kissofthemuses · 3 years
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@coinquinatvs / @voxmcrtuis​ asked:
[ Voxmcrtuis ] 🖤 + Veronica & Daniel
1) my muse’s initial impression of yours Honestly, she thought he was really judgmental. Good looking, but way too stuck in his own view of the world to even give her a second thought.
2) my muse’s favorite physical attribute of yours It’s cheesy but his smile, it’s one of those that’s infectious and makes her feel all happy. 2nd would be his hands, cuz damn!
3) my muse’s favorite personality attribute of yours How loving and caring he is. It wasn’t something she was used to from her romantic partners, even outside of her career. He’ll fight for those  he loves and that will always be admirable. 
4) a moment that made my muse realize how much they care about yours The first time she invited him to her place. She never felt comfortable or safe having guys come to her before, so, when she invited him over, it was one of those moments that made her go ‘Oh shit. I really have feelings for him.’
5) something my muse never found the words to say to yours What it meant to her that he never even so much as asked her to quit her job; that he never got jealous or possessive. She’s dealt with that before and seen women torn down by it, so those things mattered more than she could every say.
6) something my muse wishes they had never said to yours I wouldn’t say “regret” is the right word exactly. But, inevitably she’d talk about the downsides of being a sex worker and the things that happened to her because of gross asshole guys. And, it would bother her simply because she doesn’t like to unload onto anyone, least of all him, and part of her believes she has no right to complain because the highs were so very high. (She struggles to let others care for/about her).
7) something your muse does that makes mine feel safe Honestly just having him with her, or just being in his arms. He’s a comforting presence and she knows that he wouldn’t let anything happen to her while he’s with her.
8) something your muse does that makes mine smile Smile himself, his smile is quite infectious. When he jokes on others; she finds it amusing though she probably shouldn’t.
9) something my muse wants to protect yours from Any more hurt at all! Like, he’s been through enough and she’s about ready to fight assholes to keep him safe
10) ways my muse says ‘i love you’ without saying those words Buying him gifts just because and spoiling him (she LOVES spoiling those she loves). Soft kisses and touches.
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hoffmansri · 4 years
❝ -- So, as you can see, I'm definitely alive. I'm sober, I don't have anymore bullet holes.. I'm not okay. But I'm still semi-functional. ❞
Vladimir stood absolutely still for a moment after he had opened the door and found himself staring at a man he had tried for months to contact and had actually flown to Australia to track down, "You fucking bastard..." He said ice coldly before squarely punching his younger cousin in the jaw and stalking past him with rage, fear, and utter relief in his eyes.
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dr-archeville · 5 years
The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade [source]
Live from the Bass Concert Hall in Austin, TX, Taryon Darrington leads a troupe of unlikely miscreants through a dangerous journey in search of glory!
This one-shot takes place 10 years following the end of Campaign 1 and includes some Vox Machina spoilers.
[4 hrs 36 mins]
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rubiesintherough · 4 years
(( @voxmcrtuis​ sent --- [ for Amara~ ] ❝ Coffee has water in it. I'm doing just F I N E. ❞ ))
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Amara doesn’t say anything for a moment. She doesn’t have to. The necromancer’s posture says it all, in the way her head tips to the side, resting on her hand, finger tapping against her cheek... in the way her crossed legs shift on her seat, in the way one eyebrow makes a slow trek upwards, questioning.      “ -------- No, of course you are, Daniel. “ 
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fallsekings · 4 years
@voxmcrtuis​ || liked this post for a starter from Harry!
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                There were knots of nervous tension winding itself together into very tight clumps on the inside of Harry’s stomach as he clutched at the strap of his heavy bag of books and made his way towards his next class at a quickened pace. No one seemed to believe that he didn’t put his name into of the goblet of fire--- and only the Gryffindor students seemed to be happy about him actually being chosen for the tournament. The rest of Hogwarts suddenly seemed to turn on him quicker than when the chamber of secrets had been opened and a giant basilisk had been terrorizing the castle during his second year.
                Harry did his best to ignore the badges reading ‘Potter stinks’ being flashed at him from every direction as he passed. But the more and more he saw them, the harder it was for him to ignore. His face was flushed and angry by the time that he accidentally ran into something solid. “Er--- Sorry.” He looked up and his green eyes widened out of surprise. “Dad?” He hadn’t expected to see him there at Hogwarts and certainly not that quickly. “You’ve heard, haven’t you?”
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Trouble in the town of Serenity || AU
It's been several years since Sedna had dropped him here, in the desert near the old and rusty welcome sign. He’d walked into the town as a stranger, now everyone knew him, but no one really knew what he was. Serenity didn't have its own sheriff, and he took this advantage. His offer to the local mayor was very simple, he kept the crime outside the town border, and for this, no one got into his business. Now, after a time, he had a house, reputation, and a bounty hunter license. Not only outlaws from the outside stopped coming to the town, but also the local punks preferred to misbehave somewhere else. No one asked how he achieved this while the citizens could walk their streets at night and keep their doors unlocked.
Everything was going perfectly fine until someone found human bones deep in the desert. It was impossible to identify them, and the case was almost let slide, but a few days after another half-decomposed corpse surfaced. The state sent sheriffs, they started to dig up the badlands. The town buzzed like a disturbed hive. New bodies and body parts appeared out of the sand and dust. Tuunbaq, known here as Bern Glacier, was calm. Nothing could threaten his life and hardly anything could threaten his freedom, but there was a risk for him to lose Serenity and the power he got, and he really didn't want this to happen.
