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gtaradi · 2 years ago
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volterran-wine · 1 year ago
Athenadora is 4500??? Wow okay, yes, fine. So... can we uhhh maybe get some athendaora backstory before the volturi?
• — 𝐀𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞
In canon there is no hints as to her backstory, so all of the information presented to you now is my own worldbuilding for her.
When it comes to Athenodora, very little is known, for she herself remembers very little of her own human life — after all it was about 4500 years ago. What is known is that she was born during the autumn and she was part of Vučedol Culture. Meaning she is currently known as the third oldest vampire after Kebi and Amun, with Amun being the oldest vampire in existence.
Vučedol Culture was prominent in the Balkas, specifically Croatia. Athenodora ended up being turned while out hunting for her family, and when she awoke from her transformation she ended up killing the ones who had come to look for her. This all happened around 2500 BC.
Shameful she fled, spending many centuries traveling around the world and experiencing what the bronze age looked like in large parts of Europe as well as Asia and Africa. Notably, she spent a good amount of time together with Amun and Kebi in Egypt before she moved on.
And then, in 1331 BC she saved Caius from almost being killed by The Romanian Coven after stalking him quietly for weeks.
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homregeszet · 2 years ago
Miskolci Régész Enciklopédia - Inkrusztáció
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Az inkrusztáció eredetileg egy iparművészeti eljárást jelöl, a Magyar etimológiai szótár szerint ‘nemes anyagokból készült berakásos díszítés bútoron’; ‘márvány vagy színes kő berakás’. A régészetben azonban az agyagból készült edények felületére, azok karcolt vagy mélyített díszítéseibe töltött betétek elnevezéseként használjuk. Ezek a betétek a kerámiákétól elütő színben készültek.
Az eljárást főként őskori kerámiakészítők és fazekasok használták, feltűnik neolitikus, rézkori és bronzkori agyagedényeken is. A két legismertebb Kárpát-medencei kultúra, melyek edényein megtaláljuk, a neolitikus bükki kultúra (Kr. e. 5200–5000/4900) és a középső bronzkori mészbetétes edények népének kultúrája (Kr. e. 2000–1500). Mindkettő magas szinten űzte a kerámiaművességet.
A bükki edények bekarcolt vonaldíszeibe a sötét felülettől elütő fehér, sárga vagy vörös színű betétet tettek (1–2. kép), melyet a természettudományos vizsgálatok szerint ásványi anyagokkal (kaolinittel, goethittel, hematittal) színezett, vagy a természetben ilyen állapotban előforduló agyaggal töltöttek ki. Néhány darabnál porrá tört márga (agyagos-karbonátos kőzet) valószínű használatát mutatták ki. A betéteket utóégetéssel vagy szerves ragasztóanyagok segítségével rögzíthették a kerámiák felületébe.
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1.kép: Inkrusztált edények a neolitikus bükki kultúrából (fotó: Baranczó Benedek)
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2.kép: Fehér, vörös és sárga inkrusztációk bükki edénytöredékeken (Mihály J. és munkatársai 2010, 1. ábra)
Ezzel szemben a középső bronzkori mészbetétes edényeknél csak fehér színű inkrusztációt használtak a fazekasok (3. kép), melyet főként porrá tört állati csontokból készítettek.
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3.kép: A bronzkori mészbetétes edények kultúrájának inkrusztált kerámiái (Kreiter A. és munkatársai 2020, 2. ábra)
Az inkrusztált díszítés előfordul még a rézkori tiszapolgári kultúrában, valamint a kora bronzkori Makó-, Nyírség- és Kisapostag-kultúrákban is, illetve kis számban a középső bronzkori Vatya-kultúrában. A rézkorban és bronzkorban a fehér inkrusztáció készítése a Közép- és Al-Duna-vidék más kultúráinál is jellemző volt (Kostolac-, Vučedol-, Szeremle-, Gârla Mare-, stb.).
