#vss 2025
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Use It Wisely
Gra grunted.
With a word he could heal the wound in his side.
But, his patron had only gifted him a single spell a day.
He spat blood and smiled at the guardsman.
A beam of crackling energy lanced across sending the singed man flying.
If he was going down, he wasn't going down alone
#my writing#writing#minific#prompted writing#very short stories#vss#wss366#vss 2025#gra gewood#warlock
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Direct flights from Jharsuguda VSS Airport: Know airlines, prices & other details
Jharsuguda Airport, officially known as Veer Surendra Sai Airport is a domestic airport serving Jharsuguda, Odisha. As of February 2025, the airport offers connectivity to several major cities across India. The airport currently handles about 108 departures monthly, equivalent to 28 flights per week, connecting to four destinations within India. IndiGo Airlines and Alliance Air are the primary…
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Pourquoi nous votons contre le budget de la région IDF
mon compte-rendu subjectif du conseil régional de décembre 2024
On commence par une minute de silence pour Mayotte. Une aide d’urgence sera débloquée.
Pécresse présente son budget 2025. Alors que l’Etat lui demandait une économie de 320 millions, le budget de la région se voit réduit de 760 millions ! Soit une cure d’austérité inédite et grave qui touche tous les secteurs, sauf la sécurité qui n’est pas de la compétence régionale et l’agriculture.
Alors que l’Etat n’a plus de budget, certains pensent qu’il faut tout reporter et ne pas voter le budget régional sans y voir plus clair. Nous pensons au contraire que les choix budgétaires de V. Pécresse l’engage à plein, avec ou sans budget de l’Etat. Bref rien ne sert d’attendre, V. Pécresse veut l’austérité drastique, combattons la maintenant.
On propose d’ailleurs de renoncer à la construction du lycée sur le triangle de Gonesse, ce serait 120 millions d'économies.
Deux gros scandales que nous dénonçons : zéro euros pour le logement ! et une baisse drastique pour les organismes associés : l’institut Paris Région, Airparif, Bruitparif, le CRIPS, Choose Paris (office du tourisme).
La droite se vante d’être “responsable” - et nous traite d’irresponsable (voilà comment est traitée l’opposition), elle n'arrêtera pas de dire que les budgets sont globalement maintenus (niant la réalité des chiffres… vérités alternatives?) et que les coupes budgétaires sont “nécessaires” et que de toutes façons la gauche faisait moins. On nous reprochera aussi beaucoup la censure du gouvernement Barnier, la droite continuant de nier le résultat des élections législatives qui ont mis le NFP en tête. Le premier VP ose parler d’un budget “de protection” : je pense qu’il parle de la protection des copains et clientèles… LFI prend cher - plus que le RN - dans la collection des anathèmes.
La droite se vante d’avoir fait des économies sur le loyer grâce au déménagement à St Ouen. Sauf qu’on est passé d’un loyer annuel de 21 M€ à 35 M€ !
Le hic c’est que la droite refuse d’augmenter les impôts et donc les recettes. On propose d’augmenter les recettes avec une nouvelle taxe sur les colis du e-commerce, ou par une majoration de carburants des jets privés. Amendements rejetés.
Concernant le budget transports, c’est une baisse de 20% des investissements, y compris pour l’accessibilité. Et surtout on note une baisse de 40% de la ligne consacrée à la tarification sociale des transports et une baisse de 1 M€ sur le service PAM, rattrapée par un amendement de la droite (mais ce n’est pas ça qui va permettre d’améliorer la qualité du service). On présente un amendement pour financer les rues aux écoles, rejeté. Pécresse expliquera à la fin de la séance que la baisse de la tarification sociale parie sur la suppression de l’AME chère à B. Retailleau.
Sinon seule bonne nouvelle : le budget vélo augmente un peu.
Le budget des lycées soit disant sanctuarisé baisse aussi. Baisse des crédits rénovation et réparation (-38%) C’est aussi -38% pour l’apprentissage. Et pendant ce temps 400 millions d’euros sont dépensés pour les ordinateurs donnés aux lycéens, sans aucune condition sociale. Combien finissent dans un placard ou sur le bon coin ? Et toujours des subventions pour les lycées privés comme Stanislas.
Un amendement du RN propose 250 000 € pour des uniformes pour les lycéens. Consternant.
Le budget sécurité est plutôt préservé, mais évidemment c’est très très répressif, avec notamment le financement de l’agrandissement de prisons. Pas très orienté sur l’aide aux victimes. Notre proposition de création de centre d’accueil de femmes victimes de VSS est refusée car l’exécutif vante le site “Abri” (mais que sur St Ouen et à des horaires restreints)
Le budget social-santé-famille baisse aussi. A noter la baisse de 10% du budget du CRIPS (sur la prévention sida). Fun fact : le RN propose 5 M€ pour résorber les déserts médicaux … en prenant sur le réseau vert et les pistes cyclables. le RN est bien anti vélo. On leur explique que le vélo c’est bon pour la santé ? Non inutile.
Côté développement économique, le budget n’est pas fou fou non plus, mais la région continue de subventionner industriels et entreprises mais avec une petite réorientation “réindustrialisation” et “décarbonation”. Mais bon la région s’embarque dans des aventures comme le vertiport et les taxis volants. C’est moins 21% de budget pour Choose Paris (l’office du tourisme). L’exécutif dit que c’est normal après les JO (!)
L’IPR voit aussi ses crédits diminuer une nouvelle fois (même si on nous dit le contraire), et se trouve dans une situation de déficit, qui fait craindre un défaut de paiement et un plan social…
Notons que les aides à l’agriculture augmentent sensiblement. Pour la ruralité, c’est une baisse.
On propose un amendement pour initier la SSA (sécurité sociale de l’alimentation). Rejeté.
L’environnement est particulièrement touché par l'austérité. C’est un abandon en rase campagne. Rien pour les énergies renouvelables (une année blanche assumée). La baisse est drastique aussi sur l’aide à l’acquisition de véhicules électriques (de 9 à 1 M€). On propose des amendements pour protéger les forêts, sur la collecte des biodéchets, sur la rénovation thermique, sur la réaffectation des subventions aux chasseurs. Enfin, nous proposons de rétablir le budget pour Airparif tel qu’il était il y a quelques années..
Sur le logement, il n’y a pratiquement plus rien ! Pratiquement plus aucun nouveau crédit. Ce qui est dingue c’est que le VP, M. Dugoin Clément a reçu le prix trombinoscope (mais ça c'était avant le budget !?). La réalité : une catastrophe en pleine crise majeure du logement (en IDF 860 000 ménages en attente de logement social), qui émeut tous les acteurs du logement et du bâtiment. Le logement social est tout simplement sacrifié en 2025. Et la droite régionale blâme … l’Etat.
