#waff’s rambles
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closetweebsmh · 11 days ago
maybe it’s just okarun’s shyness in the beginning and him starting to grow out of it, but i noticed how he has a habit of slouching all throughout the manga and has moments of being bolder than usual even outside of his transformations. My headcanon (or maybe even canon?) is that his yokai form or TG is rubbing off on him and idk i find it cute that he has come so far now and how TG has also become attached to them in a way 😔
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gremoria411 · 2 years ago
Just realised that part of the appeal of units using the Rodi frame in Iron Blooded Orphans (besides them looking like little potatoes/dumplings/buns with guns) is that their design resembles the old prototype Zaku unit built by the Principality of Zeon
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(I’m specifically referring to the Man Rodi, Landman Rodi, Monkey Rodi and my personal favourite, the Labrys)
With them appearing as exaggerated versions of the following:
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The Zaku prototype units (in some sources called “crabman”)
Which were then replaced with the Mobile Worker and subsequently the Waff in Gundam: The Origin.
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It’s just neat spotting common design themes with the Zaku-esque suits.
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daughterofhecata · 2 years ago
Pros (for me) of writing another Five Senses fic installment: i get to wax poetic about gun oil.
Cons (for you): you will have to read me waxing poetic about gun oil.
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yuleshootureye · 1 year ago
I don't think it's fair to say that people only like WFA if they prefer the fanon, idealized versions of Batfam characters.
More rambling about comics and fandom under the cut, but the tldr version is that a) sometimes people want slice-of-life stuff for their favorite characters and b) if I have to put up with Dark and Gritty, unnaturally-prepared, child-slapping Batman, fans of that guy can put up with some light and fluffy manor hijinks like WFA.
Yes, there is an active and vocal portion of DC fandom that wants things from canon that will never happen. Partially that's because fandoms typically always want things from canon that would never happen. Teen Wolf and SPN fans want a coherent narrative that actually addresses the themes and character choices portrayed on the show. CA:TWS fans want to dig their claws into Steve and Bucky's relationship AND the US Military Industrial Complex in a way that the MCU never will. Stranger Things fans want some honest-to-God character development. And part of what I see in DC fandom is similar: what do fans of works where the characters are constantly emotionally and physically stressed want from their fanworks? Hurt/COMFORT and/or curtain!fic, in my experience.
And yes, partially that's because there seems to be a large portion of DC fandom that have not read a significant portion of the comics.* And/or watched the tv show(s). And/or watched the movie(s). And fanon builds on fanon until suddenly Tim Drake is crying because no one has ever hugged him, Cas/Steph/Duke are Sir Not Appearing in this Film, Jason is Gotham's #1 feminist, Dick is a golden retriever in human form, Damain is baby™, and Bruce would NEVER endanger his children by letting them go out and fight crime. But that happens in every fandom, to some extent.
I think it's perhaps more pronounced in DC because it's a comics fandom without any one unifying canon that most people are drawing from. For good or for ill, the Marvel fandom is typically able to circle the wagons around the MCU, with people incorporating various aspects of the 616 or Fraction's Hawkeye or whatever Spider-Man movie's come out most recently. DC doesn't have that. There's 80+ years of comics, including reboots that are supposed to make things less confusing (but YMMV on the effectiveness of that), and characterizations that change with the times; CW live-action TV shows; the Snyder-verse live-action movies; the NON-Snyder-verse live-action movies; the DCAU or Dini-verse/Timm-verse; the DC animated movies that are generally adaptations of comic storylines; the 2005 Teen Titans animated show; the 2010 Young Justice animated show; TITANS; The Batman (the animated show!); The Batman (R. Battinson!); Gotham; Smallville; Lois and Clark; etc, etc, etc.
I came to comics from the DCAU. I watched Smallville far past the point where any reasonable person would have quit. When I first watched 1978's Superman, I was confused that John Kent was dead, because he wasn't in the canons I was most familiar with. It's obviously not a 1:1 comparison, but I do think the question of "what do you want from canon" depends on what canon you're talking about.
