#vmon fanfiction
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runenkatze · 2 years ago
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i wanted to redraw some old picture. Showing Murphy (the HiAndromon) and Keramon High-Fiveing.... And somne Veemon in the Background : D following a german Fanfiction that follows some text based RPG...
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mrsmonsterao3 · 2 years ago
Visuals from my fic Nothing To Lose(except out clothes)
Vmon FashionDesign!au where academic rivals Kim Namjoon and Kim Taehyung have to put aside their differences and work together in order to win a spot in an international design competition.
Ao3 link:
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argentkosmos · 5 years ago
I would've followed all the way to the graveyard
Fandom: Bantgan Boys | BTS
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Original Characters
Tags: Rated Mature, Major Character Death, Childhood Friends to Lovers, gone wrong, Policeman Namjoon, Criminal Taehyung, mention of drugs, mention of overdose, Mention of blood, Financial Issues, Loss of Parent(s), Fluff, Angst, Then more angst, kinda unhealthy relationship, but it's not their fault, Non-Explicit Sex, mention of Astolfo on the moon, also gratuitous dissertation on morals
Summary:  “Let’s become astronauts and go to the moon together!” “Go to the moon?” Taehyung asked and just the thought was enough to get him all excited. Namjoon stood up and took his cardboard, turning it on the blank side. He drew a white circle under Taehyung’s attentive gaze. “Look” he said. He coloured it and added all the craters that he learned the names of and then, as a final touch, he drew two stick figures, one with square glasses framing its brown dotted eyes, and a smaller one with a boxy smile and a little South Korean flag in its hand Taehyung smiled at him, teeth in full display, and added a little star over the two figures' linked hands. “We’re going to the moon!” But they never did.
Length: 9,324 | 1/1 Chapters
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vantemei · 7 years ago
“angel, come on- tae!”
the younger just grins and sticks his tongue out at namjoon, the small silver barbell glinting innocently right in the middle, as if mocking him. oh, wait…
“nuh uh! you promised you would come with me to turn in my transcript at that publishing agency and you didn’t! you completely forgot joonie! that was important to me!”
the vampire just sighs and runs his hand through his soft pink hair, groaning in frustration as taehyung giggles and continues to stick his tongue out at the elder. yoongi cackles in the background.
they’re making a bit of a scene on campus but when namjoon had tried to kiss his boyfriend only to pull back with a cry of alarm and a stinging tongue he had been unpleasantly presented with a smug boyfriend and a snorting best friend.
“come on tae, just take it out. you have plenty of copper and steel ones-”
“tae~” namjoon is just whining now, reaching for his boyfriend only to slump in defeat when taehyung flashes his tongue again. “i can’t kiss you if you have a pure silver tongue stud in!”
“that’s the point joonie.”
namjoon curses under his breath and taehyung giggles. yoongi makes a dramatic ‘ooooh! burn!’ and snorts.
two days later namjoon goes to hug his boyfriend from behind and screeches, drawing his rapidly healing burnt hands back and staring in shock as his boyfriend turns to reveal a pure silver body chain trailing across his stomach under his long sleeved white crop top.
looking up for an explanation namjoon just get’s the same smug, salty expression he’s been faced with since forgetting the publisher’s office and hoseok and jimin laughing like hyenas.
“do you like them joonie?” taehyung turns to face him completely showing off the silver bangles that decorate his wrists and the anklets that are clear under his very short shorts. he’s even switched his numerous ear piercings to what looks like more pure silver and to top it all off a small but effective rosary hangs around his neck, glinting unblemished and (you guessed it) silver against his shirt.
namjoon let’s out a wail of despair and the hyenas get louder as he reaches for taehyung once again but hesitates, fingers trembling and eyes wide and sad as he looks at his boyfriend.
“i bought them just for you joonie, do you not like them?” taehyung pouts and his big innocent eyes flutter prettily at the older boy who audibly gulps and sighs.
“look tae, i told you, i’m sorry.”
“and i’m shiny!”
jimin, who has just managed to calm down and was slowly getting his face to turn a normal color releases a shrill scream and throws himself into taehyung’s arms, tears streaming down his face as he laughs so hard it looks like he’s in agonizing pain. hoseok is on his knees slapping the ground like a seal.
namjoon honest to god wants to cry but he settles for the most careful nose peck he’s ever had to give and proceeds to spend the day trying to get back into his boyfriend’s good books with pretty words and sweet smiles.
by the sixth day taehyung has added sterling silver rings to each of his fingers and now has chains that cross his thighs too and has added arm bangles that wrap around his smooth biceps. namjoon nearly cries when he sees him.
because as taehyung has been adding more silver, he’s also been taking away more clothes. now he sits, happily chatting with jeongguk at a table under the trees wearing black shorts that make his bubble butt look like the eighth wonder of the world and a grey and black crop top and a bright blue cardigan and under it all is the same body chains across his taut stomach and his incredible thighs and the sun light through the trees hovers around his body in a kind of ethereal glow and right then is when namjoon decides he has had enough.
he is a man with a purpose as he takes long strides to wear taehyung is sitting and without any warning he scoops the younger up, ignoring the loud yelp taehyung gives, and princess carries him away from a very startled jeongguk.
namjoon completely ignores the burning pain of silver against his skin as he uses his vampire speed to his advantage and has them in taehyung’s empty dorm room in minutes, coincidentally also ignoring taehyung screeching at him to ‘let me down you idiot! oh god- oh my god! joonie i swear- let go of me! i’ll take it off- you’re burning! joonie-!’
with the door shut behind them taehyung finally manages to scramble out of namjoon’s arms, tugging the rings and bracelets off and barely flinching as he rips the chains from his body, snapping them against his skin without hesitation and throwing all the silver into a far corner of the room as he tugs namjoon’s arms in front of him.
