#volts visuals !
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kazanskied · 4 days ago
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r. spiers. ep x : points.
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nicolaz-stimz · 9 days ago
can you do a volt warframe stimboard w/ mech/electricity and deity themes :-3c
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Volt // Warframe
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norbezjones · 6 months ago
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Yancy At The End Of The World: Who Is Volt?
It’s another character intro for my now-released aroace zombie game—you can play it here or here!  Last time we talked about Yancy At The End Of The World!, we talked about Beck, and today, we’re introducing Volt!
Volt is a genderqueer fox who used to be a bully back in high school.  Nowadays, e’s become a better person, and it trying to be a great big sibling to eir little bro.  E has recently discovered eir queer identity, and may make some missteps along the way.  Will e & Yancy reconcile?
Volt was designed by Erweeny and is voiced by Julian Dailey.  Julian has a very rich, expressive voice, and I knew I wanted to bring him on board for this project.  When I was looking through the characters, I realized he’s be a great person to bring Volt to life.  I’m glad to have him on the team!
That’s all for today.  Thanks for reading!
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rising-volteccers · 17 days ago
Alright, here's my unofficial review of the Takara Tomy Pokemon Moncolle Rising Volt Tacklers Transformation! Brave Asagi! figure.
I have to preface by saying that all figurines shown does not come with the kit! I already have them on hand by the time I purchased this. Friede, Liko and Roy are from the Takara Tomy Pokemon Moncolle Trainer Collection.
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First and foremost, I can say that the material is pretty sturdy. The plastic didn't feel cheap, and it had quite the weight to it. The pieces were packaged in different sections, with the two halves, the base and other miscellaneous pieces separated. it came with an instruction manual (in Japanese and not colored, so it was a bit difficult for a visual learner like me) but the instructions were simple enough to follow even without using Google Translate.
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The kit comes with a sticker sheet as you're expected to plaster on each individual sticker onto the different pieces. Thankfully, both the instruction manual and the sticker sheet are properly numbered so it's a matter of following along. I would suggest using tweezers because it was quite stressful to plaster on the smaller sticker pieces onto the figure using fingers.
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I would say it took far longer for me (and my bestie who helped me assemble this) to plaster on all the stickers than actually assembling the ship, which wasn't too difficult with the instructions.
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When assembled into the airship form, it's quite hefty. At about 30 cm tall x 33 cm wide, it's a pretty solid and sizable figure. I really like all the little details, from the side propellers being foldable and the spread out wings of the battle deck. The best part is that it has wheels!
When it came time to change it from the airship form to the inboard form, the instructions weren't too difficult to follow. The two halves of the airship acts as the base, with the propellers acting as pillars of support at the back. The two 'lifts' at the front also act as pillars, making the entire setup quite sturdy.
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The ship inboard form is divided into five different rooms.
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There's the kitchen area that came with the kitchen counter and fridge.
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The engine room that has a little latch to reveal the Slugma. I forgot to take another picture from the other angle but the wheel part can both be spun and has Carkol in it.
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There's the infirmary room at the back of the observatory deck with a latch that can open up at the back.
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The bedroom area that you can choose between four stickers to plaster onto the screen. I plastered on one at the infirmary room's computer screen and decided to choose the Nidothing one for the bedroom, picturing it to be Liko's.
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There is also the dining / meeting room area that comes with the table, two chairs and the partition you plaster on the cute stickers at. I really do enjoy the little detail of having the picture frames and the poster there.
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There is also the little arena you place on the ground and the little hook attached at the front of the ship. Without the figurine, you can see the little captain's chair by the steering wheel, which is another detail I like.
Personally, what I like the most is that I can store everything onto the ship. Both the arena and the deck are actually two pieces of what I would describe as thin cardboard(?). I can use the arena to cover up the kitchen and the engine room, like I used the wooden flooring looking cardboard to act as support for the dining room and bedroom. When I want to change it back into airship mode, I store all the little props into the hollow parts of the ship and then cover it up with the cardboard.
All in all, it's definitely a nice figure to have if you're a fan of the show! While I already did have a few, it does make me want to buy all the other little Pokemon figurines to make the ship feel more alive, so I guess that's one way they pull you into buying more products.
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Thank you very much for reading till the end! I personally give it a 10/10 Volt Tackles.
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cherryblogss · 6 months ago
cherryzita eu sonhei q o della corte era meu profđŸ«Š
omg vc tendo uma mente de titĂąnio e ainda se conectando com a minha pq eu queria escrever sobre esta foto pecaminosa
volte aqui pra contar mais desse sonho viuâ˜đŸ»
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Era evidente para todos que vocĂȘ era uma das alunas mais inteligentes do curso. Todas as matĂ©rias vocĂȘ passava com facilidade e sempre fazia comentĂĄrios pertinentes durante as aulas, isso sendo um fator que contribuĂ­a para ser a queridinha de muitos professores, mas claro que isso mudou quando conheceu o novo professor substituto da sua matĂ©ria favorita do semestre. O problema definitivamente nĂŁo era a didĂĄtica do professor Della Corte, era incrivelmente carismĂĄtico e inteligente, virando o favorito da turma logo de primeira e se conectando com todos os alunos, ainda mais por ser mais novo que a maioria, recĂ©m graduado e super amigĂĄvel. NĂŁo sabia como acontecia isso, mas na aula dele, nunca conseguia focar no que ele falava ou ensinava mil vezes, sĂł conseguia olhar as mĂŁos gigantes, pensar como ele era largo como uma geladeira de duas portas e mais alto que todo mundo. Suas notas caĂ­ram na matĂ©ria e ninguĂ©m entendia atĂ© Della Corte ficou preocupado, pois sĂł escutava elogios sobre vocĂȘ e na aula dele nĂŁo via todas os elogios sobre vocĂȘ realmente fazendo sentido. Por isso, durante a segunda semana de provas te chamou para conversar e tentava todo dia te deixar mais relaxada, logo passou a entender porque te elogiavam tanto, vocĂȘ se soltava mais e falava durante a aula deixando ele embasbacado com os pensamentos intrusivos sobre a sua beleza e inteligĂȘncia se complementarem. Nos momentos que ficava totalmente sozinho, pensava em ti como uma deusa.
Apesar de adorar ter sua segurança de volta, caĂ­a ainda mais no abismo da paixonite que tinha pelo professor Agustin, toda a gentileza e maneira como era atencioso te causava arrepios. Entretanto nĂŁo foi tĂŁo fĂĄcil como pensava. Suas notas dos primeiros trabalhos dele foram um desastre, vocĂȘ agora vivia conversando com as suas amigas durante a explicação, o que fazia Agustin se sentia desapontado e frustrado por nĂŁo ter conseguido te ajudar, ainda mais com os sinais Ăłbvios de desobediĂȘncia. EntĂŁo, te chamou para encontrĂĄ-lo na sala dele para conversarem sobre seus problemas em particular.
