hoffmansri · 5 years
Vladimir cursed softly as he tried shifting into a more comfortable position in the armored vehicle he had been assigned to and tried to close his eyes for a few minutes. The younger members of their unit found it strange, unnecessary and a little creepy that he and his friend and fellow Ceaușescu era army mate Gavril Llywelyn often stayed at the ready and slept in their assigned vehicles after being briefed on an upcoming and possible mission.
Hoffman instantly woke up when the rest of the unit he was apart of started piling into the armored vehicles and quickly moved to his assigned station as the driver filled him in, "Există infanterie britanică și franceză sub foc greu, nu departe de aici și există un DIU implicat." He said before glancing back at the older man. It was well known that Vladimir's mother had been Welsh and that he had a half-French cousin in the military that was like a younger brother to him.
Vladimir silently cursed under his breath and started praying to every deity he knew of to please not let it be Lancelot's unit under attack or if it was his unit to please protect the younger man until he could get there to help. It was an extremely tense fifteen-twenty minutes Hoffman had to mentally and emotionally prepare for what might be awaiting him and as soon as he had the cover to move he ran over to the most severely injured soldier and moved to cover him with his own body.
"Are you English?!" He only shouted in order to be heard over the noise and didn't recognize the young man underneath him at first. "Ou êtes-vous français?!"
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wallachiandragon · 5 years
Continued from Here:
It was the vampire's turn to cock his head when it became clear Helena had no clue what was going on and then he noticed her cellphone was on the other side of her lab. It suddenly dawned on him what had happened when Nicholas telepathically told him that Abraham just walked into the shop upstairs and was completely fine.
Everyone had been absolutely terrified for mother and son so both vampires had flown halfway across the city in the middle of the day so Vlad crossed himself in relief before wearily plopping himself down on a stool, "Oh thank God." He said before running a hand down his face. "Wait... you were trying to text our cousin Vladimir weren't you?"
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tuppencetrinkets-a · 5 years
    @aeternitasintricatae gets a one-line lyric starter from reese.
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“I need a savior to heal my pain when I become my worst enemy .”
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❖ Besides your own children, are there any other people you consider to be like your children? That you love them like their mother?
send me a ❖ + a question and my muse will be forced to tell the truth.
❝Certainly I do! I am old, my dear, and, though humanity now likes to stereotype me as an evil step-mother, I am not, actually heartless. Actually, I’m rather attached to Athena, and would hope that she knows that I would counsel her as I would my born children. Karter is every bit a son to me as Ares is. And then there’s Henry, my dear sweet immortal, and Daniel, dramatic darling that he is. I would go to the ends of the universe for any of them, just as I would my own.❞
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@panamastayed, @aeternitasintricatae, @voxmcrtuis
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@voxmcrtuis / @aeternitasintricatae , I see the potential of an AU here. What do you think?
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rubiesintherough · 5 years
(( @aeternitasintricatae​ sent ---  [ Lusca~ ] ❝ I, wanted to make you proud. All I've e v e r wanted is to make you proud. ❞ ))
       “ ---------  Did I ever imply that you haven’t? “    Of course there was no hint of frustration, nor mocking  ( so commonly held when speaking to any other )  beneath the siren’s voice. Only genuine curiosity.  He had so rarely felt that sting of doubt, ever self-assured, utterly confident in his appearance, each and every choice he made. He’d so infrequently had a reason to question himself. So, Lusca couldn’t understand completely all that plagued Henry... but, still, he was determined to allay those fears. And he sat himself beside him, leaning forward to ensure he held the other man’s gaze before he spoke, again. 
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                     “ I’m always proud of you, Henry. “ 
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tinymute · 5 years
aeternitasintricatae said: 💋
It’s Sinday! Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
It was a quiet afternoon, and Juliette was lapping up every bit of affection Henry was giving her. She was curled up next to him, her head resting on his chest. Only the soft hum of the fan in her room filled the quiet, the chaos of the world and its troubles locked outside with three deadbolts and a security system. Juliette found that she was at peace here, if not for a little while. 
She could feel his fingers idly running through her hair, and it was almost enough to lull her to sleep. Peace was something she so rarely found, though, she was desperate to hold onto it. Falling asleep in the middle of such a moment would only distress her later.
Gently, she pulled his hand away, looking up with bright, happy eyes. A smile touched her lips, love radiating from every single part of her. She reached to touch his face, her fingers carefully cupping his jaw. Silence spoke volumes, but she found the words anyways.
Even better, she found that for once, the words were carried by a soft but steady voice.
“I love you.”
Had she told him that before?
If she had...had it been with her voice?
Juliette smiled a little wider.
It was then he kissed her. 
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She was only startled enough to readjust, wiggling until she could comfortably cup his face in both her hands and pull him closer, pressing her chest against his, now so close she swore she could feel his heart beating.
He felt like home, warmth, and a rush of excitement all in once. There was no fear, no insecurity, no creeping feeling that she was wrong or unwanted. She was free to bask in the warmth of his hands on her body, of his lips against hers, of what it was like to be loved. Julie on separated for a brief second, breathless and blushing, long enough to look at him and grin.
This silence hung with a brief, wonderfully charged tension before she pulled him in for another kiss. No, she definitely was not done with him. 
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ofmusicandprayers · 5 years
@aeternitasintricatae liked for a starter
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“You can’t be all too shocked that I’d show up to a crime scene like this. A murder of a priest in a church? I had to show the poor bugger off and thank him for upholding his vows. You know, that’s rare nowadays.” A priest actually going to Heaven? What a concept! 
His explanation, however, did not explain away the fact that he too was wearing a clerical collar. “You can’t bring me in as a suspect. That would be a very bad idea.” 
