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reanimatespodcast · 6 months ago
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Fair warning, even more tangents than usual on this ep, where me and Sam Petersen are (ostensibly) covering "Walhalla", a season 13 episode of SpongeBob Squarepants. Jeff plays a fun and deeply unhinged Wall Man but, more importantly, we dig into a fair amount of cringe Aussie TV culture, 90s Nicktoons and the criminally underrated Tony Shalhoub. 
Listen here or wherever you get podcasts xo
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taniasantalova · 7 months ago
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Unused concept for Wallhalla, kitchen studio
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kingcrane8 · 1 year ago
"Wallhalla" (tr • ga)
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chanchancom · 2 years ago
Tới các nước láng giềng phía bắc của chúng tôi ở Đức. Lời khuyên cho một chuyến đi
Bạn đã đi du lịch Cộng hòa Séc và muốn khám phá những điều mới mẻ? Ví dụ: bạn có thể đến các nước láng giềng phía bắc của chúng tôi từ Praha nhanh hơn là đến Moravia. Tôi mang đến một số lời khuyên thú vị ngay cả đối với những người không sở hữu ô tô riêng. Công viên nước Đảo nhiệt đới Đến để khởi động và tận hưởng niềm vui dưới nước ngay cả trong mùa đông. Có một hòn đảo nhiệt đới giữa Dresden và Berlin. Không hẳn là một hòn đảo, mà là một công viên giải trí hiện đại sẽ khiến bạn có cảm giác như đang đi nghỉ ở một thiên đường nhiệt đới. Bạn có thể tận hưởng thời tiết ấm áp tuyệt đẹp quanh năm tại thị trấn nhỏ Krausnick, nơi ngoài công viên nước khổng lồ, bạn còn có phòng tắm hơi lớn nhất thế giới ở châu Âu.
Dresden Dresden là lịch sử, điểm tham quan, nhưng cũng có nhiều điểm thú vị khác mà bạn có thể khám phá. Sẽ không dễ dàng để chọn chỉ một trong số họ mà bạn có thể dành chuyến đi trong ngày của mình. Bạn có thể ghé thăm quần thể lâu đài Zwinger với các bảo tàng nổi tiếng thế giới và một phòng trưng bày nổi tiếng, Bảo tàng Vệ sinh độc đáo của Đức hoặc có lẽ là vườn thú địa phương dành riêng cho động vật châu Á. Nó chỉ cách Praha 150 km theo đường cao tốc. Bãi đậu xe ngay đối diện lối vào có giá €1 trong ba giờ hoặc €3 cho cả ngày. Tuy nhiên, sở thú có thể dễ dàng đi bộ trong ba giờ, vì vậy hãy chọn tùy chọn ngắn hơn. Bạn có thể mua vé vào sở thú với giá €12 cho người lớn và €4 cho trẻ em.
Wallhalla Cách Regensburg khoảng mười km về phía đông, một tòa nhà độc đáo nằm trên một ngọn đồi phía trên sông Danube gần thị trấn nhỏ Donaustauf. Tượng đài Walhalla là một tòa nhà cổ điển tráng lệ, được xây dựng vào những năm 1830-1842 bởi Vua Ludwig I của Bavaria theo kế hoạch của kiến ​​trúc sư Leo von Klenz như một đài tưởng niệm những nhân vật quan trọng. Bên trong đài tưởng niệm có 1234 bức tượng nghệ sĩ, quân nhân và những người nổi tiếng khác.
Đường mòn xuyên qua những ngọn cây ở Bavaria Rừng Bavarian mời gọi tất cả du khách đến với trải nghiệm tuyệt vời trong thiên nhiên tươi đẹp. Gần thị trấn Neuschönau, bạn có cơ hội đi bộ giữa những ngọn cây cao tới 25 mét so với mặt đất. Ở cuối con đường treo bằng gỗ dài 780 mét, sau đó bạn có thể leo nửa km đến điểm quan sát cao 44 mét, được gọi là Bavarian Eiffel, từ đó bạn không chỉ có thể nhìn thấy phía Đức của Rừng Bavarian, mà còn mà còn cả Luzný, một trong những ngọn núi đẹp nhất ở Šumava.
Bạn có thể đi lại thoải mái ngay cả khi không có ô tô riêng Nếu không có ô tô riêng, bạn không còn phải giới hạn bản thân trong việc di chuyển không thoải mái bằng tàu hỏa hoặc xe buýt. Bạn cũng có thể chọn một tùy chọn dễ chịu hơn dưới dạng xe chung, chẳng hạn như từ dịch vụ Bất cứ lúc nào. Đội xe đã bao gồm hơn 700 xe Toyota với hệ dẫn động hybrid, camera đỗ xe và hộp số tự động.
