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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
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Southern Californian congenial guitarist delectable Dale, a while backing international artist Iakopo @iakopomusic making his Los Angeles stop the first time in 7 years at SOL Venue @solvenue in the South Bay Carson, Los Angeles California. Forever obliged @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag @511tactical @lrgclothing Unless a society expects its fate to be better than its past, the past will strive to make the present immutable as possible.-Robert Ronnow __________________________________________ #vovoxcable#earthquakerdevices#framuswarwickofficial#sessionguitarist#LosAngelesGuitarist#socalreggae#rootsmusician#Californiareggae#socalmusicians#sounddiego#HughesandKettner#studiolife#westcoastmusicians#musiker#LosAngelesMusicScene#orangecountymusic#SouthBayReggae#californiareggae#kirlincable#ProgressiveRockCommunity#Reggaeville#Framus#santabarbaramusic#SolVenue#iakopo#SoCalreggaeshows#FramusWarwickofficial#Islandreggae#LosAngelesMusician#seymourduncan (at The SOL Venue) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCoeWAhDkOL/?igshid=1de2ljz97rizf
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botondroll · 5 years ago
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2019 margójára! Kedves közönségünk! Köszönjük, hogy velünk tartottatok és hittetek bennünk ebben az évben is! Nélkületek nem érne semmit az egész! Köszönöm Lévay Máté fotóit a pénteki koncertről és a zenésztársaim, illetve a technikai személyzetünk kitartó, kemény, alázatos munkáját! Nagy hála a barátainkká vált szponzorainknak, hiszen nélkülük nem lehetnénk ennyire naprakészek! Köszönjük, hogy bíztok bennünk! 29-én az Újszinhazban, dupla előadással búcsúztatjuk 2019-et. Ott találkozunk, aztán jövőre mindenhol! :) Kellemes ünnepeket kívánok! @pakupatri @kajbetti @nagy.hunor.attila.nha @ferenclaczik @nagyferobeatrice @kekkoizalan @varganori_trombone @bazsisax @goroghdani @gaborkisfaludy @bencer_official @joeygaramszegiofficial Szabó Zsolt Oláh Gábor Mihalik Attila @eurhythmicshu @peaveyelectronics @ghsstrings @martinguitar @arkadiahangszer @hangszerarzenal_budapest @grafika60 @cort_guitars @noemibartok @dunaauto @twinpicksmusic Forte Music #baboskendo #tour2019 #cortguitars #fractalaudio #ghsstrings #ownbrand #szeretet #amunkankazeletunk #showyourfinger #livemusic #concert #rock #kemperamp #dunaauto #martinstrings #gasztrotura #peaveyhp2 #fortemusichungary #arkadiahangszer #vovoxcables #labogacables #dunlop (helyszín: BARBA NEGRA) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6XobXDBNLg/?igshid=57edzokzz5id
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yamahans10 · 5 years ago
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This beautiful setup comes from @kmisho13 • • • • • 🎵Love🎵 #bricasti #genelec #yamahans10 #cubase #softubeconsole1 #universalaudio #nativeinstruments #tcelectronic #creedaventus #aquadisale #api #heritageaudio73jr #zaorfurniture #neveportico #rituals #13 #frankfurtrecordingstudio #neumanu87 #akg414ubls #towsendlabs #vovoxcables #kensmith #derventa #kragujevac #glutenfrei https://ift.tt/333Z2YG
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yohannabbou-blog · 7 years ago
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The #tweeddeluxe from #speedshop with the pine #cabinet all from #bobburtcabinets Great #oldschool #tone ! #amps #guitar #guitarists #blues #gear #gearporn #r121 #e22s #royer #josephsonmics #vovoxcables
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redsyncstudio · 7 years ago
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One of the most important thing 🔥🔥🔥 #vovoxcables #mastering #audiomastering #audiomasteringservices #masteringstudio #masteringengineer #premiummastering #itunescertified #stereomastering #stemmastering #vinylmastering #masteringforitunes #masteringlyon #analogmastering #masteringsession #redsyncstudio #mixing #musicproducer #musicproduction #djproducer #housemusic #deephouse #futurehouse #producerlife #techhouse #edmproducer #dubstepmusic #musicstudio #hiphopproducer #hiphopproduction (at Red Sync Studio)
