#vivian hawke
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cadashly · 4 months ago
Since Isabela's in Rivain I'm just imagining Vivian Hawke is there too with her just looking at the horrible state of Northern and Southern Thedas and thinking "not my damn problem this time"
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pangolinheart · 2 years ago
And another while we're at it - I see you're a Bioware fan. Do you have a Hawkeye/Warden/Shepard/Inquisitor you've developed? Or do you just keep them pretty canon to their games?
I do, actually! Specifically for Dragon Age! This is my warden, Ruari Cousland
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Ruari is/was a ranger and duelist rogue multi-specialty.
The wayward second daughter of the Cousland family, always more at home hunting in the forest than discussing politics or attending functions with nobility. Becoming a Warden has imbued her with a newfound resolve and commitment. She's determined to carry out her duty no matter the cost to herself.
(art courtesy of @needapotion)
I cheated a little bit with Vivian Hawke
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I fell so in love with the default fem!Hawke's look that I couldn't bring myself to change it. (This was also before DA:I came out so I had no way of knowing there would be another character named Vivienne 😩). I usually played her as an assassin but I've played DA2 so many times I've also played her as a force mage. She's your bog-standard purple Hawke - glib, witty, and quick to hide her desperation behind a joke or sarcastic comment. She thinks she's hilarious.
(I also never got art of her because she looks just like the default fem!Hawke so it seemed like a waste of money.)
And finally my Inquisitor, Lorelei Lavellan:
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A tender-hearted Dalish Tempest rogue who just wishes that everyone could just pull their heads out of the asses and get along for ONCE. She's gentle and sweet and just wants to enjoy sky-watching and messing around with her potions but now everyone's calling her the "herald of Andraste" (she barely even knows who that is...) and expecting her to make important, world-altering political decisions.
(Art also courtesy of @needapotion)
I have a Shepard and a Ryder as well but I couldn't find screenshots for either of them lol.
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rhetoricalrogue · 2 years ago
OC Red Flags
Tagged by @chuckhansen to do this uquiz, thank you!
For my disaster girls:
Marian Trevelyan Fake you are a toxic human being. you belittle others, and are overly competitive. you probably envy those who have it better than you so you try to manipulate the person into feeling worthless so that you can feel superior. you are never there for your friends in time of need but you expect them to always be at your service
Delores Shepard Violent when something makes you upset, it could even be the tiniest most petty reason ever, you yell, rage, and possibly throw stuff in anger. your actions think quicker than your mind, and it could probably not even be intentional but the next thing you'll realize is that you've hurt someone
Vivian Hawke Rude Ash this one shouldn't really be explained. you have no regard for the feelings of others and you like to bully and mock people. you even find it hilarious
Zoe Dawson Violent when something makes you upset, it could even be the tiniest most petty reason ever, you yell, rage, and possibly throw stuff in anger. your actions think quicker than your mind, and it could probably not even be intentional but the next thing you'll realize is that you've hurt someone
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astravires · 2 months ago
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praise @yin-shimo for adding to most amazing cc hairs in the world
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malk-with-tea · 9 months ago
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Thumbnails I made for two of NudgeAndProd's Paper Mario TTYD playthrough streams :D
The second thumbnail is actually going to be for the stream happening today at 1pm est :p come join if you're interested!
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katt-sports · 7 months ago
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( Original post: https://www.tumblr.com/god-offical/758702151923056640/god-offical-god-offical-favoritesticle?source=share )
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gu-moo · 9 months ago
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sylvvs4tional · 2 months ago
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Various ttyd doodles i did <3
Closeups + Extras:
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cloud8doesstuff · 11 months ago
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Private comission for somebody who wanted my big paper mario painting to be remixed into a possible tattoo! Ended up just doing it all from scratch again so i could do somthing closer to the official artstyle!
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savage-kult-of-gorthaur · 5 months ago
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PIC INFO: Spotlight on American legendary American screen actress Lauren Bacall during the filming of crime/noir film "The Big Sleep" (1946), directed by Howard Hawks, based on the story of the same name by Raymond Chandler.
Source: www.picuki.com/media/3466373777669078668.
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tacos-goku · 8 months ago
The Thousand Year Door Spanish Name Changes
Nintendo of Europe used to change a lot of names when translating games to Spanish. They usually pumped out some real 50/50s inbetween good names, bad names, and maybe some better to the original. Here are some notables changes in The Thousand Year Door.
Beldam - Piruja
Changed the name to be a synonym for witch, a very tame change.
Goombella - Goomarina
Not a good change, very long and doesn't take advantage of the goom aspect. Personally I would've gone with Goomanda, but that's a personal opinion.
Flurrie - Claudia
I also think this name is a downgrade, it removes the wind pun in her name, but I also couldn't think of a spanish name with a wind pun so I'll give it a a pass.
Vivian - Bibiana
Now this is a really good change. On the surface it's just a surface level change, but you might not know that Bibiana Fernandez is the name of a real trans actress. It's so similar to Vivian's original name I'm not sure if it was intentional from the beggining, but I can't prove this.
Grubba - Leonardo
Sure, Grubba is a double pun on both Grubby and Clubba, but Leonardo is such a funny name for him that I gotta give it the thumbs up
Rawk Hawk - Rawk Hogan
This is also a really good name. It's so obvious actually, that I only think it wasn't in the game because to avoid legal issues.
