#wallaby beetles
popculturebuffet · 2 years
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Hello all you happy mutants. It's been way too long since i talked something x-men related and given the last time I did was … this
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It's been even longer since I talked about something GOOD from the house of X. Thankfully Kev had an idea left over from last X-Mas that I was eager to jump on this X-Mas: Operation N.A.U.G.H.T.Y, Codename :Kids Next Door's classic christmas episode spoofing the strangest heroes of all. And the fantastic four because apparently this episode wasn't personally targeting me enough as is.
For those Krakoans not as familiar with KND, in short KND follows the Kids Next Door, a group of child superspies trying to fight adult tyranny. KND takes place in a world where many adults take up supervillany just to impose their will on kids, from forcing braces on them, to shipping kids to the moon so their parents have no excuse not to work a billion hours, to bras actually being battle ready armor and teens all being douchebags who want to bully kids. In short it's every sterotype about kids and childhood taken up to eleven, and given cool gadgets. The show evolved from our main five kids, super cool british super spy and tightwad Nigel Uno, carefree pilot Hoagie Gilligan, spacey plushie lover Kuki Saban, perpetually angry aussie Wallabe Beatles and cool as a cucumber second in command Abigail Lincoln, Numbahs 1 through 5 respectively.
The show evolved, starting as simply the kids ocasoinally harassing people and fighting weirdos who werne't taken seriously by the rest of the world into a complex epic with the KND becoming a global orginzation and our heroes being one of a large cast of other KND agents, kids and characters. The show had a tight, expansive continuity that I ate up as a kid and even now wish to go back and rewatch some day. IT's a show I deeply loved and still do admiring it' screativity and having a continuity way thicker than most shows at the time, but gloriously so.
The show also LOVED it's pop culture refrences, including an entire episode that was just a parody of a short form the Animatrix, a two parter following empire strikes back, and many more. If the creators could squeeze in something they loved, they would. So it's not a shock that.
So it's not a huge shock the show would one day tackle x-men, which is another franchise about disenfranchised outcasts fighting an unfair system that has a massive cast, mythology and nice dollops of batshit insanity. The fact the storytelling is similar to the claremont run of x-men, i.e. fun one off adventures with ocasoinal bigger multi parters with a tight continuity and clear plans for the arcs, just makes it all the more obvious to me as an adult. Not only that they did it TWICE, though we'll save operation S.A.F.E.T.Y. for another day. The fact they made their x-men shout out a christmas episdoe and based their elves of x more on the comics than the movies, depsite the movies being red hot at the time and rightfully so, is just icing on the cookie. So join me won't you for some KVX as we dive into operation N.A.U.G.H.T.Y.
We open with a Stan Lee style narration which just warms my heart. See back in the 80s Stan Lee did a LOT Of narration for marvel cartoons, including the failed 80's X-Men Pilot, Pryde of the X-Men, which I intend to review eventuallys. And while obviously I wa stoo busy not existing to see most of this, I did get a vhs tape of Firestar's origin episode in spider-man and his amazing friends, and I THINK pryde of the x-men as a kid, so I got to hear it plenty. So seeing someone tribute that and do a pretty good job capturing his energy if not his voice at all.. it really hits me right there.
It's Christmas Eve and the elves are all hard at work. THey even sing their own verison of the rainbow monkey rainbow monkey all very round and super chunky theme song, which is imbeded in my skull on a load bearing lobe. One elf isn't so jolly and that's Elf Logan, codename Wintergreen aka Weapon G. He's just here on santa's orders to keep an eye on things not to sing and dance and make presents.. which is fair. It'd be like asking your CIA assigned body guard to knit for you. That's not what there here for. There's one thing Wintergreen does best and what he does isn't very jolly.
Things quickly get all humbuggy as 5 familiar figures show up.. figures SEEMINGLY matching the KND.. but wearing masks and acting unusual. I mean showing up somewhere and shooting a bunch of adults with tranq dart,s including about 40 for Elf Logan because ti's the only way he sleeps at night. Otherwise he just strokes that picture of Elf Jean Grey longingly. It weirds the rest of the team out.
Still there's clear hints it's not them: besides the makss they dont' talk or yell. While they CAN be quite on a mission, it's usually not fo rlong and usually nigel would at least have to give out some order. Most dammingly.. you have Number 3 in a room full of Rainbow Monkeys and she DOSEN'T react? That.. that's not possibly her.
The elves reactions are also gold as their all holly and jolly even as their getting some mmmmm drugs. Even the one who yells at them for entering the REINDEER room tells them merry christmas. So they enter it and kindap the santy claws as we get our holly jolly credits.
