#vocal synthesis
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caffeinated-chaos-bean · 1 month ago
Kinda annoying how one term that's always been used to search a specific topic or content suddenly is being used as a shorthand for something vastly different and unrelated. 😮‍💨
"Utau" has always been used for just that, utau content. Utauloid. The free counterpart to vocaloid.
Yet lately when trying to search for utau content, I'm getting undertale bullshit. It appears that "utau" is being used as a short form for "undertale au". 😒
I legit am having to go and put all sorts of undertale related tags in my blocked list just to filter it out of the content I'm actually trying to get to.
Further proof if needed, because:
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Thanks for coming to my TEDtalk.
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florageist · 5 months ago
i had to get this out of my system. just had to.
original sfx by cela VA
utau (fandroid mk.ii eng β) by InochiPM + @projectcoraline
talkloid (voice acting, turned to ustx with SynthV) by me
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moonlovesskunks · 8 months ago
I just uploaded all of my currently public songs to Bandcamp! You can now purchase a downloaded audio file for each one. Doing this supports me a lot more than just streaming on Spotify or other platforms, so I heavily appreciate it if you choose to do so.
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balzabul · 26 days ago
(original song by dana salah)
started working on some rly rough arabic using Felicia's english bank! tbh i could probably get a better approximation w/ her Mandarin vb but im not rly in the mood to learn another set of arpabet rn lol
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lovesickhospital · 8 months ago
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Aiko, the last- but certainly not the least- of the four characters I've designed (or in this case, adapted) that make up the first generation of virtual singers currently under development at ExpressiveLabs exclusively for our upcoming vocal synthesis program, Mikoto Studio!
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crescendiaofficial · 8 days ago
Maghni AI Update: Timing Models, Retrains, and More!
This month's Maghni AI development update is now live! Learn more about the latest enhancements to our newly revamped variance model and some exciting news about backer rewards here:
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need vocal synth companies to start moving back towards character voices
like all these high quality, extremely realistic vocals are cool but grow samey and somewhat boring as the releases go on, esp if they are AI voices that share training data
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bmpmp3 · 12 days ago
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outdripped by a fourth grader
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projectcoraline · 5 months ago
Today is the last day to get your survey responses in! You have less than 12 hours until we close the responses. Thank you all so much for your time, these responses will help a lot in the future!
We also have an interest check that closes in 3 days (9/17 at 11:59 pm EST)! This interest check is for future vocals, possible merch, and clarity for our New Initiative! Thank you so much for your time!
(Art by @lorogy662!)
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venacoeurva · 2 years ago
I feel kind of insane that it was a very strong consensus that AI voices are unethical because the original VAs never consented to their voices being used in this way, are not compensated, and their voices are being used for things they never agreed/would never agree to say and it doesn't matter if these uses are commercial in nature or not, it feels very ghoulish, but one of the biggest trends rn is AI covers of songs and they're being pumped out like crazy and people are falling over themselves to defend people who don't have big time production budgets using them instead of hiring someone on Fiverr or imitating the voices themselves or voice clip mixing and sampling pre-existing lines like the olden days. ok. alright. Good to see some of you out there have the moral fortitude of a wet paper straw
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peaches2217 · 1 year ago
During the pregnancy I imagine that Peach of course sings to her baby to calm herself and the baby down. Just imagine her sitting in the garden while rubbing her own belly and singing nursery rhymes. And I am asking you, do you have any headcanons about this as well?
Oh-ho, don’t even get me started on the role singing plays in the whole ordeal. Too late! Ya got me started~
Mario’s a really good singer, but for one reason or another he just doesn’t feel comfortable singing around anybody except Luigi or Peach; even then, he doesn’t sing around them much at all. But Peach adores his voice and will occasionally attempt to cajole him into singing for her. He plays along and makes a big show of resisting before ultimately giving her that song she wants, dancing around with her and being generally overdramatic, and it’s a great deal of fun!
But on very rare occasions, he’ll sing for her without provocation. It’s always during moments of quiet intimacy, as though his heart’s just too full and it’ll burst unless he pours it out in song, or whenever she’s under strain and there’s no immediate way he can help her other than to comfort her. And those songs are soft, low, mellow, and nine times out of ten in Italian. When he sings for her like that, all feels right with the world.
Her first real bout of morning sickness sees her violently ill at four in the morning, and Mario leaves her just long enough to send a summon for the head nurse. Peach is curled up on the tiles of the darkened bathroom, and Mario returns with a blanket, sets her head in his lap, and sings softly to her as he strokes her hair. While Mario internally panics over her condition, Peach is wrapped in the warmth of his voice; she feels light and drowsy, like he’s cocooning her in pure comfort, and for a while all of her nausea falls to the wayside.