Le budget culture n’est vraiment pas bon pour le spectacle vivant, ni pour le livre. La baisse de 2M€ pour le fonds cinéma risque de fragiliser tout un secteur. Seules bonnes nouvelles : les festivals devraient être préservés, et l’orchestre garde ses crédits.
Je rate les budgets administration générale, sport
Un incident de séance : C. Michaud, Mme Laïcité de l’exécutif, fustige les “réflexes communautaires et communautaristes” de Fatima Ogbi, qui proposait un observatoire des discriminations. Le PS demande une sanction. L’exécutif se justifie maintenant en disant qu’elle ne parlait pas de F. Ogbi mais de la gauche en général… Les rappels au règlement restent lettre morte. La présidente de séance assume et parle de “racisme à l’envers”.
Concernant la formation professionnelle, après la baisse du budget de 2024, c’est maintenant un effondrement du budget. C’est surtout les formations vers le retour à l’emploi qui prennent.
A noter : les aides pour l’acquisition de véhicules électriques sont très fortement baissées, car elles vont se concentrer sur le retrofit. Une bonne idée pour augmenter la durée de vie des véhicules thermiques en les faisant passer à l’électrique. Une mauvaise nouvelle pour l’accompagnement à la ZFE, car les aides se voient fortement réduites. Et ne nous trompons pas : la droite y voit une occasion de faire des économies et le retrofit concerne avant tout les gros véhicules et non les particuliers.
Beaucoup d’amendements Titre III (ce sont les amendements fourre-tout qui permettent d’aborder des sujets divers sans inscription précise dans le budget), la droite se lâche et fait des amendements du type “mandate la présidente de région pour interpeller la Maire de Paris” … en général c’est pour défendre la bagnole. Hidalgo : c'est une vraie obsession ici à St Ouen !
Vient le moment du vote.
Comme on pouvait s’y attendre, les macronistes ne s’opposent pas au budget : une abstention un peu facile, et Mme Taquillain fait presque l’éloge de ce budget. Du coup pourquoi est-elle encore présidente de la commission des finances, si elle rejoint la majorité ?
LFI parle de la violence sociale. Le PC parle d’un budget “les plus douloureux” de cette majorité. C’est le comité de la hache selon Pécresse, c’est plutôt, le “lance-flamme” contre tous les services publics. Le PS parle de “purge budgétaire” et d’année noire pour la région. Nous dénonçons les 760 M€ de coupes que personne ne demande et juste pour faire plaisir aux agences de notation. L’abandon du secteur du logement est le plus dur.
La droite est très fière et parle dette et impôts, loin du quotidien des Franciliens !. Elle ne fait que critiquer la gauche (et Hidalgo), sans jamais rentrer dans le fond des débats.
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HYPERSPACE METALFEST Announces 2025 Lineup
April 10th - 12th - Vancouver
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HMF 2025 Lineup Spotify Playlist
Canada's premier melodic and power metal festival HYPERSPACE Metal Fest returns for its 6th edition after another year of crowd-pleasing epic fun in Vancouver, BC. Being hosted at The Cobalt (April 10 &11th) and The Rickshaw Theatre (April 12th), the 2025 lineup will feature headliners ENFORCER, PLANESWALKER, GLYPH along with Lunar, Solarus, Tower Hill, Luminator, Tylor Dory Trio, Heyoka's Mirror with more to be announced.
Festival organizer Joey Hockin of Journeyman Productions adds:
"It's finally time to reveal Hyperspace Metal Festival VI! We were a little later announcing this year because we want to make sure we're bringing you the same quality you've come to expect. And on that, I think we've delivered! The full lineup will be announced in the fall. Hope to see you next April!"
Headlining Saturday, April 12th at The Rickshaw Theatre, Sweden's ENFORCER have proved themselves both live and on record, they stake their place amongst the world’s most renowned heavy metal bands since first forming in 2005. They have toured the world over, playing the biggest festivals and garnering a global fanbase. Their latest sixth studio album Nostalgia (released May 2023 - Nuclear Blast), features 13 heavy metal anthems and throws ENFORCER back to their speed metal roots. Fusing extreme guitar riffing with catchy stadium choruses, ENFORCER is out to conquer the world.
Music Video - Nostalgia
Headlining Friday, April 11th, and returning for their second time at HMF, the duo known as PLANESWALKER features Jason Ashcraft (Helion Prime) and Sozos Michael (Gloryhammer, ex-Helion Prime) present Magic the Gathering-inspired Power Metal. They recently released their latest single "Compleated" and were joined by Carlos Alvarez (ex-Power Theory, Behölder, Shadowdance) on bass and Stefanos Meletiou (The Zilla Project, Private Garden).
Music Video - "Compleated"
Headlining Thursday, April 10th, the Pacific Northwest's Glyph, is not just a heavy metal band, they are a crew of intergalactic mercenaries escaping a dying planet in their spaceship, the VSS Dragonlord. Clearly, Glyph isn’t just writing songs, they’re building worlds and they bring it forth in their latest album "Honor, Power, Glory" released this past March.
Music Video - Volarad
Also featured on this year's 2025 lineup and making their first HMF appearance and performing for the first time ever, Lunar is a progressive metal project from California that features members from Witherfall, Helion Prime, Planeswalker, Novareign, Mokili Wa, Nordic Frost, Outloud, Double Vision. Their fourth and latest album ��The Illusionist” features guests Jørgen Munkeby (Shining), Christian Münzner (Obscura), Andy Gillion (Mors Principium Est), Taylor Washington (Paladin), Sam Vallen (Caligula's Horse), Ben Karas (Thank You Scientist), Gleb Kanasevich, and Patrick Corona.
Meant to perform on the 2024 lineup, but forced to cancel, Tylor Dory Trio returns for 2025, they are a monstrous progressive metal unit and beloved by many in Western Canada. This live performance will be their first following a nearly seven-year layoff.
Hailing from London, ON, Solarus, simply put, is a musical vision and ambition to bring musicians together through their shared love for music. They bring forth impressive female-fronted melodic power metal.
Traveling from Edmonton, AB, Tower Hill delivers premium old-school heavy metal inspired by bands like Running Wild, Riot, Judas Priest, early Blind Guardian, and Helloween. Forging the best of the late 80s and early 90s German, British, and US metal scenes into a new blend of shimmering steel, Tower Hill’s riff-driven, hook-laden traditional metal will have you banging your head and singing along.
Luminator is a fantasy power metal band from the Pacific Northwest (Tacoma, WA) and will be supporting their latest EP "On The Clouds".
