#vod do you know what you've done
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Commander Wolffe in @margindoodles2407 HFSW AU playing the Hurdy Gurdy was something I never knew I always wanted.
I have a mighty need.
#vod do you know what you've done#I'll literally NEVER be able to see hear or imagine a hurdy gurdy without thinking of the very grim-faced Commander#and Plo Koon sitting close by calmly sipping tea as he stares out at the tranquil sea#great now I'm in my Plo-dad feels#(btw this is the first hurdy gurdy song I've ever listened to)#look!! words!!#hfsw#far away galaxy#plo's bros
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Phil briefly talks about QSMP, the admin situation, Quackity, the new team, and the harassment both Quackity and the admins have been receiving.
Please listen to the clip and read the transcript in its entirety. Keep in mind that things can easily be taken out of context (even this clip, though I did try to include everything he said).
If you'd like to see the full unedited conversation, Phil started talking about last week's interactions with YD and Bad ~1h 57m into today's VOD, which led into this conversation about QSMP.
[ Complete Transcript ↓ ]
Phil: Yeah, she's great. Another- another reason why QSMP is just like... fuckin' incredible. That was like, not even ever going to happen without QSMP. Like, obviously it's had its problems, it's go– it's had its problems. Those problems are being rectified. All the people that were wrong'uns have been fired [Laughs] And Quackity's put a new team together. So like, I'm so happy that I'm like– that Q is doing everything he can right now to make it like, right.
But I am still just sad that Chayanne and Tallulah are just asleep, that is just making me real sad. So I've been like, logging on whenever I can to just like, hang out and stuff and just, you know, be around. But I am- I am just sad boy now. [Laughs] I've like– throwing all those penguins into the- the Spawn area was like, my limit. And the like, laughing with YD and Bad kind of cheered me up a bit.
But yeah, I'm sure most of you can agree. It's like, once- once you've been making content on a server a certain way, it's- it's been like, 6 - 8 months of like, the same like type of content I've been making on that server. It's been very lore-heavy, it's been very Egg hanging out with the Eggs and just chilling. Like, not even like doing anything crazy. We would just hang out. But yeah, I'm sure everyone's in the same boat. Like, we all just like, miss that, you know?
So... just gotta wait around. Just gotta wait. Wait for things to get better. Trust in Big Q.
But yeah, moments- moments like the other day, Chat, where me, Bad, and YD were just hanging out just like kind of... you know, it just kind of like... What's the word I'm looking for? Like, drills home how important the QSMP is and can be for connecting people. Not just now, but in the future. And like, that- I feel like that is something that's definitely worth protecting, or something that's worth like, seeing happen in the future with other people. Not even thinking about like, if I'm gonna be interacting with anyone like, thinking about like other people interacting with other people in the future. It's fucking- It's so cool.
Like, imagine seeing like, brand new streamers that you might've not have heard of interacting with people that you know right now. Not necessarily me or people that I know, but like– like, the connections that we've all made.
Dude, Me and Kristin went to fuckin' Switzer-France to hang out with these people! [Laughs] Cellbit and Lore traveled from fucking Brazil to Switzer-France to hang out! The- these connections are like, mental. Just never would have happened without the server, and that's definitely something worth protecting. And like, ensuring it is done the correct way in the future.
That means a lot to us Chat, it does– [Briefly responds to Chat] It means a lot to us and like, obviously the admins being well-taken care of is like, at the fore-front.
And Quackity speaks very highly of this new team. He's like- he's chatted to us like, in calls and stuff. He's been keeping us up to date on everything that's been going on behind the scenes, everything that he can tell us anyways. And like, he is very happy with this new team. He pretty much said that they are like, very passionate about the project, and we can like, trust that he trusts them to do a very good job. So...
Yeah, I'm excited but like, we just have to kind of like, wait. Like, there's a lot being changed around, there's a lot of plans. But the good thing to know is that the people that caused harm have been removed. And now the people that are like, in charge are like, very passionate about the project and just want to see everyone happy and succeed and be taken care of. But these things take time. So we just have to hang about, we have to wait.
[Responding to someone asking about what happened with QSMP and the Admin situation] I'm not going to go into too much detail, you can find out exactly what has gone on, and it's not as simple as black and white. It's- there's a lot of gray areas in there, and it's like very complicated, so you can go look it up yourself, but ultimately, all you need to know is that the initial admin team, the like, head people at the top that Quackity put in charge like ages ago when the server first started were making decisions that were like, not good for the health and also the well-being of the actors, and like, admins and like, the staff. So like, some staff were fine, other staff had a shit fucking time, and it was unfair and terrible and went unnoticed for a while, and then it all came out and Quackity's been like, fixing it since.
Most recently, he stepped down from the team because of like, how serious shit was getting. Like, people online have been fucking awful. And it's very dangerous at the minute for like the ex- like, members of the team, and also him. It's like- it's terrible.
So it's very heated, very– it's– again— and it's not as simple as just like "This- this is– this is right, this is wrong." It's like- it's very- there's a lot of muddled areas, and it's not as easy as just saying "This is exactly what happened." I'm summarizing. I'm literally just summarizing. But all you need to know right now, the latest update is that the team that are in charge are very passionate about the projects and are like, much, much better and will take care of the new people and the admins and all the actors and stuff a lot better than the last fucking team because the initial problem was that Quackity kind of like, took a bit more of a step back and he wasn't like, overseeing every single thing that was going on behind the scenes, but now he's had to- he's had to take a step back, he's been forced to take a step back, but he's left it in the hands of a team that he truly trusts this time. Like, he's actually fully-vetted.
So HOPEFULLY– again: there's more things that need to be done behind the scenes, and I'm not an official spokesperson, I'm just a person playing on the fucking server that my friend has made, and I'm very happy to support him, and I trust that he will do and continue to do the right thing.
But yeah. Not as simple as just [Snaps fingers] "This is this." It's like– there's so much fucking like, middle ground and shit that's gone on. And that's all I'm gonna say on it! 'Cuz otherwise it's just gonna go on and on and on, and people are gonna be like, "What do you know?" and be like "I don't know shit!" And the stuff that I do know, I probably can't talk about right now. There's like, certain things that like, can't be said, for legal reasons and stuff.
