#w end y pl ease
helaintoloki · 1 month
Keep Your Enemies Closer
pairing: sparrow!ben x reader
warnings: language, angst, suggestive content, minor spoilers
notes: the new season has brought me back from the dead so pls send in any tua requests you have <3 also this technically could be read as a sequel to relenting
summary: attending Grace’s birthday party forces you to confront the man you’ve been trying your hardest to avoid
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The scent of pizza and spilled soda invades your senses as you help continue to set up birthday decorations in Lila’s absence. You have no idea where she’s run off to now, but you hope that taking over the rest of the work load will ease some of the stress from the tired mother’s shoulders.
The party center is loud, shrill shrieks of kids and music blasting from the arcade games splitting your ears and giving you a headache, and you’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else but in some children’s play place. But, you are Grace’s favorite aunt, and you firmly believed in always showing up for family, so here you are.
Just as you finish setting the last place mat on the kid’s table an overly excited voice calls your name from the back of the room. A smile creeps upon your lips at the familiarity, but it immediately drops when you see that it’s not just Luther heading your way but also the man you loathe with your entire being.
“Hey, you made it!” Luther cheers animatedly before pulling your tense body into a tight bear hug. “It’s so nice to see you, y/n.”
“It’s nice to see you too, big guy,” you agree with a dry laugh and awkward pat to his back. You can feel the daggers being burned into your skull, so you have no choice but to acknowledge Luther’s companion for the day. “But you do know you’re supposed to leave the trash outside, right?”
“Like I haven’t heard that one before,” Ben scoffs with an indignant roll of his eyes. “Shouldn’t you be at the hospital ‘saving lives?’”
“Shouldn’t you still be in jail?” You fire back with ire, and if not for Luther keeping you both apart you’d probably be fist fighting in the middle of the ball pit right now.
“Uh, Ben got out early on probation for good behavior,” Luther explains with a nervous chuckle while attempting to keep the peace as best as he can without losing an eye in the process. “And now he’s here to spend time with us as a family.”
“Yeah, let’s see how long that lasts.”
“Hey, I technically am family,” the Sparrow boasts with a taunting smirk, formulating just the right insults to get under your skin. “You were a late addition added to the Umbrellas to pick up the slack Viktor left behind after Dad suppressed their powers. You’re not even a Hargreeves. Isn’t that right, Luther.”
“W-Well, I wouldn’t say that,” the man is quick to defend only for you to speak over him.
“Fuck. You,” you snarl through gritted teeth, palms clenched tightly at your sides as you adamantly work to not let him get the best of you. “Ben was family, and you’re not him. You’re just the shitty replacement we’re stuck with.”
“And yet when you thought the world was ending you still slept with me.”
The smug smile on Ben’s face is immediately wiped off by the impact of your open palm colliding with his cheek, and the sheer force of your hit as him tumbling back into Luther. Your assault earns a few bewildered gasps from a nearby table of parents, but you couldn’t care less about what a group of wine moms thought of you in that moment. Your chest is tight with rage, but you will yourself to walk away before the situation can escalate further and ruin the party.
“What did I miss?” A curious Five notes after arriving to the scene, but he soon finds himself forced to match your brisk pace as you grab him by the arm and drag him with you to the bar.
“I need a drink.”
You do your best to avoid him for the rest of the night, but eventually Ben is able to corner you by the gift table where you sit nursing a spiked lemonade.
“Drinking at a kid’s party, huh?”
“Did you come here to get slapped again?” You retort with a wry chuckle before taking a quick swig of your drink.
“Actually,” he starts, hesitating as he struggles to get out the words, “I came to… apologize.”
“You? Apologize? What, is the world ending again?” You scoff in disbelief before finally settling your gaze on the shaggy haired man before you. Maybe it’s the alcohol, but you think prison might have made him hotter, and the fact irks you to no end.
Obviously annoyed by your defensiveness, Ben shakes his head and says, “I don’t even know why I bother. I only came here for Luther’s sake because he wouldn’t shut up about making ‘positive changes’ now that I’m out of jail.”
“‘Don’t even know why I bother?!’” You repeat in indignant disbelief. “I gave you so many chances to prove that you weren’t a complete asshole and every time you screwed me over! You are not the victim in the situation.”
“Oh, spare me the sob story,” Ben remarks dismissively with a roll of his eyes. “I lost someone too, you’re not the only one that has to deal with the fact that you’re stuck with a completely different version of your dead partner. At least I’m trying to make the most of what the universe has given me.”
“By getting yourself thrown in jail over some stupid crypto scheme?”
“Jesus, by trying to make something with you!” Ben cries out in frustration. “You won’t even try to just play along!”
“I already told you, I’m not your y/n. She’s dead,” you remind him harshly. “Sleeping with you was just a moment of weakness and a mistake that shouldn’t have happened.”
“Really? Because if I remember correctly you seemed to really be enjoying yourself,” he taunts with a suggestive smirk that has your face immediately growing hot.
“God, you’re so insufferable! I could just-“
“Kiss me?”
“-choke you!”
A heavy silence falls between you both as you stare at each other in bewildered shock. It takes you a moment to recover from Ben’s words as you swallow harshly and ask, “What did you say?”
“What did… you say?” He retorts in an attempt to remain as inconspicuous as possible. The tension between you now is so thick you could cut it with the knife sitting by the birthday cake, but instead you just sit and stare at each other.
“Does your car have tinted windows?” Ben asks suddenly, prompting you to raise a brow.
“Yeah, why?” You reply with an inquisitive raise of your brow, but when Ben gives you a pointed look you’re then quick to catch on. “If we go now we’ll be back in time for cake.”
“Let’s go,” he says, eagerly rising from his seat so fast it almost knocks over the presents. Anxiously taking your hand in his, you both scan the room to make sure no one’s eyes are on you before bolting towards the exit.
You know you’re going to regret this, but in the moment you couldn’t care less what consequences would come from your romp in the backseat of your car with Ben.
Because as much as you hate to admit it, you’ve really missed him.
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pure-smut · 2 months
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featuring: Hinata Shoyo x f!reader
contains: timeskip!Hinata, best friends to lovers, unprotected s*x, creampie, slight overstimulation at the end
word count: 2.4k
note: all characters are aged up to 18+!
MDNI | 18+ content
a/n: if anyone knows the artist for the cover picture, I searched everywhere and couldn't find them!! Pls and ty in advance <3
When Hinata Shoyo left for Brazil, it was like an eclipse over your life.
You’re best friends so you still talk almost every day, whether it’s quick messages squeezed into busy days or a video call right as one of you wakes up and the other one is about to sleep. But Hinata was the sunshine in your life - a bright, burning ball of energy that powered your days. When he left, everything went a little bit gloomier.
You’re busy yourself with college – meeting new people, keeping up with classes, and making time to catch up with everyone from Karasuno. Still, it feels like a candle trying to compete with the sun.
So when you show up at a house party, not really feeling up for it but wanting to see your old classmates again, you stop dead in the doorway.
Sitting on the sofa, surrounded by everyone you know, you see shock of orange hair and hear a familiar laugh. Your mouth falls open.
Hinata turns at the sound of your voice, a broad smile breaking out on his face. The moon slides to the side, the sun shining again. Your heart thunders in your ears.
“Y/n!” he calls out, leaping up and sprinting over to you.
You’re still in shock when he scoops you up into a hug, squeezing you tight.
“You’re here?” is all you can say.
Hinata doesn’t stop hugging you but you hear him laugh, vibrating through his chest.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” He pulls back to grin at you, brown eyes alight. “Are you surprised?”
You huff out laughter, your shock subsiding, and wrap your arms around his neck for another hug.
“It’s a great surprise,” you say, smiling hard.
It’s only when you put your arms around him that you realise how big he’s gotten. He’s a few inches taller than before and he’s broader than you remember, his shoulders hard as rocks. When you pull away from the hug, you hope he doesn’t notice the blush dusting your cheeks.
You both make your way into the party to a chorus of greetings from your old classmates. Hinata sits back down on the sofa but you linger, realising all the seats are taken.
“Sit here, y/n,” Hinata says, patting his thigh.
You don’t know why the idea makes you blush so hard – you and Hinata were always physically close, not afraid to hug or touch. Maybe it's because it's been years since you saw him in person. Maybe it's because...
You search his face for any sign he feels as flustered as you but he’s wearing an easy smile, his head cocked to the side as he waits for you to reply.
“S-sure,” you stammer out.
As soon as you slide onto Hinata’s lap, his arm snakes around your waist, resting his hand on your hip. His thighs are solid beneath you, as built as the rest of him. You obviously knew he trained hard in Brazil but you didn’t realise just how much he’s changed. You chance a glance at him, wondering if anything else has changed.
Hinata catches your eye.
“You okay?” he asks, flashing you a smile. “Comfy?”
Confidence. Hinata hasn’t only gained muscle in Brazil – the awkward teenage boy you knew has been replaced with a man. A man who flirts with his best friend, who invites you to sit on his lap with ease.
You wonder if he’s flirting because it’s you or because it’s his personality now. You’re not sure.
You’ve been quiet for too long because Hinata’s smile starts to drop. His eyebrows furrow.
“Seriously, you okay?” He lowers his voice, leaning in closer. “You don’t need to sit here if you don’t want.”
You shake your head.
“No, it’s fine. Sorry, I was just…” You give him a sheepish smile. “I was thinking, you’ve changed a lot.”
“I have?” Hinata looks genuinely confused before his expression clears. “Oh! Yeah, I grew like three inches!”
He grins wide and you smother your laughter.
“I mean, yeah, that,” you say. “But you’re like… bigger.”
You get the first glimpse of the Hinata you used to know as his cheeks tint pink. He rubs the back of his neck bashfully and you’re treated to his bicep bulging with the movement.
“Heh, yeah, I guess so.” His eyes swivel to yours. “You’ve changed too.”
This catches you off guard. You glance down at yourself before looking back up at him.
“Yeah. It’s like you get prettier every year.”
Your cheeks go hot. Hinata holds your gaze and you get a familiar feeling in your stomach, something you haven’t felt since he left. Intense, like you’re looking directly at the sun. Your skin prickles and you feel light-headed, like you’ve been sunbathing too long. It’s the effect Hinata has on you, that he’s always had on you.
Your sunshine.
Hinata’s hand tightens on your hip, not looking away. There’s something taut between you that thrums with electricity. You know there’s a party full of people around you but everything around Hinata has fallen into darkness. He’s the burning ball of fire in front of you, blocking out all else.
“I really want to kiss you,” he confesses, voice low and thick. “But I want to do it somewhere better. You deserve somewhere better.”
Your throat feels suddenly dry. You open your mouth to say something but your voice sticks. You give a small nod instead, not able to tear your eyes away from his.
“Let me take you out tomorrow,” Hinata says. “Please?”
You lick your lips to wet them and Hinata eyes dart down before flicking back up.
“Yeah,” you manage to croak out. “I’d really like that.”
Hinata grins like he’s just won a volleyball game, his ears pink. You both return to the chatter of the party but you feel Hinata’s thumb tracing circles on your hip, his hand on you the entire night.
You spend the entire next day trying on clothes and throwing them to the floor. Hinata had told you to dress nice and be ready for 7pm but he insisted on keeping the rest a secret. The closer that 7pm gets, the more frantic you are.
Eventually, you settle on a short black dress, showing just enough leg and cleavage without looking like you’re about to hit up a club. You’re finishing the last of your make-up as the doorbell goes. 7pm on the dot.
You open the door to see Hinata grinning, holding a bouquet of your favourite flowers, and your heart melts. He’s wearing a fitted emerald green shirt, tight across his chest and arms, in contrast to the fiery orange of his hair. If you hadn’t noticed the change in him before, you wouldn’t be able to ignore it now.
But Hinata’s smile falters as he sees you. He blinks once, twice, his mouth dropping open. His eyes trail down your body as his ears turn hot pink.
“Holy shit,” he exclaims.
It’s your turn to blush under the intensity of Hinata’s gaze. You gesture for him to come inside and he does as you close the door behind him. You barely have time to turn around before Hinata closes the space between you, forcing you to press your back against the door.
Hinata scoops his hand under your jaw, tilting your face up to his. You can feel the heat radiating off him as he dips his head, his other hand finding your waist. When he kisses you, he feels like molten fire.
Hinata’s lips are soft but his grip on your jaw is firm, only a fraction of his strength. You clutch at the hard muscles of his back, anchoring yourself to him. When his lips part yours to deepen the kiss, you give no resistance. His tongue meets your own as you moan into his mouth, melting under his touch. Hinata’s body responds, his cock hardening until you can feel it pressed against your lower stomach.
When he pulls away, you’re both breathless.
“I’m sorry.” He presses his forehead against yours. “I had a whole plan but when I saw you…”
Hinata tightens his grip on you, his fingers tangling in your hair as he cradles the back of your skull.
“I couldn’t help myself,” he finishes, shaking his head. “I wanted it to be perfect for you.”
“It was perfect,” you tell him and it’s the truth.
You’re almost dizzy and your skin feels like it’s on fire. You’ve always missed your best friend but now you crave him. Your hands run up his back as you reach up to kiss him again.
“Fuck…” he mumbles against your mouth. “I don’t wanna stop.”
“Then let’s not stop,” you say, kissing across his jaw.
“The reservation…” Hinata’s hips grind against yours on instinct as your lips reach his neck. “Our – ah – date…”
He groans as you lick across his windpipe, his bulge now apparent as he continues to grind it against you, his body moving of its own accord.
“I waited so long to show you…” He sounds so upset with himself.
“Sho.” You take his face in your hands, looking at him. His eyes are half-lidded and glazed over. “All I want is you. I don’t need anything else.”
Hinata’s face softens. He leans forward to bury his face in your neck.
“I missed you so much,” he says, voice muffled. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
You reach around to run your fingers through his vibrant hair, feeling him shudder with pleasure under your touch.
“Show me,” you whisper.
Hinata’s resolve crumbles. He’s spent so long taming his impulsive side, the part of him that moves without thinking, without regard for consequences. But now you’re in front of him, asking him to take you, and the rest of the world goes white.
He dips his head to kiss you again, this time with intent. His hands grab at you, fingers digging into your flesh as he presses you flush to him, trapping you between his body and the door.
As his tongue laps into your mouth, he reaches down to grab your thigh, holding it up and forcing your dress to ride up over your hips. His bulge grinds against your clothed pussy, the friction making your clit throb with need. You tilt your head back and sigh as Hinata trails wet kisses down your neck.
With two layers of fabric between you, you start to whine, needing more. Hinata’s spent years wondering what you sound like, imagining the noises he could get you to make, but nothing compares to hearing you for the first time.
His movements are frantic, hooking his fingers over the hem of your panties before tugging them down. They’re not even fully off, still dangling around your ankle when Hinata unzips his jeans, pushing them down just enough for his cock to spring free.
Now it’s happening – now it’s finally happening – he can’t hold back. He grabs your ass with both hands, lifting you until you can feel his fat tip pressing against your hole.
“Are you okay?” he breathes. His cheeks are flushed pink, his lips red and swollen. “Are you ready?”
“I’m ready, Sho. I need you.”
Hinata presses you against the door as he pushes himself inside. He doesn’t want to go too fast, doesn’t want to hurt you, but as soon as he feels your walls around him, he can’t help himself. He pumps in and out of you shallowly, desperate for more friction from your heavenly pussy without going too deep too fast.
“Ah!” you gasp as he penetrates your needy hole, the ridges around his mushroom tip stimulating your nerves in a way that makes your thighs quiver.
You wrap your legs around him, encouraging him deeper. Hinata is more than happy to oblige, his fingers digging into the flesh of your ass as he sinks his cock further inside you. You grip the hard muscles of his shoulders, feeling him reach the sensitive spot inside you.
When you open your eyes, you see Hinata watching your face intently, a notch between his brows. His eyes have done dark, that same intense look in his face when he’s locked onto something. Or someone.
Hinata’s cock slides back and forth over the sensitive bundle of nerves inside you and you know it’s pushing you close to the edge.
“T-there, Sho…” you whimper. “Right there, fuck-!”
Your voice is so sweet, so high with lust and need. Hinata picks up his speed, fucking you so hard the door rattles behind you. You didn’t know he had this in him, this feral side, but you’re more than happy to be on the other end of it. Your cunt is drooling over his cock, only making it easier for him to fuck you as hard as he wants.
“Sho, I’m… I’m gonna…”
You dig your nails into his shoulders, your toes curling as he brings you to orgasm.
Your plush, slick walls massage his cock, quivering around him as you cum. Hinata’s stroked himself to the thought of you before - many times - but nothing comes close to this. His fist can’t compare to the way you milk his cock, so hot and tight. But it’s your face that Hinata can’t stop watching.
