#wanna make a pair of socks or something w it but idk…..
digitaldollsworld · 6 months
Trying to unravel a cardigan I made a couple years ago bc I hate myself
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hxwks-gf · 4 years
ー don’t make me beg
pairing: bakugo x reader
summary: you run into bakugo, your ex-boyfriend, at a party. heated confessions ensue. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of drinking, some suggestive themes, bakugo is a subby simp at the end lmfao i couldn’t resist. everyone is 21+ because drinking
w/c: 2.7k 
a/n: so this thought actually came to me randomly in the middle of the night last night and i just now got around to writing it out. for optimal reading experience, listen to these songs as you read (i’ll put another link in the actual fic as a reminder, idk you don’t have to i just thought it would be fun) 
♫  outre lux - onism
♫  fire for you - cannons
♫  all your love - jakob ogawa
Tumblr media
9:27 PM
“I don’t know,” you sighed into the phone, rolling over on your back and kicking your feet up against the wall of your bedroom. You wiggled your toes in their mismatched socks and pouted. “I’m not really in a party mood tonight, Mina.” 
“C’mon,” she whined on the other end, in that strange “Mina” way that almost always got you to say yes. “Just for a little bit! We’ve been working so hard at the agency, we deserve a night off for once!” 
You sighed again and sat up normally, resting your chin in your hand. She had a point: you were both worked to the bone from the seemingly endless patrols and stacks of paperwork. Who knew that this is where you would end up at after graduation? Your eyes flickered over to your closet, already putting an outfit together in your head. “Alright, fine. But only for a little bit.” 
Mina squealed in excitement. “Perfect! This will be good, I promise.” 
♫  outre lux - onism
Not long after the call had ended, Mina came and picked you up and drove you to a different part of town you vaguely recognized. She led you up the steps of an apartment building, and you could already hear the bass of the music reverberating through the walls. The room was a few floors up and at the end of a long hall with the door propped open. Mina carelessly let herself inside, dragging you with her by your hand. 
“Mina!” a familiar voice called over the music. Your eyes wandered along the various groups of partygoers, admiring the glow from the neon signs that decorated the walls. There were a few people you recognized: Midoriya and Ururaka were awkwardly dancing together, with Iida not too far away from them. There were others from your graduating class, including Kirishima, who was walking towards you and Mina with a wide grin on his face. 
“You made it!” he said, stopping in front of you. “Thanks for coming, you guys! Help yourselves to some drinks, there’s also some pizza left, I think.” 
Mina hugged him. “For sure! But right now, I just really want to dance.” She turned towards you and raised her eyebrows. “Wanna come?” 
“I’ll be okay,” you said as you ushered her forward. “I’ll find you later, alright?” 
She nodded and disappeared into the group of people, leaving you alone with Kirishima, who awkwardly rubbed the back of his head. 
“It’s awesome that you came, y/n,” he said, flashing another grin. “Wasn’t sure if you were going to.” 
You shrugged your shoulders. “Mina has a way with words, you know?” 
Kirishima laughed. “That she does.” 
“So if this is your party….” Your words trailed off as your eyes slid across the faces of everyone in the room, feeling like everything was slowing down around you. A slow, bass-boosted song started playing. “...does that mean Katsuki is here?” 
Your gaze answered your own question once they landed on your ex-boyfriend standing off in the corner with Kaminari. He was arguing with him about something, his hand tightly gripping the red solo cup and the other pointed menacingly at Denki’s goofy expression. God, he looked good. He was wearing your favorite shirt of his: a simple black v-neck, paired with his nicest jeans that hugged his ass perfectly. For a brief moment, you met Kaminari’s eyes, and his face changed. He leaned over and whispered something in Bakugo’s ear. 
Bakugo’s head turned and his crimson gaze landed on you standing near the entrance with Kirishima. You swallowed nervously, staring right back at him, and it felt as if the entire room melted away and left just the two of you. 
“...sorry, I should’ve told Mina ahead of time,” you heard Kirishima saying to you. You squeezed your hands into fists at your sides. 
“It’s alright,” you found yourself replying. You broke your gaze from Bakugo and offered Kirishima a reassuring smile. “We’re adults here, right? I came to relax and have fun.” 
The lie almost sounded believable. But Kirishima said nothing about it and simply returned your grin, pushing you towards the kitchen. “Get a drink or two in you,” he said, blocking Bakugo from view. “I’m sure Mina needs a dance partner soon.” 
♫  fire for you - cannons
“Right,” you laughed, and he left you alone in the kitchen. Once he was out of earshot, you released the nervous breath you had been holding and tried to still your trembling hands. It had been just a few months since you and Bakugo had “mutually” split, but in reality, it had been his idea. He wanted to focus on his career and you wanted to get more serious. As you opened the refrigerator, you remembered the teary, sniffling goodbye you gave him on the steps of your apartment building as he carried a box of his stuff. He didn’t so much as bat an eye. 
“You’re an adult, you’re here to have fun, just don’t think about him,” you muttered to yourself as you cracked open a bottle of cider. 
“Think about who?” 
You jumped in surprise and nearly dropped your drink. “Jesus,” you groaned, and then glared at Bakugo standing in the doorway, his hands tucked into his jeans. “Don’t fucking sneak up on someone like that.” 
The corner of his mouth lifted up in a smile. “You were always so easy to scare.” 
A blush crept into your cheeks and you looked away from him. “What do you want?” you asked, taking a sip of your drink. The floor of the kitchen suddenly became incredibly fascinating as you avoided meeting his eyes. 
“Didn’t think you’d be here tonight,” he said. “Did Raccoon Eyes con you into it?” 
“Don’t call her that,” you said sharply, looking up at him again. “And no, she didn’t con me into it. I wanted to come.” You gave him a once-over. “What are you doing here, anyway? You hate things like this.” 
Bakugo leaned against the doorframe and shrugged. “Kirishima said that if I came, other people would too. Guess I’m just popular.” 
“Right,” you said sarcastically, rolling your eyes and fiddling with the bottle in your hands. “I don’t think popular is the right word I would use.” 
He took a few steps closer to you and you could smell his cologne. It was the scent he knew you loved the most, you noticed. Interesting. Wearing your favorite shirt and your favorite cologne? It was almost like he knew you were planning on coming tonight. 
“What’s the word you would use then?” he asked, his voice low and gravelly as he leaned back against the sink, his hands bracing on the edge of the counter on either side of him. You didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of being overpowered, so you stood your ground and refused to move from your spot, taking another drink of cider. 
“What are you talking about?” you asked, risking a glance at him. You instantly regretted it. He was looking at you with that rare expression of admiration that only you ever had the privilege of seeing behind closed doors when the two of you were still together, but it still made your heart beat faster and faster, even now. 
“The word you would use,” he said, blinking slowly at you. “Or do I still have that effect on you? That makes you forget what you were saying?” 
“You’re so full of shit, I need a plunger,” you snapped, turning away from him and escaping to the other side of the kitchen. “What are you doing? Why are you talking to me?” 
For a moment, Bakugo actually looked….hurt. His Adam’s apple bobbed in his throat as he swallowed, but a brief moment and it was gone. “I’m sorry,” he said tightly, crossing his arms. “Enjoy the party, y/n.” Without letting you reply, he stalked out of the kitchen and disappeared from view, leaving you all alone, confused and trembling and….sad. 
“Jesus Christ,” you muttered, and you stared at the bottle in your hands. You blew a raspberry at it and tipped it back, downing the rest of the cider in a few, full gulps. He wasn’t allowed to ruin the fun you were supposed to be having tonight. You tossed the bottle into the recycling bin and left the kitchen. 
“y/n!” Mina called to you from the middle of the living room, where most of the dancing was. She was swaying and shimmying to the song that was playing, her hands in the air and her face in a state of perpetual happiness. “Dance with me!” 
“Alright,” you laughed, slipping into the midst of the dancers and following her movements. After a while, you felt yourself slowly beginning to relax, nearly forgetting your awkward encounter with Bakugo in the kitchen. You deserved this. You deserved to have fun, and he wasn’t going to take it from you. 
“I hear that He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named is here,” Mina said into your ear over the music with a comedic grimace on her face. “Did he talk to you?” 
You nodded. “Yeah, in the kitchen. He was acting weird.” 
“Probably because you looked hot as fuck tonight and he realized what exactly he’s been missing,” she said. Her eyes lit up with mischief. “What if you made him jealous?” 
“I don’t want anyone getting wheeled out of here on a gurney,” you laughed, but the thought remained in the back of your head. You did look good tonight, and there was bound to be someone who wanted to have a couple dances with you. But what would you gain from it? It would just be sending Bakugo the message that you weren’t over him yet (which was true, but he didn’t need to know that). “I think I just want to dance, have a few more drinks, and that’s it.” 
Mina rolled her eyes but nodded. “Fair enough.” 
But as hard as you tried to forget, your mind kept going back to Bakugo. His scent, his voice, his warmthーyou fucking missed him, you missed him so much it hurt. Seeing him for the first time in months from across the room had hit you like a truck and flooded your mind with memories of his kiss, his touch, and his love. The harder you danced, the heavier it weighed on your mind, until a pit of nausea bubbled in your stomach. 
“I think I’m going to take a break,” you said to Mina over the music. The room suddenly felt cramped and small, with too many people and too much noise. You needed fresh air. But as you slipped out of the group of dancers, you saw that the patio was full of people standing around and mingling. 
“Shit,” you muttered, and turned around to make your way to the bathroom. It was so loud. Were there this many people when you first came here? 
♫  all your love - jakob ogawa
As you moved past bodies standing in the hallway, you were sure you heard someone call your name, but you didn’t stop until you were safely behind the door of the bathroom. The music was muffled and shook the walls as you leaned against the sink, glaring at your reflection. 
“Get it together,” you hissed at yourself. “It’s just a fucking party.” 
Someone knocked outside, startling you. “In use!” you called out. 
“It’s me,” Bakugo’s voice came from the other side. “Can you let me in?” 
You felt your heart drop. He was the last person you wanted on the other side of that door. But somehow, you found your hand twisting the knob and cracking it open, meeting his eyes through it. 
“You alright?” 
“I’m fine,” you lied, trying to keep your voice level. 
“You sure?” Bakugo knew you weren’t telling the truth.  
“Yes,” you replied, but your voice cracked on the word. You squeezed your eyes shut and inwardly groaned. You could smell his scent again, as well as feel the ever-present warmth that never seemed to leave him. 
Before you could protest, Bakugo was pushing the door open and letting himself in, careful to close and lock it behind him. You backed away and sat on the edge of the bathtub, not wanting to meet his eyes. However, he knelt in front of you and tilted his head to the side, bracing his hands on either side of you. 
“What’s going on?” he asked, and his voice rumbled through you like a waterfall. 
“Rich of you to ask that,” you muttered, feeling the shameful sting of tears in your eyes. 
He sighed. “I really am sorry for what happened, y/n.” 
This wasn’t like him to apologize so brazenly. You risked a glance up at him, and he was looking at you so intensely, you immediately averted your gaze. But a brief moment later and you felt his index finger beneath your chin, slowly lifting it so you were forced to look at him again. 
“Why are you doing this?” you whimpered, a single tear slipping out and sliding down your cheek. “We broke up, Katsuki. You wanted to break up.” 
His jaw set. “I know,” he growled, his thumb reaching up and swiping the tear away. “But I just...I can’t imagine you with anyone else. I can’t imagine being with anyone else.” 
“Stop it,” you sniffled, pulling your chin away and swatting at his hand. “Stop. You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to hold me on the end of a leash like this, and tightening it whenever you’re in your feelings. At the end of it all, you were the one who left, Katsuki. And it’s not fair to me.” 
He stared at you with wide eyes. For a minute, he looked like the regular Bakugo. But it passed, and he dropped his eyes in shame. 
“I know it’s not fair,” he muttered, sitting back and resting his arms on his knees. He stared at his hands. “I don’t know why I’m doing it. It’s just...seeing you tonight for the first time in months, you looked so fucking beautiful and I felt so fucking stupid.” 
You looked down at him from where you sat on the edge of the tub, your eyes blurring with tears. “What do you want from me, Katsuki?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I want you to come home!” he exploded, looking up at you with a fierceness in his eyes, it almost frightened you. “I fucking miss you, alright? I hate waking up in an empty bed in the mornings.” He ground his teeth and glared at his hands again. “I miss your laugh. I miss those goddamn stupid songs you would play when you did the dishes. I just miss you.” 
You closed your eyes and took a trembling breath. “So what are you saying?” you asked, feeling your fingernails dig into your palms. “Do you want to get back together? Is that what you want?” 
“Don’t make me beg,” you heard him mutter. 
Oh. Oh. Your eyes opened and you looked down at him again. He saw the wicked glint in your gaze and he ran his hands through his hair with a scoff. 
“No,” he said, glaring at you. “I didn’t mean it like that.” 
“That sucks,” you simpered. “I’ll see you around then, Katsuki.” You made to get up and leave the bathroom, but his hand shot out and wrapped around your wrist, forcing you to stop. 
“y/n,” he growled. 
You arched an eyebrow down at him. “Yes?” 
A moment passed and he forcefully exhaled through his nose, as if working himself up to something. 
“Please,” he finally spoke through gritted teeth. 
“Please what?” 
“Can we please try again?” Bakugo asked, his fingers tightening around your wrist. 
You reached down and lifted his chin with an index finger, much like he did with you. His crimson eyes burned so hot as they met your own, and you smiled at him. 
“I like it when you beg,” you murmured, and a furious blush blossomed across his cheeks. “You should do it more often.” 
“Is that a yes?” he asked as he got to his feet, now towering over you. 
“Perhaps,” you mused, taking your bottom lip in between your teeth. “I’ll decide in the morning after you’ve made me breakfast.” 
“Breakfastー?” Bakugo stopped and grinned. “Oh, you think you’re funny, do you?” His hands wrapped around your waist and he pulled you into his chest, dipping his head to brush a gentle but sultry kiss across your lips. “Good enough for me.” 
