#waiting room for catscan
wallflowerglitter · 2 years
This is taking forever.
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appropriatelystupid · 7 months
can you tell us the story of how you found your cats? i'm sick in bed and would love a heartwarming story :)
ooo you caught me at the right time because i just sat down with quite a bit of time to kill (also I hope you feel better soon <3)
when i say rey picked me i fucking mean it
it’s a lengthy so i’m gonna put it under the cut and kitten pics (first pics i took of the three of them)
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our story begins all the way back in 2015:
over the summer i’d had to say good bye to one of my two remaining childhood cats, pongo, after ~17 years. my mom still had the last, catscan, but in september i would be leaving for a new job in a new state and she wouldn’t be able to come with me
there was a few months of training for this new job that meant i was in a situation where i couldn’t have pets yet but by mid december i was in my new apartment and DESPERATELY needed felines back in my life (legit this is the longest i’d ever lived without a cat in my home)
so finally, sorta settled between xmas and new years, i began my search for some kittens
i pretty quickly found the closest humane society to me and started scrolling their cats and there was a GORGEOUS long-haired tortie/calico kitten with a tragic backstory to boot
within a day or two i drove over to try and meet the kitten and see if any others seemed bonded to it because i knew i wanted two so they’d have company while i was at work
so i get there and do some intro stuff with the staff and run through the five cats i’d grown up with (and the bonus cats that crossed my life in various ways) clearly proving i wasn’t terrible and was absolutely qualified for adoption. the next step was meeting all the cats they had
(a brief note about the layout of this place: it’s located in an old house that’s been remodeled to serve this purpose so there are a handful of rooms set up for different groups of cats and each room has a door that’s almost fully a window so they can keep an eye out easier)
so we go into the first room that has the very little kittens and obviously they’re all adorable but they’re only just big enough to technically be ready to go to a new home so none of them jumped out at me
the second room, as it turned out, would be the game changer
in the second room only had two cats in it. lucy and leon (who i remembered had a terribly unflattering photo on the website) were nearly six months old and were very obviously related and likely part of why they were separated from the others
the room had a cat tree in one corner but also had a wall mounted about waist height on three of the walls for them to get to the window. there was a single folding chair placed to the side of the room
so we approach the second room and the employee showing me around tells me she has to take care of something and that i should just wait in the room until she’s done (majorly sus but i think she could tell rey was about to pick me). both kittens are standing in the door window watching me come over
so i scooch into the room and go to sit in the chair and before i’m even fully seated the girl cat is already jumping in my lap to curl up and start purring. the boy, clearly more skittish than his sister, gets up on the wall to sniff at me from a safer distance but eventually stretches out to get a paw on my shoulder to really get some sniffs in
i only sat there for maybe five minutes but my original plan was wobbling majorly
the staffer comes to get me eventually and we continue through the rest of the rooms. the fourth room had the gorgeous kitten and some other unrelated cats. and it was too nervous to really let me pet her. the others didn’t seem too interested in our presence either so no second cat from the room seemed like the one either
we moved on, headed downstairs to the new new kittens who weren’t ready for adoption and the seniors who i wish i could’ve considered more seriously (my pain from the summer was still a little too fresh and i knew catscan was only going to be around so much longer)
as we head upstairs to finish up some paperwork we talk through the next steps. they like my vibes but still need to call my references to do their do diligence. when we walk by, lucy and leon are back in their door window watching
i leave for the day, text my friend to warn her she’d be getting a call, and head to target to pick up some stuff. within an hour, barely into my target run, i get the call that i’m approved to adopt, and do i have any front runners for who i wanted to take home
there was no question about it: it had to be lucy and leon
rather unfortunately, the timing of it all meant i couldn’t actually pick them up until january 2nd (only four days later but a long four days of impatience) but then, just like that, i had two precious little kittens in my house just in time for their sixth month birthday on the 3rd, now named rey and legolas
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~cut to april 2021~
i’m sitting at work one day and my buddy texts me that his sister came home that day, during a storm, to discover four kittens in a storm drain/gutter. she’d sat around for a bit to see if a mother came back but after an hour or so couldn’t bear to leave them out alone anymore so she brought them inside
i let him know, if she needed any help with placing them after she got them checked out i could probably help (we lived near each other and both my parents had separately talked about wanting a cat again. and i was moving out of my apartment into more space and figured i could probably handle a third if it came down to it)
two-ish months later, i’ve moved lego and rey into their new house and my buddy texts me again, am i still interested in another cat
there was one of the four yet to be claimed and i said absolutely give me the little guy
my buddy puts me in touch with his sister and we sort out a time for me to come by and, within a day or two, kieran joins the clowder
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In a Heartbeat ~ Doctor!Bucky x Reader Oneshot
A/N: Title subject to change. This is a GIANT CONGRATULATIONS PRESENT for my fave Doctor!Bucky lover and yours @captainscanadian Because my girl finished undergrad today! Congrats, bby! Enjoy this doctor!bucky fluff that I said I would write a million years ago. ;) I'm so proud of you!!
Summary: What should have been a fun night out ends in the ER. At least your doctor is handsome?
Characters/Pairings: Bucky x Reader, Wanda Maximoff
Warnings: Injuries (fractured ankle), hospital, getting a cast, xrays and catscan. I think that's it. Fluff
Word Count: 2190
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For the first hour of your stay in the ER you couldn’t decide if the constant beeping from the machine beside you was calming or irritating.
As it rolled into the second hour, you settled on irritating. You glared down at your ankle even though it was hidden under the blanket. You moved it ever so slightly, wincing as it caught on the sheet.
You unlocked your phone, letting your friends know that yes you were still here. And no you didn’t have any updates. And no they shouldn’t feel guilty.
A small part of you had blamed them in the first moments, after all they were the ones who convinced you to celebrate the end of finals with some drinking and dancing.
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You checked your make up in the mirror next to your front door before locking up. You glanced at the door across the hall, hoping to catch the eye of your hunky neighbor before heading out. But no dice.
Oh well. At least your dress would likely be appreciated at the club. You’d even pulled out your comfy heels. Heels which were now mocking you from their spot on the chair next to your purse.
You’d been feeling good strutting down the stairs of your apartment building when a group of college kids who had clearly been pre-gaming, thundered past you, forcing you to press up against the wall. When you’d taken your next step your heel broke and you went sliding down 15 stairs.
You’d thought your ass had taken the worst of it until you tried to stand up and immediately cried out in pain.
So instead of ferrying you to a club, the Uber your friends arrived in took you to the hospital. You’d sent your friends on their way once you’d been processed and were waiting to be admitted. No need to spoil everyone’s night.
But now five hours later and bored out of your skull you were regretting that decision. You were going to lose your mind. You’d only left the room twice. Once for an x-ray and once for a CT scan.
You turned on the TV and settled on the game show network, letting the episode of family feud distract you.
You were on your third episode when a nurse came in.
“Hello. I’m Wanda, the night shift nurse. How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay. I’m just eager to get out of here.”
“I’ll bet you are. Dr. Barnes should be in soon,” she assured you. “He just finished up a surgery.”
“Sounds good.”
She checked your chart, noting your vitals and making sure that you weren’t tangled in any wires.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Can I have some water?”
“Sure. I’ll be right back.”
Wanda brought back a cup of water and a warm blanket.
“Thought you might be cold,” she explained.
“Actually yeah. Thanks. Is there any way I can take this off?” You gestured to the heart rate monitor on your finger.
She shot you an apologetic smile.
“I’m sorry. It’s protocol.”
“Worth a shot,” you shrugged.
“I’ll come and check on you in a little bit.”
“Thank you.”
She bustled out of the room and you turned your attention back to the TV which had moved on the Price is Right reruns.
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You must have drifted off because the next thing you know you were being gently shaken. Your eyes were finally able to focus on a pair of entirely too blue eyes.
As your brain caught up, you realized the blue eyes were set in a very handsome face. A familiar handsome face at that.
“2A?” you asked cocking your head to the side.
He chuckled as you readjusted yourself trying to discretely check that you hadn’t drooled in your sleep.
“Most people call me Dr. Barnes. Or Bucky.”
That made even less sense. You were certain the name on his mailbox was James.
“My middle name is Buchanan. And what shall I call you, 2B?”
“Well it’s very nice to officially meet you, Y/n. Although I wish it were under better circumstances. Let’s take a look at this ankle shall we?”
You nodded, and he took that as an assent to lift the blanket. He folded in neatly up over your knee leaving most of your lap covered. You grimaced when you saw the swelling was even worse now than when you arrived.
“Can you tell me what happened?”
You relayed your story to him, omitting the bit about hoping to run into him. He listened intently, making the occasional note but mainly he just nodded.
“I’m going to examine it now,” he announced.
His hands were sure and practiced as he gently turned your ankle from side to side. It twinged occasionally, so you focused on his features to distract yourself.
You catalogued each in turn but lingered on his sharp jawline. Your thoughts drifted to peppering kisses along it and down his neck.
You were startled when his cerulean gaze met yours with a concerned look.
“Did that hurt?”
“Not really. Why?”
You were genuinely confused by the question. You hadn’t noticed anything amiss in his examination.
“Your heart rate was elevated. And you, ummm,” he broke eye contact for the first time.
“I what?”
Your eyes widened and your chest felt hot with embarrassment. You glanced at the traitorous machine which was live casting your racing heart. Although that probably was less of the issue than the fact that you squeaked.
