#w: roger-that-cap
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radiaking · 7 months ago
Thinkin about the ways the ghoul shows his humanity even if in very ghoulish/wasteland-y ways
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secretswiftymarvelfan · 1 year ago
The Kind Of Love You Only Find Once In A Lifetime - Steve Rogers x Reader (Prologue)
A/N: This whole fic is dedicated to the wonderful @anika-ann because she was the one who reblogged the wartime footage gifs that inspired all this and I promised I'd write it 😉
Summary: Tony finds some old war footage of Steve which features someone very special to him
Word Count: 892
Warnings: Angst! Flashbacks!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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The Kind Of Love You Only Find Once In A Lifetime
Steve took a deep breath, screwing his eyes shut as he waited for the most recent flashback to leave his mind, but it just seemed permanently seared in his brain, tattooed on the inside of his eyelids. Clenching his fists he threw his first punch at the bag, the satisfying crack making his eyes snap open as he continued to throw punches. Praying that with every punch the pain would just stop.
Steve had been living in this new modern world for just under a year now, his new friends had tried to help him adjust some more than others, but settled was not the word he would use. Frankly, he didn’t think he’d ever feel settled in this new life. How could he when everything and everyone he had was back in the forties?
With his last punch, he spotted a small droplet of blood running down the leather of the bag. He paused, brows furrowing as he watched the droplet work down the bag before dropping onto the floor. Looking down at his fists he saw the wrapping around his knuckles was soaked with blood.
He needed to stop, he knew that. He could practically hear that voice in his head, the one that he simultaneously wished would stop and never go away, telling him to stop. He gave into that voice, knowing it was right, it was always right. He stepped away from the bag and began to unwrap his hands, seeing just how damaged his knuckles were. They would heal up perfectly fine and quickly on their own but that voice told him to go clean them properly so he did.
As he made his way back to his room he heard the rest of the team talking in the cinema room, as well as a voice that did not belong to this time period. Curiosity got the better of him, as he walked in he instantly recognised the footage on the screen. It was all the old footage from his time in the war.
“Where- where did you get this?” he asks, clearing his throat when he feels it begin to break.
“Dad’s old archives, it proved useful in the past,” Tony says tapping his arc reactor “So I thought I’d go through everything else see if there was anything important” he explains “found all these old reels, some said unusable on them but I asked JARVIS to compile it all together and Ta-Da” he says gesturing to the large screen.
Steve just hummed with a small nod of his head as he stared up at the screen. His heart was pounding in his chest and his mind was telling him to leave, save himself the heartbreak. But his heart kept his feet firmly planted where he stood because only it knew the connection Steve had to this footage.
The first reel with the narration ended and there were a couple of seconds of a black screen before it came back to life with more footage of him. However this time almost every clip had him looking towards the camera. To begin with, it was only for a split second but over time the gazes became longer and a smile would form on his face.
“No wonder they couldn’t use this footage, Cap keeps looking into the camera! You’re breaking the number one rule!” Nat laughs shaking her head at him.
“I wasn’t” Steve mutters.
“Yeah you are look at you” Nat argues pointing up at the screen.
“I wasn’t looking at the camera” Steve states quietly, unable to say it any louder with the lump in his throat, looking down at the floor so they wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes.
When the screen went black again Steve cleared his throat and went to leave, he was by the door but he froze when he heard Clint say “Who’s the girl?”
Steve didn’t even need to look at the screen to know exactly what girl it was and it was not just some girl. It was the owner of the voice in his head that he couldn't help but listen to. His body operated on autopilot as he walked back into the room and looked back up at the screen.
His breath caught and the lump in his throat doubled in size. There was no sound but Steve could hear the laughter so clearly, there was no way Steve would ever forget that laugh. He had no clue this footage even existed, his heart ached as watched as the girl on the screen laughed and tried to push the camera away.
Eventually, the screen went black and remained that way but Steve could not take his eyes off the screen praying that it would restart and he could see it all over again.
“Who was that Steve?” Nat asked her voice softer than before.
 it uh was someone very special to me” Steve manages to say, he quickly sniffles before glancing back at Tony “Can um
 is there a way I could have a copy?” he asks.
Tony shifted in his seat “Sure, JARVIS can you get on that?”
“Already did Sir” The AI responded.
“Thank you,” Steve said quietly before quickly turning to make his way back to his room so he could go rewatch the footage of you over and over again.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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mrs-barnes-rogers-writes · 10 months ago
Pretty As A Picture - Chapter 5
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Theme: Soulmates - Feeling the connection as soon as you see each other.
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Summary: When Bucky fell from the train, their soulmate was told he was gone. When Steve Rogers disappeared into the ice, their soulmate was again told one of her soulmates were gone. But she didn't believe it. Couldn't believe it. Committed to a mental health institute, she dies of a broken heart. That's at least what the hidden S.H.I.E.LD files say, but if that's the case than why is there a photo of her. A photo that shows her side by side two redhaired Avengers.
Warnings will be per chapter.
For this fic reader will be British, but let your imagination replace if needed.
Chapter Summary: Where are you? What does anyone know? And is Nat unfairly getting the blame?
Chapter Warning: Mentions of mental health, death, loss, electric shock therapy.
Wanda’s eyes went wide and she snapped to look at Nat.
“Have you seen this? Have you seen this before?”
Natasha shook her head.
“You never showed me this Steve. Why wouldn’t you show this to me? To any of us?”
Steve sighed.
“Honestly, it hurt too much. Every time I look at it, every time I look at her, see her face. It feels like my heart is being crushed. To everyone else it’s seventy years, for me, well, it’s not. I look at it and I can smell her perfume, hear her voice, feel her. The chances of her still being here were small. When I was first given a stack of files from Fury, some of you were in them, so were Howard and Peggy, but she wasn’t. When I asked Fury, he didn’t know who I was even talking about, and if anyone could find anything it was you or one of you. This is all I have of her and I couldn’t risk losing that.”
“But you realise that this would have helped us look right? Sure there’s nothing from then but if you’d have shown Nat this, or Clint? It would have been ‘oh hey, I know her’ but instead you’re giving Nat shit. That’s not cool Cap.” Sam replied.
“This is all we have. The evidence shows she’s dead.”
“That’s her Steve.”
“I know Buck, look, I looked for her myself once I’d got a hand on the technology. There was nothing until that file and I gave you all a very clear description and
“Now hang on” interrupted Clint “you think hair and eye colour are a good description. Rogers there’s billions of people in the world, and you’re questioning us?”
Steve remained stoic. Bucky however, couldn’t seem to get a reign on his emotions. This was a chance of him getting his girl back, he wasn’t about to hide things.
“He was scared.”
“Tony’s right. After everything that’s happened, everyone, including you and me, promised no more secrets, no more lies. You were scared Steve, hell, I’m scared too. What if she doesn’t want me after all these years, after all I’ve done.”
“No Steve, I know you. If you’d have given Nat, Tony, any of them that picture, it would have been ran through every single database in the damn world and I’m pretty sure Friday or Tony could have aged her, taken into account any changes to her appearance, part of you was scared. Scared that if she was around, if she’d survived from back then, that she’d be old, wouldn’t remember you like Peg or that we’d have put her in danger again.”
“Aliens came out the sky Buck.”
“I had no reason to not believe Peggy.”
Seeing the conversation becoming heated, Tony decided at this point to step in.
“I’d like to add something if I may. Peggy Carter was my godmother and I knew her as well as you can when someone is your parent’s friend. I never heard them speak about your soulmate or any other female agents, map girls, just each other, you two, Phillips and the Howling Commandos. So all of this, deleting her, behaving like she didn’t exist was to keep her safe. If their truth was to out when Peggy died then it would be neatly put together just like this. If there was anything else, it would be in her file, if there was a clue to anything else it would be here in Peggy’s handwriting. I want to help you Capsicle, and you” nodding at Bucky, “but I need everything and I need Friday to scan that photo, you don’t need to move it, none of us need to touch it but we need it.”
Steve nodded and Bucky uttered a quiet ‘please’.
“You all saw that right, he nodded. I’m taking that as consent. F.R.I.D.A.Y get to work, scan the photos on the table and capture all the info in this file. Romanoff, gonna need her info.” Tony stood as projections came up over the coffee table that sat between the sofas they were all sat on.
“Freelance British Agent 21. Code name White Knight.” Said Nat.
“Why is it locked?”
“You have to high level clearance according to the screen.”  Vision pointed out.
Tony gasped in mock horror.
“Well most of us are still on the naughty list. Friday scan Rhodey for access.”
“Access denied Boss.”
“Access denied. What? I’m on the good list!”
“Boss none of you will get access.”
“Unless” Romanoff started “you have an access login given to you by the agent herself.” Nat typed in her phone and projected the result to go against the others.
“Just to loop back around, earlier the contact you were talking about, it’s her?” Asked Tony.
“Yes. Does that matter?” Natasha asked.
“No, but unless you haven’t noticed I’m incredibly nosy.”
Clint snorted with laughed. “Oh you and Y/N are going to get on like a house on fire.”
“Nat don’t let the two of them spend too much time together.” Laura added.
“Why not?” Steve and Pepper replied at the same time.
“World domination springs to mind.” Clint muttered.
“Oh I definitely like her already. Ok, Friday, what do we have?”
“The results are inconclusive boss.”
“What? What does that mean?” Asked Bucky.
“Break it down F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Tony replied.
A fresh batch of projections displayed.
“Examining the facial features, matching the structure and identifying marks, is a 100% match but her DNA and genetics test show she’s not of the age of Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes soulmate would be.”
There was sighs around the room. Vision spoke first.
“It’s unlikely that the testing could have been tampered with due to the secure way it’s taken.” Vision pointed out. “Although her last testing is past the usual repeat time.”
“How is she still working if she’s missed testing? It’s a requirement for the health check.” Rhodey added.
“Must of been busy.” Clint said, trying to brush past the comment.
Bucky watched as Nat seemed to find an interesting spot on the meeting room carpet that she couldn’t take her eyes off, Bruce rubbing circles on her knee. Clint was now looking off screen, Laura had disappeared.
“OK, what is it you’re not saying?” He asked.
“Who you talking to Buck?”
“These four. Bruce, Nat, Laura and Clint, you’re not lying but there’s something you aren’t saying.”
F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted.
“Boss, we’ve got a visitor.”
“Well, don’t let them in.” Tony instructed.
“Sorry boss but it’s Deputy Director Hill and she’s used her pass.”
“Wilson, your booty calls here.”
Sam shook his head.
“Actually Boss, she’s here to see Agents Romanoff and Barton.”
Before anyone had time to comment further, Maria entered the room. Tony acted quickly, minimising the screens that displayed their soulmate, wanting to respect Steve and Bucky’s privacy.
“And what brings you here Hill? That isn’t Sam’s sparkling personality?” Tony asked getting him a swat from Pepper.
The team shook their heads at Tony’s poor joke. Maria didn’t even flinch or react. Her lack of reaction causing everyone to turn to look at her fully.
Her eyes were blood shot, face damp from tears and she looked liked she hadn’t slept in a week. The enhanced in the room could smell the coffee she’d clearly been living off, along with a faint hint of scotch. Steve would guess one glass, thirty minutes ago.
Pepper stood first, nearest placed to Hill. Sam also stood to go towards her.
“Maria what is it? What’s wrong?” Asked Pepper. She held her hand up to stop them going further.
“I’m here in my role as Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Romanoff and Agent Barton as
.” She paused and swallowed hard.
“This isn’t a mission is it?” Sam asked.
Maria lowered her head and took a breath, when she looked up, she locked eyes with Nat, who was now also standing.
“Shall we do this here or in private?”
Nat had a horrible feeling. A feeling deep down in her stomach that this was the worst kind of news. She had seen Maria in this state twice. Once when Coulson died (or so they thought) and the same when Fury had (or so they thought - again). Clint spoke before Nat had chance to reply.
“Just spit it out Hill, so I know if I need to get on the jet or not.”
Maria glanced at Nat who nodded.
“According to our records and that of MI5 and MI6, you are registered as next of kin and the emergency contacts of Freelance British Agent 21, code name White Knight. As my role of Deputy Director of S.H.I.E.L.D I’m here to inform you that 50 hours ago, during a covert mission for our agency, Agent 21 missed her checkpoint. Due to the evidence found two hours ago, she is now declared as missing in action, presumed dead."
Enjoy this fic? Fancy a cuppa? My Ko-Fi.
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breckstonevailskier · 2 years ago
Rewriting Captain America: Civil War to actually make it a Captain America movie
Let's face it, the biggest problem with Civil War is that despite Captain America's name being in the title, it's not really a Captain America movie. It's more like an Iron Man 4 or Avengers 2.5 masquerading as a Captain America movie. I mean, the plot relies more heavily on threads from Avengers: Age of Ultron than it does Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Not to mention the creators deliberately trimmed/cut Team Cap scenes because they wanted audiences to be split 50-50 on what side to take, as if they needed to do that to make Team Iron Man Support a Piece of Legislation That Reads Like Something Written By HYDRA look good. And Tony Stark has more dialogue than Steve Rogers gets. And this is around the time when basically, the writing for the MCU decided to stop letting other characters call Tony out on his wrongdoings.
