#wanna write a continuation now
crybaby-bkg · 11 months
asking nerd Bakugou to give you a ‘pearl necklace’ and he starts grumbling about you tryna drain him dry but instead of pulling out his cock, he pulls out his phone to actually search for a pearl necklace </3
and to both his surprise and embarrassment, his phone is quickly tossed away in favor of you showing him what you’re actually asking for. he’s not mad though—not when you end up looking so pretty covered in white, grinning, and asking for another necklace <3
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cerise-on-top · 2 months
hi I saw you did a fluff alphabet already for captain Price for some one else but Can I request more letters? you Can pick! sorry for the Bad English and stuff by the way, Its not my first language :)
Hey there! Don't worry, your English is fine! And sure I can :>
Fluff Alphabet for Price 2
E qual - Are they the dominant one in the relationship, or rather passive?
Price is definitely the more dominant person in your relationship. Sure, he could always just sit back and let you do things, but he’s just so used to taking the wheel at his job that he just subconsciously does it at home and with you as well. Will always choose where to go to eat, will always help you in the bath with washing your back and whatnot, will often tell you what he wants you to do. In his case, though, he will reward you for listening to him. For example, he’ll give you a kiss on your forehead, cuddle with you on the couch or try to make your favorite food. He actually does enjoy being the more dominant person in your relationship.
J ealousy - Do they get jealous easily? How do they deal with it?
Kind of? He trusts you enough to know that you mean no harm when you’re getting friendly with someone else, most of the time you’re just being polite. So, usually he has no problem ignoring it. But if he’s had a bad day and just wants to have you around him, with your attention solely on him, then he’ll get jealous very easily. Price will become a bit more touchy with you then, putting his arm around your waist, maybe even trying to scare the other person off. Once you’re home you’ll have enough time to get changed into some more comfortable clothes before he just plops down on top of you. Demands you pay attention to him. Scratch his scalp and he’ll calm down more quickly, though.
K iss - Are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s not too bad at kissing. There have been plenty of people who have wanted to be with him since he’s a good man. A handsome one too. He’s had a few flings here and there as well, so he’s had his fair share of practice before. Although he’s usually composed when it comes to things like this, he was pretty nervous during your first kiss together. He made it quite obvious that he wanted to kiss you by putting his forehead against yours at first and asking you if you were okay with it. The kiss didn’t last too long, nor was it too intense. It was pleasant and just right. It was the confidence boost he needed to continue kissing you.
L ove Confession - How would they confess to their s/o?
He wouldn’t really beat around the bush too much. If he really likes you then he’ll just make it known. If you reciprocate or just say yes, then that’s great. If you don’t then he’ll just move on. He’s got better things to do than be a lovesick fool, after all. Would ask you to meet up with him at a nice place, maybe even the place you first met if it wasn’t on a mission, and confess to you there. He may know that he shouldn’t really “purchase” you with gifts, but he’ll get you a small gift anyway. Nothing too big, just something small that you can remember him by.
O n Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
It’s kind of obvious, actually. Especially to the people, who know him well enough. He becomes touchy with you. It’s not too much, and you could always just ask him to either tone it down or downright stop, but for the time being he will touch you. Just his hand on your arm, on your shoulder or your back. He is a bit touchy with his soldiers too, yes, but just a tad bit more with you. That’s why he doesn’t even notice it until someone points it out to him. His tone is also much gentler with you than it is with others. Plus he’s also more prone to praising you. It’s kind of embarrassing once he notices, but he can’t really correct that behavior either.
U nderstanding - How good do they know their partner? Are they empathetic?
Once you’ve been together for some time, he knows you pretty well. He, too, is a pretty observant man. Plus he loves you, so why wouldn’t he want to watch you like a hawk? Is also pretty good at remembering things, so if you’ve mentioned something a few months, or even years, ago, then he’ll remember. This is a good and bad thing because he sometimes will tease you about it when he feels playful. Price can be a pretty empathetic man, especially towards his loved ones. Sure, he can turn that empathy off if he needs to, but he prefers to feel what you’re feeling so he can help you better.
W ild Card - A random Fluff Headcanon.
If you complain about the stench of him smoking then he’ll actually try to tone it down a little bit. Sure, he likely won’t ever be able to stop entirely, but he’ll smoke a little bit less for you. You expressing concern for his health because of it would actually be a motivator for him to stop entirely. But he really needs it since his job is very demanding and stressful. However, you’re pretty much the only person who gets away with hiding his cigars. Everyone else will get an earful or punished, but not you. You will get an exasperated sigh and a “Love, where did you put them this time?” He will complain to you about how expensive his cigars are and how you shouldn’t waste them like that.
X OXO - Are they very affectionate? Do they love to kiss and cuddle?
Yes, Price is a cuddler at heart. I know I said he’s the dominant person in your relationship, but he really doesn’t mind being cuddled either. In fact, he loves it. Doesn’t matter who’s cuddling who, doesn’t matter what position you’re in, he’s at ease as long as he gets to touch you somehow. However, if you’re not into it, then he can tone it down a little bit, he’s a mature adult, after all. Will still want to hold your hand from time to time, though. And he does love kisses as well. Loves to tease you by kissing the corner of your mouth, just so you’ll pout and ask him to kiss you properly. Whenever he feels like sleeping in you can actually get him to get up by promising him kisses. Tell him that sleepyheads get no kissies and he’ll be up fairly quickly.
