#wait does blitz have a last name
ephemeralgalaxies · 3 months
no no don't talk to me. you're telling me that Blitz and Stolas both have pictures with the other of themselves smiling while the other doesn't? and those are the ones they each keep? you're telling me there is a tangible representation of their different perspectives of their relationship???
Stolas' pictures including a conscious Blitz looking away from the camera and Stolas. Blitz's picture including an unconscious Stolas cuddled up next to him. Because Stolas believes them on equal footing/the same page about what their dynamic is with Blitz just hating every minute of it and Stolas. Because Blitz believes they're on different levels entirely and that the only way he can be content is when the rest of the world (and Stolas specifically) live on without him.
Because Stolas and Blitz are both terrified of being/dying alone, but while Stolas would sacrifice his love for Blitz, Blitz doesn't believe his own love is worth anything to begin with.
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univac1219 · 2 months
Does your 1219 have a nickname?
Also, I was wondering if you have any fun stories surrounding it! Strange quirks it has or anything like that.
I'd love to see more photos if you're allowed to post them!
Thanks for the question! These are my favorite part about my blog by far.
Not exactly, the UNIVAC 1219 doesn’t have a nickname. I did realize recently that I should specify the pronunciation (Twelve-Nineteen), but it doesn’t have any nicknames. Apart from ‘the 1219’, it’s also regularly referred to as the CPU or just ‘the computer’.
Fun stories or weird quirks? Boy, I could fill a book with this machine’s weird quirks (or as we say, intermittent issues), but I’ll try to blitz through the most common ones:
Sometimes the computer will stop running and enter a WAIT mode. No reason, it just needs a break. We can’t fix it, it just has to decide to go back into operating mode.
The computer will often start attempting to communicate on IO channel 13. We’re not telling it to talk to anything, it just decides to try to.
One of our teletypes (the Kleinshmidt) stamps ink splotches into the paper rather than characters most of the time. However, this weekend it worked for the first time in 10 months! We didn’t change anything, it just had an extra cup of coffee or something.
The Digital Data Recorder, or the tape drive, has the most gremlins out of any of our units. The top handler works fairly well, but the bottom handler won’t properly read data, write data, move the tape forward, initialize the tape, or any number of other issues.
There’s more but hopefully this satisfies your curiosity.
Fun stories? Well, I can’t name any specific ones, but I can say it’s a very endearing machine. It’s the very last of its kind and being one of three individuals in the world responsible for it makes every issue that more frustrating. There is no real forum for it, the subject matter experts sit next to me and are often just as exasperated as I am.
But the unique nature of this situation make every successful diagnostic test that much sweeter. Every new addition (5.25” floppy drive via serial) that much cooler. I have an IBM PC-XT clone at home, but I thank my lucky stars every day that this big iron is what I get to specialize in.
As for more photos, I have none that are as grandiose as you would probably expect. I do have my working photos though. I took all my photos when I first started working on it and now I am more dedicated to fixes than photo-ops.
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This is a photo of our finicky Kleinshmidt teletype. Still has blotches but it actually printed!
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This is the back of the bottom handler. Pictured is the vacuum pump in the bottom left (so sudden stops just yank magnetic tape slack rather than ripping tape). The big cylinder in the center is a motor for running the magnetic tape handler itself. The big black ‘hose’ of wires coming out of the steel plate contains all the cables that come right off the handler’s head for reading and writing data!
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This is the forward pinch roller of the bottom handler. It was replaced after this photo was taken as you can see the rubber has deteriorated in the 55 years this machine has been operating.
As for being allowed to post photos, that’s not an issue. The last 1219 was decommissioned in 2014 and now you can find all of its documentation online at http://www.bitsavers.org/pdf/univac/military/1219/
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piratefalls · 9 months
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new list, new year, (trying out a) new header, new post day. i'm back after a nice little vacation where i got almost zero reading done, so no one is more surprised by the amount of holiday fic here than me.
list one. list two. list three. list four. list five. list six. list seven. list eight. list nine.
No Consequences by AnchoredArchangel
"I sort of came out as bisexual to both Nora and myself when we were watching that fucking snoozefest of a Royal Wedding years ago, and I told her with no hesitation that you were on my list.” Suddenly, Henry looks very present in this previously one-sided conversation, eyes boring into him even if he sounds a little choked as he clarifies, “I was on-” “My No Consequences sex list,” Alex confirms brazenly, “Yeah." Or: During an inadvisable spot of dating years back, Alex and Nora made a game out of making extensive lists of celebrities they could hook up with without it being cheating. One breakup and several years later, Alex meets someone on his list for the very first time at a charity gala and decides it's appropriate to tell him all about it.
Wash a Bad Day Away by stellarmeadow
Alex has a bad day and needs to drown it in a tub.
this year I will fall by railmedaddy
Henry has many regrets in his life, but leaving the ice rink after a literal run in with the potential love of his life without even obtaining his name may be his biggest. With his family visiting for the holidays for the first time and ever-present work deadlines looming, he's too busy to think about how to engineer his own happy ending worthy of the novels he edits. But what if fate has other ideas?
the mountchristen pharma job by coffeecatsme
The alarm blares. Still, the man slides the key again and enters the room. He closes the door behind him, flips the flash drive in his palm. Walks to the room that’s supposed to be empty, the room they made sure was clear before they made their move. Except it’s not. And the man recognizes that head of blonde hair all too well. Henry fucking Fox-Mountchristen. Six years ago, Mountchristen Pharma's reckless actions caused Rafael Luna's death. Alex and June want to make it right, but they're not the only ones.
Take a Trip Into My Garden by @sparklepocalypse
Alex groans. From the sound of things, he’s in no better state than Henry. “Why in the absolute fuck does your family have a fucking Viagra orchid?” (A sex pollen fic that takes place on the grounds of Kensington Palace between the Cornetto scene and the interview blitz.)
you could call me babe for the weekend by weather_stained
It's been three years since Ellen Claremont lost the 2016 Presidential Election, and Alex hasn't seen Prince Henry since the Rio Olympics. When Alex, June, and Nora take a post-finals trip to a Vermont ski resort, Henry and his best friend Pez are the last people they expect to see waiting in line for the chairlift.  To Alex's great displeasure, Nora and June end up quite takenwith Pez, and Alex is forced to spend time with Henry. In one weekend, they become closer than he could have ever imagined.
come away with me by rizcriz
Alex closes the door behind himself and turns into his tiny apartment with an exhausted sigh. As he turns to flip the lightswitch, the subtle sound of fabric rustling hits his ears; carefully, he unclips his gun at his waist band, flips the light switch, and turns around, pulling the gun on the intruder. He nearly drops it at the sight of a familiar head of shining blond hair. “What the fuck?” Alex asks, taking a step in, and reaching with his free hand into his holster for the pair of cuffs he knows he clipped in this morning. “Intel said you were in London.” Henry Fox, international thief and conman, tilts his head where he’s sitting in Alex’s favorite armchair. “Honestly, Alex,” he says, waving a hand. “Put the gun away. We both know you’re not going to shoot me.” “Fuck you,” Alex hisses on impulse. “Put your hands up.” -- or Con Man Henry and Interpol Agent Alex
(Dil)Do It Yourself by happinessofthepursuit
“Listen,” Nora starts, turning her body once more so that she’s sitting sideways in the chair with her legs thrown across the armrest. “I did the math. There’s a 79% chance you’re gonna become a slut to the power of the prostate, and while we’re not dating anymore, it’s my duty as your fellow slutty bisexual to get this party started.” Or, when Nora drags Alex to a holiday dildo workshop, he doesn’t expect to find someone to use it with.
Gonna Give You Something (So You Know What's on My Mind) by affectionatelyrs
Alex hums, turning around to pull open the freezer drawer. “You want anything?” But Henry barely registers his question. Not when Alex is slightly bent over, allowing Henry a perfect view of his perfect ass. Each individual ridge of his spine is visible due to his lack of shirt. All of these things combined would normally be a large enough issue in itself to render Henry dumbstruck, except— Except, that’s not the only thing that Henry’s faced with. Right there, clear as day: blue lace, delicately peeking out from the waistband of his joggers. Henry’s hand immediately flies up to his cheek. The skin is hot to the touch, and he feels the imprint of where the material once lay like a brand. - Or, With the help of a white elephant gift, Henry learns that maybe the whole being-in-love-with-his-roommate thing isn’t as one-sided as he thought
i've forgotten if they're green or they're blue by metacrisis
When the worst snowstorm New York city has had since the Great Blizzard of 1947 snows Alex and Henry into their Brownstone, Alex falls into a bizarre dream and awakens in a world much like his own. Only it seems like he's suddenly five inches shorter, five years younger and why is Henry the only person who can tell? AKA, Movie Alex falls into Bookverse before he and Henry get together.
Ho for the Holidays by @whimsymanaged
“Listen, don’t worry about this,” Henry says quickly, already mentally crafting the passive-aggressive text he’s going to send Pez. “Better luck next year. I’ll just be off—“ “Hold your damn horses.” Alex stops Henry with a fast, surprisingly gentle hand to his wrist. His eyebrows furrow. “What did you put on your questionnaire?” Henry’s ears go hot. “That’s none of your business.” Alex scoffs and leans in closer. “Baby, we matched. It’s safe to say we have at least some interests in common. Be honest—was it because you confessed to having a secret desire to slap me?” Or, Pez organizes an event called Ho for the Holidays, and these two idiots get paired up.
Waiting in the Wings by DracoWillHearAboutThis
Henry had always known he would end up in an arranged marriage.  He had not expected, though, to end up in an arranged marriage with Prince Alex Claremont-Diaz, who he'd secretly been in love with for the past fifteen years.
