#voting trey is voting gay
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vote trey in the coming election.
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amporella · 2 years
#my dark secret is that I agree with that one reddit comment!#you know the one
I don't know the one :(
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Now you do!!
This is a widely ridiculed perspective in the SP fandom, but I really don't think it's as far off as people want to believe. I DO think they've gotten better, slowly, but I think it's impossible to say South Park is NOT a fundamentally reactionary show and that it HASN'T been responsible for a generation of smarmy libertarians.
The Al Gore point above is a great one. They did eventually take it back, but at the time, they didn't care about the research: they cared that those damned liberals were way too passionate about a cause, and that made them stupid. So they naturally took the opposite side. We like to pretend that Matt and Trey hold such passionate anti Trump, leftist views, but they don't; people wore MAGA hats so Matt and Trey decided to hate them. They don't hate Trump for the horrific things he's done: they hate him because he has a passionate following. They did the same thing for Hillary earlier; as long as people care about something, Matt and Trey do not.
The Pajama Day episode recently is also a great example. People care too much about the health of themselves and their neighbors, so Matt and Trey think they're stupid - of course people who refuse to wear pajamas (masks) are brave heroes, and of course those who wear them are literally Nazi Germany. Now let's all point and laugh at those ridiculous liberals and their stupid masks. Sheeples! I would not be shocked if that episode pushed people deep into the rabbit hole.
Matt and Trey are that perfect kind of shitty libertarian that we let get away with so much because they hold just a few good views. The kind that is good with gay people and weed, but will still vote conservative every single time. Here's the twist: they're no better than the average conservative.
People on this app in particular will post a bit how they hate celebrities and then defend Matt and Trey with their lives. They've done a few good things, definitely. I'll always give them props for their acceptance of gay people since the beginning, or what they did for Tweek x Craig, or several of the other commentaries they've done. But let's not kid ourselves by saying they DO care, because sure, they do, but only when someone commits the utterly humiliating act of trying to enact change. And even then, they only care about tearing them down before going right back to ground zero, which is fuck everyone and everything.
You aren't a bad person for watching South Park, as long as you don't absorb every single one of the views they push. And frankly, it's telling to me that people will try so hard to defend the media they watch as infallible: you haven't unlearned purity culture, and it shows. Every single person outside of the internet knows that South Park is fundamentally reactionary, nihilistic, and very much not progressive: both conservatives and liberals can agree on that. You really aren't kidding anyone by trying to change that, and a little echo circle on Tumblr is not indicative of the wider opinion.
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spookyboogie3 · 4 years
Also keep in mind some of these moments i picked Bitch Face r*an may have been present for but this aint about his stupid ass. 
The straw bit on Off Topic
Fiona and Trevor’s “Look at us” “Look at us” “Look at us” in TTT
Drunk Jeremy inhaling helium, followed by Jack and Trevor on Off Topic
“Krusty KrAYAYAB!!!” TTT
Jeremy trying to slam his face through a table, followed by Michael doing the same thing
“my god…… the munchdew” “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!” Minecraft: Skyfactory
Actually all of Simple Farmer Geoff from Skyfactory
Whatever those sounds were that Jack was making in the beginning of GTA video
Alfredo screaming as he continues to fall down a steep tube in a GTA race
“How did he drown though?” “UNDERWATER, MATT!”
Anytime Fiona starts to RAGE in TTT (bonus if others join in)
The time Gav was the phantom in TTT and he kept dying and being brought back and Jack spitting water and then trying to catch it
Alfredo’s Magoo moments in Minecraft
Geoff laughing in the background of a video hes not in
Lindsay fucking around with Chef Mike on Harecore Minigolf
Lindsay fucking around in general
Gavin and Fiona playing Animal Crossing and laughing at the stupidest shit
The Fish Tempura incident on Wheel of Fortune
Lindsay’s reasoning for why her and Michael should have 4 kids
Geoff’s fucking ad reads (my favorite is 23&Me)
The whole thing during Push the Button where everyone especially Michael gets mad at Fiona because she said the best candy to get while trick or treating was lollipops
Matt’s fucking desk in the corner of the room
Anytime Millie is in a video
Everyone falling off the pink ladder during TTT and dying repeatedly because of it
Alfredo “the two-time champ” Diaz dying very early in YDYD 3
Gavin and Michael fucking up almost every game they play on Play Pals
RAY OR NO and then RAY OR NAY on Off Topic
Reddit Roasts Geoff
Gavin asking if someone could kill 20 cows with their bare hands and the proceeding so say he could rip out a cow’s veins by reaching into its neck
Ify’s narration during Let’s Roll Ave Caesar
The internet losing its shit when Jeremy shaved his head years ago
“We need a knife” Gavin comes back with a hammer
Griffin chain sawing the Off Topic table up
“How do I put the boat in the water??” “Right click you animal”
As of 2020, 8 years of playing Minecraft, certain people still do not know how to play the basics of this fucking game.
Honestly it took over 200 episodes for some of them to figure out how the compass worked. You know after they decided that the sun was setting in the wrong direction. (this was in 2016??)
Flynt coal still is a joke they make
So is Day 2
Whatever happened in that GTA lets play where someone called a mugger or a hit on someone and the game glitched and 50 guys showed up and lined up on the street below from where they were playing
Anytime Gavin gets mugged, it’s an old running gag but it’s a classic
The time a mugger fucking started driving the fire truck away after mugging Gavin with Michael and Jeremy still in the truck thinking the other is driving and it takes them like 2 minutes to realize what happened while Gavin’s yelling “come back”
They got a water jug and immediately started water boarding each other
“It pinged and went dingle”
“Hey Trey-Boi” “Hey Gay-Boi” Immediately realizes what he has said
Jeremy’s website puns
(OLD) Ray jerking off in the corner during a let’s play
(OLD) the world in Minecraft never loading and everyone screaming about as Geoff says its fine for him
Jack taking AH to Disney……in Minecraft
On Twitter, Gavin asked about recommendations for a computer mouse and Fiona starts sending him pictures of actual mice.
“Its not ghey, if its on the moon”
Literally anything Fiona does as Po
Jeremy saying the heterosexual flag is boring
Geoff fucking cackling the whole time.
“here’s looking at you kid”
the video was almost 3 hours long
“you know what my favorite color is? blue” “oh really? You know what my favorite hand is? Yours
They all want it to end but no one wants to lose and so they fuck each other and that prolongs the game. Also they put on more rules, so they just keep getting more cards if they don’t have a card to match the previous
Alfredo saying he won’t participate in ghost hunter because he knows what happens to people of color in horror movies
Fiona walking in on Off Topic with a protein shake and Gavin asks if shes drinking milk and she says without missing a beat “ah no that’s cum” and everyone laughed not expecting the answer
(OLD) Ray and Gav running in a panel dressed as X-Ray and Vav and Ray running the whole way around the room before he got to the stage
Duck taping Jeremy to the wall
(OLD) All of Minecraft Episode 3 Plan G (This was the very first AH video I watch and why I know who they are)
Geoff and Gav creating Achievement City and giving everyone houses just to prank Jack into burning house down with lava.
Ray’s house is a dirt block with no furniture and single torch
Geoff’s giant ass house next to Ray’s tiny house
Jack tries to destroy everything with lava throughout the episode
“lets be honest, I realistically didn’t lose anything”
Michael stealing art from Gav’s house “NOO! I want nice things”
The sign to Michael’s says “Awaiting Approval, Awaiting Approval, Awaiting Approval” he runs into house and say “I’m home”
Ray also steals this sign at some point
Plan G – The failsafe.
“Oh whats this? Is this a button? Whats this? (pushes button) Yeah it was a button”
“Did you push the button?”
“wh-what does it do?”
Cue Achievement City beginning to explode as Michael starts screaming
Not something funny but something VERY IMPORTANT. AH admitting that they all fucked up and how shitty their behavior was when dealing with harassment in the fanbase. People were racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic, and just downright horrible to a lot of the employees at RT and AH. This came up after Mica Burton left the company and talked about it publicly and how nothing was done about it. Fiona who also experiences these same things, along with Lindsay and other employees, but Fiona took the charge on the Off Topic talking about people can’t continue to get away with that behavior. She got to sound off her feelings to a group of white men who all respected her and LISTENED to what was saying and how she felt. She cried; Geoff cried. They all want to do more, so this doesn’t happen in the future and they’re not tolerating the racist and horrible comments. AH taking a mature moment to talk about how they failed to stop these comments and Geoff was right when he said the company has a long way to go.
 Outside of AH each member has more to them than just all of the comedy and laughs and dumb shit they do
Geoff helped found Roosterteeth and Achievement Hunter. He has a beautiful daughter in Millie who is awesome in her own right. He’s a recovering alcoholic. Currently doing F**k Face podcasts. Was in the fucking army. Takes accountability for every mistake he makes.  
Jack also helped start Achievement Hunter. He does so much work for charity. His twitter is full of things to help people go vote. He’s like the dad to AH, especially Fiona. He’s happily married to his wife Caiti.
Michael was an electrician and has a lot of handy man experience. He made a few videos online about him raging at games and that got the attention of RT. He’s currently married to Lindsay who he met because of RT. They have two kids together.
Gavin is an expert at high speed filmmaking and know how use and edit footage from a slow-motion camera. He has worked on actual films. One of the creators of the Slow Mo Guys. Worked his ass off to get to work for RT. Currently dating model and cosplayer Meg Turney
Lindsay flips between being the mom of the group and a complete chaos queen and we all love her for it. She started as an editor for the RT podcast and then AH stuff. She is an incredible voice actor, most known for Ruby Rose (RWBY), Space Kid (Camp Camp), Hilda (Xray & Vav) just to name a few. She also has a degree in finance
Jeremy started as a fan who made videos on the community page. He took over Ray’s place after Ray left to do Twitch full time. He is a self-published author and a skilled rapper and singer. He’s currently married to his wife, Kat.
Matt also started as a fan making videos on the community page. He actually interacted and made stuff for the guys in really early Minecraft episodes. Seriously this guy is like king of Minecraft. He has a degree in electrical engineering. He also has pretty decent singing voice.
