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microsff · 3 days ago
"Dragon!" the knight called, "I'm here to end your reign of terror!"
"I merely land by a town and ask if they will give me someone to eat."
"Yet when they offer a sacrifice you spurn it and instead eat the mayor."
"Yes. And if they refuse to sacrifice anyone, I leave."
"That's... Hm. Carry on."
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shorteststory · 10 months ago
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pithaut · 5 months ago
"you sound you have visual snow syndrome and tinnitus, you should get checked up by a neurologist" you're just jealous I can see galaxies all the time and the universe whispers its secrets only in my ears
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sirkustheclown · 7 months ago
Doesn’t everybody see them?
aka some static overlays I use
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months ago
Hey everyone,
First off, I hope you all are having a good day! It’s currently 6:23 am here in the US. insomnia sucks lol.
But I wanted to those who have Visual Snow Syndrome how I can make my way in the dark because it’s all just flickering dots. How do you guys get around?
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ghxst-system · 6 months ago
yeah so VSS isnt a joke and its honestly so difficult to live with
i cannot see in the dark because of how strong the VS is
i dont see just plain black when i close my eyes because its all static
i get headaches from the constant visual strain
i cannot see clearly because of the VS
i have panic attacks about it because i KNOW my brain is wired wrong and that nothing will make it ever leave
its always there
it causes worse dissociation
it causes worse derealisation
i cant tell when its raining because i just see static in the distance and suddenly i realise "OH IM IN THE FUCKING RAIN AND I DONT HAVE A HOOD"
i feel so fucked over by it and i just have to pretend its so fucking normal because of the constant gaslighting from fucks who refuse to understand VSS isnt JUST visual snow and that EVEN THEN visual snow isnt "normal" either
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virgossims · 14 days ago
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Spring dress lookbook 💚🍃
1. Dress
2. Dress
3. Dress
4. Dress
thank you to all the cc creators [ @backtrack-cc , @rimings , @sunberry-sims4 , @camuflajesims, etc ]
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consumerofshorthomies · 2 months ago
bad news yall, the tiny static isn't normal
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neopronouns · 4 months ago
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flag id: the top two flags each have a light grey background. over the background, as tall and wide as the flag itself, is an eye symbol with a dark grey outline, off-white sclera, a grey iris, and a near-black pupil. the top left flag is overlaid with static. in the top right flag, only the iris and pupil of the eye are overlaid with static.
the middle row has the eye symbols from the above two flags; these images are identical to the above images except for the lack of a light grey background. in the left image, the transparent background does not have a static overlay, but the entire symbol does.
the bottom two flags have 9 stripes, with the first, second, eighth, and ninth being smaller than the rest. the stripes are light grey, dark grey, off-white, grey, near-black, grey, off-white, dark grey, and light grey. the bottom left flag is overlaid with static. in the bottom right flag, only the fourth, fifth, and sixth stripes are overlaid with static. end id.
banner id: a 1500x150 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting’ in large white text in the center. end id.
eye flag with full static | eye flag with partial static eye symbol with full static | eye symbol with partial static striped flag with full static | striped flag with partial static
alternate visual snow syndrome flags for @thatonefurryartist!
they suggested using dark and light greys and white with a static overlay. i decided to make some flags with an eye shape, isolate that eye shape as a potential visual snow syndrome symbol, and also provide striped flags as an alternative!
the left versions of the eye flag/symbol have static over the entire image, while the right versions only have static over the pupil and iris (since i thought it looked cool). i also made versions of the striped flag with static over the entire flag and static only over the colors taken from the iris and pupil.
tags: @radiomogai | dni link
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vss-culture-is · 7 months ago
Visual snow is asking my mom why the dark has TV static in it and she has no clue what im talking about so I assume eveyone stairs into the void of twinkling artificial stars every night. and then I learn about visual snow like 15 years later
Vss culture is
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microsff · 11 months ago
"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"
"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"
"-but you can trust me when I say-"
"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"
"I don't care for you at all."
"Well, I… oh… I love you too."
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shorteststory · 1 year ago
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PS: My new line of D&D enamel pins is now live on BackerKit!
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fineassumptions · 7 months ago
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Kinda VSS inspired
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perpetuallyderanged · 2 months ago
today i have made the discovery that i have been living with visual snow syndrome
like what do you mean not everybody sees really tiny particles and like drowned out shades of colors
also what do you mean that you’re supposed to see pitch black when you close your eyes
if anyone has anymore information on this stuff that be like. super duper cool because a bit of this realization has me going through a mini crisis
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dnschmidt · 2 months ago
Hidden Room
Eric Seeker walked down the dusty temple corridor, searching for treasure. He spied a hidden door, nearly flush with the wall. He took a crowbar from his pack and pried it open. "Hopefully this isn't another cafeteria," he thought. "I always feel bad fighting cult members who are just trying to take their lunch break."
As he stepped into the hidden room, he found a cultist in gray robes. "What are you doing back here?" Eric asked.
"I operate the rolling boulder trap," the man said.
Eric raised an eyebrow. "That's all you do all day? Wait for a treasure hunter to happen by so you can flatten them with giant rocks?"
"It's a good job," the cultist insisted. "Temple Trappers Union #236 makes sure we get plenty of vacation days and time off. Do treasure hunters get that?"
Eric blushed. "Well, no. We can't unionize. A lot of my job is technically illegal. Grave robbing, looting, cult member punching, and so on."
The man harrumphed. "And you're supposed to be the hero."
Eric shrugged. "So, do we fight now?"
"We only kill adventurers with traps. Union rules."
Eric nodded. "Makes sense. I don't suppose you can tell me what the next trap is?"
The man laughed. "That would spoil the surprise. It's a great trap. You'll really fall in love with it."
"Collapsing bridge."
The cultist nodded. "If you see Gary, tell him Stu says hi."
"Will do."
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months ago
Hello! Not too sure how weird of an ask this is, but have you ever heard of Visual Snow Syndrome? I believe it is a pretty uncommon comorbidity in both ASD and ADHD... although it's still a relatively recent diagnosis.
Some symptoms include:
A permanent/ constant layer of "static" in the entire field of vision, which is present all the time, even when eyes are closed or in bright lighting.
Night blindness
Light sensitivity
Hi there,
Yes, I do experience VSS. It gets so bad at night. All I see are those flickering dots and like I’m looking through a static screen.
Wikipedia has a great example of VSS and what it looks like if anyone is curious.
I hope this helps answer your question. Thank you for the inbox. I hope you have a wonderful day/night. ♥️
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