#wait this isn't my notes app
fazcinatingblog · 8 months
Tally of food eaten by my boss today:
Half dozen cheese biscuits
Another half dozen cheese biscuits
Half dozen choc chip cookies
Another half dozen choc chip cookies
One pod espresso coffee
Glass of sparkling water
Whatever sandwich she brought from home (if any)
0 notes
fellstcr · 2 years
— on byleth’s fighting style.
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(as based only on her favored skills, and her canonical learned skills, across games!)
tl;dr: byleth prioritizes strength, speed, and quick-thinking in battle. she is willing and capable of forging a path for her troops and using her own strength to encourage them to fight at their best. she boasts a remarkable level of endurance, and uses her budding skills with faith magic to perform feats of healing as she wipes through the enemy lines.
       byleth’s nabatean ancestry allows for a great wellspring of magical power dwelling within her. one that grows until ultimately released in one big blast of energy (ie: releasing the spell aura on an enemy and landing a critical hit) this draconic lineage is obvious enough that it intimidates her foes on the battlefield. (interpretation: glowing eyes and glowing hair and a massively powerful aura really do just Be Like That.)
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Byleth’s favored skills:
hand-to-hand combat
(hidden talent) faith white magic
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BONUS: Byleth’s titles across games (and routes):
the enlightened one (her main title)
the ashen demon (formerly, and she dislikes this one)
the fell star (sothis’ former title, and now hers)
proven professor
the fodlan light
the sublime light
archbishop of the church of seiros (azure moon, specific)
queen of the united kingdom of fodlan (silver snow + verdant wind, specific)
the wandering flame (solo / CF specific)
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Byleth’s Stat Growths:
charm is her highest stat
her second highest stat is her HP/endurance
her third highest stat is strength
her dex, speed, and luck are her middle of the road - ( dex = ability to dodge / acrobatics) , (luck = divine favor, ability to evade and land critical hits)
magic and defense and resistance (aka magical defense) are her weakest stats, but not by very much.
Byleth’s Faith Spell List:
nosferatu - siphons health from foes
heal - basic healing magic
recover - advanced healing magic
aura - powerful faith magic that causes a tower of light rings to descend upon a foe.
Byleth’s Personal + Enlightened One Skills:
professor’s guidance - byleth is able to teach herself and those around her skills more quickly than others, allowing for great mastery. (it also boosts her own attack power)
divine pulse - the ability to stop and rewind time. allows for: creating new timelines at will (re: rewinding time), ‘warping’ across a battlefield using stopped time, and compounding attack power onto an enemy during stopped time, and allowing the effects to settle when time moves forward.
sacred power - byleth can negate damage done to allies and boost their damage output
absolve/terrain resistance - byleth can no longer by harmed by extreme heat/cold/terrain interference.
blessed breath (few:3h) - magic is used to recover hp / give a boost to her inner wellspring of power.
saint’s power (few:3h) - byleth’s power is constantly growing and inevitably will ready to be fully unleashed
goddess’ vessel (few:3h) - byleth is unable to be shaken and/or knocked back when in battle.
dragon gaze (feh) - byleth’s dragon lineage allows her an advantage (intimidation) on the battlefield
Sword Skills:
sword prowess - self-explanatory
wrath strike - (innate) a whirlwind attack with a sword.
grounder - a sword attack that is effective against flying units
bane of monsters - effective against monster foes.
axebreaker - axe : sword :: scissors : rock (+evasion)
windsweep - an attack that staggers the enemy and does not allow counterattacks
sword crit +10 - self explanatory
swordfaire - mastery of the sword
Hand-to-Hand Skills:
brawling prowess - proficiency with hand-to-hand combat.
fading blow - uses momentum of her blows to get around her enemies (backward)
rushing blow - uses momentum of her blows to get around her enemies (forward)
draining blow - siphons health from foes
healing focus - ability to heal oneself in combat
mystic blow - her blows are infused with magic.
fistfaire - mastery of hand-to-hand combat.
Faith Skills:
white magic avoid +20 - self-explanatory.
faith (prowess) - mastery of faith magic.
white magic range +1 - self-explanatory.
white tomefaire - allows for more prowess with offensive faith magic.
Authority Skills:
authority (prowess)  - mastery of leadership skills.
batallion vantage - when her troops morale/endurance is low, byleth will attack first.
model leader - her leadership allows her troops to learn faster on the battlefield.
defensive tactics - byleth reinforces her troops with defensive tactics.
rally movement - ability to motivate others on the battlefield, with an emphasis on being able to take in a battle quickly and react accordingly. (boosts speed/movement)
batallion desperation - when her troops morale/endurance is low, byleth will attack twice as fast and as hard.
offensive tactics - byleth’s troops have been taught to strike quickly and strike hard, making them powerful units in battle.
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vanteguccir · 4 months
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         𝒄𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Chris has the idea of doing the famous TikTok trend "fighting my girlfriend in front of my brothers" with Y/N, just to see Nick and Matt's reaction.
WARNING: Fake fighting, yelling, crying.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism, copy, or "inspiration"! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
   ༻✦༺  ༻✧༺ ༻✦༺
It was a typical sunny Sunday afternoon. The family of four were at home, enjoying the weekend to relax after their recent trip to Boston.
Nick and Matt were in the living room, playing video games on the big television, loud sounds of car and guns accompanied by laughter and swearing echoed through the large room; while Y/N and Chris were in the kitchen, the girl cooking lunch for them while her boyfriend was leaning against the closed refrigerator, enjoying the light cold that the stainless steel surface provided for his body.
His hands were holding his phone, where he was absentmindedly watching videos on TikTok, scrolling mindlessly, his blue eyes occasionally looking up at his girl, watching her with passionate and careful eyes.
Y/N was cutting some vegetables when Chris quickly approached out of nowhere, surprising her by suddenly touching her back, a wide smile already resting on his face.
"Babe, look at this!" The brunette shouted in a whisper, raising his right hand and resting his cell against his own palm so that the screen was facing Y/N, touching his thumb to the softly lit surface.
Y/N put down the pointy knife momentarily, focusing on the video on low volume that showed a couple pretending to fight each other over something silly in the presence of the boy's parents, apparently waiting to see the reaction of the elders. She had already watched some similar videos on her own app, vaguely remembering the new and already very known trend.
Her confused eyes looked up at her boyfriend's face after the video ended and went back to the beginning automatically, seeing him already looking back at her with a euphoric gaze.
"That's cool, baby, but what does it mean?"
Chris explained his plan in detail in a hushed tone, keeping an attentive eye to his brothers, not wanting them to see his actions.
He would go to their room to "get something" and seconds later, he would go back upstairs pretending to be furious, holding a broken mug that he would also pretend that was his favorite. He would accuse Y/N of breaking the dishes and say horrible things to her in front of Nick and Matt, all to see his brothers' reaction.
"Do you think this is a good idea? What if they take it too seriously?" Y/N watched him explain in detail, her teeth capturing her bottom lip in a light grip momentarily, feeling hesitant.
"Relax, it'll be so cool! Nick and Matt will understand when we explain it after. Plus, it'll be funny to see their reaction." Chris explained quickly, pushing his girl's right shoulder with his own before gluing his hands in a praying gesture.
After a few moments of reflection, Y/N agreed, rolling her eyes playfully at his happiness before picking up her knife again and going back to cutting the vegetables, watching from the corner of her eye as Chris opened one of the cabinets above the stove and fished a dull, white mug from the bottom of the triplets' collection.
The boy showed the piece to his girl excitedly, receiving a laugh and shaking of head as a response. He leaned slightly towards her, sealing the top of her head softly before turning around, walking in discreet steps to the stairs that led to their shared room.
It didn't take long for the sound of footsteps to be heard again, this time firmer and faster. The boy quickly went up the last steps, already getting into character. When he entered the double room, his face was red with "anger" and he held the shards of the mug tightly.
"Y/N!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the house. "Did you do this shit?" His hand, which was holding the broken mug, rose into the air, rudely showing the pieces. "You broke my favorite mug!? How could you be so careless?"
Nick and Matt, who were sitting on the couch, looked up quickly, stopping playing instantly, focusing their widened eyes on Chris. They had never seen their brother so upset, not with his girlfriend.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!"
Y/N dropped the knife on the counter with a dull thud, turning around slowly in fright, a fake expression of surprise resting on her face.
"Chris, I swear I didn't do it on purpose." The girl said, her voice slightly shaking as she raised her hands in surrender. "I was just cleaning up the mess, trying to help..."
"Help? You messed everything up! As always." Chris retorted, walking quickly towards the kitchen table and throwing the broken pieces of the mug against the wooden surface, the sound of more shattering ceramics echoing through the room. "That was my favorite mug! Do you have any idea when I got it? Years ago! You're useless, Y/N. Honestly, I don't even know why I'm still with you!"
Nick and Matt looked at each other, visibly uncomfortable and shocked. Nick shook his head, trying to understand if this was serious, while Matt bit his own lower lip, seeming to have an internal struggle between intervening or not. The sound of the video game coming from the television sounded muffled to their ears.
"C-Chris, I'm sorry, I can try to find another-"
"There's no other like it, Y/N! How could you?!" The boy growled, his features tightening more.
"Chris, hey, that's enough." Matt finally intervened, rising from his seat on the couch and approaching with cautious steps. "It's just a mug. You're overreacting."
"Overreacting? You don't understand, Matt. She always does this! Always ruins everything!" Chris continued, walking around the table and advancing towards Y/N, who took a few steps back until her back was against the counter, pretending to be scared. "Look at her! She can't even do a simple task without ruining it!"
"I'm so sorry, Chris. I didn't mean to do that..." Y/N made her bottom lip tremble slightly, forcing her own eyes to water. "Maybe it can be fixed-"
"Apologies aren't gonna fix it, Y/N! I'm sick of your messes!" He shouted as he gestured furiously, moving even closer.
Nick stood up from the couch abruptly as he saw his brother getting closer and closer to his best friend, his own fists clenched.
"Enough, Chris. I'm not going to let you talk to her like that. This is ridiculous! You're losing your temper." The oldest triplet shouted angrily, approaching Matt and glaring at Chris, who completely ignored him and continued advancing.
Matt realized within seconds that his brother wasn't going to hear Nick, sending a look towards the older triplet, who quickly shook his head. Nick approached the girl with quick steps, feeling Matt's eyes on his back, moving closer to the couple and placing himself in front of Y/N, crossing his arms firmly, his eyebrows knitting together in an angrier expression.
"Get out of the way, Nick. This is none of your business." Chris imitated his posture, crossing his arms and glaring at him, taking a quick look at his girl behind his brother, seeing her slightly wet face below the light of the room, feeling like crying himself. He hated seeing her upset.
"Oh, but it is my business, yes. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that!" Nick replied, his voice firm. "And if you scream one more time, I swear I'll shove all these mug pieces in your mouth and make you swallow them."
"You're crossing the line, Chris. It's just a mug, man. That's no reason to act like that. She's your girlfriend and a woman, have some respect, Mary Lou didn't teach you that." Matt joined Nick, nodding as he walked over as well, standing close to Y/N, casting a quick look of concern in her direction.
"How can you defend her? She broke my favorite mug due to lack of attention! I'm so sick of-" Chris's sentence was rudely interrupted by Nick, who took a step closer to him, his right hand coming up quickly and his fingers grabbing the tip of Chris's exposed ear, pulling it down hard. "Ouch! Are you fucking crazy? Nick!"
"You will see crazy if you insult my best friend one more time." Nick quickly responded, shrugging and looking down on him.
Chris held his glare for a few more seconds, his blue eyes darting from Matt - who was stroking Y/N's right shoulder lightly, asking in a hushed voice if she was okay - to Nick and back again, his ear starting to burn with pain, until he finally couldn't take it anymore and started laughing.
Y/N stopped pretending to cry and smiled, relieved, quickly wiping her face as a tearful laugh escaped her throat, jokingly pushing Matt lightly.
"Surprise!" Chris said, still laughing. "You've been pranked."
Nick and Matt broke their tense postures within seconds, Matt lowering his arms so they were straight at his sides before turning, looking at the two, confused for a moment.
"You two are such idiots!" Matt exclaimed, raising his right hand and running his fingers furiously across his face, trying to ease the tension that had settled there. "I almost had a heart attack here!"