Nervosamente, bateu na porta e tremeu ao escutar a voz grave te chamar para entrar. Della Corte estava sentado em uma poltrona com os cabelos bagunçados e a camisa enrolada até os cotovelos, seu ventre palpitou com uma vontade enorme de subir no colo dele e se aconchegar tal qual uma gatinha manhosa.
"Pode se sentar aqui." Ele fala seu nome e aponta para a poltrona a frente dele.
Quietinha vocĂȘ se senta cruzando as pernas e examinando toda a sala decorado em o que muitos chamariam de uma bagunça ordenada, papĂ©is e livros embaralhados preenchiam a mesa e as prateleiras eram um caos total.
"Eu nĂŁo entendo como uma garota brilhante como vocĂȘ tira essas notas baixas na minha matĂ©ria e fica rindo a aula inteira como se estivesse tudo bem. Tem algum problema na sua casa ou vida pessoal ?" Ele fala rapidamente gesticulando com as mĂŁos, vocĂȘ nega com a cabeça e dĂĄ de ombros quando ele continua o questionĂĄrio para encontrar o problema. Quando vocĂȘs dois ficam calados em um silĂȘncio confortĂĄvel entrecortado pelos ruĂ­dos branco do corredor, Della Corte busca contato visual depois de olhar para as suas pernas expostas atĂ© a saia branca cobrindo atĂ© metade das suas coxas.
"Sabe, eu gosto de ter uma amizade com meus alunos e eu sinto que vocĂȘ nĂŁo me deixa entrar muito. Tem algum problema comigo... querida?" Ele pergunta testando as ĂĄguas sobre algo que jĂĄ desconfiava. Agustin sabia que era convenientemente atraente, mas nunca pensou que o efeito fosse ser tĂŁo forte sobre uma garota tĂŁo inteligente e focada. Ao escutar o apelido carinhoso, vocĂȘ deu um saltinho e arregalou os olhos, sentia o rosto corar ao basicamente entregar o que te atormentava durante o semestre. "Ah, eu acho que entendi. VocĂȘ Ă© sĂł mais uma dessas garotinhas que sĂł pensa com a bucetinha, nĂŁo Ă© bebe?" Ele questiona zombando da sua carinha afetada e envergonhada, em seguida se levanta andando atĂ© tocar seus cabelos em carinho suave.
"Acho que eu tenho que encontrar outro jeito de colocar sua cabecinha no lugar." Ele diz com um sorriso perverso, puxando seus cabelos quando vocĂȘ assente burrinha, aceitando tudo que ele te estivesse disposto a te dar. "Vem igual uma bonequinha pra aula doida pra eu te bagunçar, hm?" Della corte te guia atĂ© voltar a sentar na poltrona e te deixar de joelhos no meio das pernas grossas. "Implora pelo meu pau, gatinha." Ele grunhe abaixando o zĂ­per e retirando o membro rosinha inchado de dentro da cueca.
Sua boca fica escancarada com o tamanho avantajado diante dos seus olhos ansiosos. Manhosa, acaricia as coxas musculosas e encara os olhos escuros fazendo sua voz mais dengosa ao dizer: "Porfi, professor, deixa eu chupar seu pau até encher minha boquinha de leitinho." Morde seus låbios maliciosa quando o pau pulsa ao escutar suas palavras e o mais velho abafa um gemido.
"Quem diria que vocĂȘ Ă© uma putinha tĂŁo suja pra qualquer homem que te oferece o pau, chiquita." Ele diz depois de se recuperar e rindo ao ver sua expressĂŁo emburrada. Pincela a cabeça suja de prĂ©-gozo pelos seus lĂĄbios, saboreando a imagem suja da sua carinha se esfregando no pau dele.
"Agora abre a boquinha pra eu te foder direitinho." Ele fala empurrando sua cabeça para mais perto dele. Seus lĂĄbios se abrem, engolindo a glande e sugando a ĂĄrea sensĂ­vel com gemidinhos abafados. Quando Agustin solta seus cabelos, para agarrar suas bochechas e pescoço, vocĂȘ cospe na pontinha e lambe a saliva por todo os comprimento, deixando-o totalmente babado atĂ© conseguir engolir tudo.
VocĂȘ se engasga nas primeiras tentativas, era muito difĂ­cil colocĂĄ-lo completamente tanto pela grossura como pelo comprimento, o que nĂŁo conseguia enfiar na boca, começou a punhetar a base no ritmo que subia e descia os lĂĄbios e lĂ­ngua no pau grande.
"TĂŁo bonitinha, tĂŁo lindinha com o meu pau enfiado nessa boquinha gostosa." Ele gemia vĂĄrias coisas que vocĂȘ nem compreendia, acelerando o seus movimentos para sentir ele encher sua garganta.
Agustin impulsiona os quadris fodendo sua garganta que marcava o formato do pau dele com as estocadas frenéticas, com a sua outra mão começou a acariciar as bolas dele o que faz o uruguaio urrar e segurar sua cabecinha no lugar ao te engasgar com o comprimento inteiro enfiado na sua boca, jorrando a porra quente até transbordar pela lateral dos seus låbios.
Quando ele se recupera, facilmente te ergue do chĂŁo te aconchegando nos braços fortes, ou melhor, te engolindo nos mĂșsculos gigantes, vocĂȘ deita a cabeça no ombro largo, sentindo o cheiro mĂĄsculo dele misturado ao aroma do seu perfume pela proximidade.
Segurando seu rosto manchado de lĂĄgrimas e outros fluĂ­dos, ele une os lĂĄbios de vocĂȘs em um beijo carinhoso, descendo a outra mĂŁo pelo seu corpo, apertando seus seios e sua bunda atĂ© te tocar por baixo da saia, massageando sua bucetinha encharcada por cima da calcinha.
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piningpercussionist · 7 months ago
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I wholeheartedly believe Roxie would send Scott this photo and then turn her phone off. From Ramona's phone, even.
Sketch based on a tweet I was sent (original image and link will be under the cut!)
bonus content:
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From this tweet; if you enjoyed this then be sure to say "thank you Volt"
I debated rendering this further but... eh. You get the bonus content from me instead; I just thought the visual of Kim taking that photo was a bit funny-
Also a bonus fun thing I guess? I couldn't figure out what to do with the BG, so in my head they're like, behind Leo's Place (been replaying the game on my ps4 lately, hence all the bricks and boxes and other throwable things...)
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meatball-headache · 5 months ago
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This is Meatball's Warframe Post.
As usual, it was @chiclet-go-boom who got me to play. Right around when Endwalker was on the horizon, Warframe also released a new trailer, and Chic gibbered like three rabid squirrels to rush off and drool over it. It seemed uncharacteristic, since Warframe was some kind of parkour PVP game, right?
