#vittorio missoni
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Vanity Numero 1 Gennaio 1982
Trimestrale di moda e stilismo
Progetto e realizzazione di Anna Piaggi
Edizioni Condé Nast, Milano 1982, 76 pagine, 23 x 29,5 cm
euro 240,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Direttore responsabile Franco Sartori
Direttore artistico Alberto Nodolini
Impaginazione Sam Rey, Antonella Sacchetto
Ricerche di moda Vern Lambert
redazione Emma Treves, Ornella Vallini
Quando nel 1962, trentunenne, Anna Piaggi sposa a New York il fotografo Alfa Castaldi, la sua carriera è in piena maturazione. Lavora come traduttrice per Mondadori e si avvicina alla moda un po’ per comunione d’intenti con il suo giovane sposo, un po’ perché ama scrivere e soprattutto leggere la società e le sue contraddizioni; la sua penna piace alle pagine mondane, collabora con L’Espresso e con Panorama. Quando a Londra, nel 1967, si imbatte nella bancarella di abiti di seconda mano e archivio di Vern Lambert, le si spalancano le porte verso il futuro del personaggio che sarebbe diventata. Con lui, collezionista e storico, stringe un’amicizia indissolubile, e impara a riconoscere il valore della couture. Dagli abiti del passato capisce la forza pervasiva della tradizione, del fatto a mano, del sartoriale, della modellistica, che sostengono il guizzo delle nuove intuizioni; mischiarli a quelli del suo tempo diventa naturale, come riportarli in vita per dimostrare a se stessa e chi ormai la fotografa in ogni occasione, che quando in un capo o in un accessorio c’è l’impronta del genio, il momento di indossarlo è oltre le epoche o le stagioni. Diventa maestra e regina di styling, inventando esotismi ed esagerazioni difficilmente replicabili. La chiama Vogue, dandole una rubrica nel 1988, le Doppie Pagine, su cui si è formato molto del giornalismo di settore contemporaneo; era sovversiva, irriverente, inquisitoria. Poco prima aveva fondato il suo magazine Vanity, tra le più interessanti avventure editoriali del periodo, dove gli illustratori e i talenti emergenti della fotografia erano di casa.
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#Vanity Numero 1 Gennaio 1982#Vanity#Anna Piaggi#Antonio Lopez#Vern Lambert#Chloé#Karl Lagerfeld#Gianfranco Ferré#Valentino#Giorgio Armani#Walter Albini#Sam Rey#Missoni#Brunetta#Natalia Aspesi#Vittorio Solbiati#Fabio Bellotti#Giuseppe Menta#Krizia#Gianni Versace#fashion history#fashion magazine#Edizioni Condé Nast#fashionbooksmilano
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December 03, 2011 — Loren Ridinger And Jeffrey Kalinsky Host Evenings In Vogue With Angela Missoni And Vittorio Missoni For Exclusive Summer 2012 Missoni Preview Presented By Nordstrom.
Paris Hilton attends Evenings in Vogue with Angela Missoni and Vittorio Missoni for exclusive summer 2012 preview presented by Nordstrom at Casa de Suenos in Miami.
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Join in the advent calendar fun with this Missoni-inspired cowl, name for Vittorio Missoni who turned the fashion brand into a global powerhouse. Designed for the Shall We Knit? yarn store advent calendar, this fun cowl comes in two sizes and uses up all t... via [knitgrrl's Knitterly Inspiration Pinterest board]
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4 gennaio … ricordiamo …
4 gennaio … ricordiamo … #semprevivineiricordi #nomidaricordare #personaggiimportanti #perfettamentechic #felicementechic #lynda
2021: Barbara Shelley, attrice inglese. Iniziò la sua carriera di attrice in Italia. (n. 1932) 2021: Tanya Roberts, pseudonimo di Victoria Leigh Blum, attrice e modella statunitense. (n. 1955) 2017: Niki Giustini, attore, comico e conduttore televisivo italiano. Dotato di una vena comica ed umoristica, era molto abile nelle imitazioni. All’età di 52 anni, muore per le conseguenze di una…
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#4 gennaio#4 gennaio morti#Art Acord#Artemus Ward Acord#Barbara Shelley#Gianna Maria Canale#Giuseppe Daniele#Gloria May Josephine Svensson#Gloria Swanson#Morti 4 gennaio#Morti oggi#Niki Giustini#Otis Skinner#Pino Daniele#Tanya Roberts#The Cowpuncher King#Tino Bianchi#Victoria Leigh Blum#Vittorio Missoni
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Biografia di Paolo Scirpa
