#walkway waterproofing
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Preserve Safety and Durability of Your Staircase
Our team has the expertise to handle various types of staircase waterproofing projects. We will assess your staircases and providing a comprehensive solution that protects and enhances your stairs. Call us at (747) 215-9117 for more details.
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signaturescape · 8 months
Signature Scapes
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Signature Scapes are a young, energetic team of landscapers based out of Brisbane. We provide many services in landscape design, softscaping, landscape maintenance, and landscape construction. Whether you're looking for a refresh or completely overhauling your home garden or business, the team at Signature Scapes have you covered. With over 16 years of combined experience in all aspects of landscaping, the team at Signature Scapes provides premier services that can tick all the right boxes. With expertise in high-end residential and commercial landscaping, design, and maintenance, you can rely on our wealth of industry knowledge. If you need custom-built landscape design and services in Brisbane, you can count on our team to complete it.
Phone Number: 0459581936
Business Email: [email protected]
Website: https://www.signaturescapes.com.au
Instagram Link: https://www.instagram.com/signature.scapes/
Working Hours: Mon-Fri - 07:00 - 17:30 Sat - 08:00 - 12:00 Sun- Closed
Address: 63 Digby Street , Holland Park, Brisbane, Queensland, 4121 Australia
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
Twisted Zoo: Chapter Six
This is based on the stories of a keeper reader with the octotrio by @ashensgrotto and @merakiui.
Also @twistedcece @cenatour @ursinaw @xiaopleasecomehome @bearshideout @koebishrimpuwu @vash-yuu @help-whatdoimakemyusername @secret-potion @magmdnv @sunshine-for-serotonin @mel-star636 @silkkorchid @thatpersonuouknow @the-ace-reader @pamv11 @coffee-or-hot-cocoa @hrhqueenfox @goseew @luxthestrange @juno-of-wonderland @who-mst @despairingy-obsessed @lanxianschoenheit @ceramic-raven @sirenetheblogger @a13x15a5133p @abcdontbotherme @m0063576 @kimdourden @rammylog @starshiningsirius @im-here-for-the-fun-of-it @the-monochrome-jester and @thisisafish123 wanted to be tagged! Let me know if anyone else wants to be tagged for future chapters. If you no longer want to be tagged, please tell me! (Some of the tags might not have worked, and I’m sorry if so!)
Summary: You’re a brand new zookeeper at The Halfling Zoo- a place where half-animals live in captivity. Your job is simple- feed them and study them. Your main worry is that one of the more dangerous halflings might kill you. 
Unfortunately, that may become the least of your worries.
Previous part: Chapter Five
Next Part: Chapter Seven
WARNINGS: suggestive content
Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.
Also, I can’t promise I’ll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.
Note 2: Sorry for this being so late.
The first place to start was the aquarium. You were a little excited to see Floyd again, considering how friendly he was. If you were going to make a huge discovery, it may just be with the eel halflings.
You walked up to the water and peered down at it. It’s hard to see anything down there. From the surface, you could only see indistinct shapes of rocks and coral. You put your hand in the water and splashed it a little, hoping to get the attention of the creatures down below.
Suddenly, an arm seizes your hand and starts to pull. You lose your balance and tumble forward, falling into the water with a splash. You gasp and swallow salt water, gagging on the taste and, once you surfaced, scrabbling desperately against the concrete walkway that led up to the water’s edge.
You noticed a metal railing on your left, probably meant for divers to get out of the water easily. You began to swim for it but your ankle was grabbed and you were dunked under the water once more.
Once you surfaced, you spun around and were met with Floyd’s mismatched gaze. He giggled and playfully tugged on your ankle again.
“Stop!” you yelled, the sound echoing against the walls. Floyd let go of your ankle and moved backwards, looking like a kicked puppy.
You swam to the railing and pulled yourself out. You pulled your notebook out of your pocket to find it ruined, the paper too waterlogged to use. Thankfully, you used different notepads for each enclosure, so the notes from the days prior were safe, but the three notepads you had brought today were unusable.
“We don’t do that, Floyd,” you said sternly, “I don’t go into the water.”
Floyd blew bubbles in the water, his eyes sad. Suddenly, he disappeared into the water with a large splash that hit your already soaking body. You shivered in the cold air, wishing you had a towel. 
An eel surfaced, and you were about to scold Floyd again, before you realized the halfling was Jade, and not his twin.
“Hello, Jade,” you said wearily.
Jade blinked softly at you, before saying, “I am sorry for Floyd.”
Your heart melted a little, “It’s okay.”
It would be fine. You could just take notes when you got home. Next time, you’d put them in a waterproof container or ziplock bag or something before visiting the aquarium.
Floyd resurfaced, holding something black in his hands. It took you a moment to realize it was a tentacle. Confused, you watched as he dragged a blushing Azul to the surface.
“Brought… octopus… you asked,” Floyd said proudly.
It took you a few moments to put things together. Floyd was trying to make it up to you by bringing you Azul, who you had asked for yesterday.
“Floyd…” you weren’t even sure what to say to the eel. He clearly didn’t have any bad intentions when he pulled you into the water- he probably thought it was a game or something.
You sighed, “It’s okay, Floyd, I forgive you.”
Floyd swam up to the edge of the tank, blinking up at you with his heterochromatic eyes, still holding one of Azul’s tentacles.
Azul looked half-furious, half-mortified, trying in vain to get his tentacle out of Floyd’s grip.
“Floyd, you should let go of Azul,” you said gently. Floyd pouted for a moment, upset that you weren’t proud of him for bringing the octopus halfling to you, but let go of the tentacle. It immediately shot through the water, back to Azul, who began to sink under the water.
“Wait! I wanted to say ‘hi’ to you!”
Azul stopped in his tracks and turned his head to you, disbelief etched on his features. 
“My name’s (Y/n). I’m glad to meet all three of you,” you said, holding out a hand.
The three of them stared at your outstretched hand before Jade swam closer and gently put his clawed, webbed hand in yours and shook. His arm slipped back into the water without a splash. 
Floyd was fascinated by the action and reached up to grab your hand. For a moment, he tightened like he might pull you into the water, but once glance at your panicked face made him click disappointedly and release your hand.
Azul approached almost confidently and diplomatically shook your hand as though you were making a business deal with him. It was such a contrast from his normally-skittish attitude, that you almost forgot to shake back.
Floyd suddenly started to yell “(Y/n)!” over and over again. It was so loud that you covered your ears, the echoes bouncing off the walls as though he were shouting it three times at once.
“Floyd! Calm down!”
Floyd giggled and crooned, “Floyd, Jade, Azul, (Y/n)!” 
“Yes, those are our names,” you said with a tired laugh.
You looked at the clock and cursed. You had to split your time between three exhibits, which meant you had to get out of there now. “Guys, I gotta go.”
Floyd let out a sad wail, throwing himself against the tank wall and sinking down slowly and dramatically. You held back a laugh and waved to the other two halflings.
“I’ll see you all in a few days.”
“Days?!” Floyd wailed.
“Sorry, Floyd. Next time, don’t drown me please.”
Floyd stuck out his tongue and you laughed.
You left the aquarium, shivering when the cool air hit your soaked clothes and skin. Thankfully, there weren’t many guests in this area, but the ones that were around stared at you. You hurried to the reptile house, sighing in relief as the warm air from the heating lamps washed over you.
You opened up the door to the snake tank and stepped inside. “Hey Jamil, Kalim, I’m back!”
A white-haired head shot up out of the bushes, “(Y/n)!”
“Hi, Kalim,” you laughed at his enthusiasm and crouched down as he slithered towards you. He didn’t draw himself to full height, so that he would be only a little taller than your crouched form.
To your surprise, his hands shot out and grabbed the sides of your face. You were stunned into silence as Kalim let out a laugh, “So soft!”
“Kalim!” you weren’t sure how to react, so you gently took both of his hands and pulled them away from your face. He resisted, pressing his palms harder into your cheeks.
“Nooo, soft,” Kalim whined, pouting as if you were trying to take something precious away from him.