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
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On tour in Italy via the Swiss alps, Los Angeles guitarist bell-bottoms derided Dale, and my trusty custom Grover Jackson guitar performing at the Milano Club Odyssey 2000 in Milan, Italy before playing a open air concert to thousands at 1st century AD Piazza Navona Rome, Italy with renowned Swiss progressive rock band from Luzern, central Switzerland Flame Dream. Back in the days when a major record label would sign a European progressive rock band and support a international tour from Vertigo Records Flame Dream their second album «Elements». Vertigo Records, Phonogram. _______________________________________________________ Ever obliged: @musikhausluzerngmbh @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag @sonordrumco @paistecymbals @framuswarwickofficial @mesaengineering @mellotronfactory @moogsynthesizers _______________________________________________________ #weggis#sessionguitarist#luzern#Seymourduncan#Lucerne_Switzerland#visitlucerne#musiker#Schweiz#mellotron#lucerne#SchweizerMusik#vovoxcables#kriens#swiss#vierwaldstättersee#inlovewithswitzerland#FlameDream#framuswarwickofficial#rototoms#VertigoRecords#centralswitzerland#progressiverockcommunity#tourlife#swissmusic#MesaBoogie#GroverJackson#LosAngelesguitarist#LosAngelesmusician#Sonordrums#mesaengineering (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMwmJ6Dz3U/?igshid=1q5wist4cebut
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
Always trying to provide excellence and attempting bringing joy. A southern Orange County kindness musician pal I know as a young man, good deeds Dale, worked as a guitarist for years with keyboardist, singer, songwriter influenced by vintage reggae named Adam "Jah Mex" Arredondo @jahmexnodead . «Still Searching» from JAH MEX CD «Mind Food» Keyboards, vocals, arrangements, lyrics, mix & recorded by Adam "Jah Mex" Arredondo Acoustic guitars, pick & roll, rhythm and lead electric guitars by Dale Hauskins. Recorded September 2007 in Laguna Beach, Southern California. Too obliged @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag @SanClementeCommunity _______________________________________________________ #socalreggae#vovoxcables#Calireggae#socalmusician#LAguitarist#westcoastmusicians#studiolife#sessionguitarist#JahMex#westCoastReggae#earthquakerdevices#ocmusicians#musiker#sandiegoreggae#progressiverockcommunity#FramusWarwickofficial#LosAngelesmusic#orangecountymusic#kirlincable#LosAngelesMusicScene#LosAngelesGuitarist#Californiareggae#LagunaBeach#Seymourduncan#lagunaBeachLocals#FullyFullwood#reggaemusic#SanClemente#reggaeville#SanClementeCommunity (at San Clemente, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEGlUVIjGH4/?igshid=1p9ec54c2agiy
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
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Freckled guitarist in the area dialing Dale, performing to a fantastic, friendliest crowd at seaside beach restaurant Ohana Kitchen and Cocktails @ohanakitchenandcocktails in tiny quant Sunset Beach nearby Huntington Beach, Southern California. A comfortable, cozy place to avoid all the same old American corporate eateries that are everywhere in Huntington Beach. I highly recommend their best curry noodle soup with lots of scallops, and crab legs. ____________ Utilizing my new Alvarez @alvarez_guitar AF30CE acoustic-electric guitar with the most truthful sounding B-Band SYS250 preamp 4-band EQ system. _______ The B-Band company makes transducers act in much the same way a condenser microphone does. The results in excellent reproduction of real acoustic guitar's unique sound.Mega thanks to Mr.Räisänen of B-Band and specially the nice people at www.Alvarezguitars.com @alvarez_guitar for