Paolo Scirpa nasce a Siracusa nel l934; dopo gli studi artistici in Sicilia, frequenta l’Accademia di belle arti di Salzburg, animata culturalmente da Oscar Kokoschka e lo studio di J. Friedlaender a Parigi. Nel 1965 e, successivamente, nel 2000 partecipa alle edizioni IX e XIII (Proiezioni 2000) della Quadriennale Nazionale di Roma. Nel 1968 si trasferisce a Milano, dove collaborerà con Luciano Fabro all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera e dove sarà, più tardi, titolare di una Cattedra di Pittura; nel 1969 tiene la sua prima personale alla galleria L’Agrifoglio, presentato da Vittorio Fagone; nel 1972 espone, alla Galleria S. Fedele, Megalopoli consumistica, un’opera di denuncia sociale. Negli anni ’70 avvia la realizzazione di opere che vengono definite Ludoscopi: attraverso un sistema di specchi e tubi fluorescenti e il gioco combinatorio di elementi minimali, essi propongono la percezione di profondità infinite, in cui “si pratica l’abolizione del limite tra il reale e l’illusorio” (Maltese, 1976). In alcuni ludoscopi egli realizza raccordi illusori che creano uno spazio plastico curvo; in altri il raccordo seminterrato è praticabile; altri ancora sono di struttura cubica. Scirpa trae spunto anche dal Manifesto tecnico della Scultura Futurista di Boccioni, che aveva teorizzato la possibilità di impiego della luce elettrica nell’opera d’arte e si proietta a sperimentazioni in cui il colore non è più dipinto, i volumi non sono più scolpiti e la luce diventa opera essa stessa. Conosce esponenti del MAC, tra cui Bruno Munari ed entra in contatto con i gruppi dell’Arte cinetica, come il GRAV a Parigi o il Gruppo T a Milano. Sollecita l’attenzione anche di studiosi come il cibernetico Silvio Ceccato. Dal 1977 opere di Scirpa sono presenti annualmente fino al 1991 nella sezione cinetica del Salon “Grands et Jeunes d’aujourd’hui” al Grand Palais des Champs-Elysées di Parigi. Negli anni ’80 sviluppa i suoi primi interventi progettuali sul territorio che saranno presentati nel 2004 alla mostra Utopie della città presso la biblioteca dell’Accademia di Brera. Nel 1982 il Symposium de Sculture di Caen (Francia) sceglie il progetto di un suo ludoscopio per la Bibliothèque Municipale. Tiene diverse mostre personali, tra le quali, alle gallerie Arte Struktura, Vismara Arte di Milano, al Palazzo dei Diamanti di Ferrara, alla Galleria Civica d’Arte Moderna di Gallarate ed allo Studio d’Arte Valmore di Vicenza. Nel 1985 è presente a Roma alla mostra di Palazzo Venezia Artisti oggi tra scienza e tecnologia e ad altre manifestazioni sullo stesso tema in Italia ed all’estero, tra le quali, nel 1990, al Politecnico di Milano, nel 1995 al Futur Show di Bologna, nel 1996 all’Accademia di Brera a Milano Convegno Arte, Scienza e Tecnologia; inoltre partecipa a rassegne sulla Patafisica, alla Triennale di Pittura di Osaka e nel 2003 al Museo Bargellini a Pieve di Cento (Bo) Luce vero sole dell’arte, nel 2006 alla galleria del Credito Siciliano di Acireale Sicilia!, nel 2008 allo ZKM di Karlsruhe (Germania) You ser: Das Jahrhundert des Kosumenten ed al Landesmuseum Joanneum di Graz (Austria) Viaggio in Italia, nel 2009 a Berlino presso la Rappresentanza del Baden-Württemberg alla mostra del Museum Ritter ed a Cordoba (Argentina) presso il Museo Jenero Perez alla mostra Echi futuristi ed allo ZKM di Karlsruhe, mostra Collectors’ Choice II. Nel 2012 è presente alla mostra Arte programmata e cinetica presso la Galleria d’Arte Moderna di Roma dove è installata in permanenza una sua opera luminosa. Dal 2013 sue opere pittoriche fanno parte della Collezione Farnesina, raccolta d’arte contemporanea del Ministero degli Affari Esteri. (Roma). Nello stesso anno partecipa alla mostra Percezione e illusione presso il MACBA di Buenos Aires. Nel 2014 completa due nuove opere La porta stretta, la cui prima versione risale al 1999, l’una con fondo oro, l’altra su un tabellone consumistico, ambedue con l’inserzione di una struttura di luce triangolare a profondità ascensionale. Nel 2015 partecipa alla mostra Moderna Magna Graecia a cura di Francesco Tedeschi e Giorgio Bonomi presso FerrarinArte di Legnago. L’INDA Istituto Nazionale del Dramma Antico di Siracusa gli affida la realizzazione del nuovo manifesto degli spettacoli classici del 2015. È presente a Missoni - L’Arte - Il Colore al MAGA di Gallarate.Nel 2016 partecipa alla mostra itinerante The moving eye presso il Muo Musej di Zagabria, e Centri e Istituti Culturali di San Paolo, Brasilia e Panama. In occasione del 25° Festival della Musica di Milano, dedicato a Gérad Grisey Intonare la luce, immagini di sue opere luminose vengono utilizzate per illustrare il libro di sala e per lo spot pubblicitario su SKY classica. Il Museo del Novecento espone un Ludoscopio – Pozzo, 1979 facente parte della sua collezione. Partecipa alla mostra itinerante The moving eye presso il Muo Musej di Zagabria, e Centri e Istituti Culturali di San Paolo, Brasilia e Panama . E’ presente alla mostra Interrogare lo spazio a cura di Luigi Meneghelli presso Ferrarin Arte a Legnago (Vr). Tiene mostre personali allo Studio Arena di Verona La luce nel pozzo, a cura di Marco Meneguzzo per cui, nel pozzo che noi vediamo creato dagli specchi e dai neon, Scirpa “…mette in scena la finzione nello stato più puro” ; a Rosso Vermiglio di Padova, Labirinti di luce a cura di