And I don't mean to sound like I'm coming down on the side of people who are only familiar with fanon trying to argue they know the characters better than people who've actually consumed canon. But I do think DC being such a broad canon with no unifying property makes it a difficult discussion to have unless you start off by identifying the parameters.
ANYWAY, the point I've been dancing around is that there's enough canon that when someone says "MY Batman would never do that", they might be talking about their fanon or they might be talking about animated show #903 or the Tim Burton movies or whatever. Also, I had to put up with Nolan!Batman being the Batman du jour for like 10 years. It's WAFF WFA Batman's turn to be in the spotlight for a hot minute.
(Also, as greater minds than mine have pointed out, comics are, in general, a collective mythology of the modern era. And if you've ever tried to look up the One True Version of a myth, you'll know it's a frustrating exercise in futility)
*Of course, there's also a question of "what counts as a significant portion of the comics". Someone semi-recently ran a poll of "would you say you've read a lot of comics" and I was torn because I've read a lot, but in fits and spurts over the last 20 years, based on what was available at my local library or bookstore, and with nowhere near the focused attention that others have managed.
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notajoinerofthings · 4 months ago
Gute Laune ungerecht verteilt
Turns out, I still have a lot of thoughts & feelings about this album three months later. So, may I present to you: some ramblings on my favourite kettcar lyrics.
Und das geht so:
Auch für mich 6. Stunde
#AuchEgal, dicker Hals, kurze Lunte Twitter, konzentrier dich mal, auch für mich sechste Stunde Das Ganze ist wie Grunzen am Trog des Diskurses Mit der leichten Überdosis von dem Wissen, was los ist
Was für ein Opener. Ey, ganz ehrlich, wenn ein Album schon mit den Worten "Mittelmeer, Massengrab, so traurig hier, zynisch da" losgeht... weiß man, dass wird hier jetzt alles außer Menschen-Leben-Tanzen-Welt-Belanglosigkeit. Liebs sehr. Hätte auch gern ein Gehirn, das auf so tolle Sätze kommt.
Und der Weihnachtsmarkt leuchtet Hinter Legosteinen aus Beton Und er hörte sie fragen „Wo bist du eigentlich hergekommen?“
Ein absoluter Banger über Alltagsrassismus und was daraus so werden kann. Liebe den "Twist" mit München-Harlaching. München, alte Lady!! Das Musikvideo ist ebenfalls sehr empfehlenswert. Werd ich das wahrscheinlich irgendwann mal im Unterricht einsetzen? 💯you can bet!!
Doug & Florence
Und triff mich am Champagnerstand Bei den brennenden Barrikaden Und dann gib mir nur kurz ein Zeichen Dass wir beide mehr draufhaben Als Streit, Zerfleischung, Schuldzuweisung Die Idee steht lichterloh in Flammen Wir können von vorn anfangen
Ein großartiges Lied über die vermeintliche Chanchengleichheit im achso tollen Neoliberalismus und die Selbstermächtigung von Menschen, die absolut systemrelevant sind und doch alles andere als mächtig sind. "Zeig mir eine Band, die eine Brücke zwischen Doug Heffernan aus „King of Queens“ und Florence Nightingale schlagen kann, und dich dabei auch noch mitsingen lässt. Richtig, die gibts nicht nochmal." Und in diesem Sinne: All ihr Pflegerinnen of the world, unite! Unite and take over!
Und da ist so viel Freude Aber kein, kein Spaß Und da ist so viel Liebe Für jeden harten Tag, jedes Jahr
That's raising children in a nutshell, I guess. Mag das Lied richtig gerne, auch wenn mich persönlich die Thematik gar nicht betrifft. Aber ich finds gut, dass es jetzt 'nen realistischen Popsong gibt, der übers Dasein als Familie, Eltern und Paar und den ganzen Zwiespälte und Kämpfen, die sich daraus ergeben, erzählt. Und ich frag mich auch, wie sich Darth Vader eigentlich die Zähne putzt.
Kanye in Bayreuth
Dass Moral hier objektiv ist, das glaub ich kaum Gegen Wagner ist jedes Arschloch ein Pausenclown Das ist subjektiv, meine Meinung, scheißegal Subjektiv, deine Meinung, auch egal Und jetzt guck in deinen Plattenschrank und dann reg dich auf Heut' Nacht geht's für alle - den grünen Hügel rauf
Werk und Autor trennen, das leidige Thema. Großartig künstlerisch verpackt, ohne eine zu einfache Lösung anzubieten.