One title explination later, we're back with what's the REAL sector V, though the special does do a good job keeping it ambigious: While most audiences first instnct, even child me, is to say "well of course it's not them" Numbah 4 mentions an icy fortress, and their all returning from somewhere that isn't revaled till later. Given this franchise it could just as easily be that Santa was evil or undre mind control or they stole it to save it from a greater danger. It's not of course but the fact we don't know if they did it and if it wasn't them who adds nicely to the tension and their are hints as to who.. but we'll get to those at the reveal.
Our heroes prepapre to head home, with Numbah 3 being the most excitable and kind of the group, happy to give Numbah 4 his gift. They have a very drawn out will they or won't they thing, though it's a bit more tolerable than most series as their children and Numbah 4 is in DEEP denial. Like jason fox or calvin insertlastname here levels of girls have cooties I don't have feelings YOU HAVE FEELINGS. STOP ASKING QUESTIONS. Their just kids so it works that it dosen't go anywhere and Kuki is empathetic enough I coudl see her patiently waiting for him to finally stop being a butt.
Turns out theres a snag as Wally didn't get her a present. Which is typical for him. What really clearly distresses numbah three.. is that NO ONE did. When she mentions a gift exchange EVERYONE else whitstles nonchanlantly and Nigie tries to change the subject as soon as possible. That makes what she does in the climax more understandable.. whlie Numbah 4's actions are crappy.. their typical for him. She's used to this dance in their relationship by now and for once he seems genuinely regretful till of course Numbah 5 teases him with a predictable response
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But NONE of them, including Numbah 5 herself, bothering to get her a gift when she clearly wen tout of her way to get all of them one , especailly given how their one big family? Yeah that's far less forgiveable. She does, to her defense brush it off as it's better to give and receive but the gang has bigger issues. Someone has stolen the treehouse
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Yeah this went from the ocasional shocking moment.. to being so common Nigel has a melt down over it and rightfully so. You'd get pissed too if your second home got kidnaped every other week. Though to answer his rhetorical question of "why", simple: it's your base of operations with all your stuff in it. Granted their flying bus thing MIGHT have some weapons stashed.. but given the KND also puts "blow up the engine buttons" on it's vehicles and how numbers 2 3 and 4 can be when it comes to actually doing their jobs at times, it's just as likely the emergency slot has a bunch of candy, broken rocks, comics, and rainbow monkeys instead of weapons. I mean it's still all useful it's just not when the best at what he does and friends come a knocking.
Naturally for wolverine's bootleg, Wintergreen is waiting propped on on one of the plane thingy's wheels with a candycane in mouth. Because if Marvel won't let the man who cannot get cancer and is in no remote danger of it smoke because "drugs are bad mkay" then Cartoon Network sure as heck won't.
I do love how they get Logan down so well though: After seein Garth ennis' attempts at parodying logan which were
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That… it's nice to see one done with affection that really GETS the character: his manerisims, his attitude, his competnece, his sideburns, hell even how he looks shirtless. Which may be a weird thing to get down, but it's something that's been hilariously and weirdly consitant. That and the fact he goes shirtless a lot. The movies got some things right and other things horribly wrong, but the one thing they just downright nailed was that logan shows off those canadian abs a LOT. Him being shirtless is about as much of a costume to him as the old yellow and blues or the less used but still awesome browns and slightly lighter browns.
Point is it's very clear the writers of KND REALLY loved the x-men and this parody was done in good fun. The idea of making the X-Men into christmas elves is the weird kind of redressing this show is REALLY good at and it fits the x-men like a glove. As I like to repeat the x-men are REALLY fucking weird and i'm just skippy with it. Cyclops lived on the moon for a whlie, mutantkind as a whole lives on a sentient island that tried to murder them once, death is such a non factor that Mr. Sinsiters advice to seeing if ressurction will fix nightcrawler growing horns is just to shoot him, Storm is queen of mars with Magneto as one of her staunchest allies, and there's also Doop.
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And most of that is just recent events. THey've fought demons, been to space so often mutankind is in good with a space empire with Xavier's clone daughter leading them, storm has merged with a space whale, an extradimeisdonal tv exective wants to record them for his shows, and one of them has a space dragon. The X-Men are so inherently gloriously insane that having an elf equivleant isn't the weirdest thing that's happened to them and finding out which one would be near impossible. Like I said though Wintergreen acts like Logan and it's thankfully not early days "will kill you just for looking at him sideways" logan, but later "calm and resonable but will cut a bitch if you cross him" logan. He asks for the REINDEER back civily wanting to avoid a fight. Our heroes are the ones who draw on him and while sure Elf Logan took their treehouse, they didn't bother to try and talk things out.