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stealingyourbones · 2 years
I'm new to the dp x dc fandom and ur account has been a very satisfying brain exercise for me. Pls listen to my business proposal:  Danny and Damian twins but not really au!
Jason was cleaning a trafficker hideout, he was releasing the victims when one of them mentioned that there was a kid who was recently napped and locked in another room bc he's too feral. After "asking" some of the goons, he went looking. The kid was as feral as they mentioned in appearance, but what they didn't mention, was the freaking muzzle on his face.
He dearly wished he didn't let these bastards off dying so fast.
The kid was oddly calm, except for the unnerving stare with those toxic green eyes (where has he seen those eyes? meta?), for someone that looks like they have been through hell and back, their ragged shirt covered various injuries but mostly healed as far as he could tell. The more he observed the kid the more déjà vu he felt. Throwing away the horrible device on the poor kid's face the moment the buckle came loose, Jason looked at the teen before him.
"Demon brat???"
Meanwhile, Danny who got jumped by the GIW escaped to GZ, then went for the nearest exit he saw (not even checking if it's the right dimension) only to immediately turned human due to adrenaline crash and get snatched not even minutes after hiding in a random alley because it's Gotham and Fenton's luck. It's been a few days, stuck in human form Danny's brain kicked into survival mood: ghost edition until this giant guy in leather and a red helmet came in smelling like a full course meal.
Who the hell is Damian?
Ok I feel bad for not adding to this but I feel like I won’t be able to do this prompt justice. Anyone who wants to, please feel free to add on!
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umboocowju · 10 months
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When a young demon emperor finds a pretty, sad and icy doll under the moonlight, he can do nothing but fall in love 🌕
What happens when Shen Jiu decides he had enough of all the people around him and fakes his death? And what would he do if found by Tianlang-jun when he has nowhere to go and nothing to push him forward?
I had this idea out of nowhere, in which disciple!sj gets so pissed after the well mission, and he is also so so tired of everything for a while now, he decides to just... go away.
He doesn't even wait for lqg or sqh, doesn't even care about taking the carriage back to cqm, he just hops on xiu ya and flies as fast as he can while dealing with how hurt he is.
No one would care if he left, right? It isn't like yqy would miss him, he would be so happy to not have to deal with his dirty past and never ending guilt. Qi-ge is already dead after all, and Qi-ge was everything he had.
He also knew not one of his martial siblings would care either. Without him there, they wouldn't have to deal with his moods, or rumors about his lechery, dirty tricks... They would also be happier. So, no one is losing anything if he doesn't return, right?
[cw: self-harm and how sj fakes his death] Sj finds a river. He takes off his robes, as if about to take a bath and leave them properly folded, as he'd do usually.
He gets in the river, and instead of taking a bath, he lets the water carry him. He cuts a bit of his hair, and let them tangled on some logs. He uses his nails to leave scratches on the river banks, as if he fought to get back to dry land, leaving broken pieces of them there.
They would say that he was probably on the verge of a qi deviation. Maybe he was too tired or had his cultivation blocked somehow... Or maybe they would just say that he was too weak. The story would go and tell that he was bathing when attacked. That he fought for his life.
They would see the desperate marks of him trying to keep himself alive. They would see the marks of his sword, his nails, the presence of his hair, his disturbed qi and his blood. They would know, then, that he was devored, with no body to find, to bury.
With his arm bleeding, a cut made by himself, and his body hurting because of his actions, he contemplates what to do with his beloved sword. Would he need to break her? Leave her shards to prove he was dead?
And it is then that he notices the presence of another, and his eyes find those of a demon. Maybe faking his death wasn't needed after all.
(dumbass thought he'd be killed and instead gets a demon to pamper him and call him pet names, mostly doll because oh he is so pretty and inhuman it doesn't make no sense for him to be anything but a piece of art---)
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autistic-katara · 3 months
u ever think of a ship u like one-sidedly and wonder why tf u didn’t project onto them when suffering from a bad one sided crush
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cursedzucchini · 1 year
Well fuck me, i just spend an hour looking through my liked posts, to find that one angst Damian and Danny twins. Still didn't find it. Imma describe it lil more bellow, but if anyone knows what prompt I'm talking Abt pls tell me, imma tag it in the morning.
Prompt: Danny and Damian twins, but they hate each other. I think in the og post there were two versions, like Danny hoping Damian likes him now, but Damian tries to stab him, or both of them hating each other. I didn't take any route, i just wrote this prologue thingie. I think i might continue this, but if anyone gets inspired, feel free to add anything?
Something Abt Danny and Damian hating each other (or Damian hates Danny, Danny... Tried to survive, and later Damian regrets everything and Danny is bitter/scared of Damian) just scratches this part of my brain. Anyway yee that's all
Danyal al Ghul was gone.