Fill My Stocking by songliili
Alex has spent the past fifteen minutes talking with David about his favourite treats. Not that the dog answered, but Alex was undeterred and kept going, uncaring that Henry had asked him to give him an hour and then he’d join him in hanging up fairy lights and mistletoe everywhere. Very well. If Alex wants Henry’s attention, he'll have it. It's probably not what Alex thought he’d accomplish with his little scheme, but it's a compromise between Henry's needs and Alex's wants, and that's all that can be done. OR: Alex wants some attention and Henry has to get creative.
Here With Me by SatinBirds
When Zahra asks, “Would it make any difference at all if I told you not to see him again?”, it’s the easiest thing for Alex to categorically answer, “No.”
because it's Tuesday by headabovethewater
Right, so, here’s the thing; Alex hasn’t shaved in a while. He’s been so consumed by stress for his exams, his thesis, the post-election work he’s been doing for Ellen… It’s been a bit much for Alex, and while Henry is impressed by the fact that he’s able to keep himself standing and functioning, he has noticed that the scruff on his face has increased. A lot. Oh, Henry has noticed, alright.
i want to mark my skin (it is paper thin) by violetbaudelairequagmire
To: [email protected] From: [email protected] Subj: Tattoo Reference Attached: 1 file (orionsketch.jpg) Hello, Attached you’ll find a line art drawing of the constellation Orion. The shoulder blade is the intended location. Best, H.J. Fox OR: It's a Tattoo Shop AU!
Can't Buy Me Love by everwitch
Alex is a high end escort. Henry is his wealthiest client. He's also a total asshole, which Alex has zero patience for. He'd never let a client walk all over him like that, not even one with striking features and an air of firm authority that Alex has to keep reminding himself he’s not attracted to. But over time, Alex learns there's more to Henry than fiery insults and cruel dismissal. So much more. Alex is in so much fucking trouble. He should end things with Henry before he gets burned. (He couldn't end things with Henry if he got paid for it.)
He Was Here With Me by absoluteaudacity
Arthur lives: a wishlist
(Door)Dash to the Heart by bleedingballroomfloor
The man looks up when Henry opens the door. "Henry?" Henry clears his throat. "That's me," he manages. "Cool," the man says. "You're making me hungry for breakfast with this order, man. Which is bad for me, because my breakfast is usually just coffee, and there's no way I can drink that this late." "Uh," Henry says. He's pretty sure dashers don't talk this much during orders. "Anyway," the man says, handing the bag of food to Henry, "enjoy your night." Five times Henry gets late-night food from his insanely hot DoorDasher Alex, and one time they get food together at a normal time.
(here's my number) so call me, maybe by villageidiot
"I could go a few days without contact, you know." Henry looks over at Alex, who's splayed across the couch, and places a finger on the page he's reading to keep his place. "I'm…sorry?" "While you're gone, I mean. I could handle a few days of not talking to you." Henry still looks a little baffled. "Is this something you want to do? I'm still unclear on the 'why' here." And so is Alex, honestly. or: five times Alex fails at the whole "go a whole weekend with no contact" thing (and one time Henry does)
the beagle, the ghost and the wardrobe by stutteringpeach
Henry’s new flat comes with one unexpected feature: it’s already inhabited. But not by a human. By a ghost.
Night Class by OrchidScript
Alex how found the simplest solution for all the facts he had been presented. There were plenty of them to make sense of. Alex was taking the path of least resistance, accepting that whatever remained after all was stripped away must be the truth. June could laugh at him for the rest of time if she wanted. He was right. He knew he was right. He had to be right because nothing else on earth or in the universe made sense. Henry Fox — his smarmy, entitled, wealthy, bland, irritating neighbor — was a vampire. Alex knew it. He could prove it.
Piss-up in a brewery by clottedcreamfudge
"I hate this," Alex says, not for the first time, and Henry covers his face with his hands. "Yes," he says, a little muffled, "that's coming across." "It's not, like, personal," Alex clarifies, even though it fucking is. "I just don't really like sleeping with other people. I mean, sleeping in beds with other people. I like having sex-" "Yes, alright," Henry says peevishly, not moving his hands at all. "You needn't extol further on your love of intercourse." "Who the fuck talks like that?"
Sleepless Nights by stripyjumpers
Henry's insomnia has been getting worse. He thinks it's fine, until it all finally catches up to him.
move fast (and keep quiet) by HypnosTherapy
Henry’s smile goes slightly strained at the edges. In his ear, Nora hisses at Alex to walk away. He firmly ignores her. “What brings you here tonight, Foxy?” Henry brushes Alex’s hand off him. “The same thing that brings us all here,” he answers. “Not only a girl’s best friend, after all.” -- Alex is a spy tasked with securing a case of diamonds being auctioned off by black market smugglers. Henry is a rival spy who happens to be tasked with receiving the same case of stones. When Henry wins the auction, Alex has to retrieve his target, no matter the cost.
Red Light Indicates Doors Are Secured by myheartalive
“Fox,” he hisses through his teeth. “How about you take the tube tonight? Or go for a nice long walk?” Henry’s stunned. “Excuse me?” “Yep, I will excuse you. Now do us both a favour and find another way to get home.” — OR enemy co-workers Henry and Alex get unwillingly shoved into a cab together (and finally sort their issues out)
the best intentions by smc_27
He sees the flyer when he’s in town picking up the fabric and books June wanted from the market. Once a year. On the prince’s birthday. The chance for his one true love to rescue him from the tower. A cash prize to go along with the prince’s hand in marriage. The title of Prince Consort and a palace of their own. Alex knows himself. He knows how people are with him. He’s made people fall in love with him without even trying for it. He’s had to break hearts since he was 15 and Charlotte Marks told her father she was going to marry Alex. He can get some cloistered prince on board.
A Life, in Names by th0ughts
Macsomething continues to flounder. “I arrived just as someone came out, you see. A woman, with the hot pink jacket? I told her that I’m Roy Maclanahan—” (bingo. Henry knew it was Maclanahan.) “—here for Mr. Claremont-Diaz, I work with him you see. He invited me over, to look through some documents? And she told me that I was in luck, that he was home.  “Either way I am so sorry to have disturbed you your hi—Henry. She must’ve been mistaken. I’ll take my leave and return when your husband’s arrived.” Maclanahan is wringing his hands and looks just about a second away from nervously combusting but the entire ordeal has Henry’s face blooming in a smile.  _____ Musings of a life, in four surnames.
In my dreams (In your dreams) by lizzie_bennetdarcy
He opens his mouth to tell Alex it's fine, they can stay, when Alex shakes his head. "The room is spinning. That's not fun. Alright, sweetheart, let's go home." He jumps up from the stool, and immediately lists sideways into Henry. "What will it take to get you to carry me home?" "More than you're prepared to give, I'm afraid." Kiss me, marry me, have my children, please. Alex is very drunk, and very affectionate, and it's becoming increasingly difficult for Henry to pretend like he isn't completely in love with him.
when he breaks so beautifully by viciouslyqueer
Henry thinks it’s just been a rough day – it certainly wouldn’t be the first time – but he only realizes just how wrong he is when his boyfriend actually gets home. Slumped shoulders. Twitching fingers. Red-rimmed eyes glistening with tears. Henry’s heart breaks on sight. — Alex has a rough day at work and asks Henry to be mean to him. Henry praises him instead.
Twenty Seven Batters by politics_and_prose
A ballplayer will refuse to stop playing because they want one more hit, steal, strikeout. One more homerun. One more win. So they get old and they lose their skill and embarrass themselves long after they should have hung up their spikes. If that’s the rule, then Alexander Claremont-Diaz is the exception. Because today, at age 38, Alexander Claremont-Diaz is six outs away from a perfect game.
forever yrs, for evermore by indomitablelove
‘Wake up,’ Henry whispers. Alex turns and squints his eyes open. He looks at the clock. ‘Baby, why the fuck are you waking me up at six am? I’m on vacation.’ ‘I’ve got a surprise, come outside. You can go back to bed after, I promise,’ Henry tells him with a smile. ‘I’ve made you coffee.’ Alex sits up with a squint and a stern, unimpressed look on his face. ‘You better have a fucking good reason for getting me up at sunrise.’ --- or, a lake house proposal fic
Aged Like a Fine Wine by allmylovesatonce
At a gala for the Okonjo Foundation, Senator Alex Claremont-Diaz runs into Prince Henry of Wales for the first time in two years. Something is different about him, and it's not just the revelations that came out the last time the two saw each other. When they're encouraged to spend more time together, it lights a spark that could send both of their lives into a tailspin. Will Alex resist the temptation or will he find the courage to pursue what he's wanted far longer than he's let himself acknowledge?
All our Sweetest Hours Fly Fastest by AHistoricDistraction
It has been three years since they were outted and Henry and Alex have finally settled into a groove that works well for them, except for the fact that it feels like they're always having to steal time together. Queen Mary constantly coming up with excuses to get Henry out of public events with Alex isn't helping, and Alex is done with it. After a long conference in Tokyo that Henry couldn't attend, Alex's flight home being delayed is the last straw and he calls Henry to say they need to figure out a better way to do this, to which Henry agrees. But fate has other ideas. Alex's flight goes missing somewhere over the Pacific, no trace of it to be found, leaving Henry and Alex's family struggling to not lose hope while unable to do anything.
as always, let me know if you want to be tagged, either for author purposes or just to know when these go up! see you next tuesday!
tagging: @starkfridays @stilesgivesmefeels
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lafayette-paw-arts · 2 months
Fizzarozzie/Fizzmodeus Headcanons
Fizz does know how to cook, he's actually amazing at it, but Ozzie has no idea. Because the one time Fizz went to cook something he got distracted and it ended up burning, and it took so long to clean up the mess that now Ozzie is convinced that Fizz has no idea how to cook. Fizz just lets him believe that and makes jokes about it because that means Ozzie is always cooking for him and its yummy. Blitz thinks its the funniest thing in the world and is waiting for the moment he has a chance to tell Ozzie but for now he's enjoying the fun.