He does it again that night, laying in bed together after finding out that he’s going to be a father. She can’t understand the words, but the melody is simple and repetitive, and she quickly realizes he’s singing a lullaby. It’s enough to make her cry.
In the coming weeks, she asks him to teach her the same lullabies his mother sang to him and Luigi as children. So he does! He’ll introduce a new one every night until he runs out of lullabies he actually remembers (it HAS been a while since he was a kid). The English lullabies she of course picks up quickly; she’s particularly fond of the one with the diamond ring and looking glass, because, as Mario affectionately points out, showering a baby with expensive gifts it can’t even use is 100% something she would do. The Italian lullabies take more time, so he’ll start by translating them line-by-line (during which he realizes for the first time just how morbid some of them are…) and then singing it slowly so Peach can join in and mimic his intonation.
And since lullabies can get pretty repetitive, he’ll take regular breaks to sing different songs to her so she doesn’t go crazy. The truth is, she could never grow tired of his voice, no matter how many times he repeats the same handful of stanzas… but she certainly won’t object, because he’s sang for her more in the past month than he has in all the time she’s known him.
It feels a bit silly when she thinks about it, two grown adults singing children’s songs back and forth to each other all night. But those songs become part of their daily repertoire, and every time Mario starts sleepily murmuring one with his head on her chest and a hand on her stomach, or every time she approaches him in the middle of the day just to ask if she’s pronouncing a line correctly; every time she hears him humming about Fra’ Simon in the shower and then groaning about it being stuck in his head, and every time he tries to surprise her in the garden after their duties are complete for the day, only to find her singing the same song while rubbing soothing patterns over her belly; they both fall a little bit harder for one another.
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voca-radio · 1 year ago
Hello Vocal Synth Fans
Hi Voca-Fans! We're the Voca-Radio Project, a team of fans and enthusiasts of vocal synthesizers like Vocaloid, SynthV, CeVIO, and we're working to make a legitimate 24/7 online radio featuring the works of Vocal Synth users and Utaite from around the world and make discovering new music more accessible for all of you. Synths like Hatsune Miku, Kasane Teto and KAFU have broadened our horizons and we hope to share that culture with more people. If this sounds like something you'd like to support, be sure to check out our first demonstration we'll be streaming on 11/18 at 12PM PST. Check it out here: https://www.youtube.com/live/6cuU9OiR908?si=huOOVbWBPPOEnbBe
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florageist · 5 months ago
Working on a Butcher Vanity cover with MK.II. So far, it's been incredibly fun tuning, but Phoneme Editing has been a MASSIVE pain. Whaddya think so far, chat?
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tomeiame · 1 year ago
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Today is her special day~
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deerest-me · 7 months ago
*puts on beret picks up cigarette holder and starts talking about differences between the TTYD remake soundtrack and the original*
#well you see.... ze use of dynamic tracking is a definite enhancement. zis cannot be argued... HOWEVER#the choral vocal synthesizer has disgustingly wide vibrato. this is particularly observable in the final chapter where it causes the#entire sinister atmosphere to become melodramatic / modernday adventure movie esque. too orchestral. truly robs the original of its impact.#and is not explainable by hardware limitation whatsoever. there are marked improvements in not only using waveform synthesis...#e.g. the choral pads that pop up in the new sewers theme. very tasteful. chimes in the thousand year door chamber. shamisen in glitzville.#electric guitar. definitive improvements. additionally bringing modern music sensabilities can be an enhancement: grodus' battle theme#conveys his seriousness much better with an industrial electronic edge to it. plenty of additional examples throughout.#however. comparing the final boss themes there is this ``enshittification'' of videogame remakes that can be seen#the major hollywood adventure movie soundtrack problem aforementioned. play enough remakes and you'll notice it. blending into the same.#the shadow queen is meant to have an air of ``sickliness''. of gloom. kinda her whole deal. lost in the remake in my opinion.#(i am almost tempted to gather audio clips and play them side by side. to an audience of absolutely ZERO)#this is not even mentioning that there are no BEES in the remake's final battle theme. <- the punchline of this entire thing#anyways. this post was inevitable. i have an insane ear for soundtracks and sfx as u may have gathered.
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lovesickhospital · 8 months ago
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Sorane Mako, the third of four characters I've designed (or in this case, adapted) that make up the first generation of virtual singers currently under development at ExpressiveLabs exclusively for our upcoming vocal synthesis program, Mikoto Studio!
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