#vola band
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thereallmrt · 22 days ago
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Vinyl collection
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Scattered in here are some of my biggest inspirations as a musician, also some of my all time favorite albums as well and just some good ol’ classic rock. One vinyl being hand signed by Avenged Sevenfold, my favorite band.
More to come…
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cestvreth · 2 years ago
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I was inspired by a lyric from the song Straight Lines by Vola and did this.
You can find more about the process on my Patreon! 
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diceriadelluntore · 4 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #343 - Alice In Chains, Jar Of Flies, 1994
Le storie musicali ottobrine avranno come protagonista un formato musicale, perchè ho scelto 4 EP come protagonisti delle quattro domeniche di questo mese. Cos'è un EP? Un Extended Play è un supporto fonografico (in vinile, CD, musicassetta, download digitale o altro) che contiene più tracce rispetto ad un singolo, ma che, similmente al mini LP, non può essere classificato come album discografico. La definizione è alquanto vaga e non esiste un limite preciso che stabilisca quando un EP non è più tale e diviene un album vero e proprio: per convenzione, si concorda che un disco con pochi brani e una durata di 25-30 minuti sia un EP ma, per esempio, le regole della Recording Academy per i Grammy stabiliscono che ogni pubblicazione con cinque o più tracce sopra i 15 minuti di durata dev'essere considerata "album", senza menzionare gli EP. Tuttavia nelle classifiche ufficiali di vendita sono sempre segnalati quando vengono commercializzati come tali, e la storia della musica popolare occidentale ci fa scoprire che è una forma di registrazione niente affatto secondaria: nasce addirittura negli anni '20 del 1900 come supporto che conteneva non una solo brano per lato, ma due o due più tre sull'altro lato. Nelle prossime storie ne racconteremo un po' la storia, anche inteso come mezzo di espressione alternativo, soprattutto in certi momenti specifici della storia musicale.
Quello di oggi, per partire, è uno degli EP più famosi della storia. Fu il primo EP a svettare tra i dischi più venduti di Billboard. Questo EP si intitola Jar of Flies e fu pubblicato dagli Alice in Chains il 25 gennaio del 1994. Gruppo formidabile, dell’ala hard rock del grunge di Seattle (anche se tentarono sempre di non apparire grunge), gli Alice in Chains (un omaggio sadomaso ad Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie) si fondano nel 1987 quando Layne Staley incontra Jerry Cantrell. Ispirandosi più verso l’heavy metal che la psichedelia acida dei coetanei gruppi grunge, nel 1990 pubblicano il primo disco, Facelift, che li proietta alla ribalta delle cronache musicali. Subito dopo, con Sap, il primo di una coppia meravigliosa di fortunati EP, iniziano a suonare sonorità acustiche, lontano dal suono potente, distorto ed elettrico dei dischi “interi”, come Dirt del 1992, che a metà tra speed metal e Black Sabbath li fa diventare superstar. Ma come sempre nelle migliori storie rock arrivano i guai. Staley inizia una dipendenza pesantissima da alcol ed eroina, e per oltre un anno la band non si esibisce. Appena però sta meglio, in una settimana nel 1994, la band, in tenuta acustica con Mike Inez al basso e Sean Kinney alla batteria, sfoggia in 7 giorni, a detta degli stessi pieni di fumo, depressione ed alcol, questo capolavoro. Il titolo, Jar of Flies, prende spunto da un esperimento che Cantrell fece al liceo: in due vasi venivano poste due comunità di mosche, uno con molto cibo, l’altro con meno. Quella con più cibo prosperava molto più forte di quella con meno cibo, ma alla fine il sovrappopolamento finì per esaurire presto le risorse e la comunità morì, mentre l’altra continuò a vivere. Rotten Apple è una struggente ballata fatta apposta per la voce straziante di Staley, e vola per oltre 6 minuti. Nutshell, con scie sonora da pelle d’oca, è tanto favolosa quanto tetra e devastante nel testo (inizia così: Inseguiamo promesse mal stampate, affrontiamo il sentiero del tempo). I Stay Away è una traccia acida e psichedelica e che forse faceva capire i progetti futuri della band. Cantrell scrive No Excuses, che diventerà uno dei loro brani icona e canta con Staley la bellissima Don’t Follow. Whale & Wasp è strumentale, Swing Of This è una melodia diversa, quasi staccata al resto dell’album, così compatto sia musicalmente che emozionalmente. Nel 1995 la band scrive ancora un capolavoro, Alice in Chains, conosciuto come Tripod per la foto del cane a tre zampe in copertina, ancora numero 1 in classifica. Ma il tour che segue sarà di sole 7 date, per le condizioni sempre più disastrose di Staley, che comparirà per un ultimo concerto, la registrazione di un toccante MTV Unplugged del 1996, uscito anche come disco, e con una Nutshell da brividi. Morirà, isolato, depresso e distrutto, il 5 aprile del 2002, precisamente 8 anni dopo Kurt Cobain. La band si è riunita sotto l’egida di Cantrell nel 2005 e nel 2009 ha pubblicato Black Gives Way To Blue con un nuovo cantante, William DuVall, dai suoni iper heavy come i bei tempi ed è ancora in attività (Rainier Fog ultimo disco del 2018 e è da tempo annunciato un settimo album). Ascoltatene la malinconica bellezza.