So we get KVX.. or KVE as the x-men here are Elpha Strike, a nice nod to alpha flight, a candian super team. Their really more like the avengers, down to having their own hulk in sasquatch, but since they started out in X-Men and are old friends of wolverine despite trying to kidnap him a few times, as you do with your buddies, their frequently part of the x-men. It helps they never really QUITE broke out like creator John Byrne was hoping.
So for this parody the team stuck with the classics, the four longest standing x-men who served as the teams core during Chris Claremont's legendary franchise defining run: You've met wintergreen who had peppermintium in his bones, but we also have Nutcracker, based on demonic looking german teleporter and badass preacher Nightcrawler (complete wtih telepoting and being mildly unsettling), Snow Angel, whose primarily based on queen of mars, former queen of wakanda and always survivor storm having her apperance and beign associated with the wather but also has shades of two other x-men; Ice man (having snow powers) and angel (having half the name and the wings), and finally conferous, based on Colosus. Sadly they didn't bring Elf Deadpool, nor an elf cyclops with visons of sugarplums. Maybe he was busy with Elf Madlyn Prior. I dunno.
Point is the fight is fun if mostly one sided: While the KND are good, they only have some chillip peper guns against people as strong as the uncanny x-men's best and just as skilled. The only reason the KND even turns the tied is their trying take the present Numbah 3 got for Numbah 4 thinking it's the reindeer and well.. Kuki may be one of the sweetest kindest people you'll ever meet in fiction but for fucks sake DO NOT. PISS HER. OFF. The fact she juggernaughts Elfa Strike all her own proves that. She even pantses Wintergreen and pushes him off the tree house stump.
Not wanting to do this because Numbah 3 would make a good new child sidekick but out of options Wintergreen calls in their strongest attack, the 12 days of christmas attack. Which is just dropping all those things on her. Including a danny partridge in a pear tree.
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Wintergreen gets the present but SUPRISE it's just a special edition rainbow monkey which was where they were: in line at the offical store to get it as you can ONLY get it on christmas eve. Good thing it wasn't a tickle me wiggly. Wintergreen realizes wait something's off and BACK AT THE NORTH POLL, because Elpha Strike didn't think to check the room where the REINDEER you know was or comb it for Santa or the REINDEER itself as Kev pointed out to me because.. I guess they were hungry ? I mean I know how much wolverines love turkey
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WE find out who it was: The Delightful Children From Down the Lane, a creepy hive mind of children and our heroes arch enemy. Their so called good children.. who instead bully and harass other children and try to take things from them as they feel entitled to it. Since they all loook similar enough, they easily pulled this off. It's also nice foreshadowing for a twist of just where they came from later. I dont know if this was setup or they just decided on it later and it fit into place but well played.
Naturally their NOT on the nice list being you know, evil little shits, but being ENTITLED evil shits, they've decided to use the REINDEER to get the presents they feel owed while everyone else gets coal.
The REINDEER itself is a clever concept, santaizing another X-Men concept; Cerebro. It's a cool looking metal helmet that telepaths, i.e. Charles Xavier or Jean Grey mainly, can use to find any mutant. It's also now backup for any mutants personality so they can be brought back from the dead.
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This is the only part of the parody really taken from the movies as a big metal walkway leading into a giant dome room wasn't really a thing for cerebro till the movies, though its now so iconic it wasn't relaly changed till charles started wearing it full time. And it';s as dope looking as it sounds
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It also has a neat grid and is how santa delivers presents: he links up with it and gives presents to any kid he finds nice and giving coal to the naughty. He also warns that like Cerebro it's a LOT. Not everyone can handle it which the Delightfuls naturally ignore.
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So as the Delightfuls try to steal christmas, our heroes arrive at the poll, now all on the same page as most superhero team ups go: you fight a bit, realize you were bamboozled and then kick the ass of who made the misunderstanding happen. The Delightfuls just.. shut the door and reveal their contegency: Edna Jucation, a bitter susbtitue teacher whose mad Christmas overshadows substitute teachers day
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And who unelashes the faculty four, a teachertastic verison of the fantastic four. WE have mr physically phtiastic, who instead of the skinny and stretchy genius reed richards is a buff gym teacher who can stretch, the unteillgible tutor who instead of the mepahtetic and unstoppable invisble sue storm is an headache inducing branaic, the human text , the human torch but made of paper instead of fire and fuckboy energy, and thesarsus rex… whose a dinosaur made of books instead of a grumpy brooklyn rock man because the pun was too awesome not to use. They were apparently suppsoed to be the secretary squad.. but Cartoon Network didn't think kids would get office jokes. Which sucks.. but is probably right and the faculty four fit the knds rogues better nad honestly i'm shocked they didn't fight our heroes again. They aren't any weirder or less specific than the foes our heroes usually face
Elfa Strike takes them on while Winty has our heroes sneak in. They find the delightfuls… all with grinch face and BEGGING for help. Turns out that's what abusing the REINDEER does, so our heroes yank it away from them with Santa's help and all is well right? Everyone's ready to call it a day, with Santa being greatful and it's a nice touch that Santa is one of the few non-parent adults our heroes fully trust. Even Nigel, who distrusts any adult who isn't a parent on sight, is happy to see the big guy. Even an anti-adult orginization knows Santa is an ally.
