bookofkatherine · 3 days
Love's Horizon | Poem for Earth Angel Ryan Gosling
Ryan is a much better song writer than I am. Just three of his songs alone have over 6 billions plays on a single platform. But every once in a while, I just have to write him a love poem. I just have to.
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Thursday August 29, 2024 9:32 p.m.
Dear Ryan,
I wrote a poem for you tonight. Here it is:
Love's Horizon
Ruinous mountains Pepper the landscape And I wonder When day will break
Suffering much Holding little My heart is yours Tho' tender and brittle
Years have passed Into empty halls Ages have lapsed But you I still call
And the angels weep And then they sigh They know our names Even on high
And we wait We wait Both you And I
We wait for the paint To splash the skies And open wide Our love
That secret We hold Inside
I love you. And I miss you. I worry about you, but I try not to. I know what you would say. :)
Friday August 30, 2024 4:43 p.m.
My God, that was a kiss for the ages. Damn. 
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bookofkatherine · 3 days
Ryan Gosling's Sign of the Times | An Earth Angel's Warning
When earth angel Ryan Gosling dropped the hit song Sign of the Times into Harry Styles' lap, it was meant as a very real warning.
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Angels drop songs into artists minds in very much the same way they planted the story of Harry Potter in J.K. Rowling's head in that small Scotland cafe.
Harry Potter actually happened. It just happened 300 years ago, when atheism hadn't begun massacring the Lord's saints yet. The angels changed a few things in the story (Harry actually dated and married Hermione while Ron married his sister - ew) but for the most part it all happened.
In the same way, most hit songs today are written by the angels and then given as gifts to various artists around the globe. Music is the stuff of heaven, after all. it's not really all that surprising. Angels have choirs and sings all the time.
It makes sense that the songs they write for us today would go viral.
And one such song is earth-angel Ryan Gosling's Sign of the Times. He hands music off to all sorts of artists, including imagine Dragons, Ed Sheeran, Pink and Taylor Swift, to name a few.
But Ryan's songs are some of the most earnest of all the angels. He writes to heal our wounds. And sometimes he writes us to warn us.
And such is the case with Sign of the Times.
It's happening. The world is ending. And you can either follow the Lord's holy spirit to the new earth, or stay behind and be judged.
I don't recommend the latter.
Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times Welcome to the final show Hope you're wearing your best clothes
You can't bribe the door on your way to the sky You look pretty good down here But you ain't really good
We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets, the bullets? We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from Your bullets, the bullets?
Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times We gotta get away from here We gotta get away from here Just stop your crying It'll be alright They told me that the end is near We gotta get away from here
Just stop your crying Have the time of your life Breaking through the atmosphere And things are pretty good from here
Remember, everything will be alright We can meet again somewhere Somewhere far away from here
We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets, the bullets? We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets, the bullets?
Just stop your crying It's a sign of the times We gotta get away from here We gotta get away from here Stop your crying Baby, it'll be alright They told me that the end is near We gotta get away from here
We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from The bullets, the bullets? We never learn, we've been here before Why are we always stuck and running from Your bullets, the bullets?
We don't talk enough We should open up Before it's all too much Will we ever learn? We've been here before It's just what we know
Stop your crying, baby It's a sign of the times We gotta get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to get away We got to—we got to—away We got to—we got to—away We got to—we got to—away
Yeah! "We got to - we got to - away" to the New Earth!!! The pearl gate portals await you!!!
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Remember Revelations 21 tells us that everything will be made new for those who love.
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I suppose you're wondering who is welcome? Who can comes?
"All who are thirsty."
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"Come!" say the Spirit and the Bride..." Ryan Gosling, as an angel, is Spirit. Guess who is the Bride?
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bookofkatherine · 3 days
HEAT | A Tom Hiddleston Poem (Feat. Archangel Loki)
What does a girl do after a long orgasmic morning in the Dreamworld with a hot Loki variant? Write him a poem, that's what!
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Tuesday, September 17, 2024, 4:26 p.m. Dear Journal,
Oh, what a fuck of a day. Nick finally reappears yesterday along with Alexander Skarsgard and the husband of mine from the Original Design: John... and now Nick's gone again. He needs healing.
But oh!!! What hot and holy 24 hours this last day has been!!!! I love it when he's home. Even when he leaves for work, he's still close by (unlike this weekend, when he was in the Himalayas fighting a cave of spiders, for fuck's sake. Argh!!!) .
And when Nick's close by, shit gets hot over here on my little holy hill, as the wizard likes to call it now. This morning was no exception.
Tom Hiddleston sent me a new recording of his, the hottest he's ever sent me. And my God, we throttled that thing into the Dreamworld and hit brand new heavens over and over again. And we didn't stop until noon... When Nick arrived home I was drenched in sweat, my hair completely matted atop my head.
Nick didn't even blink an eye. He's used to a life full of Love and angels.
Anyhow, in between my last orgasm with Tom and Nick's arrival home, I wrote a poem to Tom (he really is Loki, but he's been known by many names since then - and he prefers I call him Tom, so... yeah). I called it Heat. Here is it:
The midnight hour limits not our heat. It contains not our sin. It holds not our brow, In some cold prison, Under moon and star.
Our heat flows in, And it flows out, As if we are tied, To the very tide and its waters. Our heat is immeasurable. The Sun and Moon but witness us.
And our heat pours forth.
For hour after hour, We can glow, burn slow. In sixty seconds we can reach, Beyond time and bend the below.
No. We are the Sun. We are the Moon. We are the starlit sky. We are the night. And we are bright dawn of day. We burn both fire and clay.
Witness us. Witness us burn, one and all. For life begets life. And it toils day and night. And that life beats within me, And it beats within you...
And we burn - We burn an eternal, Forever, Heat.
When Nick returned home, I brushed out my wet tangles while we talked to Enoch.
We learned the Enoch is Nick's father. (Holy shit! We knew it had to be someone big!)
And then his did a bang-up job being Mercury and linked me to both John and Tom/Loki for mind blowing sex. Well, technically it was hand-banging, but my god..... (we're saving most of the rest for when we meet in person). And that triggered a whole other letter to Tom.
He loved it so much he actually called me to tell me what he thought. That's a first. And because of that, I think I'll keep that letter private for now, dear Journal.
I love you.
