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scribesandvibes · 2 years ago
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#walkingwiththeancestors extending #graceandgratitude for i am most #thankful for my family. on days like this, we carry on #thetraditions of #theancestors, to embrace #historyheritageandhumanities. peace to my aunt elsie for teaching me how to communicate through the sacred language of food. if #joyisourpower, nothing satisfies the soul better than kinship and #comfortfood. as cousins pass the #meditation, we toast to the people and boast about runnin' a boston in spades. aunts and uncles offer #libations... resound #thegreatmigration, offer profound wisdom, and #teachtheyouth about back in the days. they never cease to amaze, young cousins under bid, old heads holla, "who reneged?!" all it takes is a #whomadethepotatosalad to find out #auntie ain't afraid to do a bid; to express #sentimentsofsankofa, i look back at the uncles with the heinekens, take a swig and realize we are now the generation that exclaims, "Wow! Look at you. I ain't seen you since you was a kid!" -stevie #soulfood (when #friendsandfamily come together like #macaroniandcheese) ・・・ #scribesandvibes #adifferentkindofvibe #peacetotheancestors https://www.instagram.com/p/ClW8OP7A-c2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tothennthpower · 3 years ago
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I love you Uncle Davy! Reign in Peace and Power 💕 Thank you for your #love, thank you for your #guidance, thank you for your #laughter, thank you for your #wisdom, thank you for your #artistry, thank you for your #spiritualism, and thank you for all the wonderful, wonderful #memories. Most of all, thank you for being my "Favorite Uncle Davy", not to mention my ONLY Uncle Davy lol. I look forward to learning more from and about you. Tell the #Ancestors I said hi. #restinpeace #restinpower #restinparadise #reigninpeace #reigninpower #reigninparadise #uncle #patriarchofthefamily #cancerman #nearanddearlydeparted #walkingwiththeancestors #instyleandgrace #spiritualist #spirituallegacy #wecarryon https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch0G6CXOt6L/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Two of my favorites. Fly high... ASE 🖤🙏🏽 #riseinpower #dmx #walkingwiththeancestors #moneidagoddess #themoones_fanpage (at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNhbCxGliiT/?igshid=pl9f2w3mj4cd
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araceaee · 7 years ago
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa25ZdYCNLA)
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Ancestral Healing with the Avebury Matriarch 23rd March 2019 in magical Avebury 10.30 til 4.00 A day of deep healing and journeying with the magnificent dragon the Avebury Matriarch. You will have the opportunity to meet your ancestors, to heal old deep family wounds which are not yours to carry #walkingwiththeancestors #healingworkshop #sacredcircle #aveburystonecircle #dragonsofinstagram #theoriginaldragonlady (at Avebury, Wiltshire) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bt27_P3hGN2/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=p5xjwgqfvz1k
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scribesandvibes · 3 years ago
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#FREEMUMIA! #FREEMUTULU! #TheRevolution Will Not Be Streamed on hulu. There will be no exposés on #policecorruption, The Revolution Will Not Be Binged on Netflix without commercial interruption. -Stevie #freethefreedomfighters poem | THE REVOLUTION ・・・ #vibewise: What, to me, does the British debtor's day of independence mean? For what is "My Country of Thee" to mean to me, When my #freedomfighters still ain't free? Sometimes I wonder how their "#WARONDRUGS" turned our heroes to feigns. To express #sentimentsofsankofa, sometimes I pan back and pledge allegiance to the #REDBLACKANDGREEN. When I'm #walkingwiththeancestors, sentiments of #NOBODYSFREEUNTILEVERYBODYSFREE begins to resound. Sometimes I look back at #SenecaVillage, the #OpelousasMassacre, the #RosewoodMassacre, the #GreenwoodMassacre, and other historical black towns less renowned... Then I have nightmares of the pigment deficient pilfering "The American Dream." Is it me, or does the land of milk and honey seem hazardous to one's health? Peace to the #BlackYogis, #BlackFarmers, and #BlackTherapists that are fostering a return to #holistichealth. If ye know like I know, #healthiswealth. If we are to reclaim #knowledgeofself, ye must #supportblackownedbookstores and uplift #BlackLibrarians and #BlackEducators for they teach the children to #doforself. If we are to attain #economicindependence, ye must understand, #groupeconomics is they key to #BlackWealth. O', before I go, you oughtta know I'm #rootingforeverybodyblack if nothing else. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cfmn8kDPi-r/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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scribesandvibes · 5 years ago