"I really thought you were out of control, Chris." Nick said, letting go of his brother's ear, rolling his eyes at the wince the younger let out. "Don't ever do that again!"
"You almost got my ear off!" Chris exclaimed, massaging his ear and casting a look of fake horror towards his girlfriend, who laughed quietly at his reaction.
"You'll see what I'll really get off if you do that shit again. You too, Y/N." Nick pointed at the girl, receiving a look of false shock.
"It was his idea!"
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ashherahh · 1 month
your first date + first interactions with your future spouse
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Note: Please take it if it resonates, leave it if it doesn't. Meditate before making your decision. It's completely okay if you don't resonate with this reading. The collective is huge and I'm sure you'll receive the messages you need in due time.
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pile 1
Cards: King of Wands, The Sun, Temperance, The Fool, Four of Wands
I literally giggled when the first card popped out! This is a very much a "When I see you, it's on sight" kinda situation.
I'm not saying you'll get hot and heavy on your first date (maybe), but I'm picking up that the attraction is very energetic and very, very strong. You feel like you met someone who matches your freak in every way.
I'm seeing a lot of smiling, giggling. They make you nervous, you'll probably not realise how much you're blushing until you decide to go to the restroom and see how absolutely down bad you look. You'll leave the date with your cheeks hurtin'!
I'm picking up a very chilled setting as a first date, the date itself is very low-key but damn, the vibes... The vibes are immaculate. Either you or your future spouse immediately know that you're it for each other. Maybe both of you realise it at the same time!
For some of you, you might be on a dating app or your friends put you on the dating up and you matched with your future spouse. The conversation was quite normal, no real fireworks and that's why your first date was at a very neutral place. But y'all, when you see each other and start talking and laughing, FIREWORKS!
For others, I see you apart of the same group of people. Like you might have mutual friends and see each other at parties and events or whatever. They always caught your eye and you always caught theirs but you never really spoke to each other. There's an image clearly in my mind for some of you, you're sitting on the couch with this person while a party is dying down (finally, sort of alone). There's sparks, connection, it's all so intimate.
I'm seeing New Year's might be significant for this pile. There's a lot of physical and spiritual attraction here. It's also very giddy. It's that feeling you get when you just can't stop laughing, an overwhelming joy.
pile 2
Cards: Two of Swords, Judgement, Five of Swords, Wheel of Fortune, Six of Cups, Three of Wands
Your future spouse plans your first date. They really wine and dine you actually. They're more of a romantic than you are. When you meet your future spouse, one of you is looking to settle down and be in an exclusive, proper relationship and one of you is on the fence.
My dear reader, I feel like you'll be the one on the fence.
For some of you, there's a person in your past you felt like should've been your end game but it seemed like there was something always missing. You might be in a state of right person, wrong time and it's left you feeling hopeless. You're sorting of still waiting on them...
When you meet your future spouse, it's like you're going on a series of dates to get this past lover out of your mind. Your future spouses energy is very gentle and understanding, but you're not really paying attention in the beginning. They are willing to wait for you.
This isn't an immediate knowing. You don't know this person is your future spouse when you meet them, you might be seeing a few people while seeing them. I'm not seeing cheating but I am seeing is that you two don't get exclusive immediately.
You're feeling out your options. Deep down you're afraid of making the wrong one and a part of you is like, is there even a wrong one? Do I believe in stuff like The One? Your past lover did a number on you, I can see.
I do see that everything eventually comes to a head and you need to make a decision, I see you making the right one for yourself in that space and time. Don't worry, your future spouse does stick around and I see you two smoothing all the rough patches.
pile 3
Cards: Strength, The Chariot, The Moon, Page of Pentacles, Two of Cups Rx, Ace of Swords Rx
Interactions with your future spouse leave you feeling like you're in a game of cat and mouse. Oh my goodness, they make you flustered! Oh, but you keep telling yourself they're not your type and you will not date someone like them.
You guys know of each other for a while. Maybe you went to the same schools or you even met them at uni and they just always left a sour taste in your mouth.
Hectic, I'm picking up strongly that you're turned off by them because they always have their foot in their mouth and they say dumb shit to you. That's hilarious! Be a little patient with them, you make them nervous.
Goodness, I see them treating you like royalty and they just want to be your loyal subject. Oooh, they literally just want to please you. If you ever do give them a chance just know that you're getting SPOILED.
They're going above and beyond for your first date and even though you have the impression of them that they're a bumbling oaf, you're surprised by how much attention to detail they put into everything. For some of you there's three parts to your first date, it'll last for hours actually and in that time, pile 3, they ended up cracking you open like a walnut!
You have to let your heart guide you in matters of the heart. Your mind will not be able to understand what your heart is telling you. This is especially the case as your future spouse challenges your idea of who you envisioned your future spouse to be. Good luck, babe!
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gootarts · 1 year
as of 8/3, the most recently updated version of this post is here (it's a reblog of this exact post with more info added)
as a lot of you know, limbus company recently fired its CG illustrator for being a feminist, at 11 pm, via phone call, after a bunch of misogynists walked into the office earlier that day and demanded she be fired. on top of this, as per korean fans, her firing went against labor laws---in korea, you must have your dismissal in writing.
the korean fandom on twitter is, understandably, going scorched earth on project moon due to this. there's a lot currently going on to protest the decision, so i'm posting a list here of what's going on for those who want to limit their time on elon musk's $44 billion midlife crisis impulse purchase website (if you are on twitter, domuk is a good person to follow, as they translate important updates to english). a lot of the links are in korean, but generally they play nicely with machine translators. this should be current as of 8/2.
Statements condemning the decision have been issued by The Gyeonggi Youth Union and IT Union.
A press conference at the Gyeonggido Assembly will occur on 8/3, with lawmakers of the Gyeonggi province (where Project Moon is based) in attendance. This appears driven by the leader of the Gyeonggi Youth Union.
The vice chairman of the IT union--who has a good amount of experience with labor negotiations like these--has expressed strong support for the artist and is working to get media coverage due to the ongoing feminist witch hunts in the gaming industry. Project Moon isn't union to my knowledge, but he's noted that he's taken on nonunion companies such as Netmarble (largest mobile game dev in South Korea) by getting the issue in front of the National Assembly (Korea's congress).
Articles on the incident published in The Daily Labor News, Korean Daily, multiple articles on Hankyoreh (one of which made it to the print edition), and other news outlets.
Segments about the termination on the MBN 7 o' clock news and MBC's morning news
Comments by Youth Union leaders about looking into a loan made to Project Moon via Devsisters Ventures, a venture capital firm. Tax money from Gyeonggi province was invested in Devsisters in 2017, and in 2021, Devsisters gave money to Project Moon. The Gyeonggi Youth Union is asking why hard-earned tax money was indirectly given to a company who violates ESG (environmental, social and governance) principles.
Almost nonstop signage truck protests outside Project Moon's physical office during business hours until 8/22 or the company makes a statement. This occurs alongside a coordinated hashtag campaign to get the issue trending on Twitter in Korea. The signage campaign was crowd-funded in about 3 hours.
A full boycott of the Limbus Company app, on both mobile and PC (steam) platforms. Overseas fans are highly encouraged to participate, regardless if whether they're F2P or not. Not opening the app at all is arguably the biggest thing any one person can do to protest the decision, as the app logs the number of accounts that log on daily. For a new gacha such as Limbus, a high number of F2P daily active users, but a small number of paying users is often preferable to having a smaller userbase but more paying users. If the company sees the number of daily users remain stable, they will likely decide to wait out any backlash rather than apologize.
Digging up verified reviews from previous employees regarding the company's poor management practices
Due to the firing, the Leviathan artist has posted about poor working conditions when making the story. As per a bilingual speaker, they were working on a storyboard revision, and thought 'if I ran into the street right now and got hit by a car and died, I wouldn't have to keep working.' They contacted Project Moon because they didn't want their work to be like that, and proposed changes to serialization/reduction in amount of work per picture/to build up a buffer of finished images (they did not have any buffer while working on Leviathan to my knowledge). They were shut out, and had to suck it up and accept the situation.
Hamhampangpang has a 'shrine' section of the restaurant for fans to leave fan-created merch and other items. They also allow the fans to take this merch back if they can prove it's theirs. Fans are now doing just that.
To boost all of the above, a large number of Korean fanartists with thousands of followers have deleted their works and/or converted their accounts from fanart accounts to accounts supporting the protests. Many of them are bilingual, and they're where I got the majority of this information.
[note 1: there's a targeted english-language disinformation campaign by the website that started the hate mob. i have read the artist's tweets with machine translation, and they're talked about in the second hankyoreh article linked above: nowhere does she express any transphobic or similarly awful beliefs. likewise, be wary of any claims that she supported anything whose description makes you raise eyebrows--those claims are likely in reference to megalia, a korean feminist movement. for information on that, i'd recommend the NPR/BBC articles below and this google drive link of english-language scholarly papers on them. for the love of god don't get your information about a feminist movement from guys going on witch hunts for feminists.]
[note 2: i've seen a couple people argue that the firing was for the physical safety of the employees, citing the kyoani incident in japan. as per this korean fan, most fans there strongly do not believe this was the case. we have english-translated transcripts of the meeting between the mob and project moon; the threats the mob was making were to......brand project moon as a feminist company online. yes, really. male korean gamers aren't normal about feminism, and there's been an ongoing witch hunt for feminists in the industry since about 2016, something you see noted in both the labor union statements. both NPR and the BBC this phenomenon to gamergate, and i'd say it's a pretty apt comparison.]
let me know if anything needs correction or if anything should be added.
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hamletphase · 8 months
splatoon tumblr dashboard simulator
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🤡 aerospraypro
they should invent a version of turf war where we don't splat each other :(
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#i just want to paint #talks
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🌊 officialdeepcut ✅
🌊 officialdeepcut ✅
if shiver wins again i'm going to splat myself
🦈 sharkbait420
wrong account, frye
( 1,405 notes )
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🫶 mrblobloblob Follow
Not to doxx myself but i really should have looked into why rent at flounder heights was so cheap. just found a super chump attached to my front door.
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#this is literally moray towers all over again
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🐻 grizzco✅ Follow
We at Grizzco Industries are devoted to doing absolutely everything in our power to create a brighter future. That's why we have decided to start an official blog here on Squidblr, and are beginning a test phase of company-mandated posting. Chosen workers will have approximately ten seconds between waves to make text posts and memes to share with their happy little coworkers. App posts will be found under the hashtag #grizzco is life !
Now get back to work!
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#grizzco loves you #grizzco is life #work at grizzco #power eggs #anti salmonid
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🍉 hotlantisemployee69 Follow
song that goes bang bang bing bang bing bang bing bing bing bing bing bing bang
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#tetraposting #wow i did not expect this to get this many notes #1k #5k #10k #15k
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🦑 squidsister-updates Follow
Marie and Callie spotted heading into their Inkopolis recording studio with Big Man of hit Splatlands sensation Deep Cut. This is big news following their recent collab with "Ian BGM," who many have theorized to be Big Man.
🤭 theeeldeal
now wait a damn minute 🫵
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👑 mcprincess
pronouns suck lol
🎧 djhyperfresh✅
I love you but please turn off your phone. please stop this. i know this isn't your heart.
👑 mcprincess
youre mom suck me good and hard thru my jorts
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☹️ agent8 Follow
where am i
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🫀 ihatemyjob
#grizzco is life
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3nni3 · 11 days
What happens in teledisko, stays in teledisko...
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cw: +18, nsfw, rpf, consumption of alcohol, smut (handjob), cursing, lowkey exhibitionism. f! reader
a/n: when the idiots get an idea for a story, i make it happen. this is my first smut i've ever published, and english isn't my first language, but i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing this. also if you find any mistakes, no you didn't 😅
no word count because idfk i wrote this in my phone's notes app👍🏻 kinda short one
okay let's go
The night had started out with getting drinks at the nearest Späti. You two had been wandering around Berlin for a few hours now, getting drinks at every corner store. After seven different spätis, and six beers (one stop was to get a bottle of water, even though the tall man who accompanied you wasn't that excited about your drink of choice) you started feeling tipsy and tired.
Sightseeing in Berlin was amazing, but tiring. You felt the energy being drained from your body and ready to return to your hotel, but the man who was sat next to you in this tram had other ideas.
"Found it!" he basically dragged you after him, holding your hand gently but firmly as you approached the teledisco booth. This was a mutual agreement earlier today, before you felt too tired, but your time together was getting closer to an end so you pushed past the exhaustion and enjoyed the moment.