So how does one fix that?
General changes:
For starters, have HYDRA still be as important as they were in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Rather than have them be conspicuously absent, they are still very much lurking in the shadows. Bonus points by having the movie strongly imply (and members of Steve's side speculate) that the Sokovia Accords might be a brainchild of HYDRA's. After all, the Accords (and the ways they basically take away the rights and freedoms of enhanced individuals) read like something out of Nazi Germany, the place that Red Skull's HYDRA originated in.
Scene by scene changes:
Lagos aftermath:
The opening act in Lagos remains unchanged. It's a great action setpiece. However, some extra stuff is added to acknowledge that Rumlow's cell is obtaining the bioweapon with the purpose of carrying out an attack directed at people who pose a threat to HYDRA's existence.
In the aftermath, what I would change is the press coverage that goes out of its way to vilify Wanda. T'Chaka's biased take blaming the heroes for the destruction caused by Wanda relocating the explosion can stay, and maybe the second one where if not for the mentions of Wanda, you'd think they were talking about Rumlow. But I'd also add at least one newscast that is speaking favorably of the heroes, and praising Wanda for her efforts.
I'd slightly tweak Steve's scene with Wanda, and instead of saying, "The deaths are on both of us," he'd say, "It's not your fault, Wanda. It's Rumlow's fault. It's not your fault that he was a spiteful coward who decided he wouldn't let us take him in alive." I'd also have a scene or two of Vision doing his best to comfort Wanda and provide her someone to express her thoughts to, not unlike this scene from WandaVision:
Also a thing I'd fix is that I'd have the Avengers make some sort of press statement to defend Wanda from those who are unfairly vilifying her. Something to the effect of Natasha, Steve, and/or Vision going in front of a gaggle of reporters to read a statement as follows:
For the past month, the Avengers have been in pursuit of Brock Rumlow, international terrorist and confirmed member of HYDRA. Last week, the Avengers tracked him down to Lagos, Nigeria, where his cell was plotting to steal a biological weapon that it is believed they were going to use to carry out an attack that would kill hundreds of people. Acting per their training, the Avengers engaged Rumlow and his men, successfully killing or incapacitating most of them, and reclaiming the bioweapon. Eventually, Rumlow was successfully cornered. However, as Captain America was preparing to arrest Rumlow, he decided to blow himself up. As there were hundreds of people in the immediate area, Wanda Maximoff instinctively stepped in and used her powers to try to relocate the explosion into the sky where it wouldn't kill anyone. Despite Miss Maximoff's efforts, she ended up losing control of the bomb, and it ended up destroying part of one office building. It is a tragedy that despite the Avengers' successful efforts to stop Rumlow, there were still innocent civilian casualties, including the dozen or so people in the office building that were killed by Rumlow when he blew himself up. However, the blame for those deaths does not fall on Wanda Maximoff. Those deaths are the fault of a madman who, two years ago, was part of a plot by an organization dating back to Nazi Germany to use gunships to mass murder 20 million people, and whose motto is "Cut off one head, two more shall take its place." In addition, it needs to be pointed out Miss Maximoff also saved the lives of everyone in that marketplace. If it was not for her split second thinking, hundreds more people would be dead. And if the Avengers were not there in Lagos, a group of terrorists would have successfully released a bioweapon into the world, one capable of killing thousands. The Avengers are not responsible for the destruction brought upon by the bad guys that they are attempting to stop. That blame should start and end with the bad guys.
Because yeah, that would do wonders for Wanda.
Ross blaming the heroes for the destruction caused by the villains:
Yeah, this is something where Ross is a fucking hypocrite. “How about ‘dangerous’? What would you call a group of US-based, enhanced individuals who routinely ignore sovereign borders and inflict their will wherever they choose and who, frankly, seem unconcerned about what they leave behind?” Then his biased presentation showing footage from the Chitauri invasion in New York (The Avengers), the destruction of the Triskelion (Winter Soldier), Sokovia (Age of Ultron), and Lagos. This presentation is clearly done to paint Steve and his allies in a bad light, and Tony in a good light.
Thing is, though, this is just Thaddeus Ross blaming the heroes for the destruction caused by the villains. Not only in every aforementioned situation would things be worse if the Avengers weren't there (New York City would've been nuked by the WSC, HYDRA would've gotten the Project Insight carriers launched and 20 million people dead, Ultron would've wiped out human life, and terrorists would've gotten away with a bioweapon), but Ross is a hypocrite to try to pin this destruction on the heroes given his failures to capture the Hulk and the destruction he caused in his efforts. @thehollowprince posited here that they really should've had Steve call Ross on his hypocrisy right there and then.
Like, in response to Ross's remarks, Steve would speak up to say, "The Avengers as a whole are not responsible for Ultron destroying Sokovia's capital city. If you want to blame someone for that, direct all your blame at that man who decided to go behind his teammates' back to create Ultron," and point an accusatory finger at Tony. And as I said, have Steve throw Ross's failure back in his face to show that he really has no skin in the game.
Passage from thehollowprince's take on what should've been said:
“But, in the spirit of fairness, let’s talk consequences.” Steve went on. “F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” “Yes, Steve?” The A.I. said from the speakers. “Could you roll footage of Culver University, spring semester, 2008?” The screen that had been off immediately clicked back on and began playing back footage from cellphones and cameras of Ross’ failed attempt to contain and capture the Hulk in the middle of a crowded campus, using an unauthorized enhanced human, as well as weapons that put the civilian population in extreme danger. The last image was of the Hulk launching an armored truck at another, the screen immediately going static as the footage was lost. “Harlem, three days later.” The Hulk’s fight with a severely mutated Blonsky showed on the screen next, as well as the atrocities that Emil committed on his own before Banner stepped in to stop him. Ross’s face was reddening at having one of his biggest failures played in front of the very people he was trying to intimidate. Harlem was on of his biggest failures and he did a lot to try and distance himself from it. “Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.” Steve said and the screen froze on an image of the infamous Abomination lifting a car above his head, about to crush it into some police officers. “Tell me, Mr. Secretary, where were your consequences? Because from what I understand, you tried to pin the whole thing on Blonsky and Banner, getting a medal and a promotion for your trouble.”
And, as happens in the hollowprince fix-it, Steve, as a last-minute parting shot, drops a bombshell on Ross that he was on HYDRA's hit list and would've been eliminated by Project Insight in the initial attacks upon the helicarriers' launches.
The Accords debate itself:
The big problem with the debate itself is that it's very one-sided. It's more "Tony and his allies make a lot of flawed points, and no one on Team Cap is allowed to call them out on it." So basically, the way to fix it would be to rewrite the debate using a combination of this one by @thehollowprince, as well as these ficlets on Archive of Our Own.
So, obviously, I would rewrite the debate to be more in Team Cap's favor, while we get multiple opportunities for Tony's side's points to be quickly picked apart and called out. To give examples of how this could go:
Have someone on Team Cap point out the whole fact that HYDRA would benefit greatly from this legislation, since it would curtail the freedom of superheroes' ability to respond quickly. And even for those in the UN who might not be compromised by HYDRA, it's a power grab. And it's also a power grab for Ross.
When Rhodey brings up Ross's medal of honor, have Sam point out (as he does in thehollowprince's fix-it) that a Congressional Medal of Honor doesn't mean shit, and comes off with Ross like a white man being rewarded for doing a subpar job. (Also, have someone remind Rhodey that the Accords would've prevented him and Tony from rescuing the President of the United States from Aldrich Killian had they been in place at the time of Iron Man 3, especially seeing as the Vice President was also in Killian's circle.)
I'd cut Vision's whole BS equation entirely. Instead, I'd have him on the side of Team Cap for this movie, and logic, "The number of potentially world-ending events has risen at a commensurate rate. Oversight is not an idea that can be dismissed out of hand, but the form that is being given to us by Ross is one that makes me calculate that the next world ending event has a likelier chance of succeeding.” (Vision's reason for being on Team Cap here is partly because he cares for Wanda, but mostly because he views himself as human, and the way Ross just dehumanized Thor and the Hulk by likening them to nukes makes Vision think Ross would view him the same way; this would actually be consistent with the will he has in WandaVision where he wished not to be turned into a living weapon, the very will that Tyler Hayward disregarded. On top of which, he realizes that he, Wanda, and Steve would be the most severely impacted by the Accords because they seem to be harsher on those who have innate superpowers than those who have removable suits.)
Have an instance or two of Tony being called out on his America centrism. Particularly when he brings up Charlie Spencer's death. In response to that, I'd have Wanda snap at him with a bit of pure rage. Why would I have Wanda do this? Because he's basically ignoring all the Sokovian citizens who died, up to and including Wanda's brother. "And what about my brother, hmm? What about Pietro? Remember him? Does his death matter to you, Mr. Stark? Or do you not give a shit about him because he's not American?"
Use Ross's antics from The Incredible Hulk to posit that Ross or HYDRA or any party with nefarious intentions could use the clause about demanding enhanced give up blood samples so they could use said DNA to create their own army of super soldiers.
Peggy's funeral, UN bombing, pursuit of Bucky
There's few changes here. But one change I would make is that Steve wouldn't just go with Sam to bring in Bucky. I'd have Wanda and Vision brought along too, because after a serious discussion, they think that the best way to salvage Wanda's reputation with the public is to have her going out to do heroism in public. When they get to where Bucky is hiding out, they bring him in, and Wanda gets to use her telepathic powers to render unconscious some of the SWAT forces sent to bring Bucky in. Then T'Challa joins the pursuit, and they are all captured in the tunnel.
Wanda meets Zemo and T'Challa
We then have the whole setpiece at the detention center where Bucky is detained. Natasha is firmly on Team Cap's side, but is taking a neutral stance to gain dirt on the other side. In addition to all the canon interactions, we also have Wanda interacting with T'Challa and recognizing his revenge quest because she still remembers very well what it was like for her last year wanting revenge against the Avengers, and how badly that ended for her. She empathizes with T'Challa and tries to persuade him to look at the bigger picture, not with much success. When Zemo infiltrates the facility to activate Bucky's Winter Soldier programming, Wanda goes down with Steve to subdue him and ends up encountering Zemo. She recognizes him because she knew his wife and son before they died, she once met him at the dedication of one of the memorials to the victims of Ultron's attack, and he's got a reputation in Sokovia as a killer.
Airport battle
The airport battle obviously is very different. Tony has Rhodey, Spider-Man, T'Challa, and a few other superheroes (or maybe Ross's special forces are there as backup). While Steve has Bucky, Scott, Clint, Wanda, Natasha, Sam, and Vision. This airport battle plays out more in Steve's favor, and despite Tony's efforts, everyone on Steve's side makes it to the quinjet and flees to Siberia with him.
Siberia final act
Steve and his team enter the HYDRA base, and make it to the containment area where the other Winter Soldiers were kept on ice, and have been all put down by Zemo. The fact that the Winter Soldiers are already dead, all shot in the head with a pistol, makes Steve surmise that they're walking into a trap.
They've barely had time to acknowledge this when Team Iron Man arrives and corners them. At this point, Steve is fed up with Tony for having such flawed judgement, and T'Challa still very much is on the warpath against Bucky. But as the two sides prepare to clash once again, Zemo chooses this moment to reveal himself. He wasn't exactly expecting to have an entire Avengers team there, but he's willing to improvise. Zemo even tries to liken his crusade to Wanda's misguided revenge campaign, only for her to shut him down by pointing out that she never wanted innocent people to get hurt, whereas Zemo did murder innocent people for his crusade (T'Challa's father and everyone else at the UN; the doctor that he killed and stole the identity of to get into the detention center to activate Bucky). After that, Zemo plays the surveillance footage of Bucky killing Tony's parents.
The moment Steve and Natasha realize what the footage is showing, Steve gestures for the others on his team to get Bucky away from Tony. Rhodey also realizes that Tony's preparing to attack Bucky, and tries to reason with him, but to no avail. Steve doesn't want Zemo to win, so he clarifies that he didn't know it was the Winter Soldier that HYDRA used to kill Tony's parents. This only enrages Tony further, and a nervous Natasha admits that she was also there when Zola told Steve this information.
In that split second, all hell breaks loose. Tony's rage boils over and he shoots Natasha with one repulsor, throwing her backwards and knocking her out. He tries to shoot Bucky with the other, but Rhodey is able to grab his hand and deflect the blast away from Bucky.