It was, in fact, not a PVP game, and as Chiclet soon explained, had lore as deep and intricate as any Final Fantasy or Dark Souls. To be a good friend, I watched the new trailer, too—of course, nothing meant anything to me, but the visuals were cool and had quite a lot of mystique, so it was intriguing. So, I downloaded the game, since it's free and all—and that was that for now. Endwalker was coming!
...and so Endwalker went. Some months later, in a lull between patches, the conversation returned to Warframe. I think it came to mind and I was mooded to crack it open and give it a try. What I found was... profoundly confusing. It opens with a cutscene, and I'm thinking: this game is years old. Is this like Destiny, I'm supposed to know the story so far, I'm supposed to be familiar with these characters? It was all very confusing.
The opening cutscenes celebrate the Tenno, and give you three Warframes to pick from: Excalibur, Mag, and Volt. My impression at the time was that these spirits, the "Tenno," were something newly added to the game? Were these the three new Warframes or something? Or, are they starting me at the beginning of the years-long update cycle? No time to be confused, though, I had to pick a Warframe. I wanted to be the cute girl, Mag, but it said Excalibur was the best choice for beginners, even though he looked weird, so I went with him.
I have never played a game that moves like this. It's so... fast. But it's not jagged or janky or spastic, it's very smooth. It's hard to aim, though, since I was playing on PS4, and I suck at a) shooting games, and b) aiming with a controller. All was going well until, early in the tutorial, it teaches you how to "bullet jump." Oh, I thought: this is so weird and awkward. Bullet jumps? Wall latches? Ugh. I'll just play this game normal and not do that very much.
I didn't really like Excalibur; he looks weird. Aesthetics are important! I only played for an hour or two that first night, but I was disappointed with Excalibur... I wanted to start over, but it doesn't seem like you can reset your account. I was frustrated... but, then I learned that Chiclet plays on PC. Obviously, I mean, c'mon. Could my computer even run the game? It was a years-old laptop that I only originally bought to have Youtubes on the side while I played FFXIV on PS4. But, turns out it could run FFXIV... maybe I'll try Warframe? Start fresh, and be Mag this time—even if she's too hard for a noob?
So, I started over. I installed it on my PC and created a new account and started with Mag this time, and boy, things were different—by about 40 fps. My computer, it turned out, could run Warframe... in slideshow mode. I turned down the graphics, and I was still getting around 20-30 fps. Well... good enough, I guess, if it means I can play with Chic.
I don't know how long that first session lasted. A day or two, maybe a weekend, something like that. The game was very much to my liking in this regard: you just play it. It's got story and lore, sure, but pretty much you start the game, you go through a "Press X to jump" mission, and then you're on your own! In this regard, it's a Soulslike—you do what you want because you want to, not because the game tells you to. You go over there because you can see it and you want to know what's there, and when you get there, things happen; cf. the classic Final Fantasy setup, where you can't go over there, not until the story tells you to go there.
I didn't understand mods or ranks or 90% of the things in my menu. It was a very simple game where you just pop in, run some quick missions, shoot a bunch of guys and grind for loot. It scratched a lot of itches—although performance wasn't ideal, but whatever, I'd manage gladly.
So, I played for a couple days, and then I got to the first big turning point: Cetus. All of a sudden, I was in a town? With other players? And what players they were! My little, unadorned Mag looked positively naked next to these Warframes in extravagant costumes, with animations, flowing capes, glowing wings, all sorts of things. Of course, I didn't know a single one of these 'frames, could not possibly comprehend how any of these things were acquired—pay to win, I assumed. I could only wonder how long it'd be until I got cool stuff like that.
Now, Cetus, if you know Warframe, you know it's different. It's not just a normal mission, it's a town, like I said, connected to an open world region, the Plains of Eidolon. Naturally, I assumed this was my next mission, and figured out how to take on bounties from Konzu. And these... were a whole lot harder than normal missions! It said it was my level, but levels apparently mean something else out here, because these missions kicked my ass. I remember doing a side quest to unlock Gara's blueprint. Excited to get my first new Warframe, I ran to the foundry to start making it, and got confused when it seemed to need more Gara blueprints to make it. Eventually, I realized the bounties Konzu offered had a chance to drop these component blueprints... but, some of the bounties were way beyond my level. Even the ones that weren't were already too hard. My hopes of getting a new Warframe seemed to wither.
I think I got to Mars, and then stopped playing for a bit. I'm not sure, exactly. I spent a nice weekend or so trying out the game, it wasn't bad, the grind seemed very steep, and then it was time to move on.
Months passed.
Somehow, I was inspired to play again—maybe Chiclet gushing about another trailer, maybe seeing the icon on my desktop for months eventually wore me down, but I picked it up again. I was on Mars, which was much harder than Earth, and still had no clue what I was doing, but I plugged ahead anyway, clearing nodes on the map. I still had only Mag, with no cool outfits, no new weapons or anything fun like that. Well, eventually something would drop, right...?
Hm—if I remember correctly, and it's all kind of fuzzy, you can't go from Earth to Mars at first. You have to clear Venus and Mercury, right. So, no, I wasn't on Mars yet. I was on Venus, which of course means—
I was prepared. I had seen the music video on Youtube, I'd already heard the song. In fact, I'd heard the song long before I tried the game, long before I met Chiclet, a real long time ago. It was good, I liked it—and part of what kept me going was wondering where this amazing song would crop up. As I played the game, it seemed more and more out of place. But then, all at once, it happened. Imagine my surprise when I learned that, no, that wasn't a cinematic music video just to promote the game, that was the cutscene in the actual game!
It was transformative. It was profound. Yes, I teared up, of course I did! And then the story in Fortuna has you helping the workers unionize to defeat a capitalist? Sign me the fuck up! So I was motivated to play, to be part of this world, to help them out. The only thing is—the mission turned out to be incredibly hard. I died again and again. It wasn't until I went into the arsenal and added mods to my Warframe and my weapons that I was finally able to win, and even then, only barely. The game was starting to get hard! Did I have what it takes to get harder?
Open world missions on Orb Vallis were much harder than the Plains of Eidolon, but by now I'd also learned that these were optional. It was more reputation quests, more vendors... This game was getting really complicated. All I was doing was clearing the map, and there was so much to this game... Not only that, but around here I decidedly to bravely try to do public missions, though I was afraid I'd hold everyone back... this turned out to not be an issue. Everyone was super strong, super competent, and they blazed through missions with ease, with or without my presence. Thanks for the carry, you thousands of online strangers!