Vittoria Coen che vede nel Ludoscopio “…un invito alla riflessione, … un lasciarsi andare per pensare, …”, ed a ArteAGallery di Milano, L’infinito possibile a cura di Francesco Tedeschi che afferma: “…Gli elementi portanti della sua opera, nelle diverse forme che essa assume, sono la luce e lo spazio,.. la luce come strumento di colore e di forma è ad essi essenziale: una luce che concretizza le geometrie, genera figure formali in grado di attrarci e condurci in una profondità,…in uno spazio senza dimensioni..” Nel 2017 RossoVermiglioArte di Padova presenta una sua personale alla ArteFiera di Bologna. Alle Fabbriche Chiaramontane di Agrigento si inaugura una sua personale “La forma della luce–La luce della forma” a cura di Marco Meneguzzo che sottolinea come “la forma della luce…trascende questa fisicità e diventa sostanza immateriale, diventa la luce della forma….,” Successivamente al MACA di Acri partecipa alla mostra “Arte interattiva” a cura di Monica Bonollo e nel 2018 a Torino, Museo Ettore Fico, “100% ITALIA”, Cent’Anni di Capolavori. Nel 2019 realizza una mostra personale a Milano, Gaggenau hub, “Sconfinamento” a cura di Sabino M. Frassà che sottolinea come “l’artista ha indagato, sperimentato e simulato l'assenza di limiti, lo “sconfinamento” appunto”. Partecipa a Senigallia alla mostra “Materie Prime – Dalla terra alla luce”, a Waldenbuch, Museum Ritter “1919-2019” e a Pontedera “Arcadia e Apocalisse”. Nel 2020 è presente alla Biennale Light di Mantova, Elogio della luce. Negli ultimi anni Scirpa realizza, con rigore geometrico e spirito innovativo, due opere scultoree in marmo bianco di Carrara ed in legno laccato bianco che evocano il Teatro greco di Siracusa: in esse le gradinate della cavea si raddoppiano, diventando circolari e sono rivolte anche all’esterno. Recentemente ha realizzato una struttura al neon che ricorda il Teatro greco, il cui progetto risale all’anno 2000. In un momento storico come il nostro in cui si manifesta la convivenza di vari linguaggi e l’artista può rivisitare esperienze passate, egli recupera il suo linguaggio delle prime denunce consumistische o quello sperimentale del mezzo elettronico e, nel proporre i suoi percorsi prospettici di spazi-luce, offre oggi nuove possibilità espressive su cui riflettere.
Sue opere sono in collezioni e musei tra i quali MAGA (Gallarate), Museo del Novecento (Milano), Civiche Raccolte Bertarelli - Castello Sforzesco (Milano), Biblioteca di Brera (Milano), MACTE Museo d’Arte Contemporanea (Termoli), MART- VAF-Stiftung (Trento e Rovereto), Museo MAGI ‘900 (Pieve di Cento), MAPP Museo d’Arte Paolo Pini (Milano), Musée des Beaux-Arts (Caen), Museum Ritter (Waldenbuch), Museo Civico d'Arte Contemporanea (Gibellina), Museum (Bagheria), Fabbriche Chiaramontane (Agrigento), Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna (Roma), Gallerie d’Italia (Milano).
Ha realizzato opere per spazi pubblici e chiese: nel 1965, un grande mosaico al Centro Internazionale del Movimento dei Focolari a Rocca di Papa (Roma) e uno all’Auditorium del Centro Internazionale di Loppiano (Fi) e dei dipinti nella Chiesa del D. P. a Cernusco sul Naviglio (Milano) dove sono stati installati anche suoi Ludoscopi sopra l’altare e il Battistero.
Al suo lavoro hanno dedicato saggi ed annotazioni critiche:
Riccardo Barletta, Pietro Baj, Carlo Belloli, Luigi Bianco Guglielmo Boselli, Giorgio Bonomi, Rossana Bossaglia, Ginevra Bria, Domenico Cara, Luciano Caramel, Silvio Ceccato, Jacqueline Ceresoli, Claudio Cerritelli, Cesare Chirici, Vittoria Coen, Andrea Del Guercio, Mario De Micheli, Marina De Stasio, Giorgio Di Genova, Gillo Dorfles, Vittorio Fagone, Ornella Fazzina, Pedro Fiori, Carlo Franza, Sabino Frassà, Carmelo Genovese, Flaminio Gualdoni, Sara Liuzzi, Annette Malochet, Corrado Maltese, Gabriel Mandel, Giorgio Mascherpa, Luigi Meneghelli, Marco Meneguzzo, Marta Michelacci, Bruno Munari, Carlo Munari, Antonio Musiari, Daniela Palazzoli, Demetrio Paparoni, Francesco Poli, Pierre Restany, Roberto Sanesi, Giorgio Segato, Carmelo Strano, Luigi Tallarico, Francesco Tedeschi, Carlo Terrosi, Maria Torrente, Antonino Uccello, Miklos N. Varga, Alberto Veca, Francesco Vincitorio, Maurizio Vitta, Emanuele Zucchini.
É stato docente all’Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera. Vive ed opera a Milano.
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31 May 2011 | Charlotte Casiraghi attends the 'Sadie Coles And Angela Missoni Dinner For Gabriel Kuri And Urs Fischer' during the 54th International Art Biennale in Venice, Italy. (c) Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
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Milano Fashion Week is starting in a couple of days and like every year it is the most awaited and popular event taking place, not only in Milan but worldwide.