Trevor is THE BOSS. Has a degree in aero-space engineering and is getting paid to babysit AH. Currently dating Barbara Dunkelman, RTs queen of puns.
Alfredo worked at IGN before RT and is a well-known streamer. He is the best when it comes to first person shooter games. He and Trevor look so similar.
Fiona. Po. Her majesty. Host of This Just Internet. A Twitch streamer. Baby of the bunch. Grew up in Europe. Her and Gav act like a pair of siblings. She has stated and showed time and time again she will fight for people to have safe spaces for anyone who needs them.
Ify, our new guy. He is wonderful and I want to stay forever. He’s a comedian, a writer, and an actor. Co hosts F-ing Around with Fiona. Has his own film podcast, Who Shot Ya? I look forward to more content with him in it, cause everything he’s been in so far has been great.
 Were all hurting but well make it through this
We have all these wonderful moments and a lot more that I didn’t list and this incredible team of personalities with their own accomplishments and achievements. Not to mention old team members who were also great additions and the entire crew behind the scenes editing and making videos look the best that they can.
 Here’s to Achievement Hunter and to this community. We need to be here for each other in times like these.
@theonyxranger gave me the idea for this based on their own post they made about the fans giving their favorite moments without bitch face and there were just too many. Oop. 
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ninawritesastory · 6 years
I want to see chef come back like maybe reincarnate him or something
I’d love to have Chef back as well, but unfortunately there’s probably a better chance of hell freezing over. His voice actor passed away, and he left anyway because of that whole Scientology thing. Plus Matt and Trey have pretty much closed the book on Chef.
What I’d like to see is the kids finding a new adult to go to when they have problems. They need an adult who more or less has their shit together. Some voice of reason, someone who doesn’t always end up swept away by South Park’s bullshit. My vote is for Big Gay Al, but I think it’s been long enough since Chef’s end that it’s unlikely the kids are going to get a decent adult figure to go to ever again.
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gaymusicchart · 6 years
Gay Music Chart Awards 2017 : the nominations
Vote for your favorite LGBT themed music video during this special week of the Gay Music Chart Awards 2017!
Subscribe to our channel if you don't wanna miss our special videos to discover all the 63 categories and all the nominees for this awards edition.
You can watch all the music videos in our playlists at the end of our videos. You can find all the nominees on our site : https://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr/
You have two weeks to vote. On your mark: have fun!
  Here are the nominees :
Beth Ditto - In And Out (Lyric Video)
Calum Scott - You Are The Reason (Lyric Video)
Dog Park Dissidents - Queer As In Fuck You [Official Lyric Video]
Harel Skaat הראל סקעת - Ahava Mesovevet Hakol אהבה מסובבת הכל (lyric video)
Julia Michaels - Issues (Lyric Video)
K Anderson - Bitter Wind (Lyric Video)
Keala Settle - This is Me ("The Greatest Showman" OST)
Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video)
Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video]
Wrabel - Bloodstain (Lyric Video)
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nothingman · 7 years
South Park turns 20 years old this summer, meaning that if those foulmouthed, crudely fashioned 8-year-olds that were first introduced on August 13, 1997 followed the rules of linear time, they’d all be adults farting down the barrel of 30. Similarly, there’s now an entire generation of people—spanning high-schoolers to middle-aged people who remember watching its early seasons in college, and who can’t believe they’re reading/writing 20-year retrospectives on it now—who were actually raised on South Park.
The show celebrated this existential crisis-inducing fact last year with a tongue-in-cheek ad, depicting South Park as a sort of benevolent guarantor keeping reliable watch over a girl from infancy until her first trip to college. It was a typically self-effacing joke, but it’s true: Our world is now filled with people for whom South Park has always been there, a cultural influence that, in some cases, is completely foundational to their point of view. The ad doesn’t end with the girl logging onto Twitter to complain that social justice warriors are ruining the world, but otherwise, spot on.
After all, for most of its 20 years, South Park’s own point of view has more or less been this: “Everything and everyone are full of shit—hey, relax, guy.” It’s a scorched-earth, deconstructionist approach steeped in equal-opportunity offensiveness that’s made South Park one of the funniest satires ever produced, and particularly potent in the time in which it debuted. “When we started, [it was] Beavis And Butt-Head, and us, and in some ways The Simpsons, and Married With Children—shit like that,” Matt Stone told Vanity Fair last year, putting the Comedy Central cartoon in the company of other ’90s series that diverged from the “bland… shitty sitcoms that were just so lifeless” Stone and co-creator Trey Parker were reacting against. But South Park has now lived long enough to see the experimental become the conventional. And it’s outlasted all but one of those series not just by subverting formulaic TV, but by feeding directly off current events. As a result, for many of those raised by South Park, the show has functioned as sort of a scatological op-ed—in some cases, maybe the only op-ed they’ve ever been interested in.
To these acolytes, Parker and Stone have spent two decades preaching a philosophy of pragmatic self-reliance, a distrust of elitism, in all its compartmentalized forms, and a virulent dislike of anything that smacks of dogma, be it organized religion, the way society polices itself, or whatever George Clooney is on his high horse about. Theirs can be a tricky ideology to pin down: “I hate conservatives, but I really fucking hate liberals,” Stone said once, a quote that has reverberated across the scores of articles, books, and message-board forums spent trying to parse the duo’s politics, arguing over which side can rightfully claim South Park as its own. Nominally, Parker and Stone are libertarians, professing a straight-down-the-middle empathy for the little guy who just wants to be left alone by meddling political and cultural forces. But their only true allegiance is to whatever is funniest; their only tenet is that everything and everyone has the potential to suck equally. More than anything, they’ve taught their most devoted followers that taking anything too seriously is hella lame.
So while they’ve advocated, in their own fucked-up way, for stuff like the right to abortion, drug legalization, and general tolerance for others, they’ve also found their biggest, easiest targets in liberalism’s pet causes, those formerly rebellious ideals that had become safely sitcom-bland over the Bill Clinton years—all of which were steeped in actually, lamely caring about stuff. Taking the piss out of the era’s priggish, speech-policing, Earth Day-brainwashed hippies was the most transgressive—and therefore funniest—thing you could possibly do. And so, South Park joked, global warming is just a dumb myth perpetrated by “super cereal” losers. Prius drivers are smug douches who love the smell of their own farts. Vegetarians end up growing vaginas on their face. “Transgender people” are just mixed-up, surgical abominations. The word “fag” is fine. Casual anti-Semitism is all in good fun. “Hate crimes” are silly. Maybe all you pussies just need a safe space.
“Did South Park accidentally invent the alt-right?” Janan Ganesh asked recently in the Financial Times, articulating a theory that began gaining traction as an entire political movement seemed to crystallize around the show’s “anti-PC chic” and general fuck-your-feelings attitude. Way back in 2001, political blogger Andrew Sullivan had already coined the term “South Park Republican” to describe the supposedly emerging group of young people who, like the show, were moderate on social issues like abortion and gay marriage, but also rejected the stuffy doctrines of diversity and environmentalism. They also believed, as Parker and Stone would soon illustrate in Team America: World Police, that the world needed American dicks to fuck assholes, over the objections of liberal pussies and F.A.G. celebrities. That voting bloc never actually materialized—though to be fair, the show was only four years old at the time. It would take at least another decade of people with Cartman avatars just joshin’ about hating Jews before the South Park generation would truly come of age.
Let’s be real, though. South Park didn’t “invent” the “alt-right,” even accidentally. The “alt-right” is the product of lots of things—disenfranchisement; internet echo chambers; aggrieved Gamergaters; boredom; the same ugly, latent racism that’s coursed beneath civilization’s veneer for millennia; etc. The growing, bipartisan distaste for Wall Street-backed career politicians and the epically bungled machinations of the Democratic Party certainly didn’t help, nor did the frustrating inability of the social justice movement to pick its battles—or its enemies. Furthermore, it’s always dangerous to assign too much influence to pop culture, even something that’s been part of our lives for this long. And as South Park itself derided in “The Tale Of Scrotie McBoogerballs,” you shouldn’t go looking for deep sociopolitical messages in your cartoon dick jokes. (Then again, only three years earlier, it also argued that imaginary characters really can change people’s lives and even “change the way [you] act on Earth,” making them “more realer” than any of us—so you decide.)
Still, it’s not that much of a stretch to see how one might have fed the other, if only through the sort of intangible osmosis that happens whenever an influential artwork spawns imitators, both on screen and off. South Park may not have “invented” the “alt-right,” but at their roots are the same bored, irritated distaste for politically correct wokeness, the same impish thrill at saying the things you’re not supposed to say, the same button-pushing racism and sexism, now scrubbed of all irony.
There’s also the same co-opting of anti-liberal stances as the highest possible form of rebellion: Parker and Stone used to brag that they were “punk rock” for telling their Hollywood friends how much they loved George W. Bush; Parker even told Rolling Stone in 2007, “The only way to be more hardcore than everyone else is to tell the people who think they’re the most hardcore that they’re pussies, to go up to a tattooed, pierced vegan and say, ‘Whatever, you tattooed faggot, you’re a pierced faggot and whatever’”—a quote that may as well have been taken from 4chan’s /pol/ board this morning. “Conservatism is the new punk rock,” echoed a bunch of human cringes a decade later. Whatever, you faggot, a dozen Pepes tweeted a few seconds ago.
But well beyond the “alt-right,” South Park’s influence echoes through every modern manifestation of the kind of hostile apathy—nurtured along by Xbox Live shit-talk and comment-board flame wars and Twitter—that’s mutated in our cultural petri dish to create a rhetorical world where whoever cares, loses. Today, everyone with any kind of grievance probably just has sand in their vagina; expressing it with anything beyond a reaction GIF means you’re “whining”; cry more, your tears are delicious. We live in Generation U Mad Bro, and from its very infancy, South Park has armed it with enough prefab eye-rolling retorts (“ManBearPig!” “I’m a dolphin!” “Gay Fish!” “…’Member?”) to sneeringly shut down discussions on everything from climate change and identity politics to Kanye West and movie reboots. Why not? Everything sucks equally, anyway. Voting is just choosing between some Douche and a Turd Sandwich. Bullying is just a part of life. Suck it up and take it, until it’s your turn to do the bullying. Relax, guy.