But, by doing public missions, I saw the vast gulf between Warframe's and FFXIV's philosophies. FFXIV has rigid requirements for every duty, fixed party sizes, role requirement, level sync, all that jazz—so that everyone has the same experience every time. Warframe just lets you do whatever. You might do this mission and have an MR30 Saryn Prime nuke the map from the start and be done in seconds; you might have a MR2 Excalibur still leveling the starting gear and trying to learn how to double-jump.
Never was this more evident than what I choose to remember was my first time playing a public mission. It was a defense mission on Earth. I'd done it before solo, and it took a long time and it was very difficult, since I had to machine-gun each enemy individually, being generally clueless as I was. After that, I decided to try a public mission. I can't get lost and be too slow for everyone else, since it's defense, and it might help to have more, well, help. I got a full group, and, I have no earthly idea what Warframes they might have been, but I remember one of them clearly: as soon as the mission started, they all cast a bunch of spells and the entire map started exploding. Then this one guy jumped on top of the defense objective, whipped out a guitar, and just stood there playing music the whole time while all the enemies exploded before I ever even saw them.
This is what lies ahead of you, Meatball, I thought. This is what you might achieve someday.
So, back on Venus, I proceeded to the end of the map, and this time—there was a boss fight! The Jackal. Needless to say, I died and failed the mission. I didn't understand what the hell I was supposed to do. Perhaps this is where I finally went on public, to get carried a little by experts? Whether it was my first public exposure or not, it worked—some pro players annihilated the Jackal before I could understand what was going on. This paved the way to Mercury, and culminated in another boss fight—and the end of the road. But, with Mercury out of the way, I could go back to Earth and travel to Mars.
In order to unlock a new planet, you have to defeat the boss in the junction, a mirror match against another Warframe. The first few were easy, but Mars I think was spicier. For the sake of the narrative, let's say I couldn't do it for now. I slunk back to my ship in defeat, and went to tinker with my mods and foundry and stuff like that. Have I gotten any new weapons or anything? No, I don't think so, I don't have any weapons or Warf—what's this!?
"Rhino chassis." A Warframe component blueprint. Not Gara, which was out of reach, too high level—where did this come from? Tooltips soon revealed it: it dropped from the Jackal. Bosses drop Warframes! My eyes lit up, my heart raced. I'm going to get my first new Warframe. I raced back to Venus to tackle the Jackal again, and farmed that bastard to oblivion, again and again until I had all the Rhino parts. Finally, finally, it was time—
—to wait. Twelve hours for the component, then three days for the thing itself. Okay, that's fine. I could use a break. I'll come back next weekend and be Rhino.
Now, I did exaggerate, dire reader. I had some new weapons ready when Rhino came out of the foundry: the Boltor machine gun, the Frigor giant hammer, and some secondary weapons but who cares. At this point, I didn't even realize that's how you grind MR. But everything was exciting and new—and stronger. I had to level them up, and with Rhino's shield ability, now I was tough enough to handle the junction and get to Mars and beyond!
At some point, I got to Deimos. Unlike other planets, this time you start in an open world, and work your way to the town. There was some story missions here, but I don't remember the main beats, only that in the end you get to test-drive a Necramech. This game keeps adding new things—first you had normal missions, then open world, then Archwing, now Necramechs... I remember the story mission being monstrously difficult again, so I bailed on Deimos for now.
There was something else I finally had access to. Somehow, I had gotten to MR5, and could fight the boss on Earth. It irked me that I couldn't finish off Earth before moving on, but, I guess they didn't want you to start with finished planets until you'd done a little story and unlocked some new systems.
This boss... is where this play session ended. It was so incredibly difficult and incredibly frustrating. He's a tiny flying drone, only vulnerable for brief windows when his face is exposed, and he's impossible to hit. I was playing solo, so my suckitude doesn't waste anyone's time, which just made this boss nearly impossible. I kept dying, I ran out of ammo constantly. It was the most frustrating experience in the game by far—but, bosses have new Warframes. Except Mercury, for some reason. And Mar's boss just dropped Excalibur, who I'd already tried. Earth's boss had a new one, something called Hydroid, which was the dorkiest name in the world, but oh well.
To make a long story short, I farmed this boss for all the Hydroid parts, which infuriated me beyond belief. I threw him into the foundry, and it was time for a very big deal: Jupiter. Now, when I'd first started playing, I joked with Chiclet, something, "Can I do what I want? Can I just go to Jupiter and deal with high-level enemies and hilariously get my ass kicked?" She gave me kind of a wishy-washy answer, something along the lines of sort of, but not really, but you wouldn't want to anyway. I had, in fact, found a couple of blueprints that needed components from Jupiter. I was very excited when I saw I could finally get these things. So, while Hydoird cooked, I tried to go to Jupiter.
And tried.
And tried.
And tried.
But... I just couldn't beat the junction boss, at all. She had too much health, and if I got close, she's instantly melee me to death, even through Rhino's mighty shield. You have to do these solo, so no getting carried, and there's no map or any other enemies, so I can't go collect energy before the fight. I had basically one ability, and that had to get me through. Try as I might, I could not win—so I stopped playing.
Months passed again.
I picked up the game again around April 2023. Pretty soon, I remembered why I stopped—this damn Valkyr Specter. But, I had some other stuff to do now. I had a new Warframe, Hydroid, to level up, and a new gun, the Boar, to try out. I certainly didn't understand how to play Hydroid at first, but I got him to 30, and then... I guess I'll try Valkyr again. I'd have to do it on Rhino, because he has that shield. Would the Boar be strong enough to beat her?
Okay, now I'm getting pissed. I just can't beat her, no matter what I do. I was, remember, still pretty dumb, probably less than a hundred hours in the game—I'm a slow boil, what do you want :p—so fusing mods, damage types, or anything other that clicking Automod was beyond me. But, I said, fuck it, if Rhino can't beat her, I'll try Hyrdoid. I ran in with him, with the Boar shotgun and Amphis staff, and—died. Take two, I ran in, used my 1 ability, barrage of water bombs, but that fell off her like so much rain. Died. Take three, I used my 2 ability, the tidal wave dash... all that did was get me into melee faster so she could one-shot me sooner. Died. Fine! Take four! I used my 4 ability, the tentacles—well, that was no good, she was a boss, so they couldn't grab her, and once again I died. Well, I haven't tried the 3 ability, the puddle? A roving dot? It doesn't sound like it does much damage, but—
Dire reader. I turned into a puddle, and Valkyr ran to me, and—sploosh. She fell into the puddle. She was gone. She vanished. The only thing on the screen was a puddle, and damage numbers popping out of it. There's no way this works, I said. There's no way this lasts long enough to kill her. There's no way this does enough damage.
Tick. Tick. Tick. Tiny damage numbers poppped out of my self, and I watched first Valkyr's shield slowly faded, and then her health began to dwindle—until, just before I ran out of energy, her health bar fell down to zero—Mission Complete.