Problem is.. Kuki found the reindeer and while she intends to use it for good, to give her friends even more presents.. power corrupts and even the nicest soul has her hate and reseintment over her friends screwing her over take her over, going full Dark Phoenix and preparing to do what the delightfuls did. Santa has only one option: Send Numbah 4 In
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We get a nice bit too as Santa outright tells Numbah 4 "You think if I had another option i'd be sending YOU?". And he's right as Wally giving Kuki his french fries is a warm enough gesture, she drops it instantly. Santa thanks the knd, but asks them to get stepping as he only has minutes to undo the damage. We do get a really nice moment with him and Numbah 3 though: she's genuinely sorry, on the verge of tears. .but he forgives her. He gets that the REINDEER is simply THAT powerful, and that she's truly sorry. SHe's a goo done. We also get a nice gag to cap things off as it's reveald Elfa Strike simply used the tree as a christmas tree for ice skating ala time square. Merry Christmas to all and al la good night bub.
This episode is excellent, a true christmas classic that not only combines two great tastes that taste awesome togehter, but is just a fun christmas story. It's not every show that could pull off christmas of x.. but not every show is KND. Thanks for reading.
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fandomcen · 2 years
Number 3 X Number 4 is a Libra & Aries dynamic 💕💖💝💞💘
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soda-sparkss · 1 year
Wallaby Headcanons!
I love these two way too much! I have to share my headcanons with you all, the citizens of doodletown!
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Wally loves to play with Barnaby's ears! They're very soft and one of Wally's favorite textures.
Wally's favorite place to sit is on Barnaby's shoulders
Barnaby likes to show Wally magic tricks! He once pulled an apple out of his hat as a confession gift and Wally was so impressed!
Wally often forgets little things about himself, but Barnaby is there to remind him!
Wally chews on the stitches of his fingertips as a nervous stim, so Barnaby helped him stitch them back together
Movie nights! So many movie nights!
WWally's eyes dilate whenever he's near Barnaby and the silly blue dog can tell when he's staring affectionately or with malice
The two love to hold hands while walking! in fact, Wally's gotten so used to having his hand held that he'll accidentally grab another neighbor's hand if he's walking alongside them.
Since Wally can eat with his eyes, he's curious as to how everything tastes. Barnaby often has to tell him not to eat a chunk out of the counter-
The two like to draw on each other's faces an arms! Frank has spotted them all marked up at least 7 times
Wally likes to cook in his spare time and Barnaby is his certified taste tester!
They both walk barefoot around the house
Wally is almost always at Barnaby's place!
They give each other stickers!
Wally is the only person Barnaby shares his food with
Barnaby is teaching Wally to dance!
They have little ragdolls of each other that they cuddle with at night
Wally prefers Barnaby's hand beans over fidget toys
Wally doesn't mind when Barnaby lays on him amd oftentimes falls asleep when he does
Sometimes they'll plan picnics or have playdates where they decorate the sidewalk with more chalk drawings
They always go to Howdy's place together
Barnaby helps Wally read through the guestbook
Wally gives gentle pecks/kisses while Barnaby prefers to give big wet kisses
Sometimes the two do their own thing whike in each other's company
Wally always gets up early, no matter how late he went to sleep. Barnaby always sleeps in past 12
Only Barnaby has seen Wally cry
Wally loves sweet foods while Barnaby like savory foods
Wally doesn't mind the texture of paper while Barnaby despises it
They both eat whipped cream right out of the can
They have three photobooks filled with mostly pictures of them together
They both like to act in Sally's plays!
Wally loves to be tickled and Barnaby always does it to cheer him up after a bad day
Barnaby likes to chew on Wally's fingers. He doesn't seem to mind
They have alternate nicknames for each other! Spots and Swirls
Barnaby gazes lovingly at wally even when he does the most mundane of things
They both hate the sound of fireworks, but love the looks of them
Wally uses Barnaby as a pillow
They like to play with the beetles in Frank's garden
On weekends, they build pillow forts in their houses and make shadow puppets!
Sometimes Wally just needs a big ol squeeze! And Barnaby is al2ays there to provide!
