#vivial hawke
leggywillow · 3 months
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I saw these tweets going around and immediately thought of a dumb meme with my Warden, Hawke, and Inquisitor.
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starcrossedspirit · 26 days
So, Evrion is the Hero of Ferelden and Vivial is a companion of Garrett Hawke’s during the events of Dragon Age II!
He is chosen out of the two by Duncan due to Evrion’s more refined, better controlled ability and showing a certain keenness in helping others (he did not sell Jowan out and instead believed in his friend, putting his life on the line to get it done.). Evrion also purposely kept his sister out of that business in fear of getting her into trouble and he was adamant that she never knew anything in spite of their closeness.
During the time that everything happened in Ostagar, being recruited into the Grey Warden’s, etc, Vivial was able to get out of the Circle with the help of a Templar friend before it officially collapsed and managed to make her way to Lothering just as her brother passed through it. They were not able to meet and I would say that she believed him to be dead, only furthering her notion that she had to make it to her aunt Leandra, and after arriving in Kirkwall she found out that her brother alongside King Alistair saved Ferelden.
Until she meets Anders, she had not been in contact with him and after a little while she was finally able to get one or two letters to him but was not able to find out his location, only that he was with a witch named Morrigan and that she was an aunt.
Out of the two Vivial had a hard time centering herself on anything that wasn’t just based upon survival, staying hidden, and for the most part harboring a certain disdain for how much Templars truly ruled over mages. In the Ferelden circle it felt less like a prison than the whole of Kirkwall did under Meredith’s rule. This is where she felt like having more power really settled upon her.
Evrion though really basked in the fact that he had freedom. With Morrigan he got to experience things he had only read in books and it was more of an enlightening path. Of course most of it is obscured and at some point Morrigan and Kieran part ways with him as he sought out a cure for the blight and later he loses touch with his sister.
Things are still being worked out on their story but I know that they followed their own paths and ultimately had always wished that the other had been with them.
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redtemple-wra · 6 years
Catch... And Release
The following is a collab effort by the rest of the cultists of the Red Temple.
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It was a bleak afternoon. Drab, boring. It felt pointless and without purpose. The distant sobbing of prisoners acted as background noise, a mere song to liven the spirits of the temple’s residents with its symphony.
Awh, but the Goddess of Love hadn’t the time to dilly dally in the middle of the hallway. Instantly she made her way for the Oratorium, swiftly pushing the door open in one gentle tug of the knob and shove of her shoulder it’s it’s frame.
She had entered without permission, her confidence as condescending as her gait, alas her features remained frozen in a thoughtful expression as she meandered about. What the maiden first noticed within the drab, darkly lit tomb of a room was the silence. Such a silence, in Deith's mind, that was suffocating.
Nothing good came of dead silence, the demons of peoples minds would sometimes become too loud and tear you apart from within-- it was the entire reason the shirtless goddess was ruffling books and tinkering with ornaments and relics, her fingers sometimes adjust the thin, nearly translucent skirts upon her hips, therein rattling the bells attached at the ends for just that much more.. noise.
Finally, she couldn't take it, her voice naturally soft and alluring as she calls forth: "Orator! I desire an audience with you and the rest of our kin!"
The answer to her call was a bolt of fire, vibrant flames growing up from the ground that would catch the attention of the vibrant goddess.
Vivival stepped forward, flames refusing the spread to her, a sneer on her features.  In her hands was a charred skull, ash flaking from the more burned parts.  "I see, its whore o clock already,” the draenei snarked toward the kaldorei, “Need the Orator to give you direction beyond lusting after captives?  Or just hoping he gives you another fuck toy?"
The condescending smile had suddenly manifested upon the kaldorei's lips as she turned to address the haughty draenei. Despite such an enticing grin, Deith looked simply unamused. 
Her eyes ere cold and features pinched with frustration as she sneers and snarks, "You need to loosen up a little, Hotstuff."
This was all Deith said, long stiletto nails proceeding to comb through her beach waves, the teal tendrils moved around enough to expose her left breast, therein exposing painted sternum and underbust tribal markings
From the doorway of which Deith had, too, entered, the Demon Hunter of their enterprise announced his presence with a clear of his throat and a single whooshing flap of his large wings.
