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Lyria: Darrow should’ve stuck with his own
Also Lyria: I have to travel across the solar system to save MY Obsidian princess or I’ll explode
#it ain’t a Red she went to all that trouble for is all I’m saying#red rising#lyria of lagalos#volyria#light bringer
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A post about Lyria
On the shuttle away from our mine, a video appeared before each of us, the hologram so lifelike I thought my fingers would touch the Gold face that sprung into the air. I’d seen her before, but here above ground on one of her ships, she seemed like a goddess from one of our songs. Virginia the Lionheart. Her eyes a terrifying gold. Her hair like spun silk held back from her poreless face. She shone brighter than that little coal of a sun. Making me feel little more than a shadow of a girl.
Lyria seeing Virginia via hologram. (Iron Gold, 31-32)
The woman speaking is half naked. A pregnant Gold with jagged white-blonde hair and a profoundly scandalous black dress with green spikes on the shoulders and a neckline that plunges almost to her navel. Trying not to look at her is like trying not to look at a burning house.
Lyria seeing Victra for the first time. (338) In a room full of people, she’s the only one Lyria describes in such detail. Except for, of course…
“Dancer is going to take the Senate,” the woman at the window says. My heart skips a beat. I know the voice. Virginia the Lionheart turns around. My heart rushes under my sternum. Years of anger, resentment, now compromised by the subtle beauty of her, by the rolling power of her calm voice. The muted magnetism strikes me dumb, even as I realize she is barefoot. […] Her eyes settle on me and I feel their massive weight, knowing I look like I’m eavesdropping. […] I sit down, still thinking of the Sovereign. I’ve seen her from afar, but never been seen by her. Under her gaze I felt she could hear all my evil thoughts. All my anger toward her and the Republic. She may have been larger than life on the HC. Brilliant, perfect. But never once did I think about her as flesh and bone. She was tall, beautiful. But that’s not the impression she left on me. No, the Sovereign is tired.
Lyria seeing, and being seen by, Virginia in person. (340-342)
“She’s good,” I admit. “But I still like Char.” “Because he’s handsome.” “No.” “But he is.” “Maybe you think he is…” “Funny. Then why?”
Lyria and Pax discussing ship racers and the famously handsome Colloway xe Char. (344)
The Sovereign is dressed simply, her hair held back from her head in a ponytail. Unlike most Golds you see on the street, she doesn’t wear jewelry, only a gold lion ring on her left middle finger for House Augustus, and an iron ring of a howling wolf on her right. She’s younger than I thought she was when I first saw her. But her youth doesn’t make her look vulnerable. It makes her look alive, powerful. No wonder a boy from the mines fell in love with her. I used to think it a betrayal. He should have stuck with his own. But how could he resist a woman like this?
Lyria seeing Virginia, again. (462)
She’s adorable, for a killing machine raised by a devious cur.
Lyria describing Volga. (Dark Age, 404)
I was jealous of my sister, but I never wanted a husband, not me. Maybe I thought I wanted one. But that was just because it said something that I didn’t have one. That I got skipped over at wedAge.
Lyria ruminating on marriage and cultural expectations. (586)

Your honor, she’s Not Straight!
#lyria of lagalos#red rising#iron gold#dark age#iron gold trilogy#yeah I made this long post for a one line conclusion#there are actually more lines I could have included but I think my point is made#I'm not including the line about Cassius in the mural because I maintain that was Sevro's doing#my post#EDIT: I posted this earlier then deleted it because it wasn't showing up#clearly I have appeased the tumblr gods#anyway stan volyria
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“I was jealous of my sister, but I never wanted a husband, not me. Maybe I thought I wanted one. But that was just because it said something that I didn't have one. That I got skipped over at WedAge.”
So am I alone in thinking that Lyria isn’t straight after reading this? Like, I’m sensing a pattern here:
Iron Gold has Ephriam bringing up to Lyria the heteronormativity of the mines, and when she meets Mustang for the first time, her reaction is basically “she’s gorgeous. No wonder the Reaper fell in love with her.”
Dark Age has the reveal that Dancer is gay and his whole backstory. Lyria bonding with Volga in a way that’s different from the bonding with Victra. This line, where she basically says the only reason she ever thought she wanted a husband was because of social stigma associated with not having one. And then, at the end of the book, her motivation to do something about the parasite inside her is motivated by a desire to help Volga.
