kickingitwithkirk · 4 months
Summary: What the title says
Pairing: Cordell Walker x Reader x Duke Culpepper
Word Count: 845
Warnings:  sex dream, threesome, DVP
Square Filled: @walkerverse-bingo -free space  @walker-bingo -double penetration
A/N: Part seven of Duke x Reader/Cordell x Reader series of drabbles and stories for this bingo.
A/N II: This segment is told from Walker’s POV
A/N III: Sorry took so long to get this one out but writing smut isn’t my strong suit so apologies if it sucks but I keep trying.
Bingo Masterlist
*divider by @firefly-graphics
*no beta-all mistakes are mine
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We stumbled into the bedroom with Y/N between us, all biting on lips, tongues twisting and groping hands that sent buttons flying about when fingers tangled in my hair and she nips along my jaw, down my neck, finding that spot that made me moan and sucks hard enough it’ll bruise.
I felt his hand grip my hip, shifting us towards the bed, and Y/N squeals as he scoops her up, then set her over my hips steps back, stroking himself, watching her line up my cock, slowly sliding down as its girth stretches her inner walls to accommodate it. When our hips meet, the sensation of finally being encased inside her wet heat is so intense the sounds of pleasure escape from my lips. 
He climbs on the bed and grips her jaw, twisting her head to plunder her mouth while his other trails over her torso, teasing as his hand travels downward.
Then I felt familiar, long fingers exploring where we were connected when our fingers met. He peers down at me, smirks, and begins working a finger into her tight channel alongside me, pumping the digit in the same in/out tempo with me as I continue rubbing her clit.
Y/N writhes between us as he inserts another, stretching her further, both of us feeling her inner walls start intermittently fluttering; she’s edging close to her first orgasm, begging, “Pleeease, I want to cum!” He sternly growls in her ear, “You better not cum till we say, got it” That made Y/N, striving to hold off cumming, full body shudder and squirt. 
Removing his fingers made her whine about feeling empty; he slapped her rear in admonishment before resettling between my thighs and lining up, slowly pushing inward against the resistance of her hole Y/N bit down on her bottom lip at the burning stretch as inch by inch, he works his cock inside and my back arches at sensations unlike anything I'd ever felt, watching her features morph into pure ecstasy at being filled to the limit.
Y/N’s body twitched in tempo as we moved in unison, her inner walls spasming around our cocks started fucking her harder, seeking release when he wrapped a hand around Y/N’s throat and squeezed, she began silently gasping when he suddenly released her and then rushed of oxygen sent Y/N over the edge, cumming so hard her inner muscles milk us, our cum mixing, filling her till overflowing. He growls, “Gotta claim on you, Sassygirl, you belong to us.”
Y/N wobbles like a newborn foal as we lead her into the shower. Reaching for the knobs, she misses the hot water hitting the cold, and its spray hits my overheated skin. I jump, banging my head on something metallic. 
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“You kiss your mama with that mouth?”
Opening my eyes my, I feel confused and disoriented seeing the mountain range ahead and Y/N quizzically glancing over, holding the steering wheel in one hand and a half-empty water bottle in her other had me asking, “Did you dump that on me?”
“No,” Her eyes briefly cut to my crotch before returning to the roadway; I hear amusement in her voice. “I knew Duke could also be as overly talkative but in bed? Daaaamn.”
Pieces of my dream start coming back. “I uhh, what’re you talking about?”
“Walker, I’ve been around you long enough to pick up the subtle differences between you and your alter egos' speech patterns. It sure sounded like you guys were having a lot of fun.” My jeans are starting to stick as my cum is drying, ran out of clean underwear. Shifting uncomfortably, Y/N notices. “You need me to pull off so you can deal with that?” 
I shook my head no, face burning in embarrassment. “Already been in these for three days. I can wait till we stop.” Needing to switch this conversation, ask, “Where are we? Last thing I remember was driving by that big T-Rex on the curb in Sanderson.”
“About an hour from Van Horn. I know a place that should be safe to stay a few days. So,” there’s that smirk in her voice. "How’d you enjoy tag-teaming with Duke?”
“Can you be any more inappropriate?” 
“You know I can.” Still amused, Y/N glances over, and her eyebrows go up, “So, how did y'all fuck little ol’ me?”  She started rattling on about what various sexual positions we might have tried, finally making me snap.
“We DVP’d you alright!”
“That’s all you’ve gotta say, oh? I had a very graphic sex dream in which we..me..did things that should disgust you!”
“Are you angry because you're disgusted about having a sex dream with Duke and me? Or because I’m not?” My flash of anger turned into disbelief at what she asked because she was right.
