#vraelgard event: midnight
hadplans · 4 years
@esinservio liked for an event starter
Netzach had not particularly wanted to help. When they had heard the pleas, they had curled into themselves, a particular burning dread in their chest. The pleas for help meant simply that things were going terribly, dreadfully wrong, and that things were beyond the possible control of where things started. It had happened many a time before, where a breach in one department would mean that their own department needed to come in, lest they lose everyone.  
This though, as time goes on, isn’t quite the same. Monsters don’t creep out of the darkness in the way they’re used to, and no matter how long Netzach looks for them, there are no golden eyes waiting out there. It helps, at least some, and so, they end up coming out of their hiding spaces to toe the edge of the known and unknown. 
Someone else is there too, a small relief from being truly alone in all of this.
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“Are you planning to go out there?” Netzach starts the entire thing a bit awkwardly, gaze still stuck on the darkness. “I uh, I wanted to try, but I’m not too keen to try this by myself.” It’s not like they even have the useless pistol issued by the corporation. “So um, well, if you wouldn’t mind a partner, do you mind if I volunteer to tag along?” 
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vraelgard · 4 years
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A week has passed, with Lilliana’s fears of more frequent attacks becoming a reality. The princess herself was doing all she could, even donning a suit of armor that had not been seen since the days of Queen Blossom. She makes it no secret about what she plans to do, and citizens watch in awe as she strode, sword in hand, towards the Eastern Gate, accompanied by Lady Ebony and Count Ivory. 
"Are you sure about this? Your magic can be a little...volatile," Ebony says quietly as they reach the entrance. 
"It's what I was born to do. Let us go," Lilliana replies, and the three enter the forest that lies beyond Terra's walls.
Strangely, there are no beasts to attack them as they head to Tenebrae's temple, their travel expedited by what powers Ebony and Ivory had left. The forest of Blackgrove is painfully silent, every twig that snaps below Lilliana's heel sounding as if it's going to draw the attention of a beast to them. Upon reaching the temple, Lilliana pauses a careful distance away, eyeing the beast that remains guarding it. 
"I will make quick work of this," she promises. 
She steps forward, eliciting a growl from the monstrous creature that guards the temple as it fixes its gaze on her. Still, she does not falter, drawing her sword and pointing it at her enemy. A pause, as Lilliana readies herself, heels digging more firmly into the earth.
"Lux dea, duce me, et disperdam malum…" 
With her incantation, Lilliana bounds forward, guided by the divine light and pierces the beast. Her movement is too quick to follow, but the beast unleashes a pained howl before abandoning its post and disappearing into the darkness.
"That was amazing!" Ebony says, rushing over to Lilliana.
Lilliana, however, looks winded, and she sinks to her knees as she attempts to recover herself. 
"I didn't banish it fully...my magic is…" she lets out a noise that's half between a sigh and a groan. "The Goddess help me, my family has the worst magic in this country."
"Still, we can now check on Tenebrae, so I believe we can consider this a success," Ivory points out. He helps Lilliana back to her feet, and the three step carefully into the temple.
What greets them is a scenario Lilliana would only have dreamed of in nightmares. 
Standing in front of the altar is a stone statue of Tenebrae, his mouth open in a silent cry, his hand outstretched as if trying to get something back. But aside from the temple of the goddess, there are no statues of the sages inside. 
"Oh no," whispers Ebony.
Ivory takes a moment longer to examine the scene before turning to the others with a grim expression.
"Tenebrae...has been petrified. And the moonstone is missing."
*     *     *
Lilliana paces back and forth in front of the petrified Tenebrae. Ebony sits on the steps that lead up to the altar, chin in hands, as she watches Lilliana's movements. Ivory, in the meantime, is continuing to examine the Sage.
"It's peculiar," he says finally. "It's as if someone used a magic that's not...based in the elements. But combined it with Dark magic...turning Tenebrae's power against him."
Lilliana stops pacing, turning to face Ivory. She crosses her arms and fixes him with a glare.