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floraljae · 3 years
tagged by @dazumis aka lia the torturer
tagging @wh0sthe5pecial0ne @heephoriia @ilovjaehyun and anyone who wants to do it
what day is your birthday? september 16
what's your favorite color? black and dark green
what's your lucky number? 5 and 2
do you have any pets? yes, three dogs that are my cousin bros (who live downstairs)
how tall are you? 179 cm/ 5'10.5
how many pairs of shoes do you have? 6-7?
favorite song? kids in love by mayday parade and so let's love by day6
favorite movie? Yeh Jawaani hai deewani and Anything disney (not the latest ones though bleugh)
what would your ideal partner be like? Tall, no glasses, good at studies, has good hands and OFC doesn't nag me and yuh respekts me
do you want children? idk, maybe
have you gotten in trouble with the law? I am a good citizen
bath or shower? I'm shower
what color socks are you wearing? haven't worn em for the last two days
favorite type of music? japanese rock, korean indie, boltero rock
how many pillows do you sleep with? two
what position do you sleep in? on my back and I still have the back of a 70 year old
what you don't like when you're sleeping? having dreams with kissing/skinship involved, or just falling off my bed because of all the plot heavy dreams 🧎‍♀️
what do you have for breakfast? I don't
have you ever tried archery? yes and I'd rather not talk about it
favorite fruit? mangoes, bananas & strawberries
favorite swear word? Kutte ki aulaad, mchod and f**
do you have any scars? two, one right below my knee when I fell off a rickshaw and the other one was given by one of my dogs (cousin bro) while fighting for ice cream
are you a good liar? uh,,,idk lol. I am pretty honest- but can lie when necessary
what's your personality type? infj-a
what's your favorite type of girl? Lia, amelia and girls with big eyes
innie or outtie? innie
left or right handed? right but I can catch with both hands
favorite food? uH,,,,chicken or beef- idek
favorite foreign food? prolly steak
are you clean or messy? messy but I can be clean
most used phrase? W H A T UHM🤨
how long does it take you to get ready? procrastination= 10 minutes, getting motivated= 5 minutes, actually getting naked and putting on clothes= 3 minutes
do you talk to yourself? yeah, I get in trouble for it too
do you sing to yourself? yes, and my parents keep asking why the cats are crying outside
are you a good singer? took classes for 7 years, pretty okay ig
biggest fear? failure, getting ganged up on, being neglected/ avoided, not being understood
are you a gossip? depends, gimme quality stuff and I'll listen
do you like long or short hair? short, I FUCKING CANNOT KEEP LONG HAIR PLEASE IT'S TOO HOT HERE
favorite school subject? english and bengali literature
introvert or extrovert? introverted asf
what makes you nervous? haha not in the mood to write a 3k paragraph honey
who was your first real crush? still haven't had one
how fast can you run? due to playing ball games, I run pretty fast.
what color is your hair? black
what makes you angry? when people think they're right but aren't yet still drag things on. also, when they make out a perfectly opposite meaning of something i say.
do you like your own name? yes, it's hot and unique
do you want a boy or a girl as a child? girl. boys make me wanna yeet em off a cliff
what are your strengths? I am tall, have some good connection, I can cook- but apart from that, me is very weak
what are your weaknesses? I procrastinate, I get really nervous at times, can't control my emotions, bottle things up a lot, lie at times, do or say things that might hurt people, never feel lonely even though I am all alone most of the time, can't talk back at people who badmouth/insult me, feel a lot, lie at times and yes I cry a lot and blame myself too much, remember all the bad things from the past way too vividly
what's the color of your bedspread? white and pink
color of your room? white
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dayzone · 4 years
hello tumblr user andrewsrabies i've been having some jeaneil thoughts lately 😭 anything to share w the class 🙏
hi tumblr user daystens let’s talk about my random jeaneil hcs
neil gifts jean a pair of bright socks with cutesy cartoons on them as a joke but jean unironically loves them so neil buys him a shitload but just stuffs them in jeans drawer and never admits to buying them. they don’t talk abt it.
they actually do this a lot.. like. they will never admit it but taking care of each other quietly and without wanting for thanks is their love language. neil likes to cook for jean, he mealplans for them, leaves him baked gifts on the counter for jean to wake up to when neil has already left for class/work. jean likes to buy little trinkets and knick knacks for neil bc neil is at a place where having more things is grounding more so than anxiety inducing. it helps remind him that he takes up space in the world and that it’s okay. neil is particularly fond of 3D puzzles
i wanna think that in a world where they weren’t hurt quite as much and where touch doesn’t almost always hurt they like to wrestle. they are just dumb boys with stupid jock disease. it always starts out as like,, footsie or even just little shoulder nudges but neil can and WILL climb jean like a tree or attempt to suplex him. jean is too competitive for his own good, ESPECIALLY when neil is involved. it does not matter when or where. in jeans dorm? jeremy is terrified. in a restaurant? just another one they’re banned from. on the sidewalk? campus security knows them by name.
neil likes it when jean lays on top of him. the weight is just... nice and grounding. it works for jean too because after a long day he can always look forward to coming home and immediately flopping on top of neil, letting his muscles unclench one by one as neil strokes down his neck and back, carding fingers through his hair and tracing along his ears. jean likes the quiet rumble of neil’s chest as he hmms along to jeans rant about why his day was specifically terrible (in a post canon setting, jean relishes in being able to consider getting drenched from the rain, getting a B on a test he studied hard for, and rude, snappish people as a reason for his day to be terrible. it takes a while, and there’s days that even the thought of doing such makes him hate himself, but usually it’s just proof of freedom)
they are terrible at singing. TERRIBLE. THE BOTH OF THEM. but that doesn’t stop them from serenading each other in french, giggling all the while and holding each other close to sway to the song that they’re making up as they go
they have too many inside jokes. their texts are indecipherable.
chaotic. sometimes just the sight of them standing together gives kevin a headache.
they tune everyone’s opinion of them out. a common opinion is that neil is too mean, too blunt to jean, that jean lets neil get away with too much and is too flippant about everything in life. neil’s lack of sugar coating helps jean the most though, helps him see straight and come to the present when things get overwhelming. jean is organized but has recently started carrying a more casual air around him that reminds neil that if he takes a breath, if he takes a break, he isn’t going to die
jean has all of his keys painted. his closet is filled with bright clothes. his phonecase is layered in stickers. he likes color. neil is impartial to style but loves to steal jeans clothing, so they’re kind of walking disasters. jean is can kind of pull it off and knows a little about matching clothes together but neil just cannot be bothered. jean likes to dress him up whenever neil lets him, though.
they do a lot of crafts and are kinda bad at them but it’s stress relieving nonetheless and they proudly display everything throughout their apartment. their crocheted blankets are kinda lumpy and the colors aren’t perfect but they’re neils favorite. the kinda leaky mugs neil makes arent really usable but jean adores them anyways and uses them in any way possible (other than drinking from them). jean likes to paint things around the house just to make it brighter. neil knows jeans fondness for colorful things so whenever he sees something particularly bright and eye catching, he’ll buy it for their apartment. jeans favorite thing so far is a five inch tall multicolor and glittery walrus statue. it’s on their living room mantle. andrew despises their apartment and has only been in it once.
touch becomes really important between them. little touches, fingers brushing napes, intwined pinkies, ankles resting against each other, a nudge of a forehead against a shoulder. the bigger touches are important too. they make time each day, on good days when touch is good and doesn’t make their skin crawl, to just feel each other, whether it’s cuddling on the couch, jean giving neil a foot massage, or taking the time to wash each other in the shower and rub lotion into each other’s skin afterwords
erm idk if u can tell but i am feeling v soft for them rn :,) pls talk to me more about jeaneil... tell me if u want more angst or fluff i have many ideas about both
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oliviaischillin1204 · 5 years
roman’s experiment
Pairings: Platonic Royality, Platonic Logince, Platonic Prinxiety (none of them interact w each other except roman but everything can be LAMP if u believe)
Word Count: 3,498
inspired by (and directly stolen from) (jk jk i love you) this post by @ssm0lb34n which. is VERY good y’all. i was just going to comment on their post but then this hit 1.5K and i said “hm maybe not”. anyways that’s it love u mwah
also i didn’t realize til i was almost done that, thematically and storywise, tis very similar to ‘music to my ears’, but. it’s a good formula lmao (although i got hella carried away again lmao. idk if it’s bc it was the last pairing or bc i am prinxiety trash, but anything prinxiety is just gonna end up being twice as long as the others and i’m just gonna have to be ok with that)
Roman glanced curiously as his hands. He had been playing around with his appearance in the Imagination, and had somehow accidentally given himself long nails. He flexed his fingers, wiggling them back and forth. It felt kinda weird, but he decided they weren’t that bad. Especially, he realized suddenly, because of how useful they could be in certain... situations.
He paused, smirking to himself. Oh, this could be fun.
“Hey, Padre!”
Patton looked over his shoulder to see Roman standing behind the couch.
“Hey, Ro!” He responded with a smile. “What’re you doing back there?”
“I had an idea,” Roman replied. “Would you care to be my guinea pig?”
Patton’s grin brightened. “Of course! What do I do?”
“Right now, nothing. Just sit there and stay still. Okay? No moving.”
Patton quirked his head a little, but he nodded. “Alright, here I go!”
He turned and faced forward, scrunching his face in concentration. Roman was silent for a few seconds, and the longer he waited, the more Patton wanted to squirm.
Finally Patton had to speak up. “Am I doing it right, Ro-oman!”
Patton cut himself off with a gasp at the feeling of… something drawing slow circles on his upper back. He tensed, grabbing his legs as a couple giggles escaped his mouth.
“Ro-Roman, what is thahahat?”
Roman didn’t answer, just hummed playfully. Patton was about to ask again when the senstions moved from the top of his back to lightly scraping over his shoulderblades, reaching the back of his ribs and scratching up and down relentlessly.
Patton laughed outright, jerking forward in an attempt to escape the tickly feeling, but the tickles just followed him, ruthlessly not deviating from that one little spot where his waistline met his back. He brought his arms up against his chest, uselessly clenching and unclenching his fists.
“Better keep still, Patton,” Roman sang. “Otherwise I’ll have to start my experiment all over again!”
But Patton couldn’t stop squirming now if he tried, throwing his body left and right as his laughter increased in volume.
“Ah! Rohoman, no!” Patton squealed. “That’s not fahahair!”
The tickly feelings left the back of his sides (thank GOD) before returning to his shoulder blades (oh, come ON!). Patton felt several different pokey things begin to dig in all around those sensitive bones, spidering over his left shoulder blade while clawing in circles around his right.
Patton couldn’t help the shocked laughter that burst from his lips. “ROMAN! NO! NO-O, NO, NO NO NO!”
He threw himself backwards, slamming his back against the couch cushions, but all that did was pin Roman’s evil hands behind him. The tickles seemed to intensify even more, which he didn’t even think was possible.
Patton barely heard Roman chuckle over his own laughter. “You gotta free my hands, Pops! If they can’t escape, they’ll just keep tickling and tickling and tickling…”
Patton screamed, throwing himself forward yet again, this time rolling all the way to the floor to escape the sensations at last. He laid there, taking greedy breaths as he tried to make his back stop tingling.
“Whahahat was that, Ro?” He asked through his lingering giggles, catching the creative side’s eye over the back of the couch.
Roman just smiled and held up his hands, showing off his unusually long nails. Patton’s eyes widened.
“That’s all it was? Just your nails?”
Roman nodded, coming around the couch to help the paternal side of the ground. “How did it feel?”
“Oh, my gosh, Ro,” Patton replied, still a little breathless, “that tickled like crazy! I thought I was gonna lose my mind!”
Roman quirked an eyebrow. “And imagine what could’ve happened if I had gone for your neck, or your ears, or-”
“No!” Patton exclaimed, covering his ears and scrunching his neck defensively. Roman burst out laughing.
“Don’t worry, Padre, I’m done with you. For now,” he added sweetly, causing Patton to giggle lightly in nervous anticipation.
“I’m off to find my next guinea pig.”
He didn’t have to look very far.
Roman passed Patton’s bedroom open bedroom door, coming to the next closed door in the hallway: Logan’s room.
He rapped his knuckles on the door and promptly hid his hands behind his back. “Logan!”
No answer. Roman bounced on his heels.
“Yo, Teach! Open up!”
Still nothing.
“Logan! I need your help with an experiment!“
Immediately the door swung open. “Hello, Roman. How may I help you?”
Roman grinned. “I’ll tell you how you can help me.” He pulled his hands out from behind his back, wiggling his clawed fingers menancingly.
“You can start laughing!”
Roman waited for Logan to react with fear, or excitement, or… well. Any reaction, really.
Instead, Logan raised a single eyebrow. “Why would I be laughing?”
Roman paused. “Because I’m going to tickle you.”
Logan’s brow furrowed. “Ah. I see. No, thank you.”
He went to shut the door in Roman’s face, but the creative side held it open.
“Come on, Specs! It’ll be fun.”
“I do not see how forcefully stimulating my nerve endings would be fun,” Logan replied, returning to where he had been reclining on his bed. “I was having a perfectly satisfactory afternoon, and I wish to continue it now.”
Roman moved to stand the foot of Logan’s bed. “Logan,” he whined. “I wanna try tickling you with my new nails! Please?”
Logan sighed, crossing one leg over another as he picked up the book on his bedside table. “Do whatever you want, but please don’t bother me.”
He opened his book to the bookmarked page without another word.
The creative side pouted. It wouldn’t be any fun if Logan wasn’t going to play along. He let his gaze drift around, until he caught sight of Logan’s socked feet near the end of his bed.
Roman felt himself begin to smile as the gears turned in his head. He knew how to make it fun.
He quietly knelt down, leaning his elbows on the end of Logan’s mattress. The logical side did not react, although whether he was absorbed in his book or simply ignoring Roman, he couldn’t be sure.
He stayed there for a few seconds, not doing anything, before lifting one finger and dragging the sharpened nail slowly down Logan’s foot.
He watched the serious side for any indication that he should stop. He didn’t want Logan to actually get mad at him, after all. But Roman was surprised to find that there was pretty much no reaction, except-
Except his fingers tightened slightly where they held the book. Roman grinned widely. Bingo.
He repeated the motion, this time with one nail on each foot, pressing not hard enough to hurt, but certainly hard enough to send tickly sensations through Logan’s socks.
He heard the other side inhale just a little to quickly, exhale a little too forcefully for it to be natural. But he still didn’t say anything.
Roman repeated these little motions for a while longer before he sighed. “I guess this isn’t working, because you’re clearly not ticklish,” he admitted with a fake frown. Logan cleared his throat.
“Clearly,” he replied, although there was a tremor in his voice.
“Well, since you’re not ticklish… and since you haven’t asked me to stop…” Roman said, relishing in the way Logan’s eyes widened when he realized his mistake, “You wouldn’t mind if I continued? You know, for my experiment?”
Logan opened his mouth to respond, but immediately slammed it shut again when Roman began focusing all of his attention on the balls of his feet, scratching his nails roughly to really make the tickles unbearable.
Roman leaned back with a smug look on his face. Oh, this was delightful. Logan was blushing, a rare sight on the normally stoic side. He was biting his bottom lip fiercely, clearly doing everything in his power not to laugh, but there was no hiding that wobbly smile on his face.
“You, okay, Logan?” Roman asked, lacing his voice with faux-concern. “You look a little funny.”
“I am fi- mmph!” Logan clamped his lips shut again, his smile fully dominating his face. Maybe it had something to do with the way Roman had just dug his fingers right underneath his toes.
“Are you sure?” Roman asked. “You seem to be having trouble talking- not that I’m complaining.” He smirked up at Logan from his position by his feet. The logical side refused to look at him, keeping his gaze solely on the book that Roman was sure he hasn’t read a word of in the past five minutes.
“Is this the way to shut you up, Lo?” He teased, watching in glee as the blush on Logan’s face deepened. “Just some itty bitty scratchies right under the teacher’s ticklish toesies? Aw, but it surely can’t tickle, because you’re not ticklish, right?”
The baby talk pushed him over: Logan finally broke into desperate giggles. He tried to pull his feet away, but Roman was too quick, pinning both ankles with one hand while he used the other to rake his fingers down both of Logan’s soles at the same time.
“Ro-man!” The word barely escaped Logan’s mouth before he succumbed to full belly laughter, fruitlessly jerking his legs in Roman’s grasp.
