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chaifootsteps · 8 months ago
was re-reading Vizowrite's "Dark!StolasAU" as a palette cleanser and noticed something: it's basically just canon now
Stolas reframing their arrangement as a relationship and behaving as such? Check.
Stolas exhibiting a total disregard for Blitzo's employees and life outside of Stolas? Check.
Stolas acting like he's the one who has been wronged by Blitzo's lack of affection towards him? Check.
The only thing missing is Blitzstrike being a thing
The show has basically just become Stolas pretending to be a better person while failing to ever make good on it, a kind of sensitive soft nightmare version of pilot Stolas and season 1 Stolas with a heaping helping of gaslighting to go with it
side note, hope Vizowrites is doing OK. yours and their fics were always my favorite Blitzstrike works
It really is, isn't it? It all came true in the end, except for the part where Stolas is meant to be terrifying and his actions are unambiguously meant to be wrong, and that's the scariest part of all.
(And thank you! Vizowrites totally wrote circles around me as far as Blitzstrike went, their stuff used to have me actually on my feet applauding...I hope they're doing okay too.)
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fannishcodex · 9 months ago
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Honestly all I've gotten out of HB after marathoning most of it is shipping BlitzStrike.
(Thanks @chaifootsteps and vizowrites and others for helping me get into this ship, it's a fun one!)
Some earlier sketches under the cut:
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Lately I tend to think part of Striker's default happy expressions does actually involve some sort of pleased glare since he can get rambunctious like that, but I just decided to go for something--well, cuter, and just exploring when his eyes just seem fully open. Striker and Blitz are just chill and super happy with each other right now.
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Small tweak--first take on Striker's hair for this doodle.
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vizowrites · 4 years ago
That’s One Hell of a Resume
{Set during the Harvest Moon Festival competitions}
To  Blitzø’s great surprise, the Harvest Moon Festival was actually turning out to not be a fuck fest invite after all.
He honestly hadn’t been sure when the games initially kicked off.  The horde of imps that had come to compete for the title of “the roughest, toughest, bastard in Wrath” had a proclivity for violence that could easily--and not inaccurately--be described as a passion.  Then of course there was Stolas, watching him thirstily from atop his fancy seat underneath his fancy tent, cooing and cheering out “Blitzyyyyy!!'' at every opportunity he got to speak.  Yet the honored owl prince somehow still managed to keep his pants on throughout each and every event--and even more impressively managed to keep his degrading sweet talk void of any sexual obscenities.  He hadn’t even been able to manage that much on a day trip to a theme park with his daughter.  Yet somehow...this wasn’t even the best part of the festival to  Blitzø.  It was up there to be sure, but it wasn’t the toppiest top.  The “dom of the disco”**, if you will.  
No, the BEST part of the festival--and the thing that kept the imp grinning from ear to ear throughout the entire competition--was that this honkytonk battle royale was shaping up to be the perfect opportunity to show off and be recognized for just how much of a boss-ass bitch Blitz actually was: 2nd to absolutely fucking none.
Well...maybe with ONE slight exception.
“I gotta say, you just keep on impressin’ me every chance you get,” that one slight exception said with a smirk, the tip of his tail flicking forward into a small curl.  “No wonder your killin’ biz is so successful.  You do every kill single-handed there, Boss Man?” The two were standing off on the sidelines together during one of the many interims inbetween contests, where the first round winners had already secured their victories and now were stuck watching the remaining shitty losers battle it out to find out which of them would end up being the absolute shittiest loser.  It was taking a stupidly long-ass time, a hell of a lot longer than  Blitzø would’ve normally had the patience for, but with his present company leaning up against the bleacher stands like that.....there were definitely worse ways he could be spending his down time right now.
“Nah,” he answered with a small flick of his wrist, gesturing vaguely in the general direction of where he’d last seen Moxxie getting his ass kicked and Millie sitting in the stands watching it happen.  “I know he’s not doing a great job of showing it right now--” he said just as Moxxie got elbow dropped by a shark “--but Moxxie’s not completely useless.  He did get me shot on a job once while he was in the middle of being a little bitch, but as soon as he finally found his balls again, he got things back under control pretty fast.  And Millie’s just a straight up badass.  If her parents had allowed her to play in the games, you’d have gotten your ass handed to you three rounds ago.”
“That so?” Striker’s lips drew back into a slight smirk, just enough for the light to catch on the very tip of his fanged gold tooth.  “Because I seem to remember a certain someone else bein’ the one to get themselves all roped up in a hogtie about three rounds ago.”  
“I have no idea what you’re talking about but it sounds like complete bullshit.”
“That’s kinda what I was thinkin’ myself to be honest after that first relay run--” Those snake-like eyes raked in every inch of Blitz’s annoyed face, feeling the corners of his own pleasantly sting as his grin spread even wider. “Right up ‘til I saw some o’that nice red color risin’ up in their face--”
“IT’S HOT--THERE ARE FUCKING VOLCANOES NEARBY OKAY!!” Blitz realized, very quickly, just how loud and defensive those words sounded, but he also realized just as quickly that there wasn’t anything he could do to take them back now.  Instead, he straightened himself up, cleared his throat, pretended that there wasn’t some of ‘that nice red color’ in his face now, and said in what he thought was a much more nonchalant voice, “Anyway, I’m starving, and since these last few dipshits are taking forever to get their asses kicked, I’m gonna go find something deep-fried to shove down my throat.  Catch you at the awards ceremony or whatever the fuck they do around here to finish themselves off.”
The I.M.P. Head made it a grand total of two steps before the unmistakable crunch of boots sounded behind him, followed by a faint scoff of a laugh and the distinct rattling of a tail as Striker joined him at his side.  
“There’s a whole row of food stands back there behind the stage,” he said with a nod, meeting  Blitzø’s stride and starting to veer them off in that direction.  “And now that you mention it, I wouldn’t mind grabbin’ a bite.  Besides--I feel like I might owe you one for bringin’ up such a tender subject.”
The unrepentant but non-malicious smirk he sent Blitz’s way wasn’t at all softened by the wink that accompanied it, but it somehow brought a slight smile to the smaller imp’s lips all the same.
“You got fucking lucky and that was it,” Blitz insisted with a sharp flick of his tail, not having the faintest fucking clue why he was smiling about this in the first place but subconscioiusly hoping that swatting at Striker would be distracting enough that the taller imp wouldn’t notice.  “And besides, I could’ve gotten out of it if I had really wanted to.”
“Oh, so you wanted to be all tied up like that?”  The grin that spread across Striker’s face was even wider than the first, his razor sharp teeth now on full display. “Well now, if that’s what you were wantin’ you could’ve just asked.  I’d’ve been happy to oblige right from the start.” 