You stop in front of the screen to choose a song, and he stands next to you, his hands now in his pockets.
Scrolling through the music lists, looking for the perfect one, you find something. "Can we do Gimme Gimme Gimme by ABBA?" you ask and press the button, without waiting for an answer. He grabs you by your shoulders and pushes you in the booth, closing the door behind him laughing.
The first notes of Gimme Gimme Gimme starts playing, lights flash and the vibe is intense. You scream out the lyrics together, your arms against each other as you feel the beat of the music in your body.
The space is small, not much air left between you two as you glance up at him, noticing his eyes on you, the hot air in the booth making him sweat and his face glisten. 'He looks so fucking hot' you think to yourself as you suddenly get pressed against the wall, startled. His chest is flush against yours as he gently tilts your head up, feeling his breath against your lips as you look him in the eyes.
"You're gonna be the death of me..." his voice is a whisper, but loud enough for you to hear. He captures your lips in a heated kiss, the music fading in the background as you feel his tongue brush against your lower lip. The intensity of the moment drowns your thoughts and your mind gets blurry. The blonde man's hands explore your body as yours find their way to his hair, pulling slightly as he moans against your lips. That must be the most gorgeous sound you have ever heard. You pull away to breathe, he smiles against your lips as the song nears it's end and you hear the last chords of it playing.
"Another song or do we get the fuck out of here?" he asks smirking. You push him away, laughing, as you pass him and step out of the booth, going back to the screen to choose another song. Joost stands behind you, and you feel him take a step closer. His chest pressing up against your back and you feel lips on your neck, making your breath shaky. Shaking him off of you, you open the door to the booth. "Ladies first," you joke as he rolls his eyes laughing, entering the booth.
Stepping in the booth after him as Call Out My Name by The Weeknd starts playing, and everything feels like a fever dream. Beautiful man in front of you, smiling his charming smile, you both surrounded by music and flashing lights.
"So this was your song of choice huh?" his voice low as he presses you against a wall once again. You feel his hand dragging down from your chest, over your stomach, to the hem of your skirt, lifting it up as his fingers trace your inner thigh. Whimpers leave your mouth as he grins at you, pressing his lips slowly against yours.
"What's up with all the teasing?" you ask, pulling away for a moment, playing with the buckle of his belt, and it opens...accidentally? Oops. Your fingers find their way to the waistband of his boxers, sliding ever so slightly underneath it. As a shaky moan escapes his lips, he laughs quietly, his eyes closed and his head slightly tilted back, mouth staying open. You slide your hand a bit further and his eyebrows furrow as he whimpers, begging for any kind of friction with the desperate sounds leaving his mouth. He drags his hand up your thigh, thumb getting dangerously close to your heat, turning the tables as you're now the one who's desperately trying to hold back the whining.
"Oh so this is how you wanna play?" you smirk as you slide your hand fully in his boxers, placing your fingers firmly around his length as your thumb brushes over the tip. He lets out a loud moan, slapping a hand over his mouth to muffle the beautiful sounds as you stroke him up and down. His head falls back, eyes squeezing shut and his concentration drifting away enough so he drops his other hand down from your thigh, fully at your mercy now.
"You sure you wanna keep doing this here?" you ask as he moans again. "I truly do not give a fuck." he answers with his head still tilted back and eyes squeezed shut. You grin and move your hand faster, as he grabs your shoulders to gain some kind of balance. As if it wouldn't be hard enough to maintain your own balance with how tipsy you are, you now need to hold up the man who's literally towering over you. His head falls forward on your shoulder as your thumb brushes over his tip again.
"I'm not gonna last much longer, liefde..." he lets out a chuckle, but not amused one. More like an 'embarrassed about how strongly he reacts to your touch' one. Proud smile creeps up on your lips as you try to hold the man up while he moans shakily in your ear. "The song isn't that long either." you remind him, and the exciting realisation hits you both that anyone could open the door any second and see this all.
You feel yourself getting more wet by every moan he lets out, every breath you feel against your neck. He presses his mouth on the soft skin of your neck, nibbling as he tries to muffle out his begging whimpers. You work your hand up and down, earning more and more beautiful sounds that get louder by every stroke.
You feel him twitch in your grip, his teeth on your neck making sure there's going to be a mark to remind you of this later. "Don't stop... please liefje, please don't stop," his weak words can be heard repeatedly against your neck as your strokes get faster and faster. His hips thrust up to meet the movement of your hand, chasing the high. The last chorus of the song starts playing in the background and your hand works it's magic on his length, feeling the twitching again.
With a final few strokes you feel your hand being coated by his warm release. High pitched whimpers leave his mouth, turning into breathless chuckles as his forehead remains rested on your shoulder. "Fuck...liefde..." he tries to catch his breath, "you're insane..." he finally manages to mumble, still chuckling, as he lifts his head up from your shoulder to meet your eyes.
You laugh, pulling your hand out of his pants and fixing his belt as the song's final chords fade out. He opens the door, places a soft kiss on your lips and steps out as you walk behind him, wiping your hand to a tissue you found in your purse.
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iwasdear · 4 months
I'm coming in with another thought about Matsukawa cus he lives in a penthouse in my brain and bro is not moving out any time soon
he did not truely grasp how big his meat was until he lost his virginity
sure he's not dumb he knew it was definitely something but not until he got a girl in bed did he realize his shtick was built different
and lemme say that did more than just inflate his ego, he was a changed man
And doesn't just slang it all willy nilly and expect his size to do all the work, he learned the motion of the ocean and was a certified sex god from that point forward‼
Not just cocky for cockys sake, he promises a good time and sure as hell lays it tf down too😼
On a similar note can I ask how you think all the seijoh 4 first times went? when? how? what do you think?
oh i definitely fuck with this thought, anon. he's not cocky just because he can be cocky, but it's because he knows he can be cocky. matsukawa isn't like those annoying mfs that are cocky because they think they're the shit. he is the shit. after that encounter where he lost his virginity, he became a god and nobody could stop him no more.
now, here is how i think seijoh 4z first time went ( with reader ) ★
oikawa had his first time at a party. since he's very popular, he gets invited to parties often. i feel like he def had no idea as to what the fuck to do, but i mean, you're not bound to knows when it's your first time, right? he was really excited about it, though, and spoiler: he came really fast! we understand, king. hormones are everywhere, there's a rush that's hard to ignore, its a first time sensation, how could he hold back? he had a round two after that because he reached his own high, but reader didn't even get to enjoy theirs, and let me tell you. his second orgasm hit him ten times harder. i know this messed up with his ego so he's been participating in every no nut november like a loser because he says it will help him last longer (it really doesn't).
mattsun had a pretty decent first time with a date, and it went absolutely amazing for both of them. the amount of stamina this guy has is insane. they met on a dating app, both of their profiles specifying that they didn't want anything serious, much rather looking for a quick hook-up. it was then when matsukawa realized his cock was in fact not your average dick. the fact that his huge buddy could make someone cry in pain fascinated him. my guy has morals so he held back so reader could adjust but god was his ego over the roof. ever since then, mattsun proudly carries a weapon between his legs.
makki had his first time in a damn club HANDS DOWN. unlike oikawa, who had the commodity of a (strangers) bed, hanamaki went at it in a bathroom. oh yeah. ngl i feel like he's a sucker for head, so they went with that first! he loved it, btw. lasted quite long but not too long, iykwim. then he proceeded to fuck reader on the sink. some clubs tend to have full body mirrors and my gut is telling this mf had a second round but this time full view on said mirror. the ones above the sink weren't it for him. out of the 4, i personally think makki is the most experienced. he knew what he was doing the moment they walked into that bathroom. if you're wondering, they waited for it to empty out and locked the doors and didn't let anyone in for a good two hours, teehee.
this one may be a little too biased because i love iwaizumi a little too much, and in my eyes, he's a gentleman. unlike the other 3, iwa had his first time with someone he was in a stablished relationship with at the time. it was actually quite romantic and beautiful and SIKE. hajime had his first time in the lockers. stressed from dealing with oikawa and his annoying fangirls, mattsun and makki holding him back from beating the shit out of his best friend, and just built up stress from other things. he was over it. the stablished relationship part is true. he asked reader to meet in the lockers a little earlier than the time practice usually ends because he heard from others (mattsun) that sex was a good stress reliever. by the way, iwaizumi was the last to lose his virginity. the gentleman part was also true because despite being someone who doesn't speak his mind outloud, my man still had the courage to confidently ask reader if they could do the deed right there and then. tbh i feel like he likes his privacy, and i mean, anyone could walk in any second, so they both went with the showers. great experience if you ask him, but he would NOT do it in an open space like that ever again.
© iwasdear | more thoughts are welcome!
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suiana · 2 years
✎ yandere! hacker headcanons . . .
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✎ warnings . . .
― online stalking, blackmailing, possessiveness, etc.
(gn! reader x male yandere! oc)
✎ yandere! hacker who happens to stumble upon your Instagram page and is immediately enchanted by your beautiful appearance.
✎ yandere! hacker who stalks your page to try to find out more about you and to find more pictures of your beautiful face. imagine his disappointment when he finds out that you do not own any other pages.
✎ yandere! hacker who resorts to stalking your friends and their pages to get more pictures and information on you.
✎ yandere! hacker who becomes enraged when he discovers that you already happen to have a significant other. worry not, for he is a hacker and only needs a few clicks of his mouse to find out more information about your significant other.
✎ yandere! hacker who blackmails and threatens your significant other to leak their information to certain people in the underground industry. if they will not willingly leave you, he shall make their life a living hell.
✎ yandere! hacker who is pleased when your significant other agrees to leave you. great! now it's time to approach and get to know you better.
✎ yandere! hacker who becomes a good friend of yours and becomes an online bestie whom you can confide in.
✎ yandere! hacker who hacks your devices and leaves you spooked, resulting in you venting to him about your device glitching.
✎ yandere! hacker who successfully attempts to frame your ex significant other by leaving their initials on the end of a very creepy and detailed message you found in your notes app.
✎ yandere! hacker who you eventually fall in love with for sticking with you. after all, he is all you have left after all your friends suddenly asked to stop being friends with a rather worried expression on their faces. you still wonder from time to time what caused them to act in such a frantic manner.
✎ yandere! hacker who is shaking in happiness when you confess to him and ask him to be your boyfriend. it was so worth it to blackmail your friends!
✎ yandere! hacker, who you become emotionally dependent on through his subtle manipulation, is madly in love with you and would do anything to keep you safe with him. perhaps he should book a flight to your country and surprise you? oh, he can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you! he'll be able to provide with you too as he's a renowned hacker that gets paid a lot which means that you won't have to work. isn't that great! now you won't need to leave him! you won't be able to leave him. your hacker boyfriend is so grateful for having come across your Instagram page. if he hadn't, he wouldn't have such a wonderful darling <3
✎ "my sweet darling, I love you ♡"
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fazcinatingblog · 2 years
to do list on monday:
photo of front door (the glass is being changed and the writing is being re-done idk)
query list to client
go through external bookkeeper's invoice to document which entities he's worked on
probably 40 other things my boss has mentioned to me this weekend that i have forgotten
0 notes
writingstoraes · 1 year
part two of charles leclerc/fem!verstappen!reader pls your first one was so good!!!
red vs red 🚥
pairing: charles leclerc/fem!verstappen!reader
type: instagram imagine/social media au
notes: thank u for loving the first, anon! hope u like this one 🤍 and thank u for requesting heheh, also formatting may look weird in ios devices idk this app wont let me fix the errors in bold letters 😭
summary: no peaceful race when there's banter between your boyfriend and your own brother, might as well just join the ruckus they cause!
reading the first part isn't necessary, just provides context! but if you want, read part 1 here!