Blaue Lagune, 21:45 Uhr
Du musst aus dem Schatten der Hochhäuser treten Du weißt, wo wir herkommen, kommen andere nur hin Um vom Dach zu springen
Ein Lied, das die eindrucksvolle Geschichte eines Lebens erzählt, in dem die Umstände nicht viel zu lassen, außer alles in der eigenen Hand zu einer Waffe und das Herz immer härter werden zu lassen. Den Stimmlosen eine Stimme geben und immer gegen die Verzweiflung, indeed.
Wir betraten die Enterprise mit falschen Erwartungen
Und dann brachen die Dämme, das Eis, das Genick Und vor allem das Schweigen
Das hier ist wahrscheinlich einer von diesen kettcar-Songs, die ich erst noch so ca. 500 Mal hören muss, bevor ich einigermaßen verstehe, worum's eigentlich geht. Aber hey, was für ein großartiges Zeugma! Sollte ich mit in meine Beispielliste für meine Nachhilfeschüler:innen aufnehmen ;) Der Song ist aber auch so ein gutes Beispiel dafür, dass Marcus ein absoluter Meister darin ist, wild irgendwelche Sätze und Zitate aneinanderzureihen, die sich in der Gesamtschau dann anfühlen, als ob dir jemand ins Herz boxt. Vier Wände sind kein Zuhause / nur weil man immer wieder zurückkommt??? und schützt mich jetzt bitte vor dem / vor dem, was alle wollen??? und zwei halbe lost souls kämpfen bis zum Schluss / und dann anerkennen, was man anerkennen muss??? oof, ey.
Einkaufen in Zeiten des Krieges
Und nicht alle in Hamburg wollen zu König der Löwen Und es ist alles schon gesagt, aber noch nicht von jedem
Tell them, Reimer. Eine tolle Alltagsgeschichte mit ganz vielen klugen Beobachtungen.
Was wir sehen wollten
Wir sprachen vom Leben, nostalgische Fäden Sie schweben und wandern Von einem Bett zum anderen
Beim ersten Hören mochte ich das Lied gar nicht so sehr, weil ich anfangs die Story gar nicht richtig kapiert habe. Und wenn ich über meine persönlichen Erfahrungen als Angehörige im Krankenhaus vor nicht allzu langer Zeit nachdenke, hittet das Lied auch irgendwie noch mal ganz anders like just yesterday I had a good cry whilst listening to this song & thinking about my grandma Ein Lied darüber, wie absolut menschlich es ist, anderen in einer hoffnungslosen Situation ein bisschen Zuversicht durch das Erzählen von hoffnungsvollen Geschichten bringen zu wollen. Zum Glück haben wir noch ein Zimmer mit Aussicht gekriegt!
Bringt mich zu eurem Anführer
Ich erklär' euch nichts mehr, Popcorn, Trommelwirbel
Wieder so ein Kandidat, der sich mir noch nicht so ganz erschlossen hat, aber ich liebe das Assoziative in diesem Lied sehr, und die ganzen dramatischen Bilder für das mentale Chaos, das das lyrische Ich durchlebt.
Und dann hoffen, das die Nacht lang wird Und mein Denken sich leise verliert In dem Zustand, den man So lang, so lang vermisst hat Und dann hoffen, dass die Nacht nicht endet Oh, und keine Berührung verschwendet Ich bin mehr, wenn ich hier bin Mehr, wenn ich hier bei dir bin
Vielleicht das einzige Lied vom Album, das ich ab und zu skippe, weil ich noch keinen so tiefen Bezug dazu finden konnte. Oder das vielleicht auch nicht wollte, weil, uhm, let's be real. I'd rather not think about the last time I was completely in the moment like that with another person.