Flavio - Marco
I'm torn on this one because on one hand Marco is a clear cut reference to Marco Polo, but on the other hand Flavio rolls off the tounge so well I gotta give it points too. I have to point out he's called Marco in the japanese version too, so the name isn't ESP exclusive.
Bobbery - Bombard
I'm not sure on this one, feels off.
Pennington - Holmot
Pennington is already based on Poirot, so fusing Holmes and Poirot's names is A-Ok for me.
Magnus Von Grapple - Mazinrobo X
Cool reference, I think they should've gone with this, obviously without the robot. Maybe Mazinbot for ENG.
Grodus - Xenon
Grodus doesn't have a chemist appearance, and I think this was only chosen because of the X in the name. Dissapointing.
Ms. Mowz - Lupina
Another anime reference like Magnus Von Grapple. Maybe it would've be too on the nose but I like this one too, they should've chosen one of the too, but I would lean more to this one.
That's all the notable names I could think of, if I didn't mention a name it was either because it didn't change the name from the english version (Ex: Koops, Cortez and Shadow Queen) or took the name from the japanese version instead (Ex: Hooktail and co, Doopliss and Crump).
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alvsanne · 6 months ago
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HEROES OF THEDAS, 9:30 - 9:44
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azems-familiar · 2 years ago
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The Champion of Kirkwall
my beloved Vivian Hawke, as done by the delightful @stellorc. (don't be fooled by all the red, she's almost exclusively-blue personality-wise.... but she's just hit her limit.) set sometime post-DA2 during her involvement with the mage rebellion!
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shr0mwzrd · 11 months ago
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Rawk Hawk
Rawk? Hawk?
Raw Cock
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redjennies · 6 months ago
4 and 6 for the da ask game?
ugh, finally had time to do these after working for eleven hours two days in a row. let's fuckin gooooooo.
4. attitude towards Andrastianism?
Suraia Tabris: she's an Andrastian, though not particularly well educated on the subject the same way a medieval peasant would have likely never read the Bible, and her experience is more informed by the folk traditions of the Denerim Alienage than official Chantry teachings. she does believe in the Maker and Andraste, even if theology and philosophy is a bit outside of her depth. still, her experience in the Temple of Sacred Ashes and even more, a common elf like herself being deemed worthy to take from the Urn leaves her in a state of quiet reverence and awe for the rest of her life.
Vivia Hawke: she's a little too glib and non-confrontational to decry the Chantry publicly the way Anders would, but Vivia is a non-believer to her core. she understands, logically, that the existence of the Fade and spirits in the material world is something she doesn't fully understand and will never understand, but that's still something she can experience. faith in something that she can't see or touch is just not something that comes easy to her. on her better days, she pays lip service to the concept of "good Andrastians" like Sebastian and her family not being the same as the Chantry, but deep down there's a bitterness towards the faith that she can't shake.
Natalia Trevelyan: deeply devout, but to her credit, when your family sends you away to the Chantry at a young age what else are you supposed to be? she's not perfectly content with her life as a lay sister and has some issues with the Chantry, which she keeps as deeply guarded secrets, but it's never soured her faith. if anything, it's made her feel special for thinking she understands the Chant better than others, which is NOT helped by her appointment as the Herald of Andraste. it's not until she gets the one-two punch of falling into the Fade at Adamant and finding out she's less the second coming of Christ and more just someone who just happened to be there at the right time and then discovering that Blackwall, who she -- a little naively -- looked up to as this older and wiser figure in her life, turning out to be Thom Rainier, that she starts to question her faith. ultimately, it doesn't completely shatter her belief, but it is a (much needed) humbling experience.
6. attitude towards the Qun?
Tabris: doesn't fully understand it. as with Andrastianism and the Chantry, Suraia really isn't a philosophy and big concepts type of person, but she is curious about the world outside of the alienage so she's very interested in what Sten has to say about his culture. unfortunately, Sten is not the best evangelist the Qun has to offer and isn't particularly interested in being one. eventually, she does start to understand it better through her friendship with him and deems that it's not all that different from her own personal attitude towards duty, if a little more rigid. honestly, if Sten were the converting type, she'd make a great Qunari.
Hawke: ooh, she's not a fan to put it lightly. again, she's slippery when it comes to getting her to voice an opinion so she's diplomatic and (relatively) respectful when speaking to someone the Arishok and Tallis, but to her, joining the Qun would just trading one yoke for another. as a mage, particularly, she thinks the treatment of the saarebas is, somehow, even worse than what the Chantry does. even if she weren't a mage, Vivia values autonomy too much to be even remotely on board with it.
Trevelyan: though she's not as personally disgusted by it as Vivia is, it has no appeal to who she is as a person. still, she quite enjoys talking to Bull about it, and though some things sound strange or even backwards to her, his relationship to the Qun feels familiar to her in a way that she can't quite verbalize. they're in very similar situations and on some level, similar people despite some seemingly massive differences. of course, as soon as Bull leaves the Qun, she's fully on Team Tal-Vashoth because fuck those guys. another win for Andrastianism. /joke
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bored-guy-21 · 4 months ago
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