the sweet guitar that I now use for live performances, and recording sessions. _______________________________________________________ #VovoxCables#socalreggae#seymourduncan#LAGuitarist#socalmusicians#sounddiego#HuntingtonBeachca#ohanakitchencocktails#huntingtonbeachlife#californiamusicians#westcoastreggae#earthquakerdevices#ocmusicians#musiker#sandiegoreggae#progressiverockcommunity#LosAngelesguitarist#sessionguitarist#huntingtonbeachmusic#losangelesmusic#orangecountymusicscene#SantaBarbaramusic#kirlincable#LosAngelesMusicScene#californiareggae#sealbeachcalifornia#sunsetbeachca#alvarezguitars (at Ohana Kitchen & Cocktails) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9Cwum-AM82/?igshid=w4uehhglomvc
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botondroll · 5 years ago
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Studio nights. @uaudio @moogsynthesizers @moogaudioofficial @neumann.berlin @apple @slatedigital @vovox_ag #macbookpro #uadtwinx2 #neumann #slatedigitalvms #moogminitaur #vovoxcables #cubase10 https://www.instagram.com/p/B40XQg9hx_T/?igshid=dblcsocuvdaw
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botondroll · 5 years ago
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Itt van az ősz, jöhet a bindzsi. Lassan végre csinálok is valamit, ami nem upgrade, update vagy route-olás. #mache #uadarrow #macbookpro #fractalaudio #homestudio #homestudiobuilding #botondrollstudiosinc #baboskendo #cubase #cubase10 #vovoxcables #yamahamx49 #axefx3 https://www.instagram.com/p/B4vWw0ehpUf/?igshid=2xpmg5l7stqf
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botondroll · 5 years ago
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Ez alakult ki a szezon végére. :) #baboskendo #tour2019 #cortguitars #ghsstrings #ownbrand #szeretet #amunkankazeletunk #showyourfinger #livemusic #concert #rock #kemperamp #dunaauto #martinstrings #livemusic #ittvanazősz #shurewireless #vovoxcables #dunlopzw45 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3PnOm_BTFU/?igshid=1q3j0nk6v1ei3
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botondroll · 6 years ago
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Az augusztust ma Zagyvarékason zártuk! Volt itt minden, ember állt a levegőben, gitár a közönségben, Rock and roll! :) #baboskendo #tour2019 #cortguitars #ghsstrings #ownbrand #szeretet #amunkankazeletunk #showyourfinger #livemusic #concert #rock #kemperamp #dunaauto #martinstrings #livemusic #emberalevegoben #emgpickups #fishmanpickups #shurewireless #vovoxcables (helyszín: Zagyvarékas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B11-ncNhCeZ/?igshid=qzpq3yk6buxu
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botondroll · 6 years ago
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Nem vagyok otthon és egyből megjön a kábelem! :) kábel of the kábelz. #vovoxcables https://www.instagram.com/p/BzGAQayBI_m/?igshid=1kns3ka83ipm8
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
KONTIKI «Stand Tall» (2004) REGGAE ALBUM OF THE YEAR Hawaiian Music Award Winner Produced, Mix by Carl McGregor (Boys 2 Men, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston, Andrae Crouch, Michael Bolton, Aretha Franklin and much more.) Lead,Rhythm guitars by Dale Hauskins. Voka Mataele - Lead Vocal - rhythm guitar David Haunga - Lead Vocal Lucky Mataele Jr - Vocal - Drums Doug Kongaika - Lead & Rhythm Keyboards Lovey Tuinukuafe - Back Up Vocals Alice Alefosio - Lead / Back Up Vocals Tausinga Makaafi - Vocals Kontiki is a Tongan-American reggae group that represents the last remaining monarchy of the South Pacific. Tonga, a tropical island near the equator is located near the International Dateline and legend says, "It is where time begins." Kontiki embraces their Polynesian cultural values and beliefs. As the first generation born in the United States, they understand poverty and hardship, but their music represents their hunger for opportunity and the struggle for a better life. Their rhythmic fusion contains a crossover