#Philza#QSMP#Quackity#QSMP Admins#April 15 2024#Transcribed#Edited#This isn't the cleanest edit but I was trying to get this out fast
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Part 3 Wolffe: Cody? Rex? Bly? What are you three doing here? Cody: Fox allowed each of us on Coruscant... Rex: Reluctantly... Bly: He almost cut the transmission before I could tell him I wasn't here to kill him... Wolffe: It's pretty obvious why he'd think that...I just wish he didn't... Stone, followed by a small squad: Gentlemen. Cody: Really? Stone: Quiet. I believe allowing you here is a worse idea than everything else Fox has done in the past few days, so my patience is less than nothing. If you even look at a Guard funny, I'll drop you all without hesitation. Now, strip. Rex: What? Stone: Strip. We'll provide a new set of clothing for you all, but you're not getting anywhere near Fox with anything on you now unless it's shoved up your shebs. Actually...we'll be checking there too. Bly: You're treating us like prisoners. Stone: I wonder why he sent me... Wolffe, already stripping: No reason to be a smartass...How is he? Stone: Better than he's ever been. He's in his element for the first time since he arrived on Coruscant. Fox is a leader. He was never meant to serve to the degree that he was forced to. You don't know what he's been through, you don't know what he's endured for us. All of us. Cody: We have an idea... Rex: We're his brothers after all. Bly: He talks to us. Stone: I think you underestimate the power of shame, vod. Sometimes, the only people you can open up to are the ones who have been through what you've been through. After I put this glove on and make you bend over, you might have an idea of what I'm talking about. Anyone with hidden weapons in any of their orifices will be executed immediately. You have one chance to confess to hiding anything...No one? Alright. Cody, you first. Cody: That seems calculated... Stone: It is. I trust you the least. Cody: ...And I thought things were too lax at the prison...
#commander cody#commander fox#commander stone#commander bly#captain rex#commander wolffe#[ Stone is as cold and as hard as those prison walls.#...Gratuitous joke about him making the commanders (plus Rex) hard. I'mnotsorry. ]
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Hi there I’m a relatively new streamer on twitch and have been at it for a bit, and I’m finally at a point where I feel confident enough in my setup and general content that I can make edits of my streams, but I don’t have the resources for an editor. I know you don’t really edit your vods (as far as I’m aware) but I was curious if you had any advice, especially with editing down 3-5 hour streams as I feel like I just get overwhelmed with the sheer amount of stuff there is to cut. Thank you for your time, I’m a big fan of your stuff!
I don't currently do the brunt of the VOD editing for the main channel, no, but I used to and I've done it a couple times since bringing on Ellie so I do have a couple pointers! So, first of all, I know it's so much easier said than done but legit at a certain point you gotta just hit the play button and start watching it haha. Sometimes I will only be able to edit a stream in like 10 minute chunks cause it's just so daunting and actively fights against my ADHD. But, even if the sessions I spend editing are short, as long as I'm still doing SOMETHING whenever I get even the smallest burst of motivation to just press the play button it eventually gets easier and, more importantly, gets done.
BUT in terms of my actual tips for the process...
Have a specific editing structure laid out. My recommendation: Watch through the VOD in full, don't worry about cuts just yet. Just write down timestamps for bits you want to include. Even better if you utilize the marker system in whatever editing suite you use to do so, as you can label them and see them visually on the timeline. MAKE SURE YOU WATCH IN 2X SPEED. It's gonna be a bit disorienting at first but I promise you, you'll get used to it and the time saved is gonna be so worthwhile. Then, once you've finished marking your VOD, start making cuts at those markers and copy the cut down clips into a NEW timeline. DON'T delete anything from the timeline you watched/made markers on, just copy stuff to the new one in chronological order. Once you have every marked clip copied over to the new timeline, do a watch-through of the rough cut you just made and start polishing up those cuts for pacing. This is where you can feel free to just slice the shit out of everything, don't be stingy, just do what works best for the video. If you'd like, an extra step you can do here is maybe add some more markers if a particular joke or flair edit comes to mind while you're making pacing cuts, just be sure not to get bogged down in the details just yet. Wait until after you've finished polishing the entire rough cut for pacing, and then you can start jumping to your markers and make the more intensive edits and polish as the final or near-final step!
Give this a try, or modify it to suit your own workflow/schedule! I hope it helps!
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Nothing will ever be as it was and that's something we all have to deal with sometimes.
What i mean by that is, when you look back at yourself, the things you've done, the things you liked, they're never how they were in the moment. After spending some time recently going through old home videos, clips my friends whom i no longer talk to have taken from video games we've played together, videos by and about creators I haven't watched in years. All I can say is simply retelling the same sentiment I've seen floating around some online spaces recently. I may have been cringe, but I was free.
Sometimes I miss the Dream SMP. I know, I know, it was insane. But it'll never happen again. Nothing can ever replicate the feelings it produced because despite a global pandemic. Despite the fact that I should have been doing school (sorry mom). Despite the fact that my personal life was intensely awful at the time, I was excited and interested in this Minecraft Roleplay Server. And so were millions of others.
If you were never into the Dream SMP, I'm sorry. A lot of videos are still up, so it isn't really too late, but it's not the same. Knowing who these people really were changes the perspective. After all of the drama and aftermath which is somehow still going on, it's easier to understand why some of the people there were so good at acting (they weren't acting). But I'm also sorry because watching the recordings or even rewatching the vods just doesn't compare to the feeling envoked watching the insane twists and turns happen live. Guessing in a group chat with a few other fans you've met online what's going to happen on today's stream. Hopping into a discord call to have a watch party and screaming together when something major happens. Getting to see how things started and how they progressed. It truly was a 'you had to be there' kind of experience.
It's the same to me as rewatching clips from old friend groups. We don't talk or hang out, and I'm ok with that. And looking at the memories, there's a bit of sting, sure. But there's the laughter at how laggy my set up was, and at each other's craziness. And suddenly I'm 15, alone in my room but surrounded by friends, and that feeling stays longer than any sting.
This year already a lot of people have been feeling nostalgic for just a handful of years ago, myself included. I think it's important to remember that everything seemed so fun because the alternative was so grim. And so now when you look back, you see the silliness and cringe in the things you liked and did. But as someone who recently looked back at themselves and their interests, take it from me. Remembering why you liked something is nice sometimes, even if it's much different than it was.
-Lilac, 1/22/2025
#patented lilac things#nostalgia#nostalgic#nostalgia rant#2020 core#dream smp#dsmp#self reflection#cringeposting#i am cringe but i am free
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Hey so uh how does one actually go about watching dsmp lore??? I tried watching it in full once from a big ass yt playlist that was meant to have all the important stuff but it was loads of giant long vods that I don't have the attention span for with tiny amounts of relevent lore and I didn't make it very far. I'm assuming ur not supposed to watch it like a show, right??? Like you don't have to watch literally everything that happened???? I could probably just cherrypick some important+interesting plot points and watch them in a vague order????? How do you people do this
Ah yes, DSMP lore, the forever discussion. I'll be honest, it's not easy to get into the DSMP lore because you have a bunch of different POVs that cover a bunch of different plot lines and events, and at least some of this is lost media (streams were not always archived so there are big chunks of people's POVs missing).