A rézkori tiszapolgári edények fehér inkrusztációját a természettudományos vizsgálatok alapján porított állatcsontból készítették, míg a Kostolac-kultúrában többnyire kalcit, a Vučedol-kultúrában pedig kagylóhéj lehetett az alapanyag. Az, hogy milyen anyagokat használtak fel az inkrusztáció elkészítéséhez tehát kultúránként különböző volt, és azt az elemzések szerint sokkal jobban befolyásolták a hagyományok, mint a közelben elérhető nyersanyagok köre. A bronzkori kultúráknál több esetben kimutatták zúzott kvarc szándékos hozzáadását is a fehér inkrusztáció anyagához, vagyis a mészbetétet nem egyféle anyagból készítették. Az is kimutatható, hogy ha több „hozzávalót” használtak, azokat vagy együttesen porították, vagy külön-külön törték/őrölték meg, és később keverték össze. Ha hasonló keménységű anyagokat használtak, azokat együtt porították, míg a különböző keménységűeket külön-külön, és csak később keverték össze azokat – vagyis a választásnak praktikus okai lehettek. A „hozzávalók” fajtái a bronzkori mészbetét fehér színét, matt vagy fényes voltát is befolyásolták.
A díszítéshez használt szerszámok is kultúránként különböztek a bronzkorban (W-, T-, U-alakú végződéssel), mint ahogy a mészbetétágy elkészítésének technikája is (bemélyítés, beböködés, pecsételés, folyamatos bekarcolás). A mészbetét alapanyagai általában nem mutatják magasabb hőmérséklet hatására történő átalakulás nyomait, így többnyire égetés után vihették fel azokat a kerámiák felületére. A betét rögzítésére főként szerves kötőanyagot használhattak (tojásfehérje, enyv, növényi gyanta), mely az idők során lebomlott, így nehezen kimutatható. A Vatya-kultúrából származó néhány kerámiánál a mészbetétágy keresztmetszetének pásztázó elektronmikrószkopos vizsgálata azt mutatta, hogy a bemélyített díszítésbe először híg agyagot kentek, az inkrusztációt pedig ezt követően helyezték bele, egyes esetekben pedig magát a betétet hevítették a behelyezés előtt. Ezeknek a praktikáknak a célja is a jobb rögzítés lehetett.
Az eddigi vizsgálatok szerint egyes bronzkori kultúráknál szigorúan ragaszkodtak a kulturális szabályokhoz, míg máshol kísérleteztek a különböző alapanyagokkal és inkrusztációs technikákkal, többféle megoldást is használtak. Mindenesetre úgy tűnik, hogy rézkori és bronzkori kerámiakészítők más alapanyagokat és rögzítési technikákat alkalmaztak, mint neolitikus „elődeik”.
Csengeri Piroska
Ismeretterjesztő a témához: Kreiter A. és munkatársai: Miből készült a középső bronzkori kerámiák „mészbetét” díszítése? 2020.06.08. https://mnm.hu/hu/cikk/mibol-keszult-kozepso-bronzkori-keramiak-meszbetet-diszitese
Szakirodalmak a témához: Czekaj-Zastawny, A. et al.: Colorants used to decorate the Bükk culture vessels. In: Valde-Nowak P., Sobczyk K., Nowak M., Źrałka J. (szerk.): Multas per gentes et multa per saecula. Amici magistro et collegae suo Ioanni Christopho Kozłowski dedicant. Jagiellonian University Kraków, 2018, 351–359.
Kiss V.: Middle Bronze Age Encrusted Pottery in Western Hungary. Varia Archaeologica Hungarica XXVII, Archaeolingua, Budapest, 2012.
Mihalik J.: A boldogkőváraljai neolithkori telepek. Archaeologiai Közlemények XX, 1897, 5–39.
Mihály J. és munkatársai: A bükki kerámia inkrusztált díszítéseinek vizsgálata mikroanalitikai módszerekkel. Archeometriai Műhely VII/4 (2010), 249–257.
Parkinson, W. A. et al.: Elemental analysis of ceramic incrustation indicates long-term cultural continuity in the prehistoric Carpathian basin. Archaeology Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia 38/2 (2010), 64–70.
Roberts, S. et al.: Characterization and textural analysis of Middle Bronze Age Transdanubian inlaid wares of the Encrusted Pottery Culture, Hungary: A preliminary study. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (2008), 322–330.