"Deith. Modest as ever, I see," noticed the also shirtless hunter, the smirk carrying in his voice, if not his face, given the open scream mask he wore as he watched her like a hawk. His eyeless gaze turned briefly on Vivival with a snickering snort heard upon his teasing query, "Does that skull carry any purpose, or is the aim just to make you look dramatic and 'spooky'?"
Pointedly Vivial shot back at the hunter, her tone haughty, “It’s purpose is a sacrifice.  A test to see how quickly I can burn all bones“
Finally, the demon hunter’s head tilted toward Deith. It hadn’t taken a genius to place the confusion and wonder in his voice as he mumbled, "You called? What is it this time?"
The Goddess of Love bore a gentle smile whilst she turns to fully face her kin, "This time," Deith hums, offering the hunter a once over in acknowledgment, "I have called the meeting. It's time. We need to decide what to do next."
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@susan-gampre @sistersinsin @edwinxerathi
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Her statement seemed to be quite vague, but not nearly enough for the two other corrupted god and goddess of the temple, both casting incredulous glances toward one another.
The Demon Hunter spoke first, a scoff on his tone.
"Kill her, experiment on and brainwash the child,"  Leresdelor said matter-of-factly, giving a dismissive shrug as his mask turned back to Deith. "Perhaps we can use the child as a guinea pig to enhance our own servants."
"Or even make her one of our own servants,"  Vivi grinned, that smile always just a smidge too big.
The very idea had caused Deith to tense, her motherly instincts consuming her. Of course, she had not spoken out on the idea of harming the child-- At least, not yet.
"Keep the child," Deith nods slowly, inhaling deeply before remarking what she was certain would be the unpopular option, "Release the whore."
"Release... As in, release her spirit from her body, yes?"
Deith’s eyes glared toward Leres, preparing to challenge the smug man-- until a chill overwhelmed the three. The room became.. Cold. So much Vivi’s flames visibly suffered, losing their intensity and shriveling into a smaller flame.
“ Hush." 
That single word brought all three of the dark pantheon to lift their eyes and inspect the shadows of the room, pointedly quieting upon the command.
The very same voice which spoke this command comes forth a second time, melodic and singing a lullaby in a creepy and unnerving nursey rhyme manner, "Hush little baby, don't cry a word, father's going to find you a sharpened sword...hush little darling don't say a thing, mama's going to find you a dead plaything..."
From the wall emerges the Orator, the swaddled form of the child in question in his hands, his bone mask stark white in contrast to the black and shade cast by his hood. The grip he held on Vivian was gentle but firm. In the eyes of Deith.. It was protective.
"No. Release the whore wholesale, untouched, with the knowledge that her child will be reared within this temple to join our unborn pantheon,” The Orator promptly expressed, bringing a smile to Deith’s eyes whilst Leresdelor scoffs and Vivi sneers.
"Let her tear herself apart with grief, let her rally allies to come to us. They are unprepared for the horrors within these walls, and then we might reap the worthy and fill the pools with their blood,” Deith agrees, uncaring to beckon the Orator for his agreeance for her to speak up.
The two others sneered at the kaldorei’s reckless and disrespectful fashion, but with the Orator’s nod toward them would they speak up.
"Sadly, they cannot find us.  I am well aware of that.  If they wish to find us, we will have to lead them, step by pathetic step,” Vivi mutters out, clearly disgusted with the very thought.
“A shame, though,” Leres sighs, so dramatically forlorn as he muses,  “I was so looking forward to rending her head from her body, but I suppose her pathetic minions will do."
Unbeknownst to the trio of god and goddesses, but very much acknowledged by the silently observing Orator, a small void elf had hovered her way to the Orator’s chambers where the others were plotting. Clinging within the doorway to the Oratorium, cloaked in shadows, the elf’s gaze was transfixed upon the new life swaddled up in the Orator’s grasp.
There was no doubt she cared for the child, like one of her own vulpine children, noted by her whispering, “...I can w-watch her...,” the small voice peeped through the dark shadows of the room.
It was enough to bring Deith’s attention unto Varikh, of course, her long ears twitching with life.
Doubt clung to Deith's soul as she reviewed the shrouded woman, breathing deeply before exhaling out: "Orator... The child should not be experimented on," with this would Deith turn toward the Orator, "For one it is not worthy. Too innocent, unproven. We should raise it to be one of us-- Our own little demi-god."