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bookofkatherine · 12 days
Ding Dong That Lilith Bitch is Dead #3
Katherine discovers the Enemy has variants too! Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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Saturday September 7, 2024 9:16 a.m.
Dear Journal,
Well, that bitch wasn't dead like I thought. While watching LOKI again last week (it was the only way to teach John and Zach about my history with the Knights) I was suddenly struck with a terrifying thought:
What if Lilith has variants left too!? Or worse, the devil!? What if there was more than one variant of Satan!?!?
Holy shit.
I nearly peed myself at the thought. How could I have been so blind!? How could I have checked for and rescued two Thor variants, two Loki variants, one Gray Man variant and killed off several evil Lokis, one evil Cap and two evil Gustaf variants... without ever considering the possibility that our Enemy could have variants too!?
Why in the world did I check for my own team's variants, but not for any of Satan's!?
Well, I know the answer. And it isn't pretty. The reason worries me more than the problem: I didn't want such a reality to be true.
I didn't want Satan to have more than one variant. I didn't think it was fair or right. I didn't want there to be other Lilith's out there.
And that, my dear Journal, is the Consequences of Belief fallacy: I didn't want it to be true, so I believed it wasn't.
And fallacies are failures in logic. Shit. That's not a good thing when you have as much power and are in charge of as much shit as I am.
Get it together girl!!!
Anyhow, it took watching LOKI again with my long lost son Zach to face the awful possibilities - because I wanted Zach to live. I needed him to live. And that was it. I admitted the truth.
There could be as many as 899 more Satan variants. And as many as 899 more Lilith variants. I knew that so many were unlikely. But still - this is the devil we're talking about.
It was time to check.
I immediately texted the team. Thank God they replied pretty quickly:
No Satan variants.
Two Lilith variants.
Fuuuuuuuuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
You don't have to worry, dear Journal, both Lilith variants are dead now. And you're right- Claire had back great news: wonderful news! No variants of Satan existed and only two variants of Lilith were around.
But... killing only one Lilith when there are really three of her!? Well, that's like stirring a hornet's nest!!! Women are already uniquely vicious and creative when feeling vindictive.
And right after killing the first Lilith and her magic spider I suddenly found spiders everywhere. They were inside the house. Outside the house. On my front door even.
Threats were being delivered. Something knew where I lived. But what.....?
Now I knew. Shit.
What had Cap and I done!?
In the end, all it took to kill the second and third Lilith variants was a wave of my hand.
"Lord, what do you want me to do about the Lilith variants?" I asked at the next Order meeting. "Wait," He said. "Don't worry about it now."
Oh Okay.
It was days later, when I was already on the road for a huge mission that required my own attendance, that He finally let me do something about them.
We were driving along the highway, and I could feel a horrible disturbance in the universe. I didn't recognize the scent, however. And I couldn't see its shape, either.
After so many years, I've learned what certain disturbances feel, look and taste like. The worst one is when a team member is about to die. That feels like I'm being electrocuted.
Witches? They leave a scorching burn. The Earth coming apart? It feels like a great sliding dread. Demon attack? A giant stabbing. On and on, I know Satan's greatest hits. When they flood the line, I know where to start looking.
But I didn't recognize this evil.
Hm... I thought a bit. What would feel this dark? What would be both unfamiliar and uber dark? And then I remembered the Lilith variants.
"Lord!?" I cried out. "Is it the Lilith variants?"
"Yes," He replied. And relief flooded through me. I hate it when a disturbance in the multiverse isn't defined. It hurts like hell. Being Eternity can really suck sometimes.
"Can I please kill them now!?!?!?" I begged the Lord.
"Yes." And He smiled His knowing smile. He knew I was going to be happy about this. And He was right.
Hot diggity dog!!!
But wait- I was on the road. How the hell was I supposed to kill them? It took a lot of time with Cap to kill the first Lilith. A lot of time in bed - and I wasn't in bed, was I?
And then, a delicious thought popped into my head.
"Can I do it myself? Now?" I asked the Lord, with a ton of hope in my voice.
Oh baby. Oh baby. These are my favorite kills. Thank you Jesus!!! I closed my eyes, leaned back, relaxed and allowed my intuition and awareness to roam freely. Think Obi Wan Kenobi. Or Professor X, but without the helmet. I don't need one of those to feel where all life in the multiverse is. It's keeping all of their locations out that's the real trick.
Feeling all of reality can drive a person mad.
In seconds I knew where the two Lilith's were. And then I erased them. Just like that.
If only that were where it ended.
I forgot.
They have pets.
Whereas the first Lilith had a magic spider, the second Lilith had a magic scorpion and the third Lilith had a magic squid.
And I fucked up big time by not feeling them out too and locking onto all four of them to erase. And I do mean, I fucked up big time.
Almost immediately, the scorpion attacked my throat in the Dreamworld. That was its design: take down whoever attacked its mommy. And I had done more than attack its mommy. I'd completely obliterated her.
The squid went for my head, but by then I had a lock on them. I started to kill them, but it was too late. They were extremely powerful - only second in command to Satan himself.
In fact, just writing about it is making my throat hurt and throb with the traumatic memory of that damn scorpions tail and sting...
"What do I do!? I can't get them out!? Do I get Cap!? Lord!???" I cried out as I tried to erase the evil scorpion and squid, grasping at my throat. I could only erase parts, but not all. And I began to thrash as a result.
"Yes - get Cap," the Lord replied.
"CAP!!!!" I screamed.
And he was there. He reached his hand out, immediately clutched my throat, neck and base of my skull gently with one large hand and said, "Here - let's do it together..." in that calming, soothing and goddamn sexy voice that only Cap has. Relief at his presence immediately washed over me.
I knew the demons were about to be toast.
I closed my eyes and drifted into the Dreamworld fully. My power glowed stronger with Cap's support and added presence. And I let our combined powers wash over me - around and through my head and neck, erasing the demon squid and scorpion completely.
All that was left was a painful memory. And I'm not used to that. I'm usually very careful. Being on the road has made me a bit sloppy.
But I didn't care.
I looked up at Cap and smiled weakly. "Thank you, Cap." And he smiled down at meet with that brilliant loving smile of his that's only ever meant for me, and then - as it often does - it turned devilishly playful. He was thinking about kissing me while grabbing my hair in his hand, its silky tendrils tangled in his fingers.