Sofaer, J. – Roberts, S.: Technical innovation and practice in the Eneolithic and Bronze Age encrusted ceramics in the Carpathian basin, Middle and Lower Danube. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 46 (2016), 479–496.
Wosinsky M.: Az őskor mészbetétes diszű agyagművessége. Budapest, 1904.
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stars-and-darkness · 3 years ago
omg guys my eneolithic professor just brought us boxes upon boxes of fragments of ceramic vases and we're trying to identify the culture they came from
it's so much fun even if we never get anything right
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nemirna · 2 years ago
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At Museum of Vučedol Culture in Vukovar, Croatia
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arqui-mequedo · 5 years ago
Archaeological Museum -Radionica arhitekture
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El edificio del museo es un recorrido que los visitantes suben a superar la diferencia de altura de unos veinte metros, desde la carretera de acceso a la meseta en la que se han descubierto los restos arqueológicos de la cultura Vučedol.  
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Pasando a través del museo de visitantes se obiene toda la información necesaria acerca de la cultura Vučedol, llegando al lugar de los sondages arqueológicos conscientes de la importancia y el significado de ese lugar.
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Las áreas de exposiciones del museo son una serie de terrazas que van subiendo y adaptándose lentamente según la topografía.
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La idea básica detrás del concepto del museo era la integración en el terreno, lo que se logra con el diseño del museo que es en su mayoría es enterrado en el suelo y sólo la fachada se abre al paisaje. Su forma, como serpentina, sigue el terreno, y cuyo techo verde puede llegar a los sitios arqueológicos más allá del museo. Se consigue una integración en el terreno, excepto con la forma serpentina, mediante la selección de materiales, y así se selecciona el ladrillo para el revestimiento exterior, un material natural que más se asemeja a la tierra en el sitio.
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gwendolynlerman · 7 years ago
Discovering the world
Croatia 🇭🇷
Basic facts
Official name: Republika Hrvatska (Republic of Croatia)
Capital city: Zagreb
Population: 4 million (2023)
Demonym: Croatian
Type of government: unitary parliamentary republic
Head of state: Zoran Milanović (President)
Head of government: Andrej Plenković (Prime Minister)
Gross domestic product (purchasing power parity): $175.26 billion (2024)
Gini coefficient of wealth inequality: 28.3% (low) (2020)
Human Development Index: 0.878 (very high) (2022)
Currency: euro (EUR)
Fun fact: It has the shortest funicular in the world.
The country’s name comes via Latin from Proto-Slavic *Xъrvátъ, which is thought to derive from Proto-Ossetian or Alanian *xurvæt- or *xurvāt-, with the meaning of “guardian, protector”.
Croatia is located in Southeast Europe and borders Hungary to the northeast, Serbia to the east, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro to the southeast, and Slovenia to the northwest.
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There are three main climates: humid subtropical in the east, west, and parts of the north, hot-summer Mediterranean in the south, and hot-summer humid continental in the rest. Temperatures range from −3 °C (27 °F) in winter to 29 °C (84.2 °F) in summer. The average annual temperature is 17.6 °C (63.6 °F).
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The country is divided into twenty counties (županije). The largest cities in Croatia are Zagreb, Split, Rijeka, Osijek, and Zadar.
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6200-4500 BCE: Starčevo culture
3600-2690: Baden culture
3000-2200: Vučedol culture
800-450: Hallstatt culture
450-1: La Tène culture
32 BCE-476 CE: Roman Empire
476-535: Ostrogoths
535-925: Byzantine Empire
632-925: Duchy of Croatia
795-895: Principality of Lower Pannonia
925-1868: Kingdom of Croatia
1109-1797: Republic of Venice
1358-1808: Republic of Ragusa
1498-1598: Hundred Years’ Croatian-Ottoman War
1868-1918: Kingdom of Croatia and Slavonia
1918-1929: Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes
1929-1941: Kingdom of Yugoslavia
1941-1945: Independent State of Croatia
1945-1963: People’s Republic of Croatia
1963-1990: Socialist Republic of Croatia
1967-1971: Croatian Spring
1990-present: Republic of Croatia
1991-1995: Croatian War of Independence
Croatia mainly imports from and exports to Germany, Italy, and Slovenia. Its top exports are corn, chocolate, and electrical energy.