“Kalim, you can’t just hold onto my face,” you explained, trying fruitlessly to remove his hands.
“Soft!” Kalim exclaimed, as if that explained everything.
“Kalim, you can’t,” you protested, trying to stay calm, “It’s making me uncomfortable.”
The boa constrictor finally released your face, pouting slightly, “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay,” you said, taking a deep breath. You knew he didn’t mean any harm, but you really didn’t like being touched without your permission. You could feel your hands trembling a little from the unwanted contact so you placed them on your lap.
“Where’s Jamil? I’d like to talk to him too,” you asked.
“Right here,” Jamil’s smooth voice answered. You could see his face peering at you from between two bushes. He looked amused and you had a sinking feeling he had been watching the whole thing without offering any assistance. His eyes strayed to your shaking hands and the smile grew a little.
“Jamil is best friend!” Kalim said happily.
The smile on Jamil’s face disappeared immediately. It seemed Kalim’s feelings were a little one-sided and you felt kind of bad for him. Both of them, actually.
Imagine being stuck in a tank with someone who doesn’t like you. Or maybe worse, imagine being stuck in a tank with someone you don’t like.
“Do you mind if I take notes on you both?” you asked, “We can talk too, if you feel like it!”
Kalim lit up like a Christmas tree, “Wanna talk!”
“About what?” you asked happily.
Kalim stared at you blankly. For a moment, you thought he didn’t understand, but then you realized he just didn’t know what to talk about.
“Can you tell me what it’s like to be snake halflings?” you asked, directing you question to include Jamil.
Jamil tilted his head, “We took a deal to live here. I sometimes regret that decision.”
You cringed a little as Kalim laughed happily, “No regrets for me!” He seemed completely oblivious to the fact that Jamil was glaring at him.
Jamil slithered closer to you, “If you lived in the wild, having to feed off of rats, wouldn’t you want to move to a place where you are fed like a king?”
“Well, probably,” you admitted, “You wouldn’t have to fight to survive.”
“Exactly. But would you want humans tapping on the glass every day, trying to make you move?”
“No,” you replied, “I wouldn’t.”
“But which is worse?” Jamil asked, “Fighting to see the next day or being a zoo animal?”
“I- I don’t know,” you admitted, “Both have their own cons and pros.”
“‘Cons and pros’?” Jamil asked, confused by the phrase.
“Their own good and bad things,” you explained.
“Ah, yes. Their own good and bad things,” Jamil sighed, “Good and bad.”
Kalim looked back and forth between you two, wearing a confused expression on his face. “I like here,” he said, “Happy here.”
“I’m glad for you, Kalim,” you said, reaching over to ruffle his white hair. His eyes widened at the motion, pupils dilating. His tongue, one that matched a snake’s, but larger, flicked out to taste the air before disappearing into his mouth again.
You were fascinated, “Your tongue- I’ve never seen you do that before.” Normally, snakes were always showing their tongue, using it to scent predators, sense prey, and attract mates. However, neither of the snake halflings showed their tongues until now.
Jamil chuckled and disappeared back into the bushes. Kalim tilted his head at you and smiled, not responding.
“I should probably go see the next halfling,” you said. You couldn’t see the clock, but you knew that you had spent a good chunk of time with them.
Kalim’s tail wrapped around your ankle, but you pried it off of you. He pouted once more, but peacefully watched as you left the tank, promising to be back in a few days.
You walked to the other side of the room, waving at a few guests before slipping through the employee door into the lizard’s tank. “Hey, Idia, I’m back!”
“That’s fine,” came the dreary responding voice. You couldn’t find the source under all the bushes, so you waded carefully through them, making sure not to step on anything blue.
The lizard halfling doesn’t seem to be very friendly. Or, rather, he doesn’t seem very happy.
“Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?” you asked.
“No,” Idia replied.
“What do you like to eat, if not burgers?” you asked the halfling you still could not find.
“In the wild, I ate insects,” he drawled, “So fried grasshoppers would be nice.”
“I’ll put in a good word with your keeper,” you told him, finally spotting electric blue scales in the corner of his tank.
Idia lay on his stomach, head resting on his crossed arms. He looked up at you with a bored expression, “Thanks.”
“It’s no problem,” you said cheerfully, crouching down across from him, “If they don’t change your diet, I’ll try to bring you something.”
Idia’s eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened, “Y-you would do that? For me?”
“Of course,” you said with a gentle smile. Idia did not return the gesture, but you could tell his features had softened a little.
“I don’t like humans. Or other halflings,” Idia said in his soft, dreary voice.
“I understand,” you replied, “Do you want to be left alone for now?” It would suck if he said “yes”, sure, but you knew you had to take getting close to him in little steps.
Idia was silent for a moment before sighing, “No, you can stay.”
“Do you enjoy being here?” you asked, remembering your conversation with the snakes.
“Yes,” Idia replied immediately.
“I requested my own tank, so I don’t have to interact with anyone else. I get to be alone as long as I want.”
“Introvert, huh?” you laughed.
“What is that? Why are you laughing at me?” Idia sounded hurt, and you rushed to explain.
“No, no, I just meant… introvert means you like being alone at least sometimes,” you said, “I wasn’t laughing at you, I just…”
“Of course you would laugh at me,” Idia said, burying his face in his arms.
“No, it’s okay!” you said frantically, “I would never want to insult you. I’m so sorry.”
Idia peeked at you from under his arms, “Really? You won’t insult me?”
“Of course.”
“I…” Idia sighed softly, “I want to be alone for now. It’s nothing personal. Just… too much for today.”
“Okay,” you said reluctantly, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Idia sighed again, watching you as you got up and left the enclosure, feeling like you’d messed up big time.
There were so many things to remember… you really wish Floyd hadn’t destroyed all of your notebooks for the day, because you’d have to write everything down as soon as you got home. You were so upset that you barely realized you had arrived at the next enclosure’s door.
You opened it up and embraced the humid air of the “jungle”. Like before, the two albino tigers stood near the door as though they were guards. This time, Silver was awake and alert, both of them staring at you with stern expressions.
Sebek’s expression softened as he recognized you, but Silver’s remained poker-faced. 
“What are you doing here again? We have already been fed,” Sebek said, suspicion lacing his voice.
“I’m here as a researcher. I was wondering if we could talk,” you said, trying to sound like you weren’t intimidated by the predators in front of you.
Silver’s ears and tail twitched at your words, but Sebek remained stiff.
“Talk about what?” Sebek asked.
“Well, are you enjoying your time here?” you asked, “What made you come here?”
“Young master is fascinated by humans and decided to take the zoo owner’s offer. We decided to follow him.”
“Young master?”
The panther with horns, you realized with a start. The amount of respect that they must have for him, choosing to follow him to a zoo halfway across the world, made you a little scared of him. To think there was a halfling here that could use magic… It made you more than a little nervous to know you had to approach him.
“Are you enjoying your time here?” you repeated.
“It is nice,” Silver spoke up, his expression still not changing, “Comfortable. No competition for prey.”
Sebek nodded, “It is better here.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” you were genuinely relieved. Jamil seemed to have his reservations, but everyone else seemed happy enough.
“You want to see Malleus?” Silver asked.
“Young master is not one to be approached so casually!” Sebek roared. You covered your ears, the sound reverberating in your skull.
“Maybe you could escort me. You know, since you and Malleus are so close,” you suggested.
Sebek seemed stunned, “Young master and I? Close?”
“He wouldn’t have let you come if he didn’t care about you, right?” you weren’t sure your logic made sense, but you did want to make the tigers happy.
Silver stood up straighter, but his face was still stern. Maybe he doesn’t show emotion well.
“I would appreciate it if you could bring me to see Malleus and the other panther halfling,” you said.
“Lilia?” Silver said, perking up a little, “Yes, we can see him.”
“Alright, let’s go!” you said cheerfully.
“We can see him,” Silver said again.