58 runaways, 110 presentations, 54 events for a total amount of more than 170 fashion designers new collections: beside well-known brands like Prada, Versace, Armani, Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Etro, Alberta Ferretti, Marni, Blumarine, Ermanno Scervino and Bottega Veneta, also young fashion designers with a very bright future ahead will be presented, such as Gabriele Colangelo, N°21, Philosophy by Lorenzo Serafini, Arthur Arbesser, Msgs and Marco De Vincenzo.
From 17th till 23rd of this September the line up will be full, and even if you do not have any pass or ticket for the shows, you can watch the events in live streaming directly on a big screen in Corso Vittorio Emanuele.
Here the complete Milano Fashion Week 2019 lineup:
18th September 2019
10:30: Angel Chen, via Olona, 6 bis
11:30: Tiziano Guardini, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
12:30: Peter Pilotto, via A. Manzoni, 42
13:15: Calcaterra, via Meravigli, 7
14:00: Marco Rambaldi, via Olona, 6 bis
15:00: Arthur Arbesser, via privata Scalarini, 10
16:00: Prada, via Lorenzini, 14
17:00: Annakiki, via Calabiana,
18:00: Alberta Ferretti, Piazza Lina Bo Bardi, 1
19:00: N°21 *, via Archimede, 26
20:00: Jil Sander, via Brera, 28
19th September 2019
09:30: Max Mara, via Roentgen, 1
10:30: Emporio Armani, via Bergognone, 59
11:30: ACT N°1. via Olona, 6 bis
12:30: Fendi, via Solari, 35
13:30: Anteprima, via San Luca, 3
14:30: Genny, piazza Affari, 6
15:30: Luisa Beccaria, via Palestro, 16
16:30: Vivetta, via San Gregorio, 29
17:30: Simona Marziali – Mrz, via Clerici, 10
18:30: Bottega Veneta, via Senato, 10
18:30: Daniela Gregis, piazza Sant’Ambrogio, 23/A
20:30: Moschino, via Piranesi, 14
20th September 2019
09:30: Tod’s, via Palestro, 14
10:30: Blumarine, corso Venezia, 16
11:30: Brognano, corso Venezia, 51
12:30: Sportmax, piazza Lina Bo Bardi, 1
13:15: Antonio Marras, corso Buenos Aires, 33
14:00: Etro, via conservatorio, 12
15:00: Marni, viale Umbria, 42
16:00: Iceberg, via Carlo Botta, 18
17:00: Marco De Vincenzo, viale Gorizia, 9
18:00: Aigner, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
19:00: Frankie Morello, viale Eginardo – Gate 2
20:00: Versace, piazza VI febbraio
21st September 2019
09:30: Salvatore Ferragamo, via E. Besana, 12
10:30: Gabriele Colangelo, piazza Duomo – scalone Arengario
11:30: Msgm, viale Alemagna, 6
12:30: Cividini, via San Gregorio, 29
14:00: Ermanno Scervino, corso Venezia, 16
15:00: Philosophy Di Lorenzo Serafini, viale Alemagna, 6
16:00: Giorgio Armani, via Borgonuovo, 11
17:00: Stella Jean, piazza Duomo, Scalone Arengario
18:00: Agnona, via Vigevano, 18
19:00: Missoni, via Pier Lombardo Ang. via Botta
20:00: Gcds, piazza Lina Bo Bardi, 1
22nd September 2019
09:30: Drome, via Olona, 6 bis
10:30: Boss, via Savona, 56
11:30: Shuting Qiu, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
12:30: Laura Biagiotti, via Rivoli, 6
13:15: Fila, via Watt, 15
15:00: Atatsushi Nakashima, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
16:00: Gucci, via Mecenate, 77
17:00: Cristiano Burani, via Meravigli, 7
23rd September 2019
09:30: Ultràchic, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
10:30: Alexandra Moura, piazza Duomo – Scalone Arengario
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Milan Fashion Week Milan Fashion Week is a clothing trade show held semi-annually in milan italy the autumn winter event is held in February March of each year and the spring summer event is held in september-october of each year history and operations Milan Fashion Week established in 1958 is part of the global big for Fashion Week's the others being Paris Fashion Week London Fashion Week and new york fashion week the schedule begins with New York followed by London and then Milan and ending with Paris Milan Fashion Week is owned by kamran Asian al della moda italiana a non-profit association which disciplines coordinates and promotes the development of Italian fashion and is responsible for hosting the fashion events and shows of Milan the camera Syndicale della moda italiana was set up on jun 11 1958 this was the forerunner of the body which subsequently became the camera nazionale della moda italiana proprietors of the most important establishments in Italy including some private establishments which in those days played a crucial role in the promotion of this sector were present at the memorandum of association roberto capucci emilio schuberth maria antonia princess caracciolo Jannetty alberto fasciani Giovanni cjd German amaru celli simonetta colon adesso Soros squared Joel veneziani Francesco borrello giovanni battista Joe Genie and the lawyer peach show / e co the events dedicated to women's fashion are the most important the summer events dedicated to men include menswear and milano moda whoa mo in 2013 the fall/winter Milan Fashion Week started on january twentieth with Paula Franny and was followed by shows from major fashion houses such as Armani Roberto Cavalli dolce & gabbana TRO fendi Ferragamo Gucci jil sander Marnie maxmara missoni moschino Philip lean prada Pucci john richmond Todd's Versace etc but also by shows from new labels and younger days niners such as or zsa zsa Cristiano biryani Gabrielle Colangelo marco de vincenzo stella jean chico Luol d msgm na degree 21 Fausto Puglisi francesco scognamiglio etc on November 20 2013 giorgio armani announced he has decided to join the italian chamber of fashion locations milan fashion week including more than 40 shows each season transforms the city into a touristic hob by simply creating various venues for the show's selecting the most elegant and influential palaces to become the stage for design example of location our Palazzo rial Palazzo sir baloney and many others controversy in 2014 greenpeace protested to demand toxic-free fashion by hanging signs in the galleria vittorio emanuele to shira Campion of greenpeace italy said the demonstration was set up to ask italian brands especially versace because it has the highest level of hazardous chemicals in its products to publicly commit to eliminate harmful substances from the various stages of production references see also Berlin Fashion Week London Fashion Week New York Fashion Week Paris Fashion Week external links Milan Fashion Week official site Milan Fashion Week As found on Youtube
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Popular Culture
Introduced in the early 1920s, jazz took a particularly strong foothold in Italy, and remained popular despite the xenophobic cultural policies of the Fascist regime. Today, the most notable centres of jazz music in Italy include Milan, Rome, and Sicily. Later, Italy was at the forefront of the progressive rock movement of the 1970s, with bands like PFM and Goblin. Italy was also an important country in the development of disco and electronic music, with Italo disco, known for its futuristic sound and prominent usage of synthesisers and drum machines, being one of the earliest electronic dance genres, as well as European forms of disco aside from Euro disco (which later went on to influence several genres such as Eurodance and Nu-disco).