“I guess the hospital just makes me nervous,” you lied lamely.
He didn’t look convinced but thankfully let it go.
“I just need to check one more angle.”
This time it was painful and you yelped.
“Sorry.” He gingerly placed your foot back on the pillow that had been elevating it and covered it with the blanket.
He held the CT scans and X-rays up to the light as you watched him. You once again failed to notice your heart rate climbing as you admired the bulge of his bicep.
Dr. Barnes however definitely noticed. He smiled over at you reassuringly, which failed to help the issue at all. He glanced at the erratically beeping machine, before looking back to you. You would swear that there was a hint of smugness in his expression. But he kept it well hidden.
“Well, I’ve got good news and I’ve got bad news.”
“Lay it on me, doc.”
“Well, the good news is that you will not be needing surgery. It’s a minor fracture.”
“And the bad news?”
“It’s a minor fracture that requires a cast.”
“How long?”
“Eight weeks. Total.”
“Eight weeks on crutches?” You whined.
“You should only be on crutches for the first four. After that, assuming everything is healing well, you’ll be in a walking cast.”
You groaned and shot a murderous glare at your heels once again.
“The price we pay for fashion.”
“I’ll have Wanda prepare everything now. It should only take about an hour.”
“Well, that sure cuts into my dancing plans,” you joked, frustrated by being stuck there for another hour.
It would be morning before you got home.
“Is that where you were headed?” he asked as he pressed the call button.
“Yeah. My friends finally convinced me to go out with them for once and look where it got me,” you laughed humorlessly. “Well at least I’m done for the summer. So the leg won’t mess me up too bad.”
Wanda appeared in the doorway.
“What do you need, doctor Barnes?”
“I need a cast kit. For the ankle.”
“Got it. I’ll be right back.”
You expected Bucky to leave then, but he continued bustling around the room.
“You said you’re done for the summer. Are you a teacher?”
He quirked an eyebrow at you.
“I’m a graduate student. So I just finished up TAing for the semester.”
“Ahh. Are you doing research then?”
“I’m finishing up the edits on my thesis actually. So this might actually make me do it instead of procrastinating," you giggled.
“What’s your thesis on?”
You were in the middle of explaining your thesis, when Wanda returned. Genuinely interested in your area of research, Bucky continued asking you questions as he wrapped the liner around your leg.
From time to time he would grin up at you and the damn heart rate monitor would go off all over again. You’d gotten over your embarrassment for the most part, until Wanda had to suppress a giggle because your heart actually skipped a beat.
“Alright. You are all set. Wanda will grab you your crutches and your discharge papers. You’ll need to make a follow up with your Orthopedic in four weeks.”
“Since I don’t have an orthopedic on speed dial, do you know any good ones?”
Bucky chuckled.
“I’ll have her put my practice’s number on the sheet.”
“Thanks, Doc.”
“No problem. Do you have any questions before I go?”
“How long do you think getting all the paperwork sorted will take?”
“Not long. Twenty minutes or so. Why?”
“Just wondering if I should order my Uber now or wait.”
He glanced at the clock on the wall. His fingers drummed against the clipboard in his hand as he momentarily mulled something over.
“If you’re willing to wait another forty-five minutes, I can drive you home when I get off my shift.”
You immediately shook your head.
“You so don’t need to do that.”
“Please. It’s literally on my way home.”
You nibbled on your lip. It would be a lot easier.
“If you’re sure.”
He seemed almost relieved when you accepted.
“Absolutely. It’s been pretty quiet tonight, so you can just hang out in here until I get back.”
“Thank you.”
“No problem.”
He smiled, softer than the other ones he’d given you so far before hanging your chart on the end of your bed and exiting the room, bumping into the glass door as he went. You stifled a giggle. Maybe you weren’t the only one affected.
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It took a little over thirty minutes to get you processed. And before you knew it Bucky was helping you into his car. You went in butt first and then swung your cast leg, followed by your good leg in just a hospital sock. Bucky handed you your shoes and purse.
“So, do you chauffer all of your patients home?” You teased as you left the parking lot.
“Only the ones who live across the hall. Speaking of which, I am sorry this is the first time we’ve gotten to meet properly. Not very neighborly of me.”
“I can’t imagine why you haven’t made your way over with your loads of free time,” you deadpanned, earning you an eyeroll. “But however it happened, I’m glad that we met. It was getting to the awkward stage.”
“Yeah, seven months of passing waves is a long time.”
You hummed your agreement.
“So, how did you get into medicine?”
“Family business.”
He told you all about his surgeon mom and physician father as you drove home. His siblings were also in medicine and even his childhood best friend.
“That is so many medical degrees in one house. Must be rousing holiday dinner conversations.”
“We actually have a no shop talk rule.”
“And how long does that last?” you asked knowingly.
“Through appetizers… maybe.”
“Your family sounds amazing.”
“They are. I wouldn’t trade them for anything,” he admitted as he parked his car.
Bucky carefully helped you out of the car and up to your apartment. You’d never been so glad to live in a building with an elevator.
“I feel like I should offer you breakfast for bringing me home,” you admitted as you plopped down on the couch, and lifted your foot onto the coffee table exhausted from the crutches.
“You need to stay off that foot. But I’m sure you’re starving and so am I. Got any pancake mix?”
“Doctor Barnes, you really don’t have to do that.”
“It’s Bucky. We’re back to just neighbors here. And I want to.”
“How can I repay you?”
“Think about going out on a date with me when your leg is all healed.”
You cocked your head, as you appraised him.
“Just think about it?”
He scratched behind his ear as he shrugged a little.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for well… about seven months. But I don’t want you to feel like you owe me anything. Because you don’t. I would have brought any of my neighbors home,” he rambled.
“You’re a really good guy,” you hummed.
“Could you tell my Ma that?” he joked, though his ears tinged pink.
“Happily. And I’d love to think about going on a date with you.”
He beamed back at you.
“I’ll take it. So pancakes?”
“In the cabinet above the fridge. Next to the chocolate chips.”
He nodded, taking the hint on your favorite add on.
“I’m on it.”
Eight weeks later when your walking cast came off, you and Bucky went out for dinner… for your two month anniversary.
Your heart definitely still raced when he smiled at you. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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A/N: There we have it! I hope you enjoyed @captainscanadian.
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Two Against One
Waiting in my specialist office I get called over to the receptionist desk. Their was an issue with my insurance that caused them to cancel my appointment; I had valid insurance but it wasn’t updated so the system so it booted me out. Fortunately one of the nurses asked why I was coming in today, I had explained to her about my visit to the ER earlier in the month and a few moments later I’m sitting in the exam room waiting for my specialist to come in and explain what’s going on with me. Two weeks before I had seen my primary doctor and had a serious conversation about my symptoms and what was discovered during my visit at the ER with the CATScan and labs. The reality is that cancer was back on the table of possibilities of why I feeling off and it scared the hell out of me. My specialist comes into the exam room holding a folder; my folder. It has been quite some time since I’ve seen him. Almost two year without doctors, screening and surgeries because I was healthy… but that’s era of peace is now gone. To discover today my old growths are growing back, and that there is a now new form of cancer from what the CATScan, labs, and testing have shown them. Earlier today before I had my appointment my dad randomly told me, we go through certain experiences in life for us to grow. He’s not aware of my current situation, hard to break the news to unfortunate. As I perp myself to go back on the operating table in two weeks. I look back at what my dad said and reflect on those words of wisdom. I told my mom over lunch as much as I didn’t want to bear her anymore pain I had to let her know it was back but this time it came with an unwelcome friend. She did her best by telling me “You got to fight, parents shouldn’t have to bury there kids first… kids are supposed to bury there parents…. You’ll get through this.”
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renee-writer · 4 years
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Sisters Chapter 9
"You are getting so big sister Oona. I can't wait until it is my turn." Enya declares as she places her hands on her sister's growing baby bump.
"You have six years. Don't wish then away." She advised as she looks down at her youngest sister.
"Your sister is right. Childhood is fleeting."Tabitha joins them, placing her arm around her lover.
"Wow sister Tabitha. You are even bigger then Oona." They both laugh.
"That is because I am three months farther along. In fact Fallon will be born in the next few months." Enya touches her sister-in-laws tummy.
"Amazing. But does that mean you will move back in with your mama and take Oona?" She worries aloud, biting on her lip.
"No little sister. We decided to stay her and have your mama help until Oona's own sister/daughter is a few months old."
"That is wonderful!" She gives them each a quick hug before running off. "Teagan, they are staying until Siena is born."
"I so love having young sisters. It was different being the youngest."
"Yes, they are wonderful." They hug each other close and softly kiss. "Our sister/daughters will be so close, born within months of each other."
"Yes. A good thing." They lean against each other, stroking their respective bumps.
The next few months pass quickly. They prepare an area in their room for their coming sister/daughters. Went to classes to learn how to breath through the coming pain; Oona's mama laughs, 'like it helps', and spend every night exploring their changing bodies.
They lay tangled together, as close as the bumps will allow when they feel it. Tabitha's belly tightening and raising between them. Their eyes come together. Oona reaches for her hand. They hold tightly to each other as the first, mild pains take over.
"Want to walk?" She asks her love after an hour.
"Yes let's." She helps her up and they start making circuits around the room. The pains come faster and stronger. "Oh mother! Oona, this hurts. Oh it hurts so much!" Oona, in a panic, calls out for her mama. She and Lovelyn come at a run.