“Walk…Cordell, if Duke hadn’t been hooking up with Twerp, this,” Y/N waves a hand between us, “Whatever this is, I would have taken the chance to be with you.”
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SPN TAGS: @donnaintx @lyarr24 @flamencodiva @lassie-bird @nancymcl @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
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Meet the McClosky's
Relationship(s): Abeline Walker/Bonham Walker, Abeline Walker & Uncle Willy, Abeline Walker & Original Female Character, Cordell Walker & Liam Walker, August Walker & Stella Walker
Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe- Canon Divergence, Role Reversal, Episode: s03e07 Just Desserts, Hospitals, Secrets, Family Reunions, Family Issues, Angst, Angst and Feels, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: What if Willy had been the one to have the stroke? What if he'd made his own family during those 20 years apart from Abby? What if he could no longer keep the secret under wraps?
Written for @augustofwhump Day 26: Heartbeat
@walkerverse-bingo square filled: Role Swap
Taglist: @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Abeline Walker needed a break from the house. After that mess of a dinner, she didn’t feel like talking to anybody. A long walk out on the quiet ranch was just what she needed.
Her tranquil walk was interrupted by her phone ringing. It wasn’t a number she recognized and she normally wouldn’t have answered it but something in her gut told her she should “Hello?”
“Hello?” came a frantic female voice from the other end. “Is this Abeline Walker?”
“I- Yes, this is she. May I ask who’s calling?”
“I-I’m Katherine. I- Look, I hate to call you like this but your brother- William- he- He just had a stroke. The doctors aren’t saying anything yet and- I think you should come here. We’re at St. James hospital on Merchant Street….”
The woman- Katherine- probably kept talking after that but Abby had stopped listening by then. All she could process in that moment was that her estranged brother was in the hospital and he might not walk out again.
“I’ll be there in a few hours,” she said, already making a list of things to pack so she could stay as long as she needed. She started heading back to the house. “Can you tell me the address again?”
Katherine rattled off the address and thanked her about 100 times before she had to hang up to talk to one of the nurses. By then, Abby was already at the house and she headed straight for the bedroom to start packing. 
“Abby, where-” Bonham stopped in the doorway, confusion knitting his brow. “What’re you packing for?”
“William’s in the hospital. He had a stroke. I’m going to Dallas for a while to make sure he’s okay.”
“You got a call from the hospital? I wouldn’t think he’d have you as his emergency contact….”
“It wasn’t the hospital.” She zipped up her suitcase. “I got a call from someone he knows. She said her name was Katherine and she gave me the address. I’m meeting her there in a few hours.”
“...Some woman named Katherine called you and said your brother was in the hospital and that she wants to meet you and you’re just going to believe her?”
Abby sighed. “I don’t want to hear it, Bon. I don’t care if it’s a prank or a scam; honestly, that says more about them than it does about me. But this is my brother we’re talking about. Even if it’s not- I need to know. I need to see him. I- I may not have another chance….”
Bonham stepped into the room and gripped her shoulders. “I know, Abby. I know. But you need to think about this. You don’t know what you’re walking into. Just take a deep breath and really think about it before you go running off to Dallas.”
She sighed and leaned against him, letting him hug her fully. “I know, Bon, I just- I don’t know. Even if this is some trick, I need to make sure. This is- It’s William.”
“I know, I know…..” Bonham squeezed her gently. “Why don’t I go with you? Just in case.”
She nodded. “I’d like that.” Lord knows she was going to need his support if this was all real. “We might need to stay there for a bit. You should tell Cordell so he can keep an eye on the place while we’re out. I’ll just pack our things.”
Bonham nodded and squeezed her one last time before going to look for their son.
“How did this turn into a family road trip?”
“Because your son is just as stubborn as you are.”
Abby scoffed. “Oh, so he’s my son now.”
“Well, he does take after you in that way….”
Abby glared at Bonham and he (wisely) let the subject drop. “This isn’t how I wanted William to meet Stella and August.”
“I know. But it’ll be good for him to meet the family. And there’s strength in numbers….”
“He’s been hospitalized with a stroke, Bon. What exactly do you expect him to do to me?”
“It’s not him I’m worried about. I know you can hold your own against him. It’s this Katherine woman I’m worried about. Who is she? How does she know your brother? Why was she the one that called you and not the hospital?”
Abby sighed. “I don’t know. But she seemed pretty worried over the phone. She must care about him a lot.”
“You didn’t ask her how she knew him?”