A fight ensues. Like in canon, T'Challa is the one who captures Zemo, though he also has some help from Scott, Spider-Man, and maybe Clint. Meanwhile, the other Avengers are left either fighting Tony, protecting Bucky, or both. With a fight that basically plays out as a mix of "the Guardians plus Iron Man, Spider-Man and Doctor Strange vs. Thanos on Titan" and a bit of "Payback vs. Soldier Boy from The Boys".
Ultimately, the Avengers still in the bunker succeed in taking down Tony, but Natasha, Rhodey and Bucky take severe injuries in the process. The fight ends when Wanda leaps on Tony from behind and uses her powers to attempt to disorient him, giving Steve an opening to smash his arc reactor with his shield. Vision then tears it out of the armor for good measure.
The Avengers effectively turn their backs on Tony Stark, and the movie ends with them as a whole condemning his misguided actions as well as condemning the Sokovia Accords, and taking the unified position, "After the events that happened in the course of pursuing the person responsible for bombing the UN in Vienna, the Avengers have elected to reject the Sokovia Accords, although we are open to alternative forms of oversight if the UN is willing to negotiate with us and also purge their ranks of anyone who might have ties to HYDRA." They also make publicly condemn Tony for trying to murder Bucky out of misplaced anger. Vision and Wanda settle down in Westview, Clint and Scott return to their families, though they'll still meet up with Steve, Sam, Natasha and Bucky for missions, and Natasha still meets up with Yelena and her old spy "family" to destroy the Red Room.
This then segues into another movie that's about Steve and his team of Avengers (Sam, Natasha, and occasionally Wanda, Vision, and Clint) going around the United States doing everything to get the Accords struck down and Ross removed from office for his abuses of power (especially since while the UN's been forced to let them go, the Raft is a walking human rights violation that no one should be locked up in for any reason).
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lethalsubjects · 4 months ago
on the cards today.... frank down right refusing to fight captain america bc of how much respect he has for him ik this blog is mainly punisher max based but i think it still stands.... bc i said so. and i jst wanna talk abt it bc i love frank
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frank isn't ever one to back down from a fight. its rare he ever thinks he cant win, and even if the odds are stacked against him he'll fight tooth and nail until he does win (at some point i'll go into the whole 'he's chosen by death' thing bc im obsessed w it but not now).
no matter what, steve rogers is one of the only people he will always refuse to fight. who he wont even lift a finger against.
for one, because he knows no matter how battered he gets, steve won't kill him - which is one of the reasons frank respects him.
but steve rogers stands for everything frank had once believed. frank WAS steve at one point, when he first joined the military.
but cap is everything frank knows he can never be. everything he'd once wanted to be, before he fell into the hellish depths of his debilitating craving for combat. frank joined the military because he shared similar ideals with cap - he was a man with an innate sense of justice and patriotism. but the things he did, and started to enjoy doing, soon changed him to a man who simply lived for the fight. who lived for war. who came to view a warzone as more of a home than the one he shared with his wife and kids. he was trained to be a predator, and a predator he became.
frank himself has likened what he does to that of a serial killer - referring to himself a 'glorified' serial killer that kills only to satiate his bloodlust, and not to make any actual difference in the world. any change that comes from his killing just so happens to be a byproduct of his chosen demographic to slaughter. yes, he does care for women and children and those affected by thing such as human trafficking -
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- but he'll be the first to admit they arent the sole reason he does what he does. again, helping them just a 'happy' byproduct of him choosing to kill the worst of the worst people. if he hadn't gotten so enamoured and obsessed with killing he would not be doing what he's doing.
and it's what makes steve a far better man than him. he does what he does because he CARES for people. he doesn't kill, he doesn't maim, he doesn't take pleasure in killing. not like frank does. because frank craves it. he needs it like he needs air.
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dianaladrislovebot · 25 days ago
random gone headcanons that have popped into my unhinged little brain, part 11
dear god it’s been three months. christmas and new years was hectic as balls and i haven’t had a chance to relax for a bit but ! i remembered these were here ! and despite there being slightly less this time, they’re quite long so there’s enough to make a post about it so have at thee my lovelies
caine is a theatre kid. like full dramatic everyone thinks he’s gay theatre kid. he petitions coates to do yearly school plays / musicals and the school only gives in bc he threatens to sue them if they don’t. think sharpay evans from high school musical
sam’s an early morning person. the second the sun is shining through his window he’s awake. caine, however, could sleep in until 3pm if you let him.
drakes an incredibly good listener. terrifyingly so. he’s very attentive and very observant, and remembers every detail about people, places, things, etc. he catalogues anything and everything for later use. if you think he’s not listening to you, it’s bc he’s choosing to let you believe that, but he likely is.
caines favourite colour is purple and he’ll defend it until he’s blue in the face. yk how when you’re a kid people decide pink and purple are for girls and boys get every other colour (which is stupid btw), well caine would straight up fight someone while defending that it’s not a girls colour bc you can’t assign a gender to light
sam and quinn have matching stick and poke tattoos. it’s a small simple shark fin and waves; quinn’s is on his shoulder and sam’s is on his waist, so he could hide it in his waistband.
on this note, quinn ends up being very alternative in adulthood. him looking like a dipstick that got dressed in the dark as a teenager is mainly due to him not knowing what style fit him living in a small town in the late 2000’s w little to no internet, and discovered the alt scene after the fayz and went ballistic.
i also feel like he’s a hat guy. like obviously but not just the fedora. the fedora just started it. he wears baseball caps and bucket hats and all kinds of shit. he’s a hat guy. only time he’s not wearing a hat is when he’s surfing
lana’s family lived in perdido before her parents relocated her to vegas, which is why her grandfather lives there. having lived in pb, her parents are well aware of the town and the surroundings of the town. when they sent lana to stay w her grandfather in the middle of the school year, they didn’t do it for no reason. they were sending her to coates.
i’ve come up w something i like to call the big sibling program. basically the older kids realised that while this is still ridiculously traumatic for them, it’s somewhat harder for the younger kids bc at 15 they still know how to act sort of adult. kids that are 11/12/13 do not, so they end up unconsciously mentoring them to try to make it easier for them to cope. sam w jack, quinn w brianna, lana w sinder (i’ve decided they have a relationship sue me), roger w justin etc. not quite parents, but older siblings.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year ago
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Natasha Romanoff
People frequently write her as a Sexy, Intimidating, and Competent piece of furniture; she exists to be mildly intimidating, but has no real desires or inner life of her own, and all of her actions in the story revolve around the main m/m pair. Meanwhile, the m/m pair thinks of her as a Close Teammate(tm) but never devotes time or emotional energy to what might be going on in her life.
usually in certain fics she often just gets turned into a wingwoman for Steve, or if the fic is Tony centric she often ends up being bashed because of the whole team tony/team cap thing. 
Some of the best series Marvel has ever done were Black Widow solo runs. Unfortunately she was also Bucky's love interest at one point, and (before the MCU blew the fuck up) she was often fridged or villainised.
Peggy Carter
She’s a victim of Stucky mainly bc of the way marvel used her to give Steve an ooc ‘happy ending, but I know I’ve seen some posts calling her toxic or something it was 2019 so In CAT:FA, she’s introduced as a confident British agent. She has some chemistry w Steve Rogers (although more fans (on tumblr at least) preferred Steve and Bucky). She wasn’t just *woman who is strong*, but also had some emotional depth, with an actual range of emotion outside of angry and sad. She had a spin-off show, and she just continued to fight Russians and misogynists, even having chemistry in an almost wlw relationship and an eventual marriage to a famous shield agent. She went through character development and just was an awesome character. Then you know what endgame does? It has Steve Rogers travel back in time and take all of that development away. Most fans were mad at Marvel, and a lot were mad at Steve, but some fans threw Peggy completely under the bus, saying that they traded the (fanon?) queer ship/(canon) friendship for a bland love interest, which, um, she was so much more then that? I remember people really disliking Peggy, which isn’t fair to her character when she is/was so much more then that.
Peggy is vilified by people who ship Steve with his war comrade Bucky Barnes. I’ve even seen people claiming baselessly that she was secretly HYDRA the whole time. 
She gets in the way of stucky which OBVIOUSLY gives people, most of them women themselves, the right to be ridiculously misogynistic. Dismissing her character arc, traits, presence in the movies and her part in Steve Roger's life, saying she is insignificant on the ground of very subjective readings is one thing, but outright calling her 'just some old coochie', among other colourful, wonderful things, is another. They also keep reaching to villainize her (saying she's a literal nazi which she's not) and cancel her so their ship is somehow made more valid for it, erasing the competition as it were.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 7 months ago
Class of 3000: back to the SING!
Cam the iguana, the shady and sneaky one 💙🩎
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Since I have Said yesterday that I made a Pokemon/pet for cheddar man, here he is =^_^=
And y'all, meet Cam the Iguana! 💙🩎 =^.^= I still havent quite decided his abilities and the stuff for Pokemon but I did imagine him being like cheddar man's Pokemon/pet And even a sidekick, And I really wanted him to look like cheddar man =^_^= And! I do have a bio for him actually:
Cam the Iguana's bio - Cam is a blue-colored sneaky, shady and even a con artistic Iguana just like how Cheddar man is, no wonder why cheddar man's his owner. And he even looks a Lot like cheddar man because of his clothes, And even the Ivy cap or hair? Cam is even often seen trying to trick others into believing that something isnt true just like how cheddar man often does that. He even likes money and any Shiny things he can find. Oh! And he has a MASSIVE crush on Meowster the cool cat (Sunny's Pokemon/pet).
Cam the Iguana's headcanon voice actor - Charles Fleischer (And his voice claim is Roger Rabbit from who framed Roger Rabbit?)
And, I even Got inspired by Leon lizard from muppets to make Cam, maybe even a few more sneaky characters such as swiper from Dora the Explorer for his personality, and I first thought of making Cam be a Chameleon but then I thought that Iguana fits him more ^////^
Note: I'm still taking some class of 3000 Pokemon ideas, even lots of headcanons And ideas for my class of 3000 AUs ^/////^
Note 2: I'm gonna post the meowster the cool cat doodles today, And yes I decided to name him meowster but I'll still have to see the votes in a few hours just incase ^///^;
I hope y'all will like this =^/////^= đŸ’™đŸŠŽđŸ©·đŸ’›đŸ’šđŸ’œđŸ’–â€ïžđŸ§Ą
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And have a iguana gif =^w^=
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helloneighborfan · 8 months ago
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Me pregunto si Adelle y Roger los forzaron a tomarse una foto con una falsa alegrĂ­a đŸ€”, como en Puzzle Master, donde Tavish le dice a Ted que traiga a su “sonriente” familia.
Llevo planteåndomelo desde ayer, (donde apenas recuperé fuerzas para seguir escribiendo caps y volver aquí) así que aquí estå una posibilidad:
-Vamos a otra toma, ÂżDe acuerdo?- Cleave estaba a cargo en ese momento de todo y no podĂ­an hacer nada mĂĄs que controlarse. -ÂżPorque no queremos que la reputaciĂłn no se decaiga mĂĄs, no?- PreguntĂł burlonamente Gordon.
Ambos querĂ­an golpearlo en aquel momento, pero cuando pisaron los lĂ­mites de la tierra de Tavish, los lĂ­mites y amenazas habĂ­an llegado en ese momento.
Otra cosa era que debido al tiempo que pasaban fuera, dejaban a sus hijos con los Gershowitz, y les decĂ­an que tenĂ­an que trabajar y atender unos asuntos. Sus hijos se preocupaban mucho por ellos y siempre les decĂ­an a dĂłnde, pero les tomaban el pelo y les decĂ­an que no llegarĂ­an tarde (a veces llegaban tarde). SabrĂ­an algĂșn dĂ­a que tendrĂ­an que contarles todo a detalle, pero aĂșn no era el momento adecuado.
Cuando les llegó la noticia de que el banner les tomaría una sesión de fotos, aceptaron a regañadientes y de mala gana apenas y se esforzaron para que la sala estuviese aceptable, sabiendo que Gordon Cleave estaría presente.
Roger lo mirĂł de reojo y se puso de pie junto a su esposa. HarĂ­an la misma pose que la anterior y no sabrĂ­a que otras mĂĄs. Se pusieron y se dirigieron una mirada que decĂ­a mĂĄs que las palabras. El camarĂłgrafo se estaba alistando y Gordon los contemplaba a detalle los dos.
-SerĂĄ rĂĄpido-. ComentĂł.
-ÂĄSonrĂ­an!- dijo el camarĂłgrafo. Todo transcurrĂ­a como si el tiempo se hubiese detenido. Gordon solo marcaba con su boca:
SonrĂ­e y mantĂ©n esa boquita cerrada, antes de que tĂș esposa tambiĂ©n estĂ© en la comisarĂ­a por tu culpa.
Apretó los dientes con tanta fuerza que mostró ligeramente sus dientes y miró con ira a la cåmara. Adelle intentó calmarlo tocando con suavidad sus manos y ejerciendo una pequeña presión en su intento de calmarlo.