The creative side merely laughed. “I wonder what these nails would feel like on your bare feet-”
“NO!” Logan screamed, the word ripping through his throat as he finally yanked his feet out of Roman’s clutches.
Roman couldn’t stop the laughter that exploded from him even if he wanted to. Logan’s face, flustered and embarrassed and slightly murderous, was just too funny.
When he finally regained his breath, he smiled cheekily at Logan. “Wasn’t that so much fun, Logi Bear?”
Logan scowled at the childish nickname, but his lips still threatened to curl up at the edges.
“You are atrocious,” he muttered. Roman raised an eyebrow and reached for his feet.
“I could keep going-”
Logan pulled his knees up to his chest. “Please don’t.”
Roman smiled at the panic in Logan’s voice. “Alright, alright. I’ll leave you alone.”
As he left Logan’s room, shutting the door behind him, he grinned. These nails were a better idea than he’d ever expected.
Roman retreated to his room after what he considered a very successful day. His experiences with Patton and Logan definitely proved to him how strategic long nails could be. The one thing that somewhat dimmed his excitement at his discovery was the fact that there was one side in particular that he hadn’t gotten a chance to use them on: Virgil.
He had tried to look for the anxious side after he was done with Logan, but he was nowhere to be found. In fact, they didn’t see him at all for the rest of the evening. Patton had been a little concerned (Roman was as well, but he’d never admit it), but Logan assured them that it was perfectly normal behavior for Virgil to spend a prolonged amount of time by himself, and that there was nothing to worry about.
Roman was comforted by Logan’s assurance that everything would be okay (although, again, he’d never admit it), but he was a little disappointed the grumpy side hadn’t gotten to be a part of Roman’s experiment. However, Roman knew it wasn’t the end of the world. Virgil didn’t always want to play in the same way Roman played with the others, and that was totally fine.
Besides, Roman thought as he examined his nails, they weren’t just good for tickling, and in fact they looked rather good on him anyway. As he reclined in his bed, Roman pulled out a nail file, making sure to maintain his nails to their ideal shape and length.
He hadn’t been filing his nails for very long before his door was opened rather forcefully. He looked up in surprise to find Virgil standing in the doorway.
“Um, knock much?” He asked, frowning at the intrusion.
“Nah,” Virgil replied, uncharacteristically flippant. He walked over to Roman’s bed and flopped next to the creative side, jostling him quite badly.
Roman watched him with a confused look on his face. “Can I help you?”
“Nah,” Virgil repeated. Roman’s eyes narrowed.
“Did you come in here just to be a nuisance?”
Roman sighed, bringing his attention back to his nails. “Well, keep still. I’m trying to work on something here.”
There was no snarky response from the other side, which was suspicious. Roman shot another glance at Virgil, only to realize that his focus was solely on Roman’s hands.
He glanced down at his nails, smiling a little as he wiggled them. “You like ‘em? I’ve had ‘em like this all day.”
Virgil snapped out of his little trance, shooting an irritated look at Roman. “Does that have anything to do with why Patton and Logan were screaming so loudly earlier?” 
Roman smirked, fondly remembering the shenanigans from that afternoon. “Afraid so. I hope we didn’t bother you.”
“You did,” Virgil replied bluntly. “You interrupted my naps. I couldn’t sleep all day.”
If Logan were here, he’d probably lecture Virgil about the importance of a regular sleep cycle and how detrimental mid-day naps can be, but Roman was not Logan. Instead, he tried to summon his inner Patton.
“I’m sorry, Virgil,” he said genuinely, “I didn’t realize we were being so loud-”
“It’s fine,” Virgil interjected. “You can make it up to me by letting me sleep in here.”
With that, he crawled right over Roman’s legs, attempting to... lay on top of him, for some reason?
“What the-? Get off!” Roman insisted, grabbing the emo side. The two wrestled for a few moments before Virgil ended up lying on his back in Roman’s lap.
“Virgil!” Roman wasn’t really angry, just highly confused. “What are you doing? Go sleep in your own bed!”
“Shh,” Virgil insisted, closing his eyes and folding his arms across his chest. “Let me sleep.”
Roman was almost at a loss for words. Virgil was normally so closed off, reserved, and totally aversive to unnecessary or intimate touch. Yet here he was, laying right across Roman’s lap for absolutely no reason. He and Roman bickered often, but Virgil was never this outwardly and intentionally annoying.
... Well. There was one reason that would make Virgil act like this.
Roman’s eyes flicked to the file in his hand, then to Virgil’s stomach, and back again. His eyes widened, and he smirked. Oh, he knew what Virgil was doing. But if he thought it was gonna be that easy, he had another thing coming.
“Okay, then,” Roman replied, and went back to filing his nails.
It was quiet for a bit, just the light shuffling sound of Roman’s file. Out of his peripheral, he saw Virgil frown at the lack of attention.
Suddenly he heaved a great sigh, wiggling around in Roman’s lap and jostling his hands yet again. A little bit of his hoodie and t-shirt pulled up, revealing a small stretch of tummy.
“Virgil, can you stop moving? I’m busy.”
Roman made sure to keep his face neutral at Virgil’s petulant look, but the emo side said nothing as Roman returned to the task at hand (pun intended).
This continued for several minutes, Virgil shifting around in increasingly obvious ways, while Roman ignored him in favor of meticulously perfecting his nails, giving the task much more attention than he normally would.
By the time he finished, almost Virgil’s entire tummy was exposed, but Roman had not done a single thing about it. Instead, he let the anxious side become more and more desperate, knowing that the anticipation was making him even more sensitive than he already was.
As Roman set aside the nail file, he noticed that there was a bit of nail dust left on his fingers. He grinned to himself, returning his hands to their place over Virgil’s torso before taking a deep breath and blowing the dust away, making sure that the stream of breath hit Virgil’s tummy.
The emo side jerked under him, his sensitivity through the roof after waiting so long for Roman to tickle him. He looked at Roman with wide eyes, but the creative side just smiled sweetly.
“Oh, sorry, Virgil. I didn’t mean to bother you, I know you’re trying to sleep. In fact, let me get out of your way, I don’t want to be a distraction-” He began to manuever himself out from underneath Virgil, but the emo side grabbed his sleeve rather forcefully.
“Roman...” Virgil pleaded, his voice low and slightly strained. Roman stopped, giving him an innocent smile.
“Yes, Virgil?”
The emo side didn’t respond, just folded his arms across his face and groaned.
“Sorry, Virgil, what was that?” Roman asked, sitting back fully.
Virgil muttered something unintelligible, his voice muffled by his hoodie.
Roman tsked. “Virge, you know you gotta speak loud and clear for me. Otherwise there’s nothing I can do to help you.”
Knowing that Virgil wasn’t looking at him, Roman hovered both of his freshly manicured hands over Virgil’s tummy.
“So I’m gonna ask you one more time: what do you want, Virgil?”
Virgil groaned even louder, slamming his arms down. “I want you to tickle me!”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Virgil’s gaze flicked from Roman’s face to his hands, now mere inches away from his vulnerable tummy. He gasped, sucking in his gut, but Roman only laughed.
“Oh? That’s it?” He responded, wiggling his fingers as he slowly edged them toward Virgil’s tummy. “Well, why didn’t you just say so?”
“Wait wait wait wahahait,” Virgil begged, giggles already coming out of his mouth.
Roman hummed in consideration. “No, I think you’ve waited long enough.”
With that, he touched down on Virgil’s skin, drawing delicate designs with his newly-filed fingernails.
There was no hiding his laughter this time; Virgil was already way too keyed up to even try that. Instead he broke into nervous giggles immediately, a steady stream of laughter that increased in volume whenever Roman moved too close to certain spots- like his bottom rib, for instance. Or just above his naval. Or the dip of his hipbone. Or halfway down his side. Or- well. Let’s just say there were a lot of ticklish little spots for Roman to work with.
“Aw, Virgil,” Roman cooed as the usually grumpy side laughed his head off, half-curled up in Roman’s lap, “I had no idea you’d like my nails so much! I wish I’d known sooner- we could’ve played together like this all day long.” He made sure to lace his words with as much sugar as he could muster, knowing that the one thing that made Virgil more ticklish, was talking about his ticklishness.
Well, Roman thought as he remembered how desperate the emo side had been for some tummy tickles, who was he to deny his good friend Virgil what he so obviously desired?
“Now Virgil, this is an experiment, you know,” he continued as if Virgil wasn’t giggling uncontrollably. “So I need to know, what tickles more? When I do this-” 
He spidered his nails on either side of Virgil’s belly button, causing him to squeal.
“-Or this?” He finished, slowly raking his nails down Virgil’s ribs. Virgil’s laughter turned into gasps as he struggled not to pull Roman’s hands away from his belly, instead waving his arms rather uselessly around him.
“N- no- Ro- I cahahahan’t!” He cried, his wide smile lighting up the room.
Roman laughed. “Didn’t you ask for this, stormcloud? Isn’t this what you wanted?” Virgil couldn’t answer through his laughter, but the blush across his cheeks told Roman that he was right. He redirected his hands yet again, one hand raking his nails across where Virgil’s side met his tummy, and the other dipping it pointer finger inside Virgil’s bellybutton.
“Ahahahahaha- Roman!” Virgil shrieked, kicking his legs as his peals of laughter left him.
Roman hummed. “If it’s such a problem, then move away.” He did slow his tickle attack, just in case Virgil really wanted to stop, but the other side made no move to escape.
“Sh- shuhuhut up!” He spit through his giggles, which grew back into loud laughter as Roman resumed his fierce tickles.
“No one tells me to shut up!” Roman declared, not holding back as he scratched and skittered his nails all over Virgil’s tummy, sides, and hips. “Prepare for death!”
Death was right; by the time Virgil batted Roman’s arm, giving the signal to stop, he was nearly out of breath altogether. Roman rubbed away the tingles with the palm of his hand, making sure to keep his nails from accidentally grazing Virgil’s skin.
“So? What do you think?” He asked Virgil once he caught his breath.
He shrugged, looking up at Roman with a content expression. “It was your experiment. What do you think?”
Roman stopped and pondered, before smiling. “I think these nails will definitely come in handy around here.”
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vanchlo · 4 years
Under The Bed / Chapter Three, “Down”
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WARNINGS: Mild swearing???
WORD COUNT: 5.9k words
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* : jump in time
* * : change in point of view
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Even after I slipped under the bed, and back into my world, her sobs still wrench at my heart and fill my head. It doesn’t matter how far I get away from her door that looks like a pixie threw up on it, pink as can be, I still hear them. If anything, they get louder and swarm around in my head. I shake it a bajillion times, wishing they would leave, and that when I pass other monsters who pat me on the back for the sound of her wails, I wish all the more for them to be gone.
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He kept doing that thing, and by thing I mean, showing up and scaring me.
Every night, he popped out from underneath my bed without fail, and scared the bejeezus out of me. He left me crying into my butterfly pillow from an impossibly horrible face he made, an insult he made that I took to heart, or because he wrecked one of my stuffed animals. I didn’t know how to get him to stay away, even if he was kind of cute I’d never tell him that, and when he screws up his blue face to look like a goblin, it’s not very cute. 
I dreaded him coming tonight, just like any other night for the last two weeks. He never missed a night, and I had gotten used to staying up past my bedtime until he arrived, sure that that would save me some pain instead of getting woken up to frogs in my bed and gum stuck in my hair. He had told me about doing that to Polly down the street last week, and the last thing I wanted to do was explain that to my parents in the morning. So, I stayed awake even though it was so hard on so many nights. Tonight, it was hard, but in a different way, because I wanted more than anything to be asleep after my third horrible day of school. I had no choice in the matter, and it worked out that Harry showed up right at nine-thirty. 
“Wakey wakey, bratty!” a voice booms, and I jump awake. 
“I’m awake, I’m awake,” I moan, unsure of who or why I announce myself. 
“Shiiiiiiit, I was hopin’ ya wouldn’t be. ‘s much mo’ fun t’ scare ya awake, ya hardly made a peep jus’ then,” the voice tuts with a clicking of their tongue. A puff leaves my lips when the light flicks on and his menacing figure appears before my eyes. “Welcome back t’ tha world o’ yer nightmares, Josie, loud and proud. Afraid ‘m back fer anotha night t’ scare yer socks off.” 
The My Little Pony covers slide off of me, and I fix the sleeve of my flowery night gown that rode up my shoulder. Ignoring him, I’m met with relief when my fingers grasp the cold familiarity sitting on my nightstand. 
“What tha hell, are ya givin’ me tha cold shoulder now?” he retorts with a volume in his voice, but I kn- I hope that he won’t talk loud enough to wake up Mommy and Daddy. “Since bloody when d’ya do that, Josie?”
“I’m reading, shhh,” I tell him, turning past the first few pages of a Clifford the Big Red Dog book until I find the first page with a picture of him and his owner, Emily Elizabeth. 
“Oh my days, I can’t believe tha nerve you have, girl,” the monster spits back at me, but with shaking fingers, I try to shove his voice away. I have an even harder time finding happiness in the pictures when it’s so hard to forget that he’s standing right there, ready to attack. “Ya think ya can talk t’ me like that, a full-on monster? Tsk, tsk, you dunno who yer talkin’ t’ here, ya li’l-.” 
“Eh-eh-v . . ugh . . Eh-eh-v-r-e-e . . ,” I try to sound out the word at the bottom of the page, but it’s so long and I don’t know this one. “Eh-ev-ree . . won loves Clifford, b-b-b-bee-c-c-cah-ssssss-e he has good m-m-m-a-a-a-n-n-er-r-r-r-s. You don’t have good manners, Harry, that’s something you need to work on.” 
“‘Scuse me, Josie Stephens? I reckon ya don’t even know what tha hell manners are, now d’ya, ya li’l shit?”
Gulping, I tear my eyes away from his angry green pair. Looking back to the book, I try to focus on reading the next part. I get the first two words, but then I’m stuck again, sounding it out like a dummy. I don’t understand how so many of my classmates already know how to read, and I don’t! 
My eyes shoot up and find Harry is closer, he must have taken a step towards me. As soon as I had looked up, his feet inch away from me, and I wish I hadn’t. Rubbing at my eyes sleepily, I take a deep breath and try again. 
“Myself,” Harry pipes up, and when I forget the book to look at him, we’re both shocked. “Tha word ‘s ‘myself’. ‘I taught him myself,’ it says,” he tells me slowly. Maybe, just maybe, he sounds normal and like me. Who would have thought that could be? “Duh, ‘s an easy word, even a Kindie like you shoulda known that, stupid.” 
Shaking my head, I move the hair out of my eyes and continue to read, quieter than before, and yet I feel his eyes on me like a hot pair of sun rays. 
“Clifford says p-p-p-l-eeeeee-s w-w-he-n he a-a-s-s-. Why are you laughing at me? I’m only five, we don’t know how to read yet,” I say, pointing my eyes at him. A sound flies from his lips that I’ve never heard before in that way. I think it might be a laugh, a happy one. 
“Sounds like I jus’ heard a five year old swear right there. Looks like me job ‘s done, ruining you by teachin’ you yer first curse. Ass,” he titters, walking away and towards the end of my bed. 
My throat begs for a glass of water and the words that didn’t make sense anyways become blurry in front of me. Swiping under my eyes, I get rid of the tears the second they warm my cheeks. 