Ozzie gave Blitz a massive shovel talk once him and Fizz started to become friends again. Ozzie was so worried Blitz would hurt Fizz again. Blitz will never admit it but he was scared shitless.
Blitz did try to give Ozzie a shovel talk himself, the normal shovel talk a boyfriend gets, Ozzie just found it hilarious and couldn't stop laughing. (Especially since Blitz is the one out of the two of them that has hurt Fizz before, even if it was an accident.)
Ozzie has to actively fight with Fizz to get him to accept the gifts he buys him. Fizz finds it hard to accept gifts from Ozzie since he doesn't want Ozzie to think he's just with him for his money. Obviously Ozzie would never think that, he hates that Fizz finds it so hard to accept the gifts.
The only gift that Fizz didn't fight Ozzie on was the Quivies (idk if i spelt that right)
Fizz's hard time accepting gifts from Ozzie is part of why he was so determined to keep his job with Mammon despite obviously not needing the money. He felt like if he was earning his own money it would prove that he's not just using Ozzie despite knowing Ozzie has never once thought he was using him.
After the mid-season special Ozzie now consistently hires Blitz to protect Fizz while he's out and about. Fizz fought it at first now he just uses it as an excuse to hang out with blitz.
Ozzie has so many love languages that Fizz has a hard time keeping track of them all, if you asked him to name Ozzie's love languages he would have some trouble.
Fizz's love languages are physical touch, quality time and parallel play. There's been many times where Fizz will bring an activity into Ozzie's office and just quietly do it on the couch while Ozzie is working. Ozzie loves it too, he finds he gets more work done when Fizz does that.
Ozzie has absolutely killed a couple of crazy fans who attacked Fizz while they were out and about.
Hope ya'll like it! I know this isn't the normal poly vees headcanons I normally do, but I've been stuck in the Fizzarozzie brainrott for the last week or so.
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dnickels · 1 year
RE: 5x05. I have no idea how much I'm supposed to read into this, but that has never stopped me before:
It's VE Day. Havers is back in England. The post office, telephone system, communication infrastructure etc all still work. So where is Cap's sense of urgency coming from? He knows the full name and regiment of a serving officer, a letter will get where it needs to go, they're very good about that over there. Yes, Cap's been waiting, but its been six years, he can wait a little longer-- hang out in the bushes until he sees Haver's car drive away and bang on the window, if he insists on being an insane person (<3). Figure out where he's billeted. Japan hasn't surrendered yet, so I suppose there's a chance Havers could get shipped to Burma or something and potentially die there, but he's not going to go straight from the cocktail reception to the troop ship, especially if everyone there is about to get "Hitler defeated"-levels of drunk. ("They're all red tabs, surely decency and decorum--" they are going to roll those old soaks out of there in wheelbarrows)
The urgency isn't because Havers might die. I think Cap knew his time was short.
He's a middle aged man in tolerably good shape, all that ration food aside. He make good time on his morning jogs, and his biggest ailment is 'creaky knees'. "Widowmaker heart attack out of nowhere" isn't an unheard of COD for someone who seems otherwise fine, especially someone who has been under a fair amount of stress (six years of wartime, including the fucking Blitz would do a number on my heart) but his sudden relocation makes me pause. It's only been about a year since he got relocated away from Button House, right? What was all that about? It's presumably still requisitioned, given that they're throwing a swanky victory party there and Heather Button is nowhere to be seen, but has the weapons program been disbanded? Or was there some reason to pull the CO out of a high-stress position and send him to the beach to take potshots at seagulls? (I am being glib here-- the coast was NOT a stress-free place when you can see your enemy just across the Channel). I genuinely forget what he said he was doing in season three-- was he even still in the army at all, or did they send his ass to the Home Guard? Even they got a campaign ribbon.
I think Cap made one last push to get to the front, and while its very clear that this dingus should under no circumstances be on the front line (<3) they humored him with a medical-- and found something really troubling. Or maybe he went in of his own accord, the old flutter, or maybe it was just a routine checkup. Either way he got some very serious news, so sorry old boy, just one of those things, could be any day now-- best make sure your affairs are all in order.
Hence the single-minded desire to meet, once last time. Everyone else clearly drove-- did he walk all the way from the train station, down the country lanes? Did he feel a little short of breath scaling all those walls? Did every set-back and stressor make him more determined-- just give me a little more time, just a little more time...
It could also be that he just got yelled at so hard he died of it, which is almost certainly how I will go, but that was my immediate impression and it has not left me, nor have I known peace. I know there's a few holes in my theory but I haven't talked myself out of it yet. For me the kicker is that he experiences at least ten devastating emotions in the last moments of his life, but "surprise at entering cardiac arrest" does not appear to be one of them. It looks more like grim acceptance. Stoic in the face of death-- a soldier to the end.
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whyawonderwhatudo · 4 months
Okay so I HAVE to talk about the newest ep of Helluva boss, Full Moon.
Spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet.
I really loved the episode but damn did that last scene hurt! Going into the ep I kinda had the idea that the whole episode would feature around stolas and blitzø, so you can imagine my surprise when we saw the Cherubs!
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Ngl, they always seemed holier than thou (pun intended) but its so interesting to me to see how 2 of the cherubs would justify their 'sins' and want for revenge, when angels are all supposed to be about love and forgiveness. Kinda hope Colin has some kind of redemption, the other 2 cherubs treated him awfully.
Loved how badass Luna was this episode tho! Was so worried they'd actually attack Blitzø only for Luna and M&M's to beat them back to the human world.
Also we love Fizz and Blitz' friendship!!
Okay but that whole conversation between Blitzø and Stolas was heartbreaking. It was so clear how apprehensive Stolas was while waiting, twiddling his thumbs and sitting on the bed, and he's been prepping himself for this talk all day.
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And so has Blitzø, but he's come with the expectation of their transaction, and added with the addition of what Luna had said about him getting bored and no longer wanting to continue, of course he's scared when Stolas asks for the book back.
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Stolas was so determined to make sure Blitzø understood how he felt, no longer wanting to make Blitzø feel obligated to sleep with him to get something out of it when he said 'Please don't say it like that.' Stolas probably felt this was the right choice more than ever when Blitzø said he'd do anything. And then look how sweet stolas looked when he was giving him the crystal.
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This made me so sad because Stolas was so clear, in his feelings and intentions. Even with the crystal, Blitzø asked whether he wasn't good enough anymore or not, showing he does care. He was looking forward to his night with stolas, having preparing for it and doing a whole shopping trip. They both care, but because Blitzø could never believe Stolas actually loved him, he thought Stolas was joking.
It was so hard to watch when Blitzø started to mess around, thinking it was some kind of role play saying 'I love you' and all that, you could see the hurt on Stolas' face.
To be fair to Blitzø, he did need a moment to comprehend it was an actual confession, to truly see Stolas' feelings because it was such a contradiction to what he thought, but Stolas was so clear, of course he would take the joking as rejection, as Blitzø couldn't understand what he was really saying, until it was too late.
We can understand why Blitzø may have lashed out, thinking the way he does, but his words, his name calling of Stolas was so heartbreaking, you could hear Stolas' Heart and hope shatter when he said 'I think so highly of you Blitzø. I had no idea you thought so low of me.'
The miscommunication....
It's only after he can hear Stolas crying does Blitzø really get the memmo, he sees how he's messed up, but of course Stolas was so hurt, he wouldn't want to see Blitzø after that.
This was just so in character for them, to me at least. Stolas said everything right, but Blitzø took too long to understand his emotions, he lashed out and only after he lashed out did he understand what he did. By that point it was too late and Stolas sent him away....
I knew this breakup was coming, but I did NOT think it would hurt this much. Poor stolas..
Thanks for reading my ramblings lol, feel free to add to this with your own thoughts and opinions!
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chaifootsteps · 1 year
(Patreon anon) Here's the last of what I have of my QnA archive, I don't plan to repledge so cheers to whoever uses their money to snitch like me.
-HB season 1 takes place within one year
-Wally Wackford won't appear much in season 2 but will be important in the future.
-Vivzie would love more Wally merch but her merch lead doesn't feel confident in it selling well.
-Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
-Vivzie claims the whole show is a celebration of pride and doesn't feel the need to make pride merch but would be down to making if there's a demand for it. (With the amount of fan merch I've seen, there is)
-She claims to do general research for the HH character time period but doesn't integrate the history into their backstories as of now.
-Viv's open to oversea convention appearances and has been trying to get a booking agent to travel more for European conventions.
-Paimon's a big shapeshifter and is only an owl because that's what he needs to be.
-There was a time where Vivzie hated Zoophobia, saying if something doesn't work out, keep trying new projects that excite you.
-One hell year equals a lot of Earth years, so stolas existed well before 1985.
-Vivzie actually loves Mammon's design, she conceptualized it and had someone else finalize it. Sort of like how Oz was designed by someone on the team with Vivzie finalizing it.
-Vivzie wanted to show men can be abused too with Stolas
-Jeremy Jordan might join be cast by Vivzie since she knows him
-Stella may not want Stolas dead right away anymore, just at a later time. (This was asked pre-Western Energy)
-It's currently unclear when we'll get HH merch with their full series designs since they're owned by A24. (This was months before the recall of that Sir Pentious keychain that used the full series design)
-At the time, they were aiming for a three month wait period between HB episodes for season 2.
-Unlike HH, HB isn't considered a musical to Vivzie but will have elements to it in season 2.
-Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
-Sinners technically don't need food and water to live, it's mostly out of habit and indulgence. Electronic sinners like Vox find a way through cartoon logic.