"You are at your time?" Eve asks.
"Yes!" Said through gritted teeth. Lovelyn kneels before her, placing her hands over her hard bump.
"That is it. It is easing up Tabitha. Just breath. That is it. Deep breath. Let it out slowly. Good job." Lovelyn eases her through it. Oona looks at her sister with new respect.
"How long have you been having pains?"
"A bit over an hour."
"How far apart?" Lovelyn continues to ask.
"Six minutes."
She looks to Oona who was timing them. "Forty-five seconds."
"Good. You need to head to hospital in an hour, if they stay as consistent."
"Why do you need me?" Eve teases. A minute later as the worst pain so far grips her sister/daughter's love, she sees she is necessary.
"No! No! No!" She threshes about trying to draw her legs up. "Can't do it!"
"You can. You are. Your body was made to do this." Eve sits beside her, holding her face in her hands. "I know it hurts. Breath with me." A whimper before she starts to. "Good. Just like that. Oona holds tight to her hand. Oakley, Enya, and Teagan come out, woke by the screams.
"Is she okay?" Teagan asks.
"She is in labor, little sister." Lovelyn explains.
"Shouldn't she go to the hospital?" Enya asks.
"Soon. Go back to bed my sister/daughters. All is alright." They follow their mama's instructions. "Oona, go get Tabitha's bag. It is time."
"Not been an hour."
"She is closer then we thought." She looks to the future doctor. Lovelyn nods.
"She is." The bag is fetched and her mama called. Eve, as tradition allows, will go with them. Lovelyn will stay with her sisters.
Oona sits in the back with her lover. The pains are three minutes apart by that time, strong enough to cause her to have to be helped to breath through them. Eve drives as fast as she can to the hospital. She is thankful the maternity hospital is only fifteen minutes away. Serena meets them out front.
"Mama!" Tabitha calls out at seeing her.
"My baby. I know but it won't be much longer."
The maternity hospital is so much easier to maneuver then the older model, that treated everything. Tabitha has been in the system since her insemination was successful. They have all her records. It is a simple manner to get her into a room, strip her, come check her.
"Eight cms. Grand job sister. Just a bit more." The midwife says. "Your sister/daughter will be delivered. You will see her then she will be taken for tests. When all proves alright, she will be returned."
Tabitha, in the middle of a contraction, misses must of this. As does Oona who is helping her. The grandmas don't. They lead the midwife out of the room.
"What is this about then bringing her back?" Serena demands.
"New rules. The Mother's have decided to not waste resources on newborn sisters that are infertile or that have other severe disabilities. She will get a Catscan to check her reproduce health as well as others. If she is healthy, as most are, she will be returned to be mama."
"If not?" Eve asks with numb lips.
"A shot. Doesn't hurt them. They just drift of to sleep."
She hurries back in while the possible grandmas look at each other.
There is nothing to do but see Fallon born and pray. So they do. "A bit more. You are almost there." Oona, unaware urges her love on. The mama's are silent. If they weren't in the midst of pushing, they would be concerned about that.
"See hair. Another like that." Another few pushes, a panting moment as the babies mouth is cleaned out, another push and Fallon arrives, screaming. She is lifted up for her mamas to see before the cord is cut and she is taken off.
"Where is she going?"
"Just for weighing and stuff. No worries." Oona says. Her mama and mama-in-law stand frozen in terror as they wait to see if the baby will be returned.
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0idril0 · 5 years
Evan 7
Okay yall here’s part 7 of the nico series 
Thanks @whumpywhumper & @captivity-whump
This is as accurate as i can write it, i could probably go into a lot more detail about wounds etc, but i was nervous about how that would translate to text. I’ve got experience as an emergency room nurse and a vet tech so this is probably how i would go about treating someone. Thanks everyone for reading!
Just stabilize him. 
Just stabilize him. The rattle of Nico’s breathing echoed through the sterilized room. Like it’s that fucking simple. Evan pushed up his sleeves and peered under the blanket covering Nico. 
You can’t stabilize this. He pulled his stethoscope from his cabinet and pressed it to the skeletal chest. Harsh crackles to the upper lobes, nothing to the lower. Shit. 
“Give me those quilts—Clint, sit him up— he can’t breath like that.” Nico was limp as Clint lifted him, the rattling mewl indicating he was still aware. He pushed the quilts behind Nico’s back, grimacing at the damage he saw. Fuck.
Just examine him like he’s an animal. His patient’s skin radiated heat, the beat of his heart too fast. Gums were sticky and pale. Lips a dull purple. Purulent fluid from wounds. Fever. Infection. Hypoxia. Anemia. Dehydration. Sepsis. Shoulders were definitely dislocated, no telling what internal injuries there were without a catscan. He didn’t need to take his blood pressure to know it was terrible. He still wished he had a blood pressure cuff.  “Kristy, there’s oxygen on the wall and there’s masks in the cabinet. I think I have a mask for humans here somewhere.” 
Evan turned from the table and stormed through his exam rooms grabbing supplies as he walked. This isn’t fixable. He ripped open the drawers holding his surgical packs and growled at what he found. He wasn’t equip for this. 
He continued digging in the back of dusty cabinets for supplies he’d hidden for weird animal or pack emergencies. He still wasn’t equip for this. Slamming the doors shut Evan turned from the cabinet analyzing the supplies he’d accumulated. 
“Okay, fuck. Brian-” walking purposefully he pointed at the grim faced blond and waited until the tearful eyes met his own ”-there’s a convenience store down the road about a block and a half. Go get all of the gauze you can, get white liquid dial soap, a blood pressure cuff and sugar—don’t fucking give me that look, there’s a goddamn reason—now go.” 
He grabbed the human oxygen mask from the pile and pushed Kristy away from where she was fumbling. He stared at the brunette, waiting for eye contact, before continuing. “Kristy, that cabinet has saline, stuff to start an IV, and blood collection tubes-”Evan gestured vaguely to the cabinets by his ancient sterilizer”-you know what to grab?” Kristy blanched before giving him a panicked shake of her head. “Okay, just grab more than one set of everything.”
He turned to Clint, still bracing himself over Nico like he could ward away the inevitable. Steeling himself, he stepped close and placed a glove encased hand on Clint’s arm.  “Clint. Look at me.” Clint’s jaw worked for a moment before he looked up, the yellow orbs held a dull anger. “This isn’t going to be pretty. If you can’t handle this, if you’re going to get in the way, tell me now.” 
The anger in Clint’s eyes grew sharper and a growl rumbled from his chest. “No way in hell’m I leavin’ him right now.” 
 Evan grimaced, that was exactly what he was afraid of. He squeezed Clint’s arm tighter making sure to meet the wolf’s eyes squarely, almost whispering in an attempt to force his attention, “You listen to me now, there is a very real chance he’s about to die.” 
The rumble coming from Clint rattled the metal table and Nico’s breathing shuttered but Evan didn’t budge. Glaring into the yellow eyes. “You  need to prepare yourself. There’s only so much I can do and I don’t know if Martin will be able to do anything.” 
Tears muddied Clint’s eyes and he jerked away from Evan, keening, pulling at his sandy hair. “Please. Please Evan, you have to do something. I can’t-“The clatter of medical supplies interrupted Clint’s pleas. Kristy stood like a statue, clutching what hadn’t fallen from her grasp. 
Her face held the same horror as Clint’s. He gave her a look of grim empathy. He didn’t retract his statement. They needed to be prepared. Honeyed truth wouldn’t help here. 
Evan turned back to Nico and felt sick. When Brian had called him to say they’d found Nico injured.... this was not what he expected. He had expected stitches, maybe a broken arm. 
This. This was horrifying. 
Evan had seen abuse. He had seen injury. He’d seen malnutrition. But right now, if Nico had been a pet, he would be discussing euthanasia—if only to not prolong the inevitable. You don’t put an animal through something like this. They just didn’t understand why it was happening. And that made it even worse because Nico wasn’t an animal. People insisted you do everything for humans. 
A small part of Evan wanted to refuse what he was about to have to do. This was torture disguised as care. He hadn’t worked on people since he’d been in South America on a spay and neuter clinic. What happened still haunted him. A freak earthquake had forced him into action because he at least had a type of medical knowledge.
Even that couldn’t prepare him for the catastrophe that was Nico. 
He turned back to Clint’s pleading gaze and drew a resigned breath. “I’ll do what I can Clint, but-“ he gestured at the limp figure on the table”-it’s up to him, and I don’t think he’s got much left.” 
“He’s got more than you think.” Clint’s smile was tight. “What do we need to do?” 
Evan grunted and grabbed his supplies. “What blood type are you?” 
The question caught Clint off guard, his brows furrowing in confusion. “What?” 
“He needs blood. He needs fluids.” Evan pulled the blanket back from where it covered his patient’s skeletal chest and suppressed a gag. Clint blanched and a sound like he’d been gut punched left him. “He needs antibiotics.”  He grabbed Nico’s wrist, turning it to examine the bruised and ulcerated skin.
“My blood won’t help with that, I’m a fucking werewolf, I can’t give him blood!” 
“Yes, you can. I saw it done in Peru; it can be done between mates. You said he was yours right?” 
For a moment there was silence from the wolf. “I can’t force that on him Evan. He doesn’t even know.” 
“You don’t really have a choice, either you donate blood or you lessen the chance he’s going to make it. You have the ability to help and a fucking healing factor that might make a difference.” 