You followed his gaze and realized that, once again, the panther with black and pink hair was hanging upside down on the branch above you. You recoiled in surprise, “You- you scared me! Geez…”
Lilia let himself fall to the ground, landing on his feet gracefully, “I’m sorry. Did not mean to scare.”
“It’s okay,” you said, holding a hand to your heart, feeling it pound under your skin. It began to slow as you got over the shock of his sudden appearance.
“Can we all go see Malleus?” you asked him. Somehow you felt safer approaching him with three halflings on your side than if you were alone.
Lilia looked surprised. After a moment, he replied, “Yes. We can.”
The four of you, led by Sebek, walked through the jungle. You finally came across the clearing you had been to earlier, finding the horned panther stretched out on the rock, as if awaiting your arrival.
You waved at him and his eyes widened, as though he didn’t expect it. He sat up, “You approach me without fear, child of man.”
You realized he was right. Although you had been afraid at the thought earlier, now that you stood before him, you had no fear. In fact, you kind of felt fascinated. As if in a daze, you walked up to him and asked, “Can I touch your horns?”
Sebek made a spluttering noise, Silver’s expression finally changed to surprise, and Lilia let out a soft gasp. Malleus’s eyes widened even further before a gentle smile spread across his face.
“Yes, you may touch,” Malleus said softly.
You reached out and touched the right horn, your fingers touching the rigid surface, surprising you with its warmth. Malleus’s eyes fluttered closed and he let out a soft sigh, as though pleased by your actions. You wrapped your hand around it, feeling how tough it was and moved your hands down, feeling how it went from slim to thick. 
Malleus let out a moan, jolting under your touch. Time seemed to freeze as he slapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Your face ablaze, you let go of his horn and profusely apologized.
Silver and Sebek were avoiding Malleus and your gaze, looking in opposite directions with blushes on their cheeks. Lilia, on the other hand, let out a giggle.
“I should… um… go back now!” you said, backing away. Malleus nodded, hiding his face from you with one hand.
You, Silver, Sebek, and Lilia began the trek to the enclosure door, Lilia still giggling the whole way. When you got to your destination, you awkwardly waved to them.
“Wait,” Lilia said. You turned around and he continued, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For making him happy,” Lilia said with a closed-eyed smile. 
Cheeks heating up, you managed to mutter out a goodbye before fumbling with the lock and bursting out the door. 
All three pairs of eyes watched as you left the zoo.
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markscherz · 6 months
In my garden there is a good deal of toads (good!). When it rains, they like get out of wherever they usually are and stand on the walkway getting soaked in the rain (good!). Unfortunately, when it's night I'm afraid I might step on one of them standing stupidly in the walkway (bad!!): is it enough for me to loudly thump my feet on the ground to scare them away? I know this works for lizards but toads seem to be much more stubborn.
To my knowledge this will not work for toads. They are, as you say, stubborn. My only recommendation is to get a decent torch, or get a waterproof cover for your phone and use its torch, and make sure you can see the toads so that you can be careful to not step on them.
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thesightstoshowyou · 1 month
Sights I am so desperate for a crumb of Cricket, can you please do a drabble/hcs of Cricket knitting lil booties for the dogs so they don't get cold toes on their winter walks 🥺
🖤 @slashhinginghasher
I made this special for you.
A frown creeps across Cricket’s face when Two and Five come in from the back yard delicately stepping and shaking their feet as if in discomfort. Outside, frost coats the walkways and clings to the trees, and a thick layer of snow blankets the lawn. Record low temperatures, the radio had mentioned.
Indeed, when the frigid breeze billows in over the threshold and scatters a dusting snowflakes all over the floor, it chills her to the bone. Pity for the poor hounds settles heavy in her chest. There is no way they can go on their evening walks with Asa without injury to their paws.
An idea forms. When Asa leaves for work, Cricket completes her assigned daily chores in record time. Now, the afternoon is free to devote to her new project.
It is a miracle she has everything she needs: Stretchy fleece fabric in a color Asa won’t detest (she’d used it for making mittens), and leftover waterproof material from the boot covers Asa had asked her to make for…well, she doesn’t want to think too hard about that.
After several hours of trial and error and many fit tests with two very patient dogs, Cricket completes the final stitch just as the front lock clicks. Hurriedly, she slips eight handmade dog booties on eight excited paws. Quiet padding takes the place of clicking nails as the hounds rush to the front door to greet their master.
Cricket rounds the corner, gaze immediately assessing the disapproving crease in Ada’s brow as he stares down at covered dog feet. She waits until he turns his exasperated expression on her before explaining, “I didn’t want them to get frostbite.”
Cold, hard facts. He can’t argue with those.
The Collector’s shoulders rise and fall with his defeated sigh. He tosses the mail on the entryway table and strides away. The dogs still wear their booties.
Cricket takes great care in suppressing her triumphant smile. Today: Boots. Tomorrow: Sweaters.
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acermp100 · 6 months
And I've been working on shorts for over 10 days now! Excited to share~
25/3 – Friends: ZOO
Based on my many fun but fraught visits.
Seri learns the power of FRANDSHIP Shou tries to pet a crocodile Ritsu experiences churros They are at a zoo with American food don't question it ANTS
General Audience. No trigger warnings. Depictions of disassociation and anxiety/sensory issues. Some minor Seri/Rei. Capybara.
Serizawa stood in the middle of the walkway. Throngs of people flowed past- left, right, strollers, backpacks, balloons- all moving with their own purpose. That was the problem of a crowd. Being surrounded by so many yet still left completely alone, even if one’s anxieties preyed on that ever present fear that everyone is watching, everyone is judging. His fingers tensed at his sides before balling into fists. Just focus on one thing. That tree looks nice. It didn’t work. Bits of conversations bled into one another until all he could hear was chaotic noise as he took a slow, strained inhale.
“Oi, Katsuya.”
Everything snapped back into place. What was once churning and bleating returned to laughter and normal voices. A little kid ran past him asking an older sibling for ice cream. Serizawa blinked a few times until his eyes focused on a hand waving in front of his face.
Reigen gestured to the gate past the courtyard. “You’re holding on to all their tickets, buddy.”
Purpose swelled in to replace nervousness. Serizawa looked up to see the four middle schoolers gathered at the large, glassed off map near the entrance. Teru was pointing to one of the exhibits as Mob laughed, with Ritsu and Shou hanging back to avoid looking too excited. It had all started with wanting to take the Kageyama brothers out to the zoo for a small trip while their parents were out of town. Shou found out and invited himself and of course Mob was going to ask Teru to come as well.  
“You alright?” Reigen tilted his head. “Kinda went a bit-“ He widened his eyes. “Starey back there.”
“S-sorry. I’m fine.”
Serizawa steadied his fingers and unzipped the small pack at his waist before starting to rummage for the pre bought tickets. Got to save money so Reigen set them up as a school trip, among other things. He didn’t even know there were discounts for the son of a wife of a veteran.
The fanny pack had been picked out by Teru when the group went shopping together last week. Serizawa made sure to pack only the essentials. Inside the bright, green, reflective, and waterproof fabric were a mini first aid kit, some hard candies, nylon rope, a small utility knife, compact flair gun, translation book, and a magnesium fire starter with two pens and a pad of paper. And of course the tickets.
“Here they are!”
His voice came out a bit too loud but Reigen didn’t seem to notice, or maybe didn’t care. He could never tell. The tickets were held at arm’s length as Reigen took and inspected them.
“You know, I’m glad you decided to come, Serizawa” A flick of his wrist, Reigen gesturing even with tickets in hand. “You’ve really improved these last few months. Taking night classes and handling society and all it throws at you. I mean the train we took here was wall to wall people.” He paused, meeting Serizawa’s eyes. “But I know one can’t just magically be fine with all of that. So let me know if you need a break, alright?”
“Of course, Reigen-san!”
Reigen blinked back, leaning into his raised hand.
“Oh, right. Casual outing, not work.”
“Right. Just like going to class!” Reigen turned. “Let’s catch up with the kids.”