The state authorities refused to take their forensics from the other important work. There was a painful pause, the local morgue was packed the first time in the town's history. And then this guy drove in on his roaring bike, with Welsh accent, Australian passport, and credentials of the licensed pathologist. Federals checked them and okayed his help in the investigation.
Tuunbaq lost his sleep, and not only because of Harrow's professional qualities. The guy was not a human, but who he was the tupilaq had no idea. Here, in this sleepy corner of America since day one a couple of demons and one vampire were all the supernatural beings he’s ever met. Daniel Harrow was something completely different. His close presence gave Tuunbaq fever and unexplainable thirst. He felt the desire to get closer to the man and at the same time, he was terrified of unknown. However, now he couldn't watch the events from aside anymore and had to participate. Sheriffs and the new doctor had questions to ask since he had the same influence in Serenity as the mayor himself if or maybe even more.
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tuppencetrinkets-a · 5 years
    @voxmcrtuis liked for a starter from villanelle.
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        “I think -- I think you are a very interesting man, Daniel -- it is okay if I call you Daniel, yes?  I’ve read about you, you see.  All about you.  Your schooling, your family, the many times you should’ve died but didn’t -- excellent job by the way, makes you worth so much very more than most to make dead -- all of these many, many cases that you have solved that should’ve been unsolve-able... Is that a word?  Unsolve-able?  It doesn’t seem like a real, proper word.”   A sharp crunch, as she bit into one of the carrots that she’d dragged out of her bag, set on the table on Betty beside the large, but not too large handgun resting near her other hand, splayed idly across the surface of the table, tap, tap, tapping idly in random patterns against the well worn polished surface.  “I think there are not enough interesting people in the world, Daniel.   What a boring place this world is, already, why -- why would someone want to deprive me of someone so interesting -- someone so much like me?  I think -- do you know what I think, Daniel?”  The carrot wagged in his direction.  “I think someone is tired of you putting that very large --”  A pause, a smirk toying at the corners of her thin lips for a moment as her gaze wandered over him at length before drifting back up towards his face.  “Brain of yours to work solving things they do not wish solved, hm?  I think, this is a very likely reason why someone would want you to be no more.  Fin.  Rest in pieces, feed the fishes -- “
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theadoptedhale · 5 years
@voxmcrtuis liked the thing x :3
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his face throbbed & his head thrummed a relentless melody - he’d hit it hard after all. he should’ve known he couldn’t hide from hunters forever, but at least he’d made it out alive, mostly. he had several bullet wounds - silver, but he’d managed to retrieve most of the bullets before dragging himself to daniel’s place. now here he was, bleeding & scared to go home to find hunters had stormed the place & were waiting for him. 
“thanks. i’ll heal.. just .. not now.”
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dcvilment · 5 years
❝ -- Absolutely n o t. ❞
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“Are you sure?” He had a horribly teasing grin on. Daniel was proving fun even if the other man might not think it. Good guy. Matt liked him and he had an exceptional judge of character. “I’ll have you know I’m an excellent negotiator. I bet I can get you to come.”
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kissofthemuses · 4 years
@conquistadoradelmar @voxmcrtuis
Okay, so, a dumb thing I thought about today at work that amused me:
So, Veronica and Vianca both like to send Dan plenty of racey pics and sexts. idk about them, but, Veronica definitely doesn’t delete her messages. So, I just thought about Nichols having to go through any of their phones for.....cop reasons, and seeing them.
And idk it just made my monotonous day a little better.
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hoffmansri · 5 years
Continued from HERE:
The soldier had stopped by to check on his lookalike cousin but got pulled away by a phone call before he even got to the door that led down below so it wasn't Daniel he was talking to, "I need you to redraw those labs in about an hour." He said as he walked along Bettie's deck quietly. "And send the results to me and my grandfather." He stopped as he listened to the woman on the other end of the line spoke. "Of course they can call us Helen. I'm just grateful you're giving me the time I need to get my head on straight."
After a minute of goodbyes, Vladimir hung up and went over to knock before starting down the stairs, "I come in peace." He said with a small smile.
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cybervigilant · 5 years
Elliot rubbing at his face: What is happening? Me: You’re smiling. You’re happy. It’s okay!  Elliot: WTF THAT’S A REAL THING? I FINALLY HAVE SOME SEROTONIN? 
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rubiesintherough · 4 years
(( @voxmcrtuis​ sent ---  [ for Amara~ ] ❝ How do you just.. not believe in Aliens?? ❞ ))
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There was a moment of confused silence... then a long laugh broke free.   “ Daniel, I’m a necromancer. I use magic, I can raise the dead. Trust me, there’s very few notions I won’t, at least, entertain.   -------- And I never said I don’t believe in aliens, but I have far too much to deal with here on Earth, and below it, to spend time worrying about the stars. If they come to visit or invade, by all means... I will be vastly more invested. For now, though, it doesn’t seem to be a priority. “
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officer-chen · 5 years
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              “ Look - I know I’ve only been doing this for six                  months but I know what I’m doing, if you’d just                  listen to me - ”
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Another reason to consider that biker! angel + bounty hunter! tupilaq AU. @voxmcrtuis
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tuppencetrinkets-a · 5 years
      @voxmcrtuis gets a one-line lyric starter from reese.
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“Tell me which one is worse. Living or dying first.”
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