“W-What’s this word?” I ask nervously, keeping my head down and refusing to look at him. I know that he likes to see my tears, and I don’t want him to, because then he only becomes meaner. Sniffling, I listen as his steps creak along my floor and his musty smell tickles at my nose. 
“Which one?” he groans as if I had asked the most stupid question in the entire world. I don’t answer out loud, and instead, I point to the one that starts with an ‘s,’ but my tired brain doesn’t want to figure it out. 
“Sumthin’,” he responds, and it pulls my eyes up and over to him. The light catches in the caramel colored streaks in his hair, and the gold bits in his eyes. Shocks of pink around my room from posters, stuffed animals, books, and my Hello Kitty clock look funny behind him. “Something,” he repeats clearly, yanking the book from my hand to point at a word. “D’ya know this one at least?”
“P-p-p-puh-l-,” I begin, but he interrupts me with a whine of ‘you jus’ read it, c’mon now,’ and I continue until he nods when I say ‘please.’
“And this one?” he continues, pointing to one that starts with a ‘t’ that takes me a few tries until I get it. “What comes afta ‘thank’ usually?”
“You,” I tell him, and he nods, at some point perching himself on the side of my bed like a bird. I almost think I hear him say ‘good,’ but it’s gone before I can decide if I did or not. 
The books lining my shelf across the room under the window itch for me to go and grab them, and sound out the words with him that look like nonsense to me. I hold back, and ask Harry to repeat what he said. 
“Yer fallin’ ‘sleep,” he notes, bumping shoulders with me. I shake my head and blink hard, knowing that he’s right. “He says ‘thank you’ when he gets sumthin’. And he writes a thank-you note when someone gives him a present . . ,” and before I know it, the words from the pages are dropping from his lips, slowly, telling the story. 
I don’t remember my head falling onto his shoulder or him letting it stay there. I definitely didn’t know that when I let my eyes rest for one second that I was going to fall asleep, and that the next time it would all feel like a dream, a far away dream that could never be true. 
Because there’s a monster under my bed who’s really gross and mean to me, and he just read me a bedtime story and was maybe nice to me. 
That couldn’t be, could it? 
* *
The ripe smell of mothballs and wet dogs welcomes me back, ripping away the sweet relief of berries and cream that graced my senses for the last however-long-it-was. My feet land with a loud clap! onto the shambles of wooden decking below. I kick the forgotten remnants of a Scooby Doo stuffy away with the torn toe of my Converse. Loud, raucous laughter echoes around me and is followed by a spit and whizz of a bottle rocket nearby. It paints the ink black sky with shocks of gold and white for a few moments, suddenly making me miss the light. The next thought makes me stumble over a lost pink ukulele with broken strings. I think I miss the smell and the warmth, no matter if I never get cold.
How the fuck can I miss that obnoxiously sweet smell of ripe red strawberries, and decadent cream that they’re drowned in? 
Would you shut the fuck up, Harry? What, are you finally going nuts here, on your four hundred and eighth year? 
“Oi!” somebody shouts, yanking me from my thoughts much to my gratitude. “Wait up, would ya?!” they continue in their familiar lilt. Stuffing my hands away in my pockets, met with the typical cool temperature of my own body, my feet kick up sand clouds when they stop suddenly. 
“What d’ya want, Ni?” I spit back, not bothering to turn my head. His cackle accompanies my boring slide down the Hill of Doom Jr. that he rides like a wave. 
“Who put a stick up yer arse, ‘arry?” he gripes, almost losing his footing once we reach the end. “Not a good night with yer kiddies or summat?”
“Sure,” I answer stubbornly, my eyes flitting past the weathered signs slapped onto the pole, pointing every which way with words scrawled onto them. Minneapolis. Chicago. Detroit. Los Angeles. Washington D.C. 
“I found some peanut butta at one o’ mine. I s’pose I could be a good mate and give ya some, but y’know what ‘s gonna cost ya. Figure I should get even mo’ than that seein’ as how ‘m deathly allergic.” 
“Don’t want any,” I retort, walking around the scuffed Spongebob skateboard and Kim Possible figurine lying beside it, missing her signature head of red hair. But it’s forgotten when my foot steps on something, and I lift it to find a plush Hello Kitty with its head torn off, the white more like a light brown now from all of the shoe prints muddling it. A little stuffy that I know all too well, and had forgotten my handy work with until now.
Somehow, it bothers me more than it should, and tips me over the edge. 
“What d’ya mean ya don’t-.” 
“I said I don’t want any fuckin’ peanut butter, Ni, and I never said I wanted yer company, now fuckin’ did I?”!” I explode, whirling around and scaring him to the point that he almost runs into me. His unruly eyebrows sink and the neon purple in his eyes shrinks, the scaring of a monster quite comical in the thought. 
“Fuck you, ‘arry. Dunno who shit in yer bed, yer always high as a kite afta gettin’ done with that Stephens girl. Jus’ cuz ya couldn’t scare tha lights outta her dis time doesn’t mean ya hafta jump down me throat cuzza it,” he says curtly, shaking his head of silver hair that sticks up at all ends. Muttered words float past me as he walks away with the pep out of his step. 
“‘s not that I couldn’t . . ‘s that I didn’t wanna . . fer tha first time,” I curse under my breath, kicking a pink stone riddled with holes off the edge, not waiting to hear its plink! at the bottom of Ghastly Gorge.
Clenching my jaw to stop me from saying all of the words that ricochet inside of my skull, I take a few turns until I step onto a rickety lift. Ignoring the two vampires who cling to each other’s necks with loud suckling noises, I tip my head back and close my eyes against the yellow light of the naked bulb above me. I don’t even lose my footing as the contraption whips from side to side and up and down with the loudest of screeches, lastly halting with a piercing ding! 
Sulking my way off and back to unsolid ground, the giggles from the ghoulish pair continue behind me, suddenly making me wish Liza was here. Biting my tongue, I try to forget about her, and the other her. Yanking open the door, it falls off its top hinge and I leave it there hanging, not giving a shit clearly. The squeals of the fireworks are almost out of earshot, but now, the shouting from some kind of game trickles past. 
“Can’t even get peace and quiet here o’ all places?” I mutter with a long sigh, pushing harshly at the metal gate. It hits the fence with a deafening clang! of metal on metal. 
“Heya, Harry!” somebody shouts and I nod and wave. More ‘hellos’ follow between the gravestones as I kick my feet along the black dirt path. “Oh, on your way to The Rotting River, I see . . Let’s leave him be, lads, he doesn’t look too terrible, the poor bloke,” Henry the Horrid whispers ever so loudly and I toss a hand up in the smallest of thanks, only bringing the memory back bigger and brighter.
Since when do I have fucking manners?
Their transparent white bodies float away with their silent steps, and from the corner of my eye, I see Marcus speed away like a flash of moonlight. 
“Why? Why? Why in tha fuck why?!” I scream, pitching the hundred pound rock into the black water, far and away. “What tha absolute fuck am I doin’? ‘m gonna ruin it all, everythin’ ‘ve ever built!” the red rock crashes into the water and under the green cast of the orb hung in the sky, it smatters onyx droplets across the green. I pluck another one from the ground at random, in between shards of bones, glass, and lost lovers necklaces, propelling them into the lazy waves of the river, wishing it was crashing tonight like the throes of my heart. Something I thought I hadn’t had for the last few centuries, but here I am, low and behold, seeming to have one.
That doesn’t happen, it’s not supposed to be. My kind . . we’re not supposed to use them, or even have a working one. 
How is it that when I saw the glassy tears in Josie’s eyes tonight, it felt like it was being squeezed in my chest? I can’t explain away the warmth I felt in it when her head fell onto my shoulder, and then when I pulled the covers over her tiny, sleeping body. 
I broke a hundred dozen rules tonight, enough to get me sent to the headstones just over the hill, and I can’t decide whether I care or not. 
* *
The tater tot casserole sitting in my stomach tried to lull me into an early sleep that next night, but with determination, I ignored it. I sat in bed with my school books in my lap, flipping through the pictures and trying to find familiar words. I knew that I wouldn’t find many, if any, but it didn’t stop me from trying. 
I didn’t know how long I had been sitting there after dinner looking through the books and making up my own stories, until my tired eyes glanced to the window. There I sat, watching the last few rays of sun be sucked back into the ground, or that’s how it looked. 
“Arentcha a li’l old t’ be havin’ shit like this?” a voice pipes up, and before I see him, I smile. I really wish that I hadn’t, because when he turns around, that dark glint in his eye has returned. I don’t know why I thought his voice sounded- what did it sound like, like it had last night? When the words from the Clifford The Big Red Dog book fell from his chapped lips? 
All of my questions are answered when there’s a loud crash! and my Hello Kitty pink clock smashes into a puddle of glass at his feet. “Whoops,” he giggles as I suck in air loudly, the dirty bottoms of his shoes crunching through the glass that I’m sure I’ll never get out of my carpet now.
“What, ya think ‘m gonna bloody read t’ you again or sumthin’, brat?” Harry says, nodding to the pile of books that I tighten my grip on now. “Not gonna speak t’ me, are you? Y’know that’s never a good bet, Josie Stephens,” he continues, each word laced with disgust from his lips. He licks them with his chalky pink tongue as the floor creaks with his nearing. 
“Don’t!” I squeal when he reaches for the books, but I put up a fight. 
“It never does any good fightin’ me, li’l shit, ya should know this by now,” he retorts, giving one last yank with his hands and painfully ripping the books from my grasp. “Ooooo, what d’we got here, huh? More stupid Clifford, Scooby Fucking Doo, Pussy Tom and that minx Jerry, and Peter Bloody Pan. Hmmm, looks like a good lot ya got here, Josie. I reckon they won’t be very easy t’ read if they’re in shreds.” 
“Harry, no! Please, those are from school, they’re not mine! I’ll get in trouble with my teacher,” I beg, getting on all fours and crawling across my bed towards him. One look is all he needs to get me to stop, because I know if I took one more step towards him he’d pull out one of those faces that’d make me wet the bed . . again. 
“Even better then, love,” he smiles that mischievous smile with his yellow teeth that he swipes his tongue across. I feel a lurch in my chest when the first book begins to look like rainbow snow falling from his fingers, then the next, and the others while he laughs loudly. My pleas for him to stop don’t make any difference, and I fear that they only make his devilish smile brighter and wider across his blue tinted cheeks. 
“Why’d you do that?!” I almost scream, and one of his unruly eyebrows raises in answer. 
“How many times do I gotta bloody tell ya t’ shut yer mouth?” he lips back in return, tossing the last handful of papery snow behind him. 
“No, I won’t! Why’d you read to me last night if you were just gonna do that?” I sob, angry words flying with the tears. It’s only a second, but I think that I surprised him. “I thought you could be nice!” 
“Ya well, ‘m not nice, Josie. ‘m a bloody monster, I dunno why you expected that I could ever be nice. Me job ‘snt t’ be nice, ya brat, and that was a fluke - a one time thing that’s never gonna happen ‘gain, ya hear? Stop cryin’ ‘bout yer bloody books and fuckin’ go t’ bed, ya cry baby,” Harry hisses, tightening the frayed red and black flannel tied around his body covered in holey black clothes. 
“But you can be nice, I saw it! You are nice, Harry, if you just try!” 
“What’d I say, li’l girl, huh? Go t’ bed befo’ I make ya, and ya don’t wanna see that happen, I can promise ya that,” he answers with a stern finger pointed at me. The lights flick off with no warning and I fall back when he pushes me onto my covers. I don’t remember when he left, because I was too wrapped up in the tears flowing down my cheeks, and the fear leaking through them. 
He’s right, I am stupid for thinking that the monster who lives under my bed could ever be nice. 
*  *
Even after I slipped under the bed, and back into my world, her sobs still wrench at my heart and fill my head. It doesn’t matter how far I get away from her door that looks like a pixie threw up on it, pink as can be, I still hear them. If anything, they get louder and swarm around in my head. I shake it a bajillion times, wishing they would leave, and that when I pass other monsters who pat me on the back for the sound of her wails, I wish all the more for them to be gone. Suddenly, I’m not proud of them, and I had thought that the few tears she shed the other night bothered me, but this is anything but that. It rips apart my insides how they dig into the crevices of my mind, and how they pull me back to her. 
With every step past the cracked headstones weathered of names and dates of life, my feet become heavier, like cement blocks. With each step, they grow a pound in weight, and the stones and boulders I chuck into the blackness can’t even compare. The shrieks and requital of the pissed off mermaids and slimy grindylows below don’t throw a damper on my exaggerated rock skipping. 
“We’re tryna sleep here, ye fool!” one of the pinched faced mermaids bellows at me, propelling the sharp edged stone back at me. 
“Does it look like I fuckin’ care what yer doin’?” I scream back, chucking a bigger stone in her direction. She yelps before her muddled neon pink hair disappears below the murky surface. “Fuckin’ mermaids, bloody lot still hate me afta I broke tha heart of yer beloved Hera last century,” I mutter under my breath, at last falling to sit on a smooth, red boulder. Prying the minuscule shards of glass from the soles of my shoes, my dormant lungs beg for air, something that stuck with me past my days as a human.
I don’t need to breathe or let alone be gasping for air, but it never escaped me, although most other mortal things certainly did. 
It feels as if a stone stronger and wider than those beneath my feet sits lodged in my throat when I try to swallow, her face stuck behind my eyes. My throat soon feels akin to Darkly Desert a few miles away and the emerald reflected on the toiling waves grows messed up in front of me. 
“What tha bloody hell?” I curse, swiping a finger across my cheek and feeling wetness greet my chalky skin. “Christ Almighty,” I breathe, feeling the cool tears scatter my cheeks as my nose sniffles accordingly. “I can’t remember tha last time I had a bleedin’ cry, certainly not since ‘ve been a monster. Tha fuck ‘s happenin’ t’ me?” I croak, my head collapsing into my hands. 
“Gotcha heart broken by another girl, Harry?” a slinky voice asks, waves lapping against the rocks at my feet. I don’t need to peek my eyes open to know who it is, their revolting voice and squeaky, wicked laugh tells me the whole story. 
“Would ya fuck off, Freya? N’body asked you,” I crack, toeing my shoe through a puddle of rotten weeds that I fling at her. She scoffs loudly and it’s unbeknownst to me whether she scurries away or lingers. 
“Me’s hopin’ she did good work on it, if ya even have anythin’ left in there. Guessin’ ‘s a shriveled ol’ black thing by this time,” Freya bites back, making a loud exit and whipping her tail to spray me with the water that reeks of rotted corpses and fish. 
“Like you’ve ever had one, Frey, it takes one t’ know one!” I shout, standing to my feet and tossing one more stone in her direction. “N’body likes yer kind anyways, jus’ glorified fish with boobs, you are,” I groan with a shake of my head, my feet crunching with every step over the tiny bones that her and her posse toss to the shore like it’s their own garbage bin. 
Questions swim through my mind as I hike up the hill muddied by last night’s boiling hot rain showers, wondering how I can fix this. I jumped right past the wondering and decision making, and have landed right at the ‘how.’
I really do have a problem here, but the one that concerns me isn’t the existential one of sorts. 