Shadows would begin to form until the doctor stepped out of them. He stood beside his assistant. The doctor still adorned in his mask and his bladed and leather attire.  He had been out scouting about and seeking potential targets but he was called to this gathering. 
Upon listening to Deith he spoke once she was finished.
“Varikh would make for a good guardian of the child. No experimentation but the child will need nurturing care. A maternal touch.” He explained. “My assistant has experience taking care of children. “ one could wonder why the doctor would take interest in the child, but what Deith said, she made an excellent suggestion. “At least until she is of age to be trained.”
"Hmm. So we're running an orphanage then? We're going to provide for the girl? Feed her, clothe her? For no guarantee of return on our investment? At least if we experiment on her, we'll gain something. We could leave her whole enough to be trained as well.”
The demon hunter’s condescending nature brought a noisy scoff from Deith, her lips weighed by a prominent frown which only seemed to age her youthful visage.
“We do not prey upon children. If you'd like, I'll provide you with an adult body to dissect all you desire,” the kaldorei snapped at her kin, Goddess of Love turning to challenge the God of War.
“Not orphanage per say,” the Doctor theorizes, “Just imagine, she is raised here? Believing that this is family, the undying loyalty she’ll have. We will be able to indoctrinate her in our ways and methods, she could be in fact made into a weapon. There are many possibilities here.” He added.
The squabbling and verbal arguments of his children brought the Orator to stir with life, his bone mask lifting from the slumbering child to command toward the pantheon: “Silence!”
Instantly all five of the group befell into an intense silence, eyes all turning to the Orator. Some wide, some narrowed. Frustration and excitement swirled amongst them as they waited patiently.
“Your point all have merit. This is just a child and has no use to us now. Too innocent, too unproven...yet I see a grand opportunity here." He steps down and walks forward, passing through the throng, legitimately moving through Victor at one point, and coming to a stop before the door, "A child in the hands of a death cult? How many of the adventurous types would come for her? How many people would Gampre send to us to get her child? People whose blood we can harvest."
The Orator looks down at the babe and begins to play with her little hairs, "Besides. There is never just one generation. There must always be those who can take our places should we fall. What better than one we have molded all their life?"
"Could always burn it, “ the draenei seethes, her glared settled upon the babe, “And just be done with it.  And why so protective whore?” this query seemed directed at the kaldorei, “They only know suffering if we let them live..."
Deith’s glare matched Vivi’s in intensity, fixated on the draenei in question. But she said nothing.
"We should prey upon whomever we can. They're all lesser beings. It is our right." The hunter says quietly, his voice even and unwavering. He falls silent at the command though, his gaze moving to the Orator. 
"It will not be just one of us that teaches the child, Vivival. It will be all of us." The Orator utters out, holding the child up into the air, "Isn't it fascinating? Everything was at one point as helpless and small as this child. Even the Titans came from somewhere, the worlds, the stars, the demons..." He sighs and cants his head to the side, "A wonderful state of being. Complete ignorance, yet complete enlightenment..." 
Slowly Vivial and Deith’s glared lessened to a softer stare, both women turned to fixate on the Orator now as he holds the child close, and then turns back to the group, "We will keep her, as both a lure and as a ward. Dump the whore off at her whorehouse, let her wallow in despair like the rest of her lot."
"I will abide by any choice you make Orator.,” Vivial concedes, her tone lacking enthusiasm, “But I will ask if she is adept in magic, that I am her teacher.  Either here or where we send her.  Teach her what I wish I knew.
Slowly the Orator nodded, igniting hope within Vivial, "I will think on what to do. A schedule...no...a program." He looks to Varikh now, gaining the ren’dorei’s full attention, "You would be willing to take her in, yes?"
Varikh crept into the room as the Orator’s movements shifted the infant to and fro. Her leather padded feet barely making gentle thwaps against the stone floor, “I-I will take her in as one of my own and... and c-care for her,” she assured. “I w-will love her...” she whispered almost inaudibly.
Deith's hardened stare would settle upon Varikh, inspective... Curious, even, before her eyes move toward the Orator, "She'll make a good surrogate."
And then would Deith's glare move from Leres to Vivi, "And anyone who attempts to harm the child will be met with swift discipline. Can we agree to this?" 