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#sentimentsofsankofa / #walkingwiththeancestors: A lot of people in the bourgeoisie tell me they don't like #RapBrown when he says I'm gonna #burnthecountrydown. -#WEGONSURVIVEAMERICA, #1972 / #itwaswritten, #gobackandgetit ・・・ #BLACKLIVESMATTER | #byanymeansnecessary | #scribesandvibes | #adifferentkindofvibe | #unorthodoxtribe https://www.instagram.com/p/CB9_ZwAhZUM/?igshid=1iornxtawbm01
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scribesandvibes · 5 years ago
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If ever I've seen further than others it'll have to be attributed to #standingontheshouldersofgiants -Stevie #becauseofthemwecan / #peacetotheancestors ・・・ #vibewise: Four score and nineteen-some odd years ago, my great-great-grandfather paved the way. If ever #theancestors were degraded, I am here to carry the torch and shine a light on the footprints along the way. When you see me #walkinginmypurpose, you oughtta I am the dream and the hope. If you can't believe #istillbelievein398point2, you'll never understand why I'm #walkingwiththeancestors, teaching children that look like "we" that our #historyandheritage is dope. I mean, he who struggles to hold himself to a higher standard, will surely find it difficult to keep his head held high. But don't mind me, I just want you to #lovetheskinyourein, recognize the greatness from which you descended from, and #keepyourheadtothesky. -Stevie #homage https://www.instagram.com/p/B4oFwLZA93g/?igshid=tl5bjpcko049
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scribesandvibes · 5 years ago
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#theycamebeforecolumbus. -#scribesandvibes #adifferentkindofvibe #unorthodoxtribe ・・・ #themooryouknow, #themoreyouknow. #knowthyself and #tothineownselfbetrue, they whitewash the media, attempt to erase you from #thehistorybooks, and proport to distort #theblackimage in efforts to keep you ignorant to the greatness within you. how long must ye neglect #knowledgeofself? if you knew the greatness from which you descended from, you'd be less likely to disrespectful yourself. -Stevie #walkingwiththeancestors https://www.instagram.com/p/B3n7aLIBtJA/?igshid=17pe5f0khthmp
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scribesandvibes · 6 years ago
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offering #peacetotheancestors, as eye prepare to offer #libations in celebration of your #bornphysical. as #theinkspots and #ellafitzgerald croon "#immakingbelieve i'm talking to you," these thoughts runnin' through my mind got me #walkingwiththeancestors in the #metaphysical. o grandma, since you've been gone, i've often had to say #ase then remember how you used to say #listentowhatsnotbeingsaid. would you believe, just the other day #awisewoman told me to #asktheancestors to #showmeTHATwhichiamnotseeing, without a word being said. as #sarahvaughn sings #thesearemyfavoritethings and #irememberyou through a few of your favorite things, i'm reminded of when you taught me to #playwithwords like #johncoltrane's playful rendition of #myfavoritethings. o how i miss how you'd speak of the #natkingcoletrio, #billieholiday and everything from #bebop to swing. o #stareyes, #roundmidnight we'll be listening to #theloniousmonk as #milesdavis creeps in with #roundaboutmidnight and we offer cheers to you. o grandma, since this the first birthday that i cannot kiss your forehead or hear from you, #imgonnafillmycup, 'til my time is up... until i'm amongst #theancestors with you, here's to you. -Stevie #mourningvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/B12rCT2Aw2V/?igshid=y8e1ah4ls9ft
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scribesandvibes · 6 years ago
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#ase #peacetotheancestors / #dontyoudaregiveup Repost @twolibras ・・・ They say sometimes when it rains🌧 it pours, and I’ve been going through a storm ☔️ lately.....round here looking like what I’ve been going through🤦🏾‍♀️....enough is enough....and i better act like I know because my grandma 👵🏾 and her sisters are starting to get at me 😳.....gotta give them a better show to watch....time for some ACTION 🎬 . . -#twolibras | #changeyourthoughtschangeyourlife ・・・ #vibewise: #walkingwiththeancestors through rain as #motherwit whispers of #afterthepain #simpleandplain: don't let few obstacles have you out here #feelinglikeafailure, if you don't #sagethatnegativeenergy and light an incense... how dare you act like you ain't #guidedbythespirit of #theelders #ifyourereadingthis, you better #walkinyourpurpose with clear intent #keeptryin' #keeponmovin' and don't let the ego wear you down #beOPTIMISTIC #youwillrise #BEkindtoyourself and don't let who you think you're not tear you down #mypoemsarenotpoems... and i say that to say: when you #losetheego, #thehigherself will be found as long as you #keepyourheadtothesky, #thecrownofwisdom shall always resound as #whentheancestorsspeakyoulisten, so to shall wisdom cry out to the streets for those who listen -Stevie https://www.instagram.com/p/B1hNsMDBwEA/?igshid=1m8881ytfsxwy