“Clint.” Kristy’s voice was quiet. “You remember what I said? You’re his everything. Please.” Her eyes were pleading. 
Clint’s mouth closed slowly and he pressed a gentle kiss to Nico’s forehead before swallowing thickly. “I’m O negative. What do I need to do?”
Evan grunted, acknowledging Clint’s acquiescence. “Just stay out of the way for now.” 
Evan gripped Nico’s arm firmly, ignoring Nico’s weak attempts to twist away, and probed the bend of his arm. Anger suffused him as he did. Whoever had taken him had been sticking him over and over again and recently, there were no veins left to stick. He examined Nico’s other arm to the same conclusion. Grimacing, he turned Nico’s head and squeezed his eyes shut. Fuck. 
Puncture marks. The jugular vein still looked capable of holding an IV but it didn’t disguise that something, most likely a vampire, had also had a hand in Nico’s torture. A thrill of trepidation crawled up Evan’s spine. What other creatures had been a part of this? Who would do this?
The magical community was tight knit here; they probably knew the culprits. He kept the observation to himself; it wouldn’t help right now. 
He pushed Clint away from where he was standing at the head of the metal table. “Hold his hands down, Kristy. Clint, I need you to hold his head like this,” he pushed Nicos chin into Clint’s hand, elongating his neck. The ulcerated skin around Nico’s eyes cracked and he could see the strain in the muscles of his neck as he tried to shake his head against Clint’s hand, the twitch of his arms as he tried to raise them. He’s so quiet.
Kristy hadn’t moved. She clutched at the cabinet behind her, knuckles white with strain. 
She jerked, wide eyes looking up from Nico. “I can’t. I can’t touch him again.” 
“No Clint, no, I could feel—“ she cut herself off, “I terrified him when I touched him, he could feel my magic every time, you told me I wouldn’t have to when we got here.” Panic infused Kristy’s voice and Evan grimaced. 
“Go call Illyn, see if you can get any information on what might help.” Kristy fled, slamming the doors behind her. 
When he turned back Nico had stopped fighting. Clint rested his forehead against blood encrusted hair and Evan could hear the quiet reassurances he muttered over the harsh rasps of breathing.
“Keep him still, this’ll only hurt a second.” He’d picked a large gauged catheter, needing to get fluid into him as quickly as possible. Nico flinched when the needle pierced his neck. Watery blood seeping from around the wound as he attached the saline lock. 
“It’s okay Darlin’, you’ll feel much better soon.” 
The door creaked and Brian shuffled in slowly with plastic bags. “Kristy’s in your office.”
“Okay, that’s fine. Get some of those towels wet. We need to bring his temperature down.”  
Brian gave him a confused look as he dropped the bags to complete his new task. “Wouldn’t ice be better?” 
Evan snorted as he taped the catheter in place and started the bolus of fluids. “If you want to kill him. He’s delicate enough right now without shocking his system. I’d rather not throw him into a cardiac arrest. The fluids and some wet towels on his neck and arms should bring it down gradually.” 
“Clint, sit over here.” Grabbing a pile of supplies he peeled the werewolf from Nico and steered him into a chair, finding a vein quickly. “I’m going to get at least two maybe three units of blood out of you. You’re going to get dizzy and probably need to lay down while your werewolf mojo works. Keep your arm above the bag.”  Clint’s eyes didn’t leave Nico but he grunted a confirmation. 
“Brian, get gloves on and please tell me you got liquid soap.” Evan worked quickly covering Nico’s exposed skin with the damp towels as Brian pulled out the soap and gauze from the bags. 
“We need to clean these wounds; there’s debris, dead tissue, puss, everything in these. This is going to hurt but it’s necessary.” 
God, he would kill to be able to give him fentanyl. The only medication he had to help would lower his blood pressure more, doing more damage than good. “If you find anything especially deep let me know, I’ll do some wet to dry dressings. The sugar is for later if Martin can’t do as much as we want.” 
They set to their tasks silently, Evan more quickly than Brian. He started by trying to push his shoulders back into their sockets. They slipped back into place with a sickening pop and the boy cried out weakly, small bitten off sobs shaking him. Evan heard Clint’s cut off protest but continued working. 
Guilt ate at him. Focusing this closely on Nico’s wounds, he could see the minute trembling that rattled his bones; how he seemed to bite at his cheek to stop himself from making noise. Evan dumped peroxide into a bowl of warm water and wiped at the dried blood encrusting Nico. 
When he brushed against Nico’s right hip the boy flailed causing Brian to yelp and jerk away from the table. “..’leas..nnn...nnn..” Nico sobbed and Evan’s concern grew. He’d been so silent. There was a snarl from the corner but he ignored it and the growing commotion to focus on what he was seeing. The area was deep purple, the leg around it swollen. He put his palms flat against the hip bones and pushed. Nico’s blood shot eyes flew open as the bone crackled and shifted; a rasping scream tore from his throat before breaking into a wet cough.
Evan froze. Fuck. Broken. The pelvis was one of largest bones in the body and deeply vascular, no wonder he was so pale. 
Nico shuddered with sobs, breath no more than a gasp. “M’orry.... ‘lease..... be ‘ood... s’op... ‘lease....” Fat tears flowed down Nico’s face, catching the blood from the freshly cleaned wounds.
“I know, I know, I’m sorry buddy. I had to see if it was broken.” And now he had to get a goddamned X-ray. But it could wait until he was more stable. 
There was a strangled grunt from Brian and Clint and, when he looked, he could see Brian was practically sitting on Clint to keep him in place. The wolf’s features elongated as he grappled with Brian. 
“Fucking stop. Now!” Evan thundered. Blood pooled on the floor from where Clint had ripped the IV out of his arm trying to reach Nico and anger curled in his belly. His vision turned throbbing red. He snarled at Clint and relished in the flinch he got in return. Stalking to where the boys had frozen, he snatched the partially filled bag from the floor. “You wanted my help. Sit down and shut up.” 
Clint averted his gaze, tilting his head in submission. Brian gulped, showing his hands and backing away. 
Sometimes, it’s good to be alpha. 
He turned back to his patient, exchanging the soiled tubing before attaching it to the bag of saline. He needed another line, but this would do for now. He shoved Clint back to the chair and reinserted the needle before ordering Brian to help him support Nico’s trembling frame to get to the wounds on his back. He switch the blood and fluid bags twice before they finished his legs and lacerated feet.
Nico’s breathing was strained and shallow after the struggle of dressing the wounds on his back and torso. But, by the time they had finished his feet, a soft blush had crept to his cheeks and the purple hue to his lips had begun to shift to a more comfortable color.  
Feeling the boys cheeks he found them moderately cooler, his pulse stronger. Thank god. He hoped what they had done would buy him time.
A soft whine drew his attention to Clint who was hugging himself tightly staring at Nico, yellow eyes wide with wonder. A small grin flickered on Evan’s lips. The bond. It must have worked. Relief made him sag. If Nico and Clint had a growing bond there was a better chance. 
“Get over here.” 
Clint didn’t wait for affirmation of what he’d heard. Instead, he stumbled woozily from his chair to grip Nico’s limp hand and stroke his badly washed hair. 
“Thank you Evan..... thank you...” Clint’s voice was thick, trembling with gratitude. 
“He isn’t healed yet.” He gripped Clint’s arm softly before turning away. 
He looked to the clock. Over two hours had passed since their arrival. Where is Martin?
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notable-comics-blog · 7 years
Kidney stones! Ouch
Wow never have I felt a pain so great. Yesterday my side was hurting a little and at first I thought it was gas cramps so I ignored it but then I went to wake my fiance up because I love giving her kisses and I constantly need attention lol. And all of a sudden the pain started getting exponentially worse until I was withering in pain. She knew it was something bad so she took me to the ER and it just kept getting worse.
When we got there I was barely able to focus on anything my Hands and feet went numb from hyperventilating and I just kept repeating. Help me, I'm trying and I love you. I honestly thought I was going to die so I kept telling Lizzy that I loved her in between screams.
It took them an hour to get a room opened for me and another 3 hours before they could get me some morphine. The morphine made it a little better but they had to keep giving it to me because the pain would come back within about 10-15 mins. After many doses of morphing I was able to lie still and get the catscan. They feared my apendix had burst but all of us were relieved to find it was just 2 kidney stones. They had me get a urine sample and I guess during that the first one passed. They told me there was a second one that would be passing in the next few days and gave me some Hydrocodon to ease the pain.
The doctors and nurses were super nice and apologized for the long wait. I apparently came in at a time when it was very busy. I thanked them for the help and understood it was busy. I was mainly relieved that the pain was gone.
The thing that struck me odd though was that my writer brain kicked in during that entire ordeal. I was barely able to speak and all I could do was moan and babble. But I kept telling myself. "Don't forget this feeling because it will be very useful as a recalled experiance." I do not get hurt often and do not experiance pain very often so my mind was like yea it hurts but the human body can experiance way more pain than this and survive so keep that in mind.
Anyways I figured I would tell this story for my blog and also as a way to keep it written down in case I need to go back and read things I may forget about the experiance.
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thatsjustsupergirl · 7 years
I drove my dad for a CATscan once and while it was happening I was left in a giant, empty waiting room (at least 60'x25') with at least 100 empty chairs. In walks a a couple with their toddler and despite the TV playing cartoons inside of 5 minutes that kid parked herself right next to me and watched me play with my tablet until I put on Netflix kids for her. All I did was wave back at her when she waved at me and she was glued to my side for 45 minutes while the dad just chilled. Kids are nuts
Also the best part was that little girl didn't speak a lick of English and my Spanish is subpar at best so she spent a lot of time bossing me around and speaking very slowly to me.