“Ha! Like I’d ever make it that easy for you,”  Blitzø retorted with a challenging grin, his eyes dancing with a truly impish gleam of delight as he and Striker rounded the stage together, his earlier thoughts of the food shacks that waited beyond almost entirely forgotten as they were overtaken by memories of their constant back-and-forth scuffle throughout the festival. “You beating me fair and square is one thing--even though you still totally just got really fucking lucky and also it definitely never even happened in the first place.  But if you were actually going to beat me...you better believe it’s not gonna happen without a fight.  I don’t just bow out like some sloppy bitch who can’t figure out where they put their car keys and has to take the walk of shame back to their shitty apartment at 4 in the morning.  If you wanna come out on top over me, you better fucking work for it.”  
The black tip of his pointed tail flicked up to poke Striker once in the center of his chest, punctuating the word ‘work’ perfectly. 
Striker’s tail, on the other hand, began to rattle.
“Yeah?” he said, his earlier easy tone starting to become weighted with something softer, but deeper.  Neither he nor  Blitzø made any indication that they were aware that he was guiding them both right on past the front of the stand that they had originally been headed toward, and instead had them disappearing into the shadows behind it. “You’re okay with not coming out on top so long as whoever does earns their place there?”
“I mean...”  Blitzø trailed off a bit as he casually leaned up against the back of the stand, folding his arms over his chest as he eyed Striker with that lingering gleam in his own gaze. “You have been able to keep up with me in all the other games...so I guess it might be possible for you to get the upper hand on me for at least one of them.”  
“Just me?”  The rattling sound intensified. 
“Well there sure as fuck wasn’t anyone else who was able to keep up,”  Blitzø rolled his eyes in annoyed exasperation at just how much everyone else truly sucked in comparison to the two of them, before he slowly looked back up at Striker--and realized that the snake-like imp was suddenly a lot closer than he’d been before.  Much closer.  
“Yeah, Blitz?”
“Please tell me we’re not actually talking about the fucking games anymore.”
A short, soft laugh was the initial answer, followed by that still rattling tail coiling around Blitz’s slender waist as Striker propped himself up on one arm against the structure behind them, his hand splayed just to the side of the crimson imp’s right cheek.  
“I haven’t been talkin’ about the games since you got me with your tail, Darlin’,” he whispered, his hooded eyes narrowing to glowing slits of pale gold as he leaned in almost close enough to touch.  “But I don’t know if there ain’t somethin’ to be said about that “fuckin’” part yet...”
Blitz’s words came back to him then, ringing in his head as clear as when he first said them: 
“...Well if you promise this isn’t some fuck fest invite...”
“.....You gonna work for it, Cowboy?” 
“Yessir, Boss Man.” 
“So...lemme get this straight--”  Blitzø finally shifted his weight, easing it off of Striker and rolling to rest his back on whatever podunk concession stand they’d spent the last ten minutes fucking up against.  “--You tie me for first place in the games, you ride around on the most majestic fucking horse I’ve ever seen, you take down a hell hog with a single stab while completely and mercilessly humiliating one of my employees in front of his in-laws at the same fucking time, and you called me “Sir” when we first met?  AND you’re a great fuck??”
The quirked eyebrow and smug gold-toothed grin he got in reply said more than words ever could, especially when accompanied by the satisfied rattling of that long, spiked tail.
“That’s one hell of a resume you’ve got there.”  Blitzø didn’t even realize his own face had split into a grin until he saw it reflected in Striker’s eyes, hypnotized by the sheer reckless abandon he felt ignited between them.  “Want to join I.M.P.?”  
Striker couldn’t help but laugh, reaching up to adjust the brim of his hat from where Blitz’s tail had nearly knocked it off, his unwavering gaze sparking into an infernal glow.
“Tell you what,” he said, his tone a warm rumble of amusement meeting temptation.  “You and I head on back to the stage, revel in our well-deserved glory, and--once we’re satisfied it’s been rubbed into the faces of those sorry ass losers enough--I’ll head on back up to the farm and have a little talk with Miss Mildred’s folks about finishin’ things up around here for the season.  Maybe see if they can find another set of hands to join ‘em for the next one if mine are gonna be occupied with--” His hand found its way down to Blito’s face, the sharp claw-like nail of his thumb pressing under the shorter imp’s chin to tilt it up towards his own. “--other things.”
“Believe me, Cowboy,”  Blitzø’s eyes were burning, twin embers of eagerness that ran so deep he could feel the heat of it vibrating through to his very core--and his vocal chords.  “You’re not going to find a more hands-on job than the one you’re gonna get if you come and work for me.  ESPECIALLY in that order.” 
Striker’s tail snaked its way up and along past Blitz’s hip, the pointed tip flicking over his chest as it’s rattle joined in the chorus of that deep, heated purring.  
“Don’t mind if I hold you to that, Sir.”
“Oh fuck me--”
And Striker did. Again.
Random Notes: 
**My counterpart to the phrase “the belle of the ball”--”the dom of the disco”.  I think I’m way funnier than I actually am. :D
ANYWAY tho I really hope y’all like it!!  This is the first fanfic I’ve posted anywhere publicly in a hot minute so I hope it’s not a bad kickoff to something I’m hoping to really get back into!!  I have plans to post the full fic of this--with the non-censored sex scene to my AO3 oohlala--so if that’s something you’d like to see, feel free to lemme know here and I can get right on that!!  Otherwise have a great day, thanks for reading, and if anyone wants to hit me up for some lovely BlitzStrike talks, I’m always open to messages!!
Thanks again Lovelies!! <3
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trellanyx · 3 years ago
Dark!Stolas AU
I started to send a prompt to @vizowrites​ after reading the latest installment of her Dark!Stolas AU, then realized I wanted to write it instead. lol This is meant to be a direct sequel to Where You Belong. Thanks for letting me play in the sandbox for a bit bb!
Fic Warnings: This is an AU where Blitzo does not want to have sex with Stolas, and only does so in order to have continued access to the grimoire. Stolas has no qualms about using this leverage to keep Blitzo in line, or ignoring Blitzo’s boundaries. Nothing sexual happens in this fic, but if you don’t like reading fics based off this premise, this isn’t for you. Like the title says, Stolas is not a good person here.
“And you,” Stolas said, his gaze flashing back to Striker with a near break-neck speed, flashing in a surge of barely contained power that still seemed to simmer just beneath the surface. “While I admire that terribly forceful nature of yours, I highly suggest that you remember just to whom you are speaking. And just to whom you owe your continued opportunities that keep your schedules oh so busy. Which reminds me, darling Blitzy….bring the book with you to our next meeting.”