The doctor nodded firmly. “Agreed.” He spoke. 
"Fine,” the hunter snarls,  “But... Just to clarify. What sort of... Harm are we talking about?" He rumbles quietly.
“Physical, mental, and emotional,” The Orator answers, “You have plenty of other things to wreak havoc upon, the child is not one of them.” He looks between the two demons, “I will compensate the two of you with pray of a high caliber, the type that will satisfy your cravings for violence in place of the child.”
"Any training will be fraught with danger.  She will come to harm if she fails to control magic or blade,” Vivi theorizes.
"When she's old enough to train and be disciplined, then that is a different story," Deith remarks.
"Well, that at least goes without saying. Before that point, however, she will remain unharmed, cared for, and treated like a god amongst their servants. We will be the calritous voices keeping her down to earth, but we will make her the strongest champion we will ever have..."
"As you say, Orator,” Vivial bows, her eyes narrowing, “What would have me burn in the meantime?  The whore does still have one side of her face unmarred."
"No more with the whore, it is a waste of your talents. No, I have another target for you,”  The Orator turns to the blood hanging in the ceiling of the Oratorium and gestures. The blood swirls and writhes, forming a circle. In the middle, the face of a goblin appears, "His name is Guyrix Wondergoggle. I want you to burn him, his headquarters, and the entirety of his company down. If any of you want to go, do so. This is personal between him and the Temple."
"Tell me where, and it will be ash."
"Stranglethorn Vale. Near where the Venture Company had their headquarters before it got destroyed. Let it all burn, and let the columns of flames reach the heavens."
Vi stood, grinning wide.  She burned to ash in a moment, gone.  Her mission would be brief.
The dying of the flames would bring the rest of the group to theorize and murmur amongst each other, each eyeing the child and then each other.
Varikh watched the child in the Orator’s arms, mindlessly approaching their leader. She desperately gazed at the innocence trapped in such an oblivious state. The threats made on her life, the plans for her rearing, all this made without the child’s knowledge.
Varikh thought back to her own children, the elven ones. Fixing their breakfast, tucking them in at night — it all seemed like a distant memory now but with this little one, she’d have a second chance.
The partially nude goddess would proceed to fold her arms beneath her bosom, casting a glance toward the Orator, "How shall we return her, the whore? Where even? In a box? Shall we give her a chance and send a message to her dearest friend that she is free?"
"I say just dump her like the trash she is." The Hunter pipes up again.
With a sigh Deith meanders to Leres's side, hissing toward the Hunter, "Do not be insufferable. We don't want her to die, otherwise, no one knows the baby is here. Something precious for everyone to come running for."
"Return her in a box-- No...return her in a coffin. At the doorstep of her burned establishment. Warn her friends, warn whoever. I want her first sight to be the ruin of everything that she cared about."
As Deith strode next to him, the Hunter extended a clawed finger, trailing it along her exposed skin absently. "I didn't say kill her, but a coffin? So much work for someone worth so little."
The Orator’s idea brought small smiles and a lighter mood around the group, each snorting or giggling in amusement.
“Devious, darling,” Deith purrs.
Taking the moment to turn to the assembled group, The Orator passed the babe off to Varikh in an absentminded way. The figure touched his mask and gestured around, "Then this is concluded. The child will remain ours, the whore dumped at her whorehouse. Whoever wants to do it, do it swiftly, I have missions for all of you once this is done."
Instantly the desperate void elf gathered and cuddled the babe to her chest, eyes widened with glee as the child naturally fell into her grasp. It was clear to Deith, then, that the woman had been a mother once before.
Deith's silvery eyes would brighten whilst her whimsical voice purrs, "I'll locate her father. Perhaps we'll--," the maiden smirks knowingly, "Make use of the evening beforehand."
With finality to his tone, the Demon Hunter huffed out, shaking his head. "Ah well, I suppose I'll hunt then, all this talk has got my blood boiling... If no one else cares to, I'll dump her when I return."
"Perhaps the Doctor..," Deith gestures toward Victor, "Could make the coffin?"
The doctor looked over to Deith and he had a small grin firm upon his lips. “ I may have one already prepped for the queen whore.. I assumed we would kill her.. out of eagerness I crafted one.” He rubbed the back of his head lightly.