Tourism accounts for 20% of the GDP. Services represent 61.3% of the GDP, followed by industry (19.5%) and agriculture (2.4%).
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Croatia is a member of the Council of Europe, the European Union, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, and the Union for the Mediterranean.
Croats account for 91.6% of the population, while Serbs represent 3.2%. The main religion is Christianity, practiced by 87.4% of the population, most of which are Catholic.
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It has a negative net migration rate and a fertility rate of 1.5 children per woman. 56.9% of the population lives in urban areas. Life expectancy is 76.3 years and the median age is 43.3 years. The literacy rate is 99.3%.
The official language of the country is Croatian, spoken as the first language by 95.2% of the population. Several languages are recognized as minority languages: Czech, German, Hungarian, Italian, Ruthenian, Serbian, Slovak, and Slovene.
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Croatian culture has Balkan, Central European, and Mediterranean influences. Croatians are known for their openness and hospitality.
Men traditionally wear a shirt, loose, wide pants (gaće), a vest (jačerma), boots or leather shoes (opanci), and a cap (kićanka). Women wear a white blouse (košulja), an underskirt (skutići), a skirt (kotula), a jacket (paletun), an apron (pregjača), stockings (bječve), boots or opanci, and a headscarf (ubrsac).
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Traditional houses in Croatia have whitewashed wooden walls, thatched roofs, and small windows.
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The Croatian diet is based on fish, meat, pasta, and vegetables. Typical dishes include čorbanac (a meat stew with onions and paprika), međimurska gibanica (a layer cake with apple, cottage cheese, poppy seed, and walnut fillings), maneštra (a vegetable stew with spring corn), soparnik (a pie filled with chard), and žganci (a cornmeal dish served with honey, lard, and milk).
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Holidays and festivals
Like other Christian countries, Croatia celebrates Epiphany, Easter, Easter Monday, Corpus Christi, Assumption Day, All Saints’ Day, Christmas Day, and Saint Stephen’s Day. It also commemorates New Year’s Day and Labor Day. 
Specific Croatian holidays include National Day on May 30, Anti-Fascist Struggle Day on June 22, Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day on August 5, and Homeland War Victims Remembrance Day on November 18.
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Anti-Fascist Struggle Day
Other celebrations include Đakovački vezovi, which features a procession of all Croatian folklore groups; Rapska fjera, where residents of the island of Rab recreate the life of their ancestors, and Špancirfest, a street festival where people dress in costume.
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Rapska fjera
There are ten UNESCO World Heritage Sites: Ancient Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe, Episcopal Complex of the Euphrasian Basilica in the Historic Center of Poreč, Historic City of Trogir, Historical Complex of Split with the Palace of Diocletian, Old City of Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, Šibenik Cathedral of St. James, Stari Grad Plain, Stećci Medieval Tombstones Graveyards, and Venetian Works of Defense between the 16th and 17th centuries.
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Plitvice Lakes National Park
Other landmarks include Krka National Park, the Pula Arena, the Salona Roman ruins, the Varaždin Castle, and Zlatni Rat Beach.
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Pula Arena
Famous people
Goran Višnjić - actor
Ivan Meštrović - sculptor
Ivo Andrić - poet and writer
Janica Kostelić - skier
Luka Modrić - soccer player
Mira Furlan - actress and singer
Nikola Tesla - inventor
Sandra Elkasević - discus thrower
Slava Raškaj - painter
Slavenka Drakulić - journalist and writer
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Ivan Meštrović
You can find out more about life in Croatia in this article and this video.
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hisourart-blog · 7 years ago
[:en]Architecture of Croatia[:]
[:en]The architecture of Croatia has roots in a long history: the Croats have inhabited the area for fourteen centuries, but there are important remnants of earlier periods still preserved in the country.