“Blitzy! There you are, darling.”
Regrettably, Blitzo thought. He placed the book on its usual place on the nightstand and shucked off his coat. Stolas loved it when his favorite toy showed such ‘enthusiasm’, not noticing, or perhaps not caring, that Blitzo’s only motivation was to get the night over with as quickly as possible.
He didn’t know which option was worse.
“Look, can we skip the roleplay tonight? My back has been bitching at me all day.”
Stolas giggled. “Ah yes. Isn’t that post-coital ache just delightful? I know my best mornings always happen when I can’t walk straight.”
Blitzo rolled his eyes. In the beginning, he’d respond to comments like that with something along the lines of, “I hear a good ass whooping produces the same result”, but Stolas always interpreted those retorts as encouragement, and Blitzo eventually stopped bothering. He nodded to where Stolas was decadently sprawled along a twilight-violet chaise. “That the spot you’ve decided on?”
“As thrilling as it is to be the center of such undivided attention,” purred Stolas, “I’d actually prefer we take things slower tonight. It feels like ages since we’ve had the chance to simply…talk.” Stolas’s eyes gleamed scarlet, all four of them pinned directly on Blitzo. “Given both of our busy schedules, after all.”
Blitzo stiffened, feeling his stomach shrivel with a sudden chill of terror.
“Sit, please,” said the prince, waving a hand at a matching armchair Blitzo knew hadn’t been there a moment ago. “I’m as eager to receive your glorious cock as you are to give it to me, but another need must be satisfied first.”
The words tumbled out of Blitzo so quickly they nearly slurred together. “If this is about what happened at the office, I swear--”
“I said sit.”
Blitzo’s jaw snapped shut with an audible click. He power-walked to the chair, unwilling to risk finding out what Stolas might do if he thought Blitzo was taking too long. But Stolas only giggled again, as if seeing Blitzo so flustered was cute.
“Though since you bring it up, I would like to discuss what happened when I last tried to visit you. I fear there may be some…misunderstanding among your employees about just what our relationship is like, Blitzy.”
“We don’t have a relationship, Stolas,” snapped Blitzo. “We have an arrangement. I fuck you, you don’t fuck over my business. Cut and fucking dry.”
Stolas clucked his tongue. “Blitzy, we are lovers. You could at least try to put in a little romantic effort outside the bedroom.”
Blitzo bared his teeth. “I’m plenty romantic,” he said, in a moment of reckless defiance. “Just not with you.”
Stolas blinked, and Blitzo nearly bit through his own tongue. He did not, however, take back the words. He was engaged now, for fuck’s sake. And the memory of his fiancé almost spitting in the eyes of demon royalty was enough to give Blitzo just enough courage to wipe out his remaining fucks.
You wanna talk, bitch? Fine. Let’s talk.
Stolas tapped a claw against his thigh. “Are you now?” he asked, terribly soft. Blitzo opened his mouth to snarl back, but it hung open when Stolas suddenly beamed and said, “Why Blitzy, that’s wonderful!”
“….It is?”
“Of course!” trilled Stolas. “I’m so happy to hear there are other paramours in your life! Not surprised, of course, my dear little imp. Who could possibly resist such a beautiful and wickedly talented creature like yourself?” He laughed gaily. “I wondered why that fiery little fellow seemed so testy last we met. Jealousy, hm?” Stolas gave a sage little hoot. “I understand, Blitzy. Love makes fools of us all.”
Blitzo couldn’t help but laugh incredulously. “Striker, jealous of you? Listen bitch--”
“Blitzy, darling, it’s alright,” Stolas soothed. “I understand.”
Blitzo raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Do ya now?
“It’s not the first time I’ve been threatened over our little courtship,” said Stolas, still smiling. “At least he didn’t throw something at me! Poor Seymour,” he sighed. “Two centuries of care, gone in a blink and a crash. Fortunately my reflexes are better than my wife’s aim!”
“…Am I on drugs?” Blitzo wondered. “Is Verosika about to pop out with a horse head or somethin’? ‘Cause I’m not gonna lie, that’d actually be a pretty sweet upgrade for her.”
“Silly imp,” giggled Stolas. “Well! Now that that little bit of unpleasantness has been cleared up, I say we move on to more enjoyable activities. How about some refreshments before we start?”
Blitzo withheld a groan. Feeding each other was one of Stolas’s favorite forms of foreplay. He’d constantly nip at or suck on Blitzo’s fingers, to say nothing of how often he’d pretend to feed Blitzo a strawberry or something before replacing it with his mouth at the last second. But if it got Stolas to stop asking questions about his and Striker’s relationship, Blitzo was up for anything.
“Just no strawberries, okay? Last time they made me break out in hives.”
“Alas, tonight I’m simply thirsty.” Stolas pulled a silver bell from his robe and gave it a dainty ring. Then he winked at Blitzo and added, “Of course, that’s always my mood when you’re on my mind.”
A servant imp appeared almost instantaneously, carrying a tray with two shimmering glasses of wine.
“I really do feel much better now,” said Stolas, taking his glass.
“Good for you,” deadpanned Blitzo as the servant turned his way. “Now can we get on with--”
“FUCK!” Blitzo scrambled backward, tripping over the arm of the chair and falling onto the floor. His claws scratched the tile as he scooted backwards on his ass, away from the servant who was now a solid block of stone. Blitzo’s wineglass was shattered on the ground. Why…why did it look like the exact shade of blood?
Stolas took a long, indulgent sip of his own wine. “Wiggles, this is Blitzy. Blitzy, Wiggles.”
“Stolas, what the fuck?!”
“Wiggles hasn’t been with me as long as Seymour was,” Stolas continued, not needing to raise his voice to talk over Blitzo’s panicked yelling. “I daresay Wiggles isn’t even his name, but that’s neither here nor there.”
The prince unfolded his unnaturally long legs and walked around the statue of Wiggles. “He’s a good servant, as far as imps go. Obedient, polite, deferential…he knows his place in the world and is content with it. Like Seymour was.” Stolas placed a hand on the top of Wiggles’s stone head. “And like Seymour…”
Blitzo realized what was coming a split second too late. “DON’T--!”
Stolas lightly pushed, and Wiggles fell forward. There was a sick crack when the statue hit the ground, and Blitzo watched in horror as Wiggles’s now detached head lay face-first in the puddle of wine. Stolas waved his hand, and the rest of the body crumbled into dust and rubble.
“Gone in a blink and a crash,” finished Stolas.
There was no flirting or good-natured silliness to Stolas now. He stared down at Blitzo with cold disappointment. Blitzo barely dared to breathe, let alone move.