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unabashedrebel · 7 years
☤ - Have you ever had to go to the emergency room? Why?
Just one time really stands out. My doctor thought my appendix was inflamed. So I went to the ER, drank chalk paste, waited for 6 hours, then went to get a catscan or x-ray. Idk. But the nurse missed my vein on the IV and they ended up pumping orange dye into my arm. It sucked. It wasn't supposed to happen. My appendix was fine too😔Thanks @velavie !
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cat-skull · 7 years
i had a hospital adventure and i am now CHOCK FULL OF MORPHINE. here... is my story 
it begins earlier this evening t like fuckin. idk 9? and i was Dying. on the toilet. clutching a tashcan. Extreme Vomiting. from the PAIN of the Worst Dying PAin Agony in this LIFETIME SHIT guys.. i was just Writhing and sweating and DYIBG and but the pain was just on this right side of my back and side,,, suspicously.. right where my kidney lives......
so then i stop puking. and go to the hospital and they either were hacving The Slowest medicine night or i just looked so awful they took pity on me cause i got a room immediately and began writhing on the hospital bed and my mom told those doctors just what was HAPPENING> what the hap was fuckening. then i waited forEver and i tohught “is this it? is this the end for me? not like this...” but only like ten minutes had passed then those doctors they gave me pain killers and i was ok. 
BUT THEN!! that nurse said “time for a catscan. you might hve KidNey Stone Passing Syndrome Disease Plague, which everone in the world says is the worst pain. and worse than having birth. so get in this wheelchair to go to scan land” i got in the wheelchair and went to scan land. and i was Hurting :( then in my room where ooops forgot to say earlier but they stole my pee and said it had blood. anyway. i go back to my room and i said “blease.... the PAIN.... my KidnEy stone...” and they! gave! me! more! MEDICINE and i went asleep. then i woke up and blah blah blah i still was hurtin so bad i said once more “bplease.” 
they gave me MORPHINE and my legs immediately Stopt. jelly leggis as i always say, when i get morphine put into my blood for the first time this very night. and then i got perscriptions and i went to walgreens and the cashier looked at me and said “howre you doing tonight” i said “alright.” because this drug is in me. then she said “ YOU dont liook it!!!” i had Hospital Gear equipped. “well im doing better than earlier” and she laughed because im fuckin hilarious. my mom says “karen on morphine is very talkative” no. im just very          .....on morphine. anyway now i have to drink a million water bottles every day and piss into a filter to catch the evil rock meandering its way through mine own baody. the End,
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winchester-writes · 7 years
Update from last night:
Just to let you guys know/give you a heads up as to why I might not be writing all that much lately or if I'm absent for a while.....So last night I got a call from my grandma saying she called 911 for my grandpa thinking he had a heart attack. My dad and I went to go pick her up, taking her to the emergency room and waiting with her for him to get out of a CATscan. Long story short...his aorta, the main vessel to the heart, was splitting open. They rushed him into emergency cardiovascular surgery to try and stop it from splitting even more. We were told it was going to be a 12-14 hour surgery. They had started at around 11:30pm last night and when I woke up this morning at 7:30am he was already out. So luckily it didn't take as long as they had originally thought. They say the procedure was successful but now we just have to wait on him to wake up. He lost a lot of blood from his brain from lying on that table for so long and not enough blood getting up there. As of right now he is on a 24-hour sedation to let his body try to relax a little after undergoing that major surgery. Soon they will ween him off the meds to see if he wants to wake up on his own. Doctors say it's a very very slim chance that he will wake up. Most people don't. So we're hoping for a miracle here. Please continue to send your prayers and good vibes....he really needs it.
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onemanzerosquad · 5 years
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New York Blackbeard Diary Pt. 3
Day 11.......Woke up.....Started my day getting breakfast then headed to my neurologist office to get my form from my job in regards to my restrictions. After, went to the library to print out documents in regards to a situation that led to someone purchasing something from a PayPal. Pretty much someone hacked into my PayPal and purchase a monthly subscription to watch a show smh. As I was heading to work, I thought about all of my problems and have decided to take care of all the problems. Feels like time is not on my side in my opinion and I can no longer deal with the bullshit no longer. As take care of the problems head on, I have no problem dealing with consequence even if my body limitations is at risk cause. I'm alone in this and that's no one fault cause everyone has their own problem to fix.
On on to the side story......2012.......
The new year started and I was in a long distance relationship. Unfortunately, It didnt last long. Obviously, communication was the cause of the problems. From there I was talking to girls got into a relationship but that didnt even last too. Then I saw her. Now I'm not gonna write her government name. So I'm gonna name her HopelessRomantic. Unlike every women I've been with physically, I actually found her online. I didn't expect her to give me a chance but she did. At first, we were back and forth breaking up and making up. Then mid year, she broke up with thru a inbox smh. She was right tho, I wasn't doing anything with my life and she felt I had no ambition. It's crazy because before she broke up with me, I wanted to let her know that I finally got a job lol. During that time til September, I was dating and talking to other women but at the same time trying to get back with HopelessRomantic. Then at one point, HopelessRomantic was going through a tough time. So I took an opportunity to help her out. I was making sure she was okay. Then one day there was a BWA (beach) reunion show and since I told HopelessRomatic about my backyard wrestling career, I invited her to the show. That day was interested as I got to see some of the guys even my first love and by the night, I brought her home and "Netflix and chill" happened lol. It was our first time doing something after 9 months of us knowing eachother. From that moment on we were back together but this time she trusted me and gave me another chance of love again. On to other things,in that year I started wrestling officially in BWA (Bronx). I had a chance to wrestle in RCW but I decided not to go. I knew I wasn't going to be comfortable there and plus the only people I would mostly trust would be the DIW wrestlers that I meant in 2011. Everyone else ehhhhh (the white boys weren't really there lol). BWA (Bronx) hands down was the best time of my backyard wrestling career. Holy Convictions Tag Team with Genocide, 4 aces, matches with Loco, Dixon, Dom The Don, my epic match against Gencocide that open everyone's eyes, and the match of the event of SuperShowDown (their Wrestlenania), against Joker. I had a epic time in the BWA (Bronx). Now back to HopelessRomantic. Our relationship was great. Our families liked us together, I got to see her often, I was working, the sex was great lol, and she even motivated me to actually go to college. The original plan was to go study Criminal Justice. Then December hit and after the hurricane, I came from chilling with a friend and HopelessRomantic send me a message on Facebook breaking up with me. There wasn't a particular reason. She wrote like an essay but it had nothing to do with me. I can only assume she wasn't interested anymore. So the year was heading to its end. So I decided to live it up with Black, Red, Green, and Blue Label with some 40s. Regardless of the break up, I still had good year.
Day 12.......Woke up and started my day with a cup of coffee. Went to my job to pick my check check my app to see how much since I started last week and today was pay week and apparently I got no pay listed on this week. So I can only assume my next check will make up for last week or something. Money is always with no value hard to get by but hey whatever. So went on my morning and TD Bank to fax the people apart of my dispute case and unfortunately the bank printing machine doesn't work doesn't work. So another Negative Nancy in the poison air of New York City. After work, I saw my Autismo crew (J God, Weirdo, and Porn Plug). Chopped it up a little bit and by the way F**K WWE 2K!!!!!
On on to the side story......2013......
2013 new year.....still working on and off. Surprisely, me and HopelessRomantic kept in contact regardless of the breakup. One day I brought her over just to chill. She got cozy which didn't bother cause she was single as was I. From what I remember, we were talking and it led to her being emotional and she was crying. So held her tight then boom......we had sex......The next day we were talking and I kinda express to her I wanted to get back together but she didn't want that. I actually cried but accepted and got over it. Probably like a month later, she got into a relationship with someone else which sucked even more. Other than that I signed up for a program that dealt with Digital Media and did well in the program. I was still working but not as much. My birthday but on that day I was sick (for about a week). After I healed, I started this new job that my guy Dirty Sandchez aka Eyevrows from Getaway hook me up with. It was an maintenance job. Did the job and all. July 4th hit and partying up drinking doing my thing. I woke up and got a call from HopelessRomantic letting me know that her Aunt passed. All I had was tears cause her aunt meant a lot The last time I talk to her was Mother's Day so the pain was more. I was mad and I played Dante's Inferno with anger. From morning til night, I beat the game. The one thing I notice alot that day was I had double vision that whole day. I would think that would be gone by the morning but it wasn't. After hanging out with my boy. I started to fall easily and constantly told I looked crossed eyed. By August my left leg felt like I or sprained it. August I finally hit the switch and started college. I was studying Mental Health/Domestic Violence Counseling. First semester went well. All As and 1 B. I even had my own little crew.
SIDE NOTE: One person in that crew ending up being my girlfriend (2016)
During the first semester I was still dealing with my health problems. Things got worse. My hands were so numb that I couldn't write. My double vision was there everyday and I had a hard time walking on my left leg. After going to the emergency room doing MRIs and Catscans and testing my strength with a group of neurologists and constantly hearing that I'm so young (I was 22), I saw a neurologist and he told me that I have Multiple Sclerosis.......