Ancient heritage The most interesting Copper Age finds are from Vučedol culture (named after Vučedol near Vukovar). In Vučedol, people lived on hilltops with palisade walls. Houses were half…
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tukangbuang · 5 years ago
5 Kota di Kroasia yang Menjadi Daya Tarik Wisatawan
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Terletak di benua Eropa, keindahan yang dimiliki oleh negara Kroasia tidak kalah menariknya dengan negara-negara lain yang ada di benua biru tersebut. Dimulai dari pemandangan alam hingga infrastrukturnya selalu berhasil membuat decak kagum bagi para wisatawan. Kroasia juga dikenal sangat unik karena jika dilihat di dalam peta, bentuk negara ini menyerupai bulan sabit.
Nah, agar pengalaman liburanmu di Kroasia semakin berkesan, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk mengeksplorasi kota-kota terbaiknya seperti berikut ini.
1. Vukovar
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Kota Vukovar yang memiliki pemandangan sangat indah ini terletak di tepi sungai Danube. Vukovar menawarkan destinasi wisata yang lengkap, mulai dari wisata budaya, alam hingga sejarah.
Beberapa tempat yang ramai dikunjungi oleh para wisatawan meliputi museum kota Vukovar yang di dalamnya tersimpan banyak benda arkeolog, istana Eltz, museum budaya Vučedol di mana kamu bisa melihat kalender Indo-Eropa pertama yaitu Orion, tempat peringatan Vukovar, taman hutan Adicia yang menyejukkan, dan masih banyak lagi tempat wisata lainnya.
Ketika menginjakkan kaki di Vukovar, jangan lewatkan kesempatan untuk menyusuri sungai Danube yang memesona. Dan jangan lupa untuk membawa paspor karena nantinya kegiatan favorit menyusuri sungai ini akan berakhir di negara Serbia.
Dengan semua keindahan yang dimiliki, maka tidak heran jika kota Vukovar disebut-sebut sebagai mutiara yang tersembunyi
2. Sibenik
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Terletak di sisi bukit yang menghadap ke laut biru, saat ini kota Sibenik menjadi destinasi wisata yang sedang naik daun. Sibenik terkenal dengan bangunan katedralnya yang megah, pemandangan pantai yang sangat indah, dan arsitektur bangunan gaya abad pertengahan yang memukau.
Disebut-sebut sebagai kota yang paling terlindungi selama abad 16, kota Sibenik memiliki lima benteng dengan benteng St. John lah yang paling tinggi, yaitu mencapai 115 meter.
Beberapa tempat wisata menarik lain yang wajib dijelajahi adalah museum kota Civic, katedral St. James Sibenik yang terdaftar dalam situs warisan dunia UNESCO, taman nasional Krka yang di dalamnya terdapat danau dan air terjun beserta 200 spesies burung, taman air Solaris, desa Dalmatian Ethno, dan lain-lain.
3. Pula
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Kota Pula yang disebut juga sebagai kota pesisir ini terletak di ujung semenanjung Istrian. Di kota Pula banyak destinasi wisata sejarah yang sayang untuk dilewatkan, seperti Amphitheatre yang disebut-sebut sebagai saingan Colosseum di Roma, kuil Agustus, gerbang Hercules yang merupakan warisan bangsa Romawi di Pula dan lain-lain.
Selain wisata sejarah, kamu yang suka berwisata ke pantai juga wajib hukumnya untuk mengunjungi Cape Kamenjak dikarenakan tempat ini memiliki air berwarna biru jernih, tebing dan pulau-pulau kecil.
Banyak aktivitas seru yang bisa dilakukan di Cape Kamenjak, seperti berenang, snorkeling, ataupun scuba diving
4. Zagreb
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Kota Zagreb merupakan ibukota Kroasia dan termasuk salah satu kota terbesar di negara ini. Budaya di kota Zagreb banyak mendapat pengaruh dari negara tetangga, seperti Austria dan Hongaria. Tidak heran jika banyak ditemukan katedral bersejarah yang bergaya gothic, salah satunya gereja St. Mark yang terkenal sangat indah.
Saat berada di kota Zagreb, sempatkan dirimu untuk mengunjungi Gornji Grad karena di kawasan ini banyak terdapat jalan-jalan kecil, lorong-lorong yang berbatu, toko dan kafe kecil.
Lalu bagi kamu yang suka fotografi, datanglah ke menara Lotrscak pada malam hari sebab saat itu kamu akan menyaksikan pemandangan yang sangat menakjubkan dari kota ini.
