#vtmb jack x reader
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vampire-the-askerade · 7 months ago
Beckett and/or the anarchs reacting to a thin-blood fledgling? What would that look like
[went with the last round Anarchs and Beckett. Hope that was alright]
Nines- I can see him taking you in, but being cautious. As much as we might hate to admit it, Rodriguez is not as truly altruistic as he might make himself out to be. You're more of a bargaining piece, at least at first. A way to show how accepting the Anarchs are. Of course, he will cut ties if you become more hassle than you're worth in his opinion.
Damsel- I think she's the one most likely to fully accept you. It would take a bit, you have to build trust with her like anyone else would. But, once you have that trust it's hard to break it. She sees people's worth in the work they do and not their clan/where they come from. However, she will go with Nines' final word on however to handle you.
Skelter- He does not want you around at first. He's always looking for a way for things to go wrong, and with the ill omen reputation thin-bloods have you are basically a time bomb about to go off at any moment. Even if it's not something you do personally, there's no telling what the other factions might do if they found out that the Anarchs were harboring you. Gaining his trust is possible, but it will take a long while.
Jack- Here's the thing. Jack won't treat you any worse than anyone else he meets. Won't treat you any better either, but still. Mind your own business and don't be annoying, and the two of you won't have any problems. He's not one for superstition, so to him, you're just another type of clan with it's own set of problems. Though, he might make a biting insult every so often. Don't take it personally, he does that to everyone.
Beckett- He's actually more than interested to have you around. As long as you don't mind being a subject of study. Also not one for superstition; in fact his goal in his un-life is to debunk as many as he can. He'll try not to be too invasive with his studies, but he's also not the most social sort meaning he might not know boundaries. You're also expected to take care of yourself and learn your abilities yourself. He's a gangrel after all; not the most parental of clans.
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smuttyfang · 2 years ago
Jack, Protective Over You
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Ahhhh these are all so good. I’d love to read something nsfw with Smiling JackXreader! Great job :)
Words: 578
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"Hell yeah, that's what I'm talking about!" Jack was ecstatic. He had been teaching you how to fight, just in case he was elsewhere and someone tried to come after you.
... Most people would know better than to mess with Smiling Jack's woman, but as Jack told you, "There's a lot of god damned idiots out there who don't know who they're dealing with."
You landed one hell of a punch on the punching bag, busting a hole in it. Stuffing fell out all over the floor.
"Good job, sweet cheeks. I'm proud of ya." He pulled you by your waist and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "Good thing Nines taught you how to throw your punches better."
"I'm glad he took the time to show me." You tried relaxing yourself by stretching, the adrenaline still going throughout your body.
It was actually kind of awesome being Jack's girlfriend. All the Anarchs protected you no matter what. Even if Jack wasn't with you, one of them would almost always accompany you if you went anywhere. Even so, they still taught you how to fight and defend yourself. Hand to hand, guns, you had even been taught a little bit with a sword. Not only that, but you also had your own little room at the Last Round they let you have. It was just a small room, a section in the upper level they had put a Japanese screen door up. It was next to the bathrooms but of course, it was mostly only you and a few ghouls using them. So it never bothered you. There was actually a strange charm to it all.
"You know, I have to say.." You rolled your neck around, trying to loosen your muscles, "Hand to hand is your favorite I know, a good old fashioned brawl. But I love using the sword. There's something graceful about it." He laughed, leaning against the wall.
"What isn't graceful about popping someone's eye out of its socket? It's beautiful, could bring tears to the eyes." You rolled your eyes at him. "I know, I know what you're saying. It just ain't my thing. You look damn good doing it though. That focus you have is something else to watch."
"Flatterer. You have such a way with words." You say, only slightly sarcastically.
"I can be pretty damn romantic when I want." He approached you, holding you in his rough grip and leaning you back, like you were dancing. You giggled.
"In your own way, yes you can. Never in front of anyone else though. Gotta keep up that image." He lifted you back up, picking up your whole body. Instinctively, your legs wrapped around his waist.
"I can't just let people know about me having a soft side! Can you imagine the rumors?" He began walking, ending up pressing your back against a nearby wall. It made you gasp, the combination of the pressure and the coldness. "Besides, I'm not always soft and gentle when it comes to you. Am I?" He took your arms and gripped them hard, pushing them against the wall above your head with only a single hand. His other hand was trailing its way to your throat. He squeezed the sides of your neck ever so slightly. Slightly as a thrill, somewhat as a threat. "After watching you get all sweaty and seein' that adrenaline going, I kinda feel like being rough with you right now.."
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vampire-the-askerade · 1 year ago
Your choice of characters with a fledgling that they either are in a relationship with or have interest in them, finding out that they love to frequent rock festivals and concerts?
LaCroix- Ah! The orchestra! Wait… not the orchestra? Nor the opera? It surprising to find out that even though he might not like anything that’s not in the classical or similar styles he would rather have you be into some sort of music than none at all. And though he might not join you, he also encourages you participating in social events (within reason of course) though he might not be joining you for these particular ones. Still has a pretty staunch stance on what counts as actual music or not though.
Mitnick- He loves music festivals and concerts too! That’s one of the only things that he misses from looking like he did before his Embrace: being able to go to these things easily. Note though, he can still find a way to get in- most, if not all of the time, for free. He has his preferred music styles, sure. But, at this point he’ll take what he can get as far as his limited social life. Do note though that if you go to an indoor concert you will have to get nosebleeds seats, especially if he sneaked in.