Again, it’s a world that South Park didn’t create intentionally, just by setting out to make us laugh, or by Parker and Stone trying to get rich off a bunch of farting construction paper cutouts. But even Parker and Stone seem slightly, if only occasionally uneasy about the overarching life lessons they’ve imparted—often expressing that anxiety in the show itself. In “You’re Getting Old,” South Park’s most moving half-hour, Parker and Stone grappled directly with the cumulative effects of perpetually shitting on things—of allowing a healthy, amused skepticism to ossify into cynicism and self-satisfied superiority, then into nihilism, then into blanket, misanthropic hatred. That dark night of the soul later formed the through-lines of seasons 19 and 20, where South Park wryly, semi-sincerely confronted the series’ place as a “relic from another time” by putting the town under the heavy thumb of PC Principal.
Then—after hooking its red-pilled fans with an extended critique of the emptiness of neoliberalism, epitomized by a sneering, “safe space”-mocking character that was literally named Reality—it tried confronting the audience who had most embraced their ramped-up anti-PC crusades. Last season kicked off with Cartman admitting to Kyle, “We’re two privileged, straight white boys who have their laughs about things we never had to deal with,” a confession rendered only slightly tongue-in-cheek by the fact of who was saying it. And it culminated in Gerald, who’d spent the year gleefully harassing people online, squaring off with the Danish prime minister, a stand-in for every troll the show’s ever nurtured:
I want to stand here and tell you that you and I are different, but it’s not true. All we’ve been doing is making excuses for being horrible people. I don’t know if you tried to teach me a lesson, but you have. I have to stand here and look at you. And all I see is a big fat reflection of myself.
Ultimately, of course, Gerald comes to a familiar conclusion: “Fuck you, what I do is fucking funny, bitch!” he cries, before kicking the prime minister in the balls. Fair enough. South Park is, and always will be, funnier than any of the maladjusted creeps who have spent decades internalizing the show’s many false equivalencies and ironic racism, then lazily regurgitating them in an attempt to mimic its edginess—or worse, by treating them as some sort of scripture for living. And to be certain, there are millions of Poe’s law-defying viewers for whom South Park really is just a comedy, one that satisfies the most basic requirement of saying the things you shouldn’t say, in a far more clever way than you could say them. But regardless of their satirical intent, or the humanity that grounds even their nastiest attacks, it’s clear that even Parker and Stone sometimes question the influence they’ve had on the world, and who is and isn’t in on the joke.
Which brings us (as all 2017 articles must) to Donald Trump, the ultimate troll, and one that Parker sees as a natural outgrowth of South Park’s appeal to a nation bored with politeness. As he recently told the Los Angeles Times:
He’s not intentionally funny but he is intentionally using comedic art to propel himself. The things that we do—being outrageous and taking things to the extreme to get a reaction out of people—he’s using those tools. At his rallies he gets people laughing and whooping. I don’t think he’s good at it. But it obviously sells—it made him president.
Trump’s blithe offensiveness, rampant narcissism, and faith that everyone but him is stupid makes him a natural analog to Eric Cartman. But instead, South Park made him into Mr. Garrison—a decision that makes some logical sense (Mr. Garrison is of constitutional age, hates Mexicans and women, and doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself), though it also felt a bit like dissembling. Nevertheless, as the election wore on, South Park again seemed to acknowledge its role in helping to create a world where someone like Trump could seem like an exciting, entertaining alternative to conventional blandness. And it made a real, concerted effort to stymie any suggestion of support by having Garrison declare repeatedly that he was “a sick, angry little man” who “will fuck this country up beyond repair,” all while openly mocking those who still loved him anyway as nostalgia-drunk idiots.
“Is it just me or has South Park gone full cuck?” wondered fans on Reddit’s The_Donald immediately after that episode aired, and probably not for the first (or last) time. But in the aftermath of Trump/Garrison’s election, those same, vigilant cuck-watchers were back to crowing over how South Park had really stuck it to politically correct types in a scene where Trump/Garrison tells PC Principal, “You helped create me.” That South Park positioned this as less of a triumphant comeuppance than a suicidal backfire didn’t seem to matter. And the show more or less left it there—portraying Trump/Garrison as a dangerously incompetent buffoon, but also as the ultimate “u mad?” to all those liberals they fucking hate.
All of which makes Parker and Stone’s recent declaration to lay off Trump in the coming 21st season a real disappointment at best, cowardice at worst. The duo is, of course, under no obligation to tackle politics—or anything else they don’t want to, for that matter. They’re also right that mocking Trump is both redundant and “boring,” and also that everyone does it. For two dyed-in-the-wool contrarians, Trump comedy feels every bit as bland, lifeless, and sitcom-safe as an episode of, say, Veronica’s Closet. Furthermore, Parker’s complaints of the show just “becoming CNN now” and not wanting to spend every week endlessly restacking the sloppy Jenga pile of Trump-related outrage is completely understandable. Believe me, I get it.
That said: Man, what a cop out. South Park has already spent the past 20 years being CNN for its CNN-hating audience. Meanwhile, Parker and Stone have proudly, loudly thumped for a “fearless” brand of satire that’s willing to mock everyone from George W. Bush to Scientology to Mormonism to Muhammad, even under death threats. To shrug now and say, as Parker did, “I don’t give a shit anymore”—right when, by their own admission, the influence of the show’s worldview has reached all the way to the White House—feels especially disingenuous, and suspiciously like caving to the young, Trump-loving fans with whom they have forged such an uneasy relationship. (“South Park bends the knee on their fake-news-fueled portrayal of President Trump,” one The_Donald post gloated, followed by many, many more.) If they truly believe that those trolls in the mirror are “horrible people” who are helping to “fuck the country up beyond repair,” it would be truly fearless to tell them why, with no hint of ambiguous, everything-sucks irony that can be willfully misinterpreted.
Instead, Parker now says he’s eager to get back to “the bread and butter of South Park: kids being kids and being ridiculous and outrageous.” Which is great! South Park is absolutely at its best when it focuses on that stuff, and I look forward to watching it all on my hurting butt. Still, after 20 years, even they seem to realize that many of those ridiculous, outrageous kids for whom it’s “always been there” have long since grown up—and some of them have gone on to do some real, destructive adult shit. Like their inspirations, South Park’s generation of trolls are tiny but loud, and they’ve had the strange effect of changing the world. It sure would be nice if South Park would grow up as well and take responsibility for them.
Or, you know, maybe I just have sand in my vagina.
via A.V. Club
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savetopnow · 7 years
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romanpolak · 8 years
lol unfollowed because you can't say "i hate all cis men", like what experiences do you have to go off of? 5? Maybe 10 total? But you bunch millions of men together? Pathetic, judgmental, and hateful. Not going to follow a blog that spreads hate. Sit down.
TW for discussion of Rape, assault, death, shootings.  
you want ME to sit down? my whole life i am oppressed by cis men. Cis men have run the world this whole time and it’s sucked for everyone who isn’t just like them. Cis men rape people, cis men shoot up schools, movie theaters and clubs, cis men vote against legislation that would help those who aren’t cis men, cis men have oppressed everyone. so yeah i do hate them.
are you suggesting i have only met 10 cis men? are you suggesting that bad things have not happened almost exclusively because of cis men?
here are a list of Cis men who have done shitty things that cause me to distrust cis men. I hope the list is long enough if you need more examples I’d be happy to provide them. 
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson 
John Adams
Andrew Jackson 
James Madison 
My father 
my oldest brother 
my uncle 
my other uncle 
my oldest cousin on my moms side 
my second oldest cousin on my moms side 
my other other uncle 
my oldest younger brother 
my youngest brother 
my oldest sisters husband 
my youngest sisters boyfriend 
Senator John Barrasso 
Senator Mike Enzi
former Vice President Dick Cheny 
Don*ld tr*mp 
m*ke p*nce 
George W. Bush 
George H. W Bush 
Validmir Putin 
kim il sung 
kim jung il 
kim jung un 
all the cis men who voted for a budget that would end the affordable health care act. 
here is a list of 14 Women who were brutally attacked for telling a cis man no
John Roberts, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, and Samuel Alito were the decent when marriage equality came to the supreme court.funny how none of the women wanted restrict civil rights 
brock turner 
p*trick k*ane 
Dr*w D*ughtry 
g*orge z*mmermann 
D*rren W*llson 
Ronald Reagan 
Richard Nixon 
Napoleon Bonaparte
 the guy who assumed I was a fake hockey fan 
the guy who called me a d*ke on the street 
the guy who cat called me on the street 
and the other guy who cat called me 
and the other guy who cat called me 
and the other guy who cat called me 
and the other guy who cat called me 
the guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the other guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the other guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the other guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the other guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the other guy who cat called my oldest younger sister 
and the guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the other guy who cat called my youngest sister 
and the group of men who were all 20+ who added my youngest sister (14) on facebook when she changed her relationship status to single 
and the guy who sexually assaulted my best friend 
and every single cis guy who sexually assaulted my best friend 
and all the guys who do school shootings or movie theater shootings
Liam, the kid who says the f slur all the time 
Hans Hunt 
the substitute teacher who told me i couldn’t talk about being gay
the editor of the newspaper back home 
JUST about Everysingle hockey player i know about makes it on to this list. the ones that don’t i probably just don’t know much about them
honestly it was harder to come up with cis men who don’t make me distrust cis men
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go-redgirl · 6 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Senator Lindsey Graham took photos with fans after speaking at a campaign event in Chesterfield, Mo.Credit Credit Nick Schnelle for The New York Times
Lindsey Graham? He’s Become a Conservative ‘Rock Star’
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg
Nov. 2, 2018
CHESTERFIELD, Mo. — Senator Lindsey Graham’s bipartisan overtures — on immigration, foreign policy, even investigations of President Trump — once made him a darling of Democrats, a Republican dealmaker to be wooed to the center.
But when the South Carolina Republican turned up in this St. Louis suburb to campaign against a Democratic colleague, Claire McCaskill, the crowd of Trump-loving women and red-hatted men practically swooned, bathing in the reflected glow of the president they adore — who now adores Lindsey Graham.
