bleed
body temperature is cold
her skin heals quicker than average, if damaged
DOESN’T LOOK ‘DEAD’ (no dead skin, no disconnecting limbs)
she actually looks pretty perfect lol thats the star in her heart ayyy
when she’s truly happy*, she glows (like a halo around her head)
*truly happy = well ..... it’s a case-by-case basis
ON THE ISLE: it wouldn’t have been a full halo ... just more like a sparkle in her eye 
madam mim has always been an average witch, but the way she gains excessive power momentarily is by eating the hearts of other witches, wizards, and magical creatures. this was how she fought merlin, way back when. and when she was defeated, she was furious, distraught, ashamed, embarrassed, but mainly furious
she spent years trying to find the perfect heart to consume, the one that would give her the ultimate power to defeat merlin once and for all (petty bitch)
and it took her years and years. TOO LONG, in fact. because by the time she found one, the creation of the isle of the lost had been found, and she was running out of time.
she figured out that the way to beat merlin was to use his own tools against him: LOVE, BELIEF, GOODNESS. and she was losing power, so there were no pure hearts to be found easily (though snow white had plenty of children, they were too heavily guarded), so she sought other means. 
she studied the lore of stars. she charted, planned, and waited for the next fallen star. it is said that if you were to consume the essence of a star, you would be filled with the purest magic of all, an everlasting, and sustaining magic. 
a week before she’s meant to be thrown into the isle, she finds a star. 
but it’s not all she thought it would be. the essence of the star was so pure, it was fading in her evil hands. in its raw form, it refused to be consumed, let alone touched, by her. so she wrapped it up in a cloth (its light already fading slowly), and scurried away, seeking another way to keep the star and ultimately eat it. 
bear in mind this is all just to defeat merlin 
she experiments quickly, using millifractions of the star and testing it on different creatures: she finds out that if she chooses the little woodland creatures and let them eat the heart -- and she eats their hearts...she’s awashed with the intense magic. 
but how to find a large enough heart that will stay alive all these years in the isle? she decides to find her child. the child she abandoned decades ago, the one where she can’t even remember where she left it. 1 year old, wandering the woods, died in the cold of winter. but she knows where it would have gone -- to the land of the dead.
and there, she finds a wizened old skeleton (elder gutknecht) telling her that she simply cannot take the dead out as she pleases -- but madam mim uses the last of her magic to find a way and now she finally has a capsule in which to keep the essence of the star
she keeps it in her daughter’s heart. and as soon as it is in there, the girl comes back to life -- well, an almost-life. she has no blood rushing through her veins, no heartbeat. she doesn’t feel pain or exhaustion as a living girl does. 
on the isle, mim begins a MIM’S MUSICALE -- a cabaret show and dinner theatre. giona is the cleaner and the waitress, as soon as she was old enough to carry a tray of food and a mop&bucket. it helps when your child’s half-dead and somehow seems more energetic at night. 
this is where mim’s ego truly thrives bc even tho she’s lost her shapeshifting powers, its still like 7 nights a week, ppl going to HER place to watch HER perform (like they have a choice lmao)
probably gives herself awards
fast forward to 12 yrs old: mim is settling into isle life but still impatient for when she and the other villains can break out. she hears giona singing while washing the dishes from the night before. the girl can sing. and, yes she was losing patrons bc mim’s performances are just too abstract for ppl to like (clearly). so she forces giona to become the new act. makes her perform, sing, dance, every night. 
mim almost forgets that there’s a star in this girl’s heart. she almost forgets, until she sees those small moments when giona’s in the kitchen, when she thinks mim can’t see her; baking a small cupcake from whatever ingredients she could find, and though there’s no magic allowed on the isle ... there is still something unnaturally bright about that girl. and she hates her for it. 
this ‘goodness’ and ‘purity’ thing is very merlin-y and she HAAAAATES THAT
so she works giona to death (sort of). and tells her she’s ugly. and bullies her into low self-esteem. 
16 years old: mim is getting more restless about being trapped in the isle. she decides to take action again. she begins to teach giona the mim magic, which is hexes and jinxes and shapeshifting, and ofc, a hatred for merlin. 
but by this time, giona’s made up her own mind about her life. and she won’t let her mother live it. 
SUMMARY: giona was dead and brought back to life with star-essence that mim put inside her heart, so she will eat the heart when giona breaks her out of the isle and then she’ll use that star magic to destroy merlin and be considered the greatest sorceror once and for all mwahahahaha. also the star thing is a complete secret, mim hasn’t told ANYONE and giona has no clue about the glowy thing.
she has no heartbeat, her body is sort of cold, doesn’t bleed, doesn’t need as much sleep
probably if they’re the kind of friends that like ... are genuinely good for each other lmao, they probably saw a bit of giona’s ‘glow’ when she’s truly happy
100 bad bitches can’t tell me nothin’
still a sort of mini-mim because giona also has a very short temper and is prone to just .... never letting things go lmao 
hates her mother: found out at a young age that actually, she’s not ugly, and she’s not stupid and she starts to drown out mim’s nagging and bullying
but still, in the middle of the night (bc for some reason she feels more active at night and cant sleep), she hears her mother’s voice in her head and cries herself to sleep
loves music & shows & plays & acting & performing:  but hates being forced by her mother to do everything. she hates being forced to sing by someone, she hates being told what to do
hate hate hate !!!!
loves to bake: little cupcakes and muffins and baked goods, and cookies ofc, and bread, she loves to make all kinds of bread and pastries. at least, that’s the dream. on the isle, she’d be lucky if she could find clean flour. so far, she’s only made cookies and tiny cupcakes.
these foods are only reserved for her friends, and they are all SWORN to secrecy that they will never tell her mother
loyal to a fault: once she feels she can trust you, she will never let u go. it’s ride or die. growing up with a mother hell-bent on hating her, she began to appreciate the few friends she made on the isle, and will do absolutely anything for them
still tho she’s like ..... she’s a bitch first and a friend later 
loud as hell and speaks her mind and would probably get a tattoo that says NO RAGRETS.
doesn’t know anything about her heart: all she knows is that her mother tells her to keep herself safe, otherwise all that “business of trying to bring you back to life will be for nothing”. 
so yeah, she knows she was dead. but she just believes her mother used necromancy to bring her back, and it clearly didn’t work the whole way because she’s not fully alive
but you wouldn’t even know it unless you tried to find a heartbeat
[ how they feel about heroes/villains ]
giona only hates one thing for sure that is her mother lmao
merlin ???? will be fun to see but like otherwise doesnt give two shits, will probably praise him and send him a cupcake to thank him for defeating her mum
operates on a “if you mess with me, i will mess with you back” basis
doesn’t want to join any squads that plan to ‘ruin auradon’ because to her its just hakuna matata bro let it go why can’t you just be happy we’re actually here ?? lets fuckin run away !!!
from the isle:
VKs who regularly came to MIM’S MUSICALE and saw her perform! she will hate the reminder ty 
MIM probably also hired a few weekly performers, ppl who performed once a night so if ur muse was a performer on the isle pls hmu !!!! 
VK friends that giona met and has them try her tiny baked goods 
they must love the cupcakes and cookies OR ELSE >:(
now in auradon:
those who know magic, who would investigate/recognise why she glows when she’s ‘truly happy’ and tell her that she’s a STAR and that her mother is probably planning to EAT HER
women/nb to squad up with and go shopping with and basically pls give her a girl squad she will fight anyone for you and you can do each other’s nails and just MAKE HER TRULY HAPPY W REAL FRIENDS AAHHH
someone to show her the kitchens :0 and take her grocery shopping :0
MAGIC PPL TO TEST-DRIVE MAGIC WITH. i’m talking fun duels, and pranking people pls.
musicals ?? to join ??? where she can finally play the roles she wants to play, and sing the songs she wants to sing ??? amazin
shapeshifts into any animal !
shapeshifts their size ! can be teeny-tiny or gigantic
shapeshifts their features to look a little different ??? like can look hideous, or more beautiful, or taller, or with bigger ears -- but can’t change into a whole other person
potions and hexes and jinxes take more concentration, but she can do it
oKAY SO !!!!
the star part is greatly inspired by Stardust, the movie, especially the part about her glowing when she’s truly happy
mim is essentially growing her child to one day be able to eat her heart, gain the infinite powers, and defeat merlin
but since giona is the star (over the years, the star became a part of her heart), rather than someone who consumed it, the magic works differently for her. so she glows, and she heals easily, and she is awake more at night. with giona, the star ecomes a way of being rather than a power-source.
if her heart were to be taken out, she would go back to being dead, with no hope of a second life as an undead or zombie, because the star is the only life giona actually has. once it is gone, she is nothing.
giona can still do all of madam mim’s typical magic ! shapeshifting is the big one, and her thing is pink-green coloured animals. 