The way your lips part, your features contorting in pleasure, your eyes glazed over with lust. Hinata knew when he left for Brazil that he loved you. He didn’t think he could fall any further. Until now.
“You’re so beautiful,” he groans, his cock throbbing, knowing he’s close. “You’re so fucking beautiful.”
Even as he cums, Hinata can’t stop fucking you. He unleashes thick ropes of cum inside you, still pumping in and out, a flurry of curses falling from his lips. The mix of your fluids is indescribable, the noise of your sloppy cunt only spurring him on. He keeps going until he can’t cum anymore, until it’s almost painful. Only then does he pull out, a flood of his cum following, running down your thigh.
“Holy shit,” Hinata gasps, releasing his grip on you so you can stand.
When your legs quake, he wraps an arm around your waist, holding you up.
“Fuck, Sho…” you huff out laughter.
“Yeah,” he chuckles, running a hand over his face. “Fuck.”
Hinata glances down at where your dress is stained with his cum and winces.
“Shit, I’m sorry. Here, let me clean you up. Where’s the bathroom? I’ll run you a bath.”
“Slow down,” you laugh. “Let me look at you a second, okay?”
You reach up to cup his face and he rests his hand on yours, turning to kiss your palm, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Let’s make up for lost time, hm?” you say with a smile and Hinata looks at you like you’re made of sunshine.
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ssailormoonn · 5 months
❛ Self Care ❜
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Postwar!Sasuke X Fem!Reader
WC; 2k + | !MDNI! | TW/CW; fab!fem!Reader,soft Sasuke like rlly soft and affectionate guys, body worship, reader is depicted as a medical ninja, this is so fluffy guys, use of {Y/n}, suggestive towards the end, fluff.
˚ ༘ * 𝑅𝐸𝒬𝒰𝐸𝒮𝒯; @lovelyandproblematic - ok since you asked and I have severe incurable Sasuke simp brain rot so if you ever need prompt ideas lmk! ty for being my fav tumblr creator rn 😍 SELF CARE SUNDAY W/ SASUKE! I’m talking face masks, eye masks, cute headbands, warm robes, and a nice candlelit bubble bath, the whole nine yards! He’d prolly never admit it but he def needs to be spoiled and might have to be forced bribed into participating (*cough* body worship? *cough*) but poor boy has been thru soo much he needs a night to relax and pls get some moisturizer on him stat! his skin must be screaming lmaooo
this is being depicted as sasuke being 19-20 years old, he's come back for a little while to Konoha from his redemption mission for a bit (he missed you :))
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"I'll see you later, Sakura!" I droned with satisfaction, giving her a one-armed hug as she did too, our arms filled with only a couple of bags while doing it.
Sakura released herself from the hug after a few seconds, still donning that warm smile plastered on her face. "See you tomorrow, yeah?" She asked.
"For what?" I replied in confusion.
"Lady Tsunade said she'd like to meet up with us," Sakura said, taking this in characteristically.
"I think she does miss us, but she doesn't say that," I said with a chuckle, leaving my glossy lips open. "I guess I should not drink too much news here tomorrow night."
"I'll see you, {Y/n}," She said while waving walking away.
"Bye, love!" I replied.
I pulled my keys from my bag and slid the key into the lock that was positioned on the traditional sliding door. With an exhausted chuck, I stepped in, slumping down on the step up into the house; slipping the ninja shoes off, placing them on the rack, seeing another pair—male pair.
I opened my lips as I started to wonder whose they might be, my heart flattered at the thought of Sasuke having to be back, its long past a day, absolutely late into the night—who knows for how long he has been back.
I nibbled on my bottom lip again. Sasuke has come to visit three times in the two years he's been out. When Sasuke came back a few months ago he said he wouldn't be coming back for a couple of years and now look at him, he's here. It's odd, I wonder if something had gone wrong?
I place my bags next to the stair case that leads up to the bedrooms.
I have yet to see Sasuke up and around our house; by now, I assume that he is soundly asleep and probably tired. I pushed the door of our bedroom open, and right in front of me is my lover, soundly sleeping in his deep sleep on our bed, with the dark blue cover across his full body as he snuggles into the sheet. It brings a sight that only brings a gentle smile across my lips.
I silently walk over to Sasuke's side of the bed. The hand itself was placed coquette-like on the cheek exposed to me. I bent down so that I could apply a warm, tender kiss to his forehead. I could feel his body easing into the touch of my hand and smiled, because even from a kiss, that feeling had been transmitted to me.
I had just started on the way to the bathroom when, literally only a moment before I could remove my hand from Sasuke's pale cheek, I was holding another hand. Turning back to look, I see Sasuke's weary eyes peering into mine, and I immediately frown in worry.
"Sorry, dear," I murmured quietly, leaning down to look into Sasuke's eye's. "I woke you."
"Don't stress," Sasuke hummed back with a tired sigh.
"'M just going to go have a shower and I'll be right back," I bumbled on, but Sasuke wouldn't let go of my hand. "Are you all right, my dear?"
Sasuke hummed in response, showing he was fine. "I won't be too long, Sasuke," I answered. "But it will take longer if you don't let me go," I added with a soft smile.
I watched Sasuke as he got up slowly, still holding my hand, his head drooping to my stomach for a moment of silence, showing he was tired. My other hand brushed the hair out of his face, and I placed a kiss at the top of his head.
"You wanna come with me?" I had said, and he had nodded his head tiredly against my stomach. "Alright."
"You go ahead, I'll be there in a second," Sasuke mumbled, drawing back from me and looking up at me with those onyx and purple eyes.
"Okay," I smiled softly, and Sasuke released his grip on my hand.
"I figured a bath would be better; you seem really tired," I hummed as I watched Sasuke slump down on the stool beside the bath, leaning his head against the wall.
I let out a sigh and turned back before going to the cabinets under the sink to grab some bath oils and some vanilla scented body soap. "My love," I muttered as I realized just how tired Sasuke is. I had no idea as to why he would be that tired, as the last few times he came back home he seemed normal.
Maybe that's it—something happened to Sasuke, and I just didn't catch it, and now he can't manage. Man, I really am a horrible girlfriend. So stupid.
I rummaged for some facial lotions and serums for myself, but such a funny thought came across my mind. Sasuke won't mind if I apply these things to his face, now would he?
A smile rose to my face, and I saw Sasuke look at me through the mirror, his expression suspicious, and I simply let out a soft giggle. Watched him shake his head and lean it back onto the wall, a small smile on his face. Well, whatever it is I'm doing sure cheers him up.
"Ah, are you hungry, love?" I asked and added salts, oils, and body lotion to the bath.
"Eh, a little bit," Sasuke mumbled.
"That means you are. What would you like for dinner? If we go outside, we could go out to a fancy restaurant. Or I can cook something," I replied sarcastically, adding an eyeroll about his small fib.
"I'll stay in," remarked Sasuke as he stood up. Heck, much to my surprise, he stood behind me, wrapped an arm around my waist, and whispered sulkily against the side of my neck, "Beef tomato curry." I smiled, but of course he couldn't see me. "Okay."
I chuckled softly. "But it's gonna take a couple of minutes. That's fine?"
"Yeah," Sasuke hummed shortly.
"Okay, then. Enter," I said, walking around gently in his arm. "I'm going to start dinner, and then I'll come in with you." Sasuke gave me a soft kiss before pulling away, his hand moving from my waist to cupping my cheek. "Don't be too long," Sasuke mumbled.
"Ten minutes, love," I said. "I just need to slice things and put them in with broth.
Back into the bathroom I went, well ten minutes later, by that time I was pretty good at cutting up a bunch of stuff in a hurry. The door slid open with a soft push, and my eyes landed on Sasuke. He was nearly asleep in the bath; at the sight, a soft smile touched my lips. My tired boy.
I peeled off my ninja clothes and stacked them next to Sasuke's grey sweats, as that was all he was wearing. I put the serums and facial creams on the rim of the bathtub before I slid into the warm water.
In forty five minutes dinner will be ready plus another ten minutes to cook the rice.
And I press myself down over Sasuke's lap and watch him open his eye, with the rim of the Rinnegan just peaking from under his fringe. My hand cups his cheek as I look down at his skin. The condition of his skin feels pretty dry. I had been planning to use my serums and my skincare anyways, but then again, Sasuke had first dibs.
I squeezed some of the serum out onto the tips of my fingers and started applying the thick liquid, brushing over his features, my fingers slipping under his fringe. I knew quite well he didn't like me pushing it up, though his nose scrunched ever so slightly when I did it, which I found rather cute.
"When did you come home?" I asked calmly.
"At about midday," he repeated. "I had hoped you'd be at home."
"I'm sorry, Love. Was out shopping," I replied, and remembered the bags downstairs; I had left them full, not only with groceries but with some new clothes.
I smoothed some of the moisturizing lotion across his face, just marveling at the beauty in front of me—it was just so flawless. "You said you wouldn't be coming back for a while," I said through a mumble, and Sasuke's hand just covered mine over his cheek.
Sasuke sighed before replying, "Nah, I wasn't feeling too well-" "What? Are you sick?" I asked, worried. My other hand went to his forehead, but I found that he did not have a fever and a temperature attack. Sasuke is acting funny. "Well," I went on, "you look tired, Sasuke. Please relax for me."
He nodded once more and began to hum as he clipped his eyes contently while I continued to clean him up. I noticed that he was actually really clean, though his skin is very dry.
"My love?" I asked as Sasuke gently opens his eyes.
"Yeah," he mumbled.
"Did you shower before I got here?"
"I would've done that," Sasuke answered. "I wasn't gonna go in bed dirty, I know how much you don't like the sheets getting dirty too fast."
'Yeah,' I smiled before letting my hands rest soft against the skin about his shoulders and neck. The quiet lasted longer than a few moments, though my lips parted and I asked again, 'Sasuke, why did you come home early? You said—you said you would be gone for a couple of years.
"I missed what home felt like," Sasuke replied and I saw the lump he swallowed in his throat.
My brows furrowed in confusion. "Don't worry, Sasuke. Home will always be here, wherever you go," I murmured, leaning my forehead against his.
"I missed my home," Sasuke repeats and I cupped his cheeks.
My lips ghosted over his as I spoke, "You're home, love."
"I want you to come with me," Sasuke said.
"What?" I said breathlessly.
"I want my home to come with me."
Understanding dawned on me. He wasn't talking about our house; Sasuke was talking about me.
His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer, and I let out a small gasp. "I'll come, Sasuke," I hummed as I closed my eyes and let my lips grace his own.
He tasted like frustration and anger, but with an underlying flavor of caramel; peculiarly, that was him.
It is only the lip balm I had put on that had not made his chapped lips hurt.
I was his home, and he was doing all these wanderings, and I don't know where without it—without me.
Something in me just took over, and I kissed him. Really kissed him. I got a little animal groan from him when my tongue slipped on in. His hand moved, tightened around the back of my waist, and drew me inexorably closer into him than I already was.
Pooled heat in my stomach as Sasuke's dick pressed up at my entrance, and I let out a breathless sigh into his mouth before I pulled away. "Let me touch you," I asked as I nipped at the skin below his ear, only leaving subtle red marks in its path.
"You don't have to ask me for anything," moaned Sasuke. "Do what you want."
When they made some kind obscure noises about my thanks, my hands slid down his arms, shoulders, and toned abs. Sasukes head lolled back, leaning against the edge of the bathtub.
"You're s'beautiful," I mumbled in between breaths of me marking up the base of his neck.
His arm tightened further around my waist, and he pressed me down as much as he could to his dick, and I let out a moan against his neck, while Sasuke let out a sigh of content.
"So beautiful."
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Do not copy, steal, modify, etc. Relogs and like are appreciated.
if you would like to be apart of my tag list for sasuke please dm me or comment it down!! if you would like to be apart of the entirety of naruto taglist, comment or dm that please :)
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taglist - @enouche @lovelyandproblematic
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beautyyandthebeatt · 2 months
pls its so rare to see good loona wlw smut😭😭can i pretty please request anything w mean dom gp heejin?? i bet she'd be huge🫣
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Forgive me for my absence and awful response time, I had to drop most things as I was experiencing the beginning - and later diagnosis of an incurable illness lmao 😭 Hope you like this, though ! (if you see this)
dom!heejin, dubcon, brief degradation, overstim (not in the fun way 😕)
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Heejin and you had become housemates at the beginning of the year. Though it had felt like a millennium to you, she had - and continues to annoy you to no end. She was always loud, so incredibly loud; by the way she blared her music whenever she decided that her room had fallen too quiet; the way she shouted over her mic to her equally as loud friends while she played video games until late at night; the way she’ll bring any girl she was able to wrangle into bed that night back to your very un-soundproof apartment- wrecking the poor soul right against her paper-thin walls, forcing you out to stay with a friend. She was insufferable, you thought, no redeeming qualities besides that pretty face. Though, you’d never admit that part out loud.
Despite your very apparent sourness towards her, she had always had a sort of affinity towards you. Bent over the couch, her hands placed by your shoulders, craning her neck down to see what you were reading(despite having no real interest in books); offering her sweater to you if she had noticed you become cold; always wanting to sit with you and making attempts at conversation around the house. It was almost puppy-like, which you found odd in contrast to the sleaziness of her other behaviours. —
It was morning and you had awoken to soft drops of rain lapping at your window. The pittering followed you into the kitchen after you heard the girl Heejin had last night exit her room and leave out of the front door. You heard Heejin enter behind you. “That’s your latest girl gone, then?” you mutter your attention fixed on the coffee you were beginning to prepare. She presses herself up against your back “Yeah, she just left.. why? You jealous?” you could hear her smile. “Oh, please” you scoff, you see your eyes narrowing in the reflection of the glass kettle, as does she. Her arms snake around your waist. “I’m glad it finally dawned on you.” that smile comes to nest near your neck, you can see her clouded in the seething water of the kettle. You go to turn yourself and storm away from her only to find her unmoving, caging you between hip and arms. “You’ve got to lose that attitude, y/n.” her free hand grips your jaw, short nails searing marks into your cheeks. “Heejin-” her grip tightens, eliciting a whine from you. Shame burns across your cheeks, your face hot under her grasp. “Quiet.”
You wanted to push her away - you could’ve - but you didn’t. Despite your better judgement you stilled - wilfully laid limp for her. Her grip shifts to your hips, turning you back around and bending you over the counter, forcing your head down onto its surface, the coolness of the laminate blooming across your burning cheek. Being in such a position makes you unable to turn around to see her hitch your skirt, lazily throwing the garment over your waist before taking to your panties. Her index and middle fingers slip underneath the fabric and her thigh keeps your legs pried open. She pushes her fingers inside musing cruelly at the slick that coats her fingers, mocking you for how ‘pliable’ you’re being for her.
Your voice catches in your throat as you feel the blunt head of her cock force itself into the place her fingers had just left. Your fists clench, crescent moons burn into the palms of your hands, trying desperately in some way to ease the pain from being split open by her. Feeling the tip of her cock finally fit inside she wastes no time ramming the rest of her length into you, paying no mind to the pained whines and moans that quickly follow. Cruel remarks soon devolve into pleasured sighs that slip from fully parted lips. It’s not as though you could understand another word of what she spat at you, you can't make sense of words anymore, too lost in the ragged drag of her cock. Heejin’s thrusts become more desperate, her grip tightens and roams to get a better hold of you. Her fingers pass through your lips - ring and middle forced down your throat, craning your head back to an almost 90 degree angle, making the tendons of your neck burn. More tears stain your already drool slick face. You sputter around her, drooling pathetically between choked moans as you feel her teeth graze your nape, “hm ? You like that ?” Heat twists in your core.  “Fucking whore.” Her hips stutter, rutting her growingly sensitive cock up against your cervix. You feel her tense inside of you, panting and groaning as she unloads every drop of frustration she held towards you deep into your cunt, pleased at finally, in her mind, winning you over. You quickly follow suit, dragged to climax, almost too numb to even tell.
You couldn't recall much of what happened after besides hearing her fixing her jeans back up around her waist before leaving you there, clinging to the counter-top, knees buckled, her cum spilling from your ruined cunt.
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wulfvie · 3 months
stress reliever. — bucky barnes x fem!reader.
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pairing; bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings; smut, fingering, cunnilingus, mentions of aftercare!!, just filth when bucky needs a stress reliever (you) after a long day. no use of y/n!!!
a/n; likely pretty messy and scattered around since it’s been a while since i’ve wrote anything that wasn’t my jacob elordi drabble.. pls forgive me if it doesn’t live up to ur expectations!! also js starting out w fingering/cunnilingus for my first few drabbles/x readers bc im easing myself back into writing..