Day 13........Woke up, got ready, and speed walked to the bus stop to get to work. Unfortunately, I got a little late due to the bipolarness of the bus coming on schedule. When. I got to work, I couldn't punch in due to the app I punch in on couldn't connect to the server. After work, I went to see a friend that I haven't seen in quite some time and that was pretty much my day.
On on to the side story......2014.......
2014 came. I finally got my finally treatment after waiting for months for insurance reasons smh. I had to take it every week. I continued college by taking free classes inthe winter semester which was apart of Fall semester. As a result passed both classes with an A. From there my GPA was 3.6. With my education background with a learning disability, D equalivent grades, being in special ed classes, and receiving services due to my learning disability, for a guy with a incurable health condition that pretty much messes with your body depending on the central nervous system state, it was remarkable for something like that to happen. Spring semester hit and once again did my thing in classes, went on dates, and followed the routine of being on grind. Then the summer semester hit and I was offered to take a short summer class and I took it of course since it was free. That morning of first day of the class, I wanted to do the impossible and walked from my home to school (Albemarle and East 19 to Manhattan Beach). It took about 3 hours. Got to class on time and kind sat around or whatever. Some other people got inthe class and informed the professor that they were in the other classroom. For some odd reason I was more aware of a woman saying that then the others. Crazy cause that same woman ended up being my girlfriend by the end of September. We ain't saying government names. So her name for this post is Hermione (she likes Harry Potter). She had tattoos, smart, and she was honest for what I feel most of the time. Eventually the relationship didn't last and ended the same way.......a message. Her reasons made sense I guess (went too fast). Honestly I don't believe time should be a determining factor for a relationship to happen. If you feeling this person then give it a shot but that's just my opinion. Also, in 2014, I officially ended my backyard wrestling career against my friend, my brother, and my on screenplay rival Rodney Banks. It was the perfect ending to the legend that was called Heavy D.
Day 14.......Woke up. Gather some clothes and did some laundry. Sat outside for a little bit and headed back to the shelter and took a power nap. Woke up about 3 and watch One Piece Episode 901. I'm already current with the manga. So I'm basically watching what I already read. That was pretty much my Sunday. Plus I need all the rest for the upcoming days of this week. I gotta say, I'm slowly getting myself together to the point that people inthe shelter are noticing me more as hardworking individual. I'm always on the move and that's being notice and respected by people in the shelter.
On on to the tragic side story......2015
2015 started off okay. Winter semester was a success. I saw Hermione. But I didnt really give her attention after the break up but after we talked, we became friends and that was it nothing more. Spring semester came and I did my thing again and lived the college life but got a job. So now I'm get on my grind and officially had no time for much. Summer was here and my mother was working getting her passport to go back to Jamaica and see her family after years. One time I came from work and as usual expected my mother to be home since she doesn't like to be out late. She nevered came home which was extremely alarming. Call the police and I was informed that she was in the hospital in the city. Got to the hospital and use the phone to locate and she was in the 3rd floor ICU. I didn't know what ICU meant at that time but I knew it was something bad. Got to the ICU and saw my mother........Hospital covered with a bandage on her head as if someone bash a metal bat on her head. Come to find out, she had a seizure and fell on head in the street very hard. I was in tears. All I can remember was that the last time I saw her she told me that she was heading out. My mind was wtf like this ain't real. Called everyone I can call and every got the news that my mother was inthe hospital. She eventually got transfer to a rehab center in Far Rockaway Queens. Things seem to be okay. Then I come home from a hard day at home and I get phone call from a friend informing me that something happened and my younger brother didn't sound okay on the phone. Went to the hospital my mother was sent to. Her eyes was closed. Next couple of days saw her as the machine was helping her breath not responding or reacting inthe room. The doctor spoke to me and younger brother and pretty much said there a very little chance they can help. By October 12th. My younger brother called me and informed me that our mother died........
Day 15......Woke up.....Had to skip gym again. I had to get my mail and sent some emails. After, I went straight to work. After work, I happen to see a face I haven't seen in quite some time and we actually introduce our names after knowing each other for years. It's kind of cool knowing someone and finally just engaging in a conversation (just regularly). Then mailed my my money order to this One Shot Deal that I owe money to unfortunately. While on my way back to the shelter, I started thinking.....now knowing that just about everyone knows that I have Multiple Sclerosis......Hawk's Eye will be on me and my refusals from any assistance will make things a little more tough and edgier. So at this point, I have to be smart on everything I do. But I'm sure I'll get through this someway.
On on to 2016.......
2016 was here. After a hard 2015, I was able to keep the home, still work, made sure my health was good and survived a hard semester. I made the impossible possible. On the other hand, things were different. I started living somewhat a independent free life. I went to school, work, and party on the weekends. I was even going to the strip clubs and bars just living it up with my people. Eventually, I had this feeling like I needed to be what I was and I felt it was time to look for love again and I found it. No government names revealed. So her name was SoReal lol. I knew her since I started college (2013). We kept in contact and eventually we got together in July. It was love again. I haven't felt this type of love since my first relationship. She was smart, hardworking, and very determined to finish college. I was in love. When she felt she needed me, I was ready to help. We went on multiple dates. We talked all the time and we expressed that we loved each other. Other than love, I GRADUATED FROM KINGSBORO WITH AN ASSOCIATES!!!!! By September, I was city bound at City College. By the fall semester thing weren't good between me and SoReal. She distanced herself from me and with that I got less focus on school. Our relationship was so back and forth. When December hit, I got a letter from the landlord informing me that I must pay 3500 dollars in two weeks or I get evicted. So rent is not really being paid by my roommate, I'm barely getting thru college, and my relationship is a mess. As a result, I was still in relationship surprisingly, I pass my classes (barely), and I had to ask for assistance from this service called the One Shot Deal (where your whole rent is paid off but you got to pay back the money that was covered. 2017......would finally bring me to the limit.....
Not everything was meant to be......
Jikai........One Last Time. The Past From The Last View 2017 The Fall Of A Headliner
Mad King Recharging Arc
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Doctors AND Finn
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Pairing: Finn Balor/You Warnings: Cuteness Summary: Could I please request a Fan fic of Finn Balor and the reader is nervous about doctors and Finn trys to calm her nerves? 😊  Notes: @ambrosegirlforever this is only my 2nd published fic and my first ever Finn one. So I tried my hardest and I’m sorry for the wait and my horrible Irish. Its super short and not my best work. But I hope that you like it. - Anna
 You had just finished your Raw Women`s Championship match against Bayley and Alexa Bliss, where you knew for a fact that you had managed to hit your head a little too hard against one of the turn buckles, and had busted your head open along with tweaking your knee the wrong way. Though you didn't care or feel the pain because of the adrenaline coursing through your veins from the match and the explosion of the crowd, but you were happy because you when into and came out of the match as the champion, despite being injured. It was only once you got backstage did the pain slowly start to appear as your boyfriend of 2 years, Finn Balor, hugged you around the waist. 
“Babe, ye did so good. I’m so proud of ye.” He finally spun you with his arms still around you waist as he kissed you passionately. After the kiss, he let go of you and held onto your hand, but before he knew it you were almost falling from the sudden intense pain of your right knee. “But ye hurt babe. Lets get ye ta the trainers love.”
“No, Finn. I do not need the trainers. I am perfectly fine.”
“Babe, ye can’t even stand on yer own. Please I promise i’ll will be right by ye side the whole time.”
“No Finn. I am fine.”
“Babe, no yer not. I know yer scared and that’s okay, but I will be there.” Finn said before kissing her forehead.
“Fine, but you better not leave my side. You know Doctors scare me.”
With that Finn escorted you to the trainer and the trainer started checking you over before you yelped in pain as he touched your knee. When you yelped Finn flinched and imitately tried to make you laugh by making silly faces at you. 
“You are such a dork, Fergal.” You shook your head and laughed at him trying to take your mind off of the pain in your knee and leg. Before you knew it the doctor was done and was ready to take some x-rays and a catscan. The x-rays, were quick and easy despite the pain of turning your knee different ways.When you were rolled back into the room, Finn helped you onto the bed. It wasn’t long after that the doctors came in.
“Well, I have some good news and some bad news. The good new is that your head and neck just seem to be sore with no serious damage. Though the bad news is that your knee seems to have some serious damage and a torn ACL.” With that the doctor walked back out of the room and they waited for your discharge papers and you and Finn left after signing the paperwork. You were strong until you got into the car, and you broke down.
“Finn, that means surgery. Time out. I will have to relinquish my championship.” Finn reached over and grabs your hand while driving.
“I know, baby, but ye will be better when ye come back. Ye will be better den ever before. I promise.” With that you knew everything would be okay as long as Finn was by your side.
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dragonpressgraphics · 8 years
3 Tag Games
Tagged by @pod7et
1: Are you named after someone?  was. I fixed that 11 1/2 years ago.
2: When was the last time you cried? Uh, not caused by a fic? Not sure. But I was very close this saturday
3: Do you like your handwriting? Nope. And I know that seems weird, that as an artist I have horrible handwriting, but i do. I apparantly just have no patience to wait - my art thumbnails also look very awful. the difference is, the first time i'm trying to get the idea down fast before my brain moves on or forgets. the second time is to make it nice. I never get around to writing it a second time unless its typed up.
4: What is your favorite lunch meat? in general: Roast Beef. specifically - the Buttercup Dairy Store Cajun Roast Beef. A small mom and pop owned store back home where i had my first job.