"Alright, then how do we fix this? I cannot allow a permanent night to rule over Vraelgard. We need Tenebrae back," she says.
"Maybe the Ciemnica witches have a solution," Ebony suddenly pipes up. "They're like, the closest magic users to Tenebrae that would know how to deal with something like this, aside from his Mage."
"Speaking of which, where is Moonlight?" Lilliana asks. 
Ebony and Ivory exchange a look and a shrug. 
"She aided in my first attempt to fight off the beast," Ivory says to Lilliana. "Assuming she's heard that we've gained entry…"
"Let me call her," Ebony offers. She pulls out her phone, quickly selecting a contact and putting it on speaker.
After three rings, the phone picks up.
"Lady Ebony? Has something happened? Is there a new development?"
"Uh, yeah, actually," Ebony says. "We got into the temple. Tenebrae's...been petrified and...the moonstone is gone."
There's a long silence on the other end.
"You defeated the beast?" Moonlight asks, sounding surprised. 
"Not exactly, it kind of...ran away after Lilliana smacked it with one of her spells," Ebony says, and Moonlight sighs. 
"...I see. I can't help but find it peculiar that it would give up so easily." She's quiet for a moment longer as there is the faint sound of rustling paper, followed by a small "ah." "...Assuming these notes are correct, I do believe I know of a way to revive him. You will need components of darkness, and the mirror of the Ciemnica witches. I doubt it will be easy to obtain, but Princess Cica will likely hear you out. I will send you a list, and I will come to meet you at the temple."
With that, the call ends, and a couple moments later, Ebony receives a text message with the components list. She frowns at it before showing it to Lilliana and Ivory.
"Some of these are really hard to get, and I don't know how we'd manage them on our own," Ebony says. "What d'you think, Lilliana?"
Lilliana skims the list, taking note of the trickier items. It's true, they wouldn't have enough people to collect them, not with the monsters still on the loose. But…there is another solution. She looks at Ivory.
"Do you trust me?" she asks.
"Of course," he replies without a moment's hesitation.
"...Very well. I believe it is time we turn to some outside help." 
*     *     *
The foreigners of Terra will suddenly find themselves receiving a text message from Princess Lilliana. Peculiar it wouldn't come in the form of a video message, but the instructions are clear.
The Sage of Darkness, Tenebrae, is petrified, and his elemental gemstone is missing. We have reason to believe that it was stolen by someone who is behind the beast attacks and disappearances that have plagued our city as of late. As it is imperative that Tenebrae be cured and balance restored to our elements, I humbly ask for your help.
All of you will now find you have access to the forest of Blackgrove. In the forest are a demon clan, led by a demon woman named "Shi," and the Ciemnica Witch Clan ruled by Princess Cica. They can be negotiated with for their respective items. The rest come from creatures in the Blackgrove area. Please use caution when retrieving them. Once you have obtained an item, bring it to Tenebrae's temple, and give it to the Mage of Dark, Moonlight.
Thank you for your assistance,
Princess Lilliana.
*     *     *
Sitting perched on a tree branch is a young woman with bubblegum pink hair and cat ears, otherwise blending into the darkness with her black clothing. Her partner stands below her, nonchalantly lighting a cigarette before looking in the same direction as her, the shadow beneath his eye not covered by an eyepatch betraying his exhaustion. 
"Things are getting interesting, aren't they Will?" the woman asks, swinging her legs back and forth. "Do you think we'll be busy tonight?"
"Depends on how many of them die," her partner replies. "And I told you not to call me that."
The two of them stare in silence at the monster they've been watching as it roams the forest of Blackgrove. It doesn't seem to take note of the two of them, or perhaps it simply doesn't care.
"It's such a pain we have that promise to the princess," the woman says, stretching her arms over her head until her shoulder lets out a satisfying pop.
"A bit..." agrees her partner. "But for now... we'll wait to see if any of them die."
And so they watch. And they wait.
What's happening?