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you knew it was a stressful day when bucky came in through the door late at night, door closing heavily behind him, void of any regular calling out to let you know he was home, and not some stranger (even if both you and him were fully aware it would always be him walking through the door, it was something you found reoccured; a regularity between the two of you). the only thing that echoed out into the front hallway from the living room was the faint overhearing of whatever shitty romcom you had on. it was no surprise you were awake this late, your sleep schedule had been pretty fucked recently, so you were more often than not found in the living room with some show or movie on at a low volume in the background, in hopes that it’d lull you to sleep.
thinking maybe he needed a break: some tea, a blanket and just someone to lay near that night, you greeted him with a soft, “hey, buck,” like you usually did; though the quieter tone of your voice made it clear you knew tonight was going to be a night— whether that be good or bad, you didn’t know. once you’d turned the television off, you lifted yourself off the couch to greet him properly; the regular hug and kiss. by the time you had even gotten to leave the living room and step into the front hall, bucky was already there; and by the look in his eyes, you knew you were entirely wrong about what kind of stress reliever he needed.
still, taking it slow, you soothed a hand over his flesh arm, finally wrapping your hand around his before guiding him to the bedroom, which he eagerly followed behind you for, before closing the door behind the both of you with his metal arm— finally greeting you as his hands placed against your hips, head tilted down towards your neck, breath fanning over your skin as he spoke, “hey, doll.” his voice was gruff and strained; much like it usually was after long days, but you could tell there was his own kind of need hidden beneath his tone. you could feel his hand slip up past your shirt, beneath it, until it rested against your breast; now leaving open-mouthed kisses to your neck, nipping at and soothing over the fragile skin with teeth and tongue.
you hummed, breath hitching in your throat as you replied, again, simply just because it felt wrong to leave a silence between his words, “stressful day, hm, bucky?” you found yourself letting out a gasp as he traced circles on your skin before twisting your nipple between his forefinger and thumb, rolling the bud between his two fingers. you could feel the way his lips quirked into a smirk as he finally lifted your shirt, tugging it over your head before discarding it somewhere. “you’re s’fuckin’ gorgeous, baby,” he murmured, pressing a kiss behind your ear before he guided you to the bed, his hands maneuvering you so you were facing him before making you sit down on the edge. with a satisfied smirk tugging at the corners of bucky’s lips, he pressed more kisses to your skin; sucking on the skin, nipping and soothing, marking you.
“lemme taste you, baby, please.” bucky whispered, his fingers hooking around the waistband of your shorts before tugging them down (with slight struggle) once he’d gotten your permission, a whined out “yes, please,” as you lifted your hips up enough off the bed to help him take your shorts and underwear off, not wanting to have to buy a new pair of both if he ended up ripping them. his fingers dipped down, one swiping through your slit; gathering slick onto it as he pressed it into your entrance, his lips trailing down your chest to your stomach. you were already so wet for him, and god, that only spurred him on further. “this all f’me, baby?” he murmured, spreading your legs apart with his metal hand, the touch cool against your body (which practically felt like it was burning up), “so wet, ‘nd it’s just f’me, yeah?” he mumbled, kisses moving to your inner thighs.
you whined, a hand moving down to weave through his hair, fingers gripping onto strands and tugging, hips pushing forward as if trying to get him to hurry up. “yeah. yeah, buck, all for you.” you mumbled in response, breath hitching in your throat as his tongue pressed to your cunt, licking from your entrance, where his finger still worked inside of you, to your clit, pressing the softest kiss to the sensitive bud before wrapping his lips around it; most of his attention going there as he slipped another finger inside of you. he groaned simply at the taste of you, absorbing the moans that left your throat with every thrust of his fingers, every time he altered from suckling on your clit to just eating you out; every now and then removing his fingers, just to replace them with his tongue, moving the muscle in languid strokes against your walls.
it didn’t take long for you to come undone. he knew your body too well; studied it from the moment you two got together, the moment you two had your first intimate moment— he took every reaction of yours in, what you liked and what you didn’t. leaning back, away from your cunt, mouth detaching from your clit as his thumb moved to replace it, rubbing tight circles over the sensitive bud, two fingers still thrusting inside of you until you tightened around him, mouth falling open in a silent moan; head tilting back as you came. “such a good girl..” bucky mumbled, pressing gentle kisses to your inner thighs as his pace slowed, letting you come down from your high.
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after that, the night was filled with cuddles— of course, after a warm bath was drawn for the both of you, and bucky got you cleaned up, your once sweat-covered skin smelling of the roses your body wash held. he’d waited until you fallen asleep next to him before he, himself, took a shower to wash away any grime that he’d had on himself after his day, but also to just soothe his muscles which had ached. maybe he should’ve taken a cup of tea beforehand, but he didn’t mind. he’d gotten exactly what he needed; a stress reliever.
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ending kinda sucks ssorrry guys i got lazy ... i do apologize if this doesn’t live up to your expectations or if it’s super short & everything goes by too quickly..i’m not the best at writing full oneshots (i hardly even write drabbles by themselves), but i’ve been wanting to write for bucky for a little while now, so i did !! hope u enjoyed.
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asratery · 1 year
Miguel O’Hara x Spider-Man!Male Reader
You were a member of the spider society, rising quickly to be part of the small circle of Miguel’s most valued members due to your agility and strength even with your strong, tall stature. You and Miguel had a complicated relationship. At least on his end. The man was curious about your quiet nature and selfless behavior. You were a man of few words, being both a Spider-Man as well as hosting a symbiote from your world. You had a dedication to the cause that could compare with Miguel, even placing it over your physical health. Today, Miguel’s carelessness as well as your lack of self care would hit you like a truck.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three
cw: masturbation (male), hand obsession, size diff (mentioned), sexual tension (?), sexual implications, use of y/n
Please give criticism 🙏 this is my first time writing as a whole so I’m so sorry if the format is weird and/or if the summary is ass. ALSO THIS IS REALLY LONG (imo) SO I APOLOGIZE. 😭 And pls tell me if i should make a part two. (edit: okay, i calculated and its 5.2K words lmao... my bad)
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You don’t remember the last time you visited HQ or even your own dimension. You’d been traveling to various earths and hunting down located anomalies per Miguel’s order.
Your physical conditions were never a worry to you while on your expeditions, simply stitching up whatever injuries you endured before carrying on. Miguel would protest to this behavior of yours, requesting that you return back to HQ for proper medical attention, but you’d quickly dismiss his precautions, having Venom keep your injuries wrapped under it’s tar-like material to avoid bursting any stitches when you were busy tackling your objectives.
You rarely fully involved Venom in your missions. It never objected to your request to remain tucked away while you worked, understanding that you preferred to rely on your own strength to take down opponents.
Miguel sent you on a new array of missions about two weeks ago. They were rather easy for someone of your skill, though it did get annoying when one enemy turned into two, then three, and so on in just one mission. These hiccups never stunted your performance, but they didn’t fail to stress Miguel out. You didn’t fully understand why the man was so anxious whenever you’d go on your missions. He never showed the same worry for the other members of the Spider Society, so what was so different about you?
Miguel had been spending most of his days in his office since you left, his earpiece being filled with the sounds of battle as you took down anomalies on the other end. You preferred not to speak, but with Miguel’s insistence, you were forced to make some noise for him every so often to ease his nerves, whether it be a grunt or a hum. Depending on your mood, some days you’d find it to be overbearing and on better ones, you’d find it to be almost comforting.
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‘What is wrong with me.’ Miguel thought to himself, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He’d been sitting in his office chair, clicking around on his keyboard as he watched your marker on the map traveling miles in minutes as you moved around a random Earth, searching for a rumored anomaly. Everything had been going well until he’d heard you breathing heavily on the other end as you stopped to rest for a moment, you raspy pants tickling his ear. He’d immediately dismissed Lyla as he felt his pants tighten at the noises you made, resting his hand over the forming tent in his suit. Fuck, he had to hear your voice. He needed to.
“Y/n? You alright?” Miguel spoke through the earpiece, trying to hide the shakiness in his voice. Y/n didn’t reply with words, opting to hum in acknowledgement. No, that wasn’t enough for Miguel. “Y/n?” Y/n groaned in annoyance at his insistence, but the noise was like heaven in Miguel’s ear. Much more than what he was requesting. “I’m fine.” Y/n replied curtly before continuing his search, his stationary marker starting to move on the map again.
Miguel’s mind was already wandering when he heard y/n groan, but hearing your voice after radio silence for days? He already had a fantasy forming in his head now. There were too many days where you’d hover over him as he briefed you on an upcoming mission, his mind muddled with ideas of you bending him over the table, ripping his suit open and just fucking him over the surface. “Y/n.” Miguel unintentionally groaned out as he pulled his pants down just enough to release his cock from its confines.
“Hm?” Y/n responded in an undertone, oblivious to the intentions behind Miguel’s voice. Miguel pressed a hand over his mouth. He didn’t mean to call your name aloud. “Y-You’re approaching the signal.” Miguel spoke quickly, his heart fluttering at his slip up. You hummed in acknowledgment, a bit confused on why he had to announce it since he equipped your wristwatch with a mini map, but you dismissed it. Miguel quickly muted his mic on the earpiece to avoid making the same mistake. He looked down at his semi, the cool air making it all the more sensitive.
He dipped one of his hands down, sliding his thumb over the slit of his cock as the other turned the volume up on his earpiece, listening to your heavy breathing as you swung through an abandoned city. “Fuck, please.” Miguel murmured under his breath, his eyes fluttering shut as he slid his hand down his length, imagining your larger, calloused hands in its place.
He had to lower the volume of his earpiece to near silence, the sound of the wind hitting your side of the mic disrupting his thoughts. Miguel lightly gripped his cock, sliding his hand back up to the tip, a bead of pre forming at the motion. Gods, he needed to just tell you, but he knew it wasn’t that simple. You were nearly ten years younger than him, being only 23 years old compared to his 30 years of age. You wouldn’t want someone as old as him, much less a man. You probably had women clinging to your arms in your world, and the thought evoked a flare of jealousy in his chest.
Fuck, what would you think of him if you saw him like this? Thrusting into his hand at just the sound of your voice and faraway fantasies.
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You’d been making rounds around this damned city. The place was desolate but somehow a fellow spider managed to spot an anomaly when they accidentally entered in the wrong number in an attempt to portal to their own world. Your wristwatch was picking up on a thermal presence, yet you just couldn’t find it. ‘I swear, if it’s underground, I’m dragging Miguel here to take care of this, multiverse be damned.’ You thought to yourself as you swung between rusting skyscrapers.
Your thoughts were cut off by your watch beeping, detecting a thermal signal in close range. That’s weird. You’d already scoured this area. It must’ve moved in the time that you were on the other side of the city. Your eyes were focused on the watch too closely to notice another presence approaching your side. Another anomaly. Wonderful.
Your senses kicked off but it wasn’t as quick as this creature. You were already airborne before you were launched through the window of a skyscraper you were passing, a rib cracking under the pressure your left side endured. ‘Light work.’ You thought to yourself as you kicked up off the floor of the office level you landed in, planting your feet down before launching out the side you were thrown into. You swung your way up to the roof of the high rise, your eyes scanning the surrounding area for the anomaly.
A figure darted across the street below, prompting you to jump off. You never voiced it, but you always loved the adrenaline rush that came with hunting down anomalies. You were a bit surprised at the lack of noise on Miguel’s side of the earpiece, but the thought was quickly brushed aside as you broke your fall with your webs before running into the building the figure was seen entering, your watch leading the way. You ran down multiple sets of stairs, the rapping of the creatures claws along the tiled floor guiding you along.
You shot a web at the side of the creature from the top of the stairway before it could round a corner. You yanked it towards you, disregarding the fact that your feet lost contact with the floor as the two of you met in the middle, tumbling down the stairwell with your bulky arms wrapped around the damned thing. You were able to land a few punches against the hybrid’s feathered body before you were forced to focus on its talons sinking into the muscles of your thigh. You hissed in pain, forming claws on your own hands with Venom’s help before gripping its ankle with one hand and stabbing your claws into the scaled skin above it.
The fucking thing screeched and gods was it loud, nearly forcing Venom to recede back into you before it used its other clawed foot to hit your chest, slamming your back into the stairwell. You gritted your teeth in pain, a drip of blood dripping down your mask from the cut on your brow due to the previous fall. The creature rounded the corner immediately, disappearing from your sight. ‘Of course it’s smart.’ You thought to yourself begrudgingly, your muscles a bit tense from the mission you just pursued prior to entering this world. “Miguel.” You spoke into your mic. No response. No time to wait.
You quickly got to your feet before darting around the corner, suddenly realizing the setting. Of course it lured you to a fucking subway. You were quick on your feet, jumping down to the railway platform before darting down the tunnel, your sharp ears picking up on the sound of the creature’s claws scratching against the metal of the railing as it ran from you. You’d ran so far that you made it to another underground subway stop, spotting a new creature lingering in the area.
‘Here’s the second fucker.’ You thought to yourself as Venom reformed claws around your fingers. You jumped from the railway up to the tiled floor of the platform. The creature spotted you, quickly leaping at you as you returned the gesture. You noted the difference in strength in this one compared to the first anomaly you came across, easily overpowering this one. Just when you were about to sink your claws into its neck, you were launched off to the side, slamming into a solid wall behind you. Another rib cracked at the impact. Wonderful.
The first bastard was back. The two creatures stood side by side as you used the wall as support to rise to your feet. The two freaks of nature stalked around you before launching forward.
“Venom.” You growled out. It didn’t hesitate, enveloping your body in its black tar-like body. You immediately threw the stronger one back, sending it over the platform and onto the railway as you focused your attention on the weaker anomaly.
You were able to land a multitude of hits on this one, weakening it. Just when you were about to stab your claws into its chest, the stronger one recuperated, releasing a deafening scream that incapacitated you, forcing Venom to recede back inside you. The ground shook from the scream, the beams at the subway shaking as dust fell from the ceiling.
‘Fuck, I need to focus on that one or this rusty building is going down on all three of us.’
You were alone now, the scream forcing Venom to retreat. You made circles with the creature, the weaker of the two still recovering on the floor. You made the first move, webbing the feet of the anomaly to the floor before landing a kick straight in its chest.
The creature slammed against another beam. Fuck. Bad move. The ceiling shook again, an unsettling sound of creaking above them. The building was going to collapse at this rate. You needed to keep these two down here while getting back to ground level so you wouldn’t get stuck or worse, killed under the rubble.
“Miguel.” Silence. What the fuck was he doing right now? Just when you were about to approach the now weakened anomaly, you felt the muscle in your thigh tense. You dropped one knee, accidentally slamming it against the tiled floor. You gritted your teeth, the muscle cramping from overworking yourself. Miguel had warned you, and now you were experiencing the outcome. In the midst of Venom attempting to reform around you, you were tackled from behind. The second one was back up.
You swung your now clawed fingers back, moving to plunge your hand into the chest of this anomaly. You were cut short as the other let out another ear-piercing screech, forcing Venom to retreat yet again. The entire bottom level shook now. ‘This building’s going down.’ You thought to yourself. “Miguel,” you shouted into the earpiece, “I need backup, I’m under the apartment buildi—,” your words were cut short as the infrastructure gave out, sending you into darkness.
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Miguel was in the midst of cleaning himself up when he heard the low sound of a rumble on the other side of his earpiece. He immediately raised the volume on his earpiece. ‘Shit, shit shit,’ he though to himself, ‘I wasn’t paying attention.’ “Y/n, what’s your status?” Miguel quickly spoke into the mic, turning Lyla back on. Lyla’s hologram reappeared, about to crack a joke before noticing Miguel’s panicked expression as he looked at his monitors, rapidly typing on the keyboard. “Shit—Lyla, call Jess and Hobie to HQ now,” he said quickly before shouting into the earpiece, “Y/n, give me a status update!” Silence. A deadly silence that was interrupted a few minutes later by the sound of a weak wheeze. Y/n.
“Fuck, y/n, what’s your status?” Miguel spoke quickly into his earpiece as he connected the audio to a walkie-talkie. Jessica entered Miguel’s office, Hobie following a few feet behind her. You couldn’t get a word out, a piece of rubble pressing against your torso, cutting your breaths short. Another weak wheeze, this time coming from the walkie. Jessica froze at the noise before quickly swinging up to Miguel’s platform. “Who is that? Is that—Don’t tell me that’s y/n.” She said quickly. Hobie was already analyzing the holographic map on Miguel’s desk, typing the coordinates for your marker into his wristwatch before creating a portal. “Let’s go.”