“Let’s not forget what our actual roles are, my precious little imp,” murmured Stolas. “You are exceedingly good at what you can do with your body, and because of that, I allow your little family venture to succeed. Every time you rendezvous with the world above, you pay your way with my magic. Your daughter sleeps under a roof built from my generosity. Your lover fucks you in a bed gifted by my mercy. I could rip everything away from you, Blitzo. Everything you’ve ever touched. I wouldn’t even have to leave this room.”
Stolas knelt down, ignoring the way Blitzo flinched back. “But I don’t do that, darling. Because I love you. You’ve brought excitement and joy back into my world the likes of which I haven’t felt since my daughter was born. Of all my collections and all of my toys, you are my favorite.”
A crimson glow slowly bled into existence until it outlined Stolas’s entire body. Blitzo couldn’t look away from him, and wasn’t entirely sure that Stolas wasn’t making that possible. The air seemed to constrict around him, making his temples pound and his nose bleed.
“What you do with your time is your own business, Blitzo. But when I call on you, full moon or not, I expect you to answer,” whispered Stolas. The use of Blitzo’s full name stung him like a brand. “When I ask for privacy, I expect to not be interrupted. Above all, I expect you to make sure your associates know their place around us – and mind it. Do you understand?”
Blitzo jerked his head in as much of a nod as he could manage.
“They may hiss and spit all they like, but they will stay out of our way. Else I will remove them myself, and I will make you watch. Do you understand?”
Another nod.
“Say it, Blitzy.”
“…I understand,” said Blitzo through gritted teeth. The moment he did, the air returned to normal, leaving Blitzo gasping for air like a drowning man. Stolas finished his wine, and looked out the balcony window behind Blitzo.
“Ah! And there’s the moon. What a beautiful sight – not as lovely as you, of course.” Stolas cupped Blitzo’s cheek, looking at him with a familiar expression of lust. “Come darling,” he purred. “The night is still young, after all.”
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candycoloredwolf · 2 years ago
I'm fuckin crying. So, Valentines Day just started. Like, it's 1 am where I am, and
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@chaifootsteps @iriso-page @vizowrites @izzy-lupiz LOOK AT THEM!!
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bloodmoon24 · 3 years ago
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I just love this ship so much 😊☺️ (PS, Blitzo’s gun and Striker’s hat was so hard to draw)
And this is also for my favorite Blitzo/Striker fan writers
@ambrial-blog @vizowrites @helluva-simp @candycoloredwolf
I gotta say, I love your fan-fics. Stay awesome
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cham-chammity · 4 years ago
The Imp Twins Barbie and Blitz Headcannons (and some of just Barbie)
Barbie definitely is a she/they
Barbie is on the Autism spectrum, and if you include the headcannon (maybe it's canon? I don't know) that Blitz has ADHD, they'd be the neurodivergent imp twins -and truly understand each other-
Barbie is a better singer than Blitz, but Blitz is a better writer. So Blitz will write poetry or even songs and Barbie will put a melody to them. (Blitz also DEFINITELY looks like he could be a drummer)
Barbie's voice claim is Ke$ha, both talking and singing
Blitz is older than Barbie by 4 minutes and he makes sure everyone knows that
The twins were born sometime in the Leo zodiac season
I actually think Wire is Barbie and Blitz's last name, but Barbie goes by both first and last becasue she doesn't want people to associate their name with that disgusting plastic doll
They both have daddy issues
Barbie is only sexually attracted to girls but will be romantically inolved with anyone regardless of gender (basically Barbie is a panromantic lesbian)
The twins love to say incest jokes when they're together to throw people off
(TW eating disorder mentioned) Since Barbie was in the circus, I can imagine due to high standards and such she at one point developed an eating disorder. When Blitz found out about this he would do everything he could to make sure she ate at least something every day and made sure she kept it in her system (being the caring brother he is <3)
When Blitz and Barbie were little they'd get into physical fights and they'd end up getting their horns stuck in the other's
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chaifootsteps · 10 months ago
your fic and Vizowriters are my favorite Blitzstrike fics!
Aww, thank you! It's an honor to even be mentioned alongside Vivzowrites, who I think writes circles around my Blitzstrike stuff!
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vizowrites · 3 years ago
So this happens to be my 100th post here on @vizowrites and as such I thought I would celebrate it by posting 100 things [both in the canon and in the fanon] that I love about the ship that started it all: BlitzStrike.  
.....I am so sorry I did this instead of writing up a fic for you guys but I hope you enjoy these anyway!!  ;-; 
BlitzStrike has the perfect ship name - second, in my humble opinion, only to Victuuri from Yuri on Ice!!!  It both reflects their imp heritage [being a type of warfare] AND it also reflects just how hard their chemistry hit me the second I first saw them on screen together [like a lightning strike] 
The plot potential of friends to enemies to lovers is strong here
The fact that we’re shown since the start of the show that Blitz has an obsession with horses, and how does the show choose to introduce Striker??  RIDING IN ON A FUCKING BADASS HELLHORSE. :D
Blitz’s heart eyes when he first sees Striker riding in on his fucking badass hellhorse. <3 <3
Striker and Blitz openly showing a mutual respect for one another is everything to me
City Imp X Cowboy Imp.  Need I say more??
The LOOKS on their faces when they’re competing together in the Harvest Moon Festival.  They are both having the time of their lives.
The fact that Striker--despite being shown time and time again throughout the Festival to be a total attention whore--doesn’t object at all to sharing the stage with Blitz when they tie in the games.  Holy shit how is this not talked about more??
The fact that Blitz--despite only knowing Striker for 24 hours--straight up invited this man to join I.M.P. before the games were even over.  I just--this is something else that I don’t think gets talked about NEARLY enough for its significance because remember, I.M.P. isn’t just Blitz’s company.....it’s his family.  He literally asked Striker to join his family.  I am screaming.  :D
The voice acting combination of Brandon Rogers and Norman Reedus is honestly too powerful for this world
Striker is a good Southern boy.  He is respectful.  He has manners.  He can kill, skin, and cook a meal for you without breaking a sweat.  HE’S A FUCKING KEEPER BLITZ!!
“Not ALL men”??  You’re right--Striker would NEVER treat Blitz like a plaything or force him into a sexual contract that forces him to sell his body in exchange for the ability to keep his business going.  He would ask him to be Partners.