Like, call me crazy, but I’m starting to ship Volga/Lyria. For their ship name, I propose Volyria (I apologize to Game of Thrones fans for the pun)
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Someone draw Lyria and Volga like this
original by CAFFSTRINK on twitter
#red rising artists you have your assignment#red rising#volyria#volga fjorgan#lyria of lagalos#light bringer#red rising series
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#somewhere along the way Lysander dies #im also holping Volga and Lyria become a thing 0w0 #Darrow has a proper moment with Pax and Mustang 🥺 #im so sorry for not participating in the other days ;-; #i missed them by a good chunk of days </3
God I so hope Volyria comes true. I would be over the moon. I’d never shut up about it. 💖
Darrow cooks breakfast for his wife and son, just like he dreamed. Darrow and Pax work out their issues. Darrow and Mustang kiss. I need it, for my health.
Don’t worry about not participating each day!! Honestly, if anyone still wants to answer any of these questions, at any time, I say go for it. I decided to do this anniversary thing at the last minute because I'm desperate for more RR content and we’ve yet to get any official crumbs out of Pierce Brown himself. 😭
#i'm sure quicksilver is up to no good #while he's never come off as evil #he's incredibly opportunistic and self-serving #and whatever he's got going on with oculus can't be good #this displeases me because i feel it jeopardizes matteo's safety #i'd like to see ajax and diomedes team up #and while i don't see a full on ajax redemption coming #i think it'd be cool to see him fight against the society #even if it's for himself #cassius will probably die #but hopefully he'll make out with screwface before that happens #i'd like to see the duke make a reappearance #maybe help the howlers #we don't know whether the psychospikes are permanent #and i think he'd be pretty pissed to know he was following the orders of a gold #plus i just wanna see him again #i've been wondering if they'll kill adrius 2 or psychospike him #my heart is telling me alex is alive #but i know that's really just the denial speaking #red rising #dark age
Yeah, when I say I think Quicksilver is an antagonist, I don’t mean he’s evil. He’s self-serving and feels entitled to do whatever his pet project is, at the cost of human lives, because money rots brains. Whatever happens with him, I just hope it doesn’t drag Matteo down. I hope Matteo divorces his ass and uses the alimony to run into the sunset with Mickey. 💸💗💜
I want the Storm Cousins to be friends so bad. They can beat each other up first but then they can be buddies.
I appreciate the Screwssius agenda but how dare you? Cassius can’t die now that he’s stopped frustrating me! 😭
I’m interested to see if the Duke returns too. If the consequences of the psychoSpike are indeed impermanent, that means there is hope for Sevro (because we all know what’s probably going to happen to him). I’m really intrigued by the introduction of the psychoSpikes to the story in general.
July 30th is the two year anniversary of the publication of Dark Age!
I’m celebrating this Dark Age-iversary by asking a series of questions to get us thinking back on this book and looking forward to the future. ✨
It's the final day of Dark Age-iversary week!
Today, let's look forward to the future of the series. It's time for wild speculation!
What are your theories and predictions for book 6? I'm looking for both your serious, evidence-based predictions but also your baseless crack theories, if you have 'em. Bonus points for being funny.
Copied from my instagram.
Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7
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Also Also Lyria: How could Darrow NOT marry this this goddess made flesh, her beauty outshines the sun itself and makes me feel like a mere shadow of a girl
Lyria: Darrow should’ve stuck with his own
Also Lyria: I have to travel across the solar system to save MY Obsidian princess or I’ll explode
#Lyria talks about women the way Darrow talks about men#Angriest lesbian in the solar system#She is sooooo fucking gay#red rising#lyria of lagalos#volyria#light bringer#red rising saga
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I totally agree & stan them. Volyria is my new mantra.
“I was jealous of my sister, but I never wanted a husband, not me. Maybe I thought I wanted one. But that was just because it said something that I didn’t have one. That I got skipped over at WedAge.”
So am I alone in thinking that Lyria isn’t straight after reading this? Like, I’m sensing a pattern here:
Iron Gold has Ephriam bringing up to Lyria the heteronormativity of the mines, and when she meets Mustang for the first time, her reaction is basically “she’s gorgeous. No wonder the Reaper fell in love with her.”
Dark Age has the reveal that Dancer is gay and his whole backstory. Lyria bonding with Volga in a way that’s different from the bonding with Victra. This line, where she basically says the only reason she ever thought she wanted a husband was because of social stigma associated with not having one. And then, at the end of the book, her motivation to do something about the parasite inside her is motivated by a desire to help Volga.
Like, call me crazy, but I’m starting to ship Volga/Lyria. For their ship name, I propose Volyria (I apologize to Game of Thrones fans for the pun)
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