#vs hoshina who would probably let himself freeze to death and give up his coat to her without question. one sneeze and hoshina is letting
narugen · 17 days
the difference between narumi and hoshina when it comes to mina is so funny in my brain. rambles in tags yes it’s shippy
#egg boils#narumi who would tell her to get in the space of his coat and lean against him when it’s cold because he REFUSES to just give her his coat#vs hoshina who would probably let himself freeze to death and give up his coat to her without question. one sneeze and hoshina is letting#himself brace the cold weather in his turtleneck#narumi: if u have a problem with this arrangement u can get out 👉#mina: shut up#she huddles into his warmth anyway because japan winters r crazy.#vs hoshina: here u go he would say as he drapes it over her and she’s so startled like her fling w narumi when she was 23 vs her Thing now#with hoshina when she’s 27 . A#she’d look back fondly on narumi’s antics though. long rides on his motorbike. his frown as he helps her weed her family home’s front lawn#his look of annoyance as he tells her to move and let him do the cutting of vegetables for his mum to use for dinner. the way he looks so#so happy when he eats her mums home cooked meal. the way he curls up against bakko as he games in her apartment#oh . i love narumina so bad.#sorry and yeah hoshimina well we already know. devotion. so much of it. you’d think it’s one sided from hoshina but no mina Loves hoshina#and appreciates him bc he keeps up with her has never backed down from whatever challenge she throws at him a#ashiro mina i will ensure u r so so loved when there’s a nagging absence in ur heart. Do not worry.#for Her mum* to use for dinner my brains been jumbling words lately#narumina#hoshimina#i just think it’s so important to me that mina Would undeniably in my universe find herself attracted to narumi#she would Detest it. but#it happens anyway. so naturally. one day she’s sparring with him and the next . perhaps during a shared training where they fight together#where he yells at her to shoot the honju because he’s already cleared the path for her HAVE SOME FAITH IN HIM. does she think. Oh.
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