Both have stepped barefoot in paint and run aroind the neighborhood to leave little tracks!
They have one tree they carved their names into as a pledge to never leave each other
Wally will listen to Barnaby talk to for hours on end
Wally gets jealous sometimes and often secretly holds grudges
Barnaby makes Wally some hot cocoa if he can't relax
They kiss each other's hands before going their separate ways
Wally tries to paint in the dark and Barnaby has to remind him to turn on a light
Barnaby likes to trace little shapes on Wally's hand. Sometimes he even leaves him a message!(Wally can barely understand what he writes though)
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kidsnextdoor-doodles · 10 months
Can you do of my version of animal AU
Nigel Uno/Numbuh 1: European Badger Hoagie Gilligan/Numbuh 2: Red Squirrel Kuki Sanban/Numbuh 3: Shiba Inu Wallabe Beetles/Numbuh 4: Wallaby Abigail Lincoln/Numbuh 5: African Leopard Fanny Fulbright/Numbuh 86: Irish Hare Rachel T. McKenzie/Numbuh 362: Red-Tailed Hawk Patton Drillovsky/Numbuh 60: Alaskan Husky Herbie/Numbuh 65.3: Field Rat
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Only had the energy to draw four Sorry!!
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kandidandi · 1 year
Kandi!!! Would you be willing to tell us about what kinda insects/arachnids you've seen that you think are cool? Snakes? Fuzzy Critters?? Venomous or Non-Venomous doesn't matter, you said you like to be out and about in the green parts of Australia, and while I am concerned for your safety I'm even more curious about the Cool Beasts you've seen on your travels!! Have you seen any bright yellow or golden creatures? Green ones? What about the birds that don't swoop? Just!! Tell us about the Cool Animals!! Or cool plants, if you have more about those than Beasties? (Sorry to Explode in ur inbox, I always hear about the Dangerous Animals in Australia because Scary but never hear anyone talk about the Beauties you can go see. And I wanna hear about these walks you seem to enjoy taking!!)
omg omg omg doof im so glad u asked >:D
(i dont take pictures when im out so i'll just use google hahgashg)
i see lots of birds like -cockatoos -kookaburras -galahs -magpies -magpie-larks (also called the peewee lmfao) -crows -butcher birds -noisy miners (native to australia) -indian mynas (not native to australia) -honey eaters (these guys have long tongues) -ibis -rainbow lorikeet -bush turkeys and alot more im probably forgetting about
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for marsupials i see -kangaroos -koalas -wallabies -and possums!
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now for insects, snakes, etc etc... *cracks knuckles* theres no way i can list them ALL but i'll list most
-LOTS OF ANTS (obviously) -huntsman -red backs -wasps -bees -grasshoppers -cicadas -WORMS -crickets -dragon flies -moths -butterflies -ladybugs -leafhoppers -praying mantis -RHINO BEETLES!!! (I LOVE THESE ONES) -millipedes -slaters -scarabs -snails -cross spiders -stag beetles -stick insects -blue tongued lizards -lots of lizards -termites -cane toads -green tree snake (friend) -brown snake (NOT FRIEND) -geckos
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alot of this wildlife looks dangerous (they are but) just leave them alone and you'll be fine (still be cautious but be kind aswell) even snakes, they only bite out of fear or for food, so dont startle them or look yummy hahaffagah
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hapalopus · 1 year
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My bed buddies :3
From left to right: Ninus (rabbit), Ponniyu (unicorn), Kommen/Cumin (small camel), Bittermælk/Oxtongue (giant bison), Mini (light brown bison), Tini (dark brown bison), Blåbær/Blueberry (grey spider), Sappho (rainbow lobster), Kardemomme/Cardamom (camel), Snowy (wallaby), Trøstehund/Comfort Dog (purple dog), Leo (lion), Snøffel (brown spider), Muffin (mammoth), Åge (sea gull), and.... I still haven't found a name for the beetle, I only got him yesterday :p
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weywardwisdom · 25 days
I am under the Seven stars. I am under the sky-boat afloat in the Milky Way. I am under the glowing hearth-fires of elders. I am under shining pebbles in the stream of time and timelessness. I am under the great snake who can poison or heal. I am under the sun making love with the day. I am under the moon’s life-giving womb.
I am moss-covered calcrete and sandy river silts. I am lichen, algae, fungi, puffball. I am mole-cricket, inch ant, worm-lizard, stumpy lizard, skink. I am coiled brown snake and tiger snake. I am maniacal cackle frog and common froglet. I am echidna. I am wallaby.