“i cannot believe you- you’re such an idiot! i was going to take them all off tomorrow anyway! you’re so reckless! i can’t believe you! do you have any idea how dangerous that was!? you’re lucky i already switched everything else back to steel or these-!” he pointedly gestures to the slower than usual healing burns across namjoon’s arms. “would have been much worse! i can’t- why would you-”
honestly namjoon lost it the moment taehyung said he switched back to steels, pulling the younger into his arms and crushing their lips together, inhaling the taste of the other like it would save his life. finally.
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kookiecrumbss · 7 years ago
Lavender Candles
The familiar scent of lavender, roses and various other candles mingled together hit Namjoon’s nose as he opened the wooden door. Various fuana littered the store, decorating the small space, bringing a more inviting or friendly look to the windowless store.
The werewolf’s eyes scanned the candle-lit store, his brown irises stopping on the silver mop of hair behind the counter, appearing to be fiddling with the drawers behind the desk.
The man turned to browse the various potions, candles and other odd items amongst the fauna upon the shelves, labelled with small title cards scribed with their names and uses.
‘Ah sorry Mr. Kim, I didn’t hear you come in! How may I help you today?’ The witch’s deep voice asked, straightening himself up at the sight of the familiar werewolf.
‘You don’t have to call me Mr. Kim, Tae. Just call me Joon.’ The peach-haired man sighed, making his way over to the counter Tae stood behind.
‘Sorry.’ The witch smiled, placing his pointed hat straight atop his head, smoothing his silver hair down, before folding his arms.
‘What will it be today? Your usual Lavender candle? Anything else? We have some new potions up for offer if you’d like. “They grow up so fast”, to speed up the growth of plants, “cats eyes”, to see in the dark, and more if you’re interested Joon.’ The witch smiled, placing the said potions atop the counter.
The werewolf scrunched up his nose and flattened his furry ears at the potion’s smells, shaking his head quickly. ‘I’m not one for magic, potions or spells.’ He murmured, tilting his head to read the small labels before they were whisked away.
‘I’d probably accidentally spill them, knowing myself. Best to stay away, better safe than sorry.’
The witch nodded, clanking the bottles together as he put them away beneath the counter.
‘So, Lavender candle? Or anything else then?’ Taehyung asked, leaning onto his elbow, his black sweater’s sleeve sliding down his tanned arm beneath his matching dark cape. His heart-shaped soulmate mark on display, three of the seven pieces shaded in.
Namjoon nodded, before staring off in thought, his hand raised to cup his chin, his own pink sweater sliding down his tanned arm, the same heart symbol on his own wrist, except he had four shaded pieces.
Him and Tae were most definitely soulmates, deciding to take it slow and get to know each other before making it more serious. Joon had already found Yoongi and Jimin, Tae meeting Yoongi as he and Joon walked into the store for the first time.
‘Could I get a burnt marshmellow candle too? If you haven’t run out, of course. Yoongi likes the scent.’ He nodded, grabbing his wallet from his jean’s pockets.
‘Sure! How is he? Set fire to anything recently?’ Tae smiled, grabbing both candles before typing away at the cash register.
‘Nope, thankfully.’ Joon grinned, his dimples making his way onto his face.
‘That’ll be 8000 won.’
Namjoon froze.
‘But thats the price of only one candle? I’m buying two’ his ears perked and head titled in confusion.
‘Lavender’s on the house, I know the calming effect it has on you and you’ve bought so much already.’ The witch shrugged, a smirk evident on his face.
‘That’ll be 8000 won Joon.’
The werewolf shook his head, digging into his wallet.
‘I’m paying for two, I’m paying 16000 won. No less.’
‘It’s 8000, or no candles for you.’ The witch pulled the candles back into his arms tightly against his chest.
The werewolf shook his head, sighing.
‘Only for this once. No more free candles.’ He said sternly, handing over 8000 won. The witch smiled evilly at him.
‘I can’t promise that.’
The werewolf rolled his eyes, a small smile evident upon his face as he left, the wooden door shutting quietly behind him.
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joonie-uwu-blog · 7 years ago
Vmon One Shot
It's been two weeks since Taehyung got the news of his grandmother's death. When he was finally starting to pick himself up, the day of the funeral came. It was like hearing the news for the first time all over again. To make matters worse, his parents decided that that it was time for him to go back to school. Namjoon knew that he wasn't okay.
Taehyung was so quiet and tired, the complete opposite of his normal self. He doesn't even smile anymore. Usually when Seokjin makes a terrible joke Taehyung would laugh but now he doesn't even smile the slightest. Namjoon also notices that when Taehyung zones out, his eyes will water and his lips tremble. It hurts Namjoon's heart to see his friend this way.