reggae spirit that combines a Polynesian perspective and a positive reggae blend that never fails to touch the hearts of their fans. All of the band members are hopeless romantics who sing about love, relationships and making it work. But each of the members admit their favorite song is "Stand Tall," based on a phrase their older brother, gunned down at age 26 in South Central, used to say. We will never forget him and in our lives as in our music we continue to strive to reach people with our positive message, always remain true and "Stand Tall." Always obliged @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag #Kontiki#earthquakerdevices#studiolife#sessionguitarist#losangelesmusicscene#californiamusicscene#LosAngelesGuitarist#audioengineer#MusicProduction#kirlincable#sounddiego#musiker#progressiverockcommunity#Polynesianreggae##WestCoastRoots#Musicianslife#LAMusic#Californiamusicians#SouthPacificmusic#vovoxcables#SoCalMusicians#Californiareggae#framuswarwickofficial#BamikiBandula#hughesandkettner#studioguitarist#Reggaemusic#SoCalreggae#reggaeville (at Burbank Caifornia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD6v_N-jzW2/?igshid=xzjrm9evmf2r
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
Glistening modernistic Californian guitarist devices Dale, gettin' it tracking some groovy grooves on legendary disco veteran Gary Davis new project with producer, engineer, DJ Shaun Velarde aka DJ Knoe1 @knoe1 at Godwrks studios in Costa Mesa Orange County, Southern California. Forever thankful to my all time favorite company gold hearted people CEO Jamie and Julie + all at Earthquaker Devices @earthquakerdev !! Much obliged @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps _______________________________________________________ #VovoxCables#socalreggae#seymourduncan#LAGuitarist#socalmusicians#sounddiego#Californiamusicians#studiolife#westcoastmusician#californiamusicians#westcoastreggae#earthquakerdevices#ocmusicians#musiker#sandiegoreggae#progressiverockcommunity#Disco#LosAngelesguitarist#sessionguitarist#framuswarwickofficial#losangelesmusic#orangecountymusicscene#SantaBarbaramusic#kirlincable#LosAngelesMusicScene#californiareggae#musicproducer#housemusic#namm2020#Tourlife (at Costa Mesa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8wfNlmAGSI/?igshid=yixcq1sapp23
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
Deciphering guitarist dilatory Dale, on «It Doesn't Matter Anyway» by Jesus Wore Dickies. From «Friends of Jesus» (CD Skunk Records 2004 ) Vocals by Andy Roth a.k.a. SAVE77. Dale Hauskins: Electric Guitars Matt Mueller: Bass Shad Wilhelm: Drums Steve Chinn Lewis Richards: Acoustic guitars, Fender Rhodes, engineer, mix. Recorded at 17th Street Recording Studio Costa Mesa, California U.S.A. @lbdamusic @skunkrecords @resinmusic @silverbackmusic A compilation of music by various artists, musician friends produced and recorded by Jesus Wore Dickies, an alternative technorock group out of Long Beach, California. A lot of the tracks on the cd come from fellow LBC artists, Shortbus (Eric Wilson from Sublime on bass) and Jack Maness @jackmaness (Back up vocals w/ Sublime and Long Beach Dub All Stars). The songs on this cd range in style from reggae, funk, techno, rock and things between, but all are on the mellow side of things. Always obliged @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag ______________________________________________________ #17thStreetRecordingStudio#jesusworedickies##SkunkRecords#LBC#LBDAS#LongBeachDubAllStars#Sublime#SlightlyStoopid#TippaIrie#LongBeachShortBus#Sublimefamily#surfdogrecords#jackmaness#BurnUnit#HalfPint#BarganMusic#socalmusicians#studiolife#earthquakerdevices##resinmusic#LosAngelesMusicScene#LosAngelesguitarist#sessionguitarist#framuswarwickofficial#orangecountymusic#kirlincable#californiareggae#vovoxcables#silverbackmusic (at Costa Mesa, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDRljinjstS/?igshid=scumpur0maxe
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