¿Porqué sigues los mismos pasos de tu marido, Adelle? Serías distinta si no los siguieras
En eso, aquella mirada calmante solo esbozaba odio y frialdad.
Y la sesiĂłn siguiĂł asĂ­ .
-ÂĄListo!- El camarĂłgrafo tomĂł casi diez fotos de la pareja y los hizo ponerse en distintas posiciones.
En una, Roger sostenĂ­a los hombros de Adelle, mientras juntaba sus manos alrededor de ella, con una mueca de lo que se considerarĂ­a una sonrisa. FrotĂł sus manos sobre sus hombros como si le dijera: “Ya casi, querida, yo lo sĂ©.”
Después de haber terminado, el camarógrafo agradeció y se retiró primero. Antes de que Gordon lo siguiera, les dijo:
-Espero con ansias a que vean el periĂłdico y la televisiĂłn- dijo Gordon. - Espero que cambie algo en su perspectiva con esto.- SacĂł de su bolsillo el dispositivo que tenĂ­an antes, lo sacudiĂł juguetonamente y se riĂł cruelmente.
CaminĂł hacia la entrada y cerrĂł la puerta con normalidad. Ahora la venganza, ira, amargura odio eran sus aliados mĂĄs cercanos.
I was wondering if Adelle and Roger had a forced photo, similar to what happened in Puzzle Master đŸ€”so, here it is!
-Let's do another take, okay?- Cleave was in charge of everything at that moment and they couldn't do anything but control themselves. "Because we don't want the reputation to decline further, right?" Gordon asked mockingly.
They both wanted to hit him at that moment, but when they stepped on the borders of Tavish's land, the limits and threats had come at that moment. Another thing was that due to the time they spent away, they left their children with the Gershowitz, and told them that they had to work and take care of some business. Their children cared a lot about them and always told them where, but they teased them and told them that they wouldn't be late (sometimes they were late).
They would know one day that they would have to tell them everything in detail, but it wasn't the right time yet. When the news reached them that the banner would be taking a photo session for them, they reluctantly agreed and worked hard to make the room acceptable, knowing that Gordon Cleave would be there.
Roger glanced at him and stood next to his wife. They would do the same pose as the previous one and he wouldn't know what others. They stood and gave each other a look that said more than words. The cameraman was getting ready and Gordon was watching the two of them in detail.
-It will be fast !- The cameraman said.
-Smile!- said cameraman. Everything happened as if time had stopped. Gordon only marked with his mouth:
Smile and keep that little mouth shut, before your wife is also in the police station because of you.
He gritted his teeth so hard that he showed his teeth slightly and glared at the camera. Adelle tried to calm him by gently touching her hands and applying a little pressure in her attempt to calm him.
Why do you follow in the same footsteps as your husband, Adelle? You would be different if you didn't follow them...
That calming look only outlined hatred and coldness.
And the session continued...
-That's It !- They took ten pictures of them in different positions.
In one, Roger was holding Adelle's shoulders, while clasping his hands around her, with a grimace of what would be considered a smile. He rubbed his hands on her shoulders as if to say, “Almost there, dear, I know, I know...”
After finishing, the cameraman thanked him and left first. Before Gordon followed him, he told them:
"I look forward to seeing the newspaper and television," said Gordon. -I hope something changes in both of your perspectives with this.- He took the device he stole last night, out of his pocket, shook it playfully and laughed cruelly.
He walked towards the entrance and closed the door normally. Now revenge, anger, bitterness and hatred were their closest allies.
Hope you liked It!
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d3cayingang3l · 7 months ago
Clay/Angel/Gore | He/It | 15 | I’m problematic | Little guy with a plethora of mental issues | BYF: I’m a heavy shit poster i will post abt my mental struggles, trauma, self harm n other things, I am neurodivergent, I have too many hyper fixations n special interests, I gatekeep some things but ii swear its 4 good reasons
, I cuss a lot 😞 | DNI: Under 13, Basic DNI criteria, Weirdos |
don’t b shy 2 DM me !! i probably wont bite
I love my boyfriend @feelinfreeaky!!!!
My best friend @cowboyvier is cooler than all of u!!!
@doughboy009 < fag ily /p
Almost everything im into (all caps r hyperfix/special interests:
 (whenever i remember things this list will b updated)
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andydrysdalerogers · 1 year ago
Yours Submissively ~ Consequences
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
A/N: I was guilt tripped into posting this. For the record, I wasn't going to abandon you on the last part. But after this post, we have just four parts left. Eek!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Devious
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Four months later
Steve walked down to the cells, lost in thought. He looked tired, deep in his emotions. Dressed in all black as he had been for months, he brought down a small package with him, a gift for an old friend.  As he walked through the empty cells, he thought back through his life.  How one person changed his life.  As he approached the final cell, he sighed.  “Hello Sharon.”  
“Steve!  I didn’t think you would visit me.”  Sharon Carter looked dirty, tired, her blonde hair dull and flat.  She had been in the cell for four months, stood trial and found guilty of treason and attempted murder.  She had planned Belle’s demise and now she would pay for it tomorrow with her life.  
Beck had left details of his plans and the players, all but sealing their fate when they were captured. It was the little solace that Steve found that justice had somewhat been served.  This was the final piece.  This person, not even a woman, had ended his hopes of a peaceful life. “I brought you something.”  
“A present for my execution. How curious.” Sharon looked at the man she loved with sorrow.  He was in pain, mourning.  “I could help you feel good,” she said with a sly smile.  
“Only my wife could do that,” Steve snarled at her.  “You are getting what you deserve.”  
“I wouldn’t have done it if I knew she was pregnant Steve.”  
“You’re a liar! You wanted Belle gone!” 
“I loved you!”  
“And I hate you,” he growled.  He threw the box through the slot in the glass.  
“What is it?” 
“Open it and see.” He stood in front of her, arms crossed.  
Sharon opened the box carefully.  She looked in saw a blue cloth. She pulled it out.  It was a blue onesie.  A tear formed in her eye when she spotted the pink color in the box.  Another onesie.  “Steve, I am
“Save it!” Steve thought back to the day his life was turned upside down
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He jumped onto the jet with Belle and he and Bucky immediately started pressure on her as Tony flew, Wanda started IVs.  Peter, Nat, Sam and Clint stayed behind to gather intel and clear the scene.  As soon as the gauze was in place, Steve held Belle’s hand and the other on her belly.  “Please baby, please, don’t leave me,” he wept.  
“Two minutes Cap,” Tony called out.  “Where is she shot?” 
“The abdomen,” Bucky called back. “Its slowing but I don’t know about
” he trailed off.  
“I love you,” Steve whispered to Belle, kissing her knuckles.  “I need you.  I need our family, baby please, just stay alive.”  
Tony landed the jet at the hospital and Steve picked up Belle and ran her in.  “Please help, my wife, she’s pregnant and she’s been shot. Please.”  The doctors and nurses ran forward with a gurney and started to run her back.  Steve made to follow but a nurse stopped him.  
“We need to work on your wife.  Please wait here.”  
“Please, just do whatever you need to save them.”  
“We’ll do everything we can.” She turned to run after the gurney and Steve felt Bucky and Tony’s hands on his shoulders. His shoulders shagged and he began to sob.  The guys moved him to the chairs to wait.  Steve became quiet, staring at a spot on the floor.  Time felt like it was moving so slow.  The rest of the team showed up, sitting around. Tony began to pace as Pepper brought in coffee and snacks.  
“Captain Rogers?” 
Steve’s head snapped up to look at a tired looking doctor. He stood up with Bucky right next to him.  “Belle?” 
“Mrs. Rogers lost a significant amount of blood.  The bullet entered her side and nicked her liver.  We stopped the bleeding but luckily the liver is regenerative, and she will make a full recovery.”  Bucky sagged and clapped his back.  The rest of the team exhaled but Steve needed one more piece of information.  
“And the baby?” 
“Your babies are perfect.  The amniotic sac was not affected at all since she is only eight or so weeks pregnant.”  
Steve looked at the doctor, his face shocked.  “Babies?” 
“Oh.” The doctor looked embarrassed.  “I assumed you were aware.  Yes, twins. Your wife is carrying twins. As I said, she’s between eight to nine weeks.  They have strong heartbeats and are perfect for their age.” The doctor smiles.  “She is still unconscious after the emergency surgery but if you would like to see her, I can take you up?” 
“Yes, yes please.”  Steve headed to follow the doctor but turned.  “Buck?” 
“Yeah, I’m right behind you.”  
Steve looked at the team.  “Thank you, guys.”  
“We’ll be here Steve,” Sam said.  The team nodded and Steve and Bucky followed the doctor.  
“Captain, because of the blood loss it may take some time for Mrs. Rogers to come around.  We checked for any injuries to her head to be sure, but we didn’t see any.  Her body may just need time to recover from the shock. We have her hooked up to monitors and two fetal monitors, one for each baby so don’t be alarms by the amount of equipment.”  
“But she’ll be ok?”  
“Yes, like I stated, we expect her to make a full recovery. My recommendation is to relax, hold her hand and talk to her. We’ll keep checking on her until she is awake and discharged.”  
“Thank you doctor.”  
“Ok, right in here.”  He pointed to a door and Steve walked in.  Belle looked smaller than normal in the bed.  She skin was pale, a startling contrast to her black hair. She looked peaceful except for the noises of the monitors.  But what truly shocked him with the twin heartbeats coming from the fetal monitors.  
Steve froze.  The sounds stunned him.  His babies, his children, were real and alive inside of their momma. Bucky nudged him forward and Steve took shaky steps towards the bed.  He pulled a chair close and took Belle’s hand.  “I’m here, sweet pea.”  He kissed it gently.  “We’re all here waiting for you to wake up. I love you. I love you all so much and you are going to be so surprise.”  
Bucky came to the other side.  “Hey sweetheart. You rest ok.  You’re growing my nieces or nephews.”  
“God Buck. Two of them.”  
“I know punk. I can’t believe it.”  
Steve kept vigil at Belle’s bedside for the next twenty-four hours. Her heartbeat got stronger with time. The team rotated in with Steve with Nat and Bucky finally convincing him to change out of his suit and shower in the ensuite. As the warm water ran over his body, Steve took the moment lose himself in his feelings. He almost lost her. He almost ruined the best thing in his life.  He almost lost his children. He grew angry, thinking of the people who tried to take her away.  He climbed out of the shower and dressed.  He walked out to see Sam and Bucky sitting by Belle’s head.  “Any updates?” 
“Vision has Sharon in a cell in the tower.  I took all we found there for FRIDAY to analyze,” Sam replied.  
“They also have Lila there as well,” Bucky said with a hard voice. “Tony and Nat will begin their interrogation of her within the hour.”  
“Bucky, I’m sorry about Lila.”  
“Don’t be.  She used me and my love for her to take my best friend. I can’t forgive that.”  
Steve pulled Bucky in for a hug and held his best friend as he finally let some emotion shows. They talked quietly, with Steve never letting go of Belle’s hand.  A couple of hours later, Steve was leaning against the bed when he felt a movement in his hand. He blinked his eyes open and looked at Belle.  Her violet eyes open, still struggling but open. “Hi.” 
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He cuts Sharon off. “Jealous should be the word that comes out of your mouth.” Steve smirked at her.  “Belle is having twins. My boy and my girl.” He leaned forward to the glass.  “What? You think she died in that attack?” 
Sharon blinked. They never mentioned Belle’s status during the trial.  She just assumed she was dead. Sharon began screaming in rage, slamming her fist to the unbreakable glass. “You son of a bitch!” 
“I won’t be in the gallery tomorrow, Sharon. Enjoy death.”  Steve walked out of the cells, the sounds of Sharon’s screams fading with every step.  
“Was that necessary amore mio?” 
Steve spun to see Belle standing next to the doorway to the cells. “After what she tried to do to you and my children, absolutely.”  Steve placed his hand over Belle’s six-month bump.  “How are they today?” 
“Just flutters.  Should feel them any day.”  Belle smiled up at her husband.  
“I can’t wait. Wanna feel my princess and my boy.  
Belle smiled. “I wanna feel them too.” 
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“Hi sweet pea.”  He leaned forward to press his forehead to hers and then placed a gentle kiss to her lips. “I’m so happy you’re awake my love.”  He kissed her forehead and pulled back to look at her.  
“What happened?” 
“When you elbowed Beck, the gun went off and you were shot.  It was a through and through, but it nicked your liver.  You’re gonna be fine.”  
Belle nodded in understanding but suddenly gasped and sat up.  “The baby?” 
“Shh. Easy love. Everything is ok.  They are ok.  The babies are perfectly healthy and safe.”  
“Babies?  What do you mean babies?”  Belle reached for her stomach.  Steve laid his hand on top of hers.  
