#voltron lovechild
lefty-draws02 · 1 year
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more Klance sketches!! my younger self would be so happy with these
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mccnofstars · 1 year
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I’d say happy bday to my son but I think it was yesterday and not today and I fucked up whoops
it’s been forever since I’ve drawn but I thought Deron’s bday was today so I decided to try to do a palette challenge with him for his bday :)
I’ll probably do the same with Alistair, I’m just trying to get back into art again so yeah :) happy (probably belated) bday Deron :) <3
(also hi ik I don’t post very often on my tumblr, artfol or deviantart and I’m sorry I’m trying to be better about that — I’m pretty good about always posting to Instagram and twitter so anything I forget to post here can likely be found there instead)
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timetravellingkitty · 7 months
I must confess something. So I watched The The Dragon Prince in April 2021 and ofc I was super into it cause shiny new fandom haha so I went onto Pinterest and for some reason, I saw lots of people describe Callum as Klance's lovechild. I'm not even kidding when I said that I started believing they were canon. So ofc months later I watched Voltron and uh. Here I am. A hopeless Klancer. Fuck Voltron for making Dasara vacation one of the most traumatizing and scandalous weeks I've ever had. Inshallah I never move on
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elfilibusterismo · 1 year
ive never watched adventures with superman or whatever you call it but i was in the voltron trenches and that show to me is like. evil pidge girl lance and then sheith lovechild
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abuelito-linski00 · 7 years
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A Happy Family ♥ I love drawing klanceh with their children, and I love lovechild a lot !!! Miguel and Alhena are so precious
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apollo-stories · 3 years
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akiartsstuff · 4 years
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Luna McClain Kogane
She's Lance and Keith's youngest daughter and Akira's twin, she also has an older brother called Laith. Luna looks like her Papa a lot, and not just in her appearance but also in her personality. She has blue eyes, brown hair and sunkissed skin, she's enthusiastic about every little thing and very loud. Luna likes bothering her sister, but what she loves the most it's her family. She's loud, talkative, impetuous, presumptuous... but she's also one of the most lovable people in the universe. She'll take care of her loved ones and if you mess with her she'll show you what she is as strong as a lion.
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anidragon · 5 years
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My second art for the @vldomegaversebigbang, this time for this amazing sheith fic by @nihonlove! 
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zuspacey · 5 years
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short doodles
I take requests from my curiouscat
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cockybusiness · 6 years
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Thank you FemmeNerd for your kofi!
 You requested Akira and since I'm just as thirsty he's shirtless here. 
Mwah <3
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theredpaladin101 · 7 years
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Laith McKogane Fanart Edits!
My dudes, I absolutely love this oc made by @aku-usagi (original post)
Seriously, I hope they go more into depth or something (or more art because I love their style) with this character because he’s so cute!
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meru90 · 7 years
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it oc time ☆⌒*.
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abuelito-linski00 · 7 years
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My little baby is back!✨ I missed so much draw Miguel (TnT) He's so precious ♥️♥️ || Follow me ---> Instagram and Twitter ---> linski00 ||
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emphasis-all-mine · 6 years
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Oh Anon, you done permitted me to unleash my Klance storm I’ve been brewing all evening let me tell you…
So here's the thing I back when the SDCC thing dropped. James looks like he has purple eyes. I thought he was going to be revealed as a Galra plant? But no, he just has violet-ish eyes and honestly to me? He looks like a Klance lovechild.
Which got me thinking. What if he was? (Through a combo of Alien science DNA-mixing and a surrogate).
Okay so basically the premise is like in Sailor Moon when Chibiusa shows up but KLANCE:
His parents sent him through a cosmic wormhole or whatever because it isn't safe for him in the future timeline but maybe something goes wrong and he lost part of his memory and was adopted by the Griffins but remembers his Dad (Lance) and Pops (Keith). Just not their names and their faces are fuzzy but he remembers them loving and protecting him and each other.
As a wee child he arbitrarily decided that his Pops is the only person in the world allowed to call him "Jim" or any variation thereof bc his Pops is so chill about it. 
(This made Future!Lance sad bc he named him James Tiberius Kogane-McClain for a REASON and wanted to be able to do “Damn it, Jim! I’m your father not a...” Dad jokes and JAMES SENSED THIS WAS COMING)
When he meets Keith at school he hates him. He doesn't know why. At the Garrison he's super fond of Lance and they both consider themselves Keith's rival and maybe bond a little over that? But also Lance is funny! Reminds him of his Dad’s sense of humor. Huh.
Keith gets so exasperated at one point he goes to Shiro:
And Shiro's like, "Well Keith, James was telling that Taylor kid that he has two dads, do you think it–"
"WHAT. WHAT THE, wait, omg he's friends with Taylor wtf I don't want to hate him he's so damn cute, I HATE HIM NOW AND HIS STUPID TWO DADS."