Taehyung was excused to go to the bathroom, but when he didn't come back Namjoon left to go check on him. "Go on! Keep crying like the baby you are!" Two older guys are cornering Taehyung, who is a sobbing mess. "Leave him alone," Namjoon says. "He's already upset, you don't need to make it worse." "I don't have the time for this," one of the two guys huffs and they both leave. Namjoon helps Taehyung calm down and clean him up. "Come with me,"
Namjoon says and leads Taehyung outside. "It's almost lunch time." Taehyung just nods and follows his friend. They go around back and sit against the wall. There's money in my bag, buy lunch and bring it around to the back of the school. He texts Seokjin. Namjoon noticed that for the past two days Taehyung hasn't had any lunch.
"Do you think that you can make it through the rest of the day?" Namjoon asks softly, and Taehyung turns to meet his eyes. "Will this pain ever go away?" Taehyung asks in a shaky voice like he's about to start crying again. "It will over time," Namjoon says softly. "She lived a good life Taehyung. She died peacefully knowing that she had people who loved her. I don't think that's a bad way to go."
"That's just it though," Taehyung says. "She's gone. I miss her..." Namjoon sighs. He doesn't want to give Taehyung a therapy session, so he pulls his friend close and wraps his arm around him. Seokjin texts him saying that he's on his way.
"Namjoon," Taehyung whispers so quietly that Namjoon almost doesn't hear him. "We have that test coming up and I'm so far behind-"
"I'll help you," Namjoon says and brushes the hair out of Taehyung's eyes, which are glossed over with tears. Seokjin comes around the corner with lunch for the both of them. "Thank you so much," Namjoon says and Seokjin smiles at him. "It wasn't a problem," Seokjin says. "I promised Jimin and Jungkook that I would sit with them today, so I should be heading back." He glances at Taehyung before leaving.
Taehyung was grateful for Namjoon. Namjoon has stuck by his side to take care of him, even when Taehyung pushed him away. Losing his grandmother made Taehyung realize that he could easily lose everyone else in his life. He also realized that every day he didn't tell Namjoon the truth was another wasted. Taehyung doesn't want to waste anymore days, but he knows that right now isn't the time. He just needs to wait a little bit longer.
"I'm so tired," Taehyung yawns. The two of them have been studying since the time they got home. The only time they took a break was to eat dinner. "We can pick up where we left off tomorrow," Namjoon says. Taehyung nods as he shuts his book. Namjoon already told his parents that he was staying the night with Taehyung.
They got ready for bed. Taehyung was already in bed. "Namjoon..." Taehyung speaks quietly. "Can you sleep in here with me instead of the guest room?" "Sure," Namjoon says and climbs in the bed with him. Namjoon turns out the light, and Taehyung feels himself drift off. For the first time in weeks, he didn't cry himself to sleep.
When Taehyung wakes up, he's in Namjoon's arms. He feels himself blush, and holds Namjoon tighter. He doesn't want to let go. Namjoon is close, and so warm. His shirt is lifted slightly, so Taehyung's fingertips brush against his bare skin, which is soft and smooth. Taehyung sighs a little. He wants to tell Namjoon, but he can't... At least not yet.
Over the next few weeks, Taehyung's pain seems to become lighter. He doesn't feel like crying all of the time. He remembers what Namjoon said, she lived a good life and died peacefully. He's excepting his grandmother's death, and he's stopped pushing people away. He's finally caught up on his school work, thanks to Namjoon.
"Namjoon. I've been thinking," Taehyung says and his bites his lip. "Everyone only has so many days until there's none left... I can't wait any longer. Namjoon..." They both stop walking and look at each other. "I have feelings for you. I like you a lot."
"Taehyung," Namjoon says. "I like you a lot too..but maybe we should wait-" "No," Taehyung says. "I've waited this long to tell you. I'm getting better, because of you." That caused Namjoon to blush. "This Friday we can go see a movie," Namjoon says.
"Or we could watch one over at my place," Taehyung says and smiles. Seeing Taehyung smile like that causes Namjoon's heart to flutter. "Sounds good to me."
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superkrecs · 8 years ago
VMON Fic Rec
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As promised here is my list of VMon fic recs
**=SMut/Mature Content
Tall white chocolate decaf mocha Frappuccino for Homer Simpson! by byeolguk
“You’re going to make me write ‘Homer Simpson’ on this cup aren’t you?” Namjoon sighed in defeat and the guys grin just grew wider.
“If you wouldn’t mind…” the guy narrowed his eyes as he put on an exaggerated show of leaning in close to read his name tag. “Namjoon.”
Prompt:"you give me a different fake name every time you come into starbucks and I just want to know your real name bc ur cute but here I am scrawling “batman” onto your stupid cappuccino"
Up in the gym just working on my fitness (he's my witness) by byeolguk
Vmon : where taehyung is super lazy but also complain a lot about his weight so boys are planing to send him to the gym where he is going to workout with personal trainer (namjoon) :D ??
kiss me (under the mistletoe) by hobilu
taehyung just has one wish for the night and that's kissing namjoon
[prompt: "i’ve been trying to get you under the mistletoe for the past hour and you just got pushed under it with my best friend"]
Weird Words by AwkwardBeansidhe
Taehyung was something of a wild child. Namjoon was too smart to be liked by anyone but the most ambitious teachers. They found each other and discovered themselves.
OR: Taehyung befriends awkward bookworm Namjoon and compliments him. A lot. A really lot.
Rated T for a swear word.
**Getting wasted with perfect strangers by byeolguk
Prompt- "the really hot guy I met at the club last night is my kid's kindergarten teacher"
Bohemian Like You by bulletproof_bad_wolf
Taehyung works in a coffee shop, lusts after Namjoon.