Ein Brief meines 20-jährigen Ichs (Jedes Ideal ist ein Richter)
In deinem gespielten Optimismus, den verschollenen Idealen In jedem grauen Haar, in deinem Eigenheimsparplan Den Kitsch in deinen Texten, deinen Falten im Gesicht Seh ich, du hast immer noch die gleiche Angst wie ich Und du tust, was du musst, und du hoffst, dass es langt
Fuck, Marcus, ey. Was soll das. Keine Worte. Also borg ich mir die von Linus Volkmann: "Was ist bitte mit Wiebusch los? So intense kann doch eigentlich niemand texten!" 💯
TL;DR: Hab so viel Liebe für diese kleine scheiß Kackband, ich weiß gar nicht, wohin damit. 💙
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incaensio · 1 year ago
setting : the everdeen's house at victor's village, near september. with : primrose everdeen @primvlas
katniss loved their house at the seam. it was leaky, and ever dusty, and tiny, but it was home; she still drops by there every day, on the way to the fence, and runs her fingers across the table or takes up a broom to sweep up the stubborn soot that is a fixture in most of the district. otherwise, it has been abandoned. katniss wonders if mother was happy to do it, to leave the slums and the struggles and father's memories behind, but she can't bring herself to ask and does what she has to do: she moves to her well - earned house in victor's village, and doesn't bother with anything else. the one room in that house she knows she likes, for sure, is the pantry. she had cried with real tears streaming down her cheek the first time she'd seen it, stocked all the way to the top with food she had never seen, yet was intended to try every one.
to this day, there are still plenty of cans they haven't gotten around to. she has opened some of the boxes today, the ones that have fancy cake pictures on the front; it is a whim that she almost regrets it as she reads the back with the instructions. they have plenty of flour and sugar and chocolate and eggs — things they never had at the seam, just a few months ago — but katniss has never been much of a cook. sure, she's made stews, made a habit of skinning and cutting up game as if she was an expert butcher, but this was foreign territory. she is almost tempted to go to one of her neighbors, whose open windows always waff the scent of good baking, but the temptation disappears as other sentiments about the boy with the bread swirl around her stomach leaving her anxious and not hungry at all.
the boxes are still open, but half - untouched, by the time another being makes themselves known around the everdeen's kitchen. prim's steps is familiar to katniss: she has a heavier foot than the eldest everdeen, but the noise has never annoyed katniss, not even in the few stances the youngest has attempted going into the woods. "good morning." she offers a ready smile to her sister, turning off the stove and putting the wooden spoon aside. "hot chocolate?" she offers. that katniss can cook — she has spent nights awake boiling milk and melting chocolate until she got it right and that work had been paid well by her family's reaction to their first taste of heaven in a cup. a glance is spared towards the table. "i thought to bake something for posy." she was starting first grade in a few days, last the girl had rambled to her about.
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gonnabeapolyglot · 2 years ago
i want to hug my favourite characters so bad, my blorbos, my beloveds
just huge glomp, massive sweater, squeeze the life outta them hhhh
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closetweebsmh · 3 years ago
WAAAAAA i’ve been doing okay so far but kinda busy too lately
Been trying to cope by playing genshin and chatting wid prends rn
Also congrats on being a grade higher FHSHSHS i hope ur doing good <33
Ayo how are u ?? I miss u D:
hi !!!!! im okay just busy :( i have a moving up pictorial thing tomorrow and it just bsrbs
also how are u :oo ?? A AND IMYT >:OO
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midnightluck · 7 years ago
why i can’t write romance
I got into this for an ask but it got so long, so here we go.
I wish I could write cute, quick fluffy romance-as-the-point stuff. I really do. I love reading WAFFy fun things, but when I try to write them, it always devolves.
Because romance, to me, is tricky and subjective and fickle.
Is it a quiet creeping kind, where you don’t notice until every other thought is them, and you seek them out unconsciously until they become your compass and your sun and your world?
Does it hit like a punch, short and blunt and leaving you breathless with the need to tear into them and explore and poke until you know everything and consume what’s there and then go looking for moremoremore?
Is it always there, like a scab? Just sitting on your skin, part of you and visible, and you keep hoping that it will go away but it doesn’t? You poke at it and pick at it because it’s there and the little pain is a bit addictive, because it’s just right there. You pick at it til it peels up a bit so you try to rip it off but then it scars and you’re stuck, branded by a love you didn’t want or ask for.
