itsukia · 7 months
"Oooh but look how beautiful is the volcan-" I HAVE HAD FDRY EYES AND TERRIBLE SLLERGIES FOR WEEKS NOW
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orbesargentina · 1 year
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Volcanes en erupción podrían hacer que el planeta sea ‘inhabitable’ https://bit.ly/45z2QRx
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Kit my sad little baby, he is the saddest character I think I’ve made for this thing I’m doing but look at how peaceful he is.
He’s in the Both Sides of the Story comic I’ve been working on for a while but his section is like one of the last. Soooo just let me rant about him for a little.
He’s kinda like a comic relief, his main connection to the Protags are just that he pretends to be their cat, mostly for free food and a place to live, but why does he really do this cause he has a massive crush on Lora and the more he lived in the house he developed a crush on everyone and so badly wants to be part of their polycule. His connection to Villains however is a more sad one, when he was younger more angry at the world he took a job the the main villain agency, Extra Stellar, cause he had nowhere to stay and no money for food but currently they occasionally see him and stop to catch up and he sometimes still does work for them. His main gag is that sometimes with working with DS and he gets caught in the middle of a fight with Sam and he has so try oh so hard to not just be nice to her cause how could he not.
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lifeasillustrated · 1 month
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Fiddler Crab
Gelasimus Vocans (2024)
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dispatchwithlove · 1 year
I absolutely adore your ideas for turian culture. The shawls, the interesting word choices correlating with Roman/Latin words (like zuccha, amar, saccha). My absolute favorite thing though is the ties they have with the sky and stars. Garrus' curses (empty night, blackest night) especially are some of my favorite little elements in the universe you write for them. Where did you come up with these awesome ideas? I'm just so invested in the culture you created for my favorite space cats!
Hello Anon! Sorry this took so long to answer, I got absolutely giddy when I read it!
Well the whole Latin thing is taken both from canon (they're based on the Roman empire) and fanon. I know others have used Latin words and Roman culture to develop turian culture, and I liked it so I ran with it. A lot of the words I made up are bastardized latin words, lol. Saccha, mela, and zuccarum (zucca for short) are taken from the Latin words for sugar, honey, and ... sugar again, I think, lol. Crulum is taken from cookie. I kind of just look up the latin words for things and throw some letters around until I'm happy with the mouth feel of it. Other words I just plain make up, like lambas, which is a dish Val makes for the family. I want all turian words to sound like a rich, rolling, rumbly language as much as possible. For Avinelin, a Garrus/Nihlus one shot, I wanted the turian language Nihlus teaches Garrus to sound more like Spanish, because I think it's an incredibly sexy language. Basically, I want turians to sound hot I guess! I think a lot of people like to write turians as cold and ultra-militaristic, and go as far as to say they don't show physical affection easily (which is a valid take that I fully support!). But, I like to show the opposite of that -- that yes their culture is regimented and bureaucratic, but there's still warmth within them. Maybe expressing that warmth within them is even more important, considering their strict social guidelines.
I think that's also why I like to explore the importance of celestial themes with them as well. It shows that they once were religious, just like many species, and that shaped their language and how they cope with life. I know others play with curses being star based as well, so I didn't invent that, I just have fun playing with it. I will say that so far my favorite bit of star theme that I've come up with though, is Garrus seeing Jane's freckles as stars in a night sky, and that when he was a boy he'd look up at the night sky for comfort and solace. I don't get gushy over things I write often, but that moment in The Quarian where he makes that connection gets me! And I will absolutely be playing with that as Garrus and Jane reveal their feelings and explore their relationship in The Boy. One day he'll tell Jane that her freckles are like stars and she'll just melt 🥺 (I've already written the scene 😁)
OH, and the shawls...in the sequel to The Boy (working title is The Missing -- I hate my titles btw, but I feel stuck to the theme now, lol) There's going to be a murder based on the Jeffrey McDonald murders (a military doctor accused "hippies" of killing his family) and I wanted turians to have some sort of cultural appearance that xenophobic humans judged, but was based on something loving, so I thought maybe turians wear shawls while they marry, then i daydreamed about Jane wearing a shawl when her and Garrus get married, then when I was writing about a winter turian holiday (Anivia Vocan) I thought it would be cool if turians wear shawls for all important occasions. Boom, turians have special shawls. Okay, I feel like I've blabbered on enough. Bless anyone who read through this all. TLDR is that I have no plan and don't even keep track of the stuff I write. It all just bubbles up while I'm daydreaming about Jane and Garrus and I include what I remember.