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You let out another weak wheeze, groaning in pain when the rubble shifted. Your right ankle was stinging, likely sprained, and your knee cap fractured from it hitting the tiled floor prior to the collapse. Your side felt wet and the rebar poking out of a chunk of concrete next to you easily explained why. The screech from the anomaly must’ve ruptured an eardrum, since you could feel the ticklish trickle of blood leaking out of your ear. Your earpiece was knocked out, hidden somewhere in the rubble that pinned you down as you heard the distant sound of Miguel’s panicked voice coming from it. ‘Wonderful timing, boss.’ You thought to yourself as you let out a pained coughed, your throat coated in dust. Your vision started to fade in the midst of you trying to count how many fractures your ribs incurred.
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The trio wasn't enough to get you out of the rubble, having to call over a dozen other spider people to aid in the search for you. The only thing keeping Miguel’s hopes up was the presence of a pulse that your wristwatch was picking up, Lyla closely monitoring it for any changes as per Miguel’s orders. He could feel his heart cracking at the edges at the sight of a few spider people gently pulling your unconscious body from under the rubble. They immediately applied pressure to your side due to a large gash from a piece of rebar as Miguel quickly opened a portal back to HQ, rushing you to the medical wing of the building.
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Your eyes were hazy when you opened them, taking a few moments to adjust to the bright hospital lights, though the dizziness stayed. You reached a hand up to the nasal cannula, taking note of the tug from the IV in your arm. An IV. A cannula. Bright lights. You hated hospitals with a passion. You shot up in the bed, your body wracked with pain from both a terrible concussion as well as the broken ribs. Strong hands firmly gripped your shoulders, gently guiding you to lay back down on the bed as a soothing voice murmured to you, though you couldn't make out the words. You complied, reluctantly, though majorly because you didn't have the strength to protest.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on a breathing technique to try and ease some of the pain from your array of broken and fractured ribs, though the pain was still agonizing even when you inhaled. Thank god for your pain tolerance, or this could be a lot more unbearable than it already is. You could faintly hear Miguel's unintelligible voice, but he kept a low tone to accomodate your ruptured eardrum. You felt soft fingers stroking the top of your left hand. Jess. She was on your left, Miguel on your right. You could feel a weight on your left leg. Pavitr. Gods, the boy looked up to you like you were an older brother to him. You couldn't imagine how stressed he must be to see you in this state.
You opened your eyes again after about ten minutes, slowly blinking as you let your eyes adjust to the harsh lighting above you. After you finally gained a good enough level of clarity, your sharp eyes began darting around the room, grabbing every little detail you could pick up without tilting your concussed head. You made eye contact with Jessica, who was tracing soft patterns into your forearm as she looked at you, a soft look in her eyes. She was like an older sister to you in a way, and even though you never acknowledged this, she knew.
Your eyes shifted over to Pavitr, who was sat in a chair closer to the end of the bed, practically hugging the lower half of your left leg. You had a brace around your right ankle and could feel the tight gauze wrapped around your thigh, hidden under the blankets. Your abdomen felt very snug, being tightly wrapped in gauze as well due to what you assumed was that wet feeling on your side from when you were under the rubble. The cut on your brow had a stitch and your lip was busted.
You could feel the tickle of Miguels breath against your upper arm, but you never looked over at him. His left hand was gripping your thick tricep like a lifeline while his right remained intertwined with yours. You refused to look at the man, and rightfully so. Had he been paying attention instead of getting distracted by god knows what, you wouldn't be in this uncomfortable situation. "Summary?" You asked Jessica in a raspy voice, your eyes were half-lidded as they focused on Pavitr's sleeping figure.
Miguel answered for Jessica. It ticked you off. You didn't want to hear his voice right now. "Sprained ankle, laceration in your right side, two fractured ribs, three broken, grade three concussion, gash in your right thigh, fractured knee cap, and a few cuts and bruises," Miguel replied quickly, "your lung collapsed, so you had a chest tube in but it was removed yesterday morning." You had a question on the tip of your tongue, but you knew Miguel would answer it before Jess could. "You've been out for six days." Miguel murmured, unknowingly answering said question. "We were worried sick." Bullshit. You had to resist the urge to say it aloud. This wouldn't have happened had he been paying attention and heard at least one of your three call outs.
Jess could see the anger flickering in your narrowed eyes as you focused on Pavitr again in an attempt to calm your nerves. She could feel your fingers twitching against her hand as you took quiet breaths. She was sure Miguel could feel the motions in your fingers too, since the man had his hand tightly threaded with yours. You didn’t have energy to be angry right now. You could feel a wave of exhaustion coming over you, making your eyelids heavier than they already were. You succumbed to the feeling, your eyes slowly shutting.
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‘He didn’t even look at me.’ Was a repetitive thought in Miguel’s head over the next few weeks. He took notice in that behavior. How could he not? He didn’t blame you, but it didn’t stop him from feeling a flicker of jealousy when he saw you and your goddamn face on the cameras and how you looked at all the spider people who visited you with kindness. You even gave little smiles to a few with that pretty face of yours—Fuck, he needed to talk about that.
Miguel didn’t get too many chances to visit you throughout the weeks and when he did manage to, you were already asleep by the time he got there. He’d pull a chair next to your bed, staring at you in ways he didn’t could only dream of compared to when you were awake. He'd spend a few hours every other night just… analyzing you. Counting every vein that traveled up your forearm, staring at the thick lashes on your lower waterline, the broad chest that peeked out of your hospital shirt—Gods, how could you be equal parts pretty and handsome?
Tonight was the same routine, Miguel had snuck into the medical wing way past visiting hours, slinking into your hospital room. He stood in the doorway, listening to the quiet whistling sound your nose made when you inhaled as confirmation that you were asleep. He stepped in, sliding the door shut behind him before grabbing a chair at the entry, picking it up and gently setting it on the floor at your bedside.
He took a seat before pulling a small metal object from his pocket. A nail clipper. Miguel had noticed that your nails had gained a bit of length, not much, but enough for him to notice. Definitely not because he wanted a reason to touch your hands. He carefully sat himself on the edge of your hospital bed before gently lifting your hand that still had an IV in it.
The horny bastard nearly moaned at how heavy your hand felt in his. How were you so strong? You barely had free time to work out with how often you were hunting anomalies and there was no way chasing those guys alone would be enough, right? He carefully set your hand on his thigh, the warmth emitting from you causing a smile to spread across his face. Gods, this felt wrong.
The room was silent besides the occasional clicking noise of the nail clipper as he worked through your first hand, making sure to carefully round the edges of your nails. Your hands were so nice, saliva pooling in Miguel’s mouth that he had to swallow down as he ran the pads of his fingers over every vein that traveled up the top of your hand. His mind was wandering and god your fingers were thick. The thoughts came before he could stop them, imagining you sliding your heavy digits into his mouth, coating them in his saliva before sliding them inside him one by one—
Miguel leaned over you, gently lifting your untreated hand to rest in his before he began repeating the same ministrations he gave to the first. The closer proximity made the scent of you in his nose even stronger. Your musk was a bit of everything: comforting, arousing, warm, familiar. If he could have it as a cologne, he would. ‘Fuck, is something wrong with me?’ Miguel thought to himself as he leaned towards you, his nose inching closer to the pulse in your neck.
He couldn’t help himself, gently laying your hand back in its original position before dipping down, pressing his nose against the delicate skin of your neck. ‘Something’s wrong with me.’ He inhaled deeply, having to suppress a moan in his throat at the smell of you. He planted his hands next to your hips. Oh my god, speaking of which, your hips just seemed to move so fluidly with you when you walked. It wasn’t like you were just blatantly swaying them, but Miguel noticed the way they seemed to rise and lower in sync with your bulky thighs as you moved around his office.
‘You’re tempting me on purpose, you have to be.’ Miguel thought to himself as he indulged further, letting the tip of his cold nose press against the side of your throat as he breathed you in. ‘I’ve never acted like this about anyone in my life before. Why’re you so easy to obsess over?’ Miguel found himself watching the medical wing’s security cameras in his time, watching as you walked in the hall with Jess, using the wall as a slight support. You looked like a leviathan in the hallway, your tall, broad stature taking up a large portion of the hall and dwarfing Jessica. You had no idea how arousing just the sight of you was.
Miguel’s thoughts were cut off by the feeling of your firm, calloused hands wrapping around his waist, spreading your warmth to those areas. Miguel nearly choked on his breath, absolutely refusing to meet your gaze right now. He couldn’t look you in the eyes. God no. You just caught him in the fucking act.
Miguel kept his head tucked under your chin, a warm feeling coiling in his gut at the realization that your hands wrapped nearly entirely around his waist. How the hell was that even possible? The man was 6’9 yet you managed to make him feel small. How were you even possible? Oh my god, he couldn’t even imagine the view you’d get if you were to wrap those hands around his waist, keeping him in place as you pounded into hi—
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You felt your hand twitch at the feeling of something cold brushing against your neck. A nurse? Or maybe just a nip of the cold breeze that carried throughout the wing? Nope. ‘Y/n.’ You weren’t thinking that. Why would you repeat your own name? Oh right, you aren’t alone in your body. ‘Venom?’ There was a moment of silence in your conscious. ‘That… man is here again. The human. The weird one.’ ‘Miguel?’ A beat of silence yet again. Venom didn’t like saying the man’s name, preferring to lightheartedly insult him when describing him. You’d always brushed off Venom’s insistence that Miguel had a thing for you. ‘He’s touching you. Again.’ It’s voice was a hiss. ‘What?’
You woke up before you could get a response, your eyes quickly adjusting to the dark room, Miguel’s sturdy figure illuminated by the moonlight peeking into the room. You could feel him twitch and his breath catch when you wrapped your hands around his noticeably narrow waist. Why you chose his waist, you didn’t know, the motion being almost instinctual. You could tell he didn’t want to look at you. How could he, when you just caught him practically burying his face into your neck? You had to break the silence, as much as you hated speaking.
Silence in response to your husky voice. You slid your hands up his waist, gripping the sides of his chest before pulling him away, taking note of how your thumbs pressed into the plump edges of his pecs. Miguel’s eyes were trained on your neck as his hands rested against the large muscle of your shoulders. His face was red. So red. This wasn’t Miguel. This didn’t look like the man who so easily scolded others and had a resting bitch face for hours on end. Or at least it didn’t look like it.
Your voice was a lot firmer this time, catching Miguel’s full attention as he slowly looked up at you, an innocent look in his eyes. Who was this? Surely this wasn’t the leader of the Spider Society in your hospital room. Who was this little minx that slinked into your room while you were unconscious? “Explain yourself.” You wanted to say more, but the soreness of your throat said otherwise. “I-I was cutting your nails.” Miguel’s voice was shaky. You never heard the man like this before. “And?” You asked inquisitively. He was silent, his eyes darting between each of your sharper ones. “And I was… checking your pulse…?” Miguel’s voice was nearly silent now, an obvious hesitation in his voice.
“You’re a wonderful liar, boss.” You stared him down, your piercing gaze practically demanding an answer. “I was smelling you.” He whispered it so quietly, you almost didn’t pick it up with your still recovering eardrum. “Why?” “Because… because I missed you.” Miguel’s voice was a murmur. Missed you? Why the hell did he miss you? “You wouldn’t miss me if you had been paying attention.” You had to address the elephant in the room.
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“Y/n—” “No. Explain to me. Because I called out to you thrice and I got zero response.” Not now, not yet. Miguel wanted this conversation to wait till you were fully recovered. His eyes darted to the door he came in through, but you quickly caught on, sliding your hands down to his waist again and tightening your grip. Oh fuck, Miguel had to suppress a whimper at the feeling. “I-I was busy with Lyla and—” “It’s an earpiece. You would’ve heard me. Meaning you either removed it or muted it. Explain why.” “Y/n, please, you should really just—” “What were you doing that was so important?”
Miguel’s mind was reeling. A part of him wanted to run from this conversation but the other was loving the sound of your voice and the feel of your firm grip on his waist. “Y-You should just go back to be—” “Shut up.” Gods, you had an authority in your voice that silenced him immediately. The feeling of your firm finger wrapped around his waist had him tensing his arms, pleading with his body to send the rushing heat elsewhere.
“Miguel. I will tell Lyla to pull up the cameras in your office myself. Or I’ll send Venom to.”
There was no running from this. No way in hell. “I-I was touching myself.” There. It was out now. He said it. Were you happy? Who knows, cause Miguel screwed his eyes shut the moment he said it. “Touching yourself…” Your voice was lower, and had a hint of anger and confusion in it. “Yes.” Miguel practically gasped out the word, his face flaming in his embarrassment. He’d rather just tell the man then have him watch it himself on the cameras. “You expect me to believe that? That you were touching yourself? We were talking and then suddenly you went radio si—…Miguel.” Fuck, fuck, fuck. You connected the dots. Miguel wanted to crawl into a hole.
“Explain it. Now.” Miguel was quick in his response. “Y-You were breathing, and every fucking piece of audio was picked up, and-and I felt this heat in me. And then you groaned and I just—I just…” Your grip tightened around his waist again and Miguel couldn’t help it, letting out a soft whimper at your touch. “You couldn’t help yourself.” You murmured. Miguel nodded his head in shame, opening his eyes again, though they remain focused on your neck again.
“Miguel.” His eyes snapped up to yours, an unmistakable heat in your husky voice. “Go lock the door.”
Miguel stood so quickly that the chair next to your bed nearly got knocked over.
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So… are we feeling a part two? 😏 or was this ass? Cause I’ll stop rn. Lmao.
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aechii · 2 years
Heyy, first of all I just wanna say I love your writing and I really really appreciate you writing for black readers 💖 I wanted to request a kylian story about reader meeting his family for the first time, maybe bonding with his mom and Ethan if thats possible 😊 (also are we getting a second part for good luck charm??)
₍⁠₍ ONE OF US ₎⁠₎
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PAiRiNG ?! boyfriend!kylian x black!femreader
GENRE ?! romance, fluff (😞)
C/W ?! written in 3rd person since i can't write in 2nd person for shit, she/her pronouns used, kylian whines alot, ethan is too mature for his own good lool, KYLIAN ISN'T DRIVING !!!
A/N ?! i luvvvv this request :) im glad you appreciate my works, it means a lot to me since i really want to make my black readers feel included <3
tried to make it not too fluffy (😞) but im sorry if i failed. part 2 of 'good luck charm' will be the next fic released after this so stay tuned for that (hopefully before the end of this week). anyways, hope i did ur request justice, anon 🖤
one and a half hours on road, and the ending of the everlasting queue of cars and headlights seemed out of sight. a traffic light suspended from the sky, like a descending black orb, and [y/n] tilted her head as she leaned forward to observe it. sighed, resting back as the lowness of her car's hood rendered her efforts futile, and instead, relied on the agonising snail-speed of the moving cars ahead.
"traffic's heavy today."
kylian responded with a quiet hum, tapping her thigh to the beat of the playing song, "yeah, bad day to go out but my mum's expecting you."
fear hovered just beneath her skin and kylian noticed the tremble of her hands. they gripped the steering wheel, as if to strangle it dead, sure that the grooves of the grips had indented into her palms. he gave a reassuring squeeze to her leg, then stretched forward to peck her cheek.
"you'll be alright, they'll love you."
her eyebrows remained crinkled, "are you sure?"
kylian gave an affirmative nod, "of course— honestly they'll love anybody who isn't me."
she knew his words were a tad bit hyperbolic, but it made her laugh anyways.
"yeah. their dear kylian can be a handful sometimes."
[y/n] was quick to nod at that, "you're not wrong there."
in any other instance, kylian would find fault in her words and be haste to correct her, whining. yet, he watched how the knots of her fingers grew loose and how her shoulders untensed and settled with ease, and bit his tongue.
silence dallied in the car, save kylian's hums of every song that cried from the radio. the congestion had lightened and they both rolled forward a couple of feet per minute.
"quick warning though, ethan is most likely to drag you to play fifa with him. don't be scared to say no," kylian rolled his eyes after; she found their bond way too endearing and wholesome for her heart to take.
"says that he needs to add to his fifa kill count, and literally verses anybody he can," he proceeded. [y/n] would think he meant his irritation if she didn't peak the slight grin that ghosted his lips. he could never dislike the boy, of course.
"i see where he gets his competitiveness from," she joked, surging the car forward as the light turned green. the motorway is long left behind, and the distant city blended and smothered into the view before them.
"are you one of his kill counts?"
kylian kissed his teeth, and it triggered a hearty laugh from the girl beside him, "that's not even the point. i've demanded rematches and he still refuses to."
"babe, i think it's a sign that you should suck it up and accept that he's better than you at fifa."
"in your dreams," arms were crossed and he ignored her grin, looking out the window, "i'm forcing him to play today."
the gps ordered her to take a left, and she swiftly took the sharp corner, bustling streets dwindling behind them as they entered a quieter road.