That's it, that's the story.
(That's not really it.)
That’s all for now. Let me know if you would like 
1) More Vmon
2) A Specific Genre/Tag
3) A Different Pairing/Group
My Ask Box is Open Always
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raethye · 2 years ago
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Clean. Single. Looking for a Mate. by raethye
Rating: Explicit
Pairing: Namjoon x Taehyung
Length:  12.5K, complete
Tags: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Taehyung | V, Park Jimin (BTS), Min Yoongi | Suga, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Kim Namjoon | RM, Beta Kim Taehyung | V, Omega Park Jimin (BTS), Alpha Min Yoongi | Suga, Laundry, doctor!namjoon, Nurse!Taehyung, Mutual Pining, Minor Min Yoongi | Suga/Park Jimin, Misunderstandings, Kim Namjoon | RM is a thief, Kim Taehyung | V is a Sweetheart, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Light Angst, Filthy, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Oral Sex, Rimming, Felching, Spin Cycle, Did I mention this gets filthy?, Kim Taehyung | V Has a Big Dick
It took someone damn special to shake omega Kim Namjoon from the daily grind of classes, clinicals, and night shifts at the Laundromat.
Someone like the sinfully handsome, shyly sexy beta, Kim Taehyung.
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flsongbird722 · 3 years ago
First Line Game
Thank you for the tag @elenothar!
The first lines of your last 20 stories!
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors.
Breathe. Just breathe. (No Shortcuts to Anyplace Worth Going, Explict, BTS, MinJoon)
Seokjin was furious. (The Path the Heart Chooses, Explicit, BTS, JinKook)
Fuck! (What Could be Worse than Reply All?, Explicit, BTS, VMon)
The street lights reflected off of the paint that rained in droplets through the air before clinging to the rough texture of the wall. (Tagged, Explict, BTS, VMon)
Seventy-four. Or was it seventy-five? (Ghost, Explicit, BTS, MinJoon)
The first time Shen Wei did it, he vowed to himself it would never happen again. (Stolen Kisses, T, Guardian, Weilan)
“Okay, she is waiting in the room at the end of the hall.” (Wrong Turns, Explicit, Guardian, Weilan)
The sun streamed in from the high windows of the bookshop, illuminating the dust motes that danced in the air between the shelves. (Terracotta & Iron, Mature, BTS, Namgi)
No speck of dust was safe from Shen Wei’s keen eye as he cleaned and prepared each camera lens and arrayed them carefully on the table set up for the photo shoot. (Chromatic Aberration, Explicit, Guardian, Weilan)
There’s an old adage used a lot in artistic circles: Those who can’t do, teach. (Variations on a Theme, T, Guardian, Weilan)
The stale taste of tobacco clung to Chou’s tongue and stung his eyes as he made his way through the labyrinthine corridors behind the Jade Theater towards his destination. (What Lies Beneath, Explicit, ZYLBY48/Guardian derivatives, Clown/Luo Fei)
The neatly wrapped bundles of hemp rope landed heavily on the table as Bai Yu poured them out of this duffel bag and arranged them neatly on the table. (All Tied Up, Explicit, ZYLBY48/Guardian derivatives, Zhubai)
I was going to include my WIPs, but nah lol.
Things I learned? I tend to write either super flowery opening lines or really short ones lol. There’s a lot of mention of particulates- dust, spray paint, etc. Also, I write a LOT of explicit stuff 😅
Favorites? I really love the visuals in 4 & 8. Though there’s something to be said for setting the tone for a fic with an F-bomb right off the bat 🤣
I nominate any of my writer mutuals that want to play 💜
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ghostlyquill · 4 years ago
New Plus One (Or So) chapter!
Vminjoon / T / 18.8k / 4/?
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bangtan-fanfiction-finds · 5 years ago
Daylight Saving Time
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Author: gokurakuji
Status: completed
Description: In November 2016, Namjoon became aware of two things.
First, that Taehyung, a work friend he hadn’t seen in three years, might be something more to him than just that.
And second, that the recurring nightmares he had been sharing with Yoongi might not be just dreams, after all.
Rating: Explicit
Tags: taejoon, namgi, slow burn, pining, supernatural elements, emotional infidelity, coming out
Read here.
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vantemei · 7 years ago
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My Paradise is with You (TaeJoon Au) - Kim Namjoon is a wildly successful CEO and fashion designer who’s travelled the world and Kim Taehyung is the local island boy he hires to be his tour guide.
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hybridfanfiction · 6 years ago
Yours To Keep
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Slightly inspired by Pinnochio
Pairing: Hermit Crab Namjoon x Taehyung 
Word Count: 3,303
As far as life as a captive pet went, little Namjoon the hermit crab had it pretty good. He often missed the coastal home he was taken from, as well as his brothers and sisters that were now undoubtedly scattered all over the country - if any of them were even still alive. He’d learned the hard way during his time in the pet shop that many hermit crabs didn’t live very long, as most humans didn’t feel the need or desire to do all the work to give the crabs a proper home. 
This is why he was eternally grateful that he was picked by the best human out there. He could still remember the day that Kim Taehyung came to the little pet shop and peered thoughtfully into his cramped plastic tank a whole ten years ago. The baby crab did his utmost to impress the boy, though he was surrounded by others, and showed off his shell that admittedly wasn’t the best, but it was the best he had. He made sure the boy saw that he was a beautiful purple color in a sea of brown. When the boy looked around and then reached inside to touch the little hermit crab, he’d allowed it and was very proud that he didn’t pinch the boy even once. 