Or maybe it’s that you’re generally calm until this one person, who gets under your skin by breathing wrong and everything they do is awful and your entire world swings around to narrow in on them until that focus is everything you can see.
Or is it just that you owe them your life or your faith or your loyalty or your sanity, and moreso because they don’t think you do? And you follow them around with your heart in your hand and their smile in your eyes and their name on your breath, but will never say anything because so does everyone else.
Or perhaps it’s as simple as the rush of a schoolgirl crush, where the world slows down when they walk by and their laugh ignites you and their every motion is purposeful and graceful. They’re your gossip and the subject of your doodles and your every dream. There’s never been anyone more perfect and you put them so high on a pedestal that you’d never dare to approach, which is good because if you did they’d either have to live up to a self that isn’t them or suffer the consequences of crashing down and becoming only, desperately human, flawed and disgusting for it.
But all this is internal and personal, and if you, like me, don’t like writing from their point of view or in their head, then from the outside it’s all subtle cues and little actions. It’s sidelong glances and cutting the eyes away before they notice. It’s breathing deep and pausing before you speak to make sure you say it right. It’s desperately touching your hair or fixing your smile when they turn to you. It’s staring at their back and watching them walk and noticing how that beam of sunlight really just gilds their hair and lights up their eyes. It’s taking notes on what makes them laugh, and it’s wearing blue because that’s their favorite color. It’s having that selfie they forgot you took as your phone background and touching it occasionally. It’s quoting something they once said, back and back, and they forgot it but you internalized it and live by it. It’s knowing they like cookies or always forget a pen, and having some to hand just in case, and all the other little things you’ve ever done. It’s the proof people point to when you fess up and ask, “am I really that obvious?”
I find that writing romance is so aggravatingly hard because the point of most of it is that the actions don’t match the inside (in most cases. a yandere-type love is a different story entirely, but no less interesting). And maybe they notice and talk it out. Maybe they notice and don’t say anything, or distance themselves, or even start paying attention back. Maybe when they break and yell, “Of course I love you! I’ve always loved you! Why can’t you see how much I love you?!” it’s just as shocking for an unaware reader as it is for the other character, but blindingly obvious in hindsight. It’s easy to hide this kind of leadup in a huge heavy plot, but in a short cute piece? That takes skill and patience and time, because a perfectly precise 1k one shot takes so much longer to write than a rambling, exploratory 10k.
So I write love, because love is easy. Philia or storge or manic or agape or platonic, etc–all love boils down to, very basically, the instinct to always choose the other first. Love can be endless or simple or subtle or celebrated or tragic. Love is essential and comes standard; it’s the fundamental driving force behind every story.
Love is easy. Romance is hard.
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closetweebsmh · 11 days ago
y’all i would totally draw up an animatic abt momokarun with the song “a guy i’d kinda be into” BUT PLEASE I GET BURNT OUT SO EASILY (and my attention span is so shit)
but just imagine guys omg. take a listen to it if ur not familiar, y’all can’t tell me that it isn’t even the slightest bit of them 😭🫶
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alterchelou · 5 years ago
My buddy @lucasseliott is the best and not just because she always tags me in these games.
nicknames: The basic ones are ‘Saph’ and/or ‘Saphy’ but I’ve got friends who also call me ‘Ron’ (bc it’s the last three letters of my name) and my mum calls me ‘Waff’ sometimes...
zodiac sign: Scorpio sun, Scorpio moon and Leo rising -- this is possibly one of the oddest things I have looked up recently
height: About 5ft 9in (175.26cm)
hogwarts house: Obviously... Slytherin!
last thing i googled: A height converter... because I didn’t know my height in centimetres.
favourite music: Honestly, I'm not sure. My tastes are so broad. Punk rock will always hold a special place in my heart though... and well, I’m a twenty one pilots stan.
song stuck in my head: Woke Up Late by Drax Project and Hailee Steinfeld... They came into my office recently (Drax Project, not Hailee) and I’ve had this stuck in my head since.