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projectgoblin · 3 months ago
I love the fuck out of my silk quilted jacket but I’m on the creative path for more funky clothes. I’ve decided to make another with machine paper piecing that will attempt a 1:1 copy of my favorite album art for Inmazes by the band VOLA. I am simply obsessed with the album and listen to Inmazes on a near daily basis.
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The line work on the album art screams freehand quilting to me and would create such a gorgeous visual effect.
I will be dyeing the background fabric myself, as I couldn’t find anything that looked close enough for my liking, both in “ink splotching ombré” aesthetic and color. This matching will be challenge number one.
I have managed to find an accurate real and close enough matching knit for the cuff but it’s not a rib knit so I’m unsure if I’ll keep looking. I did find a really interesting crimped satin at Joann’s in the right color but I want this to be able to withstand some heavy use and I’m not sure a heavily post weave processed satin will be up to task.
The yellow patch has yet to be color matched so that may be hand dyed as well. Black and white are obviously easily enough to acquire thankfully.
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As it currently stands the design of the jacket has a back panel with an extended version of the album art just using more or less an assumption of how the missing parts would look.
The front panels are using a continuation of the background color and quilting used on the back, but lacking any other part of the design. I am heavily considering making the side pockets into a semi welted pocket with the welt in the turquoise in order to pull that design element to the front.
The above design shows a turquoise and gold zipper but for ease of coordination and less matchy matchy look, I’m changing to black with gunmetal zipper. I still want metal not plastic for a higher end finish.
The sleeves are a point of contention for the design as my mind is split in multiple directions. I like the following ideas-
Maze design lasered or woven into the fabric straight from the factory. Easy, no fuss finish for me, very cool looooking
Maze design quilted into fabric. Time consuming but with a lovely result. Design can be continuous over seams with enough planning
Plain sleeve with favorite quotes from songs embroidered down the outer sleeve seam.
All designs would be black on black for subtlety and to create less visual noise
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thinkingjellyfish · 10 days ago
My Top 10 Favorite Choruses And An Explanation For Each
It’s hard to explain the appeal of music without a great education in it but I’ll try anyway. There’s nothing I love more than a good chorus and I will tell the world about it. Nothing can stop me, not my mom, the difficulty of explaining music, or god. So here’s my favorite courses and explanations after that.
Of Mind - Nocturne / Tesseract 
Bleak / Opeth
Bodies / Sex Pistols 
As The World Caves In / Matt Maltese 
Romantic Homicide / d4vd
The Diary of Jane / Breaking Benjamin
Head Mounted Sideways / Vola
West Coast Smoker / Fall Out Boy
The Ghost of You / My Chemical Romance 
Psychopomp / Thank You Scientist 
10th favorite chorus Psychopomp / Thank You Scientist 
Starting with a weird one. Psychopomp is a song by the prog band Thank You Scientist. It's long and a bit of an adventure with strange choices all around. Strange doesn’t equal bad as I find the song a fascinating listen that pulls me in. 