“Lay back Belle.  Its ok”. He laid her down and sat on the edge of the bed.  “You are pregnant with twins, my love.  They checked when they took you to surgery.”  
“Twins?  Oh my god, twins!” 
Steve lifted her hand and kissed her palmed and then placed her small hand on his face. The beard tickled her hand, and she smiled but Steve frowned. “I’m so sorry Belle.”   
“No let me finish.  I am so sorry for keeping the truth from you.  I’m sorry for lying.  I am so sorry that I put you here. Please don’t leave me.” Belle felt a few tears escape her eyes.  Steve cupped her face and used his thumb to clear the tears. “Please don’t cry love. Please, I am so
“I’m sorry too,” she blurted out.  “I’m sorry I ran.  I’m sorry I didn’t listen. Please don’t hate me.”  
Steve climbed into bed with her as she clung to his shirt and cried. “I could never hate you.  You saved me from a life of solitude and darkness.  You brought color back into my life.  And all at once
You were the one I was waiting for,” she finished. “I love you.”  
“I love you. My baby momma.”  
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Belle spent the day of the execution in the nursery with Nat, Wanda, MJ and Hope, planning out the room. Mrs. Lewis was taking notes with Belle’s new assistant, Ava.  “I think we need to put the cribs here,” Belle pointed, “and the changing table and dresser here.  I would like to have twin rocking chairs because I know Steve will want to be in here with me when he can.”  
“Of course, Mrs. Rogers,” Ava said as she consulted measurements with Mrs. Lewis.  
“Oh Ava, before I forget, we have a dinner with the alumni association on Friday and I will need to attend with Steve. Bucky and Clint will also be attended but Clint is bringing Laura, so I need you to attend with Bucky.”  
“S-sure,” Ava stuttered, a flash of pink on her cheeks as she looked down at her tablet.  Belle noticed the flush but did not give it any attention but filing it for future use.  
“We need to make sure you have a formal dress, Ava.  So, we have a fitting at Vera Wang tomorrow.” She looked over the girl.  She was a strawberry blonde with green eyes. Petite but curvy. “Red, I think,” she said.  
“Oh, Mrs. Rogers
“Nope, its Belle.”  She turned to Mrs. Lewis.  “Please make sure that Marco and Marie know it’s for three ladies.  Laura will be joining us unless of course Nat and Wanda are joining us as well.”  
“We can make an afternoon of it,” Nat said, understanding what she was trying to do with Ava and Bucky.  
“Perfect.” Belle clapped with glee until a look of shock crossed her face.  Her hand flew to her belly.  
“Belle?” Wanda looked at her.  Her eyes flashed red for a moment.  “Nat, we need Steve.”  Nat picked up her phone and called while the rest of the women crowded her. “Ok, let’s give her a moment alone,” Wanda said with a smile.  Steve and Bucky came running in.  
“Sweet pea?  What’s wrong?”  
Wanda approached Ava.  “Bucky, can you take Ava outside please?”  Bucky flushed slightly at the young woman and offered his arm.  He looked back at his best friends as they waited for the room to clear.  
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Steve looked at his wife.  
“Nothing,” she smiled.  She took his hand and placed it on the side of her belly.  
“Love, what
“Just a second.”  They waited and then Steve’s eyes widen as Belle felt a kick to her side. He looked down at her belly and then back to her eyes.  “I think your son is saying hello.”  
” he kneeled before his wife.  “Hello son.  Hey princess.  I’m your dad.”  A tear formed in his eye.  “I love you and your momma so much little ones.”  He stayed there a while, caressing her belly and talking to his children.  They were interrupted when Bucky walked in.  
“I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s done.” He looked down.  
Steve stood up and held Belle from behind, his hands on her belly.  “Did she say anything?” 
“Only professing her love for you and then Hail HYDRA.”  
Steve nodded. “Ok, well that’s that.  Come love, you should rest.”  
“Ok.”  No emotion crossed Belle’s face.  “Oh Bucky, since you will be attending the gala with us, I’ve asked Ava to be your escort for the evening.”  She watched as Bucky’s ears turned red as he patted the back of his head.  
“Oh, yes, well, ok, if you want, I guess I’m ok with that
” he stammered.  
Belle giggled.  Steve looked at her curiously before leading her to their room.  He laid her down on her sided and then climbed behind her, holding her to his chest.  “What do you know, sweet pea?” 
“I know that Bucky and Ava are crushing on each other,” she smirked.  “And I know that I love you.”  
“I love you more my queen.” He kissed her head and smiled.  “What about Clint?” 
“He’s bringing Laura.” She looked back at Steve, who had a shocked face.  “I think seeing what we went through, he didn’t want to be away from the love of his life anymore.  I know they divorced because he was an Avenger and thought he was protecting her.  I’m just glad he figured out that he couldn’t live without her.”  
“My little matchmaker,” Steve chuckled. “You need to rest love.”  
“I’m trying; I’m just so tense.  Carrying your children is tough.”  
“Hmm, well maybe something to help you with that.” Steve got a wicked look on his face as he reaches under her sundress and pulled her panties down.  He stroked between her folds. “Already so wet, love,” he whispered in her ear, pressing kisses to her neck.  
“Stevie,” she moaned.  He was aware of how sensitive she was so he went gentle and slow. He sank a finger into her and arched her back, her belly sticking out more. 
“Easy baby,” Steve held her close, letting her feel how turned on he was. He grasped her chin with his free hand to kiss her softly as he added another finger. She moaned into his lips.  
“Stevie, I need more.”  
Steve smiled as he eased her onto her back.  He snaked down as pushed her knees up. He kissed between her thighs and gently licked her folds.  She jolted up and Steve chuckled. “Feel good baby?” 
“Amore please,” she pleaded. Steve went in, tasting, sucking, drawing out unnatural noises from his wife.  Being pregnant made every touch be like a lightning through her. He could feel her starting to reach her peak.  
“Cum for me, my queen. Let me taste you.” With a silent scream, her body spasmed, making her see stars.  Steve coaxed her down before rolling her to her side again and he removed his jeans and boxers.  He got behind her again and lifted a leg, hooking it around his hip, opening her to him from behind.  Steve carefully slid into her heat.  She moaned loudly as Steve peppered her neck and cheek with kisses.  “You feel amazing as ever love.”  
“Stevie,” she cried quietly. He was gentle, not wanting to hurt or disturb his children.  
“You are a goddess, my love.  So warm and tight. Carrying my children.  You are even more beautiful now than before,” he whispered as he thrusted softly into her. She keened at the praise, placing her hands over his on her hips. She began to tighten again. “That’s my good girl, let go.” He wrapped his arms around her as she came again and he rutted two more times before spilling into her.  He could feel her body relax and she fell asleep with him still inside her.  He didn’t dare move, knowing sleep was hard to find for her now. But he was ok, in his happy place, inside his wife, holding his unborn children.  
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See... I can end a chapter on a nice note...
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xamaxenta · 8 months ago
So the hades saboace idea i never even started drawing today bc i spent most of my hours playing elden ring and staring up the the ceiling feeling like a worm was Ace gets capped by some exalted wretch in a fight and returns to the main house where he climbs out of the blood river all meh ehhh ughh. But then spots Sabo lingering down the end of the hall and lights up like Sabo!!! Who likewise is like ah! ace! Opens his arms up because hes so busy on the surface realm they havent seen one another recently and collision kissies rly stupid cute and then the looming shadow of hades roger like !!!! And Ace is like !!!!!!!! 🖕
And Sabos there holdign the prince w a :3 face
Roger then waves them off like, gruffly kinda all tryinga be cool bc theyre working on their dadson relationship and hes eventually muttering “youre holding up the line”.
Sabo smiles down at Ace (exaggerated height difference uwuwuuwuwu) and sweeps him off to the side
Big idea no clue how to execute it except die
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bookofkatherine · 18 days ago
An Affair We Remembered
Serious smut warning! Featuring Chris Evans before he was Steve Rogers (earliest days of Hollywood). But because he was once really Captain America, I call him Cap.
Hollywood Hills extended (4.3k w/c)
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This is a private letter I wrote to Cap on the night of Hollywood Hills. In it, I write down everything that we relived together, and then some. Definitly 18+!
Friday, January 24, 2025 Dear Cap,
WE DID IT!!! We did it. I've been working on a poem about it, although I may want to extend it. I don't know. I just don't want to ever forget. Maybe I need to write it down in my journal. Maybe we just need to spend more time together (I know- I know!). 
For the record, after more than a week of waiting, which felt much longer- no thanks in part to all of your flirty gifs, video clips and pics!- we finally were given to one another through the Lord and through the link. I checked. We have not done that since January 3- and back then the link was still very weak. It's sooooo much stronger now!
Do you know? I'm trying to think of the last time we were able to be as close as we were tonight, through the link.
I mean, I saw so much dreamwalking with you today - so very clearly. I could practically smell the beach motel room. And I knew where it was - on the otherside of the highway from the malibu beach. You thought the beach-side motels were too visible. And they wouldn't convince me that it was just a business trip in the beginning.
Anyhow- I'm just realizing that the link may have been compromised in those last few months leading up to the December event. 
I don't know.
The bottom line is, it feels like tonight was a long time in coming. And that's not just from a Garden of Eden perspective.
Maybe it's because of the unique nature of tonight's date: -normally we only find out who I am going to link to the day of, and if anyone gets bumped, we never know if and when we'll get another chance, -but this time I was super sick for a much longer time than I can remember, -and not only that, but the Lord was very clear that you were to be next, and then Hawk- I even wrote it down to make sure, -and because it was delayed for so long, you kept sending hints, reminders and flirtations- and the Lord did too by sending songs we wrote together or that you wrote for me...
Huh. It also strikes me that I've listened to a number of our novels together back to back too: Suddenly in Love and Suddenly Dating. We have two more in that series, by the way.
And both were set in modern times. Both were written after I became the Leader of the Order, actually!!! No wonder they smack of so much relevance.
Anyhow- I just remember thinking about it yesterday - how long I've been waiting to be with you again, through the link. Hell, I wanted to join you in the Dreamworld and Jesus took over once and then the Dreamworld became unsafe and I was just so frustrated. And this cold/flu is just devastating. I haven't been able to use the wand at all in weeks, which only pushed you and I further apart.
And then, blessed of all blessed events!!! The Lord gave us over to one another tonight. And even though I was in so much pain and crying, you just broke through it all. You held me in a way that made me feel close to you, like I was more than just my sex - like you were with me because of me.
You didn't just touch me, you kissed me too. And you kissed me until the tears stopped and the pain stopped - you kissed me until I found you again, through the fog of all of our roadblocks.
And then you leaned your head over my shoulder, so that my cries and moans as you touched me flowed directly into you ear... a new experience for me. And it made me feel seen, heard, beautiful and above all, loved. So inexplicably loved.
And that pushed me past another barrier. And finally my head finally broke the water and I could breathe again, and remember us. Remember you. Remember what we loved to do with one another.
And I whispered in your ear and asked if you would like to dreamwalk a memory with me. And it's like you answered me in my mind, sending me flashes of your own memories.
And I zeroed in on them, watching them skip rapidly by, different times, different relationships to one another, different places we met- and I realized we met many times on many timelines back then. I haven't seen that kind of skipping since the Fall, when we were first in the Cave of Treasures. The splintering of time back then was unreal.
In the end, I found you as an executive in Hollywood, making films in one capacity or another, way back in the 20's, 30's or 40's... maybe even earlier (Hollywood began in 1911? 1914, I believe?).
And I was your secretary or assistant. And both of us were shy, once again, in our feelings for one another. You had to make appointments up in Malibu just to get time with me in the car, because I had to drive you. You pretended to read scripts and work.
And then you took longer meetings, or later meetings, forcing us to get dinner before returning back to LA. And then you lied and said the studio was concerned we were arriving on the lot together so late at night. And I believed you.
So you said we needed to stay overnight at a malibu beach motel/hotel. And so we did. In the beginning, we had separate rooms, far apart. But over time you said the hotel preferred our rooms next door to each other, and I didn't argue, though it made me nervous. I would listen at night, so closely, to hear what you were doing. And I tip toed around my room, even taking soft socks so that you couldn't hear me move. I ran the shower when I used the bathroom or brushed my teeth. 
And you wondered why I took more than one shower :) When you asked about it, I made up a fancy system of running the water vs running the shower. Oy! You made me so nervous! I liked you soooo much! You were so smart, so sharp, so savy- I learned so much from you- I was terrified of the day they'd move me onto the next guy, because I'd learned how awful the other guys were. They pinched me, propositioned me, cornered me, rubbed themselves on me, trapped me... and you never did that to any of the girls. You were so different.
You had girls. You had so many dates. I tried to learn from how they dressed, to see what you wanted and what you liked. 