From Calgary, AB, Heyoka's Mirror is a progressive rock/metal band with international roots that was brought to life in the summer of 2015 by founding members Andrew Balboa and Omar Sultan. Their first music video “Asylum” (directed by Seth Williams), was nominated as Best Music Video by the 2020 YYC Music Awards and was released in support of their debut full-length "The Uninvited King".
Hyperspace Metal Festival VI - April 10th - 12th.
One-day passes and three-day passes are available at:
Facebook Event
To follow updates for Hyperspace Metal Festival 2024, please visit the following social media pages:
Festival Press Materials Dropbox
Over the five editions of Hyperspace Metal Festival, bands from all over the world have come to play power, prog, melodic death, and speed metal on the Canadian West Coast. The festival has presented lineups that have included performances by Týr, Flotsam and Jetsam, Skelator, Trollfest, Aether Realm, Exmortus, Striker, Riot City, Into Eternity, Witherfall, Planeswalker, Iron Kingdom, Helion Prime, Ravenous, Crimson Shadows, West of Hell, Judicator, Odinfist, Tanagra, Scythia, Greyhawk, The Order of Chaos, Red Cain, and many more.
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Scholarships for Master’s in the UK: Opportunities for Indian Students 2024–2025
Pursuing a master’s degree in the UK is a dream for many Indian students, but the high costs can be a major concern. Fortunately, numerous scholarships are available to help ease the financial burden. These scholarships not only cover tuition fees but often include living expenses, travel costs, and other financial needs. Below is a detailed guide to the top scholarships for Indian students aspiring to study for a master’s degree in the UK during the 2024–2025 academic year.
Chevening Scholarships
The Chevening Scholarship, funded by the UK government, is one of the most prestigious scholarships available to Indian students. It covers tuition fees, living expenses, and airfare, making it a comprehensive financial aid package. Applicants must demonstrate leadership potential and have a strong academic record. To enhance your application, it’s highly recommended to consult with UK visa consultants with IELTS Jalandhar at VSS Immigration. Their expert advice can help you navigate the application process effectively, ensuring you meet all requirements.
Commonwealth Scholarships
Commonwealth Scholarships are aimed at students from Commonwealth countries, including India. These scholarships cover full tuition fees, travel costs, and living expenses, primarily for those pursuing master’s degrees in fields that contribute to the development of their home country. The application process can be complex, so working with UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar professionals at VSS Immigration is crucial for maximizing your chances of success. They can guide you through each step, from preparing your application to meeting the eligibility criteria.
GREAT Scholarships
The GREAT Scholarships program offers financial assistance to Indian students applying for a master’s degree in the UK. Funded by the UK government and partner universities, this scholarship significantly reduces tuition costs. The application process is competitive, and eligibility requirements can be stringent. Consulting UK visa consultants with IELTS Jalandhar at VSS Immigration ensure that you present a strong application and meet all criteria.
Inlaks Scholarships
The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation provides scholarships to outstanding Indian students wishing to study at top UK institutions. This scholarship covers tuition fees, living expenses, and one-way airfare, making it highly sought after. Given its competitive nature, applicants are encouraged to seek guidance from UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar at VSS Immigration. Their expertise can help you craft an application that stands out from the competition.
Felix Scholarships
Felix Scholarships are designed for Indian students who demonstrate both financial need and academic excellence. These scholarships cover tuition fees, living expenses, and airfare for master’s programs at selected UK universities. To improve your chances of securing this scholarship, it’s advisable to work with UK visa consultants with IELTS Jalandhar at VSS Immigration. They can help you highlight your qualifications and financial needs compellingly.
University-Specific Scholarships
Many UK universities offer scholarships specifically for Indian students pursuing master’s degrees. These scholarships vary in terms of eligibility, award amounts, and application processes. To identify the best options and maximize your chances of securing financial aid, it’s beneficial to consult with UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar experts at VSS Immigration. They can provide detailed information on available scholarships at your chosen university and assist you in preparing a strong application.
Steps to Secure a Scholarship
Securing a scholarship for your master’s degree in the UK involves careful planning and preparation. To increase your chances of success, follow these steps:
Research Thoroughly: Begin by identifying scholarships that align with your academic interests and financial needs.
Prepare Early: Start your application process early to gather all necessary documents and meet deadlines.
Seek Professional Guidance: Work closely with UK visa consultants with IELTS Jalandhar and UK spouse visa consultant Jalandhar at VSS Immigration for tailored advice and support.
Highlight Your Strengths: Emphasize your academic achievements, leadership potential, and financial need in your application.
Follow Up: Keep track of your application status and be prepared for interviews or additional documentation requests.
By following these steps and leveraging the expertise of VSS Immigration, you can successfully secure the financial aid needed to pursue your master’s degree in the UK.
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There WAS going to be a new Z/28…💀 ______________________________________ [7/2/19] Well this is sad….Chevy was apparently planning a new Z/28 for the 6th gen Camaro but now that entire project reportedly has been scrapped. Now when I mean planning a new Z/28, I mean they already had gotten to the powertrain and marketing stages, even about to make a new engine dubbed the LT3 n/a V8, a program that died back in november. This all comes out of the big changes at GM we saw in the fall where they planned to kill off many slow selling sedans and aging platforms; even laying off thousands of workers and closing plants. 🔥 @Allcarnews Spec Sheet: The current most hardcore Camaro is the ZL1 1LE which packs a supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8 making 650HP and 650 lb-ft of torque paired to either a 6 speed manual or 10 speed auto gearbox. The last gen Z/28 packed a massive 7.0L n/a V8 making 505HP and 481 lb-ft of torque but was exclusively manual. 🔥 Of course this news comes after the apparent disappearing of the Camaro line with the 6th generation not getting a successor. The 6th gen still has a few more years to stick around as it will be discontinued in 2022. I think GM will use it to appeal to the upset front engined corvette community as the C8 makes the push to mid-engined. BUT by 2025, GM will have reduced their insane 20+ Vehicle architectures to just 4 core sets which is where the totally reimagined Camaro 7 comes in based on the new VSS-R platform shared with the next gen CT6 and every other RWD longitudinal GM product! (Expect some sort of electrification) ________________________________________ ACN EXTRA: GM is SUPER late to the popular and cost saving modular game as Ford and small manufacturers like Subaru have already are/have made the switch. ________________________________________ - - #GM #Camaro #Z28 #V8 #ZL1 #Corvette #Alpha #Mustang #CT6 #coupe #tuned #drive #carbon||#powerful #performance #turbocharged #supercharged #advanced#SupercarsRevamped #Supercar#HyperCar #ItsWhiteNoise #CarLifeStyle#MadWhips #CupGang #Carstagram#BlackList #AmazingCars247 An #allcarnews post https://www.instagram.com/p/BzbqEElhXMy/?igshid=15gab95lbanbf
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Video Surveillance Storage Market Size to Grow at a CAGR of 6.4% During 2020–2025.