His body was left to rot in some abandoded bunker. His grave empty, because Damian never bothered to bring his body back. His name deleted from every record, no failure has place between the best.
Damian didn't remember much about him. He knew his brother looked similar to him, they were twins after all. He was also pretty sure the younger one was shorter than him, though that couldn't be correct. There weren't any memories of Danyal being sick, so how could he be shorter than Damian? There was also the distinct impression of an awkward smile, but he might've mixed the memories up. Why would his twin wear such an unsure (pathetic) expression (grimace)? He was also the son of the demon, even if he was a failure. There is no such a place for weakness.
No, it must have been someone else. Damian had another clearer memory where his face was perfectly neutral. There is no reason to make such a face, if you are able to hide it.
Though that... Wasnt correct either?
Richard had recently taken to try and explain more about how their family functions. He reasoned that surely the League and Batman work diffefently, giving Damian many sound arguments. Yet he was sure the real reason for these... Lessons, was to explain more about the mundane side of things.
In one of the evenings spend arguing with the older man over the most idiotic things (if Drake was acting stupid, obviously he deserved a knife thrown at him), Damian somehow found himself talking about his annoyance, with his family uselessly emoting. How is Damian supposed to know, when they are truly proud of him, when they are truly disappointed, when they always show all of their emotions? How is he supposed to see which one is just them being weak, and which one is true?
His brother looked at him. There was pity in his eyes. And guilt. And pain. Damian wished Richard wasn't his brother.
Richard explained it. He spoke of emotions, and how they are natural, and none of them are false.
Damian didn't understand. He's not sure if understabds them now. But. If no emotions are false. And none of them make him weak. [Than why did mother taught them]
He doesn't like thinking about it.
But he hates thinking about Danyal more.
All his supposedly true emotions don't make sense. He... He feels his chest fill up with warmth when he thinks of him. He feels similar pain as when he is hungry in his chest. A strange mist falls and chokes his mind, whenever he is even reminded of his younger twin.
And there is bead of pure hatred inside his lungs, hating his crooked smile, detesting his small hands and despising his bright eyes.
[Wishing death on himself for not remembering their color. How could he forget his own twins eye color? Why does he only remembers the disgusting lightness making his stomach churn, their ugly staring at all his faults, wishing him fail]
Damian is quite sure Richard lied. There is no way all these foolish emotions are true. They don't make sense by themselves, how can they make sense mixed together? And after all they aren't strong enough to overcome hus brilliant self control, so they cannot be that true.
Or they weren't, until he caught the eye of a stranger.
A stranger with bright eyes.
With an awkward crooked smile, but other wise empty face.
A stranger with their hands playing with their shirt in obvious show of nerves
A little shorted than himself and...
A face almost the same as Damian's.
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ahundredtimesover · 4 months
Can we pls pls get a line from ch8 🥺
Spoiler 👇🏽
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crownedwille · 7 months
people do know young royals is a drama series and season 3 is not going to be a cheesy fluff fest, right?
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sun-ea-sports · 2 months
Sword lobotomy fanfic just for you @dynamiteghost
Before reading please keep in mind this is a joke fic and so I didn’t put too much effort into it 🙏 so basically it’s not beta read n stuff (also there’s no actual lobotomy, just sorta implied that something will happen to him)
CW: syringes
Sword wasn’t quite sure where he was right now. He had just woken up in this strange place, after being hit in the back of the head. He had no way to tell how long it’d been since he passed out because there were no clocks nor any calendars.
All he currently knows is that he was strapped on some sort of table. It was too dark to see much of what was around him, but if he squinted he could kind of see the faint outline of a door in front of him.
Eventually, after lying down in the dark for Illumina knows how long, the door creaked open. Sword opened his eyes — he had closed them, deciding that if he slept, time would surely go by quicker — and looked in front of him, towards where he knew the door is.
Someone walked inside the room and closed the door behind them. Soon after, the lights were turned on, causing Sword to squint his eyes at the sudden brightness — something he had not seen in a while and had not been expecting it to appear so suddenly.
Once his eyes finally adjusted, he could finally see who had entered the room — and who had probably kidnapped him, too. And to his surprise and confusion, there stood Subspace Tripmine in front of him. Dressed in medical gear, too. As if he were about to perform a surgery.
And that’s when it hit him. Oh Illumina was he about to get experimented on?! Sword panicked and tried to rack his brain to try to remember if at any point in his life he had pissed off Subspace so badly that the older man would go out of his way to kidnap him so he could perform an experiment on him. And the results came back empty; Sword had done nothing to Blackrock’s greatest scientist — at least, as far as he knew — and yet here he was.
About to get experimented on.
That’s when the panic truly set in, and Sword started to struggle against the binds keeping him trapped onto the table. Unfortunately, his efforts were fruitless. And he soon realised he was truly trapped here. Once he came upon this conclusion, he looked over at Subspace with wide, terrified eyes.