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liked by lilymhe, charles_leclerc, pierregasly, and 870,445 others
ynverstappen happy race week, everybody! glad to be back in the paddock supporting my favorite driver ever ❤ goodluck, my baby love charles_leclerc! will be waiting for you after quali with lots of kisses and hugs :)
ps. spending quali in ferrari because i am on redbull duty tomorrow 🙏
charles_leclerc Always happy you're by my side, amoúr. Je táime 😘
maxverstappen Will never get used to this 🤮
ynverstappen we've literally been together for 3 years
maxverstappen And by favorite driver ever, you mean me, right?
charles_leclerc Are you the one in the picture? Then no 🙂
scuderiaferrari Red is your color, Y/N! ❤️
redbullracing Absolutely not, we do not think so!
scuderiaferrari Respectfully, no one asked you.
lestappen16 Love how even the team admins are in their own playful feud 😭
pierreluvr someone give y/n a break from dealing with charles and max lmaooowjwjsjsj
maxverstappen Why are you making it sound like supporting me at redbull is a responsibility and not something you want to do? 😔
charles_leclerc Because it's not.
ynverstappen jesus i just want one peaceful race is it so hard to ask for
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liked by maxverstappen, arthurleclerc, isahernaez, and 780,223 others
ynverstappen watching today's race from the redbull garage! wishing my dearest brother the best today, please stop believing the rumors he spreads re: me hating red bull. he is overdramatic. anyway, here's a selfie of max and i at quali yesterday! 🤍
tagged: maxverstappen
charles_leclerc You're not in our garage? Okay that makes me sad then 💔
ynverstappen will still root for you, don't worry 😁
maxverstappen Not under my watch you're not
maxverstappen My own sister wearing a ferrari jacket beside her brother who races for red bull. The betrayal is just so.
charles_leclerc Deserved.
redbullracing We love having you here, Y/N 🖤
scuderiaferrari 😒
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liked by pierregasly, redbullracing, scuderiaferrari, and 450,221 others
ynverstappen my boys have done it again! congratulations on the podium, men who continuously pester me at every race weekend ❤️
tagged: maxverstappen & charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc My biggest fan ❤️ Je tàime, baby!
maxverstappen That's literally my sister
charles_leclerc She's literally my girlfriend
maxverstappen #1 supporter! Love you to bits, sister 😄
vers166 y/n should get an award for dealing w charles and max everyday
ynverstappen amen sister 🙏
landonorris Leave them and support me at McLaren!
charles_leclerc ??
maxverstappen No.
tagging: @slytherheign
notes: ig imagines take sooo long 😭 lmk what u guys think!
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vanteguccir · 7 months
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        𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒕 𝒔𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒐𝒍𝒐 x reader
SUMMARY: Where Y/N participates in the Disgusting Food Roulette video and ends up having to take care of Matt.
WARNING: Feeling sick in the stomach.
REQUESTED?: Yes, by anon.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: That is my work, I DON'T authorize any plagiarism! | English isn't my first language, so I'm sorry if there's any grammar error.
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"I really need to participate?" Y/N asked as she ran her eyes over the triplets. She had her hips resting on the table, where various types of food, sweets, and drinks were displayed.
"It'll be cool! And Matt needs the emotional support." Nick joked, lightly patting Matt's right shoulder, who was looking at the food with a disgusted look.
“It’s not like you won’t do well, Y/N.” Chris scoffed, crossing his arms, before looking at the camera. "She is the only person in the world who isn't fussy about any food. Anything you give her, she will eat it."
The girl rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh while shaking her head. It was true that she wasn't fussy about food, but that didn't hold back the shiver that ran up her spine every time she looked at some of the items on the table.
Raw egg? Easy cheese? She felt sick to her stomach just thinking about the taste of them against her tongue.
"As you can see, we have four separate piles of food here. Y/N didn't buy the food of her side since we decided she would participate when we were already at the grocery store." Matt explained while gesturing to the separated piles.
"Exactly, so we bought the food for her." Nick finished with a smirk on his face, arranging the items in a row.
"They put me in a mess, guys. I didn't even know what foods they would buy, now I regret even getting out of bed." Y/N grumbled miserably, helping the boys open all the product packaging.
Nick rolled his eyes at her drama, quickly explaining about the app they would use to choose who would go in turn.
"Let's begin!"
"Please, don't be me. Please, don't be me." Nick speaks repeatedly with a frown on his face, his right hand over his mouth while his left index finger pressed the screen of his phone.
Y/N let out a laugh at him, also pressing her finger on the screen, along with Chris and Matt. Matt's right arm was around her shoulder as he took deep breaths, trying to calm the strong, disgusting taste that was settling in his mouth.
The girl watched him momentarily from the corner of her eye, checking if he was well within the limit, feeling his hand squeezing her biceps lightly.
Chris's excited scream caught her attention abruptly, her eyes traveling to the screen. Her finger had been chosen to eat the yellow pepper.
She stared at the pepper for a few seconds, the triplets' laughter sounding like a background sound to her ears.
"Wait, isn't that the yellow pepper we use as seasoning?" Y/N asked, taking some steps away from Matt and the boys and finally picking up the food, twirling it between her fingers.
"I don't know. It doesn't matter, just eat it!" Nick pressed, looking at her expectantly.
Matt watched her closely, pressing his lips into a thin line, trying to contain his laughter, supporting his own weight against the table with his left arm.
The girl shrugged. If her theory was right, that was one of her favorite peppers. She brought her hand to her mouth and bit off a small piece, chewing carefully as she felt the taste and burn settle on her tongue.
"Um, not too strong. It's good." Y/N commented, still chewing, swallowing seconds later.
"You're crazy, entirely." Chris shook his head repeatedly, taking steps away from her as if she was mad.
Matt observed her with widened eyes, surprised by her little reaction.
"Put it there." Nick pointed to the counter next to the stove where they were piling up the food they had already eaten, his face showing a disgusting look. "Next!"
"It's going to be Chris, I can feel it." Y/N muttered, her eyes fixed on the phone as their four index fingers pressed the screen.
The back of Matt's right shoulder was resting against her chest, while her free hand stroked his hair gently. She knew he was about to get sick, so she was trying to stay as close to him as possible.
"Oh no!" Chris shouted, bringing his right hand to his head in a sign of desperation after seeing the result.
"Yes!" Matt celebrated, turning around and hugging Y/N, jumping up and down in place. His sudden movements made her lose her balance, taking them both to the ground.
Y/N had her mouth open and eyes closed as laughter escaped her lips at her boyfriend's euphoria. She couldn't believe his happiness just because he wasn't chosen to eat the yogurt.
Matt screamed in celebration, hugging Y/N tightly. Nick told him to lower his voice due to the hour, but he was completely ignored.
"He is crazy." Chris commented, pointing to the two on the floor as he shook his head, letting out a laugh, momentarily forgetting what he had to eat.
Nick took the camera off the tripod, focusing the lens on the couple, capturing the perfect image of Y/N with her back against the cold floor and Matt with half his body over hers, his arms encircling her torso and his head buried in the curve of her neck, sounds of laughter echoing from there.
Fans would go crazy over that.
"No!" Matt screamed, his eyes wide and his mouth open. He had been chosen to eat the red pepper.
Y/N winced, her eyes going from her boyfriend to the pepper and back again. Before she could say anything encouraging, Matt picked up the food and bit off half of it.
"Matt! Are you crazy? This is very spicy. Spit it in the trash! Don't swallow it." Y/N yelled, her eyes wide. She put her hands on Matt's shoulders, guiding him to the trash can.
"Spit it out, Matt." Chris repeated, recording his brother's steps with the camera.
Y/N pressed the pedal to the trash can, opening the lid and patting her boyfriend's shoulder as he spat. She bit her lower lip in worry as she noticed his face start to turn red, his eyes filling with tears.
"Oh, baby. Breathe." She asked calmly, guiding him to the front of the table again, her hands resting on his waist, squeezing the covered skin lightly.
"Oh my God, it's so hot." Matt agonized, fanning his face with his right hand. "My lips-"
Chris and Nick laughed at his reaction, taking their fingers to the phone again, wanting to end the video quickly.
"Come on, guys!" Nick called, pushing Y/N's hips with his own - since she was closer to him -, getting her attention.
The girl took Matt's right hand and guided it to the phone, placing him index finger on the screen and then her own, keeping her eyes fixed on her boyfriend's face. Droplets of sweat started to appear on his forehead as his cheeks burned red, and Y/N was ready to get him out of there if necessary.
Chris was chosen next to eat the jelly, and Matt took advantage of the situation to walk around a little, wanting to alleviate the burning sensation in his mouth.
Y/N quickly followed him, helping him drink the water that was still in his hands, despite knowing it wouldn't help much.
"Do you want some milk, my love?" She asked quietly so the camera wouldn't catch it. Matt shook his head, feeling his stomach churn at the thought of adding milk to the horrendous mix of all the things he had eaten.
The boy seemed disoriented, his head hurt, and his tongue burned. He walked over to the refrigerator, pulling the door open and opening his mouth, momentarily exhaling in the cold air, before closing it again.
"Come, love." Y/N pulled him closer to the phone again, intertwining their free hands and squeezing his fingers with her own lightly.
"Are you okay?" Chris asked, approaching and touching Matt's shoulder. His words sounded worried, even though he was still laughing.
Matt nodded as he drew in puffs of air through his open mouth, a multi-layered piece of colby-jack cheese pressed to his right cheek. Y/N watched him from the side, feeling helpless.
"It's not helping." He shouted, leaning on Nick momentarily and blinking his eyes repeatedly, watching Y/N eat the second to last content.
His heart raced when it was the app's turn to choose who would eat the last item, the raw egg.
"If Matt's chosen, I'll eat for him." Y/N quickly imposed, pressing her finger on the screen and staring intently at it.
"This is not how it works." Chris muttered, bumping his shoulder against hers playfully.
"Fuck the rules." She shrugged, sighing in relief when she saw the app choose Nick.
"Matt, what was the worst that you ate?" Chris asked, bringing the camera closer to Matt, who was opening the fridge.
The boy ignored him, leaning forward slightly and bringing his mouth under the water filter, taking long sips. Y/N let out a low laugh as she saw Chris frown at not receiving any response, rubbing her boyfriend's back softly.
Matt closed the fridge doors, taking some steps back and resting his arms on the table as he took a deep breath, feeling all the food rise up his throat. He swallowed hard, straightning up and looking at Chris behind the camera, his own eyes filling with tears.
"I'm going to bed." His voice was broken. He turned and walked quickly to his shared room with Y/N, receiving a light slap on the back from Nick.
"Okay, he's going to bed."
Y/N let out a nasal laugh, shaking her head. She quickly walked to the cupboard next to the stove, taking a glass. She opened the fridge, taking a bottle of ice cold water and pouring some milk into the glass, closing the door with her hip.
"I'll take care of him." She told the boys, blowing an air kiss to the lens before walking to their bedroom, balancing the items in her hands, Nick and Chris' voices speaking with the camera falling behind.
The girl turned the door handle with her elbow, slowly entering the room and closing it again behind her back.
Her eyes traveled around momentarily, the lights were off, making it difficult to see anything. She squinted her eyes and quickly found her boy laying on the bed in a fetal position, approaching him in slow steps.
Y/N placed the milk and water on the bedside table and squatted down, resting her arms on the mattress. She brought her right hand to Matt's hair, gently brushing the loose strands out of his eyes. Her fingers caressing his warm skin.
"Honey? What are you feeling?" She asked in a low tone, not wanting to heighten her boyfriend's senses. Her heart sank at the way Matt seemed to be in discomfort, his eyes were closed tightly and his brow was furrowed, his shoulders tense.
"Stomach pain. My tongue is still burning and I'm hot on the insides and cold on the outside." The boy explained, his voice sounding weak followed by him sniffling.
"Come here, baby. Let me help you." Y/N asked gently, standing up from her crouched position and helping Matt sit up slowly.
Her hands grabbed the hem of the black t-shirt that covered his torso, pulling it up slowly, helping him take it off his arms and head, placing it aside on the mattress to fold later.
Y/N quickly grabbed the air conditioning remote that was next to the items she brought, turning it on and setting it to 18°C. Not so cold, but refreshing.
She put the remote back in place and picked up the milk, sitting on the edge of the bed and raising the glass so Matt could see what it was, receiving a whine in response.
"I know it might seem gross to drink milk after everything you've eaten, but it will help lessen the burn from the pepper, baby." Y/N spoke calmly, bringing the glass closer to Matt's face. "You ate a large amount. If we don't alleviate it now, this burning sensation will continue for several hours, sweetheart."
The boy sighed before wrapping both of his hands around Y/N's, who was still holding the glass for fear of Matt dropping it since his hands were shaking. He took it to his lips and closed his eyes tightly, tilting the glass and taking a small sip.
Y/N encouraged him with small whispers, pushing his hair back with her free hand, freeing his forehead from the heat of his strands.