Video Surveillance Storage Market size was valued at $10.4 billion in 2019, and it is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 6.4% during 2020-2025. The ever-increasing installations of surveillance systems across all verticals promises significant growth opportunity for video surveillance storage market. In addition, gaining popularity of cloud-based storage coupled with need to comply with necessary security regulations is further expected to drive the growth of video surveillance storage market during the projected period. Hence these benefits are analyzed to drive the market in the forecast period 2020-2025.
Deployment - Segment Analysis
Cloud deployment is growing at a highest CAGR of 8.5% in the forecast period owing to its operational flexibility and real-time deployment ease to companies than on-premises deployment mode. It also offers numerous benefits, including reduced operational costs, simple deployment process, and higher scalability in terms of connected resources. Additionally, the cost-effective cloud-based solutions ease installation when compared to the on-premises solutions. The highest level of data security and reliability offered by the cloud deployment are increasing the share of cloud deployment in the forecast period. Many industry verticals are continuing to opt for the cloud deployment mode, as it helps them avoid costs pertaining to hardware, software and storage. Moreover, Cloud-based video surveillance storage and management is an emerging approach with considerable potential. However, until the substantial bandwidth challenge can be overcome, it won’t offer a cost-effective alternative to today’s video surveillance solutions for most mid- and large-sized enterprises with multiple locations and more demanding video requirements. Hence these benefits are analyzed to drive the market growth in the forecast period 2020-2025.
Request for Sample of the Report @ https://www.industryarc.com/pdfdownload.php?id=500559
Report Price: $ 4500 (Single User License)
End User - Segment Analysis
Healthcare is the fastest growing segment in Video surveillance storage market and estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.4%. Threats in healthcare industry comes in several forms, such as gang violence, drug-related crimes, and patient outbursts. This combined with the ongoing risk of infant abduction cases and terrorist attacks, have enforced security administrators to adjust safety procedures as well as to increase video monitoring of sidewalks, nearby streets, parking facilities, hallways, entrances, ambulance bays, and emergency department as well as waiting areas in an effort to prevent the occurrence of violent or criminal acts. Hence, the Video surveillance storage demand in this industry is expected to rise.
Geography- Segment Analysis
Video surveillance storage Market in APAC is expected to account for a prominent market share of 38% followed by North America and Europe. This is mainly due to an increase in the need for safety and security against terrorist attacks and presence of well-established and emerging players providing video surveillance storage solution and services. Moreover, there is a rise in competition in the Video surveillance storage market, due to the increasing number of smart cities in the countries such as India and China demanding video surveillance storage systems to monitor and analyze public places for security purposes. The governments of Japan, Australia, India, South Korea, New Zealand, and Singapore are investing in smart city projects for monitoring traffic, and protecting their citizens and public places. Due to these contributions to the VSS market, APAC is expected to witness strong growth. Drivers – Video Surveillance Storage Market
Increasing necessity and mandates for video surveillance across industry verticals
Increasing necessity and mandates for video surveillance across industry verticals and regions drive the demand for video surveillance storage market. Several companies across the globe are increasing their investments in installing video surveillance. In 2020, Umbo Computer Vision raises $8 million for AI-powered video security. Similarly, various companies such as ABB, Honeywell and so on are increasingly investing in video surveillance for enhanced security in their facilities. Similarly, governments across several regions have mandated industries to install these surveillance systems for enhanced security. Hence these investments and mandatory rules are analyzed to drive the market in the forecast period 2020-2025.
Growing funds from governments and stakeholders for developing smart cities
Significant support from Governments of several countries in smart city initiatives across the globe are analyzed to drive the market. In 2019, Indian government has invested $15 billion for the development of 100 smart cities and rejuvenation of 500 others over five years. Similarly, US government is also investing heavily for smart city development. Development of Smart cities will enable the installation of Video Surveillance hence the demand for Video Surveillance storage increases in the forecast period 2020-2025.
Talk to one of our sales representative about the full report by providing your details in the link below:
Challenges – Video Surveillance Storage Market
Cyber Security attacks and data breaches
Although Video Surveillance Storage is growing at a high CAGR increased threat of cyber-attack against a video surveillance system has greatly increased, and has become top concern for customers and operators. In addition, local security issues of past systems are also still present and must be addressed in the overall security position, while the integrity, confidentiality, and accessibility of video surveillance data must be further protected during recording, retrieval and in transit—whether across the local network or across a public network to a remote location. Hence these challenges will hamper the market growth in the forecast period.
Market Landscape
Product Launches, acquisitions and R&D activities are key strategies adopted by players in the Video Surveillance Storage Market. Video Surveillance Storage top 10 companies include Avigilon Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Dell, EMC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., Honeywell International, Inc., Netapp, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, Schneider Electric (Pelco), Seagate Technology LLC among others.
Acquisitions/Technology Launches
In May 2019, NetApp launched NetApp ONTAP 9.6. NetApp ONTAP 9.6 is a cloud-based flash solution. ONTAP is capable of storing high-quality video surveillance footages.
Key Takeaways
Video surveillance storage Market in APAC is expected to account for a prominent market share of 38%, due to an increase in the need for safety and security against terrorist attacks and presence of well-established and emerging players providing video surveillance storage solution and services.
Healthcare is the fastest growing segment in Video surveillance storage market and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 9.4% owing to growing threats in the healthcare setor.
Cloud deployment is growing at a highest CAGR of 8.5% in the forecast period owing to its operational flexibility and real-time deployment ease to companies than on premise deployment mode.
Video Surveillance Storage top 10 companies include Avigilon Corporation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Dell, EMC Corporation, Hitachi, Ltd., Honeywell International, Inc., Netapp, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, Schneider Electric (Pelco), Seagate Technology LLC among others
Related Reports :
A. North America Mobile Surveillance Market
B. Video Surveillance and Analytics Market
About IndustryARC: IndustryARC primarily focuses on Cutting Edge Technologies and Newer Applications market research. Our Custom Research Services are designed to provide insights on the constant flux in the global supply-demand gap of markets. Our strong team of analysts enables us to meet the client research needs at a rapid speed, with a variety of options for your business. Any other custom requirements can be discussed with our team, drop an e-mail to [email protected] to discuss more about our consulting services.