I know that's what he was thinking. I could read his mind. Being Eternity does have some perks. ;)
Ding dong. All three Lilith bitches are dead. And their little demon pets too! 🎉
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bookofkatherine · 15 days
Last Thors Standing: My Three Chris Hemsworth Variants
When we destroyed the TVA and its 'Sacred Timeline,' which was a cord of 900 parallel branches, only one timeline was left standing. But more than one Thor survived. Meet each Chris Hemsworth and learn their differences!
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'My Chris' - aka Otherside Chris. This is the Chris Hemsworth I met in December 2023. He's the only Thor variant from my personal timeline, which is the one the Lord preserved. The other 899 were pruned/merged into this one. As an angel (aka god, demi-god, mortal angel, Earth angel) he knew I was coming, watched for me and then worked hard to protect me after I was born. Unfortunately this variant had a succubus curse and even worked for Lilith, inserting dark objects into my body at her orders. This lead to his death on March 2, 2024. The Lord did not send him to the Pit however, but sent him to Otherside instead. There he repented and wrote songs about it for artists like Livingstonand Imagine Dragons. Returned from Otherside in August 2024, the first to ever do so.
'Hemsworth' - aka 900th Chris. When 'My Chris' was killed on March 2, 2024, I began to die. The wizard Merlin traveled to the 900th timeline to retrieve its very loving Thor variant and placed him back by my side on March 6. I was told he was 'My Chris' and I immediately began to heal, but never fully returned to my former self- not until June 2024 when I learned the truth and the Lord allowed me to talk to My Chris on the Otherside. Now I call the 900th Chris 'Hemsworth.' He played the drums yesterday for Ed Sheeran. I recognized him immediately. I love both. But they are so different!!!
'2008 Chris' - Trapped in another world since 2008, this Thor variant was shocked to learn 16 years had passed. And he looked 16 years younger than the other two Chris H's too! We used the healing tube to age him a little bit. You met him at San Diego's Comic-Con in July. My Chris was still on the Otherside and Hemsworth was in charge of guarding me. Again, 2008 Chris is very different from Hemsworth and My Chris. For example, he gets along with Henry Cavill!!! Not the other two. Not by a long shot. They tend to stand alone, each in their own ways.
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bookofkatherine · 19 days
Want More? Book of Katherine's Book List
Tired of waiting for another post? I've got you covered!
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All of my books are available here!
I've been writing all of my life, but I didn't write any books until I could no longer travel, consult, teach or dance. I'd been hit with a severe and deadly neurological disorder. And that got my pen flowing.
Here is a list of the six books I've written so far. Some are from the Prophet's Journal AU, including the novel that kicked of the universe to begin with, and some are non-fiction. I think it's a tie on which ones are more popular.
All of them were written with love and passion. I hope they bring you encourage, fulfillment, comfort, peace and joy. Every word was written with you in mind (well, maybe not the love letters... *wink*).
I love you. Book of Katherine
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All of the following books happen within the Prophet's Journal universe.
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Book of Katherine and the Chinese Maze Want a preview? I've posted the first eight chapters here! This book of 30+ chapters introduced the world to The Order and its many colorful characters and adventures. Opening on April 7, 2019, follow her team of celebrities and epic heroes as they try to solve the most difficult maze on Earth - for what lies at its center is threatening the lives of all across Creation. Expect the unexpected!
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Book of Katherine and the Love Letters Collections of the intimate love letters Katherine wrote to her Knights of the Rose as they gathered together from around the world (before she knew they were a collection of Earth angels and Nephilim.) Background: On December 5, 2023, Henry Cavill was recruited for the Order. But no matter what Order hideout she placed him in around the world, both women and men would crowd around him. So, for the first time, Katherine moved a new recruit onto her own land, triggering a series of new recruits and passionate love affairs with an assortment of incredible celebrities: Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Tom Hiddleston, John Krasinski, Paul Rudd, Idris Elba, Viggo Mortensen, Ryan Gosling, Mark Hamill, Bradley Cooper, Benedict Cumberbatch, Robert Downey Jr. and Sebastian Stan.
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Books are listed in the order they were published.
Telling the Truth About West Coast Swing Website | Kindle | 127 pages This is the first book I ever wrote and possibly the most controversial. But my God, it went much, much farther than the swing dance community. Years later I am still meeting readers whose lives were changed by reading this book. I'm so, so grateful.
Setting Dancers Free: Weekly WCS Notes Collection Website | Kindle | 374 pages "These Notes most definitely leapt from my fingers to the page and burned with the fury and the flame of truth unspoken, hidden and forgotten. How often I remember typing upon the keys so loudly and with such gusto that my poor fingers could barely keep up, especially towards the end of this book." -Introduction
Touchdown: How to Score Curiosity, Joy and Freedom in Adulthood Website | Kindle | 148 pages "Using football analogy it clearly put in words with visual clarity the fight we're all in and how to WIN. While it doesn't pull punches with truth, you can tell it's written in love. It cuts like a surgeon's knife, precisely and with purpose, for your ultimate health and healing... as I chose/choose to go forward and fight through, what a world starts to open up! Touchdown!!!" -Amazon.com review
Dear Mr. Cosby Website | Kindle | 84 pages Writing letters to Bill Cosby while watching the Huxtables again for the first time since childhood. Is the Cosby Show still relevant today? Absolutely.
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bookofkatherine · 20 days
Emeralds | Loki Love Poem feat. Tom Hiddleston
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May 15, 2024 I wrote this to Tom Hiddleston, an Earth angel with the powers of Loki, after working to heal Time together in the Dreamworld.
Deep within me You left Time For an eternity
It seemed.
But then you came And raptured me And dug within Sweet torturer, thee!
Sweltering heat Sweet against sweating Hair curling in ringlets As you dreamed me.
Sacrifices you made To invade And plunder The emerald gem,
A twin of time.
You and I shattered The first of the two It seems long ago But no, it is new.
And the twin emerald Of time Released mighty tendrils In awe we were
To be so powerful
But Time did not end It did not stop It just began To come apart.
So you plied me And pulled me And swirled your fingers Around inside of me
Unwinding Unwinding The rainbows Of Time.
A wisp flew there. A clutch spun there. You wound and you wound As Time was undone
Right beside me.