I agree that trying to watch ALL of it (all POVs, all storylines) is not a good approach. What is a good approach might be subjective, but here's my personal advice for the best way to experience the DSMP canon as a latecomer:
1 - Pick a specific POV and start with that
A lot easier than trying to watch all in one go or even cherry-picking 'important events' is to pick one specific person's POV and try to watch all of that. You can use a CC whose style you mash with. Personally, I would highly recommend Techno's POV not because I'm biased (though I am) but because he's one of the few CC who has a convenient playlist with all his streams, so you get a complete experience. He also was reasonably involved in a lot of 'bigger' events without streaming daily to the point it gets overwhelming to backwatch his POV. The downside of his POV is you'll miss the pre-Pogtopia stuff, but you can use his POV as a starting point to decide what other CC you'd want to see their POVs of, or watch more POVs of a specific event AFTER you've experienced it within the canon timeline. I do not recommend watching them in a vague order to start out though, I do feel you'd significantly lose the impact of the story.
2 - Yes, you have to watch the giant long vods (kinda)
Yes, the dsmp has a lot of random long 'filler' vods in between big events, but that filler often does build characters and makes you attached to them, so I don't really think skipping them completely and only watching compilations of big events is really going to give you a good experience. People also drop surprise background info in the vods sometimes, there's roleplay beyond just the Big Events (tm). At the very least, you should skim the large vods or maybe play them in the background while doing something else. If you pick a CC you really like, their long vods won't feel like a chore (again, Techno is great for this since he's so entertaining imo).
3 - But also you don't HAVE to watch the long vods (or anything)
On the other hand, the upside of the multiple POV thing is that you don't really like, have to experience everybody's POV. It's okay (and part of the true dsmp experience) to miss out on stuff. I never got into Kinoko Kingdom, I never got into Karl's whole time travel thing, I know very little about Puffy or Ponk or even Eret. You can just stick to your chosen POV and even if that's all you ever invest in, you got yourself a lovely little story to follow. Do not feel the pressure of needing to partake in EVERY plot line or character because I don't think there are many dsmp fans wo have done that and had a good time lol.
4 - You can get your lore from other sources
If you do want to know more about specific events, characters, dynamics, etc and don't want to watch a million POVs, there's really no shame in getting your lore from other sources. Fanart, fanfic, animatics, the wiki, transcripts or lore analysis fans wrote, etc. My only advice is to stay mindful that fans are biased and in the dsmp fandom specifically some people get really fanon-y with their interpretations, so keep that in the back of your mind. Try to take everything with a grain of salt or not just listen to the stans of one character, because they might be misrepresenting canon lol.
I'm not a big fan of a lot of the compilation videos that try to condense the entire dsmp because they often seem super biased to one character and you lose all the charm of the multi-pov approach, hence why I don't advise them as, like, the 'main' or 'first' way to get into dsmp. BUT if you already watched your chosen blorbo's POV and you just want to get some more bite-sized content on one specific event or character, some compilation videos can be nice. Just, again, be aware that you're losing at least SOME context and seeing a very condensed version.
If you want to partake in any kind of lore analysis or discussion for the love of god make sure you got your canon facts straight bc I'm so sick of people bringing fanon/heacanons into actual lore posts- -gets shot-
5 - Just find somebody who is mentally ill /j
In the same vein as 'it's okay to get your lore from other sources', other sources can be 'a random dude on tumblr'. There's a ton of people who are still very passionate about specific characters/lore from the dsmp or the dsmp as a whole, and who probably are more than willing to talk about their favs and lay out the lore for you. I know I certainly need only minimal encouragement to yap about c!Techno and his lore and his relationships for HOURS, and I'm knowledgeable about canon dsmp lore in general, so even if it's not about c!Techno I don't mind answering questions. Curious about a specific character/event/lore thing? Just ask somebody. It's free, it's quick, it's going to make a mentally ill person's day /hj
Again with this one I do advise keeping in mind that some people are biased and might confuse fanon with canon (I'm reasonably good at not doing that, I'd say, but I am a little biased towards c!Techno to some degree probably), and I'd only advise doing it after you've already watched your chosen POV at least for a little while and only use it to get extra info or other perspectives. Unless you wanna ask somebody to lay out like, THE ENTIRE LORE of the server which seems kinda silly. But I bet you'd still find somebody who is willing to do that (sombody is me).
Sorry for yapping so much lol
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okay, folks! we're home, let's talk about sbk!fool. specifically, the fact that something weird is going on with him. fair warning: this is gonna get long. also there's spoilers.
Fool is kind of a... side character in SBK. he's not directly opposed to OSSHA, but he's not exactly allied with them either. his island partner is Milkman and he's the other Birch Box guy, but he's good friends with Vintage. a lot of what he's done has been attributed to other people.
also, he might just be a huge threat, especially to whatever Olm is doing.
let's back up a little to the part of Avid's ep11 with Fool in it. here's a timestamp.
there's silly music. Kittrix is doing her "i am but a fence" bit. we hard cut to Avid saying "we're gonna need to have the law removed from this situation" and there is no background music. we go further into the scene, Vintage turns to Kittrix as Fool & the Jungle folks are walking off and says "remember that service i told you to sign up for earlier?", and we start getting an ominous synth drone that remains throughout the entire scene. Fool's whole prank slash hitman service is apparently deadly serious business.
this is... really weird. i was there for the Fool stream where this was recorded, and tonally while Fool was definitely being a little bit of a ham, he's also genuinely just like that and was being pretty lighthearted at the time. this scene? this scene is edited in a way that makes Fool seem really ominous, on-par with Avid in the scene an episode earlier where he kidnaps Ruby, and...
speaking of Ruby. their OSSHA clone does not like Fool. here's another timestamp from Leon's ep5, but what's important to know about this scene is stream context again in the opposite direction.
OSSHA Ruby, aka Cloneby and hereby called Tuby because i think it's funny, spent the entirety of their time online during Fool's stream basically stream-sniping him. Fool is not lying when he says they threatened him (even though i kind of had to point that out because it was a little subtle). not only did they show up in-person at Birch to act ominous, they also /msg'd Fool some threatening stuff and kept streamsniping him whenever he tried to go over to Cherry Kingdom and warn Vintage about how weird Ruby was being. this is what led to Tuby showing up at End Kingdom after Fool talked to Leon; Ruby-as-in-the-actual-player was straight up watching stream to know when he left and where he was going.
Tuby has beef with Fool... which is pretty weird considering OSSHA kind of struck a bargain with Birch early on where they could put up "under construction" signs and OSSHA would leave them alone.
okay. so Tuby doesn't like Fool and Avid thinks he's threatening. pretty lowkey so far. for this next part, we've gotta jump around in time, and you've gotta trust me a little -- Fool doesn't upload his VODs anywhere so the only proof i have of these is "i was there at the time."
anyway: this is Fool in the Limbo animatic. notably, this is from the sequence where Olm tells Avid to stop people from falling into the Void.
Fool has different skins for different servers he's on. Skyblock Kingdoms Fool is gold. Fool's PNGtuber is purple, but purple Fool also has a server he's associated with. to be absolutely clear, i am going to make a leap in logic here, bear with me, but this is not SBK Fool. because purple Fool is from Avid Adventures.
deep breath in, deep breath out. here's where stuff gets very "source dude trust me" other than the screencaps i have, so i'm gonna start with the absolute confirmable basics. Olm is the antagonist of Avid Adventures, the command block based adventure map that Avid makes. they are also the antagonist of Avid Adventures, the series about Avid making that map -- they're possessing Avid in that series, in fact, generally being quite ominous about it. i have an entire essay about that but we don't have time for it right now.