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barefoot-a-pregnant · 2 years ago
This is so sad and I think a big thing, because of them, many people don't find themself in the norse pantheon. Because all they know and hear about the "Odin!"/"Wallhalla!" - Type of People.
But the Norse Pantheon is so much more!
Where is Idun? The Godess who watch over the apples of live, without them the Gods would die? Who is the Love of Bragi, the God known for his talent of music?
Where is Sigyn? Wife of Loki? Best known for her everylasting fidelity to him?
Where is Frigg? The Mother, who wandered every inch of the realms, so that her beloved son would not die a tragical death?
Balder - the bringer of new beginnings? Of new Light?
Do you know, that Thor is often pictures right next to Frigg? Spinning with her? Because he is also a God of Agriculture?
Or what is with Frey? The God of fertility of Nature?
Believe me, the old Norse Gods so much more than warriors. Yeah, they are Warriors, because often the old norse had to be. If you living in isolated "This are we" - "These are the others" - Groups, you better know how to fight for your life!
But for the most of them, this was not there daily bread. They were farmers, hunters, foragers, merchants, bards, priest and so much more.
If you only talk about the wars and the warriors, you dismiss 99% of all old norse People and like 90% of all norse Gods.
Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adore deity depictions made by artists online. However, it sometimes gets unsettling when deities whose aspects are centered around entirely nonviolent concepts are drawn as hyperviolent, warrior-type of characters. This is especially common in depictions of Norse deities. I can understand why this tendency would be, considering some of these depictions are made for promoting video games, and such. It’s plenty more surprising, however, when such drawings can be traced back to pagan sources. Now, this highlights a larger, more concerning issue: the general perception of Norse deities by pagan informational websites. It gets easy to distinguish between the pagan sources I want to look into and those I want to avoid, based on the general image of some deities that they choose to present. I know I’ve talked about this in the past, but if you spread information on Norse deities but depict them all as “warrior Gods”—by only relying on hyperviolent representations even in the case of more “peace-oriented” deities for example, it shows you don’t care to go deeper than your surface-level understanding of a mythological pantheon that’s filled with diverse figures and nuance. And it’s especially concerning when this type of perception is spread by websites that advertise themselves as being 100% factual and unbiased. These types of sources generally reduce deities to a fixed list of aspects (“This or that deity is the god of this, period”) and it doesn’t help new pagans at all to explore the pantheon and their own perception of it. (This tendency is especially common on New Age websites, as they also tend to put up lists of unmovable correspondences while reducing the importance of UPG and personal belief in deity associations.) It doesn’t spark skepticism, reflection or curiosity. Let me illustrate: if someone who’s questioning their spiritual path and considering becoming pagan sees a super intimidating and ferocious depiction of Óðinn, accompanied by the caption “He is the god of death and war:))” (implied: he is the god of mostly that), they will likely not consider right away other important aspects of Óðinn as a deity, such as his association with wisdom, poetry, the afterlife and other, vastly more nuanced elements of his myth. Websites who present hyperviolent depictions of pretty much all Norse deities, even in the case of Frø or Njörðr, more often than not have some sort of ties with the far right or even sometimes with white supremacy. At the top of my head, I could even name at least two folkish pagan websites I stumbled upon simply because I was baffled by the images they put up online and sought to see who’d commission such pictures. These sorts of website also tend to reduce deities to a handful of personality traits and this can lead new pagans to view them as entirely two-dimensional. It’s a dead giveaway for sources to avoid, in my opinion. If you are a new pagan who seeks to better understand a deity’s areas of influence and general personality, I would advise you to double-check sources, to keep researching and researching until you’ve consciously made your own opinion of them. Don’t right away believe the very first source you stumble upon. This is all a personal thought I’m trying to express as clearly as possible, and if any of you guys have anything to add, don’t hesitate to share your own thoughts and experiences! I would be delighted to hear about them.
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figdays · 8 years ago
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Red Zebra Wallpaper // WallHalla
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BundeskunstHALL OF FAME  neu bei Hitzerot!
Und wieder haben wir Zuwachs in unserem Sortiment! Der Ausstellungskatalog zur 2015 in Bonn stattgefundenen BundeskunstHALL OF FAME ist nun bei uns auf www.hitzerot.de erhältlich.
Die Kuratoren Allan Gretzki und Robert Kaltenhäuser haben ein breites Spektrum an Graffiti- und Street-Art-Künstlern von Rang und Namen versammelt um die Straßenszenerie der Museumshalle zu gestalten. Die Herausforderung Akteure der Straße in einem musealen Rahmen würdig zu präsentieren zieht sich als Diskurs durch die Texte des Katalogs. Unter anderem werden Werke Moses & Taps, Aris, Honet, Delta, OZ, etc. gezeigt und besprochen. Jetzt zuschlagen auf Hitzerot.