"i will be supporting you— although i can't guarantee that i will for all of the games you play."
"so- what? you'll be rooting for ethan?" his words left his mouth as if they were bitter and salty on his tongue.
she only said that to rile up the man, finding humour in his disdain. in kylian's eyes, [y/n] was his, and only his, hype woman.
"love you too."
they fell into tranquil muteness as the sight of kylian's childhood house is unveiled by the skyscraping evergreen trees that seemed to be a habitual plant around this side of paris. it's not entirely big, but large enough that, from the outside, it was obvious that it situated two floors. gated and neatly groomed grass carpeted the front lawn, bright green and dotted with white. daisies, she predicted.
the car undulated to a halt, and [y/n] released a sigh.
"we're here... finally."
kylian shifted in his seat, facing his girlfriend, "yeah, we are." reached to scoop her hands in his, "and as i said, you have nothing to be scared about. i love you, hm? even if they don't like you, which i highly doubt will happen, it won't change a thing, okay?"
nodded and tilted forward to kiss her boyfriend. kylian's hand rested gently upon her cheek as he deepened it, lips tenderly harsh as he attempted to portray his words into action, too. a ping from his phone caused them to break contact, turning it on as he read the text from the notification bar.
mama ❤️ i see a car outside. stopping hogging the poor girl and come inside, it's too hot.
"who is it?" [y/n] asked.
kylian showed her the text and she softly chuckled as she read it, "you heard her. let's go."
they depart, not before kylian gave her hand a reassuring peck, and they amble to the front door.
kylian looked at her, finger at the ready to poke the doorbell, "ready?"
"i think so, yeah."
greeted with a warm, encompassing hug, [y/n] was pulled inside, her boyfriend complaining behind her as he was left behind.
"okay, forget your own son then," he gruntled, closing the door as the warm air from outside began to mesh with the cold one inside.
fayza, his mother, kissed her teeth. undeniably kylian's mother.
"as if i don't see you more than i want to."
an arm circled [y/n]'s waist, head tucking itself into her neck as lips muttered complaints into her skin. she patted his hand in faux sympathy.
they're escorted to the back garden, filled to them brim with kids no taller than her waist, and chattering adults. it was welcoming chaos, one that made her feel settled and content because everyone was happy, doing they're own thing as they gathered as one family.
and now, she was to be one of them.
broken out of her reverie, fayza's voice cut through the cacophony, and all heads turned toward their direction.
"everyone, meet [y/n], kylian's girlfriend. make her feel comfortable and at home for me," her face was illuminated with a smile.
a little voice, she presumed was of one of kylian's nieces, sounded from just beside them.
"she's very pretty!"
[y/n]'s heart swelled, and she untangled herself from her boyfriend's hold, crouching down in front of the infant, "thank you, love. what's your name?"
she reponded, full of eagerness, "marie!"
[y/n] chuckled, "you have a very pretty name, don't you?"
the toddler nodded, as she signalled for [y/n] to pick her up. arms wrapped around the small girl securely, she stood up, swirling the girl around as she giggled loudly, then began to ask her questions about her and kylian's relationship. her curiosity was overwhelmingly adorable and [y/n] could feel her face muscles ache at the undying smile.
kylian watched from the doorframe, eyes drenched in obvious adoration as his girlfriend began to go around, socialising with the rest of his family. his sister is quick to welcome her with a hug and a kiss to the cheek, ruffling the curls of her daughter in [y/n]'s arms. if he hadn't decided to grow old with the girl, he certainly did now, for the sight of his most beloveds intertwining with so little difficulty made him feel full with joy.
the little girl in her arms began to grow restless, and with the sweltering heat beating upon her skin, [y/n] unleashed the hyperactive kid, submerging back into the air conditioned space inside. she went to look for kylian, stopping at the door of the living room (overly spacious, but embossed with pictures and trophies, made it feel smaller and more homely than expected) as she noticed two boys frantically clicking button on a controller, tv glowing with running, animated people in a sea of green. decided to not disturb and leave kylian to (hopefully) reign victorious this time round.
[y/n] found herself exploring the corridors of the house, gazing into framed photos hung upon the walls. a family so deeply knitted that not one was left out, and she couldn't help the thought of her face one day being displayed with pride, maybe with kylian beside her, or maybe just her, as she alone was enough to be one of them.
she ventured into the kitchen absentmindedly, meeting fayza stirring into a steam pot, napkin draped over her shoulder.
pushed all her nerves aside as she saw an opportunity to bond with her mother-in-law, "is there anything i can help with, ma'am?"
she was quick to spin around, a smile blooming as she recognised her voice, "you want to help?" [y/n]'s gesture was thoroughly appreciated, but the question left fayza's throat apprehensively.
"yes," then a laugh, accompanied by a permanent smile, "kylian is playing fifa with ethan so i really have nothing to do."
the older woman grunted knowingly, shuffling through the kitchen as [y/n] shadowed her.
"that's all the do when he comes here," a freckled hand is waved, aloof, "don't mind them."
she slid a bowl of freshly washed vegetables, dappled with droplets of water, "dice these for me, dear."
[y/n] acquiesced promptly, and the kitchen swiftly subsided into a warm silence. she chopped them with such experienced velocity, and fayza showed her an approving smile, althought she was too focused to notice.
"you know what you're doing."
the girl turned to the woman next to her, grinning, "have to be, or kylian would be a lost cause."
the guffaw that followed was thick with expectance and genuine hilarity, "you're very funny, looking after that boy isn't an easy task."
"you can definitely tell me about it," she fell silent as she focused on cutting off the butt of the onion, "but i love him, and forever will."
fayza felt her skin buzz with exhilaration and couldn't fight the urge to hug the lady helping her.
"you're such a lovely girl, perfect for my kylian," broke the hug and scanned the face of the girl that had her son immeasurably in love, "stand by him, okay? people out there are harsh, and, yes, i know that he's a strong boy, but with you beside him, he'll be stronger."
[y/n] exhaled, leaning against the counter as fayza started to fry the vegetables that she had chopped, "i won't lie to you and say it's easy because it's not," a hand rubbed down her face, "i don't get why people are so... brutal. it's like the only focus on his negatives when they lose, but praise him when they win, and i see that it gets to him a lot."
fayza knew what they, as a family, holding the name mbappé, just like the one that etched the back of france's golden boy, were getting themselves into. a life no longer hidden, everything was out and vulnerable for everyone to see, and if each blink and breath wasn't scrutinized by 'fans' (as they liked to call themselves, but tend to act otherwise) then something wasn't right.
"that's just how the world is, dear. they're backstabbers, running wild with no inch of humanity left in them. but you have to remain sturdy, be it alone or with the support of other people. and for kylian's case, he has us."
us. [y/n]'s skin crawled with thrill.
"you're part of the family, now, [y/n]," fayza smiled, eyes lined with aged wrinkles, deepened with the peaks and troughs of the past, and still to, with what was yet to come, "one of us."
she smiled, heart clashing with her ribs, "thank you, fayza. it really means a lot."
she returned it, arms agape, "it's nothing, dear. now, come here!"
[y/n] entered her arm, laughing loudly as her mother-in-law kissed her forehead, "and remember, if kylian ever does anything wrong, tell me, and i'll deal with him."
"i definitely will, ma'am."
she was given a disapproving look in return, "ma'am? please, call me fayza, or mum, which i prefer." winked and laughed.
however, their moment was cut short as shouts outside the door began to crescendo.
"—not only are you running away but your running to your girlfriend who i didn't even know was here!"
the kitchen is penetrated by the fury of two boys, of which their ages were miles apart but would think were near by how they acted, kylian's face contorted into a frown, "it would be a curse to introduce her to you, ethan."
the teenage boy gasped, kicking his brother, "take that back!"
"over my dead body!"
ethan scowled back, looking at her, before any trace of his negative expression seemed to disappear into thin air, "[y/n]! oh my days, you're prettier in real life!"
she grinned sheepishly, "thank you, ethan."
kylian, however, found no amusement in his words, hiding his girlfriend behind him, "oh please stop that crap. get yourself your own girlfriend!"
"and you just love hating! i bet your girlfriend is better than you at fifa."
"take. that. back."
"let's see it," he walked towards her, putting on the best puppy eyes he could muster, grabbing and tugging her arm, "please, [y/n]? play fifa with me?"
kylian glared at him, slapping his hand away.
"don't touch her!"
she turned to look at fayza, who nudged her head, "don't worry about it, go and take those hooligans with you."
10 minutes later, ethan was one goal down, with [y/n] on a aggregate score of 3.
"you're good at this— like good good. better than kylian."
to ethan's satisfaction, his older brother had been summoned by his mother to help her, saying he 'needed to use that football strength to good use'.
"how the hell did he even get a girlfriend like you? way too good for him, in my humblest opinion." she knew his question was far from ill-mannered, and didn't take it to heart. ethan tend to say whatever came to his mind at that moment.
"he definitely tried his hardest to ask me out," [y/n] stated, chuckling at the ever-vivid memory of his unrelenting advances.
"he's never one to give up, is he?"
she shook her head, "absolutely not. gave him my number for professional use only, and he saw the opportunity to flirt with me."
ethan visibly cringed at the fact, "that's embarassing."
"it was cute," she shrugged, "until it actually started to work and it all went downhill- or rather uphill- from there."
ethan's irises glimmered as he attempted a shot, but took in a sharp breath as he missed.
"all i can say is, he loves really hard. hasn't loved anyone as much as you, but from what i hear from him about you, he's deeply infatuated. i think it's scary, at this point," paused to regain his bearings as the ball was within [y/n]'s possession once again, "but, as much as i make fun of him, he's a good person. sometimes too good for his own sake."
he spoke truth. truth that hurt, because kylian's kindness was constantly taken for weakness, but he always, without fail, moved past it without another thought wasted.
"and he hides how much it affects him."
"exactly," ethan responded immediately, then laughed, "you know him just as much, or even more than me."
[y/n] grinned, "happens when you spend everyday with the boy. he's more readable than he thinks."
"or maybe you adore him so much that you just... care."
silence, then, "or maybe that."
it was only the noise of intense clicking and frustrated sighs that filled the room for a few minutes. it was a relaxed quietude, one that none saw the need to disrupt, but ethan wanted to express how grateful he was for [y/n]'s presence in his brother's life. it was comforting to know that he had someone, that wasn't a platonic friend, to confide in and find solitude in.
"you two were definitely meant to be."
"you think?"
"yeah," he looked at her, taking a hand off of the controller to punch her lightly in her arm, "i see you becoming [y/n] mbappé, one day."
"really?" her voice was incredulous, "you see me being one of you lot?"
"come on [y/n]," ethan rolled his eyes affectionately, "you're already one of us."
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dorisslut · 2 years
Hi! Can I request for something similar to that Dori/niragi smut but make it Nijiro with fem reader watching Alice in Borderland and reader gets horny bcs of chishiya so Nijiro gave her Chishiya in bed hehe
Tysm and have a great dayyy!
yes ofc! i will post it tomorrow! i’m sorry it took me a little while to respond i have been a little busy but i’ll have it posted tomorrow! thank you for the request have a great day/night <3
You and your lovely boyfriend Nijiro were in your shared bedroom watching the new season of Alice in Borderland. You have already watched the first season and are very familiar with his character, Chishiya.
You would be lying if you said his character was attractive, you would also be lying if you said Chishiya didn’t get you horny. You tied to argue that you were busy because you didn’t want him to see your reactions to Chishiya.
But he didn’t listen to you and came over to your apartment anyways, so here you are laying in bed with Nijiro watching Chishiya play The Jack of Hearts game. You felt your panties dampen at how smart Chishiya is.
“Are you okay y/n?” Nijiro looked over at you seeing your flushed cheeks.
“Yeah i’m okay, it’s just a little hot in here” he nodded at you and you guys went back to watching the show. You guys are finally getting closer to the end, but right now you guys are at The King of Diamonds. You guess Nijiro saw the way you were looking at Chishiya and he leaned over and placed kissed on your neck.
“Nijiro w-what are you doing”
“You like Chishiya a lot huh?” Of course you did, its your boyfriends character.
“Why are you blushing so much?” He came up from your neck pressing his soft lips against yours. His hand came up to fondle with your breasts causing a gasp to come out of you.
He took the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth, deepening the kiss.
“Nijiro what about the show” He reached over to the remote and paused it.
“We’ll finish it later, I want you right now” he took of my shirt and started making hickeys on your collarbone. While doing that Nijiro Chishiya unclipped the back of your bra taking it off.
He pulled away from you taking his shirt off. Your reached up to him running your hands down his chest to his waist pulling him back down to kiss you again. Nijiro Chishiya pulled away and sucked one of your hard nipples into his mouth.
Your hands were tangled in his hair, you felt his free hand toying with the hem of your sweat pants.
“Pl-ease just take them off” you choked out wanting more from him.
“Be patient y/n, let me take my time” usually he was more desperate, but this time he’s not the desperate one..you are.
Nijiro Chishiya finally pulled away from your breasts and went down to your pants.
“You want me to take them off?” He also never teases you like this. You nodded at him vigorously, and he responded by pulling your pants down to see a wet patch in your panties.
“This wet for me huh?” he placed a kiss over your clothed clit which drew a whine out of you. Nijiro Chishiya pulled your underwear to the side and pushed 2 finger inside you, his thumb resting on your clit.
He began pumping his fingers into you slowly, you knew he was trying to tease you and you didn’t like it.
“Please stop teasing me” he looked up at you, his fingers coming to a halt.
“Fine, hopefully your stretched out enough for me.” Nijiro Chishiya pulled his fingers out of you and came up to you so he could look you in the eyes.
You didn’t even notice that he took his pants off already when you felt him push his tip into you. Nijiro Chishiya fully pushed into you letting you adjust to him.
“S-shit, please Nijiro move” Nijiro Chishiya instantly started rolling his hips, also as desperate as you but not showing it. He grabbed your thigh bringing it up over his sholder to reach deeper.
Nijiro Chishiya new he hit your sweet spot when you let out a loud cry. His tip kept tapping your sweet spot over again bringing you closer to orgasm.
“Fuck Nijiro! i’m close” He felt you clench around him. That brought him close as well.
“Shit y/n keep clenching around my cock, i’m close to” You both reached your climax’s and he slowly pulled his cock out of you.
Nijiro picked you up and sat you on the counter in your bathroom running you guys a warm bath.
“I think it warm enough now.” he whispered into your ear and picked you up and placed you into the bath tub.
“I can walk you know” you said looking at him while he stepped into the tub as well.
“I know” He responded pulling you onto him so your back was against his chest. You both stayed there for a few minutes till Nijiro sat up and grabbed the shampoo putting some in his hands.
He ran his fingers through your hair massaging the shampoo into your scalp. You did the same for him after you rinsed you hair. You both washed yourself and dried off.
Nijiro grabbed the brush and gently brushed your hair for you. You tried to take the brush from him to do his but he already did his. He pulled you over to the bed and got you two under the covers.
“Goodnight Nijiro i love you”
“I love you to y/n”
I hope you enjoyed!! :)
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tojikai · 1 year
Gurl please don’t have y/n give up on toji because of one issue of miscommunication 😐 He’s such a green flag and seems to genuinely care for her and Yui , and she also seems genuinely happy to be with him. It would break her whole character arc if she went back to satoru after all the bullshit he put her through all because he showed a sliver of self awareness. Like she’s finally finally healing from all the trauma and shes happy and independent from satoru, only to regress and go back into a relationship with a person that traumatized her beyond comprehension!!
If satoru and y/n end up together then that only proves that that man has never not gotten what he wanted. Like it’s true both him and y/n went through a traumatic and stressful time during their relationship so both were practically in survival mode and not necessarily acting like a healthy couple at the time but how come he’s the only one thats allowed to monumentally fuck up and hurt his partner and still get the girl in the end. seriously pls don’t have the issue of toji mentioning his wife and y/n having traumatic memories of satoru tear them apart 😭😭 they literally need to have one honest conversation about it with each other to clear the air and reassure each other.
It doesn’t matter that satoru didn’t actually love Naomi and he only loved the ease and comfort of their relationship during a stressful time. What matters is that from y/n’s POV he really made it seem like Naomi was everything and she was nothing. I know y/n is an empathetic person but I’m hoping she doesn’t mistake her pity for his current situation as her still loving him.
yeah i see your point abt toji and yn. they really do care for each other and the kids bc they both have one of their own. as for yn loving satoru out of pity, i feel like...if it would be like that, then she would've taken him back the night he confessed to her. but she decided to stay and try w toji so
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melishade · 3 months
Attack on Prime Alternate Scenes Part 6
Part 5
Okay so I am currently working on 'A end of an era' right now and...this chapter might be a lot longer than I anticipated. Lol.