what i follow: Mostly Skam content. Like Lucy, I’m following the Heartstopper comic, which I highly recommend. Marvel and Disney... twenty one pilots... Timothee Chalamet... I think that’s all of it.
followers: 110
do i get asks: I think I’ve had like two since I joined... Awks!
amount of sleep: Somewhere between 5 and 7 hours I would say. On weekends I try to get a bit more. I have cats with a messed up eating schedule, so it depends on when they wake me up.
what i’m wearing: 101 Dalmatians pyjamas. Like I said, I like me some Disney!
dream job: This changes daily. Sometimes I want to go back to event photography, others I want to write movie reviews. Whatever my dream job is, it’s media-based. I’m currently doing something I’m good at. I feel appreciated most days and it pays for my very fun lifestyle. It could be much worse.
dream trip: Disney Resort Tokyo... So, I have a weird bucket list which includes going to every Disneyland Park in the world. While I’ve only been to Paris so far, I’ve been told that Tokyo is the best. BRING IT ON! New Zealand and Australia... I love the idea of being that far away from home.
favourite food: My mum’s roast beef with all the trimmings. But if I’m out and about I love Indian or Italian... A spicy curry or a hearty risotto would be perfect. I also make pretty good versions of both.
languages: English is my first language. I studied French and Spanish at school, but those skills abandoned me quickly. I’m using Duolingo to try and get my French back in action.
favourite songs: Just to pick a few from my go-to playlist:
Woke Up Late - Drax Project and Hailee Steinfeld
Sinner - Deaf Havana
Summer - Brockhampton
Rollercoaster - Jonas Brothers
Leave The City, twenty one pilots
Peer Pressure - James Bay and Julia Michaels
Bad Decisions - Bastille
random fact: I once bumped into Andrew Garfield in a bookshop.
Well, this has been fun, but I have to apologise for my ramblings.
Everyone’s probably done this already but I’m tagging... @whatcanisayimgay @lilylupin @corcordiums​ @schattenwxlfin​
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justmeinfact · 6 years ago
Maxel fic
Well, if you are feeling up to reading about Maxel now that we’ve have a total brain overload beacuse of all wonderful convention stuff - please be sure to go to ao3 and read my Maxel story “Home is where I am”. I you like it, press kudos and come be my friend on Tumlr and talk to me about it - all opionions are valued (as long as you are nice about it).
Here is the 9th chapter (of 10 posted).
Please enjoy!
The link to ao3 is here.
It’s not that the “no boundaries” thing doesn’t scare him. Actually it scares the hell out of Axel. He feels so scared he can hardly think about anything else.
A sunny afternoon he finds himself pacing in his own living room. He looks down his feet to the old parquet floorings and Ouba, the little Pomeranian follows his movements back and forth with her small piercing black eyes.
Even she is wondering what the fuck I’m doing, Axel rolls his eyes at himself and gives it a halt.
“Waff” Ouba barks.
"Putain!" , Axel says out loud.
“It...we...I guess...hmpf...I feel like I'm just about to open a door to like my fucking soul and I don’t know what’s in there and if I’ll like it and also, it’s like fucking embarrasing to show yourself all fucking naked.”
Axel is rambling now, closing his eyes as he can feel the heat rising in his chins.
“You're cursing more than I am” Maxence says, smiling softly sitting next to him in the grass of the big park.
“I fucking know” Axel responds forcefully with a high pitched sound and with just an inch of a smile and one increased eyebrow.
Maxence gives him a moment to collect himself, looking at the other side of the park, like he can see something interesting among the runners and the families sitting in the grass and at the benches. Axel knows that is what he does.
He is so fucking kind, Axel thinks.
“So why do it then?” Maxence asks, voice soft and eyes turning to Axel’s again.
“Because it’s so important. I want to do this right. It’s not like I’m changing my mind, I want to go for the no boundaries thing. I’m just scared of what it might bring, you know. I have like kissed on screen before, but this...it’s a love story. If we don’t give this project what it needs it will fall flat. If we give it our all and we succeed we will be spokespersons for a cause that is not...ours. And either way we’re going to have to see our naked asses on Youtube. They will be there for fucking forever.”