5. Dubrovnik
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panas tiba. Banyak tempat yang bisa dieksplorasi di sini seperti menjelajahi kota tua untuk melihat tembikar kuno dan pelabuhan bata, pergi ke pulau Korcula dengan menggunakan perahu kecil untuk mengeksplorasi keindahan teluk sekaligus menikmati kelezatan restoran seafood di sana.
Setibanya di pulau Korcula, lanjutkan petualanganmu dengan menaiki sepeda yang bisa kamu sewa di sana.
Nah, itulah lima kota di Kroasia yang menjadi daya tarik para wisatawan. Kalau menurut kamu, kota mana yang paling menarik guys
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volterran-wine · 3 years ago
Do the Volturi sound like the actors/actresses you fancast them as, or do they actually sound different in your head when you write? For some reason, Marcus sounds like Mufasa, Caius sounds like Scar, and good god, Aro unfortunately sounds like Yzma when I read.
Good morning dearest Anonymous. This gave me a good chuckle this wonderful Tuesday, for I instantly got the the image of Caius singing "Be prepared" in my mind while Aro is yelling "Pull the lever Renata!".
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢 & 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬
The Royals
𝐀𝐫𝐨: I have previously described Aro's voice here. In general I believe him to have quite a pleasant voice, though it can be quite threatening when he wants to. I believe it is difficult to pinpoint and accent when it comes to Aro, he sounds like he could be from anywhere in the world.
𝐂𝐚𝐢𝐮𝐬: I have previously described Caius' voice here. In general I do not think my Fancasts voice fits entirely; Caius does not have an English accent. Much like Aro it can be difficult to pin point where he is from, he is quite fond of speaking in his long gone mother tongue to confuse visitors and strangers.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐬: I have previously described Marcus' voice here. Honestly the Mufasa comparison from dear Anonymous has the right associations for me; regal, deep and rich. My fancasts tone does not have the correct weight to it, Tamino has a very nice voice though.
𝐒𝐮𝐥𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐚: Her voice and tone can come off as quite posh. Sounds like someone who has their affairs in order but still is pleasant to talk to. Like Felix she was Roman and has stayed in Italy the last thousands of years, she has a softer accent derived from her Latin days when she talks; a lot of strong R’s.
𝐀��𝐡𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐚: Her tone and delivery can almost come off as a bit crass, she is not as political as Sulpicia is; though she still tries to keep a friendly lilt to her voice. I headcanon that Athenodora is from Vučedol culture, which corresponds to areas around the Balkans; Athenodora is specifically from around Croatia. This means she was speaking a form of Proto-Balto-Slavic language, these days people would say Athenodora has a Chakavian accent.
𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐲𝐦𝐞: She had a very sweet voice, that almost could come off as slightly annoying when she was in a bad mood. Very much insisted on speaking her and her brothers language when she wanted to be secretive.
The Guard
𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢: I have previously described Demetri's voice here. Honestly Demetri does not sound like his fancasts voice, Aneurin has a Welsh accent after all. The pitch is similar, but over all Demetri's voice is smoother and he has a distinct Greek accent.
𝐅𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐱: I have previously described Felix's voice here. Honestly this is one of the instances where the fancast matches my idea of Felix very well. This is what Matteo Martari sounds like speaking Italian. It is pretty damn close to what I hear in my head.
𝐉𝐚𝐧𝐞: I have previously described Jane's voice here. In general her voice can have a childlike quality to it, but from time to time there is this steel and grit to it; really makes it clear that she is in fact over a thousand years old.
𝐀𝐥𝐞𝐜: Much like his sister he does have that softer tone of childhood, I always imagined him to have just gone through the voice change of puberty so he sounds young but more like a teenager. He has that rasp to it that boys of that age tend to have right before settling into their adult voice.
𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐝𝐢: She sounds almost identical to my fancast, Gemma Chan's voice is just so beautiful and eloquent. While I do think her accent is more neutral and not so English, more of gentle German accent there if anything.
𝐑𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐚: I have previously described Renata's voice here. In general I think her fancast is quite spot on actually, its deeper than you might expect; contrasting with her sweet face.
𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐧: In fact is from a specific part of The Roman Empire, Roman Gaul where they still spoke Gaulish; a Celtic language. So you will hear certain characteristics from that in her tone of voice, here is a video detailing pronunciation. In general Corin comes off as quite icy when you don't know her well, but when she warms up she sounds quite friendly.
𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐠𝐨: Since Santiago hails from Brazil he has a distinct Brazilian-Portuguese flavor to the way he speaks. Specifically he is from the northern parts known for a Sweet and Musical way of speaking. You can still hear this in his voice today, Santiago sounds very easygoing and friendly.
𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐨𝐧: His voice is similar to his fancast Bill Skarsgård's voice, though slightly deeper and rougher. Now Swedish is a pitch language so it goes low, high, low or high, low, high, low. Which is why some might say it sounds like they are singing, Afton very much has a soft Swedish accent.
𝐂𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞𝐚: The only way I can describe Chelsea's voice is pleasant and warm. She also has a bit of an accent, having kept some of those unique quirks from the Mycenaean Greek she grew up with. There is something exceptionally feminine about Chelsea, a beautiful voice.
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archidotnews · 8 years ago
Vučedol Culture Museum Building https://t.co/K1utXyUhfT https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW https://t.co/m5usxE8U2d
Vučedol Culture Museum Building https://t.co/K1utXyUhfT https://t.co/K7pRwIhukW http://pic.twitter.com/m5usxE8U2d
— Archi.News (@ArchiDotNews) January 13, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ArchiDotNews January 13, 2017 at 11:03AM
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maninjorgo · 8 years ago
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Here’s another set of Vučedol inspired character designs.
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stars-and-darkness · 3 years ago
i have never IN MY LIFE bullshitted so much on an exam
question 1) radiocarbon dating. awesome, i know that
question 2) gemstones. she mentioned amber. oooh, jurassic park!!! okay, choose ... diamond, emerald and sapphire. google it and hope for the best.
question 3) the technological advancements of the vučedol culture. hmmm ... arsenic bronze??? time to write all about haphaestus!!! and i got to namedrop a Big Name Professor so fingers crossed.
question 4) you had the choice to read one of these three chapters from this one book. summarize it. me, who hasn't read any of it: hmmmm i listened to one of my friends tell me a tidbit or two about one of the chapters and also i wrote a paper on a similar topic ... time to pull bullshit about the earliest farmers in the world out of my arse
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volterran-wine · 3 years ago
Hello Athenodora! If it isn’t a touchy subject of yours to talk about, I don’t know if vampires remember their life as a human after they become vampires but if you do Remember can you tell me something about your life before you became a vampire, where you lived, a little about the society or culture that existed back then. Did you participate in a known historical event. To clarify just a short recap about your life and experience as a human. Your mate Caius can also answer these questions if he wants to do it.
I am a sucker for history and love reading about it, (specifically during the Renaissance era or about the roman empire or ancient greece) I don’t wanna overstep any boundaries so you don’t have to answer. You are my favorite queen and I find you very interesting ( no offense to sulpicia, i love her as an individual also).
Also can you send one’s regards to Caius and tell him that from what this human have seen over this app he is the most popular one of the kings not Aro or Marcus( he can tell Aro). He is also my favorite out of all the kings and you both deserve eternal happiness sorry if it is a long request
The truth is Mortal; that I am not quite sure how old I exactly am. While we had some semblance of understanding time and how the years passed, we did not document dates like we do today. I am the oldest member of The Volturi, and we believe me to be around 4500 years old at this point in time. What I do know is that I was born during autumn and I was part of Vučedol culture. That corresponds to the area around what is modern day Croatia.
From what I understand Nathalie plans on telling me and Caius' story in detail, which will go into where we came from and how we met. So I think it is only fair to leave the storytelling up to her. What I will say though, is that I have experienced a great many things, and seen even more.
Consider your regards received, my husband is quite busy with his paperwork at the moment but your words made him smile. It does not surprise me that he is quite popular with people however, who can blame them?
— 𝐴𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑟𝑎
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maninjorgo · 8 years ago
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Since Vučedol translates to ‘’wolf’s valley’’, the next logical step is....
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