“Open alfucking ready!” I shout, pounding my fist on the chipped wooden door, streaked with red. I’m not sure if I want to ask the question of what made it red. “Zekey, c’mon open up , you git!” I continue, lifting my fist for another blow right when the door swings open. 
“Da fuck d’yeh want, ‘arry?” he sighs in return, rubbing at his eyes and only further smearing the black makeup surrounding them. “Shouldn’t yeh be out on yer route, and not buggin’ me?”
“‘m uh, in between kiddies right now, Z. Ya busy, mate?” I explain softly, biting at my nails but there’s not much left to bite. 
“Apparently not, and would it even matta if I was? ‘m sure yeh’d still barge right in, wouldntcha?” he tuts, turning around and leaving the door open for me. “By tha way, did yeh fookin’ tell Ly’ that I revoked his invitation? Told yeh not t’, I found him snoggin’ me girl and that’s reason enuff t’ banish him from here, I reckon.” 
“Nah, that wasn’t me. Maybe it was Ni, I dunno. Can we get on with this, ‘s important,” I rush, tip toeing a careful trail through his doorway littered with empty beer bottles, cardboard pizza boxes, and cigarette butts. “D’y’know how t’ bloody pick up fer once, Z? Yer not even a monster, so ya can’t fall back on tha ‘messy monster’ cliche, mate.” 
“I dont’ rememba askin’ yeh, ‘arry. Now, what tha fook d’ya want that I had t’ wake up fer?” Zeke responds with disdain laced in his voice, collapsing onto his maroon sofa that’s by far seen better days, perhaps last century even. 
“‘m takin’ up that favor o’ mine ya owe me, and don’t even say sumthin’ like, ‘oh, what favor?’ Cuz ya bloody well know what favor, need I remind you?” 
“No, no. My bloody God, ‘arry, jus’ name it already. ‘m not gettin’ any younger sittin’ here waitin’ fer yeh t’ explain yerself away, am I now?” he sighs, raking a hand through his spiked, electric green hair. I nod and with an unnecessary breath, I steady myself, and prepare the sentence that I’ve rehearsed over and over. 
“I need some o’ yer Fix-It Dust,” I say slowly, waiting for his reply.
“That’s all? God, yeh scared me, thinkin’ I needed t’ hex somebody, bring a lover back from tha dead, or wipe a memory,” Z chuckles, springing up from the sofa and across the room to his bookshelf that’s never changed in appearance since that day I met him at the Wobbly Waterfall and came back here. “There, easy ‘nough,” he announces a moment later, tossing a small, dark bottle at me. The bookshelf behind him slides closed, and the fluorescent bottles coloring the rainbow disappear behind the moving novels. 
“Thanks, Z.” 
“Don’t mention it, Hare. I dunno why yeh think that warrants a favor,” he replies with a soft laugh and shrug of his shoulders. 
“What d’ya mean?” 
“‘s bloody dust, mate, not a bleedin’ spell, jinx, or body swap. Tell anybody I did this fer you, and yer screwed, but tha favor still stands. Good luck with whateva tha fuck it ‘s, I don’t care and don’t wanna,” he insists, waving a hand at me. 
“I appreciate it, mate, thank you.” 
“Since when d’yeh have fricken manners, Hare? Yeh gettin’ soft on me, or sumthin’?” he giggles, crossing his pale arms riddled with black ink, one or two of them my own handiwork. 
“Oh, would ya learn when t’ shut yer fuckin’ mouth, Zeke?” I scoff with a tut of my head, turning around and kicking a few beer bottles out of my path. 
“Hare, a softie? It really mus’ be tha end o’ days a comin’,” he titters from behind me, soon the sound of his TerroVision roaring to life. 
“Mention that t’ anyb’dy and ‘ll knock a few mo’ o’ yer teeth out, mate!” I counter, hearing the last few licks of his laugh before the door slams behind me. 
“This shite better magic me way back onto her good side,” I sigh, turning the dark bottle over in my hands, watching the flecks of fluorescent orange trickle around, and wondering just what the hell I’m doing. “I need t’ fix me fuck up befo’ ‘s too late,” I say, shoving it into my pocket hurriedly and padding down a flight of chipped steps, my heart thumping harder with every step that nears her. 
Her decadent smell of berries and cream welcomes me back first, and then the sound of her slow snores. Her Scooby Doo night light smiles at me ironically, shedding light on the piles of torn paper on the cream carpet. Never, did I feel so guilty. The dried tears staining her cheeks and the heart wrenching sniffling in her sleep only make matters worse. Her mattress sags under my weight and I watch how her chest rises and falls with every breath, a sensation I can’t remember experiencing, but then again, I’ve never tried to remember it. I thumb away the strands of golden hair cast over her face, her smell wafting over me when I brush my thumb against her warm skin. Toasty breaths against my hand remind me that they feel like icicles, and that somehow long ago, they used to feel like her. They used to feel human, and so did I. 
“‘m so sorry, Josie, for ruinin’ yer books and clock. Pinky promise ‘ll fix ‘em. Right here and now,” I whisper softly, placing the wild strand of hair behind her ear adorned with an earring of a little, pink ice cream cone. Standing up, I look over my shoulder to make sure I didn’t wake her. 
She’s not really a heavy sleeper or a light one, I’ve found, somewhere in the middle instead. With my back to her, my grimey shoes come to freeze before the flurry of colored paper below me. Nibbling at the inside of my cheek, fretting, I fish the bottle from my pocket. The brown cork slides from the opening easily with a pop! before I turn it around in my hands, finding Zekey’s chicken scratch on the other side. 
After sprinkling on your screw up, chant these words and it’ll magic your mistake away, like it never happened. Three times is a charm. 
Fixus Motalus 
“Easy enuff,” I mutter, stuffing the cork away into a pocket. Tipping the bottle to the side, I tap my finger against it to watch the glowing dust fall to the floor. “Fixus Motalus. Fixus Motalus. Fixus Motalus,” I recite and within a blink, the pile of torn books sparkles before an imaginary wind kicks them up into a tornado of sorts, mending themselves back together before my smiling eyes. 
My steps leave creaks along her carpeted floor, something I’ve always hated, because it gives me away. I just hope it won’t do that very thing now, when I need to remain in secrecy more than ever before. 
“C’mon, Posie, where’s yer markers? They’ve gotta be here sumwhere, bein’ a little kiddie and all,” I sigh, my eyes searching her desk that, of course, is a baby pink. Only when I pull open a drawer do I find a stack of plain paper, and a plastic box chalk full of markers. 
Plucking one of the papers from the stack and a blue marker, I quickly scrawl a note on it before the cap clicks! back onto the marker. I’m careful to shut the drawer quietly and to not move a thing from its place, besides the Aladdin water bottle on her bed stand. Beside it, I find room to place the shiny pile of books with her teacher’s name written on the front, and with my note sat on top. 
She continues to snooze away, unknowing of my presence, and ignoring the crackling of glass below my feet at the end of her bed. As silence trickles through the house, I watch until every last sparkling fleck has fallen from the bottle to the floor, leaving it empty. A small tornado of sharp glass whirls into the air above the floor, and like a puzzle, they fit themselves back into the pink frame of the clock. With a whooooooosh!, it flies itself back up the wall and to the nail that it hung from, a shiny glint on its glass. 
“I dunno what yer doin’ t’ me, Josephine May Stephens,” I cluck softly, hands stuffed in my pockets as I trudge over to her bed and find a seat in front of her. “But I know ‘s no good, that’s fo’sure . . cuz I think I may be gettin’ a soft spot for you . . and monsters don’t get soft spots for kiddies, we hate you lot typically. Yet, here I am, thinkin’ I might be likin’ a kiddie. ‘m in fer real trouble with you, aren’t I, lovie?” 
* *
Sun stretches through my blinds the next morning, trying to reach me. Groaning, I turn over in my bed and call back to my mom when she knocks on my door, asking if I’m awake. Flying up to sit, my eyes race around the room, hoping she won’t walk in. 
“Alright, honey. Breakfast is ready, come and eat before it’s cold.” 
“Okay, Mom!” I reply, swinging my legs over the side of the bed as I lift the covers, accidentally hitting my bedside table. Something falls to the floor with a slap! and my tired eyes follow curiously.
“What was that? I didn’t have anything on the table last night,” I yawn, my feet falling onto the carpet. “Huh?” I exclaim with wonder, falling to my knees and picking up the pile of books, the very same stack that Harry shredded to pieces last night. Questions roll through my head and no answers come as I flip through the pages that are just like before, not even a page tear in sight. “This is really weird . . Am I still dreaming?” I mumble. Something tells me to lift my head and when I look at the wall, there sits my Hello Kitty clock with her arms telling me the time, ticking along just fine. 
Huffing, I glance back to the books but they’re forgotten when I see a piece of paper on the floor. Wait, that wasn’t there before, was it? I never wrote a note or colored last night before bed. Reaching a hand out, I pick it up and find that this morning can only get weirder, and weirder. 
“If only I could read you, because I bet you’re from Harry, and then all of this silliness would make sense to me,” I huff, stashing the note in my side table’s drawer and trudging downstairs, wondering what to expect tonight from the monster under my bed who signs his notes with a really bad drawing of a monster.
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bluebellhairpin · 4 years
50  Questions Tag
I was tagged by the lovely @rae-rae-patcha! I’ll tag (with no pressure, obviously!) @demigod-dragonrider-schoolidol @fizzyxcustard and @writefightandflightclub. 
Let’s get to know me, and have some fun too! - Nemo __________
1. What color is your hairbrush?
It’s a grey colour, but also a lavender/purple type of grey. 
2. Name a food you never eat.
I don’t do anything with blood in it. Also Oysters. I had one of those once and I’ve sworn off them ever since. 
3. Are you usually too warm or too cold?
Too cold. My hands and feet are notorious for being cold, but my core temperature has been described as warm. It’s weird. 
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?
Playing Hide and Seek on Minecraft LMAO
5. What’s your favorite candy bar?
Snickers, or Flake. I like my chocolates, so I can’t really pick one. 
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports game?
Nope. Never in my life. 
7. What’s the last thing you said out loud?
“Dad, stop!”
8. What’s your favorite ice cream?
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?
W a t e r. Hail Hydration. 
10. Do you like your wallet?
I barely use my wallet. It was a gift from my dad literal years ago, and since I got a card I don’t really use it anymore... 
11. What’s the last thing you ate?
I wanna say something healthy, but it was actually a Flake Chocolate. 
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
I did not. 
13. What’s the last sporting event you watched?
I caught clips of the last Rugby game, I guess that counts? 
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?
Salted Caramel. 
15. Who’s the last person you sent a text to?
My cousin. I sent her a picture of a castle. 
16. Ever go camping?
Not in forever. I really want to go again though. We have some great spots along the coast, and that’s real close. (I live about an hour and a half drive from the start of the Great Ocean Road so I could go. I could even do a day-trip to the Twelve Apostles lol). 
17. Do you take vitamins?
I should. But I don’t. 
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?
I do. Every sunday. 
19. Do you have a tan?
You’d think I would since I live in Australia. But I don’t. 
20. Do you prefer Chinese or pizza?
Chinese. Every time. 
21. Do you drink soda through a straw?
Yes. I am a child. BUT I do have metal straws now, so I don’t feel guilty about it anymore. 
22. What color socks do you usually wear?
Black socks. 
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
Sometimes. No. 
24. What terrifies you?
Heights. Needles. Wasps. Thunder. In that order. 
25. Look to your left, what to you see?
My dining room table. 
26. What chore do you hate the most?
Vacuuming. I’d rather wash all the dishes by hand than vacuum a single room in my house. 
27. What do you think when you hear an Australian accent?
Uhmm, nothing? Australian accents are just normal accents to Australians. But sometimes you come across a real thick accent, and when I do, I think of my Uncle. 
28. What’s your favorite soda?
I like Frozen Cokes. The once you get from Maccas. 
29. Do you go in fast food or in the drive through?
Drive Through! COVID-19! We do Drive Throughs! 
30. What’s your favorite number?
28. I think that’s a nice number. 
31. Who’s the last person you talked to?
My Mumma. 
32. Favorite cut of beef?
Idk man. Meat is meat. I’ll eat it all. 
33. Last song you listened to?
'Woke the F*ck Up’ by Jon Bellion. 
34. Last book you read?
And finished? I can’t remember. I think it was ‘DOGS’ by M.A. Bennett. 
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?
Hell nah. I’m boring like that. 
36. Favorite day of the week?
Fridays. There’s some nice relief to Fridays. 
37. How do you like your coffee?
 Latte with two sugars.  
38. Favorite pair of shoes?
I have a pair of black heels with gold studs all over them. They make me feel powerful. I love them. 
39. Time you normally wake up?
40. Sunrise or sunsets?
Sunsets. I don’t like getting up early. 
41. How many blankets on your bed?
Two. My doona and a throw rug at the foot. 
42. Describe your kitchen plates?
My mothers plates. Very cottagecore. 
43. Describe your kitchen at the moment?
Neat. but rather empty except for where I am standing now. 
44. Do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?
It’s called a ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’. 1 oz Captain Morgan Rum, 1 oz Jack Daniels Whisky, and then fill the glass up with however much Coke you like. 
45. Do you play cards?
I do. Last I played I broke my glasses. Cards with my peeps can get pretty wild. 
46. What color is your car?
A steel silver colour. 
47. Can you change a tire?
I have assisted in changing tires, but never on my own. 
48. Your favorite state, province, country, etc.?
I live in Victoria, bu the Northern Territory is so pretty. If you ever go to Alice Springs I highly recommend the Sunset Camel Rides. Its so nice! 
49. Favorite job you’ve had?
I was a kitchen hand, and there I get free food from one of the most expensive restaurants in my town.
I also worked with Scaffolding for a while, and I got to help out with getting rid of a beehive. Very cool stuff. 
50. How did you get your biggest scar?
My longest scar is on my wrist, it came from a measurement ruler - I scratched myself on it. My biggest one is on my other wrist, an oil burn from when I was cooking once. Hurt like hell. 
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poetic-beats · 5 years
You'll be ok. If you feel your not, You can talk to me. Take care of yourself.