Fool, while playing on Avid Adventures, initially only did Dark Path. these VODs are well and truly lost to time, but initially he was doing the Shrouded Isles fully evil, committed to helping Olm largely for funsies. Avid even logged in as Olm to be ominous at him a couple times! in general it seemed like Olm and Fool were kind of wary of each other, but mostly chill -- Fool has a main god he swears allegiance to that isn't Olm, but he's still helping the guy, so there shouldn't really be much of a big issue?
anyway, turns out Olm is really petty. they left him a mean breakup note and everything! (sidenote: Atium's name is entirely my fault. as far as Fool is aware and as far as Fool's lore is concerned, they are a deity of luck, coffee, precious gems, and some other things all totally unrelated to any novels by a certain brando sando.)
anyway then Fool's base gets exploded to bedrock and he respawns in a white void room.
this actually coincided with Avid removing a lot of the shop builds at the original spawn, by the way! lore going forward implies that Olm, either using Avid as a conduit or just in general, straight up thanos style snapped everyone who used to be on Avid Adventures out of existence. one would assume this means this was also Olm trying to delete any trace of Fool.
you may notice that i said that purple Fool is Avid Adventures Fool, not was. this is because Fool does not stay dead -- he respawns! on his boat build next to his exploded base! with every single inventory of every single chest wiped! Olm really did not want him to survive. he and Atium, however, chose life. Atium leaves him a book as well:
Atium's typing style is kind of just straight up delightful, i'm not going to lie. their "blessing" took the form of a Fortune 6 pickaxe titled Atium's Prosperity in rainbow lettering with flavor text reading "A chance at a new life", by the way.
but yeah, uh, Fool and Atium (who is also Fool, it's complicated) just kind of looked Olm in the eye and went "nuh uh," which is insane because this is Olm we're talking about, the dark god most commonly known for destroying an entire civilization in a single night and also constantly telling lies to Nightmares/SBK Avid for funsies. Olm legitimately has straight up destroyed and killed and maybe even eaten other gods before. we have confirmation from Avid that they consumed an entire pocket dimension somehow and that's what led to the creation of Limbo.
and again, purple Fool just kind of said "nuh uh" to all that with the help of his deity, who is also him.
considering it's like 95% certain Olm is in charge of OSSHA at this point, and it's heavily implied that the clones are part of their orders for Avid, there's... a pretty good chance Olm knows Fool isn't exactly someone to take lightly, and that could explain why Tuby is so hostile towards him and Avid is so nervous around him.
then again, maybe it's just because Fool is fun to mess with and good at playing the prankster hitman. who knows?
Atium, probably.
#I DID NOT. EXPECT TO GO INTO AVIDVENTURES LORE HERE. BUT UH HERE WE ARE#avid adventures#skyblock kingdoms#avidventures#sbk#thefoolsfam#avidmc#<- not really but it's not like olm has a character tag of their own#solar scraps#solar scrawls#gilded
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Hey Martyn! So, I got into your lore because of Grian's Life Series, and now I'm just trying to find some stuff out. Anyways, I understand most of it, though I do have a couple questions.
What actually are LOOT shards/crystals? I know that they're soke aort of corruption in games of sorta, but how do they get there, how to they affect the game, and also how to disable them. It's just something I'm wondering about since I know you have to find the one piece, of treasure, but how does it actually help?
What are CHEST agents? I know that they're something almost as evil as Cruppy, which is really saying something, but what actually are they?
Are there any extra lore bits in Rats SMP that you can't get anywhere else? I just wanna know if I should grit my teeth and watch it sometime, when I'm done catching up on the VODs of Pirates (can't make it to streams for personal reasons, alas).
If you've come up with it, is there any way that the Watchers lore from the Life Series ties into the datastream hopper lore? Those two just seem a little incompatible to me - hopping the datastream, being captured by mysterious godlike entities... Or are they just two separate universes?
Do you plan on posting the New Life streams on your vods channel?
Who in Pirates is p!Martyn closest to in each faction, overall?
Also, I think you may have mentioned it on stream, but did you take the faction quiz and if so, which faction did you get? I kid you not, when I took it I got Kestrels all three times (with changing the answers to stuff that I would still do, but different than first time, I mean). Had to change it up just to see all the different faction descriptions...
Ok, I think that's it. Sorry if I have bad formatting btw, I'm typing this out on phone. Thank you for taking the time to read my questions! Absolutely love your work and lore, while at the same time having the humour some don't. Keep on doing an amazing job. Hope you find your one piece, of treasure.
Have an ice day!
That's something I want to unveil in the next lore drop, so I'm really sorry to say SoonTM but this lore doesn't have all that many secrets atm
2. C.H.E.S.T agents work are avatars controlled by human operators working for C.H.E.S.T and its evil underbelly. They're a known and trusted public computing corporation but the public doesn't know the full extent of their goals and resources
3. I try to be pretty concise and unavoidable when I do my lore stuff, so you should be able to find the Rats segments in this playlist with ease: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3MFbfp1zo8dooC57HqfbizRoc07PdlFQ
4. Maaaaaaybe, people have noticed some parallels / links and all shall be revealed one day for sure, even if I'm like gonna quit doing videos and streaming, I'd just lore dump whatever isn't revealed so it's out there ha
5. A lot of my New Life streams are me just doing the grindy parts of the SMP and with the server being somewhat inactive I want to save the crossover / collab content for the videos - I'm not sure people would flock to a 3 hour vod of me painfully and slowly building an outpost or hollowing out a mountain to make a factory ya know?
6. Kestrels - probably Sausage, with Oli as a close second. Herons - Owen or Water. Owen has an inquisitive gene like Martyn and Water likes all things musical. Nightingales - Ros is so different to Martyn that it makes for some wholesome and chaotic interations, you never know which you'll get. Kites - Bek is basically the only one he's interacted with, he had a little banter on the seas with Kuervo but it was brief
7. I did! I surprisingly got Kestrel, or I guess, not surprisingly huh?
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wippity woppity your attention span is now my property
(i'm getting desperate okay. there are only so many silly jokes i can make)
Fives's eyes are wide, wider than normal, and his footfall is stumbling and his speech is beginning to slur, but it's not until he buckles forward and grabs him by the shoulders that Kix finally notices--
Oh. Oh, by the Sea. He's missing a finger.
Oh, stars above. He's not wearing his ring.
Oh, Bright Force.
He's dying.
"Fives," he gasps. Horrified. "You're not- your ring-"
"I know. I took it off. Had to-- had'ta cut it off, actually."
"Fives, you'll die!" He takes his brother's mangled, still-bleeding hand in his own two, oh so gently, but Fives simply pulls it away and raises it in a gesture of *stop*.