And the scientist was just standing there! The sick freak was probably smiling under his gas mask right now! He probably enjoyed watching Sword struggle to no avail! Sword narrowed his eyes at Subspace and spat out at him. “Why am I here!?” Subspace just let out an amused huff before saying. “Don’t worry, it won’t hurt a bit.”
Which, thank you! That did not answer Sword’s question at all. Sword watched with narrowed eyes — trying to keep his fear hidden — as Subspace approached him, holding a syringe in his left hand. The scientist put his right hand on Sword’s right arm, and positioned the syringe over one of his veins.
Sword watched in horror as Subspace punctured his flesh and injected whatever was in the syringe into his body. He winced at the sting, but it was quickly gone, replaced by itchiness soon after the syringe was pulled back out of his arm.
Soon after, Sword felt dizzy and just generally loopy. He could tell that whatever Subspace had injected into him was an anesthetic, which was a little odd of the scientist to do. At least, according to what Medkit briefly told Sword. According to him, Subspace liked toying with people and torturing them. He liked to watch them writhe in pain. And yet here he was, sparing Sword by letting him be passed out during the operation.
As Sword’s eyes started closing — against his will — his last thought was. “Please let me wake up after this.” Unbeknownst to him, those would be his last thoughts.
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olivenight17 · 1 year
Well, uh, it’s been a while, hi! So, maybe the lil caption on my blog is a lie, I may still write just a little bit. Mostly for my pleasure though and not for requests, although I might open them back up if I revamp the fandoms. Anyways uh, have this cause the Lackadaisy fandom grabbed me by the throat and ran off with me. @a-libra-writes surprise! I’m the sugar baby anon. Lol hope you enjoy what feels like a bunch of headcanons tacked on in a one-shot fashion lol, Asa Sweet man.
Asa Sweet x GN!Reader
You enjoyed the life you had with Asa Sweet.
It was a comfortable one. Not oftentimes cozy, filled with the hazy, golden lights and constant chatter of the speakeasy. It’s where you spent most of your time, after all Asa liked seeing you having fun in clothes he bought you in a place he worked hard to create, even if he wasn’t always in the room himself. It was hard to pass up, the Marigold Room had become a hotspot nowadays, and there was always interesting conversation flowing from one person to another.
And you remembered distantly being in bed with him after a long night, his paw trailing over your tail, and hearing him mumble, “you make the lights shine that much brighter, darlin. Some nights get so unsavory, and then I see you in a booth or a chair, smiling with that brightness to you, makes it all disappear.” It was a touching sentiment, and with him being so soft about it, well, who were you to refuse him that bit of comfort?
He always seemed at ease with you, you had noticed. Not much ruffled his fur, visibly anyways, and he made sure to stand tall no matter who it was he was dealing with. Plenty of times you had sat with him on his lap with his arm steady around your waist as he laughed and talked with various patrons and investors over a game of poker or black-jack. He made sure to tuck you right against his chest, an extra, glittering accessory to add to his charisma and power while he cut deals and traded hands. To you it was nervewracking, while you weren’t quite aware of every bit of the under-belly of Asa’s business, you knew a threat when you heard one, and you’d heard many veiled in honeyed words thrown at him over a game and drink. You’d never even seen him so much as flinch at one, just that charming grin he wore in public as he passed his own threats back.
Maybe you were biased from all the nights you’d spent with him, but those sweet threats sounded a lot better coming from his mouth than his business partners. The grin on his face turned just a bit sharper, just a bit more dangerous, and he looked more like a lion than a regular cat.
Although, as enticing as the danger of that smile could be, you liked it best when it was just the two of you in his office late at night.
“You don’t have to stay with me for this. I know it gets boring,” he told you every time you offered to stay. It could have been just because he wanted to be a gentleman, or because he wanted to keep you at arms length from any important information. You never really knew.
But you smiled up at him all the same and placed a paw on his suit. “What, and miss some time alone with you? Perish the thought, Mister.” You responded playfully back at him, a determined glint in your eye. Plus, he rarely refused you anything, and he craved the softness of your company most of all.
So, you were sat back on his lap, straddling his thigh in a bit more improper manner now that it was just the two of you. Most of all, you just liked taking the time to observe him in moments like these. The act he put on for others disappeared, melting into something a bit more real, less of a figure larger than life, and more like someone you could grasp onto. The smile on his face had gone into a more concentrated frown as he studied the papers in front of him(He was careful, he never handled paperwork that was overly sensitive when you were around, both for your safety and his comfort). His tie was loosened, courtesy of you and he gave you a gentle kiss as a reward, and his shirt held a few more wrinkles from the stresses of the day. His shoulders were hunched over his desk, tired after the constant meetings, and he always rubbed at his forehead with a quiet sigh when something was really perplexing him.
He looked like a man, not a terrifying gangster. Though you had seen both sides of him, it was the man who needed your attention the most, usually because he was never let out. Although there was a small glow of pride in your chest that you brought the man out of him the most. You were a good deal younger than him, and he was more than happy to show you places you’ve never been before. Fancy restaurants, shows in the theater, even allowing you the pleasure of opportunity to photograph yourself. You had managed to pull him into one of the photos once, he looked positively awkward and shocked in the picture, but you kept it anyways. It was a nice momento, and you smiled at the memory.