5: Do you have kids? yes. one.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? i don't see why not?
7: Do you use sarcasm? everyone around me does so if i do, it doesn't get noticed as sarcasm. i have it, i try to, but my levels of sarcasm just doesn't compare
8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9: Would you bungee jump? *SHUDDERING* Why would you ask me that? WHY?
10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? I don't eat cereal anymore
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? I used to, but i have a pair of shoes now that i can get on and off without having to, so i don't bother anymore
12: Do you think you’re a strong person? No
13: What is your favorite ice cream? Vanilla bean - Breyers or Ben & Jerry’s Chubby Hubby
14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Uh...colors, I think. They'll draw your eye in and then you start noticing everything else.
15: What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? MY HEIGHT (I'm so short and its not fair - my dad was a whole foot taller than me. so's his brother. and his oldest sister is almost a foot taller than me as well
16: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? blue striped pj’s
17: What are you listening to right now? Everyone's sleeping and i was too lazy to find my headphones, so all i'm listening to is my fingers typing and the humming refridgerator (i apparantly can't spell that.)
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Well, that depends. Am I picking it? Or does each color have some deep meaning that would be applied to me? Becuase if it's the first, the color would be blue. if its' the second, you'll have to give me the chart...
19: Favorite smell? BACON
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? my mum-in-law (and yes, i call her mum. and no, i'm not from England. so there.)
21: Favorite sport to watch? Yuri on Ice. that totally counts, right?
22: Hair color? plain old brown with silver creeping in. sometimes i dye it to bring out the red highlights that hide inside. usually that means i've just turned my whole head red. :P
23: Eye color? Brown
24: Do you wear contacts? I can't wear them anymore. they hurt my eyes.
25: Favorite food to eat? Bacon. what, i can use the same answer twice! okay fine - how about something i can't get anymore because i don't know how my father cooked it?
26: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy! I'll even watch scary stuff sometimes if it has enough comedy
27: Last movie you watched? You know what? NO. I ain't telling cause i really regret watching it. WHILE i was watching it, but i was too lazy to find something else.
28: What color of shirt are you wearing? my bright orange pj's
29: Summer or winter? Autumn!!!
30: Hugs or kisses? Hugs
31: What book are you currently reading? Does fanfic count? if not, I technically have several books i'm in the middle of right now - i think i started them 2 years ago. before i realized i could read fanfic on my nook.
32: Who do you miss right now? dad
33: What is on your mouse pad? N/A (laptop has the touchpad, and even when it doesn’t, i use a trackball. no mouse necessary - but we did have one a friend stole from our college computer lab that my hubby used for like, forever.
34: What is the last TV program you watched? um.....oh! the Red Green Show
35: What is the best sound? music. or laughing.
36: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? not sure
37: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? NH to California
38: Do you have a special talent? i like to think so
39: Where were you born? Deleware
Alright, I was tagged by @dmsilvisart to answer 8 questions and tag 9 people who I would like to get to know better. Here we go:
1. Relationship Status: Married 11 1/2 years, known each other for 22
2. Favorite Color: Blue!!!!!!
3. Pets: None. Everyone in my house but me is allergic
4. Last Song I Listened To: That was hours ago! you expect me to remember? :( Right now i have the Yuri on Ice open theme song stuck in my head. Which makes me mad because i tried to buy it on Amazon and the only copies i could find were NOT the version in the open (different singer) or only 30 seconds long (when the open is around a minute and a half)
5. Favorite TV Shows: Supernatural, Doctor Who, Star Trek, Sherlock, Yuri on Ice, M*A*S*H (no one said it still had to be on the air...or in its original run...or...any kind of...qualifier), Stargate, Eureka, slayers, Furuba and probably so much more if i had any brain left for thinking
6. First Fandom: Star Trek
7. Hobbies: Reading, writing, arting (though i want that to be more than a hobby), Games (puzzles, board, card and video - everything really), knitting, scrapbooking
8. Books I’m Currently Reading: Several. from like, 2 years ago, before the whole nook thing. BUT! I am holding @unforth-ninawaters "Glimmer of Hope" hostage until i get more of my work done and i'm sooooo antsing to read it right now!
************************ Alphabet Game
Tagged by @tenoko1
a - age: 39.9
b - biggest fear: Being in open water or being lost, or being alone
c - current time: 3:05am
d - drink you last had: tea
e - every day starts with: my daughter waking me up for a hug before she leaves for school. then i attempt to fall back asleep until i get a nerf shot at my ass (by my husband) as a pretend alarm clock
f - favorite song: Dust in the Wind (but really, so SO many good ones to choose from! how do you choose?)
g - ghosts, are they real: can't decide
h - hometown: where i live now? where i was born? Where i grew up? I never know which version of the question i'm being asked...
i - in love with: not sure what to put here
j - jealous of: anyone whose life is more together than mine i guess. Or people who waste their opportunities
k - killed someone: um, no
l - last time you cried: This saturday I came really close. I had to go hide.
m - middle name: Is my maiden name - i was rather partial to it and since i was moving my old middle name to the first position i said, sure, why not. Let's just lop off that first name and move everything over one to make room for that new last name. wasn't like i was using that old first name anyway.
n - number of siblings: 1.5 (aka, a full sister and a half brother. whom i havent seen since he was 5 except for one time, by accident, at a con. Where he made it clear he wanted nothing to do with our family.
o - one wish: To be able to support myself on my artistic ability
p - person you last called/texted: do the website IMs count? cause that would be either jhoomwrites or mittensmorgul
q - questions you’re always asked: did you draw this?
r - reasons to smile: my kid, music, my art, comments on my fics
s - song last sang: aaaaaah....All of me? i...think? I was singing along
t - which time? Because according to my fitbit, i was awake 17 times last night
u - underwear color: the hated pink color
v - vacation destination: so. many. places! japan, ireland, greece, a supernatural convention for the ENTIRE weekend
w - worst habit(s): Tumblr, procrastination - oh wait, same thing
x - x-rays you’ve had: i've had a variety of things like that - xrays, mri's, catscans...hip, sinus, teeth, baby, gallstones, foot, etc
y - your favorite food: For the third time, BACON!
z - zodiac Sign: Aries
Not tagging anyone - if you wanna do it, go ahead :D
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A LiTtLe SoMeThInG YoU DiDn’T KnOw AbOuT Me!
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Hi, I’m Kelly Barhorst, and I have Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy (JME for short....also link in the name)…..this is the part where you say “Hi Kelly!”. For some of you who may or may not know what JME is, it is a form of the seizure disorder called Epilepsy that usually forms in younger children who have absence (stare off), tonic clonic (the more known), myoclonic jerk (physical twitch ) seizures. Yes I didn’t know there were different types of seizures until I experienced these myself when I was officially diagnosed at age 14…..now I am 25 (*whew* time flies when you’re getting younger) and living in the warm suns of Arizona. I recently started to feel the urge to first share my experiences of being diagnosed and growing up with this disorder on my blog for anyone interested when I talked to family members coming home. Over this past summer of 2017 I have done a lot of healing, releasing and forgiveness around my life. Enough so that I have broken down my emotional barriers to share my personal experiences to help others, which is why I have become a life coach after receiving a bachelors in Psychology in Arizona. I have reflected on being in touch with what I went through at the time my seizures started and what events took place. Being this age, I felt pretty lonely going through all of this stuff and not being understood by anyone. Mostly people meant well, but how do you wrap your minds around a seizure disorder when you’ve never lived it or cannot see the damage? STORY TIME Let’s start a bit before the “war”, in a small town in Ohio. I was a young 13 year old girl who had been experiencing some stress at home with a sickness in the family, along with having a hard time making friends at a new school. I recall sitting bed one night with my sister in her room when I felt this small nod. It was so tiny that I thought it was maybe just me being so tired. It kept happening. Eventually, within the next school year, my stress started to heighten as well as the changes in my body. It finally showed up physically as my collapsing on the floor of my sister and I’s new bathroom getting ready for school and passing out. EKG’s, blood, and other tests were ran in hopes to figure out the cause of what was going on. We got our answer not too long after I returned to school. This is what I call “D-Day” for me. I remember vividly, being in 8th grade and going to lunch. After finishing all of my food, mostly everyone had left our table to go to the gym and play while I read my favorite book at the time “Maximum Ride”. Maybe one friend had been sitting across from be doing the same thing. Reading, yes reading, must have caused something to become triggered in side because that is the last memory I have.
If I could really describe a seizure, it would be something of this nature. Going into complete darkness….as if you do not exist. Consciously, you are not there and not aware of anything or anyone. It hits instantly for me, and time stands still in this dark void of a waiting room. Something seems (from what I am told) to take hold when I start to come to, because you could ask me anything under the sun and I will answer it full and truthfully. At some point, after the glaze in my eyes disappears I am released and return to my body with a welcoming headache of a thousand hangovers. My body feels like I have just been running for the past 3 days and on the way I pumped some mad iron at the gym while slamming my head against a brick wall. If I am lucky, I come out with no scratches or bruises. But alas, I’ve had (sometimes to me comical) bruises and scratches from a big fall. It’s needless to say, a magical moment in the family or relationship, depending on who is there.