"No. No, I'm not gonna... no, I won't die." He makes a face. "Well. Okay. I might die. But not cause'a the ring. I was poisoned. Neurotoxin. In my tea." He takes a shuddering breath and collapses again, pressing his flushed face into the crook of Kix's neck for a brief moment of respite from what must be a throbbing headache. He comes up again almost instantly. "Not... important right now. Kix, we're being deceived."
There is an urgency in his tone, a desperation in his eyes, and it scares Kix. Deeply. His brother, his vod-- his frater-- he's normally so level-headed. So straightforward. So clear and calm and composed.
What could have possibly done this to the unflappable ARC Legionary?
"Frater meus, what do you mean?" he murmurs, resting a cool (bloody) hand against Fives's cheek. (He starts to lean into it but forces his eyes open and pulls away.)
"Kix. Please. Listen to me. I don't... have the time to explain it right, right now." He takes a deep breath, straightens his spine, and takes a few stumbling steps back. "But I promise, I'll tell you everything, when- when I'm better. I need you to do something for me, though. Please, Kix, if you've ever loved me, or any of our brothers. I need you to contact the Captain. General Skywalker, too, if you can. 'S an abandoned... tavern. Lower levels of the Island. Tell them to meet me there." He's halfway to the door already.
"Wait," Kix half-pleads, and Fives stops. "Wait. You said you were poisoned. Please, Fives, I'll talk to the Captain, but come with me back to the barracks. I'm sure I have an antidote somewhere, and you're clearly not--"
"Kix." His slurring is getting worse by the second, but his voice is gentle and warm and sad. "There's no time. I can't stay much longer; the High King put a bounty on my head and I'm sure the Guard are all over the Island looking for me. This tavern's probably one of the first places they'll search. And, Kix, frater, vod, you didn't come to the bar to play doctor. But I promise you, as soon as I've relayed my message to the Captain, you can give me the antidote and fix up my finger and do anything you feel the need to do to make me better."
There are tears in Kix's eyes that he knows he has no time to shed. He just wants to help.
He knows that, right now, there's only one way he can.
"Okay. But please, Fives. Don't die before then."
His plea earns him a sad, tired smile. "Promitto." I swear it.
He falters away again. Shakes his head to reorient himself and heads for the door.
The stump of his finger is still dripping blood.
#okay so two things. i have this deep fascination with That One Scene in That One Arc and have always had a deep need to examine it#from kix's point of view#the other thing is that this was written before i established a more archaic tone for HFSW fics so that's why it's written in my usual and#more contemporary style. i didn't have the time or patience to go back and edit it into the purple prose of current-day hfsw#hfsw#margin writes#star wars#look at my guys#kix like the cereal#i need an actual fives tag
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Thoughts on Fit's Last QSMP stream- spoilers ahead
It is Thursday, May 23rd, 2024. 2:36pm EST when writing. And I am disappointed in myself. Not for anything Fit, the server, the admins, or anyone besides me has done.
I hoped. And once again, I am expectedly crushed. I had a feeling that Fit would take himself out of the equation in the way he did. There would be no Pac Camio (ghost or living), no sight of Ramon either. Just business, as Fit is one to do.
But god did I hope for something out of a fanfiction. The biggest contenders were Pac's ghost or a hallucination speaking to Fit at the bottom of that damn hole to prep and escort him to the afterlife where everyone was waiting for them. OR the idea that Fit, after returning to the island, would kill himself in a similar but unique way to Pac and Mike. Regardless, neither happened. But I am very happy in what I witnessed.
I won't get into too much there will be vod watchers who accidentally stumble into Tumblr- to which I tell you, GO WATCH THE DAMN VOD.
Nonetheless, I enjoyed the Fit abused in-game mechanics to justify his survival down there. However, it calls into question whether or not he took up cannibalism again (writers you know what to do) in which I digress cus that a conversation within itself. I also appreciated that Fit made the effort to check up on more people other than just Pac and Ramon. It sounds like "Yeah, ofc." but let us remember that most of us (and I could be wrong) are shippers, and our yearning for Hideduo kind of blindsided the other relationships q!fit has. (This applies to me to just so yall know)
What fit did to justify or at least give credence to Ramon's character was sweet and I really hope we get some Ramon-centric fics about the possibility of his survival in an otherwise abandoned world, similar to his father. I may do that on my own but definitely not today. Mr. Fit Em See fucking wrecked me and I really could use some fluff right now. Whether it be at my own hand or someone else's, I could not care less.
Hueveitos, we are all going through it. And I bet on all the money I have that Twitter is going insane, Tumblr is dying, and Fit is either taking a well-deserved break or laughing his ass off at us. Probably both knowing that fucker. The brilliant bitch he is. I apologize for not liveblogging, I was enamored with what was going on. But we all were lol
Anyway, I'm probably gonna listen to the music Fit included in the finale and daydream of better days for q!Fit. Ones where, maybe, in another life, something happened on Madagascar's end where the tech didn't work and Fit was suspended in the QSMP for the rest of his natural life. Maybe Ramon is fine enough and just wondering, looking for Fit in an otherwise empty world. Hell, in another life, Pac waited longer for his American boyfriend. Maybe everyone did. Maybe the kids didn't get sick, maybe they all died a week or so after they were found. Who knows!
But with what we were given, and who we had to spend that time with, I know that I'll always look back on the Qsmp in a similar vein to another sorry sap of a sever I know. The memories will persist, the story will continue to be told. The world will keep spinning, and I will keep writing.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in the experience whether it be seen or unseen admin, CC's who somehow found this post on a hellcite, any and all fandom goers that I have stumbled upon in search of solace from the canon, and my girl over discord! I DON'T KNOW YOU AT ALL BUT YOU'VE HELPED ME GET THROUGH THE LAST LEG OF THIS JOURNEY!!
Here's to tomorrow everyone, regardless of what happens! I love this community and I sure as shit hope you guys don't become strangers!
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hey I've been listening to the yard for about a year and a half and I want to get more into it ifywim do I just start watching old vods to catch up or is there any content u can recommend as a baseline must-watch
this is by no means a comprehensive list because i've only really been watching the yard since dec 2022 and my 2021 stint in lud viewing was brief and casual (didn't know what i had) but it is a fucking long list so i'll keep it under the cut. included stuff that maybe i wouldn't classify as a must watch but i wanted to include it so you can pick and choose what interests you
PODCASTS - I know for a fact there are other podcast appearances out there that I don't know of but here are a few:
the yard x wine about it - it's just the four of them and qt which means good times! this is an essential imo
there are a few eps of fear& that they appear on! specifically rec the ep with nick and aiden and the ep with ludwig and aiden. there are also a few eps with ludwig and slime (not at the same time) if you're interested in those
i've watched aiden on three different interview podcasts all are worth a watch to me: karat interview, across the bar, and good griefed (audio a little scuffed on this one but it's cute)
fucking loved nick's ep of across the bar because his outlook on creativity is super relatable to me. he also did something with safety third that i've been meaning to watch but haven't yet!