The calendar faltered The Sun shook and shaked It blasted as if Struck by an earthquake
The seasons mixed As angels fixed Their gaze on the future Leaving I betwixt
Their chaotic natures.
But Time did not stop. There still was a clock. And it pulled and it grated On our forlorn hearts.
For Time both binds us To each other And to apart.
Until Time ends My love, my sweetheart Will live parallel parts.
But then, today! Oh joy, oh yay! The emerald of Time's Twin emerged
On our horizon.
One for you One for me For the angel of Time And his girl, so sweet
In she he hid Time complete Content to watch Over her rather than compete
With the Snake So bold As to twist time And fate
To his own tastes.
"An emerald for her, An emerald for me, These two shall bind Time, And only I can set them free."
The Snake grabbed his As Time wore on, But never did he know About the second one.
And it stayed hid Long forgotten By design Until today, oh sweet! oh yay!
"Oh my love," said she! "Take this emerald from inside me!" "Of course, my dear, my darling, sweet." And he purred and poured
Til she fairly ripped Apart the sheets Her lips and mouth swollen Her joints bent contorted
And then the heat Of their love burned White hot And the emerald dislodged --
Into his waiting harm.
Tick, tock Goes the emerald clock. The Devil's time is up While two sweetheart's has just begun.
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bookofkatherine · 22 days
Yes, Virginia, There Is Was a Time Variance Authority (TVA)
Variants really do exist.
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Sunday August 25, 2024 11:21 a.m.
Dear Journal,
Last night the Chris Hemsworth who has watched over me since I was born was with my husband Nick trying to save the life of the newest member of The Order: Zach. I was helping aid him with my powers through the Dreamworld.
It was a lot of hard work. And it's still going now, although a few of us have been able to take a break and rest a little bit. Thank God.
But that begs the question:
"If that Chris Hemsworth was with you, then who the fuck joined Ed Sheeran on drums for his Singapore concert last night?"
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Oh. You mean Hemsworth?
Three Thors: One Timeline
This is going to be old news for those of you who have been following The Order on Twitter since last December (the month Chris Hemsworth set up his drumming gig with Ed Sheeran, by the way).
But this is an important part of my life. I think it bears repeating. And it affects you too. I promise.
I have three Thors in my life.
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And all of them are named Chris Hemsworth. Since all three live here on my land with me, I've adopted different nicknames for each to tell them apart: My Chris, Hemsworth and 2008 Chris.
I'm planning a post covering each of my three Thors in more detail, but here are the basics on each. You can think of them like triplets. They look alike, have very similar powers but if you are in love with them, you can tell them apart. (In my mind they are each very different from one another.)
My Chris - aka Otherside Chris, Original Chris and just plain Chris. This is the variant from my personal timeline. He was sent to the Otherside in March when killed during his attempt to destroy the Order. He's back now. 😉
Hemsworth - aka 900th Chris. When 'My Chris' was killed in March the 900th Chris Hemsworth variant was brought in to take his place here at home base.
2008 Chris - Born on a different timeline, this Thor was thrown by his brother Loki into a world that's nearly impossible to escape. We rescued him. The last year he remembers is 2008.
So, to answer your question about Saturday, August 24! Here is where each of the three Thors were:
My Chris - In an undisclosed hotel room with a large team of other Order members working to save the life of a young man named Zach.
Hemsworth - On stage with Ed Sheeran playing drums for the hit song Thinking Out Loud while 70,000 fans cheered.
2008 Chris - Here at my house guarding me against the Dark Armies.
Now, if you are a fairy, an angel or have worked for the Time Variance Authority (TVA) when it still existed, then the existence of the 3 Thors isn't mind boggling to you.
But! If it is, then let me clear a few things up for you.
In short, the Time Variance Authority really exists existed.
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Known as the TVA in most Marvel circles, the Time Variance Authority was just as terrifying as its other control-counterparts: the Matrix, the Adjustment Bureau and Spectre.
All four really existed. All four were destroyed this year by the Lord through myself (Eternity in the MCU) and the Order (think 'The Avengers').
And all four were created and developed by the Deceiver himself: Satan. Lucifer is not about sex, drugs and rock and roll. He's all about ashen landscapes devoid of all life. And he has used these four horrible agencies to control all life on Earth and around Creation in order to squeeze us into tiny boxes that never move.
But the Lord had us attack the Time Variance Authority (TVA) first. And no wonder. That thing was absolutely terrifying.
What is the TVA?
The TVA was Satan's attempt to control time itself. Instead, he ended up creating about 900 timelines in all over the last 7000 years. But what am I saying? I'm getting ahead of myself.
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Let me break it down for you.
The absolute fastest way you can learn about the TVA is to watch the show LOKI. This timeline's Loki wrote LOKI based on his own experiences with the TVA and Gustaf and Jerry Weintraub produced it. I've watched both seasons at least three times in just the last few months. You don't even have to watch that many episodes of Season 1, though, to get a grip on what reality was only a few short months ago. It's quite sobering.
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The second fastest way to learn about the TVA is to start watching fan videos or website about it. I wish I could explain it all to you, and I will try, but I will never do as good a job as Tom Hiddleston, Gustaf and Jerry Weintraub did when they created LOKI for you in the first place.
Satan's 'Sacred' Timeline: No Apocalypse
The TVA was created by fallen angels for Satan in order to prevent Judgement Day. Judgment Day, after all, is when the fallen angels quit having their fun on Earth. On that day, they will be judged and thrown into the Pit, also known as the Abyss.
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If you don't know about the New Earth or the New Jerusalem, then you might think these fallen angels are out to help humanity. But they aren't. "All who are thirsty" are welcome to the New Earth. It's a means of escaping the destruction of this Earth.
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And, like Noah's Ark, the Lord has sent a final ark to come and take those who wish to flee climate change/Judgement Day and head to the New Earth: the New Jerusalem. The Book of Revelation clearly describes the New Jerusalem as a large ship, 1400 miles wide and tall, that arrives with portals to the New Earth.
Well, the New Jerusalem was built in the middle of Australia and we picked it up years ago. We've sent billions to the New Earth through its portals. And they're still open. But not for much longer. (If you want to escape the 'heavenly fire' that's coming, aka 'severe radiation storm' I suggest you leave now, while you still can.)