But in order to explain the chorus we have to talk about the build up. The singing starts fairly low key compared to the harsh progy instrumentation of the intro. with the instruments the singing builds slowly. They have time. This song is a whopping 9 and a half minutes long. So they build into the first thing that sounds like a pre chorus but it’s not it goes into more build up, and then the chorus begins!
“You separate the physical from the unknown.” mysterious lyrics sung with power and length of delivery while the melodies of the instruments are pounding in a way not unlike Bleak by Opeth, my second favorite chorus but we will get to that. 
He continues the long powerful delivery before speeding up with the line “cause you are eachother if you see your mother tell her” to me this feels like he’s letting us breath by spreading up and weakening the delivery if the powerful delivery kept going it would be overwhelming and boring. The rhyme scheme also picks up “eachother, mother, her.” coming rapid fire. 
He continues the powerful delivery with “and you can’t afford to leave.” finally he finishes the chorus with “your paralyzed” the line that is the shortest of the chorus making it incredibly impactful. before sending us back to the beginning with the progy instrumentation.
The instrumentation is also interesting. In the beginning it was overwhelming but compared to the pounding of the chorus it almost seems like it’s allowing us to breathe. Despite it’s strange progyness.
In summary, please come back Thank You Scientist we miss you.
9th favorite chorus the The Ghost of You / My Chemical Romance 
The first of the more well known songs on the list. This is my favorite MCR chorus. It’s very emo obviously but it’s emotional in a way unlike other MCR songs. The instrumentation in the beginning gives off to me a hopeless feeling. Unlike MCR’s more angry style on other songs.
This hopeless feeling is not reinforced but built on by the chorus where he sounds like he’s howling for something. I don’t quite understand what the song is about but someone has definitely died and he’s howling about how they are never coming back.
And the line “at the end of the world or the last thing I see.” is such a powerful intro to the chorus.
As a kid when I first heard this song (my brother showed it to me he was and still is a fan) I thought it was different from the others it really stood out to me. Helena never caught my attention for whatever reason and nothing from Black Parade would get me till I listened to the album in full but this song and its video hit me hard. 
So a big part of why I love it so much is nostalgia plain and simple. But the emotion of that chorus is what caught my attention in the first place. And I think that says a lot. Even to a kid who had no idea about death I could understand that he is hurting and that is something to take note of.
I’ll post more analysis at a later time. see you!
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black-arcana · 7 months ago
Ex-DELAIN Singer CHARLOTTE WESSELS Teams Up With EPICA's SIMONE SIMONS For New Single 'Dopamine'
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Former DELAIN singer Charlotte Wessels has joined forces with EPICA's Simone Simons for Charlotte's mesmerizing new single titled "Dopamine". This track is part of Wessels's first traditional full-length, full-band solo album, "The Obsession", set to be released on September 20, 2024 via Napalm Records. Promising a deeply immersive and evocative experience, the two Dutch symphonic metal legends guide listeners through the emotional landscape of SSRI-induced numbness. "The Obsession" showcases Wessels's most mature work to date, blending progressive and heavier soundscapes with catchy elements.
Supported by her former DELAIN bandmates, who contribute to the album's heavier sound, Wessels is set to bring "The Obsession" to the stage this year. The journey begins with a release show on October 4, 2024 at Utrecht's TivoliVredenburg, followed by a special guest appearance with labelmates KAMELOT and AD INFINITUM in Drachten on October 11, 2024. After these shows, Wessels will join VOLA on their "Friend Of Phantom" European tour 2024, kicking off on November 1.
Wessels comments: "Lyrically, 'Dopamine' deals with SSRI-induced numbness that I experienced a few years ago when I was on Sertraline, a type of antidepressant. While the medication was really helpful, there were so many side effects that I'd never heard of. This song deals with some of them, and while it feels vulnerable to expose the experience, I hope it helps in breaking down the shame and taboo around the topic.