-Because of how long episode 8 was taking, Vivzie and Adam have started making HB comics of what happens between the episodes. They're still figuring it out with HH.
-If Oz ever met Valentino, he would hate him. The team jokes that Val would be very "notice me senpai" with him.
-Stolas is confirmed to be 8ft tall with Blitz at 5ft.
-Fights between an overlord and a goetia would barely happen so Vivzie wouldn't know which one would win.
-Tilla was removed as a sibling because Blitz's family was still in the early works, she's going to be renamed.
-Vivzie doesn't have a specific favorite villain archetypes, she enjoys ruthless mean girls and dramatic, and theatrical messed up villains like The Joker.
-Episode 6's collaboration was fun for Vivzie but complicated because she had to manage an entire second team, There were file issues and they had to go back and forth to make sure they were correct.
-Vivzie's interested in making more Zoophobia merch but doesn't wish to for other older projects. She mentions it'd be hard to convince her merch lead that anyone would want to buy anything from her older works.
-Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
-Leviathan will have a cameo in season 2
-Vivzie can't give specifics but Stolas doesn't have many friends who we might see them in the future. Stella has two friends who at the moment of that QnA don't have names.
-White marks on Imps are scars, and can be added for aesthetics (Unsure if she means design wise or in-universe cosmetics, possibly both with how Barbie looks)
-Stolas's job is to look into the skies of Earth and find prophecies in them and inform Hell of what's to come in the future, he doesn't do much other than that.
-Oz has a broad range of powers, there were too many to list in the timespan of the QnA.
-Octavia takes after Stolas in that she's socially unaware, Vivzie claims she also unaware of her parents's relationship because of Stolas trying hard to make it seem things are fine and does that to a "good extent".
-we'll see what Octavia and Stella's relationship is like later.
-Vivzie would like to release an artbook bigger than their con-exclusive one for HB after season 2 and when the team is free to organize the production art, she's unable to do one for HH at the moment.
-DHORK will return
-She's still figuring out the sins but don't want them to be fallen angels since it doesn't matter in HB, but it will for HH. So she wants to wait until HH to decide. (Possible they figured it out with HH season 1 done)
-She finds people saying the childhood friends trope with Stolitz being fanservice frustrating. (As seen with her recent rant of the overall story)
-Vivzie adopted Pixel a year and a half after she graduated SVA. She didn't explain how she got Honeybee and Nugget.
-full quote "There would be demons from the ring of Lust who would be asexual, and they will get to that in the future. But she generally imagines that lust demons wouldn't think it'd that much of a taboo. Lust demons would generally be confused by the concept, but they wouldn't have any hate.
Asmodeus would be an example of someone who wouldn't understand asexuality"
-She would like region-free dvds of HB but it would require re-negotiations with everyone who was involved with the show, if they do release it, it'll be difficult to make it region-free.
-Stolitz didn't interact at all between the 25 years apart.
-She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
-Viv put aspects of herself into Octavia but claims to not be a self-insert. Fizz has an aspect that is directly from Viv that we'll see in season 2 that she feels needs to be shown.
-HB was spun off because IMP was originally for HH, with Vivzie thinking they were better off as their own thing. HB's also about exploring Vivzie's hell like the demons that possess people.
-HB/HH was inspired by Batman and various musicals with the idea that she wanted a worlds with nothing but villains.
-The fan interpretations of Andrealphus were pretty close to what she's written for him.
-Vivzie's interpretation of Stolas's "I used to think that I was bold, I used to think that love was for fun" is meant that he's never gotten the chance to experience true love with him being gay and he had an arranged marriage.
-She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
-The Von Eldritches will not appear in HH season 1
-question "How did Viv get to where she was? How did she get Hazbin and Helluva produced?"
answer: "She has reps who set her up with people very interested in her show. It was the producers who pitched their interest in her. This is what happened with Hazbin in that production companies showed what they would do for that show. When A24 showed interest in Hazbin, that's when she started pitching it to others (No mention of that those others are)"
-The certificate on Loona's adoption paper was signed by Beelzebub.
-HH will have the same level of NSFW and dark as HB is at the time of season 2's beginning, (I'm not sure why people are thinking it'll be even more if she has to obey S&P with a TV show) she admits to not having a good gauge of what's too extreme as she just does what she wants to do to tell her story. HH is new territory since it's more story based than HB.
-YT doesn't allow the use of the word "cunt" so Mammon will be heavily censored with the amount of time he saids it. There's also a scene in HB that a storyboard artist went too extreme on and Vivzie was afraid it would be rejected but turned out to be okay. (This ask was in September 2022, she didn't mention which scene but if I had to guess it might have been the dildo room)
-Oz is aware of Fizz being an imp, but Vivzie doesn't know if it's an open fact and she might use it as a story element someday.
-Rosie is an overlord, that's all Vivzie can say when asked what kind of demon she is.
-At the time Vivzie was still figuring out how time works in hell, Sinners are stuck at the age they died as while Hellborns do age.
-Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
-Blitz's horse obsession started as an inside joke among the team
-Vivzie can't say if season 2 will have a Stolitz kiss
-Episode 6's collab started 4-5 months before the episode came out, There's no plans for season 2 to have one but Vivzie would love to do it again.
-When asked if any new characters will join IMP in season 2 Vivzie said "Not this season!"
-Stolas can transform into other things, but Vivzie is still deciding if it's something he can do on his own or needs the grimoire for it.
-Vivzie uses Google sheets to write and takes the complete draft to something called Final Draft to finish it
-That white cyclops guy that shows up in Cherri Bomb's segment of Addict is likely to change but that's all Vivzie can say.
-Striker was confirmed to be a hybrid hellborn.
-The client giving birth button in episode 1 was an oversight on Vivzie's part but did say that IMP had hellborn clients before
-Any remaining reveals of HH characters will be minor characters from the pilot, the final reveal will be a brand new character. (This was before the Adam reveal, so he could have been the final one)
-The thing about the sins being a pseudo-family with "nice and asshole" ones were accurate to what's been told to you, same with them technically being goetias, they're just in a different category.
-We'll see Oz and Mammon's relationship in the middle of season 2.
-A lot of material things have been made in the greed ring, it's very industrial, full of banks, smoggy and crime ridden like that was seen in the Chaz episode.
-HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
-Vivzie's still deciding what special powers Striker would have as a hybrid.
-If Vivzie had unlimited funds, she would love to make a movie for HH and HB and to speed up her production pipeline. she had issues in 2022 with her working more on HH.
-Claims that HH will definitely come out in 2023, but she also mentioned season 2 of HB will have a more consistent release schedule at the same time.
-Vivzie would like to make a height chart for the HB characters but claims the team doesn't need one because they know the size of them already.
> Vivzie hasn't consider making pride merch because "It's the kind of thing that big corporations to try to appeal to a generation they're not normally involved in."
Says Vivzie as she can't put out Sallie Mae merchandise fast enough, despite her having one speaking line and about five seconds of screen time.
> -HH and HB are planned out but said that there's "wiggle room' in that they figure out as the show goes by how they get to the events.
She's flip-flopped on how planned out the show is so many times it's not even funny anymore.
> Stolas does have guilt with his affair and he has a lot of turmoil related to it.
Figures this was before both scenes where he says he has zero guilt and would feel bad if he thought he did something wrong but doesn't.
> -Stolas would have thought of Blitz a lot after their day together and has a problem separating fantasy from reality, Blitz would have never thought of him.
What a fascinating character trait that we were all looking forward to seeing more of after Blitzo told him off in Ozzie's and popped his delusional bubble! What a shame it was downgraded to "Stolas, as always, did nothing wrong."
> -She wants Stolas and Stella's relationship to be something that's debated.
> -She put a lot of her life into Loo Loo Land, and yes...Viv's dad was openly horny in front of her and her sisters growing up, Viv found it funny but like I told Lemon...There was no mention of how her sisters felt about it.
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> -Vivzie doesn't remember what the golden feathers in epsiode 6 meant. Adam saids the artist come up with a bunch of ideas.
Remember when we all thought that was important? Oh Vivzie, you fucking hack.
Thank you so much for all of these, Patreon Anon. Hopefully someone else will step into your shoes but for now know that you're braver than any Marine.
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theemporium · 11 months
How long would Angel, Trouble, Butterfly, Sunshine and Blitz last during no nut november especially if their partner would try to rile them up or who'd break first and last?
straight off the bat, lando and angel just could not do it. one: it's his birthday month so he would refuse. two: lando plays the 'supportive boyfriend' card and says it would be rude of him to not watch her content for the month, or not help her out with said content so he wouldn't participate in it for her. she jokes that he wouldn't last anyway but her goading never works to egg him on
max and trouble wouldn't last long because trouble genuinely wouldn't let him. she thinks the whole thing is so stupid and she doesn't understand why he is punishing her by participating in the whole thing?? max finds it cute when she goes off on a wee rant after day three before he gives in and fucks her until she is all smiley and sleepy, curled up on his chest afterwards
honestly, butterfly probably wouldn't even realise how much she makes carlos struggle. like she knows him and the boys joked about doing it and she was just there to be supportive like, "yeah! you can do it!". but carlos is so insistent that she doesn't suffer because of him so he would make her come in other ways even if he couldn't. but there's only so many times he can watch her back arch as she moans his name before he gives in. and his reason? his hot wife, what more reason does he need than that?
i think charles and blitz definitely have a running joke over the years where charles always attempts it and blitz always places a bet on when she thinks he is going to break. money or something stupid is probably involved. and in past years, she just found it amusing to watch him get frustrated through the month. but after they start dating? oh it opens up a whole new level of possibilities. and charles hates the way he knows exactly what she is doing with the heated makeout sessions and the little nighties to bed and all sorts, and he hates that it's working. it's practically impossible for him to win the bet.