Surprise! This is not fun; why did I say surprise. Tenebrae has been petrified, and the moonstone is missing! The only cure to bring Tenebrae back and end the eternal night is to gather the elemental components for a panacea. And that's where you come in! Lilliana needs your help, so the components and a general idea of how to obtain them have been listed below! Do you want to fight for them? Sneakily grab them? Whatever works for you! 
Who is Moonlight?
Moonlight is the Mage of Darkness, the most powerful sorceress of Dark magic in particular, and has dedicated her life to serving Tenebrae! There are Mages for every element, but peculiarly no one seems to know who the Time and Space Mages are… Regardless, Moonlight will be waiting at the temple for you to bring her components!
Will we die?
Some of you may die, but that's definitely a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Even though Lilliana managed to get rid of the beast outside the temple, the attacks are no less frequent upon the city. There are also plenty of beasties roaming the Blackgrove forest, so it's best to be careful.
Can we still write Part 1 starters during Part 2?
Absolutely! Of course, if you just want to remain in the city during Part 2, not much has changed with the situation, sadly. 
Will we be allowed to explore Blackgrove further after the event?
Yes, but only if you're of Commoner rank or above! While Blackgrove is temporarily open to those of Novice rank, Travel Visas will only be given at Commoner rank after the event. And without a Travel Visa, you can't leave Terra. Sorry!
Who are the man and woman at the end of the post?
Wouldn't you like to know, weather boy? Joking aside, you will learn their names, who they are, and what they do with the event conclusion. So look forward to that :)
What are the components and where do we find them?
Blood of a Blackgrove demon - easy enough, find a demon who lives in Blackgrove, and kindly ask for a bit of their blood. You can always take it by force, but they'll prooooobably get pissed at you for that. So you better be prepared to fight. How do you find the demons? Well, your best bet is to either call out that you request a meeting with one, or to try to find where they live, somewhere to the northern part of Blackgrove.
Slime of a Darkness Blob - peculiar creatures that make their home in Blackgrove are what appear to truly just be...literal blobs of darkness. While they're entirely friendly (and...harmless), they do occasionally secrete a slime used as a component in many spells and potions. They might not really understand if you ask nicely, but maybe your kind tone will get across?
Feathers of a Raven - peculiarly large ravens make their home in Blackgrove, and these are the ravens Moonlight requires feathers from. The birds themselves do not take kindly to outsiders, but they're known for leaving their feathers behind places. 
Fur of the Beast - one of the most difficult items to get, you'll need to fight a monster and survive. More than that, you'll need a patch of its fur. Of course, it's not required to kill it, but it might be easier that way. 
Mirror of the Ciemnica witches - the hardest item to get, as it has been passed down from one witch princess to the next for generations. From her grandmother to her mother, and from her mother to her, Princess Cica is unlikely to trust such a precious heirloom to just anyone. This would be best acquired if you have every other component first–and promise to give it back to her. 
NOTE: If you wish to attempt to get the mirror of the Ciemnica witches, send a message to the masterlist for further instructions on how to do so! Otherwise, this will be handled at the end of the event! 
Part 2 will run from midnight, May 16 to 11:59 p.m. May 30th!
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joeymixtape · 4 years
@celesnite​! It’s you!
  One look around this place, and Akihiko is certain it’s the Dark Hour all over again. There are no Shadows from what he can tell, but that doesn’t mean anything. First and foremost, he needs to look for people to help - whether he has proper weapons or mittens, it doesn’t matter.
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  There! He nearly jumps when he sees movement further ahead, and he’s certain that was a person, not a monster. There’s no hesitation at all as he rushes forward, eager to save the day.
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royaliste · 4 years
.        💭
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she still has to make heads and tails of this whole situation in addition to just arriving here, but you can guarantee she’s got a lot on her mind and if it’s anything she’s certain of, it’s that she wants to get to the bottom of this!
while also protecting the people perhaps... with what little she can do.  here’s a starter call for vraelgard’s midnight event!
                                capped at 4 for now, with castmates exempt!