"Simone reached out to me as I was first opening up about this in an interview, and when the first version of 'Dopamine' dropped on Patreon (because, of course, we're each other's Patreons) she texted how much she liked the song. So when we were working on the album version, it only made sense to ask if she'd sing along on the track. I am so happy she agreed and after all of the shared introspection, it was great fun to let loose wearing pink wigs in ball pits and marshmallow pools for the video recordings. Musically, out of the entire new album, 'Dopamine' went through the biggest transformation. What started out as an EDM demo for a collaboration with a dance duo that never happened, became an acoustic 'Song Of The Month' on Patreon, which then had a massive overhaul when rearranging it with Timo. The new band version is an absolute banger, and the beautiful guest vocals by Simone complete the song."
"The Obsession" marks Wessels's Napalm Records debut, and while her earlier solo endeavors — full-length song compilations "Tales From Six Feet Under" (2021) and "Tales From Six Feet Under Vol. II" (2022) — already gained her a remarkable number of devotees, "The Obsession" truly takes her career to the next level.
The new album promises a cohesive exploration of fear and liberation, as well as spellbinding melancholia and dark, catchy elements meeting progressive and heavier soundscapes. The storytelling within the songs gives the multifaceted album even more depth, making "The Obsession" an exciting listening experience and Wessels's most mature solo offering so far.
While still writing and producing the songs in her Six Feet Under basement home studio and sharing their first incarnations with her patrons, Wessels now takes the songs from her new album, "The Obsession", to the next level with a band of her fellow ex-DELAIN cohorts Timo Somers (guitars, additional arrangements),Otto Schimmelpenninck Van Der Oije (bass) and Joey Marin De Boer (drums) as well as Sophia Vernikov (piano/Hammond),contributing to the new heavier sound. The album also features arrangements by Vikram Shankar (SILENT SKIES, PAIN OF SALVATION),cello by Elianne Anemaat, was mixed by Guido Aalbers (MUSE, COLDPLAY, THE GATHERING) and was mastered by Andy VanDette (PORCUPINE TREE, VOLA, DREAM THEATER).
Wessels about the new album: "On the one hand, this album tells a very personal story — through its unintended theme of fear, obsessive thoughts and the escapes from them — and at the same time it represents the joy of finding the song's true forms with everyone involved in the making of this record. That's why I chose 'The Obsession' as a title. It refers to my personal challenges with OCD that inspired many of the songs — but I've also started referring to the band as 'the obsession' because there were moments in the studio with them that truly reminded me of why I'm obsessed with making music in the first place."
Themes of fear, obsessive thoughts and escapism run rampant on the album, presenting dark and heavy on songs like "The Exorcism", "The Crying Room" and "Ode To The West Wind" (featuring Alissa White-Gluz of ARCH ENEMY). In addition, there are songs that offer a more upbeat approach to the subject — like "Dopamine" (featuring Simone Simons of EPICA) which deals with SSRI-induced numbness, or "Praise" — which sings the gospel of needing external validation in order to feel anything. The reimagining of fan favorite "Soft Revolution" won't leave a dry eye in the room, while "Soulstice" and "Serpentine" present an unprecedented dark sensuality. Each song itself functions like an exorcism, an attempt to cast out a little of the fear it deals with.
Wessels states about the guests: "I'm extremely grateful and proud to add Simone Simons and Alissa White-Gluz to the lineup of this album. They are creative powerhouses that I have so much love and respect for. Whenever we get to work together is an absolute treat and they really elevated the songs with their performances."
"The Obsession" track listing:
01. Chasing Sunsets 02. Dopamine 03. The Exorcism 04. Soulstice 05. The Crying Room 06. Ode To The West Wind 07. Serpentine 08. Praise 09. All You Are 10. Vigor And Valor 11. Breathe 12. Soft Revolution (2024)
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windynebula · 4 days ago
One of the best things about finding a band that fucks hard is that when you look into their musical inspirations and what the band members like to listen to, you find a bunch more bands and artists that also fuck hard. Like through Voyager, I found VOLA, NeuroTech and NeuroWulf.
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astroyongie · 9 days ago
Favourite album?! Favourite song?! Favourite lyrics?!
What other bands do you listen to??!!
I’m so happy rn omg!! Haha 💕
OF COURSE ❤️❤️ they are my fav band alongside with Chase Atlantic!