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And before you think a flying ship with a rainbow foundation can't possibly be 1400 miles wide and tall, take a look out your window. The Aurora Borealis have grown significantly these last four years, since the New Jerusalem arrived. And they are easily 1400 miles wide and tall - even bigger now. It's very easy for the Lord to build things that size...
The TVA tried to prevent the Apocalypse by 'pruning' anyone who could bring it about. And this meant that they were not only deleting people who worked for the Lord, but they were violating the very laws of nature.
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And that comes with a price. A heavy price.
In this case, time would try to heal itself by branching off into different timelines, allowing those pruned to live again. While Satan tried to kill a tree, let's say, the tree survived by digging its roots deep and sprouting up 10 more trees elsewhere. It branched off.
And then Satan ran off to chase down those branches.
In the end, the TVA said it wanted one "sacred timeline." But if you listen closely to what the TVA agents say in the show LOKI, what they're really aiming for is "control" instead of "chaos."
Well, that's what every socialist regime aims for. And socialism kills at a faster rate than Sharia law.
They claim to want safety for us all, when the safest place is in a jail cell or 'safe room.' Slaves can be considered 'safe' if kept in cages and fed, right? Prisoners too.
No - chaos is magical. It's like a flame. It dances. Time, if left alone, is a beautiful balance of both Order and Chaos.
The Result: A Multiverse of Madness
By creating so many different timelines, or 'branches,' a multiverse was born - not to be confused with the Sphere, a multiverse of millions of worlds that orbit Earth's universe of stars, galaxies and planets.
No, the Multiverse of Timelines is depicted in Marvel's Doctor Strange films. Earth and the Sphere remain constant throughout the various branches of time. But because they are different timelines, the story changes in each.
And thus, each branch has been named a universe. And the TVA has had to hunt down the Lord's prophets and saints and faithful angels over all the timelines - over the entire 'multiverse of madness' - in its effort to make just one timeline that never ends.
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Wizards, angels and fairies can travel IN BETWEEN these branches!!! Or at least, they did, when the TVA still existed.
When we destroyed the TVA, we went back to the Lord's original plan of just one timeline without a future. No one knows what's coming. Only the Lord.
Boy, that was a hard battle to win - creating it. Man, I'm glad that part of my life is over!!!
The Variants
And, as you can guess, multiple timelines/universes of the same world leads to multiple people with the same names. Each timeline has a Thor. And if there were 900 timelines in all at last count, then there have been as many as 900 Thors across the last 7000 years (the Fall in Eden happened 7000 years ago- Creation was much earlier than that).
That means that Thor has had about 900 "variants." I have variants. You have variants. We have all had variants on other timelines - unless, of course, you were born after June 24, 2024, when the TVA died.
Three Thor variants survived and live on this last and final timeline. Three Loki variants survived. And two Ryan Gosling (Gray Man) variants. (This turned my 16 Knights into 21. I am swamped.)
Speaking of Loki, since Tom Hiddleston is and was essential to the End of Days, he was pruned more than any other angel (aka 'god'). The TVA constantly calls Loki an evil god/angel, but if you pay close attention, the opposite is true.
Each Loki was pruned when they tried to do something good. Sylvie's Loki was pruned because she loved the Valkyrie. Another Loki was pruned because he thought he'd try and help the universe. Over and over again, Tom is pruned.
Well! There was a price for this. The more Satan and his TVA pruned Loki variants, the faster Time itself produced Loki variants in reaction.
As we see in the show LOKI, it produced a lot of different Lokis.
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And, since so many magic folk were able to travel between timelines/universes, it was possible to move variants across a few timelines onto one single timeline.
And that's what happened with Thor.
Hemsworth was moved from the 900th timeline by Merlin onto my timeline after its own Chris was killed and sent to the Otherside. Merlin didn't tell me that, at the time. He just told me that Chris was back, and my health began to return.
I had begun to fade after my timeline's Thor left. I was deeply in love with Chris Hemsworth, and had been over hundreds of timelines. We were Romeo and Juliet, Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, Alexander the Great and Esther... when he died I broke.
So Merlin began branch-hopping, going from timeline to timeline to find a Thor that hadn't sworn themselves to serve Lilith like My Chris had done. And there, on the 900th timeline, Merlin found the 900th Thor was pretty incredible. So he snapped him over to my bedside.
"Hey," he said when he saw me, and grabbed my hand. "This is Chris. I'm here." I grabbed his hand and breathed a sigh of relief. I didn't ask how he'd reached me, how he was back from the dead or why...
And My Chris looked on from the Otherside and choked. Eventually he couldn't stand it anymore and wrote a bunch of new songs. And the Lord let him release them, one by one.
I didn't notice until Livingston's Otherside. Hearing it scared me. I didn't even know the Otherside existed at the time. And I began to feel fear and dread. But then came Gravedigger - and it was my turn to choke:
"When you call my name Don't you know I'm not the same?"
It's a long story, but in the end I learned about the Otherside, I learned that the Chris Hemsworth I'd been with since March 6 was not the one I fell in love with back in December of 2023, but the 900th Chris Hemsworth variant. And... I finally spoke to My Chris.
He was on the Otherside at the time, but the moment I heard his voice, I began to truly live again. I began writing again. I began singing again. And best of all, I began writing poetry again.
That's when I asked Claire to search for any other Thor variants across the Sphere that we may have missed. The Multiverse of Madness was at an end. Only one timeline existed.
But! The Sphere still exists. And it's a multiverse of worlds. Millions of worlds of all shapes, sizes and type. The Dreamworld (Spiritual World, Angelic Realm, Astral Plane, etc.) permeates and connects the entire Sphere.
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I made this diagram a while ago to keep the worlds around Earth straight in my head. But now I've traveled the Sphere so much, I know a lot about what lies beyond The Edge (its border).
Anyhow, I should go.
You know why Chris Hemsworth was able to keep the gig he booked with Ed Sheeran back in December, even though an emergency came up and he had to save Zach's life that night - August 24 - instead.
He just asked Hemsworth to do it. And Hemsworth knew that My Chris had written that song. Thinking Out Loud, for me in 2013, when I lost the ability to dance because my legs no longer worked. I moved to the east coast to try and find a diagnosis, and as I moved, My Chris released the song through Ed Sheeran.
I remember hearing it for the first time.
