#vr event: midnight pt.2
ultrascund · 4 years
@greek-pyre​​ wants bats
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▖ Darkness surrounded both of them, wrapping the duo like a blanket yet making it harder to navigate through the irregular topography of the forest... At least for someone who used their eyes to locate themselves in space. Koko strolled around like a casual walk in the park while the other party followed her behind, constantly keeping her palm on her back. Slimes of darkness would probably be a pain to find in that part of Blackwood if they didn’t have a literal walking radar. 
❝ I think there’s one there. That does feel like a blob. ❞ Her right arm raised as she pointed eastwards.  ❝ You hanging on back there? ❞  
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davyruiz · 4 years
Virtua Incubus - Pt.1
*this is an adult horror story based off the Deadmeat 'Create A Killer' episode, The VR Incubus. i wrote this as a fan and hope you enjoy it like i enjoy the Deadmeat YT channel.*
You ever had a problem that seems so small in the end? One that starts a chain of events you wish you could have avoided? A chain of events you wish you could have stopped? That was me and my stupid essay. It was just another essay for English but it became so much more.
It was just like any other April day. Bits of sunshine, bits of wind, and that tiny chance of rain at any moment. I had to run to one of my favorite haunts because my cat broke my laptop. Had I known my roommate would be out of town and my sister back home in Illinois, I would have been more careful.
I walked down to YourElecSpace and enjoyed the warmth of the sun. The sky looked like wallpaper or some animated set piece. Arriving at the store I was expecting to see Chet but instead I was greeted with a new face. She was young and peppy but not my normal crew. I looked for Edgar.
In the back by the video games, Edgar was playing some sort of horror title about pizza places. I told him about my laptop and he was quick to help me. It should have stopped there. A quick fix and back home to work. I had to ask.
Where was Chet? Chet worked everyday except Sundays. Edgar went pale. He wouldn't tell me. He said my laptop would need to be fixed overnight and he went into the back room. I decided to ask the new girl. She was eager to tell me everything.
Chet was fired. He was also dead. The girl explained that he had been fired for looking at and sharing private stuff from customers. She emphasized private. The cops got involved and they found him dead in his apartment. Attached to a VR machine. There was a pause.
She looked at the only other customer in the store and leaned in. Chet was killed while plugged into a self made sex machine. I understood why Edgar went quiet. I thanked her and she said anytime. She told me to follow her on SpacePlace.
I had trouble sleeping that night. Chet was just a friendly face I saw from time to time. The store had midnight releases for games and movies, Chet was always there. I remember they had a screening of some old slasher flick and a tournament for Kombat Monster Smash. Chet was the one that set those both up.
The next day the sun was out once again but it had rained. The scent still lingered in the air as I walked to the shop once again. That scent soon faded to something else. Smoke. And then I heard the noise of panic and terror. The electronic store was no more. Only wreckage and ash remained.
Cops kept the crowd at bay but it was clearly a disaster. I found my friend Barry and a girl on the curbside. Barry was sobbing and trying to get free from the girl's hold. He kept screaming his sister's name. The girl told me all she could but the rest of the gathered people filled in the full story.
Last night three employees and two customers were killed. They were all fried and left connected to melted devices. I could not believe it. Breaking away from the crowd and walking a bit, I decided to head to the library to clear my thoughts.
It was my favorite place until everything happened. I was just losing myself to the scent of old books and a random mystery novel when the hysterics started. The lights began to flicker and even spark. One of the librarians was trying to calm another down as all the computer screens flashed with pornography.
Not just any nude women or men but the workers and customers who were killed in the recent accident. A few of the librarians were also exposed. Soon a few people who had been using the computers were flashed on display.
Try as we might the computers and monitors stayed on. The images continued to flash and taunt everyone inside. Then the true terror began. All the electronic equipment we had unplugged started to plug back in. I started for the exit.
I remember screaming as the various equipment came to life and attacked everyone. Computers choked and shocked while wires dragged and pulled people apart. A shredder devoured a librarian as I saw a winged figure escape through a high window.
There were sirens and flashing lights as I ran home. I don't think I slept that night. The next day it was raining. I went to my friend Dan's hoping for answers or at least a way to escape things. He was having his usual Dan Lan Party and it all seemed to line up. His party normally starts at noon and ends the next morning.
*con't in 'Virtua Incubus - Pt.2'
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ultrascund · 4 years
@royaliste​ wanted bats
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▖ ❝ Watch out! ❞   A leg thrusted forward fiercely as she kicked away the beast before its attempt to lunge towards the other party failed. Good thing she was still as acrobatic, without her  transformation quirk she was kinda heavily nerfed. In fact, she didn’t know if she could do something other than keep this thing at bay if it wasn’t too fast. 
Her ears twitched as she stood between the foe and a particularly floofy lady. This thing seemed to be the only one here, she hoped the other had some way to at least pacify it. I mean, you wouldn’t enter Blackwood without a weapon... right? 
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