Thank you so much <3  I am just overwhelmed by everything right now.  Like my partner having no job by January. My mental health. My physical health like this year so far I’ve been told I have CNS dysfunction and FGID. I am being tested for Celiac. Oh and they found cysts on my ovaries then they tested and said it wasn’t what it could’ve been and now because of issues I’ve had my female GP who handles my contraception which is due up in January wants me to have another uhh thing to check the cysts and have another blood test because turns out I could actually have it..and it could affect my chances to have children naturally - I know what it was like for my mum she has the same condition and so if i have it I’m scared even though things are different now they know more and have better options its still like D: It is like seriously though I’ve got two new things wrong with me although they havent yet like found the cause of the CNS dysfunction all the specialist could say is I hit some markers for Fibromyalgia but not enough but in her medical professional opinion I do have some form of CNS dysfunction but just not likely fibromyalgia my mum took me to see this specialist first purely because she has Fibro herself so she thought well lets start with an appointment with a rheumatologist who would like be able to check for fibro and a few other condtions. So I kinda need to like now see I think the next step is a neuropsychologist but like I’ve been so stressed and ill right now trying to fight for my mental health treatment/therapy so I’ve not been like exactly thinking about making appointments for the CNS stuff. But it is impacting me it makes me get involuntary like twitches/jerks it feels like a jolt like a little electric jolt i guess down my body but not painful as such but it just makes my body go like suddenly my arms jerked to the left or Ive thrown the food in my hand across the room because my arm/wrist/hand w/e has suddenly twitched or w/e but sometimes i get the like electric like w/e feeling its hard to explain it like across my whole body from my head to my toes and at that point it can lead to me just sort of on and off twitching a bit more like less aggressively but more often in a space of time i usually end up sleeping it off so idk really I pretty much just always pass out asleep when I get that kind of feeling. And like I wanna do stuff to like help ease his worries about money and the burden on him to support us financially and support me emotionally. But I’m not fit to work like not even a minor part time job really because I’d be so unreliable with the way my body is. I am also affected by sensory issues and other things so it’s just not I couldnt realistically right now engage in work for someone.  So I am trying to do like online things but I don’t...I...just I am getting kinda overwhelmed by that too. Cos I dont know where to start what to do. Like I do but I dont you know? I mean...idk...Ive sold 3 pairs of sloth socks which was cool in the past like 2 weeks or is it 3 now since like i started like really seriously uploading to redbubble like before that I kept like uploading then removing my designs trying out different sites and so on I was trying to figure it out but I do now have it kinda figured out so that’s something. But now its like I’ve gotta get people to my freakin’ redbubble and its hard cos how an earth do i drive people to check out my store from the millions of others on the site. But also like I dont wanna like.. Idk I feel like and even though I have explained my situation on here I still kinda feel like I try to do it in a like not serious asking for help way in that i dont want it to come off as idk like I dont wanna be that person where its like i dont wanna be coming off as oh please help me feel sympathy towards me and feel sorry for me or pity me bs. I dont wanna be like appearing to be all I’m in desperate need pls help signal boost or buy to support me. Cos I’m not you know I have my parents to help we’ll be moving back in hopefully before xmas where I won’t have to pay rent. For me this is more about you know when my parents aren’t there I need to have an income for me and my partner hes disabled too...so full time jobs for the both of us is not likely especially if his EDS (edlher danlos syndrome) gets worse ya know?  So I suppose my worries arent like of imminent threat of anything but more like in the future we’ll be fucked if i cant set down the foundations now for the potential for a long term income from various online strategies. But just even thinking about the future and that far ahead fucking terrifies me.  Not only because of all this but because I never really thought about the future I didnt see one for myself as far as I was concerned I’d be dead or I’d be just...idk I couldnt even imagine a future or if I thought I’d make it I wouldnt really care you know because I didnt have like that light in me to want to live so it wasnt like I wanted to survive and thrive and i couldnt see a ‘happy ending’ for myself and now i can and I want to make that come true but of course its a bit hard to envisage a nice happy future with Kade when literally everything depends on having money to eat and have a roof over our heads etc and its just..UGH
I feel like trash too because I feel like my worth is valued by my output/labour and at the moment my output isn’t really bringing in cash right now so my output wouldnt exactly be deemed as ‘good’ idk its just weird its not like an I feel worthless thing like depression low self esteeem shit its more just a sort of social cultural consensus/belief that is ingrained that we are not really worth anything unless we’re contributing to society i.e working , paying taxes and buying things to reinvest in our economy etc etc..everything is about how much a human is worth in value of £ssss to big corporations and governments and rich people and idk its just like...they do have a point you know i cant just sit around and not do anything to contribute..because..then i feel like you know im not ‘sick enough’ to warrant that so im just in this limbo i guess completely self enforced by my mind which just makes it all the stupider but it is what it is. Venting this out has helped clear my mind some cos i mean at least its now out there in this void than just bouncing around my brain. Its why i write poetry too I guess idk why I just feel a release less tension SOMETIMES not all the time but sometimes it can help ease even if only slightly the chaos of my mind to just get it out there whether by chatting in person or writing it out like this just having it out there venting to someone or on a blog where people will read knowing like its not isolated within you still its relieving sometimes. So thanks for messaging me!  I hope you are having a good day so far! Idk timezones or where u r so it could be early there for you maybe your day is just starting..who knows! Its 2:37pm where I am right now though so I need to work  or try to...(yet again me feeling if i dont work constantly I be like failing at life) lol
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sizeshiftingrobot · 5 years
Idk if ur still into it but,,,, sally face characters finding a borrower in the apartments???
oh HELL yea babey i friggin love sally face
im gonna go with the main four kids cus i love em a whole bunch uwu
 definitely surprised at first, but considering all the things hes seen in his day to day life, this is refreshingly tame for him
 he would absolutely respect the borrowers space and privacy, along with respecting their decision to move away if they so desired. he’d worry about them and wanna make sure they dont get hurt, but he’d understand their choice if they did leave
 if the borrower were to stay, sal would often offer to help them out by leaving snacks out or giving them socks that lost their pair (he would then probably find a few of his and his dad’s missing socks are now in possession of that borrower)
sal is super worried about his mask freaking the borrower out, but is even more worried about them seeing his scars and scaring them even more
hes great at handling tinies and just as good at keeping them secret or hidden if they ask him to keep them a secret
completely m i n d b l o w n by the presence of a borrower. first sal shows him that ghosts are real, now tiny people living in the floors??? wild
no idea how to handle a borrower. probably sticks em in his pocket and takes em straight to sal to show them to him n ask if he knows what they are
despite not knowing what hes doing he would constantly offer them snacks and ask if theyre cold or hungry or thirsty. hed probably offer them weed 
larry would probably also feel really bad about how loud he blasted his music on nights that his mom was working overtime. poor tiny person in the walls probably had their whole room vibrating from that volume
if lisa found out shed basically adopt that borrower. hello new small child this is your cleaning mom bean now
very confused by this small person. are they some kind of hyper-intelligent form of rodent? are they from an entire society of miniature humans??  is todd just dreaming??? wild
he’d try and give the borrower a somewhat decent home, at least one better than the literal hole in the wall that they live in. not necessarily like, a terrarium for a pet, but something a bit more secure and roomy than the walls of a hundred year old apartment
yknow that thing about programmers talking to a rubber duck to help them figure out what problems they missed? todd does that when he does homework but with this borrower. poor borrower doesnt even know what hes talking about but they’ll provide moral support for him
hes pretty good at handling tinies but he doesnt really trust himself in holding em in fear of injuring them or holding them too tight and making them uncomfortable
if his parents found out about this borrower theyd probably just be like “heh nice” and let them be fkjdshg
she would be shocked at first but then shed fawn over this little guy! theyre so small and cute!! and we all know tiny things r like automatically cute we all know this
shed carry em around everywhere (but still keep them hidden to protect their privacy) partially to keep an eye on them and partially just cus she likes to have a lil friend around
ash would absolutely ask them to pose for her as an art reference
would do everything in her power to protect and keep this borrower safe. theyre injured? clean and bandage their wounds. they got a tear or a hole in their clothes or smth? shes gonna sew that bad boy up even if shes not that good at it. a piece of furniture they made isnt staying together? shes gonna help make it more stable for em
shares her lunch with the borrower, might even go as far as making tiny food for em like people do on youtube for their hamsters or whatever
sorry this is such a long post i got really into this !! thank u for asking me abt sf i dont get to talk about it much on here uwu
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bitchronan · 6 years
Non-magical, college, texting AU
Warning for language & alcohol use
Tuesday, 11:04
Pansy to what was our group chat name again: Millie.. what was that?
Millicent: what was what?
Pansy: you just walked into a tree?
Millicent: I literally did not
Pansy: idk how else to say this .. yes you did
Blaise: hate to agree w/ pansy but I also bore witness
Millicent: ur all dirty fucking liars
Tracey: Ginny weasley just walked past
Tracey: don’t worry millie I don’t think she saw
Theo: wait what????
Theo: ginny weasley!!!?????
Millicent has left the group
Pansy to dynamo titties: don’t think ur getting off this lightly
Millicent: why couldn’t I have better mates
Daphne: fuck right off we’re amazing
Astoria: heard you’ve got wet knickers for weasley female
Millicent: I’m blocking you all fr
Millicent @itsmilliebitches
for sale: shitty friend group, will poke their giant noses in ur business and leave their dirty socks on yr floor (DRACO), starting bid: $0.06 and a piece of gum
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Wednesday, 09:43
Pansy created the group weaslette recon
Pansy added Millicent to the group
Pansy added Draco to the group
Pansy added Daphne to the group
Pansy added Blaise to the group
Pansy added Astoria to the group
Draco to weaslette recon: oooo exclusive members only club
Pansy: this is serious shit
Pansy: no fucking around
Blaise: except for millie
Blaise: ba dum tss
Daphne: please never say that again
Pansy: you have all been chosen for your unique talents
Pansy: Millie obviously u have no talents ur just here bc ur the one w the mega crush
Pansy: Daph ur weird friends w potter we can use that
Millie: oh thanks
Daphne: weird friends …
Pansy: Draco ur just super nosy
Pansy: Tori u and Ronald are still ‘friends’ right?
Pansy: and blaise u just have weirdly good stalker talents
Blaise: right so why are you here?
Pansy: im the brains obviously
Astoria: obviously..
Wednesday, 12:17
Astoria to ronnie 🌸: what are you up to??
Ron to tori 🌟: just laundry you?
Astoria: you know
Astoria: I have laundry to do too
Ron: 😊
Blaise to draconis: you know I think the binoculars are a bit of a give away
Draco to blaze: it’s part of the look blaise
Draco: I’m committed to the aesthetic
Blaise: god ur gay
draco @dracodormiens
need new friends who can truly appreciate the effort I put into being the only one w/ taste or sense of style.. or a skincare routine
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Wednesday, 13:54
Draco to weaslette recon: this is what I have learnt thus far about weasley the smallest:
Draco: she literally does not own any shoes other than sneakers
Draco: which, quite frankly, is a crime
Draco: she’s a lot taller than you think she is
Draco: I would say around 5’7
Draco: bearing in mind millie that you are actually the shortest person alive
Draco: that could present issues
Draco: also she’s friends with loony lovegood which doesn’t speak highly of her taste
Astoria: okay I actually learnt something useful so I’ll go now
Draco: ‘useful’?? okay Sherlock do your worst
Astoria: Ron said she plays football Monday, Tuesday and Fridays and some weekends
Astoria: she’s on the varsity team
Astoria: she works at that coffee shop by the science building
Astoria: she loves animals and volunteers at a rescue shelter when she has the time
Astoria: he also said she’s the most annoying person alive, has no sense of personal space and always takes his shit
Astoria: seeing as he’s her brother I think this is a bit of a biased assessment
Pansy: Astoria thank you for your good work
Pansy: draco I’m doubting your usefulness to this mission
Draco: guess I’ll just die then
Wednesday: 16:02
Daphne to cilliment: ginnys at the library
Daphne: surrounded by admirers
Millicent to dangly: can u blame them
Daphne: god ur wet
Millicent: 🖕🏼
Millicent @itsmilliebitches
Some people are actually like the sun and everyone is just drawn to them ☀️
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Wednesday, 19:16
Ron to grotty sibling #6: Astoria was asking a lot about you earlier
Ginny to roonil: I wouldn’t find your girlfriend asking about your family odd apart from the fact that Draco Malfoy and Blaise zabini were following me around w a pair of binoculars
Ginny: btw I bagsie letting mum down in favour of my social life this week
Ron: fuck no I already have plans
Ron: also, not my girlfriend
Ginny: not if I text her first you don’t
Ginny to birthgiver: mom I can’t come to dinner this weekend I have important plans
Ron to Mom: Can’t make dinner this weekend but Ginny will be there she has nothing on xx
Molly to Family: Any more of my ungrateful children want to stand me up this weekend?
Fred: now you mention it….
One notification [view / ignore]
Ginny Weasley @ginnyweasley like your tweet: “@itsmilliebitches: Some people are actually like the sun and…”
Thursday, 11:07
Theo to what was our group chat name again: why have we not spoken for like three days
Theo: wtf is going on??
Blaise: definitely not bc we have a new secret gc w/out you
Theo: hahaha I would rip your throat out
Pansy: :/
Theo to bbbbbbbBLAISE: who is in this secret group chat
Blaise to the-no: if I told you it wouldn’t be secret
Theo: you’d better sleep with one eye open fucker
Luna Lovegood has sent you a message request [view / ignore]
Luna Lovegood to Millicent Bulstrode: there’s a party at phi delta alpha on Saturday
Luna Lovegood: I thought you might want to come since you clearly have a massive crush on Ginny
Luna Lovegood: She’ll be there, in case that wasn’t obvious
Luna Lovegood – Add Friend / Message
Millicent to main group chat with everyone not secret cooler group chat: what are we all doing on Saturday
Millicent: rhetorical question we’re going to a party at pda
Draco: still the best fraternity name ever
Thursday, 14:12
Daphne to ditties (dynamo titties): anyone (millie) wanna go get coffee specifically at that place by the science building for no particular reason
Tracey: I’m down
Daphne: don’t remember inviting you but okay I guess
Millicent: how do you know she’s working today
Daphne: Penelope Clearwater from my business class is a manager there
Daphne: she showed me the rota
Millicent: on what grounds??
Millicent: Hey penny can I see the staff rota for the coffee shop you manage for vague and unspecified reasons
Daphne: pretty much yeah
Daphne: slytherin
Tracey to ditties (dynamo titties): okay what’s everyone want?
Tracey: millie ur ordering for everyone
Tracey: millie??
Daphne: I think shes literally lovestruck
Daphne: I want an oat milk latte w vanilla syrup
Daphne: oh look there’s potter we should go sit w him and his pals
Daphne: the sister of my friend’s best mate is my crush and all that
Tracey: as the spice girls so wisely said
Tracey: if you wanna be my love you gotta get with my friends
Daphne: zigazig ah
Tracey: pray be upstanding for the mighty spice girls
Millicent: fuck off im actually about to crap myself
Daphne to potter: oi potter who are your pals?
Harry to daphne g: daphne, fancy seeing you here
Daphne: we have ulterior motives
Harry: should I be worried?
Daphne: ask me no questions and I’ll tell you no lies
Daphne to ditties (dynamo titties): millie whats that on your cup??
Millie: ??? what do u mean
Tracey: there’s something drawn on your cup
Tracey: it looks kind of like a sun
Daphne: why does she look like shes about to pass out?
Luna Lovegood invited you to the event shindig / Saturday, 21:00
Going / Maybe / Can’t go
Saturday, 19:38
Millicent to skkkkrrrr: okay I need help of the wardrobe variety big time
Pansy: omw
Millicent: id rather not look like a bdsm stripper but thanks for the offer
Pansy: don’t speak to me or my 47000 pairs of similar but slightly varied fishnets ever again
Daphne: just wear like
Daphne: clothes
Millicent: thank fuck for that idea
Millicent: fuck u all theo will help me
Pansy: if you want to look like a stressed librarian be my guest
Millicent to main group chat with everyone not secret cooler group chat: everyone but pansy and daphne I need help with my outfit
Draco: fishnets not on the menu then?
Pansy: I resent the implication
Theo: how about a nice sweater?