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ua-miruko · 5 years
ey... we all need to talk... hmu when yall are available
I'm open now
[Miruko literally just sends a .zip file of the case files she was handed by the Commission]
all the fuckery was caused by a villain. case is being worked on but figured it's something we should discuss
I'm.. Somehow unsurprised
yeah lmao
that's what we said
....... I understand
It’s almost unsurprising if anything at this point is infiltrated by a villain 😔 
What are the odds something like that would happen........and we took the bait
it's fucking frustrating
It’s not just frustrating. It’s......overwhelmingly irritating
Oh! Sensei! Is Inasa doing alright?😔 Haven’t heard much from him....
lot goin on...
gonna see if i can check on him today
fucker rly messed him up, i heard...
I see. Send my wishes of speedy recovery😔.
i will. soon as its safe to, i'll let yall know so you can visit if you want
.......Sensei, I just wanted to say that I apologize for the shameful display that happened during all of it.  I didn’t put up a fight to save the others, nor did I help accomplish anything for the sake of surviving as a group. To be your intern, was.....a mistake. I can’t accept your training if I proved to fail you in the end 😔
oi oi oi.... what the fuck is all this all of a sudden? did i ever say you failed me?
you puttin words in my mouth? 😡
....? I didn’t fail you?
of course you didn't!! wtf
I......ok 😶. I also apologize if I made the intention to put words in your mouth, I promise to never give you that connection ever again.
But.....I promise on never letting you down Sensei! Even if I break all bones, I’ll always be loyal in your service
try to avoid breakin your bones tho lol
you can't do shit if you're broken... got it? fuck... i ain't askin you to sacrifice it all for fuckin anyone
if you can handle it, do it!!! if you can't, fuckin back off and let someone else do it, alright?
we'll work on getting you stronger
cuz i get what you're feelin
sucks... not gettin to just bash away whatever gets you down sucks it sucks being weak
so i'mma get you to the point where you can be half as strong as me!!! 💪 😤 NO DITCHIN MY TRAINING 😡 tryna make me chase after you lol s2g
Half as you!!?😱 Are you really sure??
... maybe 1/4!!!
Oh! Sensei, I hope this isn’t too far back, but were you okay back then? You seemed a little jumpy and red?🤔 If you needed water, I could’ve fetched it for you 😼! Dehydration is no joke!
..... ?!?!????!!?!!
fuck you mean lmfao.... i don't GET jumpy
but you’re a bunny Ahaaa 😅 my apologies, I just never seen you like that before
Was it too hot in there? 🤔
😡 😡 ...
......... 😅 😅 ahhhh nevermind then . I was worried about you.
nahhh nothin to be worried about
i was like one of the only people NOT flippin my goddamn shit all over the place
Hmm! Absolutely true! You’re strong in all sorts of ways!!
I’m going to be 1/4th strong just like you 😤 💪 💪 💪 !
you BETTER!!!
😼 😼
I'd rather just forget about all this.
Ahh. Todoroki! Are you planning on visiting Inasa in the hospital? I can accompany you if want?
I can do it by myself.
Oh. Ahaaaa yeah! I understand! Some people need their space. Got it 👍
I wonder if Kaibara is okay as well 😔......
yeah he's a quiet one
Ah! Sensei! 😻 Well you know what they always say, watch out for the quiet ones 😉!
....can you speak up, kid....
Everyone keeps telling me that I did well.
I didn't.
I was just being a coward.
oi.....what's making you think a thing like that, tho????
shit was impossible, it was supposed to be
So you’re saying it was inevitable? That our fates were to be doomed? ......the villains sabotaging it too is.....
...........ahhh😅 nevermind! I’m just a little tired 😓
listen, if you're gonna say something, i want you to stick to it...dont be taking shit back the next second
yeah. villains try and make shit impossible. that's the point of 'em, that's all they ever wanna accomplish
our job...is not to let them...
sometimes they win tho
and when they win, you cant be sitting around bashing yourself. .
you gotta just get up and move on!! keep fuckin fighting them back til you kick through whatever BULLSHIT they managed
.........okay I understand 😔
Villains are inevitable but getting treated as a punching bag isn’t 😤
Miruko Sensei........I know things aren’t exactly in high spirits right now, but thank you, for everything.....
havent done much that rly deserves gratitude lol....
but no prob
i gotta start doin better too so... 😤😤😤
You do deserve gratitude ☺️! You’re our Sensei! A respected hero in the Top 10!
You’re a strong person in a multitude of ways! Anyone that says otherwise will catch these hands (ง'̀-'́)ง
Even if it was impossible I wish I had done more. Confirmed it, at least.
I think Miruko Sensei wouldn’t like it if we kept on bashing ourselves 😔
We can build ourselves back up again as a team ☺️!
.....yeah. haha
Sensei, I know Inasa is still in the hospital at the moment, so we’re not complete as a full team, but are we still going to be sticking to our training routines or will we be doing patrol duties?
nah...i can handle patrols fine on my own
stick to training... we should resume em in a few days, yeah
Understood! We’ll commence with training!
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mistahstroke · 6 years
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Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand, {LUPITA NYONG’O}. No, that’s a mistake. It’s {ORORO MUNROE}, they are a {CANON CHARACTER} and come from {X-MEN}. They are {THIRTY-FOUR} and I’ve heard they are {EMPOWERING}, as well {REBELLIOUS}. They happen to hold {THEIR} memories. Don’t believe me? See for yourself.
Hi everybody! I’m Mipsy and this is my LIL INTRO about me: I’ve probs been rping for about 10 years now, so I’ve been around the block, and I love writing! I’m 27, I’ll be honest, I just feel old, in the central timezone! I use she/her pronouns, but you can call me ‘dude’ honestly, if you want to, dude. I don’t mind, I use it all the time. I’m nocturnal, so nighttime in the central is the best time to catch me! Despite me slowly becoming a morning person, I LIVE at night! I also really enjoy writing, so much, I like to write a lot, but please don’t be intimated! It’s just how I get my muse going, and a big reason why I joined this group, cause literate.  But longer replies require some time, so I’m a little bit slow too, with longer ones. So chill activity works for me. Speaking of chill, I’m chill af, and friendly as a cucumber, is that a thing? It sounded better in my head. Anyway, enough of that, in this house we stan one queen™, and that is Ororo Munroe, aka Storm! She’s first of my six babies, and probably the one I love the most, so she could be considered my main. I’ll finish the others within the next couples days, maybe over the weekend, but If you’d like to plot with any, hmu on IMs! And I’ll do my best to explain their changed lives or kept memories. I have them all worked out in my head pretty much, so plot away! Reminder the others are: Haymitch Abernathy, Jane Volturi, Clint Barton, Mera, and Hank Pym! Did I mention I’m a hoe for dem dc/marvel comic book characters? Let’s PAUSE, I think I said enough, and move onto Storm, shall we?:
Welcome to New York, what is your character’s name?
Ororo Munroe, but many people like to call her Storm. Among other things...
Where have they been pulled from in their fandom?
Ororo is being pulled from various X-men comics, but primarily from STORM (2014) the comic, which I can send any of you the link if you’d like to read it too, all you have to do is ask. It’s basically a stand-alone comic that focuses on Storm and her time as an X-Men, as well as what she does outside of it, as she travels the world (no spoilers). She can be pulled from the end of the comic, since I read all the Issues, so she’s familiar with a number of X-Men and mutants. In this New York, she’s been here for three years now, and she’s become comfortable. Too comfortable for her liking, but she can’t leave, so she continues to do her best with the people here. Ororo retains her memories, and her abilities, so she continues to be a humanitarian to the world, mutant and human-alike, because she shares the same ideals as Charles Xavier: that we all must work together to achieve peace. Anything or anyone that disturbs that, Ororo feels she must challenge (just as she does in the comic).
Do they have a job, and if so what is it? 