Venkat Reddy
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Slurry Sealing Machinery Market To, 2025 Trends, Growth and Manufacturers - VSS Macropaver, Bergkamp Inc., FAYAT Group, Schaefer-Technic
Slurry Sealing Machinery Market To, 2025 Trends, Growth and Manufacturers – VSS Macropaver, Bergkamp Inc., FAYAT Group, Schaefer-Technic
DecisionDatabases added the latest report with a global perspective on the Slurry Sealing Machinery Market studied under different segments, including type, application, and regions. The report is treated with size, trends, growth, share, and forecast till 2025. Besides, the research report studied the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on overall growth at the global level. This report also offers…
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Global Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Market Will Boast Developments in Global Industry by 2019-2025
Latest Survey On Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Market
The global Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer market report provides an in-depth analysis of the Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer market analyzing the potential of the market and also provides data and forecasts on the market structure, dynamics, and trends.
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The report proves as a valuable source of repository for the intending clients with up-to-date market intelligence and assists them in making strategic investment decisions. Additionally, the report distinguishes and studies emerging trends along with crucial drivers and major challenges faced by the industry.
The market report is defined by the presence of a large number of leading players and new entrants, including but not limited to platform providers, service providers, device manufacturers, developers, and content providers.
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The following manufacturers are covered in this report: Topas TSI Palas Airmodus GRIMM MSP Branch Magee Scientific Hinsilblon Kelantechnics Environmental Products Dimtech Inland Environmental Bionomic Industries G.Lufft Mess-und Regeltechnik DRS Laboratories Bakon ENVIRO-ZYME International LIKUSTA Airx Laboratories Analytik Jena VSS-Umwelttechnik Twin Filter Ritter
Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Breakdown Data by Type Radioactive Neutralizer Nonradioactive Neutralizer
Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Breakdown Data by Application Submicron Aerosol Sizing Mobile and Field Studies Aerosol Charging Investigations Monodisperse Aerosol Generation
The objective of the study is to define market sizes of different segments & countries in previous years and to forecast the values to the next eight years. The Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer market report is designed to incorporate both qualitative and quantitative aspects of the industry with respect to each of the regions and countries involved in the study.
Furthermore, the report also caters the detailed information about the crucial aspects such as drivers & restraining factors which will define the future growth of the market. Additionally, it will also incorporate the opportunities available in micro markets for stakeholders to invest, detailed analysis of competitive landscape and product offerings of key players. The segments and sub-segment of the market are explained in details.
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The scope of the report: This research report presents an extensive study of the market and comprises significant insights, facts, previous data, and statistically-supported and industry-validated market facts and projections with an appropriate set of methodologies and assumptions. It provides analysis and data on the basis of market segments and sub-segments, regions, product type, and distribution channels.
What the report offers:
Market Overview for the Global Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Market and the identification of the market dynamics, including growth drivers, restraints, challenges, and potential opportunities for the market.
Market analysis for the Global Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Market, with competitive landscape and geographic analysis on a global and regional scale.
Determination of different factors responsible for changing the market landscape, rising future opportunities and determination of leading players, which can affect the market on a regional scale.
Company profiles of the leading competitors along with their strategic initiatives and market shares.
Determination and analysis of the macro- and micro economic factors that affect the Global Electrostatic Aerosol Neutralizer Market, as per the regional analysis.
In the end, This report is an assimilation of trustworthy and updated information, quantitative and qualitative evaluation by industry analysts, inputs from industry professionals and leading competitors across the industrial value chain.
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Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market Manufacturing Cost Structure, Growth Opportunities and Restraint 2025
22 February 2019 - The Global Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market is estimated to develop at a substantial CAGR in the years to come. The report offers a thorough valuation of the industry. It comprises supporting skills, key trends, motivating factors of the market, encounters, regularization, controlling scenery, distribution models, operative situation studies, openings, upcoming roadmap, price restraint, environment performer summaries and policies.
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The statement likewise offers predictions for Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market funds for the prediction period. The statement delivers a general idea of the VSS Market together with descriptions, categorizations, uses and manufacturing sequence arrangement. In addition to expansion strategies and policies are talk over, in addition to production procedure and price configurations.
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/vehicle-speed-sensor-vss-market
As per the source of type of product, the statement shows the trades capacity in Million Pieces, Profits in terms of Million US$, Price of the Product in terms of US$/1000 Pieces, market stake and development percentage of respective category. The international Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market mainly divided into Magnetic-electric Vehicle Speed Sensor, Hall-type Vehicle Speed Sensor and Optical Vehicle Speed Sensor. Similarly, Transmission Speed Sensors, Engine Speed Sensors and Wheel Speed Sensors. The division of the international Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Industry on the source of Type of End Use spans Commercial Vehicles and Passenger Vehicles.
The division of the international Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market on the source of Area with respect to Trades in terms of Thousand Units, Profits in Million US$, Market stake and Development percentage of market in these areas, for the years to come. The area wise division of the international market comprises North America, Europe, Japan, India, China and Southeast Asia.
The statement revises Trades in terms of intake of Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) in the international market; particularly in The North America, Europe, Japan, India, China and South-east Asia. It concentrates on the topmost companies in these regions. Some of the important companies operating in the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market on the international basis are ACDelco, Hella, KI YO Car Sensors Co, Pricol Ltd, VBOX and Continental.
Additional noticeable companies operating in the Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market on the international basis are Valucraft, Dorman, Hitachi Metal, Mando-Hella, Knorr-Bremse, WABCO, Delphi, ZF TRW, MOBIS, AISIN, Bosch, Marlin Crawler, Walker Products, and Allegro Microsystems.
Market Segment:
The major manufacturers covered in this report
• Bosch
• Continental
• Delphi
• Knorr-Bremse
• Mando-Hella
• Hitachi Metal
• ACDelco
• Dorman
• Valucraft
Geographically, this report studies the top producers and consumers, focuses on product capacity, production, value, consumption, market share and growth opportunity in these key regions, covering
• North America
• Europe
• China
• Japan
• South Korea
• India
• Other Regions
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Wheel Speed Sensors Market Research, Growth Opportunities, Analysis and Forecasts Report 2025
17 January 2019 - Global Wheel Speed Sensor Market divided by Type of Sensor, Type of Application, and the Area. Wheel Speed Sensor, also termed as Vehicle Speed Sensor [VSS], is a category of tachometer. This one is a transmitter device, utilized for the interpretation of the speed of a vehicle’s wheel revolution. It generally contains a jagged ring and pickup.