I'm sitting there slack-jawed, astonished. There's no way this ridiculous puddle move just completely annihilated this invincible boss. But, it did. It happened. I made it to Jupiter. All thanks to this absolute boi, Hydroid—my new main. With the power of Hydroid's puddle, I ran through the star system like a beast. Jupiter fell and I moved on to Europa; Europa was defeated and I went to Saturn; Saturn was finished and I went to Uranus.
"Operator, a new quest is available," said the Lotus. And I had a funny thing on top of my screen that just said "NATAH."
Hm! I wonder what that is. Oh well. And I returned to my delightful grind. Some of these planets had bosses, so I had to farm for new Warframes. I had finally figured out how to buy blueprints from the market, so I was making new weapons. All this stuff had to get leveled up, so I went back and ran missions, defense missions—I figured out how to do Void Relics (sort of), and also tried to finally do some bounties—Earth only, Venus and Deimos were still wicked hard. And whenever I got back to my ship after a successful mission—
"NATAH." Hm! What a meaningless word. Sounds like a main quest. No thanks! Why do MSQ when I could grind, explore, and waste time?
So another hundred hours passed. I was starting to get good at the game! I leveled up my weapons and my Warframes and finally figured out how to fuse mods, so I crammed all my weapons full of as much damage as I could. Orokin Catalysts and Forma were still years away from my mind, though—but, it seemed to me that I was as strong as I could possibly get. I thought about the guitar guy, blowing up the entire map constantly without even moving—how can I get that strong? I thought about the K-drive, the Archwings, the Necramechs—all the weird stuff this game has invented. Maybe there's more weird things later? Maybe I have to... do story to unlock things?
It was finally time. I had done as much as I could, but it was finally time to do the MSQ. So, I took up this new quest, NATAH. It was like the other quests—you do normal missions while the NPCs talk over you. It was kind of interesting, because it got into the Lotus's story a little bit. Neat! But, unlike other main quests or side quests, this didn't give me a new orbiter segment to unlock some new machines to let me do something different. This didn't even give me a new Warframe blueprint! But, it unlocked another main quest. Ah, so this is how it's gonna be? But one MSQ at a time. Let's let it digest a bit. So, maybe tomorrow I'll do this next quest...
The Second Dream.
Dear reader. Dire reader. Dour reader. Nothing could have prepared me for the Second Dream—and this was the best possible experience I could've had. Legions of fans telling me "Just wait till the Second Dream!" would've tipped me off that something big is going to happen, and my whole attitude would've been different. My expectations would've been high, and perhaps even the profound experience that it was wouldn't've been enough. I assure you, I'm getting the chills writing about it, just thinking about it.
The Second Dream was like nothing else in the game. The missions started normally—well, not really. It started with a cutscene. Had the game ever had cutscenes before? Other than Fortuna, that is. After the intro, you do normal missions with voice-overs, like before. It has to do with... things I don't understand. Did I forget the story? Is it supposed to be mysterious? Lotus talks about her father, there's a Sentient, there's a Stalker—we proceed with the mission, and then things really come unzipped.
From the beginning of the game, I noticed something wrong with the star chart: where's the Moon? Well, not every body in the solar system is represented; Europa's its own world, but Io, Callisto, and Ganymede are just individual missions on Jupiter. Ceres and Eris are their own worlds, but not Makemake or Haumea. But, it turns out I was right to wonder, because in this quest, we're teleported to somewhere we've never seen before: the Moon. It turns out there's a lot of lore surrounding the Moon, something special is there, and through the plot, the Moon is added to the star chart—a new world to explore, a new tileset to play in!
But of course, that's not all, because once we venture into the Moon, we find something very special: the Reservoir, the power source of the Tenno, the spirits that control the Warframes. Right from the game's very first opening cutscene, we saw the still Warframes, silent until the spirit of the Tenno entered them. We, the player, are the Tenno, controlling the Warframes. That's why, when you select the Warframe, you're not "putting it on" like armor, so much as you're activating it, and controlling it from afar—it's a little bit meta, the way Ordis always addressed you, the player, as "Operator," not talking to the Warframe itself. Lotus would say things like "Your Warframe is low on power," not "You're low on power."
There's another cutscene. Deep in the Moon, we find the Reservoir, a lotus-like set of pods. One comes out, and from it comes... a person. And—our Warframe drops dead immediately.
The cutscene continues. My nose is an inch from the screen. This is captivating. I've been playing this game for a couple hundred hours, and only now we're getting cinematic story like FFXIV started with. Imagine if you had been playing Tetris for years, and you finally get to the kill screen—and it zooms out and it was Karl Jobst playing at an arcade machine in a bar this whole time, and now you're watching him. Imagine if you've been playing Minecraft and terraformed a whole world, and then Steve turns to the camera and says, "Now... we can finally begin playing."
The human crawls over to the Warframe, touching it with a glow, and the Warframe picks them up. The Stalker appears—but hesitates. The voice of the Sentient threatens to attack, and then you're playing again. You're playing—but it's different. You're still carrying the person. Your Warframe powers are gone, you can't use your normal weapons, and these monsters are attacking you—what else can you do but point and click?
And it fires! The person you're carrying raises their hand a blast of energy annihilates these monsters. You carry them to safety as they blast hordes of these strange new enemies, and reach extraction—you're back to the safety of your ship.
Ah! Your beloved orbiter. You've been playing for hundreds of hours. You know this ship like the back of your syandana! Well, except for those weird closed doors at the back. Lotus instructs you to take the person to the back of the ship—oh, what? Wait—those closed doors? Really? We're going to find out what's in there? You go to the back of the ship, and then, all of the sudden, the doors open, as if they always could. Inside is a mysterious chamber containing one of those pods from before—and the Stalker! This time, he attacks you himself, and the person you're carrying fends him off with their power. You bring them to the chair, but he pushes you away, and you drop the person. The link is broken. You—your Warframe falls dead again, and the Stalker stabs it with his mysterious talking sword. The Stalker grabs the person, lifting them off the ground by the neck... and then you—your Warframe comes to life, grabs the sword—and breaks it. The Stalker is destroyed, and in a flash of light, both you and the person are out cold.
But then... someone picks up the person. It's not you, your Warframe is lying still. It's—the Lotus. On your actual ship. She puts the person in the pod, and then there's a pulse of light. The Warframe moves again.
"Now we fight on two fronts, my child. The war without—and the war within..."
This is mindblowing. This is beyond anything that's ever happened in this game. It's like if you were playing Pac-man and then suddenly after level 69, 2001: A Space Odyssey starts playing. This is a profound shift in everything about the game's... everything!
And then, and then, AND THEN...
...it dumps you into character creation.
This is what you are.