I am drooping sheoak, small sheoak, sticky hop-bush, and southern cypress pine. I am paperbark, bottlebrush, mallee gum, red gum and melaleuca. I am dryland teatree, white flowering teatree and spiny hakea. I am fig, almond, apple, lemon, lemon myrtle, pomegranate and plum. I am golden wattle, coastal wattle , small coastal dune wattle and northern wattle.
I am piyentak, nganangi, manguni, manthari, thalgi, kunduwi, yalkari, and bilbili.
I am flax-lily, pigface, stinging nettle, muntries, thistle, sweet apple-berry, weaving rushes and knobby club-rush.
I am ruby saltbush, climbing saltbush, coast bitter-bush, small-leaf bluebush, coast daisy bush and twiggy dais-bush. I am sticky New Holland daisy, yellow daisy and yellow star. I am boobialla, bower spinach, correa, climbing lignum, and rhagodia. I am Austral storksbill and Austral trefoil. I am wallaby grass, spear grass, veldt grass and buffalo grass.
I am oxalis, ox tongue, pigs ears and pussy ears. I am easter lily, and Xmas box. I am sea lavender, english lavender and french lavender. I am freesia, nerine, nasturtium, pelargonium, geranium, tree aeonium and sedum. I am highland rose, pink rose and rosemary. I am jonquil, jade plant and spider plant. I am amaranth and plantain. I am cemetery iris, medic, marsh-mallow and red hot poker aloe. I am cactus.
I am thorn-bill, stubble quail, silver eye and magpie. I am fairy wren, willy wagtail and grey fantail. I am mudlark, brown songlark, singing honey-eater and New Holland honey eater. I am feral pigeon, crested pigeon and bronzewing. I am wattle bird and blackbird. I am noisy miner and peaceful dove. I am black shouldered kite and brown falcon. I am marsh harrier and barn owl. I am welcome swallow, sparrow and crow.
I am tarantula spider and orb spider. I am red-back spider and black spider. I am slater and beetle. I am midge and mosquito. I am march fly, house fly and blow fly. I am butterfly and moth. I am blue striped bee, and honey bee.
I am living beings, standing since the beginning of time. I am invasive species that bylaws tell me to kill. I am repair species from the Ngarrindjeri nursery. I am species spread by seed. I am a politics of pollen.
I am a guest of the cycle of life, death and rebirth, living on Ngarrindjeri lands. I am bound to return under the earth.
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timothy-haye · 4 months
Section 6 / Continent: Oceania
General Layout:
Section 6 stretches across dry grasslands with a few trees and watering holes scattered throughout it. There's also a petting zoo and an underground aquarium.
The section is marked with pathways, and guests can also get around the section riding along in guide-driven trucks and through enclosures on quadricycles.
There's a wide variety of restaurants, gift shops, and amenities, within the section, including labs that host behind the scenes tours, an indoor activity center, and an indoor garden.
The Animals:
Amphibians: Frogs.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals: Dugongs, Elephant Seals, Sea Lions, and Seals
Birds: Albatrosses, Boobies, Cassowary, Cockatoos, Emus, Geese, Fairywren, Frigatebirds, Herons, Honeyeaters, Hornbills, Ibis, Kookaburra, Lorikeets, Osprey, Owls, Penguins, Rails, Rosella, Shags, Swans.
Fish: Anemonefish, Anglerfish, Barracudas, Boxfish, Butterflyfish, Clingfish, Cowfish, Hairtails, Idols, Leatherjackets, Lionfish, Pipehorses, Scorpionfish, Seadragons, Seahorses, Snappers and Wrasses.
Insects: Ants, Beetles, Butterflies, Cicadas, Dragonflies, Moths and Wasps.
Misc. Carnivores Animals: Bats, Echidna, Mulgaras, and Platypuses.
Misc. Herbivorous Animals: Bats, Kangaroos, Koala, Tree-kangaroos, Wallabies, and Wombats.
Misc. Omnivorous Animals: Bandicoots, Gliders, and Possums.
Other Animals: Scorpions & Spiders
Reptiles: Crocodiles, Lizards, Snakes, and Turtles.