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iburnedyourletters · 5 years
@aeternitasintricatae liked this for a thing. 
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“Listen, buddy, I’m pretty sure I saw your dead fucking body about a week ago. I get being a twin is fun, but pretending to be your dead doppelganger brother is fucking wrong.”
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punishmentismyjob · 5 years
Doctor Morgan, I Presume
@aeternitasintricatae​ liked for a starter. 
Lucifer strolled into the small antique’s shop and rang a small bell for service.  While he waited, he looked over a waterford crystal decanter circa 1943.  He was on one of his business trips to New York and had heard of a medical examiner with a curious gift that he simply had to see for himself.
When he saw the gentleman he called out, “Doctor Morgan, I presume?”
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hoffmansri · 5 years
Vladimir knew he was about to walk into a hornet's nest but he had no choice but to visit both of his ME cousins since his division's ME had been absolutely swamped and the child victim in one of his load of cases had been handed to Henry. Hoffman had been working almost non-stop on a backlog of cases no one else wanted to take for over a month and like all the other times he just dug deep and ignored the fact he was being taken advantage of. He was an NYPD detective in name only so he didn't have the same protections from harassment and the like. He wouldn't admit this to anyone, especially himself but the SRI Officer knew he was seriously ill. As a doctor, he knew he likely had a partial to bowel obstruction but he just couldn't get himself to admit it.
His nausea and vomiting had become so bad he had given up trying to eat or drink anything and was only upright because of a will of iron that was so strong it had given the Soviets pause but he had thrown cold water on his face to hide his high fever and was wearing one of his oversized sweatshirts to hide the massive weight loss and the swelling of his abdomen.
Vladimir thanked his Gods the only one who was in the morgue was Henry's assistant Lukas, "Did my cousins leave you to do all the grunt-work again?" He teased good-naturedly. He and his wife Lada loved the young man and often had him over to their farm just like many of Henry's coworkers. It was no secret Lada and the older Hoffman kids wanted their husband and father to try and transfer where his experience would be seen as an asset, not a threat.
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wallachiandragon · 5 years
Continued from HERE:
Dracula sighed softly and looked to the heavens for strength when Lancelot started to struggle in his arms again, "No... no hiding little warrior." He said as he gently rubbed Lancelot's back and began to purr gently as he moved to sit in a chair near the fire. "Use your words little one. It only makes it worse when uncle Artur and I tell you that grandfather is going to be home soon?"
The vampire looked up when the door opened and Artur came in with a phone in his mouth, "Someone wants to say goodnight and give you some good news little one." Artur said as he handed the phone to Vlad and went back to the door so he could close it with his head and paws.
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penguinpositivity · 5 years
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aeternitasintricatae replied to your post: ��
[ yes. adopt both Henry a n d Daniel, Hera. gosh knows they NEED it. ]
{ Good. Cuz it’s not like they could stop her anyway xD
You’re already getting worried Mom-Mode Hera for that one Henry open. And don’t even get me started on what she’d do with Daniel! lol }
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Tuunbaq met Dr. Helena Morgan when she did the autopsy of his employee, the murdered stripper. She absorbed all his attention since the first minute even despite the medical uniform. Beautiful like a piece of art that came from under the hand of a great artist, intellectual and... immortal. Her soul was completely human, and still, he could smell it, the loop of resurrections. She was a puzzle he wanted not to solve but to capture, so no one else could solve it and ruin the charm.
He knew the hour when her daily work supposed to end and stood right in front of the precinct, leaning against the hood of his Bugatti and disregarding the disapproving looks of cops that walked in and out. And there she was, light like dandelion fluff, delicate like a daffodil. Tuunbaq was never a poet or a romantic, but he was a true connoisseur of beauty and exquisite things. He wasn’t going to ask her if she got the bouquet he sent her. Perfectly purple roses, not too big, not too small, just perfect. She didn’t return it, and it should mean she was considering his invitation or already accepted it. “Helena,” he smiled and walked to the door of his car not opening it yet though, letting her to vocalize her decision.
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rubiesintherough · 5 years
(( @aeternitasintricatae​ ))
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Mahia truly never would’ve believed this moment would come. And she’d always imagined she would be far more scared...  Make no mistake, the healer was absolutely petrified, fingers a deathly pale as she twisted them in her lap, her chest so tight she was almost certain she might suffocate before he’d even begun. Yet, through the utter, swelling panic, there was a hint of a contradictory calm. Peace. So many hours spent dreaming of what it might be should she ever find the courage to remove them... what it might feel like when, finally, she’d be some semblance of herself, once more. Over a decade of wishing. Praying. So, scared though she indeed felt, Mahia was ready. 
Little worry for what would come after... the thought that had stilled her own hand times before when she’d attempted to rid them on her own, gone. No need for them in order to flee. No fear of being caught, now. She was safe here. And she knew she would always be. Beside Henry... her gaze rising slowly to meet him as he entered.      It was  t i m e.     Another breath in, deep and steadying, and the healer settled herself down. Even the sight of those tools --- glinting, sharp, painfully familiar --- could not sway her trust in him, the memories they dredged up shoved back in the next moment. This was not... that place. There was no cruelty to be found here. Only kindness, and the comforting warmth Mahia found as her hand reached slowly forward, trembling fingers coming to rest upon Henry’s arm --- perhaps the strength of her grip betraying the trepidation she felt.  A reassurance to her in this instant when everything seemed so daunting... so long, such suffering, and fear, and nauseating loathing finally coming to an end... as though every moment had been leading to this, this very second. Whatever happened, whatever the outcome, everything would be alright.        “ ------- Whenever... whenever you are ready... “       For Mahia was, without a doubt, certain  she  w a s.  
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