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prophetessblue · 4 years
@ybetweenx​ Event starter!
“This land is watched over by a pantheon of beings called the Sages, and it appears that one of them is responsible for the dismal state of the world now?”
Try as she might, the sapphire couldn’t help the expression of diastase on her face. It felt like she freed herself of one group’s constant influence only to find herself in the grasp of another. So she enlisted the aid of a human reputed to be a tome of knowledge and a veritable secret-keeper for some aid.
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“If you don’t mind my asking, how did this happen? How could a god lose control of itself in such a way?”
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camelotsgrace · 4 years
⁠— ;
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while not the strongest ( or the most aware of ongoing matters ) , arturia will achieve what she can in order to protect the innocent. she’s got her lance, albeit dull, and will likely be found hunting these beasts. 
                                                         or attempting to tame one.
if you’d like to receive a knight’s protection or simply fight alongside one, please like this for a starter!                capped at 4 for now, with erm... my two castmates exempt.
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brightlilies-a · 4 years
   “hold up, edie,” his hand reaches out in an empty gesture, not attempting to grab the young woman’s shoulder nor coming near her. mismatched eyes linger in the shade of the boughs above, fixated on the minute rustling of leaves and pitter-patter of claws against the branches, “i hear somethin’.”
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   the moments elongate as his intense gaze bores into the tree, until finally a silhouette bounds from its hiding place, landing deftly onto the dirt path with a whisper of a thud. up rears its head with its big, beady, black gaze, the long, thick-furred tail twitching behind its demure form. at which point, albi’s palm presses firmly into his brow, and a sigh passes his lips at the squirrel that was now scampering away into the darkness. 
   “... haha... ha.” his shoulders relax as he forces the laughter past, but his head shakes all the same. ( really? a nutkin? i must really be on edge. ) “well, guess it’s good ta know there’s still like... other animals about in all this?”
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heavensapex · 4 years
    you know, if Kagome counted the amount of times she’s been chased by some horrifying creature or demon, she would need at least five more hands to do it. it really is something that she’s used to, as bad as that probably is, which is why she’s not freaking out too much.
           keyword being too because she is still panicking because it has been three years since she’s been chased by a giant terrifying thing that plans to eat her! but she keeps herself calm because she isn’t the only one being chased. the teen wonders if she’s tugging on the girl’s hand too hard but she can’t afford to slow down for both their sakes or even look back.
             she doesn’t need to to know that it was still there, hot on their heels.
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   “ This way!!” and then she’s turning sharply, dragging the girl with her into a narrow alley-way. it looked just long enough....if Kagome’s hunch was right, then they could come out the other side far away enough from the beast that it’ll have lost their trail.
@forcottentail​ -- event starter call.
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ultrascund · 4 years
@greek-pyre​​ wants bats
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▖ Darkness surrounded both of them, wrapping the duo like a blanket yet making it harder to navigate through the irregular topography of the forest... At least for someone who used their eyes to locate themselves in space. Koko strolled around like a casual walk in the park while the other party followed her behind, constantly keeping her palm on her back. Slimes of darkness would probably be a pain to find in that part of Blackwood if they didn’t have a literal walking radar. 
❝ I think there’s one there. That does feel like a blob. ❞ Her right arm raised as she pointed eastwards.  ❝ You hanging on back there? ❞  
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hadplans · 4 years
@youcantstopxme​ liked for an event starter
Well, this person seems rather well equipped coming out of all of this. A small collection of things from the Blackgrove, as far as Netzach can tell. It’s all in the sound of how someone moves, the weight of the footsteps and the motion of tools against each other.  All they have are useless trinkets. Dried leaves and berries and pieces of bark and leaf. Things to study the color and change of, given that they have never done so before. Netzach has no interest in the needs of others, in this moment. Freedom is a very personal thing, and so, they stick to their personal pleasures. 
Pockets full, they’re heading out of the tunnels this time, trailing their fingers along the wall in search of carvings. Something with meaning, something that tells a story. They’re finding nothing of the sort, and instead, find themselves stiffening at the sight of someone else’s shadow approaching. 