Mr. Graham, crisscrossing the country to turn out the Republican vote against the centrist Democratic senators who were once his natural allies, lapped it up. He has been basking in the exaltation of Trump backers ever since his lacerating defense of Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh. His own transformation from Trump-basher to Trump defender seems complete.
Gone is the senator who once called the future president “the world’s biggest jackass” and a “race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot.” With an eye toward re-election in 2020 in a state still on the Trump Train, Mr. Graham has climbed into the locomotive.
I stepped up,” he boasted in an interview, “and I’m getting rewarded for it by conservatives, and liberals are all upset.”
Mr. Graham’s latest show of fealty came earlier this week, when he embraced the president’s legally dubious plan to end birthright citizenship for babies born to noncitizens — a head-spinning turn for a senator who once partnered with Democrats on comprehensive immigration legislation that included a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. (Mr. Graham says he proposed ending birthright citizenship years ago.)
“The fall of Lindsey Graham into the dark Trumpian pit of demagoguery, division and incitement is complete,” Steve Schmidt, a former Republican strategist who has renounced the party, wrote on Twitter.
Theories abound about what has happened to Mr. Graham.
No. 1: He is most comfortable as a sidekick and is looking to the president to fill the void left by the loss of his dear friend and mentor, Senator John McCain. Mr. Graham bristled at the suggestion.
“I was nobody’s sidekick on Kavanaugh,” he said. “I was the voice of millions of Americans who thought, enough is enough.”
There’s a funny meme going around,” Pressley Stutts, a Tea Party leader in Greenville, S.C., noted. “It says, ‘President Trump, he’s even made Lindsey Graham great again.’”
His allies say the senator does not want a repeat of his brutal primary election in 2014, when the Tea Party set its sights on him, and he was forced to fend off six challengers.
“I saw a fatigue in him at the end of that experience that I had never seen before,” said Representative Trey Gowdy, Republican of South Carolina, a close friend.
Mr. Graham, 63, said he is the same old Lindsey, working with Mr. Trump when he can and disagreeing when he must. But, he added of the president, “being in his orbit, I think, has been good for me and good for him.”
A spotlight on the people reshaping our politics. A conversation with voters across the country. And a guiding hand through the endless news cycle, telling you what you really need to know.
Mr. Graham’s personal story is well known: He grew up in the back of a bar owned by his parents, who died when he was in his 20s, leaving him to care for his 13-year-old sister. In the Senate, where he has served since 2002, he teamed up with Mr. McCain, partly because of their shared interest in military affairs (Mr. Graham is a retired colonel in the Air Force reserve) and they traveled the world together. He wept on the Senate floor when the older man died.
“It’s the closest thing he ever had to a father,” Mr. Gowdy said.
He has long been known as a kind of happy-go-lucky independent thinker. He voted to confirm two of President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court nominees, Sonia Sotomayor and Elana Kagan, which was one reason he was so angry at the Democrats’ opposition to Justice Kavanaugh. He also likes being in the middle of things. Whenever there is a Senate “gang” — a self-appointed caucus of problem-solvers — Mr. Graham seems to be in it.
“I like being relevant,” he said.
He has also done an especially artful job of befriending the president, often through flattery — “I try to start most conversations with a compliment” — which has won him Mr. Trump’s ear and the rarefied status of presidential golf partner. He views himself as uniquely positioned to guide a president inexperienced on matters of policy.
“I enjoy his company,” Mr. Graham said. “I’ve spent more time talking to him than any president — all of them combined.”
In the opening weeks of the Trump presidency, Mr. Graham promised to use his Senate Judiciary subcommittee on crime and terrorism to launch a bipartisan, no-holds-barred investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 election. At the same time, he reached out to Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law, as a potential partner on immigration and an overhaul of criminal justice laws.
Mr. Trump then invited Mr. Graham for lunch and sought the senator’s counsel on North Korea and Iran. The Russian investigation wrapped up quietly.
But the détente was complicated; Mr. McCain hated Mr. Trump. Mr. Graham, with the help of Mr. Kushner, tried to engineer a rapprochement, persuading the president to host Mr. McCain and his wife, Cindy, at the White House for dinner.
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gigglesndimples · 6 years
Pro-Cannabis Congressional Candidates Head the Midterms Ballot
In addition to several marijuana initiatives (in Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota and Utah) on the Nov. 6 ballot, a number of races in the Senate and House could result in pro-pot candidates knocking off drug warriors. Here are 10 races to watch.
Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke
1. Beto O’Rourke (D) vs. Sen. Ted Cruz (R)
Beto O’Rourke is challenging incumbent right-winger Cruz. O’Rourke, who’s backed the legalization cause ever since he was on El Paso’s City Council, has repeatedly called for the end of “the U.S. government’s War on Drugs” and “the federal prohibition of marijuana.” An O’Rourke victory would help swing the Senate back to Democratic control. The congressman has the support of Willie Nelson, who he performed with on stage at the singer’s Fourth of July Picnic in Austin. It’s an expensive race with a total of $37 million ($23.7 million for O’Rourke) in the campaigns’ coffers. An Aug. 27 Emerson College poll called the race a “dead heat,” though most prognosticators say it’s “likely Republican.” In recent weeks, Cruz’s campaign has been pulling out all the stops, releasing O’Rourke’s mug shot from a 1998 DWI and longhaired photos from when he played bass in a punk-rock band.
Colorado Congressman Jared Polis
2. Rep. Jared Polis (D) vs. Walker Stapleton (R)
In the Colorado gubernatorial race, four-term congressman Polis is hoping to succeed Gov. John Hickenlooper (D). Polis, who’s a longtime marijuana supporter and is also gay, won the June 26 Democratic primary with 45% of the vote against three opponents. “I’m proud to be the only candidate in this race that publicly supported the ballot measure to legalize marijuana (Amendment 64), and I have fought hard to declassify marijuana as a Schedule I drug in Congress,” he states at his campaign’s website. As governor, he’d be much more favorable to cannabis than the reluctant Hickenlooper. With nine times the campaign funding ($18.6 million) than his opponent, state treasurer Stapleton, and more overall support, Polis should become Colorado’s 37th governor.
California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom
3. Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) vs. John Cox (R)
In the California gubernatorial race, it’s likely that Newsom will succeed Jerry Brown (D). Newsom was a major backer of Prop 64, which legalized cannabis in the Golden State in 2016. “We believe the war on marijuana is a failure,” he states at his campaign website.
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J.B. Pritzker
4. J. B. Pritzker (D) vs. Gov. Bruce Rauner (R)
Pritzker has never held office, but he has plenty of money to bankroll his Illinois gubernatorial race against the Republican incumbent. (Pritzker’s family owns the Hyatt hotel chain.) He won the primary with 45% of the vote against five opponents. “The path forward for Illinois is clear,” Pritzker states at his campaign website. “We need to legalize marijuana.” Gov. Rauner vetoed a decriminalization bill in 2015 before signing a watered-down version the following year. The two campaigns have raised more $200 million, $128 million of which is for Pritzker, who’s expected to win.
Ben Jealous
5. Ben Jealous (D) vs. Gov. Larry Hogan (R)
In the Maryland gubernatorial race, former NAACP executive director Jealous is attempting to unseat Republican incumbent Gov. Hogan. Jealous won the primary with 41% of the vote against seven opponents. At his campaign website, he calls for “legalizing marijuana for adult use and working to strengthen diversity requirements for licenses in the marijuana industry.” However, polls indicate Hogan will remain in the statehouse.
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf
6. Gov. Tom Wolf (D) vs. State Sen. Scott Wagner (R)
In the Pennsylvania gubernatorial race, Democratic incumbent Gov. Wolf seeks to stay in office. During his first term, he signed legislation that legalized the use and sale of medical marijuana. Polls show Wolf has a significant lead over State Sen. Wagner and should return to Harrisburg for a second term.
Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum
7. Mayor Andrew Gillum (D) vs. Ron DeSantis (R)
The mayor of Florida’s capitol city, Tallahassee, wants to run the state. He won a hard-fought Democratic primary on August 28 with just 34% of the vote. His opponent, former Congressman DeSantis, received 57% in the Republican primary. Both are hoping to succeed Gov. Rick Scott (R). Gillum, who’s African American, states at his campaign website that he “supports the legalization of marijuana in order to generate new revenue to pay for teacher and instructional staff pay increases and to reduce the mass incarceration of people with low-level drug offenses.” This highly contentious race – DeSantis is backed by Pres. Trump – is a toss up.
Liz Watson
8. Liz Watson (D) vs. Rep. Trey Hollingsworth (R)
In Indiana’s 9th Congressional District, Watson is challenging the Republican incumbent, who was elected in 2016. She won the primary with two-thirds of the vote. “I’m a strong supporter of removing marijuana from the Controlled Substances Act,” Watson states at her campaign website. “This step is important to stemming the tide of over-incarceration, especially of people of color.” Both candidates have raised about $1 million for this important race.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
9. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D) vs. Anthony Pappas (R)
In New York’s 14th Congressional District, newcomer Ocasio-Cortez upset 10-term incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley (D) in the June 26 primary with 57% of the vote. She’ll most likely defeat her Republican opponent in the race in her heavily Democrat district. In addition to supporting “federal legalization of marijuana,” she wants to close “for-profit prisons and detention centers,” end cash bail and release “individuals incarcerated for nonviolent offenses.” Ocasio-Cortez is a leader in the Democrats’ progressive blue wave.
David Trone
10. David Trone (D) vs. Amie Hoeber (R)
In Maryland’s 6th Congressional District, Trone, a businessman, is attempting to succeed fellow Democrat and three-term congressman John Delaney. Trone won the primary with 41% of the vote against seven opponents. Though he doesn’t mention marijuana at his campaign website, Trone refers to the “failed War on Drugs” and calls for the repeal of “mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses.” His opponent in the race, Hoeber, is a defense consultant.
Also on the Nov. 6 Ballot
Michigan Poised to Become the 10th State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
Dueling Medical-Marijuana Initiatives in Missouri Likely to Confuse Voters
Senate Showdown: 12 Important Races to Watch
The post Pro-Cannabis Congressional Candidates Head the Midterms Ballot appeared first on Freedom Leaf.