After hundreds of hours of gameplay, after traipsing across the entire solar system, after, for some people, years of playing—
Tutorial complete. Welcome to Warframe.
This is, bar absolutely none, the single greatest moment in any game I've ever played. You know FFXIV is my favorite game, but moment by moment, it doesn't have an absolute wham line like this. This is on the same level—beyond, really—but the only thing that comes close to holding a candle is the E ending of Nier Automata, Rom in Bloodborne, or the World of Ruin in FFVI. But even all of those were presaged by the game's tone, clearly building up to, and showing the potential for, a moment like this. FFVI had a map that teased the whole thing, in fact.
Character creation. Hundreds of hours into the game. Out of nowhere. Like I said, nothing could have prepared me for this—nothing should have, either. This completely blindsided me. It completely changed everything about the game. It turned everything I expected on its head. It's like fighting Psycho Mantis and finding out he knows you played Castlevania. It's like learning that the ghost is always behind you in PT. This is beyond "outside the box," this is in a whole different box factory.
And I'm just talking about the meta impact! To say nothing about the lore—when Ordis was talking to the "Operator," when Lotus was talking the Tenno, they weren't talking to you, the player—they were talking to your real character, the Tenno who was asleep in the Reservoir this whole time. This is who you are.
This is who you are. When I got to the character create screen—I didn't change a thing. I couldn't. I wasn't just creating a character at the beginning of the game like some lesser game like Elden Ring, I have been this person the whole time. I did fix her voice, though, I admit that much. She looks like... Nathan Explosion. I didn't mean to pick a girl this time, either, that's just... what it gave me. (Can you even change their body and give them boobs? Or you just differentiate gender by voice selection?) This is who you are. This is who you've always been.
After the bombshell, I was hooked. I played nonstop, day and night, week in, week out, for months on end. Warframe shot to the top of my charts; I wasn't playing Chiclet's game just to humor my pal, this was my game now. I was into it. And, of course, I finally started to learn. I got into Forma, Lenses, started cracking open Void Relics left and right, started churning out new weapons and Warframes, did Railjack missions, tried Lunaro (lol), syndicates, bounties, you name it—everything, of course, except main story. I had to let this soak. And, Warframe is a horizontal progression game, unlike FFXIV. Every step you take unlocks a thousand hours of grinding to get your Rivens and Kuvas and whatever—I'm getting ahead of myself, though.
I was completely addicted to Warframe, not even FFXIV could pull me back. The only thing that got me to stop grinding MR was Lies of P, and after that, the furor had died out, so it was a little while before I got back into Warframe some more. When I did, I finally did the next story quest, the War Within—this was also excellent, better cinematically, but the bombshell could not compete with the Second Dream. However, with the War Within, I had some big new grinds unlocked: Eidolon hunts (actually this came with the Second Dream, but I didn't figure it out until then) and Kuva weapons. Kuva weapons. I'd heard of these! I'd seen millions of players with these special weapons that go to rank forty—forty!—and have a million words in their names, someone comes in with "Dax Thrall Suva Kuva Zarr" and just blows up all of Helene in one shot. Here, surely, lay the path to greatness! And with Eidolons, I could get Arcanes, which I vaguely knew about from glancing at builds on websites, builds which had lots of mods and these Arcanes I knew jack shit about. After the New War The War Within [typo], it was time to shelve story for a while; I had a lot of grinding to do.
Let me rewind quite a bit. All the way to the beginning. When I first began playing, I did figure out that if you press Equip on your Warframe in the Arsenal, you could see a list of every Warframe. For a very long time, every time I browsed that list I saw some names I was sure I hadn't seen before. I had to start with Mag, of course, but... which Warframe was the one for me? Which one looked the coolest, had the best powers, the most interesting lore? I instantly discounted some ugly ones, like Hildryn, and some with stupid names, like Hydroid. We see how that turned out. As usual, I was looking for a cute girl... but these were all very strange, weird, alien robot monsters. Lavos—he was the last boss in Chrono Trigger, maybe go after him. Sevagoth, that's similar to Sephiroth, but he looks weird. Ember, Frost, Volt... I don't really go in for these "elemental" things unless it's a superlative element. So like, holy or dark, that'd be a cool theme. Speaking of themes—music! When you click each one, it takes you to a page where you can see their skills, read their lore, and it also plays their theme music. Or, some music anyway, there's some repeats, I guess it's just some generic music. Yeah, Garuda, Gauss, Gyre, these all have the same music, Harrow—
Rap. Tap. Tap.
Okay well this is different. An eerie, industrial grind, haunting, strange whispers—this is very interesting indeed! I read his lore—he's a void priest?! Okay, now that severely fucks. I read his moves—whoa. This guy's got all kinds of support buffs? Well, that's certainly a lot more interesting than "This attacks in a cone, this attacks in a line, this attacks in a circle." Okay. I'm sold. How do I unlock this guy? According to the thing ingame, you have to do the "Chains of Harrow" quest on Pluto or the Void or something. Okay, well, then I just have to plow ahead to the Void and I'll be able to get him! Oh, neat, it looks like Phobos has a shortcut to the Void!
...anyway, that didn't happen, obviously. This was still my first weekend. Once I started to learn how to get other stuff, I forgot about Harrow, but still had him in the back of my mind. And, a while later—around the Second Dream session—I had finally gotten the hang of Void Relics. I had tried to get them before, way at the beginning, because I saw "Octavia Prime" and "Nezha Prime," and I recognized them as Warframes—a couple I thought looked pretty cool, in fact. I had no idea Primes were a different version, I thought it meant... "This is the primary part to make it," or something. Of course, day one player, I couldn't get all the things I needed from mere Lith Relics, and the higher levels were beyond me. It wasn't until much later, when I had access to more stuff, that I began to realize—oh, hey. I might be able to get a Prime Warframe! Wouldn't that be cool.
I jumped into Void Relics until I had exhausted my supply, went to grind more, and crack them again. I got so many parts for so many things, but never everything for anything. I just kept aimlessly grinding, getting 3/4 of everything, but something always eluded me.
Dire reader, you know what Void Relics happened to be in the rotation at that time? Why, none other than Harrow Prime's. I noticed it, of course, and grabbed the blueprints when they were available. And it wasn't until after doing a lot of grinding that I sat down and said, okay, what exactly do I have? I went through my foundry to see what I had, what I was close to, what I might be able to finish off—and, surely enough, I had three pieces of Harrow. All I needed were the Harrow Prime Neuroptics, which were the rare thing from an Axi, I think. But, I had some Axis. We had a mission, and from then on, I was grinding with focus, farming Axi relics, upgrading them for the maximum chance at the rare, and cracking them—in full parties, of course, in case anyone else had one. And so it wasn't long before it happened: Harrow Prime Neuroptics. I had all the pieces I needed. I had all the materials, I had the Argon Crystals—I was going to have my first Prime Warframe! And it was going to be Harrow.