for sunshine and daniel, she is probably there when daniel makes the bet with the boys to do it and see who lasts the longest. she thinks it's stupid but she lets him go forth with it. however, they definitely break because both of them forget it's november and it's not until like hours later they are like, "oh shit, wait--"
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drama-glob · 2 years
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*Spoilers for Helluva Boss Season 2 Episode 2
This episode was crazy on several levels, but also really touching and sweet. ^_^ I felt bad for Octavia on Stolas forgetting what day it was (Azathoth’s Tears celestial event) because he was telling Stella off when she wanted her stuff from the divorce so he wasn’t making a mistake on purpose, but nothing like almost 20 years of repressed anger to distract you. O_O This at least set up Blitz’s trouble with his daughter Loona and her talk with Octavia later all the more poignant. Also, Moxxie and Millie just having their own thing was cute, but seriously Moxxie, he needs to stop buying everything on an LA street corner. XD
We don’t know for sure how long this is after “Ozzie’s” takes place, but I’m guessing a few days to 2 weeks at the most because 1) Stella wants her stuff and I doubt she would wait long for it and 2) Blitz’s calendar had Stolas’s name written with a bunch of question marks on it, like he wasn’t for sure they’d be hooking up. It’s possible they did have a talk and are trying to work something out, but Stolas was at least being less thirsty in this and kept calling him “Blitz” instead of “Blitzy,” meaning he’s trying to be more respectful/was more focused on finding his daughter. If it has only been a few days since “Ozzie’s,” then they probably haven’t worked out yet what they want in the relationship, but put it aside for this episode. I have a feeling he will still get the Asmodean crystal to give to Blitz, but he’s got to go see Asmodeus for that and if “Ozzie’s” did just happen, it’s probably going to take a fair amount of will to see him. (Hopefully we’ll see Asmodeus and Fizzarolli in the next episode then and get some more of Blitz/Fizz’s backstory ^_^)
I loved that Octavia wound up killing Brennon Radgers (supposed to be Brandon Rogers obviously XD XD XD), which caused the whole mistaken identity issue and causing Blitz to have to act on a sitcom. There was also some foreshadowing with Blitz saying he has performed since and then we don’t hear what it is, so most likely the incident that scarred him and either caused Fizzarolli to loose his limbs and horns or got his mom killed. :(
Loona’s flashback was so terribly sad and makes what happened in “Spring Broken” mean more in that Blitz saw someone like him who was told they were worthless, needed help and to be loved, so he adopted her as his daughter to try and do that. ^_^
Also, there were so many Stolitz moments from both Stolas and Blitz that it makes me think that even if they haven’t talked yet, they still have feeling for each other and have bonded/found empathy over worrying about their daughters instead of just sex. I’m still glad that Stolas found Octavia and said he was sorry because he didn’t mean to neglect her, but he still messed up and hurting her is the last thing he wants; fortunately, they could still have the fireworks to watch together. Poor Blitz though on Loona not reciprocating the hug, but we did see that she does love him, even if she won’t admit it.
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okay i need a summary of the S5 finale
someone in the server just asked what happened in the story so far so i need concrete details of how everything's been settled
This is gonna be rough because I have watched all this go by in a fever dream and half-remembering stuff and maybe confusing it with the leaked script(I don't remember what was changed) and I do NOT have the energy to look up exact details rn but:
So Adrien and Kagami are in London locked in their respective rooms which are. Pretty blank just a slab for a bed and a foosball table.
They're also drugged I think? But their parents are using their Alliance Avatars to fake celebrity couple moments for the public.
Nathalie tries to kill Gabriel with a crossbow but he manipulates her long enough that she starts dying
Ladybug was investigating the Agreste Mansion for.... I forget why probably but it's sure not because she's suspicious of Gabriel due to Felix telling her his identity in a previous episode because she is absolutely shocked when she sees him transform.
Oh wait she's probably investigating because Gabriel kinda just Scarecrow Fear gassed the whole world with the Alliance Ring's programs and some other shit and sends out an alert on the rings like 'Oh no LB and CN have kidnapped Adrien and Kagami! Don't you want to help? Aren't you tired of being nice? Don't you want to go apeshit?' and a bunch of people turn into the most generic fucking blank 'just a body to fight' Akumas.
Ladybug decides to fight him instead of finding Chat for backup
Adrien is still over in London, blitzed as fuck in gay baby jail. He realizes he's kinda fucked up and hands the ring off to Plagg to escape. Plagg flies across the entire ffucking ocean back to Paris and finds Ladybug mid-fight.
Marinette is now wielding both Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous. She's fighting Gabriel (who has all the others except the Peacock(with Felix) and the Rabbit(with Alix)). And she absolutely WRECKS him. We get a real good fight sequence including some cartoony nonsense like using Lucky Charm to drop a whole fucking grand piano on him.
Anyway. She's winning clearly. They end up in the basement crypt with Emilie's coffin. She knocks the Butterfly off him and into the abyss and like. We've gotten clips of Lila(or whatever her real name is) being in on this so obviously Lila's gonna pick it up.
Marinette has Gabriel pretty backed into a corner but she does the 'I'm sure you're still good you just miss your wife please don't do this give up!' thing. While dropping her transformation and offering her hand out completely fucking vunerable.
Naturally Gabriel uses Venom to paralyze her and steals both the Miraculous.
Gabriel starts up the Wish, which makes Tikki and Plagg go into True Form Godmode where they're giant magical multi-armed beings and do a fusion dance thing to turn into the Kwami of Reality: Gimmi. (this part is actually really cool just like the fight scene)
Gabriel has a literal last second change of heart(?) and asks Marinette to make sure Adrien never finds out that Gabriel was Monarch and that he only remembers the times he tried to be a good father(BITCH WHERE???)
He makes the Wish and fucking dies
Cut to some time later: everyone is back in Paris. Bustier as Mayor is going over soooo well she's turned everything into such a utopia of environmental consciousness(completely ignoring the time and money it would take to make these changes! And more importantly ignoring that even if Bustier isn't a corrupt politician, there's a fuckton of other actual corrupt politicians that would shut this shit down so hard).
They're celebrating Gabriel's 'sacrifice' in helping Ladybug defeat Monarch and he gets a statue(made of melted down Alliance rings) calling him a Hero! Adrien hopes he'll live up to that greatness one day!
Speaking of the Alliance rings, Tomoe gets away with helping Gabriel because she lies and is like 'oh we were totally hacked!' and everyone believes her.
Marinette does not tell Adrien the truth about Gabriel or even that Adrien is a Sentimonster. But hey she at least gives him the wedding ring Amoks?
We get a clip of everyone getting their Miraculous as a permanant Hero team and then having a party at the pool! All the kids are there(except Chloé who is off in London getting abused by her mother because 'oh she deserves it for*checks notes* reacting to the previous abuse she suffered in a not-perfect way!').
Nathalie is healed and fine and also at the pool party.
We get a shot of the woman who is either Emilie brought back to life or Amelie. No one is sure. It seems like Amelie because she wasn't mentioned elsewhere in the epilogue and she's also wearing black(Emilie is always in white, Amelie is always in black). But the leaked scripts and the character model sheet called her 'Emilie' so no one knows.
We get a final scene showing Lila's lair in the catacombs, where she has the Butterfly Miraculous and also the robo-army remote control thing from back when Chloé was mayor. She gets jumscared by something off screen and it cuts out
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thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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[Book 3 of 4]
Story: 5 out of 5 Smut: 4 out of 5
I went into Twisted Hate expecting to not like it; 1.) because from the first two books I was not a fan of Jules and 2.) someone told me I was going to HATE Josh Chen.
After reading it, I LOVED IT!
I kind of figured Jules’ persona was a front, but learning of her past made me feel for her. And then Josh dealing with his past betrayals, it just hurt all the more when his trust was broken yet again. Jules and Josh’s love story is a chaotic one, but so far it’s been the most beautiful as they overcome their pasts together.
For most of the book, I didn’t understand why I was told I was going to hate Josh.. but when THAT scene came up I freakin’ bawled. I’ve never felt so bad for a character like I did with this book. But no worries, as the two previous books were, this one is a HEA.
Now enjoy my rambling..
* These two are so annoyed by each other, I can’t tell whether I’m going to like it or be annoyed by it 😂
* Lol Aw fuck. She would get mugged.
* Oh. Well they tried to mug her. Jules is a badass apparently.
* Oh no. What happened to Jules in Ohio?
* Pam is being a twat. Enter Christian Harper, who obviously has a thing for Stella, and I have a feeling the girls are getting this penthouse.
* That’s right, Pam. Do as you’re told and draw up them papers 😂
* The audacity of this dude to tell her to quit just because it’s his “safe space”. Get the fuck outta here.
* One bed trope. Always love it.
* They’re giving me whiplash. Just bang it out already!
* Oh come on, Jules. Don’t act like a sleepy Josh cuddling you was that disgusting 😏
* Aw fuck. What does Max want?
* “You want someone who can challenge you. Excite you. Keep you on your toes. And as for what you need.. you need someone to bend you over and fuck that attitude right out of you.” — Josh fuckin’ Chen, ladies and gents.
* Todd ruined the moment lmao. Fucking Todd.
* Jules is a fucking savage at putting Todd in his place 👏🏻 👏🏻 👏🏻
* Jesus Christ. Josh fucks rough 😳
* Oh no. This arrangement is going to crash and burn lol
* Fucckkkkk. Max is in DC.
* I hate this Max dude so fucking much. Please let Alex or Josh kick his ass.
* Goddamnnnnn. Josh really likes choking during fucking 👀 👌🏼
* Josh doesn’t want anyone else seeing Jules all blitzed out post orgasm? Yeah, he definitely broke the rules.