In regards to Guren No Yumiya, what I'm hopefully planning to do is this: I spend this week and next week editing the chapter, and hopefully, I can get it out around Fourth of July weekend since I'll definitely have more free time then. Endgame will happen, many questions will be answered, and you can stop leaving messages in my inbox begging me to give you spoilers when I don't. fucking. operate. like. that.
Now lets talk about the Alternate Scenes to the Paths II!
So obviously, Eren and Zeke are in a lot of trouble right now with Primus obviously, and one of the constants that I find hilarious is Primus choking Eren out and Zeke trying to plead his case immediately after.
First rendition of Eren getting choked out:
Eren couldn’t breathe as Primus kept him locked in the invisible chokehold. The god then used his powers to drag Zeke through the sand and force the titan shifter to look him in the eye.
“P-please,” Eren stuttered, “I-I can’t breathe. M-mercy.”
“Did you show those children mercy?” Primus demanded coldly, “Did you show that woman mercy? Did you show your father mercy, as you manipulated him into killing that family?”
“T-the i-island,” Eren tried to reason, “I-it w-ould’ve-!”
Eren cried out in pain as Primus tightened his grip on him.
“Stop! I have to free Eldia!” Zeke pleaded.
“And by free you mean exterminate?” Primus hissed, “You want to prevent your people from creating new life. A little detail you decided to leave out of your answer a few years earlier!”
“The Eldian curse has gone on for too long!” Zeke declared.
“So you kill the Eldian people?!” Primus shouted, “Innocent Eldians who had nothing to do with what their ancestors did?!”
Eren getting choked out scene 2:
Eren wanted to plead and beg for his life, but Primus’ hold on him wouldn’t cease. He could feel the chain tighten around his neck, constricting his airway. It was long, agonizing, torture. He wanted to speak, but all that came out were choked gargles and wheezes.
“M-…mer!….cy,” Eren forced out, “Pl…ease….,”
That only angered Primus, the energy around him vibrating violently. “Mercy? You want mercy? Mercy would be too kind to you.”
“Y-your majesty, please let him go!” Zeke bowed, trying to gain favor with the god.
Primus’ anger turned to one of irritation. “Majesty. Now you know who I am, it’s Majesty. I know your truth, Zeke Jaeger. I’ve seen your mannerisms first hand. Do not waste my time with what I already know.”
“I-!” Primus placed a finger over his lips, immediately silencing the Titan shifter.
“It would be wise to watch what you say next,” another voice spoke before switching to another male voice, “Primus is not the only one listening.”
That threw the both of them for a loop. Primus wasn’t the only one watching? 
The changes I made to Primus speaking to Eren as he's begging for his life were tricky, as I wanted to write a statement that would ultimately attack Eren's character. Previous scenes had been altered prior to these moments so the lines had to be changed. For example, Eren was originally supposed to influence Grisha into killing the royal family, but Primus does that by accident when he gets mad at Eren. Meanwhile the 'Mercy is to kind for you’ just feels weak.
Secondly, in the second scene where Zeke is begging for Primus to show mercy to Eren, I wanted to allude to the Primes listening in in order to make their judgement. But the line that I did in the second scene just felt like a throw away line. So I thought it would be better to show it visually via Primus' powered up appearance.
The next thing that I wanted to get into was Primus talking about the power of the titans to both Eren and Zeke, and of Ymir's origins. Primus does manage to see Ymir's memories prior to exiting the tree, but he doesn't feel her emotions, and we'll get to Primus and Ymir a little later, but I definitely had to reconstruct and revise the explanation because it felt rushed.
First rendition:
“You said you didn’t know what was going on!” Zeke shouted.
“I’ve been traveling through 2,000 years worth of history!” Primus declared as he dropped Eren and waved his hand.
Eren and Zeke watched a timeline of memories displayed before them.
“Nine titan powers, 1,385 titan shifters, 2,000 years worth of memories. I’ve seen it all!” Primus shouted, “I’ve seen the destruction the power of the titans have caused regardless of who wields it! Marley or Eldia, both use it for their own selfish and destructive benefit! Yet it is the Eldians that suffer for these mistakes?! A shortened lifespan?! Trauma?! Hatred?! Discrimination?! Death?! All of this started by sheer accident! Because of a little sparkling that was treated horribly by everyone around her!”
Primus pointed to the child sleeping in the sand. “She was unable to speak for years. She was physically abused. She found the power of the titans by accident. She was kidnapped because of this. She was raped. That term doesn’t get thrown around on Cybertron very often! I hope you’re aware of that! Her body was eaten by her own children! Yet all she wanted was love! But everyone saw her as a tool! A weapon! A slave! I know, Zeke Jaeger, that you knew this fact! You knew her history, and you were still willing to force her to do your bidding!”
Not only was this really rushed, but Primus was just too angry in this moment. And while I do make Primus get angry later in chapter 91, I wanted to have Primus have some form of control before slowly getting to a point of anger, specifically with Eren. The second rendition is one that reflects more of the final draft.
Second rendition:
“The Power of the Titans was one contacted by accident,” Primus began, an old voice dripping with ancient wisdom. The sands suddenly shifted beneath the two Titan shifters and began to take form. When the sand finished forming shape, it began to gain details and features. It was Ymir falling and drowning. A centipede like creature was beneath her and attached to her spine. Eren and Zeke covered their eyes as smoke and light consumed her. She transformed into a monstrous titan, towering over the walls, larger than the paths. Her face was nothing more than a skull, and her rib cage protruded out of her body.
“She was taken back to the king, and forced to use her power to kill and destroy others,” Primus continued in that ancient voice as Ymir’s Titan form roared, “She endured suffering, pain, rape. Tragedy after tragedy befell her, but all she wanted was love. She was so desperate to feel any ounce of that, that she died protecting the one who only saw her as a slave.”
Ymir’s Titan form turned to dust, and a new image began to form. Zeke nearly threw up and Eren stared in horror. Three little girls were eating Ymir’s body, their father encouraging them with desperation while the audience stared in horror and disgust.
“Desperate and fearful, the King told his daughters to devour their own mother in order to keep this monstrous power,” Primus continued, “He wanted so badly to maintain his power that he sacrificed his own daughters to get it. And as such, the tragedy continued.”
The sands shifted once more and the Titan shifters saw chaos, war, devastation. The Titans devoured innocent humans while Titan shifters destroyed countries, homes, and lives.
“The cause of that power and desperation has led to this: this carnage, this destruction. For thousands of years, she was trapped here, to make more Titans and Titan shifters. She was alone, watching the cruelty and devastation that humanity had brought amongst themselves.”
Eren and Zeke saw an image of a child, holding his mother in a field of dead, disfigured bodies. The child wept and screamed, crying out hopeless as a Titan lumbered towards him. The child didn’t pay attention, begging for his mother to wake up. The memory disappeared before the Titan devoured the child. They looked over to see Primus closing his eyes with a solemn expression on his face.
“That is the power of the Titans,” Primus declared.
I felt this to be more natural for a few things. One, it's not rushing the explanation of the power of the titans. Obviously, it's not as detailed as the actual episode it stems from, but I wasn't going to recap that whole episode when the reader can watch it. This is also another attempt of the 'Show, don't tell' when it comes to the presence of the Primes. I added the color coding system to make things easier but if you do know your transformers lore, the one that is speaking in an ancient voice is Alpha Trion (Aka George Takei. I should really do a headcanon list of who would voice which Prime).
However the next part of the first draft didn’t have the same flow as the second and final draft. I didn’t have Zeke and Eren confronted and judged individually. I had them both kind of talked down on at the same time:
Eren was shocked by this proclamation and turned to Zeke for confirmation. He wanted to deck him in the face when he saw the guilt on his brother’s face.
“Zeke, how could you?!” Eren shouted.
“You don’t get a say in this!” Primus bellowed at Eren as the memories shifted into ones related to Optimus. Zeke could only blink in confusion as he saw Reiner and Annie’s memories of the titan. One of which Optimus’ tended to Reiner’s wounds and another where he tried to persuade Annie to the island’s side.
“My disciple has done nothing but protect you,” Primus declared, “He’s done nothing but sacrifice his time to protect and train you. He loves you like a son. And what do you do: lie to him, go against his wishes, kill blindly, keep secrets from him, all to cause this:”
Zeke watched in horror as he saw the memories shift into that of the rumbling. Each and every one had the power of the rumbling activated in them.
“Your vengeance,” Primus continued, “Your lust for freedom and power leads to this. And guess what happens to your friends in every iteration, your family, my disciple,”
Eren watched in horror as he watched his friends die in every memory. Armin and Mikasa were resigned to defeat as the Colossal Titans crushed them underfoot. Eren wanted to puke as he saw his future self stab Optimus, killing him over and over and over-!
“Stop!” Eren shouted as he clutched his head, “Please, just stop.”
“I thought this was what you wanted,” Primus challenged, “The road to freedom is paved with blood. But it doesn’t matter! So long as you reach the end!”
“…you…you don’t know…,” Eren whispered.
“Excuse you,” Primus demanded.
“You don’t know what I went through! You don’t know what we went through!” Eren retorted, “We lost so much! I lost my home! My family! I-!”
Eren froze in fear as the god looked at him with such hatred and venom that could kill him where he stood.
“You do not what to test my patience,” Primus declared as he raised his hand to snap his fingers, “’Lost so much?’ My disciple sacrificed so much. I never once wanted to put him back into war, but he had to be called back into it. Of course, your lust for vengeance has lead to your ignorance. You might not even be able to understand. But if you want, I can show you both.”
Primus snapped his fingers before Zeke could respond, and the two screamed in pain as an onslaught of memories came flooding in.
To be fair to my younger self, I was writing this back in late 2019? Early 2020? Back when the manga was still being written. So there were still some gaps in knowledge to be had. No Ramzi, no centipede monster, no chapter 139, etc.
Now this is the part in the rough draft where I had intended for Primus to show Eren and Zeke Optimus and Megatron’s memories, but after sitting with the manga ending and overanalyzing everything I didn’t like, I decided to refrain from that. Zeke was a stranger to the Cybertronians, and Eren didn’t deserve to know that truth, not after everything that he was gonna do and had already done. So we’ll skip those memories and jump right back into Primus judging Zeke and Eren.
Zeke ended up throwing up from the dump of information he received while Eren covered his mouth in shock and horror. The abundance of tears coming down his face as he tried to comprehend everything he just witness. Optimus’ sorrow was more unfathomable than he could ever imagine. Everything he lost, everyone he lost, and he still carried on. And he was about to put him through so much more shit.
And Megatron…he finally understood Megatron.
“Now you know,” Primus began as his voice changed back to what they heard initially.
Eren looked up at the god, and saw tears coming down his face.
“Now you know what I had to witness,” Primus proclaimed, “And how I was unable to do a thing about it.”
Eren wanted to fucking sob. To see tears coming down the face of someone he trusted and loved. This must be what Optimus felt on the inside, all the time.
“I-I,” Eren stuttered, “I-I’m s-so-,”
“Sorry,” Primus finished as he wiped the tears, “You don’t mean that. I can see your intentions. You still wish to activate the rumbling and destroy the world. I have seen your struggles. I have seen what you have lost, but this power should not have fallen into the hands of your species in the first place.”
Primus turned his back on the both of them. “The power of the titans ends today.”
“Then let me do my plan!” Zeke pleaded, causing Eren to look at him in shock.
Primus looked back at Zeke with hatred. “Why? I just showed your four million years worth of memories. From both Optimus and Megatron. You’ve seen the decisions they made and how unbelievably flawed your plan is from their experiences. So why do you want to prevent the creation of new life?”
“The Eldians are already doomed. The world thinks horribly of them. Of us,” Zeke proclaimed, “The Eldians will continue to suffer even if you take the power of the titans away. The Eldians are considered a common enemy. Their death will unite the world and-!”
Primus forced Zeke in the air and began choking him once more.
“You ignorant fool!” Primus shouted, “You disgust me!”
“Nothing can be done to change their minds,” Zeke strained.
“Please! I’m begging you!” Eren pleaded as he crawled to the god and grabbed his pant leg, “There must be a memory that you’ve seen! You must’ve seen something in my memories to understand what I’m trying to do!”
“I’ve already seen it,” Primus proclaimed, “I’ve seen nearly 1,000 iterations of the future you wish to create. But your future has little chance of success. And even if it does, it hurts everyone. My disciple, Megatron, Armin, Mikasa, the Survey Corps, the island, innocent Eldians that had nothing to do with the attack on Paradis. I can’t risk it on a whim. I can’t allow you to put Optimus through more suffering.”
“Then the Eldians are as good as dead!” Eren proclaimed, “They’ll die because you’ve killed us and left the island defenseless! They’ll die because of you-!”
Primus choked him and lifted him in the air as well before turning his attention to Zeke. “So what? I let the both of you do what you want? You wish to destroy your own people without considering what they want! That they have a desire for freedom! They have a right to live!”
Primus turned his attention to Eren. “Meanwhile, you wish to destroy the entire world! You say that you wish to protect your friends, your family, the island, but you will inflict the same action done to you on the rest of the world! I cannot allow you to do something Unicron would do, on the off chance the island is spared! You say you don’t want to cause Optimus suffering, yet here you are, putting Optimus through more inner turmoil than ever! Constantly forcing his hand when he has done nothing but protect you!”
Eren and Zeke were forced on the ground. Eren grunted in pain while Zeke was screaming.
“I cannot allow either of you to proceed with your plans!” Primus declared as he raised his hand, “And I will kill you where you stand! I cannot let you continue using this curse.”
“P-please,” Eren grunted, “I’m begging you. Let me do my plan. Please!”
Primus narrowed his eyes. “Why should I let you destroy the world? My own people have destroyed each other, over and over again. I won’t let the same thing happen to another world, not when I have the capability to do something now.”
I didn’t like how I wrote this. I didn’t like Primus’ temper continuously getting the better of him. It felt too much like Unicron. I didn't like that I didn't get to the heart of both Eren and Zeke's problems and flaws. I hated how rushed it felt. I hated that I kept having Primus choke people! Why was I doing that?!
It's ultimately why I had to give Zeke and Eren their separate moments of judgement. And because Zeke was given a rather brief backstory, his judgement and breakdown was easier to do. And I go into more detail about him and Eren here.
But for the 2nd rendition:
Zeke stood up, fearful yet determined. “Then let me do my plan, please.”
Primus opened his eyes and stared at Zeke, causing him to almost lose his nerve, but he pushed forward anyway.
“You know better than anyone the loss and devastation the powers have created,” Zeke reasoned, “The Eldians suffer more than anyone, be they devoured, turned into Titans, or becoming Titans shifters, shortening their life. The world lives in fear of the Titans and the Eldians. If the Eldians didn’t produce any more children, then the world would be free from the Titans within a century. The Eldians wouldn’t have to suffer in a world that hates them. Maybe the Eldians would die off, but it is a small price to pay if the rest of the world is safe.”
Primus stared blankly at Zeke and sighed. “Even if I agreed that killing your people would be the best way to save the world, your plan would change nothing.”
Zeke and Eren watched the sand shift underneath their feet once more before making an image of Zeke in his Titan form roaring.
“If you were to get the path you wished,” Primus began in another ancient voice, once that sounded softer and sad, “The Eldians would no longer produce any children of their own. As a result, the Eldians outside of Marley are executed or used for combat, the world reasoning that the people are going to die out anyway and that ridding them sooner would be the better option. Meanwhile, Marley becomes desperate. Because of this lack of technology compared to the rest of the world. They begin to turn more and more of the Eldians into Titans. Starting with the elderly and the sick, then the adults, and finally, the children. Including your grandparents. Marley uses all the Titans within fifty years, and they haven’t advanced technologically compared to the rest of the world. They plunder and destroy as much as they can, and when the Titans are truly gone, the world’s hatred is directed at Marley.”
Zeke’s Titan disappears and changes into the Marleyans running for their lives as outside forces chased and killed them. Zeke watched in horror as he watched a general give orders to his men.
“Marley is destroyed, and wiped from the Earth as a result of their reckless actions. The nations Marley conquered with the power of the Titans as put under the rule of the rest of the world.” Primus declared, “The world is still not at peace. The carnage and destruction leads to uneasy alliances and fear of more retaliation. People will only continue to look for someone to hate, in order to justify their actions, but in the end, everyone dies.”
Zeke’s legs trembled before his knees hit the sand. Tears of despair fell down his face as he shook his head. “There...there has to be something else.” 
“I have seen different variations,” Primus explained, “But the result has been the same. I am sorry, Zeke Jaeger.”
Zeke didn’t respond to that. How could he? All of his efforts to free the world of Titans, would have amounted to nothing. The Eldians never find true peace, and the world becomes more chaotic due to the power vacuum. Tom’s dreams and his efforts...were all for nothing.
