#wan dawan
blob-monster · 5 months
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There is one thing that I love the most about Wan's character, and I love the way they tied everything together
I'm going to try to explain this but that might be confusing so bear with me.
(Warning : This is a very long rant)
So what I'm talking about is the way her character evolved between present time and the flashbacks, because I think there's something great about the consistency of it, which I'm going to explain chronologicaly (sort of)
So from the beginning we know that Wan doesn't really have a temper. She's friendly, as she immediately tries to befriend Kim and doesn't mind that she is being rejected : it doesn't stop her from being nice. The only times she is different from that smily happy girl is to display righteous anger, when the teacher is being mean to Kim, and when she's worried for her and runs to find her in the lockeroom.
These earlier flashbacks (which I assume take place when they were around 15/16 in tenth to eleventh grade) show us that Wan was friendly, extroverted (which is also why she was so popular in high school I think), determined and courageous, and also very protective of Kim already, even without them being really friends yet. She was headstrong, self-confident but only in a positive way.
THEN their dads left. And we enter a second phase of her character : Based on their conversation in the bathroom from ep 9, I assume Kim was a very sensitive kid, withdrawn, lonely, and it probably got worse after her dad left. Wan, on the other hand, seems to have reacted with more anger, as we can see when she attacks Mali for spreading the rumors. We see that she's a bit authoritative, leaving no choice to her friends but to accept Kim in the group, and her ego seems to have grown a bit as we see her bragging about being a good actress at their sleepover (which I assume takes place at the very end of high school, 12th grade, when they're around 17/18 although I don't know much about the thai school system so I might be wrong), but also saying that she's too pretty for any guy to date her. But we can see that her anger is still one that makes sense, and her protectiveness towards Kim is hightened, probably because she's starting to fall in love with her.
So what I assumed from the end of her teenagehood, after her dad left, is that Wan reacted with anger,became less patient, started having less kindness for the world, however, she got closer to Kim, and more protective of Kim, who, on the other hand, reacted by keeping even more to herself, and the friendship she built with Wan, Mon and Mali is what helped her becoming more self-assured, and more open. (My personal headcanon is that once they became really friends, Wan decided to keep her sadness inside so she could be strong for Kim. WHICH IS WHY SHE LATER ON EXPRESSES ANGER INSTEAD OF SADNESS WHEN SHE FEELS THAT WAY, but i'm getting ahead of myself)
Lastly, there is a big big big time lapse of ten years that we never see, where they went to college, Wan built her carriere as an actress and Kim became her stylist, they became roommates and stayed roommates until they were (I assume) 28, and the events of the series began. During this time, Wan got depression, we are told from the pressure of her job and what is happening to her mother. When we meet Wan, she's very different from what see later in the flashbacks, but after putting this chronologically, I think we can see that the way she acts is an excessive version of all the traits we've established before : She's jealous and possessive of Kim, an excess of her protectiveness that we have seen previously. She's prone to anger, outbursts, she snaps at anyone, which we saw was a trait that already existed in a positive form at first, then started to become a bit negative after her dad left. She has, outwardly, even if it's not real, a big ego and a diva attitude which leads her to act like everything is due to her and into petty fights with Jessie and Pam (even if the fact her rivalry with the later exists since apparently forever can let us assume that she always had a tendency to compare herself to others). She's the worst version of things that used to be her best qualities, and that made Kim fall in love with her.
And I love this consistency, I love the way we see how she evolves as a character and I used to be so annoyed with her and the way she acted, but after eleven episodes, I realized that it actually is very tied together. They don't communicate because they never learned how to do it, because they just did it in their dreams, Wan snaps because she always thought they could just keep being in love without ever saying it and living their life, until Jessie makes her realize that she might lose Kim at any point, Kim is forced to face the fact that the Wan she fell in love is not the one she's living with right now, and that she deserves better than that, and Wan is also forced to face the fact that she isn't who she used to be, and that if she doesn't do anything about it and makes up to Kim, she's going to be miserable forever and lose the love of her life ! AND THEIR PERSONALITIES IN PRESENT TIME MAKE ABSOLUTE SENSE REGARDING WHAT WE SEE IN THE FLASHBACKS ! AND THIS SHOW IS AMAZING AND I ALWAYS KNEW IT IN MY HEART ! TRUST THE PROCESS !