- fav album is This Place Will Become Your Tomb but take me back to Eden album has such a special place in my heart ❤️ for the musics I HAVE TOO MANY!!! But Euclid 🥹🥹 Blood Sport, The Love You Want, Take me back to Eden (I can’t listen without singing like my life depends on it) for the lycris, again there’s so many but I think the one that makes more sense to me is the full bridge on TMBTE
Now about other bands I listen to! I listen to pretty much anything in the same genre although I think ST has their own genre. Bad Omens, Vola also has good songs, slaughter to prevail too! (back in 2016 I was a peak, I listened BMTH a lot, pierce the veil, sleeping with sirens, asking Alexandria, of mice and men, architects, so many more 👹)
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smolsleepyfox · 1 month ago
Numbers 3 and 124 for the song ask!👀
Number 3: Cannibal by VOLA
This is a new one. I didn't know Vola until like two months ago because they were the headliner at a show Charlotte Wessels was playing for her album The Obsession (which I am obsessed with. No pun.).
About two weeks before the show, I was making a day trip to Fehmarn (a German island in the Baltic).
Imagine this: You're on the top floor of a fancy long distance bus. You're cuddled under your jacket and tired after you froze your ass off all day walking around an island looking at ships and hunting geocaches. The lights are low, only some blue lamps overhead while outside you can barely glimpse the landscape and the occasional city.
That's where I listened to this album for the first time. That was an experience.
Number 124: The 13th by Lord of the Lost
I believe this album during my brief stint as a music youtuber. (Didn't pan out, I hate advertising and like having a life.) A friend of mine is a fan of Lord of the Lost and I liked their aesthetic and the video for Priest (plus, they're vocal queer allies, which is rare).
I don't have a specific memory (for me those are usually visual) but this was part of a larger cluster of melancholic songs I listened to back then. The song is so... tender, and sad. I'm not an expert on Judas as a biblical figure, but the sentiment of being out of place despite doing what you're meant to do is very evocative. It's still my favorite album from the band (and tbh Blood and Glitter sucked, sorry).
Thank you for asking <3
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shireain · 2 months ago
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for your SPOTIFY my liege 🛐
Ooh thank you! I always love answering these c: Here is what I got for ya today ♥️
♡ Cannibal by Vola
♡ Cockroach King by Haken
♡ Fabulist by Unprocessed
♡ Limbo by Leprous
♡ Í Tokuni by Eivør Pálsdóttir
♡ Unclean by Port Noir
And for GabV1el vibes I would recommend
♡ ULTRAnumb by Blue Stahli (even just for the name alone, like damn)
♡ Shadowgraph by Tiger Cub
It has actually been a Leprous week for me, just had their songs on repeat since I love them so much, but I wanted some variety in bands I listed 😂 but some others from them I would strongly recommend would be Atonement, Distant Bells, Leashes, Out of Here, and Painful Detour c:
Thanks for asking! :D
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s-sputnik-k · 3 months ago
anyone want to do a fandom swap? specifically with bands/music artists btw
like we give each other a few song recs, maybe an album, and some live content or interviews to get to know them, or even some lore if it's that sort of band. and maybe join like a community like either on tumblr or a discord server to get a feel for the fandom. I just think it'd be neat
here's a few bands I like already:
sleep token
don broco
dance gavin dance (mainly tilian and current era)
music I like but probably wouldn't know enough about to recommend for this:
I'd really like to try and recommend something I think you'd actually like so if none of this sounds up your alley, then it might not work lol (but also if you're open minded I'm sure there will be something for you here). and vice versa, I'd like for you to pick something you think I may like (of course we can't know for sure, but we can make an educated guess!). I know I've listed some fairly heavy bands, but I do also listen to a lot of less heavy bands, they're just typically lesser known (eg. the lafontaines, slix, dead pony). I'm also intrigued by prog rock, jazz, and fusion so if you'd like to recommend that I'd be totally on board! and I can probably find some technical prog stuff that you'd like
I'm defo open to trying something I've never heard of, but here's some bands I already know I would love to discover:
lorna shore
bad omens
falling in reverse
any band that is playing/has played Radar Festival, ESPECIALLY bands lined up for 2025 because I need to listen to them lmao
so yeah you can reply to this post or hmu in dms if you're interested! I'd probably prefer to talk on discord once we've initially connected
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viviween · 3 months ago
𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗖𝗿𝗼𝘄 (1994), dir. Alex Proyas.
