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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
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On tour in Italy via the Swiss alps, Los Angeles guitarist bell-bottoms derided Dale, and my trusty custom Grover Jackson guitar performing at the Milano Club Odyssey 2000 in Milan, Italy before playing a open air concert to thousands at 1st century AD Piazza Navona Rome, Italy with renowned Swiss progressive rock band from Luzern, central Switzerland Flame Dream. Back in the days when a major record label would sign a European progressive rock band and support a international tour from Vertigo Records Flame Dream their second album «Elements». Vertigo Records, Phonogram. _______________________________________________________ Ever obliged: @musikhausluzerngmbh @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag @sonordrumco @paistecymbals @framuswarwickofficial @mesaengineering @mellotronfactory @moogsynthesizers _______________________________________________________ #weggis#sessionguitarist#luzern#Seymourduncan#Lucerne_Switzerland#visitlucerne#musiker#Schweiz#mellotron#lucerne#SchweizerMusik#vovoxcables#kriens#swiss#vierwaldstättersee#inlovewithswitzerland#FlameDream#framuswarwickofficial#rototoms#VertigoRecords#centralswitzerland#progressiverockcommunity#tourlife#swissmusic#MesaBoogie#GroverJackson#LosAngelesguitarist#LosAngelesmusician#Sonordrums#mesaengineering (at Milan, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEMwmJ6Dz3U/?igshid=1q5wist4cebut
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axelritt · 2 years ago
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It was a pleasure for us, hope you liked the party as well! Very special thanks to my awesome supporters, who brought me the best live-, monitor- and studio sound I ever had in my whole career! #framuswarwickofficial #emgpickups #music_store_professional #cordial.cables #ld_systems_official #zoomdeutschland #hooviguitarproducts #richterstraps #gravity_stands #hughesandkettner #inear_germany #kochamps #koenigundmeyer #loxx_by_schaeffertec #beyerdynamic #soundperformancelab #herculesstands #grossmann.audio #eveaudio #stkiliandistillers #stonewood.bier #heilsound #zaorfurniture #engl_amplification #shoemonkeys #monocreators #pyramid_strings_official #soundcityamp #maagaudio #igsaudio https://www.instagram.com/p/CoUpTCvohj5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kfirochaion · 7 years ago
Metallica - The Call of Ktulu 🐙 Yeah, I know it's "Cthulhu", but Metallica wrote Ktulu. I'm using the Idolmaker guitar by @framuswarwickofficial 🤘🔥 Gear: Framus Idolmaker Custom Shop Masterbuilt @ErnieBall .010 @eventidestompboxes H9 @davidlaboga cables @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #metallica #thecallofktulu #instrumental#jameshetfield #kirkhammett #framus #warwick #framuswarwickofficial #acdc #idolmaker #heavymetal #kfiro#instagram #instagramer #instagrammer#guitar #fender gibson #stratocaster #guitarplayer #guitarist #musician #electricguitar #rock #metal#marshall #metalhead #acdc #gunsnroses #music #classicrock Thanks for watching ❤
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virginiasweet · 3 years ago
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#humpday Getting over the hump of the week and its a downward slope from here till the weekend 🤘 Let the grooves carry you through the rest of this week 🎵 Buckle up, things are about to take off like a rocket 🚀 #bassguitar #wednesdayvibes #backontrack #framuswarwickofficial #farmbrewlive #2silosbrewingco #bsquaredmgmt https://www.instagram.com/p/CV1ZrSvjYCe/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tambu1 · 7 years ago
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Had a lovely weekend filling in with the @jonstevensofficial band! Thanks for having me boys! 📸 by @melissa__oconnor #warwickcustomshop #warwickbass #daddariostrings #daddarioaustralia #framuswarwickofficial #bass #bassist #bassplayer #bass (at Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
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modernpicsphoto · 6 years ago