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spongebob-connoisseur · 2 years ago
So nobody is gonna talk about the upcoming spongebob episode "Wallhalla" where spongebob finds some crazed dude living in his walls??
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thoridsgewandung · 3 years ago
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Ich wünsche Euch allen ein wunderschönes Wochenende ❤️ #friends #thoridsgewandschneiderei #vikingclothing #wikinger #vikingsofinstagram #vikingspirit #vikingreenactment #vikinghiking #reenactment #livinghistory #historyvikings #historylife #medival #medivaltimes #vikingart #vikinglove #earlymedieval #vikinglife #paganofinstagram #vikingcostume #mittelalter #mittelalterlich #norse #norsemythology #norsepagan #larplife #historycal #odin #wallhalla #mittelaltermarkt (hier: Naturpark Pfälzerwald) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdz6GVCtall/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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syahra · 3 years ago
Why Kazutora is my favourite character
This contains spoiler!! Read this when you've finished the anime
For Kazutora...I didnt really like him to begin with. I thought he looked cool when he first appeared, but I didnt really focus on him. Then the flashback came up and I was like "Wth Kazutora YOU KILLED HIS BROTHER."
But when he then came back with the Wallhalla incident, I instantly noticed what a depressed and sad person he is. He is looking for revenge on Mikey just to hide how bad he feels about himself and his actions.
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And then, Baji dies and he apologized to Mikey, and then he told Draken that he doesnt have any more reasons to be alive. This scene just broke me.
He loved his friends. He loved them so dearly. And then he lost Baji infront of his eyes, but Baji died. He lost Draken, and Mikey, And all the others infront of his eyes too. But they didnt die, they walked away. and this moment must haven broken his heart more than knowing what he did wrong. He is broken by the fact that he felt left alone. And then he gets told that his dear friends Mikey and Draken will wait for him to do what he serves to do (be in prison). And that Mikey forgives him.
And idk I just lost it in this whole arc and episode. Baji died, the Yakisoba made me cry rivers, and then Kazutora tells you as watcher: I wanna die.
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Thank you for listening.
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myhauntedsalem · 4 years ago
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Walhalla Witch and Mooney Mansion
Columbus Ohio is filled with ghost stories and supernatural legend and lore. One such tale is that of the Walhalla Witch, a mysterious hag like creature that resides in the woods of Wallhalla which can be reached off of N. High Street in Clintonville, a township within Columbus Ohio.
It is a terrifying tale of a witch that haunted Walhalla woods as well as the legend of Mooney Mansion, the story of a man, who in the 1950’s, supposedly lost it and murdered his wife and then proceeded to decapitate her with an axe. The man had also murdered his child and proceeded to dismember the little one’s body; by the time the police arrived, the wife and the child’s remains were barely recognizable. According to legend the man was so crazed that night that he even murdered their dog in his frenzied state. As soon as the man had realized what he had done, he grabbed a length of rope and tied it to one of the beams on the Walhalla Bridge and hung himself.
According to local legend, the witch was supposedly lived in the area since the Clintonville was established back in the 1800’s. Rumor has it that she may have been responsible for placing a magic spell on the man, causing him to go crazy. By night, the witch roams the woods around Walhalla Drive at night, terrifying the locals and laying hexes and curses on any passersby who trespass the woods at night.
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tommeurs · 5 years ago
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Wallhalla in Donaustauf | hall of fame that honours people (artists, scientists, etc) in German history, built in 1842 | neo-classicism | [3366x2244]
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harlequin-wheels · 6 years ago
your wallhalla art got retweeted by the official en gfl account :o!
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this is the closest i’ll feel to a medieval peasant touching the remains of a saint or however that saying goes 
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raum233-blog · 7 years ago
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moodlki · 8 years ago
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@whitecubeofficial #whitecube #gallery #exhibition #anselmkiefer #art #inspiration #kiefer #london #england #wallhalla (at London, United Kingdom)
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clear-dance · 2 years ago
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Allvater Allvater führe meine Hand, so werd ich die größte Kriegerin im Land. Lass mich mutig in der Schlacht sein, sollte ich fallen, so hole mich heim. Die Ahnen werden mich empfangen, sobald wir nach Wallhalla gegangen. An deiner Tafel zu trinken und singen... Allvater, bitte sag, wirst du mich bringen? *** Dieses ist mein Beitrag zum #lyrikoktober2022 #lyirkoktober22 #lyrikoktober von @cleardance Thema: #allvater *** 2022/Oktober09 #cleardance  #instaquerkopf #gedichte #poetry #original  #selbstgeschrieben #instalyrik #poetsoninsta   #instapoetry #poetryisnotdead #deutschegedichte #deutschepoesie #deutschelyrik #selbstgelesen #gelesen #vorgetragen #antihasslyrik #wallhalla #vallhalla https://www.instagram.com/p/Cje3T6ED3Ek/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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