But there came a time where you were doing it just to get my attention. I always had something to say about them if you said it didn't work out, or if you said she broke your heart. I would just tear into them if you let me - and all the while you were having me drive you up to Malibu on the weekends, while you tested me during the week.
And finally you bought the whole motel up, so you could force the innkeeper to put us in one room. And you fought like hell with the innkeeper, even though you'd set it up. Because you wanted me to see how hard you fought.
You oversold it though, because I felt terrible that you had to stay in the same room with me. I felt like you were angry because I was such an inconvenience. I thought I would not only be underfoot, but that -if seen by this super-packed hotel - I could comppromise your job.
Little did I know that you'd gotten the name of the motel from another executive because they had used it to meet without being caught. The place was practically built for privacy. But I didn't know that.
But neither of us even realized that there might not be two beds - not until we opened the room's door. And then I thought, "Well, he gets the floor I guess!" Only to gasp and realize, "He's my boss!!! He can't sleep on the floor!" 
And you were way too big for me to ever let you sleep there. But it was still the old-fashioned days, when a man would never let a woman sleep on the floor - ever. Hell, you almost offered to sleep out in the car!
Until you remembered what you'd booked the entire hotel for. And then you blushed. I was already blushing. I hadn't thought of the car. Not even close.
Honestly? I was just wondering how the hell I was going to survive. You were so close, for one, there wasn't a couch- only the bed - for two, and I couldn't fathom how I'd run the water and shower the right way to match whatever I'd been doing for all those months. I think I contemplated giving up and sleeping on the beach at that point.
And I think you saw that I was about to bolt. And you went into a whole other mode, telling me that it was my job to make you comfortable, and you wouldn't be comfortable until I was in bed and reading a book, or whatever I did at night (I did, in fact, read a book before bed, so I could do that). 
And then, for good measure, you asked if I could maybe shine up your shoes for the morning while you took a shower. And that smacked me out of my blush-and-run mode. I made the quick decision to change into my nightclothes first, and brush and everything while you were in the shower, and then I did your shoes.
I'd just finished when I heard you turn off the shower, so I threw myself in bed and opened my book, planning to look up casually and smile and tell you that your shoes were all finished, expecting you to be happy with the result.
But  no. You were so used to living alone, or living without me, and so relaxed from the hot shower, that you kind of forgot what you were doing when you walked out in nothing but a towel. I don't even think you were facing me at first, but I had been looking your way so that I could tell you about the shoes.
Instead, I shrieked and hid under the covers. I startled you so bad that when you turned to look and see if I'd cut my hand or sliced a toe off or something, you couldn't help but start laughing when you realized that I literally shrieked and hid because you were in nothing but a towel.
And that's the thing about startle. it can snap us into our reflexes, which are rooted in our past lives. And so it just bubbled up in you - a sort of delight- a joy, laughter and trickster combo - and you jumped onto the bed crawling over to where I hid, calling my name in a teasing voice, as if we were best friends and equals, not boss and employee, master and servant.
You couldn't believe I worked in that industry and couldn't handle nudity - well, a man shirtless, anyway. But you didn't know that I was reacting to you. Had a janitor walked out shirtless, or some model or actor I didn't know, I may have just rolled or averted my eyes, 
But it was you. I'd dreamed of you that way for so long. And I'd played masterful mind tricks for months, forcing myself to think of you as dressed when you ran your shower, rather than undressed, just so I could make it through the night with at least a wink of sleep.
But no! you had to walk out, not just shirtless, but drenched in water and with your legs - your fucking amazing legs - hell, I can still see them! I freaked out because the towel had opened and I saw your thigh above your knee!!! HELL YES I shrieked and hid!!!
Oh, but you were merciless. You tore my hands out from under the covers, tsk tsk'ing me for not being able to handle shirtless in my profession. And you thought you were doing me a favor - yes a favor that benefitted you a little - but mostly you were thinking I needed this - and you put my hands on your body.
Oh! I only dipped further down under the covers, and when you pulled them off, laughing all the while, you saw how tightly my eyes were shut.
And we got in this crazy slapping match while we argued and traded jabs so fast that it would make for a brilliant comedy scene today. You were saying, "Seriously! It's NO. BIG. DEAL! Here!!! FEEL!!!" And I was like, "No no no no no no no no no no no no no..." and so you were like, "What in the world, woman!? Have you never---?"
And you began filling in the blanks. And to every, "Have you never ____!?" my answer was, "NO!!!" with a gasp of shock and horror, like I couldn't believe you ever thought I'd had.
And then you started to become a bit concerned, and you asked if I'd ever even been kissed - with no small amount of incredulity in your voice: "Wait. Have you-? Are you telling me-? Wait. No..." because everyone in Hollywood had had sex. You just assumed I must have in order to get the position, but that it turned me off to the act or something.
But no. You were starting to wonder if I'd ever even been kissed. And you asked me. And I couldn't believe that you thought that I'd had! "NO!" i cried. And you dropped it all. You only wanted me more, and you were suddenly worried that I'd never seen a hard-on, or knew what one was. And you didn't think a towel was the best option for you at that moment.
Plus, you saw a way in. Oh, someone else might have backed off, if they just wanted to conquer me. But you didn't. You loved me, whether you knew it or not yet, and I loved you, whether you knew it or not yet.
And you didn't plan to let this entire motel booking go to waste. Instead, you saw the path ahead with much more clarity. You didn't have anyone to compete with at all. Only you, and you alone, could fuck this up for yourself. I was all yours, in every way, if you didn't scare me off. And you realized that's exactly what you were doing.
So you quickly kissed me on my forehead, while my eyes were screwed shut, said, "good girl," as if to say that's what every young lady's answer should be, especially a young lady working for you, and you told me to keep my eyes closed while you got some clothes on.
You said you'd let me know when it was safe to open my eyes again. and you apologized for coming out of the shower that way. You said it truly was an accident, and it was, so I believed you.
You quickly dressed in PJ's, told me to open my eyes, and by the time you got into bed next to me, I had my book open, pretending like I was reading it.
But I wasn't. My heart was pounding a million miles a minute. I'd seen what I'd seen and I really didn't think I could ever survive watching you with anyone else again. I was freaking out, wondering how I was going to fake sleeping all night. That was going to be much harder than faking a shower.
But instead, when you got into bed, you asked me to face you and look you in the eyes. You asked for both of my hands, because you could see that I was still shaking. But you could also see that I was red. My cheeks were very, very flushed.
And you said something about how you were sorry that I'd never been kissed, that you could never have imagined. And then you said, "Let me..." and you held my chin as you came in very, very slowly, waiting to see if I'd pull away.
But there was no fucking way I was pulling away. I would've put someone in jail if it meant one kiss with you. And I didn't care that it was a pity kiss. I mean, I knew it was a pity kiss, because you kept your body far, far away from mine.
You only leaned in with that long, masculine, athlethic neck of yours that drives me and the rest of the world crazy. But all I remember, honeslty, was the look in your eyes. I had seen it before, but rarely, and not nearly a strong. You've given me that look here, on this bed, in the last year, on this timeline, on this loveline. And it transfixed me then like it melted me last year.
I just let you come to me, and when you pulled me in slightly, I obeyed and looked at your hair, your ear, your cheeks, your lips, and I thought that they looked so different now, after you'd showered, out of the office. You looked much younger, much less angry - and really, a wall had been let down. This wasn't work. This was you. I was finally seeing you.
And your cheeks were flushed too.
And then you kissed me.
You thought you had it all figured out. You thought I had zerio experience. You thought we'd never been together, nevermind thousands of times. You never thought we were Adam and Eve reunited!
But if you had, it would've helped you understand the kiss.
Because it was hot. It was sweet. It was gentle, even so, but it burned through both of us. You opened my lips with your own, mostly so you could breathe, and I needed to breathe too, but our lips never stopped roaming, never stopped grazing, never stopped exploring... and the heat burned through our veins like fire.
Our bond ensured that we both felt it. We only had to touch- touch lips to know it. I knew what you felt, and you knew what I felt, the longer we ran our lips across the other's mouth, cheeks, brow...
...and then, when I wanted to graze my swollen hot lips and breath down your jawline to dip below your ear, burying my face in your neck, you'd had enough.
And you shoved your fingers gently into my hair and brought my mouth back to your lips where you sealed our open mouths up, and you introduced your tongue into my mouth with a hungry sweep. I remember it. 
You were saying that you accepted it - you accepted that I hadn't kissed anyone before, but that it was time, for I didn't kiss like a virgin. Nor did I kiss like I wanted you to stop. In fact, you were pretty certain that I'd wanted this all along, somewhere deep deep down... or that I was made for this. I was made for you.
And it was time.
And I let you. I didn't back away. I leaned in, just as hungry to taste you - marveling at this heat and most of all, marveling at the love, the connection- the 'rightness' of it all, as if we'd been charged with doing this when we were born, and God wanted us to catch up already. We'd missed a lot of assignments, or something, you know?
And once I kissed you back with my own tongue, you moved your body in finally, sliding me down the bed, under the blankets even further, where you leaned over me, and took possession of my hair,  my face, my neck and my hands.
Eventually you pulled away, and looked me in the eye and then kissed my hand. And you placed it on your chest, carefully and purposefully, as if to say, "Here. I am wearing pajamas. Touch me. Touch me this way instead," as if to wipe away what you'd done before, forcing my virginal hands onto your hot wet body when I was pulling away, unwilling, with my eyes screwed tight.
This time you were asking permission. And I watched as you slowly pulled my hand and rested it on your chest. And you let me get used to it- how hard you were, how strong, how different,  how close. And you held my other hand and kissed it as I began to explore with the hand you'd just placed on your chest.
At first I just traced the lines of your pajamas. I traced your pocket. I traced the topline. I traced the collar and eventually even the buttons. And you kissed me every onnce in a while on my forehead, taking breaks from watching my face as I slowly moved from touching your pajamas to actually touching you through the pajamas.
my face was screwed up so tight, in so much concentration. You knew I was taking so much in. And you almost said that I could ask you, but you knew that I would ask, when I was ready. But instead, I kissed you.
I wanted to slide my hand under your collar, but I couldn't do it while you watched, so I kissed you instead, and you knew what I was doing and you laughed. 
And you said, "Later. First..." and then you slid down into the bed next to me, and asked, "May I?" and I realized you were asking for permission to do the same.
And I liked that idea. So I took your hand and kissed it, the way you'd done to mine. And then you let me place it wherever I wanted. And I felt comfortable placing your hand on my tummy. And you loved that. You got this smile on your face, where it tilited up higher on one side, and you closed your eyes with that very slight groan only you do...
And I felt so happy that I'd pleased you, that I actually giggled. And you liked that, because you felt me giggle with your hand on my tummy. And it made you tuck in to my side, so close, and you said, "Do it again," into my hair, keeping your hand on my tummy. And I giggled and asked, "what?" and you said, "Exactly that."
I had no idea what you were talking about, so I turned to look up at you and realized how close you were, and you were so happy that you just thought, "fuck it," especially when I gave you those big eyes that truly had no idea, but wanted to know oh, so badly.
And fuck it, you did. You slid down under the covers, but this time you were on top of me. Oh, you didn't drop your full weigh onto me, but you straddled my legs and slid down until our stomachs touched, and you kissed me like you'd wanted to for so, so, so, so long.
You wrapped your arms underneath me, but left me space to breathe, left me space to fight back, if I didn't want it. But you knew that I did. You just knew it. All you cared about was not scaring me at that point, and you knew if you pressed your hips in too quickly, you would in fact scare me.
And it went on from there. Passion, tenderness, laughter, tenderness, laughter, passion - a little closer here, back off there, a little closer here, sit up and breathe there... like the waves of the ocean on the other side of the highway, we ebbed and flowed, in and out, in and out... but just like the tide, we crept closer and closer and closer with each wave.
Eventually we crashed into one another by the end of the night, and in more ways than one. You found that my lack of experienced combined with my eagerness and love for you allowed for almost anything to be possible. But still, that first night, you laced my fingers in your own and took me when we were both naked, in a non-stop missionary position that lasted for numerous orgasms for both of us.
But only after you whispered in my ear your confession about renting the entire hotel that night, just to get us a room alone. After my intial shock, and then delight, I realized I could scream all I wanted to, and nothing but the wind would ever know.
And that's when you finally owned me. 
You know the rest. Entire weekends. A switch in the driver, a switch in my hairdo, a switch in our lunchtime activities, a switch in our Malibu trip schdule, a switch in your weekly line-up of dates, a switch in my dress code, a switch in your understanding of just how much my throat needs in order for you to take what you want...
And even a change in parking space. 
Even a change in parking altogether. 
The first time you took me on the front seat behind the hotel, we went so hard and so long that we fell asleep in each other's arms in the front seat of the car... not waking up until the Sun showed its face.