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“It’s not too exciting out right now.” Netzach calls out to the shadow, still somewhat hidden in their apathy. “So if you were going out expecting something action packed, it’s really not that.” 
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vraelgard · 4 years
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"Please, lend us your aid."
Princess Lilliana stands, her hands clasped as if in prayer, in front of the Ciemnica clan witch princess, Cica. Cica's orange eyes flicker over the princess, still in her armor, to Moonlight, Ivory, and Ebony beside her; and the whole myriad of foreigners behind her. 
Some of them look a little worse for wear, others hardly more than ruffled. They've brought with them the ingredients required to restore Tenebrae. All that's left is the mirror of the Ciemnica witches. 
Moonlight steps forward, stopping next to Princess Lilliana. 
"We have gathered the proper ingredients--and now we must combine them into a potion and spread it on the surface of the mirror. Then, we must reflect the light of the moon onto Tenebrae...and the spell petrifying him will be broken," Moonlight says. 
"Yes. I'm aware of what the rumors say about that spell," Cica says shortly. "But you must understand where I'm coming from." 
She reaches into her pocket, pulling out a small compact from her pocket, embellished with a moon design. 
"This mirror is imbued with the power of the moon itself. It has been passed down from one Ciemnica witch princess to the next. From my grandmother, to my mother, to me. It is a precious heirloom and I cannot trust it with just anyone."
Cica pauses, turning the compact over in her hands, silent for a long moment. 
"However... Tenebrae is our patron–the sage with whom we have formed a pact. I fear that if he is not restored soon...the witches of my clan will continue to suffer."
She turns, almost subconsciously, to look in the direction of the Ciemnica Witches Commune. Considering how badly those whose powers came from Tenebrae were faring, it was a safe bet that the Ciemnica witches weren't any better off. 
"Very well, Princess. I entrust my mirror to you," Cica says softly, holding out the mirror for Lilliana to take. "Bring back Tenebrae. And put an end to this eternal night."
* * * * *
Now, Lilliana stands, mirror in hand, everyone gathered once again behind her--this time in front of Tenebrae. Or rather, the statue that was once him. 
"The potion is ready," Moonlight says quietly. 
Lilliana nods, holding out the mirror for Moonlight to carefully spread the potion over. It gives the mirror a peculiar shine, somewhere between silver and purple. 
"The moon is at its apex...it's now or never," Lilliana whispers to herself. 
She lifts the mirror above her head, catching the light of the moon that shines through the roof of the temple. The light then reflects off, hitting Tenebrae with its beam. 
As the light strikes the statue, it begins to spread, covering Tenebrae in moonlight. After a moment, the light becomes unbearable to look at directly, and Lilliana instinctively lifts an arm to cover her eyes. When she lowers it, the Sage of Dark, Tenebrae is standing in front of them, no longer a statue. 
"Princess--Moonlight--Count and Lady Blackgrove," Tenebrae says, his voice soft. He looks stunned at the congregation that's gathered in his temple, and his gaze lingers for a moment on those who he acts as the Patron to. "You...saved me. You have my sincerest gratitude."
"Yeah, um, that's great and all, but would you mind doing something about this...eternal night situation?" Ebony pipes up, and Lilliana can't resist elbowing her. 
"Yes, of course," Tenebrae says. It seems he's long been accustomed to Ebony's lax nature. He lifts his hands, seeming to concentrate before light slowly begins to fade back into the sky. As if sunrise had finally come.
"What about the moonstone?" Moonlight asks. 
"We haven't recovered it," Lilliana admits. "I...apologize. I don't...know who took it or where they've gone."
Tenebrae shakes his head, offering Lilliana a small smile.
"I understand. We will recover it eventually. I have no worries. As long as Lumen's sunstone is safe."
Lilliana nods, and turns to those who accompanied her. For those who chose not to, they would receive a quick video message on their phones stating the exact same thing. 