Matt put the glass down after a few sips, pushing it closer to her, showing that he didn't want any more. He removed his hands from around Y/N's, allowing her to put it down.
The girl placed it on the bedside table again, watching her boyfriend's reactions.
"Do you think you're going to throw up? Or are you okay, and it's just the burning?"
"No, I'm not going to throw up, I just want to sleep." The boy responded weakly, lowering his torso onto the bed again, feeling the duvet pressing against his back. He turned onto his side, pressing his right hand to his exposed stomach. "Come lie down with me, please."
"I will, my love. Just let me take this glass to the kitchen, and I'll be right back." Her tone was low.
She leaned her body over his, sealing his cold forehead with her warm lips for a few seconds before pulling away and rising from the bed. She took the glass again, pushing the water bottle closer to the bed before taking steps towards the exit.
"I love you." She heard Matt whisper before closing the door behind her. A huge smile decorated her face as she felt her heart race.
She would do anything to make him feel better and Matt knew that.
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extra - comments:
"I seriously thought Matt would throw up everything 😭"
"omg Matt is CRAZY for eating half of a red pepper without a second thought 🤡"
"Y/N worrying about Matt is so cute 🥺"
"the way Y/N kept looking at Matt all the time, making sure he was okay 😔 I love them so much"
"Matt almost dying, Y/N worried sick and Chris and Nick laughing until their next generation was the best thing I saw today"
"Matt and Y/N on the floor laughing their asses off is my new romain empire 🧎‍♀️"
"Matt saying 'I'm going to bed' after a traumatic experience is totally me for real"
"can we take a minute to appreciate Y/N eating the yellow pepper like it was chocolate? WHAT A WOMAN GUYS!!!! 🤤"
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nyerus · 11 months
Guide to Watch TGCF Donghua Season 2
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With the new season of the Tian Guan Ci Fu/Heaven Official's Blessing donghua finally releasing soon, I wanted to make a post explaining the different ways fans can watch and support it! Things have changed since season 1, so my old guide is no longer relevant apart from the infographics on how to subscribe to Bilibili CN (and the YouTube channel)!
And to be upfront: the main sites that are going to be broadcasting the donghua have been very sparse with information. I fully expect that we will have to wait until after the first episode releases to know all the details, so while I am making this guide to help people right now, things might change! Please keep that in mind and stay patient! I will post any important updates in the replies as I can!
Additionally, because of copyright/licensing, different sites are going to work in different regions. I do not know with 100% certainty what is going to work in a particular country. There's gonna be some trial and error!
So the main options we have for season 2 are:
Sub price: $9.99 USD per month for basic (local prices may vary)
Regions: Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, Oceania.
Pros: Easy to subscribe to if available in your region.
Cons: Unlikely for true simulcast so it'll be a bit delayed.
Link to main site (season 2 listing not up yet)
For app: download via App Store/Google Play Store.
Bilibili. tv (EN site/app)
Sub price: $4.99 USD per month (local prices may vary)
Regions: Southeast Asia only.
Pros: Airs earlier than Crunchyroll. Interface is in English.
Cons: If you want to watch it outside of SEA, you'll need a VPN.
Link to Season 2 on website
For app: download via APK link on website if you are outside of SEA. Otherwise use App Store/Google Play Store.
Bilibili YouTube Channel
Sub price: $4.99/$5.99 USD per month (local prices may vary)
Regions: Many -- EXCEPT Japan, South Korea, the Americas, UK, Australia, New Zealand.
Pros: Easy to subscribe if available in your region.
Cons: If you want to watch it from the regions listed above, you'll need a VPN.
Link to channel
It's the youtube app....
Bilibili. com (CN site/app)
Sub price: $9.99 USD for 3 months
Regions: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Pros: If they're gonna air season 2, then they might be the source broadcast if the EN site isn't. Also probably cheapest for those abroad.
Cons: Chinese interface may be intimidating. Not 100% sure if it'll air as normal.
Link to Season 2 on website
For app: download via App Store/Google Play Store.
(NOTE: If you are in Japan, it will be available on WOWOW. If you are in South Korea, it will be available on Laftel.)
🔹What is the release date/time? Bilibili EN has announced it as 20:00 GMT+8 on October 18th. If it releases on Bilibili CN, it'll probably be the same time. Crunchyroll has stated October 18th, but has not yet announced a time as of the posting this guide. I checked. Japan and South Korea have their own release times, so please consult the relevant broadcasters!
🔹Can I watch it on Netflix/Amazon Prime/etc? These streaming services will likely only have it after the whole season concludes, and with a significant delay. For reference, it took several months after finishing for season 1 to be released on Netflix.
🔹Which platform should I choose? Whichever one you can actually access, and feel most comfortable using!
🔹When should I subscribe? Personally, I'll be waiting until the last day before release, just to make sure I have the most information possible. However, I'm sure the idea of doing that makes many people nervous, so... yeah. Whenever is convenient for you!
🔹Which one will have the donghua the quickest/earliest? Probably Bilibili CN & Bilibili EN. I suspect they'll simulcast with each other. I cannot be 100% certain about anything though, because of limited info! For season 1, YouTube and Funimation (now Crunchyroll) were delayed, and it's hard to say if they'll be better this time or not.
🔹Do I need a VPN for Bilibili EN or their YT channel? If you are outside of SEA, yes.
🔹Do I need a VPN for Bilibili CN? Probably not, unless you are in a country that restricts access to CN sites and apps (like India).
🔹Which VPN should I use? This will be up to you! It's best to research what the different options are, and what will work for your needs!
🔹How will I know I'll be able to watch season 2 from my region? The most surefire way is to subscribe to a platform that has officially announced to be serving your region (e.g. Crunchyroll for the Americas). Unofficially, if you can watch the latest trailer and other promo videos on your chosen platform, then there's a good chance you're okay! The exception to this is the YouTube channel, which has some of the trailers public, but has all of season 1 unavailable if you aren't in the right region.... Additionally, be mindful, because even if you're able to see season 1, season 2 might still be region-locked on certain platforms. (E.g. you can watch all of season 1 via Bilibili EN if you're from the USA no problem. But you can't access season 2 without a VPN to a SEA server.)
🔹What languages are going to be available and will there be English subtitles? While dubs for multiple languages have been confirmed, I'm unsure if any of these will be available on release. It'll likely be offered only in Chinese first. For season 1, there were hardcoded CN & EN subtitles for Bilibili on release. Funimation re-subbed the episodes (EN) for their own release, and Crunchyroll will probably do the same.
🔹I watched it on Funimation last time, can I watch it through them this time? No, they were absorbed (in some capacity idk) by Crunchyroll. So they are not distributing season 2 of TGCF, only Crunchyroll is.
🔹Is season 2 actually available in China and thus on Bilibili CN? Yes and no! As long as you are not in mainland China, it seems you will have access to season 2 through Bilibili CN. All promo materials and trailers seem to be available to us, which is a good sign! (They are not available for mainlanders, but mainland fans are able to watch via HK/Macau versions apparently.)
🔹Hopeful that it will be available, I would like to watch it via Bilibili CN, so how do I sign up and subscribe? To make an account, consult this reddit post. To subscribe, please consult the guide below! It's a little old (made it for season 1) but still works pretty much the same.
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sebscore · 2 years
Came from ur fem!driver HCs and now I have ideas:
- The origin story of George’s ‘Russy Bussy’ nickname🤣
- Y/N hazing Oscar, Nyck and Logan in Abu Dhabi because as Valterri says, ✨traditions✨
- Y/N and Pierre gossiping abt Piastrigate w/ Yuki, Zhou and Charles (cuz oh my lordy-ord THE DRAMAFEST that was the summer break and Seb’s retirement😭)
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pairing: george russell x driver!reader / alex albon x driver!reader / lando norris x driver!reader
warnings: the word “bussy” 😭
author's note: i mean everything you need to know is in the title :) yes, this is a reference to that one eric name tweet from 2019! tysm to the anon for the requests!!
• • • • • • •
''Did you see what George tweeted earlier?'' Alex asked her while they waited for the rest of the grid to arrive at the driver's briefing.
Y/N shook her head. ''No, why?''
Alex simply chuckled and pulled out his phone, opening the Twitter app and typing in George's username. He laughed once again, before showing the tweet in question to her.
GeorgeRussell63: New race week! Let's get busssy everyone!
Y/N's jaw dropped, in shock that the Brit actually had posted that on his official and very public Twitter account. ''You know for a guy that likes to correct my grammar, he sure does make a lot of spelling mistakes.''
''I don't think he's realized yet what it means.'' The Williams driver told her, putting his phone back in his pocket.
''Hey, guys.'' Lando took the seat next to his female friend, sighing as he sat down. ''What are you two talking about?''
''George's bussy.''
The three bursted out laughing, gathering some confused looks from the other drivers in the room. Lando seemed to immediately understand what they were referring to.
''I thought I was the only one that noticed.'' He said, trying to calm himself down.
''I was gonna tweet something back at him, but I didn't want people to make fun of the fact that I know what it means.'' Alex explained.
Lando and Y/N nodded at his words, understanding that fans can remember these things for years to come. ''I wanna see his face the moment he finds out what it means.'' She said, rubbing her hands together like a villain would when creating their masterplan.
''Me too, it's gonna be hilarious, our Russell George.''
''Should we let him figure it out on his own or do we tell him?'' Alex asked, debating if they should explain the meaning to him.
Y/N shook her head. ''He should figure it out on his own, maybe with a bit of our help though.'' The mischief in her eyes didn't go unnoticed by Lando and Alex, the two already started to grin.
As if on queue, George and Lewis walked into the room, and briefly greeted everyone. George was about to sit down next to Sebastian, but he was quickly interrupted from doing that.
''Hey, Russy Bussy! Come sit with us!'' Y/N called him over, a teasing smirk present on her face.
The nickname caused some stifled laughter in the room, particularly from Pierre, Daniel, Lando and Alex. Meanwhile George awkwardly looked around as he made his way over to them.
''Hi, guys.'' He sat down next to Alex, a puzzled look on his face.
Lando briefly took a glimpse at Y/N before speaking. ''You guys are later than usual, you had a bussy morning?'' He asked, trying his best to not start cackling.
''Yeah, we had to film something with the team…'' George hesitantly answered, totally unaware what they were laughing about. ''Why are you saying busy like that?'' He asked the younger guy, putting his hand on his waist.
''Oh, isn't that how you say it?'' Alex said, feigning innocence. ''Yeah, or tweet it.'' Y/N added, having too much fun teasing the Mercedes driver.
''I can't follow, guys.'' George was visibly running out of patience with the teasing.
''Oh, crikey! He doesn't know what we are talking about.'' Y/N mimicked George's speech, continuing the mocking.
Alex was the one to cave in first. ''We're talking about your latest tweet, Russell.''
''What about it?'' He obviously still hadn't realized what had been so wrong with his spelling of the word 'busy'.
''You still don't know?'' Lando said wide-eyed, surprised George still hadn't been made aware of the entire thing.
''Know what?''
Lando and Alex turned to Y/N, pleading with their eyes that she explains it to him. She rolled her eyes, but succumbed.
''In your tweet it sounded like you said 'bussy' instead of 'busy', and let's say the two words have completely different meanings.'' She clarified.
George nodded, understanding the fault he made. ''Okay… then what does it mean?''
''With 'bussy' you're referring to a man's, uh, anus.''
They could see the gears turning in George's head, starting to comprehend why he received the reactions he did to what he assumed was a normal tweet. He had given the internet another reason to clown him for an entire season.
''Oh, good heavens!''
''But hey! Look at it from the bright side, your gay fans must be very happy right now!''
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danieyells · 4 months
@mayoigotokurousagi asked for a few more of the home screen dialogues I liked from a couple of characters, so here's Leo! Also included are the Japanese versions of the text for this one.
I LOVE HIM HE'S SUCH A LITTLE SHIT. . . . Once again this is nearly now all of them because this mfer has such personality lmao his also go with a few other characters', so there's i think one for Romeo and two or three for Sho in there too.
Also as a warning. . .i got a little horny in my commentary for some of these. But it's not my fault, Leo's the one who's saying things like that lol
Hello: (the first time the game is opened after that character is set as home screen NPC. Only happens once per day, unless the character is switched out and back.)
