#vtmb damsel x reader
vampire-the-askerade · 2 months
Beckett and/or the anarchs reacting to a thin-blood fledgling? What would that look like
[went with the last round Anarchs and Beckett. Hope that was alright]
Nines- I can see him taking you in, but being cautious. As much as we might hate to admit it, Rodriguez is not as truly altruistic as he might make himself out to be. You're more of a bargaining piece, at least at first. A way to show how accepting the Anarchs are. Of course, he will cut ties if you become more hassle than you're worth in his opinion.
Damsel- I think she's the one most likely to fully accept you. It would take a bit, you have to build trust with her like anyone else would. But, once you have that trust it's hard to break it. She sees people's worth in the work they do and not their clan/where they come from. However, she will go with Nines' final word on however to handle you.
Skelter- He does not want you around at first. He's always looking for a way for things to go wrong, and with the ill omen reputation thin-bloods have you are basically a time bomb about to go off at any moment. Even if it's not something you do personally, there's no telling what the other factions might do if they found out that the Anarchs were harboring you. Gaining his trust is possible, but it will take a long while.
Jack- Here's the thing. Jack won't treat you any worse than anyone else he meets. Won't treat you any better either, but still. Mind your own business and don't be annoying, and the two of you won't have any problems. He's not one for superstition, so to him, you're just another type of clan with it's own set of problems. Though, he might make a biting insult every so often. Don't take it personally, he does that to everyone.
Beckett- He's actually more than interested to have you around. As long as you don't mind being a subject of study. Also not one for superstition; in fact his goal in his un-life is to debunk as many as he can. He'll try not to be too invasive with his studies, but he's also not the most social sort meaning he might not know boundaries. You're also expected to take care of yourself and learn your abilities yourself. He's a gangrel after all; not the most parental of clans.
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vampire-the-askerade · 9 months
Could you do Jeannette, Therese, Damsel, and Heather Poe with a fledgling that's a little more rude and brutish when they speak and when the characters in question ask why the Fledgling is so mean they're just like "I'm not being mean?? I talk to everyone this way, I honestly thought we were good friends :c"
Jeanette- She get more pouty than anything. Though she likes to act otherwise, Jeanette actually has some pretty thick skin and it really does take a lot for her to actually get upset. When she does finally ask you what your problem is, she’s a bit more understanding than some other people might be. She also can have a problem with words and actions coming off more mean than she intended. It’s something that both of you could try to improve with each other.
Therese- While she also has some pretty thick skin, she will absolutely be quicker to say something about it than Jeanette was. She takes no lip from anyone. She also is willing to help you rethink how you say things if you want to. She will if you don’t want to too. Stop talking to her like that or else.
Damsel- Listen, you two are going to be best friends. You two are also going to have so, so many arguments. It’s both your love language. The arguing things comes from you both being very alike and having everything thing you say sound like you want to pick a fight with each other. This also comes with the understanding that you both don’t mean half of what you say to one another. There have been so many times where the other people in the bar think that they have to break up something nasty, and you’re both like, “Um, no? We were just talking about the weather?”
Heather- I get the feeling that while she does take what you’re saying as insult, she is so lost in the sauce (you are the sauce) that she won’t say anything. There something of an intense brain fog that comes with the early stages of being Ghouled. When she does started to get out of that stage and would notice how you sound, she has known you for long enough by that point that it doesn’t bother her. She knows what you mean to say rather than what it sounds like.
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Characters of your choice reacting to a nonbinary fledgling?
[Sorry for the wait on this. Excited to finally get to it though. To quote a Spiderman meme, I'm something of an NB myself]
Therese- She doesn't care what your gender or lack thereof, as long as you do what she tells you and don't make her look bad. She's not a persnickety person.
Gary- He really doesn’t have anything against you. It’s just that he’s from a different, very binary enforcing time. He might slip up and use and older or offensive term or assumption, but he’s sure it correct himself once he realizes. Overall just accepting, but still learning.
Damsel- Hell yeah! Screw the expectations of society and the things that they try to force on people! Believe it or not there would be a bit of a problem with her. While she is accepting, and not just on and step-by-step surface level, she truly thinks everything is normal, you do have to remind her it’s not a statement; it’s just who you are.
Ash- While it might take him a bit to get it down, once he does he’s got it down forever. Though now a days he might not be too keen on bringing attention to himself in any capacity, he will be the first and the fiercest to correct someone if they misgender you. If it’s something that you realize after the two of you have known each other for awhile then he’ll make sure that you don’t also want him to change what name he calls you by.
Andrei- He doesn’t think much about it at all. In fact, he’s rather glad that people are starting to be able to be able to openly express themselves as such. And, here’s the best part, if you’re ever feeling dysphoric he’ll help out when he has the free time. Body shaping is like his version of doing a sudoku to chill out. It comes at the low, low price of your eternal, indentured servitude to his bishop-hood.
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VTMB Anarchs x Fledgling! Reader that was a Daycare worker
[is this a bit weird? Yes. Will I post it anyways? Also yes.]
Jeanette- For the most part she loves you. You know how to make cute, little crafts, and help her decorate things. She can get a little put out with you if you scold her about how she and her sister treat each other. But, then you have stickers, sooooo….
Damsel- Oh, great. A Ventrue. Thinks this whether you are one or not. It’s just that whole authoritative things you have going on sometimes. But, she does see that you’re more so just working with some habits and more than able to stand your ground, but do so gently. She respects the hustle and the fact that you have dealt with kids, that’s certainly not something that she could ever handle.
Skelter- You would have to be careful how you word things. You might not be talking down to him, but he might take a more sing-song voice as such. Other than that, he sees you as no different than any other person at the Round. But, if you get to know him, he’ll be the first one that throws hands if someone tries to make fun of you eccentricities.
Jack- More bewildered than anything. He can handle a kid here or there if he needs to, but make no mistake, he ducks out of there as soon as he can. The fact that you used to voluntarily watch a whole room of them is nuts to him. Like Skelter, he might have to remind himself that you just have some oddball habits and are not trying to talk down to him. Like Jeanette, he loves the stickers. Put one o’ them dinosaurs on his vest. Hell yeah!
Nines- Why are there good behavior charts in his bar, and does that have anything to do with Skelter and Damsel having a plastic frog and a paddleball? Is that also linked to how the corner that Jack usually sits in now has a sign that says, “time out,” over it? It’s helping to distract everyone from being restless while he’s planning his next move against the Camarilla, so he’s not going to complain too much. More importantly, how does he fill up his line? There’s a spider ring that’s calling to him.
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