 I awoke to the paramedics and my parents standing over me saying my name. I remember thinking to myself Oh no! If my parents are here….I must have done something pretty bad! “Kelly, can you hear me?”, one paramedic spoke. “Yes, what happened?”, my voice was horse for some reason. “You just had a seizure.”, I recall asking myself what a seizure was and looking it up later. Quite a smart 14 year old! But won’t lie, it was embarrassing for me at that age to of had a seizure in front of all of my classmates. Some even thought I was dying at that age, at the same time my dark humor sort of chuckles at one of my classmates running the hall screaming that “I am dying” (if she reads this I want to thank her for alerting the teachers that day). Also to the teacher who came running and flipped a table to get to me! Well, at least I didn’t get in trouble, but I still wish the two squirrels in my head started to duke it out over that nut at my house rather than in front of my whole entire class. YIKES! Needless to say, I went home early from school that day. With my extra time I remember looking up stuff about seizures, which lead me to the possibility of me having Epilepsy. My path lead me to Dayton Childrens Hospital, where I had my first EEG (fun little party of colorful wire strapped to your head with itchy glue that can give your skin reactions) and the results were more off the chart than a politician on lie detector test. My first diagnosis was based on the fact of my symptoms and the fact my EEG had been irregular. I was also met with a following of catscans and bloodwork to conclude what has started this wildfire inside my mind....conclusion....nothing...doctors do not know. It was true I had Epilepsy, but my rediagnosis came after I switched doctors and better medication, that might come with a later post. But cannot say regardless of the medical professionals I have met, each and every one taught me something different and how to become even more of my own advocate because who really knows your own body but you. Being a young tot, I was given my Keppra pills and told to be a good girl. If I took these things for the rest of my life, I’ll be ok. I wish it was so simple. Oh and by the way this disorder will never be healed and you probably will never drive (doctors words). But if you do drive, it comes with at least 3 months (6 months to a year depending where you are) seizure free (at the time impossible). Having a child might result in you giving your child the same disorder. Especially, what no doctor could understand is the side effect each medication gives you. Walking through the fog and having the feeling that every conversation is like reading one page in a book 5 times over and over again and still not getting the freaking words. People not quite getting why you talk slower when you felt like you processed everything just fine. Being underestimated when you have all the capabilities, just need a little extra time the world won’t give or why you can’t get up out of bed as fast as anyone or you’ll risk another seizure. The emotional and sometimes personality changes different medications can cause. Being taken advantage of in friendships, relationships, and not to mention working life. The fear your parents have for your future and the confusion/ frustration you have sifting through the fog that is your mind while losing yourself. People have a underlying stigma which I feel I want to mention in future blogs. I’ve spoken to many different people and told them about my life. Once you show them a face, the fear and the stigma releases. Honestly, I have many stories, but it would turn into a long long post.
Being put into this corner at times you underestimate yourself and how many options you have out there. But really if at one point thats all you hear, why not believe it. I didn’t know until I and my family reached out to others who had gone through the same or similar things. I am grateful to my family reaching out to the people they did in my time of need. It was a confusing time especially through my teens at first with my having multiple seizures and a doctor that was hard to reach.   It can be hard and at times lonely being: 1) a child with a disorder 2) a parent having a child with a disorder and doing your best
Becoming aware of diets like the Modified Atkins diet (if you have seizure, I suggest you look it up) is what started changing the chemistry in my brain. Along with going to a new doctor at the Mayo Clinic and becoming of all the other options as a adult and changing my medications to my needs. I personally drive right now, work through my own business, and strive to soon live on my own. It is possible, I have had my ups and downs where I have been set back with a seizure, but independence is possible. Maybe you’ll turn out more normal than me! But then again, who wants to be normal these days? =)
If you’re someone who has Epilepsy or knows of someone who has seizures please feel free to share. I understand what it is like to feel with Epilepsy not being as well known as it should. Becoming your own advocate and bringing light to the darkness of seizures is the best we can do. I’ve personally done this through my life coaching and my humor, because if you can’t laugh through the pain then you sink into it. WHAT I’VE LEARNED  These are things I have healed from, and have learned deep lessons over time that I want to bring to people. Taking the time to reflect and realizing what I have learned and blessing the broken road makes it all worth it. I have learned a deep sense of patience and can listen to those who tend to not be heard.  I tend to listen to my body way better over the years and have slowly gotten better at self love. Things like this always happen for a reason! I am perfectly imperfect as a result of it, so it is ok if I can’t get something right at first. The important part is that I have tried! I have learned if one thing doesn’t work, look elsewhere or outside the box and try everything! Take your time if needed, if someone is pushing you, they aren’t worth your time. Be grateful for what you have, not linger in what was loss. As a result the wounds, the scars, have made me a bad ass warrior along my journey to tell you the tale so far. I guess that kind of makes me cool!
If you’ve made it to this point I’d like to thank you for reading! And you’re awesome! If you liked this post feel free to look at my others and follow! https://kellyannecoaching.tumblr.com/post/165057903451/removing-the-mask
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nyoom-kaboom-blog · 7 years
Early Years (Birth - 9 years)
This part is going to be very spotty, as I messed up my ability to create and store memories when I was ~12, I will explain when I get to that point.
I was born on March 1st, 2000 (It was a Wednesday) at roughly 10:30 P.M. I don’t know a whole lot about my birth, and that’s okay as I don’t need to know a whole lot about it. I am the youngest out of two half brothers, born 1994 and 1997 respectivly. I was born Bipolar and with Innative ADHD, but they didnt get diagnosed until 2014 (maybe 2015)
As far as I can remember, I had a normal childhood. I lived in one place until I was around 4-5 years old, but I barely remember that stuff. When I was around 5 years old, my family went shopping for school supplies at an Office Maxx in my home town. We were babysitting the daughter of one of my fathers friends at the time, so she was with us as well. My Oldest brother was pushing the shopping cart and I was riding in the basket because thats what cool kids do. I was pretending I was a pirate and the shopping cart was my vessle. I was standing in the basket, and the little girl we were babysitting was sitting in the child seat of the shopping cart. My brother pushing it couldnt see me very well, so he was unaware of the fact I was standing. He shook the cart a bit and it made her laugh, so he continued shaking it. At some point I thought he was done, so I went to lean out and be a little risk taker. I had misjudged, and my brother shook the cart again which caused me to fall out of it. I landed flat on my head, and it split my skull open. I had to get rushed to the hospital, and honestly I don’t remember much after that. I remember waking up in a bright room with a young lady talking to me, telling me that I “was going into a big donut” (I was getting a catscan to make sure I wasnt perminately damaged from the fall) and after that point, I dont remember what happened. My next memory from that point was a few weeks later; my brothers friend had asked me if I got stitches or staples. (the answer was stitches, for those curious.) At that point, I don’t really remember anythig major happening until around the start of 4th grade, so I was still 9 years old.
September 28th, 2009. I was walking home from school. My uncle had recently moved back to town due to money issues, so both of my cousins were in the same school as me. I walked around to the front of the school, and saw my uncle and his English Bulldog standing outside of the school. He was waiting for his kids, and he was swaying a bit like he was dizzy (spoiler alert, he was drunk). I yelled “Hey Uncle Guy!” and he waved back at me, I ran up and hugged him, and told him that I’d see him at home. Fast forward a few hours, and my grandmother calls my mom. My parents had recently divorced, so my dad was staying somewhere else. She told me that I was going over to his house along with my other two brothers, which I thought was a little weird since we have different dads. We went over there, and we just hung out and watched tv. It reached around 10:30, and I was starting to fall asleep while watching family guy. My dad came out to my brothers and asked us to come into his room. We made some small talk, then he asked us to sit down and listen to him because he had some bad news for us. My dad is not a gentle man, and he didn’t put this news very gently. He was very blunt and straight to the point. He said: “Your uncle guy is dead”. My middle brother started crying immediately, and I just looked up at my dad, very confused. I had never dealt with death before this point; The most recent death in the family was about a month before I was born. I didn’t really understand what was going on, and I was kinda scared. My dad hugged us both and I started crying because I was scared. Not because I lost my uncle, but because I was scared of what was going on. After we calmed down, we drove out to my grandmothers house, where there were 10-15 cars outside. My mom was sitting in the driveway, crying her eyes out. We all got out of the car and my brothers and I ran over to her and hugged her; the gravity of the situation hadnt hit me yet. no words were spoken, and we eventually went inside to check on who else was at the house. My grandma, was also very distressed which now looking back on, shaped how she would act later in life. The county sherrif was in the house, asking her questions so we didn’t really get to talk to her about what was going on. My grandfather was sitting next to her, holding my grandma and stroking her hand. My great uncle was sitting in the same room, watching everybody silently, along with my great grandma. I still had no clue what was happening and I was still crying off and on because I was scared. I went out onto the back patio and sat in the swinging bench where I think I fell asleep. The next day, I went back home and it finally hit me what death meant. And it hit me hard. My uncles room was still set up in our basement, and I went down there not remembering what happened the night before. I almost fell to the floor as the vast emptyness that accompanys death hit me like a speeding train. I lost all feeling in almost all of my body and I went back upstairs, and started crying. I started crying because I saw him earlier in the day, I started crying because I couldnt believe that he didnt even say bye to me. I couldnt believe that that was the last time he said bye to his kids, the last time he said he loved them. It fucked me up for weeks. But, after that point my memories have faded to the point where its just mushed information that I cant recall. That was the last thing that happened when I was 9 that I remember vividly enough to retell here; so I believe that will conclude the first post.
Thank you for reading, and I will be back when I wake up with years 2010-13
(04:11 June 21, 2017)
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