You sat back against his chest with a little sigh, letting his scent fill your nose. Soft and sweet, with the powdered grit of his cigar smoke tangling with it in the perfect combination. It was hard to catch it in the speakeasy with all the drinks and cigars everyone else was having pouring into your nose. But you liked his scent, it was masculine without being completely overwhelming like most men could be.
“Gettin tired, darlin? I can call you a car to take you back,” Asa’s voice drifted into your ear. It was lower than usual with the quiet atmosphere of his office.
You shook your head, turning slightly to fiddle with his tie some more. “Just reminiscing is all,” you told him before chuckling lightly. There was more of a sparkle to your eye as you looked up at him. “Honestly if anyone should be tired it ought to be you. It’s not as draining to just be your ornament, Asa.”
That pulled a more sardonic smile to his lips and he shook his head, taking a puff of his cigar, and you watched as it curled around his nostrils like a dragon. “Yeah, well thank goodness for that, being so tired doesn’t suit you. You can leave that work all to me.” The arm he had around your hips tightened as his golden gaze flicked over to you.
You just let out a hum, cupping his cheek and pressing a soft kiss to his face. “Leaves me the work of having to drag you to a bed and make sure you get some rest though, which I’d argue is harder,” you pointed out teasingly.
That got a chuckle out of him, and the sound rumbled in his chest against your back. “Hardly, all you gotta do is bat your eyelashes and I am humbly at your mercy.”
“That works when I ask for a new hat, not when I need to drag you from your desk at five in the morning. Clearly, you’ve never had to deal with yourself in peak work mode.” You huffed jokingly with crossed arms, though you couldn’t fight the smile crawling onto your face as he pulled you even closer against him.
His head dipped down to nuzzle against your cheek, then pressing into your neck, and you could feel the way he smiled at the resounding purr you gave him at the contact. “That’s what I have you for, honey. I appreciate you, you know I do. Unless this is your way of saying I need to show it a little more.” His breath ghosted along the fur of your neck, and he laughed at the flustered noise you made from it, pulling away to take another puff from his cigar.
You whined his name with a pout on your lips. Your arms crossed and you continued giving him a disapproving glare until he shook his head with an amused smile, leaning down again to press his lips to yours. The kiss was longer than the gentle peck he had given you earlier, and you could feel the smoke unfurling from his mouth and into yours, giving an even more heady sensation. His smoke was the only kind you could stand entering into your lungs, although the nicotine itself wasn’t quite what you were addicted to. Your eyes closed, and you pressed closer for more as you kissed him back. His lips were always so soft against yours, there was never a time where he didn’t treat you delicately, and he tasted as sweet as the candy he kept around on his desk.
You laughed into the kiss as an idea crossed your mind, and you snuck your paw into his inner coat pocket, grabbing a candy out of it as you pulled away. He kept some hidden there in the offchance he came across a kid or two. It wasn’t like he went out of his way for children, but if one crossed his path and he liked their spirit, he tossed a candy their way, and you found the little habit cute.
He gave a disbelieving snort as he watched you pop it into your mouth, and you simply grinned back at him. “You have your addictions, I have mine.” You shrugged nonchalantly, settling your head back against his chest. Your eyes flicked to the clock, it was getting late. Just late enough that you would have to start performing your duty of getting him to bed. “Although if you’re gonna tease me so much, maybe I will need you to show your appreciation more.” Your tail flicked up and across his lap, settling over his other thigh, and you grinned more at the little cough he made. Yet another habit of his, hiding when he thought he was more interested in something than he should be.
“All you need to do is ask, but you’re gonna have to ask me nicely. Think you can do that?” His perfectly manicured claw reached out to tilt your chin upwards, having you look into his eyes.
You could find yourself lost in those golden pools if you tried hard enough. Even so, you relented, sitting up a little more and adjusting yourself in his lap to face him more head on. Conveniently, your figure blocked the view of his mountain of papers, and he merely leaned back to enjoy the image before him. “Please, Asa? It’d be the gentlemanly thing to do to escort me personally to bed, and you’ll already be there so you might as well stay, and I sleep a lot better next to you.” Your tone was light with a practiced softness to it as your fingers trailed up through his fur gently. You’d learned quickly how to pitch your voice in just the right way to convince him of things when you needed to, whether it was to pull him from work or otherwise, it just slowly became part of what you had to do.
He looked you over for a moment longer, head leaning in slightly to the way your fingers brushed at his soft fur with a rumbling purr before he sighed. For a moment he looked older and more weary, but it was gone as soon as it came as he smiled down at you. “Alright, it’s getting unfair how good you are at persuading me, you know.” He gently ushered you off of his lap, and there was a resounding pop as he stretched his back out.
Mindlessly, he gathered his papers into as neat a pile as he could manage for his energy levels, before he shuffled over to grab your coat, taking care to slide it along your arms and up your shoulders. “Although, I bet you’d feel a lot comfier in my bed than yours, darlin. It’s bigger and you’ve already left your night clothes on my floor anyways.” He chuckled at the way your fur bushed up in embarassment at the comment, and he straightened to grab his own coat onto his body. “Just a suggestion, I’ll happily make sure you get to a bed either way, just name the place.”
