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We've got Rooted Ohana all over this one! Reposted from @lakedubmusic 🔥Pedal For Peace🔥 Come out to #cherrybeach in long beach ca July 25th for some #rootsonthebeach For a cause! (BRING MASK & GOOD VIBES) Music 12pm @ganda_music @krookedtreezofficial @spliffvisionmusic @livicationlb @reggaeinthelbc @lastfixlbc @lakedubmusic #pedalforpeace #bringamask #lbc #cherrybeach #reggaeinthelbc #rootsonthebeach #rootsforacause #connectingpeoplethroughreggae - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CCZihXvBAeB/?igshid=ey302f1dthv7
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Today!!! LBC Fams 🧉🌞🌴 RP @eventsinlbc Where Brunch Meets Day Party Rise N Reggae Reggae Brunch Free Entry @risenreggaebrunch Saturday February 29th, 2020 @theharborbarlb 11am - 4pm ... ——————————————————— @ross.djwhat @senorkees @djgargamel1 #risenreggaebrunch #dancehallmusic #longbeachreggae #reggaeinthelbc #rootsreggae #rootsreggaemusic #longbeach #longbeachmusic (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9JdgAsgFyl/?igshid=19zebjq8g7fhm
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Keith Allen Rooks 8/13/1967- 2/13/2015 Mr. Rooks was indeed good natured, a too kind friend, he and my late manager, executive producer, studio owner, building developer Charlie D'agostino helped me tremendously to live, climb out of homelessness. They both were aways a step ahead of the world. ____ Keith was my guitar roadie, band photographer, recorded and captured our live rehearsals, recording touring concert archivists, and media technologist whilst I was guitarist with legendary African reggae artist Majek Fashek. (Keith and Majek Pictured) Luckily, thanks to the late investor, altruistic, and generous Charlie D'agostino I was asked to work, record with Majek Fashek last CD «Little Patience» for Coral Records (2005) _____________________ Keith truly had a heart of gold. Keith passed away unexpectedly while having surgery on February 13 2015. Keith, and Charlie D'agostino never procrastinated on what they thought needed to get done. _____________ Mr. Rooks never did things partway, he was captain of the gymnastics team, got a gymnastics scholarship to Brigham Young University attending from 1985 to 1988. ________________ To this day, Keith Rooks holds the title for the highest score in vaulting, second place at the 1990 Big Ten Gymnastics Championships, and second in the Vault at the 1990 NCAA Championships in Lincoln, Nebraska. In 2005, Keith directed the NFL mascots at the Pro Bowl in Hawaii. ___________ Keith moved in 1991 to my Southern California. In 1996 Keith moved to Hermosa Beach, and started his roofing industry sales firm Vertex West in 2008. Keith loved Costa Rica, and bought property in Playa Negra 2004. He leaves behind his wife Cecilia Rooks and son Hayden in Hermosa Beach, California. ________________________________________ #earthquakerdevices#framuswarwickofficial#sessionguitarist#LosAngelesGuitarist#HermosaBeach#socalreggae#LAMusic#Californiareggae#socalmusicians#RedondoBeachMusic#reggaeintheLBC#LAMusic#FenderSuper60#californiamusician#sandiegoreggae#progressiverockcommunity#redrocksAmphitheater#LosAngelesMusicScene#kirlincable#SouthBaymusic#Reggaeville#SouthBayReggae#santabarbaramusic#sessionmusician#RedondoBeach#MajekFashek#805Music (at Redondo Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2PesCRAq_4/?igshid=dboqdodubyph
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This Saturday LBC Fams 🧉🌞🌴 RP @risenreggaebrunch Where Brunch Meets Day Party Rise N Reggae Reggae Brunch Free Entry @risenreggaebrunch Saturday February 29th, 2020 @theharborbarlb 11am - 4pm ... ——————————————————— @ross.djwhat @senorkees @djgargamel1 #risenreggaebrunch #dancehallmusic #longbeachreggae #reggaeinthelbc #rootsreggae #rootsreggaemusic #longbeach #longbeachmusic (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9EoFrLAsi1/?igshid=zmy907nrvwr1
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Next Saturday All My LBC Fams 📢 RP @risenreggaebrunch Where Brunch Meets Day Party Rise N Reggae Reggae Brunch Free Entry @risenreggaebrunch Saturday February 29th, 2020 @theharborbarlb 11am - 4pm ... ——————————————————— @ross.djwhat @senorkees @djgargamel1 #risenreggaebrunch #dancehallmusic #longbeachreggae #reggaeinthelbc #rootsreggae #rootsreggaemusic #longbeach #longbeachmusic (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B86YGYZgeFh/?igshid=gmrkxm71is7k