Storm works as a teacher or, particularly, as Professor Munroe at Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters. Because Xavier’s School exist here, it only makes sense to her, to teach here as well. 
Is there any other information about your character that members might find helpful?
aiight, so just IN CASE any of ya’ll don’t know who my girl storm is, i’ll give you a lil background on her ( before the comics go all off into different universes and get all confusing )
ororo is a descendant of an ancient royal line of white-haired, blue-eyed sorceresses ( possibly mutants ). it’s the most distinguishable feature about her, other than her eyes turning white. here and here is an example of what she’ll look like in the rpg. tight, right?? she’s a part of the oldest royal family on the face of the earth, at least in her universe. her family’s kingdom lies in africa.
since her mother was a princess, technically, storm should be a princess / queen, she’s royalty basically. her mother, princess n’dare, rebelled against the responsibilities of their title and traditions, feeling the role was forced on her. she instead chose to marry an american photojournalist by the name, david munroe, and moved with him to manhattan. this is where ororo was born.
while she was still an infant, they moved to cairo, egypt. but when she was five, her family was caught in an arab-israeli conflict. a plane crash destroyed their home and killed her parents. ororo was left buried under the rubble, next to her mother’s body. after fighting it, she managed to escape the rubble with nothing but the clothes on her back. the trauma left her with severe claustrophobia.
homeless and orphaned, storm was forced to live on the streets. her childhood, or lack thereof, forced her to grow up fast in order to survive. her maturity now, is thanks to those severe hardships she faced, as a child. though she also learned a trick, to survive.
ororo was taken in by a band of thieves in cairo, who taught her the art of thievery and hand to hand combat, both of which she still uses to this day. thievery more so for picking locks.
she stuck with the gang and thievery life for years, until around twelve when she felt a strong urge to wander south and left cairo. it’s while traveling, ororo accepted a ride from a stranger, a man, who attempts to rape her. ororo kills the man with a knife, but from that moment on, she swears to never take a life again.
that’s the basics of ororo, i can tell ya. she meets charles for a second time ( she’s met him twice, first trying to steal from him ), and the rest is history.
abilities: storm controls the weather, hint her name “storm”. and because she also retains her powers, she can also use them here in this nyc. she can control all different aspects to the weather, even atmospheric forces, but to simplify it: she’s the natural disaster queen™. she can cause all sorts of catastrophes, kill hundreds of thousands of people, all based on her power and emotions, and that’s another thing! her abilities are emotion-based, which is why she tends to detach herself from her stronger emotions in order to protect the people around her / not hurt anyone. but i’m thinking i’d play with the much lesser version of this in the rpg, like it’s raining let’s make it sunshine, so don’t worry guys.
but i’m not lying about this, she literally had to get on the x-jet and leave the planet in order to mourn a dear friend’s death. my poor bby </3
storm has yet to do more than dab into magic. her ancestors used magic, and storm does possess the signature markings of a witch ( her blue eyes and white hair from her mother’s side ) as well as her mutant abilities.
i’d love if we got some more x-men here! or any from xmcu! or the gifted! wolverine, charles, jean, forge ( comics ), callisto ( comics ), hank mccoy, erik, mystique, jubilee, lorna dane, emma frost, yeah! even time-displaced i’ll take! i love me some mutants.
storm: “i go by many names.” haha, naw, well, yeah? ororo has gone by many titles and she’s really not defined by a single one: goddess, queen, professor, windrider, witch, high priestess, and there’s plenty more. but ororo would rather help others, than to be a queen or all powerful.
storm does feel a kind of emphatic connection to not only the weather, but to nature itself. she does care about the environment in a way. it comes from the same connection she feels from the weather.
i will interchangeably call ororo, storm and vice versa, since many of her friends call her storm. although her name is ororo. even ororo has said many people have called her storm ( comics )
okay just hmu on IMs if you’d like to plot!
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wcsted-blog1 · 7 years
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chavales , it is finally that special time of the year again and while i’m spending most of my time mentally preparing myself for my prebac , as i enjoy my last few days of freedom before revision , i had to make one of these posts because i haven’t done so in a long while anyway !! and since it is for this special season it is obvi very fitting ;D i hope that everyone is enjoying their holiday , regardless of what you all are up to , and remember to remind yourself that you’re vv important yes !! i’d like to thank y’all for making indie feel like home again in the last few months , it’s been a blas honestly and while i know that i’ve been pretty inactive with exams (  and that i’ll become inactive again throughout january sadly - prebac imma cry ) y’all can count on that i won’t be leaving for a long ass while , yes ?? good. i’d also like to thank you all for being so kind and understanding regarding the change in muses - i hope we’ll be able to write a lot more in the upcoming year !!
2018 is gonna be a bomb year for all of us i just know it - and from my part i want you all to know that you can count on me for anything !! just send me an im or hmu at  Crying Kim#1836 ( discord ) - i’m honestly a message away. so there’s that.
spend time with friends , family , animals or simply taking care of yourself ( sometimes we forget about this and it’s vv important ) , work hard bois n girls towards whatever u wanna achieve and i’m sure things will be fine !! Y’ALL ARE VV SPECIAL OKAY.
i wish you all a very nice christmas and new years etc - remember to love yourself boys n girls !!
ALSO THANK YOU ALL FOR WELCOMING JESSE YES , TY TY BELOW Y’ALL WILL FIND A SEMI LONG BIAS LIST YES ( it is possible that i forgot people - don’t come trynna kill me now if i did )
ma dude , ma wifu , ma hansban
@battlestrained / @defiantiisms​ a best pal that’s what you are to me , basically a sister to me young woman. you’re acc one of the first people that i began writing with on indie with my return last year ( acc the first ship with mason - and look at them now huh ;D ) , pretty sure that i’ve already told you that , but anyways honestly it’s been a blast , genuinely - and i couldn’t be more BLESSED to have you around. you’ve had my back through some tough shit - listened to me vent and all even about the most dumb of things - memes or whatever , or put up with my obsessive fangirling of whatever - but seriously i appreciate u so much u can’t imagine. thank you for stopping me from quitting indie back then - ; bc lbr i would’ve with all the crap people pulled back then ; so yes thank you a lot , not just for that but also for all those times you’ve made me laugh and just genuinely made me lose my shit like a nutter U KNOW WHAT I MEAN. it’s mind blowing tho really - how we’ve become inseparable after months of talking , and i’m blessed , i do mean it. i’m definitely looking forward to our roleplay seshs on discord as well as the gaming ones - you best not hate me for walking around dressed like i came out of the dollar store tho ;)) anyways hannah bear i love you a lot and i am very glad too have you around yes. thank you for being who you are gal. i care so much about you and i’d do aNYTHING TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE DOING GOOD MY DUDE. you know you can always count on me yeah c; ps. gotta love u bish , let’s fuck em all up on gta and skyrim gal ;)) THANKS FOR ALWAYS BEING AROUND HANNAH
we still GUCCI
@palefires​ / @neonwondress it’s been a minute since we sat down and properly spoke but shit boi but i still wanna hop in and let u know that i care about chu a lot ali !! from taking the piss to having serious convos with u , or the time where you kept me chill after the whole traumatic thing happening with that bald dude back in may - cue the whole you calling me bc i was shit scared to walk home alone LMFAO , and well all the wicked witch - gucci ass frog shit going around in june / mayish - i do have to say that you’ve had my back through a lot - and regardless of all of that dumb ass people around , and the dumb shit that happened , i’m seriously thankful for u !! i mean you had my back through it all , what can i say i’m vv thankful- i’m happy to see that you’re back on indie too !! lmk whenever you wanna plot something in depth for d and rowan hehe. cheers fam , hope break is being chill !!