“Well I was a little distracted by the fact that my brother had a stroke and ended up in the hospital,” Abby snapped. “I just- I didn’t think to ask. I’ll ask when we get there.” Once she knew William was okay, then she’d worry about this mystery woman.
She looked in the rearview mirror and saw their sons were still pretty close behind them. “I wonder if we could convince them to wait in the parking lot until we know more.”
“Probably not.”
“No, probably not.” But a mother could dream, couldn’t she?
As soon as Bonham put the car in park, Abby got out and rushed inside the hospital. The waiting room was largely empty (a blessing for the holiday season), so there was no line for the reception desk.
“Hi, my name is Abeline Walker. My- I heard my brother- William McClosky- was checked in here earlier for a stroke? I just- Can he have visitors?”
The nurse looked up at her and tapped away at her keyboard. “You said you were his sister?”
“Yes. I mean, we haven’t spoken for a while but we’re still family and-”
“I just need a moment to verify, ma’am.” She kept typing and clicking through her desktop. “Ah, I see you on the visitor list. You can see him tonight but visiting hours will be over in two hours. And due to his condition, the doctor has stated that direct family only be allowed to visit him for now so-” the nurse glanced behind Abby as Bonham stepped up behind her “-I don’t think any of your guests can see him right now.”
“That’s fine. Can you please tell me his room number?”
“Of course. He’s in room 115. Just go through those doors, take the second left, and it’ll be the third door on the right.”
“Thank you.” She turned to her husband. “Bon, can you-”
“I’ll corral everyone here,” he promised. “Go see your brother.”
She smiled and pecked his cheek before quickly turning and walking through the large double doors and down the hallway.
Her first time seeing her brother in 20 years and it was in a hospital with a mystery woman between them. Of all the ways they could’ve come together again, Abby had never imagined this. As she walked toward his room, she thought of all the time they lost. Maybe if she’d been more insistent on trying to fix things, if she’d pushed harder to reconnect…. Maybe they wouldn’t be here.
But they were here, and she had to deal with that.
Abby found room 115 and quietly knocked before entering. “Hello….?” She gently pushed the door open and paused at what she saw.
William was on the hospital bed, hooked up to a variety of machines. The only sound in the room was the beeping of the heart monitor, telling them her brother’s heart was still beating, that he was still fighting. It was comforting as much as the beeps irritated her ears.
By the bed was a young woman, who quickly turned in her chair to greet Abby. “Oh, you came!” She grinned and stood up. “Please, come in. He-He’s not awake yet but the doctor said there’s a good chance he’ll make it out of this. Of course, the next 12 hours are critical but I feel like they say that every time you come to the hospital for something….” she trailed off with a nervous giggle. “I’m sorry, I must sound crazy. I haven’t really slowed down since- since he fell….”
Abby nodded and stepped fully into the room. “I can imagine. You must be Katherine.”. 
“Yes, yes, that’s me. I’m sorry for calling you out of the blue like that. I know you two aren’t really on speaking terms. I just- I figured you’d want to know.”
“It’s really okay,” Abby assured her. “I’m glad you called. I wouldn’t want him to go through this alone….” Not after the last time they ended up in the hospital on Thanksgiving. “What happened?”
“He had a stroke. I- We were just cleaning up after dinner and he just…. Fell.” Katherine bit her lip. “God, of all the days….”
Abby sighed. “Life just happens like that sometimes, doesn’t it?”
This probably wasn’t the time to ask, but Abby was getting tired of not knowing. Katherine seemed like a nice young lady, and clearly she was close with William, but she had to know. “I’m sorry if this sounds rude but… What exactly is your relationship with my brother?”
Katherine blinked and stared at her incredulously. “...You really don’t know? I thought he would’ve told you….”
“No, he didn’t.”
Katherine sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I probably should’ve expected that,” she muttered. “He’s so stubborn….” She sighed. “I guess I should properly introduce myself.”
She held out her hand to shake. “My name is Katherine McClosky, and I’m your niece.”
William had a child. A child he never told her about. Had he also gotten married without telling her? Were there other children? Abby knew a lot could change in 20 years but…. These were things you were supposed to share with your family, estranged or no.
Her shock must be showing on her face because Katherine sighed and let her hand fall. “I’m going to go find some coffee. I need a boost and you need time to process all that I’m sure….” She smiled weakly and stepped past Abby to leave the room.
Abby silently sat in the chair next to William’s bed and stared at her sleeping brother. “Well, you always were one for the dramatics,” she muttered. “Figures this would be the way we ended up meeting again, unknown child and all. And I thought you couldn’t top that Thanksgiving….” She tried to laugh. It didn’t work.
The only response she received was the beep of his heart beat.
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