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☢️Next Saturday☢️ All My LBC Fams 📢 RP @risenreggaebrunch Celebrating my bredren Grayneys Bday @shottaz.party Where Brunch Meets Day Party ... Rise N Reggae Reggae Brunch Free Entry @risenreggaebrunch Saturday February 29th, 2020 @theharborbarlb 11am - 4pm ... RSVP At @risenreggaebrunch ——————————————————— @ross.djwhat @senorkees @djgargamel1 #risenreggaebrunch #dancehallmusic #longbeachreggae #reggaeinthelbc #rootsreggae #rootsreggaemusic #longbeach #longbeachmusic (at Long Beach, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B86WusTAwIC/?igshid=9vx8mjlbi3qr
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Dollop Dale, guitar playing with United Kingdom roots reggae artiste, songwriter Martin Campbell @Martincampbellmusic in fine fettle performing his intuitive original «The Word». @official_martin_campbell_ _________ Backing band The Jah Soldiers featuring renowned Jamaican maestro drummer Carlton "Santa" Davis @santadavis61 (Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley Aggrovators, Soul Syndicate, Roots Radics). Engineering expert legendary Scientist @thedubscientist aka Hopeton Brown on the mix. _____ Sean Brandes: Bass Carlton "Santa" Davis: Drums,percussion Dale Hauskins: Guitars Steve Hoffman: Keyboards The late Shaga aka John Hill: Djembe drums,percussion. _________________ This is Martin Campbell’s first live of two sold-out 1500 plus capacity shows 2001 in the United States at The Scene in San Diego, California. _____________ Martin Campbell with be at The Music Box @musicboxsd San Diego California August 24 2019 -Two Days before my birthday! Mega Thank you to @hitsponhits @seymourduncanpickups @earthquakerdev @davidcervantesguitars @framuswarwickofficial @framuswarwickusa @reggaeville @reggaenews.ch @socalreggaecalendar @reggaenation @snwmf @techradrumsticks @hughesandkettner @reggaesd @reggaelegends @ReggaeinBerlin.de @socalreggaeshows @ukreggae @reggaeontheriver @reggaeonthemountain @soulfire_artists @onenessrecords @reggae_jam_festival @reggaesd @lowlowrecords @reggaefestivalguide @reggaenews.ch ______________________________________________________ #MartinCampbell#ChannelOneUK#RootsReggae#UKReggae#BritishReggae#SantaDavis#SanDiegomusicscene#LosAngelesreggae#sessionguitarist#LosAngelesMusicians#LosAngelesGuitarist#SoCalReggaeshows#musicianslife#SoCalReggae#Californiareggae#sounddiego#studiolife#reggaeville#musiker#FramusWarwickOfficial#SanDiegoliving#Californiamusicians#LosAngelesMusicscene#SanDiegoReggae#ReggaeGuitarist#DubMusic#RootsReggaeMusic#SanDiegoevents#Californiaroots#ReggaeintheLBC (at Encinitas, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B05sPQ2AU3N/?igshid=1sdihmvldnpck
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Deprivation Dale, remembering five years ago August 4 2014 the death of too kindness, clever German bassist, that quickly passed by my lonely life, talented friend Alexander Körösy better known as DubLex, (holding a drum stick on my forehead pictured next to me) taken too quickly in his young life. ___ Here we all are taking a break in warm sunshiny affluent beach town San Clemente from recording at Fully Fullwood's studio @fullyfullwood on Germany's roots reggae artist Martin Zobel with his band Soulrise. Along my fellow gifted German friends guitsy Daniel Rickler @r.i.c.k.d.a.n.i.e.l.s Jan Geuer @jangeuer members of Jahcoustix @jahcoustix_official @nextgenerationfamily @dodo_music Sara Lugo @SaraLugo Uwe Banton @uwe_banton ___ Alexander was a exceptional young man, touched many people with his personality, humor and bass-playing skills, and truly contributed essentially to the success of Martin Zobel and his Soulrise Band on their album «Land Of The Free». «Land Of The Free» was released on May 18, 2012 in Europe and ranked number one on German Amazon Reggae Charts. @Sandbergguitars @roland_us @rolandgermany @prsguitars @wearefocusrite @hitsponhits @reggaeinberlin.de @jahcoustix_official @soulfire_artists @onenessrecords @adubta_music @nextgenerationfamily @reggae_jam_festival @reggaesd @calipmusic @lowlowrecords @ganjamanberlin @pollensi_official @reggae_jam_festival @Swisscom @energy_ch @reggaefestivalguide @delucamusic @raggabund.official @dodo_music @bigfinga @mikeyboard @upbeatmusikhaus @reggaenews.ch _____________________________________________________ #sandbergbass#studiomusician#Socalreggae#mikeyboard#Calireggae#UweBanton#SanDiegoReggae#DodoMusic#studiolife#LosAngelesReggae#westcoastreggae#reggaeville#musiker#laguitarist#martinzobel#RootsRockReggae#californiareggae#germanreggae#sanclemente#reggaebass#saralugo#nextgenerationfamily#LosAngelesMusicScene#sessionguitarist#sandiegoguitarist#LosAngelesGuitarist#ReggaeintheLBC#ReggaeinBerlin#Jahcoustix#SanDiegoMusic (at San Clemente, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0wSGn6AkFY/?igshid=jb14wacwjxd3
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