peeps which i admire a lot ( in some cases from afar )
@mattalips / @interstellalips ; @imscandalized / @weakerblood ( like i really miss writing w u pal :(( hmu when u return to indie !! ) ; @seesgood ; @warstopper ; @airkissedrps ; @meddlingheels ; @petiteballerina ; @gclimatias  ; @unstcppcble ; @facetiious ; @sweetanticipaticn ; @hiraethc ; @lawtied ; @facetiious ; @siilverlinings ; @moonlitely​ ; @dvrktwists ; @infinitedcsires / @darkcndtwisty ; @iconicandbeyondreproach ; @serialqueen ; @fearhermind ; @roseguided​ ; @thefineartofbitchcraft​ ; @humantovch​ / @lcstrichards​ 
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parkji-hoons · 7 years
KCON AUSTRALIA EXPERIENCE!! Okay I’m home and I finally have time to write this and it’s gonna be suuuuuuupppperrrrr long bc a lot of crazy shit happened to me alksjfsfdhkjsfh also sorry no gifs bc I don’t have time rn but I will later in the week I promise!!! Also if anyone has any questions about the whole thing Im gonna open up asks for a few days so just hmu (I swear though if y'all send hate I’m gonna delete it so)
Day 1
Okay admittedly day 1 was really boring for me since I didnt go to the concert that day and had no artist engagements or anything (also the convention itself was really shite like I lined up almost an hour and a half for a small ass room that I barely stayed 5mins in) also the entire thing was very disorganised and I wasted a lot of my time tbh. But then I went to meet up with some mutuals (shout out to @minhwangs @yoonjsung @jaehwn ily guys) at circular quay and it was so lucky that the moment I stepped out of the train station they were heading my way and we met up real quick. Then they told me that I literally just missed seeing WJSN and like I was ofc sad but I also didnt really stan so I didnt really mind that much. We stayed in that spot just talking when I noticed a group of girls lining up to get ice cream and boiiii these girls were literally GLOWINGGG then Debbie (@jaehwn ) noticed me looking behind her and she was like holy thats WJSN and they all literary just walked past us like the angels they are. THWY WERE LIKE NOT EVEN A METRE AWAY FROM US AND THEYRE LITERALLY SO SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE OHMYGODD THEYRE SO CUTE LGJWJHSJASJ. Also a lot smaller than I expected but GDI wowowowowow and yeah that was basically the start of my lucky streak.
Day 2
OKAY THIS IS WHEN SHIT HAPPENNNNSSSSSS. Honestly I felt so so so unlucky tbh bc my friend and I fell asleep on the train and ended up missing our stop and went to god knows where so we were late and shit but like still relatively early but yeah we got there at around 9ish and I went to go collect my benefits cuz I got p1 but yeah I got red carpet for that night, an up10tion audience, a WJSN audience and a monsta x hi touch. Honestly lowkey disappointed I didnt get any wanna one but like I was grateful for the rest anyway (plus hi I love Monsta X) but my friend got a wanna one audience and she said she would give it to me (bless her). After that we went around trying to find people who wanted to go see WJSN or up10tion bc like even tho I like those groups Im not SUPER into them so I’d rather just give them to really big fans of them you Know? I literally made two peoples day but not asking for money or a trade for them to see their bias groups and literally they were so shocked I didnt ask for anything but like i just wanted it to go to someone who actually REALLY liked the group you know since I didnt really know know them (bc like if someone got wanna one hi touch but didnt like them as much like I’d love for them to give it to me bc theyre my bias group you know?). I also went around trying to trade my MX hi touch for wanna one but it was literally impossible but I also didnt really mind bc I love MX soooooooo. After that I met with Debbie again and she also didnt get wanna one benefits and we tried for so long to swap but no one would but like ehhhhh we both were gonna see MX so. We kinda just went in to the queue for the convention after that but not even to like go see the convention but for the kcon goodie bags that we were supposed to get and holy that took so damn long lrnekabjhwjhw after that I was like checking fb if anyone was wanting a MX hi touch for wanna one and someone posted that they would trade it but also wanted some money but like max I would go would’ve been $50 so I sent an offer and PRAYED to the gods no one else would make a higher one AND THEY ANSWERED MY PRAYWRS MAN SHE AGREED WITH THE TRADE AND I JUST OHMYGOD I WAS GONNA MEET WANNA ONE I WANTED TO CRYYYYYY AND I WAS LIKE DEBBIE THAT MEANS YOU CAN GO TOO BC I STILL HAD THE WANNA ONE AUDIENCE AND WE WERE LITERALLT SO SOSOSOSOOSOSO HAPPY I WAS SO LUCKY OHMYGODDDDDDDD.
Meeting Wanna One
OKAY SO HERE’S WHERE SHIT REALLY WENT DOWN. So while Monsta X was having their m&g ofc all of the people going to the wanna one m&g were like ‘let’s line up’ and at this time it was like 1pm-ish? WE WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE QUEUEING UNTIL LIKE 3.45PM AND ENTRY WAS ACTUALLY AT 5PM SO I LITERALLY WAITED IN LINE FOR 5 HOURS IN 35 DEGREE DIRECT HEAT I ALMOST DIED HOLY. But I made quite a few friends in line and we got up to a ton of shit (may or mayn’t have turned one of the security guards into a wannable….his bias may or may not have been daehwi…(bonus: we gave him a banner and at the actual m&g the same security guard was standing by the door where wanna one was gonna come through and he was holding the banner akajflkjshflkj it was really cute). 
Anyways, so after 5hours we finally went into the room and holy shit I managed to get front row somehow??? rip though bc I was on the opposite side of where jihoon was but LIKE STILL FRONT FUCKING ROW?!??!?!?! HOW LUCKY AM I WTF.  So after getting inside we had to wait another 30mins until they actually you know, came but during that time they were playing the album so everyone just jammed (except for when always was playing in that case everyone sobbed while singing) but yeah after 30mins WANNA ONE CAME OUT AND JUST HOLY SHIT THEY ARE LITERALLY SO BLOODY GORGEOUS IRL AKJLDFNLKASFJGN I CANT EVEN DESCRIBE BUT I WAS AWESTRUCK I COULDNT FILM IT PROPERLY MY HANDS WERE SHAKING THE ENTIRE TIME BUT THEY ARE LITERALLY STUNNING. 
OKAY SO NEXT IS THE GREATEST FUCKING MOMENT OF MY LIFE AND NOTHING COULD EVER COMPARE TO THIS MOMENT. EVER. IT WAS TIME FOR ME TO MEET JIHOON (if y’all new and don’t know I have literally been screaming about holding park jihoons hand since pd101 days and my hands are literally shaking at me remembering that I HAVE HELD HIS HAND MISSION FUCKING ACCOMPLISHED I CAN DIE HAPPY). Park Jihoon. Where do I start? he is literally so so so so pretty. I almost melted and I think I stopped breathing when I looked into his eyes I’m not even lying idk how I was able to function BC HE LOOKED STRAIGHT BACK INTO MINE. BY SOME KIND OF MIRACLE I MANGED TO JUST BLURT OUT ‘I LOVE YOU!’ TO HIM AND I ENDED UP KIND OF TAKING A HOLD OF HIS HAND INSTEAD OF JUST HIGH FIVING AND JUST HE SEEMED REALLLLLY SURPRISED AND HIS MOUTH KINDA DROPPED? LIKE HE JUST SEEMED LIKE HE DIDNT EXPECT IT BUT AT THIS POINT I NEEDED TO START MOVING TO DAEHWI OR ELSE THE SEVURITY WAS GOING TO RUSH ME BUT LIKE A SECOND BEFORE MY HAND LEFT HIS JIHOON WAS LIKE ‘ I LOVE YOU~~~’ AND BOI. I. FUCKING. DIED. I COULDNT THINK STRAIGHT LIKE DID HE JUST SAY THAT? DID HE ACTUALLY. JUST TELL ME HE LOVED ME? HONESTLY I STILL DON’T BELIEVE IT HAPPEND AND IM JUST AKFGHJLKAJFHGNEJRFEBH???!?!?!?!??!?! The only thing that actually confirmed he said it was daehwis face bc he like looked at jihoon sorta shocked too like mouth dropped type thing and just ohmygod I could go on and on but I won’t bc theres still 8 members left lisfhiesfjcoiehnf.
alright so next was daehwi. STILL had his mouth opened by the time I fully got to him but he managed to smile at me and I was like ‘ HOW ARE YOU?’ bc he is my son and I need to make sure he’s doing well you know? and he was like ‘I’m good!!’ but I think I took too long bc security sort of pushed me a bit to go quicker (props bc I was still like not moving bc wtf jihoon) but yes jinyoung HIS HEAD REA;;Y IS DAMN SMALL BUT HE IS REALLY HANDSOME LIKE WOWOWOWOWOWOWOW YOU ARE SO CUTE LIKE WTF. 