"Nice timing, Honor Roll. Give me your hand. Come on, just do it." あ、特待生サマちょうどよかった。手、貸して。早く早く
You've Got Mail: (whenever there's something in the inbox, usually Arena rewards)
"Hey, your messages are piling up. Hurry up and open them, it's annoying." ねぇ、さっきからずっと未読の通知来てんじゃん。うざいから早く読んじゃってよ
Default: (requires no affinity, has no time constraints)
"Ugh, you're so loud. Ask for permission if you want to talk to me. ...Nope, denied." うるさ……オレに話しかけんなら先に許可取ってくんない? ……はい駄目
This isn't the only time he complains about volume. Maybe his ears are always sensitive even without using his stigma?
"I'm thirsty, go buy me a drink. What kind? Why don't you take a guess?" 喉乾いた。ジュース買ってきて。 なに系がいいって? じゃあ、オレが飲みたい味、当ててみてよ
he likes spicy stuff, do you think he likes bitter stuff too? Maybe lemonade? Do you think he's one of those influences who's like 'i never eat anything bad for me' so he either drinks diet soda or no soda at all? I feel like he wouldn't be able to handle restrictions like that--also he loves Painfully Spicy Food so. . . .
Hey Honor Roll! ...Don't make that face at me. I'm being totally genuine right now. ね、特待生サマ♡ ……なにその顔。別になんも企んでないよ
We were deprived of a cute heart in his localized text to emphasize how saccharine he was being. How dare they.
"Have you seen Cap? Ugh, bet he's lurching around lost again..." ねぇ、うちの寮長サマ見なかった? ……あいつ、また迷子にでもなってんじゃないの
the real question is, does Leo then go look for him himself, wait for him to come back on his own, or get Sho, the PC, or someone else to bring him back for him?
"We're fighting again? Which house? ...Ugh, pass." ……なになに、また揉めてんの?どこの寮? なんだ……つまんな
I wonder which houses he wouldbe up to fight. Probably Hotarubi since he's kind of invested in Subaru's suffering? Maybe Frostheim since they already have beef--on the other hand, maybe that'd be boring for him. But man he seems pretty ready to go with that, Sho wasn't kidding when he said they got kicked out of every club in Shibuya because Leo's always picking fights.
Affinity 1: (between 5am and 11am)
"Ugh, I'm so tired... I'm done with these classes already. I'll just show up for tests and skip the rest." は~……ねむ…… なんか怪異の授業も飽きたし、テスト以外もう出んのやめよ……
Affinity 2: (between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm starving! Huh? Where'd Sho go? I swear he was here a second ago... Whatever. I'll make that NPC go buy something for me." お腹空いた~。 あれ、翔ちゃんは?ここにいると思ったんだけど…… ま、いっか。モブ女に購買行かせよ
Affinity 3: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"That fucking himbo left me behind again..." あのポンコツ朴念仁……またオレのこと置いて行きやがって
he really wants to get involved in the spy situation huh. That or it's something administrative. Even at affinity 3 Alan leaving him out of something interesting upsets him a bit, which is interesting.
Affinity 4: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Right now? I'm programming an app. I'm not doing anything that complex, just making an ordering system." 今? アプリのプログラミング中。 別にそんな難しいことしてないよ。オーダーシステム作ってるだけ~
Of note, this is Sho's Affinity 7 line:
"Nice, got an order. More demand than I thought. Getting Leo to make this app was a good call." お、出前の予約が入ったわ……思ったより需要あってよ。 玲音に予約アプリ作らせたの正解だったな
So he made Sho an app for his food truck! Probably not for free of course--good to get the occasional reminder that Leo's both really smart and really good with technology lol
Affinity 5: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh... Cap smashed my woofer. I was just playing music in the Pit since we can't go clubbing..." だっる……クラブ行けない代わりに地下で音楽流してたら、寮長サマにウーハーぶっ壊されたんだけど……
That was kinda mean on Alan's part haha
Affinity 6: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Who's DMing me? Oh, it's this account. Huh... Now that's interesting."
the tea has arrived, piping hot i see. . . .
Affinity 7: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey, over here. Give this tabloid to that national treasure wannabe in front of the food truck. Just do it!" キミ、こっちこっち。 あのキッチンカーの前にいる国宝気取りに、この週刊誌渡してきて。いいから早く!
My guy does not like Subaru huh lmao or rather he loves tea and wants to set Subaru off or something. . . .
Affinity 8: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey, Cap, could you open this bottle for me? Do it yourself? I can't, that's why I'm— hey! Where are you going?! ねぇ寮長サマ~、このペットボトルの蓋開けて~♡  いや、無理だから頼んで…… ちょっとどこ行くの!?
Leo really said 'i need a big strong man in my life' and Alan said 'good luck becoming one' kekw ONCE AGAIN DEPRIVED OF HEARTS
Affinity 9: (between 8pm and 5am)
"Time to see what the bug I planted in his car picked up... Huh? What the fuck?! Someone broke it!!" さてと、あいつの車に仕込んだ盗聴器の収穫は~…… は? なにこれ!壊されてんだけど!!
Affinity 10: (between 10pm and midnight)
"This pillow mist? I only bought it because it was trending, but it's better than I thought it'd be. Ro-Ro's hooked on it too." あ、この寝香水? バズってるから買ったんだけど、意外とよくてさ。ロミサマもハマってるみたいよ?
Romeo's Affinity 8 line references this:
"You're smelling the bedtime fragrance I bought from Kurossa earlier. He has a good eye, so I often ask him to pick things out for me." この香り? さっきクロッサから買った寝香水だよ。あいつセンスいいから、よく見繕ってもらうわけ
"Kurossa" obviously being from "Kurosagi", Leo's surname. These two became fast friends, huh. Maybe they already knew each other from social media, since Romeo has an Instagram too. I bet they take the prettiest selfies.
Affinity 11: (between 5am and 11am)
"Night, then. What? I haven't slept yet. Unlike you, I actually have shit to do." じゃ、おやすみ~…… なに? 今から寝るんだけど。オレ、キミと違って忙しいの
Sho also stays up pretty late lmao. I assume Leo does much of his hacking in the dead of night. . .then again why's he using his sleep mist before he goes to bed?
Affinity 12: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Why is this place so overrun with fucking losers?! My eardrums are going to burst!! ...I'm going back to the garage to play with Cap." どこいても雑魚どもがうっさい!!この学園、マジどうなってんの!? ……ガレージ戻って寮長サマで遊ぼ
The word "雑魚" which was translated as 'loser' means "nobody" or "unimportant person" lol which means Alan is someone of greater importance than others to him? Or just more bearable? Or maybe just likes that he's quieter or finds him more entertaining lol it's kind of nice to see that they're "getting along" in the loosest sense of the term i guess. . . .
Affinity 13: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"Huh... The little kabuki prince's sister married an actor from a different troupe? Bet there's something going on there." ふ~ん……梨園の御曹司サマには、別の屋号の歌舞伎役者と結婚した姉がいる…… なんか、超匂うわ~……
Affinity 14: (between 5am and 11am)
"You think I smell good? It's L'Occitane body lotion. I just throw some on after showering in the morning." この匂い? ロクシタンのボディーローションだけど。 朝シャンの後、ぱぱっとつけてるだけだよ
the pc mentions that Leo's hair smells floral, so I bet he smells super nice. And I guarantee you he's not using men's fragrances either, he wants to smell pretty, leave that hypermasculine shit to Alan and Sho.
Affinity 15: (between 5am and 11am)
"Okay, okay, I'm coming... Ugh. Calling the whole house out at the ass crack of dawn... What is wrong with that himbo?" はいはい、行くってば…… はぁ。朝っぱらから寮生集会とか、あのポンコツ朴念仁なに考えてんの?
Affinity 16: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Ugh, I totally missed out on that ultra-spicy chicken thing they had in Shin-Okubo. Guess I'll read the reviews and get Sho to recreate it." あ~新大久保の激辛チキン、完全に食べ損ねてる…… ネットのレビュー調べて、翔ちゃんに再現させるか
I feel like, if not for that it'd have all the flavor sucked out of it from the spiciness, Sho would probably have a good time replicating flavors like that. He likes to make different cultures' foods after all.
Affinity 17: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Wow, so late already. Better get a bath going and get ready for bed. Here you go. It's for scrubbing the bath." やば、もうこんな時間じゃん。さっさと風呂溜めて寝る支度しよ。 はいこれ、風呂掃除用のブラシ♪
If you do a real good job of cleaning the tub for him, he may even let you have some of his bathwater! Isn't he generous?
Affinity 18: (between 8pm and 5am)
"That dumb video got over 10k interacts? God, you're all so basic... Muting." あんな適当な動画が万バズとか、本当ちょろすぎ……うるさいから通知切ろ……
No respect or love for his fans is2g
Affinity 19: (between 10pm and midnight)
"I can touch you, but you can't touch me. That's how this works, got it?" オレからキミに触るのはオッケー。キミからオレに触るのはダメ。 いい? これがオレたちのルールね
This is probably so much more innocuous than it sounds--like literal touching, or maybe him holding his fame as an influencer over you--especially since he's saying it with a straight face but. . .it's so easy to imagine this as Leo cuffing or tying your hands and when you ask what he's doing he climbs in your lap and moves your clothes out of his way and says this. . .and at this point you've probably never fucked or kissed or anything before so it's a little out of the blue but you can't really stop him and he just toys with you until he's satisfied. . .one of my favorite of his lines just because it's a little dirty lol
Affinity 20: (between 5am and 11am)
"There she is. Hey, Honor Roll! You free? There's something I was really hoping you could help me with." あ、いたいた。ねぇ特待生サマ~、今日って暇?  ちょっと付き合って欲しいことがあんだけど♪
given this is his expression in the first line(and the little music note with his second line) he's probably up to no good lol there's either something he really needs to hear or something he really wants to do to you specifically. in Japanese he says "I just want you to keep me company for a while♪"
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BUT MAYBE I'M ASSUMING TOO MUCH MAYBE HE JUST DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO ASK YOU TO HANG OUT OTHERWISE. Like how the PC asks Sho if they need help on the food truck and he immediately clocks "you don't have to offer to help just so you can spend time with me you know"
Affinity 21: (between 11am and 4pm)
"Hey, Honor Roll, come sit down. Not over there, next to me. Good, you're comfy. Don't move, I'm taking a nap." 特待生サマ、ちょっとここ座って。 違うよ、オレの隣。 あ~気持ち~♡しばらく昼寝するから動かないでね
Lap pillow hours! Whether you like it or not! He said no touching him, so no moving him off your lap, either! He might make an exception for having his hair pet though.
Affinity 22: (between 4pm and 8pm)
"They went to the Pit again? Must really get a kick out of it... Like big, dumb animals throwing themselves at each other." あいつら、また地下に行ってんの?好きだね~本当…… やってること、虫相撲とほぼ変わんないじゃん……
Affinity 23: (between 8pm and 5am)
"The whole demon nickname? People can call me whatever they want. I know who I am." 悪魔って呼ばれてること? 別に、好きにすればって感じ。オレが何者かは、オレが一番わかってるもん
His expression saying this is his default one where he's smiling, so I guess it really doesn't bug him, which is good. He probably gets a kick out of it.
Affinity 24: (between 10pm and midnight)
"Stay like this till I tell you to leave, okay? Got it? I didn't hear an answer." オレが行っていいって言うまで、キミはずっとこうしててね♡ ……わかった? 返事は?
Again, this one's a little dirty which makes me like it a lot hahaha. . .this is a late night one(it's labeled "GoodNight" and only pops up between 10pm and midnight) is he telling you to sit still while he sleeps on your lap or uses you as a body pillow? Is he making you sit still with a toy in you while he ignores you or pretends he's not tormenting you sexually? SORRY I FIND SEXUAL THINGS SO AMUSING BUT HE'S MAKING IT SOUNDS SO HORNY. The audio doesn't sound as horny as i'm making it sound off but like LOOK AT IT.
Affinity 25(max): (no time constraints)
"Wanna make a bet, Honor Roll? Over which will come first—me falling for you, or you getting hooked on me." 特待生サマさ、オレと賭けない? オレがキミを好きになるのが先か、キミがオレに沼るのが先か
I think it's a little late for you, sweetheart. I think you've already caught the feels and that ship is sailed.