I love Harrow—though, he is admittedly hard to use well, and having one "press this button to blow up the room" ability would be nice... but he's stylish, he's cool, he's mine. I used him a lot once I got him—he's a Prime! He's better than anyone!—but he wasn't my last Prime frame by far. Soon came Nidus Prime, Garuda Prime, Wisp Prime, Baruuk Prime, and more, and more, and more... Now, he's just one of dozens in my stable—but I still remember how he was the first one that stood out to me. In fact, dear reader, I reordered things a little—I got Harrow before I did the Second Dream, and it was as Harrow that I did it. He's my Story Frame—although another one I've had my eye on for a while, Baruuk, is really making a run for the top spot. Baruuk, the "patient monk," always caught my eye, being at the top of the alphabet as he is, so I'd always be starting at him when I was picking which frame to play today. I really enjoy his "neutral" theme, the commonality in his 1-3 abilities, and the absolute astonishing power of his 4 (my record is 2.3M damage). And Harrow did get stabbed through the chest with War (which is his "official" weapon now... every Warframe has "their" weapons to me, so if I want to use the Boar, I just have to play Hydroid, that's just how I am) so maybe he needs a break.
But, dear reader, this brings me back to the image at the very top of this brief post: the quest "Chains of Harrow" is my next story quest. Truth be told, it has been next for a little while—but it had to take a back seat, of course, for side quests like Octavia and Titania, and a little thing called, you know, Dawntrail. But Dawntrail is done. All my sidequests are done. There's nothing left. The way is clear. It's time to return to the beginning—to Harrow. And then...
...and then...
The New War— ...which, if the number of quests that have it as a prerequisite, and the fact that it doesn't even show up as a future quest, are anything to go by... this will change everything.
There's a few things I can talk about that I didn't include here. Duviri. Sevagoth. Lavos and Yareli. That one time I had six Warframes going at once and thought "whoa I'm finally getting this game!" And probably more... but these are the main beats.
Thanks for reading. Why do you keep doing that? I just don't get it...
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casatoracica · 7 months ago
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Adesso posso dire “Non ù a visual” tutte le volte che voglio ✹
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be-appy-71 · 3 months ago
A volte incontri qualcuno...qualcuno che Ăš completamente diverso da tutti quelli che conosci...qualcuno che vede tutto sotto una luce diversa e ti costringe a spostarti per cambiare visuale, osservare tutto da capo,dentro e fuori.Pensi di poterti mantenere a una distanza di sicurezza da lui,di poter trovare la tua rotta in quella magnifica bufera,fino a quando non capisci di colpo,che sei finita in mezzo all’oceano e non controlli piĂč nulla...â™ ïžđŸ”„
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freakattack · 1 month ago
i wonder how characters introduced after gold would've looked had they debuted earlier
Honestly I am even haunted by the idea of 5-volt having debuted earlier (or rather, her top half) because even though she got in the door just in the nick of time, Game & Wario still had a soft revamp in the form of the rhythm heaven samefaces. So if she'd been shown even once prior to that she would have looked so much different. Now, the first batch of warioware designs also had kind of a sameface situation going on, but notably penny has a much different facial structure than the "standard" Girl Face:
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So would 5-volt have looked any different? I dunno. Given that even with the rhythm heaven style she has the distinction of the :3 mouth to match her son, I'm going to be optimistic and say that she may have actually had a more visually distinct design. But we will never know. We will never know what the base, unfettered 5-volt looked like before she got hit with the redesign beam. And the most frustrating part about this is that she has technically been around since mega microgames
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But unless ko takeuchi has some secret sketches in his desk drawer he wants to show us we will Never Know
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domizianaluna · 16 days ago
Achille Lauro - Amore Disperato (Official Visual)
A volte Ăš complicato...
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kazanskied · 6 days ago
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d. webster + j. liebgott. day iii : wink. @haguenauisforlovers
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kuliak · 6 days ago
It looks like those light-up patch cables you're using are the MyVolts Halos(?)
If thats the case, how have they been treating you? And does the visual feedback add anything to your workflow?
Well spotted! I actually have a lot of thoughts on them, so below the break:
The cables themselves feel very nice and sturdy. They have a nice ridgitidy to them, and I haven't yet had any fail in the two years or so that I've been using them.
The visual feedback is handy in some cases. I mute and unmute signals a lot as a performance technique, so it helps me keep track of which are enabled without having to look at the source and figure out which channel it is on the fly. This is especially relevant after a tidbit audio mute toggle (which I use in patches all the time and highly recommend) where I don't have any other indication of whether the switch is engaged or not.
Before I had an oscilloscope, they helped me learn more about how Cold Mac worked as well - if you have any complex modulator without its own LEDs, it can make them a whole lot easier to understand.
Now, for the bad:
While the LEDs do only use a little voltage, it can have noticeable effects. I wouldn't use them for a pitch sequence with a range over 2-3 volts, or I find the higher notes fall a little flat. Even for triggers, I've experienced issues with more sensitive modules like IDUM or Bard Quartet not accepting them. I also find that if I attenuate a signal pre-Halo, the signal will often not usefully light the LED, kind of defeating the purpose.
They also cause problems with some analog modules. Off the top of my head, my Maths functions often get stuck high if km using a Halo on the output.
TLDR, I think they're a useful tool to have in your arsenal, but I wouldn't want them to be my only cables. (and honestly, if your buying more expensive cables with extra features, I'd first opt for TipTop Stackcables.)
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rising-volteccers · 10 months ago
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Happy one year anniversary to Pokemon Horizons! I'm not even joking when I say that this series has been keeping my mental health afloat throughout the past year. I'm so happy that I'm able to have the enjoyment of looking forward to a new episode weekly, not to mention all the friends I've met and the motivation to do share my own content to the fandom!
This is a small request but I'd love to hear your thoughts on why you like / love / enjoy Pokemon Horizons!
I love this series because as an adult, it was super refreshing to see a cast of competent adults aiding the young protagonists of this series! Seeing Liko, Roy and Dot grow as Trainers really made me happy because they have people in their lives that looked out for them as they navigate through the pains and joys of growing up. They're able to just simply be kids exploring the world of Pokemon.
They've certainly been ups and downs when it comes to the episodes, and I do have my fair share of gripes with the series but the positives far outweigh the negatives. The visuals during big episodes are gorgeous, the score perfectly matches the scenes shown and this series resparked the wonder I have for the Pokemon franchise. While I'll always be a fan of the games, I haven't really watched the anime in years until Horizons. I feel like a kid again, tuning in weekly to watch the new episode of Pokemon. That kind of excitement and joy is such a bright spot in my life at this moment, and for that I'm grateful for this series.