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Repost via @rexbrownofficial - w/ @repostwhiz app: Going to @thenammshow ? Come see us at @framuswarwickofficial booth #4636, Saturday 2:30pm!! Gonna be a blast! #namm2019 #nammshow #framuswarwickofficial #meetandgreet https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs959SIHL47/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1imaoxc4qs5gq
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dalehauskins · 5 years ago
Always trying to provide excellence and attempting bringing joy. A southern Orange County kindness musician pal I know as a young man, good deeds Dale, worked as a guitarist for years with keyboardist, singer, songwriter influenced by vintage reggae named Adam "Jah Mex" Arredondo @jahmexnodead . «Still Searching» from JAH MEX CD «Mind Food» Keyboards, vocals, arrangements, lyrics, mix & recorded by Adam "Jah Mex" Arredondo Acoustic guitars, pick & roll, rhythm and lead electric guitars by Dale Hauskins. Recorded September 2007 in Laguna Beach, Southern California. Too obliged @earthquakerdev @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @kirlincable @hughesandkettner @seymourduncanpickups @georgelscables @fretwraps @vovox_ag @SanClementeCommunity _______________________________________________________ #socalreggae#vovoxcables#Calireggae#socalmusician#LAguitarist#westcoastmusicians#studiolife#sessionguitarist#JahMex#westCoastReggae#earthquakerdevices#ocmusicians#musiker#sandiegoreggae#progressiverockcommunity#FramusWarwickofficial#LosAngelesmusic#orangecountymusic#kirlincable#LosAngelesMusicScene#LosAngelesGuitarist#Californiareggae#LagunaBeach#Seymourduncan#lagunaBeachLocals#FullyFullwood#reggaemusic#SanClemente#reggaeville#SanClementeCommunity (at San Clemente, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEGlUVIjGH4/?igshid=1p9ec54c2agiy
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basexperience · 4 years ago
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I love this @framuswarwickofficial Streamer Jazzman fretless - it’s an excellent #bassguitar but the original tailpiece wouldn’t take D’addario XLs - string slot too narrow for low B. Solution? Buy a replacement bridge set from @thomann.music and just swap out the tailpiece. New ones have MUCH wider slots. . . . —————— #musician #musiciansofinstagram #diy #bass #music #fretlessbass #5string #5stringbass — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2LzfQmQ
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axelritt · 2 years ago
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I got an awesome #multitool by #rockcare by #warwick , containing every guitar/ bass tool you need on the road. 👊🏻👍🏻🤘🏻Great stuff! #framuswarwickofficial #framusguitar #guitar #bass #guitartool #axelritt #ironfinger #the_real_ironfinger https://www.instagram.com/p/CjVH29RDx0C/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kfirochaion · 4 years ago
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My @framuswarwickofficial Idolmakers ❤️❤️ You can hear the one on the top on my Livin’ on a prayer cover and the one on bottom on my Sultans of metal cover #guitar #guitars #framus #guitarplayer #kfiro #instagram #instagrammer #instagramer #music #instruments #guitarist https://www.instagram.com/p/CG2fJQYJ2Wy/?igshid=10vclxqw9q7ok
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virginiasweet · 4 years ago
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Happy Friday everyone! The last day of photos by @andrew_kuykendall from @farmbrewlive and @2silosbrewingco during the 2021 Revival Tour is here 🍻 Thank you again to all those that welcomed us back to Doves hometown of Manassas, VA...thank you @ece_stacy @bsquaredmgmt and @eastcoastentertainment Stay tuned with everything Virginia Sweet @ virginiasweet.net #fridayvibes #fridaymotivation #tourlife #bsquaredmgmt #couchguitarstraps #framuswarwickofficial #gibsonguitars #livemusic #timeofmylife #letthegoodtimesroll (at Farm Brew Live) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT7GTU7LLYY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yoshiakiimahori · 5 years ago