Jack- I picture him just seeing this as a neutral thing about your personality. You like music; good for you. However, I do see him liking the festivals. Maybe not the music specifically, but there’s something almost nostalgic about for him. You Igor be able to use this to get him into some of the bands that you like… probably not though. Doesn’t like indoor concerts though. He can’t stand indoor concerts. He can’t sit still for that long, and the standing area makes him too boxed in by other people.
Ash- He loves concerts and music festivals too! Would love it if he could go with you to one. While he cannot at the moment seeing as he is still supposed to be a missing and or deceased movie star as well as, more importantly hiding from the hunters that caught him and dealing with trauma from that, it is one of the things that he almost blows his cover over. He will really appreciate it if you bring him stuff from the concert or even record some things if you can. After it has been about ten or fifteen years or so and he can easily convince people that he is someone else, he might start going with you. I picture him loving music actually being one of the things that got Abrams to give him a club.
Andrei- As much as we love this guy, it’s time for us to admit that he can been a stingy jerk. Tzimisce are a proud people, but that also comes with them being rather holier-than-thou in their own twisted way. Where this comes in for you is that he has no problem with what music you listen to. In fact, he encourages you to expand your experiences with many categories, music included. However, those concerts! Those festivals! Why would you go to anything that has you fraternizing with kine? Sure, it’s not like there’s kindred, or, more to his standards, a Sabbat only concert, but a bigoted, vampiric Bishop can dream, right?
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vampire-the-askerade · 1 month ago
Kindred x Reader who watches Asian Dramas
[Guess who just got sucked into watching/ paying too much for a thing with cheesy drama shows? Guess who also forces their creature of the night comfort characters to go through all the same things they are??]
LaCroix- You spend how much to watch these programs? The answer doesn’t matter, to him it will translate to, “too much.” While he doesn’t have much time for leisurely things, there was a sense of morbid curiosity that took hold of him seeing as you seemed so invested. It’s actually a guilty pleasure for him now, but he is leeching off of your account as there is no way he would pay that much for anything.
Gary- When he first sees you’re into movies or short running shows, he loves it. Movies and acting in general are things that he still holds dear even if he can’t participate in them personally these days. When he actually watches a few episodes he HATES it! While he loves film, he is very steeped in American movie culture; especially American movie culture from the late 50’s -early 70’s. Why are these things so flashy with their editing? This was a romantic drama, why did a magical pillar suddenly pop up in a hotel dining room? Why is everyone always slapping each other??? He just doesn’t get it.
Jack- These little phone movies are great! Everyone’s always slapping each other!!! (Also doesn’t pay for an account. Steals your phone whenever he wants to watch them.)
VV- Oh, the drama! When you show her one, she is hooked! It becomes something that the two of you can bond over (and bug Abrams with. He’s trying to have a serious conversation, can you not talk about the fiftieth show where a wife takes over her ex’s company?). She won’t pounce you with the topic, but if you bring it up, hold on for the ride of her asking if you’ve seen certain ones, and explaining why you should. You both get so into it people thing you’re talking about real people.
Beckett- Well, these are just ridiculous! Especially these ones called, “costume dramas”. That’s not even what ancient armor looked like! Walk out of the room and give it an hour and he’ll come stomping in fuming, “What do you mean she married him again after reincarnating?! The Prince of the Grasslands was right there!” Will still claim he hates them as he is trying to figure out how to use your phone to watch more.
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vampire-the-askerade · 2 years ago
VTMB Anarchs x Fledgling! Reader that was a Daycare worker
[is this a bit weird? Yes. Will I post it anyways? Also yes.]
Jeanette- For the most part she loves you. You know how to make cute, little crafts, and help her decorate things. She can get a little put out with you if you scold her about how she and her sister treat each other. But, then you have stickers, sooooo….
Damsel- Oh, great. A Ventrue. Thinks this whether you are one or not. It’s just that whole authoritative things you have going on sometimes. But, she does see that you’re more so just working with some habits and more than able to stand your ground, but do so gently. She respects the hustle and the fact that you have dealt with kids, that’s certainly not something that she could ever handle.
Skelter- You would have to be careful how you word things. You might not be talking down to him, but he might take a more sing-song voice as such. Other than that, he sees you as no different than any other person at the Round. But, if you get to know him, he’ll be the first one that throws hands if someone tries to make fun of you eccentricities.
Jack- More bewildered than anything. He can handle a kid here or there if he needs to, but make no mistake, he ducks out of there as soon as he can. The fact that you used to voluntarily watch a whole room of them is nuts to him. Like Skelter, he might have to remind himself that you just have some oddball habits and are not trying to talk down to him. Like Jeanette, he loves the stickers. Put one o’ them dinosaurs on his vest. Hell yeah!
Nines- Why are there good behavior charts in his bar, and does that have anything to do with Skelter and Damsel having a plastic frog and a paddleball? Is that also linked to how the corner that Jack usually sits in now has a sign that says, “time out,” over it? It’s helping to distract everyone from being restless while he’s planning his next move against the Camarilla, so he’s not going to complain too much. More importantly, how does he fill up his line? There’s a spider ring that’s calling to him.
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