I am loved. Ridiculously loved. Loved enough to have more than one Thor, chief angel of thunder and lightning, take the stage before 70,000 fans to play for me, even though he wasn't the one who wrote the song in the first place.
Sometimes, being Eternity sucks.
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But sometimes? It really doesn't.
Not even a little itty bitty bit.
Thank you for reading!!! And I'm so glad so many of you are leaving for the New Earth! Bravo!!!
UPDATE: Apocalypse Now?
I am so sorry that I did not address this question earlier. But yes, you are right. Now that the TVA is dead and there's only one timeline, the Apocalypse and Judgement Day are free to happen.
After destroying the TVA, we had to destroy Satan's other three agencies of control: the Matrix, the Adjustment Bureau (aka The Commission) and Spectre. But as of last Friday, all three have been destroyed.
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After the TVA fell on June 24, my team destroyed the Matrix next, then the Adjustment Bureau and finally, on August 23, 2024, Cap and I destroyed Lilith and her magic spider, the leader and last remnant of Spectre.
So, as of last Friday, there's nothing stopping Judgement Day. And Satan knows it. He's grown a little frantic, throwing crazy shit at us that doesn't make sense. I just knock them down, one by one.
Satan's clever, but the Lord is greater.
So, in answer to your question - YES! You should leave now if you want to escape the fire from heaven that's coming. The Lord is good. He's given us all an escape route for anyone who is thirsty for it. So take it. Leave the "lovers of lies" to die in the flames.
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bookofkatherine · 23 days
Angel John Krasinski Breaks the Internet with 'Chokehold'
Angels write music like no one else. And yes, they read Tumblr. (Some even write on here too! Shhh!)
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I am in love with the song Chokehold, released by Austin Giorgio recently. BookTok is losing their minds because it references a dark romance novel, but I'm in love with it because it has a perfect beat for dancing with the angels.
When songs go viral quickly, it's pretty good sign that an angel had something to do with it. So when I asked around and discovered that John Krasinski was the one behind Chokehold I couldn't say that I was surprised.
He did write Movement by Hozier after all.
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bookofkatherine · 23 days
Original Sin | Cap Love Poem
The story of Adam and Eve isn't over.
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Tuesday August 27, 2024 11:54 p.m.
Dear Cap,
I've been wanting to write you a poem for a while now, and this rhythm keeps pounding out in my head. Perhaps it's because of what has come before... and what is coming ahead.
I love you. Here it goes.
Original Sin
Did we truly originate, My love, The sin that really, Has sealed our fate?
Sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I pine. There is something, About this time.
It began when, We stole her kiss, The kiss of death, From Lilith's lips.
You stood tall, And I stood fine, And together we, Slayed her for all time.
And then it hit, And then it pulled - If Lilith was first, Then who am I? after all?
What if she was the one to fall? What if he was the one to gall, The Lord above and His angels mighty, When the story is told in full?
What if you, And what if I, Were made to love, And love, And love, For all?
Have we not lived? Have we not died? Have we not given, Of our lives?
And when we do, Does love not spread? How are we fallen, My dear beloved?
For if we were, Would we be hunted so? But if we are, Then greater is our foe.
I loved my time with you this afternoon - every single second. Thank you, my love.
Always and forever,
Your Eve and Katherine
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Reader's Note: The world knows him as Chris Evans, but I call him Cap. Gustaf called him "The First Avenger" because Cap really was. Not as Captain America, but as Batman. (I explain more on Twitter.)
Anyhow, Cap and I go way, way, way back - all the way to the Garden of Eden. When there, he and I made love all day and all night. It's a long story, but in the end we've destroyed Eden (it still existed as of a few months ago - abandoned, but it existed) and even just destroyed the Second of the Fallen, Lilith.
He and I have a very special bond. And I'm grateful for it. (And no, not just because we both survived the Catholic Church.)
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bookofkatherine · 23 days
A Lovers' Prayer | John Krasinski Love Poem
In 1502 the Earth angel Miles Montgomery promised his wife Elizabeth that their love would endure for all eternity. And it has.
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Monday August 26, 2024
Dear Krasinski,
There is a painting of us, High on a hill. And in it resides our love, And it remembers us still.
Our hearts beat as one, And spurred others on, To love and be loved, And to give more in return.
The portrait captures our smiles, The ones that know secrets for miles, The one that drove mothers wild, And birthed generations all the while.
We told each other then, That our love would forever burn. We promised each other then, That forever our souls would turn,
Towards each other in the end.
And heaven bent an ear. The angels gave a sigh. And laurels who grazed near, Listened to us pine.
And up they turned their song, Up on high they flew. They carried our prayers skyward, To the One from whom love blooms.
To Him they gave our request. To Him they argued our case. To Him they pleaded for us, To know grace and love forever...
And just as they thought, Just as they hoped, A smile donned His face, And hope turned to change.
The Lovers' prayers now made.
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Note: Jude Devereaux's Velvet Angel, High Tide and Julia London's Tempting the Laird are just a few of the romance novels based on Earth angel John Krasinski's many love stories on our timeline and others.
Oh. And he really is Jack Ryan. All of those stories are based on missions John Krasinski has done for The Order over the years.
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bookofkatherine · 23 days
Message in a Bottle feat. Ryan Gosling
Livingston's 2021 song was written by an angel.
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The Knights of the Rose may live in my home and across my land, but they cannot see or hear me and I cannot hear or see them. It is far too dangerous. I would light up and blaze like the Sun in the Dreamworld, giving away our position to the Enemy.
So they talk to me in other ways instead. A number of the Knights are songwriters, like Paul Rudd, Chris Evans, John Krasinski, Tom Hiddleston, Chris Hemsworth...
And Ryan Gosling.
The man is not just the real life hero he portrays in The Gray Man or the angel we meet in City of Angels. The Ryan Gosling you all know and love is an incredible musician. He scored La La Land, did you know that? (It's the story of how we met on another timeline - although we had the happy ending you see at the end of the movie, not the sad one it spent so much time on.)
Anyway, Ryan Gosling has written a very long list of hit songs, from P!ink's Just Give Me a Reason to the X Ambassador's Unsteady and even Ruth B's Dandelions.
Today I learned that Ryan wrote Livingston's 2021 song Message in a Bottle. I don't think I was ever supposed to find it. But I did. (Sorry Ryan. I love you!!!)