Source: https://www.freedomleaf.com/cannabis-candidates-midterms/
The article Pro-Cannabis Congressional Candidates Head the Midterms Ballot is republished from https://gigglesndimples.com
from Giggles N Dimples - Feed https://gigglesndimples.com/2018/09/12/pro-cannabis-congressional-candidates-head-the-midterms-ballot/
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newssplashy · 6 years
COLUMBIA, S.C. — President Donald Trump helped lift a pair of incumbent Republicans locked in difficult races to victory Tuesday while the liberal wing of the Democratic Party scored its most significant successes yet in the primary season, with progressive candidates unseating the fourth-ranking House Democrat and claiming the nominations for governor in Maryland and Colorado.
Already triumphant after the Supreme Court ruled in his favor in two major cases Tuesday morning, Trump propelled Gov. Henry McMaster to a decisive victory in a runoff in South Carolina, a day after appearing with him at a rally.
And Trump got another victory in New York, where Staten Island Republicans renominated Rep. Dan Donovan, thwarting the comeback bid of Michael Grimm, who was seeking to overcome his conviction on tax fraud and regain his former House seat. Trump endorsed Donovan, saying the party could not afford a Grimm candidacy in a district that could swing to the Democrats.
But the most stunning, and consequential, contest of the night was in another New York district, where Rep. Joseph Crowley, who made no secret of his designs on the House speakership, was upset by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a 28-year-old political newcomer who ran to his left.
In Colorado, Rep. Jared Polis, who would be the nation’s first elected gay governor if he prevails in November, won the Democratic nomination for governor. Another progressive, former NAACP President Ben Jealous, claimed the nomination for governor in Maryland.
Seven states went to the polls Tuesday, including Utah, where Republicans launched Mitt Romney’s political revival in his bid for the Senate seat being vacated by Sen. Orrin Hatch.
It was here in South Carolina, though, that Trump’s willingness to take a gamble for an ally paid off.
Trump has proved adept at bruising his adversaries but has had less success in office propelling allies to victory — until Tuesday.
With 97 percent of the vote counted, McMaster had 53 percent and John Warren, a first-time candidate and former Marine, 47 percent. Claiming victory, McMaster, 71, thanked the president and told supporters that this state had not had a closer relationship with a president in decades.
“As President Trump says, ‘We’re going to keep on winning, winning, winning in South Carolina,'” he crowed.
Putting his political capital on the line to repay McMaster, Trump flew into the state Monday night to appear with the governor and urge Republican voters to back one of the few elected officials who were willing to get behind his candidacy at the outset of 2016. McMaster ascended to the governorship last year when Trump appointed Nikki Haley as his ambassador to the United Nations.
The president acknowledged he was taking a risk in standing with McMaster, telling voters in a suburb just west of here that the news media would portray a loss as a “humiliating defeat” for the White House. But his staff had also gotten assurances from the governor last week that he was ahead in the polls.
A political veteran who was battered for representing the status quo at a moment when Republicans are hungry for outsiders, McMaster was forced into a runoff two weeks ago by Warren, 39, after failing to garner a majority of the vote in the state’s primary.
But the White House staged something of a rescue mission to ensure the governor’s renomination, sending Vice President Mike Pence to campaign with McMaster on Saturday in addition to Trump’s Monday night rally. After Tuesday’s results were announced, the president congratulated McMaster in a tweet.
McMaster will face James Smith, a Democratic state lawmaker who is close to former Vice President Joe Biden, in the general election. It is a race that could become competitive if Smith is able to raise the money needed to increase his visibility.
In a House Republican runoff for the seat being vacated by Rep. Trey Gowdy, South Carolina voters nominated William Timmons, a state senator who defeated a conservative hard-liner with a history of making inflammatory remarks that made many mainstream party officials uneasy.
In Utah, where Hatch is retiring, Romney easily won the Republican Senate nomination. Returning to politics six years after his presidential defeat, and two years after he emerged as a leading anti-Trump voice in his party, the former Massachusetts governor faced some criticism for running in a state that he has not called home for many years. Utah’s heavily conservative Republican convention attendees even backed Romney’s opponent, Mike Kennedy, at the state’s nonbinding nominating convention in April.
But Romney is a deeply admired figure in Utah. In addition to being among the most prominent Mormons in the world, he helped rescue the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics. In fact, his political standing is secure enough in the state that on Sunday, he wrote an op-ed informing Republican voters that he would continue to speak out against Trump as he saw fit.
In Colorado, Polis, a Boulder-based progressive who spent over $11 million of his own money, is competing for the seat being vacated by Gov. John Hickenlooper, who is term-limited. Polis’ victory Tuesday illustrated the party’s break from more moderate Democrats such as Hickenlooper and former Sen. Ken Salazar. He defeated Cary Kennedy, a former state treasurer who was hoping to be the state’s first female governor.
Polis will face the state treasurer, Walker Stapleton, a Bush family relative, who won the Republican nomination.
Also in Colorado, veteran Rep. Diana DeGette, a Democrat, easily fended off a spirited challenge on her left from Saira Rao, an Indian-American book publisher who has complained that her party has not done enough to support candidates of color. DeGette, a 22-year incumbent, had to spend over $720,000 to fend off Rao.
In Maryland, Democratic voters turned to a more liberal choice for governor, nominating Jealous, who was a leading surrogate for Sen. Bernie Sanders in the 2016 presidential race. Jealous, who enjoyed the support of a group of 2020 White House prospects including Sanders, defeated Prince George’s County executive Rushern Baker and a large group of other candidates.
Thanks to an infusion of out-of-state money, Jealous and his allies outraised Baker, who was backed by many establishment-aligned Democrats in the state, such as Sen. Chris Van Hollen and former Gov. Martin O’Malley. In the general election, Jealous will face Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican who enjoys broad popularity but is running in a deep-blue state filled with voters eager to register their contempt for Trump.
And in a House district that includes parts of the Washington suburbs, David Trone, the co-founder of Total Wine, prevailed after spending more than $11 million of his own money in a race to succeed Rep. John Delaney, who is leaving the House to run for president. Two years ago he defeated Trone in the primary despite the retail magnate’s spending $13.4 million out of his own pocket.
Trone will face Amie Hoeber in November.
This article originally appeared in The New York Times.
Jonathan Martin © 2018 The New York Times
via NewsSplashy - Latest Nigerian News Online,World Newspaper
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thesinglesjukebox · 6 years
The Wikipedia views of its "Yodeling" article spiked from a few hundred to over 5,000 a day.
Juan F. Carruyo : Novelty records made by children used to rely on charisma, personality and the charm of a couple off-key notes to remind the audience that they were prodigies. Nowadays they pump 'em full of autotune and crank up the corn factor so that whomever is milking this poor kid's 15 minutes of fame makes sure they get every damn dime. [1]
Joshua Minsoo Kim: Hell yes, a meme that got popular because yodeling isn't taken seriously amongst generations of people whose only exposure to it is Sandy singing about Texas in Spongebob. And now the kid who's the star of it all has an ultra-generic country pop tune charting because people want memes to reach their logical conclusion of being as successful as possible -- truly hilarious. While I hate this on principle for not actually being funny, it's also not interesting as novelty. It's not as profound in its naivety as The Shaggs or The Children of Sunshine, as musically worthwhile as Jr. and His Soulettes or Chandra's Transportation, or as heartwarming as an album of babies improvising with toys or recordings of a music therapy class. It's a blatant, exploitative cash grab that's built on musical ignorance. [0]
Alfred Soto: An 11-year-old who sings country? Of course it's cornpone. Critic-proof like a CD of versions of "Oh Susanna" bought at Cracker Barrel, "Famous" is designed to make y'all go awwww. [0]
Will Rivitz: Sweet, romantic, aw-shucks country music succeeds or fails on the strength of the lead singer's conviction. The more the artist can sell the hammy warm-and-fuzzies, the more charmingly and sincerely they can represent the purity and strength of their love, the easier disbelief can be suspended, the easier the listener can resonate with the song's emoting. Mason Ramsey's tinny, quavering voice sells this song's passionate romance about as well as the average 11-year-old could convince an adult that what they have with their crush is true love. [3]
Stephen Eisermann: Can we not teach young boys to put this kind of pressure on girls at such a young age (or, ever, really)? Also, does no one else feel gross about having an 11-year-old sing about love like this? It was weird enough having Bieber do this at 14. This feels even more exploitative. [2]
Katherine St Asaph: Mason Ramsey, being a child, has nothing to do with the song beyond reciting it; credit/blame adult writers Sarah Buxton, Tyler Hubbard, Canaan Smith and Corey Crowder for this dippy plea to be referred to in headlines, or at least the local paper, as "Trey Trekker Humphington III's wife" -- because outside Down-Home Humility Glurgeland, the people who are "famous for loving you" are women. Which artist do you think would've gotten stuck with this song had no one virally yodeled? [1]
Julian Axelrod: I don't know if this is charming or creepy. I can't tell if this is an implicit rejection of fame cleverly applied to a child thrust into the spotlight against his will, or the gross sexualization of a kid who hasn't even hit puberty yet. But here's what I do know: We now have a country radio hit that sounds like Reba McEntire sucked helium and sang a gay love ballad, and that rules. [5]
Iain Mew: If ever there was a song that could have done without being in unspecific country girl second person, this is it. [3]
Will Adams: Cool that he got to meet Ellen, I guess. [2]
[Read, comment and vote on The Singles Jukebox]
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theliberaltony · 7 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
It’s hard not to compare the 2018 midterms to the 2010 midterms. A controversial president sits in the Oval Office. Resistance to his major policies spurs protests and grassroots activism. Special-election results portend a massive electoral wave that threatens to kneecap his ability to govern. So with the first primaries of 2018 taking place this month, will another 2010 phenomenon, the tea party, reappear? Quite possibly, only this time on the left.
A loosely defined mélange of grassroots conservative activists and hard-right political committees most prominent from 2009 to 2014, the tea party famously demanded ideological purity out of Republican candidates for elected office. In election after election during this period, tea party voters rejected moderate or establishment candidates in Republican primaries in favor of hardcore conservatives — costing the GOP more than one important race and pushing the party to the right in the process.