You shook your head with a grin at his words, but did consider his offer as he finished putting his coat on, grabbing at his hat and briefcase next. Well, it couldn’t be helped, and secretly you did have a bigger preference for his bed given how much softer it was, the springs didn’t poke into your back as much. “Well, it’d be cruel to make you drive so far out of the way to my place when yours is a lot closer by. It defeats the whole purpose of getting you to sleep if you’re kept awake that long anyways.” You slipped your arm into his as he extended it out to you, and pressed yourself tight against him. “So, if you’re offering your place, I certainly won’t refuse.”
“Anything you want, you get. How can I deny a pretty little thing like you?” He pressed a kiss to the top of your head, and you couldn’t help but smile more at the affection as he led you out of his office, locking the door behind him.
The relationship between the two of you was just meant to be an arrangment, a transaction of enjoyment for money. But Asa liked mixing his business with pleasure, and through the time you spent with him, you found yourself enjoying his company outside of what he paid you.
You didn’t find yourself wishing it to end any time soon.
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lavenoon · 1 year
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Here's Accidentally Undercover Foxy!
So. Foxy. Foxy’s a bit of a recluse, but is living right across the street from Y/N and Sun and Moon. He’s worked with Fez for over 20 years - like most other animatronic agents Fez employs, he was commissioned by them and chose to work his debt off with them. He of course had that adjustment period all animatronics get, time to get used to life, but Fez had their fingers in it from the start. So, he worked off his debt, and by then he already had his friends at Fez, and, well... He just continued working there.
He’s done well enough as a secret agent, in the group set-up of star agents with Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie. His focus was more on stealth, sneaky fox and all. Ended up developing a bit of a pirate shtick to make things more fun bc well, work that job 20 years and if you didn’t have a gimmick from the start, you’ll regret it after the first decade. Everything gets boring after a while. He did start out with all limbs and eyes intact though, no incentive for Fez to create a disabled animatronic. Packs a mean bite, too, and otherwise opts for knives and making a mess for the clean-up crew. 
With experience did come a good bit of jadedness though. He started questioning orders more and more often, noticing hypocrisy or inconsistencies. It started more or less negligibly, Fez didn’t worry too much, but slowly his doubt started to spread. He shared them with Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie - who told him to keep his head down and not do anything rash. Well, he didn’t do anything *rash*, but over time his transgressions started to rack up and become a thorn in the higher ups’ sides. 
So they decided to get rid of him. 
His last mission was a trap. Not in a way that anyone could prove their involvement, but Fez willfully withheld vital information, and caused him to slip up. A tragic accident, really. In an attempt to evade capture he managed to hide out in a space too small for his body. He made it fit - desperation does that to people. 
Locked in an uncomfortable position with hostile agents scouring the building for him, he felt his battery run out slowly, waiting for the requested backup that would never come. When he came to after a recharge, it was after being found by the enemy, and he fought his way out.
The entire ordeal cost him his hand and eye, and when he returned to Fez he was met with disdain over the fact that he was still alive. 
Things happened quickly then. 
Fez promptly fired him, the official reason being the botched mission, though they never amended the previously shared information “Foxy was killed in action” to the rest of the agency. Mainly Freddy, Chica, and Bonnie - who never learned that their friend isn’t actually dead. Fez made it clear that his time in the city was limited - if he’d be seen by anyone and thus make more trouble for management, there’d be hell to pay.
What meager funds Foxy was left with wasn’t enough for a move and repairs (now that he had to pay for them himself), so he leaned into the pirate gimmick and got a hook and an eyepatch, as well as a seething hatred for Abra Fez. All his questioning, all his doubt - justified, and he couldn’t even do anything about it. 
He moved to a city far away, into a quiet neighborhood. With the neighbors he’s gained a bit of a reputation due to his reclusiveness combined with his appearance. The eyepatch and hook only enhance the missing teeth among many mismatched ones, as well as more than enough scars. 
Foxy becomes “that” neighbor - the one others whisper about behind their hands, or sneak glances at when they think he doesn’t see. The one people try to keep their kids away from, though they love him for his rough demeanor and regularly ask if he’s a real pirate (which he of course confirms). Sometimes he’s feeling soft and sneaks in an affectionate nickname of sorts - of course on brand, maybe a “scallywag” or “scamp”, and the kids love that, too. Sometimes he leaves "treasures" lying about his place, a challenge for the kids - if they get to grab the little trinkets without being caught, they get to keep them - otherwise they get to be chased by a pirate (all in good fun). He's not the fastest anymore, and he doesn't really try, so the kids always get away, but the thrill is exciting to them. Foxy just enjoys the shenanigans.
He works odd jobs, sometimes multiple at a time, sometimes none for a while. After spending all his life with Fez, he’s now experimenting, though he tries to stay away from people. 