Taehyung had taken him home that very day and named him Namjoon. The hermit crab now lived as close to a life of luxury as one of his kind could get. Taehyung spent so much time and money perfecting Namjoon’s habitat. He now had a huge ninety-gallon tank all to himself that had the perfect humidity and substrate as well as plenty of fun things to hide in or climb. Taehyung had researched for days to find Namjoon the most beautiful shells of all shapes and sizes, so he never had to work too hard to find a good one as he grew. He even had a separate tank that was used just for playtime since Taehyung loved to do tricks with him. Normally those of his kind had to be kept in groups, but Namjoon had always been a little different than his siblings, preferring solitude most of the time. Besides, this way he had his Taehyung all to himself. 
Namjoon was especially blessed because as a creature that was normally more active at night, he had an owner that was much the same. Taehyung was usually busy during the day as well, but that never seemed to stop him from staying up until it was nearly dawn some days playing video games or watching television. He often took the time to talk to Namjoon, not knowing that the little crab actually could understand what he was saying. He would always angle the television so that Namjoon could watch too, attempting to talk to the crab like he would anyone else as he made comments about the movie or anime. Namjoon didn’t know much about the human world to have much of an opinion, but he did enjoy listening to his Taehyung speak, so he was happy enough. 
The only time Namjoon wasn’t the happiest was when Taehyung had one of his many friends over. Taehyung didn’t talk much to him then and often his friends would try to poke at the little crab and pick him up roughly. Thankfully Taehyung would scold his friends for messing with Namjoon and they all eventually learned that he wasn’t to be handled by anyone except Taehyung. 
Eventually, Taehyung got older. Once he started high school, he began to leave the house more and more. He still took the time to make sure that Namjoon was fed well and his tank was still perfectly maintained, but he didn’t talk to Namjoon as much as he used to. Every now and then he would vent to the little crab as he cleaned up his tank, but no longer did he act like he was his best friend. He had a new best friend now - a human with plump lips and smiling eyes that sometimes brought Namjoon fresh mangos since the human didn’t like them but the little hermit crab loved them. 
Namjoon was often a little sad with this new change, but he knew there wasn’t much he could do. Taehyung was a human with the world at his feet. He didn’t know that to little Namjoon, Taehyung was his entire world. 
The next four years flew by much like this, with Namjoon relishing every moment spent with his human as Taehyung grew taller and his voice deepened. Namjoon loved the way Taehyung’s voice sounded now - so deep and calming that as soon as he heard his human come home he’d scuttle towards the front of the tank to hear more. He’d also heard many of Taehyung’s friends call him handsome, and although he had no real concept of human beauty, he’d always found his boy nice to look at. He always smiled brightly at the crab and his eyes would shine with happiness and that was enough for Namjoon. 
One day, Taehyung came home and Namjoon could hear excited yelling coming from the living room. His parents soon joined in and Namjoon grew curious enough to come out from the little spot he’d been burrowing in and rush towards the front of his tank. He observed his human as he breezed through his bedroom door and dropped his backpack off near his desk. In his other hand was a large envelope. 
“Hey, Namjoon! You’re up early, huh? Guess what? I got into the college I wanted!” Taehyung grinned and peered at the little crab. 
Namjoon clicked his claws curiously. He knew a little bit about college, thanks to the movies and shows that Taehyung’s showed him through the years. It was somewhere humans went to get smarter. But his boy was already smart, so why did he need that? 
“Yup, everything’s all set. In a few months, I’ll be rooming with Chim and studying photography. It’s going to be great...” Taehyung’s smile fell as he stared at the little hermit crab. 
“Oh no! What am I going to do about you? Mom and Dad already told me they didn’t have time to take care of you for me. Am I going to have to sell you? I don’t want to do that. I wish there was some way I could take you with me, Joon,” Taehyung’s eyes went glassy as they began to fill with tears. 
Namjoon was thoroughly worried for the first time in nearly a decade. Not only did he not want to be sold to someone else who wouldn’t take care of him to the extent he’d gotten used to, but he also didn’t want to lose Taehyung. He watched his human make call after call, trying to find a reliable friend that would be willing to take on a hermit crab that needed Namjoon’s level of care. The little crab felt helpless, and if he had the ability to cry he was sure it would be happening now. 
Finally, after many hours and lots of tears, Taehyung fell asleep hugging the giant crab pillow to his chest like he did every night that he was actually home. Namjoon watched over his boy from his tank, knowing this very well could be his last night with him. 
Namjoon snuck a peek towards the closed window, observing the stars twinkle through the small number of clouds. Suddenly, a memory began to tickle at his brain. He remembered vaguely hearing a legend when he had been a tiny thing still living on the coast. It was said that the Goddess of the sea would grant a single wish to any born in her waters. Namjoon was a rather practical crab, and such a legend sounded ridiculous at best. Still, he was desperate, as he didn’t want to leave his boy. So, he closed his eyes and wished with all of his tiny heart to stay with the boy he loved. 
Nothing happened. 
Of course it didn’t. He hadn’t expected it to, really. He’d just be grasping at straws. Namjoon drooped sadly and began to scuttle towards his plants and rocks to hide away for a while. 