No, it wasn’t just like going to class. There he took the same train, walked down the same road, saw the same people, smelled the same smells. He had built that up all on his own: forcing himself to go until every detail was memorized. Predictable. Safe. Even the shopping trip had been short enough for him to handle at a small store that lay on his normal rout to work. Serizawa could feel his heart beat ever faster.
A small pack of kids ran by screaming. Music played from various speakers. The smell of fried food mixed with a musky, earthly scent. New sounds from every side conflicted with the various signs, decorations, and posters his eyes tried to read all of them at the same time. Even his clothing, though comfortable and casual for the day, left him feeling itchy.
He suddenly found himself at an exhibit in front of a glass wall looking over a recreated wetland. On land a few reptiles were lounging on broad leafed plants with fish under the water line. Mob was at his side glancing up at him without a hint of judgment in his eyes.
“Shishou says he wants to gather everyone up for a snack before we head into the rainforest building.”
“Oh.” Gears turned then started to grind. “Oh! Where- where is everyone?” Serizawa started to pull at his own hair, looking back and forth. “I was supposed to be watching and- Reigne-san- I should have-”
“It’s fine.” Mob turned his head to peer down the little trail to another section. “My brother and the others are feeding the crocodiles.”
Serizawa’s heart skipped a beat as he frantically stared ahead. “WHAT.”
Mob’s voice remained steady, but he punctuated his words with a short laugh. “Don’t worry. I don’t think a crocodile could take them on. Plus there’s zoo keepers monitoring the entire thing.”
Lowering his arms, Serizawa tried to catch his breath. A few of the fish swam by, their forms distorted from both the surface of the water and thick glass window. Four conversations, no five. Parents talking over kids. Loud footsteps on the wooden planks that lined the ground. All that with the constant, wet smell of algae.
“The first time I went to the zoo, Ritsu had just mastered walking.” Mob looked out over the water continuing in his monotone. “My parents had the stroller for him, but he still wanted to do it all himself. I barely got to see any animals because I was so worried about him.”
Serizawa looked into the enclosure as well. It’s fine. Everyone is fine. You’re fine. His fingers were still clenched, tongue pressed against the roof of his mouth.
“After when we were heading back, my mom took me aside and said she was proud of me for watching over my little brother so well. But-” A glance up at Serizawa. “She said there’s no need to do everything all by myself. We are a family, we have friends.”
A long exhale. Everything melted away accept for Mob’s voice. Serizawa could now feel the auras of all the others: Shou, Teru, even Reigen, and senses their emotions. Calm, happy. It’s fine.
“Do you mind getting your brother and your friend?”  Serizawa cracked a smile. “I’ll wrangle up Shou.”
A bit later they now all sat around the classic outdoor table made of rubber covered metal that formed a crude mesh so the employees didn’t have to worry too much about weather or cleaning. Serizawa recalled sitting at one when he was little with his mom as they waited for some fast food. That one had an umbrella though. Don’t need one now: not with the clear weather and good company.
“Hey, I was only gonna touch one.” Shou pointed a ketchup dipped fry at the others. “When else will I have a chance to pet a crocodile?”
Teru looked up from his burger. “Maybe try when the zoo keepers are not right there?”
“Not my fault you were too chicken.” Shou grinned back.
A scoff. Teru leaned back and crossed his arms. “What about Ritsu? He was standing back with the all the rest.”
“I was trying to get a good angle for a photo.” Ritsu didn’t look up from his food as he answered.
Reigen and Mob had gone back in line for more food. They returned triumphant with more fried, unhealthy goodness.
“Alight, got some desert. Mob said he’s never had a churro so here we are.”
Reigen set a cardboard tray in the middle and sat down; eagerly eyeing the double decker burger he had been forced to leave behind.
A smile from Serizawa, lost in thought as he listened to the kids talk about their day so far.
“So Serizawa.” Reigen was speaking from a half full mouth, pointing with his burger in hand. “You enjoying your order?”
“Oh! Yes!” Serizawa stiffened before grinning back. “Though I thought a corndog was going to be something different.”
“Right? I remember getting one as a kid when some American fair came to town.” Another bite, some of the sauce dribbling down Reigen’s chin. “Still tasty. I swear they make this stuff to be addicting.”
The burger was nearly gone now. Still so many sounds and smells. Serizawa took some breaths and focused on the conversation happening in the moment.
“Do they have wolves here?” Teru was gazing out down the path toward other habitats. They were mainly small mammals and birds. “I hope they don’t keep them in little enclosures.”
“No, it’s a big area in the back with trees and little dens they put into the walls.” Mob took a bite of his churro and suddenly forgot what he was saying.
“Yeah, this place is kinda famous for it.” Shou chimed in. “That and the lions.”
“Lions?” Teru’s face lit up.
“Wait.” Setting down his soft drink, Shou raised an eyebrow at Teru. “Have you never been here before?”
“Um.” Teru started to tug at his shirt, looking away. “No? I mean it’s not like my parents took me. And um- I guess-“
“The schools never have field trips here anymore.” Mob met Teru’s eyes and gave a nod of his head. “They claim it’s too expensive. But you’re here now.”
“Yeah.” Teru’s face softened. “It was worth the wait.”
Serizawa had kept back, not wanting to interrupt, but now invasive thoughts were flooding in. School, his failure, the bullies, just wanting to hide in his room forever. He closed his eyes for a moment before letting the toxic memories into the light.
“I’ve never been here either.” The kids all looked over at him. He had to glance over at Reigen to get enough strength to continue “Th-the schools back then took trips here all the time. I was pretty excited to go. Wouldn’t be stuck in some stuffy classroom or hallway for once. But well-“ He was gripping the stick of his corn dog so hard it broke in his hand. “There was an incident with some bullies the week before and- um- and-“
“Ugh they always do that.” Reigen gave Serizawa a pat on the back. “Even my teachers did: punish both the bullies and the victim. As if taking away fun activities and privileges would help.”
“Hey, kids are cruel man. Spesh with anything different.” Shou nodded at Serizawa. “Sorry you weren’t able to find a good bunch until now. The night class people seem pretty chill.”
Serizawa’s muscles relaxed. “Yeah, it’s nice to not always have to worry.”
“Being your true self is hard around the wrong people.” Added Teru. “But bullying has gotten a bit better, what with the student councils and all that. They get more power and police each other.”
“Oh yeah my brother was doing something with that.” Mob stole one of Teru’s onion rings with no resistance. “What do you think, niisan?”
Ritsu had said very little, and even less now. It was not due to the current subject, however.
“Pfff.” Shou nudged Ritsu with an elbow. “You here in the same reality with us, dude?”
He was looking down at his food, hands holding up his head with a distant stare. Serizawa grew worried.
“Um, are you alright?”
A sigh. “This is the most unhealthy, horrible thing I have ever eaten.” Ritsu spoke in a low, serious tone. “I’m probably going to get sick after we get home.” His head sunk lower. “But I can’t stop eating it. Why is it so good?”
“Ah.” Shou held up one of the churros. “The existential crisis of fried dough covered in sugar.” He playfully dangled in front of Ristu. “Truly a conundrum.”
Everyone gave a friendly laugh, even Serizawa. His experience with food had been quite limited until recently, relating easily to the bliss of trying something delicious even if it was bad for you.
The noise was still getting to him even after they ate. So many random and chaotic ones mixing together. Serizawa would calm down for a moment before a small kid would scream right next to him. In between there was the music and smells. He followed the kids along into the building hoping that would be better. Nope. Now all the noise was contained in an enclosed space leaving him feeling claustrophobic. He focused on his friends enjoying the animals.
Mob had lagged behind, what with the last area being dedicated to frogs. Not wanting to get separated, Serizawa hung back as well. A group of adults pushing strollers went by. Each were loudly complaining about the cleanliness of the place, and in their own little bubble, they nearly ran over Mob’s foot. One of them turned and gave a cruel sneer. Mob shrank back, holding his arm and looking at the floor. The same group almost bumped into Serizawa as well.
He wanted to help but one of the babies starting crying, causing the others to join in. His limbs froze, muscles knotting. The room spun for a moment and he looked up to check on Mob. He was having the same reaction, backing away and breathing harder, his shoulders tense.