This Tuesday could mark the first time in 2018 that a moderate incumbent Democrat loses a primary bid to a more extreme challenger. Marie Newman, a progressive running for Illinois’s 3rd Congressional District, has argued there is no longer a place in the Democratic Party for Rep. Dan Lipinski’s anti-abortion, anti-same-sex-marriage views. Lipinski, however, has accused Newman of dismantling the party’s big tent and fomenting a “tea party of the left.”
But how accurate is that comparison really? One person’s “tea party rebellion” is another person’s justified excision of a Democrat or Republican “in name only.” To get a sense for whether Newman’s campaign against Lipinski looks more like part of a movement to pull the party leftward or simply an attempt to bring the district in line with the Democratic mainstream, we decided to look back at the original tea party — or, more accurately, since the term “tea party” is vague and sloppily applied, recent Republican primary challenges.
The following is a list of Republican incumbents in the U.S. Senate and House who have lost a primary election since 2010. To ensure that we’re capturing only Newman-style campaigns — that is, candidates who are challenging incumbents from the extreme wings of the party — we’re not including incumbents who lost to other incumbents as a result of redistricting throwing them together, nor are we counting two incumbents who were explicitly primaried from the center.1
Republican incumbents who were beaten from the right
DW-Nominate ideology scores of incumbent Republicans who lost primary challenges from the right and the scores that the challengers later earned in Congress (if they were elected), in races since 2010
District Defeated Member New Nominee year Name Partisan Lean Name Score Name Score ’10 AK-SEN R+27 Lisa Murkowski 0.208 Joe Miller — ’10 AL-05 R+27 Parker Griffith* 0.385 Mo Brooks 0.600 ’10 SC-04 R+29 Bob Inglis 0.518 Trey Gowdy 0.663 ’10 UT-SEN R+37 Bob Bennett 0.331 Mike Lee 0.919 ’12 FL-03 R+28 Cliff Stearns 0.554 Ted Yoho 0.703 ’12 IN-SEN R+12 Richard Lugar 0.304 Richard Mourdock — ’12 OH-02 R+15 Jean Schmidt 0.467 Brad Wenstrup 0.577 ’12 OK-01 R+36 John Sullivan 0.513 Jim Bridenstine 0.690 ’14 TX-04 R+52 Ralph Hall 0.424 John Ratcliffe 0.746 ’14 VA-07 R+19 Eric Cantor 0.518 David Brat 0.838 ’16 VA-02 R+6 Randy Forbes 0.407 Scott Taylor 0.474 ’17 AL-SEN R+29 Luther Strange 0.560 Roy Moore —
* During his time in the House, Parker Griffith switched parties from Democrat to Republican. The DW-Nominate score listed is for his time as a Republican.
Partisan lean is the average difference between how the constituency voted and how the country voted overall in the two most recent presidential elections, with the more recent election weighted 75 percent and the less recent one weighted 25 percent.
DW-Nominate scores are a measurement of how liberal or conservative members of Congress are on a scale from 1 (most conservative) to -1 (most liberal). Because DW-Nominate is based on congressional voting records, it is unavailable for politicians who never served in Congress.
Source: Greg Giroux, Ballotpedia, Daily Kos Elections, Swing State Project, Dave Leip’s Atlas of U.S. Presidential Elections, Voteview
This isn’t an exhaustive list of tea-party-style challengers — for example, it doesn’t include Republicans shooting for open seats, such as Christine O’Donnell in Delaware in 2010, or hard-liners who won GOP primaries to take on Democratic incumbents, such as Sharron Angle in Nevada (also) in 2010 — but it’s a good cross section. The reason it’s useful to look only at Republican incumbents who went down to defeat is that it allows us to use DW-Nominate, a data set that quantifies how liberal or conservative members of Congress are — on a scale from 1 (most conservative) to -1 (most liberal). Since the score is based on congressional voting records, our focus on races in which incumbents lost means that both the losing candidate and, in most cases, the winning candidate have a DW-Nominate score.2
When you use DW-Nominate to try to quantify this slice of the tea party movement, what you quickly see is that there’s barely a pattern to it at all. “Tea party” candidates primaried plenty of moderate Republicans, such as Sen. Lisa Murkowski (a DW-Nominate score of .208) and party-switching former Rep. Parker Griffith (.385 in his time as a Republican). But they also toppled plenty of solid conservatives, including former Reps. Eric Cantor and Bob Inglis (both .518). Insurgents found success in moderate jurisdictions like Indiana (12 percentage points more Republican than the nation as a whole at the time of the election in question3) as well as dark-red districts like Texas’s 4th (R+52).
If, as this data suggests, the only prerequisite for being called a tea partier is to attack your Republican opponent from the right, then, sure, Newman is waging the mirror image of a tea party challenge. But that’s a fairly lazy conclusion; it lumps together all the primary challenges listed above when the data shows there are clear differences between them. For example, now-Sen. Mike Lee’s 2010 primary challenge to then-Sen. Bob Bennett in Utah made a lot of sense because of Bennett’s moderate DW-Nominate score (.331), the high contrast with Lee’s positions (he went on to earn a score of .919) and the fact that Utah was a very conservative state (37 points more Republican than the nation as a whole). By contrast, now-Rep. Brad Wenstrup’s defeat of then-Rep. Jean Schmidt in Ohio’s 2nd District in 2012 produced only a slightly more conservative representative (.577 to .467), and in a relatively moderate district to boot (R+15).
Lipinski’s DW-Nominate score is -.234, making him the 17th-most-moderate Democrat in the House. Lipinski is also a relatively strong ally of President Trump, at least as far as Democrats go. His Trump score (FiveThirtyEight’s measure of how often each member of Congress votes with the president) is 35.3 percent, 11th-highest among House Democrats. In other words, he is indeed notably more centrist than most members of his party. Going by DW-Nominate, this would place Newman’s challenge of Lipinski in the same ballpark as Joe Miller’s challenge of Murkowski in the Republican primary for Alaska’s 2010 U.S. Senate race. That’s one of the tea party cases in which it’s easier to see the ideological origins.
But the Illinois 3rd District is also only 12 points more Democratic than the nation as a whole. Just 39 Democratic-held districts are more conservative. If you subscribe to the notion that districts toward the center should have more centrist representatives, then Lipinski is still on the moderate side, but he’s not that moderate. For instance, Lipinski’s predicted Trump score is 33.7 percent, meaning that he votes with Trump almost exactly as much as we would expect given the political lean back home. According to DW-Nominate, several other Democratic House members are more moderate than he is4 and represent more liberal districts, including fellow Illinois Reps. Bill Foster and Brad Schneider. Neither of them is facing a primary challenger on Tuesday.
If you consider the district’s partisanship, then maybe Newman’s campaign is more like Richard Mourdock’s Republican primary challenge to incumbent Sen. Richard Lugar in Indiana’s 2012 U.S. Senate race: According to our partisan lean calculations, Indiana was as Republican then as the Illinois 3rd is Democratic now. Lugar was indeed moderate enough (a .304 DW-Nominate score) that a primary challenge made some sense on its own, but Mourdock infamously ended up losing that general election.
All things considered, it’s debatable whether Newman’s challenge of Lipinski is within reason according to these ideological scores or out of line. Lipinski is indeed a Democratic nonconformist who can’t reliably be counted on to vote against the Trump agenda — but he’s not wildly out of sync with his district either. The voters will have to decide how much heterodoxy they can tolerate on Tuesday.
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gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 42
 As a new additionnal rule for making this chart, we also use now the ranking of the number of views in our previous weekly playlist.  
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request.
Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on :
YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA
BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart  
TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com  
 Here is the recap for this week :
 OUT : Superfruit - Hurry Up (LW: - / WO: 3 / PEAK: 17)
OUT : Superfruit - Worth it (LW: - / WO: 13 / PEAK: 02)
OUT : Paris Bang Bang - Poseída (LW: 29 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 13)
OUT : Kele Okereke - Streets Been Talkin' (LW: 31 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 24)
OUT : PRIMME - Skinny Jeans (Official Lyric Video) (LW: 32 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : Kyle Motsinger - Nothing Stays the Same (LW: 33 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
OUT : Justin Gerhard (The Gay Men Channel) - I’m Every Gay Man (LW: 36 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35)
OUT : Beth Ditto - We Could Run (LW: 37 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 10)
OUT : Chester Lockhart - Save Me from Myself (LW: 39 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 32)
OUT : MUNA - I Know A Place (LW: 40 / WO: 34 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
OUT : Johnny Robinson - Flames Of Love (Matt Pop Mix) (LW: 42 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 42)
OUT : Michael Perry - Perfect Love (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 45)
OUT : A JAY - Asammatha Pemak (Rathu Thol) රතු තොල් (LW: 47 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
OUT : Harel Skaat - אהבה זו אהבה / Love is Love (LW: 48 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 26)
OUT : Nakhane - Clairvoyant (LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 18)
OUT : Osvaldo Supino - Fire (LW: 50 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 37)
  01 (=) : P!nk - What About Us (LW: 01 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The music video includes audio contents from the tragic events in Charlottesville for denouncing the hate speeches from the supremacist movements, and shows several people dancing under the intimidating eye of the authorities, including two men together.
 02 (+ 4) : Zayn feat. Sia - Dusk Till Dawn (LW: 06 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 02)
This is the new collab of Sia.
 03 (- 1) : Alfie Arcuri - If They Only Knew (LW: 02 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 02)
This is the new music video of the winner of The Voice Australia 2016. What must do a gay man when he's in love with his best male friend, who's dating his best female friend?
 04 (- 1) : Kevin Chomat - Sens Interdit (LW: 03 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This new single of the French singer reached the top 10 YouTube trending in France.
 05 (+ 6) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 11 / WO: 24 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
The Israeli singer has uploaded on his channel a full concert. Go check it!
 06 (+ 8) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 14 / WO: 55 / PEAK: 01 (x4))
The first single of the 24 years old singer is talking about a romantic gay love story. The title means "he said".