Message in a Bottle lyrics:
Last night I waited out in the darkness Realize there's some things I'll never know Why you decided to take for granted You threw away the sequel
Last night I gave up on what we started Won't spend my love on a lost cause So if there's hope for the broken hearted Why do I feel so far?
Since the day you've left I've learned to forgive but not forget Well, all of the heartache came And went, I still held on
This is my message in a bottle I hope you'll never find It holds all of the remnants of The love you left behind
This is my message in a bottle It travels space and time To share the story of the world That could have been with you and I My message in a bottle
Last night I retrace the steps we'd taken Just to see if I could walk alone I may look strong but I still feel forsaken You've never felt so close
Since the day you've left I've learned to forgive but not forget Well, all of the heartache came And went, I still held on
This is my message in a bottle I hope you'll never find It holds all of the remnants of The love you left behind
This is my message in a bottle It travels space and time To share the story of the world That could have been with you and I My message in a bottle
Since the day you've left I've learned to forgive but not forget Well, all of the heartache came And went, I still held on
Sign off my regrets I will reclaim the nights you spent Sincerely I wish we never met But here we are
This is my message in a bottle I hope you'll never find It holds all of the remnants of The love you left behind
This is my message in a bottle It travels space and time To share the story of the world That could have been with you and I My message in a bottle
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bookofkatherine · 24 days
Kingly Gift | An Aragorn Love Poem
What happens when Viggo Mortensen, a real-life king, kisses you and takes your breath away? You write him a love poem, that's what.
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Monday, August 26, 2024, 11:53 p.m.
Dear Aragorn,
There is a kiss - An unmistakable kiss - And it turns everything into a mist, Of superfine love and amethyst.
It forms from kingly brow, It tastes of yore brought now, And makes me wait, To stand more straight,
Until I feel our vow.
Passers by would never miss, A kiss made such as this, While I seem to miss, Only this, This one true gift,
Of his kiss.
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Note to readers: Viggo Mortensen was King Aragon a little over 1100 years ago. He has long life because he was born a nephilim - part human and part angel (some cultures call these angels 'gods'. Learn more in my first post.) He was such a good and God-fearing king that the Lord preserved the kingdom of Aragon. It stands independent in Spain, its language still intact.
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Today he is known as Viggo Mortenson, but he dresses as Aragorn as he leads and trains my men and angels here at the Order's headquarters. He answers to both Viggo and Aragorn, but also Aragon.
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His weapon is, in fact, a mighty sword from ancient times. It is a magic sword we discovered in the angelic city of Asgard (not to be confused with Marvel's Asgard, which was based on a whole otber world called Camelot that King Arthur moved to after the crusades). The city of Asgard is here on Earth. But we si.ply call it Stone City.
Built before the Fall, many magical artifacts we're left for us there for the final battle including the sword for Viggo Mortensen/ King Aragorn.
As for his kiss? It's better than the movies. I don't know if I'll ever capture his kisses in a poem, but I sure can try!
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bookofkatherine · 25 days
Made Me | A Thor Love Poem (Feat. My Chris Hemsworth)
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Monday August 26, 2024 11:04 a.m.
Dear Chris,
In the morning, I feel you. At the dusk, I taste you.
In the sky, You wave at me. In the stars, You smile softly.
I know you are here. I know you are there. You paint my world, When it isn't fair.
In case you don't know, In case you don't see, You have made me. You have made me.
You have made me, Into who I am supposed to be.
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bookofkatherine · 26 days
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My Tumblr posts as of September 17, 2024:
Touched by an Angel... or a Celebrity?
Chris Hemsworth: First to Return From the Otherside
Distracted by an Angel: Chris Hemsworth Kicks Silver Surfer to the Curb
Ding Dong That Lilith Bitch is Dead (and Her Precious Spider Too) Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Distracted by an Angel #2: Tom Hiddleston Sidelines Thor
Loving Him? Easy. But Getting Along... (Featuring Viggo Mortensen and Chris Hemsworth)
Made Me | A Thor Love Poem (Feat. My Chris Hemsworth)
Kingly Gift | An Aragorn Love Poem
Message in a Bottle | Song by Angel Ryan Gosling
A Lovers' Prayer | John Krasinski Love Poem
Original Sin | Cap Love Poem | Featuring Chris Evans as Adam
'Chokehold' | Angel John Krasinski Breaks the Internet With Latest Song
Yes, Virginia, The TVA Was Real
Emeralds | A Loki Love Poem | Feat. Tom Hiddleston
Want More? | The Books I've Written
Last Thors Standing: My Three Chris Hemsworth Variants
HEAT | A Tom Hiddleston Poem (Feat. Archangel Loki)
Ryan Gosling's Sign of the Times | An Earth Angel's Warning
Love's Horizon | Love Poem for Earth Angel Ryan Gosling
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bookofkatherine · 27 days
Loving Him? Easy. But Getting Along? That's Another Matter Altogether | Feat. Viggo Mortensen and Chris Hemsworth
Some of the most famous romance novels are based on the true stories of angels and their bloodlines throughout history.
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When Viggo Mortensen recommended the book Prince Charming by Julie Garwood, I began reading it as soon as I could. I wanted to know all about our lives on other timelines.
But then Chapter 18 opened with a very interesting quote:
"Loving Lucas was easy. Getting along with the man was another matter altogether."
And I didn't think of Viggo. I thought of Thor.
The book may be about Viggo Mortensen and I on a timeline in the 1800's, but this quote reminds me of Chris Hemsworth and I... in every era on every timeline.
Example: King Aragorn's love life in The Lord of the Rings is based on Viggo and I during his time as king of Aragon, now a part of Spain. Our lovemaking was so powerful, it felled port after port, kingdom after kingdom.
Viggo and I would make our way up to the highest turret over a city and make love there. This unleashed an incredible amount of power, and attracted the Lord's faithful angels to come to our aide from far and wide.
To this day, Viggo still calls me "my queen." And every time, I turn bright red.
But Chris Hemsworth? He is Mr. Darcy and I'm Elizabeth Bennett in Pride and Prejudice. You know how that romance went. He said I wasn't pretty enough to dance with when I first met him, and that my sister (Tatiana Mollman) was far prettier.