"Those from worlds far beyond, I must continue to ask for your aid. Some of you will be receiving Travel Visas. Those with Travel Visas may now travel to the Blackgrove area--and should you find yourself here, please take caution when fighting any lingering monsters...with any luck we will be able to drive the remainder out of our country. I thank you greatly for your service to Vraelgard."
Lilliana bows to those in attendance, and for those receiving the message, it ends after that. It's not often the princess bows her head before those below her station. But it seems as though she is truly grateful, more than her words can express. 
* * * * *
Those wandering the Blackgrove forest would likely stumble across a certain woman with bubblegum pink hair and cat ears, holding dual swords. Accompanying her is a man who looks permanently exhausted, one eye hidden beneath an eyepatch. It seems he has no problems with aim, wielding a rapier with ease. 
The woman is doing quite a few impressive moves when she suddenly freezes. She turns to look at the foreigners who are staring at them, and she nudges her partner. 
"Will...they're staring at us."
"That's impossible," he says, turning to look at them. "We're invisible. Also I told you not to--"
"William, I'm serious! Look!" she emphasizes, pointing at the people staring at them. 
"What the fu--" before William can finish, the woman tosses her swords into the air, where they seem to vanish. 
She takes a step towards the foreigners, a strained smile on her face. 
"Hey there! So it appears the infinite night bullshit is over with, but uhh...I think Tenebrae made a teensy weensy screw up. Can you pretend you didn't see us, pretty please?" she says, giving the closest person a wink.
"Kino, I don't think that's going to work," William says with a sigh. He steps forward to join her, making a motion as if sheathing his rapier, but instead it too disappears. "...Alright. You've seen us. And you better not die if you don't want to see us again."
"Will--" Kino scolds, slapping his shoulder.
"We're reapers, Kino!"
"Yeah, and we made a promise to the princess that we wouldn't appear before people unless we were bringing them back?? Can't I just wipe their memories? Please? Pretty please??" Kino asks. 
"You would have to rip their souls out. I.E. Kill them. And then put them back in. I.E. The way resurrections work," William says, giving Kino a flat look. 
"Fiiiine," Kino says, rolling her eyes. She points at the foreigners who are still staring at them with wide eyes. "You all? Try not to die, okay? Because I thiiiink you're gonna remember it. And as someone who remembers her death? ...It sucks. See ya!"
With that, Kino waves and turns around, leaving the group with William. After a few feet, they seemingly vanish--whether into the forest or going to a new plane of existence, who can tell?
* * * * *
A mysterious figure stands high in a tree on the edge of Blackgrove, looking over the monsters that linger, and the damage that has been done. 
A smile creeps onto his face, and in the blink of an eye...he's gone. 
What’s new in Vraelgard?
Glad you asked! For those who are Commoner rank or higher, Blackgrove will now be available as a location for threads and housing! Yes, you can now move to Blackgrove! You can find the updated locations list HERE or through the masterlist! If you are not of Commoner rank or higher, you will still find that strange fog lingering over Blackgrove, so any attempts to go out there will be met with utter failure. Hope you didn’t lose anything while you were gathering components! 
What’s happened with Tenebrae and people whose Patron Sage is Tenebrae?
Thanks to your hard work, Tenebrae is now back to normal! He may occasionally be in his temple, but he’ll probably need some time alone to deal with the horrifying experience of being turned into a statue. For those whose Patron is Tenebrae, you’ll find yourselves completely back to normal--better, even! You’ll also find that you feel great during the night, so let’s hope you’re nocturnal to burn off all that energy. Or maybe it’ll just let you always have a good night’s sleep?
Can we continue threads after the event is over?
Yes! If you have an unfinished thread, go ahead and feel free to continue it. However, you cannot start new threads.
Can we now rank up?
Of course! Please send rank up requests to @kingdomshall, where they will be processed. Make sure your event threads are linked on your rank up page, as well as your threads with their word counts. Now that there are other apartments available to you, you can put in a request for a housing change if you qualify, too!