Producers/songwriters such as Giorgio Moroder, who won three Academy Awards for his music, were highly influential in the development of EDM (electronic dance music). Today, Italian pop music is represented annually with the Sanremo Music Festival, which served as inspiration for the Eurovision song contest, and the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto. Singers such as pop diva Mina, classical crossover artist Andrea Bocelli, Grammy winner Laura Pausini, and European chart-topper Eros Ramazzotti have attained international acclaim.
Cinema of Italy
The history of Italian cinema began a few months after the Lumière brothers began motion picture exhibitions. The first Italian film was a few seconds, showing Pope Leo XIII giving a blessing to the camera. The Italian film industry was born between 1903 and 1908 with three companies: the Società Italiana Cines, the Ambrosio Film and the Itala Film. Other companies soon followed in Milan and in Naples. In a short time these first companies reached a fair producing quality, and films were soon sold outside Italy. Cinema was later used by Benito Mussolini, who founded Rome's renowned Cinecittà studio for the production of Fascist propaganda until World War II.
After the war, Italian film was widely recognised and exported until an artistic decline around the 1980s. Notable Italian film directors from this period include Vittorio De Sica, Federico Fellini, Sergio Leone, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luchino Visconti, Michelangelo Antonioni and Roberto Rossellini. Movies include world cinema treasures such as Bicycle Thieves, La dolce vita, 8½, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Once Upon a Time in the West. The mid-1940s to the early 1950s was the heyday of neorealist films, reflecting the poor condition of post-war Italy.
As the country grew wealthier in the 1950s, a form of neorealism known as pink neorealism succeeded, and other film genres, such as sword-and-sandal followed as spaghetti westerns, were popular in the 1960s and 1970s. Actresses such as Sophia Loren, Giulietta Masina and Gina Lollobrigida achieved international stardom during this period. Erotic Italian thrillers, or giallos, produced by directors such as Mario Bava and Dario Argento in the 1970s, also influenced the horror genre worldwide. In recent years, the Italian scene has received only occasional international attention, with movies like Life Is Beautiful directed by Roberto Benigni, Il Postino: The Postman with Massimo Troisi and The Great Beauty directed by Paolo Sorrentino.
The aforementioned Cinecittà studio is today the largest film and television production facility in continental Europe and the centre of the Italian cinema, where a large number of biggest box office hits are filmed, and one of the biggest production communities in the world, second only to Hollywood. More than 3,000 productions have been made on its lot, from such cinema classics as Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, Romeo and Juliet, and the films of Federico Fellini (one of the most influential filmmakers of all time) to recent rewarded features like The English Patient, Gladiator, The Passion of the Christ, Gangs of New York, and Spectre.
As of 2016, Italian films have won 14 Academy Awards for Best Foreign Language Film (the most of any country), 12 Palmes d'Or (the second-most of any country), 11 Golden Lions, and 7 Golden Bears.
The Azzurri at the 1982 FIFA World Cup (one of the four won by Italy).
Starting in 1909, the Giro d'Italia is the second oldest of the prestigious Grands Tours.
The most popular sport in Italy is, by far, football. Italy's national football team (nicknamed Gli Azzurri – "the Blues") is one of the world's most successful team as it has won four FIFA World Cups (1934, 1938, 1982, and 2006). Italian clubs have won 48 major European trophies, making Italy the second most successful country in European football. Italy's top-flight club football league, Serie A, ranks as the fourth best in Europe and is followed by millions of fans around the world.
Other popular team sports in Italy include volleyball, basketball and rugby. Italy's male and female national teams are often featured among the world's best. The Italian national basketball team's best results were gold at Eurobasket 1983 and EuroBasket 1999, as well as silver at the Olympics in 2004. Lega Basket Serie A is widely considered one of the most competitive in Europe. Rugby union enjoys a good level of popularity, especially in the north of the country. Italy's national team competes in the Six Nations Championship, and is a regular at the Rugby World Cup. Italy ranks as a tier-one nation by World Rugby. Italy men's national volleyball team winning three World Championships in a row 1990, 1994 and 1998 an three silver medal in Olympics 1996, 2004, 2016.
