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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
The ‘BLUE RIBBON’ Manufacturer & Supplier Lubricant Company.
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We are an Indian based company spread across more than 14 countries with about 50 field engineers and about 70 distributors all over the world. At Molygraph, we make world-class specialty lubricants. Our vision is to be consistently recognized as the supplier of choice for performance lubricants worldwide. We are looking forward to produce high quality lubricants for better performance. 
One of the major factors that are considered is the size of the particles used because it affects the performance of the lubricants. You have to be really keen for the selection of the perfect size of the particles. The finest particle size distribution results in the most consistent formation of the lubricant film, helping to increase the life of the die. From our experience, unless the component is particularly complex, a particle size of D-50 - 2 to 5 um will suffice the majority of applications while providing a good cost to performance ratio. 
A tight control on particle size can give an excellent cost-performance ratio. Your application might benefit from a decrease in particle size then your current lubricant. A quality lubricant should be used in order to get better performance. Lubricants are typically 1% of the total process cost. A small investment in a quality lubricant can at times increase die life up to 20%, at the same time savings on machine downtime and labor costs.
Currently, it has been noticed that there has been an increase in interest in ‘White Forging Lubricants.’ The interest of a lot of customers have been turned to them because of the following things:Clean Shop Floor
Waste and Disposal Issues
Choking of spray nozzles
Health and Safety reasons
But even after all this, white or synthetic forging lubricants still have a long way to go before they can match the performance of graphite lubricants. The main aim at Molygraph is to do the best we can to give great performance and top-notch quality lubricants to our clients.
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
Metal Forging Lubricants, Grease and Oil Graphol series of lubricants are water and graphite oil and graphite water and polymer based formulate.
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
Molygraph Chain and Wire Greases for Core as well as External Lubricants
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Wire ropes contribute an essential part in our life—at our homes, machines, and other equipment. It is everywhere in the house, but we were never given a thought that it also requires grease. Wire rope is a continuous strand of different wires wound around to form a string. There are several wires ropes for various applications—the majority is steel wire rope; however, its core can be plastic, steel, or cable. The cord is like braided strands of wire into each other to form a strong rope of steel. CRG 100 grade 1 chain and wire rope grease are used to keep the strands friction-free. Lubrication of the strands, cable, and string can increase the operation life in spite of its application. 
Wire rope lubricants manufacturer deals in developing the super quality grease for crane wires, shovels, drilling rigs, draglines, elevators, and suspension bridges—these are areas that require a cable for dragging, pulling and hoisting. Manufacturers make sure the lubrication of wire and chain to protect it from the harsh environmental surroundings, and extreme heat and cold. The MolyGraph’s lubrication engineers help in developing CRG 100 Grade 1 CHAIN & WIRE ROPE GREASES for chain and cables so that it last longer, operate safely, cause no friction against each other, and increase the wire’s life. 
When lubricating the wire ropes?
During the manufacturing process, most companies lubricate the wire at the initial stage so that it will not shear while dragging and pulling. However, this lubrication does not last for a more extended period. Wire rope greases supplier deals in supplying wire and chain grease all over the world. Besides, it provides lubricant oil to the other manufacturing units which produce wires and chain. It requires additional lubrication when the initial lube wears out. The CRG 100 Grade 1 is non-acidic, non-alkaline in nature, possess adhesive quality, keep intact on the chain and rope, penetrates between the strands due to its high-fluid strength, prevents oxidation reaction, and remain flexible. 
Still, most wires fail from inside out because corroded rope and chain can become a safety hazard. Due to this, the determination of its remaining life and strength is not possible. Hence, proper lubrication prevents it from dust and corrosion. The wire lubrication consists of two principles—one is core lubrication, and another is exterior lubrication. 
For this, two types of CRG 100 Grade 1 CHAIN & WIRE ROPE GREASES come in the market, one for penetrating and another is for coating. The grease that penetrates contains the petroleum as the carrier to pass the lubricant into the core of the rope and then evaporate. It only leaves the coating of heavy grease film to protect the wire strands and chain. The coating grease penetrates slowly into the core of the wire rope, seals the external environmental conditions like rain, moisture, water, dust, corrosion, etc. from the cable. The chain grease suppliers supply both types of lubricants, as both are important and necessary for wire rope. 
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
CRG 100 Grade 1 CHAIN & WIRE ROPE GREASES for the operational life
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Wire ropes contribute an essential part in our life—at our homes, machines, and other equipment. It is everywhere in the house, but we were never given a thought that it also requires grease. Wire rope is a continuous strand of different wires wound around to form a string. There are several wires ropes for various applications—the majority is steel wire rope; however, its core can be plastic, steel, or cable. The cord is like braided strands of wire into each other to form a strong rope of steel. CRG 100 grade 1 chain and wire rope grease are used to keep the strands friction-free. Lubrication of the strands, cable, and string can increase the operation life in spite of its application. 
Wire rope lubricants manufacturer deals in developing the super quality grease for crane wires, shovels, drilling rigs, draglines, elevators, and suspension bridges—these are areas that require a cable for dragging, pulling and hoisting. Manufacturers make sure the lubrication of wire and chain to protect it from the harsh environmental surroundings, and extreme heat and cold. The MolyGraph’s lubrication engineers help in developing CRG 100 Grade 1 CHAIN & WIRE ROPE GREASES for chain and cables so that it last longer, operate safely, cause no friction against each other, and increase the wire’s life. 
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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Shear Stable Water Resistance Greases by Molygraph
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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BRB 30 Greases for Better Corrosion Resistance  
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
Molygraph offers a full range of high performance greases for general applications that easily outperform conventional greases.
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
Bearings by Molygraph
The SAFOL range of food grade NSF H1 certified gear oils and general lubrication oils have been a mainstay for the lubrication of gears, bearings and other sliding surfaces which have incidental food contact. Carefully formulated with special additives these oils give unmatched lubrication.
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
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Molygraph: One of Best Lubricant Suppliers
The characteristic feature of greases is that they possess a high initial viscousness that upon the applying of shear drops to provide the impact of an oil-lubricated bearing of roughly constant viscousness because the base oil employed in the grease. Grease is usually wont to describe lubricating materials that square measure merely soft solids or high viscousness liquids, however these materials don't exhibit the shear-thinning properties characteristic of the classical grease.
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molygraph-blog · 6 years ago
Grease is usually wont to describe lubricating materials that square measure merely soft solids or high viscousness liquids, however these materials don't exhibit the shear-thinning properties characteristic of the classical grease.
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