What’s with the reapers, what??
If you have died in Vraelgard, you will find a location in Blackgrove where the Reapers hang out. They’re the ones responsible for putting your souls back into your bodies if you die, so do try to be nice to them. This does, of course, mean that you will also now remember your death, and everything after it. Painful! 
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joeymixtape · 4 years
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  “What do you mean I shouldn’t try to fight one of the giant beasts on my own? Honestly, they’re not that big compared to some of the other things I’ve fought. I’ve punched monster tanks before. I’m pretty sure I can handle a big wolf. Besides, I only need a little bit of fur - a baby could do that much.”
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royaliste · 4 years
             ;   @whatsbonkin​
🐏 》 Despite herself and all the challenges she’s encountered, there was still some joy to be found in a familiar face. In all honesty, she hadn’t expected to find him here, let alone in the predicament he was! ( He wasn’t in peril danger, per say, but he did look a little lost in the forest. ) For someone with the codename Noir, it only felt fitting to dash ahead in front of him in a grand fashion and boast her regional repertoire. 
         ❝ Ufufu, are you lost, young man? Never fear, for Noir is here! I will show you the way. ❞
               Of course, it’s all part of her facade. Surely he’s recognized her by now.
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         ❝ ...Did that surprise you? I always wanted to try my hand at one of those inspiring hero-esque appearances. ❞
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prophetessblue · 4 years
@youcantstopxme​ Event starter!
What time was it? The gem’s internal clock was telling her that it was a few hours until noon, but the city she found herself in looked to be blanketed in a starry night. Her confusion certainly wasn’t helped by the sheer amount of nonhumans about, several of which she thought only existed in the imagination.
Before she could think to ask one of them for an explanation or an assist, she watched as the nearest group hastily ducked into a nearby building. Why was a group of five individuals with weapons in such a hurry? Was there a draconian curfew they had to abide by?
If only Cornflower still had the full extent of her powers, she could at least use her predictions to get her bearings! Without them, she was forced to wander along the sidewalk with nothing but streetlamps to guide her and hope that she wasn’t unwittingly defying any of the city’s rules.
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Fortunately it only took ten minutes for the gem to find someone who was also traveling alone. The blue-haired young woman in front of her was strangely serene given the circumstances. If Cornflower was a little more apprehensive, she may have thought to ask why this human(?) was so sure of her safety. However, as she was just happy to find someone who seemed to have a handle on things, her only concern was with the lack of light in the area.
“Excuse me.” She addressed with a curtsy, “I do not mean to bother, but would you know why this land seems to be bathed in darkness?”
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monkflurry · 4 years
“Forgive me but are you familair with the legends of eternal night? In where the last bastion of light the moon and stars are consumed by a creature of world end? Some say a wolf, others a frog or dragon. Usually followed by a long winter. Do you think we are in that type of situation or are we dealing with the hands of a sorcerer who is blinded by their own capabilities?“ 
You look up at the ever dark sky. 
“I just hope it doesn’t snow.”
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brightlilies-a · 4 years
   “they aren’t voidsent,” a single finger taps the tip of his nose nonchalantly, with a small smile growing on his features as he hops forward. twigs snap beneath his feet, and the metal chains on his robes clink and clank joyously, obliviously, amid the tense air. red ears wiggle as he turns his attention down the path the shadow fled, and his white tipped tail twitches excitably for the prospective hunt——as ill-advised as he knows it to be.
   “don’t smell like ‘em, yanno?” so his attention returns to the lalafell nearby ( a welcome stranger, a budding friend ! ) with odd eyes wide and warm. something about them instantly resonated with him, like meeting a kindred spirit, someone who might understand things only they would know, and such familiarity... amid such unfamiliarity... was comforting. want as he might for a more pleasant venue for better conversation, though, his hand gestures away, resolving to ask his burning questions another day. 
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   “wanna track it down, hedge? the trail’s fresh enough i can follow it. might get us a few answers, if nothin’ else.”
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