Italy has a long and successful tradition in individual sports as well. Bicycle racing is a very familiar sport in the country. Italians have won the UCI World Championships more than any other country, except Belgium. The Giro d'Italia is a cycling race held every May, and constitutes one of the three Grand Tours, along with the Tour de France and the Vuelta a España, each of which last approximately three weeks. Alpine skiing is also a very widespread sport in Italy, and the country is a popular international skiing destination, known for its ski resorts. Italian skiers achieved good results in Winter Olympic Games, Alpine Ski World Cup, and World Championship. Tennis has a significant following in Italy, ranking as the fourth most practised sport in the country. The Rome Masters, founded in 1930, is one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world. Italian professional tennis players won the Davis Cup in 1976 and the Fed Cup in 2006, 2009, 2010 and 2013. Motorsports are also extremely popular in Italy. Italy has won, by far, the most MotoGP World Championships. Italian Scuderia Ferrari is the oldest surviving team in Grand Prix racing, having competed since 1948, and statistically the most successful Formula One team in history with a record of 224 wins.
Historically, Italy has been successful in the Olympic Games, taking part from the first Olympiad and in 47 Games out of 48. Italian sportsmen have won 522 medals at the Summer Olympic Games, and another 106 at the Winter Olympic Games, for a combined total of 628 medals with 235 golds, which makes them the fifth most successful nation in Olympic history for total medals. The country hosted two Winter Olympics (in 1956 and 2006), and one Summer games (in 1960).
Italian Fashion and Design
Prada shop in Hong Kong.
Italian fashion has a long tradition, and is regarded as one most important in the world. Milan, Florence and Rome are Italy's main fashion capitals. According to Top Global Fashion Capital Rankings 2013 by Global Language Monitor, Rome ranked sixth worldwide when Milan was twelfth. Major Italian fashion labels, such as Gucci, Armani, Prada, Versace, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana, Missoni, Fendi, Moschino, Max Mara, Trussardi, and Ferragamo, to name a few, are regarded as among the finest fashion houses in the world. Also, the fashion magazine Vogue Italia, is considered one of the most prestigious fashion magazines in the world.
Italy is also prominent in the field of design, notably interior design, architectural design, industrial design and urban design. The country has produced some well-known furniture designers, such as Gio Ponti and Ettore Sottsass, and Italian phrases such as "Bel Disegno" and "Linea Italiana" have entered the vocabulary of furniture design. Examples of classic pieces of Italian white goods and pieces of furniture include Zanussi's washing machines and fridges, the "New Tone" sofas by Atrium, and the post-modern bookcase by Ettore Sottsass, inspired by Bob Dylan's song "Stuck Inside of Mobile with the Memphis Blues Again".
Today, Milan and Turin are the nation's leaders in architectural design and industrial design. The city of Milan hosts Fiera Milano, Europe's largest design fair. Milan also hosts major design and architecture-related events and venues, such as the "Fuori Salone" and the Salone del Mobile, and has been home to the designers Bruno Munari, Lucio Fontana, Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni.
Italian Cuisine
Some of the most popular Italian foods: pizza, pasta, gelato and espresso.
Modern Italian cuisine has developed through centuries of social and political changes, with roots as far back as the 4th century BC. Italian cuisine in itself takes heavy influences, including Etruscan, ancient Greek, ancient Roman, Byzantine, and Jewish. Significant changes occurred with the discovery of the New World with the introduction of items such as potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers and maize, now central to the cuisine but not introduced in quantity until the 18th century. Italian cuisine is noted for its regional diversity, abundance of difference in taste, and is known to be one of the most popular in the world, wielding strong influence abroad.
The Mediterranean diet forms the basis of Italian cuisine, rich in pasta, fish, fruits and vegetables and characterised by its extreme simplicity and variety, with many dishes having only four to eight ingredients.[284] Italian cooks rely chiefly on the quality of the ingredients rather than on elaborate preparation.[285] Dishes and recipes are often derivatives from local and familial tradition rather than created by chefs, so many recipes are ideally suited for home cooking, this being one of the main reasons behind the ever-increasing worldwide popularity of Italian cuisine, from America[286] to Asia. Ingredients and dishes vary widely by region.
A key factor in the success of Italian cuisine is its heavy reliance on traditional products; Italy has the most traditional specialities protected under EU law. Cheese, cold cuts and wine are a major part of Italian cuisine, with many regional declinations and Protected Designation of Origin or Protected Geographical Indication labels, and along with coffee (especially espresso) make up a very important part of the Italian gastronomic culture. Desserts have a long tradition of merging local flavours such as citrus fruits, pistachio and almonds with sweet cheeses like mascarpone and ricotta or exotic tastes as cocoa, vanilla and cinnamon. Gelato, tiramisu and cassata are among the most famous examples of Italian desserts, cakes and patisserie.