“It’s like some kind of joke,” Zeke whimpered, wrapping his arms around himself and bending over, his tears hitting the sand. He hurt so many people, he killed so many people! What was it all for?!
Eren felt pity for him. Despite all that Zeke did, he remembered that feeling of helplessness and defeat. When he realized he wasn’t special, when he realized his life really had no value, and when he realized all his efforts for a better world led to more of his comrades dying. Primus felt that same pity. He reached out towards Zeke, but Zeke moved away from his touch. Primus lowered his arm in defeat, leaving Zeke and turning to Eren. Eren struggled with his chains, wanting to run away and get to Ymir, but Primus used his power to tighten his chains.
Zeke is trying to calmly plead his case while Primus gives him a rather reluctant explanation. Initially I was going to have Zeke crumble immediately and show no resistance to Primus, since he really didn't do much to fight back against the Rumbling until Armin came in during the main story. But I really thought about it. This was something that Zeke had been working towards for so long and to have someone else tell him that his and Ksaver's dreams were for nothing would really destroy him, which is why I had him show resistance before breaking.
As for Eren, I'm not going to put the 2nd rendition of his talks with Primus because it's almost identical to the final draft with a few tweaks. And since Eren is the main character in the story, his judgement and conversations with Primus are going to take longer, especially when discuss Armin, Mikasa, Optimus, his main motivation being his mother’s death, the Survey Corps, and Eren’s own selfishness.
However I will put the remaining of the first rendition:
“I-it,” Eren yelled as the pain got worse, “It m-must have been hard.”
Primus raised an eyebrow.
“Watching your own creation, battle each other in a civil war,” Eren continued, “Watching your own disciple battle in war all over again, when all he wanted was peace. Watching your own nearly go extinct. It must’ve been so hard.”
Eren forced his head up to look at Primus. “But it must’ve been harder, watching them suffer in the caste system. Optimus got to live in peace, but other like Megatron suffered. They were left to die for years. Their body parts sold. No justice! No peace! It must’ve been so hard to watch!”
“Megatron had nothing!” Eren shouted, “He didn’t even have a name because no one thought he deserved it! He watched people die in the mines and die in the arena and die in the war! Do you think Megatron would do that if he was allowed freedom?! If he had someone to help him?! He believed if he died, he would have the most value! That’s too fucked up!”
“Megatron gained knowledge,” Primus retorted, “He knew from right and wrong. He knew that the path of destruction was wrong!”
“It was all he knew!” Eren declared, “He believed it was the only way for his enemies to listen! And…maybe it is!”
“Excuse you?!” Primus demanded.
“If Megatron didn’t rise up to power, how long would it have been until someone else did?!” Eren demanded, “How long until someone else realized how messed up the caste system was and fight back?! How many more of your people would’ve died?! How many years would it have been?! And the only thing you could do was sit by and do nothing?!”
“…it was not my place,” Primus whispered.
“But you knew you could have done better, which is why your intervening now,” Eren proclaimed, “You don’t want it to happen again!”
“Then why do you want to destroy the world?!” Primus demanded.
“Because talking isn’t going to solve a thing! Not anymore!” Eren answered, “Megatron knew violence was the only way to get others to listen. Action, brutality, finally got them to wake up! That’s the only way for the people on this world to listen!”
“You know there were opportunities to resolve the situation in a peaceful manner,” Primus reminded, “You’ve seen it happen.”
Eren shook his head in the sand. “It’s not enough. I…have to do this! This is the only way for there to be peace!”
“Through violence?” Primus demanded.
“Through hope,” Eren answered, “Through Optimus,”
“If you go down this path, you will die in every scenario,” Primus proclaimed, “You do not see the outcome of your plan.”
Eren felt tears welling up in his eyes. “I know.”
“There is a high chance your plan will not succeed,” Primus declared.
“I know,” Eren whimpered as his tears fell.
“Your friends, your family, everyone you know, may never forgive you,” Primus declared.
Eren quietly sobbed. “I know.”
“Then why?” Primus asked, “Why continue down this path?”
Looking back, I genuinely hated how I wrote this out. But a few things before I get into that. I originally had a plot line where Megatron does find Eren being in Marley but Eren manages to blackmail him into silence. I’ll probably do an alternate scene of that later. But I was originally going to have Eren empathize with Megatron, especially after he sees Megatron’s full life and gets a better understanding of him. However Megatron and Eren’s relationship doesn’t really grow outside of acquaintances at best, and Megatron has been cautious of Eren and his motivation for the most part. So there’s no real change in their dynamics and that’s fine.
However the main reason why I now hate how I wrote this scene out is because I made Eren sound too damn heroic. His ultimate plan is genocide, and him later formulating a plan to make his friends the heroes was a late minute ditch effort to protect them doesn’t change anything. He wanted to see his sight of freedom by destroying the world. He shouldn’t be lauded for it. He should be condemned for it.
I’ll get into Primus’ ultimate decision in a moment, but what I want to get into now, is Primus and Ymir: the most important moment in AOP. The interaction between two deities and the one act of kindness that does destroy the Paths. The minute Ymir’s backstory was introduced, I wanted to create a moment of compassion between the two. And I just realized! I don’t have the original draft for it! I kept editing the same draft until I got the final draft and now I don’t have it anymore. Or most of it! Nooooo…..
So! I will give a few points of what I had originally written.
-I was originally going to have Ymir speak to Primus. I ultimately retconned it because we never hear Ymir speak in the original show. In the final draft, I do have Ymir ask ‘why’ to Primus, but that was pretty much it. She does speak a few words in this draft.
Ymir’s eyes brightened as she sharply turned her head to look at Primus. The life missing reappearing, revealing her eyes to be a brilliant purple. “…you...,”
Tears poured from her eyes once again as her lips trembled. “…you…,”
Primus gave her a warm smile, happy to see the life come back into her eyes. “Do you wish to come with me?”
Ymir gripped his hands deathly tight. “…please…,”
-Primus originally didn’t use Onyx’s mask in order to peer into Ymir’s life from her perspective. I added it into the final draft as another ‘show, don’t tell’ situation regarding the Primes, and I just thought it would be a better way of Primus getting a better understanding of Ymir.
-I originally didn’t have Primus give Ymir his jacket, or even talk about Unicron to her, but I wanted to show Primus’ acts of compassion compared to that of Unicron, who would no doubt see Ymir as a parasite.
-The ‘Because I heard your cry and wanted nothing more than to save you’ line from Primus was one that was developed overtime as well. I wanted to keep that in the final draft to show Primus’ care for Ymir. He didn’t come to AOT to end the power of the titans initially. Or even to stop Eren and Zeke. He didn’t know about them until he got into the Paths. He only came because he heard Ymir’s cry for help. There was no cosmic reason or even destiny behind it. It was just compassion.
-The Paths being warped into a field of flowers wasn’t in the initial rough draft. I was just going to have Primus break down the tree. But then I got inspired by IDW and incorporated those field of flowers in there. For more on that, go here.
So the one issue that I was currently having now, near the end of the chapter, was Eren getting the power, because I did plan for Primus to hand it over to him. But I needed it to make sense in a way. Because Primus, under normal circumstances, wouldn’t have allowed Eren to enact his plan. But, and I was trying to be clear on this in the actual chapter, Eren had done so much damage to the timeline that they were in, that with Primus’ limited powers, he can only do damage control. Part of that damage control was giving Eren a choice in what he wanted to do. And originally I had Zeke call him out on it, but it felt like Primus was just dodging Zeke’s points by bringing up his own failings and it didn’t sit right with me.
“This is the power of the titans,” Primus declared. “It attached itself to the Little One when she was trying to escape from the king and his guards. She did not choose to have this power. It latched itself onto her. It was only by chance that she managed to find it in the first place.
Tears spilled out of Eren’s eyes. He couldn’t believe it. He couldn’t believe that this god was letting him do this. He fell to his knees and bowed before Primus.
“Thank you,” Eren whispered, “Thank you so much.”
“But heed my warning, Eren Jaeger. It doesn’t matter the motivation. It doesn’t matter the goal. If you go down the path, no one will be by your side,” Primus declared, “Your friends, your family, everyone will turn their back on you. No one will care for the purpose. They’ll just see the actions and destruction that you’ve caused. No matter what side, you will never be seen as a hero. You will only be seen as a monster. Are you really ready to travel down this path?”
Eren stood up and wiped his tears away. “No, but in order survive and live, we must fight.”
Primus sighed as he put his hand on Eren’s head.
“I know,”
Eren gasped as Primus pushed him backwards. He couldn’t feel his arms and looked down to see them disappearing into sand. Eren began seeing a distorted image of the god’s true form before he fell through the sand like water.
“You idiot!” Zeke shouted as he stomped over to Primus, “You have no idea what you’ve unleashed! Eren’s influenced by his father!”
“You and I both know that Eren was never influenced by his father,” Primus responded calmly.
“Then why let him destroy the world?!” Zeke demanded, “This cycle will never end! Eren will kill everyone! And you entrusted everything on him!”
“I don’t trust him for a second,” Primus declared.
Zeke blinked. “What?”
“Eren’s plan has a very low chance of success,” Primus explained, “But your plan will have no chance at success. Marley will fall apart, all the Eldians will be executed, the conquerors will set their sights on another defenseless country. Nothing changes.”
“So destroying the world is the only option?!” Zeke shouted, “How will Eren’s plan succeed?!”
“…because Optimus won’t let it happen,” Primus answered.
“-are nothing more than a hypocrite,” Primus interrupted, “You forced your own to turn into titans as a twisted act a freeing them. Tricking your followers and lying to them. Now, you wish to render them unable to create children.”
“I have-,”
“Why?” Primus demanded as he turned to Zeke, “Because it’s your duty? In freeing your people, your force them to do what you want, like your father did. You force them to die. You force this sparkling to do your bidding, knowing exactly what she went through during her life! You are just like your father.”
Zeke was about to retort, but began thinking over every action that he did. The weight of his actions took over and he fell to his knees and began crying. Primus ignored Zeke and turned his attention to Ymir, who fell asleep in his arms. The god looked up at the stars and sighed.
“Optimus, forgive me,” Primus said.
Again, this feels rushed, doesn’t it? Anyway, there is still the idea of Primus’ own failings in his decision of giving free will to someone with nefarious intention. And without giving away too much, instead of Zeke, someone else is going to call him out on it instead. Because despite the fact that Primus is a benevolent god, he can be an ignorant one at best and a neglectful one at worst.
Okay that is all I have for the alternative scenes for chapter 91. Next time, I will be discussing the stuff in Retaliation and Last Ditch Effort, as there were rough draft ideas that just never made it into the final product. And I have two asks games (one with prompts and the other discussing music in my fanfic) still available to ask. So I wouldn’t mind if you asked those questions. Thank you!
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xbabybajix · 2 years
Halloweenie w/ Hanma~
A/N: hiiii my fellow hanma stans!! here’s a small drabble? I thought of on the quicks for Shuji bc his birthday just passed and it got me thinking about what it would be like to spend halloween w him <3 hope everyone who reads enjoys! 
It’s October 31st and what better way to spend it with your boyfriend they call ‘The Reaper’ because of this Hanma thought of the idea as having you be a succubus and he as the grim reaper- picture this as a slutty couples costume
Hanma basically wearing the cloak with no shirt under and some leather pants w/ platform docs, and yours being a body suit with ass and titties out with some fake blood and cute lil horns too 
Hanma’s a pretty unpredictable guy so knowing what was planned for today was a bit worrisome, yall can either spend it going to random parties that Hanma got invited to, roaming around a downtown area and hitting up bars or clubs, or perhaps indulge in trick or treating if Hanma wanted something sweet to snack on while watching you strut your cute ass around the neighborhood.
Going to Halloween parties with Hanma is the best because he LOVES to coordinate costumes with you as you pleased, he needs to wear makeup? Sure! Anything his baby asks of him, she gets. Spend a full hour taking selfies together? Ofc! He has to show off his girl everywhere!! Yall love pregaming before heading out and pumping yourselves up to dance the night away!! (have a headcanon that hanma is a doja cat fan so that’s what you guys listen to before leaving)
Parties with Hanma end in a couple ways, either both of yall are plastered and end up being all over each other inside a random room, or someone ends up making moves on either or and one of yall ends up getting kicked out by the host for starting a fist fight but also ending it! :-) 
In the case where the night actually ends less chaotic than most, it’s spent with constant banter and flirting. Hanma likes to wander off to where he usually finds Kisaki or other members from gangs he knows and will keep an eye on you from afar. Your safety will always come first but Hanma likes watching you lose yourself on the dancefloor with your besties too, it turns him on seeing how your hips sway along with the beat of the music.
To spice things up in your relationship, Hanma LOVES to roleplay w you in public and act like he’s just some guy hitting on you and you LOVE IT because of the tension that rises when his face starts to ease into yours while feeling traces of his fingertips on your lower back till he reaches your ass and gives it a lil squeeze.
If Hanma notices you act more aloof and silly, he’ll know it’s time for yall to head out, when this happens it usually ends with you shouting out your profound love for him and it catches him off guard every time. Hanma is used to hearing you say loving things, but for some reason when you say it while being drunk, it makes his stomach do flips. They say the truth comes out when your drunk, so knowing that even in the state you’re in, you still choose Hanma every time.
Drunk y/n can be a handful sometimes, mostly because it ends with you throwing a small tantrum about how you can still have another drink or five before leaving and Hanma is not having ANY of that esp bc he’s seen you blackout and he refuses to let you get to the point of throwing up, but in the case that you do anyways, he’s there with the hair tie and water <33
If Hanma doesn’t feel like dealing with your brattiness he will just carry you over his shoulder until you reach your home and sit you onto your shared bed together, and will get all your things you use for your bed routine <3
Hanma is also the type to indulge you when you go off a tangent talking about the most random things you thought of while being drunk. “Oh yeah? I didn’t think of that” “oh wow baby you never told me this, that sounds crazy though” “And what else happened?” “you’re so smart even when you’re drunk too doll, its no wonder I love you” pls he says all this while helping you undress and get into your nightwear and then proceeding to take off your makeup and gently rubbing it off from your face.
Once the night has finally ended, hanma makes sure that you’re all taken care of again and then he starts to get ready to climb into bed with you. Nights like these end with you drifting off to sleep in his embrace but before you whisper your i love you’s and smother him in kisses <3 my guy is in heaven and loves the holidays for this reason 
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itoshi-s · 2 years
no bc noya is literally the whole package like the CONFIDENCE in that man has me dizzy and opening my legs he worships you you’re his religion he’s going on his knees for you
also like the DUALITY PLSSS a total doting bf he never once stops flirting with you in ur relationship he’s so corny. suuuper attentive has extra hair ties and pads in his bag for you. always surprising you with shiny rocks (bc u shine the brightest<3) or jewelry (an - .. an anklet with a little Y charm) or random things that reminds him of you. he makes you laugh so hard you snort your drink out your nose pls also a total cuddle bug who begs you for piggy back rides :((( </333
and then he takes you to his bed and rocks your entire world:( spreads you out and laps at your sensitive nub and fluttering hole for hours until you’re a babbling mess and he comes untouched in his pants:( gives your overstimulated folds a pussyjob until he’s rock hard again from how you whine his name:( makes you ride his cock until your legs quiver and give out only to grab at your ass and slam you down on his thick girth:( to show you how strong he is, how he can handle all of you, how much you can both take from each other with pleasure:( he sucks on your pretty tits until your keening GOD and he’s so vocal too:( filthy groans and moans and unabashed confessions right onto your slick skin of how good you make him feel how tight and perfect your pussy is for him:(( sobbing crying wailing i want him in my guts rn
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the way i had to sleep w it before posting cause when i tell you i SCREAAAMEEEDDDD 😵‍💫 sooo foul for this river that is unfair !!
nishinoya, who’s such a good boyfriend that you’re astonished as to why he’s not w anyone already when u first meet. falling in love with him feels like the first warm rays of sun on a summer morning, comforting and making you shudder with excitement for what’s to come. he sweeps u off your feet with his charisma and bright smiles and passion. it’s not long at all until you go out w him and end up going official after just two dates or so. he just makes everything feel so right, like that’s how things should always have been, and you wish you’d met him sooner.
noya, who’s so attentive and thinks about you always. he showers u with lil presents daily because wherever he goes, something reminds him of u and he has to show you </3. most of his days he goes for a lil run first thing in the morning, and he always comes back w pastries from your favorite place down the street to make sure you get a nice morning too. he brings you coffee to bed but it runs lukewarm by the time he’s done kissing you awake. but you don’t mind at all, cause in the end he’s the only thing u rly need to start your day right.