And so I wrote this poem. Which does none of it justice.
hollywood hills black and white stills
waves on the beach  background our heat 
suits and fresh reels  skirts and red heels 
business and lunch  hide our car crush 
and our love runs still  in those malibu hills 
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itsprashimusic · 2 years ago
'I got it! I got it!!!!'
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Pairings - Avengers x platonic!gn!Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader
Summary - It is team bonding time! This time the avengers are playing cricket on a Sunday afternoon. Just some fun and chaotic times. And somehow you ended up on a date with Steve.
Warnings - swear words, reader is 25/26 years old, the reader ogling steve (and bucky, like once), steve kinda ogling reader😉, reader takes their top off (girls don't worry, you can imagine them with a tank top on underneath), reader's got some rizz, descriptions of a broken nose?, no they do not end up kissing. NOT FULLY PROOFREAD.
Word Count - 3.6k
A/N - this is an au where everyone lives and a few of the newer characters are introduced, also for the sake of this fic let's pretend that cricket was popular in the US in the 40s. This ended up being more of a Steve x reader towards the end. though i tried to include the avengers as much as i could.
sidenote - if you're reading this as a guy and are not into guys, i apologize cause the reader and steve act flirty w/ each other in this. you may very well skip this fic if you wish.
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It was a warm afternoon. The kind that either made you want to cozy up in bed for hours or go for a walk outside, each option depending on person to person. Although you wanted to do the former, Steve and Tony decided it was perfect weather to spend some team bonding time.
Even though the sun was out, and you wanted to stay in, you soon forgot about all your earlier protests of it being too hot and you wanting to finish a book you were reading, when the playing actually started, and your slight competitive nature came out.
So here you were, 45 minutes into the game, covered completely in sweat but still having the time of your life. It was probably no surprise when the two teams formed were namely Team Cap and Team Ironman. When you heard the names the teams you face-palmed yourself, but then again it was Tony who suggested the names.
Under team Cap came of course the Captain himself, Steve 'America's Ass' Rogers, the most likely vice-captain, Sam Wilson, the one who was forced to play to get 'social time', Mr. Bucky Barnes, the one who was excited to play because she played it with her brother and their friends when they were younger, Wanda Maximoff, the one who was excited just to be included in team bonding, Kate 'Clumsy' Bishop, the one who was over-the-top joyful to be there, Thor Odinson, and the little one who wanted to join his mom, Billy 'Mama's boy' Maximoff.
Under team Ironman was the self-proclaimed captain, Tony 'Showoff' Stark, the levelheaded one who is actually the captain, Natasha Romanoff, the one who doesn't know what to do but will gladly join for the fun, Vision, the one who is excited for no apparent reason, Peter 'I will not fail you Mr. Stark' Parker, the one who will be kicked off the team if he uses his powers, Pietro Maximoff, the other little one who wanted to play with his dad and (real) uncle, Tommy 'I'm the faster twin' Maximoff, and the one who would've preferred to stay inside but was dragged to play, one Y/N Y/L/N.
Playing the role of the umpire to this game was Rhodey, and bless this man's soul of being able to have patience with the Earth's Rowdiest Mightiest Heros, cause the game was just chaos entirely.
Team Ironman was batting first. The first ones up were Peter and Vision. "Remember keep a firm grip on the bat! We don't want it flying like last time!" Tony was yelling from the sidelines as Peter was readjusting the bat in his grip. At the same time Tommy was cheering on his dad with a "You got this dad! We can beat mom's team!" which was honestly really cute.
Where normal matches would've had 20 overs, the Avengers decided on having just 10. After confirming Peter was ready, Sam took a bit of a running start before throwing the ball. Keeping his eye trained on the ball Peter swung his bat hard, only to have it be flung over 25 yards (roughly 22 meters) from his hands. Just as Peter's hands immediately go to cover his face in embarrassment, Tony's hand ran down his face in frustration. "This is just what I told you not to do kid," Tony said while shaking his head, then turning to look at you he said, "Can you believe this kid?" "Nope, but you still love him" you responded.
"That I do"
Once Wanda returned the bat to Peter, the game resumed, and this time Peter actually held on to the bat and hit the ball scoring a 4. Nice. After another hit done by Peter, it was Vision's turn. He turned out to be surprisingly good at this game despite it being his very first time. Two balls later and Peter was out. Next came in Tommy and to make it a little easier for him to hit the ball it was Billy who would be throwing them for his twin. It was adorable watching the kids play along with their father like that. A sight like this was rare at the Avengers Compound lately. But sadly, Tommy too got out and had to leave. Next up was you along with Vision, who was surprisingly holding his own pretty well.
After promising Tony for the 100th time that the bat would not fling out of your grasp, you finally got to play. Your start was not that strong, but after a couple of balls you were getting better. Because you and Vis were both good players, Rhodey agreed to give you a tougher bowler. So instead of having Kate bowl, it was now Steve. And good god was this man frustratingly good at cricket. He was really making it hard for the two of you.
"Hey Rogers, mind making it easier for us here? It's kinda hard to hit a ball with you throwing it so fast," you said after completing a run.
"Kinda the entire point of me throwing them, sweetheart. Kate was making it easy for you." damn Steve and his constant use of nicknames. OK WE'RE GOING OFF TRACK. Steve took his stance again and began jogging. Your eyes followed his thighs as he stood and started jogging towards you...putting it plainly you were distracted. He threw the ball, which came hurling at you at lightning speed. You somehow managed to hit it, only for Kate, out of all of them, to catch it mid-air. Sighing in defeat, you made your way back to the bleachers handing the bat over to Pietro.
"You did good kid. Out of all of them, I think you've played the best." Tony said pulling you into a side-hug.
"Really?". Tony nods his head.
"You're on my team, and let's be honest, a Stark's choices tend to be the best."
"Next thing you know, Morgan will be using that when she brings a boy over," you say with a chuckle. To which Tony replies, "There's still time for that, she's not growing up that quick." he said more to himself that anyone. You nodded your head, stifling a laugh while Tony brought you in for a side hug. "Looks like Maximoff's out. Red, you're up."
It was now down to their last two players. Nat went up to the pitch that had been created by pulling out the grass. You see, when it's the Avengers playing, they don't care about safety equipment. Only the two kids were wearing knee pads and a helmet. But other than that, nobody was wearing something that would protect themselves. And that would make a clear path for some accidents to make themselves home.
Thor was bowling when Nat joined. "Alright, let's do this!" he exclaimed with a lot of enthusiasm. First missed red flag. Thor insisted on not doing what he called the 'pathetic little run'. He said he'd be fine without it. He took his place while Nat took her stance holding a bat that was a bit too heavy for her. It was meant to be used only by Peter, as he was physically stronger than the others on his team
Second missed red flag.
Thor threw the ball. Nat swung her bat hitting the ball, but not without hurting her wrist with the weight of the bat. But being the trained ex-assassin that she is, her face remained neutral. Hence why no one could tell she was in pain and continued the game.
After completing 2 runs Nat took her stance again. Thor was holding the ball in his hand, tossing it and catching it. When the average person plays cricket, they would normally use either a rubber ball or a much softer yellow tennis ball. But the Avengers are not normal. When Tony ordered the kit online, he didn't realize that he ordered the Season Kit. THIRD MISSED RED FLAG!
The ball that Thor was playing around with was a season ball, a ball much heavier than a rubber ball and much harder than a tennis ball. And in all his excitement, he one: got too into the game and two: forgot to check whether Nat was ready.
She wasn't.
He threw the ball at her without warning. She was not expecting it and it hit her in the face, hard. So now not only was Nat's wrist injured, but she almost definitely had a broken nose. When her wrist got injured, she acted as if nothing happened. But when the ball made contact with her face a loud squeal was heard from her.
Because of how rare it is to hear such a sound come from the world-famous widow, almost everyone ran to her the second her hands flew to her face. Tony's 'we are gonna win' smirk dropped from his face and his legs started moving forward.
"Ow. Tony what the hell is that ball made of?" Nat yelled when she saw him, sending him a terrifying glare. Rushing towards Nat, you knelt down in front of her. Her hands and face were coated in blood. Everyone crowded around her while Peter took the bat from her. You had already taken your t-shirt off and started wiping the blood from her hands and face. Steve had come back with an ice pack.
Now, the team has seen you without a top on countless occasions. So did Steve. But that didn't stop him from staring at you, his jaw slightly dropped. Maybe because your muscles became more defined since the last time he saw you shirtless. You, of course, didn't notice it since your focus was on Nat.
"Thanks y/n/n" she said, sounding very nasally. Her nose really was broken. "Can someone get me to the bleachers?" Before you could react Sam effortlessly picked her up and carried her to the bleachers. Nat kept your shirt with her to absorb any more blood which dripped out of her nose. Steve had not moved from his place as his eyes followed you. Bucky came up behind him, smacked him in the back of his head, took the ice pack and walked away with an all-knowing smirk on his face.
Steve shook it off and walked up to where everyone was coddling Nat. You were next to the group of people already on the phone with Dr. Cho and in the other slightly bloodied hand you held a hand towel, wiping the sweat from the back of your neck. Quite a sight it was for the Captain who could not keep his eyes off of you, eyes following where the towel went to wipe up sweat. That earned him a quiet whistle from Bucky in his ear and a smirk from you who knew he was staring.
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Once everyone finally left Natasha alone and in the care of Dr. Cho, team Ironman finished all of their overs (which meant that Tony was forced to play against his will) and it was team Cap's turn to bat. Peter had already offered you an extra t-shirt of his which he carried with him, and that made Steve a little jealous.
Most of the game went by soon. Turns out majority of team Cap were pretty weak batters. But then Sam came onto the scene, and everything changed. The only score he seemed to be getting were 4s and 6s. Thor got out pretty quickly. And in came Bucky Barnes. He and Sam were among the last players but were the strongest at the same time. The score team Cap had to beat was 104. It proved a bit hard in the beginning, but eventually got easier.
You were currently stuck playing wicket keeper. Originally Tony wanted Peter to do it, but Rhodey didn't allow it when he saw Peter had his webshooters with him. No one else wanted to be put in a crouched down position, and you were pretty good at catching things, so it ended up being your responsibility.
Because of the earlier batters being so sadly poor at the game, you were able to score 7 wickets by the time Sam came along. 3 more and you would win. Pietro was bowling, while Sam was batting. It was starting to get really hot, so much so that Bucky even lost his inseparable leather jacket, entire metal arm on display. A sight that got you staring for a few minutes until Tony cleared his throat catching your attention.
Pietro took a short jogging start and threw the ball. Sam hit it sending in far enough to be considered a six and took off running. You couldn't hear your own yelling over Steve's. His authoritative voice overtook yours as he yelled at Sam and Bucky to run faster. Not gonna lie, you found that hot. Peter yelled your name and threw the ball to you. You caught the ball and hit the wicket just as Bucky's bat made its ground. Everyone looked at Rhodey, "Safe". Rhodey had called that out when Steve started wolf-whistling. With wide eyes you turned around to look at him, just like everyone else.
"You might wanna save those sounds for later Cap" you say with a smirk, knowing exactly what Steve will say next.
"Oh, and what might 'later' entail?" he asks as you toss the ball over to Pietro. "Later entails me and you in a pool at sunset" you call over your shoulder with a wink. Steve's red face from running around earlier had cleared leaving him back to his normal shade, but a bright shade of scarlet started creeping up along his cheeks. Yep, you just got Captain America flustered. You heard Nat chuckling from the bleachers. Her nose was bandaged up and she came back to watch the match.
The plan was to play a sport during the afternoon and then spend time in a pool during sunset. Not just you and Steve but the entire team. Though, you knew them well, they all would probably make some sort of excuse to leave you and Steve alone.
There were a few more overs left now it was just Sam and Steve who were batting. The ball was thrown and just as Steve was about to hit it with his bat, you whistled loudly right in his ear. This caused him to lose focus and hit the ball wrongly. It also was the reason you got a disappointed look from Rhodey but a proud and approving one from Tony along with a thumbs-up.
The game continued and soon they were down to their final ball. the score was 100, 9 wickets. You called out to Steve, "Aye Cap, wanna bet? Loser has to buy the winner anything they want." Steve turned around to face you. With a smile on his face he said, "Sure. We beat the score, I win. You hit the wicket, or I miss somehow, you win." You nod your head and you both shake on the deal, "Though there will be a price limit of $200." you say.
The bowler got ready and started running. He threw the ball. Steve hit the ball. It bounced on the field. Peter caught it. He threw it to you. Steve saw it and had to make a sharp turn to dash back. You caught the ball. You hit the wicket. You yelled, excitement in your tone. Steve was looking down but there was a smile on his face. It didn't matter to him that his team lost the match or that he lost a bet, all that mattered to him was that there was a smile present on your face.
Peter came running over to you and you both collided in a hug with chirpy squeals. Everyone started shaking hands. You walked up to Tony, "I guess a Stark does make good choices after all." He pulled you into a side hug and said, "We do, but you are a hell of a player kid. Good job, you did well. Now go claim your prize, the captain is waiting." and he shooed you away with a wave of his hands.