The snek x cat dynamics or “the one that hisses x the one that purrs” 
The potential of a happy family dynamic between dad Blitz and stepdad Striker with daughter Loona
The potential of a heated rivalry dynamic between Blitz’s mate, Striker, and Blitz’s bff Moxxie
The potential of a dysfunctional family dynamic between Blitz, Striker, Loona, Moxxie, and Millie together at the same company
Domestic Striker who always makes a point to make sure that Blitz always has at least ONE proper hot meal a day that he cooks for him himself, and Domestic Blitz who makes sure that Striker’s clothes are ALWAYS cleaned, mended, and properly taken care of at the dry cleaner’s and then brought back home to be put away nice and neat for him in the closet
Blitz falling asleep to Striker’s singing 
Striker falling asleep to Blitz’s purring
The fact that there’s just as much of a likelyhood of the two of them fucking in the shower as there is of the two of them having an impromptu karaoke session together at the top of their lungs is golden 
Early to Bed Early to Rise Striker x Night Owl Blitz
Tail Touches <3 <3 
Blitz doesn’t want to do things alone
The fact that the only time “Striker” calls Blitz “Blitzo” is in Blitz’s fucked up truth bomb induced hallucination--that is to say, he’s the only one of the three “antagonist” hallucinations who has NEVER actually called him “Blitzo” canonically even once
Cowboy x Clown 
“We could be the most dangerous beings in Hell, Blitz.”
There’s no question that there’s a lot of problematic things about this ship--but there’s also a lot more plot potential to solve those problems in future episodes than other ships at this point and it makes me want it that much more
Striker has no respect for Overlords/Demon Royalty in general, but the fact that he specifically rags on Stolas over his “relationship” with Blitz [i.e. telling Blitz to his face how fucked up it is] is delightful
You KNOW that Blitz got hard after watching Striker take down that hellhog.  
Blitz smiled more around Striker in the course of a single episode than he’s smiled around Stolas in the course of 6 
I firmly believe that they both Blitz and Striker deserve to be happier than I think they are, and love the fact that there’s so much room to find that happiness in each other
They’re both sexy as fuck.  I don’t know why it took me this long to say it, but here it is.  :D
Striker showed us all that Blitz has a bondage kink :)
.....Honestly that makes the earlier scene with Stolas being the one in bondage a lot more depressing and shows the direct contrast between which scenario Blitz enjoyed himself in more.  I know this isn’t really a fact about BlitzStrike itself, but--okay here’s a proper fact: the way Striker was able to provide a natural contrast for Stolas and Blitz’s relationship just by existing is, truly, striking.  There that counts. :D
You know that Striker would love the fuck out of Blitz’s toy horse collection
The mental image of Blitz in his horse hoodie cuddled up on the couch with Striker in his full cowboy attire is just too precious 
The fact that Blitz is protective af when it comes to the people he loves is fascinating to think about in regards to someone like Striker, who I doubt has ever had anyone be protective of him [or even felt the need to be protected] before in his life.  The potential there is captivating. 
The fact that Striker didn’t even try to kill Blitz even though he must’ve known that Stella wouldn’t have been upset at all in the slightest--and in fact probably would’ve preferred it--if Striker had just taken Blitz out when he had the chance during their fight
The story of someone who always runs away from love finding it with someone who probably has never felt true love once before in their life
They make each other feel things
The way that Striker is so effortlessly able to keep up with Blitz’s high energy even though he presents himself as someone who’s more cool and collected--and seems to even enjoy that character quality about Blitz
I’m fully convinced that if Moxxie hadn’t shown up when he did that Blitz and Striker would’ve fucked right there on the floor in Millie’s house
The fact that Bombproof seems to like Blitz enough to just let him gaze lovingly at him while he was in the middle of eating his dinner.  Bombproof ships it!!
The worst thing that Blitz was able to hallucinate Striker telling him was that he didn’t want to do things alone.  That’s the worst thing hallucination!Striker had to say to him.  I just-- did you see the freaking chains??
Strikers sense of self-esteem seems to be the exact match to Blitz’s amount of self-doubt--which is again fantastic from a storywise perspective
They are both cuddlers but only with each other.  Prove me wrong.  :D
I bet you anything Striker makes a mean cup of coffee in the mornings and it doesn’t take long before Blitz refuses to start his day off with coffee made by anyone else
The way that Blitz seems so at ease around Striker is honestly really refreshing--and seeing him get a confidence boost from being around Striker is even better
I think that Blitz wasn’t at all what Striker had been expecting when Stella first hired him and told him about the imp her husband was cheating on her with, and I REALLY don’t think he was expecting to genuinely like Blitz as much as he did throughout the games
The sex is just hot af.  There, I said that too.  :D
I really love imagining that when Striker gets up at ass o’clock in the morning, he always makes sure to tuck Blitz’s horse plushy in his arms to keep him warm/give him something to hug when he’s not there in the bed with him
I feel like watching the way Blitz handles clients would make Striker’s pants tight 
They are each other’s exact kind of crazy
Hitman Husbands(TM)
They kiss each other so deeply and so passionately that they have legit gotten their tongues actually tied together before
They are both strong independent badasses who happen to like each other very much
Striker falling in love with Blitz so hard that he doesn’t have a hope of catching himself
Blitz trying to run as fast and as far as he can from loving Striker but for some reason finds that no matter where he goes that love is always right there
The two of them having at home movie nights with each other and the two of them + Loona
Loona making Father’s Day cards for Blitz and Striker
Blitz and Striker getting a card display just for the ones Loona made them
Striker stubbing his toe on a door frame or something and Blitz promptly pulling out a gun to shoot at whatever hurt him
Striker going absolutely feral whenever someone hurts Blitz - physically or emotionally
The thought that Striker’s sleeping schedule gets absolutely wrecked more than once just from how late he and Blitz stay up spending time together and he isn’t even mad about it because he genuinely loves spending as much time with Blitz as he can
The two of them going out on an actual date together
The two of them trying to go on a double date with Millie and Moxxie and it goes about as well as you’d think it would go
Blitz giving Striker the best head that Striker’s ever had--it literally makes his toes curl every single time and gets him hard just thinking about it
Striker being ticklish and Blitz exploiting it to a T
The two of them turning a fight scene into the sexiest [and bloodiest] tango dance sequence in Hell’s history
Striker vs city living 
Striker being terrified of Blitz’s driving
The two of them having the filthiest mouths when in bed together >3
This isn’t really a canon thing or even a fanon thing about BlitzStrike, but I just have to say: the people here in the BlitzStrike fandom are some of the most amazing people I’ve ever had the honor of meeting.  Seriously, you guys are the BEST!! Thank you so so much for giving me such a warm welcome here <3 <3
Blitz and Striker taking rides on Bombproof
Striker surprising Blitz with his own horse that Striker trained himself
One day up on Earth, Blitz discovers what “horse girls” are and ends up coming back to Hell that day with new matching horse girl t-shirts for him and Striker to wear--which they both do 