Spring: (March-May) (between 5am and 11am)
"Why the hell would I go to class? I already learned all the first year material." 授業なんて出るわけないじゃん。1年で覚えなきゃいけない範囲は、もう全部やっちゃったし
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Cap really puts the "him" in "himbo..." Look at him, he's got a flower stuck in his hair." 寮長サマってさ、あんな見た目してなんでポンコツなんだろね…… ほら見てよ。頭に花くっついてるし
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Quick Honor Roll, stand over there. Perfect. Now hold my phone. You're the cameraman." ちょっと特待生サマ、そこ立って。そそ、いい感じ。 で、オレのスマホ持って。はいキミ、カメラマンね
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Can't believe how many gross dudes this account keeps reeling in. AI-generated pics make it so easy! "Could you send me some more money ♡?” Send." このアカ、変態ジジイ釣れすぎなんだけど。AI美女画像マジ便利~! もっとペイペイちょ~だい♡っと
I find it funny that they use AI generated images for their backgrounds and also have a character who scams people with AI generated images. . . .
Summer: (June-August) (between 5am and 11am)
"That rule about having to wear your academy or house uniform on campus is so outdated. I'm going to die wearing all this crap in this heat." 学内は基本、制服か寮服じゃなきゃ駄目ってさ、今時そんな校則あり? 暑くて死んじゃうんですけど
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I can't believe Sho seriously ran out of my Killer Sauce. It's summer, this is when I want to eat spicy stuff." 翔ちゃん、オレのキラーソース切らしてんのマジあり得ないんだけど。夏こそ辛いもん食べたいのに
well maybe if you didn't dump so much of it on whatever you ate. . . .
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"I keep telling Sho we should let off some fireworks and he keeps saying no! You want to do it too, don't you, Honor Roll?" 翔ちゃんに花火したいって言ってんのに、全然付き合ってくんないの! 特待生サマも、やりたいもんね~?
One of Sho's summer lines references this:
"Leo won't shut up about wanting to let off fireworks, but no way am I doing that shit with him again. I'm sure you can guess why." 玲音が花火してぇってうるせぇんだけどよ、俺は二度とあいつとはやんねぇって決めてんの。わかんだろ?
I guess Leo isn't a very responsible fireworks user.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Yeah, apparently there's more anomalies around in summer. Statistically speaking. It's just fucking annoying more than anything else, really." ああ、なんかこの時期って、日本は怪異が増えるらしいね、統計的に。 普通にめんどくさいだけなんだけど
Autumn: (September-November) (between 5am and 11am)
"Thought I could have some fun here at Japan's most elite educational institution. What a let down." 日本有数の名門校なんて言われて、期待して入ったのにさぁ。 結局この学園も、つまんないやつばっか
(between 11am and 4pm)
"Sports? Hard pass. I hate getting sweaty. Ask Sho instead." スポーツ? パス。オレ、汗かくの嫌いなの。 翔ちゃんでも誘ってきなよ
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Sho hurt himself playing basketball? How unfortunate." 翔ちゃんがバスケ中に怪我した? へぇ、そうなんだ。大変だね
He gives so few fucks about his best friend lmao then again they're ghouls, Sho'll probably be fine in like two hours.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"Ugh, I want to go clubbing... We should make one in the Pit. Sinostra's got a casino, can't be that hard to get a permit." あ~クラブ行きて~…… いっそさ、地下改造して箱にしちゃうのどう?カジノがありなら余裕じゃない?
Leo pointing at sinostra: if the criminals in there can have a fucking casino there's no way it's hard to get a business permit here. They kill people like on a weekly basis and no one's shut them down. The standards must be in the ground.
Winter: (December-February) (between 5am and 11am)
"This coat? Cute, right? I knew it'd look good on me, so I bought it." ああ、このアウター?可愛いっしょ。絶対オレに似合うと思って買ったんだ~♪
(between 11am and 4pm)
"I'm freezing... I'm having a carbonated bath tonight. Wanna join, Honor Roll? Of course I'm serious." あ~、さぶ。今日の風呂は強炭酸にしよ…… 特待生サマも一緒に入る? 別に、マジで言ってんだけど
This one happens regardless of affinity which is kinda funny to think about. then again, Japanese bathhouse culture probably means that's not super weird if you have a tub big enough, maybe? Then again a bathhouse and just having a bath with someone are different things. I bet he has lots of baths with Sho.
(between 4pm and 8pm)
"Hey, everyone! It's me! Ugh, my throat's all dry from the cold. I'll just stream tomorrow..." こんばんは。LEOだよ~! ……やば、乾燥で喉死んでるわ。配信は明日にしとこ……
Of note here, Leo's online handle is just "LEO" in Japanese. In English his name probably had to be given just as Leo to prevent this being lost in translation, because his actual name, in kanji, is 玲音, which is pronounced "Reio"(the same as 'leo' but with an r). But "Leo" is stylized since Japanese doesn't have the L sound and the R sound is closest. So in Japanese he says "It's LEO!" whereas in English he just says "It's me!" since his handle and his name are the same. Although, as someone who follows streamers, introducing yourself again at the top of a stream isn't too uncommon i think? But I also don't watch the influencer types, so the culture is probably very different haha.
(between 8pm and 5am)
"The ghouls won't listen to you? No shit. You realize we were hand-picked by demons, right?" グールが言うこと聞いてくれない?そんなの当たり前でしょ。 だって、オレたち悪魔に選ばれた人間よ?
He's one of the only ones who mentions something like this on the homescreen(off the top of my head Haku is the other one who really mentions how none of them are normal). And he's absolutely right--they were chosen by demons, made pacts with those demons, and ultimately overcame them somehow. Most of them are gonna be kinda stubborn. A demon probably wouldn't choose someone who'd be influenced easily. . .except the demon who chose Kaito apparently. Probably just looking for easy pickings, that one. Or maybe Kaito wasn't always such a coward. . . .
His birthday: (May 23rd)
"You got me a birthday present? Oh, thanks. Just put it over there, I'll look at it later.  I will, I promise." オレに誕生日プレゼント? あ~、ありがと。そこらへん置いといて。 大丈夫だよ、後で見るってば
Rude ungrateful little shit lmaoooooo "yeah yeah my fans sent me a bunch of gifts already. I'll get to it."
Your birthday:
"It's your birthday? I'll help you celebrate.  Meet me behind the garage later." へぇ。今日キミ、誕生日なんだ。 そうだ……オレが祝ってあげる♡後でガレージの裏においで
New Years: (January 1st)
"Happy New Year! I prefer digital payment.  What do you mean, what do I mean? I'll be nice to you again this year, so pay up." ハッピーニューイヤー♪ はい! なにって……今年も仲良くしてあげるから、お年玉ちょ~だい?
He's referencing otoshidama, money you're given on new years(usually as a child) but it sounds like you've just got a recurring subscription to Leo's friendship lmaoooo "We can still be friends, so compensate me monetarily" lolol i swear if he weren't vice captain i wouldn't be surprised if he eventually transferred to Sinostra in his second or third year. I think he'd fit in.
Valentine's Day: (February 14th)
"This is that ultra-spicy chocolate they only sell this time of year... I'm actually genuinely stoked right now." これ、毎年この時期にしか買えない激辛生チョコレートじゃん…… え、普通に嬉しいんだけど
White Day: (March 13th)
"Here, as thanks for the chocolate. You're not going to tell me you don't know Godiva, are you? All right, now we're even." はい、これお返し。キミ……まさかゴディバ知らないわけないよね? じゃ、これで貸し借りはチャラね
April Fool's Day: (April 1st)
"Ha ha. You were photobombing one of my pics so I uploaded it and said I had a new girlfriend. 10K interacts in less than an hour. Suckers." あはは。新しく彼女できましたって特待生サマのこと匂わせたら、一瞬で万バズしたんだけど。嘘なのに~
Comments section like "gee Leo how come your boyfriend lets you have two partners?"
Halloween: (October 31st)
"Trick or treat!  Ugh, the only good thing about this dumb event is the video content it provides." トリックオアトリート!  って……こんなくだらないイベント、動画のネタになるだけマシなんだけどさぁ
Not much of a halloween guy. . .even though this is Sho's halloween dialogue???
"You really need an explanation? Leo made me wear it! Shit, why am I always the girl..." ああ? 言わなくてもわかんだろ。玲音に着せられたんだっつの! クソ、なんで毎年女装なんだよ……
You're making your boyfriend best friend crossdress for your halloween vids? When you don't even like Halloween? And this is a REGULAR occurrence??? Like I get that he doesn't like sweets I guess but lmaoooo
Christmas: (December 25th)
"This Christmas-themed food Sho made might pull some traffic.  All right, uploaded. You can eat the rest, Honor Roll. Say "ah"!" 翔ちゃんのクリスマス映えごはん、適当にあげて…… はい終わり。後は特待生サマが食べてね。あ~ん♡
what you want him to eat all of that? and mess up his figure?
Idle: (about 20 seconds without interacting with the game) (below 13 affinity)
"Was that on purpose?  Are you seriously ignoring me right now?" あのさ、それわざと? キミ今、オレのこと無視してるよね?
(13 affinity and above)
"Ugh, everyone's so loud.  I'm putting my headphones on, so tap here if you need me, okay?" はぁ……どこもうるさ…… オレ音楽聴いてるから、なんかあったらここ触って呼んでね~♡
oh no he's becoming self aware i like that he's not like. 'hey pay attention to me!!' instead he's like 'okay we can sit here in silence that's fine, i'm gonna listen to music so if you want something let me know'. Parallel play with Leo! He's content to just vibe out with you--and he likes you enough that he'll give you attention if you ask too.
Absent: (logging in for the first time in 2 or more days?)
"Who are you? Ah ha ha! I'm kidding. Have you got a good excuse for why you've been gone so long?" ……キミ、誰? ……あはは!冗談だよ。 で、しばらく来なかった言い訳、ちゃんと用意してきた?
MAN THAT TOOK A LONG TIME. He really just has a lot of personality lol or maybe i just like his personality a lot? Either way I like a bunch of his lines so that's honestly like 90% of them. Bit of a goober. I'll do Sho's in a few hours! Since i already have his japanese file open from doing Leo's lol this is now all of his lines, and Sho's is partially done as well as of writing this! I love Leo so much haha
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redroomreflections · 6 days
My Other Half
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader and their teen!daugther
request:Am I bugging out or did Cara have a half sister? If so do you think you could write something about them being reunited and how Natasha and R would view this?
Note: this is going to have to be two parts because that's all i got.
w/c: 2.9k
Cara sat cross-legged on her bed, the soft hum of her laptop providing a comforting backdrop as she edited her latest video. Her YouTube channel had gained a decent following, and she enjoyed sharing her life with her audience, but sometimes the influx of notifications left her feeling overwhelmed. Tonight was no different. The chime rang out again and again, interrupting her flow.
She let out a sigh and pulled her headphones down to rest around her neck. It was her own fault, she knew, that her notifications were still on. It's then she decided to take a break and check her Instagram notifications. Her account had been buzzing with comments and messages from fans, and she hoped that scrolling through them would be a nice distraction. Cara opened the app and began to sift through the usual fan messages and occasional sponsorship offers. A message in her inbox caught her eye, and her breath caught in her throat.
The message read: @jennajoy "Hi Cara, it's Jenna. I hope this isn't too weird, but I found your YouTube channel and saw your videos about your life and your family. I’m Jenna—your little sister. I know this might be a shock, but I wanted to reach out. Maybe we can talk?"
Cara's eyes widened as she processed the words. Shock and disbelief flooded her senses. She read the message again, her heart racing with hope and trepidation. The room seemed to spin slightly as her thoughts raced. The possibility that this could be a joke was high; she was no stranger to internet trolls. But as she clicked on the girl’s profile, she was met with images that felt strangely familiar.
Jenna’s profile picture showed a girl with a bright, open smile that mirrored Cara’s own features. Jenna had inherited their shared diamond shaped face and expressive eyes, though her hair was a shade lighter, a sandy blonde that caught the light in a way Cara remembered from her own childhood. There was a warmth in Jenna’s eyes that seemed to speak of a genuine, kind spirit.
Cara scrolled through Jenna’s feed, finding a series of simple, heartfelt posts. The first few pictures were of Jenna with a golden retriever, the dog’s fluffy coat complementing Jenna’s light brown hair. In one photo, Jenna was kneeling beside the dog, her laugh captured mid-air, radiating joy and innocence.
