highsocietyhq · 2 years
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hshqedit · 3 years
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[ 2/4 ] hshq & stan twitter — @vitoriadobrasil
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svljc · 3 years
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     - ‘ YOU HAVE two options: either jump on that bus with me and only get down on the last stop, doesn’t matter where that is, or you’ll spend the rest of your day wondering what amazing fucking thing i found and you missed. ’ / @vitoriadobrasil​
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jinxiuying · 3 years
( * / @vitoriadobrasil​ )​
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her eyes peered over her small compact at the princess before closing it. as her curiosity would have it, she exclaimed almost gleefully, “ oh look ! it’s ms. small dicks. “ the girl looks like one who can take a joke, but if she’s made an offense; well, who would care. “ taken any of my FREE advice into consideration ? “
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hshqgossip · 2 years
ok ok we know who you would pair up romantically, but who should make friends?
friends are SO 18 years ago... what a bore! 🥱 how about...
milf-frothing frienemies?? certified lover boys, george x zhaohui🤰🏽👨🏼‍❤️‍👨🏻🤰🏼
friends with benefits?? eloa x ionie 
friend...zoned?? ireti x sten ( ireti deserves a hoe phase ) 🤷🏾‍♀️
forced proximity...friends?? levente x nasira
friend of a friend... but make it enemies?? luciana x leonor 🍝
friends to lovers?? andrew x vitoria
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swababy · 2 years
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     - ‘ VIVI, HEY ! i need help finding the best dance clubs in tokyo and you’re the girl for the job, am i right ? tell me i’m right. ’ / @vitoriadobrasil​
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rxnancromwell · 2 years
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“Next time you decide to host a party, try to pick location on solid ground. Alcohol and water don’t mix, you know should know that.”   
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aminatamansaray · 3 years
table two  —
( @loladebelgique​​ @catherinestuart​ @yisvn​ @giselledorleans​ @svrgic​ @jinlixue​ @vitoriadobrasil​ @vslvano​ @tywysoges-g​​  )
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aminata looks back over at the other tables for a few seconds, full of people willing to be auctioned, “maybe i should have joined them - i would’ve been the hottest monarch up there. no offense to your brothers, of course.” ami throws a smile at giselle and lixue, “how much do you think you’d be worth - in this arbitrary point system? i’m putting myself somewhere in the 900s, for my delightful personality alone.” 
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helenadobrasil · 2 years
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“I know security is especially tight but I may be able to get us in and out for some fresh air,” she nudged at her sister’s foot with a mischievous grin. “Food and drinks will be on me.” 
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archived-zhangxai · 2 years
"You’re even prettier than your brother described.” Ai looked up from the neatly arranged pastry with a bright smile. “I promised I’d deliver this to you before he raced of
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elocs · 2 years
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                        “    your hair has been looking super pretty recently,    ”    eloá comments casually, with the air of someone who simply can’t understand how vitória is managing it.    the cool air is doing absolutely nothing for hers.    she looks at her friend with pursed lips, before asking the question that’s been plaguing her mind, even if vitória doesn’t answer it.    “    how’s your father doing  ?    ”    ﹟    @vitoriadobrasil​.
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giorxcci · 2 years
⁎   vitoria do brasil.   ╱  @vitoriadobrasil​
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“We have very different interpretations of what skimpy entails.” He approaches from behind, issuing a firm tap to Ines’ shoulder. His gaze averts to their surroundings before she pivots. Realization dawns a minute too late. “Ready to go –– oh.”
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hshqedit · 3 years
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hshq hot girls ! ( song. )
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arabellasxndrine · 3 years
“I hope you have a big appetite because I bought quite a lot for our lunch.” It wasn’t like Arabella to do such a thing but her younger cousin had that effect on her. “Okay, now tell me! What are your plans for your date with the German?” ( @vitoriadobrasil​ )​​​
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vitoriadobrasil · 3 years
URL and name change. 
Iara becomes Vitória. The blog is now vitoriadobrasil. 
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hshqgossip · 2 years
who should ale and oli have one last fling with?
let's be honest... are they really not going to have flings even after the marriage? since NEITHER of them have rings 💍 on their fingers, i definitely think that they're both still fair game ! maybe @migueldobrasil could show @olimpiacroy a little extra hospitality 💆‍♀️ as a host. or we could always count on one of the 🐔 chicken breast boys 🐔 ( @princesten or @georgetstuart, not @bielbraganca probably ) to offer a LITTLE helping hand, do you really think that those guys are big on BRO CODE ?
as for @alessandrxs, i think miss @vitoriadobrasil could take charge of HIS hospitality package 🍆🍆🍆 she always looks like she’s game. or if he's feeling particularly generous, maybe he could throw a private party 🎉 for @nvsirv to welcome her into the programme ! 
anyway, 📢 registrations are OPEN 📢 we’ll let you know if you move on to the next round of interviews, good luck to all candidates !
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