珍しくモダンなギター弾きました🎸 元気一杯なサウンド、新鮮で楽しかったです‼️ フル動画は⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://youtu.be/tsNiejOLlAg . . . HP・Youtubeあります❗️プロフィール欄のリンクから飛んでください💁‍♂️ @yoshiaki_imahori #framus #framusguitar #framuswarwickofficial #warwick #guitarsdaily #humbucker #electricguitar #guitarporn #guitarstagram #guitarcollection #highendguitars #highend #panthera #supreme #blues #steviesalas #rockguitar #rock #guitaristmadness #guitarmadnesslab https://instagr.am/p/B_e-GAHnMTN/
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bjstuffs · 5 years ago
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Reposted from @philx1111 (@get_regrann) - when you turn around, see a a guy in the mirror & think, "who is this guy???" & then reply to yourself, "a guy who just recorded with EDGAR WINTER! HOLY F%<K!!!". #edgarwinter @boogiemotel @friedman_amps @framuswarwickofficial @greeramps @suprousa @jrockettaudio @radialeng - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/B5F3KQiB-12/?igshid=1d4t85rmy7il1
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dalehauskins · 6 years ago
Dollop Dale, guitar playing with United Kingdom roots reggae artiste, songwriter Martin Campbell @Martincampbellmusic in fine fettle performing his intuitive original «The Word». @official_martin_campbell_ _________ Backing band The Jah Soldiers featuring renowned Jamaican maestro drummer Carlton "Santa" Davis @santadavis61 (Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley Aggrovators, Soul Syndicate, Roots Radics). Engineering expert legendary Scientist @thedubscientist aka Hopeton Brown on the mix. _____ Sean Brandes: Bass Carlton "Santa" Davis: Drums,percussion Dale Hauskins: Guitars Steve Hoffman: Keyboards The late Shaga aka John Hill: Djembe drums,percussion. _________________ This is Martin Campbell’s first live of two sold-out 1500 plus capacity shows 2001 in the United States at The Scene in San Diego, California. _____________ Martin Campbell with be at The Music Box @musicboxsd San Diego California August 24 2019 -Two Days before my birthday! Mega Thank you to @hitsponhits @seymourduncanpickups @earthquakerdev @davidcervantesguitars @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @reggaeville @reggaenews.ch @socalreggaecalendar @reggaenation @snwmf @techradrumsticks @hughesandkettner @reggaesd @reggaelegends @ReggaeinBerlin.de @socalreggaeshows @ukreggae @reggaeontheriver @reggaeonthemountain @soulfire_artists @onenessrecords @reggae_jam_festival @reggaesd @lowlowrecords @reggaefestivalguide @reggaenews.ch ______________________________________________________ #MartinCampbell#ChannelOneUK#RootsReggae#UKReggae#BritishReggae#SantaDavis#SanDiegomusicscene#LosAngelesreggae#sessionguitarist#LosAngelesMusicians#LosAngelesGuitarist#SoCalReggaeshows#musicianslife#SoCalReggae#Californiareggae#sounddiego#studiolife#reggaeville#musiker#FramusWarwickOfficial#SanDiegoliving#Californiamusicians#LosAngelesMusicscene#SanDiegoReggae#ReggaeGuitarist#DubMusic#RootsReggaeMusic#SanDiegoevents#Californiaroots#ReggaeintheLBC (at Encinitas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05sPQ2AU3N/?igshid=1sdihmvldnpck
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wellsbones · 7 years ago
Regrann from @kfiro - Metallica - Fade to Black 🖤 I'm using the Idolmaker guitar by @framuswarwickofficial 🤘🔥 Gear: Framus Idolmaker Custom Shop Masterbuilt @ErnieBall .010 @eventidestompboxes H9 @davidlaboga cables @marshallamps_uk Super Bass #metallica #fadetoblack #instrumental#jameshetfield #kirkhammett #framus #warwick #framuswarwickofficial #idolmaker #heavymetal #kfiro#instagram #instagramer #instagrammer#guitar #fender #gibson #guitarplayer #guitarist #musician #electricguitar #rock #metal #marshall #metalhead #acdc #gunsnroses #music #classicrock Thanks for watching 🤘 (at Belo Horizonte, Brazil)
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axelritt · 4 years ago
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Have a great weekend and I hope to see you at our upcoming shows next week in Glauchau / Germany 🇩🇪. #framus #framuswarwickofficial #emgpickups #loxx #loxx_by_schaeffertec #richterstraps #ldsystems #beyerdynamic #ineargermany #pyramidstrings #cordialcables (hier: Rheinufer Monheim) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTq8ykGowM8/?utm_medium=tumblr
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