Il 30 ottobre, in una città americana del duemila, è la notte del Diavolo: bande di teppisti incendiari percorrono i quartieri, ed una di queste penetra nell'appartamento di Eric Draven, che il giorno dopo deve sposare la fidanzata Shelly.
I teppisti gettano lui dalla finestra e violentano e malmenano la donna, che muore all'ospedale dopo dolorosa agonia.
Solo Albrecht, un poliziotto di colore, le è vicino, ma i suoi tentativi d'indagini vengono paradossalmente intralciati da una ambigua figura di commissario.
Intanto un misterioso corvo vola sulla tomba di Eric, che risorge per mettere in atto, guidato dall'uccello, la sua vendetta.
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mutant-what-not · 2 years ago
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"If anyone was born in someone else's shadow it was Joseph Reinhardt. Brother to Django Reinhardt he selflessly played a rhythm guitarist's role for his more famous brother, even though he was a great guitarist and composer himself.
"Joseph could be found accompanying his brother in cafes and in the bal-musette halls on either guitar or banjo and soon progressed to play with Louis Volas's Palm beach Orchestra. By 1933 he was popular and was found playing in various groups playing hot jazz. He even filled in for his brother on several occasions when Django failed to show up. By 1934 he was a full time guitarist in Le Quintette du Hotclub de France alongside his brother. Other roles including being Django's guitar carrier and spare string keeper, this eventually got the better of him and he decided to quit in 1937.
"After his departure from the Quintette he worked with Aime Barelli's big band and Alex Combelle's Jazz de Paris and recorded his first solo recordings with various groups, Gus Viseur "Swing 42", Hubert Rostaing"L'oeil Noir", Alex Combelle "If I had You". In 1943 he formed his own group recording with violinist Claude Laurence (alias Andre Hodeir).
"In 1947 he was to be found playing electric guitar with Stephane Grappelli's Hot Four. Django followed his brother in the same year and started playing electric guitar with less positive results.
Joseph apparently still lived the nomadic existence of his forebears and enjoyed nature at first hand, he showed this love for nature in various paintings of caravan scenes, campfires, horses etc..
"After his brothers death in 1953 Joseph laid down the guitar and did not start playing again until 1957, at this point he attempted to finish Django's unfinished Messe Gitane. In 1958 he appeared in the documentary "Django Reinhardt" which led to his appearance in a short film Paris Blues (1961). At this time he formed his own quintette and recorded two LP's.
"The 60's was quite an active period for Joseph, recording with his own string quintet and at the "Blue Jazz Museum" with his regular accompanists of the period, Dingo Adel and Jacques Montagene (Hot Club Records - "Live in Paris 1966"). He appeared at several concerts, performed in various Paris nightclubs occasionally with Babik Reinhardt and even visited the UK, playing and recording with Diz Disley. By the 1970's, however, his public performances had reduced although he did appear at the Samois Festival. For almost all his post-Hot Club Quintet work, Joseph Reinhardt used a very odd looking guitar that he made himself which, surprisingly, had a nice acoustic tone although it was frequently amplified.
"His early solo playing was considerably less flamboyant than Django and he subsequently developed a modern jazz style reminiscent of his brother's '47/48 electric work. He was above all else, a lyrical performer capable of producing some quite haunting compositions.
"Nin-Nin died on 24th February, 1982 and was buried beside Django at Samois perhaps, thereby, publicly condemned to remain in the shadow of his illustrious brother for eternity or, perhaps, ensured a posthumous recognition that he otherwise could not have expect."
Article and photo with great thanks to Mark Heller!