Maxence huffs a little, the skin by his eyes wrinkling because of the sudden laughter.
“That’s true. But you know what? You are focusing on the fear now. And I feel you, I am right there with you. But there are so many great things about this. We will have the opportunity to experience something we never would have if it wasn’t for this. And for a great cause. I believe in this as much as you do.”
Maxence's eyes projects so much comfort that Axel's head is kind of spinning.
“We do this together, side by side. I trust you, actually I know you can do this. There is no part of me that doesn't believe that. And no boundaries doesn’t mean you can’t say no or stop. I will take care of you, you know.”
“I am the one with the acting experience, actually” Axel says with a grin that shows his teeth to make this whole thing a little easier to bear.
“But I’m the one with the brains”, Maxence responds completely without hesitation.
“Hmpf - ”, Axels scoffs, but decides to let the remark pass. His heart just feels too warm to handle any more jokes.
“It’s getting chilly, what about ending this therapy session and go home?”
“Let’s do that”, Maxence replies and gets up from the grass, holding one hand out to pull Axel up. They end up standing close exactly opposite to each other.
“David would have liked the outcome of this session.” Axel says quietly, almost to himself.
“You talked to David about this?” Maxence asks as it seems like he heard the reflection.
“I did that.”
“What did he have to say?”
“He told me to talk to the other naked person.”
“And was it a good suggestion?”
“It was. Thank you.”
“No, Axel, thank you. For talking to me.”
Maxence takes one step forward and puts his hand on Axel’s heart. Axel can feel the sudden warmth of his hand through three layers of clothes.
Like we’re connected by the hearts, Axel has time to think before Maxence drops his hand to his side.
Walking away from the park on the gravel, meeting other Parisians jogging with headphones in their ears in the crisp evening air, Axel can still feel the touch on his chest burning.
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ranichi17 · 7 years ago
emotional whiplash hell fic status report:
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ao3feed-ninexrose · 4 years ago
by sonicenvy
The evolution of the Doctor and Rose's relationship in tiny snippets. They have a deep and intense friendship that makes for a deep and intense romance. This was really an excuse for me to write little snippets of sweet WAFF and yearning, because the world is shitty and i need that right now. Rated Y for yearning.
Words: 1781, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Jackie Tyler, Shareen Costello
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Character Study, yearning so much soft yearning, That's Love Bitch, Fluff, waffy to an insane degree, rambling plot free prose because adhd gremlin brain said no mc plot fics today, im back on my bullshit writing new d/r fic because i can, Telepathic Bond, Marriage Proposal
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wiff-waff · 5 years ago
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Well folks that is it. We are back in base, been and collected the motors from New Malden and currently updating our CV’s and searching for toil.
I hope you’ve enjoyed my ramblings (a like would be nice) and insight into our life on the cut. I won’t be posting much in the future and I’m afraid there will be no wiff-waff next year because we are staying put for at least 18 months to get some dosh together.
I’ve been to the quacks and am waiting for an x-ray and I have a new phone now and the same number but unfortunately have lost all my contacts so Phil if you are reading this can you text me your number.
El fin, roll on 2021, take care and stock up with bog roll cos come Brexit they’ll be the first thing to disappear off the shelves, you better believe it xxx
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ao3feed-doctorxrose · 4 years ago
but we loved with a love that was more than love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fKEWs9
by sonicenvy
The evolution of the Doctor and Rose's relationship in tiny snippets. They have a deep and intense friendship that makes for a deep and intense romance. This was really an excuse for me to write little snippets of sweet WAFF and yearning, because the world is shitty and i need that right now. Rated Y for yearning.
Words: 1781, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005), Doctor Who
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rose Tyler, Tenth Doctor, Ninth Doctor, Jackie Tyler, Shareen Costello
Relationships: Tenth Doctor/Rose Tyler, Ninth Doctor/Rose Tyler
Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Character Study, yearning so much soft yearning, That's Love Bitch, Fluff, waffy to an insane degree, rambling plot free prose because adhd gremlin brain said no mc plot fics today, im back on my bullshit writing new d/r fic because i can, Telepathic Bond, Marriage Proposal
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fKEWs9
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