“Hey, there’s a cool ant display ahead!” Teru had walked up and taken Mob’s hand. “Wanna watch them carry little leaves and stuff? They have all these clear pipes you can see them travel through.”
Serizawa smiled as they walked by, Mob now calm. Maybe he could get the same relief. The babies continued to cry while he stared at his footsteps, ignoring the mini crowds in front of every glassed enclosed snake, lizard, and spider they passed.
“What’s on your mind, Serizawa?”
Another sudden jolt as he was forced out of his head. They had made it out of the building but that just meant even more differences to deal with. Serizawa blinked before turning to see Reigen at his side. He found himself standing in front of a ground enclosure where the animals wandered around in an open air pit behind a fence.
“You seem really focused. Never seen one before?”
He wanted to say something but failed to conjure up anything concrete, instead turning his head toward the enclosure. Inside sat a few large, furry mammals. Their fur was brown with big eyes and snouts
“It’s a capybara.” Reigen brought up a hand. “They are the largest of the rat family and in some areas are actually classified as fish to avoid religious traditions of food consumption.”
Serizawa leaned a bit to the side as Reigen gestured, looking past to see an information sign with the same words his boss was stating at this very moment. He couldn’t help but grin.
“They seem very calm.” Serizawa shifted his gaze to meet Reigen’s eyes. “And rather cute.”
“Ha ha. Yeah.” A blush formed on Reigen’s cheeks. “I guess they are.”
A large crowd wandered past them, some breaking off to yell and point at the capybaras. Why can’t he just be in the moment? Why does he tense up every single time? It’s not like he was doing it on purpose. Serizawa let out a grumbling exhale while wrapping his arms around himself. But one of his hands was stopped.
“Hey, you need anything?” Reigen gave a light squeeze to Serizawa’s hand. “I did say you could ask if you needed.”
Serizawa inhaled, no longer hearing the random noises, immune now to attempting to read every sign, only smelling the cheap body spray Reigen used every day. Tears welled in his eyes but he forced them back.
“I- I can’t do this. It’s too much.” The first words came out shaky but he managed to keep them calmer and low now. “The kids are enjoying this so much, so I can’t just go home when they need me. But- but I can’t- there’s so much here and I can’t seem to focus and-“
During the desperate rambling, little pebbles started to rise and float around Serizawa, as well as Reigen’s ball cap.
“Hey.” Reigen had a hand on Serizawa’s shoulder now, looking straight at him, face serious but kind. “I used to work here you know.”
Breathing fast, Serizawa concentrated on his boss’s words.
“I thought I was going to get to play with animals and stuff. Nope!” Fingers up, gesturing out toward the other half of the zoo. “It was all shit. Picking up shit. All day.”
Serizawa had stopped crying and was lost in a state of confusion and admiration.
“Still, I had to finish my summer out so I just tried to push through.” Reigen continued. “That definitely did not work. But I did learn one thing: there’s this café that barely anyone goes to. Families all want fried food and animal toys and stuff, but this place just has tea.” He stopped flinging his hands around and held one out for Serizawa to take. “Wanna take a break and go there? The kids will be fine on their own for a bit.”
Instead of taking the offered hand, Serizawa wrapped his arms around Reigen and pulled him into a hug.
“Yes! I’d like that.” Serizawa mumbled into his boss’s shoulder until he realized what he was doing and released his hold, stepping back and fumbling his arms in front of him. “I mean, if that’s ok with you, Reigen-san.”
His boss nodded back, still recovering with his hair messily sticking out from his ball cap. “Sure thing, big guy.”
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
can u do the animalisms for Monty plz
Sure buuud!!
Take these with a hint of salt though, I've looked up alligator stuff but I'm not exactly an expert on them. Anyway
So the obvious first: Monty loves water. He's vibin' in the water at Gator Golf all the damn time he loves it. He can float like an alligator with his nose and eyes above the water and he can stay there forever if left to his own devices. Fun fact: He was the first animatronic to be introduced that was waterproof! (Yes, I have a timeline for all of this stuff in my notes it's very helpful) Anyway, ya boy can hiss and stay remarkably still for long periods of time (though this is somewhat offset with his Character programming) and can be very patient. Alligators are the only crocodilian to be maternal and protective, so that's exactly what Monty is. He's protective of younger kids and newer animatronics, doing his best to act like the cool mentor to the animatronics until they find their feet. In this way, he's pretty similar to Freddy, except he's uh... without the 'drop them like a stone and start over' thing with them. He's naturally more protective of the kids even as they get older, drifting off as they reach adulthood whereas Freddy is more focused on the younger ones. Save to say, his fans are of a much more diverse age range than many of the other animatronics.
Anyway, back to alligatorisms. Monty loves the warmth, despite not gaining any physical benefits like a biological alligator might. If there were heat lamps in the Plex, he'd love them, and is of the firm belief that the place should be kept at least three degrees higher at all times. He's a bit of a climber, though not as much as Chica. He likes to lounge around from on top of various parts of his attraction and people watch from up there. The walkways are honestly great for that, so Monty being Monty, refuses to get up there without awkwardly climbing his way up the Gator Golf decorations. In applicable situations, he's good for lying in wait for the right moment to strike, and in fights, he uses his tail quite often. He's not the most visually expressive, but with the traits of the Character part of his programming, he's not really unreadable either. Just less readable than say, Bonnie or Roxy. He can be very opportunistic, taking advantage of things thrown at him whenever possible and is a bit of a nuzzler, though he tends to stick to rubbing noses rather than Foxy's methods of nuzzling wherever he can reach.
The colder it is in the Plex, the less active he is. The Plex was closed for a whole winter once with very minimal heating because there was only one nightguard there ever and Monty spent the majority of it lying on the floor not feeling like moving ever again. He likes digging a bit, and finds making little dens out of random stuff he finds very fun since he can't exactly make a burrow in the Pizzaplex. He's pretty territorial, but is generally pretty chill otherwise. His anger certainly doesn't stem from here that's for damn sure. He's protective of his belongings and of his attraction and damaging anything of his will get you a roar and chase sequence he will not be happy. He's sensitive to high pitched noises and it's the only guaranteed way to get his attention, though he's not exactly sure why. (I do, but he doesn't lmao) He also just. Has a bit of a compulsion to carry rocks around in his mouth. Like a chew stim but he just sorta carries it instead of chewing on it. Guy just likes carrying random shit around with him.
Generally? The territorial thing is probably the only real issue that ever comes up, along with the 'typically docile' thing that clashes with the other half of his programming. Other than those two, he's not too terribly bothered by his alligator based programming at all, and he is probably the least aware of there being two separate personalities in him out of everyone. He gets by pretty well I'd say
Now, apparently, there's been several recent studies suggesting that alligators exibit more social behaviours than your average cocodilian, however, I can't find them so this is the best I got for now. If anyone knows where I can find information on that please let me know I would love to see it! But yeah, that's all I got for now. Enjoy!
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epoxyflooringexpert · 10 months
A Guide To Choose The Right Concrete Sealers For Home
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Maintaining the efficiency of the commercial property is extremely important especially the concrete that makes the floor pitch perfect. In fact, not just maintaining but preventing the damage to concrete is equally essential. Concrete is one of the crucial construction elements owing to its strength and longevity. However, because concrete is porous, it can absorb soluble salts and water, which can be harmful. Furthermore, the absorption of salts by the concrete, especially chlorides, can eventually lead to corrosion problems when steel reinforcement is inserted in the concrete to strengthen it. 
As a result, opting for the right type of concrete sealers is of utmost necessity. It ensures protection by shielding surfaces from a wide range of water-related issues caused by the cycles of thawing and freezing, stains from dirt, oil, and other impurities. In addition, it also prevents an individual from investing unnecessarily.  