NOYA……. getting u a little anklet.. with a little dainty Y charm … river you are sooooooo right for that. he def does. primarily to hear it tinkle by his ear when he has you folded over and fucks you silly </3 he’s sooooooo fun in bed and ALWAYS at your service. treats you like a queen fr he just wants to make sure you know how dear u are to him !! how glad he is to have found you !! takes sm pleasure from giving it to you, he could cum untouched just from watching you melt under his touch :( absolutely makes sure you know all abt it. you’re so good to me. lemme give you another, i wanna watch you again.
noya who doesn’t mind giving away control and gets absolutely rock hard whenever you take the lead 🫣 esp after a night out when you’re wearing your heels and you’re a bit tipsy and you straddle him and forget to take off your stilettos. he doesn’t last long but he’s got stamina and bounces right back. he has so much to give you </3 INSANE. but he knows that the way you love feeling him most is when he’s the one manhandling you with ease. he’s got absolutely no issue with it even given his shorter frame. he uses you however he pleases and you let him and it’s the single most arousing thing he does to you. he just wants to make the both of you feel good and he knows exactly how to do it, so you let him. confidence is almost substantial on him but it couldn’t be any different, not with the way you’re moaning so sweetly in his ear and give him the most fucked out look. </3
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truly-quirkless · 15 days
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Type: Lore/History Time: The day of the Sports Festival. Location: Sports Festival Arena (U. A. grounds).
Warnings: In-depth writing of a panic attack and implied abuse.
"...w-...what'd..." They couldn't get their head to accept it. The words bounced off- unwilling to sink in, to register anywhere within their thoughts. They couldn't have heard that right. There was no damn way. He wouldn't be. He couldn't have.
[Evan Well has escaped Iron Heart Prison. We have reason to believe he is attempting to make his way to Japan. As such, you will be put under Hero Watch until he is recaptured.] Fin's grip on the phone loosened. Evan...
He was...
They couldn't breathe.
Click. Fin blinked. It hadn't been a real sound- the barest hint of a sensation from a memory, one of many they tried so hard to ignore. It was pushing its way to the forefront- and they couldn't stop it.
[We will contact you again in a few minutes to tell you who will be assigned to you. For now, please make your way to the nearest Hero for your own safety.] Their phone slipped from their hand as the call ended.
Another blink- looking down at their phone as their chest began to rise and fall faster. He was out. He was out, and he was coming for them. They were his target. They couldn't get enough oxygen. Their lungs were empty. They gasped for it. Please-
Their heart was hammering. He was going to kill them. He was going to kill them. I'm sorry. Please- don't- they hit the wall. Fin's eyes were growing hazy- unable to focus. All they could hear was his voice. Feel the weight of their own bones. Their organs, their own weight being used to torture. A hand shot up. The other. They covered their face. A gasped sob escaped them.
It was so damn sudden. Fin crumpled as their mind fractured in that moment. All the memories they hated- every single moment of their childhood- burning towards them.
I'll put you out of your misery one day, cute stuff~. Won't that be great?
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"...s-top..." Wasn't it enough? Hadn't they suffered enough? They were beneath notice- beneath his glare. Surely, surely, he'd leave them be. They were nothing. Less than nothing. "...pl-ease...!" No cry would ever be enough. The fat, wet tears that had begun to stream from their eyes would mean nothing. The pleas for forgiveness- to be forgiven for being born- they would go unheeded. They would suffer. It was what they were meant for. The doll their brother would one day break.-
But they didn't want that.
They wanted the life they had. But what good would it be to beg? Only in running to another had Fin been able to escape. The information that had given them a few years of peace,...
It was now the nail in their coffin. One hand rose further. Nails digging into their head. Trying to forcibly drag themself from this. Please- stop- they didn't want this. They wanted, so badly, to just live---!
Another choked sob escaped them. They were shaking. A leaf in a storm they had no power to control. Their hand tugged. They could feel the skin of their head as it was pulled unwillingly. It wouldn't give so easily. The sparks of pain it caused barely registered as a whimper burning in their throat.
Your existence makes me sick.
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"....it's going to be alright..." Stop. Stop hurting me. Fin's other hand tightened around their side. Stop. Their grip on their own hair tightened. "...can you breathe for me?..." When had they crouched down? When had their head been obscured between their knees? When had it all gotten so dark? A hand gently rested over the one in their hair- practically covering their head. "....breathe, Fin...you're in a safe place..."
They were trying. It was like being lost in a maelstrom. They were grasping- their mind spinning. They had at least managed to stop shivering. The soft sound of their cries filled the hallway. Please. Breath in--- try to hold it. It was so hard. They couldn't focus. I'm going to die. I'm sorry.
Yagi made an effort to make his own breath in as audible as he could. He could feel his singular lung burn as he took in a bit more oxygen than he probably should. He was close- not quite pressed to Fin, trying to give them a hint of space,...but he wasn't about to let them tug out their own hair, a hand resting on their head- the other unsure how close he could get. Those suffering from panic attacks were often volatile....
He'd noticed their phone on the floor, but he was more focused on the tightly-compacted ball that was his other half, right now.
"...just focus on me, Fin...you're alright...this'll pass,...just breathe..." He was trying to be so careful. People in this kind of state were fragile- volatile- any wrong move could cause them to collapse or attack. He could bother asking what they were thinking about after this passed. "...is it okay if I hug you, Fin...?" He wanted to. He wanted to shield them from this...but he couldn't. He didn't know the cause. He could guess it was something from the phone- but. Questions for later.
A sharp, silent nod was all the answer he needed to gently pull Fin away from the wall they'd been propped up against. He wasn't about to pull them too close. He wasn't about to squeeze- but he did hold them, his head drifting, hand moving just enough so that he could rest himself atop their brown hair. His fingertips were aligned with their's, trying to take very audible slow, deep breaths...
"...just breathe..." What had happened?
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They were trying. Ears straining against the crashing waves. I'm sorry- please don't--- please stop--- couldn't--- couldn't--- sorry-- sorry, sorry sorry sorrysorrysorrysorrysorry---
The words were nearly mumbled, hurried and terrified. They shook in Yagi's arms. Please- forgive me-
"...just breathe with me, Finley..." Focus. Like grabbing at a whipping line. Reaching- begging- grasping so tight. The soft sound of an inhale, that raspy voice like gravel.
In---- please don't---
Out--- sorry-
In--- sorry...
It was gradual- the drift from their coil to this. They slumped slowly forward, awareness drifting idly through. Yagi....how much had he seen,...
"....what happened...?" Their hand relaxed. Yagi didn't waste any time in gingerly pulling it away from Fin's head. He'd found them in the hall, sobbing- begging like some madman, unending tumblings of 'I'm sorry' and 'please' on their lips. At least now, they were calm enough he could ask what had caused it,...and make sure it never happened again.
Seeing them like that... He could feel the shake in their breaths, the faint unevenness of it that warned of them still being too close. He had to be careful. But he couldn't let whatever had caused this go. His hand traced small circles along their back- feeling the shivers of his other half, sensing the faint pulse of fire from his Words. When had they begun to ache?
"...C-ommission,...called,...Ev-an..." Fin took in a breath. They seemed to shake all the more, head pulling back to look up at him. It was then that he was able to see those hazel eyes, practically waterlogged. Their cheeks, stained with tears. But what hurt the most- what cut into his heart- was the raw panic in those sweet hues. Eyes that usually glittered with determination, suddenly dulled. "...he escaped,...they think- he's heading for Japan... I've been put on Hero--...W-watch..."
It took a level of effort not to let his body tense. Of course that bastard was coming for Japan...of course he was. And of course,- his target would be Fin. Though how he'd even make it when so many knew who he was, what he looked like- and his target...
"...I'm going to make a call, Fin...just...focus on my breathing...it's gonna be alright.. I won't let him get you." He would probably have a request in his inbox by now- if he had to guess... He could feel them trying to move- trying to nod, but even that seemed to be slowed. He let go of their head- fingers slipping into his pocket, pulling out the phone he knew he used for Hero work.
Thank shit he'd put the commission on speed dial... A small portion of One for All flickered in his chest, summoned forth- aimed directly for his vocal chords, momentarily strengthening his voice.
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"Hello. I'll be taking the Hero Watch assignment of Mix Finley Well. You can rescind the request if it's been posted to other Heroes."
[Oh, All Might---- I-! Of course, we'll pull it right away!] He was going to keep them safe, come Hell or high water.
"Thank you." He pulled his phone away- hanging up before slipping it back into his pocket. Fin's shaking had gone down...thank stars. Sky-blues dared to drift downward, focusing on the mop of brown hair that was currently ducked into his chest. He knew his legs would hate him the moment he tried to stand, but...so be it. "...how're you feeling?..."
"...better.. I don't wanna-" they shook slightly, "-leave..." Head once more tilting upwards. There was a soft light in those eyes again- flickering, but there. "..why'd you take it?..."
"Because." And his hand ghosted over their hair- feeling the strands, feeling a hint of his own concerns ease- but nowhere near enough. The burn was low, for now. However, he knew it would grow stronger the closer Evan got. But he wouldn't lay a hand on them. "I refuse to let you be injured on my watch again." If he could, he would hand off the award ceremony to one of the other Heroes. However, that was something he'd agreed to. The fact Fin would be in a heavily-populated area, surrounded on all sides by Heroes of all types and levels, gave him some peace.
He'd have to discuss all this with Nezu, of course. But something told him Fin would be 'shadowing' a lot of faculty members in the upcoming weeks...when they weren't around him, anyway.
"...sorry..." They were gently pulled a fraction closer, forced to smell pine needles and something rather fruity- their mind in too much disarray to really examine what it was.
"No, no...you're alright, Fin. I'm going to keep you safe- I want to keep you safe...and I will. There isn't a single thing you need to apologize for,...I promise..." They couldn't take it. They didn't deserve it. They let out a breath- shaky as it was. In and out, in and out... Their head ducked back down.
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"...can we stay here for a little bit?..."
"Of course." They could figure out where they were staying and all that...later. Right now, they didn't even want to think. So they clung tight to Yagi's form, head pressed to his chest, feeling a hand continue in its gentle circles on their back as his breath ghosted through their hair. It was selfish, but...
...they wanted to feel safe.
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cythoughtsnmemories · 4 months
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Hubby on duty so I'm here alone wide awake since 1am
Pfft! Am thinking how mil will say all d reason for us to cont stayover wkend. Really don't uds y u wanna force us do such arrangement. Really don't see a point. At most we visit u when we r free. We have our own plans leh. This is definitely 1 issue if I ever get divorce w my hubby.
Anw, last jb trip was interesting to go see furniture cos acc colleagues whose getting hse soon. Dinner was d best.
Finally called d police cos there's 2 uncle being inconsiderate...brought 10 singing birds to trees along my hse n let them sing at 5.45am. Hello I still want to sleep leh.
Tried out fish maw soup n lotus soup for different week dinner.
Met up w my poly friends and had a good catch up and got many advice on dealing pregnancy and life after giving birth. But it doesn't ease me cos all I could think off is hubby bushing off my concern and the issue still there.
So...I've shared d news w hubby. Definitely stress for both of us but a joy too. At first, hubby said a few things which makes me feel like I'm all alone in this but after sharing more and explaining he learned. Guess we will have sleepless night next year. Am so glad hubby helped me cook and asked me to do some exercise for pregnant.
Although I'm not 3 mths yet but got to disclose to my close colleagues who I'm going Bali with. Now left my sup dk. Gonna share before we fly at airport hehehe
Oh right, last week was hectic. Besides sharing d joyous news, before that, I actually had heated conversation w mil over text. I mean it's a good chance to spill what are the issues since she asked what caused me unhappy staying over. Lol end up mil got triggered. To me, I'm just stating facts but she want it her way and be control freak. Lol end up wkend she also avoid seeing me. That's how she teach her kids lor. My hubby got his avoident style when managing issue.
Then during our weekly dinner, she got the chance to say go out eat so stress (lookingat d long Q), not good, still got to wait. Pls lah, go food court lo. Don't see how's that stress. Just wanna say me lah. Wah...I cannot take it when mil ask my hubby to help her apply medicated oil. Yes, it's ur son, but he should be d last choice u pick. Ur hubby for what, ur daughter for what. Then next choice is me then if they can't then pick my hubby mah. I'm quite unhappy about it but dud not shared w hubby cos he confirmed think I'm making a big fuss. It's not about helping ur mum, it's respect towards me...touching another adult woman. Then my hubby not there, mil whole week no need apply lo.
We had went to our 1st couple marriage preparation workshop over d wkend. Glad hubby participate. At least there's self awareness and tool we know what to use and what not to do. Can't wait for next session this wkend. Topic on in laws and family planning.
I feel really stressed out when I foresee issues and hubby just dismayed my concern and said I overthink. I often felt I'm alone in those situation where he thinks it's not that bad. Tell me I'm wrong:
- holiday plans often last minute and after multiple nagging (why do I have to nag u for dates and usually I have less than 3 mths to plan)
- I think we needs to move out to an apartment with d baby arriving (he thinks d child can sleep w us and no helper required. How I do confinement, how I rest, how I go back work, who takes care if there's no infant care. We both dw our parents to look after and we both working)
- so I've discussed w hubby that we will stop stayover his hse after I hit 3 mths pregnant. He agreed n I'm really grateful. (Oneness!!) But my mind keeps thinking how my mil will counter all her reasons or other pattern to force us go over besides weekly dinner. Very annoying to be controlled by mil and my fear is hubby just give in and nvr discuss me or he just flight and not say anything. I will go all out if this happens (Don't force me to say ur hubby don't acc u, u ask my hubby to acc u hor. He is ur son but my husband. He has his own family now, priority wife n child). I don't see a point being married w hubby anymore if he just hands off 😢 (ahhh am not supposed to cry)...and got to deal w this nonsense for 4 years I will go crazy. I hope mil don't force me to get abortion and divorce. 💔 你可以永远把宝贝儿子留在你身边
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It's really bothering me 😭😭😭 3.40am liao
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jamiesgotchu · 2 years
c/ensor*ng e/very f***ing w*rd y/ou us/e. pl/ease go b/ack t/o t1kt*k a/nd s/t*p pr*t/end*ng y/0u kn*w wh/at y*ure t/alk*ng ab/*ut
I do not use tik tok.
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kuiinncedes · 2 years
not this book im reading for class getting me so emotional hello
#if this character dies idk if he will but if he dies i just won't read the rest of the book lmfao jk#bruh this like perspective section ends with him 'feeling surprisingly at peace' and 'sleep coming with surprising ease' or something#sir pls don't die rn 😭 im glad ur peaceful and shit and happy and shit but if u die rn i never will be again#naur bc fr this is tthe only fucking character i care about in this whole book XD#but it's still rly interesting the other characters are just not as likable lmfaooo not likable at all tbh#KENJI PLS STAY ALIVE ISTG#the book is no no boy by john okada about a japanese guy who comes home after 2 yrs of internment and 2 yrs of prison bc he said no to#joining the army and the main character guy has a lot of monologues and stuff lol and like inner thoughts#understandably so but he's hard to like . kenji tho <333#pls kenji literally wake up or i will fail this class i'l just have to go up to my prof ad be like actually i was gonna read the book#i promise but then kenji died and he was the only bitch i cared about and also i just cared about him too much and i couldn't go on so#anyway ..... let's see what happens i honestly have no idea but my gut feeling is telling me this bitch is dying rn 😭😭😭😭#the next part is from his father's pov#if he dies i will simply pretend it is not true#jeanne talks#not rly being emotional over that tho this scene i just read btwn kenji and his father i was literally so 🥺🥺🥺🥺#and ending w peaceful sleep it was also like a very like fulfilling/closure-y scene so .. IDC DON'T DIE BITCH#ok ok anyway . stop procrastinating continuing lol or if ur gonna procrastinate do some math hw instead 😭#lmfao he doesn't even nneed to die for me to not finish the book apparently im just never gonna continue XD#if i don't continue he cant die <3#prof: WHY DIDNT U FINISH THE BOOK me: I DIDN'T WANT KENJI TO DIE prof: he doesnt fucking die u stupid bitch#manifesting kenji u better not fucking die u stupid bitch#only bitch i respect except there was one slightly weird thing he did lol but he had good intentions kdgfkdfh#honestly i have other hw that's slightly more pressing but . continuing now#after i pee actually yes bc u all needed to know this lol#honestly i think im too influenced by like modern ya books and stuff lol i mean having that being most of what i read XD#but like this book is very light on the plot lmfao so mr okada sir keep that going no plot we don't need kenji to die <3#AND IT'S RIGHT BEFORE LIKE A CELEBRATORY FAMILY DINNER LITERALLY im gonna
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