* Josh defending Jules against Micah.. be still my heart 😂
* Ava being woken up by Josh and Jules’ sex noises has me laughing 😆
* Lmaooo. The girls getting arrested would ruin Alex and Josh’s make up moment.
* God, I really wish Jules will just ask Alex for a favor.
* Fuckkkk. She broke down. They really need to end this arrangement.
* Ding, ding, ding. So Josh realizes he has feelings. Finally!
* Holy shit. He actually told her she was his 😨 We’re only halfway through so I know the heartbreak is up next.
* Wow. Fuck Alistair and Adeline for doing that to Jules. But come on, girl, that was your moment to tell Josh the truth about what’s been going on!
* He fucking switch his plane tickets at the last second 😩 He gave up New Zealand to be with her in Ohio!
* Ohhh. He knows about the name change!
* A bookstore scavenger hunt as a first date? 🥹 Hell, I’m in love lol.
* Dammit. I wanted Alex and Ava to see them.
* THE AUDACITY OF MICHAEL CHEN!!! FUCK YOU! I hope you rot in prison.
* Damnnn. He tied her to the bed 😂
* Fucking Max ruining the afterglow. And I can’t believe what he wants her to steal. GET ALEX INVOLVED!
* Oh my god. Just tell Josh! This is gonna blow up in your face so bad 😩
* Goddammit, Jules. Your plan better be good.
* Ew. You went to Christian? Alex would have been better.
* Yesssss! Fuck Max. Now the hard part comes. Telling the truth.
* Wow, Josh. That was fucking cruel.
* Should have known Max wouldn’t go away so easily. Fuck this dude.
* Well fucking finally! Max got the beat down he deserved.
* “Take however much time you need. I’ll wait.” // “Why?” // “Because you’re it for me. Whether it’s today, tomorrow, a year, or decades from now, that’ll never change.” — 😭😭😭
* They made up 🥹
* Aww. They told Ava. Now who’s gonna tell Stella? Lol.
* Oh no. What’s going on with Stella now?! Where’s my last book!?
* Why do I get the feeling Dante Russo is very bad news and that this isn’t the last I’ll see of him?
* Aww. They moved in together! But Stella stayed in the apartment under Christian? I don’t trust this dude 👀
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psychewritesbs · 7 months
Jjk 248 leaks
This is so interesting. Once again Megumi is shoved at the center of the conflict without even wanting to. And although it's basically Sukuna whose gonna activate it, it's just intriguing how the name Fushiguro Megumi specifically inherited Kenjaku's will (reminds me of a comment saying almost everytime Megumi's name is mentioned the story drastically shifts almost like it's a magic word). I have a feeling he's gonna be a wild card in all this. Kenjaku and the main cast's opposing goals is literally hinging on his fate. The only way I see they could stop this is by separating Megumi from Sukuna before he kills all of them.
And there's Sukuna who's only in it for the ride. Imma wait for the official eng translation but based on what we have right now, it seems like the battle against the students and the merger is not within his end goal. Assuming he has another one besides just biding his time (but since I'm a sucker for Sukuna having a much grander goal like shaping the jujutsu world to his liking I'll be betting on this 😭)
Anyways, I feel like Megumi's gonna be a wildcard in this (I just have to say it again cause I missed my boy so much). And I'm not even sure if separating him from Sukuna will spell victory for the good guys. That bath of evil is making me cautious wondering if it will have an effect on Megumi's soul. Personally though I'm all in for Megumi coming back as a neutral antagonist whose not on anyone's side. Just someone who does what he wants based on his desires. It would be interesting to see him and Sukuna clashing as two hedonists (as farfetched as that may sound 😅).
And yes ⬆️
It's so crazy to me that people can say things like "Gege doesn't know what he's doing" when jjk has been steadily building on itself to where you can write this reaction about chapter 248 (the way the last ask did too) and in chapter 251 some of these suspicions get confirmed or recontextualized.
Also, I agree about the bath. Like.... not only did Megumi marinate in cursed energy, I am sure those emotions were only intensified by the events that have taken place since the bath. And then getting blitzed by Gojo. This is no bueno. It spells out, as you say, "Megumi coming back as a neutral antagonist whose not on anyone's side. Just someone who does what he wants based on his desires" or something along those lines.
Sukuna being along for the ride too lol. I am sure he would LOVE to go against such a Megumi.
Let's see 🙏🏼. Hopefully Gege doesn't switch for 252 😭.
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radi0activesmile · 1 year
Thoughts under the cut!
1. I’ve loved Andrealphus since the moment they dropped a picture of him, so I’m psyched we got to see him finally. HOWEVER...
The fact that they dropped that image of him months before season 2 dropped, and Stella name-dropped him in episode 1 of season 2 making him out to be this big threat that Stolas did not want to anger... seems like they were building up a lot for a guy who was just sorta... there. 
2. I think if this episode had been longer (it’s like seven minutes shorter than Exes and Oohs) that would have helped a lot. If scenes had like 30-40 more seconds in them, I think it would have flowed a little better. Like. Andrealphus was clearly trying to accomplish something by playing up Stolas cheating on Stella, but Striker came in before we could do it. Maybe we could have seen how easily he can get under Stolas’ skin, or maybe he could have said something to help us understand why Stella uses him as a threat. 
3. I like the idea of Millie and Moxxie going to take someone down without Blitz, but I wish it was someone other than Striker. Not that they didn’t have personal beefs with him, but when we last saw Striker, we kind of got the idea that he had almost convinced Blitz to join him, and I think that emotional scene at the end would have been waaaaay more effective if Blitz had been there to save Stolas, and Striker had offered that same deal, and Stolas could get to see Blitzo falter again. 
4. I think this episode suffers the same way Seeing Stars suffered in that, I get why they wanted Blitz to be away from the main plot, but I think the way they got him away... needed some work. Maybe if they’d been on a mission and Loona had been really hurt, and that’s why he needed to take her to a hospital? I know Helluva’s a dark comedy but the tone shifting so drastically from ‘haha dog getting shots’ to ‘man is getting tortured to death’ was a biiiit... extreme? 
5. I do like us getting to see how other hellborns treat imps... and seeing Blitz nearly lose it when someone mispronounces his name is a nice callback. 
6. Shoutout to the boyband imp. I love him. 
7. With how rushed things already felt, I don’t... really understand the scene where Millie and Moxxie stop at the gas station. Seemed like that time could have been better spent developing one of the other scenes. 
8. I’m all for Stella being a jaded girl boss who wants her husband to suffer for cheating on her (which he did, no matter how he tries to justify it, and no matter how loveless the marriage was, he did cheat on her) buuuut why was she okay with Striker shooting him last time? This seems like something she would want done quickly-- and quietly. She’s a noble with an image to think of, right? 
8.5 Then again, they’re clearly trying to paint her as someone who isn’t thinking this through (even though she clearly did think it through the first time she hired Striker? When she waited until he was an entire ring away from his castle and his guards? And could easily pin it on someone else? Rather than getting him abducted in public and not even pretending to be surprised?)
9. Really hope we get some Striker backstory, ‘cause the man’s clearly got some issues with nobles/overlords and I’m dying to find out who hurt him so badly. 
10. There’s so many scenes I wish were longer, but the Loona getting a shot scene could have been cut by a loooot. 
11. Did... did the person who wrote the scene between Andrealphus and Stella forget they’re siblings? Did they think Andre’s her sassy best friend? Because he does strike me as the type of guy who talks like this... but not to his sister. 
12. I like that they’re seemingly painting Andrealphus as this deep thinker who’s out here playing the long-game, but I don’t like that they had to make Stella so oblivious to the obvious to show that. Don’t tell me this woman, who has been plotting this for months (probably over a year) was so blinded by wanting Stolas dead that she didn’t consider anything else. She was raised a noble. Her marriage was arranged in childhood. Don’t tell me she isn’t very aware of what would happen to her status if he died. Don’t tell me she didn’t think of a way around that waaaay before she found an assassin. Why is she a whiny child all of a sudden?
14. Edward Basco does an amazing job as Striker and I love the level of so done with these blue blooded dumbasses he brought during that phone call. 
15. That fight scene is absolutely gorgeous. 
16. I’m so confused about how Blitz got Loona into the car and into the doctor’s office only for her to suddenly put up a fight? I get her being freaked out but knowing it’s something she has to do to keep herself alive, and I could see her fighting Blitz the entire way there. The sudden flip just seemed... again, tonal shift. 
17. Love Doctor goat’s design though. 
18. Music is a bop!
19. So M&M get no credit for absolutely saving Stolas’ ass huh?
20. Stolas’ doctors being legit Plague Doctor demons is fantastic and I have no complaints. 
21. He can get hurt?
All jokes and gripes aside I really do like that line. Blitz clearly has a fear of people leaving him either by choice or by being taken away by death, and I bet thinking Stolas was this immortal being that, while annoying, he was likely comforted by the idea that Stolas physically can’t be taken from him. Then suddenly that security is jerked away from him. No matter what other feelings I have about this episode, that was really well done. 
22. Glad we’re finally getting some clarification on what’s been up with these two since Ozzie’s. It looks like Stolas is trying to give Blitz space and prove their relationship is not just you wanting me to fuck you and Blitz is being dismissive and guarded. They’re acting like nothing happened when they’re in front of others but it seems we’ll eventually get them talking about what happened that night. 
23. Why do you insist on hurting me with these character breaks after looking at phone endings, Viv?
All in all, I didn’t hate the episode. It absolutely wasn’t one of my favorites, and I don’t think it was a good follow up at all to Exes and Oohs, but it wasn’t terrible. I’ll admit my hopes and expectations were high AF because I’ve been dying to see Andrealphus and also dying for Striker to come back. 