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miss0atae · 3 months
The use of Dream Land and its link to Wan’s mental health and relationship with Kim.
I will start again by saying, I’m not a psychologist and I may use wrong words or imagine things that are not scientifically proved. It’s just my own thoughts and what I deduced from the series. I’m only trying to find an explanation, but it will never be real diagnosis.
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At first, when I watched the series I thought they created the Dream Land to express the hidden desires of Wan for a relationship with Kim. In her own Dream Land she can be herself without having to hide her love and affection for Kim. They can share intimate moments in a paradise where no one can enter and trouble them. Wan who still hasn’t accepted her attraction to women and specifically Kim, no longer has any worries in Dream Land. She kisses Kim several time without questioning her own sexuality because there is no reason here to do it. When she was having a problem or an argument with Kim, she just had to enter Dream Land again to find a way to apologize or to understand Kim’s reaction without having to do it in real life, where the answer may be too painful to accept or understand. Dream Land was an escape from reality.
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However, now that I watched the 7th episode, it seems Dream Land may be linked to Wan's mental health. We learned that Wan could be considered depressed. She is also someone who feels like she doesn't know how to love herself since she is giving all her love to everyone. I feel the series didn't show enough this part of her personality. It is probably because we started the series with Kim and Wan being at odds because Kim decided to work with Jessie to protect Wan. I feel they should have given at least one episode at the beginning to show how Wan is busy being this famous actress who wants to succeed. They could have shown her also giving all her efforts to her fans. I wish we also saw before the flashback how devoted she was to Kim or her friends (which I didn't see it) and also her family. The flashbacks didn't give enough credits to this part of her personality. We have to trust the character about her actions because we mostly, as viewers, saw her anxious, angry or sad.
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So I read, that usually depressed people don't dream well. They experience more frequent nightmares and can have a more passive role in their dreams. I don't think it works well with Wan's dream because she is the main character of her dreams and she is the only one who can affect them. Furthermore, her actions on Dream Land have a repercussion in real life. She admitted before that she only had to apologize in her dreams when she had a quarrel with Kim and the next day everything would be back as normal. So Wan is having such a power in her dreams and it goes against what is reported about people who feels depressed and the state of their dreams. In some way, I believe Wan has some kind of Maladaptive daydreaming without the daydreaming part. To be honest it is quite hard to know because, at the beginning we saw her going to bed and dream, but recently she also happened to go to Dream Land while being awake. In the latest episode, she was driving and then suddenly the series cut to Dream Land. So maybe it is also partly daydreaming.
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I found a definition of Maladaptive Daydreaming in Havard Health Publishing which describe it this way: Maladaptive daydreaming occurs when a person engages in prolonged bouts of daydreaming, often for hours at a time, to cope with a problem. […] The daydreams are often vivid and complex plots that elicit a great deal of emotion. I believe it sounds closer to what Wan is experiencing. Maladaptive Daydreaming is also believed to be a coping mechanism for other mental health disorders such as depression. It can be seen also as a strong compulsion. Wan frequently used it to get to know what Kim could think, to improve their relationship or to do with her things she couldn't do in real life. In all seven episodes, Wan ends up in Dream Land at one point so it is something she relies a lot on. We have no idea if Kim really feels something from this Dream Land, she could just be a subconscious version of Kim that Wan imagined. Her ideal version of Kim or her fantasies about Kim. The only thing that may shows us Kim being really linked to it, is when Wan admitted in episode 2, it really has impacted their relationship.
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I've re watched all the Dream Land parts in the seven episodes and noticed how the dreams where used. At the beginning, for episode 1 and 2, we always got one dream where the girls were happy together and one nightmare where they were always separated and Wan finds herself alone. Then, it shifted during the third episode because the first was a dream where Wan was kissing Kim and the second dream was a nightmare where Kim appeared and comforted Wan. In the episode 4, Kim and Wan were separated again. Wan was trying to reach Kim, but she couldn't do it and she was dragged away by faceless people. The sky was made of fireworks saying sorry but even if Kim watched it she didn't get the feeling. In episode 5, Wan found Kim, but she was not paying her attention because she was painting Mawin. It made Wan angry and she threw Kim's painting, but as a retaliation Kim pushed her and she disappeared again, leaving Wan alone in Dream Land. Episode 6, is made only of one dream where Wan and Kim exchanged kisses and they were naked on a bed which implies it's an erotic dream. Finally, in episode 7, we got another dream where Kim was again consoling Wan and urging her to seek help.