Suddenly, the window snapped open loud enough to wake Taehyung, who was sitting up groggily and rubbing his eyes. Namjoon turned back towards the front of his cage and watched as something flew into the room. 
It appeared as a big bubble of water, glowing an eerie blue tint. The little crab’s eyes flickered between the bubble and the boy who was staring at the water with a terrified gaze. Eventually, the bubble stopped near Namjoon’s tank, the light illuminating the set up within. Slowly, the bubble began to change shape until it began to resemble a human form. 
Once it was done transforming, Namjoon stared back at a tall and beautiful woman. Her hair was a dark royal blue and fell to her feet in cascading waves. The eyes that pierced the little crab were the same shade of blue, but glowed and shimmered much like the bubble had. The dress she wore was like fine silk, soft and flowing as though it were made of water. Even a crab that didn’t know much about human beauty could tell that this person was ethereally stunning.
“Hello there, little Namjoon. The call of your heart was so strong I had to come,” the woman said as she peered into the tank. Even her voice was enthralling, forcing the crab to listen even through his fear. 
“Hey, who the hell are you? This is my room. I’ll call the cops!” Taehyung shouted from his spot on the bed, holding his pillow above his head like it made a worthy weapon. 
“Do not worry, human. I mean no harm. I am here because the little one called to me.” 
Namjoon cringed internally as Taehyung’s gaze whipped towards the tank. He hadn’t known that she would actually come! He’d never meant to scare his boy. 
“What do you mean? Leave my Namjoonie alone!” 
“Ah, you have love in your heart for him as well. This is good. It may not be quite the same, but it will grow.” 
The woman peered into the tank again. 
“Do you still want me to grant your wish, little one?” 
Namjoon nodded once and clicked his claws, hoping that she would understand if she was really the Goddess. 
“Very well. So much love in such a little heart deserves a reward, after all. Then you have my blessing. Live a long and happy life, little one.” 
The Goddess raises her hand and the eerie blue light surrounds Namjoon, lifting him up and out of his tank. 
“NO! Namjoon! What are you doing to him?!” Taehyung wails as he scrambles out of bed.  
“Calm yourself, human. He asked me for a boon and I found him worthy,” the Goddess chuckles as she watches Taehyung trip over his bedsheets trying to get to them. 
Namjoon couldn’t begin to describe the feeling of what was happening to him. The blue light felt like it was piercing him straight into his soul and transforming everything. He could feel his very insides changing and shaping themselves into something new. As his body expanded, so did his brain, until he was suddenly experiencing all new emotions and thoughts that he hadn’t been capable of before. He was worried for the boy staring up at him in horrified fascination, but along with that he also felt utter unconditional love, of such depths he hadn’t known were possible. 
The Goddess smiled encouragingly at him as he grew within her blue light until finally he was sitting on the floor as a whole new being. 
Namjoon raised his claws towards his face, only to realize they were hands like his boys instead. He flexed the fingers, giggling as he wiggled them around. He followed the trail of the flesh suit on him, noticing arms and legs and weird hairs, all just like his Taehyung. In fact, he thought he might even be a little larger! Oh, what fun he was going to have being so big! 
“Nam...Namjoon?” Taehyung stuttered, reaching out tentatively towards him. 
“Tae Tae! I’m big!” 
Namjoon smiled excitedly at his boy, realizing that not only was he big like him, but he could also talk like him too! 
Taehyung seemed to freeze when Namjoon smiled, staring at his mouth. 
“And...you have dimples,” he told Namjoon, his voice hushed and cheeks a little pink. 
The crab patted his new fleshy face, suddenly worried. 
“Is that bad?” 
That seemed to loosen some of the tension in Taehyung’s shoulders as he chuckled softly. 
“No, Namjoon. That’s good. Dimples are cute.” 
“Oh,” Namjoon replied shyly. Taehyung often called him cute with one of his big boxy smiles, so he knew that word was a good one. 
“Kim Taehyung,” The Goddess began, smiling fondly at the pair of them. “I give my charge Namjoon into your care, to love and care for the rest of his days. He has used his single boon to stay with you, and I have granted that wish to the best of my abilities. I have made him completely human and he will age at the same rate as you. There is also a packet of papers on your desk that will contain everything he needs to maintain a human life. I wish you both happiness. Love him well.” 
“Thank you,” Namjoon hoped that though his words were still few, she would know that he was overwhelmingly grateful. 
She nodded and smiled at him one last time before transforming back into her bubble and leaving through the window. 
Namjoon and Taehyung watched her leave silently. It wasn’t until Namjoon shivered a little that Taehyung tore his gaze from the open window to stare at Namjoon. 
“Oh! You’re...well...naked. You must be freezing!” 
Taehyung jumped up and ruffled through his drawers, pulling out a pair of big sweatpants and a soft-looking sweater. He handed them to Namjoon and turned his back so he could dress. 
Namjoon struggled, seeing as he wasn’t used to such a big form or so few legs, but he eventually figured it out. The clothes were nice, not as cozy as his shell, but they were soft and smelled like Taehyung. 
“I’m done.” 
Taehyung turned once he heard Namjoon’s whispered words, grinning fondly at the big man dressed in soft pink sweats. He sat down on the floor, and Namjoon dropped to copy him. 
“So, I’m not going to say this isn’t really weird, because it is. But it’s still like, a good weird?” Taehyung mumbled, ruffling his own hair a bit. 
