answermywearyquery · 4 months
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happy vegaspete day!
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answermywearyquery · 4 months
Weeping Tears of Blood
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Pete/Vegas Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Ep14, Angst, Violence, Feelings, Pete-centric, Character Study, (of sorts), Pain, Pete's Messy Inner Life, Pete's Complicated Feelings about Vegas Pre-Pool, One (1) Chess Metaphore, because I couldn't help myself, Love and Violence and the VegasPete Tradition of Blending the Two
Pete didn't need to be a genius to know why he was feeling like shit for days, why there was this gaping hollowness taking up residence somewhere between his lungs and his heart. He didn't know how to deal with it, but he knew the cause of it. He knew it was all Vegas' doing.
(Or: The episode 14 confrontation in the parking lot from Pete’s POV.)
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happy vegaspete day!
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