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Most of the time Wan and Kim wear white clothes in Dream Land. When they are wearing it, there is usually an atmosphere of peace and love between them, except during episode 5. When the dream finished with them being separated, Wan is wearing dark-colored clothes (usually nuance of black) and Kim is still wearing light-colored clothes (white or cream). Only in episode 6, they are naked, but under a blue sheet and they are both wearing blue earrings. It gives an atmosphere of serenity, peace and commitment.
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I feel only two of Wan's dreams where related to her possible depression. The first one was in episode 2 and the last one was in episode 7. The rest of the dream parts were mostly centered around her rocky relationship with Kim and were also linked to her difficulties of admitting in real life about her romantic feelings for Kim. Is she saying she doesn't know how to love herself because she feels depressed or is she saying this because she can't accept her own sexuality because being not heterosexual has brought to much pain in her life? Let's remind ourselves two moments that may have forced Wan to reject her attraction to women: firstly, her dad abandoned her mother and her because he was gay and he decided to elope with his lover. Secondly, her mother considered her kiss to Ae as “doing something bad” or “terrible” such strong words to describe a kiss between two women. Finally, the mother kept being angry at her ex-husband's actions that she ended up being an alcoholic hurting her health. Wan seeing this can't have a healthy view of homosexuality and it may affect her mental health trying to navigate her attraction to Kim.
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overthinkthis · 3 months
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Everyone else: yeah, actually, we're so frustrated, what is this?
Me: omg, I love this show
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unrealcosima · 2 months
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Wan Dawan: human disaster
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bengiyo · 5 months
My Marvelous Dream is You Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
I have seen the trailer for this show and I still have no idea what to expect other than some lesbian action.
Starting kind of fantastical and frolicking. Okay!
Ah, of course we were dreaming. At least Silvy is here.
I’m excited about characters to having some established relationships for us to walk into.
I don’t blame Kim for wanting to leave Wan if she’s always this overbearing and volatile.
The girls are fighting in the bathroom! This is tacky!
A whole wine bottle in the car? Girl!
Looknam’s character in the last GL was expecting. Now she’s pumping milk. I’m excited for her to have a toddler running around in the next one.
I was not expecting us to be at the beginning of a breakup in this show. I’m intrigued and probably going to stick with this for a while just to see how they handle it.
Oh lord this mess has been going on for a while. Wan and Kim’s dads may have been seeing each other on the side and became neighbors?
Oh shit both dads ran off together.
Dawan’s imaginary world is so dramatic.
I see. Kim is being blackmailed and is trying to protect Wan.
Oh Thai dramas, how is it suddenly night time?
Truly was not expecting noble idiocy in episode 1.
I don’t know what drugs this auntie doctor has, but mom looks good?
Seems like Kim’s mom doesn’t know about their relationship.
Next week promises more fighting and mess. My goodness.
Girls, this is capital M Messy! We had so much drama in the first episode and we barely got to meet anyone. We got rich actresses beefing on live television and trying to suffocate each other in the bathroom. We’ve got homophobic blackmail and noble idiocy. We have a recent mother trying to help these lesbians even with her tiddies leaking the whole time. We have a neighborly connection through their gay dads who ran off together. There’s a drug dealing doctor on the horizon. It’s so much!
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I think one of the most frustrating things about all of this mess these two lesbian disasters got into is that it kinda fits?
Like I am not saying is not bad but it works within the narrative the show is telling us.
These two had become so derailed about the dream world that is the only place where they can be free and be open about their own feelings for each other. And not just randomly fuck but being emotional open.
Dawan mentioned the first time she openly spoke about the dream world. That even after she had a fight with Kim in reality they would solve it in dream world and that's it.
Even if the dreams are an actual thing were they are connected; there's not way that something like that is not gonna hurt their communication.
And for whatever reason they did it; the relay 100% on these magical place.
So it would be impossible for them to communicate properly in the real world.
