#vorik icons
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editfandom · 10 months ago
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Vorik - Star Trek: Voyager, S03E16
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startrekpride · 5 years ago
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Trans Vorik icons for @immediatesonder!
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voidofall · 5 years ago
Can I just say it brought me joy to see that you'd liked my Vorik fic and then to see your icon... I did not think anyone else loved the idiot horny engineer I feel Seen™
Oh my god! I am so glad I have found another Vorik fan! Can I also say that every Vorik fan I have seen so fan has had the Bi flag and it cracks me up. Clearly this need research.
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quarksmommyissues · 3 years ago
vorik is such an icon tbh. he’s awkward and cringe and so babey but also a little shit. and that speaks to me on a spiritual level
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tinknevertalks · 5 years ago
Nikola Tesla if nobody's sent him, B'Elanna Torres if so!
Surprisingly, no-one sent in Nikola, but I'm doing both because I love B'Elanna *to bits*.
So Nikola first, then B'Elanna. XD
favorite thing about them - The ability to wear the fuck out of a suit. Man looks good in tailored stuff.
least favorite thing about them - his behaviour in The Five. Just... No, Nikola. Don't steal kisses even if it was your thing together sixty years ago.
favorite line - Its from the deleted scene in Sanctuary for None where he tells Henry that he's seen genocide and he finishes with something like, "I hate people." If I could find the scene I would but it's late and I'm lazy. XD
BroTP - Oooooh, this is hard. He's lived long enough for two lifetimes, so there's two - Nigel and Henry.
OTP - Helen (duh).
NoTP - Henry, Will. Anyone else? I could probs see it. XD
random headcanon - (Ack, this goes into his germphobia/OCD stuff and I'm sorry if this is triggering to anyone.) When he's a vampire the germ thing doesn't really affect him (because he's immortal and impervious to everything). When he's human again only human again the anxiety and his OCD goes into overdrive, so much so that it takes years after being revamped to get it manageable again (because if he's been devamped once, it could happen again).
unpopular opinion - He's a dick. (I love him despite this.)
song i associate with them - Crazy=Genius by Panic! At The Disco. Mostly because I rediscovered Sanctuary when listening to that Panic album (Death of a Bachelor, I think).
favorite picture of them - not a favourite pic but I like the gif (Awakening ftw).
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favorite thing about them - She keeps going. Even when she has depression (and by god I wish Voyager had been more serial at times so that she wasn't "fixed" with just one convo) she keeps going. She gets through everything (and as a teen when I first loved her that was a big thing for me).
least favorite thing about them - Nothing. XD
favorite line - Ok, so it's not so much a line as a scene (I haven't watched it in a while so I can't remember which season it is, except her hair was really sleek so probs s5) that she has with Seven, in the upper bit of Engineering where B'Elanna would snog Tom and yeah... That scene. XD
BroTP - Either her and Harry or her and Janeway.
OTP - Hard one, because I love Tom/B'Elanna, but I'm a sucker for B'Elanna/Chakotay too.
NoTP - B'Elanna/Vorik or that hologram dude from Killing Game. Ugh.
random headcanon - She had back ache For Days after Killing Game.
unpopular opinion - (Might not be unpopular) I kinda wish, looking back, that she and Tom didn't have a baby whilst on board Voyager. Like, it just felt weirdly like someone in the writing room went, "Hey, she's married now. The next step is obviously pregnancy!" No. Stop that. Bad writers. (I do like that Miral Paris was important Admiral Janeway's plan though.)
song i associate with them - She Will be Loved by Maroon 5. I made LJ icons of her with the lyrics way back when. XD
favorite picture of them - just to tie in with my favourite line answer... (She's just so pretty.)
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intersex-ionality · 5 years ago
What are the magical parts of Star Trek Voyager? I like Tuvuk, the doctor, the borge lady and the captain. Maybe others. It has been a while since I watched it
Tuvok is the bessssssssst, I love him. Him and the weird asshole Vorik that keeps trying (failing) to flirt with B’elanna are an excellent study in the difference between Chill Autism and Excuse Autism, plus Vorik stops being such a weird asshole eventually.
The doctor is also top tier, which is good, because star fleet medical officer is a very difficult role to occupy as an actor and to create as writers. You really are always trying to create someone who is iconic, without overtaking every scene they’re in. 
I want to like Chakotay much more than I actually do. There’s some uhhhhhhhh really wild fucking racism in Voyager, even for the 90s.
I loved Kes. I cried when they killed her off (I mean “ascended her to a higher plane”). Very tragic.
I also really liked Ensign Kim who, and this is very important, should have been field promoted at least twice. I understand the external reasons why he was kept at Ensign, and the internal excuses/rationalizations used by the characters do make sense. But here’s the thing.
You don’t stay at the graduate rank for 7 years. If that somehow happened, you would be discharged. Based simply on time in service, Kim should have had multiple promotions. You stay an ensign for two years. After that, assuming you have no dishonours worthy of discharge you become a lieutenant. That’s how it works. Keeping him an ensign for 7 years is absurd.
Finally, not to be the exact kind of demonic slut the executives were aiming for when they added 7 of 9 to the crew, but listen.
How the fuck did they make her breasts do that in a spandex suit? That’s the real magic.
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warpcorewarrior · 7 years ago
Private Message
Good morning, babe. Or, maybe not? I know you were really looking forward to taking me to this “iconic alien movie” you’re showing tonight, but I won’t be able to go. I’m sorry Tom. 
Carey just commed me. He injured himself in the gym this morning, tripped when he was running and twisted his knee pretty bad. The Doctor told him to stay off of it for 24 hours, so no working today. Vorik and I are going to split his beta shift. Which means I won’t get home until around 2200. He’s covered a lot for me lately, especially for our last minute honeymoon, so I need to help him out. I’m going to come up with something to make up for our missed date night. 
I love you, husband.
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editfandom · 10 months ago
can I ask for Vorik (from Star Trek Voyager) icons please?
done :)
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startrekpride · 5 years ago
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Biromantic Vorik icons for anon!
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startrekpride · 5 years ago
Maybe autistic lesbian Taurik icons? Thanks!
Posted, tell me if you want anything changed!
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startrekpride · 5 years ago
heya!! can I please request some biromantic Vorik icons? c:
Sure, posted! Lemme know if you need anything changed.
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startrekpride · 5 years ago
I love your icons so so much they are so wonderful and great edits!! Could you do trans flag Ensign Vorik please? Thank you so much!! And happy pride month!!
Posted, let me know if anything needs changed. And thank you, happy pride month to you too!!
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ihavenomouthandimustyap · 8 months ago
Can we talk about unhinged this episode was? I know folks like to say threshold is the weirdest star trek episode but I think the one where the random ensign we've barely ever seen before tries to fuck his boss and then forces himself telepathically on her and slowly goes insane and then his boss also slowly goes insane and then they try to kill each other so that they don't die is a bit weirder
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Vorik - Star Trek: Voyager, S03E16
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