joeymixtape · 4 years
@celesnite​! It’s you!
  One look around this place, and Akihiko is certain it’s the Dark Hour all over again. There are no Shadows from what he can tell, but that doesn’t mean anything. First and foremost, he needs to look for people to help - whether he has proper weapons or mittens, it doesn’t matter.
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  There! He nearly jumps when he sees movement further ahead, and he’s certain that was a person, not a monster. There’s no hesitation at all as he rushes forward, eager to save the day.
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wrathbred · 4 years
@celesnite​ liked for a starter !!
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“ hey. you. ” he gestures to her, not ignorant to the fact that it’s absolutely rude but not quite caring, either. really, she just happened to be the first person he’s spotted since leaving his new apartment. hey, at least he’s got his own room, this time? 
“ you live here too, right? got any idea where the gardens are? i really don’t care to trust food produced by strangers. rather do it myself. figure i can probably trust the earth here before the people in power, anyway. ”
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heartoaths · 4 years
@celesnite​ liked for a starter.
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“Is it always this dark here?” He can’t help but question, concern furrows his brows and causes his lips to purse into a slight frown. No Keyblade to his name and in a realm that he’s having trouble parsing, a world of perpetual darkness isn’t exactly the first place Sora would have chosen to end up at. Then again, he doubts he had little choice in the matter to begin with. “I mean,” He considers, thinks back to that weird message he got on his phone—one he’s positive everyone got, well almost everyone maybe. “They want us to find stuff, right? So that should fix everything out of balance.” Sora’s worked with vaguer instructions before, but that seems about the gist of it.
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heavensapex · 4 years
   Kagome had never been a fan of the darkness. prior to her time in the Fuedal Era, it was chalked up to an overall creepy feeling she got from it. but then she learned of what can lurk in the darkness, how even that can move and shift despite nothing being there. when Terra was submerged into an eternal night, she was harshly reminded of her time spent inside the jewel. how, despite it only feeling like minutes, she was in that eternal night for three days. it dredges up feelings she’d rather not experience once again, but she chooses to work past all of that.
         something was happening here. and she was determined to get to the bottom of it, even if it felt like something was watching her every move.
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    “ Are you ready, Kotone-chan? “ she keeps her voice low, gaze moving towards the teen beside her. Kagome had a plan to check out this Awesome Blossom place, to follow up on the rumors circulating around the city. she really did wish she had her bow in the event they run into one of those creatures but at least she had some of her powers. that should be enough. “ The bar isn’t far from here so it shouldn’t take us too long to get there. “
@celesnite​ -- event starter call.
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vraelgard · 4 years
(bass boosted soul phrase plays in the bg) hi! with prior reserve kotone shiomi from p3 ready for action
hello, kotone shiomi and welcome to terra!
you will be housed in twin apartments A9, where you will find a permanently wet pool noodle...blessed...by aqua to replace the weapons taken from you upon arrival!
you will also retain your trophy persona jack frost and you will be granted andromeda’s momentary glimpse spell.
✵ sylthfarn
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eidolonpath · 6 years
sprints back in immediately hello!! reapping kotone shiomi from p3! links are still in order, thank you!
You have returned, traveler. Have wishes called you here again, to this bright and bare wasteland? Very well. You will always be welcomed.
You will find your residence in Bunkhouse #3. You will retain all that you have received from your previous stay.
Search, seek, persist. Take heart in your heart.
May Diaidem bless you.
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heirofheroics-blog · 6 years
@celesnite | continued from here
While hardly surprising, Damian still scowled in response to the answer. It was far from uncommon for people to be concerned for him as a supposedly helpless child, but it never became less infuriating.
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“What exactly am I supposed to do, then? There’s no one here who could be considered my guardian in any fashion. Am I expected to just sit mindlessly in a bunkhouse that happens to also be filled with strangers?”
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quirkbred-blog · 6 years
‘ do you like people? ’
* interview the muse / x
What a weird question, he thinks, and he nearly says it, too. Of course he likes people; he has to deal with them all the time in school, as a hero, as a person. And of course he has people he likes, but from what he’s heard of himself- he’s horrible at showing it.