So far, in season two, I’ve:
Really enjoyed episode 1
Had... thoughts about episode 2.
Loved episode 3.
Thought episode 4 was meh. 
Soooo, if the pattern keeps up, episode 5 should be great!
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crazy56u · 2 years
Whelp, the show got an extension. We’re one step closer to them outright renewing it for Season 2. Here’s hoping. Onward to tonight.
(As a reminder, I wrote this in real time as the episode was airing, keep that in mind once you reach a certain part.)
Welcome back to the 80s, Ben, you’re now a lady getting hit on by a drunk guy. Maybe don’t drink.
“You know what they say about good dancers.” They’re worse when drunk?
Ben is now just speedrunning Sam’s life.
Mace, a tacer, handcuffs, all the party essentials.
This week on Quantum Leap: We take “What Price Gloria”, “8 1/2 Months” and “A Hunting We Will Go” and just fucking blend the shit outta them.
“How dare you not tell me you were a bounty hunter when I was hitting on you, fuck off!”
It still feels weird that the first four episodes have taken place over the course of, like, a week for the Project side of things.
“OK, I don’t get it.” Well, we’re five minutes in, Addison, wait for the other shoe to drop.
Huh, something bad was happening inside: the stupidest way to do a proposal.
“I need more time.” “YES, SHE SAID NOT YET, LET’S PARTY!”
Ben is fucking crushing this “Any% Marriage Proposal Ruin” speedrun.
“I proposed to you, you said no, and now you want to go back to work?” “Look, if you say yes, I might say yes, you ever think about that?”
...isn’t panyhose still a thing in 2022?
I love how it’s been like, what, a day or so since they found out Janis is indirectly DDOSing Ziggy, and they still haven’t reset the passwords.
Magic, she’s making her own Project, sorry you don’t know yet.
Okay, so Magic has secret files he doesn’t want the others to know about, does that mean he knows Sam leapt into him before?
“Okay, look, I know we’re working, but did I fuck up last night? Did I not propose right?”
Why does this motel look like the one from My Name is Earl?
Plot twist: Ben is remembering Addison, but because of his fucking amnesia, he is really creating problems where none exist.
“Hi, I’m your downstairs neighbor, totally not a time traveller moonlighting as a bounty hunter!”
“Okay, I’ll get my things, totally won’t be fleeing.”
Ben, you’d get $23 just for looking the other way, that’s a bargain in 1981.
How many fucking proposals are in this episode?
Uh oh, the Leather Jacket Mob!
“You’re gonna scratch my floors!” ...wait, is this a motel, or is it an apartment complex, I think I missed something.
Thank god for the convenient dumpsters.
Damn, a drug trade twist 18 minutes into the episode, this show has some major potential.
Which is worse: Getting busted on parking tickets, or pulling a Capone and getting busted on tax fraud?
This time travel project, brought to you by Apple.
Okay, I believe Ben was seeing Janis six months prior, but I still think that flashback Ben had was with Addison.
...is... ...is this the same alley from the first episode?
“Look, I know I’m handcuffed to the wall right now, but I wanna help out this relationship bullshit.”
As punishment for bringing up soulmates, you get handcuffed further down the alley.
All according to plan.
MAN this show doesn’t know subtlety.
“Are you okay?” “(lying) Yeah, I’m fine.” “(pissed) WHAT DO YOU THINK?”
A Starbucks truck?! WHAT THE FUCK
Okay, but I love this: “Look, Ian, I know Janis is currently DDOSing Ziggy, and Ben and Addison are having relationship shit right now in 1981, but I wanna have coffee in the park, and I’m Ernie fucking Hudson, so we’re doing this.”
...huh. So, in the original history, all of Tom’s platoon died during Operation Lazerus? ...and all it took to fix that was Al doing two more years in Vietnam, and a reporter exploding.
And now we learn how to pick a lock. This is an educational show.
...well, there’s the plot twist.
I swear to God if than gunshot was blanks, and she just popped a squib.
“Like a fiddle. (sunglasses) YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-
“Okay, so after getting shot at multiple times, I’m starting to realize this proposal thing probably ain’t happening.”
Ben, don’t be too upset, you crushed that speedrun.
Also, it was blurry, but I am 100% convinced that was Addison’s face in the flashback, so DOUBLE VINDICATION
And Sad Dad comes in in the clutch.
Also, just now realizing the marriage footage the keep showing is of Princess Diana.
And now we have a ghost talking about how to be a ghost.
“Hey, look, I know I implied I was leaving, but... nah.”
...she’s behind them, isn’t she...
“What about Illinois?” What about Illinois?
I fucking love this show’s soundtrack.
This is the slowest chase scene, and totally at odds against Blondie.
Jake has the shittiest fucking luck, man...
“Oh God, shut the fuck up and stop ruining this hostage scene...”
“Get a room already.” “Noted. (tazes a briefcase)”
So, 8 minutes left, what other fun surprises are we going to have?
“I just had coffee with Magic, either this series ends with Ben coming home, or we burn the world down.”
$5 even Eva and Jake get married, sucker’s bet.
“Come on, don’t you want to know about Eva and Jake-” “Oh my God, are we engaged?!”
Well, Ben, you finally remembered you were supposed to marry Addison before you leapt, as your reward, you get to do Back to the Future Part III!
Ben, you have the shittiest luck. “Welcome to Cowboy Times, you leapt into the middle of more relationship BS!”
Is this the fucking Westworld set?
Final thoughts: I fucking vindicated up and down the block, I am now praying for that renewal order.
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effy-writes · 3 months
Addict (Blitzø x Reader)
3: Pilot: Pill
It’s been about 3 months since you moved it with Blitz/fucked him and Stolas, and ohhh boy Blitz sure does keep reminding you of it. He would always say how much you miss his dick and everytime you go take a shower he’s always like “Showering without me?”
“Yes, Blitz. Showering without you yet again.”
“Oh come on, we saw each other naked before!”
“Yeah a one time thing that I really don’t want to talk about.”
Now, with your addiction, you got away with taking adderal. It doesn't do much, but it's better than being sober. Sometimes whenever the crew goes out to kill, you will leave the office and go find either coke or meth and get high before they all come back. Blitz however, doesn't know that any of this is happening even though you guys been living together for 3 months now.
Blitz walked in front of the whiteboard while you were viciously sweeping the floor due to the amount of energy you had.
"Alright. Now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here... Moxxie. Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?"
"What about a car wash?"
"This is Hell, Millie. No one cares about cars being clean here, okay? Wh- Ooh! What about a billboard?"
Moxxie rolled his eyes, "We can't afford a billboard, sir."
"Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now. Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?"
Blitz proceeded to turn on the TV, showing everyone assassinating the humans from earth. 
"Ahh, those were the good times." Blitz reminisced.
"I don't need any reminding, sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel... nobody watches."
"Uh, hey. Excuse me? What's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, alright? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement's spittin' bullshit! Y/n, any ideas?"
You stopped dead in your tracks. "Uh..I don't know. I'm a janitor."
"Useless." Blitz scoffed.
Loona received a call and answered nonchalantly, "I.M.P.", The two talked for a bit and she hung up.
"Colorado. Some guy named Eddie." She flipped a page of the magazine that she's reading.
"Finally." Moxxie said, getting up from his chair and walking towards the portal that Loona opened up.
You continued to sweep and mop the entire floor. Running around and dusting every little thing.
"Blitz isn't here, you can stop working." Loona said, not looking up from her magazine.
"I like to clean, keeps my mind busy."
An hour later you were on the floor, scrubbing the left over gunk with a toothbrush. Loona would occasionally glance at you and roll her eyes.
The door of the room opened up, making you stand up and pretend that you're not cracked out. "Uh, who's this?" You pointed to the boy laying on a stretcher.
"Moxxie was being retarded and shot the wrong person." Blitz huffed.
"I'm sorry, sir! I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target."
"Oh, sit on a dick, Moxxie."
"YOU sit! Sit on... a... and the... d-- DO YOUR JOB!!" He slammed his fist on the table.
"Hey, now. We don't blame our screwups on Loona, okay?! She didn't do anything wrooooong~"
"Are you kidding me, sir? She's awful!"
Loona flipped him off before answering the phone. "I.M.P....Blitz! That clingy, rich asshole is on the phone! Says it's urgent and wants to talk to you! Sounds a little DTF-y."
"Oh, GOD, it was one time! If Y/n and I hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, none of us would have access to the living world." He crossed his arms.
"...You what?" Moxxie looked disgusted.
"Blitz! What the fuck!?" You walked over to him. "That was supposed to be a secret!"
"Wait," Millie stood up. "You slept with our boss?" She smiled.
"I got sucked into it. Don't want to talk about it."
Blitz put his arm around you, "I don't know, you seem to enjoy it." He teased. You pushed him off and sat down next to Millie.
"Blitzzz answer the phone!" Loona groaned.
Blitz motioned you to come with him to the office to talk to Stolas. At first you shook your head and stayed still. "Dude, he wanted you, not me."
"We're in this together, I don't want to be left alone to talk to him."
You eventually gave in and followed Blitz into his office. He planted himself onto his chair and picked up the phone, "Hey Stolas."
"There's a political candidate causing trouble up on Earth for a few of my associates. He's trying to convince people global warming exists!"
"Doesn't it?" You replied.
"Well... yes. But, more people die if nothing is done about it. And it gets lonely here~"
"Okay, well. Yeah, that makes sense." Blitz agreed.
"You know what happens when I'm lonely, Blitzy and Y/n?"
"How come I don't get a nickname?" You joked.
"God-fuckin'-dammit." Blitz said under his breath.
"When I'm lonely, I become hungry. And when I become hungry, I want to choke on that red cock of yours...Y/n fingering me, and me licking all of your cum, before taking out your cock, and fucking Y/n while she’s sucking me with more teeth until she’s screaming daddy like a FUCKING baby--!"