Blitz getting to show off his circus skills in a fight sometime and Striker literally just stares at him for about 5 minutes straight in awe 
The two of them being shamelessly together in public--proudly informing anyone who cares to listen either by saying it directly or by hand placement that this is their boyfriend/husband/mate/favorite person in Hell
Striker feels like there’s always something new he learns about Blitz everyday and he loves that
Blitz constantly feeling like he doesn’t deserve Striker and letting his self-sabotage tendencies show through at times in their relationship, and time and time again gets shown by Striker that he is worthy of this
The thought that in time they would easily learn each other like the back of their hand and it honestly probably wouldn’t take as long as either of them think it would to do
The fact that they’re able to run through such a wide range of emotion in their relationship--from being badasses, to being silly, to being serious, to having feels, to being passionate, to being fierce, to being tender--and they’re all beautifully valid and all legitimately work for portraying them as a couple 
Blitz learning each and every single one of the meanings behind Striker’s tail rattles
Striker is the one who always seems to be able to calm Blitz down when nobody else can, and Blitz is the one who can always rile Striker up when nobody else seems to be able to get under his skin 
They would both be willing to do things for each other that they would NEVER take the time or put up with the bullshit of doing for anyone else
I fully believe that the first thing they would do once business at I.M.P. really kicks off is get themselves a piece of land in Wrath that they run off to on weekends and is where they keep Bombproof [and the horse that Striker gets for Blitz]
Blitz proposing to Striker
Striker proposing to Blitz
The two of them eloping together without telling anyone except for Loona and maaaaaaaaaaybe Millie.  They don’t tell Moxxie shit until they’ve already signed the paperwork. :D
There isn’t a single question in my mind that--if the theory for Striker’s backstory ends up being proven true that he used to work under Valentino and that’s why he hates Overlords so much--the second Blitz finds out about it is the second he not only agrees to Striker’s offer to start killing off Overlords but makes plans to take out Valentino first
Game night :) 
The fact that Striker not only being a biter but loving to go for Blitz’s neck specifically is something that’s so completely agreed upon and embraced by BlitzStrike fans that it’s become canonical fanon 
The BlitzStrike songs.  I just--they’re all so perfect.  So, so perfect.
Striker straight up enticing Blitz to chase him “Maybe you’ll get me next time, Blitzy” in a hero-chasing-villain kind of way is great
Imagine Blitz falling so hard for Striker that he actually ends up reconnecting with his twin sister, Barbie Wire, because for fuck’s sake he has to tell her about this sexy fucking cowboy he met in Wrath!!
The fact that Blitz calling Striker “Daddy Fucker” is honestly perfect when you think about how much Blitz constantly refers to himself as “Daddy” throughout the show.  Just sayin’ :D
The two of them giving each other much-needed massages after a long day on the job
The AUs.  The AUs.  Honestly if you sent me any classic AU prompt for them I guarantee you I could find a way to make it work.  And yes you absolutely can send me classic AU prompts [soulmate, arranged marriage, fucking flower shop owner x tattoo artist, etc] and I WILL find a way to make them happen.  Just also please let me know which of them you want in a specific role if you have a preference, otherwise I’m just gonna go for it at my own discretion. :D
The seduction scene shot of the two of them gazing directly into each other’s eyes and grinning like they could set the whole of Hell on fire just from their passion for each other.  You know the one.  
They. Are. Equals.  
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candycoloredwolf · 3 years ago
Watch "When I Feel That Touch of a Man" on YouTube
@chaifootsteps @vizowrites @helluva-simp
Its Striker
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vizowrites · 4 years ago
Here it is my sweet Lovelies!!  I finally finished the sex scene. :D
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vizowrites · 3 years ago
Ya know when I got into the helluva boss amd Hazbin hotel Fandom I was not expecting to come out with ships but like Blitzstrike just wiggled in there and there isn't enough content about them out there!
Anyway if you are still taking hc how do you think striker would react to blitzo getting hurt on a job either seriously or minorly? Or heck how would he react to robofiz talking to blitz like he does in looloo land?
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Hi Love!! So I hope you don't mind that I just screenshotted your 2nd ask and added it into the first BUT I wanted to do it because the answer I have covers them both and is also kind of sort of a little surprise announcement to everyone here: These exact things that you asked for are things that I'm tackling in my first ever multichapter BlitzStrike fanfic [currently outlined to be a MINIMUM of 15 chapters] that I'm calling: Lightning Strikes Twice <3 <3
Lightning Strikes Twice is actually a part [the main part] of what I'm calling "The LST Series" [The Lightning Strikes Twice Series]. It focuses on the headcanon you just described here where Striker was the one that gave Blitz those horseback riding lessons when Blitz ran off on Verosika to Wrath and maxxed out her credit cards. HOWEVER, due to usual Blitz relationship shenanigans, they end up breaking up after a few years together and kinda go their separate ways for a number of years--during which time Blitz does everything that he does in canon [adopting Loona, starting up I.M.P., stealing The Grimoire from Stolas] and basically takes things back full circle to the canon series of events. But--just when he least expects it--Blitz finds himself with an unexpected visitor crashing in on him in the middle of the night: none other than his ex, Striker. This leads to more shenanigans happening, now in conjunction with the canon timeline as it plays out, annnnnnd I feel like to describe this in any more detail would just be completely spoiling everything so I'll stop here hahahahaha!! :D
The only other things that I will note real quick are that: 1. Striker's reaction to Blitz getting hurt AND Striker's reaction to hearing RoboFizz say The Thing to Blitz are both in this fic and 2. There will be at least one prequel oneshot [titled "Riding Lessons"] that features the first meeting between Blitz and Striker in the Wrath Ring for those horse-riding lessons, and the possibility for sequels that can have a little bit more of a 'pick and choose' thing about them so that readers themselves can decide for themselves how they want the story to end individually. So far I can say I have one shorter multichapter fic planned as a sequal, and at least one or two oneshots that don't in any way HAVE to be read in conjunction with Lightning Strikes Twice, but they can still exist as an optional additional part of the canon if people want them to. <3 <3
I hope that answers your questions, Love!! And I hope that you'll give the fic a read as soon as it gets posted!! I have full outlines for 12 of the 15 chapters, and have most of the first chapter already written and ready to go. I'm planning to post the first chapter once I manage to get at least halfway through writing up chapter two, though ideally I'd like to get both of the first full two chapters written before I post anything officially--I'm just guessing that I'm going to run out of patience at some point. :D <3 <3
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vizowrites · 4 years ago
Hey, you. That BlitzStrike fic was freaking gorgeous and I applaud you for it.