At this point security actually pushed me to move on but they did it like while I was already starting to say HI to Daniel but since I was pushed it like came out louder than I expected (like a hiIIii) and Daniel was so startled he literally took a step back before just smiling at me and it was so funny bc jisung low-key laughed at him and it was really cute. 
With Jisung I was like ‘THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING’ bc he needs to know he is appreciated like YOON JISUNG WE ALL LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU BOI PLS ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT but he like did that pouty face thing that he does when he wants to show that he’s grateful/touched idk but like he squints his eyes and pouts and nodded his head at me and SQUEEZED MY HAND LIKE HOT DAMN JAKFJFMERJ. ALSO CAN I JUST SAY THATT THIS BOI IS SO MUCH MORE HANDSOME UP CLOSE LIKE HE LOOKS SO DAMN GOOD ON SHOWS AND FANCAMS AND SHIT BUT HOLY SHIT UP CLOSE IT’S LIKE X1102399014839573827569287 LIKE HE IS GORGEOUS DO NOT BELIEVE ANYONE WHO THINKS OTHERWISE OKAY!
NEXT UP WAS SUNGWOON AND HE’S NOT THAT  SHORT GUYS LIKE COME ON (side note: most of them were actually shorter than I expected but since I expected sungwoon to be like SHORT he was taller than I expected lmao) but by this time security was like HURRY TF UP so I was just like hiiiii and he just smiled at me and I did the same with jaehwan and he smiled and was like ‘HI HI’ and just akljfghlkajfhgimerhfiefm jaehwan wtf. 
up next was the bias wrecker. Park Woojin. ngl I planned on pretending to high five woojin b4 dabbing to prove I don’t swerve but before I could I was like hii!!! and he fucking grinned at me and showed off his snaggletooth and BOIIIIII HE IS SO FUCKIG CHARMING WTF. ALL THOUGHTS OF DABBING LEFT MY MIND AND I ENDED UP GRIPPING HIS HAND BC I WAS LIKE I NEED SUPPORT IM GOING TO MELT OTHERWISE BC PARK WOOJINS SMILE IS SO FUCKING BEAUTIFUL ( I swear I didn’t swerve….maybe for like 0.0005s). last but not least mr. hwang minhyun. HIS. VISUALS. ARE. SO. BEAUTIFUL. HE WAS DRESSED ALL CUTELY AND HE WAS SO PROPER LIKE HE WAS DASHING AND BEAUTIFUL WOWOWOOWOW WHEN I GREETED HIM HE SMILED AT ME AND BOWED AND SAID HI BACK ADN IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL MOMENT. after that I kinda…..skipped off stage…I was so high man I was on cloud 9 I literally could not believe that all happened in a span of like max 2 mins and I feel like I was going to collapse but hands were still shaking so much alkjhifrbhureih. 
ANYWAYS after my mini break down, I gathered myself and went back to join the crowd and listen to their ending speech thingo (by this time I was at the back rip but still pretty close) We weren’t allowed phones while meeting them so I shoved it in my bag ad wasn’t able to video this but when they were about to do their last greeting all of the fans started singing happy birthday for guanlin and it was literally the cutest thing to watch their reactions bc they were all so shocked!! LIKE GUANLINS EYES WIDENED AND ALL OF THE OTHER MEMBERS SUDDENLY LIKE SNAPPED THEIR HEADS TO THE CROWD THEY WERE SHOOKT AND IT WAS SO CUTE BUT THEN THEY ALL STARTED CLAPPING ALONG AND SMILING REAL BIG WHILE WE ALL SANG AND WHEN IT ENDED THE MC (KEVIN FROM UKISS) WAS LIKE AWWW HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO GUANLIN WHEN IS IT? (something along those lines) and guanlin was like lol it’s today but yeah after that heartwarming scene they did their greeting and left and we all started leaving too bc most of us needed to go line up for the red carpet.
Red Carpet
Yo lemme tell y'all the line for the p1 red carpet was sooooo fucking long like holy shit HOW WERE ALL THESE PEOPLE GONNA FIT IN THAT TINY ASS ROOM and since I lined up so late bc the queue started really early and the wanna one m&g ended late I was towards the very back and I couldn’t really see anything (sad) but yeah basically only sf9, up10tion, WJSN and Monsta X went and a lotttt of fans got mad bc wanna one didn’t go akjsfmejfhoisenfu but it wasn’t like we could do anything about it like ??!??!?!! but I get it esp if they didn’t get to attend the m&g but yeah I can’t talk about it much bc I couldn’t see much rip soz it’s pretty like simple tho? they introduce the act, the act gets on stage then stays there for a bit introduces the group then leaves and the next group comes in and etc. what kinda sucked tho was like lining up to get into the concert venue bc of everyone pushing and shit it was so damn annoying.
CONCERT TIME YO. Okay first off, THOSE OPENING ACTS LIKE SHOUT OUT TO YOU GUYS YOU WERE FUCKIGN AMAZING HOLY SHITLJAHKCFJME ALso I’m really sorry but the SF9, Up10tion and WJSN parts of this are going to be really short mostly bc I wasn’t actually that big of a fan (like I only really knew their titles songs and didn’t even know the members names I’m so sorry!!) of those groups b4 this concert so I don’t know much and can’t talk a lot about them but what I can say is IVE BEEN CONVERTED BC THEIR STAGES WERE FUCKING AMAZING!!! ALSO SHOUT OUT TO THAT DUDE FROM SF9 WHO KEPT WAVING AT ME AND THREW A HEART AT ME BEING A HYPER PERSON IN THE CROWD LIKE BOI IDK YOU BUT YOU MY BIAS. But literally they all performed soooooo damn well and just WJSN is after my heart (esp when they played secret).
The highlight performances for me though were definitely wanna one and monsta x. wanna one mostly bc like hi you my bias group also THEY ARE FUCKING GOOD AT WHAT THEY DO MAN LIKE DAEHWIS LIVE VOICE HOLY SHIT ALSO JAEHWANS VOICE LIKE WE ALL KNOW IT’S GODLIKE BUT HEARING IT LIVE LIKE WTFFFFFFFFF. I LITERALLY COULDNT EVEN RECORD ANYTHING BC MY PHONE DIED AND I WAS REALLY SAD BUT LIKE HOT DAMNNNNNNNNNN THEY WERE AMAZING. ALSO WHEN THEY WERE GETTING INTO POSITIONS FOR BURN IT UP THERE WAS LIKE A SPLIT SECOND OF SILENCE AND I SCREAMED OUT ‘PAARRRRKKKK JIIIIHOOOOONNNNN’ SO LOUD THA T THE GIRL NEXT TO ME MOVED AWAY AND JIHOON LOOJED UP I WAS SHOOK (I apologised so much to the girl and she laughed it off but still moved away rip) also I’m not even gonna talk about piñata time bc there was too much shit going on there and my friend got decent fancams so I’ll gif later but SOMEONE TELL JIHOON TO STOP SOMEONE TELL GUANLIN THE FLOOR IS DIRTY SOMEONE TELL ONG NO AND SOMEONE REMIND JISUNG THAT HE IS THE CUTEST BEAN EVER (also stop park woojins sexy dance 2k17 thanks) but minhyun waved at me during piñata time and I love him for it. We also all sang happy birthday to guanlin again and I will never ever get tired of seeing that boy all happy and smiley I hope he enjoyed his birthday with us!!!
okay so after monsta x it was like the part where all of the groups come out again and shit and I ended up front row of the very side and wanna one came and stood there and I was legit right in front of Daniel woojin and jaehwan and the girls around me were trying to get their attention and were screaming their names and shit and I was like hmmmmm what should I do?? so I like made a heart with my arms like hands on head type heart and kinda just started stoically at woojin NOT THINKING HE WOULD NOTICE ME BUT ALKJHLCEKJNFSEJFHGBOSUIB HE FUCKING DID AND IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST AWKWARD AND FUNNIEST MOMENTS OF MY LIFE HOLYSHIT IT WAS LIKE WE MADE EYE CONTACT AND HE STARED FOR A BIT LIKE WTF AND I FALTERED AND GAVE AN AWKWARD SMILE AND HE STARTED TO LAUGH A LIL AND I DIDN’T NOTICE BUT DANIEL SAW TOO AND HE TURNED TO WOOJIN AND THEY LAUGHED TOGETHER THEN OUT OF NO WHERE STARTED DOING THIS WEIRD DANCE THEN AFTERWARDS I NOTICED JAEHWAN STARING AT ME WITH COMPLETE JUDGEMENT ON HIS FACE AJMIRENJFOEGHU THE DICK BEFORE I WAS SHOVED AWAY BY A GIRL NEXT TO ME BUT YEAH THAT HAPPENED WOOPS.
basically it was one of the most amazing days of my life I not only got to meet and high five my ult bias group and see various amazing performances by all of the artists, I also was able to make new friends and meet my mutuals here and it was just sososososo amazing Im literally so grateful for everything and everyone and I was just realllly lucky I hope everyone gets to experience this bc I’m so happy rn and I hope everyone will be this happy at least once in their lives too!!!! and just I literally not even two months ago was totally convinced id never meet jihoon and hold his hand but IT HAPPENED so anyone who tells me it won’t happen to them I call bullshit bc I was literally saying that a month ago and it fucking happened to me so it’ll happen to you guys too I’m just saying!!!
also if you read up to here you’re a legend and I love you :D
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sonflwer · 5 years
multiples of 2 for the mlm asks ?
oh all of them? this is gonna be a long one heheh thank you anon for sending this in!