"As you wish, Orator." Leres gave a rather overly dramatic bow, before his wings carried him out of the room with a burst of wind.
"Even if she does not lay dead, place her into the coffin. Let her panic within its contents,” the Orator nodded slowly, a smile heard in his voice.
Victor nodded. “As you wish.”
"When you have completed the task, leave immediately. Don't worry about her friends finding her. Come back here immediately, I have a task that will talk all of your medical knowledge and acquired skills as a doctor. A little...experiment, if you will."
The doctor bowed his head to the orator. “I am up for the challenge.” He said before dismissing himself to perform the task laid before him.
"Oh, Deith. I have a task as well, for you or your champion, once you are ready to hear it."
Pausing near the exit, for the maiden was preparing herself to leave, the promiscuous goddess turns to face the Orator whilst wearing her most enticing smirk, silver eyes batting flirtatiously, "Is that so, darling? Well.. Perhaps I'll visit your chambers later when we have more privacy to discuss it?" An impish smile would replace the enticing, her sense of humor as slutty as she looked. 
The Orator turned his mask to face her and simply nodded. As his face was swaddled in cloth and bone, it would be impossible to gauge his facial expression and general disposition at the moment, "I await your presence in my chambers then, my dear."
With a flick of her wrist, the maiden waves her farewell, slipping out of the room in a sway of her hips and toss of her hair.
All the while... Varikh cradled the babe tightly to her chest and carried her out of the chambers, making her way back to the doctor’s office. A small, faint hum in the tune of a lullaby could be heard echoing in the halls.
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leggywillow · 29 days
7, 8, and 21 for the DA meme!
7. if they had to choose one person most important to them, who would that be?
Anders is the most important person to Vivial Hawke. She believes in his cause with everything she has, and she views him as all she has left. She equates keeping Anders alive and safe with her last chance to succeed at something, to save someone. As long as Anders is okay, she hasn't failed entirely yet. (It's so unhealthy and I love it.)
8. who do they hate the most, and do they have an arch-nemesis?
Adara Surana hates the Architect and would quite possibly consider him an arch-nemesis of sorts. She feels as though he manipulated her into sparing him and that he took advantage of her mercy. After she encounters Corypheus and puts two and two together to realize just what the Architect might really be, she becomes terrified of the gravity of the mistake she might have made.
(Which is funny because I think the Architect likes her quite a bit! He has a lot of respect for her, which is why he made sure the Ferelden Wardens were able to hunt down so many of his disciples after Awakening.)
21. what is their biggest regret?
Dacre Trevelyan (who was a templar in Kirkwall when Chantry-splosion happened) will always most regret the things he did on Meredith's orders in Kirkwall. He regrets going along with so much horrible stuff he convinced himself was necessary. He was following orders, he trusted authority figures, stuff that he was supposed to do... and it caused so much harm.
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leggywillow · 4 months
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Playing with this adorable piccrew and made my main Dragon Age ships from my longfic series, The Mistakes of Men and Monsters. Got Carver Hawke/Adara Surana, Anders/Vivial Hawke, and Dacre Trevelyan/Miriam Lavellan.
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leggywillow · 1 month
for the meme: whichever questions you’d like to answer most! one for each character :D
Oh ho ho, I will pick the same one for all, the ultimate question >:D
26. Do they get a happy ending?
Maybe this is a bad choice since I don’t KNOW 100% yet, my headcanons and fic plans are hinging on the plot of Veilguard, and it is driving me MAD. But the trajectory of their stories based on the games and my fanfics and headcanons so far:
Vivial Hawke - No. She stays behind in the Fade in Here Lies The Abyss. I have ideas for her to be “rescued” from the Fade, and become a brainwashed mutilated puppet of Ghilan’nain that got mashed up with the giant spider demon… so not rescued I guess. She’ll probably get cut down by the Veilguard in this wild headcanon scenario of mine, so… no, I think my poor broken cuckoo bird is doomed and it hurts me all the time.
Dacre Trevelyan and Miriam Lavellan - Yes. In fanfic world, they fall in love with each other and get together and have happy lives after Inquisition, survive the events of Veilguard and live happily ever after, etc. etc. (My ideas for them are less detailed and thus less depressing and devious because I haven’t really started to write their story yet.)