.....So I'm highkey kind of fangirling right now because I just recognized your username from A03 and realized that you wrote one of my favorite BlitzStrike fics of all time so please excuse me as I take a minute here to compose myself. So um HEY YOU!! <3 <3
Thank you so so much for not only taking the time to read my fic but to also message me here and let me know that you liked it!! It really means a lot to me. If you happen to be interested in more BlitzStrike content from me, I have a handful of smaller drabbles posted here on @vizowrites and [currently] one whole fanfic posted on A03 [I'm just Vizo over there :)] called "That's One Hell of a Resume" that I'd love to hear your feedback on if you happen to have the time. If not, it's totally cool, and honestly I'm just really happy that you popped in to say hi because I was quite frankly too shy to do it first. :D
Thanks again for the read and the message!! Have a great day Love!! <3 <3 <3
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chaifootsteps · 4 years ago
Ok so,, I've been wanting to ask--and im not too sure on how familiar you with this--how do you think Blitz's ADHD affects his relationship with Striker?? Im sure you probably saw the one ask I sent to vizowrites that they posted on their story, but Im not too sure on how familiar you are with the headcannon/cannon (not too sure if its confirmed or not) about Blitz's ADHD. (Also I'm not too sure how familiar you are with ADHD itself, and if not that's alright!)
Anyways, we know Blitz has a hard time with rejection (such as when Loona yelled at him in the Spring Broken episode). We also know he is impulsive and lacks self control. Blitz also has obsessions/hyperfixations such as on horses (these are all ADHD traits). I can imagine Striker himself isn't too edcuated on the topic himself, but once he learns that Blitz has ADHD, he does a shit ton of research to learn more about it so he can better understand Blitz. But, ADHD is known to put a negative toll on one's relationship, whether it be bluntness, rejection sensitivity, strong emotional outbursts, etc.
So back to what I was saying before, how do you think Blitz's neurodivergency affects his relationship with Striker? (If needed you could always do a quick google search if you want to know more about ADHD, or you could even DM me cause I have it myself and know a lot about it)
Sorry that was a lot! I hope you don't mind me coming at you with this 😅
Hoo, boy, Blitz and ADHD...well, for starters, I can definitely buy the theory of him having it because it would explain a lot. Blitz seems like he's probably got a couple of things going on, none of them ever formally diagnosed except for maybe when he was a very little kid, but he’s not stupid, he knows how people react to him and he knows how people look at him.
Maybe I’m projecting a little here, but I think his choice to not put a name to any of his neurodivergencies is a deliberate one. Once you’re that person with X, that’s what you become forever. It’s how the world will label you. Blitz has enough trouble with labels he can’t help that he’ll never be able to escape as long as he lives. 
(And let’s face it, Blitz slings around the r-word. That says something right there.)
I also think Striker’s probably got at least one neurodivergency of his own -- in my little headcanon land he’s got PTSD -- and like Blitz, isn’t interested in thinking about it too deeply...their general approaches to life don’t exactly say “Hey, let’s find a sensible balance of therapy and medication to help deal with this.” I do think they probably look up each other’s issues as time goes on, try to understand each other a little bit better, to put a name to all of it.
But I think for the most part, they just...are what they are. Blitz can’t focus, can’t handle rejection, is impulsive, obsesses over things and people, and loads up on caffeine to make up for the dopamine he lacks function. That’s how he was when Striker met him and as far as either of them are concerned, it doesn’t matter which aspects of him are symptoms of something and which ones are just part of his personality. 
All that matters to him is that Striker stuck around.
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candycoloredwolf · 3 years ago
This nearly made me cry at 7am oh my God this is PERFECTION!!!! Sit back and suffer Moxxue, these two love birds are confessing their feelings and you're gonna put up with it!!
okay but like imagine Truth Seekers but with Blitz and Striker, or (even better) Blitz, Striker, AND Moxxie. i feel like it would just be a continuous thing of Striker and Blitz just ganging up on Moxxie every chance they get and being just super over the top lovey dovey with each other and Moxxie just being 100% done with the both of them 😂
Blitz and Stiker: *talking about how much they love each other while making heart eyes*
Moxxie: Can you 2 SHUT THE FUCK UP FOR 5 SECONDS??
Blitz and Striker: (ง'̀-'́)ง *angry imp noises*
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Can you just imagine tho :D
Blitz, Striker, and Moxxie all tied up back-to-back-to-back in a triangle of chairs, deep within D.H.O.R.K.S. headquarters, having no idea what the fuck these crazy bitches are going to try next, when suddenly that vivid green gas starts to slowly seep into the room.
"The fuck is this?" Blitz demanded as he shifted in his chair, feeling the ropes that were keeping him from getting too far start to dig uncomfortably into his arms. "Are these fuckers actually trying to poison us?!"
"I don't think so, Sir--" Moxxie, though he had lifted his feet from the floor as soon as the gas started spreading across it, didn't quite enter into full on panic mode just yet as he gave the air a small experimental sniff. "They said that they wanted to know what we are and where we're from, right? I don't think they would hold us hostage for hours like this just to decide to just kill us without getting their answers first."
"Yeah well they might not be above tryin' out that whole "physical torture" shit you were runnin' your mouth off about earlier, too," Striker pointed out with a small snarl as he dipped his head to try and catch his bandana on his snout, wanting to tug it up and over his nose and mouth as much as possible. As he did, his tail fought to wriggle free enough from its bonds to seek out Blitz's, casting a sideways glance his way that was equally desperately searching. "Try not ta breathe this shit in, Darlin'."
"It's a bit late for--fuck a dick--f-for that," Blitz coughed out, turing his face to the side as his tail struggled to free itself when it felt the tip of Striker’s brush against it.  Letting out a small growl of frustration at not being able to, he instead muttered with a small whine, “ Fucking hell, I wish I was fucking your dick right now instead--WHAT THE FUCK?!”  
Both Striker and Moxxie’s heads snapped around to stare at Blitz as best they could from their awkward angles, their eyes equally wide but with the second pair looking far more horrified than the first.
“WHAT did you just say, Sir?!” Moxxie demanded as Striker continued to stare at him in silence.  “Did you just actually just say that you--WHAT THE FUCK SIR?!?”
“I don’t know!” Blitz snapped back at him, yet found himself unable to help looking anywhere else but at Striker as he tried to explain.  “I mean, it’s absolutely fucking true, but I didn’t mean to actually say it!!  There’s a ton of other shit I’d rather be doing with you instead now too and--what the fuck is happening?!”  