Aquatic/Semi-Aquatic Mammals:
Misc. Carnivores Animals:
Misc. Herbivorous Animals:
Misc. Omnivorous Animals:
Other Animals:
[The Section Masterpost Link]
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@dartmoorzoo has over 70 different animal species, including some endangered and critically endangered species. The zoo has a breeding programme with common marmosets, tapir, slender-tailed meerkats, Kafue lechwe, and wallaby. They also have Mammals Amur tiger, African lion, Jaguar, Carpathian lynx, Red-handed tamarin, Gelada, Iberian wolves, Asian short-clawed otters, Raccoon, Vervet monkeys, Common marmosets, Ring-tailed coati, Slender-tailed meerkats, tapir, capybara, Kafue lechwe, Grant's zebra, sugar gliders, lesser hedgehog tenrec, Parma wallabies, Bennett's wallabies, Reeves's muntjac, Fallow deer, domestic rabbits, raccoon dogs, reindeer, Azara's agouti, African pygmy goats and Cloud rat. Birds Ostrich, greater rhea, white-cheeked turaco, avocets, Indian runner ducks, Helmeted guinea fowl, white-naped crane, great horned owl, great grey owl, burrowing owl, European eagle owl, striated caracara, Himalayan Monal, and golden pheasant. Reptiles Red-tailed boa constrictor, royal python, corn snake, milk snake, Western hognose snake, blue spiky lizard, blue-tongued skink, bearded dragon, crested gecko, American alligators, electric blue gecko and yellow-headed day gecko. Amphibians African bullfrog, poison dart frog, golden Mantella frog, axolotl. Invertebrates Sun beetle, leaf insects, Mcklay's spectre, giant thorny stick insect, orange-headed cockroaches, Indian ornamental tarantula, Brazilian black tarantula, Chilean rose tarantula, tailless whip scorpion, and tiger land snails. https://www.dartmoorzoo.org.uk/ (at Dartmoor Zoological Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp-9fbvrHJ0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
How Melbourne brought butterflies back to the CBD
Even as we head into the height of spring, many of our inner city streets miss an abundance of bees, butterflies, and birds. The fickle cuckoo bees, painted Australian ladies, Superb Fairy Wrens and their ilk are often just as low-key as they should be playful. As cities continue to expand, wildlife keeps coming out and there is now a growing motivation to change the situation – always by growing more plants. Biodiversity site on Claus Street, South Yarra, two years after plantingattributed to him:Melbourne But some plants are more beneficial to animals than others, and five years ago, the University of Melbourne and the City of Melbourne teamed up to deduce what plants might be most beneficial. What they settled on was the Bible. While many of our inner streets have trees and grass, there tends to be a gap when it comes to the space in between. Urban ecologist and University of Melbourne professor Nick Williams says it’s the plants that populate these midpoints – native shrubs, perennials and grasses – that are “extremely important” to insects and small birds. This is supposed to be their refuge. It provides habitat and sustenance, and the more complex it is, the better. beetle on eternal golden (/Xerochrysum bracteatum/)attributed to him:Melbourne In what may be of interest to anyone wishing to welcome more wildlife into their gardens, Williams, along with others, including the university’s director of urban horticulture, John Rayner, have created a list of more than 100 species, most of which are native, that can help with Increase biodiversity in our city streets. For this planting guide, available free online, they chose plants not only for their horticultural qualities and environmental tolerances but for the biodiversity benefits they provide. They choose plants with high nectar and pollen yields for bees, with larval food sources for native butterflies, and seeds and fruits for birds. They added grasses that birds use to make their nests, thorny shrubs in which they can hide and plants with elongated stems that can provide a home for solitary bees. Australian lady drawn on a leafless daisy (/Brachyscome multifida/) attributed to him:Melbourne “It was a very new style,” Williams says. More novel, the City of Melbourne and the University of Melbourne actually began planting four inner city streets in an experiment to see what happens when leaf-cut chrysanthemums, tufted blue flowers, daisies, correas, ringed wallaby grass and other lower fare. Replacement of bitumen footpaths, covered center strips and natural lawn mowing strips. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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kndoodles-blog · 5 years
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in class and doodling.
here’s numbuh 4
i might do father and maybe the delightful children after i finish sector V, but i can also try cree and the teens?
who knows, what do y’all think?
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kitkat-the-muffin · 2 years
Nigel and Abby are the main holders of the braincell, tossing it between each other often. Hoagie sometimes takes the braincell every once in a while, while Kuki has the braincell once in a blue moon. Wally never has the braincell and never will
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
Cartoon Comparison: Craig of the Creek
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Honestly, I really like the idea behind Craig of the Creek. The idea of kids basically making their own society by the creek is really fun and imaginative, especially when there’s basically a friend group for every hobby and interest. While I’m grown now, it’s not hard to imagine if I’d seen this as a kid, it would have been fun trying to figure out which group of kids I might have hung out with. The tone is really relaxing and cute, but I love the use of unreliable narrators because in some of the best episodes, it creates really great uses of misunderstandings to create two different stories. A perfect example is “Doorway to Helen.” Craig finds his math homework done by a girl who writes in cursive and who he never meets face-to-face. She talks of the creek as always deserted, and has a special place that’s warm when she’s there, but is cold when Craig and his friends go. It’s clear to an adult watching that Helen is homeschooled, and goes to the creek while the other kids are in school, thus why it’s abandoned. But Craig and his friends believe that Helen is in another dimension. So, the story is set up where a child watching likely things the same thing, that Helen lives in another dimension, but can come back to the show years later, and realize Helen never lived in another dimension, she was just homeschooled. That sense of whimsy and innocence, coupled with the idea of playing as whoever you want to be makes Craig of the Creek really smart as a cartoon.