Adara Surana - Whew, this is the ultimate question that is constantly making my brain go whirrrrrrrr. It all hangs on the Grey Warden and Blight lore we get in Veilguard. In a world where there is no upcoming Dragon Age 4 and my headcanons alone can reign supreme, it’s still literally a toss-up. She fully intends to sacrifice herself with blood magic to cure Carver Hawke of the Taint (which would destroy him as well so the Hawke family is just not safe with me 😭). I have some alternative ideas tucked away that are less grim so we’ll see, hopefully I get to use them.
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leggywillow · 1 day
Hi! For the ask thing, what’s your fave AU idea for each of your ocs?
Oooooh thank you for the question!!! Gosh, I’m so boring when it comes to AUs, lol. I just get so attached to their original settings.
For Adara, my favorite is an AU where she’s… just a regular Grey Warden instead of the Hero of Ferelden. She would have survived the Circle uprising and fought at the Battle of Denerim before volunteering to join. The important thing about this AU is that she’s a focused healer, and I get to write scenarios like “Carver was trying too hard to impress the other Wardens and did something reckless and got hurt. Again. And it’s getting kind of embarrassing for him to keep showing up at the healer’s.” It’s really just a way for me write lower stakes cutesy Warden shit.
For both Adara and for Vivial/the Hawke family, I am intrigued by a Locked Tomb AU. The necromancer/cavalier relationship in all its possible forms is catnip for me.
I haven’t thought about AUs for Dacre very much since his canon is so wobbly in the first place while I’m feeling things out… is he the actual Inquisitor or is he a companion to Inquisitor Lavellan? I’m still waffling depending on the day.
Thank you for the question!!! 🥰🥹
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leggywillow · 23 days
Chapters: 17/? Fandom: Dragon Age (Video Games) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Carver Hawke/Female Surana Characters: Female Surana, Female Hawke, Carver Hawke, Male Trevelyan, Anders, Nathaniel Howe, Original Grey Warden Characters, Ruvena, Hugh, Avernus, Fade Spirits Additional Tags: Warden Carver Hawke, Grey Warden Secrets, Mage-Templar Dynamics, The Taint, Established Relationship, Kirkwall, Canon-Typical Violence, Dragon Age II Quest - The Last Straw, Minor Anders/Female Hawke, Pregnancy, Possession Series: Part 3 of The Mistakes of Men and Monsters Summary: After (supposedly) killing Corypheus alongside her partner Carver Hawke, Warden Adara Surana is determined to cure the Taint that dooms them to an early grave. When Anders blows up the Kirkwall Chantry, however, her plans are thrown into chaos. Carver rushes to Kirkwall to help his sister, Champion Vivial Hawke, and Adara chases after him.
Templar Dacre Trevelyan is lost and grieving. He’s determined to drag Anders to Starkhaven to face justice, and he’s willing to go through Hawke—and anyone else—to do it. He crosses paths with Adara Surana instead. It’s kind of a disaster.
Chapter Summary: Dacre makes preparations to leave the Templar Order in the wake of the Chantry explosion and hunt down Anders.
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leggywillow · 4 months
Chapters: 14/? Fandom: Dragon Age - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Carver Hawke/Female Surana, Minor Female Hawke/Anders Characters: Female Surana, Female Hawke, Carver Hawke, Male Trevelyan, Anders, Nathaniel Howe, Original Grey Warden Characters, Ruvena, Hugh, Avernus, Fade Spirits Additional Tags: Warden Carver Hawke, Grey Warden Secrets, Mage-Templar Dynamics, The Taint, Established Relationship, Kirkwall, Canon-Typical Violence, Dragon Age II Quest - The Last Straw, Minor Anders/Female Hawke, Pregnancy, Possession Series: Part 3 of The Mistakes of Men and Monsters Summary: After (supposedly) killing Corypheus alongside her partner Carver Hawke, Warden Adara Surana is determined to cure the Taint that dooms them to an early grave. When Anders blows up the Kirkwall Chantry, however, her plans are thrown into chaos. Carver rushes to Kirkwall to help his sister, Champion Vivial Hawke, and Adara chases after him.
Templar Dacre Trevelyan is lost and grieving. He’s determined to drag Anders to Starkhaven to face justice, and he’s willing to go through Hawke—and anyone else—to do it. He crosses paths with Adara Surana instead. It’s kind of a disaster.
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