Thanks for asking! Hope this was fun to read. If it was, I'm always down to answer any questions about my stories or world building! ❤️
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leoascendente · 1 year
Pluto through zodiac signs in history ☄️
Hi my loves!💕 Today I bring something a litte bit different than usual, myfrustrated career was historian like my mum but end up being the witch of the family, so let's combine and explore today two of my favorite things: astrology and history. Pluto is now entering the sign of Aquarius after more than 200 years and we can see it's effects starting in society. Pluto takes between 12 to 32 years to transit a sign so it creates a generational and collective energy to deal with.
Pluto is the planet of transformation and renewal, it brings destruction to the old and useless and he does it in an explossive and dramatic way, so if you take a look through history with the "astrologer glasses" you can see how pluto works in every sign and his impact in every generation.
If you want to know more about Pluto archetype I'll leave a link to my post about it here
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Pluto in Pisces- From 1798 to 1823
The old empires were falling down opening the road for the Napoleonic empire, a complete opposite form of goverment than what there was before. People were open to accept other people outside of prejudices, well... it was still 19th century, at least they weren't cutting heads anymore so let's give them a chance 🤷‍♀️. Socialism was implanted in Europe through these decades and started the Romantic artistc movement too, there were also huge progress in medicine and the study of nature. Edgar Allan Poe was born with this placement.
Pluto in Aries - From 1821 to 1852
Well... If you know a little about astrology you might expect this. This Pluto transit is the generation of pioneers and revolucionaries, through these years is easy to see a lot of independence movements, mostly in America like the independence of Mexico from Spain the 24th of february of 1824. In this season, regions under the control of unfair leaders started fighting for their rights and their recognition, they were looking for freedom from their opressive politics, on Europe started the spring of nations giving way to a series of riots and revolutions . There was a massive industrial developmentn and as a random fact there were also brutal vocanic explossions.
Pluto in Taurus - From 1853 to 1884
This was a time for a process of unify and stabilize, the people from this transit started to explode the resources that the earth had to provide us, the famous "gold fever" was very strong through these decades. The new politic movements that started with Pluto in Aries begins to solidify and get a more stable structure, there was an amazing economical growth and many agrarial and industrial reforms. There were also a lot of earthquakes that left terrible consequences like the one that happened in Japan on November 11th. These times also promoted materialism and the personal enjoyment, self benefit over the common good.
Pluto in Gemini - From 1882 to 1914
This was a generation for the intellect, new ways of communication and travel began to see the light. In terms of knowledge people wanted to look deeper in the meaning of things, the was a lot of new discoveries and progress about science and psychology. We also had the beginings of the sufragist movement looking for the right of women for education. There was a rise on realism artistic movement over the previous romantisism. In 1888 we had the unfamous Jack the ripper on England and his creepy cards to the police, I see this like the worst face of Pluto in Gemini, that terrible man rejoicing himself in his destructive behaviors (Plutonian) through cards making fun of the police (I always associate writting to Gemini or air signs in general). In general, through this Pluto's transit peopple gave more importance to intellect and rational fact over emotions.
Pluto in Cancer - From 1914 to 1939
The right of women to vote in Luxemburg or the vote for the universal sufragge in Belgium in 1919 are good examples for me of this placement. Cncer is Divine Femenine energy and through these decades the role of women in society is forced to be recognized, not just by the feminist movement but because they are needed for working after the loss of many men that were in World War I. There were also a lot of pacific movements like Ghandi and his hunger strike in India ( I don't like this man but at least he did something important avoiding armed conflicts). This was a time where family roots and homeland had a lot of importance in society and this gives also importance to nationalist political movements. Have in mind that people from this transit had very difficult circumstances, WW1 started on 1914 and WW2 started on 1939, many dictatorships started to form through these years.
Pluto in Leo - From 1937 to 1958
Obviously this Pluto's transit brought up a lot of megalomaniac dictators, charismatic leaders that looked like the answer to the problems of the population and ended up being extremly dangerous, starving for power and dominance over the weak and minorities. I'm not going to talk about the man we all know from WW2, I'm going to talk about the Spanish one that was terrible too. In Spain was imposed franco regime, this man orchestrated a coup d`état (<-sorry that was what google translator told me) that led to a civil war where he told to kill a lot of people that were againts him through that war and when he was ruling the country (search about Federico Garcia Lorca, he was an incredible writer with an awesome future, he was killed by Franco´s order). He was the dictator of Spain for a lot of years, he heelped Mossolini and Hitler on some ocasions, as a random fact, some says that when Hitler met Franco he said he would do anything to never spend again a minute with Franco. To end up this transit right lets say that we also had a lot of iconic stars like Marilyn or Elvis, they are literal icons even today.