Understanding The Role Of Concrete Sealers
The sealers for concrete are intended to provide protection for the concrete's surface against degradation, rust, and discolouration over time. Most concrete surface degradation is usually caused by surface moisture penetration. It's essential to safeguard and preserve the concrete surfaces while doing regular maintenance to increase their lifespan. Concrete sealers function by covering your concrete's surface or by penetrating into its pores and attaching to its inherent attributes. There are several types of sealers and choosing the right one can be the game changer. 
How To Choose The Right Concrete Sealers?
In order to choose the right kind of sealers for a concrete surface, one must be aware of the different types of concrete sealers in the market and their benefits. 
Waterproof Concrete Sealers 
A sealer should be a product that has the ability to penetrate deep into the surface as well as the substrate in order to seal and act as a protective covering. A waterproof sealer protects the concrete surface from penetrating water deep into the seal on which it turns into a solid form enclosing all alkali and lime in its impenetrable layer.
As a result, the concrete surface coated with waterproof sealers becomes water resistant along with other dirt, grease and acid which extends the overall life of the surface. 
Epoxy Concrete Sealers 
Epoxy concrete sealers are a great option for heavily utilized interior floors. This specific sealer not only offers a durable finish but also deters excessive abrasion. The most popular applications for epoxy coatings are concrete flooring and countertops. As a matter of fact, this type of sealer offers a glossy finish with a thick composition.
Depending on the requirement of an individual, pigments can be added to the sealers for better colours and one can choose either some mid-level sheen or highly glossy one.  
Acrylic Concrete Sealers
If an individual is looking for a cost-effective option, acrylic sealers are the best. Not only is it easy to apply but is also best suited for the interiors and exteriors for sealing the concrete. In addition, this type of sealer is well resistant to UV and therefore doesn’t fade away with time.
If one is looking for sealers for the garage or wants to seal the pool decks and walkways, individuals can opt for acrylic sealers as they offer protection against chlorine water. The paint dries really fast and enhances colours while protecting against damage. 
Final Thoughts 
Choosing the right concrete sealers perth and applying them correctly is extremely crucial. To find the ideal balance of protection, durability, and affordability, consider the specific needs, surface, and location.
Spraypave Pro is a concrete sealer expert in Perth and can help with the process of concrete sealing. 
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normeacottremovals · 20 days
Moving in Bad Weather: How Removalists Manage the Elements
Moving is a stressful task even in the best of circumstances, but when bad weather strikes, it can become even more challenging. However, professional removalists Central Coast have the expertise and tools to manage these situations effectively. Here’s how they handle various weather conditions to ensure a smooth move.
Preparation is Key
Checking the Weather Forecast
Removalists always start by checking the weather forecast for the moving day. This helps them plan accordingly and prepare for any potential challenges. If severe weather is expected, they might suggest rescheduling if possible.
Packing Materials
In anticipation of rain, snow, or high humidity, removalists use waterproof packing materials. Items are wrapped in plastic or placed in waterproof bins to protect them from moisture. Specialised boxes with reinforced materials might also be used for added protection.
Protective Gear
Removalists are equipped with protective gear, such as raincoats, waterproof gloves, and non-slip footwear. This not only keeps them dry and comfortable but also ensures they can handle items safely. Additionally, some may use knee pads and back supports to prevent injuries that could be exacerbated by slippery or unstable conditions.
Vehicle Preparation
Moving trucks are prepared for the weather as well. Tires are checked and sometimes replaced to ensure they can handle wet or icy roads. Trucks may also be equipped with de-icing agents and snow chains if necessary.
Strategies for Different Weather Conditions
Covering Items: During rain, removalists cover furniture and boxes with tarps and plastic sheets while loading and unloading. Items that are particularly sensitive to moisture, such as electronics, may be placed in double-layered plastic covers.
Indoor Prep: They lay down mats and floor coverings in both the old and new homes to prevent mud and water from being tracked inside. This not only protects the property but also keeps the moving crew safe from slipping.
Speed and Efficiency: Quick and efficient loading and unloading reduce the time items are exposed to the rain. Teams work in a coordinated manner to minimise the time doors are open, keeping the indoor environment as dry as possible.
Snow and Ice:
Clearing Paths: Removalists clear snow and ice from walkways and driveways to create a safe path for moving items. They might use snow blowers or shovels and spread salt or sand to ensure no one slips.
De-icing Equipment: They use salt or sand to de-ice slippery areas, preventing accidents. They might also use portable heaters to melt ice in critical areas.
Extra Padding: Cold weather can make some materials more brittle, so extra padding and care are used when handling fragile items. Blankets and additional cushioning materials are used to insulate and protect items from the cold.
High Winds:
Securing Items: High winds can be particularly challenging. Removalists secure items in the truck to prevent them from shifting or falling during transit. Special strapping and anchoring systems are used to keep everything in place.
Extra Help: They might use additional personnel to hold items steady during loading and unloading. Larger items that can catch the wind, such as mattresses or large pieces of furniture, are carefully manoeuvred to prevent them from becoming airborne.
Vehicle Safety: Trucks are parked strategically to shield items from the wind as much as possible. In extreme cases, they might even use additional vehicles as windbreaks.
Extreme Heat:
Hydration and Breaks: Removalists ensure they stay hydrated and take frequent breaks to avoid heat exhaustion. They might set up shaded rest areas and provide cool water or sports drinks.
Early or Late Moves: They might schedule moves for early morning or late afternoon to avoid the hottest part of the day. This strategy helps in avoiding the peak heat and ensures the safety of both the movers and the belongings.
Protecting Heat-Sensitive Items: Items sensitive to heat, like electronics, are transported in climate-controlled vehicles if necessary. Additionally, items like candles, art, and other heat-sensitive materials are packed with special care to prevent damage.
Communication and Flexibility
Client Communication
Removalists keep clients informed about any weather-related changes to the moving plan. This ensures everyone is on the same page and can make necessary adjustments. Clients are advised on how to prepare their belongings and homes for the move, including securing outdoor furniture and ensuring clear access paths.
Flexibility is crucial in bad weather. Removalists might adjust their routes, schedule, or even the moving day to ensure safety and efficiency. They maintain constant communication with their team and the client to adapt to changing conditions promptly.
The Role of Experience
Experienced removalists have encountered various weather conditions and know how to adapt. Their expertise minimises the impact of bad weather on the moving process, ensuring that your belongings arrive safely and on time. They are trained to handle unexpected challenges and make quick decisions that keep the move on track.
Moving in bad weather can be daunting, but professional removalists have the skills and strategies to handle the elements. By preparing thoroughly, using the right materials and equipment, and maintaining clear communication with clients, they ensure a successful move regardless of the weather. So, whether it’s rain, snow, wind, or heat, you can count on removalists to manage the elements and make your move as smooth as possible. With their help, you can focus on settling into your new home, knowing that your belongings are in safe hands.
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marystjean0 · 21 days
How to Improve Property Value When Remodelling for Resale
When it comes to selling a home, first impressions matter. Renovating your property before listing it can significantly boost its value and attract potential buyers. However, not all renovations are created equal. Focusing on the right areas can maximize your return on investment (ROI) and ensure your home stands out in a competitive market.
Focus on Curb Appeal
The exterior of your home is the first thing potential buyers see, and it sets the tone for their entire experience. Investing in curb appeal is one of the most effective ways to increase property value.
Landscaping: A well-maintained lawn, trimmed shrubs, and colorful flowers can make your home more inviting. Consider adding mulch, stone walkways, or even a small garden to enhance the appeal. Professional landscaping can offer a high ROI, often recovering more than 100% of the investment.
Front Door: Replacing or repainting your front door is a simple, cost-effective way to improve your home’s exterior. A steel door or a door with decorative glass can add both security and style, making a strong statement.
Exterior Lighting: Adding or upgrading outdoor lighting not only enhances safety but also highlights your home’s architectural features. Pathway lights, porch lights, and landscape lighting can make a significant difference.
Upgrade the Kitchen
The kitchen is often considered the heart of the home, and it’s one of the first areas potential buyers inspect. A modern, functional kitchen can be a major selling point, making it a prime area for renovations.