There's also the point that Dawan feels like she can't tell Kim about her feelings until Kim's situation is a little better; so she tries to give the support that she can as a friend and waits for thing to be better to probably open the can of worms that are her feelings for Kim.
And Kim is unable to speak her mind to anyone. She didn't break up with Mawin and instead she just quit her job. She hasn't tell her mom about her feelings for Wan so her mom probably doesn't see Dawan as a proper option for her daughter(I am very curious if they are gonna go for the very obvious option plot of Kim's mom demanding that Dawan is Kim's made of honor for the wedding; I mean from her perspective Dawan is Kim's best friend why would she not do it) and she made the decision to marry this soggy man without announcing this to any of her friends neither Dawan.
So at the end, how Dawan can answered? she is cornered and has the situation that she goes for what she really wants; would be directly against what Kim's mom wants; which it goes against what Dawan set herself into. Protecting and helping Kim to be happy with her family situation.
Is just a mess that obviously would be solved if these two talked about their real feelings a while ago.
Pam was right, there was a time and it seems that Wan really missed it.
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thehare1234 · 4 months
Weekly TV Roundup
We continue with somehow so many shows, I write them all down and think…how do I get anything else done 😭…but still, I’m being fed by a lot of great shows at the moment and many that really make me think or feel so who am I to complain❤️‍🔥
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QL Shows
✨We Are (EP 10): alright alright another week of…groups of boys doing things lol…I’m griateful I’m watching this weekly because I don’t think I would enjoy it as a binge. Overalll…I thought this episode was actually pretty silly like it leaned into it in a way that was fun. With 3/4 couples basically now established I’m interested to see where they go from here (pls more story for Chain and Pun because at this point idk who these men are lol). Me personally I’m rooting for a last minute secret couple between Beer and Mick
🎬At 25:00 in Akasaka (Ep 8): Here we go again, one of my fave shows currently airing. This was a pretty quiet episode still mostly focused on Hayama. I love knowing more about his thoughts and the fact that he liked acting because he felt it was one of the ways he was allowed to express emotions freely is just so sad. And contrast that with Shirasaki who can't help but make his feelings/emotions known, so much so that the rest of the cast can highkey pick up on it. Next week it seems they have to shoot the final episode and I'm ready for the angst
🏡Knock Knock Boys (Ep 3): ok Latte, you are officially one of my favourite characters. I love how each actor is playing their character. I think the scenes where they are all together work so welll. Like this show is pure crack and I love it? Also Latte going to the sex shop with the girl who writes smut (I’m assuming) and is a shipper? Iconic…The fact that Almond keeps trying to find Lattes hidden birthmark in progressively unhinged ways when he could just ask him probably? Iconic. I'm still not really sure what is Peaks backstory with that girl…and I’m guessing his arc is going to be like a gay awakening because of Thanwa? Anyways I’m sat
🦋My Marvellous Dream is You (Ep 5): Dawan pls I can’t keep defending you like this…she might be a huge brat but I actually really like how the actress is playing her…she has now almost committed murder twice (suffocation and vehicular manslaughter). I actually kinda like how we’re bringing them into the most angst possible and setting up Wan to be the worst option and I’m ready for her to redeem herself and start begging for forgiveness lmao. I also love the highlight of both Kim and Wans relationships with their moms because idk I feel the mother-daughter relationship is really interesting to explore. I find it so interesting that they each have a mirror life but their moms both moved from that situation differently. It’s also the idea of the daughter having to look after the parent and what that looks like. Anyways it’s a lil slow on the romance but I actually don’t mind because I think this is supposed to be a very angsty show. My only complaint is show more of the side characters next week I miss them <3
🥘What Did You Eat Yesterday? (New Years Special): my faves…back again..in basically a movie special. I as always had a great time…seeing Shiro be more and more open and smiley warms my lil heart and them saving and preparing for the future….i like seeing the differences in their dynamic and Wataru and Kohinatas dynamic. Shop lady stays winning and now we move on to the movie!
✏️My Love Mix Up (Ep 1): I liked the original show a lot when I first watched it because I liked how goofy but sweet it was so I will watch this, even though high school plots are just not always my fave...so far I think it looks pretty good, the episode honestly flew by which is always nice. It seems like in the preview of the next episode that Atom will already start to realize his feelings which seems pretty quick but we shall see. Watching right after My Stand In was definitely an experience. I guess this show is replacing 23.5 so now fridays are only for the fluffy high school qls I guess.