Namjoon nodded, because yeah, even he knew it was weird and he was a crab. 
Namjoon cleared his throat, his new massive-sized brain working hard to figure out what he wanted to say. 
“I know this is strange, and when I made the wish I didn’t think it was really going to happen. I was just sad so I remembered the legend about her and did it. But I’m happy I did.” 
“I think I’m happy you did, too,” Taehyung smiled. “I was so upset that I was going to have to give you away. I even thought about smuggling you into my dorm room, but we could have been kicked out for that kind of stuff.” 
“You could have if you lived in one of those houses with college boys and they drink a lot. There was that one movie where they even had horses in the back. I was a lot smaller than a horse.” 
Taehyung quirked an eyebrow at him. “You paid attention to movies?” 
“Of course! I always watched the movies and stuff you would play, or listened when you talked to me. I loved when you talked to me,” Namjoon told him enthusiastically, not knowing how enthralled the other was by his deep dimples as he smiled. 
“So, how do I look? Am I a regular human?” Namjoon asked, suddenly nervous since Taehyung kept staring at him. Maybe something was wrong? 
“You’re...beautiful. Tall and strong-looking, with a big smile and pretty eyes. And your hair! It’s purple like you were before. I wonder if it’s permanent,” Taehyung mused as he reached towards Namjoon’s head. 
Namjoon was both excited and nervous because this was the first time he was going to be touched in this form. Handling always made him a little nervous anyway, but he trusted his boy. 
Taehyung’s fingers lightly touched Namjoon’s fluffy purple hair, and Namjoon was in heaven. It was so soft and the touch of Taehyung’s fingers ignited new nerves that made him twitch happily. So this was petting! It was wonderful. 
Namjoon butted his head further into Taehyung’s hand to beg for more, making the other laugh giddily. 
“Ah, Namjoonie, you’re so cute.” 
Namjoon sighed happily, pleased that his human still seemed to like him in this form. He frowned when Taehyung pulled his hand away, causing the other to snort a laugh. 
“Relax. I’ll pet you more in a bit. I want to see what else she left you. Hopefully, it’s some sort of birth certificate because right now you’re basically illegal,” Taehyung said as he jumped up and head towards a fat envelope on his desk. 
Taehyung brought the envelope back over to Namjoon and plopped down next to him before opening it. He peeked inside, shuffling some papers around and pulling a few out. 
“Well, welcome to the world, Kim Namjoon,” Taehyung chuckled and handed the paper to Namjoon. 
The words were jumbled a bit at first, but once he concentrated they seemed to arrange themselves until he understood what it said. It was a birth certificate with his name in black bold letters, stating he was Kim Namjoon. This meant he was a real human now, right?
Taehyung gave little huffs of laughter every time he pulled out a new piece of paper. 
“Hey, Namjoon. Did you know you graduated from my high school last year as valedictorian? And oh look, you’re starting college the same time as me.” 
Now that piece of information caught his attention. 
“Is it the same one as you?” 
“Yeah, actually. Although your major is Marine Biology.” 
“So I can stay with you?” 
Taehyung peeked over at Namjoon, blushing slightly. 
“Yeah, Namjoonie. You can stay with me. Chim can find a new roommate. I won’t leave you to the wolves.” 
“There are wolves there?” 
Taehyung giggled. “No. It’s a saying.” 
“Oh, good. But I’m big now, so I can protect you from wolves if you need it.” 
“Okay, Joon.” 
Namjoon suddenly yawned loudly, the excitement and changes with his body finally catching up with him. Taehyung stood up and pulled Namjoon towards the bed. 
“Let’s get some sleep, Namjoon. We can figure everything out later. For now we both need to rest.” 
Namjoon nodded and let Taehyung tuck him under the covers before he slid in next to him. 
But what made Namjoon happiest was when instead of hugging his crab pillow to his chest like usual, Taehyung instead wrapped himself around Namjoon. He’d never been cuddled like this before in his life, but he loved it. He’d never felt so special and loved before. He cuddled closer, smiling softly as Taehyung’s breathing slowly changed. 
“Namjoon?” Taehyung’s sleepy voice asked, muffled a little by blankets and his position against Namjoon’s shoulder. 
“You’re still going to be here when we wake up, right? I’m not dreaming and you’re not going to be the crab in my tank in the morning are you?” 
Namjoon grinned, happy with the answer he had to give. 
“I’m yours to keep.” 
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jinnieluvcore · 5 years ago
does anyone have any bts or txt fic prompts or requests?
i want to try my hand at writing fanfiction!! but i have no ideas right now. 
all ships are welcome!! :)
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godisaknife · 5 years ago
Tumblr media Tumblr media
light keeps its shadow by swallowing it
sope and vmon // horror au // paranormal au // chaptered fic
"till this day, there have been no clarifications on the sinister events that occurred to min yoongi and jung hoseok. thus, this documentary aims to finally bring light on what lead to their disappearings. 
the events narrated in this documentary could be highly disturbing. for this reason, we advise our readers to proceed with caution and discretion, thank you. children and extremely sensitive people are recommended to not read any further."