 07 (+ 3) : Myckael SG - Strong or Best (alternate version) (LW: 10 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 04)
 08 (- 1) : Wrabel - The Village (LW: 07 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 04)
This engaging song was written the day after US President Trump removed new federal protections for trans students in public schools last February. Trans actor August Aiden plays the role of a young transgender who tries to be himself despite the hostility of his father in the music video.
 09 (- 4) : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 05 / WO: 36 / PEAK: 01 (x3))
For his third single, the French singer is talking about infidelity, with his boyfriend who cheated on him.
 10 (- 6) : Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (LW: 04 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 04)
The British singer is back with a new upcoming album.
 11 (+ 2) : Michele Bravi - Diamanti (LW: 13 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 11)
This is the third single from the Italian singer taken from the album “Anime Di Carta”.
 12 (- 3) : Leon Else - What I Won't Do (Lyric Video) (LW: 09 / WO: 18 / PEAK: 02)
The British singer has recently came out on Facebook.
 13 (- 5) : Logic feat. Alessia Cara, Khalid - 1-800-273-8255 (LW: 08 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
This powerful music video, which is also a promotion for the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, follows a gay teen couple and is the incarnation of the "It Gets Better" slogan.
 14 (+ 23) : Sam Tsui - Cameo (LW: 27 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 14)
Finally, a new original song!
 15 (NEW) : Alfie Arcuri - Love is Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 15)
The Australian singer takes position with this song for the YES in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia.
 16 (=) : Neon Trees - Feel Good (LW: 16 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 10)
After a break for his first solo album "Excommunication", Tyler Glenn goes back with his band for a new song.
 17 (+ 4) : Mr John - Neon (LW: 21 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 17)
Instead of covers, this time, the Brazilian singer delivers an original song.
 18 (- 3) : Сергей Лазарев / Sergey Lazarev - Так красиво / So Beautiful (LW: 15 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 15)
The new music video about love of the famous Russian singer represents several couples, including a lesbian couple. Some politicians wants to censor it in Russia.
 19 (+ 11) : Cassandre - Paris la nuit (LW: 30 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 19)
The French duo sings a love declaration to the city of love. It's perhaps a little cliché, but, as Parisians, we are probably not really objective. Sorry not sorry :)
 20 (NEW) : Trey Pearson - Love Is Love [Official Lyric Video] (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 20)
After "Silver Horizon", this is the new single of the American singer as an anthem for equality and diversity.
 21 (+ 25) : Martin Garrix & Troye Sivan - There For You (LW: 46 / WO: 20 / PEAK: 01 (x1))
 22 (- 4) : La Prohibida - Baloncesto (LW: 18 / WO: 13 / PEAK: 03)
  23 (+ 11) : Sean Smith - Turn Me On (LW: 34 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 23)
 24 (+ 19) : LP - No Witness (LW: 43 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 18)
This is the sixth single taken from the album "Lost on You".
 25 (NEW) : Sam Smith - Pray (Live on SNL) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 25)
This track was inspired by a trip to Iraq.
 26 (NEW) : Les Funambules - Lui et toi (Live au Studio Hébertot) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 26)
This emotional song is about two parents who have difficulties to accept the homosexuality of their son and his relationship with another man.
 27 (+ 1) : Antonio Navarro - Estaré Bien (LW: 28 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 27)
This is another track taken from the album "Punto Zero" from the Spanish singer.
 28 (NEW) : Miss Caffeina - Detroit (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28)
This is the new exciting single of the Spanish band, taken from their self-titled album.
 29 (- 10) : Christophe Willem - Rio (LW: 19 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19)
It's the first time that the French singer, former winner of the local version of Idol in 2005, suggests his sexual orientation in a music video, even if there's still an ambiguity to know from who he's attracted in this Brazilian couple.
 30 (NEW) : Jamal Lyon’s When Cookie Met Lucious (ft. Jussie Smollet) | Visual Album | EMPIRE (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30)
 31 (NEW) : Ria Mae - My Love (Audio) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 31)
A new love song from the Canadian singer.
 32 (- 9) : Eli Lieb - Shangri La (LW: 23 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 03)
Eli Lieb is completely bare in his new music video.
 33 (NEW) : Eli Lieb - Kissing Your Tattoos (Lyric video) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 33)
 34 (NEW) : ILY - Your Love  (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 34)
Two new brides are kissing in this Swedish music video.
 35 (+ 6) : Cub Sport - O Lord (LW: 41 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 17)
This is the debut single of the Australian band from Brisbane, taken from their album "Bats".
 36 (- 14) : NU3L - Eu Não Sei  / I Don´t Know (LW: 22 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22)
 37 (NEW) : Bec Sandridge - I'll Never Want A BF (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37)
The Australian band is on tour.
 38 (=) : Páll Óskar - Einn Dans (360° VR music video) (LW: 38 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 38)
 39 (- 19) : Superfruit - Deny U (LW: 20 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20)
You can't deny that we can see an attraction between Mitch and Scott in their new music video, taken from the album "Future Friends".
 40 (NEW) : Supremme de Luxe - Fiebre 2017 (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40)
The new track of the Spanish drag queen from Madrid.
 41 (- 17) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 24 / WO: 44 / PEAK: 02)
This is taken from the EP "Coconut Oil".
 42 (- 6) : Benny - Boys Will Be Boys (LW: 36 / WO: 40 / PEAK: 02)
It took two years for the 17 years old YouTuber Ben J. Pierce to release a new music video after "Little Game", but the wait was worth it, because it's really good. It talks about toxic masculinity and the effects it can have on a person.
 43 (+ 1) : Smashby - Birthday Suit (LW: 44 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 43)
This is the first original song of the British singer.
 44 (NEW) : Eddy de Pretto - Kid (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 44)
The French singer talks about toxic masculinity and abusive virility.
 45 (NEW) : Pansy Boys - Empty Pools (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 45)
This is the first music video of the Canadian twins Joel and Kyle Curry.
 46 (RE-ENTRY) : GAREK - Stray (LW: - / WO: 52 / PEAK: 01 (x2))
The single taken from the album "Take the King" is a conversation with his 8-year-old self about accepting who he is, the talk he wishes he had as a child, because he "spent so many years hating [himself] because [he] listened to the voices around [him] saying that people like [him] were disgusting".
 47 (NEW) : JBDUBS - The Vault (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 47)
 48 (- 36) : Huntington - Love Is Love (LW: 12 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 12)
Three years after "Secret", this is his new original song.
 49 (- 24) : K Anderson - Cluttered (Lyric Video) (LW: 25 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 25)
"What better visual metaphor for a messy relationship than an educational video from the 70s about life in a rubbish dump?" says the London based singer.
 50 (NEW) : ILoveMakonnen feat Rae Sremmurd - Love (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 50)
The track is #1 at the Top 40 LGBT Urban Chart.
 Madblush - My Radio
Taken from the album "Cactus".
 John Galea - Honesty
Almost a year after the track "When You Truly Love Someone", this is the new single of the British singer.
 CYBER feat. countess malaise - PSYCHO
In this Icelandic music video, drag queens are getting mad when they realized that they didn't had all their command at a Drive and grab.
 Loreen - 71 Charger
The Swedish singer is back with a new single, taken from the upcoming album "Ride".
 Fischerspooner feat. Caroline Polachek - Togetherness
 Julien Baker - Appointments
 Superfruit - Goodbye From Lonely
This is the eleventh single of the album "Future Friends".
 Shamir - Straight Boy
This is the lead single of the upcoming album "Revelations", out next November.
 Ricky Dillon - A Fun Song
This is the new song of the YouTuber.
 Issa Twaimz - The Hallowissa Song
This is the new song of the YouTuber.
 James Leon - Zen (To the Power)
 Jeremy Gloff - Now And Here
La Neve - American Sounds
 Razorhouse - Regan's Song
 Kele Okereke - Streets Been Talkin' (Acoustic)
The sound of the rain is so relaxing with this acoustic cover.
 Fangoria - Disco Sally (Pianíssimo)
This piano version gives you chills.
 Cher - Walls (Live @ One Young World conference 2017)
 Sam Smith - Too Good At Goodbyes (Live on SNL)
 Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Mary Lambert - Same Love (Live @ NRL Grand Final 2017)
Will this performance influence the votes in Australia in same-sex marriage survey to legiferate about marriage equality in Australia ?
 Jari Sillanpää - Eläköön
This is the new track of the Finnish singer.
 P!nk - Beautiful Trauma (Dance Video)
 St. Vincent - Pills (official audio)
 Libertad Montero La Pinchos - COMER (Lyric Video)
 Bilal Hassani feat. SparkDise - Descendants 2 Medley
A proof that these two French guys are fans of Disney.
 Alaska Thunderfuck - Valentina
Another parody of "Despacito" and another song about former contestant and favorite of RuPaul's Drag Race season 9.
 Randy Rainbow - Desperate Cheeto (Parody)
Another parody of "Despacito" against Trump.
  See you next week and don’t forget to vote for your best LGBTQA music videos ! Here are the rules :
1 ) You can vote for many videos as you want under the videos on YouTube in the comment section. It could be recent or past music videos, which must provide at least one among the following conditions:
- the music video has LGBTQA related content, in the lyrics or the music video
- the artist is LGBTQA, an LGBTQA icon or eventually ally
- LGBTQA medias talked about it.
2 ) You can’t vote more than 3 songs of a same artist per week.
3 ) In case of an artist who receive votes mostly by a fan base, we will count only one song, in a limited time of 10 weeks of presence in the top.
4 ) You can vote with only one account.
5 ) If you make 5 votes or less, your first vote will represent 5 points, your second vote 4 points, etc… until your last vote and following 1 point. If you make 6 to 10 votes, your first vote will represent 10 points, your second vote 9 points, etc… If you make more than 10 votes, your first vote will represent 20 points, your second vote 19 points, etc…
6 ) People who make 1 to 5 votes form the amateur ranking, those who make 6 to 10 votes form the fan ranking, those who make more than 10 votes form the expert ranking. We form the jury ranking. And we count now the ranking of minutes of views of our weekly playlist of the previous week. The Gay Music Chart is the addition of the five charts. In case of equality, the number of votes and the dates of votes will count.