🥟She Loves to Cook, She Loves to Eat (Ep 19-22): these four episodes might be the death of me…we had supportive bestie asexual lesbian Yako (my love), we got Nagumo clocking them so hard, the supportive bestie at work….Nomoto being so cute and giddy about sending a text about Valentine’s Day…all of the Valentine’s Day meal, the confessions! It just goes on and on this is amazing. I can’t believe these two started dating and decided to move in together in the same conversation 😭😭😭 i love them. Also shout out to that one male coworker who let them leave early to go on their lil dates a true ally if I’ve ever seen one
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩Two Of Us (Ep 2): Wellll this was cute. The dancing at the end, I love. Also Meiji just being like 'I know you like me and I'm going to make you admit it", amazing. I think a full series with these two will be amazing <3
💟Wandee Goodday (Ep 6): this show continues and I literally can’t handle the domesticity of Yak and Dee like…they are acting so much like a couple. I sort of get each of their hesitations, especially Dee since he went from pining for someone for 8 years to being in a fake relationship for one month. Not sure what’s going on with Yei and Cher, but I’m hoping for a fakeout and it’s not about debt collectors, I would also love more backstory on them but I’m thinking we probably won’t get it. Next episode looks so angsty but maybe a kiss? Get your HPV vaccine!!! ( I actually got mine when I was 12 lolll)
🧍‍♂️My Stand In (EP 7): OKK it's happening, Ming knows it was JOE's back the whole time...the crying and apology was really great and emotional but I couldn't stop thinking about the rest of the crew jus there watching this.....I honestly don't know what is going to happen next but the way Joe truly is so bad at pretending to be the other Joe that he just has to feign memory loss is great. Also Tong is truly the worst and I want to know more of his motivations for keeping Ming so close/all his attention. I feel like this show is just so intense but it's keeping me hooked.
💍Wedding Plan (Ep 1): why did I decide to watch another MAME show on top of love sea? Who knows! But I thought why not…and I hadn’t gotten around to watching Wedding Plan yet, but I do have some spoilers of the show…this was a solid first episode and I feel like I don’t have much to say about it yet…
🌊Love Sea (Ep 1): I was on the fence on watching this but I kinda wanted to do it for the sapphics…this is giving like hometown cha cha cha vibes, or like a classic hallmark Christmas movie about a girl boss going to a small town and falling in love with the local wine maker. I’ll keep watching but yeah so far it’s not baddd. I love the friend (I forget his name) who was trying to be a wingman😂
🍒Cherry Magic Anime (Ep 1-6): Ok I forgot I started this last week. I put it off for a while because I don't watch a lot of animation/animated content (I know I should fix this), but it's Cherry Magic so legally I have to...So far I am liking it because I think it probably is the closest of the adaptations to the manga. I love how they are capturing more of Adachi's negative side/persona and Kurosawa's intenseness. Like Adachi is still show as being kind and helpful in ways that go unnoticed by others, but his inner monologue is a lot more pessimistic. Also Kurosawa seems so competent on the outside, but internally he's kind of insane? But that's why him and Adachi work because Adachi allows him to act how he is truly feeling and allows him to be his true unhinged self <3. But yeah overall I am enjoying but I was probably going to no matter what...at this point the original live action work is probably the least like the source material but it has a special place in my heart. Cherry Magic Korea next? Why stop there, let's make a gender swapped Cherry Magic....
Non-QL Shows
👽3 Body Problem (Ep 5): Alright if the first four episodes were setting up the premise it got real this episode. The scene with the nanofibers on the boat was not something I was expecting...and I could feel so well how conflicted the characters were feeling...but I also didn't really understand why that was necessary? I do like how we're sort of entering in a new chapter of the show where everything suddenly feels very intense and very real. I still don't realllyyy understand how the aliens were able to project the numbers into people's heads, but at least the reasoning which is stopping our science makes sense
📝Bridgerton (Ep 3): Alright alright the jealousy has started, we're gearing up for the final episode of part 1. Colin really embodied the "One kiss is all it takes" mindset from Dua Lipa because suddenly he is soooo down bad and I love it. Just in time for Lord forget his name but have to stan because he's a vegetarian to get some angst going. I'm ready for the next episode...all of the side plots and romances are also really fun this season so far!!