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diceriadelluntore · 2 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #349 - Art Farmer & Gigi Gryce, Art Farmer Quintet Featuring Gigi Gryce, 1956
Jackie McLean, uno dei più grandi sassofonisti bianchi, che pubblicò con la Prestige 6 album, considerava Bob Weinstock solo un affarista. Altri non erano d'accordo (Miles Davis era uno tra questi) ma è indubbio che le modalità con cui Weinstock faceva funzionare la Prestige erano peculiari, tanto che divennero quasi un marchio di fabbrica. Innanzitutto, non pagava le prove ai musicisti, così buona parte del pur prestigioso catalogo è composto da standard e molto poco da brani originali, data l'impossibilità di provarli. D'altronde, lui spingeva moltissimo a registrare qualsiasi cosa: negli anni d'oro, a metà anni '50, riusciva a pubblicare 75 dischi all'anno, un'enormità. E persino i ritmi delle registrazioni erano quasi "industriali": agli studi Van Gelder c'erano sessioni anche per 18 ore al giorno e spulciando i cataloghi Prestige (ci sono superbi siti che ne raccolgono tutti i dati) non di rado grandi dischi furono registrati nello stesso giorno, a poche ore di distanza. Weinstock era un tipo strano, ed era famoso anche per la sua tirchieria: si dice che il numero davvero esiguo di alternative takes (cioè registrazioni differenti dello stesso brano da parte degli stessi musicisti) della Prestige era dovuto al fatto che imponesse il riutilizzo dei nastri non considerati pubblicabili per risparmiare, quando invece per altre case discografiche quelle registrazioni alternative era una vera e propria miniera d'oro di filologia musicale sull'evoluzione di brani o artisti.
Ci sono però delle eccezioni, come il disco di oggi, che è uno dei capolavoro del catalogo Prestige e uno dei dischi più belli di post bop del tempo. I suoi due protagonisti furono Art Farmer e Gigi Gryce. Farmer è stato uno dei più grandi trombettisti della sua generazione: a fine anni '40 suona con Jay McShann e in seguito con Benny Carter, Gerald Wilson, Roy Porter e Dexter Gordon, concentrandosi ad esibirsi nella zona di Kansas City. Nel 1952 scrive per Wardell Gray, un sassofonista, la sua prima canzone che diventerà uno standard, Farmer's Market. Suonerà poi con alcuni dei più grandi e dopo l'incontro con Gryce suonerà in famosi dischi di Coleman Hawkins, Thelonious Monk, Charles Mingus, Art Blakey/Horace Silver's Jazz Messengers, prenderà il posto, nel 1958, di Chet Baker, cacciato da Gerry Mulligan nel suo Quintetto e fonderà un gruppo davvero straordinario, Jazztet, con Benny Golson e di cui faranno parte suo fratello Addison al contrabbasso, Dave Bailey alla batteria, Curtis Fuller al trombone e McCoy Tyner al pianoforte, all'inizio della sua straordinaria carriera.
Sebbene fu breve, il suo incontro con Gigi Gryce lasciò un grande segno nella storia del Jazz. George General Grice Jr., il vero nome di Gigi Gryce, è stato un sassofonista, compositore e arrangiatore. Nativo della Florida, si diploma al conservatorio di Boston. Si incrocia già con Farmer, poichè i due ruotano nella band di Lionel Hampton, il celeberrimo vibrafonista, ma Gryce vola a Parigi dove incide i primi brani, nel 1953. Al ritorno dall'Europa, mette su un sodalizio con Farmer, che porta a varie incisioni ai Van Gelder Studios per la Prestige: le prime nel 1954 e nel 1955 finiscono in When Farmer Met Gryce, un'altra, dell'ottobre 1955, nel disco di oggi, come già accennato uno dei capolavori di quegli anni.
Art Farmer Quintet Featuring Gigi Gryce esce nel 1956 ma nel 1963 verrà ristampato con un altro nome, Evening In Casablanca, dal nome di una delle più famose composizioni di Gryce presente nel disco. Come in When Farmer Met Gryce, le composizioni sono quasi tutte autografe, regalando un suono ricco di nuove strutture e armonie. Il quintetto di Farmer era composta da: Duke Jordan al piano, Addison Farmer (fratello di Art) al bass, Philly Joe Jones alla batteria e Gryce al sassofono contralto. Il disco si apre con Forecast di Jordan, molto swing, con tre assoli di Farmer, Gryce e Jordan. Poi arriva tutta la grazia di Gryce: Evening In Casablanca diventerà un classico, la novità introdotta dalla struttura musicale di Nica's Tempo, brano dedicato alla leggendaria baronessa del jazz, Pannonica de Koenigswarter, per gli amici Nica, erede del ramo Rothschild inglese, mecenate di tanti musicisti jazz tra gli anni '40 e '50. E poi la grazia e lo spumeggiante di Satellite (altro esempio di struttura musicale innovativa) e le più classiche Sans Souci e Shabozz.