Countertops: Replacing outdated countertops with materials like granite, quartz, or marble can instantly elevate the kitchen’s appearance. These materials are durable and add a touch of luxury that buyers appreciate.
Cabinetry: If your cabinets are in good shape but look outdated, consider repainting them or replacing the hardware. For a more dramatic change, installing new cabinets or adding open shelving can modernize the space.
Appliances: Upgrading to energy-efficient, stainless steel appliances can make your kitchen more attractive to buyers. New appliances not only improve the look of the kitchen but also offer practical benefits like lower energy bills.
Refresh the Bathrooms
Bathrooms are another critical area that can significantly influence a buyer’s decision. A clean, updated bathroom can add considerable value to your home.
Fixtures and Hardware: Replacing outdated faucets, showerheads, and cabinet hardware can give your bathroom a fresh, modern look. Consider installing a new vanity with a stylish sink for added appeal.
Tile and Flooring: If your bathroom has outdated or damaged tiles, replacing them can make a big difference. Neutral-colored tiles are a safe choice, as they appeal to a wide range of buyers. Upgrading to waterproof luxury vinyl or ceramic tile flooring is also a good investment.
Lighting and Mirrors: Proper lighting is essential in bathrooms. Replacing old light fixtures with modern, energy-efficient options can brighten the space. Adding a large, stylish mirror can make the bathroom feel more spacious and inviting.
Maximize Space and Functionality
Today’s buyers are looking for homes that offer ample space and functionality. Renovations that create more usable space can make your home more attractive to potential buyers.
Open Floor Plan: If your home has a closed-off layout, consider removing non-load-bearing walls to create an open floor plan. An open layout can make your home feel larger and more modern, which is highly desirable in today’s market.
Additional Rooms: Converting an unused attic, basement, or garage into a functional living space can add significant value. Whether it’s a home office, guest bedroom, or entertainment room, additional living space appeals to a broad range of buyers.
Closet Space: Increasing storage space is always a good idea. Installing custom closets in bedrooms or adding a pantry in the kitchen can make your home more functional and appealing.
Energy-Efficient Upgrades
Energy efficiency is a top priority for many buyers, and homes with energy-saving features are in high demand. Making your home more energy-efficient can increase its value and attract eco-conscious buyers.
Windows: Replacing old, drafty windows with energy-efficient ones can lower energy bills and improve comfort. Look for windows with low-E glass and high insulation values to maximize efficiency.
Insulation: Proper insulation is key to maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Adding insulation to the attic, walls, or crawl spaces can improve energy efficiency and reduce heating and cooling costs.
Solar Panels: While solar panels require a significant upfront investment, they can greatly increase your home’s value, especially in regions with high energy costs. Solar panels can also make your home more appealing to buyers looking for sustainable living options.
Smart Home Technology
Incorporating smart home technology into your renovation plans can set your home apart from others on the market. Buyers are increasingly interested in homes with integrated technology that offers convenience, security, and energy savings.
Thermostats: Smart thermostats allow homeowners to control the temperature remotely and optimize energy use. These devices are relatively inexpensive and can be a selling point for tech-savvy buyers.
Security Systems: Installing a smart security system, including cameras, motion detectors, and smart locks, can increase your home’s security and appeal. Buyers appreciate the added peace of mind that comes with a high-tech security system.
Lighting and Appliances: Smart lighting systems and appliances can be controlled via smartphone apps, adding convenience and efficiency. Features like voice-activated lights or energy-monitoring appliances can make your home more attractive to potential buyers.
Paint and Flooring
Sometimes, the simplest changes can have the most significant impact. Fresh paint and updated flooring can completely transform your home’s interior and make it more appealing to buyers.
Neutral Colors: Painting your home in neutral tones like gray, beige, or soft white can create a blank canvas that appeals to a wide range of buyers. Neutral colors make it easier for buyers to envision themselves in the space and can make rooms feel larger and brighter.
Flooring: If your home has outdated or worn flooring, replacing it can provide a substantial return on investment. Hardwood floors are particularly desirable, but high-quality laminate or luxury vinyl plank flooring are also excellent choices. Carpeting in bedrooms can add warmth and comfort, but be sure it’s in good condition.
Outdoor Living Spaces
With more people prioritizing outdoor activities and relaxation at home, enhancing your outdoor living spaces can significantly increase your home’s value.
Deck or Patio: Adding a deck or patio creates additional living space that can be used for dining, entertaining, or relaxing. Choose durable, weather-resistant materials like composite decking or stone pavers for longevity.
Outdoor Kitchen: An outdoor kitchen with a grill, sink, and counter space can be a major selling point, especially in regions with mild climates. Even a small outdoor cooking area can add value and appeal to buyers who enjoy entertaining.
Fire Pit: A fire pit or outdoor fireplace can create a cozy atmosphere and extend the usability of your outdoor space into the cooler months. It’s a relatively low-cost addition that can have a big impact.
Final Touches
As you prepare your home for resale, don’t forget the final touches that can make a big difference in how your property is perceived.
Deep Cleaning: A thorough cleaning of your home is essential before showing it to potential buyers. This includes washing windows, cleaning carpets, and scrubbing grout. A spotless home creates a positive impression and suggests that the property has been well-maintained.
Staging: Consider staging your home to highlight its best features. This may involve rearranging furniture, adding decorative elements, or even bringing in rented furniture to create a more appealing layout. Professional staging can help buyers visualize how they would use the space.
Inspection: Finally, consider getting a pre-sale inspection to identify any issues that could deter buyers. Addressing problems like leaks, faulty wiring, or structural issues before listing your home can prevent surprises during the negotiation process and give buyers confidence in the property.
Renovating for resale is about making strategic improvements that offer the highest return on investment. By focusing on curb appeal, key areas like the kitchen and bathrooms, and incorporating modern amenities and energy-efficient upgrades, you can significantly increase your home’s value and attract more buyers. Remember, the goal is to create a welcoming, functional, and visually appealing space that stands out in the market, making your home a must-see for potential buyers.
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Unleashing The Secrets Of Below-Grade Waterproofing Services
Homeownership comes with a myriad of obligations, and one vital feature that often goes unnoticed is the foundation's vulnerability to water damage. Let delve into the secrets of below-grade waterproofing and why it should be a priority for every householder. Call us at (747) 215-9117 for more details.
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pinturapaint · 29 days
Enhance and Protect Surfaces with Specialty Coatings
When it comes to maintaining and enhancing the durability of various surfaces, specialty coatings offer a versatile solution. Whether you're looking to protect floors, walls, or outdoor structures, specialty coatings from Pintura Paint Supply provide the necessary protection and aesthetic appeal. These coatings are designed to meet specific needs, ensuring that your surfaces remain in top condition for years to come.
What Are Specialty Coatings?
Specialty coatings are formulated to provide additional benefits beyond standard paint. They are designed to offer enhanced protection, durability, and functionality for a wide range of surfaces. These coatings can protect against moisture, UV rays, corrosion, and wear and tear, making them ideal for both residential and commercial applications. Specialty coatings are perfect for high-traffic areas, industrial settings, and outdoor surfaces that require extra protection.
Types of Specialty Coatings
At Pintura Paint Supply, we offer a variety of specialty coatings to suit different needs:
Epoxy Coatings: Known for their toughness and resistance to chemicals, epoxy coatings are ideal for garage floors, warehouses, and other high-traffic areas. They provide a smooth, glossy finish that is easy to clean and maintain.
Anti-Slip Coatings: Safety is a priority in areas prone to moisture or spills. Anti-slip coatings provide a textured surface that reduces the risk of slips and falls, making them suitable for kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor walkways.
Waterproof Coatings: Protecting surfaces from water damage is essential in areas like basements, roofs, and foundations. Waterproof coatings create a barrier that prevents moisture penetration, helping to protect the structural integrity of your property.
UV-Resistant Coatings: For outdoor surfaces exposed to sunlight, UV-resistant coatings help prevent fading and degradation. These coatings are perfect for decks, fences, and other exterior wood and metal surfaces.