VIDEOS AND STREAMS - there's a lot here but i'll try to describe what's what
mogul money ft the yard - this is the full vod, there's also a cut down video. extremely fun watch
nick was also on mogul money live (first game specifically) and he and aiden appear in the bts video a little bit
qt posted vlogs from italy! they're all fun watches and there's some good moments. one, two, three, four
qt and aiden halloween gingerbread house video. ludwig and aiden kiss in this one. i think the full vod is in god's hands unfortunately
qt and aiden make shit in an ezbake oven and make the guys eat it. fun little video. idk if the vod is out there somewhere or not
there's a cut down version of this too but the full stream of qt having all the guys do a gingerbread house competition is very peak
lud did a shit load of taste test videos with the guys for a slim jim sponsor. this might not be all of them but here are the ones i cold find off rip (fruit, cheese, chocolate, water, steak)
ludwig has done a shitload of ylyl streams with slime that you can find and honestly i have a horrible mediashare allergy so i haven't watched a lot of them but i have watched the one they did with aiden and the one with everyone but idk where the full vod is for the latter
from ludwig's fortnite mondays, there was a week where slime and nick played with jerma and sapnap. idk if any of the others posted the vod but here's sapnap's
the subathon has a shitload of stuff that i can't even begin to link but if you want the experience of the dcom series without subbing to tier 2 they watched the truman show starting about an hour thirty into this vod, tho it takes a hot minute to get everything lined up with the time stamps
halloween po unboxing where them + qt dress up as characters from scooby doo. nick looks frankly obscene as velma this is a great vod
how many flashlights does it take to cook an egg is exactly what it sounds like. it's lud slime and nick ft a little bit of yingo
they play the family feud game together in these two vods: just them and against miz/otk (can't stand miz but it was still good)
RECENT STUFF - aka stuff you probably know about or have seen because you've been around a year and a half but i figured i'd include them anyway since they happened off the pod
two months ago they all played fortnite on lud's stream and it was awesome
both the show matches of the ludwig tarik invitationals are worth watching if you're into valo! the first one is team mogul v otv and they're split up in the second. if the timestamps are broken it's 2h30 in both vods
the rivals 2 tournament is fun! i don't understand shit about fighting games but i love to see the boys play
cdawgva ski vod with lud and aiden from the japan trip! there's also a cut down version of youtube but i found it a fun watch
recency bias alert: they all played in creator dodgeball
the qt and aiden winter cocktail tierlist stream was so good like genuinely a stream of all time to me. ludwig hangs around for parts of it
the yard doing the dougdoug fast food challenge is a MUST WATCH! they celebrate and they suffer what could be more beautiful
otv's fear pong video with them is so fucking good. SO GOOD!
and finally i guess i should mention beerio because it just happened LOL
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Wait, um...crack theory that's starting to feel less and less crack by the second? (Or maybe I'm just convincing myself.)
What if this ["this" being the note, the corpse, the message in blood] was all done by Cellbit's minime?
This actually plays into something I was thinking about the other day, which is that the Federation knows exactly what they're doing. And...you know, I hesitate to say this. Because while it may have been an incredibly confusing day, it still felt like a win, and I don't want to take that away.
But the more and more I think about it, the more sense it makes for the Federation to have...at least planned for the A0 project to get stolen, if not pointed the islanders towards it.
I was backwatching Cellbit's October 15th vod and I finally got to the conversation between him and the guard—who I still really think is Antoine, and that does play into this, but I think it works without too so *shrug*—but I just...
The guard asked him what he knew about Project A0, so Cellbit responded, "I know that you're striving to achieve perfection—you've been analyzing everything on the island, you've been taking information, you've been giving tasks to make people busy and analyze their behavior...and creat[ing] something using a bunch of water and energy." (The guard's response was "it's a bit vague, but yes—you're on the right path.")
From Baghera, we know The Federation was doing DNA testing. Which is yet another way of analyzing people (and, in this case, hybrids and(?) animals). So, clearly, they've been planning for this for a while. Plus, they've been giving the islanders these tasks to, as Cellbit pointed out, evaluate and analyze their behavior.
But why would they be analyzing the behavior of the islanders? Is it strictly because the island is an ExperimentTM and they're the only humans the Feds have access to? (Implying that the workers aren't, in fact, humans, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.) Or is it something else?
Do we really know what this player data truly is, or how it manifests lore-wise? Because we know about those three (four?) books Fit found at that outpost, but who's to say that's all of it? It certainly wasn't everyone on the island—just some of the new players. Is it possible that data could manifests as memories; somewhat similar to what Fit and/or Pierre have done? (I know Pierre's has robotic connotations to it, but you can see what I'm getting at.)
Cellbit brought up a good point earlier at the A0 event: what are these things made of? Because, like, meta-wise, they're a custom mob that can be easily reskinned, just like a player model. No big deal. But canon-wise? What the hell can take the shape of various people without prior programming/precursory knowledge?
Additionally: the way Antoine and Cucuthree talked at the end of his stream earlier today makes me think about the fact that these minimes are clearly called a "failed Federation experiment" by multiple people in multiple places—the one that comes to mind is the Twitter post for the event. The Duck even mentioned in the second cutscene: "Luckily, they're harmless, so you have nothing to worry about!" Luckily implies that at one time...they weren't so harmless.
Plus, Cellbit hasn't exactly been...the nicest to his minime, which was also a warning given out by the Duck—and he gave it a knife. Didn't Bagi say it looked like a stab wound?
Before I stretch this way too far, the point is: There's too much in that note that no one except for Cellbit knows. Which means there are only a couple of options here. Either:
1) It's Cell, somehow. [Whether a sleepwalking/off-camera situation or what.] Not really too keen on this option. Makes my stomach all tense and churny. (/lh)
2) The Federation has records of his memories, somehow. [There have been plenty of opportunities for them to get these—for example, we still don't know what happened to Cellbit when he got kidnapped. And we know that they were experimenting with Project A0 around this time, likely having done something with Felps.]
2.5) The Federation has records of his memories, and has put it together with their other knowledge and technology to create these...clones. [Remember how people were speculating they might have to fight armies of themselves? Maybe that wasn't so far off. And, well. You're telling me a clone of Cellbit wouldn't try to fight psychologically?]
Anyway, I put way too much time into this, so um. Yeah. I, uh...I really hope I'm wrong.
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Fox can't understand his kih'vod at first.
The call came in hours later than he was expecting, and for the millionth time, Fox is afraid. Reports of what had happened on Umbara, what Pong Krell had done, it had spread faster than anything else, every unit raging and mourning what had happened. Krell had been a name to fear, and despite clone after clone requesting the Jetti look and see why so many brothers were dying in massive numbers, they never did.