Favorite fall color? 2. Sweaters or hoodies? 
sweaters!! especially sweater vests oghhh
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oh to wear matching sweaters with a darling at my side ;;
4. Denim or leather jackets?
while I love both, I have a weak spot for leather. it takes me back to my greaser phase :’)
6. How do you like your tea?
i love green tea (or matcha) with a bit o’ coconut milk! sugar doesn't hurt either
8. Favorite fall color?
greens and browns babeyyyyyyyyyyyyy
10. Do you have a crush?
yes <:)
12. Are you a pastel, neon, or neutral color mlm?
neutral colors. the other saturations are good as well (there are no bad colors in my opinion) but my faves are muddy/desaturated neutrals.
14. Do you like boys taller or shorter than you?
you know, i looked at this question and had to think about it for some odd minutes...both honestly?? im a neutral guy when it comes to bein at either “stick” in a relationship. there’s just certain feelings to being the shorter or taller man (which i love both)!!
16. What’s your favorite cologne smell?
i don’t dabble much in cologne nor do i hang out with people who wear it, sorry :( I do think i want to start wearing some though. maybe just a bit
18. What’s more romantic: cabin getaway, or tropical vacation?
depends on what tropical means...if its traversing and adventuring through a cool ass jungle with abundance in nature and sharing whatever cute bug i just found, then that! but if not, then cabin. cabins seem so cozy as well....cuddling with a warm abience seems nice...
20. Do you believe in love at first sight?
not love necessarily but...desire? like “i want to be close with this person”. I don’t really fall in love romantically until i know a person very very well so i can’t relate to a first sight experience
22. Do you like sitting in a boys lap, or do you prefer when a boy sits in yours?
sit in mine! i’d crush legs if it was the other way around hehe
24. What’s one of your favorite memories of being in love? 
HERE COMES THE SAPPINESS OH NO oh im blushing but uh being sleepy together is really nice and tender... it’s like exposing each other at a soft and vulnerable state and it just feels so good when emotions are elevated like that. i also really love being able to unapologetically be comforted for my feelings and just venting and all that, especially after crying. its like being held yknow <:)
26. Would you like to take his last name when you marry?
no, i really love my last names and i can’t ever imagine myself without ‘em!
28. Do you interlock fingers when you hold hands?
of course! how else would you hold hands?
30. What’s better, waking up to him in the morning, or falling asleep next to him at night?
falling asleep, definitely. it feels so comforting and safe!
32. What makes you blush?
IM ALREADY BLUSHING THINKING ABOUT IT!! but uhhhh i really really love talking about fashion and outfits that would look good together...having intimacy with one another where we are able to discuss and feel anything and being okay...PASSIONATE TALKING! discussing goals and interests with no shame...just feeling love makes me blush dammit!
ALSO UHHh vintage gays and just...looking at photographs of ‘em makes me red big time especially if they’re tilting their heads good LORD it makes me MELT
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34. Big spoon or little spoon?
both... again, i’m very neutral and if i’m getting love-- its a win-win for me
36. Would you enjoy it if he bought you flowers?
are you kidding me YES!!!! ESPECIALLY IF THEY’RE SUNFLOWERS <:’D
38. Have you ever asked a boy out?
hell yeah and it went WELL when i did !
40. What’s one of your fave love songs?
gay love by bing crosby !! i’d love to slow dance to this one day
im passionate about finding old gay shit so if yall wanna hmu for more gay songs or sone info, let me know!!
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A little About Me.
Hey. A little About Me.
I'm a girl. INFJ. 14. I love books with all of my heart. I'm a Sherlockian, a marvel girl, arrowverse fan, GILMORE GIRL, Potter head, Maximum Ride flock member, and a whole lot of other FANDOMS. Um I have social anxiety. Um I am a Christian, but don't @me and I won't @you ✌️ I'm a gryffinpuff. I love art. I'm an author, HMU on wattpad @jezelaswan or follow me on insta @bailee_m22. As I mentioned I just going to use this for random stuff. I'm trying to be a blogger/jornuraler because I have a really loud mind and writing helps quiet it, but unfortunately I need to deal with my problems and cannot just run off into a fictional world. (Even though that's all I really want to do) so writing this out and sending it into the world might help idk. So yeah. Um Im Bailee. I have best friends, so I not a complete loner. My best friends/squad are Ali, Elouise, Tessa, and Res. I have other friends such as Torie and Kyla, whom I love but nothing truly impactful in my life ever truly involves them. Ali is a photographer and sassy queen. Unfortunately we don't go to the same school anymore but are still bsf. Elouise is my rock. I love her more than words can explain. We talk about everything. We have no secrets. She is more of my daughter/sister than anything else. She means the world to me. Tessa, who is my fellow Hollander/DC/marvel gurl. I joke that she is my daughter. She is the sweetest and sort of innocent slytherin. And Res, Res is the opposite. A not-so-innocent-hufflepuff. I'm a freshman and she is my only high sghool friend whom I didn't know I'm middle school. She is the sweetest human ever. I love her so much. I do have a crush. And have some tea with that as well. I liked this guy , Grayson, in middle school. He and I have this love hate relationship. We tease and laugh and joke and act like we hate one another. Though we are actually friends and talk alot. He is tall and has the most amazing ocean eyes. He can act like an idiot/jerk but he really isn't. I moved on from him after he got a girlfriend. I moved on to this guy, Caden. I thought he was a good guy. He wants to be a cop, love God, is respectful, smart, kind. AND CRAZY. Okay so maybe not crazy like an ax welding maniac, but he has major possessive and attachment issues. Like it was really making me uncomfortable and making me anxious. We were never actually dating, but we both liked one another and he hung out with my friends and I alot. I ended things with him after he put my friend, Grayson, in a head lock over a simple joke. While this whole thing with Caden was going on, Grayson broke up with his girlfriend and started going through a hard time. We talked alot about anxiety, depression, and other sensitive topics. I have trust issues. Like major time. But with Grayson I'm so... unguarded around him, I trust him so much, it scares me. I like him again. Alot. We talk alot. We laugh alot. We even text during class. Classes we have with each other. I was absent one day and he texted "WHERE ARE YOU?" "BAILEEE!" "WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO NOW?""IM BORED!" And we still ended up texting the whole class. Yet, somehow we both have straight A's😂. Anywho that's that situation I'll tell more if there is ever more to tell. Thanks for reading the intro.
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
WTF is Cats About?
ralbert and cats the musical :)
warnings: none, cept cats the musical (if ur a cats stan, i swear im not making fun of it,,,,just,,,,,cats)
ship: ralbert
word count: 1577
editing: no lmao...CATS
Albert likes to think he’s gotten used to all of Race’s funny quirks and little habits.  He’d long since given up on getting him to stop biting his nails and the whole twirling his hair while he relaxes thing is pretty endearing.  But there are some things that still surprise him.  
Like his utterly amazing habit of withholding big life changes until they’re glaringly important and then announcing them as if he’s commenting on the weather.
Which is why Albert basically spits his tea all over his laptop one morning when Race announces he’s been cast in the fucking Broadway revival of Cats.
Fucking Cats.
Albert doesn’t even know what Cats is about.  Not that he’s ever really had the desire to know.  The whole show is a little too...furry for him.