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peaches-and-hoshi · 6 years ago
2018/2019 FIC REC [7]
PART 2 (part 1)
(F stands for Fluff, S for Smut) (the first letter in brackets is ao3′s rating)
what rhymes with pug me by seqoiasem [NAMGI, T&up, F/light angst, growing together, namgi share a sweater from debut to now, that’s it that’s the plot, extreme softness, i cried] ♥
kissin’ in the rain by sequoiasem [NAMGI, G, F, yoongi thinks kissing in the rain look uncomfortable, so they make a bet] ♥
the song of the heart by sequoiasem [NAMGIMIN, F/light angst, yoongi promised jimin a birthday song, joon helps, they figure stuff out along the way] ♥
flowers for the camera by sequoiasem [NAMGI, G, fluff, joon and yongi walking hand in hand through a field of fowers as a “penalty”] 
tired as fuck by sequoiasem [G, F, yoongi lost his favorite pillow and cannot sleep on his long flight, his colleague joon finds a solution] ♥
came with my cool (i dropped it) by sequoiasem [T&up, F, yoon works in a tiny nonprofit organisation and joon’s internship there is about to be over, they’re both awkward about it, it’s hilarious, i love this fic so much] ♥♥
careful, you’re extremely hot by sequoiasem [G, F, barista!yoongi, hoseok meddles in and writes a pick-up line on joon’s cup, they make it a habit from here] ♥
Fleece Navidad (From the Baa-tom of My Heart) by roebling [G, F, joon tries to take up knitting and crochet and gets a crush on the very cute guy at the yarn shop] ♥
odds and ends, ways and means by pearl_o [T&up, F, ficlet collection, slice of life, contains a yoonseok story too]
Who’s That Boy? by raviolijouster [T&up, fluff/humor, vaguely new girl!au, yoongi pretends to be straight because jimin set him up to it, creating hilarious conversations with hoseok, their new extremely attractive friend]
On Ice by roebling [T&up, F, 2seok go on a date, bad puns ensue]
So Close (So Close and Yet So Far) by CheekyBrunette [T&up, F/humor, jin is taking part in the annual local beauty pageant, and needs help for a dance performance, his friends shove hoseok in there, pining, hobi is gorgeous and everyone knows it] ♥
Mission: Rescue by thatbangtanhoe [T&up, F, warning for almost drowning, hobi and kook are rival lifeguards, seeing who can save the most people, until one of them is in trouble]
sweet like candy by vastlyunknown [T&up, F, pining, and they were roommates, tae calls yoongi babe by accident, it becomes a Thing] ♥
The Hairy Truth by roebling [T&up, F/humor, bartender!Tae is sick for people paying attention to him because of his pretty face, and decides to grow a beard, feat. awkward and pining yoongi] ♥
when i’m not telling you, i’m showing it by clumsy_taegi [T&up, F, jungkook gets sick, yoongi nurses him back to health, and tae wants to be taken care of too]
something tells me we’ll be alright by czar [T&up, F, pining, tae and joon are archeologists in the same expedition, which would be fine except for their petty feud] ♥
permanence by vminism [M, angst/F/S, soulmate!au, people get a soulmark when they fall in love, jimin keeps falling in love with strangers and fate plays a trick on him]
things we turn away from by themarmalade [M, F/light angst, smut, idol!jimin feels lonely and cold, his massage therapist!joon is here to fix it]
Counter Intuitive by roebling [T&up, F, meet-cute, jimin works in a make-up store and joon keeps coming back for “advice”]
the firefly effect by czar [T&up, angst/F, !major character death!, jimin runs an inn between life and what comes after, and only sees dead people, until a very much alive kook steps in (you Will cry your eyes out)] ♥
The Comfort of You by withoutthespace [T&up, F/humor, warning for mention of homophobia, jin is jungkook’s manager and he keeps cleaning after his dating scandals, until it’s his fault] ♥
if it’s true looks could kill (you’d be the first to make me mad) by raviolijouster [T&up, F/lightA, college!au, seokjin finds jungkook infuriating] ♥ (prequel of the namseokmin fic at the end of the fic rec)
slowly drifting to you by sharpa [T&up, fluff/angst, long distance, rapline have been travelling together for years, yoongi runs a blog where he posts pictures of cats they come across and rates them, jungkook sends him an e-mail to complain about his ratings] [feat. ace!kook which made me so happy] ♥
love like war (we go together or we don’t go down at all) by notyoongs [E, ANGST/S/F, idol!kook and band member!yoongs, bitter exes forced to work together, kilos of angst, lovely] ♥
everything is sound by sharpa [T&up, angst/F, they’re oblivious idiots in love, a whole lot of pining, hilarious] ♥
objects in motion by mediest [T&up, S, jimin gets a little lost while giving a “massage”]
a feel so sweet by ameliabedelias [NAMGIKOOK, M, FLUFF, the world isn’t fit for throuples, but they’re in Love and ready to power through it, so much fluff]
Immortal Beloved(s) by fatsymeow [TAEGIKOOK, T&up, angst/F, tae has been living with yoongi, his vampire roommate, who forgot to mention he had a vampire boyfriend roaming the globe, things get bad and then Better] ♥
i’d be lying if i said (i wanna be your friend) by raviolijouster [NAMSEOKMIN,T&up, F/lightA, pining, college!au, joon signs up for a free trial of a dance class, jimin tags alongs, hobi is their hot professor, everyone loves joon] ♥ (set in the same universe as x)
With sudden fall, it trails a thunderous ruin by monbon [NAMJINSEOK, G, fluff/humor, the hot dad au, seokjin fights the others at PTA meetings, hilarious] ♥
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