Rex's number has barely enough time to flash up on the screen before Fox accepts the call, and at first, all he can hear is haggard breathing. Rex is pictured sitting against something, gloved hands gripping his slightly grown-out blonde hair as he struggles to do more than hyperventilate.
"Vod? Speak to me." He needs to know he's alright, that Rex is at least safe, but cut out muttering and sobs are all he gets in return for some time.
"Don't let him die." Rex finally gets something out, and despite the shitty quality of the hologram, Fox can see he's crying. "I can't..."
"Who, let who die?" The Guard commander is distressed he can't be there for his kih'vod, but locks that down and out of sight. He needs to be calm, and like a lost sailor looking for a guiding star, Rex focuses.
"Dogma, he...they...I..." Rex pulls at his hair, and Fox growls to make him focus. "Decommissioning, I already heard it."
"Is he still there?" Rex nods, and Fox sets his comm down to lunge across his desk for his computer. "Designation, now."
"CT-6922." It's not his name, they never call it a name once a clone earns his actual name. Fox has never navigated the red tape that constantly strangled him with ease more than he'd ever done so in his entire life so far, and Rex collects himself as he watches Fox.
It takes him almost two hours, and Rex can tell something went right by the way Fox sits back in his chair.
Dogma expected to be decommissioned, he killed a kriffing Jetti despite him actually being a Sith. He was terrified to his core as he was escorted off the Resolute, the last view being his vod's all watching in despair, but he willed himself to stay strong. He felt only guilt for allowing Krell to get so far, and hopes that when he dies, he joins his brothers wherever they all go after death.
Coruscant was...not really what he expected.
The Guard had always been such a strange concept, the two awaiting him having gleaming red armor that commanded respect as he was escorted off his ship in cuffs and left by the non-clone officers that had retrieved him.
"Let's take those off." One of them steps forward with the key, the massiff at his feet regarding Dogma with a curious grumble as the cuffs are taken off, and the clone rubs his wrists in relief. "Welcome brother."
"Why am I here?" Dogma asked curiously, yet caution underlying as the other Guard member joins them.
"Welcome to your new posting. Name's Thorn, and that's Hound, with Grizzer at his heels." Thorn radiates safety in a way that nearly sends Dogma to his knees, said commander gripping Dogma's shoulder and keeping him upright. "Give yourself a moment and breathe."
"You've got the time." Hound pats his other shoulder, and Grizzer nuzzles against Dogma's leg with a whine. "You're alive."
"How?" Dogma is just confused, he killed a superior, he should be going to his death.
"Fox wasn't going to let anything happen." Dogma's eyes went wide, he'd never even seen the fabled head of the Guard before. "Come on, the others can't wait to meet you."
The Coruscant Guard wasn't like the 501st, but they accepted a new member to their core like he'd been there since day one as a shiny. They had kept introductions to a minimum, knowing that Umbara was still a raw wound he had yet to work through, and offered him a private room for the night. Dogma didn't really sleep, just meditated on the floor of his room until his comm beeped somewhere near three in the morning. Fives, Kix, Jesse, Rex, the four clearly know they shouldn't be contacting him, but Dogma pretends to ignore the flagrant breach of protocol that he couldn't care less about right now. Rex is the only one who isn't grateful to see Dogma was alive, the two sharing a knowing look as the others bombard him with questions, questions he doesn't have many answers to, yet they accept what he can tell them with sheer relief.
"I'm sorry." The words spill out when there is a lull in the conversation as if they had been lying in wait. "I should have listened.."
"You were doing what you thought was right." Jesse cut him off, shaking his head.
"What is loyalty if it's blind?" Dogma averted his gaze for a moment, and Fives moves closer in the holo.
"You did what we all wanted in the end, and I have respect for that." Dogma looked back, and Fives is giving him the first serious look Dogma had ever seen on the ARC trooper since losing Echo. "One day, we'll bring you back into the 501st, where you belong."
"He's right." Rex nodded, and Dogma feels a weight lift from his shoulders. "Just do as Fox tells you, he'll keep you safe while we sort out everything here."
"Yes sir."
Eventually, they have to end the call, but as Dogma actually lies down on the bed, he allows himself to just...let go.
This time, this time he would make things right.
#personal#star wars#star wars the clone wars#star wars the clone wars spoilers#umbara arc#tcw dogma#tcw rex#tcw fox#tcw fives#tcw hound#tcw thorn#I love my boys#someone pointed out Dogma might be at Mt Tantis#and now I am just#feral
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I'm never really sure how to sell myself, or rather garner interest to a fandom that has yet to really be established. But it's a small and wholesome group that I adore regardless. And I hope one day it will grow, because these goons have been the serotonin ride that's gotten me out of many tough spots time and time again. I'm finally in the position to slowly migrate my stuff from KoFi onto Ao3, and the reason I'm doing so is because KoFi outside of just being tipped doesn't really assist much for writers. I've lost many one-shot series because their blogging system does not allow to track posts by calendar dates like other spaces. But that's a personal rant for another time. That said, while I migrate my works to another site I still struggle to garner interest for some things I worked hard to write, even with having created a fandom tag for my very own family. And I know some things take time, but on the same token it still feels discouraging to a lesser degree. Namely because I'm not really sure just how to get people interested? If you're looking for wholesome and queer to read, I would be happy to present the following:
"Happy Birthday, Rose!" is a piece dedicated to Camp Boolieve's very own plant-loving gremlin. It's short, and to the point. More or less a birthday present I wrote for Rose's player. Some minor revisions were done to this when migrating it from my KoFi page, seeing as this was written before the series concluded. Now it holds a bit more accuracy. I would recommend this one specifically if you've listened to our playthrough, as there is a reference to a very specific episode.
"Hoodie" is a canonical piece written for the sake of gay fluff. It was written either right as Camp Boolieve was ending or immediately after? Or like right before our last episode? I can't quite remember exactly, but I wanted to write an important bit of how Abel likes to take Willy's hoodies. I did have to edit some things as I was nowhere near where I was when this got written. And while it's not perfect, it's still cute enough to sate those looking for fluff. Because we do love fluff.
A more spicy tale. "Merry Christmas, I Could Care Less [Unless]" is the Christmas piece I was posting about back in November/December. My group finally helped me deliver this live back in January. They also convinced me to put it up on Ao3. So with that, I added in some spicier bits that we could not deliver on Twitch. :) This canonical piece does have some trigger warnings to it, but I'm really happy with it. It was not fun to format when transferring it over there, but it's still something I'm proud of. And it's only part one! The rest of the tale will not be delivered until later this year. I had to split it into two parts as there was no way we'd be able to read the whole thing otherwise.
So if you're looking for a longer piece with a little bit of spice, then I would gladly suggest this one. Also if you're able to count all the FOB references in this one, then I will virtually give you a cookie. If you want a slightly less spicier version, you can listen to the stream on our VOD channel below [I am sorry in advance for the audio quality...]. But I am uh... trying to cater to getting those hits on my Ao3 stuff...