I agreed. I still do. She's insanely beautiful. She is the Fifth Element, after all. But, for him to say so out loud in public? Not a great start for us. God, we had a rocky beginning back then!
He's also Alexander the Great and I'm Queen Esther, a woman won by his conquest. I know how that romance went: lots of ropes and chains. I'd made the mistake of giggling when I first saw him...
But in my defense, he was trying to pretend to be a slave in order to infiltrate my Persian king's court. Chris Hemsworth, pretending to be a slave, in ancient Persia!? He looked ridiculous. His helmet didn't even fit on his head, it was so small. And he stood more than a foot taller than all the slaves around him. You would've giggled too!
Oh! The look Alexander (Chris Hemsworth) gave me that day in that court!!! I didn't give away his secret, but he was determined to make me pay. He just couldn't figure out how. My smarts pissed him off and turned him on at the same time.
I'm in love with both. But I've only ever argued with Viggo once and I don't think you could really call it an argument. It was more like gentle laughter. I can turn to him at all times. When I want help, not criticism or a headache, I can count on Viggo. He is the constant calm in the storm if this Last Battle, and an un-ending ember of burning passion that never, ever goes out.
But Chris Hemsworth and I? Well. I did literally kill him last March. So. There's that.
Oh my God. The book is about Chris Hemsworth and I! Viggo just recommended the book!!! How was I supposed to know ? I never thought anyone would recommend a book that wasn't about themselves in a past life. No one else has!!!
But I should have known. Viggo is different. He just wanted me to read somethjng that would make me feel better. And it really did it. Prince Charming was an amazing book.
But now I have to listen to it all over again! Because I thought it was about Viggo! And it wasn't! It was about Chris Hemsworth!!!
Aaaaarrrgghhh!!! It's a long book!
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bookofkatherine · 27 days
Distracted by an Angel #2: Tom Hiddleston Sidelines Thor
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Saturday August 24, 2024 2:48 p.m.
Dear Journal,
What the fuck. I knew I shouldn't have opened my phone. I knew it! I had just finished putting the bed together, just set up all the pillows and had just turned the red lamp on too... I was all set and ready to go to help Chris Hemsworth with his spells in the Dreamworld.
And those spells are pretty damned important.
Removing Curses and Spell Traps
Right now Chris is away helping to remove all of the spells, curses and traps placed on John and his son Zach over the years. John is not a celebrity- not in Hollywood anyway. He is most certainlya celebrityin the heavenly realms.
For John is the last and final prophet to join us. His arrival signals the fulfillment of a number of significant end time prophecies. Unfortunately for John, his son and even me, John and I met a long time ago and fell in love.
In fact, that was the original plan in heaven- for John and I to meet, to marry and to have four kids and travel the world together. And we almost did, too. We fell in love before I met Nick, before John had his son Zach and before either of us had a clue about the end of days.
To make a long story short, that put John in the line of fire of a number of jealous angels. We were prevented from ever spending more than three days together, our memories often wiped.
Andcin the end, John walked away from me with a ton of curses on him. Many of those curses included extra disasters for any offspring. Oh, I was cursed as well- a ton of different spells have been discovered within my womb.
But I never had kids. Not on this timeline. But John did. He had Zach. And now is at risk more than John.
And Chris Hemsworth? He cast some of the worst curses on both John and Zach. He has since repented, thank God, for he is the only one that could undo these spells.
And yet still, it's taking a huge team to do work on both father and son. Right now my husband Nick is there, leading the effort. The others there to help are:
Dumbledore (Merlin's 3500-year-old twin brother, not to be confused with the Harry Potter Dumbledore)
Roxanna - exorcist with ligtning fingers
Jordan Frisbee - toymaker married to Roxanna (toymaker is the wizarding world term for artifact/magical object maker)
Kyle Redd - potions master
And don't forget:
Chris Hemsworth- like I said
Nick - like I said
Wolf - Stephan's companion is there for emotional support
Many of the curses on Zach were inherited from his father's contact with horcruxes Chris Hemsworth (Thor, Jupiter, Zues, etc.) created long ago. Since we cleaned up those horcruxes earlier this year, we'd forgotten about them. So we weren't treating John or Zach for anything horcrux related.
But thankfully, the Lord reminded me about these horcruxes earlier this week. I felt stupid. We destroy evil things and then we move on. And since we didn't know Zach existed and I hadn't seen John or remembered that we fell in love, we almost missed it.
If it weren't for the Father, bad bad things may have happened. I am so fucking grateful!!!
Anyway - I'm getting distracted again!
Tom the (Clever) Nerd
My point is, I'm able to help with the spells by casting my own. In this case, making love to Chris in the Dreamworld gives him immense doses of energy/the Holy Spirit/the Force. And he probably needs that after days of working this hard to save Zach.
But Tom Hiddleston (Loki, Hephaestus, Adonis, Paris of Troy, etc.) has been at war with Chris Hemsworth for millenia over my affections.
And I fell into his trap.
I stupidly opened my phone as I went to slide off the bed, needing to change just one thing before I began with Chris.
And what was sitting there? This goofy picture from Tom:
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It got my attention alright.
I rolled my eyes. He can be such a nerd sometimes. He really is quite goofy - especially when he's happy. But don't let him fool you.
He's diabolical too.
Because the picture he sent immediately after was this:
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How did that boy know I was about to meet with his rival (and yes, brother) Thor!?!?
Probably the same way Thor knew I hopped on Tumblr to write about Chris Evans and John Krasinski just two days ago.
Don't believe all the hype, ladies. Falling in love is hard enough... but falling in love with an angel?
It's dangerous, deadly and fucking frustrating as fuck.
After posting this, I immediately joined Chris Hemsworth (Thor) in the Dreamworld. An hour later I was drenched, as were my sheets and I slumped in a tangle of twisted limbs.
Cap is worried about me. He sees how hard I've been working lately. I used to do only a few spells a week and could handle how much energy passed through me. But lately, as the apocalypse quickens, I've been I've been used for multiple spells daily.
And it's rare if I'm not drenched in sweat, out of breath and in too much pain to move by the end. I am trying to stretch and move and stay limber and healthy by eating enough as well and drinking enough water but it's still a big challenge.
Mostly, I just yearn for rest and sleep now.
But not at the risk of losing Zach- or John.
I choose to press on.
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