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Il design del tessuto italiano
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Dalle sperimentazioni di Lucio Fontana e Gio Ponti ai motivi optical di Germana Marucelli e caleidoscopici di Emilio Pucci; dagli effetti trompe-l'oeil di Roberta di Camerino alle sensibilità pop di Ken Scott, Elio Fiorucci, Gianni Versace e Franco Moschino; dal lavoro sull'heritage di Prada, Valentino e Marni alla valorizzazione dell'archivio aziendale di Missoni, fino alle ibridazioni grafiche di Maison Laponte, Gentile Catone, Colomba Leddi e IUTER: artisti, stilisti, designer e aziende che hanno contribuito a costruire la fama del tessuto italiano nel mondo dai primi del Novecento al contemporaneo. Una storia che si intreccia profondamente con la nascita del concetto di made in Italy, contribuendo in modo significativo alla fama internazionale dell'Italia come baluardo della moda e del design di alta qualità. Oltre 500 illustrazioni, fotografie e disegni preparatori - molti inediti e provenienti da archivi aziendali e privati - raccontano i più importanti successi creativi del nostro Paese.
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December 03, 2011 — Loren Ridinger And Jeffrey Kalinsky Host Evenings In Vogue With Angela Missoni And Vittorio Missoni For Exclusive Summer 2012 Missoni Preview Presented By Nordstrom.
Paris Hilton attends Evenings in Vogue with Angela Missoni and Vittorio Missoni for exclusive summer 2012 preview presented by Nordstrom at Casa de Suenos in Miami.
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Ferruccio Ferragamo Honored With ‘Cavaliere del Lavoro’ Title in Italy – WWD
MILAN — Ferruccio Ferragamo, chairman of Salvatore Ferragamo SpA, and Guido Damiani, president of the namesake jewelry company, were named Cavaliere del Lavoro, or Knight of Labour, on Saturday. This is one of the highest recognitions bestowed by the president of the Italian Republic, currently Sergio Mattarella.
Along with Ferragamo and Damiani, 23 other Italian entrepreneurs were honored with the title, including Silvia Stein, president of Italian knitwear company Maglificio Miles SpA, which manufactures for high-end fashion brand including Valentino, Bottega Veneta and Lanvin; and Giuseppe Maiello, founder and executive vice president of Gargiulo & Maiello SpA, a Napoli-based company distributing personal care and beauty products founded in 1968, which now counts 120 directly-operated stores, 80 of which under the Idea Bellezza banner.
Ferragamo made headlines earlier this week, after the family company recruited seasoned executive Michele Norsa, who returned to the company he left in 2016 as executive deputy chairman, assuming the executive powers previously exercised by Ferruccio Ferragamo.
Established in 1901 by King Vittorio Emanuele III, the Cavaliere del Lavoro title recognizes Italian entrepreneurs who have distinguished themselves in different sectors of the economy and contributed to social development, employment, technology and the growth of Made in Italy. The number of Cavalieri del Lavoro, including the new honorees, amount to 626.
Others in the fashion industry who have been previously appointed Cavalieri del Lavoro include: Remo Ruffini, chairman and chief executive officer of Moncler; Yoox Net-a-porter chief executive officer Federico Marchetti; Rosita Missoni; Brooks Brothers chairman and ceo Claudio Del Vecchio; Fabrizio Freda, ceo of the Estée Lauder Cos. Inc.; Claudio Marenzi, president of fashion industry association Confindustria Moda and president and ceo of Herno, and Roberto Colombo, president of Lanificio Luigi Colombo, a producer of cashmere and high-quality fibers.
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Are Hippies the New Goths?
All smiles in their ribbon-and-lace-trimmed mini-dresses, the three winsome young women could not have been more eye-catching. That they were members of the Manson clan, photographed, hair swinging, on their way to court, is chilling of course. But fashion, perversely, cannot look away.
Like the culture at large, the style world has been fixated of late on these and other profoundly unsettling representations of the 1960s counterculture, designers and marketers viscerally drawn to hippiedom’s sketchily improvised manner and style, intent, it would seem, on exploring its dark side.
Indeed, there’s a lot to suggest that, to some minds at least, hippies are fashion’s new Goths.
Creepy variations on this enduring archetype began turning up more than a year ago as the subjects of “Wild Wild Country,” a Netflix documentary series about Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh and his flamboyant, often lawless followers. Today hippies lurk in the shadows on the USA Network series “The Sinner,” its commune-dwelling populace “hypnotizing you,” as one character puts it, “so you don’t even know who you are.”
“Charlie Says,” Mary Harron’s biographical drama, is largely focused on Manson’s profoundly troubled female acolytes. “Once Upon a Time … in Hollywood,” Quentin Tarantino’s unnerving summer release, hurls its audience straight into the heart of the infamous Spahn ranch, with its haphazardly outfitted denizens. Witchy in their crocheted tops, frayed cutoffs and muumuus, Charlie’s girls, as they were known, mind the ranch, thumb rides in the desert and offer themselves on no more than a whim to bewildered passers-by.
They share a psychic and aesthetic bond with a brooding type that has long existed in the literary imagination. Sasha, a minor character in “The Last of Her Kind,” Sigrid Nunez’s novel about coming of age in the era of Manson, was a striking figure, “with masses of dark, wild, wavy hair.” Never without a cigarette and always in black, she liked to mix leather and lace.
From left, Manson family members Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Leslie Van Houten on their way to court in 1969.CreditBettmann
It is not by chance that Sasha and her brooding sisterhood have been resurrected on the runways, designers investigating both the somber and more garishly festive aspects of cult and commune culture. In the 2020 resort collections Missoni unveiled, among other dour looks, a midi-length coatdress the color of blood pulled over tapestry flares; Gucci highlighted pajama-style tunics and harem pants; and Coach clambered on board with a black and a claret-tone update on the billowy granny dress.