Also thankful for Horizons by introducing me to the love of my life Mr Friede Rising Volt Tacklers you are so handsome and smart and my undiagnosed ADHD bisexual king I have spent so much money on you
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midwestbramble · 4 months ago
Trance States for Spirit Flight
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Trance states are used in a lot of witchcraft practices, but especially those for spirit flight. This post will look at how these states translate in brain waves and what we are trying to achieve in our brains to accomplish our goal of spirit flight. Once we have an understanding of the feeling we are looking for it will be easier to use our techniques to get ourselves there.
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Brain Waves for Trance States
Tips for ADHD
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Brain Waves for Trance States
According to Introduction to EEG- and Speech-Based Emotion Recogintion, brain waves are "oscillating electrical voltages in the brain measuring just a few millionths of a volt." It goes on to say that the brain can give off more than one type of brain wave at a time and that each individual brain has different patterns that the five brain wave states could appear at. So one persons wave pattern for gamma would be different to another persons wave pattern for gamma.
The five brain wave states are:
Gamma (32 - 100 Hz)
The state in which concentration and problem-solving are achieved. It is associated with enlightenment as some Tibetan monks and Indian Yogi's are able to display it while meditating (Auryn, pg. 15). It happens during creative expression and our brain processes and recalls incredible amounts of information while in gamma (Orapello, Pg. 205-206).
Beta (16 - 31 Hz)
When we have a busy or active mind. This is the most common brain wave state, all others are considered trance states. This occurs when we are awake, alert, and concentrating (Auryn, pg. 15).
Alpha (8 - 15 Hz)
When our mind is at rest and reflective. This can happen when we are meditating, visualizing, or learning. It has access to the subconscious mind and is most associated with psychic ability as well as being linked to hypnosis (Auryn, pg. 15). Some believe this is the proper state for magic; and ritual, dancing, chanting, and grounding and centering happen to be perfect catalysts for inducing it. Alpha also improves our memory, which allows inspiration and clarity of thought (Orapello, pg. 61).
Theta (4 - 7 Hz)
When we are drowsy and close to sleep. It is also associated with light sleep, deep meditation, deep dreaming, vivid imagery, and high levels of inner awareness. We become completely unware of the external world while in this state (Auryn, pg. 15). In theta, we have one foot on either side of consciousness and are ripe for possession or aspecting (such as drawing down the goddess) (Orapello, pg. 204). This is the state we want to access for spirit flight.
Delta (0 - 3 Hz)
This occurs during deep dreamless sleep and the deepest states of meditation. During this time our bodies and minds do most of their healing and regeneration (Auryn, pg. 15). This occurs just before REM sleep.
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Tips for ADHD
I myself have ADHD so these tips will come from my own experience, though I have some links that may be helpful in my references found below. Also keep in mind, I am currently unmedicated due to personal issues. Mileage may vary.
The main goal we are trying to achieve is extreme relaxation. So lucky for us, ADHDers is that we aren't looking to concentrate necessarily. Yes we have a goal we are trying to achieve, but the more we TRY the harder it will be to actually achieve. We need to practice mentally letting go.
For me, a basic meditation practice has helped tremendously. This was suggested to me by a therapist I was seeing in college. This isn't guided though I've found using apps that have timed meditations helps me properly gauge timing without having to think about it, they have a nice little chime at the end too. A meditation that has you simply separate yourself from your thoughts, observe them, and then let them pass by can be difficult for those with ADHD... at first. I struggled with letting a thought pass by without going down several different paths of thought. But with practice, and being kind to myself when I would catch it, eventually exercised my brain muscle to the point it became easier and easier. I would do this for 10 minutes a day (life has been crazy, I should make time for this again I can tell the difference).
Movement and Music
For those of us that don't just have a hyper mind but also a hyper body, swaying gently and creating a sensation of being rocked by waves can help keep the jitters away. Doing some physical activity before hand such as running can keep away the bigger bursts or energy, or dancing is a great way to enter a relaxed and exhausted trance state if that's something you enjoy doing. In fact, lyric-less music can be a great way to keep your focus. I personally, find music with lyrics to be distracting. I end up getting taken away with the story of the song rather then paying attention to my goal. There are many instrumental playlists on Spotify and YouTube that can fit with a witchy aesthetic (which can help keep from getting distracted). Movements tend to stop once the spirit has left the body, though a light sway may continue.
Visual Distractions
If you're not using the dance method, keeping your eyes closed while using the techniques in posts to follow can help to avoid visual distractions. Our minds tend to be louder in the dark, so the meditation advice above could be useful as an exercise to help with that. Or if you have a therapist you can brainstorm other ways to quiet the mind with them as well. If you're into art or tarot/oracle cards, there are also some interesting techniques allowing you to travel through the cards imagery (I suggest the book "A Broom at Midnight" by Roger J. Horne for more details). Though this technique may only work for those who have these as a hyperfocus or have already trained their brain to quiet.
Stims tend to be more associated with autism (and thus these tips may work for them as well), though I find that ADHD can provide some as well. If you tend to vocal stim, try chanting or intoning. It doesn't have to be words if you find that too distracting. If you have a common vocal stim, you can add that into a rhythmic chant or tone. If there's something you do with your hands, try to make a rhythmic display with it by flicking it out at certain intervals or adding it to part of a swaying sensation. Whatever makes sense for your personal stim. Just as with the movement section above, this may stop once the spirit has left the body. If you find that you bring yourself back too soon once you have left the body due to a stim, be kind to yourself first. It's ok. Stims can happen due to stress and overstimulation (good or bad) and I consider it a way of my body continuing to protect me. Something happened (good or bad) that I should process. If you left in the middle of a conversation with a spirit, you can give an offering to that spirit if you feel it is appropriate.
If I missed anything you struggle with due to ADHD, feel free to reach out. I'm not an expert but I could also be missing something here that I've experienced as well. If I don't have an answer, I will try to help you find one.
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Our brains are constantly cycling through trance stats every day. Learning to control which state we are in can help us with our magic and our spirit flight. But not all brains are the same. Hopefully these tips help those who are struggling, and understanding what we are trying to achieve helps those who don't know what to look for.
Psychic Witch by Mat Auryn
Besom, Stang, and Sword by Christopher Orapello and Tara Love Maguire
Clinical Application of Mindfulness-Oriented Meditation: A Preliminary Study in Children with ADHD
How to Focus With ADHD
The Influence of Music on Concentration in individuals with ADHD
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smilingperformer · 4 months ago
Welcome back Rising Volt Tacklers, GODS know how much I missed them all 😭
Opening is visually GORGEUS (storyboard was actually very good this time around), ending is very enjoyable, and the ep itself was quite alot of fun. The scene with Amethio actually made me emotional 😭
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