Of course he’s known about the branch of The Agency(tm) in town, he’s banked on it even - knowing that Fez respects them enough to stay away. It grants him some peace, though old habits die hard and he’s keeping an eye on them, too. 
Once, the agency approached him, though he shooed them away with a nice smile and the promise that if they dared to insinuate again that he’d be stupid enough to fall for the same scam twice just because it has a different name this time around, he wouldn’t be that nice the next time. They left him alone after that. 
When Y/N moved in, he didn’t particularly care. Neither did they - the bite-happy pirate neighbor who apparently hates people (except the kids) (as Y/N is so helpfully warned by other folks when they move in) is a distant “he sounds cool, but better stay clear for now", apart from a few superficial (but actually friendly) interactions.
When they get recruited, he notices it pretty quickly. He’s seen it all before, noticed them bringing in the soundproofing for their workshop, the shady packages, late nights and torn up clothes. The bruises, and wounds, too, as training progresses and Y/N starts working. 
But he meant what he said and has no interest in getting involved again - if Fez threw him away after he’s spent nearly his entire life working for them, he’s not going to become a target for an agency that he doesn’t even have history with. They’d do away with him even faster than Fez, and he’s quite content as is, and doesn’t particularly want to move again. 
And then two other agents move in. 
And Y/N only knows of one, and apparently not even that he’s an agent, too. 
What little glimpses he catches, he becomes torn between enjoying his personal soap opera and bashing his head against the wall in frustration (that's why he needs his emotional support mug. It prevents him from doing something stupid because he doesn't want to break it). Often enough he considers just telling them - though he always talks himself out of it, in the end. It’s too much, too much responsibility, too much to explain, too much baggage involved. Fez’ treatment hurt him more than he was aware of, and watching the idiot trio dance around each other makes the old wound hurt again. 
Things change when he catches a glimpse of Moon dragging himself home, carrying his own arm. 
That’s way too familiar. In the end, he’s too busy fighting old demons, and by the time he’s finally considering stepping in, Y/N is already hightailing back home and being not at all subtle about breaking into their tenants place. 
That stings, too, because he feels betrayed by his friends, who never even knew he was in trouble until they were told he’s dead. He knows it’s not their fault either, but the sting of betrayal doesn’t care about logic. 
But there’s also relief, because maybe he’s grown attached to these idiots, and he’s also feeling just that little bit of pride. There’s some fools, who may be oblivious to a fault, but at least they care about each other more than they care about their work. They look out for each other, and are willing to break those rules to protect each other. 
And maybe he realizes he’s just a tiny bit lonely, too. They give him a lot to think about, and he may or may not reconsider his stance on reaching out to them…
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blizzardfluffykpop · 23 days
"I don't wanna write smut- but the parasites in me (tbz) want me to write smut."
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gentil-minou · 9 months
wlw wangxian for @wlwangxianweek
Day 1 - In Over My Head (aka short girl Wei Ying being in over her head with her crush on the tall new girl Lan Zhan)
Wei Ying has sat in the second row from the front of the board since the very first day of school. It was the perfect spot, actually. Right next Mianmian and in front of her brother so maximum annoyance potential. Perfect. Best of all, no one sits in front of her, which is soooo important because no one tells you how awful being the shortest girl in your grade is until you're trying to see over their dumb big heads so she can see what the teacher's writing.
As long as they don't elbow her (though if they do, Wei Ying is much stronger than she looks. She can take them These thighs are all muscle, baby), she's peachy keen. Even when assholes like Wen Chao try to make fun of her, being this short gives her the perfect angle to look down at his crotch, frown, and say, "Wow, I'm so sorry. I think you can get surgery to fix that." Before running away cackling. She's fast, and these lumbering idiots will never catch up to her anyways, hehe.
So Wei Ying is feeling pretty damn good about everything, until the new girl walks into their homeroom.
She's laughing at something Nie Huaisang said and so isn't entirely paying attention until their teacher draws their attention. When she turns around, all she can see is the back of someone very, very tall, with incredibly long hair that goes all the way down their back.
Shiny and silky, the kind she'd seen in hair commercials, with the shower running overhead and soap streaming down a stranger's body…
Wow, Wei Ying must be envious. She's always liked her messy waves, but maybe it's just that she's interested in growing her hair out and straitening it or something.
Anyways, that's not the most important thing here. The most eye-catching thing about this new kid is how incredible tall she is. Like, almost reaching the top of the blackboard, taller than most of the boys tall. Wei Ying's head would probably wouldn't even reach her shoulders.
"So cool…" she whispers, subconsciously. Jiang Cheng elbows her to quiet down and she yelps, "Hey!" which unfortunately draws everyone's attention to her, including the new girl.
And…oh. Wow. New girl isn't just tall. She's so pretty. Model pretty. Pretty pretty.
Wei Ying's struck dumb by the way New Girl fixes an intense gaze on her, peering above wire-rimmed glasses with eyes honey-brown and lashes long enough the must brush against her glasses all the time. She's staring at her, well, glaring at her more like, but wow, Wei Ying doesn't mind at all.