7 ) The votes will close on Thursday, 8 PM, European time.
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junker-town · 7 years
If the NBA expanded today, here is the starting five you want
We asked you to pick an NBA expansion team's starting lineup. Here's what you said.
Today is SB Nation NBA Expansion day! We imagined a world where the NBA added two new teams: one in Seattle and one in Virginia Beach.
Each of our 30 team sites protected eight of their own players, casting everyone else aside for our new teams to draft. Then, SB Nation’s Sonics Rising and two of us from SBNation.com drafted two new teams with the remaining players.
But we also wanted to hear from you. As part of these festivities, we asked all of you on social media who you would pick to be in the starting five of your ideal NBA expansion team. Here were the options we presented, taken from the list of players that our 30 team sites left unprotected.
You're the GM of a new NBA expansion team, and this is who's left after teams protect players. Pick one player from each position
A post shared by Sports Blog Nation (@sbnation) on Aug 9, 2017 at 9:37am PDT
More than 400 of you responded on our Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter pages, assuming my hand-logged calculations are correct (not a safe assumption).
Here are the results:
The most popular lineup:
PG: George Hill (235 votes) SG: Tim Hardaway Jr. (136 votes) SF: Rudy Gay (194 votes) PF: Kenneth Faried (157 votes) C: Greg Monroe (173 votes)
The second-most popular lineup:
PG: Derrick Rose (87 votes) SG: Wesley Matthews (118 votes) SF: Evan Fournier (123 votes) PF: Trey Lyles (78 votes) C: Robin Lopez (132 votes)
The third-most popular lineup:
PG: Tyler Johnson (53 votes) SG: Lou Williams (117 votes) SF: DeMarre Carroll (60 votes) PF: Taj Gibson (74 votes) C: Pau Gasol (107 votes)
The fourth-most popular lineup:
PG: Brandon Knight (35 votes) SG: Nick Young (31 votes) SF: C.J. Miles (46 votes) PF: Zach Randolph (67 votes) C: Zaza Pachulia (12 votes)
And, sadly, the least popular lineup of all:
PG: Michael Carter-Williams (28 votes) SG: Iman Shumpert (28 votes) SF: Jeff Green (22 votes) PF: Ryan Anderson (58 votes) C: Timofey Mozgov (9 votes. Yep. Nine)
Which team is best? Who would you take? Let us know!
And if you’re interested in picking a 15-man team from all available players, click here and post it in the comments
0 notes
gaymusicchart · 7 years
GAY MUSIC CHART – 2017 week 21
Welcome to the Gay Music Chart, the LGBTQA related music videos TOP 50 actuality and most request. Vote for your favourite LGBTQA related music videos by leaving a comment for this post on : YOUTUBE (in the comment section of the video of the week) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz7yfp-xq-b08tD6mAWwclA BLOGGER : http://gaymusicchart.blogspot.fr FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/GayMusicChart/ TWITTER : https://twitter.com/GayMusicChart with #GayMusicChart TUMBLR : http://gaymusicchart.tumblr.com
Here is the recap for this week :
OUT : Kevin Chomat - Un homme à terre (LW: 20 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 01 (x2)) OUT : Shea Diamond - Seen It All (It Gets Better) (LW: 23 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 23) OUT : Slavko Kalezić - Space (LIVE @ first Semi-Final of ESC 2017) (LW: 24 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 05) OUT : Chester Lockhart - LOVE (LW: 25 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 03) OUT : Peppermint - Civil War (LW: 28 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28) OUT : Mashrou' Leila - Bint el Khandaq (Live at Uberhaus) | مشروع ليلى - بنت الخندق (LW: 30 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 30) OUT : Todrick Hall feat. RuPaul - Low (LW: 31 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 03) OUT : Osvaldo Supino - Till the Wheels Fall Off (LW: 35 / WO: 1 / PEAK: 35) OUT : Autoheart - Oxford Blood (LW: 36 / WO: 23 / PEAK: 03) OUT : Katy Perry feat. Skip Marley - Chained To The Rhythm (LW: 37 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 37) OUT : Beth Ditto - Oo La La (Audio) (LW: 38 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 38) OUT : LULU X - Where Are You Now (LW: 42 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 21) OUT : Lady Gaga - The Cure (Lyric Video) (LW: 45 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 15) OUT : Silvino - Olhos Amarelos (LW: 46 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 20) OUT : PWR BTTM - Answer My Text (LW: 48 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 16) OUT : Chk Chk Chk - Dancing Is The Best Revenge (LW: 49 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 40) OUT : Rufus Wainwright - Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours (LW: 50 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27)
01 (=) : Tokio Hotel - What If (LW: 01 / WO: 11 / PEAK: 01 (x5)) 02 (+ 3) : Wrabel - Bloodstain (LW: 05 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 02) 03 (+ 4) : Hurts - Beautiful Ones (LW: 07 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 03) 04 (+ 5) : Claire - Friendly Fire (LW: 09 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 04) 05 (+ 35) : Calum Scott - Rhythm Inside (LW: 40 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 05) 06 (- 4) : Clean Bandit feat. Zara Larsson - Symphony (LW: 02 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 02) 07 (+ 9) : Mila Jam - Faces (LW: 16 / WO: 5 / PEAK: 07) 08 (=) : CRIMER - Brotherlove (LW: 08 / WO: 7 / PEAK: 08) 09 (+ 2) : Blondie - Long Time (LW: 11 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 09) 10 (+ 31) : Lyon Hart - Delusional (LW: 41 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 10) 11 (+ 18) : Harel Skaat - Radio (LW: 29 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 11) 12 (+ 2) : MUNA - I Know A Place (LW: 14 / WO: 16 / PEAK: 01 (x2)) 13 (+ 13) : Conchita feat. Edo - Human (LW: 26 / WO: 15 / PEAK: 06) 14 (+ 33) : Bleachers - Don't Take The Money (LW: 47 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 14) 15 (NEW) : Tim Arnold - What Love Would Want (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 15) 16 (+ 27) : Perfume Genius - Die 4 You (LW: 43 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 16) 17 (NEW) : Frankie Grande - Queen (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 17) 18 (- 6) : Lostchild - S.A.M. (LW: 12 / WO: 12 / PEAK: 06) 19 (+ 20) : Indiana Queen - Us And Them (LW: 39 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 19) 20 (- 7) : Trey Pearson - Silver Horizon (LW: 13 / WO: 6 / PEAK: 13) 21 (- 18) : PRIMME - Man Doesn't Know (LW: 03 / WO: 3 / PEAK: 03) 22 (- 4) : GAREK - Stray (LW: 18 / WO: 35 / PEAK: 01 (x2)) 23 (NEW) : Michele Bravi - Solo Per Un Po' (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 23) 24 (- 18) : Steps - Scared Of The Dark (LW: 06 / WO: 10 / PEAK: 02) 25 (NEW) : Julia Michaels - Issues (Lyric Video) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 25) 26 (+ 8) : Perfume Genius - Slip Away (LW: 34 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 22) 27 (- 12) : Miley Cyrus - Malibu (LW: 15 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 15) 28 (NEW) : Pansy Boys - All Is Well (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 28) 29 (NEW) : Jakub & Dawid - Tribute to George Michael - #polandwakeup (US Edition) (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 29) 30 (- 3) : Goro Gocher - Gritando Amor (LW: 27 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 27) 31 (+ 2) : Lizzo - Good As Hell (LW: 33 / WO: 23 / PEAK: 02) 32 (NEW) : Rainbow Riots feat. Mista Majah P - Equal Rights (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 32) 33 (- 23) : Benny - Boys Will Be Boys (LW: 10 / WO: 23 / PEAK: 02) 34 (- 12) : Kika Lorace - Chica, Welcome to Madrid (LW: 22 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 22) 35 (- 16) : Todrick Hall feat. Superfruit & Kirstin Maldonado - Black & White (LW: 19 / WO: 9 / PEAK: 13) 36 (- 32) : Troye Sivan feat. Betty Who - Heaven (LW: 04 / WO: 19 / PEAK: 01 (x5)) 37 (NEW) : Júnyork - Gringo Kika (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 37) 38 (NEW) : Kyle Motsinger - Midwest Boy (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 38) 39 (- 7) : K Anderson - Bitter Wind (LW: 32 / WO: 8 / PEAK: 32) 40 (NEW) : Kristian - Blázni století (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 40) 41 (RE-ENTRY) : Pabllo Vittar - K.O. (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 41) 42 (RE-ENTRY) : Ludmilla - Cheguei (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 42) 43 (NEW) : Honeyblood - Walking at Midnight (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 43) 44 (RE-ENTRY) : Mashrou' Leila - Maghawir (Live at Byblos) | مشروع ليلى - مغاوير (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 28) 45 (- 24) : Alvin Point - Il a dit (LW: 21 / WO: 35 / PEAK: 01 (x4)) 46 (- 29) : We Are One (國際不再恐同日主題曲 / International Day against homophobia's official song) feat. Tanya X aMei X Sandy X Naying X Rainie X Elva X Alin X S (LW: 17 / WO: 2 / PEAK: 17) 47 (RE-ENTRY) : Silva - Beija Eu (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 47) 48 (NEW) : Ryan Amador & Daniel Weidlein - What's Go(in)g On? (LW: - / WO: 1 / PEAK: 48) 49 (RE-ENTRY) : Adam Joseph feat. Aja - Linda Evangelista (LW: - / WO: 2 / PEAK: 33) 50 (- 6) : Macy Rodman - She Will Be A Relic One Day (LW: 44 / WO: 4 / PEAK: 20)
ALSO NEW THIS WEEK Red Hot Chili Peppers - Goodbye Angels LAIKIPIA feat. Thurz - Down Down HIPS - Get Up (LEFTI Remix) Majesty - Living in the Moonlight (remix) Hampus Carlsson - 90talskidz Bobby Newberry - Rosé All Day tEO - Bizim Gibi Will & Grace - Back This Fall Trailer Orbitz - It's A Great Big World Randy Rainbow - The Russian Connection (Song Parody) Lia Clark feat. Pabllo Vittar - TOME CUrtindo (Brabo Remix) [Lyric Video]
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