#w: saebyok
withoutjoy-blog · 5 years
he’s not one to be excited for social outings. if anything the prospect of being trapped among humans with the unending chatters and thoughts tie knots all over his insides. and for this occasion, sangwoo can already feel the non-existent weights tying his ankles down as he left the safety of his apartment.
which ironically, has seen the demons inhibiting his mind during late night for the past few weeks.
he tries to direct his attention elsewhere during the bus ride, anywhere but the growing irritation that begins to show upon his features. maybe thinking of going grocery shopping after he gets this done and over with. or maybe wishing that his boss would be this attentive towards him next time before he decides to give sangwoo overtime would do.
concerned my ass.
he also thinks about flaking altogether, but that’s impossible without getting his pay cut.
the first thing that he does when he reaches their rendezvous point--a small coffee shop--is to text saebyok. partly to make sure he’s in the right place, and mostly because he’d rather buy more time. it’s not even a legitimate therapy session but sangwoo already dreads being psychoanalyzed. he doesn’t like being psychoanalyzed. heck, people won’t like him when he’s psychoanalyzed.
[ ✉️ mr. dr. shrink ]: i’m here  [ ✉️ mr. dr. shrink ]: where are you seated at?
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