Another set of photos showed Jenna at a lake house, her sun-kissed skin glowing against the backdrop of a serene, blue lake. She appeared to be having fun, surrounded by what looked like her dad and a woman who might be her stepmom. They all shared a family resemblance, though the stepmom’s features were distinct, marking a clear, blended family dynamic.
Cara read through the captions, each one giving a glimpse into Jenna’s life. One read, “Had the best weekend at the lake with Dad and Mom! Can’t wait to go back soon!” Another photo showed Jenna sitting with the golden retriever, captioned, “My best friend and I, always up for adventures!”
The familiarity of Jenna’s features and the personal nature of her posts tugged at Cara’s heartstrings. She felt a lump in her throat as she digested the captions, each one a small window into a life that felt both distant and intimately connected to her own. The possibility that this was indeed her sister seemed more real with every swipe. She sat there for a moment, contemplating the message. Her fingers hovered over the screen as she fought to steady her breathing. After a deep breath, she slowly began to type a response, her mind a whirl of emotions.
@ iamcara Hi Jenna, thank you for reaching out. This is a big surprise. I am glad to know you and have some family. Do you want to chat on Facetime?
Cara sent the message and held her breath. It was a long shot, but she couldn't shake the feeling that this might be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
The reply was instant. Jenna agreed to a call.
Cara’s heart pounded in her chest as she stared at her phone, her breath caught somewhere between hope and anxiety.
"She agreed," Cara thought.
She quickly tossed her phone onto her bed, rushing to her mirror. Her reflection stared back at her, wide-eyed and flushed.
Without thinking, she started to adjust her hair, smoothing the unruly curls that framed her face. She tied it up, then let it fall back down, unsure of which look felt more right. This wasn’t just any video call—it was her sister. Her sister. She glanced down at her clothes, then opted to throw on her favorite hoodie, something that made her feel like herself but still presentable. She bit her lip, wondering if she was overthinking it.
"Okay, just be cool. Be yourself," She thought, pacing her room as she waited for the call to connect.
Jenna’s face popped up on the screen, her wide smile lighting up the room from wherever she was calling. Cara’s breath caught in her throat as she saw those familiar eyes, the same shape and shade as her own. Jenna looked just as nervous as she felt.
“Hi! Wow, this is crazy,” Jenna said with an excited laugh. “I can’t believe we’re talking.”
“I know, right?” Cara smiled, her nerves easing a bit. “I wasn’t sure if… I mean, I didn’t even know if you’d remember me.”
“How could I forget? I’ve wanted to reach out for so long. I’ve been watching your YouTube for a while… it felt like you were always just right there.”
“Same for me. I used to wonder where you were all the time.”
There was a moment of silence as they both took it in.
Finally, Jenna broke the silence.
"I have so many questions,” she admitted. “What’s your life like now? I mean, everything you show in your videos seems so fun. And… do you still remember Mom?”
Cara’s heart tugged at that last question. Her eyes softened, and she gave Jenna a knowing smile.
“Yeah, I do. It’s kind of blurry in places, but I remember her.” She paused. “It was really hard when we were separated, but my life now? It’s good. Natasha and y/n are amazing. They adopted me officially when I was 11, but I’ve been with them since I was 9. It feels like home.”
Jenna smiled at hearing that, her excitement palpable.
“I’m so glad! I mean, I’m with Dad and my stepmom, and they’re great too. But I always wondered what happened to you, where you ended up.”
“I wondered about you, too.” She laughed, realizing how similar they sounded. “I have questions too. Like… what’s your favorite thing to do? And your dog—what’s their name? They’re super cute, by the way.”
Jenna smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "That's Zoomie."
"Zoomie," Cara echoed, giggling. "I like it."
"Are you still in New York?" Jenna asked.
"No, actually we moved to Ohio. My family and I," Cara tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.
"You have brothers and sisters right?"
"I do, two brothers and two sisters," Cara nodded. "Also, my cousin lives with us. My grandparents too."
"Wow, that's a lot of people. Do you like living with so many people? I feel like I have so much privacy when it's just me and my parents."
"Well, it is a lot, but it's also pretty great," Cara explained. "So you don't have siblings?"
"Nah, I think my parents are good with just me," Jenna shrugged.
"Yeah. You seem really happy."
"I am," Jenna's smile was infectious. "It's nice talking to someone who knows what it's like."
"You mean, having a family who kept you?" Cara clarified.
"Yeah. Dad and Greer are great, but they can't really understand. I mean, they try, but..."
"Yeah, I get it." Cara nodded.
Jenna shifted slightly, her curiosity returning. "How old are you now? You’re like eighteen months older than me, right?"
"Yeah, I am fifteen," Cara confirmed. "Sixteen in a couple of months."
"Crazy," Jenna said, a slight laugh in her voice. "I’m fourteen now. It’s weird, right? I mean, we’re so close in age but lived totally different lives."
Cara nodded. "Yeah, but it kind of feels like we’re picking up where we left off." Cara leaned back against her pillows. "I don't want to hang up. It's like I want to know so much about you. The last time I saw you, you would cling to me all the time. With your little pigtails and pacifier. You had that thing until you were three."
Jenna laughed. "Yeah, well, you had a blankie. That's what Mom called it."
"I did!" Cara's eyes lit up. Jenna seemed to have good memories.
"Do you still have it?"
"No, I lost that thing a long time ago," Cara said. "What about your stuffed elephant? I remember that was your favorite."
Jenna's smile faltered a bit. "Um, I lost that. I actually didn't see it again after we left you."
Cara felt a twinge of sadness for her sister.
"Do you... remember more about her?" Jenna asked quietly. "Mom?"
"Yeah. Sometimes, when I was little, I would dream about her." Cara swallowed. "I'd like to think she's out there living a good life."
"Yeah, me too," Jenna nodded, her expression serious.
"Can I tell you something?" Cara whispered, her heart hammering in her chest.
"Of course."
"When we were separated... I thought you were gone forever," Cara said quietly. "I mean, we were sisters and they separated us."
"I know." Jenna's voice was barely audible. "I thought the same thing. I'd ask Dad and Grandma about you. They could never truly give answers. Dad always said he was working to get everything in order to be able to take you too but by the time he was able to find contacts you had been adopted."
"I always wished we had been together," Cara admitted. "I know that's stupid, but we were all each other had."
"No, I get it," Jenna said.
"You seem like a cool kid, Jenna."
"So do you." Jenna smiled, her eyes softening.
"Well, I should let you go." Cara looked away from the screen.
"Yeah, my dad will be coming to check on me soon," Jenna said, the sound of voices in the background. "Can we make this a weekly thing or something?"
"Yes! I'd like that a lot." Cara beamed.
"Awesome, me too." 
They’d exchanged more information about each other before hanging up. 
Cara sat in the quiet of her room after the call ended, staring at her phone, her thumb still hovering over the “end call” button even though the screen had long since gone dark. The reality of what just happened began to sink in. Jenna—her little sister—was real, alive, and out there, living a life she had never known. The conversation replayed in her mind, their easy connection surprising her as if they hadn’t spent years apart.
She leaned back on her bed, her heart swelling with a mix of emotions she could hardly name. Part of her was overwhelmed—joy, relief, even sadness—all tangled together. There was a time she thought she’d never see Jenna again, that she was just a memory Cara would hold onto in pieces, fuzzy and distant. Now, here she was, a real person with a life of her own, and they were talking like it hadn’t been years since they were ripped apart.
Cara let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, her eyes drifting to the window where the evening light was fading. We were all each other had, she had said, and it was true. For so long, Cara had convinced herself it was okay, that her new family had filled the void. But the truth was, there was always that small piece missing—the one Jenna used to fill. Now, with just one conversation, that space didn’t feel so empty anymore.
A soft smile crept onto her face as she thought about how similar they were, despite everything. Jenna’s smile, her laugh, the way she spoke—so familiar yet new. It felt like a second chance at something Cara hadn’t realized she’d been waiting for.
She pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on them as she stared at her phone, Jenna’s last message still glowing on the screen. Weekly calls. It sounded so simple, but it meant everything to Cara. She wasn’t alone in her past anymore—she had someone who understood in ways Natasha and you, as much as she loved you, never truly could.
A few weeks later...
The house was quiet this time of night. All of the younger kids were asleep so it gave her the perfect opportunity to speak with you. She stood in front of your bedroom door, hesitating for a moment before lightly knocking. Her palms were slightly sweaty, her nerves buzzing in the pit of her stomach. She had been thinking about this for weeks now, trying to find the right time to bring it up. Tonight felt right—after all the calls with Jenna, the questions swirling in her head, it was time to talk to you.
“Come in,” Natasha’s voice called from the other side.
Cara pushed open the door slowly, her eyes immediately landing on the both of you winding down for the night. Natasha was slipping into her favorite t-shirt, while you were already sitting on the edge of the bed, moisturizing after a shower.
“Hey, Babygirl, everything okay?”
“Yeah,” Cara said quickly, her voice a little too tight. She shifted awkwardly in the doorway, suddenly feeling a bit nervous. “I just… I want to talk to you both about something. Is now okay?”
Natasha, now fully dressed for bed, exchanged a glance with you before she nodded.
“Of course, come in,” Natasha said, her voice soft with concern. “What’s on your mind?”
Cara entered the room, sitting down in the chair next to your bed. She hesitated, then decided to just say it.
"So I know this might seem strange, and I can't stop thinking about it," she began. "I don't want you guys to be angry or anything."
"Oh my god, are you pregnant?" You asked.
Cara's face flushed with embarrassment, her heart beating erratically in her chest. "No!" She shook her head vehemently, her cheeks turning a deep crimson.
"Oh thank goodness," You sighed with relief, clutching Natasha's hand for support.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Natasha asked, her brows furrowed.
Cara took a deep breath, steadying herself before she continued. "Well, a month ago someone reached out to me on Instagram. A girl. Her name is Jenna and she's fourteen. She's my sister."
"She's my little sister. The one I told you about before," Cara continued nervously. She could feel her palms sweating as the words hung in the air. "I know I should’ve told you sooner," She said quickly, her voice rising with a mix of panic and defense. "But I didn’t know how you’d react! I mean, I’ve been talking to her for weeks now, and it’s not like I was hiding it on purpose, I just… I didn’t want you to think I was doing something wrong. And—"
“Cara,” You interrupted gently, sitting up on the bed and reaching out a hand to stop her. “Breathe. We’re not mad.”
Cara blinked, her breath hitching. “You’re… not?”
Natasha, who had been listening quietly, shook her head, her face softening. “Of course not. We’re just surprised, that’s all. This is a big deal for you.”
Cara let out a shaky breath, her hands fidgeting with the sleeve of her hoodie. “I-I thought you’d be upset or worried that I was talking to someone I didn’t really know…”
“We know about Jenna, sweetheart,” You said, your voice calm. “You told us about her before. We understand why this matters to you.”
Cara’s shoulders relaxed slightly, but the nervous energy still simmered under the surface. “I just… I didn’t want you to think I was trying to replace you or my life here.” Her voice wavered. “I’ve always felt so lucky to have you both, and I don’t want you to think that changes just because I found her.”
You gave her a reassuring nod.
"Babygirl," Natasha said, moving over and taking Cara's hand. "You're allowed to want this."
Cara felt her chest tighten at Natasha’s words, the anxiety that had been building inside her for weeks slowly starting to ease. “I’ve just… missed her. I didn’t even realize how much until we started talking. And I want to get to know her. I want her to know me. She's a lot like me. I mean she's really great and I know you guys would like her. ”
You nodded, smiling softly. “That makes sense, Cara. We get it.”
Cara bit her lip, her fingers twisting in her lap as she worked up the courage for what she wanted to say next. “I want to meet her.”
You and Natasha shared a quick look before you turned back to Cara.
"How does that work?"
"She says she's been speaking with her parents. They're willing for us to meet if you are cool with it. They still live in New York."
"So what does that mean? How would it work?" Natasha asked.
"Her parents want us to have a family meeting, all together. They'll explain how everything works," Cara said.
You nodded, a smile pulling at your lips. "Okay, then. That sounds reasonable."
"Are you sure?" Cara's eyes darted between the two of you. "You're not just saying that because I'm being a pain in the ass, right?"
"You're not," You assured her.
"Okay." Cara gave you both a grateful smile, her shoulders slumping as the tension eased from her body. "Thank you."
You returned her smile, reaching over to take her other hand.
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