“Sir, can you please just.....stop.....talking!” Moxxie tried to resist the urge to shudder, wishing he had a way to somehow erase that new knowledge from his brain forever.  “I think it must be something in this gas--maybe it’s a kind of truth telling serum or somethi--!” 
“What else?”
“What?” Both Blitz and Moxxie had their full attention on Striker now--though he, likewise, seemed to be unable to look anywhere else but at Blitz.  
“You said that there was a ton o’ other stuff ya’d rather be doin’ with me right now,” Striker said, his tail once more flicking in what limited range of motion it had to brush back against Blitz’s tail.  “.....What else would you wanna be doin’ with me instead right now, Darlin’?” 
Before Moxxie got the chance to even try to protest with his outraged ‘Did you hear a word I just FUCKING said??’, Blitz beat him to speaking with the automatic answer of, “I wanna be back at home with you.  I wanna be in our small shitty ass apartment, curled up on the fucking couch together, watching Spirit for the 50,000th time and feeding each other half-burnt popcorn because I always get distracted thinking about how much I love you and let it go in the microwave for too long.  I want to be able to fucking touch you.  To kiss you.  I want you to hold me in your arms so that I can know that I’m safe and--fuck why did I just say that??”
“You feel safe when yer in my arms?” Striker cut quickly, his voice uncharacteristically soft with an open surprise and awe.  The hand that was nearest to Blitz started trying to twist free of the ropes, wanting to free itself enough to reach out for him.  Somewhere in the back of his mind he was aware of Moxxie groaning out an exasperated, ‘Why the fuuuuuuck are you still talking??’ but he was honestly even easier than normal to ignore.
“Being in your arms is the only time I feel safe,” Blitz answered with equal, helpless openness, his tail wiggling just enough to be able to twine together with Striker’s in lieu of being able to hold his hand.  “That’s--fuck I don’t know why I’m even saying this but--I’ve never felt safe in someone else’s arms like this before.  It used to scare the shit out of me because I’d always start to think: What happens when he realizes that I’m not enough?  What happens when he figures out that he can do better than me?”  The sharp vibration of a rattle against his tail startled him momentarily, but he still nonetheless finished--even though he turned his head away and looked down--with a very small, “.....What happens when I realize that you can do better than me?”
“That’s not gonna happen, Blitz--cause it ain’t fuckin’ true,” Striker said firmly, his tail abandoning it’s rattling in favor of gently tugging at Blitz’s tail to try to get him to look back up at him.  “Hey.....look at me, Darlin’.”  He waited until Blitz did before he continued.  “I know I don’t say it much an’ I know I need ta get better ‘bout that, but.....Honey when I look at you, I get too overwhelmed just with what I’m feelin’.  There ain’t nothin’ in the world that makes me happy more than seein’ you happy.  Even at the times when I’m too pissed off ta even want t’feel happy, just havin’ you there makes it seem like there’s suddenly a reason ta be.  I could look at your damn smile for hours and still wanna do or say whatever I can ta keep it stickin’ around for even longer.  I just--don’t you get it, Blitz?  No one has ever got me feelin’ this way before.  An’ no one else ever could.  So trust me when I say that there ain’t anyone out there that’s better for me than you, Darlin’.  You’re everything ta me.”  
Blitz had to turn his face away from Striker just to try to keep him from seeing the tears that had welled up enough to start running down his face, giving a very soft sniffle that--of all things--did end with the tiniest bit of a laugh.  
He was smiling.
“I love you,” he said helplessly--honestly--as the tip of his tail curled around Striker’s in as much of a hug as he could give him right then.  “I love you so, so much Striker.”  
“I love you too, Darlin’“ Striker smiled back, his own tail tenderly caressing back against Blitz’s own.  
“Oh for FUCK’S SAKE!!” Moxxie, finally unable to take it anymore, just threw his head back against the chair.  “Can we please get the fuck out of here now?!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP WE ARE HAVING A MOMENT HERE MOXXIE!!” Both Blitz and Striker turned to shout at him viciously--before going right back to gazing into each other’s eyes and purring as their tails tangled together.  
“I love you, Blitz.” 
“I love you too, Cowboy.” 
“I hate.....everything about this place,” Moxxie said as he flopped back into his chair and accepted his fate.
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candycoloredwolf · 3 years ago
I just laughed so hard I started choking on air, oh my God that is freaking hilarious!!!
Okay but how do you think Blitz would react to the song "Fuck me in the ass cause I love jesus" by Garfunkel and Oats? Cause I think hed think hed find it fuckin hilarious
First of all I just want you to know that I am LAUGHING SO FUCKING HARD RIGHT NOW omfg how have I never seen this before?? I am CACKLING!!
As for Blitz............ -has to legit take a minute to put my face in my hands and laugh harder-
Okay okay so--let’s see if we can do this:  
So if I might take a few creative liberties here, I like to imagine that the first time Blitz hears this song, it’s from his dearest daughter Loona plopping down her phone down in front of his face and saying “I didn’t know you were such a big Jesus fan, Blitz.”  
Blitz, naturally, is confused as hell and just mutters a, “What the fuck, Loonie??” before he suddenly finds himself with earbuds shoved in his ears and the phone shoved into his hand right before Loona clicks the play button. 
“In high schools across America, Christian girls are saving themselves for marriage,” Blitz read aloud, raising an eyebrow at the fact that the Americans were at it yet again.  “Many of these “virgins” are having anal sex because the Bible does not specifically forbid it--wait, what the fuck, REALLY?!”  Both eyebrows now shot up as he took the phone and sat up a bit more in his chair, staring transfixed at the phone as the screen changed and he read, “This practice is called “God’s Loophole”.  Loonie what the fuck is this?!”
“Keep watching,” Loona grinned, just as the opening scene began to play.  
And then he watched it--all 4 minutes and 40 seconds of it.  
It was how later that night, when Blitz and Striker were in the middle of making out heatedly in their bed, Blitz found himself grinning as he murmured, “Hey Cowboy?”
“Yeah, Darlin’?” Striker whispered back in between kisses, moaning as his hands began to wander down along the sides of Blitz’s thighs. 
“Mmm...do me a favor would you?” Blitz moaned as he arched into Striker’s touch, his own hands slipping beneath Striker’s jacket to begin working it off of him.  
“Whatcha need, Wild Thing?”  Striker purred, his gold-green eyes glinting with enticing seduction as he drew back just long enough from their latest kiss to meet Blitz’s eyes.
“.....Fuck me in the ass cause I love Jesus.” 
“Blitz what the FUCK--!?”
This is also how Striker ended up finding out about the song, too, and how their date night fun times turned into the two of them laying in bed together laughing their asses off as they watched the video on repeat for the rest of the night.  :D
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