Blitz ended the call, looking traumatized. You on the other hand was laughing your ass off. "Looks like he wants us to fuck him."
"You're enjoying this aren't you?"
"A little." You snickered.
Blitz broke his phone and blended it.
"Loona!" He shouted.
She entered the office and put her hands on her hip.
"Eat this. And then y'know that bridge over the freeway?"
"Shit off it!"
The three walked out of the office, you leaned against the door.
"Look, the point is, Loona is a valued member of our family, and we don't get rid of family." Blitz finished off the conversation from earlier.
"We aren't a family, sir! You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat her like she's some troubled teenager! She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!"
You and Blitz exchanged glances. He walked up to the window to change topics. "That is offensive! Without homeless people, I wouldn't have HALF the joy and laughter I do in this life!"
"While we're on the subject of "family", can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work? Can't you just hang out with Y/n instead?"
"Come on, sweetie! It's not that big a deal." Millie smiled.
"Excuse me...WHAT?!"
"Y/n and I live together, i'm up her ass as much as I'm up yours."
"You're literally up in my ass." You snorted.
"Just... stop... doing that!" Moxxie said to Blitz, but might as well as say it to you.
Blitz shrugged. "I don't see what the issue is! There somethin' you don't want me seein'?"
"You a baby-wiener-haver?"
"Sir, what you say and how you act is totally INAPPROPRIATE!" Moxxie stood up.
"Calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!"
"Shh-shh-shh. There, there."
"Look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff you do outside work hours. So, don't... judge me!" Blitz crossed his arms.
"Oh, I do judge you, sir! Quite a lot, actually! Y/n how come you don't stop him?"
"I have no control of what he does."
"Mox, he's our boss!"
"No-no-no, it's fine Mills, your husband is just... how do I say this without being offensive? ...retarded."
"Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad situationship with Y/n?"
"Moxxie for the last time we're not dating!" You interjected.
"Oh come on! You two are fucking each other, live with each other, and constantly flirting."
"Friends with benefits." You shrugged.
"Y/n has too many problems to date." Blitz stated.
"Fuck you too then! You have more problems than me!"
"At least I'm not a dru-"
"Don't." You gritted your teeth.
"Moxxie, the only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage!" Loona looked up from her phone.
Millie slams her hands against the table, "No, he's not, you BITCH!"
"Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive!" Blitz crossed his arms.
"Yes, I am!"
"You guys are all fucking assholes."
Everyone looked at the kid.
"Oh, shut up, kid! You're lucky to witness this!" Blitz pointed his finger.
"It's been a literal hell having to pretend to be paralyzed so you fuckshits wouldn't kill me! But, now I want that. I want death!"
Eddie pointed to Blitz. "You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I'm a kid! We're supposed to like clowns! Even the creepy ones!"
"HA!" You slapped your knee.
"What's up with your teeth?" Eddie laughed, "Looks like you smoke meth, especially with your fucked up skin and the fact that half of your teeth is gone."
You put your hand over your mouth.
"Hey, now! That's not very--"
Eddie interrupted Moxxie, "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jackass, I'd rip out your spine and ask you some shit."
"That's my husband you're talkin' to!" Millie slammed her fist on the table.
"That's your husband?! I figured you for a slut. But, I didn't know you needed dick that bad! And you!" He pointed to Loona.
"What? What about me?"
"Nothing. I don't talk to dogs. I'm a cat person."
"Wow. Ah, y'know, kid, you kind of are a piece of shit." Blitz replied.
Everyone in unison agreed as you tugged on Blitz's sleeve to get his attention. "Are my teeth that bad?" You whispered in a sad voice, opening your mouth ever so slightly.
"Do you want me to be honest or nice?" He whispered back.
"Fuck you."
"Oh, fuck! Guys, I just got a text from our client! Guess he was the right target after all." Loona smiled.
"Me?" Eddie said in disbelief.
"Yup." She said smugly.
"They wanted us to kill an actual child?" Blitz raised his eyebrow.
"That's what they're sayin'."
"...Well, Christ on a stick. I guess there is a God."
Blitz draws a flintlock pistol and fires it at Eddie, resulting in blood splattering everywhere.
"Y/n you're the janitor, go clean it up." Blitz smirked.
"Let me go to the bathroom first." You fast walked into the bathroom and locked the door, pulling out a baggy from your pocket. You poured the adderal onto your hand and brought it to your mouth, swollowing the white pills dry.
You left the bathroom once it kicked in, and cleaned up the mess while the others got rid of Eddie's body.
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Meeting Crimson (Rewritten with the Impsonas cuz I just wanna)
*In the helicopter, on their way to Greed. Moxxie was sitting next to the window, & Alexandra was in the middle between him & Blitz while Millie & Crystal sat across from them. But, Alex & Moxxie didn’t seem happy.*
Alex & Moxxie, in unison: Ugh. I hate this place.
Blitz: Oh yeah, this is your old stomping ground, isn’t it Moxx?
Moxxie: Yeah, unfortunately. I grew up just over there, swore I’d never come back & uhh.....
Alexandra: !!!......Wait....something’s not right. Where’s this thing goin’?
Moxxie: Uhh, w-w-w-where are we going?? What...Blitz......Who did you say this meeting was with?
Blitz: I’m not sure, just some rich somebody or other who wants to discuss biz at his place.
Alexandra: Wait........what?
*After landing in front of the estate, Moxxie & Alex’s faces both dropped.*
Alexandra: ......Ohh, no......
Moxxie: Oh, no. No, nononononononononononono!!
*They walk out & closer to the estate. Alex’s face looked angry & resentful as her arms were crossed. & out comes a familiar, to Moxxie & Alex at least, mafioso.*
Crimson: There he is! There’s my boy! Get over here & give your daddy a hug.
Blitz, Millie, & Crystal: Daddy?!
Crimson: I only let Moxxie call me that. Unless ya pay me! *Laughs as he approaches them*
Moxxie: Guys, um.... *Ahem* This is my father, Crimson. Sir, this is my boss Blitz. & my--
Millie: Millie! I’m his wife.
Crimson: & what a beautiful wife you are. Moxx, where you been hidin’ this pretty little thing?
Millie: Oh, I’m sure he would’ve introduced us. Eventually.
Crimson: Oh, I’m sure.
Moxxie: Right. Uhh..... Th-this woman over there with the glasses is someone Blitz does business with from time to time. This is Alex--
Alexandra, cutting him off: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, ya don’t have ta introduce me ta yer dad, Moxx, I already know him. *Bends down by the hips to look at him with a cold look* I know Crimson all too well. *Stands upright* Crimson, I’m sure you remember Crystal.
Crystal: Ohhhhhh, so you were the guy that I talked to on the phone earlier. Heya, Crim...... *It was hard to tell if her tone was mildly resentful or just socially awkward. She didn’t know him as well as Alex did, but could already tell he was up to no good, she was just a bit in the middle of what she should feel.*
Crimson: *Tips hat to her* It’s always such a pleasure, doll. You haven’t changed a bit. *Shakes Alex’s hand as he looks up at her in the eyes* How have you been, Alexandra? It’s been awhile since I last saw your pretty face. *Crimson tries to hide a look of disgust on his face as he says that last part. It was a very backhanded compliment, with the intent of humiliating Alex in a subtle way, but also trying to keep his friendly persona that Moxxie & Alex already saw right through.*
Alexandra: *Forced chuckle as she tries not to snap* You’ve always been.....SUCH a gentleman, Crim. *What she said was ALSO a very backhanded compliment, but she didn’t even try to hide her own look of disgust as Crimson walks over to Blitz.*
Crimson: You gotta be Blitz, with the silent O. Right? I’ve heard alot of good things about you & your work.
Blitz: Really. What kinda shit has Moxxie been spreading about me? I’ll fucking kill you, Moxxie, don’t you FUCKING TEST ME!!
Crimson: No, no! From all over. Looks like you’re building a bit of a name for yourself here, kid.
Blitz: Really! Hah, well I guess it’s about time folks recognize my talent.
*Alex rolls her eyes as Crimson cackles & lightly punches Blitz’s arm.*
Crimson: I like your attitude. Well, I hope you’re all hungry, we put together a fabulous dinner for ya.
Crystal, lighting up like a Hellsmas tree: I heard dinner! What dinner? I’m hungry! *It was like seeing a parallel of Blitz lighting up after hearing about the pain games from the Harvest festival. She dashes off to Blitz & Crimson, while Moxxie, Millie, & Alexandra stayed behind for a bit.*
Alexandra: *Low grumbling*
Moxxie: ...........
Millie: .....Hey, baby? Why haven’t I met your pa before? & Alex? How come you look so on the edge, honey?
Moxxie: Well, uhh.....
Alexandra, softening at Millie’s question: Oh! Umm.....I-It’s a long story, Mills...
Moxxie: Y’know, it’s--it’s.....It’s--It’s just never been a--
Crimson: Hey! You three! Move it before it gets cold.
Crystal: Or before I get to your plates before you guys dooooo~!
Alexandra: ....... *Sighs*
Moxxie: .....L-look. Look, Millie. W-we can talk about it later.
Alexandra: Uhh, yeah. What he said. Now’s just not the best time for it.
*The three head inside with M&M holding hands & Alex burning holes into Crimson with her signature death glare. Alex snaps her fingers & a few of her own goons stand at the entrances & even follow her inside. Crimson’s friendly mask slid off for a second as he snaps his fingers & the two goons of his follow him inside & close the door. To say the goons from the Greed & Pride families had awkward, hateful tension in the same estate was an understatement, not just with the main crime lords running the gangs. But, it only got worse from there.* ------------------------------------------------ Why was this so fun to do?? XDD
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