Pansy: im not saying anything
Astoria: theo it’s a party not a meeting of grammar lovers worldwide
Blaise: you’re all hopeless I must truly do everything myself
Millicent renamed the group blaise + fake friends
Blaise: I approve this message
Saturday, 22:17
Millicent to blaise + fake friends: hey
Millicent: crazy idea
Millicent: what if we /didn’t/ go
Draco: we’re here so a little late to chicken out
Millicent: who’s gonna fucking stop me
Tracey: literally all six of us
Blaise: right who wants a drink?
Pansy: I want 5 please
Pansy: oh tori there’s ur boyfriend
Astoria: are u sure u know what a boyfriend is pans
Pansy: bite me greengrass miniature
Astoria: 🙄
Draco: if you’ll all excuse me I’m going to go get blackout drunk
Theo: who said you don’t have hobbies
Daphne: come on millie I’ll hold your hand whilst you pine over weasley from afar
Saturday, 23:45
Harry to daphne g: I have ur friend
Daphne to potter: is this a hostage situation?? Bc I don’t really want her back
Harry: she just did three shots of tequila then downed an unidentified drink george gave her
Daphne: definitely don’t want her back then
Harry: I think she’s gonna hurl
Daphne: oh don’t worry millie doesn’t vomit she just ruins her life through questionable decisions
Harry: ever thought that perhaps that is worse?
Daphne: but infinitely more entertaining
Harry: daph
Daphne: fine im coming
Daphne: where are you?
Harry: kitchen
Daphne to potter: where are you???
Harry to daphne g: she got away, im in pursuit
Daphne: what do you mean got away??
Harry: gave me the slip, did a runner, kicked me in the shin and took off running
Daphne: I hope it bruises
Daphne: youre a terrible babysitter
Daphne to weaslette recon: anyone seen millie?
Astoria: yea she’s with me
Daphne: is she plastered?
Astoria: she seems fine??
Astoria: we’re playing foosball w ron and ginny
Astoria: hmmm
Daphne: what??!!
Astoria: she just took her shirt off
Daphne: must’ve been slow acting
Sunday, 00:03
Draco to blaise + fake friends: are my eyes decieveing me or is millie making out w girl weasley w no top on in the middle of the living room
Blaise: unless this is a shared hallucination in which case I will be gracefully committing suicide tomorrow then yes
Tracey: dw im filming the whole thing
Daphne: maybe we should stop them before they fully have sex in front of everyone
Astoria: or millie suggests body shots
Millicent: BODDY SHPTS!!!
Astoria: oh shit
Sunday, 08:39
Daphne to millie before you ask yes you did take your top off and suck vodka out of weaslettes navel last night: not to be dramatic but I think an angry dragon has taken up residence in my head
Draco: if any of you are truly my friends you will bring me 7 mcdonalds hash browns and 5 advil
Draco: and a coffee
Pansy: already omw to mcdonalds
Pansy: anyone else want anything?
Blaise: you could see if they’ve got millie’s dignity laying around
Pansy: doubtful
Pansy: recon in draco’s room in 15
Pansy: those of you who are alive
Daphne to cilliment: [Attachment: 1 image]
Daphne: a hashbrown or 9 to wash away the shame
Millicent to dangly: I’m literally dropping out and going home
Daphne: you kicked harry in the shin
Millicent: he probably deserved it
Sunday, 08:55
Ron to tori 🌟: so my sister and ur mate have got further than we have
Astoria to ronnie🌸: I can’t think what you mean
Ron: what are you doing today?
Astoria: trying not to die
Astoria: trying to stop Millie from killing herself
Astoria: the usual
Ron: I don’t think you need to worry about that
Ron: [Attachment: 1 image]
Astoria: omfg!!!!!!!!
Astoria renamed the group ginny weasley loooooooves millie
Astoria to ginny weasley loooooooves millie: [Attachment: 1 image]
Astoria: @Millie
Blaise: omg
Draco: maybe weaslette has taste after all
Tracey: :’) it’s a proud day for all of us
Pansy: if you’d worn fishnets she’d have called you mind-blowingly fuckable instead of just hot
Pansy: just stating the facts
Ginny Weasley – Add Friend / Message
One notification [view / ignore]
Ginny Weasley accepted your friend request
Ginny Weasley to Millicent Bulstrode: so.. I know more of your bellybutton than I do of you
Ginny Weasley: but what I do know I like
Sunday, 09:27
Astoria to ronnie 🌸: so where are we going tomorrow?
Ron to tori 🌟: tomorrow?
Astoria: on our first date
Wednesday, 13:48
Ginny to birthgiver: about Saturday
Molly to Ginny: You’re not getting out of it this week. I haven’t seen you in almost 3 weeks now.
Ginny: actually I was going to ask if I could bring my girlfriend
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lostincalum · 6 years
Like home- Michael
Tumblr media
A/N: Okay, so i started this forever ago and i kinda wanna contiue this as a bestfriend thing? idk, let me know if you like it??
T/W: none 
Word count: 1021 
The afternoon was dragging on, and the class seemed to be never-ending. Long hours of math that you did not need as an English major. This was not how going to university was supposed to be. While the friends you had made seemed nice enough, something was off. Most likely you thought it was the dorm. Because you lived alone, and the room had a cold vibe to it. You were not surprised though. Your dorm was placed in the fucking basement. And fine, others had dorms in the basement, but yours was beside the toilet and washing room. A bright idea popped into your head. You were most likely late, and all the good places were taken, but you would give it a shot. You were going to get an apartment.
The class came to an end, that left you without any further understanding of math, but oh well.
You got your umbrella out and started the walk back to your dreaded dorm. The rain was pouring down as you listened to the music currently in your ears. The bass was not all that heavy, and the lyrics were sad, so maybe you were a little stereotypical and pretended to be in a music video in the pouring rain. Soon you caught sight of the message board that stood in the courtyard. Every piece of paper that hung there was covered in plastic, except one. In messy handwriting was an address not far from campus along with a name and a number. "In need a roommate asap" had been scrawled underneath. Quickly you typed the number into your phone, pressed call and put in the earplugs with the handsfree. It rung one time, two times, three and you expected him to not answer. The fourth ring never came though.
"This is Michael?"
A rough voice answered, he sounded like this was the last thing he needed, but you answered anyway.
"Um, hi, this is Y/N, I'm calling about the room you're renting out?"
You almost smacked yourself right there, nobody wants timid people.
"Oh yeah, sorry I can meet you there in like thirty minutes? I got out of class right now"
"Yeah, sounds great"
He then proceeded to hang up without saying goodbye.
Your shoes soaked through as you walked to the address. Wearing sneakers had been a seriously bad idea in the middle of autumn. As you stopped in front of the door, you realized that the apartment looked quite nice. The door was a clean white with a tiny window, and even though there was no doormat it looked actually looked welcoming.
“Holy shit, did you walk here?”
His voice was different than on the phone, he was not as grumpy, but you suspected it had something to do with the surprise of not coming in a car.
“Here, let’s get inside, before you catch a cold and blame it on me.”
Michael all but grumbled to himself.
“Dude, if i get sick there is no one else to blame but me.”
With a questioning look in his eyes, a small smile creeped onto his lips while he was opening the door. As it opened, a small dog came barreling through the door.
“Hey, Southy!”
Michael bent down to pet the small canine. You could swear that the grumpy man on the phone had completely disappeared. Not to mention how his black clothes contrasted his soft smile. He watched Southy sniff your leg, with such adoration that it had your heart melting. Trying to seem unaffected, you carefully bent down and put your hand out slightly for the dog to sniff. Always making sure that you stayed calm. Southy came forward and sniffed carefully, and then started nudging your hand for pets.
“Huh, I’ve never seen him that calm with strangers.”
A small smile made its way onto your lips.
“We used to have rescue dogs back home, so i kinda like to always be cautious of meeting new dogs.”
You looked up at him and saw a small bit of adoration in them, before he quickly hid it.
“Well anyways, this is my apartement.”
The both of you walked in and he kicked off his shoes. You went to do the same, but stopped short mid motion.
“I don’t wanna leave your place a mess with my wet socks.”
Michael stood contemplating for a short secind, before he held up a finger signaling for you to wait. Southy following him closely as he walked into an unknown room to the right.Probably his bedroom. A few seconds later he came back with a pair of black ankle socks.
“Thank you, so much.”
“Nah, don’t mention it.”
The inside however held a doormat, so you stepped on it and quickly changed.
“The place isn’t too big, but it does hold the essentials, like washing machine and dryer. There is no dishwasher, but that usually works out alright.”
He led you through the house as he pointed to the kitchen, it was small, but held the essentials.
“I don’t mind doing dishes really.”
Michael nodded and his right hand went up to his bottom lip, pulling slightly on it, before he headed to the hallway, an open door which led into the room you had seen him disappear into before. Inside was, from what you could see, a desk setup with an impressive gaming pc, and other things needed. Like a messy bed, with a dog on it.  
“The room that would be yours is this one bsides mine, and the bathroom is opposite it.”
He opened the door to the room, which was clean and bright. The bathroom was slightly more messier, but still seemed alright to you, with a shower and dryer stacked on top of the washer.
“I’ll take it, if that’s alright with you?”
Again with the timid voice, it would have to do. Seeing his smile made everything a little easier, and when he confirmed and said he would get the papers to sign, a little sigh of relief washed over you. This place truly felt like a home already.
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thechanbaeklibrary · 6 years
FIC SEARCH of all fic searches
Hi everyone! Here we have gathered all the fic searches that haven’t been answered yet so we could give it a second chance. Hopefully, you can help! 
1) anonymous asked: Im trying to find this chaptered fic that i read a while ago. Its a chanbaek. I think chanyeol and Baekhyun work together and baekhyun needs a place to stay. Chanyeol gets baekhyun to move in with kai who is dating kyungsoo. Baekhyun and kai make out at a party and then fuck the next day but kyungsoo comes home and walks in on them.
2) anonymous asked: hello! sorry to bother you! but i’m looking for a fic! so it was an ao3 fic i believe and chanyeol was like holding baekhyun hostage? he had him handcuffed to the bed or handcuffed to something and chanyeol loved baek but like it was messy and there was a point where baekhyun did try to escape but chanyeol caught him and he does slap him. and i think chanyeol wore glasses. thanks!
3) anonymous asked: Hellooooo, do you know this fic where CB are bestfriends, this fic is an omegaverse and there’s something like ‘ghost mating’ in the story? And later CB are mates. Thanksss
4) anonymous asked: hey, do you know that fic where chanyeol would go with baek at the bus stop everytime after school(?)or when it was really night(?)and baek was into hapkido(?)and some time he got beaten up(?)uhhh i don’t really remember that much tho
x The Fortune-Teller Said That You're My Future Husband byOtpismyoxygen
5) anonymous asked: Hello idk if you can help me. I read a fic years ago but can’t remember the name. It was Baekhyun was from an abusive family and raped,he disappeared but he came back to school where Yeol and the rest found him working as an assistant. There was a scene where he begged Baek on a roof to tell him what’s wrong. I really really can’t remember the name ;_;
x Lifeless
6) teespoone asked: Hello lovelies! I’ve been searching for this fic forever and I can’t find it. It was a zombie au and I’m pretty sure chanbaek weren’t the main pairing. The only thing i remember is that baek got bitten (on his foot/ankle maybe?) and the others wanted to either leave him or kill him. Chan thought he would get better and kept him around until baek tried to bite him. Then he took them away to “shoot” him but ended up killing himself too. That’s all I remember. Thanks!
x The Sky Under The Sea
7) Anonymous asked: hi! idk if youre taking requests rn (if you’re not you can just delete this) but there’s a smut one shot where baekhyun never felt satisfied after having sex with chanyeol and chanyeol overheard baekhyun on the phone with sehun and then they had sex. this isn’t a great description but could you help me find it?
8) aeri-chogiwa asked: Hello! I’m such a fan of you guys! I’ve been looking for this fanfic, but I can only remember its ending. The ending was when Chanyeol came home but before he entered the house( I guess he can see from the inside) he saw Kai and Baekhyun getting sweet while watching their kid. It was an angst story. I hope you can find it for me! Thank you so mucch!
9) anonymous asked: hello~~~ i wanted to ask about a fic in which one of them (i think baek) was at a party but his clothes got dirty so he stumbled into chanyeols room where (?) they had sex and they even went to meet chanyeols friend (?) yixing who had a guitar
x Shawty I Got It
10) anonymous asked: Is there a FF where the description is Like… they are 4 years together and Chanyeol is away the 2 ?
x Love You Closer
11) anonymous asked: Hello! I’ve been searching for a fic that I read quite some time ago and I don’t remember all of it but have some minor details that could help in finding out what the fic is. So baekhyun is staying at home I believe and chanyeol is his neighbor who comes by the fix things in his house? And they both go to college I think Berkeley or Stanford? And chanyeol is a science major? Again not too much detail sorry…
12) anonymous asked: hi!! there was a fic I read a long time ago.. i think cy was bh’s puppy and they grew up together, but then one day cy passed away as a older dog and bh had to go to college where he met cy as a person. i really hope you guys know what fic this is, it was so heartwarming and cute ;w;
13) anonymous asked: Hi ! Can you help me find a fanfiction ? ChanBaek are best friends in it although Chan often neglects Baek for One night stands, and the main plot was Taemin making a bet with Kris about sleeping with Baek, who’s still a virgin and Chanyeol finding out and yeea x) much better than it sounds right now! And it was on aff. Oh and ChanBaek get together of course xD I’d seriously love you forever if you could find it!
14) eu-inquietude asked: This is not the 1st time I come here, but thank u for all the good work again, I really apreciate your blog! There is this oneshot where Baekhyun is on the baseball team and starts to crush on Chanyeol, a transfered student and now part of the basketball team. Then Baek keep on searching about Yeol’s sexuality with Jongdae’s help, his bff and the school journal reporter, in vain until the day Chanyeol finally comes to talk to him. Please, I’m feeling like bbh now cause I can’t find this nowhere.
15) anonymous asked: Have read a fic about Baek who is a very smart student, never studies but always on top. And Chanyeol despite studying hard still can’t top B(he hates B for that) At some point they compete for who will get the highest score, then what B asked is a date(?) or C to be his bf(?). Because B is bored and he is sick and dying(?). It was my sister who have read the fic, then she suggested it to me but completely forgot the title. Fighting!~
16) anonymous asked: Hii ❤ Do you know of any fics where Chan is a church boy and Baek kinda “corrupts” him. Similar to The Confessional by t_dragon on AO3. Thankss 💖💖
17) anonymous asked: Hello💖 Can you tell the name of the fic where Chanyeol is the best man at suho’s wedding. Baekhyun is the crazy brother of the bride and Chanyeol needs to stop him from ruining anything so he locks him up but Baekhyun manages to escape. Pls tell me the fics name if u know. It would be a great help Thank you💖
x And Your Name Was?