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“I guess.”
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revoltions · 4 years
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( santa to a bunch of japanese people ) any of you chumps know japanese? well san means three--
curses. a lot. even casually he just drops the f-bomb.
surprisingly chill ! ... you know, when he’s not letting the stress of being away from home and not seeing his sister and god hope she doesn’t get into anything stupid while he’s unwillingly gone !
is an esper. technically. not right now though because of sage powers ( and that’s just adding to his stress )
yes he wears platform boots yes they give him extra height no you can’t know how high they are ( they give him 3 inches )
currently very pissed off about the state of the precious polaroid of his sister is in. will take any opportunity he can to complain about it because what the f-- ( it’s just in a very ugly picture frame and how dare they do that to her ).
can be quick to snap, but he’s actually just very tired.
will big brother the shit out of younger characters if they get on his good side
hallo it’s me again ( reina. hi. <3 she/her ) i also write kotone ( @celesnite​ ) for the group ! if i’m not there and you want a starter from her, just lmk ( and vice versa! ) naturally, this blog will be littered with zero escape spoilers, and i’m begging you to play it... i currently only have gif icons and won’t use them because i don’t wanna make more. as always, if you’d like to plot something, feel free to ask for my discord! alternatively, you can always chat with me on my twitter! i only talk abt tma + ffxiv these days like a clown ( honks )
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eidolonpath · 6 years
i gave in to temptation i miss my fav pink lightning bolt )': if she hasn't been reserved yet, i would like to reserve nora valkyrie from rwby! the date is 12/29 and you can contact me through this blog or twitter @vividroieplay as usual uvu!
nora has not been reserved yet!! i will die for her, however
nora valkyrie has been reserved for you until january 5th!
* requiem
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eidolonpath · 6 years
oopsies! i don't have eyes! (nor a proper sleep schedule oof!) i think! i'ts! okay now! mayhaps! úvù kotone is here all sparkly and new with her app under /app and stats under /s. :'>!
Welcome to Eidolon, traveler. Wishes have brought you far, and we know they will only bring you further.
You will find your residence in Bunkhouse #11.
Your evoker sits upon your mattress... though it seems that it cannot summon personas. Strange.
Search, seek, persist. Take heart in your heart.
May Diaidem bless you.
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eidolonpath · 6 years
hiya mods! for muses that were dropped and then reapped, are we allowed to continue previous threads (after talking to the other mun)? and also! are threads prior to being dropped still accountable for trials? thanks so much for the hard work! stay snazzy :sparkles:
hi rika!!
continuing previous threads with reapped muses (whether the reapp was you or another) is absolutely fine if you both want to! there is no time limit on threads.
similarly, threads prior to being dropped do still count for trials. however, for later ranks, at least one thread still needs to have been written following your previous trial. if that is the case, then you’re good to go!
thank you for returning to eidolon, and we hope that helps!
* lament
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vraelgard · 4 years
i need just a teensy bit more time to finish so may i have an extension on ffxiv dragoon wol :pleading: the date is june 5th and u kno where i am i care u mods always
bwo... we care you too... we can absolutely do this. theres a spear shaped hole in my spear shaped heart but i know it will be filled
your reserve on the warrior of light (dragoon) has been extended until june 11th.
♠ rook
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vraelgard · 4 years
hi im feeling wild rn slaps down a tentative reserve for a dragoon warrior of light from good ol' ffxiv the date is 5/29 and (finger guns) u know where to hmu :) /dotes @ mods love u
i pretend to be shocked at this development. but i don’t pretend very convincingly. you gonna uhhhhh stab? you gonna stab?
warrior of light (dragoon) has been reserved for you until june 5th.
♠ rook
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vraelgard · 4 years
hi im a simple clown grinding in ffxiv may i. extend my reserve on santa from zero escape :clown honk:
tell the crystal exarch i say hi and also that he’s gay. you have to pass this message on for me. it’s crucial.
your reserve on santa has been extended until april 29th.
♠ rook
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