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Pluto in Virgo - From 1956 to 1972
Like Virgo always does, Pluto in this sign tried to clean out the disasters of it's previous transit and put a little order to the chaos. On this transit appeared a lot of reforms and remodeling to clear up the situation and see what really works for population, after years of fear and chaos people were yearning for some social order and peace. The bad part about this... segregation and the start of cold war. Goverments tried to recollect information to use it againts other goverments, the race for the space and all the mechanichal improvements, but also there was a change in the population`s habits giving more importance to health and diet, recognizing that tools and resources that everybody used had toxic or harmful components, for many people with this placement bad aspected I've seen they have a weird but effective way of taking care of their body. Also there was a rise for careers related to health or mechanics through these years.
Pluto in Libra - From 1971 to 1984
This was a time for recognizing human rights and fight againts unjustice, society was involved in too many conflicts and this generation tried to redirect the focus to peace and diplomacy. New agreements related to marriage and divorce, in some countries divorce was illegal, so this also helped to break some toxic traits related to the expectations about marriage, in general there were new ways to understand realtionships. There was also a revalorization of art and recognition to some artist that were left aside. People started to unify as a collective to fight against the unfair and began to give more importance to equal rights, also to the beauty of nature like in Sempember of 1978, that year Quito, the capital of Ecuador became the first place to be into the World heritage.
Pluto in Scorpio - From 1983 to 1995
Our millennial generation! We have a lot to thank to this generation tbh. This Pluto transit appeared to break with many society taboos, making people emphathize with the ones who didn't had a voice before. In this transit people started to loose fear about death and sex, mostly for women who had been repressed the years before. Of course, there were sexual transmitions diseases but in this time people started to give it the proper importance to these kind of issues. Pluto is related to nuclear energy and in 1986 the world had to see Chernobyl and it's disastrous consequences, but remember too that many countries on those decades were making nuclear tests that also left terrible ressults for humanity. (if you like to there's a documentary on Netflix called 'dark tourist', in one of the episodes they go to a lake made out of an atomic explosion). As a random fact, through this transit appeared a lot of serial killers with sexual overtones.
Pluto in Sagittarius - From 1995 to 2008
How are you my fellows Sag Plutos? This transit came with massive existencial crisis where people stopped believing what others said it was good or bad, even more if that good or bad was written thousands of years ago. This generation learned to live life by their own philosophy instead of following religious beliefs, experience as a way of understanding. People from this generation are more open and prone to look for answers in different places because of the dissapointment with the previous beliefs systems. Through these years we can also see a decline in the main religions, people are not willing anymore to accept other's imposed truths without looking for the logic, but we have to say that it also brought religious radicalism. People from this generation are more open to new ways of experience spirituality and give human existence a meaning, this generation is open to things like meditation, astrology, chakras... The worst aspect of this transit would be that everyone wants to be heard but just a little are willing to listen.
Pluto in Capricorn - From 2008 to 2023
Well, this transit started hard with the global economical crisis of 2008, scandals about corruption in politics and banks, our sight of authority figures is not the same as before because all these scandals and the ones in the past, basicaly we don't fully trust our authority figures. People through this transit got a little obsessed about power, money and their social position but it also brought a lot of new jobs and ways of earning money and fame never seen before. Have you noticed how extremes has politics become lately? Also, public cancellations could have something to do with this transit? Like cancelling, somehow destroying (pluto) someone publicly ( Cap also rules our public image) Idk, let me know what you think about this because Capricorn is complex 🤔. Something curious about this placement is that people are trying to be their own bosses and work for themselves instead of working for others.
Pluto in Aquarius - From 1778 to 1798 (2023 to 2044 aprox)
Pluto is now on Aquarius, the last time it was there we had the French revolution, this year we have riots in France again. French revolution started because of unjustice and inequality, while the royalty were surrounded by luxury normal people were struggling to supply their basic needs, maybe a little like now?. Pluto also entered Aquarius in 2020 and we had a global crisis too. The good thing about this transit was that the century of the lights started with it, Pluto in Aquarius helped to develop critical sense and thinking, the circumstances made them focus on their unfair reality and how they could improve it for the common good. On 1791 Olympe de Gouges published the declaration of the rights of women as a response to the declaration of the right of men on 1789, defying the male supremacy of that time (she was a Taurus sun btw). We know what happened then, we'll see what it has for us now.