All of that is to say nothing of the floral-patterned maxi-dresses cropping up at fast fashion outposts like Zara and the homespun vests, frayed cutoffs and fringe-festooned Western jackets for sale at Forever 21.
Like its counterculture progenitors, the look smacks of escapism mingled with a moody pessimism. Its recent doomy associations have given rise to a proliferation of shroudish garments, trinkets and amulets, some that evoke the Source, that eerie ’70s Los Angeles cult, its members draped in shapeless white robes and pendants, heads garlanded in flowers.
What could account for fashion’s ghoulish fascination with these vagabond styles and subcultures?
A witchy look from the Gucci resort 2020 collection.CreditVittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images for Gucci
The trend is obliquely related to the modesty movement, one high on puffed or belled sleeves, smocklike frocks and ankle-skimming hemlines. It is, in its most recent incarnations, embraced for its currency and social cachet. Simultaneously starchy and louche, the look is meant to be subversive.
Hippie style, at its most feverishly vibrant, strikes a similarly dissonant chord that resonates with the fashion tribes. That disharmony has long captivated designers — Yves Saint Laurent and Alexander McQueen the most obvious among them — using the runway to battle their demons, suggested Cassidy Zachary, a fashion historian and specialist in the fashions of the ’60s youth quake.
“With their smiling faces, long manes and flirty mini-dresses, hippies can seem at once both beautiful and horrific,” Ms. Zachary said.
“Fashion is one place where you can explore those contradictions,” she said. “The counterculture’s unlikely fusion of darkness and glamour was fascinating in the ’60s. And it’s fascinating now.”
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ALMA VIVA: a first showing of enormity
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The day focused on ALMA Viva - First Act was appointed by the social affair "Italia, arrive d'eccellenze"(Italy:l and of significance). ALMA, as a group with Sanpellegrino Group and Symbola – Foundation for the headway of Italian Quality, expected to pay a hommage to the various blessings in our country, starting with the sustenance business, and animated by Sanpellegrino Reservation Book, which was circulated in excess of 15.000 copies wherever all through the world, and proposes an exposure of Made in Italy in the midst of the year 2012.
In fact, reliably is focused on a representative of Italian superbness, for instance, Palazzo Strozzi (addressing society), Bulgari (addressing indulgence), Missoni and Salvatore Ferragamo (addressing structure), Ferrari (addressing auto industry), and ALMA, addressing cuisine.We are satisfied to be considered as a specialist of virtuoso and capacity and a perfect interpretation of Italian style - said Albino Ivardi Ganapini, President of ALMA. - In couple of years we could express our name as an identical expression of Italian Culinary guidance. The insistence by Sanpellegrino means that the creating reputation cooking is acknowledging, as identified with culture».
Oscar Farinetti talked at the get-together with Ermete Realacci, President of Symbola-addressed by General Secretary Fabio Renzi, too who focused on the potential Italy needs to use to overcome the crisis: «We need to go for social event associations and systems together on typical goals, for instance, quality, research and adapting, to make a more innovative and supportable economy, unequivocally related to the area yet open to the overall market.Oscar Farinetti, maker and President of Eataly,
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illuminated how his endeavor has evoluted into the best center resolved to top quality Italian sustenance and wine wherever all through the world. Viability, provincial character and receptiveness are key thoughts. Italian purposes for living improving and propelling what Italy can do best, for: «We have no adversaries in rustic age, sustenance, tourism, culture, creating industry, plan and fashion».Stefano Agostini, Managing Director of Sanpellegrino Group, underlined the centrality of working as a gathering, with enormity as a run of the mill target.
The social occasion "Italia, arrive d'eccellenze" was joined by various agents of the 12 associations picked by Sanpellegrino in their Reservation Book 2012 as a picture of Made in Italy, for instance, James M. Bradburne, General Director of Palazzo Strozzi, Vittorio Missoni, Missoni, Armando Branchini, General Secretary of Altagamma Foundation, and Francesca Cocco, Public Affairs Manager for Poltrona Frau Group.In the brilliant regal position rooms in the Reggia di Colorno, refreshments were offered to each one of the individuals after the social affair, and dealt with in tasting zones in light of the going with things: Parmareggio with Parmigiano Reggiano,
Antica Corte Pallavicina with eased meats, Renato Brancaleoni and ALMA Caseus with cheddar, Consorzio dell'Olio Toscano with Tuscan olive oil, Consorzio Produttori di Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale di Modena e Reggio Emilia with Traditional Balsamic Vinegar, Rougie with foie gras, Bellavista with shining wine, Illy with coffee, Frigomat with solidified yogurt, Nonino with grappa. An undertaking dinner took after, and a menu in three areas set apart by Master gourmet pro Gualtiero Marchesi and joined with Petra and Cecchi wines.
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4 gennaio … ricordiamo …
4 gennaio … ricordiamo …
2017: Niki Giustini, attore, comico e conduttore televisivo italiano. Dotato di una vena comica ed umoristica, era molto abile nelle imitazioni. All’età di 52 anni, muore per le conseguenze di una pancreatite acuta. (n. 1964) 2015: Pino Daniele, all’anagrafe Giuseppe Daniele, cantautore, musicista e compositore italiano. (n. 1955) 2013: Vittorio Missoni, è stato uno stilista e dirigente…
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