Benefits of Using Specialty Coatings
Using specialty coatings from Pintura Paint Supply provides numerous advantages. These coatings are designed to extend the life of your surfaces, reduce maintenance costs, and enhance the overall appearance of your property. They can also provide additional functionalities, such as resistance to chemicals, heat, and abrasion, making them ideal for industrial and commercial settings.
Expert Guidance and Quality Products
At Pintura Paint Supply, we are committed to helping you find the right specialty coatings for your project. Our knowledgeable team can guide you through the selection process, ensuring you choose the best product to meet your needs. With our high-quality specialty coatings, you can enhance and protect your surfaces with confidence.
In conclusion, specialty coatings from Pintura Paint Supply offer a range of solutions for protecting and beautifying your surfaces. Visit our store today to explore our selection of specialty coatings and find the perfect product for your next project!
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sunalimerchant · 2 months
The Role of Styrene Butadiene Latex in the Construction Industry
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Styrene Butadiene Latex (SBL) is a versatile synthetic polymer with a wide array of applications across various industries. One of its most significant roles is in the construction industry, where its unique properties provide numerous benefits. This article explores how Styrene Butadiene Latex is utilized in construction, focusing on its use in cement modifications, waterproofing, and enhancing the durability of construction materials.
Understanding Styrene Butadiene Latex
Styrene Butadiene Latex is an emulsion polymer made from styrene and butadiene monomers. It is known for its excellent adhesive properties, flexibility, and resistance to water and chemicals. These characteristics make it an ideal choice for various construction applications, where performance and durability are crucial.
Cement Modifications
One of the primary uses of Styrene Butadiene Latex in the construction industry is in modifying cementitious materials. The addition of SBL to cement offers several advantages:
1. Improved Adhesion:
SBL enhances the adhesive properties of cement, allowing it to bond more effectively with different substrates. This is particularly beneficial in applications such as tile adhesives, repair mortars, and concrete overlays, where strong adhesion is essential.
2. Increased Flexibility:
Cement modified with SBL becomes more flexible and less prone to cracking. This flexibility is crucial in areas subject to movement or vibration, such as bridges, roads, and industrial floors.
3. Enhanced Water Resistance:
The incorporation of SBL into cement mixtures improves their resistance to water penetration. This property is vital for applications in damp environments or structures exposed to water, such as basements, swimming pools, and water tanks.
4. Better Workability:
SBL-modified cement mixtures are easier to work with, providing a smoother application and finish. This improved workability can lead to faster construction times and better overall quality.
Waterproofing Applications
Waterproofing is a critical aspect of construction, especially in areas exposed to water or moisture. Styrene Butadiene Latex plays a significant role in enhancing the waterproofing properties of construction materials:
1. Liquid Applied Membranes:
SBL is commonly used in liquid applied waterproofing membranes. These membranes form a seamless, flexible barrier that prevents water ingress. They are ideal for waterproofing roofs, balconies, and below-grade structures.
2. Cementitious Waterproofing:
When added to cement-based waterproofing products, SBL improves their flexibility and adhesion. This makes them more effective in sealing joints, cracks, and other vulnerable areas in concrete structures.
3. Protective Coatings:
SBL-based coatings provide a durable, water-resistant layer that protects concrete and masonry surfaces from water damage. These coatings are often used in water tanks, tunnels, and marine structures to enhance their longevity.
Enhancing Durability
Durability is a key consideration in construction, as materials must withstand various stresses and environmental conditions over time. Styrene Butadiene Latex contributes to the durability of construction materials in several ways:
1. Resistance to Chemicals:
SBL imparts chemical resistance to cementitious materials, protecting them from aggressive substances such as acids, alkalis, and salts. This resistance is crucial for structures exposed to industrial environments or de-icing salts.
2. UV Stability:
SBL-modified materials exhibit better resistance to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This stability ensures that the materials retain their properties and appearance over time, even when exposed to sunlight.
3. Abrasion Resistance:
The addition of SBL enhances the abrasion resistance of concrete and mortar, making them more durable in high-traffic areas such as industrial floors, driveways, and walkways.
4. Freeze-Thaw Durability:
SBL-modified cementitious materials have improved freeze-thaw resistance, which is essential for structures in cold climates. This property helps prevent damage caused by the expansion and contraction of water within the material.
Styrene Butadiene Latex plays a vital role in the construction industry, offering numerous benefits that enhance the performance and durability of construction materials. Its ability to improve adhesion, flexibility, water resistance, and chemical resistance makes it an indispensable component in cement modifications, waterproofing, and protective coatings. As construction demands continue to evolve, the use of SBL in innovative applications will likely expand, contributing to the development of more resilient and long-lasting structures.
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dirtyboysconcrete · 3 months
All the details about cement contractor
The installation, upkeep, and repair of cement structures are the areas of expertise for cement contractors. These experts work on many different types of projects, such as retaining walls, patios, walkways, driveways and foundations. They are skilled in precisely mixing and pouring cement, which guarantees the constructions' lifespan. For surfaces to have the appropriate look and usefulness, cement contractors also level, smooth, and finish them. Furthermore, they could provide waterproofing and sealing treatments for concrete to improve the longevity and functionality of cement buildings. For any cement-related project to be completed with high quality and dependability, hiring a knowledgeable and experienced cement contractor is crucial.
Driveway contractor
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patiossydney · 3 months
Why Roof Walkways Matter So Much in High-Rise Buildings?
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Safety is always a major concern for the building owner and the team working on the rooftop of a high-rise building. The good thing is that advancements in infrastructure technology have given birth to several solutions, and the most promising name here is roof walkways. These walkways are important on rooftops as they pose various potential hazards, and we have discussed the top ones where these walkways can be extremely useful.
Regardless of the area, every worker wants to complete the task as early as possible and have a few minutes to relax and rejuvenate. The same is the situation of teams working on the rooftop, but there is always a risk of losing the track while walking on the roof. This is where roof walkways can be very useful, along with roof edge awareness. These walkways will protect you in all situations, and roof edge awareness will keep you aware of how far or close you are to your roof's edge. While working around the roof's edge, you must be equipped with permanent safety solutions like roof barriers, harness belts, and good-quality boots for permanent safety. Another option is to set up a warning light to let the team know the roof's edge, and that roof walkways are available for easy access.
While working on the rooftop, it is recommended to be fully aware of the weather conditions in advance and the weather forecast. Roof walkways can be very handy in low visibility conditions and during rain or excessive moisture. The reason is that some surfaces can become extremely slippery when wet, and to avoid any accident, those working on the rooftop should rely on these roof walkways only. Some areas can also experience high amounts of snowfall, which can make situations worse. However, roof walkways can be a ray of hope, as they will allow safe passage and complete rooftop access regardless of the weather conditions.
Vendors of solutions like covered outdoor learning area recommend reviewing the roof plan completely before accessing it for any task. These roof plans will give a complete overview of the location, and what rooftop units are present. Knowing these plans in advance and that roof walkways are there provides added confidence for the team, and they can be assured about their safety while working on the roof. These roof walkways come with roof garden systems to ensure that you feel confident, safe, and happy while working on the rooftop.
Roof walkways are the structures that offer safe roof access to work there. They provide a safe transportation route on the entire roof, and the team will get unobstructed access to high-risk areas. They come with a whole range of benefits that we have discussed here.
Working on the rooftop is always dangerous, and it is important for workers, and building owners to adhere to safety laws and guidelines in place. With roof walkways installations, you can minimise the risk that your team faces while working on the rooftop. Regardless of the weather conditions or the angle of the roof walkways will provide easy entry, and exit from the roof with no falls, trips, or slips.
Less foot traffic on your roof means reduced chances of damage, and this is possible only with roof walkways. Properties that don't have these installations have very vulnerable roofs that can get damaged anytime. A roofing structure is an expensive investment with so many layers like waterproofing membrane, insulation layer, etc. The homeowner is responsible for ensuring the roof's total safety and that of the staff working there. Roof walkways are ideal, as they will act as a perfect solution for employees to access the roof safely without damaging the structure or hurting themselves.
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