Steve came up to you with a grin on his face and held out his hand for you to shake, which you took. "So, Rogers. Where are we going for dinner?" "Why would we be going for dinner?" "Because you have to buy me whatever I want and what I want is a date with you, tonight." Should you start a counter for how many times you got Captain America to blush? Because once again Steve's cheeks started to turn pink. "So, Cap, am I gonna get what I want?" "We did make bet, didn't we?"
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Just as you had predicted earlier, everyone slowly started leaving so that it was just you and Steve alone in the pool, at sunset. The atmosphere was serene. Being tired from playing all afternoon you just sat in the jacuzzi next to Steve, head resting on his chest while his arm was holding you. When you first came out to pool where almost everyone was, he stopped to take a good look at you. He would rarely get to see you in your swimsuit. You had tied your hair up, not wanting to get it wet since you'd have to wash it and were frankly too tired to do so. But now the sun had set, and it was time for your and Steve's date. It felt like it had already started while at the pool, but you both agreed to have a casual date.
You dressed comfortable and wore slip-on shoes. Steve was waiting for you by his bike. Offering you a helmet he said, "Is there any food you are craving right now?" you answered no and put the helmet on. "Where are we going?" Steve didn't reply. All you saw was a smirk before he pushed his helmet visor down hiding his beautiful face. He was in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt which was probably too tight for him, not that you minded.
You moved to sit behind him on his bike, one hand around his waist while the other rested on his thigh. And the two of you were off. After a 20-minute-long windy journey Steve stopped the bike in front of a local burger joint. They were a bit on the pricey side, but their food was delicious. You both got off and got some food.
Back on the bike he drove to a secluded location and stopped. You got off once again but this time in a grassy area. Walking slowly, you looked up to admire the stars that were now visible in the sky, like freckles dusted on a person's face which enhances their beauty even more. Your eyes moved back down to Steve when he called out your name.
"A picnic at night?" you questioned with a smile, "Now that's not your average date." Walking closer to him he holds his hand out to you and gently pulls you to the ground next to him. You and Steve unwrap your food and eat in silence, the tiredness from the day catching up to you. Until you out of nowhere you perk up with a random question, "Have you ever drawn the night sky?"
He looks at you a bit confused. So, you try to clarify. "Like have you ever drawn the moon, the stars, a comet flying in the background, maybe the shadows of some Christmas trees and mountains?" He seems to be understanding what you mean and chews quickly to reply.
"Yes, I have. I was sitting at my window when I got hit with sudden inspiration and pulled out my sketchbook. That night I not only drew the sky, but I also drew a picture of a very beautiful star which I also saw from my window." "How do you draw a star? Especially one which you saw outside." you asked, your mouth full. That made Steve chuckle, even more so when you covered your mouth to chew, hiding your grin.
"It was easy," he said, leaning in a bit closer. "I drew you." This time it was not the captain who blushed, it was you. You could feel your cheeks slightly hot and faintly hurting. Since your hands were filled with food, you leaned forward rested your head on his chest with a soft thump.
You softly squealed into his chest which elicited a deep laugh from him, whose vibrations you could feel. You looked up at him and he pulled you closer with his free hand. "I draw you quite often. Every time I look at you, I feel inspired to draw your portrait and have the urge to frame it on my bedroom walls. My favourite picture of you that I have drawn it one where you are laughing. I added a flower to it, an amaryllis tucked behind your ear."
At this point you were just looking at him with utmost adoration. He was looking straight while talking but your eyes were glued to him and how he looked while talking about drawing you. When he finished and set his gaze back on you, the two ended up just looking at each other. The electricity could be felt and the urge to move up a little was there, it didn't feel like the right time, so you settled for tilting your forehead against his, noses touching.
The moment felt like it was going forever but eventually you both finished eating, packed up and drove back to the compound. He walked you to your room and just before leaving you he gave you a soft kiss on your cheek before bidding you goodnight. Just before he disappeared behind his own door you said, "I enjoyed spending time with you Steve. I wanna do it again."
"How about we make a bet?"
Rest assured you were squealing into your pillow for the rest of the night.
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A/N- So after working on this forever (September 20, 2022) I have finally been able to post. I am in the middle of writing 4 different posts rn and have started exams (i have a paper in a few hours). Just wanted to gift my 60-something followers a fic so that they know I have not died.
Apologies if i accidentally mentioned any specific pronouns for the reader, please let me know if i do, i will make the changes.
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fandomfluffandfuck · 1 year ago
hi s i absolutely ADORE you can(t) teach old dogs new tricks. i just wanted to know what images you have of steve and bucky when you picture them for the series. idk if you’ve mentioned it already but i would love to know
Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it!
I don't think I've put any actual images out there and... it's just as well 'cause I don't think there are really any images that exist for the exact look I imagine for them.
Basically, I'm imagining Steve older than we ever see him in the MCU (not counting Old Man because... he doesn't count) with almost entirely silver hair (shaved short sides and a longer quiff-like top) and a salt and pepper beard. Bucky is young, like, 40s Bucky before the war but with his longer hair. The Wakandian Jesus look, y’know?
A more drawn-out answer could be the character outlines I have in my original plan for the series (so don't mind the horrible grammar, haha):
Steve Rogers
Same/similar background
Mom was single (Dad died before Steve can remember him) & poor, an immigrant from Ireland, a nurse in Hospitals around the area they lived
Mom died of cancer when Steve was in high school
Raised Irish Catholic
Born in 1969 (54)
Sexual Orientation
Ma had a feeling he was
 she could probably tell
 but he never told her before she died (she died when he was 17, and spent the rest of high school bouncing around between friends' houses until he graduated)
Left Brooklyn
Came to San Fransico to find new people & work (came out in San Fransico by the time he was 19)
Started as a photographer, and had a good eye for it (film camera w/ dark room development)... moved from scenery landscape photos to photos of people to fetish photography through a boyfriend (a past Daddy)... then slowly integrated more and more into the kink scene, was a boy for a long time, sold photos of himself, then photos of his subs
 his professional dom business took off
(two coming outs, one coming out as gay, the other coming out as kinky w/ his kinky lifestyle)
1981 to early 1990s (AIDs epidemic)
Lots of friends died during HIV/AIDs crisis
He survived the HIV epidemic
Old-guard Leather & BDSM / Occupation
Professional Dominant
Sex worker
People pay to have scenes w/ him
Bondage & impact play are his specialties BUT he does a lot BC he’s been in the scene for so long
Was a photographer B4 pro dom
 casual then a fetish photographer
Blue eyes
Greying hair (salt & pepper)
Hair is short on the sides and a little longer on top
6’2” & 260-ish lbs
Obviously works out a lot

His arms and shoulders are huge and his stomach is soft (a belly but when he flexes it’s pretty hard under a layer of fluff. His whole waist is wide, though). Also. He has an unfairly round and pert butt
Needs glasses when reading
Often in a t-shirt & leather jacket with dark wash denim when casual
When domming
 leather: leather peaked cap, leather jacket, leather shirt + leather tie (or leather vest w/out a shirt under it), big, wide leather belt, leather pants (or leather chaps on top of dark Levi jeans)
Usually prefers tight briefs as underwear
Aaaand Big, leather boots
Steve's play collar is black leather with silver hardware. It has a silver o-ring on the front, two o-rings on the side, a silver padlock on the back, and all around the collar there's a silver chain overlaying the leather. He had a good friend and BDSM gear craftsman make it for him, originally with the intent to collar someone else, but... it never ended up happening, Steve got a different collar instead, he just fucking loves this collar. It reminds him of the plain chain and padlock collars he used to see all the time at the leather bars and bathhouses. Rugged, masculine, junk-yard-esque collars.
Bucky Barnes
Grew up in modern New York
Brooklyn (he was growing up by the time Steve had left the area for the West Coast)
Middle class
Parents are alive, Dad is an alcoholic (mean drunk) & Mom did the best she could, but they don’t talk often
Born in 1997 (26)
Sexual Orientation (1)
Came out when he was 18 (2015, June 26, when all 50 states legalized gay marriage)
Parents are both Jewish
 Bucky goes back and forth with it
 he isn’t practicing actively, but
 it’s a little hard to leave the faith completely behind after being raised that way
Sexual Orientation (2)
Leviticus 18:23 & Leviticus 20:13 (Torah)
Mother was speechless, she nodded and grabbed his hand, when she turned away, Bucky saw her eyes were glossy (crying)
Sober father made him write out passages again and again and again and again after he came out, believing that it was a problem to be solved
Drunk father yelled at him, saying that he couldn’t believe his son was this way, he tried to do everything right!
Bucky wasn’t kicked out, but he didn’t exactly feel safe
 so he left and lived with a friend (at their parent's house until he could afford to rent a place of his own)
He occasionally speaks to his Mom, but more often, he speaks to his sister. He doesn’t speak to his father.
While in NYC, he dated one guy for almost 2 years (stayed until he was 23) and went on a few dates w/ some more guys
Since moving to San Fransico he’s dated around more (23-26)
He hasn’t connected w/ anyone really... COVID-19 pandemic
Sexual Experience
Has had vanilla sex... kind of bored by it
KNOWS he's interested in kink
He’s topped in vanilla sex and the power he got from that, he liked
 he wants more
 more power dynamics
Wants to be a dom
Restraints really appeal to him (cuffs, rope, etc.)
Web Developer
Works online (he used to go into an office in NYC, but when he expressed his decision to move & put in his 2 weeks, they didn’t want to let him go... online now)
Designs the front-end (the parts of a site a user interacts with) & back-end (the behind-the-scenes part) of sites (referred to as “full-stack”)
Doesn’t have a degree, he took classes in high school, then a few through the nearby community college, and was good enough to get hired, then he’s been building his career since then
Long dark brown hair (often pulled back into a bun when he’s working on something)
Steel blue eyes
Stubble (short beard)
6’0” & 200-ish lbs
Works out... nice arms & NICE legs
Has a good amount of body hair, he obviously manscapes, but it’s dark & thick
Around his apartment, he’s often in just a t-shirt and basketball shorts (or sweatpants)
Wears a lot of jockstraps
When he’s not home, he’s in a lot of ripped jeans (black) & t-shirts (loves his denim jacket) + he always has his dark aviator sunglasses BC his eyes are sensitive
I hope that was somewhat interesting 💀💀 and that it gives you a clearer picture! Thanks for the ask <3
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year ago
Round 1
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Propaganda under the cut
Natasha Romanoff
People frequently write her as a Sexy, Intimidating, and Competent piece of furniture; she exists to be mildly intimidating, but has no real desires or inner life of her own, and all of her actions in the story revolve around the main m/m pair. Meanwhile, the m/m pair thinks of her as a Close Teammate(tm) but never devotes time or emotional energy to what might be going on in her life.
usually in certain fics she often just gets turned into a wingwoman for Steve, or if the fic is Tony centric she often ends up being bashed because of the whole team tony/team cap thing. 
Some of the best series Marvel has ever done were Black Widow solo runs. Unfortunately she was also Bucky's love interest at one point, and (before the MCU blew the fuck up) she was often fridged or villainised.
Peggy Carter
She’s a victim of Stucky mainly bc of the way marvel used her to give Steve an ooc ‘happy ending, but I know I’ve seen some posts calling her toxic or something it was 2019 so In CAT:FA, she’s introduced as a confident British agent. She has some chemistry w Steve Rogers (although more fans (on tumblr at least) preferred Steve and Bucky). She wasn’t just *woman who is strong*, but also had some emotional depth, with an actual range of emotion outside of angry and sad. She had a spin-off show, and she just continued to fight Russians and misogynists, even having chemistry in an almost wlw relationship and an eventual marriage to a famous shield agent. She went through character development and just was an awesome character. Then you know what endgame does? It has Steve Rogers travel back in time and take all of that development away. Most fans were mad at Marvel, and a lot were mad at Steve, but some fans threw Peggy completely under the bus, saying that they traded the (fanon?) queer ship/(canon) friendship for a bland love interest, which, um, she was so much more then that? I remember people really disliking Peggy, which isn’t fair to her character when she is/was so much more then that.
Peggy is vilified by people who ship Steve with his war comrade Bucky Barnes. I’ve even seen people claiming baselessly that she was secretly HYDRA the whole time. 
She gets in the way of stucky which OBVIOUSLY gives people, most of them women themselves, the right to be ridiculously misogynistic. Dismissing her character arc, traits, presence in the movies and her part in Steve Roger's life, saying she is insignificant on the ground of very subjective readings is one thing, but outright calling her 'just some old coochie', among other colourful, wonderful things, is another. They also keep reaching to villainize her (saying she's a literal nazi which she's not) and cancel her so their ship is somehow made more valid for it, erasing the competition as it were
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