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I don’t know how many (if any) of my followers are younger, but if you grew up on Craig of the Creek and want to watch similar shows, one good starting place is Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, a Cartoon Network cartoon that ran for 6 seasons from 1999 - 2009. The show starred the Eds, three young boys with the same name, Ed, Eddward, and Eddy. Like Craig of the Creek, the Eds are imaginative and creative, building elaborate sets, props, and even entire cities. The tone is different, much more of a whacky slap-stick style that thrives of surreal humor. Adults are rarely seen in the show, making the Cul-de-Sac kids feel like their own society, free from the demands of parents and school. Most of the series takes place in the summer, with the kids going back to school only in the later seasons. The Eds are more antagonistic, as they are constantly trying to scam the other kids out of their allowances, so they frequently get their comeuppance. But it’s still entertaining to see what crazy thing the Eds will try next to get money for candy.
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Whereas Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy matches Craig of the Creek’s carefree days outside of school vibe, KND leans heavily on the society of children angle. It aired on Cartoon Network from 2002 - 2008 for 6 seasons. The comedic action adventure series stars Sector V of the Kids Next Door, a secret organization of child agents who work together to combat the tyranny of adults and the teens who side with them. The show features whimsical inventions like sticking a pepper in a jar, taping it to a hairdryer, and somehow turning it into a heat ray, or turning a bottle of mustard into a gun. If you liked the trading tree or all the side groups and the little societies they made, then KND will likely scratch that same itch, though KND only has the one gimmick as a secret organization of child super spies. Sector V has 5 main characters: Numbuh 1: Nigel Uno, Numbuh 2: Hoagie Gilligan, Numbuh 3: Cookie Sunbun, Numbuh 4: Wallaby Beetle, and Numbuh 5: Abigail Lincoln. Craig of the Creek is very diverse, and similarly, all five of the main characters are the children of immigrants. Numbuh 1 is British-American, Numbuh 2 is German-American, Numbuh 3 is Japanese-American, Numbuh 4 is Australlian-American, and Numbuh 5 is African-American. They have a number of memorable villains, including Mr. Boss, Grandma Stuffem, Captain Stickybeard, The Cat Lady, The Common Cold, Father, and the traitorous Delightful Children From Down the Lane, a group of kids who conspire with the adults and brown nose them for favoritism. Compared to the other two shows, this one has the deepest plot, as Craig of the Creek and Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy are more episodic, while KND has a larger story at play. It’s not as serialized as modern cartoons, but there’s still a progressing story in KND that the other two don’t have.
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Likewise, if you’re one of my older followers, and grew up watching Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy or Codename: Kids Next Door, you should give Craig of the Creek a chance, I think you’ll like it. It’s not as absurd as Ed, Edd, ‘n’ Eddy, but it’s just as imaginative, and has a similar spirit to the show’s atittude toward school and parents. It doesn’t focus on one gimmick as much as KND, but it’s also kind of cool seeing all of the unique societies that use the creek as their playing grounds. All three shows are available on HBO Max if this piqued your interest in any of these shows, or you just want to relive a childhood classic.
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brown-dorgs · 7 years
Biking through dayboro the other week and came across some roadkill. I wanna go back and get that damn skullllllll
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ms-hells-bells · 2 years
Wallabies are invasive species in so many places. There's a tiny island full of wallabies in Ireland of all places because the british baron who owned the island decided to import them lol
men are so fucking stupid. it's like how aus has native cane beetles that liked munching on crops, so they went "i know! lets bring over invasive cane toads to eat them!" and now cane toads are wrecking their shit, especially since they're poisonous.
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hapalopus · 1 year
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Been a while since I took a group photo - here are all my buddies (excluding Tele who's safe in my cabinet)
From left to right:
Purple dog: Trøstehund (Comfort Dog)
Seagull: Åge
Bison: Tini
Rabbit: Ninus
Wallaby: Snowy
Camel spider: Goetia
Giant bison: Bittermælk (Oxtongue)
Beetle: Holger
Spider: Blåbær (Blueberry)
Bison: Mini
Unicorn: Ponniyu
Lobster: Sappho
Spider: Snøffel
Lion: Lille Leo (Little Leo)
Mammoth: Muffin
Bison: Baby
Big camel: Kardemomme (Cardamom)
Small camel: Kommen (Cumin)
Mudbray: Marzipan
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