It had been a mild Sunday morning up until then.  The sky was clear and blue and the sun rays hit just right on their bed, waking them up, but not disturbing them.  They’d lounged around for a few hours, switching between lazy morning cuddles and tiredly making out.  Life since moving to the City together had been exhilarating.  The freedom they’d once yearned for so heavily was finally at their fingertips, lending them the time to focus on their dreams and basking in the post college glow of their early adulthood.
Race worked at the local pizza joint when he wasn’t auditioning for whatever he could find casting calls for (which apparently included fucking Cats the fucking musical).  It was a good gig for him; it kept him busy and entertained.  Something Albert struggled to do single-handedly.
Albert on the other hand worked at a dingy mechanics shop a few blocks away, fixing up old cars on the side while working his way through the prestigious culinary grad program he’d somehow managed to get into.  All in all, they were doing well for themselves as 24 year olds living alone in New York City.
Somehow, they’d managed to drag themselves out of bed and into the kitchen, where Albert fixed them a modest breakfast of omelettes before docking at the counter to sort through some emails.  
Race was sitting next to him, absentmindedly petting Chips, their orange tabby, when he states, “I got cast in the Broadway revival of Cats.”
Albert pauses mid-type, glancing up at his boyfriend, who’s still intently looking at Chips, running his hand down the length of his back, “You what!?”
Race takes a deep breath, then repeats, “I got cast in the Broadway revival of Cats.”
Albert’s been rendered speechless by Race plenty of times in his 6+ years of knowing him.  But he’s never felt quite as...dumbfounded before.
“You got cast...in Cats?” He asks slowly, before shaking his head and backing up, “Wait, no, hang on, hang on...you auditioned for fucking Cats?”
Race ducks his head, a blush forming under his collar and around his ears, “Uh, yeah, I meant to mention it...but it never came up?”
Albert blinks again, “Who- what- what even is Cats?”
Race goes to answer, then closes his mouth hastily, “I don’t...actually really know…”
“How don’t you know?  You’re in the damn show!”
“I was only just cast!  I don’t know it that well yet!”
Albert makes a choked noise, “Okay, but you should at least know what the fuck the show is about if you went through a damn audition process- wait, when was this even happening? What- I’m so confused right now...my fucking boyfriend got cast in a Broadway musical- FUCKING CATS- and I didn’t even know he was auditioning.”
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you!” Race says, looking alarmed at Albert’s impending Cats- induced mental breakdown.  Chips gives an annoyed meow at the lack of attention being bestowed onto her and leaps off the counter, trotting away to find Queso, their golden doodle.
“I mean, you’re not entitled to tell me everything about your life, just...wow, I mean, this is big,” Albert scrubs a hand down his face, “I didn’t do anything to make you feel like you couldn’t share this with me, did I?”
Race’s face softens, “No, of course not, Albie,” he sighs, reaching across the table and linking their hands together, “I just got caught up in everything...sometimes things just feel so busy and overwhelming and I like to process it alone before letting other people in on it.”
Albert squeezes his hand, “That’s understandable,” he smiles, bending down to kiss his knuckles, “And congrats! I’m so proud of you! I mean, fucking Broadway...my boyfriend’s gonna be on Broadway.”
Race beams, “Thanks.”
“We have to celebrate,” Albert concludes, “I’m calling Spot and the others.  You better not have work tonight, ‘cause we’re going out for drinks.”
Race shakes his head, bemused, as Albert pulls out his phone to text their group chat.  
“Fucking Cats…” Albert murmurs as he sends the text, “Fuckin’....Cats.”
“Can you say that your bite is worse than your bark?  Are you cock of the walk when you’re walking alone?  Because jellicles are and jellicles do, jellicles do and jellicles would, jellicles would and…”
Albert freezes in the doorway to their apartment, slowly closing the door behind him as he strains his ears.  He follows the sound of the weirdly tempoed music to the kitchen, where Race is bopping around by the microwave, reheating last night’s dinner of chicken curry.
“Hey,” Albert calls, setting the groceries on the counter.
Race glances over, flashing Albert a smile and turning down the music a few notches.
“Hey, yourself,” he says, pulling his bowl out of the microwave and stirring it a bit with a fork to cool it down.
Albert crosses to him, pecking him on the lips quickly and grabbing a glass for water.
“Jellicles can and jellicles do, jellicles can and jellicles do…”
Albert wrinkles his nose, “the fuck even is a jellicle?”
Race shrugs, shoveling a forkful of curry into his mouth, “Dunno, some type of cat?  Google it.”
Albert hums, “So this is Cats then?  Interesting music.”
“I know, it’s kinda weird,” Race says, perching at the counter, “But it grows on you.  Rehearsal started today, so…”
“Yeah, you mentioned that,” Albert places his glass in the sink and leans against the counter, “How’d it go?”
“Pretty well, I made a few friends,” Race says, “Jojo’s in it.”
Albert smiles, “No kidding! That’s crazy.”
“Right?  I didn’t even know he was auditioning!”
“Seems to be the trend with this show.”
“I get it, I get it,” Race rolls his eyes, looking a little guilty.
“Jellicle songs for jellicle cats, jellicle songs for jellicle cats, jellicle songs for jellicle…”
“If they say ‘jellicle’ one more time I’m going to shoot myself,” Albert growls.
Race whips his head up, eyes slightly wide, “Oh, honey, you are not going to make it through this one…”
“Hey, Race, have you seen my- WHAT THE FUCK!”
Race turns away from the bathroom mirror, fixing Albert with an innocent look.
“Have I seen your what?” He asks.
“No,” Albert says, pointing a finger, “First answer what the FUCK happened to your face.”
Race turns back to the mirror, dabbing some more orange cream foundation around his eyes.  Disturbingly, Albert notes that his makeup design looks very similar to Chips.
“Gotta do our own makeup for the show,” Race answers, padding a generous amount of setting powder around his face, “I’m practising.”
“Right…” Albert rakes his eyes over Race’s features.  So far, the makeup only spans on his face and down his neck a little, “What else does your costume entail exactly?”
Race grins wickedly and Albert swallows.  
“Oh, you’ll see.”
“Do you like my tail?”
Albert slowly closes his book, praying for strength as he looks up.  Race is standing by the doorway, rehearsal bag dropped at his feet.  His face is smudged- like he tried and failed to clean off all the layers of his meticulous cat makeup.  He’s dressed normally in adidas workout pants and a random t-shirt from a color run they did years back.  Protruding (Albert doesn’t wanna know how, but alas) from his backside is an orange tabby cat tail.
“Did you choose to be the same kind of cat as Chips?  Or was it some sort of creepy coincidence,” Albert deadpans, refusing to look at the tail longer than he has to and keeping his eyes fixed on Race’s face.
Race’s smile drops a fraction of an inch, “Wait, it’s weird that I chose to be her breed?”
Albert groans and picks back up his book.
Albert is met with a faceful of Race’s blond curls as the cast comes swarming out of the stagedoor.  He smells like makeup remover and sweat, but Albert doesn’t care as he kisses him, pride swelling in his chest.  
He doesn’t think he’ll ever get over the exhilarating feeling of seeing Race shine onstage.
“Thanks!” Race looks high on adrenaline and Albert never wants that light to leave his eyes, “What did you think?”
“You were so good!  Everyone was!  And the music was all better than I first thought it would be,” Albert said, playfully swaying them back and forth where they stood, keeping his arms wrapped tightly around Race, “Just one question.”
Race cocks his head, “what’s up?”
“What the fuck is Cats about?”
Race tips his head back and laughs, “I still have no fucking clue.”
the word ‘cats’ doesn’t even sound real anymore and i think that’s fitting
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
TAG LIST: @getchapapes @we-dont-sell-papes @suddenly-im-respecsable 
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too @spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert @technically-whizzy
@andthewoildwillknow @the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog @localfakeitalian @have-we-got-news-for-you @musical-shitposts @thebroadwayaesthetic
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turtle-steverogers · 6 years
Ralbert for #20 please?
hi i asked for these requests like a week ago and then ignored them til now so yeah
anyway this sucks, sorry.  
warnings: hospitals, implied suicide attempt, scars mentioned
ship: ralbert
word count: idk, a fair amount
20.  ...On a scar
“Pull in there.”