18) anonymous asked: Hi, I would like to ask for a story in which Chanyeol is a (?) fairy and baekhyun finds him and then Chanyeol stalks the other but baekhyun leaves and it turns out Chanyeol turned into a human to find baekhyun and finds him in his office but really baekhyun is just making up this story off of Chanyeols new blue hair
19) creative-catcafe asked: Hi, i’ve asked this before, but do you know the fic where Chanbaek never said i love you, and Chanyeol got sad, and Baekhyun said he didnt feel the need to be the kind of couple that does that, and he comforts Chanyeol? Its kinda short
20) saekireine asked: hi! I’m looking for a chanbaek fic for my friend who forgot to bookmark it last time he read it. it’s a pretty woman/hooker!au where baekhyun plays the role of vivian and yeol the role of edward. the fic starts off just like the movie and follows it very closely. he remembers reading it on ao3 and that it was already completed. can you pls help?
21) anonymous asked: hi! been looking for a fic where Baek has unrequited love for Chanyeol but few years later, he tried to move on and he got Kris as his bf. Baek kept refusing to Kris’ marriage proposal so Kris left him. I think it was Luhan who contacted Chanyeol to help Baek and told him Baek got cancer. The ending was wonderful, Yeol prepared a speech for Baek to have him again. I forgot the title of this fic ㅠㅠ I hope you can help me. More power to your blog!
x i sing better than snow white
22) anonymous asked: Hello!! I really love your blog 💖 I was looking for a fic, it was highschool!au and chanbaek were kind of fwb and one night chanyeol climbed up to Baekhyun’s bedroom through the window to cuddle or something. I also remember Baekhyun being very afraid of his dad finding out about him and Chanyeol. I think this was on aff as well! Thank you for your time~
23) anonymous asked: Hi, I’m looking for a oneshot. It was very cute and fluffy. Baekhyun was on a blind date with Chanyeol, and B didn’t fancy him at all at first. They get very drunk, and I think Chanyeol buys him a pair of socks(?). And we don’t get to know the name of his blinddate before the end, if I remember right :) It was very very cute, but I can’t find it anymore. It was on aff, I think!
24) chanoyel asked: Hello!! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if you could help me find a fic I read a long time ago. Baekhyun goes around Seoul and finds portraits of Chanyeol from street artists who have drawn him with his goofy eye smile. Baek falls in love with his smile and tries to find Chanyeol. Thank you in advance and have a great day!! 💗
25) anonymous asked: Hello! I’m looking for a story in which chanbaek were a couple and Baek was jealous of Chanyeol’s work mate - Kris. Baekhyun thought Chanyeol wants to leave him or he was cheating on him and he was fraeking out but Channie only wanted to be be as cool as he thought Kris was for Baek. I hope you can help me bc I’m in need for that ff! BTW I LOVE YOU ALL AND THANK YOU FOR YOUR WORK! YOU MAKE MY LIFE BETTER!!
x (I wanna be) Close to You by  sogogibaby
26) anonymous asked: Hi! I’m looking for a fanfic where baekhyun convinced his boyfriend to do a threesome with sehun. So baek approached sehun in the bathroom, seduced him and asked him to join chanyeol and him in their room. I hope you can help me. Thanks for your work, love you!
27) anonymous asked: hi~ I’m looking for an abo fic in which baek worked in a glass factory and chanyeol was part of a pack and they meet in the forest when chanyeol was getting rid of a corpse i think and Baek tried to run away because he saw him right at that moment but chanyeol caught him and realized Baek was his mate. One night Baek was working late and on the way back home some men attack him but chanyeol saved him and it has a happy ending and chanyeol cared for Baek a lot. Thank you! You are the best!
x I Will Never Be Complete (until I find you)
28) anonymous asked: Hello😀! Do you know a fic where chanyeol returns home after a business trip(im not sure) and they missed each other and were going to have sex but then Lay who was baekhyun’s neighbour interrupted them because he wanted to borrow something ( i think it was milk) and chanyeol fell asleep waiting? I think baekhyun had a roomate who left them alone for the day to catch up. Can you please find it?
29) anonymous asked: Hi!!! Do you know the fic where Chanyeol only meant to hook up with B and he also kind of got into a fight with yifan before that. Then times pass, baek and Chan are still together and c was about to propose to b when they got into a fight an b found yifan again…? Sorry that’s all I can remember, thank you v much!! <3
x The Only Exception
30) anonymous asked: Hellooo!! So i was looking for this fic i read a while back and i cant find it anywhere. Its an abo where chanyeol cant seem to focus when hes at work and it turns out his rut is starting and so he goes back home to baekhyun and then smut happens. I think it was on aff im jot really sure. Could u help plz?Thank you….
Thanks a lot guys! joyyeoll |huffnpwff i-ship-chanbaek | pleasantmoonpenguin | fire-light-sorrows | cristallodineverosa | mooncoco88 | firelightsby
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dirt-goth · 7 years
answer all the numbers
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okwilliamson · 7 years
Tagged my @kkirschteins to answer some q’s
1. do you have a favorite pair of socks
Ahh yes, just recently I’ve begun wearing matching socks that actually are cute, used to wear like Mis-matched socks in hs, bc that was like the thing to do lol. Then I only wore black ankle length socks & now I am 22 and have cool socks like frida khalo socks and socks w unicorns and some w otters bc im a cute person
2. what kind of bag do u like using (purse/backpack/etc)
In general, I usually have a book bag bc I’m in school and it’s just easy to carry keys and a book bag and that’s it w a little I.d holder for my cards
But when I can I like to carry purses, usually on the large side but preferably cross body. I also really like tote bags, my favorite one is from the seven sons brewery flea market that happens in the summer
3. what is your favorite type of pie/cake
Generally I prefer pie over cake, bc sometimes frosting grosses me out like it’s too sweet. I love peach pie the most, and pumpkin pie. My mom makes the best pies ever
My fav cake would probs be this banana nut cake that kubbie makes lol
4. if you could be a household object, what would you be
A lot of times I feel like I’m a door mat lol ppl walk all over me and idk how I let them bc I am a strong person lol but if I could choose which household item I would wanna be, probably a sparkly gem thing u hang in the window to reflect a rainbow or a tv remote bc I love tv
5. do u like to cook? whats your favourite thing to cook
I like to bake more than cook I think, but I love when I make something and it’s just like comes together nice like some veggies on a baking tray or some rlly good Mac and cheese u know
6. what is your opinion on climbing trees
I used to climb a tree in my dads apartment building front yard and sit up there and listen to my hit clips so I think that’s about as much tree climbing that I need to do u know why taint my tree climbing memories
7. what form of art do you think more people should care more about
Photography for sure!!!!!!!!!! Bc ppl assume that anyone can be a photographer and u know it’s true anyone can take a picture but not everyone can see the way we do when it comes to actually composing images.
I would also say typography. Ppl never consider how important and cool fonts are
8. do you like your room to be freezing or overheating for sleep
Cold is preferable honestly bc if I’m hot I’ll start getting that under boob sweat lol and that’s so uncomfy
9. if you could have a garden, would you
My mom always had a garden and it was really cool. So many fresh tomatoes- I could eat tomatoes off the vine and cheese for the rest of my life lol
10. what is your favourite pattern/print for clothing (u can’t answer none i will LOSE it if u say none!!!)
stripes are the best pattern
^^ this is syds answer but I can’t agree more.
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beebosbitchh · 7 years
1-65 ;)
holy heck ! thank you sophiw i lov u 🍒
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
i dont understand this question?? like sometimes i doubt my own existence and other times i doubt that i exist to certain ppl? ya?
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
2,, normal amount? like good for sleep but pitch black is scaryy but not to the point i need the escape ?? if that makes sense??
3. The person you would never want to meet?
guy fieri, i dont think i need to know if hes actually real ? like is he real and from this dimension or from flavortown (which he has a very scarily detailed description of)?? thats not something i need to know
4. What is your favorite word?
hmm, probably ‘fam’ obviously
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
a willow tree !!!!!!!!!! i just talked to my mom about this :-0
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
ngl but i dont look in the mirror anymore unless its lip syncing along to a song sung by a guy/someone w a deeper voice bc i feel like it suits me better! gotta love coping w dysphoria!
7. What shirt are you wearing?
baseball tee, gay
8. What do you label yourself as?
nb, lesbian, fool
9. Bright room or dark room?
dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
10-11 when i was in 5th grade. i still only had two friends but i was way more extroverted and everything was so carefree and i was very invested in adventure time and art. i think that was the most of a childhood i got? i honestly did not do much as a kid and i wish i had..
12. Who told you they loved you last?
sophiw ! tumblr user almightyportraits ! the loml !
13. Your worst enemy?
14. What is your current desktop picture?
one from apple called ‘abstract shapes’ its very orange but also blue which is my fave color pairing atm so its perfect
15. Do you like someone?
tumblr user vahilla
16. The last song you listened to?
megan played ‘marceline’ by willow in her car ! a song i suggested to her a few months ago and it makes me very happy that she likes it especially bc we bonded over adventure time in 6th grade :-)
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
mmyy seelfff ??
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
mmmyseyyffelllff ??
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? 
eh whats the point
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional)
n o ne ? 
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
what is the opposite of nb,, i feel like if i was opposite of how i present id be a girl, which is a verryyy weird thought for me, pass
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
no :-/
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
uh first of all blood, like, ill pass out,, second of all,, literally everything worries me
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
jimmy johns #16, turkey, bacon, lettuce, tomato, NO MAYO
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
im a very practical person so the least boring answer i can come up w is more art supplies
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
fukcing , acetoNe
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place?
i think a FIRST rule would have to be pretty IMPORTANT so probably smt like how ~WE THE PEOPLE~ are all EQUAL would be a pretty good start and pretty UNDENIABLE and STRAIGHT FORWARD especially if it was the FIRST thing in this,, hmm lets call it the CONSTITUTION, in the completely hypothetical society
29. What is your favorite expletive?
fuck fuck fuck fuck fuk cufck ufc kfuck 
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
sunglasses??!!! that shit gotta be bright huh>?? gotta protect my retinas 
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
i wanna say my first relationship made me a better person but that shit was rreeeaaallyyyy fucking awful and 4 months (+recovery months) that i will never get back and i think ? maybe ?? i wouldve been ok without it ? idk just a thought
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! 
spain ?!?!? why not + i sorta know the language? thatd b cool
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
zoey my dog :-( i miss her a lot, this month it will have been two years oh my god i miss her so much
34. What was your last dream about?
the last one i remember was a nightmare about someone tryna murder me i was very scared
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
i think so , when i was two i got really really sick and couldve died ?
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
ahh yes ! we gave hhimm,, fruit snack nipples, please forgive me fathr
38. What is the color of your socks? 
grey w blue n orange stripes ( again i lov blue n orange together, my shirt is teal and i have an orange hat on wow)
39. What type of music do you like?
all! i had to train this new guy at work and im sooo awkward but once why started talking about music it was easy for me to talk bc it was smt we both really like !!! i felt like i could actually communicate w feeling a disconnect it was nice ! we talked mostly about rap which was cool and unexpected but i could do it ? i really love music and i love being able to know enough to talk about it ,, isk 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises, ive been pushing myself to wake up unreasonably early to have more time to myself and i get to watch the sunrise most days which is nice
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
college? god i dont even know… smt w art.. by an illustrator or art teacher or freelance artist or graphic designer ,, i really dont know
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
one thing ?!!?!? i wish i was neurotypical
46. Are you reliable?
yes? i try hard to be? i hope so ?
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
u still a lil bitch ?
48. Do you hold grudges? 
nope i try not to, ive had too many toxic petty people in my life that i dont need to be one myself.. now this is grudges w/o reason, but if ive given people several ‘second chances’ and theyre still (thumbs down) then ill avoid them but w/i reason?
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
mm probably smt w my lab partner from last year. she always sends me weird quotes from a fanfiction shes reading and its weird but i really appreciate that she still talks to me or talks to me at all tbh
51. Are you a good liar?
nooo ?? i try not to lie? mb not tell the full truth but idk , i feel like id feel too guilty
52. How long could you go without talking?
uhh literally days like i already fucking do.. i m taking this as verbally but i dont get texts so like, it would not be hard
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
before i went to short hair i used to alllwaayyys wear a tight ponytail every single day bc i wasnt girly enough to do anything w it and it was really really gross like thank god i cut it all off
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
heck yeah
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
*clears throat*
56. What do you like on your toast?
butter and jam
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
58. What would be you dream car?
razor scooter
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
sometimes im just too physically or emotionally exhausted to stand so ill just,, lay down? ive fallen asleep in the shower before ha
60. Do you believe in aliens?
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
whenever it comes up but i dont ,, seek it out
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
dragons tf
64. What do you think about babies?
evil, ugly, dont see the appeal. open ur eyes ppl !!!! bbs are n Ot cute !!
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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smutbangtan · 7 years
**92 statements Tag **
⎯⎯ 92 statements tag i got tagged by @lolitasletters rules: answer these 92 statements and tag 10 people ! if there are questions that are too personal or you don’t want to answer, skip them or make a new question. THE LAST (1-5): drink: water phone call: none text: to a group chat song you listened to: BTS time you cried: I can't remember HAVE YOU (6-11): dated someone twice: no kissed someone and regretted it: yes been cheated on: no. lost someone special: no been depressed: yes. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes. LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS (12-14): purple Black Magenta IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU (15-21): made new friends: yes fallen out of love: no. laughed until you cried: yes. found out someone was talking about you: no met someone who changed you: made some new friends that have in a positive way found out who your friends are: yup. kissed someone on your facebook list: i think so? GENERAL (22-34): how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: what do mean by 'know'? do you have any pets: yes. do you want to change your name: yes what did you do for your last birthday: had dinner with family and friends what time did you wake up: 6am what were you doing at midnight last night: sleeping name something you can’t wait for: Japan when was the last time you saw your mom: 6 months ago what’s one thing you wish you could change in your life: my limits. what are you listening to right now: nothing lol have you ever talked to a person named tom: yup. most visited website: google + tumblr LOST QUESTIONS (35-64): moles: not that I know of marks: birth mark on my upper right hip hair color: black long hair or short: long long long. do you have a crush on someone: Jimin (duh) what do you like about yourself: eyebrows piercings: ears. blood type: A- nickname: Pri relationship status: single not don’t wanna mingle w/just anyone zodiac sign: libra pronouns: she/her favorite tv show: GoT, Orange is the new black, Glow tattoos: yes right or left hand: right. surgery: none. hair dyed in a different color: purple/blonde sport: dance. vacation: anywhere pair of trainers: Puma MORE GENERAL (57-73): eating: salad drinking: water i’m about to: study want: a Gucci bag lol get married: not really my thing career: teacher WHICH IS BETTER (65-73): hugs or kisses: eh… it depends on who. lips or eyes: both shorter or taller: it does not matter. older or younger: both lol nice arms or nice stomach: both sensitive or loud: …both. hook up or relationship: both troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker. HAVE YOU EVER (74-83): kissed a stranger: yes. drank hard liquor: yes. lost glasses/contact lenses: no turned someone down: yes. sex in the first date: no broken someone’s heart: yes lol had your heart broken: no I do the heart breaking been arrested: no. fallen for a friend: no DO YOU BELIEVE IN (84-89): yourself: idk miracles: not religious ones love at first sight: no santa claus: no kiss on the first date: whatever happens i guess. angels: spirit guides yes OTHER (90-92): favorite thing to do when you’re bored: YouTube, BTS amino, Tumblr, KakaoTalk do you wear socks to sleep: no favorite movies: interstellar, matrix, Harry Potter, @dmk8 @j-hopessugakookie @ellanyota
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