She gulps as her eyes trails down the side of New Girl's perfectly sloped nose, down to thick plump lips that are pursed in a frown and just…ah, her throat feels parched.
Wei Ying has never cared much about other people's bodies before. She's touched herself, of course, but she hasn't had more than a peripheral interest in others. Her breasts are small and she's perfectly fine with them. The rest of her female friends are a bit larger than her, but it's never been much of big deal for her. She changes in front of them all the time and there's never been even the smallest hint of anything more untoward.
Now, she can't look away. She doesn't think she wants to.
New Girl's breasts are…incredible. Wow. She buttons her shirt all the way to the top, but she must have the wrong size or something because one of the buttons is stretched a bit and Wei Ying can just barely make out the lace edge of her—
Mianmian clears her throat beside her.
Oh. Wei Ying was staring. With her mouth wide open in an o. And standing up over the desk to lean forwards on the palm of her hands.
Wei Ying drags her gaze back up to New Girls face and…yup, New Girl's glare is 1000% times worse now. But her ears are also tinged pink, peaking through strands of her long hair.
It's cute…really cute. She's super cute. Yeah.
"Wei Ying?" the teacher asks, "Are you perhaps volunteering to guide Lan Zhan around the school?"
"Huh?" Wei Ying says around her still dry throat, the name echoing in her head. A pretty name for a pretty girl. Wow.
She's a bit speechless still, but Jiang Cheng elbows her again and that seems to do the trick, fixing whatever got dislodged from her brain, and sending her back into high gear.
Yeah, she can totally show New Girl— Lan Zhan, wow, around! She's great at that.
She beams her brightest grin across the classroom, and okay Lan Zhan just frowns more but somehow that just makes her even prettier. "I'd be happy to!"
"Wonderful," their teacher says, amused. "Lan Zhan you may take a seat in front of Wei Ying then and she will give you a tour around the school after class."
Lan Zhan nods and walks over, except it almost seems like she glides over, the ends of her long uniform-issued skirt swishing around her ankles revealing plain white socks and matching shoes. It should be ridiculous but with the way her hair fans out behind her just makes her look ethereal. Wei Ying can almost imagine the sparkles that would follow in her wake.
Lan Zhan stops in front of her new desk and glances at Wei Ying, who smiles back up at her, all friendly and everything so she feels super welcome. Lan Zhan's face doesn't change at all, just gives her an impassive look before she sits down and...
Oh. That's a problem.
She blocks the board…Wei Ying can't see at all.
Normally, Wei Ying wouldn't think twice about telling someone to move their big head…except Lan Zhan doesn't have a big head.
Her head is small and perfect actually, and her hair slides over her shoulder and it's taking everything Wei Ying has in her to not touch it and see just how soft it is….but that's not the point. She can't see, and she's feeling so hot and flustered by it for some reason she doesn't know what to do at all.
Then, almost as if she can read her mind, Lan Zhan glances at her and, seeming to understand, shifts to the side so Wei Ying can see perfectly just around her shoulder.
Wei Ying smiles at her and taps her shoulder to say thank you, earning a static shock that's electrifying and sends sparks down her spine to pool in something low and deep within her.
Lan Zhan nods again, eyes cast and demure, and turns back to the board.
It's worked. Wei Ying can see the board again perfectly. So even if the new girl is kinda mean-looking, she's kind. The realization makes Wei Ying's heart flutter and her cheeks turn an embarassing pink. She tucks her chin into her hands, palms at her cheeks hoping her cool skin can relieve some of the heat.
But there's a new problem now. With the way Lan Zhan is sitting now, towards the side and angled a bit as she jots down notes with perfect penmanship, Wei Ying can study her profile. An unobstructed view.
It's very distracting, she can't focus on anything the teacher is saying, at all.
A very pretty distraction. Oh dear.
(threadfic here)
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milkyberryjsk · 4 days
i graduated ^__^
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pandora15 · 8 months
I wonder if I'm getting a bit sick of star wars
like there are the things that make me happy about it, especially obi-wan and the prequels and tcw but also like
I'm frustrated about what they did with ahsoka, and then I'm also just not finding fic that I can vibe with and the fandom just feels so…empty?
which is wild because it's definitely got bigger since I joined, but idk, it just feels like in the obi-wan fandom circles, it just feels like it's shrinking. and I think part of it is everyone being really busy with irl things (myself included) and then whatever is left in the sw fandom in general is just stuff i don't vibe with
but then I keep seeing it over and over and over again so now it's just irritating to me
like. yeah there are ships/tropes that I don't vibe with at all and I usually try to steer clear of them when looking for fic to read, but these days it feels like that's all I can find. so now I'm frustrated and tired and not really getting the fic fix that I want
and normally my solution to this is to just write what I want to read, but I don't have the mental space to do it, so I'm just. stuck.
a part of me feels bad to complain about this, but idk I'm gonna put it out there anyways. it's just like the fandom feels completely different than it did when I first joined, or even like 2-3 years ago, and I'm not sure if I'm happy about it.
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diseaseriddencube · 4 months
I wanna write a Rosie Alastor fic but I have zero ideas 😭
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