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A Wheel Speed Sensors count the amount of road-wheel speed and direction of revolution. These sensors deliver input to an amount of diverse automobile systems, comprising the Antilock Brake System [ABS] and Electronic Stability Control. Wheel speed sensors, normally contain a jagged or else optically programmed shaft and a magnetic or else optical measuring device. The measuring device sums the speed at which the teeth or marks pass over.
View Full Report with TOC @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/wheel-speed-sensor-market
Wheel speed measuring device might observe the crankshaft or driveshaft revolutions in automobiles that do not require recognizing the speed at which separate wheels are rotating. If not, they observe the revolution of the axle, driving individual wheel. Here are two kinds of magnetic measuring devices: Variable Reluctance and Hall Effect. Both kinds identify the prongs of a steel gear, such as it revolves under the measuring device. Variable reluctance measuring device, sense the variation in the inductance of a wire coil, such as a steel tooth approaches into nearby proximity.
Hall Effect sensors measure the variation in the resistance of a semi-conducting pieceowing to the power of a functional magnetic field. The division of the Global Wheel Speed Sensor Industry on the source of Type of Sensor spans Hall Type, Magnetic Electric Type. The division of the Global Wheel Speed Sensor Market on the source of Type of Application Spans Passenger Vehicle, Commercial Vehicle.
The study principally emphases on Wheel Speed Sensor in international market, particularly in the areas of Wheel Speed Sensor market in North America, Wheel Speed Sensor market in Europe, Wheel Speed Sensor market in Asia-Pacific, Wheel Speed Sensor market in Latin America, Middle as well as Africa.
This statement classifies the Wheel Speed Sensor market on the basis of industrialists, areas, type, and Wheel Speed Sensor market use. North America [U.S., Canada, and Mexico], Europe [England, France, Germany, Italy and Russia], Asia-Pacific [India, Japan, China, Korea, and South East Asia], Middle East & Africa, and Latin America. Some of the important companies operating in the Wheel Speed Sensor Industry on the global basis are Bosch, Continental, MOBIS, ZF TRW, AISIN, Delphi, WABCO, Knorr-Bremse, MHE, and Hitachi Metal.
Market Segment:
Geographically, this report is segmented into several key Regions, with production, consumption, revenue (million USD), market share and growth rate of Wheel Speed Sensors in these regions, from 2013 to 2025 (forecast), covering
• United States
• EU
• China
• Japan
• South Korea
• Taiwan
Global Wheel Speed Sensors market competition by top manufacturers, with production, price, revenue (value) and market share for each manufacturer; the top players including
• Bosch
• Continental
• Aisin
• Delphi
• Knorr-Bremse
• Mando-Hella
• Hitachi Metal
• Hyundai Mobis
Request Sample Copy of This Report @ https://www.millioninsights.com/industry-reports/wheel-speed-sensor-market/request-sample
#Wheel Speed Sensors Market Trend#Wheel Speed Sensors Market Forecast#Wheel Speed Sensors Market Growth#Wheel Speed Sensors Market Segment
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Arrival on the Death Isles
The condemned stood to watch the ship leave for the realms of man.
Some prayed or cursed the gods. Others wept.
Adda the Blasphemer spat on the sand and turned to leave the beach.
Exile to the Death Isles was oft permanent. But he would not die here.
Adda would cleanse himself of guilt's stain.
#my writing#writing#minific#prompted writing#very short stories#vss#wss366#vss 2025#wip: death isles#adda the blasphemer
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Chevrolet Equinox terá nova geração em 2025 e com plataforma do Onix!
A atual geração do Chevrolet Equinox surgiu em 2018, mas já se fala na próxima. Se você tem ou quer ter o SUV médio da marca americana, fique tranquilo, pois, a próxima geração está definida apenas para 2025.
Já na terceira geração, o Equinox desceu um nível na hierarquia de SUVs da GM, já que as duas anteriores eram de porte grande, da mesma classe do Traverse, por exemplo.
Ficando no segmento médio para ocupar o lugar da Chevrolet Captiva, o modelo fabricado no México rapidamente ganhou importância.
Existem duas fábricas no país latino para atender as Américas e outras regiões do globo. Isso sem contar a produção canadense, que é responsável pela demanda maior dos EUA.
O Equinox também é fabricado na China. Bom, com um histórico que reuniu a plataforma Theta em duas gerações e mais a atual D2XX, a mesma do Cruze, o SUV médio terá uma “nova” plataforma em 2025.
Esta será a VSS-F, a mesma plataforma do Onix, Onix Plus e Tracker no Brasil, que também sustenta os modelos Monza e Trailblazer (China e EUA), além do Buick Encore GX e outros.
Para termos uma ideia, o Chevrolet Orlando tem a plataforma D2XX do Cruze e seria uma opção interessante para produção na Argentina.
Contudo, a novidade – contada pelo site GM Authority e caso se confirme – poderia levar a produção do próximo Equinox para los hermanos de Rosário, que finalmente teriam seu A.V.A.
Essa mudança pode tirar a produção de uma das fábricas da GM no México, deixando a outra para alimentar outros mercados com o novo SUV médio da Chevrolet.
Outro ponto a considerar em um Equinox VSS-F é que poderá ser um carro mais leve e ter até mesmo sete lugares, coisa que o atual modelo poderia oferecer, mas não o faz.
Porém, diferente dos demais carros com essa base, o motor 1.2 Turbo não seria suficiente para ele, devendo ser mantido o 1.5 Turbo de 182 cavalos, que está de bom tamanho no atual.
Assim, o Tracker argentino poderia conviver com o Equinox antes de mudar de geração, ficando ambos em Rosário, enquanto o Brasil exporta o modelo para os EUA e América Latina.
Essa alteração poderia ser benéfica para outro carro e este seria o Cruze ou seu sucessor. Para muita gente, é tentador ver o nome Monza retornando à praça. O carro existe, mas fica abaixo do atual médio da GM.
Então, um novo sedã com nível de acabamento e tecnoologia do Cruze, com a plataforma VSS-F e mais o nome icônico, daria uma receita boa, apesar das vendas de sedãs não estarem lá essas coisas?
[Fonte: GM Authority]
© Noticias Automotivas. A notícia Chevrolet Equinox terá nova geração em 2025 e com plataforma do Onix! é um conteúdo original do site Notícias Automotivas.
Chevrolet Equinox terá nova geração em 2025 e com plataforma do Onix! publicado primeiro em https://www.noticiasautomotivas.com.br
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Mars 2023 : pollution de l’air, formation pro, mal logement
mon compte-rendu du conseil régional du 30 mars 2023
Le Pôle écolo s’agrandit et on accueille Muriel Casalaspro qui devient Conseillère régionale à la suite de la démission de Clémentine Autain qui va se consacrer à son mandat de député. Il reste encore quelques cumulards à gauche !