🏫Degrassi (EP 80-81): Ok we finally finished season 4... and this was a Craig episode and for some reason he's one of my faves. A memorable line from this episode "England probably won't even let a psychopath like me into the country, they already had Jack the Ripper and Mad Cow Disease."
🪶Little Bird (Ep 3-4): This show is really just devastating to its core. The way that you can really just feel the emotions at the family/sibling reunions and the ache for what has been lost. It's just so sad to watch Behzhig and her siblings meet each other, and just have such a love and emotional response, but also feel awkward with each other because their time together was stolen. I wonder if we will see the mom or the other brother in the rest of the show. I think it could go either way because realistically, they wouldn't be able to find each other. I also think her relationship with David highlights so many important things and it's just really well done, but so so sad.
Next Week:
I don’t think I’ll be starting anything new sooon…one day I will return to Living With Him 😔
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kungpowkingshockey · 2 years
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After an amazing meal at @dawan_yakiniku with @weeweean18 jumping up and down seemed the reasonable thing to do. . . . . . #yakiniku #taipei #dawanyakiniku #dawan #taiwan #coachlife #delicious #yummy #jump #afterdinner #colours #colors #rainbow (at Da-Wan Yakiniku Dining Restaurant 大腕燒肉專門店) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmWou_EyEsn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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blob-monster · 5 months
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An upcoming US rapper, Big Wan has been shot dead.
An upcoming US rapper, Big Wan has been shot dead.
An upcoming US rapper, Big Wan has been shot dead. Big Wan, from Milwaukee (real name Dawan Turner) was shot and killed Friday morning (November 26), according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Milwaukee police said shots were fired into a home on the 3800 block of North 13th Street where the 19-year-old was staying with his mother and grandmother. Reports say Big Wan was in an upstairs…
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blob-monster · 5 months
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blob-monster · 5 months
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I haven't watch the finale episode so I can't make a final post of the show; But I don feel kinda sad that these show fumble a Little because it had a very interesting plot and a very good cast with great chemistry of the leads. Wan and Kim has very good chemistry.
I fell one of the things that affect me the most is how they structured the way to tell the story.
Os weird because even if I wasn't that fond of Mawin's taking over of the entire show I feel like the show suffered a lot from the beginning.
And while more I think of it more I came to the conclusion that is because of how it was told.
For example; I really important part for me to actually connected with Kim and Dawan as a couple came when they show us the flashback, however, that was shown around episode 5 or six.
It took us all of that time to be able to actually root for them; and it was because before I was told they love each other.
Until that moment the only part of the story that was telling us anything of their development was in the dream world, that wasn't that well or explained at all; because we never really saw i Kim was connected to the dreams or that was just a manifestation of Wan's desires alone. I am aware they said that Kim shares those dreams too in episode 11 but there was never a real part of Kim's actions that told me that in the episodes before that reveal.
Before that moment I really saw them as two people that were obsessed of each other but not enough to at least made me root for them. And that was also because what was shown was that they bring the worst of each other. The weird codependency with murdering anger depression of Wan and the sacrificial mixed with the level of miscommunication that made it seem like if you look for that name in the dictionary you would see a photo of Kim in the description.
And that's not the vibe of the couple they were selling(because don't make me wrong, I am all with toxic couples in fantasy if they are sell as is) but they were selling us these lovable relationship between these two but they were telling us at the same time that they were not really that good for each other.
(It doesn't really help also that Dawan's depression was worked off screen but that's something for another post).
So I think if they show us their relationship before the canon present at the same time they were having these weird relationship, at least we could root for them to have a grasp to go back to those days.
Like queen of tears or the secret of us did.
So, with the material they gave us; I think if they gave us the flashbacks in episodes 1-3, you have the bath scene in the episodes 4-6 and the scene in the beach(plus the dream sex scene) in the 6-9 group of episodes.
These other two scenes would help to escalate their relationship in a linear matter that could help to be like a linear way.
Obviously these scenes don't have to be structured in that way, but at the moment I felt for the bath scene I was kinda thinking why these happened if we already did the beach scene in some episodes before.
Alas, the show is what it is, but that doesn't mean it couldn't be something way better.
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