funpuddle · 1 year
being chronically poor and chronically mentally ill ........these things are not my fault... But the governments imposed rules where you're either a winner or a loser. I don't want to win or lose I just want to do my thing and not hurt myself to survive. I will not bleed for this system that doesn't want me here in the first place, that is something I've only been able to articulate recently and I stand by it. But somehow thats radical, only because the goalpost for what's normal is in the trenches. I don't know. Maybe I'm not as mentally ill as I think I am. I wonder if it's just being a mentally challenged adult. Obviously not as challenged as other people that need benefits more than me, but it sucks it has to be a "whose more disabled" contest to even be considered worthy of help. And I don't mean help from my fellow man such as anyone who may read this I mean from the fucking government and like, Elon Musk. The systems that we live in owes me more, not my friends and strangers.
Every "problem" I have is such a construct of this made up society anyways. A side effect of this society only being built for the lucky and evil. I'm only "disabled" because I can't function a context that finds my traits to be inherently negative. Or cringe or underperforming or in general not worthy of anyones time. The meds I take don't fix the problems but I need them so I don't blow my brains out. It doesn't have to be like this but it is. Why is it this way. The only people with a solid answer just say it's my fault
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plant-cell-park · 1 year
the moment i come back home after college is the moment im straight up going to tell my mom to stop messing with my shit
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buggybuggs · 3 months
Vvvventing about trans-hrt related stuffff!
Feeling fucking bummed as hell right now. Gf and I were so excited bc she was going to do her first hrt shot. We get our supplies, grab the vial, and we go and get the cap off, and. You know the fucking rubber stopper plug you put the needle through? Stuck to the cap. So now it all got contact with the air. And we can't use it. Ffuucccck
I sent an email out, hopefully we can get this fixed, but now she's convinced she doesn't deserve hrt.
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chickpea0 · 6 months
vvvvent post
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anopuff · 7 years
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dartty · 7 years
When I was in the seventh grade I recently moved(because of troubling situations), and started the seventh grade a few months into the school year at a new school. This middle school was in the hills and trees and wildlife surrounded the school.
On my first day at this new school I seen two boys tossing a long snake back and forth from one another as if the poor thing was a ball. So I get angry and go take the poor snake from them and scream my lungs out at them because they could have hurt the small baby. Now this happened during the walk through to the next class which happened to be gym class and I didn't have time to relocate the snake to a safe spot. So smart me puts this snake in my backpack so I can relocate him after gym since getting him from the boys took so much time.
In gym class everyone sat in alphabetical order by last name, so the teacher leads me to sit in the back corner of the gym farthest from the door. As class began the teacher announced to everyone, "I have been informed a student has a snake on their person, I will give to the count of ten for the student to step forward and go release the snake before detention is given and parents called."
So the boys I took the snake from who were tossing him like a ball told on me. And not only that but I had to stand and walk across everyone who was sitting on the floor while staring at me as I did the walk of shame out of the gym. Everyone laughing at me for this.
So I went on a ten minute walk to a suitable area to release the snake away from the school so he wasn't tossed around like a ball and when I got back to the gym I still got in trouble for taking so long to return and for having the snake in the first place.
I'm glad I helped get him away from those boys, they probably would have killed him if I didn't. Still I think about that a lot and fuck them for getting me in trouble for them being abusive to an animal.
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kisszer · 5 years
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vvvvent???? but not really??? :dudewhat: i actually dont know but i had some fun doing the terrible shading B)
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plutosongs · 7 years
meeeeemmmmmmoriesssss .... whyyyyyyy
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elecmon · 6 years
Vvvvent that has nowhere else to go, carry on and ignore 🤙
LMAO NVM, moved it, Hess I can’t do read more on mobile anymore
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tcadogs · 9 years
How am I suppose to write an essay when I can't see the words correctly, and have a stupid headache from wearing this old glasses
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