On commence par une minute de silence en hommage à Nacera Amimer, une agente de la région, tuée par son mari, un des 35 féminicides commis depuis le début de l’année.
La droite s’émeut de la violence des manifestants… sans un mot sur la violence policière.
A une question sur les ZFE, V. Pécresse demande à la métropole de reporter de 18 mois le calendrier de la ZFE du Grand Paris. Quand il s'agit d’agir concrètement sur la pollution de l’air des bagnoles, la droite recule.
LREM pose une question toute miel, sur le report du calendrier de la mise en concurrence des transports et sur la coopération entre l’Etat et la Région sur la question du financement des transports. Nous posons la question plus franchement du dogmatisme de cette décision folle et qui va semer le chaos dans les transports en plein JO. Pecresse campe sur ses croyances idéologiques et maintient la date du 1er janvier 2025 pour découper les bus parisiens en 12 lots.
Le RN défend carrément les néonicotinoïdes pour les champs de betterave de l’IDF.
Le PS demande la création d’une cellule transpartisane contre les VSS. Ce sera non.
L’exécutif présente son plan sur la qualité de l’air. Il est porté par Olivier Blond, délégué de V. Pécresse à la qualité de l’air, et ancien président de l’association Respire. C’est vraiment la caution “écolo” de la droite à la région. Sauf que le monsieur arrive à complètement retourner sa veste, avec un plan particulièrement vide et inique. Il en est à un satisfecit incroyable sur le sujet et à dire que, comme la pollution a baissé, tout va bien et il ne faut plus rien faire, en particulier rien pour ne pas fâcher l’électeur automobiliste. Le volet mobilité est donc particulièrement vide. Nos amendements sont tous rejetés, sauf celui sur le soutien à Airparif. Ce plan est donc un catalogue de techno-solutions, sans réelle remise en cause du modèle du tout bagnole et du tout camion et de l’agriculture accro aux pesticides.
Le Préfet de région est là pour un échange sur l’action de l’Etat. V. Pecresse se plaint que la région est brimée par la péréquation et ne touche pas assez de moyens de l’Etat. Nota : l’IDF reste la région la plus riche de France.
Le Préfet vante son action sur les JO : dépollution de la Seine ou pistes cyclables, en particulier. Il est content du CPER qui fera 1 Mds d’euros pour investir en IDF, mais n’évoque même pas quand sera vu le volet transport…
La droite régionale est très contente de financer la police nationale et se félicite de la vidéosurveillance “intelligente” et demande carrément la reconnaissance faciale.
LFI pose la question de la gare inutile à Gonesse. Nous posons la question du mal logement en IDF.
On examine la révision du schéma régional de cohérence écologique, qui manque d’ambition, et qui devrait être en phase avec les alertes du GIEC. Lutte contre l'artificialisation des sols, trame brune, ressource en eau, biodiversité, cohérence globale : les enjeux sont importants pour ce schéma qui s’impose aux documents d’urbanisme. On dit souvent que c’est difficile de … et en particulier de faire le bilan. On vote quand même la révision, mais on craint que ça accouche d’une souris.
Vient ensuite le schéma régional des formations sanitaires et sociales. Après le Covid et la casse du service public de la santé, il y a vraiment du boulot, pour former des infirmières, aides soignants… et le bilan est catastrophique en IDF avec une chute du nombre de diplômés. Les amendements visant une augmentation des bourses sont rejetés.
L’avis du CESER est d’ailleurs très critique.
Un “jaune” budgétaire est présenté sur le handicap. L’occasion de parler des problèmes d’accessibilité des gares et du réseau de transport.
Puis vient le PRIC, c’est-à-dire le Pacte régional d’investissement dans les compétences, ou en français le financement de la formation professionnelle. Un gros sujet pour la région, car c’est une de ses grandes compétences. Le PRIC est trop tourné vers les besoins des entreprises, pour faire rentrer les jeunes dans le moule, et pour des emplois précaires ou peu attractifs. Il est aussi peu cohérent d’avoir cassé les outils de l’orientation pour les jeunes, comme Defi métiers.
(je pars avant la fin de l’examen du contrat de plan régional de développement des formations et de l’orientation professionnelles et les voeux LR et UDI qui ne risquent pas de casser la baraque)
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Video Surveillance Storage Market by Product (SAN, NAS, DAS, and video recorders), Storage Media (HDD and SSD), Enterprise Size, Application (Commercial, City Surveillance, and Industrial), Deployment Mode, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2025 published on
Video Surveillance Storage Market by Product (SAN, NAS, DAS, and video recorders), Storage Media (HDD and SSD), Enterprise Size, Application (Commercial, City Surveillance, and Industrial), Deployment Mode, Vertical, and Region - Global Forecast to 2025
The global Video Surveillance Storage (VSS) market size to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.1% during the forecast period.
MarketsandMarkets forecasts the global VSS market size to grow from USD 7.5 billion in 2020 to USD 10.2 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 6.1% during 2020–2025. Major growth factors for the market include the adoption of IP cameras and demand for video surveillance and its storage to secure public places. On the other hand, the low awareness of the availability of storage technologies and systems may restrain the market growth of the VSS market.
Source: Secondary Literature, Expert Interviews, and MarketsandMarkets Analysis
Impact of COVID-19 on current market size
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for video surveillance storage market is hit. The pandemic has caused disruption in retail stores, closure of hardware manufacturing plants, and resulted in sudden halt of economic activities. Many companies have implemented work from home, which further decreased the demand for VSS solutions.Taking into consideration the above given factors, the market for VSS solution is estimated.
Driver: Increasing physical threats around the world
Physical threats have raised the need for pre-emptive approaches for the safety of public, property, and other assets. For instance, in case of a terror attack, the suspects can be captured by various surveillance cameras installed across cities. Such instances create awareness of video surveillance as well as its storage.Simultaneously, it should have the capability of fast and simple access to video surveillance footage. With the increasing physical threats day by day across the world, the demand for VSS solutions is growing tremendously.
Restraints: Lower awareness of the availability of storage technologies and systems
There have been apprehensions about the availability of various storage solutions and technologies for storing video surveillance footage. End users from industries are not aware of the latest innovations in the surveillance technologies and storage solution and are still implementing the legacy systems. For instance, Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) come with non-scalable internal storage and availability of cloud storage. End users are also unaware of the innovative and low-cost VSS solutions available in the market.
Opportunities: Impact of disruptive technologies on video surveillance systems
There is an impact of disruptive technologies, such as 5G, cloud, hyper converged infrastructure, facial recognition, big data analytics, AI, and edge storage, on video surveillance systems, as well as video footage storage. As cloud, hyper converged infrastructure, and edge storage technologies impact video surveillance footage, hence affecting the growth of VSS market.