And heck. If you like the series that much and want to check out where it all began, then boy howdy do I have a Playlist for you!
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read through this. Likes and reblogs are always appreciated. I'm always so nervous to share my stuff with people outside of my comfort zone, but at the same time I'm also very eager to share it and always hope folks like what they read. So if you do take the time to read through pieces I've invested so much of myself into, I want you to know that I super appreciate you and the time you've given me. Thank you, and I love you.
#lgbtqia#transgender#transmasc#countvonkit#ttrpg#ttrpg community#motw ttrpg#trans writers#writers of tumblr#writers on tumblr#writers#am writing#ao3 writer#camp boolieve#alex writing hours#writer#oops maybe I let too much of myself out#Youtube
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So finally got around to watching the Ultrakill VOD, and I have to say, I was not expecting it to end with you fucking W+M1ing V2. I don't think I've ever been this simultaneously impressed and angry. Well done.
For what it's worth, and I don't know if this is something you've already had conversations about or thought about, but, I suspect part of the problem you were having was how consistently you were staying away from V2, and thus not being in range to heal. Between you moving around trying to avoid damage and V2 doing... well, the exact same thing, it's definitely pretty easy to wind up having that happen.
Right up until you went "fuck it" and ran in to start beating the shit out of that red fucker, anyway.
EHEHE NO ONE LIKED THAT ❤️ I hope the VOD was fun.
I think you’re right! Let me explain my logic for going in like that on V2: He was majorly chipping me out with shotgun pellets most of the time, and I was too far to heal. V2 also has that distance based enrage, so my first thought was “oh it enrages him because it puts him at a disadvantage for too long”, but when that clearly wasn’t working, the follow up thought was “Oh, I’m going about it wrong, the game is trying to tell me that staying far away is bad, and is punishing me for it, because I’ll get no healing, I have to go IN so I can damage and heal, I’ll look for the sound cues in order to know when to dash, and if I get hit, it’ll never be a OHKO so I can heal it out.”
So I started moving directly at V2 dashing whenever I heard a cue for an attack, and initially, I did plan to use the shotty and the nail gun, but… The revolver was just working out so well that I thought “man it’ll be probably be hilarious if I just only use the revolver” so I committed to the bit. I played it like a Dark Souls boss, basically.
In hindsight, it makes a lot of sense and I think V2 is well designed: NONE of my losses against V2 felt unfair or like I was cheated, and his enrage only really kicks in if you stay FAR away for a while, meaning you are only dealing damage with revolver potshots, MEANING you are laming it out and going against the game philosophy of being hyper aggressive and up close with enemies. Kinda like how Sekiro will punish you for, funnily enough for this context, playing it like Dark Souls.
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camboy!taeyoung thoughts !!
minors dni ; camboy roommate!taeyoung x afab!reader ; word count: ~770
warnings : not very detailed smut ; masturbation ; dont know how but this mighttt count as dubcon since both taeyoung n reader r doing everything behind each others back ? ; kind of exhibitionism idk ; i overuse the („• ᴗ •„) emoticon bc im insane
based on that one taeyoung video , might be- no its definitely all over the place , not proof read , was supposed to post this last night but i fell asleep , pls guys dont make fun of me idk how long i can still pull the autistic aroace lesbian card to defend myself from the shitty writer allegations , im very sleepy rn :3 , might post a part 2 if anyone is interested bc im not done with the thoughts („• ᴗ •„)

camboy taeyo- GETS RAN OVER BY A TRAIN
my god my god my god
he'd sometimes use fleshlights n stuff like that but nothinggg would beat when hes fucking his hand n cums all over his toned abs („• ᴗ •„) n he'd tease his audience sooo much ! being all cocky n mostly in a dom mood ,, but the most fun streams of his r the ones where hes more subby :( begging n whining n trying sooo hard not to come too early bc being this vulnerable in front of an audience makes him more sensitive n turned on •v• camboy tyoungie i fucking love u thats it
and and and and
roommate!taeyoung who also works as a camboy to have some extra money to spend on himself . u dont know abt it , u just assume hes rlly loud n horny all the time - which, hey, u cant rlly blame him for it - but u do question if hes that loud bc he wants u to hear him ,, if only u knew how ur guess isn't that far fetched , taeyoung having to keep himself from moaning ur name everytime he streams, touching himself to the thought of u - on top of him or under him , anywhere , he doesn't care , just thinking abt u is enough . and if only he knew how u took an habit of touching urself at the same time, ur bed being conveniently against the wall confining with his room .. u dont even worry abt taeyoung hearing u , you pride yourself in being on the quieter side - you really aren't and taeyoung anxiously checks if his mic is picking up on ur sounds every single time he hears u . until one eventful day - while taeyoung is out at the gym or something - u realize oh shit , u r unbelievably horny n ur personal jerk off material isn't home ,, u r so desperate , nothing you find on twitter or even those shitty porn sites seems to do the job , it's almost like you've conditioned yourself to only feel good bc of taeyoung </3 at some point , doom scrolling ur twitter tl u come across an account u follow promoting their ,, streaming channel on some obscure website that sounds like a scam . no its definitely a scam . you've never had that much of an interest in this kind of content , but you figure at this point u could try anything to get rid of how unbearably horny u r . again, nothing of what you're seeing piques your interest, until u see the thumbnail of a specific vod from a few days prior. despite being darker, you can still realize the room looks eerily similar to yours - to taeyoung's. u shake ur head, giving yourself a few slaps for good measure and whispering to yourself to 'fucking snap out of it', there's no way you're so down bad for ur roommate u r starting to imagine him as one of these camboys. no way. but u still cant fight the urge to click on the video, maybe the resemblance to taeyoung is what can get u to finally feel good . you hurriedly put your oh so beloved noise canceling headphones on and turn the volume up. that's when your heart sinks and u freeze, hand stopping halfway inside your shorts bc holy shit that sounds a little too much like taeyoung, n u r now a hundred percent sure u saw those same bedsheets in his room four days ago - coincidentally the same day this was streamed, and yes thats his shirt, the one that always drives u insane bc he looks a little too good in it .... before u know it , you're on ur third vod of his , basically binge watching all of his past streams and on the verge of tears with how much you've been overstimulating yourself . you're so lost in it u dont realize taeyoung has come back home around the midst of 2nd video or so , and knows exactly what ur up to when he hears u moaning his name . poor boy is fighting the urge to just burst into your room , telling himself it wouldn't be morally right to do so - as if jerking off to the thought of his roommate while streaming or standing right by their door as he starts to slowly palm himself over his pants while listening to you getting off is any more decent ,,
this might stay ur little secret , both too shy to confront each other abt it ,, or maybe taeyoung will just have to wait for a repeat of that day to catch you red handed and finally get what he's been craving for weeks („• ᴗ •„)
#🍰 seongminiz !#🧇 crvt !#cravity hard hours#cravity smut#taeyoung smut#btw op on twitter deleted the video i feel miserable#(i literally downloaded it on my phone)
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