There's other clues like when Lance finds out James's full name is James Tiberius and he's like "ZOMG I always wanted to name my future kid that!! I never told anyone that before!! Why am I shouting? JAMES YOU'RE SO COOL!!"
*Keith overhearing this in the lunch room, snapping his spork in frustration*
"Why Taylor whyyyyyy... I can't tell if you have bad taste or if I do?!"
*Adam slowly slides him a Capri Sun and pats his shoulder*
(Future!Keith didn't fight Future!Lance on the name bc he got a "BABIES AND WOLVES DON'T NAME THEMSELVES, OKAY??" lecture and it makes Lance super happy. However the next kid has to be named Yoralivan they promised Krolia).
James and Keith are arguing and Keith is like "WHATEVER JIMBO!" and James just freezes because that's what his Pops and ONLY his Pops calls him and he cries because hearing Keith say that name in that tone causes his memories to come flooding back.
He runs away to his bunk and tries to rationalize it and realizes he must be in an alternate reality like Uncle Slav said! Because his dads can't really be the goofball who does random silly dances in the hallway and the annoying rebel show-off? RIGHT?
Wrong :)
So that's the day Keith gets kicked out of the Garrison. James doesn't talk to Lance anymore, and Lance thinks he did something wrong but won't get an answer out of him but shrugs it off because he's a fighter pilot now!
Cut to the paladins returning to Earth. And Keith is back and so is Lance and wait… They're holding hands. Oh no. OHHHH NOOOOOOOOO. OH GOD NOT THIS REALITY TOO! I CANNOT WATCH MY PARENTS DO THIS WHAT IF I WALK IN ON THEM DOING SOMETHING THAT WILL SCAR ME.
James is now having a crisis because they have to save Earth but also he REALLY is getting weirded out watching his parents make goo-goo eyes at each other.
He also quickly realizes they both plan to propose to one another and starts conveniently interrupting and separating them.
But also? He oddly… supports them!? Like when they snipe at each other he tries to shut that noise down quickly and yells at Keith to go apologize to Lance because "He deserves so much better than YOU, but you make him happy so don't fuck that up, okay?"
(He’s secretly cheering inside because holy FUCK he’s allowed to yell and swear at his Pops and he’s not getting a “Language!” raised eyebrow of disapproval from his Dad or Uncle Shiro).
Actually it makes him pang a little inside because one of his favorite things is when his Dad would hear him swear and he and his Pops would make fun of his reaction:
“Language James! Keith, back me up here.”
“... Watch your fucking mouth, Jim”
“LKSDJHS I will father, I will.”
Keith has already realized his Taylor error from back in the day so he remembers James and Tay-Lance being buds and OH NO IS THIS FUCKER AFTER MY MAN. FFFF IM PROPOSING RIGHT NOW.
Keith has Cosmo (Kosmo?) zap them away to the cockpit of the Red Lion bc James can't interrupt them there and he proposes with a ring he forged during his two years on the space whale after smelting down a re-puposed dagger Krolia had from her family. Lance cries and takes his own ring out of his pocket that his mom gave him (was her father's ring) after she spent 3 minutes with Keith and Lance in the same room and realized her son needed to put a ring on that STAT.
James is. Very. Conflicted.
Because he loves his parents. He wants to go back to them.
But they're also right in front of him and he can't let it show. Because he's realized he is in his own timeline (damn it Slav!!) and he doesn't want to butterfly effect himself out of existence.
(Or he'll wake up and his middle name isn't Tiberius it's Kosmo-Yorak-Kolivan-Texas or whatever Keith would decide in revenge for all the crap he's put him through).
They do find out though. It's a little weird.
Shiro just blinks and is like. "I should be more surprised right? But I have a floaty robot-arm and Altean magic powers and I literally could not fathom how i'm supposed to be shocked anymore."
Adam buys Keith a lot of Capri Suns (in this universe James sabotaged his getting to the mission on time like his Pops told him to and Adam is perfectly awesomely ALIVE bc fuck why not I'm already writing a Klance lovechild Sailor Moon AU so Adam lives bitches).
Happy ending! James goes back to the future and Lance is hugging him like "Omg I am so PROUD YOU GREW UP SO GOOD UGH YOU ARE GONNA BE SUCH A HEARTBREAKER NO DATING UNTIL YOU ARE 22 PROMISE ME!!"
James rolls his eyes. "Da~aaad. You were how old when you two started–"
Keith's all soft, fond smile on his face, "Nice work, Jimbo," and ruffling his hair. "But did you have to be such a royal pain to your Pops like that?"
"Shut up Mullet!" James and Lance say while both crying and hugging.
"Yeah okay… Your name is Yorak now."
Uncle Adam and Uncle Takashi are crying into their Capri Suns. Uncle Slav has been tossed into the brig by Aunt Allura for almost interrupting the reunion.
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fenrhi · 6 years
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Eyes emoji
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ashery24 · 6 years
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I tried to do a edit of my Pidgance Lovechild, Coral, and I think that she doesn't look bad considering that this is my first edit made in a mobile.
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