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scribesandvibes · 6 years ago
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#WHERESBOOKBAEAT? WHERE'S #BOOKBAE AT? I'm looking for the girl whose face is #blockedbyabook. #shecutebutcansheread?! Nails done, hair done ain't gon' teach my kids how to read. If #readingisthenewsexy, a #beautifulmind is better than looks. If she exclaims "#thebookwasbetter," she a good look. I like 'em #afrobloomin' with the #melaninpoppin', #turnupabook tee, #readmore button rockin'. When I really want to get to know a woman, I #listentoherplaylists and #readherfavoritebooks. If #prettygirlsread, I know my #wellreadblackgirl is out there; She's probably somewhere knockin' Erykah or Jilly from Philly, #burningsage, #walkingwiththeancestors and a #flowerinherhair. If you know the #bookwasbetter and side-eye "#donttouchmyhair," We got a lot of private jokes to share. Maybe we can go on #longromanticwalksthroughthebookstore Or maybe we could #mindshare, blow circles in the air, or find a spot in the park and just #readsomewhere. -Stevie #blackgirlsread | #scribesandvibes #adifferentkindofvibe #unorthodoxtribe ・・・ 📷: @onlinebookclub https://www.instagram.com/p/BvoYVX1hOdp/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jmw4ybfdlu1
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scribesandvibes · 5 years ago
#PeaceGod! We had to take a moment to say: We hope you’re #walkingwiththeancestors and stepping into this #2ndSaturday like the #NicholasBrothers.
ICYMI: #2ndSaturdays are now reserved for #scribesandvibes at #StarbucksConyers. Join us for java and jive, come through catch a vibe, #findyourtribe, it’s #adifferentkindofvibe when we’re #jumpinjive; you can usually catch me #inasentimentalmood, #spreadinggoodvibes amid positive sisters and brothers.
But don’t mind me. In the garden of life, I jus’ came to water the seeds, stand #oncommonground, create #asafespace for #selfexpression, and provide a platform for the youth to #selfdiscover.
IMAGINE if art therapy was utilized for #selfdiscovery in lieu of recovery. #mypoemsarenotpoems, this is an ode to that voice that’s been telling me: “#TAPINTOYOURDESTINY” - preserve the legacy, keep a little #ARTinyourheART, teach the youth about #MrBojangles, #BuckandBubbles, #TheSandman, and #TheNicholasBrothers.
Crazy, how I’ve been hearing this voice since my grandmother and I used to watch Stormy Weather together. Funny how #ALLWEHAVEISNOW, although we think we have forever. For the record: I got a thing for how the ARTS tend to bring people together, been doing this community-based art thing for what now seems like forever yet I ain’t even #tap the surface.
If ever I’ve seen further than others, it would have to be attributed to #standingontheshouldersofgiants. Case and point: may those that paved the way remind you to #WALKINYOURPURPOSE.
What more could I say but peace to the poets, musicians, artists and authors that remind indigo children to be #blackonpurpose.
-Steve https://www.instagram.com/p/B3hZxFphb5l/?igshid=1g79jvl11ztrp
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scribesandvibes · 3 years ago
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message to #theuniversalblackman / #imrootingforeverybodyblack Repost @cartermagazine ・・・ “Up, you mighty race, accomplish what you will.” -Marcus Garvey CARTER™️ Magazine carter-mag.com #wherehistoryandhiphopmeet #historyandhiphop365 #cartermagazine #marcusgarvey #blackhistorymonth #blackhistory #staywoke ・・・ #vibewise: I'm rooting for #theblackmanwomanandchild... I wish #peace, #spiritualhealing, and #knowledgeofself. I'm talking #knowledgewisdomunderstanding - #confidenceinself. If ya #lovetheskinyourein, I'm lovin' ya style. Peace to the #sistaswithlocs, #afropuffs, and #bantuknots... I see you in your #flexininmycomplexion tees and whatnot. Peace to the brothers that uplift the Queens and #teachtheyouth. Peace to the traveling men that #seekthetruth. The Black Man is #indigenoustoearth... If #hiphopisamericanpoetry, this is U and I in VERSE. #mypoemsarenotpoems, I'm #walkingwiththeancestors that roamed the universe. If sound travels, Let my battle cry of U-N-I-T-Y be in concert with my brothers and sisters amid all corners of the earth. ✊🏾 -Stevie #scribesandvibes #adifferentkindofvibe #unorthodoxtribe https://www.instagram.com/p/CVxoIZ3rWTW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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