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Please, feel free to add any other historic event and their pluto's transit, I would love to know what you think.
Let me know if you would like to know more about long transit planets and its impact in society through history.
Thank you
~ Lala 💖
Do not copy or repost
© Leo ascendente
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 years
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a smoll doodle about the “if the canon Magolor and Buddy ever get to meet eachothers”...more like one is trying to remember where he saw this cat-boy while the other is going through an internal panic attack Yes, it took a lil time for the big guy that, the smoll kitty is scared of him, but why? while we talck about “the canon & AU met” heres some facts about a certain ship undercut and how Starcuter (LostSoul equivalent of the Lorstarcuter) is mostly absent here and some thought from Buddy!
Buddy is from my AU Magolor is Buddys canon equivalent Starcuter is from my AU Lor is Starcuters canon equivatent -In the AU, Starcuter really didn’t like the way Buddy was acting while he ruled Popstars she stayed a bit begrunginly but after a big incident, she just left one day. And the rares times Starcuter and Buddy did “met”, she’ll fly away if she detect him (or wack him with one of the oars before leaving). -While Starcuter dosen’t like Buddy, our big boy seem to find it pretty, he know thats the Starcuter, she goes on a lot of dangerous planets (like vocanic/frozen waystelands or if theres something thats dangerous in there), in case peoples had gotten stuck on it. He tried to get a closer look multiple times with either the spaceship directly leaving... or him getting smacked by an oar if there peoples with her. ...And despite him wanting just to have a closer look, he is also aware that he is the reason Starcuter lands here. -And if Buddy ever saw the Lor, he would be first very hesitant to come near first, but once he got the confirmation he won’t get an oar in the face, hes like an exited kid, flying around, he finally get to look at the pretty spaceship up close! (sadly hes too big to get inside) -And if Starcuter get to meet the canon Mag, she wouldn’t think of it much, “just another passager”, while Magolor would be confused about the fact that Starcuter dosen’t have a pilot and mostly does a routinely round around planets. ...also i may be thinkin’ about begining to write about the AU but hush ;p
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mishkakagehishka · 9 months
hey girl i made kompot come over. matere mi nema i odgovoran san za vlastitu prehranu narednih 2 dana pa san kupia kilo krusaka i 250g jagoda (blabla sezonsko voce bla JEDE MI SE STA MI SE JEDE OK NIJE BITNO) i sad ce svaki meduobrok bit vocan gotovo je
Na putu sam, pripremi dvi zdjele za mene pls🫡
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vocanele · 2 years
my first comic dub. art by @samthecookielord
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lovenailsartforever · 2 years
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Enjoy luxury manicure pedicure by Victory Nails & Spa Broadway St, Pearland, TX 77584
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emondanexxus · 2 years
I just saw the snail dragon you posted and think they are really cool! It looks like they are floating and wanted to ask, if they do float, how they do it? Is it magic or more based in biology and physics?
All will be answered in my book, but mostly, gases harvested from vocanic rocks interacting with their internal anatomy.
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orbesargentina · 1 year
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El Anillo de Fuego en el Pacifico está explotando ahora mismo https://bit.ly/45177gg
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inge-universe · 2 years
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Taran Matharu - Summoner 1 - De nieuweling @taranmatharuauthor #taranmatharu #denieuweling #summonerserie #summonerseries Wie heeft deze serie al gelezen? Wat vond je er van? Bij mij ligt ie nog op mijn #nogtelezenstapel .......... Inhoud: Als smidsleerling Fletcher ontdekt dat hij demonen uit een andere wereld kan oproepen, reist hij samen met zijn demon Ignatius af naar de Vocans Academie. Daar worden leerlingsummoners getraind in het gebruik van hun magische gaven, om deze in te kunnen zetten in de oorlog tegen de vijandelijke orks. Onder de leerlingen bevinden zich de kinderen van machtige edelen, die meer ervaren zijn in het omgaan met hun demonen en zich ver boven Fletcher en de andere burgerleerlingen verheven voelen. Samen met zijn vrienden, de dwerg Othello en de elf Sylva, raakt Fletcher verzeild in een gevaarlijk machtsspel, dat een hoogtepunt bereikt als er aan het eind van het eerste jaar moet worden gestreden om een machtige positie in de Raad van de Koning. Het lot van een heel koninkrijk ligt in zijn handen. .......... #bookstagrammer #bookstagram #bookstagramnl #bookstagrammers #boekstagram #yafantasy #ya #dutchbookstagram #dutchbookstagrammer #dutchbookstagrammers #instabook #instaboek #booksofinstagram #booksofinsta #boekenbox @anderwereld #anderwereld #tbrpile #nogtelezenlijst #fantasybook #fantasyboek #fantasyinsta #yainsta #fantasyinstagram #yainstagram #youngadultbook https://www.instagram.com/p/CleRSuXLEQx/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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winttask · 2 years
Romi rain mom
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She has appeared in over 370 films up to this stage. In 2016, she co-starred in Ghostbusters XXX Parody, an adult entertainment parody of the female remake of The Ghostbusters created by Brazzers, alongside Abigail Mac, Nikki Benz, Monique Alexander, and Ana Foxxx.