Albert frowned, pressing on the brake briefly and putting on his turn signal.
“Into...that train station?” He asked, turning a questioning eye on Race.
“Yes,” Race was staring pointedly out the front windshield, his eyes flickering over the parking lot wildly.  His hands were drawn in close to his body, nimble fingers fiddling anxiously with the buttons on his jacket.  
Albert pursed his lips, easing the car into the train station and cruising around the empty parking lot for a moment before pulling into a space.  
The train station itself was outdoors and held a strange sort of energy, the usually hectic vibe completely absent in the late hours of the night.  It was peaceful and if it weren’t for the events of that afternoon, Albert would have turned on some music and enjoyed the atmosphere.
“I owe you an explanation for earlier,” Race was speaking firmly, as if it had taken every ounce of willpower he possessed to talk.
Albert swallowed, glancing at him, but Race’s gaze never met his.  He was ashamed.
“If it’s too much…” Albert began.
Race shook his head, “No, I...I should.”
“Okay,” Albert nodded, “Yeah, what happened back there?”
Race took a deep breath, finally looking at him.
That Afternoon
“I think we need to get you to a hospital,” Albert murmured, kneeling in front of Race, who was sitting against a grimy brick wall, heading hanging low between his knees.  Blood was dripping smoothly from his nose and a gash on his temple, where glass could still be seen poking from the wound.
His eyes were screwed shut, pained hums escaping his lips every few seconds.  Apparently, picking fights with random assholes in bars wasn’t a good idea and might end up with one getting hit rather hard in the temple with a bottle, several times in a row.  Race swore he hadn’t blacked out for a couple seconds, because really, he hadn’t, but Albert wasn’t convinced.  Just like he wasn’t convinced that Race didn’t have a concussion.
Race’s state turned from barely conscious to wildly alert in a matter of seconds as his head whipped up at Albert’s words, eyes widening for a moment before scrunching up again.  Albert’s eyebrows furrowed, Race’s sudden change in demeanor sending a shocked pang through his chest- as if warning bells were ringing resolutely.
“No,” Race slurred, resting his head against the wall, “M’fine, Albie.”
“You’re bleeding from several places and probably concussed, I wouldn’t call that fine,” Albert reasoned, grabbing Race’s forearms and hoisting him up, much to Race’s dismay, “C’mon, there’s one a few blocks away.”
Race struggled in his grip, pulling away clumsily.  He opened his eyes completely, fixing Albert with an unsettling look, fear glistening just beneath the surface.
“No, Al, I don’t wanna,” he whined, taking another step back.
Albert frowned, shaking his head, “Race, it’s alright.  I’m sure you’re okay, I just wanna- whoa,” Albert stepped forward to steady Race as he swayed, head lolling for a moment, “Okay, yeah, we’re definitely getting you to a hospital now.”
“Don’t need to,” Race said, “Don’t want to.”
“Well, you don’t have a choice,” Albert said, a certain authority taking over his tone.
Race seemed to weak to fight it any further, and Albert held him upright as he hailed a taxi, knowing they were too far from their own car to walk.  Besides, the parking garage they’d parked in was in the opposite direction from the hospital.  
After a few minutes, a taxi drove up and helped Race in.  Race immediately rested his head against Albert’s shoulder and Albert watched as he covered his ears, no doubt to block out painful noise.  He was definitely concussed.  
When they arrived at the hospital, Albert tapped Race’s chin, reluctantly rousing him.  Race blinked his eyes open and he looked around, confused.
“Where’re we?” He asked as Albert unbuckled him, helping him out of the car.  Race’s head lifted and he winced when he took in the bright sign at the head of the hospital doors.  Immediately, his grip on Albert’s bicep tightened, “No, no, no.  I told you I’m fine,” he rushed out, turning to climb back into the taxi, but whimpering when he discovered it was no longer there.
He turned back to Albert, unadulterated panic in his unfocused eyes, “Please, Albie, don’t make me.”
Albert huffed, “Okay, but- shit,” he swooped forward to catch Race when his knees buckled, “Nope, okay.  I’m once again convinced that this is strictly necessary.”
They made it as far as the waiting room before Race tried to run for it again, fighting as fiercely as he could against Albert’s hold around him.  
“Race, stop,” Albert hissed, wrangling him into one of the crappy chairs and kneeling in front of him, “You need to- Race?”
Race wasn’t looking at him.  Instead, his eyes were transfixed intensely on a spot over Albert’s shoulder.  He was shaking violently, breaths coming out short and strangled and for a moment, Albert entertained the prospect of calling it a day and taking Race to urgent care in the morning.  But one hurried glance at the abrasion on his head cancelled those thoughts.  
“No, no, not again.  I don’t wanna do this again, not here.”  Race was mumbling hysterically to himself, hands finding their way to his forearms.  He gripped them tightly, tears making their way down his cheeks as he began to cry.
“Jesus, what’s gotten into you?” Albert mumbled, lifting a hand to brush away some stray tears, but quickly withdrawing it when Race jerked away from him violently.
“Higgins?” Albert cursed to himself when the nurse who had checked them in called them back.  Race was in no state to be looked at right now, but he was getting paler by the second.  From pain or panic, Albert didn’t know.
Race looked dazedly from the nurse to Albert, shoulders sagging, “M’gonna throw up,” he mumbled, lurching forward.
“Shit,” Albert bit out, turning to look for a trash can and humming thankfully when the nurse, who had been hovering nearby, handed him a plastic bag.
Albert held it in front of Race, wincing when his sick piled into the bag.  He retched for a few moments, sobbing uncontrollably as he did so.  Albert forced himself to remain neutral, speaking absent-minded comforts to Race as he finished.
“Let’s get him back,” The nurse said, making to help Race up.
Race pulled back, ignoring the nurse and looking at Albert, “Don’t make me,” he gasped, “Please, don’t make me.”
Albert and the nurse exchanged confused glances, a silent question between them.
Albert shrugged, turning back to Race, “Why?  Talk me through it, love.”
Race shook his head, “I- no.  No, just- don’t.”
Albert sighed, refusing to lose this battle, “It’ll be super quick.  In and out, right?”
The nurse nodded, “We just need to make sure there’s no serious damage.”
Race curled further in on himself, “Can we do it out here?” He asked, weakly, “don’t wanna go back.”
The nurse considered for a moment, “Alright.”
“When I was in...tenth grade? Yeah.  When I was in tenth grade, I, uh, fuck,” Race looked to the side, clenching his jaw.  He open and closed his mouth a few times before swearing and turning his body to face Albert.  He kept his eyes down as he tucked one leg underneath him and held out his left arm, palm facing upwards.  He seemed to steel himself for a moment before sucking in a breath and slowly inching his shirt up.  
Albert’s eyes traveled from Race’s face to his arm and he swallowed, the blood draining from his face.  Starting at his wrist and traveling to the middle of Race’s forearm was a long, vertical white line.  The skin was raised, and although the scar itself had faded, the outline was stark and jarring against Race’s smooth skin.  Oh.
Race heaved in a breath, “It didn’t work, obviously,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.  Albert watched him intently, waiting for him to continue, “And when it didn’t, of course I had to go to the ER…” he trailed off, lost in thought, “Worst night of my life.  Ever.  Swore to myself as they stitched me up that I’d never fucking go back.”
“Race I…” Albert felt numb, scared, unsure of what to do.  In place of words, he reached down and carefully lifted Race’s arm, pressing his lips to the scar.  
Race held his breath as Albert sat back up, “I’m so sorry you went through something like that and I’m sorry that I put you back there today.”
Race seemed as a loss for words, glistening eyes moving from his arm to Albert.  Albert’s fingers skimmed down to clasp their hands together tightly.
“Today was scary for you, I know,” he said, gently, “But I promise to keep you safe,” he squeezed their hands together, “and if there’s anything I can keep, it’s my word, right?”
Race nodded, squeezing back, “Right.”
mmm yeah my writing ain’t the best in this lol
i’ll try and get the other requests that i abandoned done soon
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
@aw-jus-let-em-try @well-the-kids-do-too@spot-conlon-king-of-brooklyn @felix-loves-albert-and-ralbert@axolotlwhizzy
@andthewoildwillknow@the-newsies-justice-for-zas-blog@sunshine-e-cigarettes @have-we-got-news-for-you@musical-shitposts@thebroadwayaesthetic
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