Farmer continuerà la sua carriera, tra l'altro vivendo spesso in Europa: dopo un tour europeo si trasferisce a Vienna, sposa una viennese, si interessa alla musica classica, portando il jazz nella capitale austriaca dato che ogni suo vecchio amico americano per andarlo a trovare finiva per suonare con lui da qualche parte. Molto più misteriosa fu invece la vita di Gryce: dopo Farmer, fondò un gruppo, Jazz Lab Quintet, suonò fino agli inizi degli anni '60 tra gli altri con Thelonious Monk, John Coltrane e Coleman Hawkins ed era considerato uno dei migliori arrangiatori della scema musicale. Poco dopo si convertì all'islam, cambiando nome in Basheer Quisim, e lavorò come professore di scuola elementare fino alla morte, nel 1983, nella nativa Pensacola, abbandonando la musica. Che nel 1956 fu molto fortunata ad aver sostenuto l'incontro tra Art Farmer e Gigi Gryce.
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selamat-linting · 2 years ago
🎶✨ When you get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask/tag 10 of your favorite followers ✨🎶
(i've been tagged twice for this so im actually pretty excited lol)
1. Periphery - Reptile its 17 minutes of djent and it fucks hard! i dont get genre classifications much but the song also tells a story about alien invasions so i guess its technically some kind of rock opera?
2. SeeYouSpaceCowboy / If I Die First - bloodstainedeyes i've never been there but this song takes the best things from myspace emo music in the mid aughts. watch this in 144p for full immersion
3. VOLA - Head Mounted Sideways this song have the sexiest bass tones i've ever heard. i really like how 'atmospherically heavy' the band sounds in general, if you know what i mean?
4. Dance Gavin Dance - Evaporate imagine youre me. imagine you went to reddit and someone told you to listen to their old songs first before enjoying Evaporate. imagine having your mouth gape wide open as the references from older work starts weaving through the music. Even if you dont know the references, even if youre not part of the fandom, Evaporate is still a very good song. It was so good some people was concerned if this is going to be their last long.
5. Noah - Bintang di Surga this is actually a remastered version of an old song the band did when they're still under the Peterpan name. Both versions are just as good but im posting this instead for recency's sake. Look, this song is just sooo fucking good. Especially in lyrics, like there's people who went through their highschool indo lit class arguing about this song's meaning with their teacher. There are conspiracy videos saying the song is meant to be demonic thats why the lyrics are so subtle and filled with symbolism. the song is just THAT iconic. I will not fucking shut up about this. My personal interpretation of the song is about someone who have gained all the power and all the riches in the world but still felt empty, as if shied away from god's light. The constant use of light and flight related words coupled with grand exaggerations like trusting the sky will catch them if they fail or believing everything is created by God for them only makes the confession that their life felt empty and there is no love left for them hits harder. I should really start translating this song's lyrics so other ppl would get it. Every time I daydream about Vriska, I use this song as her background music.
Okay, now that that's done. I'm gonna tag @potatototheleft @laineysbucketlist @stuhk @babylonbirdmeat @iseeanemeraldinthesky @loudobjectprincess @shadow-banned-the-hedgehog
(btw, you dont have to do this if youre tagged. no pressure!)
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strawberri-syrup · 2 years ago
ok i tried to compile a few rock/prog rock/etc band recs i thought might kinda fit what you’re looking for: sleeping with sirens, green day, hail the sun, children of nova, vola, muse, the protomen, 9mm parabellum bullet. also insert the obligatory ‘listen to thank you scientist their instrumentals and vocals are insanely good’ thing here + ALSO if you want specific song recs or even more bands i can offer those too :-) enjoy
omg i love you
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