She has performed with a variety of well-known companies and porn websites, including Brazzers, PayOnes, Magma Film, Pure Mature, Evil Angel, Lethal Hardcore, Girlfriends Films, Naughty America, Pure Play Media, and New Sensations. youtube, youtube to mp3, download youtube, mymp3song, hindi music lyrics ,download punjabi music, free punjabi music, hindi songs mp3 ,punjabi wap ,punjabi. Stunning mom Romi Rain gets cum all over her face. Similarly, She was featured in a six-page nude pictorial in Hustler magazine’s February 2013 edition. Brunette mom pornstar Romi Rain - Watch Me Work - big fake tits. She appeared in hardcore porn in 2012, at the age of twenty-four. a NUN Ono 000 00 Inow woon Rain 00 ar O com Mi Nom to 9:31 LABORERS noow W. She was a webcam performer for Playboy Live as well as a nude model. NW 100 Windo thon 20 Ovo Ono COLOM vocan NOOO mnoo ocort NOO 0000 Mom MO UN. Rain later worked in bottle service in Los Angeles and Las Vegas, Nevada, as well as as a model at trade shows before exploring webcamming. She started exotic dancing at the age of nineteen and worked in this profession until she was twenty-one. Rain moved to Los Angeles, California, when she was eighteen, and got her first job as a hostess at a steakhouse restaurant, as well as working for the Roosevelt Hotel chain. Always new and exciting XXX clips: romi rain mom handjob porn, romi rain mom handjob, Hardcore romi. Christmas Alone With stepmom - Brianna Beach - Mom Comes First Pale redhead mormon teen Abbey Rain cry. Your result for romi rain mom handjob HD porn videos. Romi worked as a hostess at a Chili’s when she was fifteen, scooping ice cream at a Friendly’s when she was sixteen, waited tables at different restaurants, and worked at a Guess Jeans department store when she was seventeen. Romi Rains In A Bbc Xtube96 Reverse Rape Porn.
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dispatchwithlove · 1 month
Well heck, I realized this week that I might only have 7 more chapters to write and post for In Your Arms, and I think I might just finish them all before I post another chapter, so I thought I'd give a little sneak peek at an upcoming moment. Some Jane and Garrus fluff. And an early language lesson 😍
Saccha. She’d heard that word used so often that she barely thought of its meaning or usage anymore. A powder made from despis plants. Turians used it to sweeten baked goods, and drinks. They also used it as an endearment. “You just called me saccha,” she said to Garrus. Her chest felt thick, and a sugary, sticky feeling hung in her limbs and on her tongue. She wanted to hear him call her that again, and again. That word seemed so normal, boring even, until he used his warm voice to speak it while holding her.   “Yeah.” He swallowed and played with a limp wisp of hair that hung at her jaw; his eyes watched his fingers and didn’t meet hers. “Hope that’s alright.” A smile nearly burst her cheeks. “Say it again. Wait,” she reached for his omnitool, fingers fumbling to switch off his translator, then her own, “say it again.” He took a deep breath that pressed his keel into her ribs and his eyes lifted. “Saccha.” His voice was a soothing, seductive rumble, giving each syllable a smooth, rippling drag. When his eyes finally lifted to meet hers he said, “Va ama dulcas. Va dulcan nama vocan.” “Dulcas is sweet?” Jane asked. Garrus nodded. “Dulcas ah zweedt.”  “I sweeten your life?” “Life ah vocan?” he asked.  Feeling even stickier than before, Jane nodded and smiled. She pointed her finger to his chest and repeated his words, “Va dulcan nama vocan.”  She’d tried to replicate the delicate rumble that accompanied the syllables when he spoke; human anatomy made it impossible, though. Garrus smiled and a gentle thrum settled in his chest. Though her pronunciation was inadequate, he approved all the same. 
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psychovampiress · 5 years
Wake and bake afternoon nap 👌
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