Challenges: Demand for higher bandwidth leading to higher associated costs
In the VSS market, there exists a challenge with the computing and data storage on the cloud. For cloud VSS, proper bandwidth is required as it transmits large video footage files over networks that demand higher bandwidths. This introduces complexity, having increased system pressure on the bandwidth that may also result in extended retention time.
The city surveillance segment is expected to hold the highest market share during the forecast period
The VSS market by application is segmented into commercial, defense/military, city surveillance, and industrial. The city surveillance segment is expected to hold the largest market size and highest growth rate during the forecast period.The city surveillance application helps in monitoring traffic, preventing criminal activities at public places, and monitoring suspicious activities at public places. The public places include airports, railway stations, seaports, theaters, playgrounds, and institutes. For monitoring cities, a large number of high-resolution cameras are installed. These high-resolution cameras demand scalable storage that supports the increasing demand for storing video surveillance footages.
The healthcare and pharmaceutical vertical to grow at the highest growth rate during the forecast period
By vertical, the VSS market is segmented into government and defense,education, BFSI,transportation and logistics,healthcare and pharmaceutical,manufacturing, energy and utilities,media and entertainment, retail, and others (IT and telecommunications, legal, and construction). Among these verticals, the healthcare and pharmaceutical vertical is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period.Hospital administrators are relying more on video surveillance to protect from false claims against nurses, physicians, and staff. More cameras are being installed to increase viewing areas so that a complete picture of patient-staff interaction can be captured. This contributes to the growth of the VSS market.
Among regions, Asia Pacific to hold the highest market share during the forecast period
The VSS market by region covers North America, Europe, APAC, MEA, and Latin America. APAC is expected to grow at the highest CAGR during the forecast period,owing to the rapid deployment of VSS solutions for monitoring city traffic and investigating crime scenes, and storing the video surveillance footage either on-premises or in cloud.Major APAC countriessuch as China, Australia, India, and New Zealand are expected to record high growth rates in this market.The companies such as Net App, Dell, Cisco, and IBM are expanding their cloud-based storage business in the region due to the availability of IT infrastructure.
Source: Secondary Research, Expert Interviews, and MarketsandMarkets Analysis
In-depth interviews were conducted with Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), marketing directors, innovation and technology directors, and executives from various key organizations operating in the VSS market.
By Company: Tier I: 15%, Tier II: 40%, and Tier III: 45%
By Designation: C-Level Executives: 40%, Directors: 35%, Managers: 15, and Others: 10%
By Region: North America: 45%, Europe: 15%, APAC: 30%, MEA: 5%, and Latin America: 10%
The major VSS vendors operating in the market include Cisco (US), Hitachi (Japan), Dell EMC (US), Honeywell (US), Avigilon (Canada),NetApp (US),Bosch (Germany), Seagate (US), Quantum (US), and Schneider Electric (France). The report provides these players’ company profiles, business overview, product offerings, recent developments, and market strategies.
Other companies with their product portfolio in VSS market also include Fujitsu (Japan), Wester Digital (US), BCDVideo (US), Cloudian (US), Spectra Logic (US), Micron Technology (US), Nexsan (US), RAIDIX (Switzerland), Infortrend (Taiwan), Rasilient System(US), Intransa (US), PIVOT3 (US), IDIS (South Korea), AXIS Communications (Sweden), VIVOTEK (Taiwan), huperLab (Taiwan), Milesight (US), Secure Logiq (UK), Promise Technology (US), D-Link (Taiwan), ADATA (Taiwan), Toshiba (Japan). Hikvision (China), Uniview (China), Qognify (US), Thomas Krenn (Germany), AMAX (US), Genetec (Canada), Pelco (US), and CP PLUS (Germany).
Research Coverage
The report segments the global VSS market by product, storage media, deployment mode, enterprise size, application, vertical,and region.The product segment includes Storage Area Network (SAN), Network Attached Storage (NAS), Direct Attached Storage (DAS), and video recorders. The VSS market has been segmented by deployment mode into on-premises and cloud. The VSS market by enterprise size has been segmented into Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and large enterprises. By application, the VSS market has been segmented into commercial, defense/military, city surveillance, and industrial.The vertical segment includes government and defense, education, Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), transportation and logistics, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, energy and utilities, media and entertainment, retail, and others (IT and telecommunications, legal, and construction). The report covers the VSS market in five major regions: North America, Europe, APAC, Middle East and Africa (MEA), and Latin America.
The report would help the market leaders and new entrants in the global VSS market in the following ways:
The report segments the market into various sub segments; hence, it covers the market comprehensively. It provides the closest approximations of the revenue numbers for the overall market and its sub segments. The market numbers are split further across applications and regions.
It helps in understanding the overall growth of the market. It also provides information about key market drivers, restraints, challenges, and opportunities.
It helps stakeholders in understanding their competitors better and gaining more insights to strengthen their positions in the market. The study also presents the positioning of the key players based on their product offerings and business strategies.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
What is the projected market value of the global Video Surveillance Storage market?
The global Video Surveillance Storage Market size to grow from USD 7,597 million in 2020 to USD 10,234 million by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 6.1% during the forecast period.
Which region have the highest market share in Video Surveillance Storage Market?
APAC holds the highest market share in the Video Surveillance Storage Market, where the region alone contributes 43.3% to the global Video Surveillance Storage Market in the year 2020.
Which application is expected to witness high adoption in coming years?
Industrial application in Video Surveillance Storage market is expected to grow at a highest growth rate in the coming years. The increase in terror threats and the rise in theft of raw materials have propelled the need for video surveillance systems and storage. The installation of CCTV cameras at manufacturing facilities improves business operations, monitors plant machinery and production processes, as well as ensures the safety of personnel on-site.
Who are the major vendors in the Video Surveillance Storage Market?
Major vendors in the Video Surveillance Storage Market are Cisco, Hitachi, Dell EMC, Honeywell, Avigilon, NetApp, Bosch, Seagate, Quantum, Schneider Electric, Fujitsu, Western Digital, BCDVideo, Cloudian, Spectra Logic, Micron Technology, Nexan, RAIDIX, and Infor trend.
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China Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market Report 2019
China Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) Market Report 2019
In this report, our team research the China Vehicle Speed Sensor (VSS) market by type, application, region and manufacturer 2014-2019 and forcast 2020-2025. For the region, type and application, the sales, revenue and their market share, growth rate are key research objects; we can research the manufacturers’ sales, price, revenue, cost and gross profit and their changes. What’s more, we will…
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